Newspaper Page Text
The M eriwether County Vindicator.
— - ——■■ ■ -
VOL. 2.
fill' 'VINOH A l OK.
—PT-i-. i-T-- i
AT r ,v> PKB VNM'M.IN A'..\ ANCr.
Office S nth **’ ( nrt ‘
>i flkdfynil’dwfi*
S ..... 1 1 k, * ; '* ’ V, : „
XT : 1 ' y .x, ; v.) UHN! i.s **
* i tt - o lnofTrmwr-s v..
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t o .| 7 Hi-siThl 00 !L i nr-**- 4*^'
A ’.OK-rnl I’.rvl’. .-II n >l'a<i< l' l !I ‘ OM
l>v the mouth _v'*r.
i ■ ■■— l " —‘ ■
r wont u. r. rJir. ri * •
At:.- iti. ’.*'.*• .~'4 H.trrrmrn^fe-
U.n o an^LM
lmt„d IB tb* Mo.uiwcf‘ " 1 -° l:nW V,:viir '
.f \< \s iIAXMN'I,
r iwK o, dimity.
j, m> W FUI.EEIU She iff
\ .1 HINTON,
.j.o, i-, *-: 1 . s ”' r -
11K HoiK 1, t'EA-T 4
V '! roUN I V A 1 lA'V.
, Y lilitl'.N' ■ 1 1 '
New Goods. Hew Prices! !
~ , 4L iV£ IUK I,AK uS I .<;A
\V ”• ~;. .V M,, v,'.; ;>rr. h
' ' "V, . :, -
I ' l , l o. P •* li
* *•* ; </% (m aa a <■.
‘ HW-o.v
Byittgtm’a Hotel.
A <;K*>R(ilA
■ HTKI IS ' , • -
1,.v.-lr,v BUbtv ronvrlO' ' \ !•••
4 1 , ( :ii itU<n Vo J'l'hK gilH* o
M riwth.
~~X |V Hi' It ' T't
* j< ii| S W P| UK,
XT I't-Hfb KVAT LA W.—
KSVII I f. <• •
- HjTTT£To-(* -m V-.h'oW. jxifL ilii-Jih
y.H.iw • uKrT’ * ~ 7,
i>Ki:n s r )i; i:
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T f n,.-i T3rtV*tM -i .' . ' (V
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v i• 11 r-v
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-t-——r. -in I ;Q *• •"'*
, irt AO l ‘ hi!*:
TANARUS. .i- ■' ■■ ’* 1 - 1 I’" i’ '* 1,1 *" U
thr I' •-r ♦ : U- 'h* , f
f-arlitt hi* K 4\ l tjU.i A-ia n ,lu in'
TTX U :* till ul l*)" Al •
~~r:w: : -rr XLXlLtrL''
New Goods lor Kail aiuj W ii it
\\ r k NOW IIAVK ti Ht m *nd will lv rrcviv _ i- s--
a largvj ud \a. k*d >uh k ot
ftooTßsml HlfO v >. LIAI> •< i I. wf;.-- v at-d >v* v \,, \ \-
HAUDWAKK, wool* , I \\.l.L>" w, , . f ', v
*i,! iir<H i ; Ki'-ut,' l.ur.! m. ‘ p, ~,, !, •
Coffees. T-'OtaJiN *. I _v* Ac A, Jto
Hsolicit mu of out stuck. bciu a*Quality ' -Price*.
* < 11. B. KARRIS.
General Dealers
DRESS GOODS andTrirntnings,
HarJware A Crockery,
W iil si 1 i P uric S | i ire. -ira
Sci laub.s Ci all <i ry
Griffin Ga.
4 SPECIALTY mart* of trie Photo
_J\_ graph* "Ia" * w-e an 1 kinds. Other
ktndsof pictures of •. *tv description
rt!d picture* copieJ, enlarged and painted
fn'oii My Meriwether irjends are respect
hiUy hi* 'tl to tilL apil .1
Sjw ci il Police.
' . tx,
.W .-"V to ile NNoilil' Wimiun is Krot ! Jfcl
Av>Uii Hit ii m.v ii<o<it.r.. dikh>v-Tu*>
VSTii i - nrrti
V:ic iiuih a rnct\ oonc inviiittl t* (
Aljlcl C' **c-4> ie*l UmHI UiU HUvMAr.fO
■. n.i ,i\ —Or. J iiiuvirt ur> F* vnnle K |
* i, vVouuvs iii F.ifiivl. Ryu wonuti
S VriVilUtpallO ll Mil IT. IMI I Milt’ll viis 4.
HIT t.v tirr l-U-httv tla hU
i:fryu;anHvN of liir **: viuih-ii. it iutc>
*\ I t tirt> *t iln lut-u
't ' ll 11 111 i• V 8 UlfflOV id*>liuvl .(||4 l-i
j .i• &u••• r i ith•
*y*Utn It lirnrfs the neves anJ purifies
live bUaHi. i m ver *at Is, as
v\ men u ill u >uty- valuable t <*ll
i prepared Am! kolii by L. U Rta<ifield
s , A iantn, tia Fn.e, fl sv) jh?
"Th * t I II spt*4 IttbU*
Sept LL hi
Llb't£ ltS 7 17V.NL ,
to itovy frrA '- • . > .
!bu ere unotber tin) sliAll dawn,
~ tt> ib> ‘jLii; leITCS Will HHr ant? die,
-The ("iniils til l] shtn thi* :ky,
AJo £ the tra k of parting la\,
With ripture fill the u /n'>v\c
I.L) A N*>im to uieit and pass away I
The queenly Moon, through si any skies,
| With silvi iy train lend* mi Ik rmj ;
| VV hen frwn her c null A rorn hits,
| She tires before the oiqjht< I day.
8 1 Sj i : 0 t ine will eoine ?g.i:n (
The r-t>e ay iti. tvt t htt l! head,
And, “Heath tiieye-ual Min and lain,
Wid bloom ns u nviitt- lirvet d-ad.
rim hi uh: rsin, too ( vi >l] rise ay tin,
Aml sJh and his be uns l yoiden
Fo the. 11.'i l , and Ini; and phiiiq
: An t lh<*y i.'%; • wen hid holtrsight,
Ami tin* M • n's • w ret I'.n r. seen lioiii fat,,
WrH sbnr trpttrt r-drt 'nod ***-4-^*n | i*,
A a uu .s!a- nil vt a, TTbin i-lai to Miir,
11 |
Thus lib- is in pi lid ./ f tls way
'\ nh 111(0141 nli 4.1 is of datU and lioiii
--the ii io>ei and In ty 1. !t 1 _i n y,
A ahiltuiy m - 10* of d1) mid ni.,lit.
Flu; bbnrh-rrrjr 'Rune, the Ihe (!h >ud •
Fit types of on rials h ii hi low ;
File Minn '.the thr teal. The Rlirnu ft
And ilien to mothei La th tin) jjo.
i-RiU an..!lirt opeti in ill,
VN in t# in , lit 1 1 ye n*l loi'ht sIjuII be f
LA (.| yld; I. ,i|s~an7l' "hrmTi~~"7T~ •'-Y~
\\ lb ahiuf- Ihtoiivli•l f el iiiity.
p ‘Ttrr fof!o\Tinw rrrri-fmt oreonrd mote
UluMUhill y\ i r Tijjo m W * mT7P;toiT,“ and
la (elated by ' ll I ye W it tire :
Agni kept in oin.TiT 11 Li al.'tyV:v lai
[F. nitvtvvnia Avenue, lie! tfio h.iint of
: bnt ;if IVi tytlony v\bn h ofleudeii his
* tneii- m n>i- ITJ tjnTTJ—m a-m In T7T
t t oir*mt-e‘*lul UII 1 lili-'. Wl3 Hot h t lliiit u
iln imiisc ipn n.n* of 1 -i%*e in~Ttrr* eot*ir,_as nl
hH ioV*e Ot frfll TJ7n~dn V IF O') TJin > ,
j-ie-n. ill I jte Z :Jtl it 1 hf>f. nf and ti i 1
t iliob ram. jljiTln iveiihi , -in vt’ I m (ns
i ;■ win let walking *u<l, Vi % , 1 Nuufl i*ul
rrf+*i b-tmrtoHl- i-iUi* b# ii*‘> |* i*. Itil|i
nrr~ and Ht*~ rP M p* kiMaw .. *
fi4< n f* and Rrrk . Uub;.iq U.iutl
-r-rrrtrTTp- he :1 i \\: y f rirni ■ I
\ . ;|J . y /it! lit \ r }|b* IV f oil .t in j. !ii f f..i
frm, har| hr £*mi out, ami Htfttm-g in h# 14. j
.I^4—uti-i.L. :ee Liu. ij-ti.dke Li 4vl , It.l ;
him loom. || went dilM lylo| Hie ?t ten
(ii.-in hxl t\ inking Ihol lam full
* i 'lit MM lJ> hitJijM Jlik S *ftn’
oil l/y llif Mi<! N’Mfjf ft* ill till
. t,.r , Mr r; t>wl tjifuii*: nimbly *ia hi*
f *** •, nI • ' !>• r* 1 o no! to tUr <
i ■ -ttiirlil tflm b\ Um* t*‘T o- Hal lci<l him.—
i I Ilf k a urtltii>- oflJiit w:4* auxin
vj'fit foul! fotriu •, the jjojif Inclndfcj,
i j Mf ( vml wmm f,r n\
'■i'i t |f* j-;.* ;b to t!•- t*
v% I* b I v > f ii**r* <J firoiin !, *r,<J wJimm- r ye'*
•*bo a<l • h**y fniff <'* j'yin| lM* whi- , [}**}■*,
fi' r *ni I irtin' brjfl \ i|ti* | i nti'l h*ttil
! mi. li* m . ili <lhv, on lif I ft "O ibf |;oat
I -wr iff cin* Ht nir hit nil. fy-i uiJ run
i ke the <U r l, Mix)t/;<1 one ol the 4*l<r
fwjy*. Mr 4 4*y i<>4v**xi the a4vir\ nfd
the £"!, when f?r#w Mm* f ii|,
• *** k<* l rather lit the rowd,
*M*ok J% li*uv ! (.'xnin</tiJy. anH then trotted
••IT to ) I(* hod Ia l bin fur), n*l
•iid not * hip U r n • re. that day.
i A KaxiKi raa is Pius i.s A prisoner in
I 'he Mi**iJHri peni-'critiary, to-, wesk to
j wo-k. and who had the run uiUCytriVute
day a'ic-l the warden if lie could lx: allow
ed to < ult >Tate a nn ill corn- r of the inclo
t*r. * What and > yoti aarit to raise;’’ “Cos
■< It lilx *1 f —“ Why, y-.rU can't raiS*
them here; the other pr -xiiu rs would steal
them.” “No sir,” said the man firmly
“they wilt not steal one- <4 4keiii” “Welp
go ahead,” said the man-? .‘if your cncum
tx;ri> are stolen don't come to me with your
complaints.” “You will never hear from
me on that score, sir." The .cucumbers
were panted, watered, tra ned ami cultiva
I te<l, and aa immense crop was the result
i*A* fast, however; aa the ft uit ripen*. ] it ilia
1 p; eared.and the warden became convinced
that the owner sold it (ir liqvur, produce,
or vonre other contraband article. He dir
; ected Uie :nin to he aatched, and final'/
i ue wa detected u the act of carrying ho
LU-.UDihera to Use bospi’a* and giving !hem
to the poor ielkrws who, m their sickness
uared them Not one had he'-u stolen.
why am lawyers like fiC.ra:’' I
don t meddle *id dc iubjec’ Pomp.” Why,
don't you ** e, ni^ga,because 4y sm so l->- 4 j
oh de bate.” ■
Henry 4Var<| Ileerlior on (he,
D®wii-'Urodd‘i South.
ll wonM Ik- Utrd to fi-t.l in il.e hUlr.ry ot |
o hI. tii nmiona > more swii.ieiiiiig or & ,
<i!siiul picture of tlie wreck <tn<)dmil>|mm> ,
ul s.Kiely than is 4 rem-led ut this m-nuenl j
m Souih Carolina; ad the c n iilion o! '
Svnilh IVrolina, \\r su|ijaisi-, vh,t< |H •limps !
mote pi.'lureHipifly miseruhlo is but a i v|- ;
the aot ial wretihedncss and tin* |>oliti 1
eni shatu? wtiiob stiach to the other Nuic
sil Uic l.ii S.nitli— Thcsn aia tacts which ,
con 'em n t sloiic tin. Slates tnmiO.'lnTfly ‘
immersed in ibis civic chaos. The nation
is a part urn-hip. in diseases and
as well as in iienetus ; witli tin; sultcring'
.ail ouc mem he, all the uutnhcrs s.ificr, juui
hsierer is a blot upon Texas or (i.toraia
stains through to Maine. The lin e has
'Tufty anlvcd w ten all cltliens who do ju j_
| helieve that “ot.r political system can stand
; am tiling ami doty am,long" should con
tiiormi to raM ftllßlQ ttOCioUS r': - ,tiers ppO||
; the liaphta eirctimstances ot out hieud?
ml tncthrui ol the Southern N atis Ot
3 '* wp may Iw sure; that thtv present apa
thy ot Northrru people upon this snhjec.
iin aifci )v eoinlilio he J" o'l lla eir ignor a nee T,T
■ i tie iral slate ol tho Case ; and the dilllculty
with u liiii. Inen lhal we could not all go
.''.null an ;mv tor ourselves, amt that we
< ouhi not thoroughly eotitide in the testi
mony,,! those who lid go. It is greatly
to h* desired that some Non hern nun ol
■calidi'lny, amt of Jimru -liomthle u-j.iju:
among ua, could pass through the Southern
iamK and study lire nr dual situation, and
report to us in terms which we could alto
gctlicr trust. -
4iom llii. p ,t of view we deem il : n
' tto |s partt< ulai ly meullonsd that
one sm li eiiiz.ui, Mi. James 8 Pike, an old
abolitionist, a journalist ol high standing,
amt by appv.intnter.t ot President Einrofn,
. iaii Mmihbrol tin United Slates at tlie
11 TgTtr; tr-ni; thr tmttfTbr to go to B-rtilh
* 0011111 l lit the 1.1.-l si , ioll ol Us l.lgislil
Bite, and to p iid two montiis at Its capital
m tlie study ol men and tilings. Ilu bus
now made ids report, and lias einlaulted it
_m a little book, ju and issued liy llm Apple
Tile b ioW is so small lint it can be reud
TTi un evening,• Imt iUs targe enotlgh tn give -
lojieiv Am. ia an .mxmils iitlecliun lot
many day.
Mi fl ids sdelely in Hotttk Carolina
"faoßo ~ ' I.- up The neonle of cliarac
l”i and i idt'iie, tt )i , in a tiollil ll and ilgli
i mid Kao I. • jntj.ii plot i < and are fr im
pil'd Ulf'el !o**t broHr~*-t-ot—v~|-fHg~ hat bs -
intie itior-t i; democracy that
-a-iaiound r, < i a.iw ” _ “Llie dlegk ul flic
T opui.i' |, 7] ‘latn p. It-'il iti the t'dn * "i-Bret*-.
ttilcJiigcut piedu i -to:s, anil us eitlngyivi i
ilo in .lii-ana. ul..uui.iiifn.*mJ to I tptii n
iliiougli ilu. inexorabht machinery of a
m j 'iiu ot niuubet " Cnrpet ling rule is
.ai an cm! in '•> uilh'ina, for the carpet
b iggets W ei - , -m (lie -fill si. Ji: at ii asl, W bite
ai.cn_ Evil negioes tainted With white
libael, ami *oTT7TffitHwutU*__as to have the
r ~t)lTrftni>s:-Trt- +tr’ nwr Htruf ftttrpK*-
4-lim Ji: 111 ililu HUUIL* oh ad u ul ytll'jW.
in* to |i <•! the roti empfuou** mi
: "> of the utimixed Alrictn, who
i iiiiMimlu baYt: ihm in ad Inn own *;i\ llium
nml tin|ninetpled rh**r * Imvi
ink* u riM))>h*l.e <| the
! m'ni of ilm Hiufi*. And what oorl oT a
a'"V'! mill nt limvv tfii-y f MiM*d r A<ordii
| / ii 4 * • limony of M Pike, tint rule of
.~k'Ulj) ( ii.o if in ‘‘oil* ul i not lx di.iiifliMl
wilt* llte iiumc id
itiMii'Ut jim
Tli- tm ii abnbn t' .1 in ' oiilr.jt, nil till
ion n Ini n-iM ]j\vi it In control, nit tin
i pickml vlllnrin of Vibe t< iinniinily. " 'I In >
me tlm li |{liMuynnii of the Ktnb’. Tin y
urn |irofe*iorml l<'>^i\iiltYI• rolilmm. They
ire men Him hint ►lmlieii ami I’ruc iceil
the uri r.l lej'Hli/.eil ihell. They nre In mo
miohi• rlillereiil Irom, or hetti r llinn, the
men who (iil the (iriminn ano |ienitentiaiit*
of tbe n orlil. 'I hey me, in lai.L, of jireeie
ly ol thnt < nihh, only more <tnriiif{ anil
h'i Ihmoiu. 'i he Hole, h*c olijact ii to
iroiye tin' irnlivhiual with jnihlic jilurnler.
Hnviojj done it, they turn around, buy
i/urniinily for their im.ih by abating '.heir
gnuiH •illt the ignoran', pauperirted, hem it
ted in *-l who Imve chowen them to the
ntationi they fill, and wrluch enable them
thui to rob and plunder ”
A Kansas: Grangrr went to town to s< I
iwdttad of buy. Leavenworth was the
town. He hay.and put the | 0
he got for it In ins re t pocktl Prr '.y
he felt for the money and cnuld 1
I ii—fi2o gone. There appealed to be ri"
more ho| lor hm in life He linx g<
borne to that woman, without the hay or
the money. What would she think? Hi
did not know, but he tlxmght he’d fit il
He went to the telegraph oiliee, to send a
message hi his wife- It was, Hint he inten
ded to throw bimsell urvh r tire wheels ol
the first (lain. Good bye, Louisa Jane
The telegraph boy saw hay -seeds in the
Granger's iiair, and melancholy in bis eye
He delayed the dhpa'ch an I sent for a jei
liceinan. Th* “• op” came, and took
charge of the desj erute nun. He told ins
fiitie story, and the policeman hc l | eJ biin
search hia pockets again.. Well, the %W>
uuii ul green hacks wxs found, ntised with
other papers that had aijpc l - through th
torn lining ot his pocket. He ha l a Her !
interval' due officer siw his mind ni l got
around fight again and let Mm drive his
team home. The; boy, however, violated
the secrecy of the telegraph.
President Mitdison mid Hr.
Hr. Nwenriiigiii.
l’resuient Madison was lon l of icllins
tin's ory ol a vi-it mt e (•, him hy one ~r
liis snpporiers. Alter due introdiieb-rj
discussion of the wealtrrr and tire stale or
parlies, (he voter explained to the Pres,
drn that he Iral ended upon him to a*l,
lor the cilice of Chief ,!udi,c oF thr Uuited
Mr. Madison was a little surprised, hit'
with that Uady tael which he hud hruughr
from his dipVuinlie experieh, e, he edit
(rated Iris astonishment, lie took down
the volume which contained the Constitu
tion of the United Stales, snd explained lo
dhis MtV Swen;iturn if that were hi
name—that tile judges held . fflee on lire
ti nme of good behavior, and that Judge
Marshall. lber|Htr ornament of the lielreti;
could not be removed to make place for
Itin. f
Mr.dswcaringtn reeetvd the nntmtniee
uieut 4 nelly; atul, aft a a moment, sai 1
Ik* tlumglit lie ijrould liko to be Secretary
ol Stale. gj
I'lie President said that was undoubtedly
a place wlitic a lanti could tfo goes I service
to the country; but that Mourn*, like Mr,
Hwrartt’jjin and himsrll was a Virginian,
and he did not like to remove him.
Then, said Mr. Swearingin, I will he
Secretary of the I'rcasury.
Uuloriunately, the President strid, lire
pl'csid. UL mc-ltllll; 111 Wlla lleeesam y lo (*"H
Ciliate PturasyUauia ; and Ire could not re
nt,n him.
Then, r-aid Mr. nriugin, I think F will
go abroad. I should like to go to France.
l)o you speak French, risked tire Presi
dent, kindly.
No, uo; 1 speak nothing Imt )!d ~l)‘>
minion English good enough lor me, Mr.
I'IC'I i- nl. , .
Yes, yes; and for me. iiut I don't think
it will (to to send you to the Motmscers
urilcsa you can speak their iangimge.
Then PllgQJbf Euglitu, l .
Ah, 1101 l will never do; King (Il’Oige
might rememlxpr tuny olum your lutlier
siiniiped Ins rife at tend (lormvallis.
So Kutope w* exliauxied, ami Mi Swear
in (ill tell Imt k t>n one and another colli e
: t asliii ,ii v and OfJI c, ntslriet ttUofueystitp,
bit for each apßUeulion the iwtttte F'resi
dent bad hi* reply.
i think, I lien, Mi President, 1 will be
-pmlnmstrr ttf mj?it(lh:c n> Inline.
Mi. Mndisott had iiirgotti n w loTh TT*at
"w is, Tdit-lHiU'ntOj' ’b lit It w:m irßfttr-Cmdrp
Four slt*rne|s, IJ letourt e iimty, Virginia,
ho sent for ->ht r.-gister Al-ta !it - piuved
tlist the office WHS ill the hands lif one ol
Moigau’* vvtemtia. Impossible to remove
T.itly, Mr. M l tUM obllg.fti to you
dlrtieulties lh#t sttftoUMif you. Now, see-
I tin/ \on enniiot jive llie I lot elliel justice’*
j place, tior M M'l.nioe’s, t.m tlie Treasury,
not itny of iLmoC-UlhiJS, (I-'tiT yon Ibinli
v .a coal I glyt me a pan <•! o and b ailiet (
!,|i lies ?
~ ATi Ifi.fl, n rtTmrjphrirr mnf* —dr+Tirt :
l-o , grkvo bin* an order on his tailor lor the }
breei lies, ami Mr. Hweaiin-in, went Imp I
p jy on los w ij'.
Mint Cilll tful I'Uilly Im* Npnretl,
Voiiug men, thin it the first i|iie#tion your
einploj em will theinai lvi a wln n Inialiier*
liiiouuia hliii k, and when it in thought
neiethnry to •' •uoml/.e In tin- mutter ol
mini ii h Thin ipu rtion la itntwi-red in an
Ann iloin Journal to onr kutlalitellnri. gjl
miHwera the i|ue tto i who can h Ht lie npar
•ol thin way I'lte bainaeles, the eliiikw,
dm make fttiifU, noineliody * nephew,
Homeliody'* go'id-for no'hiiiga. Voting men
plea**! remember tluil tlieae are fiot the
’>nen who me lalled lor wtien reßposihli
lioaition* ste |o he fill' and Would you like
io gauge jo ir ow n fltne-H for a iiosilion 01 ,
protninetKJe f Wouhl you_like Pi know the.
probabilities of your getting aueli a pon| 1
non'' Inquire within ! you dninir
to urike yourself valua’ile in the p.mitinn
| you now occupy 1 if you are doing with
| your might what your build* pud to do,
I the chance* are ti n to one that you will
s ion become so valuable ill that jiositlon
! that you cannot easily Is* |wri I from it;
1 .id then singular to relate, will be the very
| lime when you will besought out for pro.
notion to a tetter place. Be content to
i grade among the men who can easily be
-paied, and you may rest assured that noth
ng will “spare" you so certainly and se
easily as promotion,
Waistkd •Ta-ikii,"— At one of the
hotels yesterday was a family traveling
West from Vermouot. The wife was con
tinuiiH badgering the liushind for his tsetli
o I of doing this and that "evidently suppo
sin? that everybody was .noticing his
unaristocratic way*. At the table she pas
sed him the potato# and lie t>ok of! a final
mountain, and in thru*; ruin t ■ he lield his
plate for more. Hire winked at him tail he
was determined and shouted: “ Kliltbeih
Jones, you may wink and blink alt day
but I’m gofag i* have some more later or
burrt th t<nk He get some.
An “ anti grab league' has been formed
,n Caldwell, * f, d it moves for a
na'ionai “anii grab convention ' at Clnci.*
go on the 7lh ol May. Tnc i lea meets
w ith ryi*f and die conventon promi-m n,
be Urge. Tire track pay members of Con
ares* will pfeaso take D'/oe and govern
theme;vcs according'/. v
M hal will Become f t uhn. I
The Uitiiled Slates Government, perhaps, •
ia lost 4ho i p|>orluniiy to lake Culia I
Aljeiher il was wise to Ul tlij op ( aruiiii. |
y slip is s (piesiion about which (here may
je honest dill-rvtiees ol opinion on il,e
'Hit ul out people. Tlie race up or which (
t snceesslul grab A' live iwl.imt might have
wen made by *‘Une e Bam” was t're Yir
fiiil'ts all or Too spit it of an ovei wln lm
mg i ousci vatisni gave a did* nnt dfreelim
Lo lUe puitey ol the G. veniment in tin
Oyr- cilicfiis were murdered in cold
blood. Spain apologised and submitted to
the demiWU ol the yuiled States lor re-
Utrii of tlie Virgudus ami In r stit viyors,
and a promise to salute oui Hag next Tliurs
day, on ceitiin coiningeneics. And now
we have tctegraptric news to the rth rt that
the saltt'e ia not to be given heeau-'e if has
been decided by tlie Attorney General,
upon Spanish evnbmee, Umt tits Vliginiua
wa*< not eutilied to fly tlie American
•<n the heels of the sedlrmrnt
i v rd rs rcrican difficulty in tin
ViigThTilsTTfalb*r, cothca tlie news Itdtl the
British lion ri ars with threatening upon
the shores of Culia, and we have il that
serious complications have arisin between
the Mtitisli and Kpiini-li Governments In
regard to Cuba ; and that the West India
-ipradron of Great Brituin is ordered *o the
vn I'nty.b! the Ciibun pmis. W bat is ilu
nnt'jrc o! the eomp ications, has not duns
pirc I to Hmi public, ilxtl as tlie lliitish
Government is very jealous ol her tights
and very strict in the protection of her
citizen*, she may have a detusnd to make
llial w ill rnptirti the got,tiling up ol Cuba
as a piece ot a ilisluctiou.
•Bet'll a result yymffd imt lie exactly Com
fsHAshf* Ams.. the Aenrcteatt (iox< rwrfo-rtt' -
With her po-scssions Upon lire niHtlieni
hoi (Ids of I lie United Slates mill a strong
giaap Upon f'liha, eonirol lug, tnrtt Wt If,
tlie very l ey and lommaiid of tlie South
western channel ol navigation, it would
p ace tlie United Htnles at the mercy ol
Great Britain In the event of a war, either
witli that Government or whit itny other
foreign government witli which Gieat
Britain thigitt sympallilze or have a pet uni
ary interest in,
Foi Ibi" I, , * oils, il they 111, not at fault
lines t.ol the ipmstio i occur, luive we not
lost tlie oppottuntty ol mukmg more seeuie
Tim own detenu'll try tailing to take advau—
rage ol'ahrewnalanois. dial might have., ac
cured the annexation ol Culm to the United
Mates lill,l kept the. "g-'lll "I I In' Autllle.'
out ol tin* paws of the British lion ?
Timng I'redS nillittry Hank,
East whiter, wlien Frederick Grant was
sot out to Chicago to displace tbu gutlsni
Geo Fo ay the on Sltcrldat) I *Halt, tua Hint
it bunt Ot nenil ti It const mined lo • Tpl tin
TtT a g-'iiciui Ot del that young GrantV-tftitr
of Ideiitnnant Colonel was only n local
rank, to lie dropped whenever lie retired
Until llie stall Gem III! Stu ii bill at lie
lime tie ioaiie.l llie older eoli'ailling III"
idiove in lot unit !• m, probably believed whip
lie wrote, iitTrf evjteeled tii.ll line Ipropnisi*
would be hiifHted, but a recent event goes
to hbow-tlint while tin may pHtpeesej It.
•pHeidenl d(H;.*.H- H It ia not an unusual
thing loi tfiT; t/‘li'li‘t Magistrate l-1 dhb-r with
hi* a iborillmties gn inciters concerning the
welluie ol a tnt mix r of Ids own lutnily
• in the lai a: ol hberi'lan'a onkl' lmlmujnr
dered Fie.l to WaHhingt<iU and appointed
him iiiijHli-iing and diHliurainjj oflleer, with
tint rank and pay lie ei Joyed while a mem
ber,of Hie Lieutenant Getieral'a military
family. The only du'y cxpecleJ ol th >•
yotlllg man J-t to draw the pay, the details
ol the office being pi rfoime I by a <nm;ie
tent oflleer holding a lower rank and diaw
iig small pay. Thjsaciion of the Pied
dent is of n piece with the withholding ol
General I'oriei 'a resignation. Not satiafie I
with having his own ralsty doubled, he
has taken advantage of hiagieat i lllda to
jump lit* son I torn Ibevel fWond l.ieutin
anl to liieuUnisnl .‘olonel, with the eor
rusjion liug increase of pay.
(ivntgltiao I'tti.M In. The hills for the
removal of the disabilities "I Messrs. Hi
cock, ol Virginia, and It gun, ot Texas,
have now fussed both Houses, lloth uerr
tie iien are anxious to go to the United
Hi ales Semite, and the removal ol l hell ilia
ah Inie* enable!, their Irien Is to bring 111 Ir
names before tin: Legislature* ol Virginia
and Tt-xaa, which will soon he called upon
to elect Hc-nalors. Hon ly hut suicly the
intelligence <*f the Houtli i* again being re
presented in Hie council* of the uatlt.n, and
aU_u<iditatit day Hie voice ol the carpet
haggi r wilt rio longer be heard in the had*
ol Congress.
A Nkw Lit a ix Aotticut.TUttK Prof.
I>.xlge Haywad, ot Verm mt, deltveted a
Ires lecture yesterday at the Capitol, Ixifore
a body of Havana, on anew Era -in Agri
culture. People be Said were’ruariing <
over Nitrogen in the aha|Xi of aium IU4.
Nitrogen was in Ilia air and rain sti|>plhd
the earth with it in abundance. Five per
cent, of mineral fertiliser was required. au.J
he could furnish a formula to supply it at
a c ol $7 per too. If lie can pract ca ly
demonstrate his theory his fortune i* made.
V go<al fertiizer at $7 jei toa will be a bvnefacHoo.
Two* la-lie* ol 1.l t ro.-u- w.*ic Man- ,
they didn’t know bow to cross, wln-n their,
escort cried "nake," and they cleared it •
at a bound.
Goner al Iteun
A negro woman made a Christmas p, B
f- i her lout, who is in jail al Allien*. The
ibilf* Jatlor eumtntvl it, an 4 tuund three
files. > b'>x of matches, et<x • Fore G.xl
inass'r, she said, *'f dunno how dal ole
rooster rber swallrr dem lilt**.
The M ttfelts J uhhwl ?s not hr fsor of a
Convention. It say* the people had better
•vail Hit I see what fb, ogress is going io do
vith the civil rights bid And then what*
A fa-in. r o' I* da ki c-unity made <>■ %
two-horse (arm last •eaWMt hmrleen rwles
ot coiton, five hu.rtfred lnr*iieKs ot corn and
ihree hundred gallon* of syriSQ,
"Oxitig to John Boliinsoi% g
in town, the regular Tluw-diy evening
plater meeting In*- born po*ipotted,''said a
recent numberjol the Kuterpri e, Dal tar*
T*. xaa.
A fellow, wlio ia nearly as big i b>re as
tin* ll ossc tunnel, w is t Idug in oitj-oifi e,
t'ne othvr da> ol a song thm always carried
htm nwav. tjunlrat, looking around,gently
ii unite I, if any one present could sing
that song.
A Nevada paper *iy*: "Hie many
liiepds ol Bill Tourpson will regret to hear
that lie was haslwut up hy a catamount
to day, on Nixon’s hill, while lying iu wurt
to shoot a < 'liinatnan. This was always a
world ol disappointment.
Tommy, my son, what are you going lo
do with Hi it club ! Bon i il to the editor of
roure. But wlist are you going to sen | it to
tin* editor for T C ui-e' lie say* if snvltody
will send lilili II club, he will send them a
copy ■ I hi* paper.
Eliza, my child, sai Ia prudish old tnaid,
to her p/efly fldUb .w '>. - waW curd her
hair in ilngl tf the Ivird had in
tended your lialrlobc curled,lie would have
dm.e it Ifunsell. fte IM. aniity, w hen I
w hs u baby, Imt lie thinks 1 am big t nniigU
lo cm I it myself.
M lien was asked by a friend whether lie
would instinct Ids diughter in His dllfercnt
fangU'igt S. His reply war -“No, **r; one
tongue ia enough fo. a woman n
“Wbatpnrtbf speneli b half asked a
diime Hie other day. “.Masculine," replied
tin sellolit r. “Inde •and! Then wTiat’s the
leminitiei'’ “Why, bonnet, to be sure. 1 '
A man wlm load puiehuseil u pah of new
alines, (biding (lie nmd lo lie rather a rongn
line, decided id put IllC l-hoes ll|l(|eTlrt>lFflT
arid wfdktif In me bun tort, and, After awhile
lie slulibed his grCIU tTTJ tai;ili|ftlie Dil ofl
ns clean as a w histk*. How iueky ! lie ex
claimed; what a treweßd-uia kick that
would have been tor the shoes 1
A oaf sss*f iTptftMr,'Mt tw about
to deyortr It, wdten the fcphrrow Midi
No ge dlematt eat enUMII lm WU-hes Id*
Tlie eat, slruek w ith thE re ntitk, set tint
sparrow down, and begaw to wadi bis lace
wlifi Ills paw, liol (lie, sparrow fh*w away. '
.rills vexed the eat extremely. Wild he said:
“Ashing as I live 1 will eat first Mid
wash ilfy face afterwards, ‘ which hII CStS.
In to t hi* day.
During a < hhii h fair, in Tiv,' Mew Ymk
entered Hie crowded room and pleaded lor
1111. They said they wne starvilig, and
their p i-;ht o tclieil lha It -arts and wall It
-il thc i r iwd Alter colh-cllitg a goo I sum
of money, the r.> lor.-d couple wiped the
burnt cork from tlreir fuo. a, and two of the
brethren of the church we uraveile I The
define was to so in-1 tire cUiriih-s of tlw
pen, l.
The Is’otfToss Advance mys that the A',
hints papers preterit tbelr readers with none
but the Hunt futile argument* iftlie'.r con
temporaries lu favor of a Stats Convention
and gloat over their refritartonnf these as
if they embodied all Ibo points at issue.
Can't the g -mletnen band c the main
points in the dbrctwlon?
Tire young ladies ol Dig Rlisnty, a s'ati ui
on Ilia Mate It rad, armed Uicnilelves with
gin* on Cliistmast day and embarked
on a lerualc bird bun 1 . Ibdurn rig, tliey
formed a line and fired 0.l a salute.
* g
A reinarkhle ini' mec of the in licence of
, li ;q>lin in the Husslan. army is said to
have, (cured recsnlly at a fire in the small
low ii of Itardosek, where IM.* houses worn
burned. A ssntioel who was ns duty, bav
in. been forgotten, temained at bis post.
(Us watch Ixi* was consumed, and hi*
clothes were already on fire, when a cor
|xiri<l arrive ! to re iefe him. The Empe
ror, upon hearing ot the cicutaslsnoc, sent
the man fifty routdes, d.xioratfd him wills
the Order of Ht. Anne and gave instructions
for him to lx: made a non commission
At a council of the GraugeK in llurkc
county last we< k, re*olultons were passed
disi'ou■ aging the filmndouinenl of the s; l •
tern of furnishing slock audsupp ies to irres
ponsible lensnt*,igrsding the price ol laisi r
from the mssinium eight dollars a month
to tlie minimum ol lour ; and declining
to imrclimse guano lire coming season excpl
for csslr, or tor c*xt.*n witli-xit classification
at eighteen cent* a pound.
The Atlanta editors areso opposed to the
rein -r-:c on of th • Iswof Imp-i onovnt for
.. it a H ofpnntrs*tonal *vm
pathv. ae shall opjrose H too. We do not
, |, -Hire to hi-c the re- enactment of a statute
that would roll journalism ns wet Tis wxl
ely (at least for a season) of such orna
NO i-