Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether Comity Vindicator
vuni.iansD every Friday,
b y WM. T. REVILJ.,
gy Office north ►i"k l'l'tuc sqcari.
Uit .< AdvfriWnif,
Srrtca I k * vk* II mo 16mo | 1 ve.n
i nick , ruo a5-
■i ru-bea 150 500 (i SO |lO 0.1 I 1510
a in ut ioo BUO woe 15
iCI 300 10 10 2d 00 •20 C*AS 10. 00
t CO' 700 nto 35 (0'35 (X) |O ’- '*
X c j| MMtilfi*
Iff- a liberal deduction ma le Jo thu**
adverti>iug by tha nontb or year.
ORDINARY. A - ’■ llln,on
SHERIFF...... • •••• -°* 8 * Ki< ‘ rc "“
CLERK 8. C •• 'V H E el C 1
THE a SURER ° Allll '''" s
el u\ lAoH *• Malibw*
COROMSR... ***** J,,, t
I.J. Milam, A tron Sibley,
UJ.Kv. J U ' ICU * ,U "
J. \V. E*tc*.
John 3V. I*.R W.J.
kiaJttcm lt.evia, >*. A. Parker
A. H. IPietßP, B*-
SENATOR UO'li DhtUict, K. M. l)uueau
ref'heskmattvi t
y J, >V iliiam*, C. W. M t
A Jl. Ai YIMJ , OA.
I’rmupl and failliltil aittuliou lal<l >•
.11 bu*ni*- ftiinoit I t<* lilt i *n‘.
/y ijiikit>vu i k La
Will practice ill Mil ll' till' I and H.i
inuul <* i (*tn|*>*iiiir the 1 '* ’
Opitr.NYll.l K. <•*-.
JS. V. Mcl Al UilLlN,
J\ Ghvim ii.i.k, Oa
Uuinc> I'.ornpUy and al
U:i*k’ J d>.
IL A. I’AlikhlC
OiiKMivit ue, oa
\\T|l [lar.l'i' In H e i'mil* <d lilt Cowi
U 11 null, Ibe C< uii ol O.dinar- iud Ju.
tlce Cowls ■ ! Metlwtlltr county
Offhe ou the *"U'b l'• <1 'be I’ubln
Bqutie, O' *1 door to tilt Lliuk Ho it
- - • -
<i. I'loid, J>. I>-
Term* Cayb. Ail wntk warranted.
/—v EFERR b l'r< tcwnnai aetricra O
l / Die Fubiic— Office aEli hi* l*Ui,Di
J E. 0. Ttirell, at Ue L)i or
ftfllfH’S SCROFtLI SlKtl'
The Great Blood Furl'
Purely ttgttable mlilt not ft j-ariiclcL
%i ar rtry or iodide Potaeb
Fur tale by
I >v. J. E. O. TERRELL & CO.
Agents for tbe lasteat ceiling book iA He
Farmers Cyclopaedia.
A Book of 100,00* Fact* f
Etery fanner *bo Met U.e book tub
it. Eodoratd by Use leading cutn of Ute
South- Agent* are meeting with great
tDccem. Bend at once tor circular* and
turn* oi agency. Addrea*
aid in *0 Marietta, St, Atlanta, Ua
An old song
There are gaois lor all iosi*. *,
Tin re ia balm lot all pam ,
Bui when youth the dream—derail*.
It takes something ftoni ba: heart*,
And it aevar eouies again.
We are i*er and are lietter,
Under uiaubtXKl’a siciuer rvign ;
1 Siill e leel that something *ni
; Followed youth with tty mg let t,
> Am! will never come g a in.
SonKlhing Ueaulilul h is vum.h. and,
Am! we aiglt ka it in vuiu ,
We lieinild It everywhere —
On the eartl. and in me air—
But it uever cutnea again !
\% 11.1.1 A3l ILLEN’S IM AITI.
William Allen w born at Kdenlon,
Norb Carolina, in 1806. Ills parents ro
il.oved to L> ntliburg four or five years h -
lei. When he waa six let years old he
went to Ohio,and was placed by hit ariW ;*
the mother of Alfen O. Thuriurm, in the
Chill rothe Academy, lit reatained there
two y ea s aud then aindijvl law, in th<
I til o ol Judge Hcoit and iillei w ards in the
4 tUoe ol Cos!. King, lie whs a.ltliUhd to
die bat before l.e ws 21 years .!1, and in
hie- 23tu V 4 at aeipiltud a local I >11)0 liy his
shilllul dilcnreol a piisoncl ebarged witli
muider At 27 yis of ag lie was circl
ed a HepreSeiltalivw from Ohio in the
Twfuty soeoud Congress as a Jackson
Democrst I'eseivfd one term, ami in
182(1 tie was t-lct ted I.) llte United Stales
Senate, lei vine horn Mauh -t, IXI7, to
Maieli M, 1843. W hen he took his seat in
the * Mate in \\a.- tlie youngest limn evei
eleeted t-i Hist lady. 111 18-fh lie declined
to he it-tU) 1 ehtc‘*i 11S llte DeiUt t ralie iuinlt
-Isle h r (lie l‘ esideney, w l-e*! il w
Ihal the delegates weie n< 111 y iquslly and.
vided la lwien Cass ami Van Bur. 11 it
-18. J lie was eleeh and Oovernor ol Oh hi. in
ihehi h wn.g State 1 niiVas* lie was a rail
-llda'v hn H-electtoll, but wundctuaUd by
II B. Hiycf
lie winl into polilles younger' than
m- si 1 oldh no w, longer Ihttu
llte avetage, anil look himsill out, to n
main, ns he (nought, In pi I vale life. These
eiu uinstarteis gave line lo Yy gt-ueial im
m s u that when le came' lorwni I in
iis; ihe champion ol the “Oiiio idoa ft in
lio-ni thi wt u man of gn al age, anT I 1
was called n*d always ill tv l id liy O.d
Itu Allen. 11l -life ws it iet*i ci sad jl ilh
n any episode, in w hich the heroic ipmiity
was 11 vealeil and a sketch ol his 1 nicer
wool I l> a story o| the cot epu sl ol ability,
oatketl Ity almml tut sell reliance over oh
tacks that Would have caused all oidinu
y limn to turn aside. No' hitig go ttie
New 3Kik Timer purled a iketeli id \\ i!
1 tarn Alien, In wlticiujrere many rein in it
,e uee* of his eate r,as l ifd to tlie writer
hy the >|d loan hlines*> r, uni) lo that paper
(tiedit i* given iol lunch that lollows.
lh; firnt iipjicaraOTc in pulilica was a* a J). ruo( r 11I,sud (.lie <‘f tire opt*, xji *
nIK il iiy til in Uol hi* < ciilg dm. .Iw k
nn ai l.e par red through Virginia tiesh
Iroin tic i'(Ll 1 1 .field nl New Di li si r on hi*
kV Ik tl.e liati iml cipilnt. The boy was
'lnn iivKig 111 Lynchburg. A'nlrew Jack
ion, w,' by lh<: 1 I T ii"tn* J* It *
-on, 1 * t>4@ii ncitied at the I wn Houw
Hie lo<:I digntlarh-* had tus'lc their speech
e* ol welc'ime. Bin) ih< two great men had
I* tire 1 to Hieii loom iu the Bird Tavern.
Two small boyt, one ol them it jean old
uaii piw-tieadcd, followed them t<> the lav
•rn and tm and to a girmpae of them
wticn tlie negro Hervant opeoad the door
of their ronm. J. Heron saw them peep
ing iu, and asked them in a kindly P/ne
what they wtnte.l. We want to nee Mr.
Jeller*' u aud Gen. Jackson, ft;you pitoae
*ir, the tow-headed urchin repliedjtml Mr,
Jefieraoo said, good uaturelly, It fflat’a
all you had better coma in. The two great
men chatted with the f hiidren, and the
txry with the yellow hair had the sattaUc
tlon of telling Gin. Jackson, My name i
Wiilisut Alien, air. In the same sketch
the old man recall* how, when a gaunt
boy of 16 years, he act out Irom Lynch
burg ou a winter day to tramp over the
mountains >n company withs bog drover
on bis *ay lo Ohio. Contrary lo lbe pre
diction ol hi* eon panion, be did uot Lh
emne exhausted, and when they departed
near GalltpoHs the lad Mailed on with a
light heart P ward C'uiirffothe.
When lie was not quite 111 yews old he
weut lo Portsmouth, where the Supreme
Coon an sitting, and pteHmied biinse fs*
* c*ndidste‘lor admission to the bar. Tne
igw min Km* failure of aeveral young men
who were also candida'et tor the aame
honor, worked upon him hi that in a fit
of de*; erstsoo Le ra-hed to aa adjacen<
tavern at.d a>>Qfeht courage in a long horn
ol peach brandy and honey, a beyerege
tbst wa* filming its way into Ohio from
the Bvuth. Jus excitement wot so great
that the atimauint had only the efiict, aays
the account, ol nerving him ior the erdeal,
and, alter five minute* o! questioning, one
vl the luilges, a legal geoiwsnan ot the old
school, excUimeJ : Gh, b—i !THEM**.low
can lake care oi himael.'; let’s go aud liq
uor. The ataemhied Judge* vac abed,and
iu doe time William waa announced aa a
member of the Ohio bar.
A succeasfal run oi practice and some
brilliant stroke* made him so prominent st
26 year* of age that he was chosen by the
Jockecn bun u their csndidvtc tor Coa-
res*. The ilhfriet at that lime was
thooght to lie sale for a Whig majority of
from 1 500 to 5,000, and .the nomination
was tendered as a compliment. There
were opposed t) him llte Whig candidate
and a boiling Independent Whig cs-idi
ilata, and an independent Jaeksou or l)eu>.
ecratic candidate ; but the two Whig*
withdraw, and the parly came together in
Ihe support ot a compromise candid .te
Duncan McArthur. William S. Murphy
the i. dependeut Democratic' aspirant, u
-1 mained in the field, aid tltc flglit was a
iiiaucuiai te. One evening young Allen
Warned that Murphy was going lo make
su attack upon hint in a stump speech, the
ih vt morning at Jack C >u:t Mouse, twen
ty miles a way. Thither Alien hastened,
sad when the meeting began lie waa scut
c„ in tie back-, ail ol the house. The or
alor l him w iili ridicule, nml inked
*lllO assembled voters (vliettior Ihry wished
t*> be represented in Congress by the*thing
ill-Tind pic urcd to Tiie spesch If-*
ncuicd t lutvo been 1 tie. live, ami it was
thouglit lor the moihdsil that Allen’* pros
pects w ere ruined Bit against the entrea
' 1 t/TTi is it fends, tbe young man arose
and w alked to the plaltorm, in .king I,is
appearance confouu as nearly as ho could
t - the green ai il avvkwaid la y th >t has ' e 11
-iescribed to the aa-eiuhle,t electors, lie
vval greeted w Irh mars ol lsughtcr while
lie ku'. il tiieiu Iti in the platform, lie look
e l family al the a idieneo till thoy vvete
•lied ol laughing, and then he delivered a
speech - never alluding to the attack upon
liunse t that tmlied the tables oil the in
dependent J K'k-int limn amt won lor lit in
Ins teal in the Home ol Bo| re.-entati ves.
The count showed that lie wa* elected by
one majority in a tolul poll of nearly 10-
000 votes, lie was a cendt late for ie-ulei
tiou, but lie tv is ihfentrd Ity between 20)
and 800 votes, though lie lull 1,-520 abend
ol his th k> t. Mis eunva-s lor tne Kenator
sltip in 1800 was a short and tollliant one.
‘The caucus ol Democrats nouilnaled him
or. tl.e fecund halh-t, giving him evety
vI pollc-l. Me suci c odu-l the late 'Thom
as Ew ing in the H> uat<
The sitiry of Ills refusal to be the Demo
cratic nominee Ipr the I’resiliency is told
us follows : it w*i**vv)itle Hcnator Alien
was solving out his second term that the
ineiliofi bk; DemoCiulle Uonveolion ot Mflß
was held in Baltimore. Mis liten ts uiged
him lo lte a cirinlnlnte, bill he ili-l not see
Ins way c 'em lo a nominal inn, and always
i!dined, to have his name used. When
the convention came together, however, it
was loiilul llial the itelcgates were neaily
eipmlly divided between Cass ami Van llu
leu. The piiuct|ial suppoiters ot lailli gt
tiamen refused fo yield, slid 11 vvns feared
lliul s la 1 11 *-1 and dlsaslMiiv tpi.-m I would
be the result* 111 their anxiety to inske a
coinpioinhc, hut still uuwiiliiig to give uj•
lo each oilier, s cornmltlee comp'ised ol
both Car* nod Van Bureu men weut over
t'om Btllimoie to Wnshiogton to consult
with Hcnaior Allen noil see* If he would a•
ci pt the- uoniinatkrn. It was neatly n.hl
night when they arrived si Ids house, and
the rcivanta told them flint ha lr.ul retired
to tits room uml could not he wen. The*)
Insisted u|K)ii being admitted, however,
uml going to the Hwihloi's r-oms lound
him sitting ou the edge ol the tied hi ills
nig hi clothes, 11*,* w* not a mail to take
•. ficiic.; nt ilii; Intiu-ion. They were sure
ol that, an.l, without ceremony, they S'
•'m o made known the object ol their visit.
T hey told hlui llrut they were hopc'lcaHy
divided between Isa and Van Bjreii ;
that there wm 1.0 prvtptci that they
would b.: nlde to settle their difli,fences,
aud the rake ol huruiony, and, as they
►aid, hoping lo tervc the iuUtests ol
U>c party, they loriitslly oflered him tiie
nomination, w ith the assurance that the
convention would endorse and ra'lfy any
action that they might take. The Heoator
never changed his |>oalUon. lu hi* night
dress a* he w as, he sat there < n the edge
ol hi* narrow bed ted thought over iLc
templing offer which we* being made lo
blot. He uever denied that he was grat
,fled by it, or that he was ambitious to be
I'luaideut. There is no doubt that il cant
ed him a great struggle to refuse the noutl
notion ; but he did refuse, and tor the rea
son that lo accept it would have been to
betray Cass, liis mind wa* quickly mod.,
up, hud turning to the committee, he said
quietly, but with much tuppretted emu
lion :
Geottemen, I thank you, but 1 cannot
Why t why ? they asked, almost iu one
breath, and he replied :
I will be frank will ya. Y'our 1 fler Is
the most tempting ooe which has ever
come to me in my life. I want to accept
it, hot 1 cannot. I will not, because all
through this eoo'cal 1 have been the per
sonal friend an 1 odvLer of Mr. Caw. J
have always been hiendiy to Mr. Vsn Ka
ren, but Core bs* trusted me absolutely
with alt the detail* of fii* canvass ; hat ta
km my advice in everything ; baa done
nothing ot importaocc winch didoot meet
my approval. F<rme to accept the nomi
nation after all this woaid seem very much
like— indeed, I think it woaid be, s treoch
eroax bctcayal ot my friend. For these
reasbos I must not and will not accept the
nomination. lam tor Com until tb end,
and it yoa tealJy waul to serve tue, yt
will go bock to Balliiitoie and nuwtoalo
It area daring this caovsH thu Unmade
a speech oa the wbart in Philadelphia,
wliito waiting for the steamboat to Mart,
and aatccsifuily competed in the metier ot
volume of volte with a steam whistle that
wa* believed tote controlled by some ma
licious Whig : e)J It became ihe boast 01
the Democrats it that section that tlici:
champion, Bill Allen, could talk down all
the steam w lustlts in Philadelphia, In the
courso of years, foubOess in memory of
this episode, lh<H*h ioigettiug the uifurc'
nl ihe noise withwhich ho competed, the
volume of ills voce came to be likened un
to that ol a foghtnii, ami countless jokes
were passcil on l)at Hkejnsr during the
canvass In 1848 Wul later tor the Uovcrm i
sliip ot OUi<k It|r told that once, when
he was in the Seifa'e, a patty ot distiu
gi irhcd politicatix wero crossing tlie Allc
gliany Arountsinr In a slugo coach. Sud
denly one ol Uiei|lntciiu| ted the conver
sation s ilh a 8b tfjtad a gesture command
ing fHence. Wfktdo you hear 7 they
nsko I. Nothing tW, was the reply ; but
Bill Allou is add 1 css the Senate
to-dar, and it wLr -n uolsy we may uot
' hear his open tug mS,rk.
T lie CiirreapimdoM ol tlie Tinu s sai I to
the evGovcruoi unit a short time betorc
his deaths (1 ivermw.vvliy do you roiuso to
elite) jsob!ii->na ij®i j o
Because lam on#|ot thu few old men
tvko, unliko lienrySliay, know when I
have rcaehod my lililiest point—when it i
time l<ir mo to give Bp the power which 1
am no longer stioiiff enough to Ute lor the
good of !ln< |w*ople.
Vise Uoy 11 ml 1 lie ISnkc.
An E' glish fanner was one day ul work
in the Holds, when he saw a party of hunts
men lilting about bis iartn. Me had one
field that he was Specially anxious flioy
slum LI not ride over, as the ciop was '.ln a
eoml It lon to be badly Injure.l by the tramp
ol horses jro lie dispatch,nl a boy in Ids
employ to this field, tutting Id in 10 shut the
gale, and keep watch over 11, ami on in>
sec uni to sutler It -to be opened. The
tioy v enl ns lie was hid. but was scarcely
t.t Ins post In lure the huntsmen cane up
peremptorily ordeilng gate opened
Till# the boy declined l* do, stating Ibe or
ders he had received, and his determina
tion not to disobey them. Threats mid
bribes were 1 lleie-l, alike in val . One af
ter anotiiei came foiwaiil as spokesman,
bill all with tlie same Il'Mill ; the I><>y re
mained immovable in Ids determination
lint to open the gate. After a while, one
*f noble piescm e advanced, and sai l, in
com man ding tones .
My boy, do you know me? I inn tlie
Duke ol Wellington -one not aeeuslomed
to be disobeyed ; Slid I oomumml you to
open that gate, that 1 and my Irieuds may
pas- through.
The boy lilte-l bis cap and stood uncov
ered I efore tin* man whom ail Knglatnl de
lighted to honor ; I licit answered firmly, I
am sure thu Duke-yl Wellington would
uot wish mu to ili.tolny orders. ! must
keep this gate shut , no oii<* Is to pas*
tho ugh without uty mailer's cxfjrenM pet
Greatly pleased, tlm sturily old warrior
lifted Ids own hat, uml said, 1 honor the
man 01 boy who cmii milhir he bribed
mu lilgbtedcd Int i doing wrong. Willi
mi army of such voldiers, 1 could could not
only <:< lt<| ici the Ku-neh, hut I he world.
And, Immling (tie hoy a glittering sover
eign, the’old duku pul spur* to his horse,
and galloped sw*y , while the boy ran oil
to bia work, shouting at the lop of Ins
v'Jcn, riurrati ! lmrtsli I I've done
N ipnlroii couldn't d>— I’ve kept out the
Duke of Wellington.
<foi*ipiiti*!iil to 11 Wile,
Tlie following neat and beautiful reply
was oisi'e by the late Daniel O Uonnetl in
response to a Pissl given iu compliment to
his wile, who was the oh|act of ills long
sllachitietyl* 1 1 was given at a political
meeting. The English language could lur
uiali uolbing more touchingly tender aud
“ Ti.ere are some topics of so sacred and
awcet a nature that they may be compre
hended by tbo**e who arc happy,but they
cannot possibly be detcrilxxi by any hu
man being. All tbst I shall do is to thank
you in the name of her who wa* the disin
terested choice of my early yjuth ; vrlio
wros the cheeitnl compstiion of my manly
years ; nd who lathe swee'eat >o'a e of
that ‘sere and yellow leal' ag at which J
have* arrived. Iu her name 1 thank you \
forezpeiience will ahow to ns Eli that
wm cannot I rattle with malignant enemies
unless hi* new at home l war n and sow.
for table—antes* the honey oi Usman iiie i<
prete 1 ted by a band that be loves.”
In a cbureli in Richmond, Va., the otbei
Huoday, the congregation noticed a auiaii,
in ulited wire that ran down the puipi<
rail, up the wainscoting, and out at a hole
iu the window frame. Upon oueol the pH.
lars ol the pulpitpd most bi>iden from sight,
was s teleplmns Irouarnliter. This arrange
ment was lor the benefit ot aa invalid
young lady, who lor years bad been una
ble to attend service m U>e church. The
clergyman was anxious during the morn
ing sermon, aa bis tboagbls reverted to
the distant iteteoei, to kooe li she noard,
and bis pleaame may be imogioei when
be learned that the entire service—sermou,
prayers, by me a, organ and singtag—had
been audible to the young lady*
A mao who is aU able to make a bow
to his own conscience in the moroiog, is
[ hvdly in s condition le respectfully salute
I Use *t*l ot the world during the day.
“A Cmpplng .tloiikukc.”
Don’t know wliat a era *ping moitgage
is J To be sure you alnt never lived in the
country, then, paid sn honest, batd-woik
ing and thiiity tanner of email maaue, sho
iiius in an eastern county, to oi our
lawyers, as eminent lor hh boiiti >m n-a ai
tor bis ailmi.a'do talents ; you sto a law
yer and d'.u’t kn.'w wlrnt a crapping mort
gage ! ? Well, i’ll toll you.
i made one ot them du'iiml tilings .men
lt;e way ol it was j Ist Ibis :—You sen I d.'Wn to Hie store at tlie fork* of tlie
road in my neighhoibood, to lay few ar
ticles that was needed at home, aud when
l got 'em iu the emt io go t ome,my Irioi and
Stmrpman, he is the merchant you know,
who keeps a little store down there —j-ist
a little country Blorn—Slinrpman, he said
to me. What is the use ol bothering alone
w ith little tilings ot Hits sort ? Why don't
you just make a "crapping and
then you can get anything you want, and
won't have to pay for it until your clap
comes In, and then you can pay il oil with
a bale of cotton or so.
It sounded mighty easy ! .^.pe-l
one ol the cuasd tiling* and started oil
home with nty toad. Well, sir,them mort
uagea Is ct.iious things. I hadn't more’ii
g..t up the red l.ill going home, bcl.iro I
commcncc.l to think ol what. I I. ceded, and
the intirnal tiling made me think of tliicgn
that 1 must have that I never wanted lu -
loir. You see 1 always had money on
ban.! lo Imy wlrnt me and the oi l woman
wanted, and i Imd fought shy o! debt all
my lde, I ui nil the nclahhoni was a trying
tl.cir bunds ot “crapping moitgag," mid
I thought 1 W"tt*Q yo in a lilt lu too
Well, I did, 1 kept on wanting things, am!
I kept 011 getting tilings. Me got
along fine, and Hhnrpman sold thu old wo
man lots oi nice things Unit we never had
wanted before, but that we wa* hound to
have after ! signed tho "crapping mort
gage.'' They lit cod w ants; they do
At lint the crap cuttle I*l, 1 gent three
bales < f cotton down to the store lo pay it
oil, 11* Hharpinan said It would .lo ; but It
itidu’li I then sent down nil my (odder ;
tint that didn’t do It. i talked (lie m> Iter
over With the olii woman, am! she g< t up
alt her ducks, chickens and egg*, and 1
sent down all the corn i lnid made, and
that did not do it: sol jimt git on my
horse mill role down to tue st 're to see
about it. 1 looked at what we had bought
come to, ail'floured up, you know, and
there waa at way* what you cull n balance
agin you. H> I just look out my pocket
book Unit hail had the mortgage iu it al
thu time, and pall oil tlie mortgage and
took Ihe confounded tiling and went back
home. VVtil, w hen 1 gol there 1 tli ught
I’d toad over Unit paper tlntl always 11011.
aged to keep a balance agin me somehow
or other; I done so. Well, now what do
you think there wa* in that crapping molt,
guips I Ihi| 0 the recording angel al./i
listening, hut 1 wish I may he d—d il that
Vie little crapping mortgage wcre’nt spread
iill over my land. My homy, my mums,
my stock, my fatming utensils, my liouso
liol i ami k.tchen furniture, even tlie dish
rag was Hung into P. 1 always llionght
Unit the tiling* must have Imlia-nihher lii
them, they stretched so, anil they ought to
tie ciillol dial rag mortgages,and not crap
ping mortgage* oughtn't they ? Well, let
me tell you.—Don’t you never sign ,onc.
You never will get through paying it, sod
when them store fellows tell you how easy
il is to get tiling* now and pay for 'em in
• lie fall, you rctnember what i tell yott
about a crapping mortgage.
And having finished his description ot
tlie c little engines of oppression, lie pull
ed out Id* twist ol home-made tobacco,that
looked as rich and brown ns wnlnutgnood,
cut oil a chew with ids horn-handle anile
put it into hla month, put tho knite srrd
tobacco ini t ids breeches pocket aud walk
ed away. He turned round alter w alklnp
a little way, and aald rellcctlvely : Dafc'i
you never sign one lu the world ; il yru
do, you'll never get through paying it ofi*
—[lia'eiftb Observer.
—MOi e. - ■ ■ i.. 1 ■
Oeitili of lv. Allen.
Hon. William Allen died suddenly at
his boms near Uhildcoihc, 0., Friday'
mornlnr. Ilia Illness waaol very 'Brief du
ration. He was in Chillkotlie on Wcdnet
day, spi aietiMy iu mott excellent health
and spirit*. Ills first mention of filnrs*
was on Thuto4lay morning, but he did uot
icgmrd his condition of softie*lent coaae
ipienco to receive sPeoflou ontil the slier -
neon. Af 4P.m. he hod sympfotna of a
chill and Dr. Heott, bit sou-fn-fftw, and
Uir physician!! ioducod him to take some
medicine and go to bed. Dr. and Mrs.
Bcertt remained in attendance upon him,
although Got. Allen contiJeied It nsclcas
and otged them lo retire. He was op aesr
eral times during die night. About 180
lit hi morn ng he an**e taddemly, let? Ida
bed, *<sggerd to a chair, tell into U and
died wi'bont a word. Dr. Scott had mat
ed himself In an ae joining room and re
tpondol haPily to Mrs. Heron’s cry, but be
ie>re lte reached the Governor’s aide, he waa
A certain lawyer was compelled lo apol
ogize to ike court. With stately dignity
tw roae to bis place aad said: You; Hooor
is right and lam wrong, as your Honor
generally is. There was a dsxeo look us
the Judge* eye, nod be bstdiy knew
whether te feet happy or Has the lawyer
tor contempt oi Jourt.
jNO 32
No burlier kno ieth whom he may share,
and the tnau who rushes into n barber
shop and drops into a barber chair, with
out seeing who occupies the next chair to
thu, tight ur lelt may get badly left as a
case proved yesterday. A solid old cili
/.in in the wholesale trade was taking
it easy, his luce covered with ’atlier, when
iu came a young iuau who llutig ofi bia
cat, lion need into a chair, and called
Entry up, now, lor I must get back to
tin stoic heliue old Blank doea or nn will
raise thornier I Il ing him, lie won’t even
give a mail time to die f
The rolid clti/eu turned his face to
glnura at tlie other, anil live barber noticed
n rcdiieuing ol Ida lace, .
U hog on a vacation thta aomraerf oik
eil Hie bmher, who was preparing to shava
the yiiting man.
Yucndon I Mow In topbet can I get
away Irum old Blank ? And if I could he
pays Niioli a stingy, contemptible salary
that I codi.lnT ailird eveu n ride ou tha
(cm boat ?
• 'f 71 '(I - . (.Uj * • • f
Why don’t) on ask him tor a ralaef
(piuriicd tlie hurlH't.
Wliy don't 1 ask him lor the hand ot his
Irrcktod-tioaed daughter f He’d discharge
me in a minute, though lie's niukiag mon
ey and cun nflurd it. If tlie old liynus
would have a stroke oI apoplexy, the Jun
patliter might Mo *or®elhing, but such
chaps always live to be a hundred yoata
( vets iihiii ceased lieae. fbo sofod man
got out ol liia (hair, took a brushing and
*at (luw 11, aid win u the clerk aroao from
Ids chair and turuci around, aaowbaUa
woul-l have looked black beside hh face.
Ms tried to bow ami Hpaak, but something
wouldn’t let him, uml when he started to
put 111 ilia coat he held it tails up and col
lar down. He was stili struggling with it
when thu Sidid man rose up, looked
iiroun I mid walked out, saying never a
woid. The limber wot tho young man's
head mi.! held cologne to his nose, but he
walkoii sideways when ho went out, and
Hutu wua an uncertain wobble lo his
knees. In applying tot tho vacant poalj
tiou li Jay, statu what shot) you shave
William Augustus to sleepy room-mate:
"Come, John Henry, why don't you get
up with tlie lark,us Ido ?" John Henry,
grimly ; “Been up w itli him ail night."
C donut Itoticri U. lugursoll aays, let mo
prophesy, In /iv.i years Iroin to-dsy no
>1 an ut lulelligenre in the United Btstev
will preach tiie InfaniotM doctrine of eter
nal put.fshrnenl. A good many men will
be practicing, Inalaad of preaching If, are
leal, within the nn-lgncil period. <
Amanda I wish you Pi put ltia v large bl
l)le iu a protnlneul place on U center lo
ble and place thn o or four hymn biKfkf
earelcHsly lound on thu sola. I hav adver
tis'd lor an young man Pi hoard lu a
4 heel lu! and (Jhrislian tarnily, and I tell
you w hat il you girls don’t manage either
one ol yob to lake him in, why I will
never try anything lor I am tired
— • WEto • a— ll
N'iiic aie overstuchej. with painnce.
Death has nothing terrible la it but what
life has made so.
Cenaii'c is a tax, a man pays the public
for ls*ing i rnincut.
'Tim iuau lack* moral courage who treats
win 11 he should re:real.
lie who allow* kindness toward animals
will dUplsy the same cliaratAerialle to
ward men.
Do come and see ns ! sounds very well;
but hoar much heart 1* there in Kla many
cate* ?
If yiu would reu.ier your children bfp
><**, never c impel or periml tUeua to help
Never reflect ou a post action which was
done with a good motive sa4 the best
judgment ai Ihe
Feeiiiig* conic and go, likf light troops
following the victory o'. tl>s present, bat
principle*, like troops ot tbs lias, ore un
diaiuthed and stand last.
The wafer that flow* from a spring does
sot beta# In tbs eetdoot winter. And
those sawthnerts of Iras friendship whfsb
flow from the hnsrt cannot be frossn bp
a IversHy.
One great re-'.rrt of doaisatis eojoynaeat
ia 100 much overlooked —that of briefing
our want* down to nor circornslouces , in •
teod 0/ toiling to bring oar ebsamafOMSi
up to <>ur wants.
Wishing to pay bis trtsnd n
a gentleman remarked, “I hear yoa hana n
very industrious wife." “Tea" mpffni
the trier.d, with a twelaachjiy smite, ’■ha's
never wile ; she’s always Sod ing aomnthmg
fur me Pi do.
Tbs beat mean* to learn our taaits Is to
tell other* ol theirs, (Ley w ill be too proof
•o be alone ia their detects, and Wit seek
them in oa and reveal them to HA
Tha greeter part of alt ton mfmhfsf at
the world oomoa tram the tost that men d>
B*t understand ther own aim. Ttwy
have aadertoksa to build a tower, end
spend no mu labor so ton tiniidstliiii
than would be ncccaiary to Srnct s hot