Newspaper Page Text
ihe Meriwether County Vindicator
VOL. 7,
-• ill.l* til tVSKT FWWV,
A r '•-.‘.(Ml |> li ASSI SI IN A“\ IN*'
t*r GKKP I- N I.TII -I I IT! 1. C K}s**K
U H.i • ( Wro.Mwr,
s • v i t lit m 11 ill*' il' *• '
( men 1■ • > 5 } i.'ail *lDft Ili ttJ
•• im im . oxi 50t I H Alt HI 8111 X> ll
3 u . J Si 1 4> : SOOC* hi Ul !•
, t , (HO 10 10 ’ TMHI S3 01 :i 0
, w ,, ;I 0 t,uij J. 10 .Ci 00 8 !<>
I. ,J jiuoo g<l Oil jHI 0> 0* 00 ♦10"
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{IT* .1 lilirr .. ilr ik-i ii m i '■ H>' i*
nj itrti mj* ! tb#* i* *r t>*t.
i IRDIN AH V V J, lliuhui.
MI.TIUFF O- Florin**.
< i.KHK J*. T W. 11. Kflier.
TAX ltD I'.IVMI U S. tViot'Ul*.
I W ci i|.1.1.i Toll .1 o Cliji.viiin
TKKASt'HKK G- J. Amlin nyf
sinvi.xou tv v
( i lH I N Eli .Mm H .June*
I I Milam, Aaron S!H.\
( J Reeve*, J Um luoi ‘
.1 \\ Estes
HiA HI * ill" I m’i ATI ON
John XV Tarl. " I tar ue*.
>h, Udo.i He. w* li A I’sik.i
A I! Fit* s.ian Si
SEN A foil 3*Mh Dtsliii t. T 'I Hum an
r j NS iiiin i.* t xx \\ 1111.1 ii*.'
li 1 SIN KS S CAH !) S
ill Ain I XX A HE.
A I I ohm X
11,. iv-111 I r Gaoltt.U
|'MHii|t ar„l Inil 111 ul sllentt..,! paid tn all
l‘ !i# ntf
ii it K KITH,
A ; r ’ vr
/A i, xxx
<i vi( .A f <. i r
Will {>t iiriif hi miM •1m
Mini i • Bl 1 'VI fli < M Hit
I' \f M I N t ‘.in IN
Al 101 l MX
N \)X
ii;rMii!r " •i■ • i :<i v
*• | XXV
l. if*K' i u i i' Uaoiiiii i
r, .11 jirai t|< < in H" Jill' •>"<’*
, .r, nil. Mu oairt l Oflinao ami
( ißirld ‘if Mi fi iln r <minix
Ofli,, >, O tla somtli "h "I 'ln I n!*l"
, •< in it <h-n >■ 'ln Grog 1 0,,r.
Dll I It I I KItEI.I.
OPKlUtlt bl I'MeeM ~r
tin I'nMi. Oflb* wltfi bid father
Dr J). <• \<rr< II,a! tin Drugs.*.
fjfj&A- <’■ Floyd, !>• !>■ >“•.
Oreim ru a,
Tnrn < nab All <fE v irnintol
AaAA X MONTH irHafnnlo >t ♦lx*
<iv iriaxln 6t Ui* Itnhwitr n'lrd
▼** “ ( m |,n| ixx ri*|ntr*-<l n *>l
mart cm M**ti, wotwn. Inn* tnl *irl
m*k inom y fiW<T *! w-xA f,x u ,oia.n •
nr th ing *Td*' Tin <<rk i* lijrlrt ami
a*,'l aadi • *r ini ran g*l rtytrt
~ Tln*a*- win, ar* wiar- who w>-tin* in**-!''*-
will M-rnl ii* llnir mhlrowx * at nix* ami *<•*■
f,x th' rnwlvm < oally Outfit ami t*rin
f r ,.,. Now id tin- turn Tinan- alroniy r
work vr laying oj larr*- num* of namny.
ArWrrad THI EA CO Anpnata. Main*
ATLANTA. ----- - - GEORGIA-j
l’,ook, New? and Wrapping
*k ‘:x. wa.: ■ I
Hfrfer to this iwoe m tA him i
;per./ J .
Blanis, and
all Kinds of Job Work execu
ted at this Office.
L / (Original I’uWß.
The Stranger’s I'ueaxi.
BY J- T. W.
A in the f*i, fur West.
Weary of thought* and wivn with
N c.n Mx*ks hk lonely jjlaee of rrm,
‘Ninth <lrtrkem'l rtkies, tut TANARUS \s noil,
>a*l are the thoughiv ifm! itowil his hrmn,
IVnulktil fallN the lingering t<‘4t ;
lit Uiiig* ft*r his ohl home itgMin,
its ftrii*s m fair, itt?
*'Uli Fatlw*r ! only to thy e?irv
Cun I entrust my jewel* rnn
Vet, thank* hi* hwelling h.wotn thrill,
To Him, the wMiuterer** ham!.
.\ml U*4ul him hy Hi* ow n jmre w ill.
To a jWM}le lave in a goodly laud.
Tbi’ range their iehuiih, their fmceuuew,
r nieir heart* are wlirm.nml g\MMt,utul true
To i.ighl, '*u(h Ueoivutk clem blue skies.
A ftiir form knes’ls U sitht hi*r nun h
i iiwietl are KhUv n laughing eye*.
Sn>lhetl h\ U iMiti nUil j'fiiiii ibUl'll
l hi toUhftil lludh* ‘ * <iu m• o'er
Ttie Wire. tre;tthe> now a fervent praver,
An angel wsfer. “goiH- lu foit. '
ill the hds |x*fiti>11 U .ti
“< >h <*h! ' w ali li o'er my htustutml * life
1 H lit* lem sake pndee! hi* w il*
Ali ' i* her hruve heart, loving, kind,
A npirit gentle, i* given
.\shoi| lim* e’er on earth, rniihlined
Idr r*M;** i ' waereri Use in Heaven
A iiuxilx in < are a true wile’* love,
An theme* ol •“ng t**i Ktmi*ulHvi
liieat fur> wieep, ihy hnge/mg
( itit mm it. he the hrmn to r* t • *weet
Of Ik.i ni u|M*n thy tin\ wing
l lie H|l It* kindred soul IUHS *el
1\ rapt in thine urn.* tin *trung* t tr a is
A*k! thus Hint* >ul 111* gJiMiin o! night.
S\ hi!* Hi it* *ti ad in gentle*! ? a ii.**
1* wafted mellow light
ll‘ iutpps Menu-* tiefori him ri>‘
O'er 1% xs w- *il Imml <>• < *rgrin n hl.i* n
I li* glad • \ • t* gr< * t a !*rut wa ll known
T him the Mveeii>i form on earth
I let warm e!w **k pn -m jI * l*e' t luw ow n,
< .is * > tok* n <-f fit* *-onj . rmt worth.
o* h liapj-v mil> will ever * h* r
lh* loiieU lienrt howevi r drear,
A ri*s* if* h*irn* within hand
L im E i*’*l Hitiu a llu Wi< .u*l,
J i Sioid* f"l i* *ll HiHo-n hand
I* papa from hi?* liillt-girl "
Tin- HiUMi i UtNp* in teinl* rh*ld,
I'be jMMlfee of ev**f V |Hotl|* r’f* j*)
bof riatiit* !>>rm< and witii j* rfe* t rnouM.
Ilm fath* r pride lh* ir "Itahv lny “
Hint pe*t and nohl* h* n a\ |r**\*.
'I a-ii him th* l*|*rti> of m *i*rt)** l*tve,
I/• ; firmlv ►hut i- Itahv > hand..
ll* lir*n Jin* tender tilth arm,
A if to >n\ In a diwtniit luixi.
Tw ill,**„..* das >*ln* !d th* c from all harm ”
NiH ehiht, what* * * r fat* I** T*l-
Mas honor id whs *> !h lh\ guid*
h*>U v'M l**ok <lowm w ith love divhu
la;M * k#r |ri , ww<l a* if ne'er t*> f*art,
ll* art imiH 1 In rn* '•< it* Ih *1 |*v* *| li**art
f i* mm * t I** light lh* mu red fir**
That thrill* the bhiwhmg la-iei
fhit h* who w in* t% w if* * ntir*
I-*nr h . truly. IV#rHf>v hht
Bright f<*rm U b tlirai ev**r mar *
'l ** w**dh‘ , U* Htfeugthen and to < h * f
I i’.ir ii> r tin w/rld may *rjiujt'Tm r<*m,
j To wk ain '■ true bliss may Is found ,
; And fee I, at last, 'll* in a home,
Willi Imial ones fondly i )um*T*a| r</ttnd.
There ne'er i <xdd lx a heaven alx/ve
Witlexit a noble woman's love
I n-nr T< xti* k/ved, s/lopled stall
The < in iririttn seek* Willi thee a plan
! He gives ids cuerg •*. strength. fair.
May Ibry l/ring to tle-c n<> dixgra/v .
j Ti# trtte the offering i* tail small.
Fur what, to lli*-*- is or** |mr lib
But moti must In ■ nlrust his all,
HiirUMmi, ami hit pr' i i'xiH wif*
i Tbro' love of children am) of wiviw.
Trite Wee lead aftcnest jmr*w lives
| The tawta r*/w finds the ifeat Umg aonjrhi
< aimed ty the form* Mill by hi* xi'l/
, The burden of each future H*sight.
Georgia his lore, Texas his pride
tlMi fcorn-~t !*• happy dreamer II rise
A *trimg/r man, if m< more wisc
Hamaon 1 liapri, Freest or: Cos ,
* Texas. Sept. Ist 1K79.
. An Irishman, being on trial for some of
fense, pleaded "md guiity," and the Jury
being i the boo, the dtotrtei attorney pro
ceeded to call Mr. Furkiraou as a witness.
W ith the mcsd utmost innocence, Pat
rick turned hia face to the Judge and said ;
"Do I underKand your, honor that Mr
Furkirson is to lie a witness against me
The Judge said dryly, "It seems as if be
"Weil, then, yer’ honor, I plade guilty
sure, if yer honor piase : oat that I am
guilty, for Pm as innocent as yer* honor's
babe, but jist on arrrmt. of sarin’ Mr. Fur
kirson s sow! ”
I The Investigation.
Atlanta Diiat-I.
We Art glad that the Augusta Chnmiele,
wUl* u great ability ami 11111111-1111-, jilao-n
itnrtf smtin'ly on mnril for a mauvliing In
! viKtigatiou into all the n-jairtnl tTooknliK-m>
!of the Statr svttmnlistrfttkWi t ami not only
thai. t>ni iH-rti-lvin the ttii}Hirlaiiii- to tlm
lk-iii". rath■ party iM Ihi- Mali- of wtt-li an
invi-itktatnm amt of tin- i-\o:ujl:iry mmish
1 mont of all OJUciaU who max fairly bvtowvl
entity. XX 1 think Unit enough Inns alrrarly
Ixt-ii ilisx-liwi-il to I'onviini every IH-uioerat,
ho is not in s.nn- xvfty in tin
"•hieliling ami relmniiijf of preu nt ollleinlx, 1
that this invnstigatkm ougiit not to have
lx on masle that if if haul mi ms-n mmle,
tin o|‘|imeiit of the 'Mrifuniail" Denucra
jex of Georgia would have had a si rong
•tsxuu** in the e.Mv*of rwxl year Tin
result will li\ either tlwit the investigations
and trials will prove the falsity of the ehar- 1
ges in eireii'a!ion. or the Deunx-ratie party
of tin State will lie fnllv ’exonerated" h\ 1
its i-oiideutt lilt toil and punishment of all the
ensikedlH-ss di'iii !oed
\fier refining to the out lent eliarges
against a. vi tal State oltleials. the (’hronh-le
xx ill sax s XX e do not xxisli to do then'
:mi n any injußtiee. neither do xxe xx’ish to
seneii tlie.ii from jiuhlfe indignation if rtiex
desi rx eit Tin v have donP tnon to destroy
tin organized Iteinoefai y in this State and
si .unlali/e lln Di tins raex of tin I hion than
( xreliavi tinie to measure nr indicate I lull
I viiiuallv lin y an ot small eonivrii when I
eon.pate.l xxilh liiv gixl name ol the Slate |
and tin party X iMixviiful ellort aided hy !
i 1 1 |
gifted and ready |n ns, is said to have l>een |
aln ady made to sot tell tile hlow im|x nding '
lon 1 tin se ottieials, Iml We shall not lie a
jialty to hiiv Ma li design, ;ynl. il nei'easarx',
ille.x|siM' it. Mm h xxlni. xxashing will
sap the regular Delius tin y I rum tin* inouie
tains to the sea. and topple it ox, 1 x ,
ably XX 1 demand in tin name of the pen- 1
pie, that there shall l eoiuplete jtisliie to j
linp, 1 Ineiilpated. Iml no maxvkisli |
■anUiiuntallty o| hall xxni 1 xeulpalhm. if!
| tin X In- guilty IH' even the half 1 hinged
against them If there Ik- not a Isild, feat
'U >w iiik) 1 >r* i 1 ( it t h'Hlliitg “I Ihr Aiik?Hi>
Kinbl*■?*. fr*t:i l*p to iMrttimi. it imt*B Vh vn<
would o*< h pinch ' I hiiulT fi thr
i luitii of th** Mr*/nni/rd I b imm rm \ in tin
rui hut* In hw * o lln- Slat* if tin* miiii i* now
h* w "tilr, upon tli* Htnftw of
j thii* fity
I,H t}i (it n* ?m1 Aiwo 11 dily *•ouruijrouMlv
i U|.|ti,ti wh\ M in oirtt itn ir hiwHim *h Ati. I*
j 1 < !:i.o*tr f>r hi puhlli nffitith
Wluii • roimin*ntttr> I hi! in ili ll
( *itiiiiion vwnltli wuoli u wloj/uu klioul* shake
|it from centre In eiri iinifi renee ! XX hat
sort uf uinmigenu'iit is that w hen try an oxl r
i plus uf ibiSl ISKt lihs Is-en raised by tnxa
| linn over and above the amount needed to
! pax tin' interest uu tie Nutting Isinds, and
that sin h nun Ims nexer lai'ii rejsirted to
| the |s‘ople uf the L’gi*lnlure lluw easy
- w.ndd siieh a thing l*e omtlnued nr eoin eal
eii iiad not the Investigation unearthed it '<
llovx have th..- massi-s thereby been wioiig
ed while oltleials have L-en faring Hiiinplu
ousiy ' XX 1 t*w, very nmeli fear, that itu-n
in high position have bu ll more Intent upon
making inoticv than anything ; and il
is logti time ting the mtteimeiiw In* prolw and
h. the twittom and the sanetnary purified
Tie glrsmiiiat featuo- of tin- whole tiling
is the .lemorali/.ing < fTi et igwni the young
men of tlu- country Tin ysv erisikednews
to call It by no wors.- name prosper -
ibi x se. fame and Tor*line attend sharp
t (rra/ilce lo usi* a mild term while true
prirMdjdt* are m 4 diaiount
I 11. si * thfrigs Inlisf tiOt In allowed to pro
ceed and flourish. Nor will they Is- If the
'irgantwd Dianoeraey prove untrue totliem
wlv.s tfie w.rrk will Is done hy oilier and
(w-rliaps ru'lit hands We give fair w arn
mg. however reluctantly, and with sim-ere
Muown tor all who have made writ n
dais |ssiiile Hut the lime has conic lo
sjsak Out. atlas a watz ln r it|sm tin- tow
er we give the signal of dang.-r awl cry
l<m<l to tin faithful every where, to either
purge thz- party <zr Gw pre j wire to see it
split asurehT awl irrerwln-lmod w ith de
feat ,
1 nlxittied Joy.
A well-known Atlanta Itepublicsn, now
on a I/tininess trip to another Mate, thus Ju
bilaOn over tin- recent election* In a letter to
a frii-ml here s "Hold wie ! tie roe down I
•trike me with a fedah roll me up in the
star -spangle-banner, and shoot me a-cally
hoo’in init of aorne Mg pile-driving Cokirn
biail : Take me up in a hal!o<*ri ten tbou
aainl feet alx/ve the sea, tumble me out and
then listen to me screedi for Maine and
California as I ride the ocean wave I I-et
me sink a thousand feet beneath, among the
vrrai I axis and sponges, and I’ll rise still a
wTeaming. Marry me to Susan B. Antho
ny, Dr. Mary Walker, or any other man,
for I’m too happy to live. Hear me howl
over the gionou* victoriea ! Hub my head
with 'Ad cheese and ram it down a rat bole
and I’ll still yell- Now let the eagle-bird
scream and the tidal wave roll—let her roll
let her roll Ohio is sure for 80,000
majority! Farewell, Kag-haby—farewell,
Democracy—the country is safe—the
old flag is nailed to the mast, and in tri
umph shall forever float, while we go
marching on. shouting the battle-cry of free
Is the School system a!
Failure in Noxv York T
New V.# expends nearly three and a
half inillhaCTMtaw a year for the sup|s>rtof
its puhlie atpoots, and has a Spiritualist for
Sufierintifflßrt, at a salaj y of *B.OOO a
year. ThwMinrtl of Kituention is in a mud
dle ala Hit gi|fUlg rid of him. There xvoii.'d
have tai-u J|triNilih‘ alnut his ivl.iiniiig liis
situatiou iiad not I wen silly enough to
publish a !&>. in with li he ha* given in*
view* i)f MHHp II aotl his support of the
, Mpiritual tnim, and also shown a great
want of jUMßOeilt and gissl last. . That
such a nMfpptiiihl liave direction of the ed
ueation of hundred and ten thousand
! iliilfltvii In fce ehief eity of Auu-rien is
t tail il a majority of the
t Ihnuil did nos sustain him lie timid not re
main. It is stated Mint a number of lent ti
ers in the sebtiols have i'een imlueed relue-
I tanlly to sign |>elitioiis to the lioar.l asking
1 to have him retainul.
Some of tin- Journals ul Ni xx York lsildly
asat-rt that the vast sum of money ex|ieiided
(01 free edta'alion is wasted, and that there
is no satisfactory evidence of moral add in
tcUvc*.xxi*Ti/MpvuXAU;\-iWt.U* fa- SIS il from it.
The amount of money handled, Ihc llirn-
Diousuikl salaries paid, and the xvliieh
polilieuins i an manage with so Ulicral auex
pendilnre, are powerful suppurls of a sys
tem of training of very doubtful value to
tlie tax limdcned iHujile
Tito Sxx OOtllO.Kg (ll J lolllt'
lie who has no home has not the sweet
est pleasure of life , la- f.i-ls imt tlie thou
sand I'll.l.'anneals tliat eluslel around that
Util lowed spot to fill tin' void of liis lulling
In.ul, and w Idle axv ay ills lelsun moments
in the sweetest of life's Joys, Is misfortune
your lot, you will llnd a I unit \ xveli'ome
from hearts iN-atitlg true to your own The
chosen partner to \ i.ur to!! him a smile of
approbation when others have deserted, a
hail.l of lio| m* when all others refuse, and a
heart to fe.-l your sorrows as her own
Eery yips a smiling cherub with prattling
glee and Joyous laugh will drive all sorrow
from your rare-worn brow, mid In. lose il In
die Wreath* of dmiM-sllc bliss.
No Hinder lioxx humble lbill home max
be, how d.’Stlliile its stoles, or how poor fl*
inmate* are dud ; if tru. hearts dwell there,
il is Xet 11 boule a elin-rfll!, prudent wife
ols dieiil and ntfi etionali' ddidren, xxill give
thfir IMSRtessois more real toy than hair* of
gold and wills I x lioiivis
Tlu hofne of 1 lempeiali, industrious,
lumesl Ilian will Is' the greatest Joy. lie
Tomes to if, "weary mid xvorti," Iml the
music of tin- merry laugh and the happy
voices of ehildlssul eln er him. A plain
but healthful meal awaits him. Knvy, am
ambition anil strife inix'e 110 piaee there, and
with a deal .*nseieuec |*e lays Ills Weary
limb* down to rest in tlie Imzsoiu of Ids fami
ly, aud under die prob-Gani et the poor
mini's friend sisi In-lpur.
Canary Mini In)>orttio!H.
XX Idle every hm iga pajw r jsmr* forth Its
lamentations over Hie new adjustment of
the 1 ail anil- ol trade between J.uroia, and
Amerirn, tlu *is a drop C eoq*ntaik)n tut
them In the f|K (hat Europe Has one tr* J
|H.rt “ liieh iiinv br sd against nut* hn-rease
of grain, petroleum mid nottorr, Prean AH '
tolar. 1878, ui February, JB7T, Germany
e|Hirted to Amerl.a Itgt.OUO male eanarv
birds. Tlie lairing of these Writs eni|iloys
(juite a considerable imputation in amne
provitiw* ut Prussia <Hu honw- alotie
purdinaed laat y< ar .14,000 male and 8.000
f.'limle canari'-*, ln-dde-a Afi.OOO singing tifrd*
of other kinds f 07,800 of there were eon
signed to New York, 2,700 went to Africa
and Australia and 1,000 t/i Brajiil Tin-re
87.000 birils eynsiijm'd lief ore they wvs* 1
disposed of 81 (jninlaf* G 7,820 pmmdsj of
colza, 80 rprinttls (Ut.iSOO poimda; ut hemp
and (X'ltpy aed. awl 'JO .pilntsl* (20,000
rssriidsy of ruilM and (amtry md. Truly,
tin- IiUU- liirds of the air glut tbvti share of
encouragement tp igrii iikure and trade.
AT eaportfli
In bis inaugural address made September
2. Oov. Blackburn, of Krnttwlty, uses em
phatic language In denouncing tlie habit of
wearing deadly weapons concealed alxxit
the perwm. He says :
It Is a matte# of deepest regret than so
many of our citizens indulge in Lite repre-
Jiensible practice of carrying conccuh-d
weapon*. This sliouid lx- discountenanced
by all g<vxi men. It is a cowardly practice,
for it is not to be presumed tliat any citizen
in the daily diachargc of his duties walks
forth with sn armory l/eltcd ar'xind him.
A man armed with a bowie-knife and pi*,
tol has the a< I vantage of one unprepared for
an assault, and no geo tinman would take
advantage of saeh an tnteipm) contest. We
can only that a dastard or tmvn£i
wottld do an. { W have a law against this
deUMtabk; practice, and 1 hope it will be
rigidly enforagd. None should bn exempt
from H, whether higher low. The safety
of our people demands this ; many a help,
less widow and orphan pleaded for it. Let
us not lie dead to. their cries of distress.
Human fife must be protected.
A Sa**rcd tru st for the Soldiers
of the South.
XVc feel It our duty to lay la-fore mr
renders the following touching letter, which
di-serila'S the Inst sad scenes in the life of
General lliaal, ami tla- niniiition of his
desolate mid destitute family Tile let’er is
:ulilr"ssiil to General Itaiidali E. Gibson, of
I zmisiatng to xvhiise care Gen, xx turn
dying, (iimmendtil his orphan ebiidmi ;
New Orleans, Aug JO, 1875*
Knowing xi air love and es
teem for Gen. llisal and his family, I
thimght a few particulars of the sad event
xvould not lie uninteresting to you. Mrs.
lliaal, after her last eonthu-ment, xxis la-t
ter, and bad an easier time than on any for.
mer la-eaai.Mi. Kriilsy week, fn-ltng so
well, she imprudently Irsik a laxtii. himie
lilately she was taken xxith a ehlll. l>r,
Hielmrilson having left on the Ist of the
montli. Dr. liemiss xxas called in. I heard
him say Xtr*. ilmal's ease was the most re
markable one lie had ever seen in Ids prae
lice ; tlierv was not a single s£ni|it.Hit
of yellow fever, and they did not know
that she had il until the black vomit H|i|H-nr
ed She died at half past !> o'clock p. In.
Sunday, night. arid was hurled at 10 oT'loek
Monday morning. 1 nexi rinmy life saxx
a Ilian so eompletely 1 rushed as Gen lliaal
was. I was xviih hint Monday morning
til! the funeral, lie said he'd rather Gial
should have taken every one of Ids eliil
dren in one day than to have lost Ids wife ,
that lie was . oinpli bly ruined, and noxx.
xxillnml Ins wile. In- hail nothing In live for
The precious litlle lambs xvho had gone to
lad Sunday night, -knowing nu'ldng of
their molhrr'a death, la gan In come in one
t>v mie until nine entire in, and
such a sii'iie I never xvlsli to witness again.
After Ilia children left, In- said, “Major, I
have nexer lrail the fixer, Imt if 1 should
have 8, and il IsGiml’h xvill, I am ready to
go. I have m|hested t 'ol. Flower* to take
charge of my children mid appeal lo the
Confederate soldiers to support them, for ll
have nothing on earth to leave them." He
was taken Tuesday li’.ornlng al II n'eliak,
and died Friday morning at half past ;J
a 111., perfeetly In his tliiml to within tell
minutes of Ids death XI about o'clock
lie asked the <|iKi.or if his time lo die was
not near al hand The doctor said, ’ Yes,
General." Then a minister was sent for
at Ids re.pies' lo give him tli" last con
iiiuniim As Ids dealli was unntitamiieed
and no hour lisul tor thu luucral, vary few
*eie i.i. seni, ,x urracliuu-nt of "t’lmll
nenlills" tired a salute over liis grave, anil
J In - last sad irlhu’c was paid to out brave,
generous and 1 hristlau friend
The il.M’tor thinks Lydia xvill not lixe
through the night. She laid a violent fever
i from the first, which went right to tlie
1 brain Little Ellu l Is ipiitr easy today
All the children seem (o Is 1 droopy ; none
realise ttu-lr great loss.
I hear his house is mortgaged to |U full
value, and In- left but little insurance on
his life, not 1 icing aide Pi keep up hi* [ndl
des. He Odd me Iris b<s,k was fini*hed,
awl in was Just alsstl starting to I’hilwh l
pbia Pi make arnangentetil* fin- it* publica
tion | think it is altogether tlie s.ul'hsL
drat li i have ever ka>* ■>. Old Mrs. Ilrti
neu can live hot a few mouths ; and here
are He-ren Am le InmlM left fattierless and
—uth.-rtess (lh, Imw much Issuer If God
In Ills prosrUleiuie would take them all.
Yrarr* very truly,
XX'ALTER V. (Ill't'll.
♦ • re ■ -ir-
('ommimiiuuoi' of Agriculture.
Tin- following resolution, offered hy Mr.
I*llllli|is, of Cobb, in the bmise of represent*
lives a few day* ago, Is now Is-fore Ibe fl
nance committee :
VVluTcas, by a resolution *f the Iwsiae of
representative* wlopted ii|sn the recoin.
Bietulathin of the 'itminittee on finance, Uk
IBMI of November, 187 H, the (ssnmlssi.mer
f ngrieiilture was rmptiml Ui “furnish this
house with a full, ttomplete and iUniizod
statemnit of all money* ur other things re
ceived and paid 'Wt by Win id one the organ
ization rtf the dT*crtlm-trt of ngrlcuHnre, on
aoeowit of ifif detartnrent to tto pMaom
time arid
W heri-as, Tin- said c< amnlxshmiT of agri
culture, in rinjxmse to stfld resolution did
submit an "Itemized statement of tl*- re.
cel pis and ox|*mditurcs os the dcjxutmcut
of agriculture from Kept cm I* r Ist, 1K74, to
HeptctnlsT 80, 1H78," but said re|x/rt d<s-s
not fundsh a full, complete and Itemized
statement of receipt* ni*i expenses, and is
calculated to deceive and mixlead ax In real
facts :
1. In that it doe* not give the anvxint
received by said oommMonrr as Ids sala
I. That It does not give the amount
paid to the Mark of sakl enmmixxioixT,
8. it d'X-s not give tl*; amount |>aid for
printing for said defmitmcnt ; and said re
port is iitoutttfdetc and imperfect in that U
[/resent* ao item under tl*: bead of expen
se* t A #0)1.86 witlwxit stating what consti
tuted this expense ; and furtlter, said re
port f /resents several Hems
aggregating a very large am*ilft for which
diahurscßiczits there is no sufficient anthori
ty of law, to- wit:
.Salaries of emp10ye5..,...,,,, ♦23,274 80
I'rioting 9,08809
State fair expense# 62 80
Traveling expense# 864 16
where#* the commissioner of agricul
lure lias not expended the large approfsria
t lon to this departmnt, either in the e.x
etmuge and dist ribution of seed or in (kiri
■•piiig the agricultural interest of the Mate m
eoniempiaje.l by the fariaen and friend* of
the measure Imt. on the contrary, has bam
wasteful and otraraut to laviahneas, ia the
use of tlie puhl ie money entruslett to hi
care, his report showing that during the live
years i*c hits lai-n in odiv-e he lias only ex
pended 817.10 in the distribution ol seed,
and only *.K% in siockiug our riven with
tish, the largi-st proportion of the money en
trusted to Ids esre having been expended
with, alt in any way advancing live- agricult
ural Inlievst of the staU-, wherefore, That the .simndltee on Anance
be instructiil to iin|uire Into the factaherei
stated mid 11 port tiy bill orolkerwlee as In
their Judgment may seem projar, calling
said xsmimissi. sirr of ngriculture to account
with the state and also lo report a Wll or
nwmuiiraid such leg!slat ton aa will iu the
future protect the public interest and pre
vent a xVasle of the public money hy tho
(iimmisslom r of ugrh-iiltiim
Too Hot for Him.
As I'onfedcrate war reminiscence* are
always In order, lu re U one too good to bo
buried The hero of the Joke wa* one Jim
lie wusaitaelml to ItiiMer’s cavalry, In
Stuurt's command. Jim was mrted for lilt
strong antipathy to slug and shell and a
peculiar way lie had of ax-olding tisi close
communion with the same. Hut at last all
Ids plans failed to keep him out, and he.
together with hi* companion, under a lieu
tenant, was detailed to support a flattery
that composed a |irtlon of the rear
Tbr enemy kept pressing so rinse, Infact,
iu to endanger the retreating forces, aud the
troop* covering the r.-treat had orders U>
keep the enemy in cheek n given period at
nil ko/nrds, unit tlie order was obeyed to the
letter under a gulling (Ire. J| m grew dee
ps-rntf. lie stuck behind trees that appear
ed to Ids excited vision no larger than rant*
robs lie tin’ll tried to lie down. In fact
In- placed himself in every |switlon that his
genius could Invent, hut the hiss of the but
let liiuiiited him still. At laat, In despair,
he called to the eouili umllng ollleer :
"Idrilirnillit, let.* frill hack."
"I cannot do it, Jim."
“'Veil, I'll lie darned if we don't get
I out If we stay lu re I”
“My orders, Jim, are to hold this place
and Hupisiri tills battery of guns. If we
fail back, tin* enemy will rush iu and cap
ture the guns "
Just at itils moment a well-directed bul.
lei impressed Jim with thn #
change of In ice was necesenry. Jim found
snot her apparently protected spot atid, w
soon as lie recovered M* mind, he s-t"g
out :
“Snt . I.icntcnmit, what do you think
them err cannon* cml f"
"I npposi' als mi! f|, OOP, Jim,"
“Mcll, said Jim, “hit's lake up a roller
lion and pay for the guns, and let the (|—d
Yankee* have them." [Toledb Blade.
Tlio Ti wagofor’w Fate.
Mi. I reasurcr Ifenfnsi's tnaihle luut ct|l
mbmted In h recommendation liy the cpm
tnittee ap|siliiUal to Investigate his office,
tliut he tie ImiK'whnd (hr high rrtljww M*l
misdemeanor*. Tiiut Is what everybody
expected unless s shorter method had
Is en udopfrxl and removed him from rtfflpe
"t once. When the “inwardness" of this
office is matte public as It sum will be
- people will be far more astonished than
tlicy were at tin- condition of that of (Amp
toiller Uoldsmltli. It will diartnsc a pear
tiro that ha* prevailed for years, M gome
extent, but never licfore to the extent that
it lias since tin- advent to office of Sfr Ren*
Ins* and his immediate prcderacsor. W
allude to the (imrtlre of rt aviso out the
Stale funds to Imnks and tmnkers, and the '
officer* isirketlng the preened* Mnrc Iff. !
Rauf roe has been In office; the different
tranks of AttanU have paid interest on de
poslta of Hutta funds to the sum offdtS.tflg, -
81 ; Mr. Wilson *.*M t Mr. Tommey f*,.
Wtt.lli Mr. Murpfiy This
shows a very Imndsocar outside iaentne for
Mr. Ronfree ami a portion of bis bonds
men. Ami tin; (siliey that allows so much
momy or indeed any amount of money, to
lie. thus diverted from the State Treasury
sissild Is: comtcmned, and the officers Im
plicated in its misdirection should be pun •
idled to the extent of the law.
Mr. Kctifme now lias nothing to liope
short of a conviction by the high court of
iiniM-acbjneat, and imt little Is-yond the #v
idence be gives against himself will be atn.
essnry to establish his guilt. And since out
of his own mouth la- will stand condemned,
he cannot cotnpiAin of persecution or injus
tice.--(Col. Timex
When you feel a Cough of bronchial af
feet lon rrt-eping over the lungs, take Ayer'S
< 'berry I’cctoral, and cure it before H be
comes incurable.
It was mg Gen Stewart U Woodford, but
an ax-governor of Georgia, who one# re
marked : 1 never deny newspaper
now. An editor on one occasion piMiAMj
a most dreadful accusation against me in a
paper in my own town, where H reached
the eyas of all my family gad friend*. I de
nied it, of course, promptly and Gnw
stantially, over my own denature, sad
what do you suppose the fallow did thM }
By George, sir, he proved it i- [X*w Tovk
N< >. 40