Newspaper Page Text
lhe Meriwether CJounty V indicator
.. . - —.— • ■ - •• • —.— - • . ■ -^r.taaH—taa.
vol. ;.
••.".•.■.lf Hi> ?f&Kt r*UAY,
BY M. T. RE VIE*.,
i r I* It ANNt'M. IN A*V *Nr j
iig (ifyii k N UTH -li e pcbi.ic i
1C n. W • < AdvrnMilf,
v 5 t k- |tut G to** } l e r
me.i i0 5 5 4jo *s. IIS M
l ,ii.- 73 500 IU 50 i100)I 15 <0
5 nelu- 500 Hitt 10 00 iSuOiOA'W,
H ; -jo U)tt 00 00 55 03 ■ 3.0 1
• ; 7 0 l'• 0 53 UT 5) 00 Ili (*•'
• e®l [lO 00 30 00 A3 00 0•00 j stt>
1 I
A 1 iht ; tirtlUC’lO *l*4 -C l‘ |
act.kill.' ’ tU** * o;i*U f uni.
ORDINARY s . A J- Hinton
Mil UIIT .1* S Fa art we
l I.KHk S l .... M II Kelki.
lA\ ltll F.IVBH H S t'lenient a.
I t.\ I'i'l.l.Kr i'OH .1.0 "Utiatian
Till. \SI KFR C. I Am hunt
-1 U\ KYOM. ■ " F Matthias*
l-UoNLK . ...,..J.jlin R-.Jea, $
< •)| N | \ (i i\| M |hsl< *NtUH
!i M .Ut n V.tlon H >U > J
( ,) Iv .a t s J I. l.t s.m
.1 \\ i^.>
mi\hiv:' eimv vtjon
\S Pft! a. \N I Hantf#
*i , -i It l • ■ ■* K V i‘arkt .
Si! io- ...i . Sc •
S’ \ \ lOliij'i’ii l );•*♦< i'ict. I' M •i' li 1 if
IIKPKL • • Ni V ri\ I>
r ! Williams l \\ Williams •
, j
l’.\ I. ... 1 1U D s
111 Mi 3 I H A Hi..
/V 1 A A'
M 1 * **>"; '
} • f < •. •*! -> i |oifl hi Hii
i • ... , , ;*, .j A h|* i ’
i > u Ki.n n
A l|u “ N, -‘ .
AA ' 1
lijo., no
\\ i prt'fii i-*- M*.-a l i* * i • l tU
' r ij>. >M Mi* th*< • W •; < *'• i ■
* f r M LAI < ill!. IN
A 1 - !
| ...... ...1 ■" .1 ’.. ■I 11 1.1
c \ CAiil.i .c,
V' M -
• * t
Wt f <rw' i■ i i*' Ml < \*l i !
•( < .it o‘i O' i 1c v vl ■! i’ M ‘ I
. ,! \\ n\a ■!t • i
iHi ■ 1 •, ■ t' .!■ ;■i * v
.• • fx. 'J* ' lu< I *f>. - ■ > >f *•
im: i ii i imhua., , j
/ \ ; Eii■ ■■• * '
I j
lif ' ( T'"i ! ll ( Ih i 'i*i
li. l I'■ i ’
4 I'll U. N T I 1A I l-T
I S iiUH'. nit
i V m
Ti riit* i atti Ml wmli wartini'li"*
l M l l NTH. irtitil. •I'* H
tbkiUU ' lm -' 4 ' *’> i'l'l'itln ....
▼ *( n It*l ill .t * • ■ I will
... ,r- y.rti M. .. K'wri WtV. •.<! irir.
,0t ffcl ra! w ill f •* n 11" nt
nt tliiiijr|w Tli< w 'rit i* lik'kt nt’d
|.|mi i. ini l *'i'li n any ‘hm- <u v *■ >sc ! > t
„t n, who ar* w'.w ttc
< ,• l-. tlv OiiOtl ami
N.miatlM- tirm Th<<a- !r<-d) <
a <- :.r‘ lavinf up larjr wiuay-f iwwv
TRTf. A. < <>. Attg’i*Ut Maim-.
ra I’.;ii ■. j
Book, New* ami Wrapping
JAS ORMOND. Proprietor
to tbi am u a S[rcirnen 'T bu
paper. \
BJaiiKs, Circulars aud
all Kinds of Job Work execu
ted at thifc dficc.
*flio l’ruo Ba% Laud.
How a.tiuy n.ikM tt> B.t! > 1 tuni :
Anr one own tel! ;
■•£'*.>*o* be wav.
Comes an awful yell.
M hitt i'4t> you we in Baity 1 suol
S {uir.uiiyi ii ii< nu*
Fiat! amt fist
All aiwist,
S. 1.1. tut a i lea t l uv.
Wha’ k> you do ii liaby l. imi
t\ ake ami lr< i a ul m > .
c ilic ami U vei
M ike our live<
\\ i .iri!v pa*' !>y
Wba' (>. tlrtty ayij. in B.ili\ Lmil
duly one sound tlivrs*
Wall, w.vti, wall.
Wall, wall. wnh.
lir.-ets one everywli i<
W i.. i• |in >.r iii-It*t■ l.iiiil
M' 'irri w> r ani l IT.,
Tir il of iuiiiiul,
Hunts an*.hi I
I'intls a ii lust | au.
a c i uThTTFou
0 a- ... i
\ N \MKUL AYS K.\H im \U. IN
Alsl'K \ LI A
I iam s v hai i ,*.]! |
I %-\A ll I\\ at \\ IH iv 1-i tID <!l if i
MB iif h:i |fit i \ i\!t’ wwrt in !If
.haf mill . .
rilffo •w- -i T’t hi :/ I iy’ hit! tj * lirtl UJI
l i*r*v. I’ll T 1 “• I’h ’ t f* •* l* b l/./.inj It I l
*b 1
IVrii titt itoM n Ik i r t* h!c**!. a* I
k!u< kn IV p.v \ tli l!i' mij l !t! it i uii-i In n
imt‘i’l * ilk bun .id v nil u’
I' Vhi [‘B its a find mu -j, and th
rit-rN rtf ft! Ihp< I bn id n* 1 i uiui
lil f tli drift and • n lubii* and tin nii/i*< t
I inkolHMlt iln I In aid tin
iln 4i* *l .•!*• ; it w.a HKr tin nairnmr <t dip
[tit* win Wr rtliook tier It| m mid n
•iv ii -a i^vt i "r ml t 'Mu ludi'd
lira' ► Hit tin I-' i! li.i lli i|*|m n*d a t*
iir mi! - nit * <• bnd c*ml> illy bit tin*
>\ i *s.-* A t• .a i a hJi iidow .iti
r i •> 4i dii • v.*n Wim liiiout*
ij b ' If M ! , I B<'f tho big
find •
. * I .idki I mi 1 1 44 Uing thr
•hr:, Bn J • " t> ui ilttf t-1 for
, a 1 n .'A and it olitTdrd,
a n : ‘it\ , i <!h iit>lail frm oar clilitli
In <l> V 1 w.d Jaf"d and ;i Ml < >fKQ
ii I• i 1 i i*i" ii i Ynildi (• I. f
? , t .si i ■i; a i iidw as ttbii' *f
•• i • \ i' . h t - •:ii"lri at at Ui*
. ’ vs • iI-, . • I ,niil I WjWlt’i
• , ’• I i’ V\ t Id -y\ 1 N ■ Hidel
'll.’ Ip ‘ls< f VMM ■> tl< and IJa npi'l tf
U ,4 nt . >u-d* tn 4xi' • tin h* I }ddon
t of idijai tint I 1 \ ' l In Ml If ft I
It vc,i "Sd ii mu* of DR Jar;'* >’t
.'t i t iui 'i p il ftaftlofi, i*ti! r. t t m
• ki^.vs r i. >*Jiaj i Una want In inn** A lib b
in*, fall.' • lIH <3!t Vt |d iv kimwtt i* ** f 11* Wei
<m* iaij,’;.'*'t A fa< *-4 jli <4 it Mitty
!♦* w> i iii tjn nd. rid do|nrfincn' *f fin
Ji"Rt ai Vitr'iiH <1 Natufiil Hn'' t\, vdorf''
tln v * jh •; v< f i o' '? lfK) out a•, m and
fa Vaba a* 4J, # U ''l lit’ ftlfiliiT In
J' tf a’n ■ ii* p 'port' and f!ttt tin i--
fjM if,/ ’ ,'D < * f t <ld <. i r f>ajfnl 'I Jslr
, Aft i ' r A III*'" i HhJ> f#* IMI lit
. Ib-udfgo k .t/| j * !t If
i fglnd do'i p .'ni l- I oiitni t,f \* >t>t)
rmr.y i-R
I Jiad l n fn<‘M‘ -1!y rir t ctuia'it •; my
**df on fl' di i'mv'Tv "fa miftjfttl a#- bum
a Vsnirnii Init tlii Kij/bf "f l liip not***
tink all t!i* f ?mt<dt mit of mi Nd v'-rfbi-
I Ijwllbf U‘*n
f'atnd. fi tin * Iwirn from whb‘!| i f >vmi f t
k**ti w right ifi tin' din ' fl'tl fn wtfbii Wv
Rif** working. mnJ mir i \n\m i w*'**"?
r\' b in orr.
TL' uidftFtrrn' miggpf. i# larg rr it wav,
did not enifrti the finder* fur there were
t*>-lif fcfwrejMjWrr l - in t 1 sttd it brought
lem it ih'Sliaiod p-nindx apiece ;
|t trmli) have twn * it i k t find f<ir a < ‘Hij_
V <,f mat**. The man who dug faint
ed Hwav Is-fore h<- unearthed i! Win-n
In* jack )ir*f <0 m. it ft h jtt loftt hi* hand
to pidk up tin lamp , tin lirlp front Mt
candle tthoir iifxm it and revealed if* nature.
T'i|ii s4tJ>ri<W ‘Sd n't yield to iii- tmi'ii
Tlien b‘- tiegairbi lee] around it with hi*
binds. and it grt in sire uudei Ikm explor
ing digit*. Hr- gave it a wrench fait it <li<l
not Mftt. IMring hi* pick he tiegan to
dyt antral it. gigl mi its pmjK rlit.fia -yew
ofdiW mm eye tin - 'spectacle nvitf--mx Win
arid in- fainted from joy
the devil hi* duc.~ xaid a flijrhtly
orator. Tlrm Up r<**- a \v k w.*l*rnan ‘
and wii.J He will tak<- hi* doe tj.m't fa
a f Hard.”
ft* i grr ti. o*t>l ri !J!j Ut 3 inwi to
lie always ready to meet trotildc half way.
If be would put ail the y*im*y on trouble,
he might ever all
Tkm is a village in New Hampshire
which ha* produced 26 editors It u in
alhiaioo to tin* 'ircum stance that a pioua
deacon remarked “Yea, there are 26 of
em but as they have all left the town ]
rr efcon the L'-xd woai lay it tip asic us.
Not Afrftid ol' the governor.'
Most jhs,|iJi want *Ve f. nef; of tlieir own
liaajtins- thouifh were it not that the n.iu.'
inter**! I'cnvMid in the, Wlowltitf ease was
in R’liftjf focr Inift. rUmat m* Aiowittf
iull the uTi’Me rtSrtlilafSiferTwther <fit*>ltWii ,
ins tSays the IVrt hunt Transeript :
In the emrie of a very intrri-wtin? ilis
e i- ■ <**, fh wj'*iw'rs nvl enuoi. M Stvi
,i . whie'i w 4 hJvl t‘t> pleas ir. - . it- liste i
ittf{ to .1 few evening* sine ■. Mr. W W
ITi-vmiw Jtr . tonl afr wM nnetshee illuttm
: ii . f the altiniy IntlepiuKWiutv t'f Ihe pi
pie. An iraseihle oh I ttohlenutn tiovornor
. f ti. rthlanil. arriving at the pout Iwuswe tb>-
m.i ul .ii rehty None uer. to be ImT the
!,v* tu i in tin stable ts a' tlial tmenonl
alhutt to he hitehei to Hi • watt 'i of :t pets
ait The t Jovernor ilemniuletl that those
•wti >ii}<4 l-given hitn. referml in
th ■ nun to|,,t him
• Mthf Ut‘
know- who Tan ?’*
I au .t H nerat I tin tl tvern'r of
i.orthhtmf' '
Not at .ill t'l.nh'T the jvis.ttit re
, |
A-*nl tic y m know who T am
• Hk ti \ rtior ihlnVing thiif pt'thapw the*
titrt'i vv.i* i |i ro:i t.f tit *rV* f* tiivrqiif iu-*
flu ili find -. ' ."at\l rnpfbni tlm l In* did
in ft.
Win,” '•Aid th • i>i*an*r Kb’ppia.r f*r
w.irv! wi'h .•: nt s It “I itAi tin- ’ll V' bh d1 h>• l 'l'm ”
I'fi i v'rnw hi! nothbH in in* I• >
A I fdllU'NM 1 ! 1 SUtilsO
\ fit r i In* \\ ;o iidoti, Hivh‘if " *< cst- v
Inm iful vs-i.nldot, .s hi)n)\v an msigltl\ .!
\s i >!<•, through whirli mouml it tl a f*ymll j
i rci-k, and wh.n itir -piin f auu flu- him
i'mikn w a'* Itixuriunih upon da- vu It i
vs.f {dHi’if a miL* fftuii ittWM nmi Major !
IbUy waM in tin byliil <•! nbng out of an
•veiling to gru/,c tiin Imisr < )n- *vi'iiing,
to his HurprUf*. hf* saw fifit • n <r tssont)
1 large \ rJlow surkf'iM lying mi 41 sand bar in
, thi'i’liTk. IL* nnh: bail lioun .y * a lift!ft
turn m I, and mihiu himh -l ihom Huniimu
atl' i tin fio! lawl h<-4vK*d iifm ovufiijfh rtibls
an Lh< v\t rln*r wftw vCkftln : hf* |fnll'd "IT
lih it• nt fiiihnliomd bin ooMai nnd, wrap
* {
jnng tin halli r around h ‘♦rndit hand. U>
flown kt tlift *-f n !ntli to i.fT
Will's Is ing on Ins bttrk. ftiul i<Hking Op a*
llif* *‘|otujtt pH.'-'ing dtiwK over hiftl, hla
thou dps rfv iU*i to fhi' fiua * Inn flu IN*d 1
i n-h i'V:i aiao and I piiili hS' , *. ft id tin box of
raond >“ !w rtMtir tf ip nit < f il*. nttK ami
: It* In "id iiiM hii \N d'dnin. afb r faking
j ofl fin bail?* put lh<* | mss dot in a iai n* iron
pof and w!it b\ tin* fin* to df) liitL Hr**
pop!" and i *il and i • !t Ia 'pnnif of a oil
I o|i a i dropp m! Li tbi# |<nsdor I all
j bn' k \N illium, fall l- uk. anym tin
1 W Mi'.'..* laid don* MP on! of tin* d'lm
i I*ll* A|?j<r vsf4 obu lls Ifunwdlluit if waa
Hf \lI II VS if kH !m fop* ill ITniVI lnl
A pi! lbo hi* thought of tho tinu* vs lion
|ln liio and tin* loldie4 t* Rfiul a lifft’iir fur iiitn.
and ju“t a** In* nunintf 1 In hoard tin* ssoul
“halt ujd In* dn*hnd down f!u* hill tvsno
t) n. lo t Ihillr wlilz/’ and fv( t bin In iml.
Tin r<‘ vs a inuif in tin ait a * In* f ioHOftd
'h* Ih/!!<**. but In f w Jipi and ssi'li fin* lofK uf
h > l.fton^s-.
\\dillo ruminating on ru li ph anani rf*Sill*
•< i oi-*- tin Major ft 11 ii*Joi*p. |,fo fmi
!l tin* I alamo H# R4iii| “My friend,
Hr*d bln** you, ‘ Home IJiing ff ivshng ost f
n*. t a* vsHktfinn I Ihfiiighl at lir*f ii
, vs a* tin bailor, blit tfu n vshrii oohl. hliok
j filling alfout tin tiling that rnadf rny flofcli
jura*!. 1 ovum. lb* rt
’ Imt/i 4 \^ftfr*fSft / >r’oftb l |n Id lad fniMod fllxiut
hi* htfth#* aHovr rnv noay ora* ghftoring
’* vo fofkmf **ilglit infirnihu . biw tongiif 1
i playing in and raff of Id# ntmitli Jiko kliool
lightning during n hirrif*ftfu' My friond,
lih** m/u ! I f*xpoof 1 hollori'fl, for
that anako tu< k‘d hn* Juh/I, and mdng rny
►but fvolhir o|M*n, ain! thinking it a Raff hhl..
injr pJaf f gliflofl right flown into my lm*
1 btur* had ih* ciadcfrtft; did
■ iriWJ |M*, fM i'n.bkrwn up with guapewfler,
•shot at try Vftk<*l, tmt Hint wju tin* worat
I ovor y<f, inU• Xtiaf wnako wn*
J ••'punning Hbfrtjttlm pft* *nmy nVHrituih, hi#
Invid on urn* ri'lc, ilia tub <>r tin* fth#*r.
n liekliiig roc im ike •hon rih*- 41., w l c-A
I'm! of that shirt I don’t know, The first
thill” I ret**et W* that snake's tail
<li,ippir iinijar a ’ pile of nruah in the
<reck.' •-
■ Maj'ir, was yon-arare.l F* • *.**
Well, slitrfitl.v. st ranker <i<i hle*f v*^ 1
*!ipW!y yes. sir slightly.”
How Fhoriiian Deliver* .Speech
! .N.swit),standing the ass, itiou* that S<-e.
tr 'ary Sherman is not using tfu aftn u>
1 forth er bis .anilidary for tf***
j moninatioo, every once in * „wbitg u tM>m
i orr, to tie: eirlace ftrlticb he
way. A prominent j*.,iiticumn4tnTenne3
S M e say* that his Htote ssled M|
sia rnisn’r Maine *l* . ehjSjbCtgrt in Tlftfß
ury envelope*. This is Mw ausd. {Stf
j. ..f . TMrHMtil^^RfijKC
pril 1..! on "i.mi n r.oti<* t/
. using them f>,r private aSfSrtM
- av.Ad the payment of fesnoge Hu# bt
; Me to • fine of three liundred d‘46®* ' Mm
Hherman must feel ihtr
very deeply to attempt to
breaking the law f-Vahirorw>| Hnijial A
l be NT. World * A*
Burning ffor Thirty-six Yours, i
3 r--
Ch*r! tte N. C., Thserver
Aln Hit. tiir'?. yeiys ago the Oh'Vrver it
fxtf-’ed the case of ,i ei'iz.on <>f litis county!
who, having married in IS4B, lighted a tire
on hi* hcarUi-stonc as s.snj as lie carried his
'bride to his new homo, and had kept it j
'.mi ning over si:.. o The ottieon was in
own yestoroSav. mid being ipiostiotusi alnsit
the manor, stated that the the was still
burning, and that thro igtiout all those 1 Dir
ty six year* it had never lxvn nTowod to >?'
nut IjuoatiCkU'.l as to wh.-thernr not ini.udi
tlk n ora utvoomifiirt.d*!v hf* ill torrid Wrath
or. ho said tho rvtrn heat thus generated
was not p.AttFptible in reply to a ’ottun i
ipiestinn, lie tklht that in summer weather,
w hen it you ftffctweary for eomfort’s sake to
keep the fcv‘burning very low, he hud to
gel up fr|.V;v at tiMu UJ repientah it
ml{ ...i adpfe,, | I* ttHi* aft taillilii
whon lie is’titomplatod the idea of that flte
going out. lie lias eviihmtly formed
ha ii a strong attai limont, and yet one
s iudd no* take him for a sentimental man.
But this lh is to him a c instant reminder
ot the day when he that brought home his
bride. • Around it his children Imve grown
141 into ina hissl and womanhood.and their
ni l's have r ased into its light. It was the last
light that fell upon the eves of Ids wife, and
In hopes that it will lie the last that will lull
upon his Viewed thus, his sentiment in
the matter 1 in !• ttndiTstmal, and so strong
is t|ds sentiment that with the old man it
amounts to a passion.
(Iras.sltopp-T Soii|t.
I o tid mul Mutiji \ il!< \s ih< hubft *.
hufj* < :ui he ?r*n. In ;i;ift jinturul (In :n ;m
c tiii'n* -•iiP fl fhf waniurs .uul #f|Uft\v# ! (hr
tribi (jirir visfm* ru<! (Ik It rfiuhim* mid! Ihulr
iiiiiitH, Jill inlrul upon (hr .*< f nmplUhm<*n(
<*f (hr umnil nwilf \k u*<uhl, tin* mcjhw#
il 1 lhr work whllr Ihrlr n>blr !<r*l?* kilt on
lhr rri f’ii hw ai tl MinoUf* ihi ir* pip*M, Jlml
ilrc-ft'nilv I /i 1 \ yu/.r upon Ihu tvimlhrs try
ti ft I.M I huz/tn-r hfippriM lh;if (il! ihr me iui
ilrvuur vry- ',*t*> Thu #'HlU\vr. runylug
r.Utr KhllJM' l bftkf*(M of l?r*Mt ill Mi.f|l
ihf* ! f niHr,l|f ppri ■* Willi t fall hhftfH fl illiplc*
turiil hllu (hrr bit -Ivf'tM, ftlifl wbr.i I.4ft|ff|
f .41TV till* W: r ’;lin£ mrtvf of ii*4f*rl mto 4 Ti)p,
1411< 1 tliru pH*pfiru Ihftft lor Imm| '1 lm
ra* * lioppi’i s. klllril au<l HtlliMc Ijtirull) ill !, cl,
tin* niixrit w lifi • fi>hf i! j inf ifi( *r hirk(*i
whf ul ntiil iftftfh* lulu a non of Ilnur, whh li
lis itflf i wftnlM niiulr into brnul nn.*.l i• •li
tfUH lu til' pftlalr of il Wlirihof,
\ i-ii#tk to th' < jtmp tin* it!wit> h iiivili ft —In
.I'vri iMft.4/*f wp!) Iwlutn lifwijuiftllty, o pa
tftkf <if thr rwrrtp'mnl, Mfl jfrrwl • Iln* mm
to.lihlilUf'lil oI JhW.r 1.0 111 lllf* ll| ;'l|cl Id
p? *m<l |iy Uf whilf man ba thin kinl "I
■ I ">U* in Ui' liiiliU'l and 'l '/I Hi'* Ilrtliari it
ii- iiu'oiupiflif -i i ilr 11 nit imy of kliohlil it
j Jf'f I ffKwl will' I il Iliß VOT'Uf lllm ' flrMui 'l
jM# bf‘il|ji ' ‘IJIUI h'*r puu'l 1 I ii< krf (N* \ )
| !(r|Mjl>!l au
I Yonoiiii is in I lie *•
Tlii' Witxliin/ton Republic hiiyn Henabir
Mi { firry, oi l\rniiii k> ini a salary of
♦ '>,ooo h yew wived over i|'4,oW, maj <lur
ing *ix year - in I lm Nuiate laid In %2Ii,W)Q
It In related "I hhti I but In ml up all nigh'
OfK ttytOi ft 'ill I* playing |(kor 111 a ten
! mil limit, lu till’ morning mhhc friend
naked hilt) flow la calm: o it '( nine mil,''
•mtd he, "why I lW fifty ' • nt* imlcker limn
hell CoiiMawiri’h* f' litln i' Senator |)a
via, although n thrice mlllcMuire, inn little
rlir' lit III* personal cxfiense*. Dining the
titling of flic sw’iiai': jt in his hub! i (o go in
' Ann* Mary, the [>!<• Woman ill Um corridor,
I )or hi* ]iincli Imying hit hand <i u plate
|M ciikiw of aj.jiW. he aaliK "How much
|r- tlyytr i” "Tw:o ceijU,” , "And tie He
Uying W* Wl.'l OH another |<lale "Three
I’etita ” "f)!i. Mary, you're loujdgh." Then
|e: will buy a piece of {hi; null a g'lUn of
loijja, mi 3 a: uutmg at fjl I:
wbl#AlßQ I*l loeln J hy *fyt :
!rii<|iitlH(v , it.
• *• -
i The following was uttered by Jbmlel
WehHier, in a ajmeeh in the Hermte of the
i'nited Hiatus. It idiniilit la- in everlHHtfng
remetTibrant*: "Kir, I *av it ft employment
thru mulo* the panpl* happy, Mir, tbi*
truth ought never to ta- forgot tab • it
ought to placed wpon the till* page of
wtry bol#* polities! economy Intended
tnr America. It ought to hi’ piaeryf (n ew
tay farmer 1 * magazine and muchankfs map
aaine It should teproclai rul’d everywhere
not Willi ulantflult what we ho*rof tile title
iuinaas-Rimd. I admit llw high uanfulnuwi-wf
cheapf(d—ijotwitksjutnding that the gryat
! fifth should la-
non id he made into a could
I that where tfier/) i* worfr forjd*o hand* :uul
ißuew, tlgre will tie work for tinny Uajth
rre tyi#, fat
yjAjOta.i: t A/^l*c
' An Angry Congrcsaniun.
[Virginia, Nrv ('hrouielp ]
There is now no doubt as to how < "on
gusesmah Daggett stands on the railroad
qurutlon. lie is sound "onversing with
a f'luoniele reporter the* other day, he
said ;
••'l'hi' raitroad jus -pie no the pettiest J
Kind of gouge re They U.yrui to show 'their j
hand at Oini.tin. In the ttral plaee itm fuixp
triad ttuiaha to Ssu KrnJnuseo is n liundred j
dolijis and iittv ents and everybody who!
buy s u ri.-ket stops to growl anti ask wind j
I hat fitly taints is lor. They ore t.Jd that
the hull dill!at is simply Ike profit made on |
each I guess the hum li ed dob j
lurs nearer the pri'lit tlnin the half |
"Then Limy grab your trunk and shove it J
behind h grating to lm weighed. You eau’t
.* Urn statlea at all, and you haw no idea,
trivm the, .wight until a man rings out
“eight dollars and thirty cents over weight,"
and you have to ptingle the money or your
trunk don’t go. Now toy trunk was to
fttniill ttn affair that 1 could throw it over
my ahoiildcr. hut they ran up the weight to
560 (Kainds. I’reliably it did weigh that (
much when a 500 pound Iwggage uuuttel
was sitting on il.
“Well,. 1 paid bteunse l luuln't hut two
luinutcH to tight ; and at. (IgdtlU lije ling
gage villain still pursued me, and I paid
some more extra weight It weighed more
at (Jffden probably heemtse a heavier man
ant on it, or else the rurifled nt mosphere af
ivied tin wales Then eiiming evil (lie
moiralnlu then w e some extra charges In
ropes But I'll get i vei"„l.'ll "’vt ewj:u..™. .!
■ 3on see 1 am entitled, ns a member .ii ’
"outii i. to six hundred volumes of Agti
. nil unit Reports, two hundred Purveyor
t Seiii 1 i’. i Reporis live hundred Patent <*l
! flei Reports, and si vi ral thousand other
lin ox \ volumes of i ipiatlx i veiling charm
ter "
it. 11,,1i \rr llies.. re Oorts ever read V
Reporter Arc reports ever read V
Mr. Daggett, M t'. Oh, yes ; the print
ns who act 'em up are obliged to read ’em
\Vi 11, rinse arc sent to my address free,
and the railroad people have to cany ’em
for nothing under tlieir ttstml p.istal eon
tract w ith the United Htates -loverntnent
the biggest govemmeht on earth, air. Then
111 give one copy of the agricultural ro
mance to farmer Treadway Httil a copy of
the geological Actions to I’rof. Htcwnrt.
All (he rest I tid'd myself.
Iti poiler For what purpose?
Mr Daggl'd. M <’ Why, you see, I'll
put my frank on ’em and ship 'em to /aeh
f‘handler In Michigan, and lie'll frank 'etn
,o-.t w.iit Iwrk. ni.,t "It, V to iignln
and redirect ’i i to h! n ; and these books
Iw o ions of’citl, tiy <1 and! will go l-acti
and foi lh ovci Ihnl blasted road free until
the next session of ('onpri as. when i'll get
hold of Hot it* more and stall them alonghm.
I propose to k's p |he hiMiks in motion until
they wear out, and then I'll hoc (In' and and
company for dm - Oh, I'll sicken 'em
of the extra vvi'l,#d dodge t Don't you for.
get it
liv ci v mi ruing the ('nngn*ssmati g "s
down to the depot and poke# about among
the freight for his Iwaiks. They have not
arrived, but he expects them every day
Tivosiiifti' Kf’iifro.
After liia election in JH77, Mr Kciifroe
found It extremely dillii ull to nhlain sure
t k’h on iiia hond of ifegOO.OtlO among Ilia
frlenda While he was endeavoring to
rompletc hit bond, mime gentlemen inter
cateii in haul!*, ofTeria! to furnish the neces
sary security on condition that they lie si
lo wed to designate ci’rlain himkx wherein
the treaaurer •liiaild ih'p'wit the state mon
ey. The t remain.’! agreed and tin; Imnd
wan completed. Tor tin; favor ex' ended
tbem tin ae haul’ll proposed to allow theae
sureties g percentage on the monthly liulun
rea of llie state deposil*. 'Die auretlea In
turn offered \< and did divide the pereent
age witii Mr Heiifroe. i lie treaaurer ail-
Inita that hi* allure was probably more than
>?5,000 though la- kept tio aecmnl of it
Tiiia ia li.H pwn Matimicnt.
Heetion 7 of article If of the dale of INTIi
j- aa follow* : ’"lfe the ttreiiiiurcr ) may,
under the direction of the governor, depoa
it all fuijda 't ajiarl for .the jiurpoeea of
education or for any other purpose not re.
iptired for immediate uae, in any eluutered
bank of ilda atate, autijeet to bia draft aa
treaauri’r, and with lilt governor make
aiich e■ uitract wftjlarid bonk far (lie uae of
auch ftinifa aa l#*y f@® brWusfief al*V < I lie atate.
Tiiia weiiiK lArtn Wh—tn r lliere
ia a ntoMy in tig atnti-'a
tn-aaury mm may depoUt •ttch aiir
plua in a 1 fbt?f|M£Llmnk, after wbi'b. not
alone, fmt with tfc#gbf eni'ir, b'’ 4m!l maki
a eonlriu’t for the hh* of Mb raoney li'-nefl.
did to the atate, mit th< tr' a-ur/ r.
Again ; auction 9of name article aaya ;
"He (the treaaurer; (hall uot, under any
drcuingjapia a, use iiiinmjf, or allow other*
Mj w* tlie fg/ida of the atate In hia hand* ;
and for every vtolarton of thin section, he la
liable to fhe state for the sum of live bun
jhwd doflara a* * penalty, or f'irfeitiirv of
PHhry. if said forfeiture wifi pay the penal
• Manured.” If tb<- treasurer in reo<Avmg
yfunati from a bank fa eotialderalion of the
-ilepMNZdia rain rnoia-y la:longing to tin:
.>ulHflb.'t allowing Hthm to use l la- fund”
for iiia aid Hu ,r la m tit v. ha' la
■BHHBgUi :•(>••' io.i ■ " i ’
||> •”'( v>’ fee '■er',
ate or mmp< iMatlnn, ntluvr than their *aht
ritm, s prcscrilval by law, cxnupt their nu
wsarv expenses when ttsvmt ftvon the oret
>t government on bulfi?ks'Tbf'ttle, state."
I'liis needs no ixitnment.
Paragraph 7. of same section and article
i ads as follows.: The treasurer shall not
tie allowed, ihtvellv \r iudipvetjy resetVW
in. fee, or, n'.ward front, imy .per.
*>n, I sink or . . i poration, for thy deposit or
nse in in guy inanner, of the public fund* ;
and tin g. ueta! assembly shall enforce this hj sttitahle penalties ” Thin needs
its miieh i >mmcnt as >Ue 4’Oingraph last
But Air Uenffisv eite the ro*o|ulion of
the genertd aMcmbly hi the wise of IVi’asur
i r Angler, who had been sued toarecover
inlerv'St. Very good, but if taking! 1 hUftTSL
wap all right, why did Mr. Jyggriy
from the courts, w ltere the l*w would b
enfureta!, to the teglsbture which oouid, in
III* (M, make an ettecptlou IFdt saw At T
Ihsaitisi' the fitw was against hitn, and he
hoped to lie relieved liy the legislature for
spin iai rcnso'ia.
Mr Rinifroe reei lved one ftiird of this in
tiTiWi..which he admits was more than *5,-
000 : so tluU he and Ills sureties now lifted
over * la.OOO of the statg’s jnOlu'V. In the
face of the law ami admitted hu ts wo do
dot propose ui intimate that the investiga
ting committee xvill either exonerate the
treasurer or report to the house without ex
pressing an opinion upon the evidence then
to he Hiilmiitlfd. (tiainesvillr Argus.
A Little Romance <>f Brand*
New 3 ,ak LettiT in "hleago Inter-Orean.
I liri e pm ttj 3''ting girls from .li rsex city
hail li ft tin f• riy In at to walk up the eh'VH
b and load, and tnihn kily were provided
with only one whah bone and silk revering
for their heads The narrow sidewalk
made it tiii| .-ltd, for three to walk nhreast,
and enlist ipiently. one of them, who Was nd
drch.wd as Annie, m l ived all the drippiugn
from the i avrs of the umbrella upon her tltl
Hellish la ml.
\ gentleman walking just behind them
until ed this, and trii and us unolitmshely as
possible, to shelter her with his own. For
a block or so she ignored the attempt, hut
finally wa. b a veil, In i rousing the street, to
mi ejit the courtesy, which she did with an
*iil ill fin : .-il bow. Il lmp|>cnod that the
V'lblli had been well brought up, and under
stood Ia i bar lest hf should in any wny
take advantage of his courtesy tube int
pdtlm tit, unit being of u rush mtsentevou*
Inrn of udnd, In waited till he caught her
' ye, as ale-looked slv ly up, when, assu®*
la-'that '•lar' 1 limit so often seen'on Ifni
fnies of lie deaf and dumb, he pathetically
'...celled Ids finger to his lips, nnd shook Id*,
The girl looked o Immensely relieted
that la e.-m.e Hr laughing right out ; espe
cial', v when :iiii:oiiiii ed that he was spceeh
less she howtil she wasn't liy rpiletly <il>-
M'lvie,. to m.e oi Inr friends, “Oh, M*ry,
Isn't it too laid this liandotne young man 1*
di af and dumb ?"
Mary thought II was, and wondered
how il was lie i ver got along In the world,
and, much to the iimmteinenl of lids knight
of the umbrella, the throe proceeded to dis
cuss him girl fashion, and from the color of
his eyes to the cut of his clothes he was fill,
ly criticised, "Annie' decided that, as a
husband, In- would be SA.N* nui'Hoi’n*, nev
er swearing, lever scolding, making slfcnco
golden. '
When they reiulad the station (he three
girls bowed and smiled and grimaced tlieir
gratitude; when, tu tlieir prufnund horror,
the youth, with a swift smile, raised hi*
hat, remarking with painful diatlmfness.
that lm was very happy to have linen of
service. With a supjioaoisl shriek, the
merry n aids rusbifl up tb wlmling spurs,
Hnd the yodiTr walked on, whistling "Beau
tlf-il Is er-Udlar "
Sly Heyrmrd.
A Sctiuaif linn Valley correspondent of
ihi: ( hnUajcogu Times, relates that a few
'lays ago, in a fox '-haac, tiie party were
'vmipletely l.iifflcd liy tin- sudden nti'l unac
oounUhlo disnppeuranee of tlieir game.
! Hut the next morning I lie w ife of Itev.
; John Alley, v.hile sweeping Dm: floor, found
I *ly Iteynard umier h< r bid, where he had
kepi quiet all night waiting a to Ml.
eape* In Ute aurj.rlae ho disappeared wilh.
ou* bidding adieu. . , ~
I A woman opened it millinery store in Uw
western part of the fltjr, aitys an naohange
engaged a pninter to jaditt bet a sign.
WMn It route liome the oilier day she row
that If read '“Mr** J. iihink, etc./ fk jl
she called out “You have got an
Mrs and you musl jiaint the sign Afer
again.” Tlie f wittier saw the error hut; did
tv* want the Job of i-fiert-etrnir ft, aad b* rr
plied : ‘ M.elain haven’t you had two Utta-
Iswida i" *’Vea air ” “Von wear a Mr*.
wIM-ri you l<d the first V “I was.” And
do you tinnk that a woman can sfJ on mar.
ryiog forever and not lengthen ojit her title?
Mrs. means a married woman or a widow-.
Mrss. tiumtiH a woman who haa boeu ifiar
ried tw icc axtd young enough to jte married
again, and ordy yesterday a rich old coon
was in our shop and said if lie had any idea
you were heart free he’d Mime up— ‘ Oh
well y<si can nail up the xjyn she In*errup\
"ft and it is there to day. ! * 1