Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether (founty Vindicator
VOL. 7.
AT $3.00 l*Eti,A>vM M, 1..N ADVANCE.
< Iffice North Side of the I*ubfic Square.
Space Iwk 4 wks j3mo|Bmo j 1 vr
1 ißch 100 250 430 '4* (HI •12 ltd
2 inches 150 500 ,8 50 10 00 15 00
li inches 200 800 1000 : 1500 25 00
j cni 5 (VO 10 00 j 2000 3500 ,35 00
104 700 15 00 i35 00 35 00 |OO 00
1 ivii 10 o*l 20 at) j 3500 8000 , SIOO
A litwru! deduction made to those
adv erasing iff- lie- month or year,
I> W :.i A \\ return* ttumks tolii*
t >r |wst tii\trs and Lopr* in tin
fiKmri to Ih* abU' to f urn id i Uhmh wiilt
Mtint ink-. Oils am! all
otlu i art u it > u;t n< rally in bin lint* on UtU-i
Rniih limn h’n*toftrr.
TTw**- tinjr l>rnj> ft >m him
util be furnifttn'd with priori prion* Fuki
*f ( imrgi
Patrcuu”t* it! tin* Peo)i* of
MfinvctluT ivspi’otivcly Ii<*i-
38 bm
Wmt ii t ■' I <ir Stile 1 ! ’
•j II |HI "ill l.s run. , Edward. Island,
•MM * and 100 H.oih In .if lb:>t Hu.i
I'lnf I ‘rit t ♦,'> tttlls JM'I I
\ \ * ) I I hninl f• i t mhl a
V Ii **, half ll<|M I'-Wtf ilrMvk YY.llft r
I tit ,i,tl *n< *♦ t• > *t| limit! I'ufTnio l*iU il
hwjKiiat*t Flit t El .niMm. ami S* |Niral<*r
t ■>miMtu'l ff l; I t rinw < Tt*h \pp|y fit
tin Utah *4 luilrtt Soutl| t*asf_ of
Oi. • u v ilit
A * 'vw l<#h
i.i i) i .•> \ i
V. • t It. . I
| *(4 A< "t t‘A t .!t.ut.i M; AMi IlMAtlOi Is
AN aft ]*•*. ( *! * K*
Jrwrlri Sjlvt-r \N nr*
'Fa’th* I'iit4 v,
Sjrt tl* 4 A
lliH bi" n (i\i 'l a Fun* Sftitik t
\\ aU •! •>
Jt wi In
< hit, 118
0 Hull'cr* At
f*f { Inn i- ' >* 1 *l l >f# I *r tin 1 \Hjf
V'. in *H y‘**i ?ir\t!iin/ in in) Urn a*rlnup 1
. yt:b. L-rji/al in )i-<\ 4t v in Hi -' a*'' j
A : ; my /*> **i un NS otwn-w m t *r *
<tf J wi |**/1i * % ul N* • Ml*-* fur .til kinl*
<f •’ V in;' M V‘ ilifli'* 1
Kiamioii tn <1 n-v l* n;il *tru •.< r
•*!'* 9 iM ift 'i fr an tiv titi/i tut nt ,
M riwftlM r
*2*. sitj
m \ vr rxt’TrßKßs </• amj wuuraiv
Take pleasure in annouaung to the uti.
zens of Meriwether and ariysining C'emties,
that they have on hand and will constant!)-
keep the (.skoxst aud itsr selected aswst
meat of BOOTS A HIJtiEH in mtrrm.z
ocobuiA, Artx.vTx not excepted, sod that
they will retail them at the
They offer their
Homemade Brogaaa <g> f1.50 per pair.
“ Kip Wranewßhoe* f 1.50 " "
“ Childre* 1 * Copper Tip @fioo “ "
They offer most srastx.vrixL moods, aad
invite tytevaoDr to come and examine
before wasting their money da mainn j
22 Hill St.. Griffin. Ga |
* . _____
linos in liKtnory of little Scott, infant
mof (.apt. R. A. and Mrs. V P. Ut-itnl,
He is ttime ! the mother's swei't j.-y.
The father’s pet, the ehtldren's toy .
5 es. tlie loved little
Is tsken in life's early morn.
ti\tt, darling little J-cott is gisie.
There me so many trials in life.
S uiueb of discontent and .su, . ;
dial know s it all, and He sow tn-st,
Ami gave the little wiind'rrr rest :
Sleep, little Scott, for thou art bleat.
\ *
Not oft are ertTttlly hoja'S fultilleil.
Hut oft by grief our hearts are ehilhil,
Aud huiiuui life is void and vain.
rx> tls ma w ish him back again .
5 mir little SeiHt in free from pain
t lisla, He softly his head,
t'tiat link- form is dear that’s dead
Minis, sing swta'tly luound the s|s t.
Make bright the grave i.l linte Sntt,
He w )t• ih riiiul but Hot t *i^t*l
In rvrtlm.H of liiiii vlinv anvi ls r.iuiti
flu* stars. SotUI lint a iioim*.
!* i liajs bis liritr om s hen li ’ll guilt.
'l'hrmgii gold*n antral*tlw Fatht *< sub
When NM arv sttuL art satiMtird
Mii itole^.
Two mt n writ talking N-u may nay
wliat you hsiid oik , I an m>t Ik
lit*\t‘ fhiit^t b*i vv(HiJti first imp tv. laws *n
• lii'UK . Milt! lilt’ll \ lola If lllb lit W N wltilf
■$ tir-'- 1 Uu.dSt, '£ X.W6 v/ . >' f 'l*r v"
mi re o t asily ml rtMliif 1 ? '
”1 dtn v l know, mi, wha! (bnl may iUf .*i
w hal lif Will liot lu.' s,’tnl Uk oflu’i \n \
n vriviilly bui I tin uoi i .-aitl ;t ti.irafif
tube flu vi lint it in of flu* laws if nat Hi
Ma n is no violation of flu laws <,f mitinv
oi nillirr of ilif laws of Uhl. (hal I ki low ft
Mtvt* tin witki l acfioiis i tf wii knl mrti ’
NN bat thfii do you rvpard a uiirat lc to
1m; t"
1 it/ ti‘l if f . br iiitTiiv such an infrr
(• Ft lit ( W ifll flit (sfabllhlKtl roilix* of I bmps
a* infallibly us tb< pifs< tii and fin*
atiion >'f Mipt i naf lii.-tl j tow i r NN bat
IM •*" li iw it with \ot| Np if t< m | pli’.tm
If It* half past t w<'l \• i \HClly ” |(*plU;d
Y\ rll Mir Maid h< pulling out Ids
wah L it i *mo’rlth U vvilh im I p n
ialj\ lot puiy wal. h:l liU! forwllrtl. hut
I j.*;a\ I* ■ l rM*ft, now, fn s<;
I u*,vtip tI. * 11• i nul.. ;tv f i!*• , y imi im i
Ia n ! • •• h 1 1.... ** . * imw f '* K;
!t f! tin la \of Hit WiiU'ii ? I hav v 11*iit*
what w.ifflidoitj with all lt liiV\>, tould
H'rt hav4 donf for itm if bnf I havi dom
vtoh net* to iioim* of itulawt my iwrUon \h
•*u \ an inti tfi mmic of mijm riot infi*lli/i-nt
hir a Mtdtnhlr *ml I )ihvi MUNjMmli and m>
law huf>p'% imstiadof h-v w.ili )i, Uk
Hiiivi rsi iuMliad of moving of Hk hands
I I da t .j* woilldlv )f Idlmo’lf ami you
hav< all that I < otifi*fid< and for iu ji iuii:i |i* ,
moth** words tin* ompa *t lunabh* pns un
of a mr/htv fmiid, working tin divim will,
and if Im in y ftt tn vtotk rjiinn li < who <an
him!* r him '* What ran- binder • lb hu
done it ofmiM’i ftrail om i* or twt< - alo adv
ami win) dare mh\ he rimv tot 11. it a,’.bn V"
Sunday Mapa/bi*
\ Painful i"'.'i i.•
1 ' nU’fiky inoruillg w fdh wVI U or i/ht
old t if i/j m* weo lioMiny down t hnira and
hi r* o #i Nlitikei<f grurery, and unart
umamly at r r *mg that this win* tin pnati k(
t rttnfrv on *arth, a atrammr #*ntered and
f.tlr rm n I Muppox you no nit farm!
tar with |4o’ifie "
NV* :r< . ' t l,i \ replied in a ejiurufc
Ad y>m ktMw nl! a!s;ut fh f'i'*daim rit
al prin< iples of liis r'v
“We do.”
Well I'm glad of il Vir I've made a 1s t
with a feller law k la-re an to how tie- rend,
ing of tie- (kxistitulion Isgiri" Oncol v-.u
jus. write in* down th. first ten w ird "
1/iJe ti- if U f'.a.a *twt> jC I's-tetk ftr-iy
man ts-gan srvah-hing his limhl aud cau'e/tn
y eyeing in* Heights r < tin: ts'gmi neiUer
ng Now I lay me down to - .' and a
second said something aliout ' Kesolve/I,"
arel Uiird wrote mi tin top of a > r;vker
t*x “On motion, it wa*. vobyl lll4’
that ."
j There was a great de-! 'if coughing anil
sn's-zing are I imt: blowing, w Ix-n a ts<y
i catnc in awl said the stranger’s bone luvi
| rtin away, out and seven fn:<-n
| brightened up aud smiled and seven men
I dr/k fresh' chews of VAnu/xj aud trie<l not to
i i'X/k Vyi important. wbu the gr-s ■ r *ail
‘The ( oustimuon ? Why, every 00c <rf
1 yiu can repeat it by h art w ith your eyes
ahnt —’rf e-sirae you can,”
There is <mt thing that GencraJ Grawt de
serves credit for lie knows how to make
a speech that never iiores his audience with
its iengrh. and never evowded out of
the j>aper for want of space. Ex/ har-ge. i
When General Toco Thumb was in the
*how buaioesa be was entitled to the same
credit for the same re-aivm IR it
much easier to commit to memory short
speeches prepared for him fry his managers
’han iong ones. u av News.
Salaries of Public Officers.
FYasu the Athuitn Disimh h
C\>l. H. 11 J ones, w riting uhi i^aper. tit
, ibo wrotohcnUy low snlarit'B tmid to State
ofliot rs, says : “The*i* wr\' utterly inaiie
duate to supply even llw wruiUr of
a family, and hence there ia no alttrnative
but abject fKivertv i>r i.iakii.g a *mtw* w
S4>mewhen% thox- who an' beguiled into
act'epting office, unless Uiey are
iof abundant means.” I bis is uier*
try . Many and many n man in ih'uridtt
a larger family than any state of
fit ial on a much smaller salary. There i* a
j grout diflfeicntv lH*i\vtH*n i*< .vu. tny and ex
travagancc Udwivn legitimrte and illeglt*
j iu^e ! expense*. • [Aug. Um*u.
M e enlireh agree with the Chronicle aud
t'onatitutionaliat. The notion that public
; office# wort* eivated for the purjvn# 1 ..f milk
: ing men rich, is a mistake, at least far h*
> this country' is conccrm<V he idea is one
iKiirowetl trom file hereditary and uohllity
-y sterna i I Europe, where the acioitv of eer
lain families art <unsidi uil l he entitled to
xpe: si l b true principal iii our Kepub*
i li* an system is that little should be fair
pa\ fi i real set \i> is tti tla Stair*, ami the
jusi im.usurt of such pay would be hlhui!
ih >.'Uiie ns that which similar aeryiets
t <u!d etumnniitl in private husim -v eatuh
"Ih guiled iub iuveptiug offit'e” is a rich
and original mod* I exfiressing it \N o
hu\i sti ii it.a is i ardt lit .cub iafe trying'
to Ih k uile' tin* pttiple to el *et him, but
we would Iraki'u Koletuii uHitlavit that we
’ rs ' yH k• ' 4 w all w 1 *x. ij- the
P* * pb ; rrieifti*! laguftc any IniVn to take an
• dti* e which pnai ttvi i one tiiouxaud tiollars.
I lie t*difi>t of the 1 t legmpli has either been
beguiled into an innoeeiit belief Hu*
Many ('it i/euv’* v. bo usu il'y muki* eallw
ihlotlgli the m W sp.tpi IN oil lilt'll to bt'.mie
* ‘undulates are really i imllfif mh*, <n he is
hlinst lf try ing to jtatiu oil a good joke on a
rit duhais public It the State n .dly be
guiit il or t taint i itm *I nien into taking >iliet*,
Hut. would b more jlUtlhv ill tin* deiiituitl
ha salaries liiglit r than the -same men eould
p-M ure by similar w -uK in private eiiterpri
Hut tin i 'at.' does no mui li tiling
M\er\ munis ptffetily free to dt-Jim the
ill epluiice of |IHV olliee wbox* pay he
t looks too small I n Ins s< i'. it i a r M'spfaiHi
bi lit it s I ben Is riot the least danger in
tl* world Unit there will not br p>nt‘ f ~f
otliei im i ready to t,.. . t * \\ e
verb tin TtT pr*. lio Ii: ii Jiri 1 Hi it
W i I he imi.mlh rs of t >i j t !> , ; t
4 . l rviiMurt r,
w itlfilieir two lliOiirit id tlollar sal a it’.a ami
lfbt rul allowance for el ik hire Tin- Stall*
will muiliri have to **‘4h<*igijil it'-r to
'hia prim nt i t'!y ii-ljn.i wjnutx
tr:i\a /ant sahun m should not b*- b sto’.yi i
It is a time 1 l ", wages in* es * s private
bu -iliesH Ihe public tuXt .U it H*;V\ a Imjl*'
dell to the peopl. ami many cun not pay
them Without fe.'Mi i Ini hg property lliale<ifot
Hi' u * oinlort Ihi ■ via y t hmg this dill)
ttt procuring remiMcrniivt employ*
im nt in private Imihiim s*. eoml cch greatly
to tin tlt iiioi’ili'/i jig hfiamblt for publh* of
h* * i. eoiunion f.• now da\w llk*
|av i.fM limn lire honor that cmi'ch it.
Ili 'li ''h will only ngj/rivale th* evil.
If model,ii. Halurit v have un iiiounne' in
*liuiii>isbing it. even in iliaf way they me
v. li<ime and iM tiefir iul, !/*' piihlh oMI
eei t* have fait |:#\ hr tljeif work, but llot
Mich I ; t pliM't'M as w ill “beguile He people
to for Hake their Ibid* of privnt* hilror in the
u'tejijpt (iiHfipfKiinting to tin* lur*/** nmJ‘M‘l
- to net un official p*iHifionM
I.outlier in ono Hour.
N* umlcrful im the change* that huv* fM**n
♦ fft' t .lof It*# yearr* in Uk- iminnfai’tnie <1
h aliier by Hie nw of * hemi# als and mru bin '
cry m tin plat * of lia old fie*li)o*.et|'tan pit
and tlk slow i.minp ila'ion <,f the currier
anil tann.-r If some < f our old leather
inunubv turers r.-ould Is losum <.*• .1 men
who wi-rc ar r ustoiM il Vi -s*k their hid' ,
for -. c.>umuml. ujs - i Hymr ryw) >f ..w-tjr W
• < rtain seaw/ns how they would stare to
iw e the present pr-<f;< ce But every day we
! hear of something new- infills direction. A
’ joint stor k company veu, recently formed in
, Detroit f'ir the jairjs/s' of mm i'ig leatln r in
one hour. V, e give tli< info- cation for
' what il is worth, bot it <!'*-•■ irs-k like sleight
I nl luiri-l The jiror ois a chgiiiical one
|M.-rformcd by the action of <.ertuin expen
sive materials , the compounding of wlifili
in th*; right proportion* is a secret It is
daim<xi that rotes, tarmod with tie- iiair on,
Hl‘ srift UK 'the finest W'sil bide* of the
i ih.-cr, tl'irw, dog, etc , an- snnsitli and soft,
while calf and kid show the texture and
gram which shoemakers irmsi. admire. N->
bark is rerpiic and except a liltie to give tlie.
profs-r .xilor lo llm I'.ath' r. Bark is worth
\r ii, fit a rsvrd, ami s.lsmt 'w< hurjdrrd
cords are rrsiuirerl )-, tan 1.000 hidr-s by the
cr/mmon metliod. '1 wo cords would be
sufficient P- give the proper Color U> the wtuie
uurnber of hides, and the saving in this item
will la; enerrmiuH. V e und -r land ths.t. the
( .'im\mny are turning 'ejt from two thou
sand t/> three thousand hides per n-omlis.
How'is arti(j4c is w< ;tring we have not
been able Pi awjert ur. isit shall watch tht
res .rit with intgrext.--Commercial B .Ik-*
Ttio nuiu with a glass Eye.
; Reeky Mountain News.
As* train on the Khiurs Pkeitie pullitl
avnaFftlan he Sixtoenth depot, a tew mom-
a tall, angular iptH-iuien of hu
**** * *W4t opjxwite a lady ]NWBcnjfor
and.’to all appearanrot. was intently enjtai*.
her face. At ilixi the lady
j rwlenew with good-natured in
. dtflftiMice. But M la> it Ix'pi i to ti ll on
* l,e N®T'” i Wits ,l l wc 'hiar and astoniNii
l impertinence. llr apparently
!lrt^jß*"*'uil .V °t looking two w'iivh at once,
i eyoa was rntk-M, exeited and
, al) itirvetions The other, li\e<l
Hi|pr, fastened on her with an umtevia-
She turned her lieiul away, hut
• U lM ’ r vi ** ou lu ' *ried to hide
Itchi*#* pajH-r, hut site felt that eruel eye
: I’ioraktlnxHtjdt the seroen, and ureeplug
J W.ttt&BNy loot all owr bar feau.iaxi, It
I seemed to he picking them up one by one,
aud examining them vv it ii cure. Tlie tiling
I is* came unendurable, and she cried out to
him tiercel) :
“Sir, why do you l.sik nt me no persist I
cut ly ?"
1 Me, madam, why, bhsa my soil! : 1
haven't lav'll liMitdllg at you."
“You have, sir for a half hour or more j
your eye lias been alisolutely viv.lisl ii|mwi
lll> fIMV ”
"1 beg your pardon, madam, htrt it’s thin
eye, is it initr lifting Ids tingia to his li ft
1 Yes, sir, it's that ey<■ ".
"W ell, inwlatn, that eye won't do \.at
any harm. It generally looks any way it
i pieaM's it me a goial deal of trouble.
A great may complain of it At first 1
I 1 bought the. were making fun of me, but
! I've found oil differently now. I've been
knocked dW two or tlnee times for tin
inipertinciiet of that eye I would leave it
out altogether but for the hsiks of the thing
It’* a glass eye madam only a glass eye I
liopo viMi’ll extuse 11. Hut, u|kmi my soul,
I’m not surprised licit even 11 glass eye
should feel inlcntstcd in so pretty a woman, V
and In- brought liW otln-r eye to bear upon
lu r in nndisguisi'il admiration.
lln lady laiiglijigly mci pled lie- expln
nation, and tin- r(sl of (lie Journey was
passed very pIfHNUHI[) lo Isilb of
t bein
Tin* vol.t ly whit-lt lit) was
W lii f o \vti>slit*4l.
On tlif Hint ni*l itTi*, wliirlj tl U n
fi(*< will u 1 'if tli' nt aft T- inomy,
ut \ei*al R.tVf (Ik ir vli wm Ankhi^
Hit 111 Hsia<4ir (i nut l iU si it I that Ik- <lil
uoi mti iKI I. niuK' ii h| .11 li, Imt m, fhjvt
wiin Uk laM op|HMl.iiuity In wmiiM luivr t
fXprt HM Llh hulitfimti<m of Uk t oiiiMr tlicMtn
all* \N liH |i>f Mil li; lift | it
Sfiiatrr I fan ,H4*h Ik n t alh-fi ilk* k-nat or to
ord*r, ImH tin* *|ji< f juntirr* allowfd him to
\ntn‘i-et\. lit rootimif'fl
NV** art hlhhil to Rn a liieii offirial of thiw
| gtiMty of crimes, nlioiil to walk out ol
these Wills whitewashed by this senate,
This /lari day is in lull keeping with tills
dark deol. 1 vole erfiTTty "’and am not
ashamed pf my s/'nllnieiitM.
Hcnnlof tJniidh 1 sjso gave his views why
lie voted guilty in a clear, sensible and wise
Those voting guilty lire Senators, Bower,
f itudler, Clark' 1 lemeiits, Cliflou, llraki-,
Dc.M'AK, Folk -t, Grantluud. Grimes, llnmil
too, of the Hlli llea/i, ibslgew, iloiton,
l.uinpkin, MeDimlel, Ti ny, Itussell, Him
moos, HtaU-n, ,Stephens, Tison.of lie- 4lli,
3th. s
Ihose voting not guilty are Hruiators
lioyd, liryiin, ( abimiss, Casey, Cuiiiiiiing.
Dußomc, Fain, Ibimillou, Harrison, Haw
kins. Howell, Mi l-e<sl, I’restnri. Tison, ol
the 10111 ; Troiitm.-ui, Turner, and S\ cllmru.
f'airitt.i liig/jwn pen.
Tie- fotlowiny tofiksiu tie- 'G nili
mini's ifiigaxim: friend of mine,'
traveling afoot with a cwnpuoion through
the green lutii-x of the midland counties
fame nm x|>e(rte<J|y u|*/u a Country race
course, and found In one portion of the
gr-aind a thimblerig cxtablisbment in full
work, fn spit* of remonstrances his com
panion, a thorough madcap, whom I will
esll A, its* isfisl on 01/scrving tlie game.
rsild tie gent like t/> tx-t u crown lie
coulfl find the little pea Y said the expert.
Agn-ed, was the answer. Tin- money on
ts/tli sirl w;ut 'ie]sil<sl. and A, lifting up
tlie thimi/le, pointed out tie- re>|.iin-d |sn
and took the stakes. A, •s-rxm/l het. "dmilrle
or rjthts,” ended, to the obvious surprise ol
the offleiator at tlie fsxtrd, In tie- sane re.
suit. A ihird *)et “a p<aind or nothing,"
steadied .he nerves of the l-wr, and tie
trick was nccomptialicd with much circuni
■pection. Again A lifted up a thimble am)
allowed the js-a, taking at tin- same time
the Stake. ‘So, help me,' etc., said the l/e
wUdered artist."! didn’t put it there.” No.'
safii tin- winner, retreating with the of
tire war ; '! always carry my own pea.’ 1
am not answerable for the morality of this
An old man's advice to a yramg man :
don't love two girl* a., urn*-. jy/ve is a
good thing, tsit It is Uke butter in warm
weather—it won’t do to have too much of it
! on hand at one time.
Humor in the Family
(iood humor is rightly rockoccd a moat
valuable aid to happy home life. An is|iml
ly goral and useful faculty is a sense of hu
mor, or the capacity to have a little fun
along with the humdrum cares and work of
life. We ail know how it brightens up
tilings generally to have a lively, witty com
panion, who sees tlie ridiculous points of
tilings and who can turn au annoyance iuto
an occasion for laughter. It is a great deal
la-tier to laugh over some domestic mishaps
than to cry or scold over them. Many
Ilona's and lives arc dull la-cause they are
allowed to lieotane too dts'plv
with a sense of the cares and reapiaisihili.
ties of life to recognise its bright, and es
pecially its mirthful side. Into such a
household, good hot dull, Urn advent of a
witty, humnnais friend is like muuddne mi
n eUiudy tUy. W kite Hto always oppress
ive to hear persons constantly striving to
say witty or funny tilings, il is comfortiilibr
toma 1 what a hriglitner a little fun is to,
make an elfort to have some at home. It M
well to turn oil an impatient ipiestiou some
tiun's, and to regard it from a humorous
point of view instead of becoming irritated
a I Kin tit "Wife, what is the reason I can
never find a . lean shirt ?" exrlaimcd n g(*l
lint rather iiupatiant tnishand, after mnning
ali through thu wrong drawers. His wife!
looked at Inin steadily for a moment, half
inclined to he provoked, then withacomical
look, she said : "1 never .valid guess conun
drums ; 1 give it up." Then lie laughed,
and they Imilli laughed, mid slie went and
got Ins shirt, and lie felt ashamed of him
self and kissed her, and liieii she felt happy;
,9-V UUSilt l.mve,, iVc'oeip'V ty
Itiird words mid unkind fivlings, beiume
Just tlie contrary, all through the little vela
of humor Hue cropped out to the surface.
Some children have a peculiar faculty for
giving a humorous turn to things when they
arc reproved. It docs just as well often
times to laugh things ofTas to scold them
I-slighter is belter (Inin tears. I.ct us have
a little more of it at home.
•lust IL‘forti\yawu.
“All ! Heaven d.M's Indeed temper the
w ind to the shorn lamb," pathetically said
old Mrs. 1 tilfendorfer the other evening at a
I'll light, alter putting sway her twenty
eighth clip of Young Hyson. “Why, wliul
do you mean 1" “Y’ini know that young
widow, Mrs lijlfeii, who lives ace ms the
streel from ns ? Wi li, she has had nothing
but sorrow, troulile and distress for the past
(J i,ni, an;
a burglar ; then le t uiutjier Him■ i-d a nig
ger- mliiNtiel , after that she lutd the yellow
fever and Mitmll li\ together ; mid next her
Ihimliiui.l failed, and she had to take in wash
ing. 1t wn* perfectly dreadful. Tl.c |sK>r
woman nearly went cra/.y. Sin- was Just
beginning to hear up a little tigalii, wlien
lid lirotlier was sent up to the penitentiary
for life ; and finally, last month her bus
band died in a lit, and tlie very next day
her Imby choked to dculli on a gum-drop."
"(IruclouH ! tie psr thing!” “Wasn't il
just terrible Y Kverylusly believed slic'd
commit suicide lie u ; and sin would have
done no, 100, bill last week soinelswly provi
dent ially coaxed her to go to a < Inirch ruflle
and wind do you ali Huppiss ii happened/'”
What, for heaven's sake, what t" “Why
she won a seal-Nkiil steeps: I" “You don't
mean it Y" “She did, though |erfi!Ctly
splendid emne wiliiin mi inch of tin' fiis/r.
The darkest lean is just before dawn ufter
all Now isn’t It Y"- f ail Francisco I’.srt.
'l'lic Biiptihin of Henry Clay.
Hc-v. Dr, Berkley writes to the Ht. Ixmis
I leniis rut that he 1/ttptiwsl Henry Clay in
his parlor at Ashland, at the time adminis
tering tin- ordinance to his daughter-in-law,
Mrs Thomas Clay, and four of his children,
on the 22nd of June, 1*47, a few sjas-ial
friend* only Is-ing present. Tim watx-r was
applied by the lu.ii.l out of a large cut
glass urn, which, among his many presents,
had ts-en given him l.y a niariufacturi-r in
I’ilUburg, I’tt 'lt was said that this piece
of cut-glass tim !*-g. s then known. Mr. Clay
was then seventy years old. lie wna suh
rs|iient|y publicly ra/nfirmed In ebureti.
Although the great statesma.i allow.-'! so
many years to elapse before liaving rewived
li..- s.u-rament of baptism, la- was by no
means neglectful of his religious duti. ; to
the contrary, lie was a constant attendant at
church, arul a close listener to the d<s-trines
pn.-aetied. The Rev. Dr. Berkley, who per
formed the cer.snony as als/ve stau-d relaUrs
criticism which Mr. Clay made upon one
of his sermo"*, when a young man and first
appointedreetorof Chris.’sCbureh In I-cxiag
ton, Ky., which is very eharacterhrtlc of tin
great marl. The Ihs-tor says in Gw- sermon
in 'ps-stiofi. he had more of hirnw-if tluui of
Clirist. Tlie next .lay Mr. Clay c<arunenlpil
ed him upon its delivery aud style, rie/re os a
gpeeeli tluu. /is a scmwjn, aisl luhh-il. -*wl-n
i go to / hureh I like lo hear something in a
sermon that will giddc a sinner to Iris Hav
Mr. Clay was an earnest man. lie .lid
nothing by lullves. When hi* mind became
fully engaged lu reference to bh* religbaj*
duty lie seixed and discussed every vital
qiaartksi in connection witii it, as Im- did in
tliose grave matters of state, by which be
iuts made his r/ariu- immortal.
A little girl w ho was spending s few days
with a farmer uncle, visited tin- barn-yard
and while Us/king at list well-fed, re
marked : “Why, uncle, Jort see, tin; cows
are chewing gum. aren't they ”
SILENT MEN. n*v made a speech. In
tin* w idth of his fame lie once attempted It,
failed, and gave it up ermfiwed and abashed.
In framing uj* Ihe ConstKution of the Uni
tst States, the lalsrr was almost wholly per
formed in a Committee of the Whole, of
which George Washington was lire chair
man, tint he made only two speeches dur
ing tlie convention, which were of a very
few words each. The convention, however
acknowledged the master spirit, mid histo
rians atfiun thnt had it tag been for Ids per
sonal popularity, and the thirty words of his
first speech, pronouncing It the best that
could la united u|a>n, the Constitution
would lmve been rejected by the people.
Thomas Jefferson never made a speech. He
couldn’t do g. Na(Kdeou, whose cxeewtivo
aldlity Is alm.sit witlioc.t pnraUak ss4i Ida
greatest troulile was In finding men (4deeds
rather than (4 word*
The r .ogu’ul ConclusioDß.
1 tie house has pixssed and the actinic no
dnidit will, the resolution directing tike gov
ernor to sue Treasurer Itcnfme imh) his se
curities for tlie interest lie mid limy eiaifesa
to liave received fr.Mii interest (*i tlto state's
money. Th.' senate lias stud, however,
that lie and they have done nothing wrong,
for he lias la'cri voted not guilty. Ho If
this soU i* brought, and we think it ought,
it will |mi! the Judgment of seventeen rn'iia
t'Ma hi triul before the courts. Tiiey have
said Mr. Iteufna.' mid his wenritim havo
done no wrong in taking it. Ilow Mr. Itcn
fns' uud lus iMiekers liecam* sitltled to iu-
A'A'yt on liyyblic fund* la '*.’xxt tnaddeH tlie
mb ids of the people. He admitted that he
hod dime it. The h>aiae decided that such
action deserved Imtstudinient. No, said
the seventts'ii semgora, he iuts dime nothing
wrong ; lie was entitled to ali Im could
make, as he plivai ignorams' and mg take
tlie pitiui|ial Tlie rvsirta slsaild decide
wliether tills money Is'lougs to TreasunT
IfenfriN' ami friends or tlie pulilie. Kn/|.
Slit* Doottn’l littiij' her Hair.
I’riMii tin- Madison, Ind , f.'iMirier.
M i>-" I.i/zie Bruce, of Scott comity, who
cut UK) lu res of wheat with a reaper hurt,
harvest, is now hauling It to tlie city and
selling it. Hie lias wild several wagon loud*
to Mr. J. I). Taylor, the miller. Miss
Urn. i is not only indiisfrious and iiityj^.
limit wear lu r hair Imngisl, either
An old bachelor, having In'eti Imiglied at
by a party of pretty girla, told them t
“You are small potatoes.”
“We niuyjie small iKitat.s'S," said one of
I hem, “but we are sweet ones."
"See tin- tins>n," said a lady to her neph
ew, a (night little (my of 5, us tiny sal hs-k
--lug out the window the other day. “The
moon !" mild the little mini. “You can't
see the moon in tin daytime ” “Yes, you
can," continued Ids mint j “there It is over
the trees." The little fellow had to admit
that lie saw it, luit added,, '"lalli’t lighted
anyway."- liosf.m TuuiM-rlpt.
tjueen Victoria oniv signified to Viscount
Maediiff, now Kml of Fife, Hint she would
not lie unwilling to have him for a son-in
law The liohleuian respe/t fully decllueel
llw honor He is not yet HO, waa schmiled
at Eton, has <'iglil r.'sldenees in th: High
lands, arid is warmly spoken of by all class
es. His four sisters are ladies of extreme
beauty, hut have not been enviable lu their
wedded tilr.
A asliliigton newspaper easually ob
s/'rves that ip-tin midst of nil honors lavished
ii|kiii Gen Grant, the feasting that Is given
him mid the homage that b paid him, it In
pitiful to see his only brother going about
town, dirty a <1 rugged, a harmless Imbecile,
borrowing a quarter or a half dollar from
anvlHsly who will give It to him.
'Tli** (Jriivc of (Jen. Morgan.
. .
'I he Winchester : v*., ,\t states that a
plan has been set on t'fii there for oblain
ing fr>an ( ongress an kppmpriali/si of five
thousand doll/us with which to erect a monu
inent to the memory of that grand old revo
lutionary soldier, Gen. Uauiel Morgan, the
hero of the Cowpetis. The remains of
Gen. Abaga/i now lit iu Mt. Uehroa Ceme
tery, Winchester, mid t)ie slot/ which once
covertsl tin- tomb is now nearly all chippial
off and lias been carried away by relic
Renfroe’H Case*.
‘ Haintw), you nr< < barged with stealing a
pig. What have you to say for yourself f"
“ •' ell, Mars Jedge, 1 own up, I did take
dat pig ; but i didn't know it was wrong,
lie mao what live in mV house 'fore I did
uaetcr take pigs, and I bln takiu plga all "
along, and never kuowed it waa wrong 'till
1 took dia one. and lie boss told me It was
agin de law. I'm willin' to give op dia pig
if you’ll let me off.”
“All right.-Hambo ; if you did not know
It waa against the law to steal pen, you
liave not committed any offence. Toil are
discharged—l-aGrangc Reporter
The latest yarn about fast time Is to the
effect that on a certain American railroad a
young man put his head out of the ear win
dow to kiss bis girl good bye, when the
train went ahead so rapidly that be kl—rd
an old African female at tlie next station.