Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicato c
VOL. 8.
(>#.* north aide of Public Square
Spate* 1k 4 wLt i•K' | S aic Iyr
1 lock 100 *SO 4SO*B 00 (1300
J inches ISO 5*0*030(1000 1(00
S inches SO* 800 ’ I*oo 18*0 j *•(<
i oai |OO 10 • *8(0 180* I 3500
f coi :oo i im ! *soo atto* :so oo
1 col 10 80 ( 80 go j 85*0 B*oo | *IOO
A liberal dedaetn-B toad* U> thews
aUvsrtiaiwg by tbs aainth'ur jretu,
OWWAHI A. J. Hinbm
SHERIFF O. 8. Xkvtt,
CLKHJt B.C . W. U Ksllw
J O. < hriatkn
TftKAM'HER 0 J Anthony
rtI'KYKTOR O P >Ui:hee
<■ uRONJtK —John 11. Jones
l. J Kiiaiu. Aaron Sribley.
C J K**a*, J. h Huchaaan.
J W I>.<*
.1 oho * I‘arh, W J H.trnrn,
Madison Rcevix, U. A Parker
A U Krivtuav >ec
iu sinks* (ards.
1 A LAW,
H'tltlllfllU - (irietoi*
Prompt ami faithful attention paid M nil
buar<** no ITU* led In til* . nli
(i* **IIJ * lit
promptly sod faithfully aumbri
Gsraxt itt-a *
*MII [irarfie# lit **ie cool''* of !|i, t'ow.ta
' fciyil t r*i ir. >f > m im: iry a- i J ,*n jre
• uuri* of Mtrla,-lhtN * >io.ty
W lU‘J CMIUe JMth’ V* I !•* P’lbi;.
*|*J *t* .rt v li'* to! he 1
OWl'U* h** WTvii-/-*i <o
* Uj I'llbii* Jrtti)*/
.•* J K U l-<fi !L i*lU*
(A Klotd, J>. D. S.,
Rkmdkn r uj vriHT
Uaaasvii i r
</ KOtH< i <
Trrnr(*i' Alt ww* warrant"!
(lEOMOfA ’ ' fii •" • 1 •" ■
\ ymwrUtrr ( inlr * K*l S7th IN7II
HVfrw T J ImtH**" and Henry Mar
tin, m
late of and craiaty, reprraeut* t*,
the t ourt, that they hav. full* *dtiiuM.-r*d
!br <-<<• of mod <l**Mrd, and apply f"T
testers of fii/trv\w <o from 'ln r true"a- l* l
Tlii* i therefor* |> cite and adnc'i/teh li
emvemrd Ui 8W tlieir object,on*, (if any
tbv lias* In iny'itflc* on <* lf.i< Uie
Qr Uinkr In February icit.tNwli) i* iu r
*f distutawon abnukd tn 4 mh to mill Ad
foit*'r-'>ni. na awi.J
< ire*-, under toy baud ;.1 official rtg ik
lure. A J HINTON.
n W t
AAA A WFKK In your < •-* n low;
/KhrJ n<> capital flaked You rat. give
, ™the burincre a vial without er
ruw Tbr teal opportunity ever 'A?en and
or thorn willing to work Yrai b"uld tfr
nothing r-tar until y*> aa* for youts. If what
T'nj emu do a*' tie lend or** we offer No
rnnaa lo exploits lier*. Yw can di-**** af!
your lime <n only your apar* time to the
b'viw*. aod make great pay for cvry
hour that you work. Women make a*
mnrh a* ram riettd for *je da) pri vnv
rrn a and Jiartir-iilara, which we n ail Ir-e
Outfit free Don't cupipfAin <lf hard
Uiara while you have aur-h a 'bar or. Ad
dm* n. ITALLBT * Ort , Fort land, M-
A C a D E M V,
SEXtoA, a A.,
GirH and Bnjr pr-p*r*--i p* College or
IVartieal Life.
Ynaoe culture a specialty In KVmrtlon
Conversation and Song.
I For particular! address,
j A. A JOXFJi. Prin.
| 11-14 PKK.
„ Sherman A Ox. Mandall, Mich , want a c
VRit In thia county at ones. at a salary of ]
' #IOO per month and expanse* paid. Forfu! j
•jwrtiralvr a+lreaj %! 4t !r
No. *4 mu St.
W au-hea, Clocks.
J cwelry.SiivuT Ware,
Table IdJv),
t[wciacls, Ac.,
linn just rweivcU a Fine Shark of
W alcbea,
t Uafna,
But Urn* Ac.,
XT 1 bay amt sell strictly for lh CASH
A 111 ml! you anything In my linraacireap
as can br Ixnigtu in any city ia the stale.
Ail iny go>xi arc \Y iHK.ivntii ns rcpv
•a" ——
B< si quality of Needles f<>r nil kliuls
ot Sewing Min iunen.
Examination of my go*xis and pria'cn Pa'-
nptM lfu)ly nooeitrei from the a i;i*eu* of
Mll.U'l! i HAMS.
V\ T K arc now rccoivinn tin*
i t litiyo sl ami Dsst isuioctotl
i l<H L Ilf *li**r. LHiMltT*
K<L . nit! IlMruf HN Ijit ht r
**\ t'f lil< i*> Wmi i'tiinl.
\\ K buy our j'Vhklk direct
M truin lln* Alaiiuliicturcrs
for t AKII null wnrrnnt all our
work in ('taul
\l/ K Imvc tin extetisiw* ilar-
Tf m’r sEoji in cotitit*“. ion
w ii>ur i i<■. end 'iiskr ■> ulu,
%!l kb ill werrk.
<W t all to w* tie win a you visit Wr* 1
Foist mi'l we viTI j'W* you tu irm
\ * m a t t .
\ cry Ti uly.
Mil.l,Fit A 11A \ Iri
.Kit r
to. i.A
W. C. Gholson’s
Irt (<rvurl *ll <(U.'ion ! lir- ll |.l*>. fol
i Riant. r lo Kuru* on W ri.ui t|**-r Cot
IMr I min..) Il.'irit . rnt re
<i oily
f. 1’ WlthrrajKn waretifAlwni’iiri,
, w hiU! In ph-nar.l to trail on hi* old frtr<l*
M/i‘l ** in fonn r .lav*
JldT Ktahl. with r.mi ho I w*i.r tiriilrr
Name roof, FHKR to ail who .-ittirr wawi
<<r *7. i t 'ln ir 41m wit!, n <
A AAA A MONTH tr iaran.-*fl. fl 2 *
ft'lay tiiudt oy ilw induetriou*
< MfHtnl !>"• f"|’ rt.l ; wo wIH
•tari r-Mi Men * •< aj.d (fir!*
uwka roo.oy fanf'T r.l woiV for u# i|,m , at
ar-v *5 If'jf ela Tl.<- work 3 end
; • and wi'li a* ant mi> ■ewfi jio ri^it
at. 1 hvr who srr wiw who * thlanmtae
will aorid us ItH'ir uddr* *'■* at omr ami or
f<e tl*rtnr"lrr* < <*t!y >hilftf and trriiai
fror. Now i* tin time. Thnar already at
wrl- are Inyintr up larsr" *uin* >A money
AiWmaTHl'K Alfl. , Aripj/tafa. MKine
i Will 1*- i4d fs-for*- the cr/urt h<*i*c door
j in tlis Venn of Greenville, Meriwether e*m
:ty tia . on the firvt Tuesday in January.
| lfiPO, ixlww-fi He- legal hour* of wil* one
undivided <mc-eigj)tb interest in t'ie wU-.b
i of that tract of land in thn iOUi district of
M'-ri serins- county. (J*.. containing 4AO
arte*, more or lea*, forwtotlntr of iotaof law!
Mob 111, 112.and 11S, the *nnj<- liefug the
pG" or tract if land on vhA Janie* Jt'rwe i
Tivwj at the time of hi* dotUi and on which
hia widow lived at the time of her (h-a-'h,
aaid undivided ooe-eifbth iritereat in aahl
j land levied oa a* the propert y of Thomas
R. Rowe to satisfy a S. fa from Justice
Court of the *W7th district, G. M. in favor o
J. W. Eetca va T. K. Ih/we; levy n.adc and
returned to me by J. W. Fuller. L. C.
Tbit Dec. 5, IW. / 9. M. C.
[Kur tin* VtNBicnTOR.
I am sensible of the dirtlouUles and dan
ger* which environ the future welfare and
icrmanent suceoea of the gra at principles
of the Uttmcratie party. l T pou thi conti
nent we hittl hoped the principles had Pound
such a firm fooUu>td In ti e *lTt>rtl<m of our
people that their perpetuity wmild f>e an
easy matter. They were, bequeathed to ua
as a amrred by the dying fiUhara of
the UcvoUltion, win. ot attained our iudgiwtu
detioe. Till* i a naoaaentiun trust and the
(pirMion which nntat oum- home to every
man tdmuld he.. *hal! we pror* faithful and
w„*Vt rejKisiLarieti We had, a* we c. >ntl
alently believed,well nigh ructeedeil inlH*at
ing buck the dn-adful and f.irmidahle on
shniglit* of the ltadirnls and corruptloniaja,
licaadeat by Grant ; wo ware almost la sight
of land, the victory well algh won, when we are
UAd thwre ia uwuiuy, diMaiUon,Ui ow own
nut** Men who had Airvh with u*ln the
darkest hour of the oontlel wen 1 disjuajurd to
gi\e aid and ecamfort to the corruptioni*t*,
ami auame of them laid even professed to lae
willing to support Grunt for a thiol term,
ll is itillteult to mdb; n h api.sUiey to
great pi'inciplea,
We art aware that tha Oeuiocra'ic party
has not been faultier, in piallcy aud otl!<X‘
holdi r in the [airly have proven tin niselvoa
un'i'iarthy the trust eonilded to Lhem We
have made ill Jaolie; and the ia lee
lion ot eandidaUs liar imjsartttilt oftices ,
thirls |aiitei|lnrly tin eme ie tieorgij;. 'J’Jic
IVttHM'iWlh I ’arty atata is ’ti buhfi and
with rings iii t;,e iutcreat of lmllviduala ;
eonieiitiuns uia n.anipulaU'd and managed
to liiial upon tin |nirty. ciunlidßleS who ure
not tin i hoire of tin ja'nple (im It be
n uiedled iiwidi one own organi/ation ?
let u( try . Our true policy ia to [nil for
ward nut la-st. imr men , udi luieii
into tile fold all w lio ale dts|msed to l ull id
ta r "strange tiisls" mid a\ to them "this m
Uie slk \ ■ in it "
Ml I) Sl’KlN’(i.
A Kt'iniukulrlf Fountain of
11. tilth in 1 :illot\ Count y.
I lU'port.r
•lum! ' the fool of * >ol Mountain, In Tnl
| !•! ,oi;-ty | r.,1 'n 'll), of 1t'11,.. Il,fr. in
"f !inl>- r. ’.l'iilv, lull "frc.imrlulili!
of li.nlin; II Ih Uuowii "Mud
find It took it* on m- frow It* <vm
dltlon abm It an* .'Jm. n. r. .1, It) wmic
It In called Oatt M 'iinUln Kprtujf ; Imt the
l;utr..’'ll*lr n|jd)le'n Imvi* mlwmv* *|Kltcn of
It b) tie 1 boiii.'ly < of "Mud Fprln>{."
Til. itsiumcr of iliMtovcriltfr it* lu;tliii|f
pwpfflld wihimtliar, hut *nol bum *,,
tbiui tb"<' of :ii"*i eprl’iif* iif *i::,llur chili
ecter I lilrt) mi. 1.1 .-iti.. iijjo, two yotiug
men mu of tlum "Wild ol lb. !,n!
while liuiilinff. found rpriiid wlu**- c\iat
•■inn Inn I not li.r'it know n In for. |l wn>
flit! .mil "Imllow. wit* mirround. <1 by dup
and h'liai lou* mud The idea '.ri* .1 to
t!<*• owa'i of tin- land, lliat it Would In- will
to cluti) out tin' *|'hi|f, ditch tin- riciulty.
Mini Uni* inakn the ej*riof Home ua* u* u
fh'nktitf' fmintain hu art a n.*jfro inuo
lo Work eh aniiii; it out
N>j* it ho htipl'i 11 >1 that tin* iinjfrit'ti feet
w ri I'ovcnd wlt| teller, which wtwtaotua
lijoiioil than It haifrcf'iM*! to yield to the
oi'flnary tmatiiwntof tle4 day* Ittclrait
tttj; and dltclilnj;. tin i .y;ro rolled up hi
breech'a mu! *'."•>'l in tin- mire uml tdao Inul
<*:< aeion to plunge hi" liuml into the mud
111 * few da)'* idler iie hud (Viuiplcterl I,l*
work, to hi* prcal e irfiriw, bin d'M'aae'l
I jam I*, fret and liyr ehowed *l.oi* of im
|rovriurnt ; and it waa not lorijf lefore
they wera well. Thi*allfar ti-il atteothc'i to
tie (pririy;. liut tlii inti ref' did not extend
•e , oud the immediate rir inity.
lint what we act <i*tt to do Knt to ' all at
t< ntion to mm.*' r-nrnt cures effected by
thia water. Mr 11. J) Floyd, who live* in
Harris county, had n little buy who wm nf
flirted luot spring with <hniic dysentery.
I>r It. <*. Williati.ii, 4 physician who**- rep
u'etion nod skill are well known, tmate I
th *-. Init with no mri fw After tid
ing nil Hint In* professional knowledge t hi Id
aopgi-st. he gave up tie- raw. The anxious
parent*. not wiling to give up the m<
while a ckww for bopi npaliwd, consult
and Dr. U. T I’riiidy, nryuir phyie;;m of
• > periciice and sxbmded practice. After
giving tlte child a careful examination, and
oc-piiring aa t fir Wlliiyns's treatment,
hi etiid that nothing more could be done .
that medical treatment could not reach the
c**e. A* a last rcaurt, he advised Mr.
’ Floyd to lake the child to Mad Spring.
I nub-ad of doing Ihia, Mr. f)'iyd prontred
a Jug of the water sad carried it home.
Prwviou* to thi*. f<ir a Jong time, this hoy
could not retain water or Mjlfeiog eiw-, on
hia nomach. Thia water, however, he
drank without diatnrtkng Ida sPmiarh at
all. -This *ttp|t*y Inated about ten day*.
Win n it wu ex haunted, and Ihe little fellow
began to drink well water, he waa at once
attacked with vuaiiting and a return of hia !
'Ad aiekneaa.
Again Mr. KVjyd ofitained a fri-ali aujiply ,
of Mud Spring water, and kept the child on .
u wntil he waa wc|L He is now aa hearty a
cMid. aa there ia in the country : although
during hia iliaeaa he taram* an poor that
aearcefy reaemWed a human being.
A Mr. Willingham, who Kve* in the same
•eetion*M>Floyd, had chronic diarrhea
three*yM, Without lai'ig well an hour.
By using th* water, V> cured himself and
has not b*w trotihlad w ith hi* old com
plaint since.
This spri*ft is now the property of Mr J
M. Crawfofi, who Hres just at it, sod who
ie scco'.urnislate persons who
want to ret**ia tiytia' awy length of time
and test th% vlrtmw of the wtsti r Mr.
("twwfflWHipni* -office is WsTerly Hall. Hsr
ri* (smnty.'Sn Those who are troubled
writ* ehnnlc complaint* llkn the altovs.
or with *kj|* diseases, should fnvestigate
Uie merit* tins spring
Tj|e Negro Exodus.
The Ktjfta ernijpmits are returning to
Mitwiiftd(|j|*t cousiderabie nutulie r*. TI wise
who hast ■* htnds roust remain and anffer
hardabip. ylegiws regard an eiodtut as a
kiad of hilday ‘scuision and pay na hee,!
to The fuMth, As iomt as Um ■bines
w i.gig-lfaf-ifi f*. :•>- tik. : - -a,.,
irrmiT. tn ipj m\ti
aort of h place to sharp, and can rids on the
‘•keets" or the utesniliont, the vast majori
ty are contented. It is cold and hunger
that try tie'fortitude, and knocks the con
tent out of lhem, Freedom wiih plenty
they fancy without food and tin- it is a
worthless quantity. The luoscmsut to [aai.
pie Indiana w-ii'n rrimhliran negroea front
North Cnmiiua ie proving a fiasco for the
i want of funds. The poor hlrtokw haic been
1 deitttlcd from eleawful homes by false, in
millions aud deceitful poeiiim s Many were
able to n aeli Wiishlugloy, inn fi w had the
gveer,j, k* rog.i bayOud, ami there they
alnimlei 1 After einlaaaiies have lured the
ignorant i retilun* away from the elute*
where tin y ur wauled iiioal, run labor heat
and urr MniTounded Ih*kl. to aliirvatiou, ap
[Matsare made to the country for assistance.
Eloquent plens an* made to the Ix-nyvolent
aid I’l.nrltiilil t*of the north, ami il anything
i obtained these political n venturers and
hypocrite* who live on th * bln. k* generally
inmiiigi* In secure the lion'* slmre for their
own l*'m*flt lusteigl of aiding the colored
l** *ip|c the large hcioletl pliilniitlinipljU who
o|x n* Ida [Hirse al the call .if distress I* mere
I) sup porting a ciuaa of viigsbonda wliulinve
made lying a traile. and hutnlmg/ei y their
profession The south ini sea too much ool
toii, eiigar, tolrsmi, rice, cum and oiler
prodm t*. for die truth of the story licit the
fris'dmcn arc ntaltreslnd nod by peraei u.
•lon tire co ,i|H*!l*d to ajiecd half theii lime
in ;lu* woisl*. v
Ki U ric’, Douglass, insrshn lof the Dl,-
lrl**t of t 'oju.ohla. ami foremost colored
iiuoi in the t omlrv, take* no alis h In tliti
nefarious eyodus blthienee. He wrote to n
Isle sol on U**f f a ligormis letlM , <h*n lune
tag Its exislijs mid saying all organised r|
fist s! the Jiorth U>r shtmpudts
Hlnuiiili.r*|iiilonc.l j (lial tluwe jnair col
ori and |H'o;iJa xliould not lir deluded or allur
id froth I ,Utah' boiiloH by pti/iiiNUN, exprem
I'll or tnijtiled ill jei uuinrv aid. The letter
v loli id If awiiil'*! the intellnA.
Nilferiitf m ip-•* en foutn have received
dl'-'t .iiil from lludr own raw or w hite re
[iitliUixina. The cx'itlim movcnient in u full
I urc, ri puhlli ;i jMdilii mu* refualnit to help
| tin im t(trvliiy, ei.iijjiantt ( olunihu* Kni|
I .iuu,
Tu whom it inn y ('onevru.
Fro,n dm ( hrbtian at Work
Tlierc i* no me putting up the motto,
'Cb*d till mm our home," if tie fat hot in a
! rough old bear, ami th. aplrit of dlurourtcay
: anil ntdi ricw i" tnyxld It)' the paicul* to tie
cliildren, andthfllii olilif to tin younger.
Therein no lin ill pulling up the unit to,
' Tint Jmrd.fciU provklc," while the father
l* ahiftlew, tin in>v* refiinc to work, mifliio
girli litwy tlH'lnwlveW over gewiruwiT and
finery. Then mno üb<- hi putting up tjnc
rniAbi, 'Tint ttrenliart of thear ir f 'hnrity,"
wßffc the i Migue of the Ihu k-hi'er wag* in
the faudly.arid ailly g'naip ,i* di*|>cuaeii at
the IcwUhljlc. There hi net li* of pioi ing
up couwjiicuoualy the motto, ‘ The lilieral
man davlMeth itln ral thing*,” while the
money tkinii in 'in- poottti of the bead of
llie liouw liold, grouning to get out ami re
t!* light of ila), ai.d tlic-rc arc dollar* and
ihO/W for winu* and tolMirco and oilier lux
uriiw, but pi/fUrndy not one cent for the
church. In liow many iiome* are tlieae
motbiea W.Hiding let u my hanging *ar.
caxijm, wlijeti w rre only to point a (eat and
a/J'irri a wit ire J The la-auly of ijuiel iivm,
of truth fid, hopeful, free hamleil, free
hearted, ciiaritslde liaea, ir one of anrpaiia.
ing lovelioca*, and th'we live* | M ii tlwir
./Wii ineomparable, and tit" world
krniw* when' to find them And they *hall
remain freafi and fndei.-a*, when the color*
of tin- pigment and the wurated and tin ,
doaa liave failed and tie very frame* rotted |
away in Ue-ir jduia.
j Avery amoving occurrence in OglethorjK
i county il reported in the £►!.<, It meins
that ;he Sttie U>ya of Mr.Ueorgc If. Leetcr,
lof that county, havn trained a large d>g to
work to a goat wagon. The canltw always
; worked entirely aathifact'in until laat Satur
day. wlten one of the hoy* took a drive over
a field. Suddenly the dog atruck a rabbit'*
trwk, and atarte<| in cliaae at full apeed,
emjitying <ait tlae driver and tearing pj pie.
tea live veliiele.
-three year* have paaaeii rime the
Introduction ef f>r. Hull’* ( -aigh Syrup, and
H Mill Man.l* unrivaled. Pnce only 25
He Declares that He Will not
Aeoopt the Second Haoo
mth any one.
twdisnspotis Spool at to the Cincinnati Bo
OotTrma- Hendrick* reiumet! from Wiuh-
Ington last night, and w.u ongngvd to lbs
Ualtod Stains courts ail day. I saw him this
eTiming for a few minutes, (luring which
I submitted the following question t
“Gorcruor, the Knquim ami othsr pa
pera nave pcgvwsd a ticket id Mr. Hsymour
and yourself. Tbsy all admit your right to
the preskWmrUl nomination, but think you
should His raflce your claims for tiw party,
Mid accept the S'cond place on the
tloket "
*T do not want the Tkte-pridd<iucy, H he
niffTiifVfi ot inr iu iwTppf nomnnmnvt iwi*s
Any talk of myself for that [dace a> wastisi.
The question of tay making any supixwoii
sarritlce for my party has two sides. 1 was
willing to yield to Ills wishes of ill* party
in 187<i, and was elected. The republican
managers mid their eatididnts was elecloil,
they meant to luuuguratc him. The dem
oeratic mnuugcre aubmiUed ibe righi* ami
decision of ih majority to a trial by poliib
ohms, tlic other aide a majority of the Jury.
These are the facta, aud Oie [ample know
them. 1 think any gisnl man can Ist elwjl
isf by the dcmcTiils, und the pally shall
lm*r nil the nid and lidtuciice 1 inn give to
Iu nominees Ido not regard myself a ne
ccaalty to JHirty M
'Eho i Lin HHHw r verlmUin.
At a meeting of' the colored people of
Monroe county called together for the pur
inwe of cmaldertug the eviwlua ipieatlnn,
mid after many speerhea bad.lieeu made In
favor of Kmi*u* ami Africa, Jeff Rung, who
iiml been invited lo be prevent, look llie
Hlau.l uttered the moat aeuailile word*
of III* tile \\ e flud the follow ing In the
Monro* Advertinoi ;
Jett I ring, u lingtit imiiul to from Macon,
and an rx-cruigrettHinau from tbl* diatrlet,
was III* next speaker. Ho aaid h* came by
invitation. He would not It'll them of
Home fane) h. heme, but would glte them
the plain t rut li and would deal with them
eumlt.ily and tiouratl) lie ridieu! and the
idea that they could flud any country flow,
ing with milk uml honey, where sugar tpew
on tree*, and gree.ttlaieka c.nild lie Uml for
the atlilag ; where pomuin* were c.Hikr.l ami "lalertt" at
4djf a* II wldaky barrel. He had
traveled extensively In the West and know
H at they would have to work a great deal
more than they do here. The weather I*
colder and harder work was r.v|ulr and. He
dd they would meet with no eymputhy
there without money Uy. y would not be
in it iced and they would suffer for ao.iictbing
local. Wbite people amt colored muni
work to get along Will) money they could
go there and |iroH|M'r; In their present on
ditiou they were latter off litre. He ad
vised tic- race* lo live In harmony and
friendship, the laborer* uniat fulfill their
(a nit met* and do good work not hang
around bur ro ma and aircet corner*. lie
told them llmt if they were determinad to
move they should hoik) some of their lient
men to th. Wes' to examine llie country
and report as to its condithm and outlook
for tin-in Tli. ) should not go off unadvia
oily ; for if tli. v'dld they would expert-
Alice a great deal of suffering
Hl* speeeii was listened to with e|.*e at
lent ion, and wejledicvi a iurge majority of
the colored |Moplr agrrcl with him in hi*
; Mol in til'- Mi 1 l-, but in tin- Koruu ,do wi
find a aenlenci* ibid ln-vt enuiieiat<‘>i the
great need of Hie hour. It read* : “A ruler
who u|i|*iintH it man to otflei wbeu llii-n- l*
in lii dominion another iiltut betteri|ii:illl!i-d
for tin |**tili'in.ain* ngainat G<*l and ngninwt
the Htate' 1 J b. Mill.
Avery la-autlfiil laily who wna hurrying
through the atr< ot of iinltiiuore turned and.
In pathetic accents, asked a gentleman
wKilting Inside her to knock a pickpocket
dowu who was following lug The gentln.
man 'Aiiigingly complied Aiann an *be
aaw the fight fairly begun ahe i hue kind
gayly and *kip|*-d away. The man knot-k
--ed dowu waa her liuatamiL
..—■i ii ♦ • -
Once in traveling the Ryv. Dr. Mlolw*
waa exeeedlttgly annoyed by it |*-<laiillcl*iiv>
who forced hiuiaulf upon hun. and nmde a
greut [aj-adi- of hi* ahallow learninf. The
Jka Us- bore it aa long aa he could, and at
length hstking at him gravely aaid : "My
frietsl. you and I know all that i* Ui tie
known.” "How Is thst Y" said (beman,
pleriacd at what he llnsiglit a coinpliinenta
ry aas'K-iatlatl'/n. "Why,'’ aaid the Doctor,
“Yist know everything except that you aw
a fool, and I know that.”
Gov. f’ohjuiU has npueMeil 'be press of
the Mate to warn person* entitled to money
for artificial limb*, acwirdlng Pi the appro
priation* of tbs last Icglalature, not to em
ploy anyone to aocure tlie asms. Don't n
-ploy anyone, but write direct P> Gor. A. 11.
ftokjultt. Atlanta, or to Cotnpt roU< r-G> n'-r
--al Wright, of the aame place, for s blank,
which will ha aent Pi you to fill out, and as
•oon aa you liave filled It out. return it and
the money will lie sent y<*j.
KVRDETT’B good advice.
nmurnio for Yonfo men who
k •' ’in
[Burlington Ilawkeye.J
Aad than mesmhsr, my mob, you have
t work. Whether you ham Us a [nek or a
past, a wheelbarrow or a sat of books, dig
ging ditch** r editing a newspaper, ringing
an auction belt or writing funny things, you
most work. If you will took around you,
you will see that men who are tha bm* able
to work ore the man who work the hardest
Don't be afraid of killing yourself with
oTtrworh. sort. It is beyond your power
to do that Men cannot work so hard as
that on Iho sunny side of thirty. They die
•oaiotitr.a, hut it* iiecause they quit work at
6p. tn., and don't get homo unlll 3 a. m.
It's the lo term Is that kilt, my son. The
FntkgfWHi you an appetite far your meals i
it fKm atftiUty your slumber ,■ tt gtwm
you a PiTiert siul graceful tip|iredsilon at a
holiday. Tltorc arv young men Who make
n Using hr anektng the end of a oane ;
whose eulre niuutal lUiveligHiirnt is auffi
aleui to teli them which side of a [Mintage
atainp to lick ; young men who rnn ti a it
ni ck tie In clsven different knots and neser
lay a wrinkle in it. and then would get Into
a West Hill aired ear to go to Chicago;
who can spend more moucy in a day than
you can earn in a month, mm, and who
gf' ib < fie BlTertff To buy a portal cant, aad
apply.lo the Mtn'el ( otninisHioner for a mar
riage lieenao bul the world Is not pcoml
of them. son. It dixs not know tlmlr nanne
en i ll simply speaks of thorn as old Bo
anmi’s boys Noixuly likes them, nobody
Imte* them, the great, Ixisy world doesn't
even know tlity are (hnru. Things wUI go
on Just a* wry without them. Ho Und out
what you want to lie nn<l ,[„, and take
oil your visit and make u dust In the world.
The hosier you are tin* less deviltry you are
apt Hi get lulu, ills su ixjter will be your
sleep, ihe brighter und hup|iler your boll'
doya, aud the bcUrr aalisfled will Ibo world
lie with you.
A Terrible Warning.
fl’hrcmilugicaj Journal.]
An AnwriiMii plusician who bun given
. an fnl attnnllon In the study of ulcoluillam,
said in tli course of an luldrcoH nvamtly de.
Ilvercd hef ire a leariird ivstely ; "'l , Hi , ru
are (sinstant!) crowding Into our insane aay.
ktinsmen flffv In ei'.lity year* of age who In
early life were adlctcdto Mie us.' of aleoholio
l)i|tioti, but who Imue reformed, and forum
twenty or thiify year* have never toueliod a
drop. The Injury wliieit llie Ihpior did tbelr
Isslle* soern* to have all diaaopeared, being
triuinphed over iiy the full vigor of their
full uiatiltotMl, liut wlieu their natural fOrra
licgan to decreaae, then I tin nonccaled mis
chief allow.*l Itaelf In insanity, clearly detn
ouatrating licit the Injuries to their Ihhllm
wire of peruiam-iit eluti*etcr."
We are not eouatltutionally inclined to
dwell u|m tlie liorrtlil./, und would lie askist
to lie *|iure.l from presenting so Icrrllilo *
fuel us this, did we ndf-fis-l tlmt our duty
to our neighbor aud fellox* pma rtxjulraa |t.
How mail) thouvauds of the bright and
beautiful youth Arc to day aowlng In tAclr
organism* the ee.l* of decay •find mIMTy by
th.-ir dally vlmlu tp the winu rraitn and their
aortal tippling I
IlmUrnnge Itejicrter. J
Thejan k wall* of the new part.if Tmltt’a
•tore fell down Tuesday, and buried ottu of
the workmen Is n.nth tin- stones. ||c m
tHs.n takin out, and wa* found to be tiadly
lirtiised. tint not m ri.Misiy injureil Tlie faff
was ow ing to tin- walls lieitig pul up Ml
hurriedly that the uuirtnr in tin- lower part*
did not gel dry enough to auatnln the weight
of the walla.
(tin lloiifte burning.
- ,
It uJ.imbtai Kmj.J
*-*--*-- *
Our count altowa that forty-one have
born destroyed by fin- In Georgia situs An
guat DIM, ami twenty la Alabama. With
eiu h has wiine eottoa bean burned The
loser* in these two Matts* QMpt fut up la
the neighborhood sf * M, Oritl W not more.
Other state* owM hpv> U<m heavily. Vry
few of Hum Sms bay* Gen incentiisry,
Atln-na ( hnsiMA A ymng lady on--
etnergingftvsponß.igmireburphMi a few
nights ago, cam a look at tlie boy* gathered
■round the doOr, and thin reclaimed : “I .
wiituler where my lupau la? I guess W hava
to put a lief! on him, ao that I can beraa/ter
lie lietter aide Pm flat I aguish Idm frsn the
crowd of calve* in fnmi <*f a oburah."
A notice i* given by many of the eitinms
of Meriwether In (he Vindicator that they
will ma vote f<ir a drunken man for rifflee.
Thert* a re other rouutiea In which thia no
tice might be timely. [Harnwrillc Ga
An unpiesaant pnaactiger In a Mrcet car la
a crying Baby. In such runs Dr. Hull's
Baby Hynip should Is- given to the little
sufferer to cam Its crWilm. Price 25 oenls
a laittlc.
NO. 1.