Newspaper Page Text
PthUthfl' * -/fcjk.iHl'tl
By WlfiLtAM 'I . BEVH.I.,
AT *3.00 1 '** ANNUM, IN A 11VA N( K
w !■ 1 1 f ■ ■ ■ - •
THK largext block of granite ever
-quarried in Now England ha* I seen taken
•ut at W'/odhury, Vt, It nun '/Mi feet
long, thirteen to eighteen feet deep, til
teen Icet wide, weighed 4,0*0 ton*, and
required 073 wedges with fifty pound* of
pooler to start it.
ifKAOWtam lx booming. Al/oiit two
month* ago it wa* in Babe*; now it it
livelier than ever. That i*, of ennne,
buta repetition of the * iprriencr of every
hurnt-OiH A merles n city, and 1* arm'her
example of the lunate energy of western
life. The town i- rebuilt with large
brick and frame structure* vastly *nj*
rjor to the original one*. All the nu-r
--tlianla are. in buniiu w again, many firm*
having over SIOO,OOO worth of good* to
stock. Mechanics’ wage*, which wen
$M a day, have now dropped Ui half that
figure, ami last hut not least Iteadwoed
ha* 7ld gamblers busily plying tkaif VO
(alien. Who say* lu-dwo'el i* not tli
-tuture go a! f
Shvai>m feel* the xhori.* ri'-'l j"udtii tixfi
,f diver, nnd Ihr t nr. 'jiicut :■!• *n • "f
h|rf ('liln(i vfi 11rim]> >■ linikf-ft th*
<it V .lull neynnd coin i ptloti l!i' - tvv<>
Dmun/itx (if' ul>• >ii( played out I
three miniulm it fli'illtl) i 11 •*1 11 i• I to
hImiUI fi tenth. Nevada | • iim! ii* i'*l ii 110
together fifty nix millions in in*')
thirty-five million* in 111 Ihe* Id I'll''.
m- cxtiiiuiU twenty two million*. \
vii 4 luiioiint of mone yi* living I'Chilgjil
ill l'*p|oflll(r fillies' tile mllo tllllllel ;'i e
tin mine* eny ilriiiinit"-, iiiml liorn up
jx*nritnecx, otne ri< Imre Dull'* Ini' ly ill
loMrfrii muv il**ielo| into Veritlihle I**
otinaii iltnl ii’!ore Nevada to il funner
rtiiitfliftv Nine tenth* of nil iniulnp
charter" In f'nllfnrtlia find Nevada v-diie
their JirnpOrTy fit irtllllnn*, in ‘hii"-of
IlftO, and new one lire hcinjr i wed even
now. Nine tenth- nre “tvihl rirt 'of no
Hftflnt tnlttn, llti'l n I Icim *| |I " ill l.e
wade of them.
It Ift HUtimiwed tlint h neiv Meariixhlp
line ift to D- *■ t,|rle<l which ejiiniot Jin) U>
bn of great nrlvnntngc In the olllh find
(irolwhl) to the nuitlnM-t It i< tin'
Mlwdftdppi Vul ley mnl 1 *riir ili |
iitn*. The HI Paul enthu*ui*-
tfc about the project, mnl it interview'd
cx-Oovvrnor WVdibtirn on the mattei
’Pho govcrnni think* tlniL mi immctifio
trade ran be worked up letween Hrii/11
and the southern am I wi-xterii Male
It* conwdcnt the obfitaclt-x at the mouth
of thMix#idppi Ha practically
mid Im lutik* ou tin new line a* a pl<-ti
did achome. "At prpaenl," eotiUnue*
the ijnvernor, "ottr communication with ia by Hritiah ntanitn r* and via
Liverpool. The rrult i that we have
little trade with that country, while if
ne had direct eoinniunirntion it would
furniah a nplcndid market for flour and
other product*, mid give n in return
coffee,’’ etc. se
The IVx t* state treaatdy ha* it balance
Four huntlretl Mormons have left
Georgia and Alabama this year.
The <r.tal indebtedness of tin - “Intent
South t’nroliim is $%)*5,454 Of.
Texan in larger tnnti either the Gor
man Empire or the Austrian Empire.
Fofcf thousand people rode on the
afreet ears at Little Ilock, Ark., on eir
cu* 'lay,
A ten*thou*iuid-dollar greenback tv a-*
paid into the Alabama state treasury
There is a revival among the Wine
breeiiatian*. or “ feet-washers,” at Bel*
lnire W. Va.
At thr approaching state fair to i>e held
in Jacksonville, Fla., a premium of fifty
dollars will be awarded for the best Imx
•f oranges exhibited.
Of the six hundred and fifty convicts
in thr Tennessee peuiteutioi y there is not
one in the hospital.
Gcrmhti euro being extensively dis
tributed fh WUth Carolina by the fish
commiaakfifor of tliat state.
Two that ling pans, with mountings,
etc., have lawn added to the battery of
the Alabama State Artillery.
Eighteen hundred and ninety-three
persons have signed the temperance
pledge in Atlanta, Georgia, recently.
Rome. Ga., manufactured over 6*000,-.
00(' bride this year.
Norfolk. Va., did an export b urine**
•f $10,000,000 last year.
Jacksonville, Fla., uses four thousand
barrels of kerosene per year.
Fat mail trains are now run over tha
Atlantic Coast Line and the South Caro
lina railroad.
An indußtrkms young lady in Ander
son. & C., ha* made a handkerchief
valued at $25.
They say that all that keeps the Au
gusta, Ga., canal from being a succere is
u>o much water.
The first store in Grenada, Miaa., was
built in 1883 by Col. N. Howard, who
still resides there.
The colored people own lS.wO*' aero*
of land in Halifax county, N. C., and
8,000 in Warren.
I A contract for building a railroad
which will connect IV-nrowTit, Fla., and
Sflma, Ala., baa been let.
Constitution : The number wf iioardj
!ng houae* in Atlanta has tartt been a*-
cerlaiued Living i* (h(af*r Ire re Uiau
in anv city of Ceorgia.
A n?g ro named ueaeti <-*cape-l from
jail in Hnbeson county, N. <d, last week,
and a (leputy sheriff named Cole while
trying to arrest him, we shot and in
stantly killed,. Ijeaeh is stilf at large.
rvoo* burglars at < ha;loU*- .V. C, eu
tere'j a store on 'fuesday night b/ Imririg
a few hole* around the two locks on a
door, titling the holes with kerosene and
burning the door until tbei*cludropped
The A valahche says that there scene*
no doubt that a sewer system, to cost uot
over and |s rforrr) all the ne<
ewaary service will l/e agreed ori for Mem
phi*. It t within the city'* finsr.e-al
Hav.irinah (<iit ) New#- There were in
port Friday eight steuilisiilfe fourteen
rliijie, twenty-two lairks five brig- and
ten w linoß*nt.
Jle/uy Harris, ol MeriWetiier ra/tmty,
fit., trapped tau-nty l/caver* ut three
night* last wr i k If. sells tin kins, lor
*1 2A apiece.
riiiiir very line orange- oa e lain
grown this year at Savannah, fia., and
tire Newts laconfidr-nt of future sug-e** ip
that direction.
A traveler in Htimner r-mritv Term
last, week >aw a inuii r I rued William
Norri*, aged ninety two yean in tin fur i
cst chopping - ood.
I’alriik M'imnnld, not three
j old, w ild* tin I li*rb-toil ,N'-w* #l, v*l
’ eoller ted - by hurl ill l.yoibieirg, 1
lor (hi I b.(.d (./ pint.
I ',lo I iny W.i t.'lbi* -I to di itll
|Kno x sill* I el,-o - iu?i;i y. b) lie-o- pin
j Ivl Day j i men jar) of *e vent ecu year*
I The hoi is 111 the loci Up ffttaaiHl “
i*a \ Imrik v> Itonn- << i los received
! jjtr!fr,<***> m Ann in .ui rv,t ntv 'iolbu gold
pieces nnd tiny - ic lie mg paid on* Ii
cotton Ihs oi,, it* (rc'-rilaick*
A : ,iii n-,-'.jiiiisil , i * ,ii
W 1 —-
• uni:- ' :''~r "*
| herd f-ivtii, W ind I iMi .!
Tin- ■ .ulii ( ,i (oliroi h visliiturc i- < ci
i-li iing n bill to prohibit tin i uni tn
I of freight tillin’ and In figiilnle tin fci
| uliig of mnl I inn) pa cngi i i -1 ■ 1 1 j,
K. I- 1 I", line- lull c " ■ --1
j 111 till- eonwtiin I fir, i 1 n'*,n
II MIC tl t to tin t-am-a-, -1 the fa lirtl
lull* 111 1.( ■ 111 lln ■ ol Si n I>l
-iiunlHy Imo in- mb, . tla i liiioim
. Illtrcb nt I ..!! ic iltrtd \.k. -I. b pic
sented it title to as ii "f bind,
the lxtnulni; •Ia 'd a . bin l (
editb (-,
.Igl k-uill Al l ■ lull dotg l in ",
Ol* ril lioiiw, erii'iyiile I sentimr "tl |*-o
pie, arid It e * aid that when i-oinpleb and it
will bo "lie "I fin pretto -t ttuiltri- in
the wvtlth.
' *
Twenty-two young men will apply bo
admission into the North * it ml dm t on
Irrcin e, XI K. f*bon li, nt it* it-xt ‘*<•*-1011
'f*l l l*x eoufevein e already rmbrarp* tVo
Vfftmfffii* la-ilg' i- t lol'l eiigb intfitdoil
hie* Wi re freely paid nut by tltose who
hud debt* to w-tt-lu tmday llp vdlow
modal will soon lavomn v drug in tin
nuuket. „ „ - '
l.alirer* In ni I’t-'uiisvlvunei have lie n
cutiling to leorgla lutdv fjuite n tuiru
1h i of {4lcm are employed nt the timber
mill* of tilie (teorgi* Late) tnl l.umln’r
I'OtJloall) ** /
limn an t.g" colored isnlennriun
li Hpalding mmatv. tla.* r 7ny ,agpd W
IIIK, mid hutli no W omen
million cigar* wen- uuxxh- tn
Wheeling. \V. V, la*t year, and the
nmnlyr will la- largely iueroa-w'd thi*
An eel six feet lone the wheel
of a water-mill at t-ioblville, Alnlauna,
nnd was sufficiently large to -top the
The Little Km k I bun-t rat say* that at
tin time slttee the war have the iwgrne*
of Vtkim*a* Intd -o-tumh money a* at
1 Lyttchbttrff i Va.) News : The Mid
lmu{ railroad lui* a contrart to ship A,OOft
car-load* of iron ore t*> Pittsburgh. I’lie
ore is to Im> furnished Cron Uiverville, on
the canal, below the city.
A Air. ritoddart, at. P< ii- ieobi. Fla.,
has an orchard of 3.500 tig tri es, ninny
of which were imported from Enmpe,
Asia and Africa, Almost every known
varietv is represented iu this orchard.
It is thnight that special Session of the
Tennessee legislature will be called soon
to puss an act enabling the taxing dis
trict of Memphis to levy a tax for im
proving the sanitary condition of Mem
Rrookliaven ledger: There is some
talk of changing the gauge of the Chica
go, St. Louis and New (Mean* railroad
to four feet eight and a half inches, to
make it conform to the standard of
northern roads.
David K. Adamson carries the mail on
foot lie tween Ridgwav and Leakville. Va,
a distance of twelve mile*. He has not
failed to make a trip for several years,
and receives twenty-five cents for each
round trip.
The Arkwright Cotton Factory, at
Savannah, Ga., which has been closed
for some time, is likely to he purchased
by A. Campbell, a capitalist and large
manufacturer of Philadelphia, who will
resume work at one*'.
The school c’ ildren of Georgia pro
pose to contribute enough money U> erect
a monument over the grave of the late
Prof. Bernard Mallon. of Atlanta. The
suggestion is credited U> Misa Laura A.
Haywood, of that city.
A large steam giuning and milling es
tablishment at Mikosville, -FU., was
burned on the night of the 21st in*t., to
?>ther with 30,000 pounds of seed cotton.
he fire ia believed to hav* iieen tin
work of an incendiary.
Wilmington (N. C.) Star : Tlie house
of one Jacob Keaton, colored, on O. 7.
French’s plantation, at Rocky Point,
Pender county, was accidentally de
stroyed by fire on Monday last and his
four" children perished in the flames.
rWg.-■ jTAIa.) : J. r Moody
ha* ot to our officfc a cotton bull writii
fourteen v* *-lf d*vwfdj cd lock* of firm
stajrh; tn it. TJuov Icing usually but
four locks, the laoll w< have
vvsual to thraeTittd a Jtldt of Uie*rdiaary
cotton j
ik- ftoto ( Mian.) YutiMi. When imr
darkie* go to Kuo&s, a-d other *u#rtfa
ero states breadstoff- w ill be cheap, cot
ton go up to twenty cent* j > r (und,
yux-k raising will be a paying bnsin—s
in th<* section, and tieadrar negroes for
tlu-ir vote* will thea be played out.
Tl. r-outh Oaroiuta public - h<*d
were attended during the last i<x/l year
by VltffiA put/ila, of whom
were white and *k4,090 were colored.
Thi* is the large- attendance thesehaol
in that state have ever had in oae year
prevent it, and the novelty <A he bus
itit v. i* sufficieot to make it popu ar.
Tlie I’eaU/dy fund make* the follow
ii,g aliowatWM toTeaa.\s< hoofstfc; ywar
tfouVon tfo (ggj San Autoriio, li .dtXt
Hberrnaii ftrenham, ptuti. After
tins Mar the trustees prop's**! to X/i ffii'-
aid from that fund to normal *cl,y<i- in
Te*a*. *'
Th New York and North t xroLna
Hmejlmg ("i/ipauy are i-rectii/g (Wrir re
du'-tiori work* (< ar < harl>.tie, N 1
wh' fi they expect to handle god, -b
v-r "ijrper and ■/ nr- on * The expar'-ity
■,{ the work* will hr, twenty tows j*-r
4av, p
New Orlean* l*teg, ms If hn Judah
J* firnjainin, it i* r<-(*-;tcd strml* a lati
Hrarn ■ ,f Ding soon ;.*-d '< the li
glish I* :u ti There J- a. :u el.* yis t "
Ex'-l'i-'pier <-■•’■ It I-, ’
lines'.i i, i-n I- --1 for tn h p-- r<
to lx- tiifed ,s fs.lin of alien !'"*
hlc ■ - IC Irioo oc ' bo, ■ 'coo
1 1-7 O, i- 111. COM,o it,) ■ 0; ,
|Vs I V oi.porMnt i lid natty at.-i I"* -b
j |*.sits I/sing ib U-!"J*.| i on/' anti >
j 11/triicf e <pf -1 *I i * ice are 1* og i-- pp* - "
, the ii .ru nod north'i. <it - *rh;
is. universally duiiie-' a-ud t ua.jtuthU
j high |- o•
.-SI v .u.s.iJi Die ) N'*/ I',- .1 I
(•Wilke- ol 1,11" "111 I'Kilit f- J. -. .
. _■ ; , - pi, 10. >■■■ •••
'■ ; ■■ ■ - |OSI*I Ic -- - Ssb f ' -
, ■ . , . I '■ (-•" '
ern .mti-agi ■ the * |.*i Vffi ia
I !ho "slo; <d people arc rJ.i'll y eg
| bifid " ! ni-r* nod ta.i paref*.
| 1 ■< I !>• pbi'ii v ‘ o ■
on io Hi*! ec i
i!! in- hi -i - I psopb go o ;
fitt tiftie* dyiring lh- <!y tlw rtt i
thi' Oiorrolig till -let.-
f W.fS pf - Vl-hl I" I--
M. lopboi (leno / Icdg'-i A xo-i.s
..,f 1 1 *,u’f <l, aai.nt'O worth of
'■a-.ti ril yell,mg- - ■ -.i-< I-olf *- ■' In,b iis
ts< -n selling to hiif.k* r* I-, cotton b"V
ill f¥ -iMFUty *b p*** ro* fit-- FV r”tv*
I from vt , to 'p- sl,‘aa>.
ind M. io fr-sen tin- .oiiri. tluxt : • < hu f
pri.fsfs -f flic h-j'tkfi'g t ■I a i Is# o i.- r- is
fl" \ * i"-1 (<■* ,i lb in! - •-’I;
-f a siugnUu. rjaadrrrp--I ki u< I by..* [ ■
f v ~fl ir btinleis It wa* Xw%. U-limu.
nnd gnat, !s-b■'", **tf' of hjpkrhl k*
when tiny iup Id lind M’j They
bav tin- kiu uml leg*, nml ;e<- aiubupt
that *<>iiic skilled liflHiraliat* wd!t arie
nnd give It the right niimi-iudattk'-
Vii kxbur ' ( M’-*".) f*<tmnreW Tl"-re
at, pi -ja-rtv nwihcr* in thi* t'fttr who
hmc not paid n dime >f faltc* *m 'Jicir
real p*tnt,> xltu-■ 1 AT3, Tbay refuse Pi
jm -, ami 1 1 •< r* ■ tu law liy which they
' ii, Is loiiip'-llcd tn do *>. tbajr p*v I
'heir m '--/uid eouiity taxes to tht sh'-nl!
n*l t'-i p 'll' w tntA frotii •udfitig tlu-ir
pri'L* rfv hut the HIW ha nnway by
bi b uTAiftjjs’t them to pay TL,.
V ' i "i.ri■is ; < Kristi. la*f Week, it Mr
1 iigt i I w;i -i'll! to the i ify hlispn■d.^.lp
gets* 1 .with In-.* two iJidtirun. aged tarn
vein- md i igliteen mouth*, 1 respet lively.
One null! die prevailed ii|*w> ‘the itiin
to Uni' them m her room overnight, and
iiex‘ morning the children were found
stiiir did to death and Afr*. Cnghel was
gone '‘hi Ini* not yet been discovered.
Nashville (.Term) American: .?. C
Rodiiuer. of Gallatin. a well known raP
road contractor, w in the ntyyeater
dav. lb -rnystbe poigle of Sunnier, froue
daie and Smith counties are talking
-tronclv of building a railroad across
from t iallatin via Harts ville to Carthage.
11l av* the country through which it
would paaM* one of the most hcautlful
nr.d rn:lu*t agricultural region* in the
State, ,
Dm Atlanta (Ga.) fousuuiti'U *'> *
that A. J. Grant, of Harris MUBtL cul
tivated thi* vear a crop wliigh yielded]
eighteen fufl hale* of cotton and 30ft
bushel* of com. i>e*Sdes atmut "fwai
laiunds of f.aider, and be only vised w,
mule in the cultivation. Another farm
er. J. A White, made 40fl bushels of
corn and fourteen bales of cottpn, weigh
ing 500 pounds, on a .one-horse farm.
This wa* beside of fivHer, peas,
potatoes, etc.
Dalian (Texas) Herald : The tide of ’
colored emigrants that is roiling into
Kansu.* at present from this State is very
large. They are going by hundreds to a
land where a greaf many must die of cobL
and hunger winter. Nearly 1 erefv
train Mist goes north carries a lot bf
them. So far they have been emniffg
from the southern counties, but the
movement is spreading and ia twginaiag
to lie felt in this section of the ptaie.
Norfolk Virginian,: Y'reterday aa Ital
ian was going the rounds of the city with
a cage of t ained mice. The little animals
gate recognition of their respective
names and performed many singular and
amusing tricks. Among other things,
the mice arranged in order a miniature
cannon, put the cap on sad fired it off,
and showed no alarm at the exetosfon
One of the creature* then Spiled h
mate, who lay and fwn aa if deaiK *
cart and hauled him off.
New Orleans Fiestyune: We are in
debted to Major A. W. Rountree for
specimens of an orange that is both seed
lews and double. The finest is huge, df
a rich gold color; keeps well, and is of
delightful flavor. In a hundred of these
oranges there will seldom he found a
seed, and many of them hive a pretty
miniature orange in the flower end of
ihe large fruit. The original tree in this
country was procured from the Emperor
f Brazil's botanical garden at Rio do
; ’ 7c
‘ •-A ’jg*> ui On.) Ch-r-*N*s-V- 1 ;a %.
f'-tety of eoiored Weil Hear Wiilis-U/Jk I*.,
~ that i~ a law f. ara* tlie
i </f larceny J* com*-rued. The men
j are fS/ttou-picker*, have a president and
files and ferula t jen* for their go rent
' merit. A few das - go tar -i tiyctn
i mi***.-d five do I lain. I ■ proof
plain against a futmer no in fs r who "a
- tried by a jury of -ix (This
fieri* and found guiltv. lie via* -ie
tern ed to i ecej ve fifty lathe- o.*i his
asked Dos and be exj*.-I!ed fr o the
•xi'ty. ihr sen ten cv- was ego, ct
the letter.
Nashville An;em an : The city treas
urer say, that he i <•••* of money He
is unable ut }>ay the stnet band- tfce
ftiitit, the city tea I! i* - lie ftfemen. tin
woik )b>uat guard-, tj.e dump-boat men, j
or the porU't it the market h use, foi
the past month. H* nay* the tax payers ;
an too dilatory, and that tin!*-- some 1
jjjj; t -of If. <..
•.al.-id- i- a 1 i- .ft- - V, n
are lirbtud 100, with then pri* liege tax- :
tippling Uceiissetc. Ail the city |
ik* is is fur tbow (ii, • vt- to wa * up
and * ttle tie .r indei-dn< The tv
'c. i-r of water taxe> i.a* !* eu for three
or four day* p*>*t stoj s ng th water nt
'ir, t.i■ .(-ms.
MJ.'t.HbJWIMV Ah wf Umia.
live rnsi,
fi) th* -- fj&tc ~1! the •'•ib, Mr * *n
-f It f tix*? tia* 1
' .
- • !ir*. v* '-4 *x-.:rrf4*r V !id
; -tv Uadrk# ***• .. If I:
Hii-4 ttlr •' ; -T f hSl' l tat ti tbSt *; •• *•
1 D--X* : , • <mUt- -r ;*/* k U-oc! I: i f.T > *efJ-4-f
1 e*n(>: ■ /■ : i '*<! F tMixf.4:.- ' - c?
* ’ - €•-' ' k * ' '
hi .. p- : - —'ls •
T 1 H . * . i, v
** '• ••• l* .M- at A - : •’ •'
-• .. i- . i * i
.v M ■•'{ -*4 : vDf •" - > *■>,. i D-V
M • - ■’ l " -
- .- • H ‘ ••<v .4 IMfl
>,* ii
=. • ift (J, b ;U- / TANARUS! if ■ f.-f
• irV'ffl tin f|p|# Ul? A;.' - # V
| UttL-lh'' f" - ?*-4.1*4 V I- - k-- - l - -' kc -a
i llfil# -f 'fr ' r i'J- * * {
[ \rfVf* - lit- Hi I*f.4-,-V j£
' tufty ■' •*# U' ■ s. i h ‘f iJf* S s*T'U,.f
| * .ir/ ! .-fi;t JW’t’p f*' f%L -gfiti Ik* *
,\ j SXN -. hik t- fti • -v.rimr’ / : -
,-i -.ii v ~e-.’r tf, \ t rt l
I ♦* Mm**
I { ***' e
’ fl<# f! ..■ ? --u ; ’i. -•- '
■-t? miMtfi*- f t < ti?*- '-I t f.a-jt
,\{ "-him, w?*m i*i i • *-**■**• ’t-iWfr tfc*
-*f Hlr furt i* I.'ti, in-’n'Tl
th ?t>* •** rr- ’ vf 1 .
-#f Mi<Ns •‘f r i
. I!<>. A. M. fir -i * - .g
sf rt*jH f U> th? *-i. i *-. f tlie. 4s q:'
r#"pr- rrm ♦ *■* . •*>
A *‘Miutrtiu’Nlir-'-p' Hetol. In ’ * Id* -! in
a Tim- Tree.
* -
Umtr a > urnesty w•* f -nxwJ aln *D *
ag4 Bear tit camp -f fltd w* kicf-n
tip- new !i 11 C'tftd i>- . 1 iisVie Irk It.
)• a mountain-rani . lioul, !r , 'in*
!*a*lded in a pine ti> <. au-i i i--t
from th* grotttid. The right b- rn i< n
wit!i the curl*partly around the tree th*
leflhorn front "f the okull xml ni"#! of th*
outside, i* covered with the grow th of
w-'"d. 1 in- tr. • i,i thrifty pine, fif'een
ini hr* through. How that ram’* head
came there will alwny* remain # tuyx
tery tn ycirntist*. but men of the rr n
ain*. who ara familiar with th- t ght
in-r propenyitie* of the wild buck, can
ea-ily explain it. The rah, xluv* head
is now a, }>art of tin tr-• . *!<*i on the
upy>er side of the hill, e iii!*- In* enemy
VtiH>d near what wa* then a pin*’ f=*|>-
pling. When the present relic ml- a
rush at ram N > 2, th* Inner *?* pc ) t >
one aide, and the old warrior’a bead,
coming in conta* t with tt:e Toung tree,
•plit it wile enough for one horn to
enter and he was left dangling at the
mercy of hi* foe. The re*t i* easily
gtn >**ed The survivor of th* fight delifi
emtelv butted hi* unfortunate ndver
’fry until there wa*nothing l< It of him
bttt tlxe skull and horns fa.-: in :1k wo T.
Frv*i Mi vef*, one of the proprietor.* >*(
tfie- holl-IMad, will have that * -.rtion *.f
the tree containing the ram * h< , 1 cent
to the
a i v‘ - ar.-city, arid on* :hat can Dyg
be duplicated. „ -
Daughters of the Rich.
Ko class of women ere more to be
pitied then the daughter* of rich men,
who, having real force and energy of
character, have no it, because
fashion requires them to sit still and fold
their hands It does not require this of
their brothers. They are applauded
when they grow restive un#er it, and,
brooking their bonds, interest themselres
in a manly way in something besides
mere pleasure. But let s dsughter try
it, and immetftately the awful Mrs.
Ofundv starts tip and Point* to her wor
sted dogs and eats, and her croouet
grounds, sod her French dress-maker,
and bids the daughter of the millionaire
■till her htrtseo.and close her eyes and
oars to the posMhsßties. and think of
nothiag bat hoshahd hunting. We
■over can know how many real heroines
are behind the wail of restriction till
what is callwi “adverse” fate set* them
free to stain upon their own feet, and
to use their own hands and know their
own powers, which had been dwarfed al
most to extinction by inaetio.n.
I? Mike doin’ well in the new coun
thry*” asked Mike’s father of a friend
who had just returned to old Erin from
America. “ Doin’ well, is itT ’ replied
Mike’s friend. “Shure an’ye may well
•ay so. Ye’ll Diver find Mike without a
quart av the best twenty-five cent
whiskey in the house.”
tmk cor tm wiMtr.
XTAsI. baa* !a th dt j U nußracr, griadluc * way oa roar Greek ?
W-sU, veil- fwx am dm, eU tetlew
But rod}*, yew an eMuog wxxk!
CoodiUasea! Wfc.l at B? I'm alway*
' orsdtnaoad—s rseuljir nek,
Bvam<i vr otfaw^
trhv M eawna Too, poooaskrie h*n l It,
Sad feu* is* >Uj UK x . t 01. CUli.
Be wad al aXcegins and aa; wstek.
And Jots at oor ttikim, duwx liers
Aoy scat ’ Weii, yuu duoiisuiu Hum
t*ry girt ni * nsviar tesbe.
Ail Us* la* of New H,*n an-' BoCsa,
* And ether one■ equally swell
r>-' n-i* <g t-sa T-wa, was a Kunner
ns tx-uugr.i doec her (aiae oa the viag.
Acw IB leas chaa ax tejur. if J-iffO,
tsiit Sad every um-b o* * u :r.g
Preuyf tUlu-f’ Her teeth *rs :.xe ya.-j Wr
C—g-n* OMt hrtwweo* bar*
And her eye wnen she vss * Sel^jw
J net twu.-v.led JiM mdatgut < -aara
fi --. is life list* HI show yot ■ r.e luckal
Bis* jot ene S' yami# anil V* dt
Has a Ist he, , it- iw |es.a<
We assej■ >hM tor mceeoratail
A* tss* tee. <i - j—. ! wasn't *Ms|' .ed,
I- s|. I,* U* U.e ts-ss.. Ui.l ar-i gear),
Fe* e i a, never nucleate*
W -Ut vst-y s lean, U a gtr;
Ac4jtbe*t oo *ry youae let to* ;sl. y.s—
TA years suet* they ahlyisseu her fruse c,'/u*d
AIW i 4sW I -i. t S-.C I; S , f fr, luarTKsi,
bis* ‘ei- t a-i a nta erwasslh Its*.
Her lame' Mias Van ArwXn! it ftrori - ye,
tun ins-y her, y, aay u, Juiy
ton re engaged tg ter. Tumr Oh. me -i.iisns
As* ye, —. I well, ha,e- :t - •
{At ct from subuft • ’ &*( *4*. ,# T
:>td I tell them of qaear pea/pi* aad
xtraiige experiencexT
Vct indeed, d*d I
C’aa ! recall them now?
No-yea. One 1 rwroember, twcxtiaa
It u Use ni<jt inei- i• a c eihvir that
*er Lefeli mo-—#o, *lxd tut befail- hut
.thn t haa e*r * *oe tom* "ae- • nd hand,
alm-s.l u good as new.”
1 found myself one -lay *t certain
town a th no “' • f-fu ** -n” uli ui
•'clock In th* sf #• train Uiat
B.!g; l make - xtcrii u.jlii an huar, with
ninety -i u ;D* to g> t over, Du# on
l- • at ■ * c‘tl'4 That
wo ijn l do Ho. of i cure, i had Ui
have * *{ < - ;al '
- . .vt • ,t.- ('si r. I-,w . s me
t . - ~ . - . .- not
o ■ ■ Dr -i !; . / * fiber
west, l.u tow AI- ft * Vi,; .-(;.• ,fs S.- cl* sa,
tree Da*, -, •■ ! a- r
a < afar had any epw* It exsxte*] o tl/e lir art- without jurnieul
One after a • ’e.*•/.<.' e i.fts-r am th< r, all
ti k - < - t gfii fa ,!y re
u . i* * h c- i.rnt
.s r fitch at ti.e e :*
V* bfcik the IC. t nr
Noth : r<g of intcfiwt wiU.-uut, v. 1
tamed toy ryes ts ijve', what U.iglst
l f. -.n-D w;fi,in Th<-y are eeneiaily
w :c uje-fi when they ar in |*v-k fit).,
ri, ;,r ‘aa - bit..*'*
I h*tc traveled f*l}jln'l* and on
them Try Isurelrtski *mi have wait* 1
a - • ut and-ijursii • awl arr-l gated a**d *
aatilsed the* ID.* (ighfl but *!wy
with It-eh w' -. H’ i adi: fain n
Ktr-jn* a* Titsta*. txmj.D, rompiirat*>l, ,
bl| ! , u-> \.m. ImautH'i! y*t ter
"AJSI I r-' -rf Jo- k at the-Ht without
jptUvD/ I *f of world thi*
W,:. f*e w • n aome oae IfTrrarTrow to
utilise, i t ona hundiasJ, ut fifty, but
even flit* - per rent of steam
Ax to their mardpul* tura. £uuli do not
aD'Urid ar, *rig them A Risn r- el*
brain* and t*®i-: tJe * tr~*t rr.s iouixt.
I like to watch * ffrxt-olaa# <•.■ listen to
an argumento.n a *i* y • • • **>tt wl *, be
may l>e ever an irTxn, if. He see#
flaw*, and i. ” w! r<- :!,< i-mwiare
Inoae, f-.e-l th* **'j*i< r -c * bo>k' and
the p ut * v*f!-.-i*s| b(,-.g!ingjjy n v{#
belter, half D time, ri. r, *.< <-
ant*, thi qrh they D* r.-s.i/.< n .a*! *
If a man kiaiwi a axoeldiic, M kn< w# .
bow to argue from can** eflht * m* p
br ctep of the *,r, and isn't ea.iiy
"bamboo*led, ’ arid tJct p,r*-s tou* lii-
U* "noiiatmae'’ about him.
My enginm was one of th* rich; .rt.
A clear-eyed, intelligent wl> •,**
voting (allow from New L , the
l-t rndrt In Uia world you a-mill #u sit
of dxmk or either sajwmirio** t u
He km explaining to me 0,-:.s of tha
■e* hnniam, wh*n, with hi* right hand
on the lever, hewatf'b rdy threw
himself half out of'the litfje window,
gated a moment up the traek, •• ••n.
turning his head, with his left hand
thrust up before it aa though shutting
aut mom awful vision, drove on.
There waa no mistaking the aitituda
nd its meaning.
“You hava run over acme one here,”
•aid T.
“Ye*—no—l don’t know,’’ he a
Hia firemen seemed to notice aelthvr
action nor answer. 1 gazed at both with
amazement akin to horror. Am I rush
ing through space forty miles an hour
in the keeping of madmen T’ thought
L “I>et us see.”
■“ You drort
“I don't wonder you look,” said "he,
"and ask. too. AViU you kindly oblige
me by telling me if you saw anything off
to the right!*’
"Nothing,” said I, "but open plain.”
"Nor ahead of us?’
“Nothing but level track.”
"Nor behind us? Did tou look?”
“Yea, 1 looked back. There was noth
ing but track and plain.”
I knew it,” said ha; "knew it just aa
well before I asked as aharwarda, but
couldn’t help asking. Don’t you think
that’s queer?’
"I think you are troubled. That ia
more touhe purpose. Do you mind my
asking what naa troubled ituT
“Do I mind? Didn’t 1 want to tall
you. ana see what you can stake out of
U?” and he drew hia hand over his fore
head and across his clear eyes as though
it were a nightmare that threatened to
unmake him. “It beats me.”
“1 wouldn't let it,” smilingly, to cheer
bis distressed face. “You are too broad
shouldered to stand that sort of treat
ment from anvthing,” at which he
ti.ighed a tittle and the i roman re
narked encouragingly: "You jus* pitch
in, Ned;” and Ned pitched in.
“As for the story—it isn’t much of a
story, you’ll say - but—well I Yon seel
waa coming down the road thk other day
—a good two weeks ago—-w road I’ve
been oTer hundreds of times, and k-ew
every foot of it. I saw off there, at the
ight, instead of that pancake region.
r egular hill eotintry, wild and greer.
looking, plenty of* trees, and among
them, oa top of a aort of ridge, there wa*
a eh Ambling tarera painted red.
“It was growing dusky, and l could
•ee lights in the Uvern, and kptir’loud
Toice* laughing and rowing. Directly s
fellow came plunging out of the door
with his hit 00, a flannel ahirt unbut
toned at the throat, and one sleeve loos*
and l/Anging, holding a whisky bottle.
He reeled down the hill, stumbled and
•tumbled, struck hit foot against a lug
■ear the bottom, and pitched forward
into the diteb halfway across the track.
“I aaw wiuff&wmi coming and had
whistled dot* and reversed the
engine. Th* have got on his
feet easy enoulOKtt hadn’t been for hi*
cuiaed whisky TuvSe; but he grabbed it
and held it up m aa to sate it, and
•owlda't mt his bxdanor, of course, with
out both Mads, and so pitched forward
again, and this tune flat scrum the raila,
and we west over him.
“It was ail done ia a minute, you see,
and the train stopped, an-i 1 starting at
Jut hare, and ha at me."
“What didywu do that for?’ said Jim.
“jerking her up like that for nothing. !
“My God! man, run overs human
creature, and atasb the brv.-tth out of
hits, and ask what I stopped the tram
over a man! * rrieii Dm “Ar*
ifSk craay or druokT* Hut i . in t wait
t# answer i streaked up the track to
where the conductor was nut, and th*
l/rskemea and passengers all had their
he .-ids oa< of the windows, and everybody
wanted to know what was the matter,
and tiiwie- well! yoa know just as well
as I ’.ter* was. the open eouaUyawt th*
trsik as fiat as my hand, and nothing
else near or far to be seen
‘ Drunk! No, I wasn’t drunk 1
dc*i t drink—ever. And it happened
just uf turmtg to Jum
"J uet exsetly so," answeitd the sooty
“ Ye*, lust exactly so, echoed the ea
giueer “and just exactly so I’v* seen it
every day and don# it regularlv *inc*
then And 1 can't stand it much longer.
I’ve gut toquit. Look at tj/Jlt!” bokfliig
up hi* str< is hand Uial was shukinj.- in
a wav that didn't belong to ID muscle,
nor t th* c!#*' bide eye* that had no
dr. ii < < r;..e in them. Msylie I can
link:- a t hsujre with a fr.end *1 nun*
i W.-..M5 to come AVeol • Anyway,
In, :tig Ui get out of hetW, lively. '
i set and paoderedi
“l' • ;-- i fei,re tnpf mud he.
’ Lrhevs you? Of *nur>- i do. I’m
not a ford, f know when a mn hsx
truth in hi* fa e and voo'vf got troth
Ul VoU • - | tl id
'<- i< ‘ ii ■ and -V
“l and like t- shake b-itid* with you f r
ti e* if to* don't ear# ’
‘Hut 1 do care.' 1 said 1, smiling iii
tu*n bo nr shceik hsH'D,
' tr , * - .ii **i plan ftr* ”
“N , i.u i, .ti i;.'ii I can Uilyoo h-iw
s fi *< t j-ruwe
\V* reached our dmkl4t“ >- *•’- ci- b.
went bts ot b*r wsy, *s, ! •< far at I
knew U. ! • was an ttui uf I* ;.riiiy arid
• it ! 1 .-<-n
KWe yor sfirrwnid I wax at N*w
Lmuawli je aitniM for the left o - k
'‘Drawing room~air,* 1 called !, a* 1 ran
due n ihe S--r,g, dark platform
'T'rt* ,n/rrntr *-ar till* wiiy’'' wa*
al>u<fd frinrt Use *-ar SiDcktl*-*'*
''Ah, 1 it you, Mir* | >'Hf,-sir 1
I’ls ttr r ' room U>-ti ; -.d t,’’ and ! s-r.inr
bteft in
A :-oV *T* ry * cl an re • '-y# VB
the r* i ’ p ■'s ji.e ■ T :*'*■ -! fiv are
wuh ** -ii< > *aio< Ut/ i * -j, it./, 'ut
did • res-s-ynir* h,;a.
“Y- i u'-n tkr w ;o*
Ni' ' ri-- u 1. • t l I,i 1 , - ~ .rig
fan..liar in face or voice,. “Ytro are a
W* * rr am”
l'< he
let rn* m-| kt me it
1 don’t bk to be thwarted. las v.
rerr>* •• ‘>r j** -pic’s f;.*c, xml ftfwn --' -r
get tt,* ir fierr." I ecold forpe* *fr -*n
'Who M bet When—where <isd tevii
travel with him 7’
" Yoa were not a coaduotot when 1
saw you Dfore. I nut sure of iLat, ’ I
vent ure*l
ID laughed at my puzzled face and
answered; You re right th-re J
Alt at once I placed bin;
/Ah’” ' tit (l I, ‘ Low’* th* gb jt?'
"jrie roan Lada fib* ruddy < Ait. hut
be turned pal*—pale *• 'hi* pa
V> hv. you don't mean that anything
did re 11* ever oer e <d it?’
“Yes, but I do
MVtb, VjH tell ydu iJt in a i v aii;—•
that's the beet wav, acd I tfon’t iike
talking about if. You know Iso nTed
Vo get a*av? Yc.*. Well, I rot my
transfer, came to t* < Phil for! phi* and
line road, and my fr'-ttd went West.
‘ Maybe i didn’t draw a '{-mg breath
as 1 got under way that fink day, and
♦bought I'd left my bugaboo an, Tar be*
hind me. Everytlung n!*..ul k-Xm so
different from what f had qrfitten, it
made me feel like anew man. Yon
Know toe country the i'fuiatloiphia and
Erie runs through T’
“I know it. Beautiful, fresh nnd billv,
and full of stream*, with a rough look
ing road and earring track.”
“Just so.” be aeeented. “and I wen*
along it cheerful as a cOckwt, looking at
evervthing *nd full of interest until to
wards nightfall -and theft—weft? I shut
my eyes and drove ahead. H hat alee
could Ido? But my fireman waa dhag
at the rope like mr-d and rousing
me, and the engine was jarring and
jolting*and pgcacntly ■fofprsL
‘“Wliat did you do said L
“ *My God, man,’ cried he, ‘nn over a
human creature and mash the breath
out of him, and tbffftesfe what I stopped
the train for—are vou drunk or craryf
and he plunged off*and 1 after him.
“J didn’t expect to see anything, Irqt
a: the right, yon see, as the train ran—
there was a bit of a hill, and a sham
bling old red tavern, with some tight*
shining on top of it, and a lot of people
with the conductor and passengers gath
ered about somethinnCoQ the road and
aa 1 came up—there was a man with hi*
hat off. and open shirt, and the whisky
bottle in his hand, across the track—
A vessel lately arrived it Alexandria,
Va., from sea having on board a pigeon
which alighted on tha deck when the
craft was hundreds of mile* from land.
The pigeon had become a* tame It woeld
not lea re the vernal.