Newspaper Page Text
Cbe 's)nnrilton Visitor
m rw. i>. uoClut.
B*lirnd Progression.
-f the Ni iil A S nt'
Tb’fl'",. „’, ~t i;..,r}{i;( —vela brief
mk< [ti c< nt features xvltich ore rtf
in'erest t< tho entire* riiilroad circle
of rli>! country, Gonst meted tt|ott
tiro vinoxr g Micro prnn-h 10, it Ims
au<i(, by its h.iriibumie pas-
K'Btf- r ooac livs, s] ce l, iwl < n*c in
that the same comfort can he
given passrrgo-rs as is enjoyed mi the
riunl* of lnt> der gauge*. Its con
struct*, iti lutaJ'.tliy sliowii the econo
try of the theor in Ittii’dtitg, ami the
net ttttl ov crat i' >r,, of itt riwntpoi lat ion
dcjmrtutctu li u > proved its nlnlity to
do all the work f.qttired of it, and at
lower rates than wider the old sys-
litt < matter, therefore re-
Httiiis to l*e ciS'St’dcred, to wit: The*
Mtety of the new gauge. In reply
to our imuj lit • iijhiii lids point, Capt.
©Hpfoy, * * Superintendent of the*
Quin[sfeiy. < -It Ifrtt he would answer
ti- in ttc , J.m-je of the Superinten
ds*' <•! ;’.< Denver Si ltio Grande
s i, while attending the
a* St. Louis
ifjnuo last, when qinudionod as to
the liability lo accident*, said that he
MM firdly .prepared to make any
eomp.uative statement, ns his road,
aefwty five miles long, h;.d never
had one.
Hit X'-rth and . onih trains have
moved over ■ fifteen thousand miles
during c'>n*tn*cttoi and since the
road Mi opened for bttsiuos*. The
hanks arc* necessarily green, nml the
Company is subjected to all the dan
ger of accidents incident to new
Up to this time the road has carried
Foutli ever ite line 5*70 passenger#
and North, 4811—not including many
hundred laborers for contractors on
the road. During the namo time the
Company has transported over 1300
bale* of cotton, with the usual coin
pTltncnl of returning merchandise and
guano, and also a large number of
oar loads of wood and lumber.
All of this lint been accomplished
without subjecting the Company to
the leas of a do’lar, nor has life or
limb bocu Injhred by an accident.
None of our readers who have en
joyed a rido iu the luxurious enrs of
the North and Bomb, nml noticed its
general operations, can doubt the
wonderful rctt-lmins in the railroad
system of tbs country which the nar
row-gauge theory is deatiued to bring
& - ""
I’aioto Guano. —A conspicuous
advertisement ol' litis standard forti—
lizer wilt be found in this issue. It
has stood the test of irate.
War Bet* the advertisements of our
Sheriff and Ordinary.
Pff~ Somebody has been summing
t.p tlic (lite of kings and emperors
numerically, and if they have had an
uneasy time of it while reigning, their
exit also hasn't usually been pleasant.
We have no time to verity the state
ment, but it m rs fidlowsi Out ot
2,849 em|*c*voi: cr kings over 04 na
tions, 20!> w ere dethroned. 04 abdi
cated, 20 committed suicide, 11 went
mad, 100 died on the bntllo Held, 123
were made prisoners, 25 were pro
nounced martyrs and saintH, 151 Were
Msastiaat l, t‘2 warn poisoned, nml
‘IOB were sentenced to death. Total,
903. Who wouldn’t be a king ?
r* recent work on coffee given
n simple teat which housekeeper*
might apply with ml vantage: “A
rpoonl\d of | are eofTo placed gently
on the surface of a ghuni of cold wa
ter will float for some time and
avatrety color the liquid; if it contain*,
chickorv, It will rapidly absorb the.
wntur, ami, i inking'to the bottom of
the glass, communicate a deep, rod
<Hh hiown tint us it fails.” Xuux r
out sulmtanees besides chickorv are
tised to adulterate cofle. A test for
nil of them would he useful,
gsarl he genius of a ('hitierc Jos-
ItuUsv iu Sua Francisco has licen ar
mated ;.d lined for unking so much
noise with bis bombs, crackers and
things used in exercising evil spirits
that the la ver* hi a court room
close by couldn't hear theniaelves
GP A | dan is broached iu Boston
t* supply heat. power, and protection
from Are to all buildings*within 2,000
feet f some huge central boilers, to
be located in Winlbrop square, and
incorporate a company fee thw par- J
pose, with a capital of SStKgOOO.
V i,r* or a Foirxu Stisijvo
The Finance Committee of ihe Unt
ied H*ne* Senate Ims vd to report
Axing it UO IS.VIOO as the ' sine
i|jt \>\ich the pound merlin* shall tw
by < flu r* of tw United
Bta:ea Goi c 'uncut.
" " r '. 77- - -V# ■!&s " ' ’f *1
Rome, £—Her Destiny.
We predict for tbia progressive
oily more genuine, utlbfituntia’ prw
periiy thjß#any otlikr in or Sitffo,
without we except Cohuhlm*. The
wonderful water power of the latter
nm give her a population of fifty
thousand people in twenty years. It.
certaii ly should do so. Home's pres
gress, however, is not contlngftiTT It
in as eertain as late,mid will be ns en
during ss the iifoli which will bring it.
Cajrf. West, a wealthy capitalist ef
New York, together with Capt. A
Giifliili, of Home, las pnreleised
twenty tin n ami acres of land nine
teen mil s fr< rr Home, on the line of
the Nuith and South Hail rood. The
The road is grided to Mfiihrn two
miles of his h'lvuien. Within six
months, Capt. West will have labor
ers reprct entingofie thousand people,
at wink, and v\ill shij* forty tons of
pig iron per day. lie will require
one hundreil cords of wood daily.
These loth etioiis have been sug
gested by a conversation of Capt. W.
with Guv, Smith, w hich w as repeated
to ua by a [ontleman who heard it.
The Captain, n man of vast prac'ioal
experience in the iron business as
sured the Governor that I’oik county
contains more g>sul ore than the whole
State of l*e.unsyl;unin. Tho iron
Held now being Improved is one of
fhrou ei ntrolled by the same gentle
men, and when all are fairly started
in their development, they will em
ploy end support not ess than five
thousand people, and increase the
taxable property of I’*lk county one
mil ion of dolktrs.
Our owjp road, the North and
South, which passes directly through
these beds— the ore itkelf having been
thrown out of its cats by the con
tractors —will leap a >ich harvest o(
freights from those furnaces, lint
Home, above nil else, will feel the
wonderful impute of this great in
dustry ; and as much as we dislike to
mar the bright beauty,of the fair city
on the hills* yet. our duty ns a true
prophet mjilircs ns to predict that
the very waters of her beauliftil clear
rivers will lie darkened by the smoke
of her rolling mills within ten years;
mid ns the Southern terminus of the
North and South road proudly main
tains her appellation as the Lowell,
so w ill Home, nt the Northern end,
elniui the dingy, hut honorable title,
of the Pi rrafti no of the South.
nr Represen'alive King, of Mis
souri, prufioKCH to Introduce in Con
gress nt nu curly date a bill to com
pel railroads to c[ui|> ihtir passengor
trains with a power brake which will
place them completely in control of
the engineer.
From thu Mui\.n Bntt-rprlsn.
Editor Kntkih'iiihk— As this foar
ful i limn so Inis> its appearance
in this city, nllow nui to inako a few
remarks ilnont it. While it in not
contagious, it may k properly classed
ns emlemtenl, sim*u it tu bes from cau
ses purely local. I apprehend the
oiium'n ot (Ik< disease arc to l>o touinl
in want of ventilation. By this 1
mean more than that, tl e sleeping
rooms of the vie i.'its arc not provided
with tratwonts or other modei* of
ventilation. Ail these nj* essoin fit!
to health, move especially where
sleeping room* arc tv-isl l>y two or
more persons. Hut heyoml these
there is a sli I morn essential venti
lation requisite. Mutt era-ms and
bed-elolhiti" should he taken out and
ventilated in the sun rtnl wind as of
ten as onto a week Let any one
sleep under u blanket one night, in
the morning, on turning it. down, the
underside of it will ho found covcrof
with u Vor—tho perspiration of the
both’ during the night.
Now it n steeping loom is not ven
tilated atul the mattress and lied
clothing exposed lo tlie stilt and wind
once a week, a leas or greater iinumiil
of this |k rspirntion of the body will
he aliaotlH-d hy tlie lied-ch tk : ng.
The maximum absorption will take
p'aee daring cold and damp weather,
and it is sin h times tint <e> - -
rehral-spiiial metiinpo is apt-wars. j|
So-culled “hea t y or **wulreafUtv '
Incut ions nave notlYng to d<> v hi.
meningeiis Non-ventilation ofn oms
and bedding is just as liable to living
it on in the one as the other. Hence,
if onr eltinens would avoid this fear
ful and almost always fatal disntse,
they should veiiltii.te their mil doth- j
iug, either lief re a rousing fie or in ]
smt and wind. Wiukur*.
Ci/*’Some of the s;oiie* told of
the terrible fluid vO'rets of ihe hue
storm in Minnesota arc almost in
fCrodablo. One paper reports licit a
sleighii - party of six ynnpg couples,
with their and ivrr, we: - .' all tumid
frnnen >o death, hiuicil uimosl out of
s'ghl iu the suuw,
fct?'* The delect iris found out
llti.t die reccut murder of an old her
■init at Solon, 0., was a left-handed
me; so they arrested the first left
hand. and min they (bund, and he
proved to-be the light one by his
own confession.
Hauiuvon Virioa.— We have re
ceived the third number of this pu
li t, pub isbiMl at llundllou, tin., i>v
IX \V. D. iioully. It is a very nont
and lively torpor, indeed, -/von//,*
A C#.
News Summary.
The first !V*t eastward oxer top
Che.-apenku ayd Ohio Hiver road, ar
rived in Hi limead'oa ihe liral int,,
with five loads of eivun l coal—o ei
first rial of ihe'kiai) ever reeefVed in
Hicdunond. .
A uieeiing of a Convention on di
rect. tif'h- mi tjS’iiiigr.giori, to which
d**!egares froin lie-ef lies of (He fforith
and West u*e invited, will be held at
August a, (Jit, oil (hifTlth Insti, tfi
stead of tho 2d, as. ladbffe telegraph
ed. The S’ale Agricultural Society
mids al-ll.e aanie time.
The biisim-ss fieri ion of the town
of .Im kaou. Tt nn *ssee, was !- h* royed
tiy lire on the tat. Diss sometdOO,-
The New Y rk Fire Marshal re
ports tin- he i in t!*e recent I'road
w ay fire |r 100,00.
TV,hi of| i.j.s ordered the redemp
tion of over $300,000 of three’ per
cent, eertitieales—leaving about £75,-
000 out. The debt ntaiernent shows
an inerea-c of nearly ♦300,000.
Four persons jxjrinhcd in a dwell
in/ liy li.e mar Jelhr.-ou lowa, on
the 2‘Jtli.
A terrible home it? is reported at l on 41 o I silt, injuring hhiji
plng and wharves, ami dcstioying
inerelnudi/e :ml three lives. Prop
o ty Itf.s jivni half to a miltirn of
and. dlars.
The Kmiijp-licul Alliance want a
conference in New York, to unite all
(’liristiatfa against ihe err< rs of infi
di-fity and r iiiomi.i-m, which have
l)c*t-n ti'iuisjii.ried firm Kurope,
The ('on* t-house in Quebec, Cana
da, on the 2d, was dint roved by fi'-e
entailing loss of all tho*records of
the province since its foundation, to
gether w ith title deeds and oilier im
portant legal doee.ntents.
The lull h*-foie ‘Coilgrew for the
endowment of a school of mines in
the North Georgia Agricultural Col
lege has been nifetred to a uuh-eom
tuitlee. eormistinir of Vonug, of 4h*or
gi, >hotier, ofNorih tfaroHnn, and
ItAiidaE, of Ne-vodti, wlio will report
favorably nt nn early dty.
Four l.oPors in the American Iron
Works at Pittsburgh I’a., on the 3rd,
exploded, shattering tho btiihiiag.
Tince tlioiisune laboreiH were in the
null at the time. Six dead and thirty
wounded have bet'll rccoverc I from
the ruins thus far.
Dining the debate on (lie currency
lull, Slim mail said under existing
laws die Secretary of the Treasury
had power to do just what Schurx
feared lm might be able to do under
this bill. Indeed, all our laws rela
ting to the treasury depended, for
tlieir vi.hie, upon the fidelity and
integrity of the Secretary of the
Treasury. If the Secretary choose
to do anything harsh to promote his
own inlcusts, or any other interest,
he Inis nceessai ily the power.
Iu the Wharton case eight of the
jury were fujr gonvituioir, and four
fi r acquittal. Mrs. Wharton is dis
charged on bail*
The Misses. Grot-lev have notified
the Siirrogafo of Westchester Cos., N.
Y., that they withdraw from a con
test which their opponents were de
termined to wage over iheir father’s
grave. The contestants then pro
ceeded to prove the will made by
Gieely in 1871 without, further oppo
ition. ft is stated that Mr. Ureclv
left property estimated to be wonii
♦2ofj,oon, which, with the estate of
Mrs. Gieclev, would amount to ♦225,
A man is in quite as great danger
of robt cry in the streets of New*
Yoik Gity as among Moxien bandits.
We read, iw the last sousation, that
a director of the Bowery Bank, on j
Saturday evening, was seized on the
Bowery by a gang of thieves, his i
head closely muffled in a shawl, and
hi- pockets robbed of six hundred '
dollars. All (Ids oocurcd on ihe side ,
walk, among a throng of people, and !
t! e robbers escaped with their booty, j
It is about tne same iu Now Orleans.
Grilles F. Noves, formerly of Galve
ston, was garroted and 'robbed on !
January — 4 l h, and died of the inju
ries received.
vir"The “.Morrill amendment”
adopted hy tlio Senate' on Thursday
is an attempt to do that which the
Suj feme (. oyrt has already decided'
cannot he done—to wit, viVmate the
Kx< ctt'ive pardon, Presidents
ei'ln iud .liihnsi n front time to
i tie banted prnilamatlons cflaring
a nes y and restoration of till propY
> rt\ rights, except in slaves, to such
South niers as might take and keep
the oath of al egiatieo,' and many' of
accepting the conditions have
5 *ss'.iti in the eon its <>ii the Govern
meat ku'ptng its side of the contract
by rttmning their property. Drake
attei pled at one time to forbid any
such jiiitlt-kocping by procuring the
passage of to. act which made the
pm-dnit proof if gu’lt but no proof of
the comlotiation of the guilt, but the
Supreme t.'onrt decided the statute
un-onsi inn tonal and void. Now
c< sites Senator Morrill with an other
amamlmcnt to the same end. Of
cuttse the Supreme Court will de
ede tiiis also, hut
it will take l mo to obtain a decision,
an 1 in that time claim, ants may
wiary and sell out rlu-tiji to thoSona
t"iial jobbci sw ho are “hearing ’’
tb.- market.—X Y. Wortd.
tS)" Already there are suspicions
floating around that the $153,000, cot
ton tax ii fni eUng sclywpo before'Coi -
g os is auotlict Credit Mobilier von
tu e. Those who favor cotton tax
legislation mast look sharp er an iti
'estigati'iii comma ice- will be appoin
ted in tulviuu e.
Jr£ ; Ihe liarlwirs of I t ire. Now,
\ e>rk, hive agreed tp ylese shop on.
Sunday .and go to vliurhch in a tidy
mutiit, PBABCE & UtTJt),
* ‘ , I
Wholesale -ari litTAib
caicjrtfus, Gd.
i.' ~ i
C<mnf!iltv <i band a luge and well sc
lecied i>V ck of
ormrlMlirg In part of B '*W'J '!'*, Salt, alt
am lea. Sitjrvis, Ouflms otc. Also a jreucrai
► lock of Kai C) (iro* cries, Staple Drear GchhSs,
hoe,. Hats. Notion*. Crcckcry. etc , ll of
wl.'eh have ta-eu iKulaht )>w f>r cath, and
I will t Pd ou tlie most reasonable term*
A compaiiaon of oOr good, and prieta is all
we a. k-
Mr. John XV. ITixto, formerly of IGrria
comity, has assorT#r,-*1 himself *ilh l!iw
labli-iimeut, and will las pleased to tej l.ia
many frictol* from tlarr a, Meriwether and
1 allau cimiili-r. and *how them our §t<k.
Mr. 1 twin has, in tl.c pa-t, by lair denting
ami polite t*iiunnt t<> alt, won for himeeif
a politic coalxl'iwe I bat new!* no comment
or eomuMttiSation . ■
No iiiuyage on rmatT iiackage*.
20 Broad St., Columbus, Ga,
Norfh Carolina Store.
Tin- nio'e-'hiuned bee to call the attention
' of ill. ritiz-iikof Hants county to t lie fact
(hut the) have 111 loie meet anything in the
that rati be called for. Aluo,
ftitucs, Crockery,
Jug and Tin Ware,
Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
In fact, nearly cveiythirig to bo found io a
J mnote Jiickron ia with ua, nml will be
pitanini to wait upon bi* tricmld.
) :7 l
Have a 1 nee and c- mpleto rtock of Staple
and >i*m v limeerN-s on inuid, and the cry
ik ‘Mill tin \ come They are lor rule,
and mildl lu but 1.
GUANO. —Read wlmt the Rev. II Ta' -
itt'rlmel *ays in regard to tlie judly celebra
ted ( oo s Bne / upcrplio pliate, tor which
wo hio iigi ula.
•‘ Jli id to certify that I have used, the
pruieiit season, on cotton, from 75 to 100
(Hiiinds of Coe's Rone t-UjerphoKphate per
*Ci'e, and am M'll*. it h.*, inereined Iho pro
diction lourtold. My laud is vi iy, thin,
and worn.”
To Delators.
Wo need money now as much as you
needed mi ions Sifting Your accounts
w< re due lht October. Wo hod rather cicdii
tffwsla iiA BA A DIIESTAL R-V\T
32 BROAD ST., Cl)Ll!)iI!l ! S, GA.
Tlie" iir.ihrtignetl takes this occasion to
itif.iiiii th citmens of Harris county tlmt he
lms title it up * uicu Hesisurant, nu.l is now
pu'ptucil to liiruisU custouieis \vi h uicuis tit
•II liouis, consisting * f tin- Ust tlie- market
-Ipiriis. r’ish amt oysters served in I lie kie-st
ut si J 1 -.
I Imvc Bar in roi motion with the house,
which is supplied with Rood wines and Il
linois, slid keep m hand good stock ct
tigsrs, amt' smoking end cbi-wlng tobacco,
Which we oiler at wholesale' or lefail.
w. H- BLAKELY, Proprietor.
Palrtoarn Hotel,
By Mrs. E. Mel,AlllX.
l " Board $2 oo a day.^jgpj
The morninc train from Atlanta to West
roliit Weal f.iftsat this hous. lime trains
lirfukfflNt Hilly, H
All persons indebted to the tiim of Pitts 4
Iviiutinuiuh tor Lumber, will please settle
immediately. HITS* KIMBUJL’UU.
tl i-.uilU-u, Jan 9, 1873.
Miss E. C. YAIfCE Y,
HirKopt In Old TirgliilaSt.vle~C*
is unequalled by any known remedy.
It will eradicate, extirpate and thor
oughly destroy all poisonous
stances in the blood, and will e#l*ctu
nliy dispel all predisposition to bilious
I* theie icant of action in yottr
Liver and Spleen? Unless relieved,
the blood becomes impure by delete
rious secretions, producing scrofulous j
or skin diseases, blotches, felons, pus
tules, canker, pimples, cte , etc. 1
Have you a Dyspeptic stomach?
Unless digestion is promptly aided,
the system is debilitated with poverty
of the blood, dropsical tendency, and
general weakness and inertia.
Have you weakness of the Intes
tines ? You are in danger of chronic
diarrhoea or inflammation ef bowels.
Jlaoe you weakness of the I'rinary
Organs f You are exposed to suffer
ing in its most aggravated form.
Are you dejected, drowsy, dull,
sluggish or depressed in spirits, with
heaifaclre, hack ache, coated tongue
and bad tasting mouth ? For a cer
tain remedy for ail these diseases,
weaknesses and troubles; for cleans
ing and purifying the vitiated blood,
and impacting vigor to all the vital
forces; for building up and restoring
the weakened-constitution, use
Juruto otoa,
which is pronounced by the leading
medical authorities of London and
l’aris “the most powerful tonic and
alterative known to the medical
world.” This is no new and untried
discovery, but lias been long used by
the leading physicians of other coun
tries witli wonderful remedial results.
Don’t we-ken and impair the diges
tive organs by cathartics and phys
ics; they give, only temporary relief;
indigestion, flatulency, and dyspepsia,
with idles and kindred diseases,"are
sure to follow their u e. Keep the
1 flood pine and health is assured.
John Q. Kellogg, 18 Platt st„ New
York, sole agent for the United States.
Price $1 a bottle—send for circular.
The Guide is published Quarterly
—25 c, pays for the year, which "m not
half the cost. Those wlui afterwards
send money to the amount of One
Dollar or more for seeds may also
order 25c. -worth extra, the price paid
for the Guide.—The first number is
beautiful, giving plans fori making
Rural Homes, Dining Table Decora
tions, Window Gardens, &e , and a
mass of infonnat on invaluable to the
lover of flowers, —150 pages on tine
liuted paper, some 500 engravings
and a superb colored plate and chro
mo cover. —The first edition of 200,
000 just printed in English and Ger
man. Jas. Vick. Rochester, N. Y.
Be deceived, but for coughs, col-ls,
sore throat, hoarseness and i ronoliial
difiicnlties, use only WELLS’ GAKBiILK'
TiBLETS. Worthless imitations are
on the market, but tlie only scientific
preparation of Carbolic Acid for Lung
diseases is when chemically combined
with other well-known remedies, as
in these Tablets, and all parties are
cautioned against using any other.
In all cases of irritation of the mu
cous membrane these Tablets should
be freely used—their cleansing and
healing properties arc astonishing,
lie mimed; never neglect a cold: it
is easily cured in its incipient* state;
When it becomes chronic the cure is
exceedingly difficult. Use Wills' 1 Car
bolic Tablets as a specific, Jotix Q.
Kellogg, 18 Platt street, New York,
sole agent for tlie United States.
Price 25c. a box—send fjr circular.
The immense sale, 10,000 ia a month, our
is having, proves it, above all others ,
the hook the masses want. It goes
like wildfire. Over 600 pages—only
82.50. Jllore Agents wanted .
N otiok, —Be not deceived by mis
representations made to palm off high
priced inferior works, bat send for
circulars, and see proof of statements
and gicat success of onr agents,—
Pocket eomp inioti, worth $lO, mailed
free. Hubbard Bros., publishers, 723
Sansom street, Philadelphia, Pa,
of manufacturer who ime become
disgusted with theoflfers of Parafine
oils, and their ill efforts upon machi
nery, is invited to lie! logo’s sperm
engine oil, at $1,20 :t gallon; sperm
spindle oil, $1.13; tallow engine oil,
$1.10; tallow spindle oi>, sl.os—man
iif-bctured only by E. 11. Koilogg, Xu,
17 Cedar street, New Yor’:,
of all Kidney, Urinary aml Liver dis
eases, is effected by jfami’toi *s llu
chxt ami Danddhm. It aels directly
upon these organs, en.ibliiig theiih to
remove these wastes in the blood,
Which cause gravel, diabetes. Blight’s
disease, jaundice, rheumatism, scrub
ua, etto; W C Hamilton & Cos., Cin
cinnati, Ohio.
A gen ts 1— A Hare (lutttee /—\Ye
will pay all agents S4O per week in
cash, who will engage with us at
once , Everything furnished and ex
penses paid. Address, A, Coulter &
Cos,, Charlotte, Michigan.
important to planters.
I , "
f - ' - : . ;/ •: ■ ■ • ,
W. C. JOHNSTON, Agent at Kingsbora
Tliis justly celebrated Fertilizer, which lias had such an extensive sale in
this neotion during the past few years, and which ba given universal satis
fac'ion wherever properly applied, is again offeixxl to the planters of Harris
and adjacent counties tqH>n the most liberal terms, as it is tl*e established
policy of the Pacific Guano Company to furnish its Guano at the lowest cost
to consumers, and look to small profits and larye sales for compensation to
capital invested in its production. In view of this policy, and the reduced
cost of production, the Soluble Pacific Guano is put into market this season
at the low price of $56 per ton, cash, and freight from Columbus to Kings
boro (fc1.50) added. Also for sale on time for currency of for cotton.
There is no ferti izer offered in this market, having a recorded experience
in its use, which can compare with this article. That fertilizer which has
stood the test of time, and has an established character acquired by long 1
experience, must present claims to continued confidence which cannot per
tain to articles which have not been subjected to the same ordeal of long
tried use. This gnano has been sold in this market since-1805. Its eon
siiiup'ion has s'eadily increased throughout the country, from a few bun
; dred tons t lie first year of its use, to many thousands of tous annually, which
is the highest aitestation of its superior excellence.
a w©M) m ®mmmo
The great popularity of the well-known Solnble Pacific Gnano, manufac
tured by the Pacific Guano Company, Messrs. John S. Reese <fe Go., Balti
more, General Agents, and Mr. W. H. Young, of Columbus, Special A<u*nt
for this section, has led unprincipled parties to endeavor to introduce an
inferior article, under a somewhat similar name, and to try to induce plant
ers to buy their compound, ou the assurance that it is the same as the gen
uine Soluble Pacific Guano. Mr. Young wishes to correct, through the
public press, any such impression Which may have been entertained, by in
forming his friends and customers that no responsibility attaches to any
compound sold under such assurance —hence the necessity arises to cauiion
planters to buy only from the authorized agents of the genuine Pacific
Guano Company. The real Soluble Pacific Gnano is branded u£it h. the name
ot John S. Reese & Cos., General Agents, Baltimore, and is put up iu sacks
warranted to contain two hundred pounds each.
For circulars of information, apply to " W. C JWINSTOX,
feb7-3m -Agent at Kingsboro, Harris county, Ga.
First Coor Below Pc se’s Book Store, and nearly opposite John Ring's Bank.
-■ ' \v'. J ’ ■ #
I wnnM respectfully annonnee to my'rienils awl (tie pnblie that I am now recci .’in£
ami openins a slink of BOOTS and SHOE 4 kxtibkly kmv and ikesh, consVtiitg of all toe
i. nide-tawl styles, suitable for either limit or heavy we ir.
i hkVe ha*) all my stock made o or.ter, kxi-bkssly r>r my own Thai**, by the Iwt inaa
iif.’ttiiri-rsyiH*'! will WHiv-ftt * v- rv. ,iair jp give smi.-fai tiou nd k* as repu-seuivd.
V . small iiea'erH awt'Oountry Merchants 1 can oiler pom) inilneemeiita.
I have R* cured the services of Mr GouiUr It. Ktemiug. 14e will.he gtiul to sec anil wait
iipi.u his friemls and otit gust'int rs
Kipiiiiing done with uralinss and cpsp itch. Terms cash. no 2
or all kinds, also,
Loatlior and. Slaoo Findings,
Om-cw ds are atl made to outer, and we guarantee every pur sold to give sntisactiorr.
KIPS repined frhb of ciiakgk.
Mr. b. I Harvey Is witli us, and would be pleased to see liis friendr. no 2 3m
Hamilton Male School. |
The exer'-ims of the al-ove school will be
resumed Februory 3. 1373.
Every effort will bo made to thoroughly
impress llie true principles of education on
the minds of pupils
Farticular attention given to thepi-mara
tion of voting oun for Coih-ge or practical
business life.
Fiist tenn of twen'y-two weeks commences
February 3. Closes July 4, 1873.
Second term of eighteen weeks commences
August 4, closes December 5, 7873.
Elementary branehes sl3 20
Thorough English course. 19 80
Languages included,..: 26 40
Incidental foe 75
First class $lO 80
Second clan ." 1(5 20
I lord cla-s i... 21 60
lucdental foo 00
One half of each term invariably in ad
Ft-uf.l hi good famiibw from St? 50 to sls
per month H- M- BRYAN,
Hi fere ies- I’lineipal.
II C Kimbrough, Cnl J M Mobley,
A T Brooks, Willis Jones,
P Ba-nes Vf W Bruce, M D,
W \Y Goodman,
l T Jonxsox.
no 2 Prcs’t Bd. Trustees.
At CHorry Mill
In District Harris Cennijr.
Orihrs for building mateiial of uR kinds
filled at short notice.
ue- Out GEO. EE£SE, Agent.
E. F. & A. C. LANIES,
Successors to Lanier, Fandle & Cos.,
AXl> '
Commission Merchants,
West Point, Ga.,
Keep on hand a full assortment of
‘ • -f '• --J. . toU- - ■ rr
which they ofier at pi fees that A-fy competi
tion. They'is uusnrpam-ed fialMefr
sa-lling goo-h ehenp, and wHI nvike >i r the
interest of their former jwtriuui, itarl ik*
public gem-ially. to buy of them. They asF
a eoritiuuanee of the pitronuge ecuiii-In'
the old firm. 4l n ’
Wii! bo found at Ids ob*'
shoe your horsi-s,
his Uue. Scehuts pul ’