Newspaper Page Text
Published every Tuesday Eve
One Year, - tl.riO
Six Months, -
Three •• 50
Ail suli*cii|iiinns must lie paid in
advance, and if not renewed prompt*
lv at the expiration will lie discont in-
tis a transient oliurfioterwill be i-liarg
ed $1 for tlie first insertion, and 50c
for each subsequent insertion.
Bivf t'em in uuioat iotis intended for
personal benefit, will be i-nnrged for
at tlie regular adyeri ised rates.
ti" Short and new-e communica
tions from any part enmity so
JOHN CbvY SVn I 11. Mayor.
CO US rit
A b Moore, K D Herrin 3 A Townley
\V J Brow ii
arrival and dki'aktcri. or train
Arrives from Suwannee. 5 fill p. in
I staves lor Suwannee, 7 a- in.
ARRIVAL and dkfartukk of mails.
JkffbkßoN- Arrives 12 in, departs , Monday ami I liursil .y.
Traoi.ks Stork. Departs 6a m ar
rives g pm, Monday and Thursday.
Louanvili.f..— Arrives 1(1 u m, de
parts l p ill. —Daily. Rivbr. — Ariivesl2 m., de
parts ti ti in„Weloesday and Saturday
U . H. HAIiVKY, P. .Vi.
MKTHomsr —Hi v J K King, Pastor
Services on the ist and 3th Sundays.
Sunday School. — A T Pattillo, Supt
Kverry Sunday at 3 p m
Pkksbytkrian--llev J P McClelland,
I’asior, Services on 2nd uiiddth Snnduyg
in eucii month,
Sunday School. —T li Powell. Supt
Every Sunday at 9.30 a in*
Lawrknckvili.k Masonic Lodob.— R
D Aa n, VV M., S A Hagood, S VV„
SJjWinn.JW. Meets on Tuesday
night on or beloi e full moon in each
Mr Vrrnon Charter, No 3?, R A
M,—J D Spence, 11 P, a l Pattillo,
Sec. Meets Fiiday night belore the
3rd Sunday in each month.
Hutchins, Judge. Convenes on the Ist
Monday in March and September.
Commissioners-—J I> Spence, Chair
and Clerk, N Bennett, Jefferson Britt, J
R Hopsins, J E Cloud.
Sheriff — J M Patterson.
Ordinary—J T bamkin.
Clerk 8 C—D T Cain.
Tax Rbckivrr—O’W Pharr.
Tax Collector I C Lowety.
Treasurer.--R N Robinson
Having rrcentlv located in Gwin
nett County t(*ndcrs his profe.‘.siona
services as a Physician to the citizens
Prompt attention to afl calls will be
given. Office and resi<lclice at the resi
deuce of A Cain on the Hurricane
Bhoals road.
March 24th 1884—6m0
Eye Salve,
A certain, Sato, effective remedy tor
Producing Long SigLleilness, end lie
storing the sight of tlie old
Cares Tear Drops, Granulaiion,
Stye Tumors, Keil Eye,i, Mat
ted Eye Lashes, and
producing; quick
relief and per
Also equally efficacious when used
in other maladies, such as Ulcers Fe
ver Sores, Tumors, Suit Rheum,
Burns, Piles, or whEreever iutlmna
tionexists, Mitchell’s Salve .nay tie
used to advantage.
Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents
Faim Loans
Five-year loans on improved
farms m Middle and Northern
Georgia, negotiated on cheaper
terms than any one in .Atlanta.
Filter Building,
Atlanta Ga.
April 19th. —lino.
Globe Hotel
On Monday the 26th inst., the
uudtreigntd will open the Giob
* Hotel in Lawrenceville, for the ac
c odation of the
and will be prepared to offer first
class accommodations and prompt
atention to all who pa ronize the
A. ,/. L. HA TKS
in 7n (Sting to Faint 2
If s », it will pay you to use
* S J. Winn’s hi ndsome rcsi
- u’ntiintct with them. Send
■B,, r color Card* amt list »l houses
M WINN X \ u 'iH \.V Vtisuts,
L;i\viviif*-*vlilt*, Ltt.
i i>';i' \ tilt' Atu-
HB ,|. ''a ' I' '"l' N "
TYLER M. PEEPLES, Proprietor
I • ~~
A A Lanier,.of Bulloch county
has f> tioO pontbl hog.
Btick iu the wail cost abbu'
| per 1,000 in Brunswick.
A colored woman sto'e a mule at
j Harmony Grove.
A Daltou niturod has winged
j 800 partridges this season,
There are two Jews in the low
|er house of the Georgia Lt gis a
j tore.
Oats iu Sumpter county were
i not injured by the recent c rid
j snap.
Carroll coiiuty on the 10th, was
| carried for Prohibition by 300 ma
| jori'y.
As far as the Democrats are con
cernecl, Christ mas is as not l ing
compared to March 4 next
There are uear’.y 50,000 children
in the Sunday Schools of tbeN rth
Georgia Conference of the M. E.
Church South.
It is said that rnouey was sent
to Bartow county from Atlanta,
Rome and Chattanooga to buy
votes for whisky in the late elec -
At Maysv'lle Meeksßlocksirnck
.rasper Sanders in the back of the
head with a rock during a Christ
mas night spree anti quarrel and
caused his death.
At New London, wlti'e repair
ing a vessel lecen/ly, diver/, who
worked in the water underneath
it, used the e'eclric light with per
feet success.
A Dakota Judge at Jamestown j
the other day left the bench and
knocked down a lawyer who intt
inaled that one of his statements ,
,n a ruling was a lie.
A man named Black got into a
drunken row on the Nnrthea' tern
Read, near Ta'lulah, Thursday.
He was knocked cn the head with
a rock by the other man and in
stantly killed.
Eighty-six to the barrel is the
size es tome of (be l est Baltimore
oysters this set son. A dozen of
/hat kind on the half thel. would
satisfy almost anybody’s appe
Mrs John P Phillips, of Macon
whose husband was «hoZ and kill
ed in Mon gomery, Ala., recently
has received $2,000 from a life in
surance policy carried by her lins
An old Columbia county farmer
who went to Augusta on a visit, t e
turned and told his wife theie
“was the long waisiedest girls he
ever teed in his life down thav,
He caught sight of a few with
Mother Hubbaidson,
The sum of $3,639 70 has been
paid out io the teacuers of public
► clods io Clarke county tor the
year 1884. Of this amount the
colored children have received $2,
275 05, and the white childien SJ,
364 71,
The WnycroßS Headlight’s holi
'day edition is on blue paper, and
conlains a Christmas story written
by the associate editor, which fills
a page. ‘ Saturday Night Man’’
is a novelist of no mean talent,and
will doubth as he heard from inthe
Gen. Sherman s lectures on the
militia system in tin United States
is a rad er poor affiair. If he could
only remember how much trouble
the Ge rgia militia gave him in
1764, bo might be able to injeci
some life in the lecture.
Cboltra is doing fearful work
among the bogs in .onie parts so
Irwin county. David //ogan put
up 35 head of fattening hops, and
out of that number has o u ly killed
two The re*t are all sick or diad
The fa'al plague has caused eon
siderable fear among the farmeis.
f/ Pat Dale, of New Orleai s, has
challenge j Thomas Orr, of Atlan
ta for a 72 hour race, 12 hours
daily, for all the entire gat ) re
ceip s, or die w utter to take 65
per cent, aad the loser 35 pc r cent
and albO tkj litle of the champion
ship of ihe Southern States, the
race to lake place on or about
March 20 at Atlanta.
)lusic in a vimlipf* Voice.
I hereg music in a mother's voice.
'lore sweet tlmn breeze* sighing.
I Itehrs Ki nluee * in a mother's glp.nee.
Too pme for ever dying.
I here s love within a mother’s breast.
So deep, ’tis still o'ertlowing,
And care lor those she calls her own,
That's ever, ever growing.
There's anguish in u mother's tear.
When farewell fondly taking.
That so the heart of pity moves,
it scarcely keeps liont breaking.
And when a mother knetls to heaven,
And for her eh.ld is praying.
O, who shall half the fervor tell.
' hat bums in all she's saying-
A mother, how her tender arts.
Can soothe the hreast ofsadners!
And through the gloom of life once more
Bid shine the sun ot gladness.
A mothir! when, like evening's star,
Her course hath ecas d before us,
From brighter worlds regards ns still,
And watches fondly o'er ns.
Two of Thom.
Kate Goddie acd I were greet
frierds, in spite ot the difference
in cmr positions ; she being Far
mer God die’s only daughter,and I
tlie only child of the rector of the
same littlo sea-bounded vilhage.
\Ve had grown up from babyhood
Knit together by the sitni.arity of
our circumslances —both the same
age, both motlierlesF, both only
daughters of uoiiug fathers, lo
whom we were equally devoted
“VVbr.t is ihe matter V' I cried
as I approached her one day.
‘ Nothing is the matter I was
out tninking, and I want your ad
vice, Miss Florence. You see,’’she
began, “they both want to marry
me, and I don't know which to
take I vas thinking about it
when you came up.”
“But who are ‘ihey’ f” I asked
-are ‘they’ Jim Taylor and Walter
Butler, for !f sj ”
“No,” sedly “it’s not Walter
Butler : it’s Jim Taylor and Da
vid Wardour.”
“But, Kate, you puzzle me. I
thought,” in a low voice, “I al
ways fane'ed that it was Wal
ter ”
‘ I was not speaking of myself
but of them which shall it bet”
I withdrew my arm from hors
in a righteous indignation.
“I dotr’i understand you," I cri
ed ; “why should it be either,
when you care for Waler ?”
It was her turn to be indignant
now ; 6he turned round on me
“Waiter,’ Walter,” she raid ;
why do you keep on talking ot
him ! Ah !’ with something that
almost sounded like a sob “how
stupid you are.”
‘Then von had better not ask
my advice,” l answered highly
offended But she did not heed
“Miss Florence.” she continued
“‘what I w ant to know is this
Which is tiic richest of the two
and which is the kindest hearted.
Mr Bowles has known them sver
so long have yon heard him say ? ’
But / was too indignant to ans
wtr her question.
‘ Kate,” I said loftiiy, “I am
ashamed of yon. 1 never thought
you would look at Matrimony iu
this spirit ; it’s quite shocking.
Which the richest indeed ! Oh !
it, is horrible ;it ought to be or.
question ot money ; only of which
you —you —-love best. I never
tho ght you wou/d,be so world
••Miss Fiorente you are a
go< ee, ’ wi s Kate’s uunianei ly re
joinder, ns she walked away from
me toward hei home, having me
sii'l with an expression of con
sciousness virtue depicted on my
riming the days ibal ensued
I saw nothing of Kate, and by de
grees it dawned on me that we
two old friends were indulging in
die felly of t quarrel. I however
siccere/y disgusted witn her, and
my disgust was increased when a
few days after 1 met her in the
cornfield, my father announced
to me i hat he had heard in the
vintage, that she was engaged to
be married to Jim Taylor.
“You must go this afternoon
and coDgratula'e her. Flp." be con
eluded quite umware that Kate
nau 1 were not on speaking terms
But this s‘«te „f t! ings couid not
continue, so I took his advice and
wen! down to Havthorn F arm, in
the afternoon to offer my congrat
ula ions and tacitly erv Pax /
I found Kite Looking ill with
dark ring around her eyes, and
by no menus the blushing bride
eltc. She recioved try oongiat
illations vety calmly.
“He is here,” she said ; “I will
call him. Jim come here and speak
to Alias F.orence, Ho is shelling
peas for me," she continued limi t
abide with Idle fellows.
I began to feel sorry for Jim.
Ha cuine in however any thing
but sorry for himself, radiant and
blushing as any girl ; but as he
was eminently uncomfortable in
my presence, Kate soon dismissed
him to the p„ is again, and resum
ed her conversation. She was
far more talkative than usual, be
ing as a rule raihtr silent.
“Yes,” she continued, “we shall
marry very soon, so a« to be well
settled down before harvest time
for you know. Miss Florence, wt
are goltg to ivo here and manage
the farm. Rather is getting old,
and ho worries himself to death
about things so now Jim and I
will do it and—Jim has plenty of
capital” —defiantly.
“Oh, yes, it is all very nice,” J
answered, somewhat sarcastically
“and lam sure Jini is a good
felior,” I nded more warmly ; “he
looks ; t.”
*‘Oh. he is very well then
more brightly, “I'll tell you what
he is Miss Florence ; he is a right
down good farmer, and that is
what we want hete.”
“I am very glad *o heir it,” I
answered and very shortly after
took my leave. Tiieie was a con
straint about u* both that made
theenterview anything but. satis
factory, and I was pleased—al
most lev the first tiinoin my life
—to leave sweet Hawthorn Farm
where I had always been so happy
There was a aid antera ion in it
since the days when I used to go
there iu Kate's holiday-time, and
eat stiaht rries or cake, according
to the season of the yea r ; then ev
erytbing about the place had been
bright and prosperous; now all
spoke of want of money. True
it wa< as tidy n«, under the cireum
stances, cuold be bat it was a sl.ab
by, poverty suicke.i tidiness c, in
pared to the old days of spick
and pan neatness, which it was to
be hoped Jim’s capital might be
As I walked through the vil
liage street towaid home whom
should I encoumer out Walter
Butler? He was sauntering
along with his hands in his pock
ets, but /lie lovesick swain. Fi r
the first siuie goo I looking os he
was his countenance repelled me
unit involuntarily 1 contrasted it
witn Jim’s straightforward, eng®n
uous face. 7/ow idle he looked
too ! Surely he could not again
hi vc left his place. When last
1 bad seen him he ha t beeh keep
er of Mr. Groves, about three
miles inland.
“Goed evening Waller,’’ I said <
“Good evening Miss.”
“Are you come home for a beli.
day I continued.
“I’ve left Mr Groves.” he an
siveied somewhat defiantly.
“I’m sorry for thai,” I replied.
“I cm iifram you are ra/her a roil
ing stone.
“I aninot a-going to stay in a
place where I am not trusted."
ho responded a most impertinent
ly. 7’hen :so Kate C cddie is go
ing io geZ married ? I wonder how
Jim Taylor will like keeping that
o>d fAt her of hers ? I reckon he
won’t make much out of tliaf
placr, as he has had nothing put
into it fir these many years past.’
“That is nis affair,’ I answered
“Good eveuingWalter,” anil I pass
iV on.
Six weeks later Kate t«oddie
and Jim Tayh r were made man
and wife in the litl e villiagc
chunh. To my mind Kxte look il
beautiful. Her simple white
drees and bonnet became her than
her erdiDsrily rather sinari at ire
and ber utisual pallor was an im
prnveinent to her. They
went s'raighi hsrne to H-tw horn
Farm, and began the business of
1 life at once. The whole affair
•<* (in*;! sa |l\ inking i 1 once m to
rn nee.
AH this time Walter remained
id f'g about the villmgo, picking
up t few siblings at haymaking
harvestit-g. etc., it.c., ard haunt
ins Haw tin. m farm as scon as
evir.Ur. and Mrs. Taylor were
s ttled there. Ho would Siroll
ujj to the house and present his
handsome lace at the kitchen
window, where Kate would
be busy with tier cooking or her
baking, or he would walk boldly
in and offer to help her with any
thing which she was employed-
Or, s< me pretext or other ho was
never long absent, and sot n my
f uller began to look grave about
it mid to say he feared Waiter
Butler was not up to much good
and that the villisge people were
bogining to talk.
In those days I used to go a* d
see Kate and always found her
busy and industrious, but with a
haggard worried look in her eves might not to have been
there, for her affairs were looking
up—Tim worked like two men
fences were repaved, more hands
were taken on, new machinery
bought, and all. get! er Hawthorn
Ftirtn began to weal a faint resent
bninea to its former self. Old
Mr. ( Jodilie, too,was perfectly hap
py. Jim was an aiten iva and re-
Hpoctmi sou in law, and it seem
ed to me that, except that her
husband was too soft, as she once
said to me. Kate had nothing lo
complain of.
One afternoon when I strolled
up there 1 found, to my annoyance,
Waller Butler, with a pipe iu his
mouth, silling in tue best, parlor,
whileKato hat in the window mend
ing. lat once evinced my dis
pleasure by saving, with marked
“I will not stay, Kale, as Isi a
you are occupied,” and I was
about to withdraw when she
flung down her work and came af
ter me.
“Oh, Miss Florence, do stay—
do stay!”
There was a ting of entreaty in
her voice that struck me, and 1
turned round again
‘ I can’t slay,” I answered, “if
Walter Butler is sitting there
smonking. ’
“Ho shan’t sit there—he shall
‘ i thought that you could not
üb : de lazy fellows, Ka^e , ” / con
tinued somewhat maliciously.
“No m >re I can, ’ she answered,
flushing. “I hale them! Oh, I
lia'e them!”
There was a passion, a fire
about ber as she ejacula eil ihese
words that puzzled in • and made
me at once go buck with her. We
found Walter still loungiug on tte
prefy chin z covered 8-ifa, but my
presence seimed to make Kate
brave, and she said o him:
“Now just you go about your
businiss, Wal/er, and take your
nasty pipe of this room when Miss
Florence is coming into it ”
He rose sulkily enough.
“Good by, Kate,” he said pat
ronizingly, made me a surly sal
re, and was about to ,eave the
room, when Jim came in—fair,
red-faced, debonair as usual. Not
so i/< boiioii , iF ugh, that he couifl
not shoot ,i g a nee of anger au
contempt at Walter Bn tier
“\Vi at ur* you a doing btrt!”
lie m-ked and l en tuni.d, after
grot ling me, t> Kile. -‘Aly dear,'’
lie said goiiti , - 1 wants my lea
early lo cay,’
I stayed and had ca wi-tu them,
and was more tlnm ever struck by
Jim's gtniletese and goodness tv
his wife an I tns Innate gt o 1-breed
ing. i began >o think Kate had
married Weil as er all.
Her manner toward him was
nil guluriy vuitable. Due minute
it was cold, the next wan, ; it vtas
contcmptouc, Vet ai times respect
fill aitoge.ner a riddle.
•‘Wiat a g< od husband yon
have Kali!’, 1 remarked, us in
left the room to return to lus
wi rk
“Yes," she atiMVori d, “he is well
enough—he is very good to fade r
and me -that 1 can’t deny—but
he's not much of a man.” sue add
ed, with tome contempt. “Whau
you marry, Miss /I'lortuce, marry
a man as will look aftgr yea-’ 1
“Why, Kate. Jim is always tl ink
ing of you. I should not have
thought that yon, who are so verv
independent, cared to be looked
after so much.”
‘You are not martied, Miss
Florence. You don’t undera'aml,’
and with this, for me, rattier hu
miliating reinaik the conversation
It was a few weeks after this
that Jim proved himself the mini
in the seas > I could not under
stand, in so witisfactoary a man
ner that lie and Kate have been
the happiest of coupela ever since
Ka'e lmrself told me all about it
in a moment of expansion, follow
ing imtnedia ely af/er the event.
It seemed that cae day when
Walter was lounging about her
while she wav busy in her kitchen
garden, Jim came in very quietly
—he was always quit t—at an hour
when he w.« umiu ly out in tlie
fields, witli a heavy carter s whip
in hand, Ho walked up to Wal
“Now,' Fait! lie, qit calmly.
‘‘l wants to know wku! business
you always have here, prowling
abou/ my wife? If ever I catch
you in this here garden or 1.0 isc
again 1 will lay this” holding up
the whip—-“about your shoulders;
so now you lmd better 1 e gone."
Walter stared m itmazerntnt at
the quiet, fair-united mar.. “You
oaf, you,” he said.
“vln o*l, tun 1?’ said Jim, “then
take this,” and gave him a smart
out with the whip.
With a cry of cage Walter tried
lo spring on him, but Jim kept
his head and eluded him.
“Don’t try that.,’’ he said, “or
you will get the worst of il,” and
once more he taised the whip
“Kate go in,' ho said with a
ring of authori.y in his voice she
had never hoard there before, but
she did not stir. How could she
when love and t dmira/ion for her
husband wore surging /! rough
her veins, and her heart Was beat
pig so that she could not move?
For oue minute the two men
stood eyeing each othir, and then
lithe and active Jim seized Waller
ti and the waist and throw him
to ilu ground. There was a cry
of joy, of pride, and Kale ran up
to her husband
“OT, Jim! I nm so paid!”
He looked nl her wondoringlv,
but did not answ.r, f«r Waliet?
with au evil white face, had risen
(O his feet, and finding his dispis
_od antagonist 'oo much for him
was preparing to beat an undigni
fied retreat. Tho sight of Kate,
clinging to her husband's anr>
seemed too much for him. He
shook his sis/, speechless with fu
ry, at them both, then slow.y with
drew, turning round from time io
time to repeat the gesture. Bo h
Kate und her husband ha,l entered
the house, he quite calm and quiet
again, a fact which impressed his
wife with hisstreng li of both body
und mind not a little.
“Did you say you were glad.
Kitty?” he asked incredulously.
“Oh! so glad. Jim, I have been
so miserable. He would come
here day after Way, and reproach
me with having benavud badly to
him, and say that I bad given my
promise to marry him. So I had,
bu after 1 had said "yes’ he cool
ed off, became quite distant like,
ai.d n ver came near rue. Then i
grew sore and angiy, and when
Lc *•■-!,< to a»'i) to Mr. Groves
without a word t > me, i vowed I
would have no/hing more io say
to him It was just about that
time that poor father lost so
much money, and when you came
and asked me to marry yon, 1
/bought as how you were rich
“Yes, vee, I know all about
tba', Kitty; you never hid from
me why you married me. But
why did you never ted tne how
Wal/er persecuted you? I would
soon Imve sent him about hia
business. I itiougbz,” rather sad
ly, and hesitatingly, “that you lik
ed him to come,’
“And I thought,” with down
cast eyes, “that you were not—
not —man enough, Jim, and I was
angry that you did not show more
spirit, and 1 said to myself, ‘you
were but a poor thing,’ But now,’’
JOIIVT. WILSON, Jk,. Publisher.
with a glow of pti<ls, "I know < if
furetPly, and oh! /am to glad
heisgeue. He is a bilmar, lie
J in drew lit r to I im and kissed
'He is a bud tin, Kate, and do
ton know why he became so cool
ami di itant to you as er asking
toil to marry linn? Benin.e he
tout’ll i»u that atlirs lieie weie in
a h,n! May and tlint you would
li.iVe unco nmoiily little in ney, in
stiad of a grea deni, as he f ncied
Don't you think you are noli rnl
of hiiu ns a husband'”
"I do, Jing, 1 do and,
Jiir, i have always Is en a good
wife to y* u although I did marry
you because you were rich and
would let father live with ns, but
now, - m a whisper— “you know
—y h. you know’—
""In 1 , Kitty? Say it out
|0 ti
"Why, you kucw that 1 mv.
I hu! is w. rd tor word as Kaie
o’d the story to me. She is a
ci me'y matron now, with half a
dozbii children aboaf In r Inm
still Miss Florence, not having
yet found the m»u eaqtiel to look
ing after me.
Tlie God He Know
Mr. Beecher spoke in Ply
mouth Church on Sunday, on the
cuucep.ion of ,J od. Some of the
things lie said in the sermon are
given below.
Theologians have thoaght out
God, and what a mi sera hie mesß
they have made it ! The creeds
undo iteehisms tbai represent God
are very much like the childrens
efforts at art. They give to their
repreectita/'ons of animals stiff
woodeu firms and legs. The God
of the creeds is very much a wood
en God.
Our personal and most vivid con
ceptioiiw of God • pring f.tom the
fselui" and the immagina ion,
the two lings that huve l.eon
most detpised in t o realms of
theological learnings are, after all,
God’s chosen instruments of mak.
iug known to us what He is—feel
ng to suggest quality ; imtntigina
turn to work quality up into por
traiture. The result is some ap
proach toward an understanding
of God, lut never the reality of
The longing - f men for such a
knowledge of God we ull know
now exists. Jt /s now the com
plaint ihat men make when they
begin Io turn their eyes toward
positive religion iliey can’t think
of Go 1 ; He unthinkable to them ;
au evanescent wreath ; He is a
shining light something beyond
their recognition.
We all ihetime measuring inen
of genius by the lower forms—-
what are called pragmatical who
work and grind fodder for ihem
selves and other animals.
riij upper understands the
under ; the under dou’/ under
stand the upper in life. Well
no other law exists as respects
/he understanding of God. The
alphabet of understanding of this
world is competent to spell out
the at ributee of the eternal, om
nipresent Jehovah.
No man can form an adequate
conception of God who is not god
like. 411 right living, and ail
high and noble disposition:, in
oue’s self arnl and / m e „ men a’
are the materials iuat upon /he
paileite for tba >mmagiug of God.
The Boston Post says. “Thus
far sixty good democracts have
ciioo killed and over two hundred
ha”t been wounded in celebrating
the grtat Democratic vie oryd
There is a barkeeper in A uteri
cus who blows a bugle every morn
ing at about g o'clock to announce
Ids arrival it tuebar, when voxy
soon you will see the early bird
on the wing
The prohibition bill for Clarke
county does not give the dea'ers a
chance to cispose of their stock
At Athens, Dr. E S Lyndon re
moved a tumor from an Oconee
man's thigh that weighed two
pounds- The ope'a'ion was sue
cessfullv performed, aud the pa
tient rode back home.
•ton department
promptly kxloo
Entered in the Port Office ut Law,
renorvllle, ((a., as second class mail
NO 41
Let the gruff eld faahi med
sneer at the folly and the hollow
ness, as they deem it of making
presents which are expected, and
of wishing a Merry Chrisms by
sending a chromo.
Most of what is ploasant and
ngreable in our association with
others comes from the observance
of certain formalities. When you
bid your neighbor ‘Mood morn
morning,” what do you mean by i'?
Certainly not to give him any in
formation. Yon sav it as a matter
of formal courtesy. It means
that, and nothing more.
But who would abolish the
morning greeting, the gentleman’s
hand shake, baby’s kiss, the rais
ing of the hat to all lady acquain
tances who are accompanied by
ladies, and the other formal cour
tesies of life
a .
\!i Of 1 llllH't ■ I ;
Si./II of let ung If. | . q nt
Americans have a t :ij r .ad to
navel before they arc in an* dan
ger of falling on ihut side. It
will be for out great gear d-emlct
ren to preach from Re text—Teuu
sentiment and more lieurt.
Several yearn ago Due Evening
Bulletin was sued for libel for its
discssion of the marble work in the
public buildings. It proved ev
ery point that it had made, and
jury evinced its belief of tbo fact
by finding for the plaintiffs with
“I cent dnmagea. The jury bad
a tougu lime of it, however, with
the proverbial “twelfth m in.” Ho
was a colored gentleman, and ho
obstinately held out for a long
tunb agaiust the veriiict, and his
stubborn argument was “Es you s
gwine to give plaintiffs anything
g.b ’em suinfiu what's wurf sum
tin. Ihe elven argued the cane
with him for an hour or so, with •
out getting any other response
from him, until at Jast it ocetired
to one of ite jurymen to ask him
what ho would consider as “wurf
sumfin,” in the way of damages.
“Well,”j aid the intelligent color
eil gen’lonian, “(Jib urn a dollar
enny how !” Ho was liually per
sua.Jed that a cent was the regu
lar form for such a verdict, but
he probably still holds to the con -
viction that the damages ought
to been “wurf sa»<iin.
A clumpy, disconsolate looking
small boy was leaning agaiust the
wall at the street corner, when
along came a tall raw-johed strati
ger with about four drinks in him
and said :
‘, Bu-bubby, do you feat bad
“Hain7 you got mom money for
for T’hrisslomass !"
“No. ’
“Jus’ like me ! I’m /raveling on
my last 15 cents ’bmomijg, and
it’ Ibe all gone ’forenoon. Going
to h-liang up your stocking ?”
“Neither’m I. I haven't g„t
anybody to love me an’ put toys
mmy poskots. Do you want a
lizzie toy mule in your stocking ?”
“So do 1, but I won’t get one.
Tuff to be poor—tuffest kin’ o’
»ass. Say, bub?”
“What ?”
“There ain’t no hog about me.
I’m the bizzest hearted man in
the world. 111 m ike you happy
it I have to sleep m the mid tie of
he rouJ. litre, take tike ihis>
and oust, i’.’i.i .. i-, - i
An n i o-.
'ie ..aif fa, n -o, to-
Oaoco auct a tin. s mg-, j. uud
as the bewildered boy ot. ua abid
ing them ia bis hand the doner
“Tnaz a.l —-luozan outt u oucaer
deck and a pistol, aDd ii! k- ,p to make St. iuo u
member Chrisslemas. Run u.u.,
sonny. Run home and be hap
py ”
A cLanng young lady of Albany
visaing friends at Afelrose recec>t
iy sen/ up a toy t ai'eon, to which
she attached a card beari: g her
Dame and the further lUhciptn-n:
“If any good looking young bach
elor or widower finds tLis will be
please return it?” The balloon, af
:er a week’s absence, was found
near Pittatowu by a young farmer.
He returned it with his compli
ments and photograph.
11 -«i • • ♦
The two fiends, who committed
the horrible murder in Mitchell
county recently, have been arrest
ed. Rose Keaton one of the guil
ty parties has confessed.