Newspaper Page Text
JANE ARY. 8, 1888.
The Hmuld starts the now year
with brighter prospects .han tvei
before. Our circu ation no’v runs
up to nearly oue tnousand
bona tide subscribers and we *na\
safe'y say is rend weekly by two
thousand people and visits evei v
Beigl borliood in ibis county and
we have a good circulation in For
sytb. Hall. Walton and DeLa.b
counties. AYe propose during
this year tolncreasg our sul soup
Yion list by improveiner.ts iu typo
graphical and amount
of reading matter
As soon asyonie material which
we have ordered, arrives, the of
tice will be fitted up with presses
and first class printing material
and we hope to be alee to Bend
out a first class county weekly and
be prepared for any ordinary Job
Printii g.
Mr.t/olinT. Wilson Jr .who lias
taken charge as publisher, is an
expert newspaper man and under
stands ihe business in all ,/a de
par meets and will devote his
whole time to the publication and
local depart mem of Jbe paper.
As au idvei/isenig medium the
//ekai.u liuh no superior among
the Couutiy weekles of the Stale
as i' circulates along the line of
tl e Air Line R. R. and among an
enteiigent enterprising and pro
gressive people.
To thost who have patronized
the paper either as subscribers or
advertisers we return our thanks
and trust that they will continue
to aid us in building up a local pa
per that will be a credit to the conu
1 1 is reported that a citizen of
this county Ims drawn a prize of
$ j’TJiO in the Louisauna lottery.
D. D. Doyal of Cambell couu
was’i killedby auegro at a chi ken
fight on Christmas day.
The new Kimball House will
be opened on the JOtli iust for
the reception of guests.
Cow stealing seems to have
have spread from Gwinnett to
Rabun county. There must bo a
reguler "Murrel gang.’ -
The exposition managers have
cut oft' two big a slice. They are
now behind the snug little sum of
$200,00 . 2 hey will appeal to
Andy Campbell u post master
in Union couuty has come to grief,
A registered package was more
temptation the Andy could bear
and lie now langushes in jail.
Gainesville is now a dry town
The city Conned has refused to
11 sue licenfc ami oiihied the mar
shal to close up every place in the
city where liquor is despensed:
Gilesville had a chvistmas riot
between J/teks B ack Doc Black
and Leander Patterson on onesidb
and Tip Wiley, Bill Tanersleyk
and Geo. Wiley on the orher. In
the melee Jasper Sanders was kill
2he effort to drive
from PlymotCh Church because he
vo'ed tho Democratic ticket will
prove a failure. Many of the lead
ing numbers, among them H B
Cilaflin, the greal merchant, say
/hat if BeecLer gn. a they will go
with him.
A trifling mistake some lime i in
cODiplißbed wliauge insults An
Arkansas paper taUdihit the
prayer mce iugut iliuAl. E. ('Lurch
would bo hell so night. Believ
ing there was something exciting
on hind the Church was full, The
result was thine-n conversions.
The C’uristiaj fami y, cons ist \
in" of the old man and Puree,
Carswell and Alburtus,formerly of
Gainesville but now of I». 1 las hud
a brutal tight with marshal Chest
nutof that place on Chiismas duy,
on which marshal was badly bta -
Ayei s Cherry Pec oriul is rec
omended by physicians of the
greatest eminence o both sides
of the Atlantic, as the most relia
ble remedy for colds and coud.s
and all pulmonary disorders. It
affordp prompt relief in every case, i
No family ehorrld ev it be without
Lawbencevilije Seminary.—We
call aitentien to ttie advertisement
of Prof. McClelland in his issue.
His school will open next Monday
Parents having children to edu
cate cannot find a better opporiu
niiy foi a good school than in Law
reneeville B >ard can be obtaii e l
in the villiage in list rate families
at loyv rates.
Some say •“Oonsumpti n can't
cured.” Ayeis Cherry I'et/ ira*.!
as proved by forty years' expert
eitce, will cure this disease when
when net “already a v a need le
yond the reach if u edical aid
Even thin its use affords very
great relief and intuits n-ftesh
ng sleepp
No sufferer from any sir- fulm.-s
disease, who will fairly try Ayeis'
Sarsaparilla, need despair of a
cure. It will purge the L/ooJ of
a/ 1 impurities, thereby destroying
tne germs from which scrofula is
developed, and will infuse new
life and Vigor tlnougbout the
physical ciganrzation,
KKTRt isPEcrm i:
The end of the /tm is a mile
stone in the journey of human life.
It wid be wise for us to seat our
soives beside it and reflect. B'e
may call Memory to our aid
memay, fl at selace of ilie virtu
ous and tb a/ in a n y-knot ed
scourge of the vicious. At timo
she seems limlless, inattentive oi
pr 'digal of her stores. Bn/ nev
er was miser more w atchful in si -
curing his gains At our bid iii g
i> is in her powe t« bli tg the pint
year before us as in a pic nie—a
picture, no' merely of our acts
"him the world has seen, but . t
ul.tle motive, which the brot h ol
no tiiininn limner has ye/ placed
upon the canvass. Is die pu-tim
before us? It is our duty sfendi
ly to contemplate it; wliether it be
beau'i uaor hideous. In what
colors are we depicted? As / > on>
selves, do we sec a being growing
in virtue, knowledge, self control,
iudusfray and all 'he manly atU'i
bu es, or a bein», stained with
v ce, governed by pas, ion, ii do‘
let iof choice ami stagnat as.t'
die advance of those noble quuli
ties which make a man.
Ah to our families. Does it pie
sent us as making home happy by
oiu presence, leaving tin irnta
tions of business outside of its
threshold, tempering I lie dignity
of die liasband and father with
the winning ways of affection, woo
ing ouh children to virtue hy i
blameness and kindly ex/.n.p e;
providing for tho household, so
that while aft'luence may not furn
ish luxuries, solid comfort may in
spire con'entmentf or, on the oth
er hand, doos it present ns an in
spiring gloom with our presence;
earning the family to snffi r from
the misconduct of others; giving
orders harshly and Imperiouslv.
ami careful of our own pleasures
and comforts, but careless as to
pleasures and comforts of those de
pendent on us?
As to our social relations, //nve
we remembered the sick, the suf
fering, and ihe poor? Have we
wiped the tear from ihe eye of
sorrow, Lushed the moan of the
orphan, given bread to the hungry
or waiei io the thirsty, aft'oided
hope to the despondent, incre
ment to the indolent, knowledge
to /lie ignorant,and counsel to the
On Ihe other hand, ignoring
these social relations, which in
volve the most useful, ns well as
pleasant portions of human duty,
have we selfishly lived for our
selves and those who arepirtof
ourselves? Have we had no glad
voice to bless ns for f, vors confer
red. as the NevvYenr cast its ligbi
the worl 1?
But this retrospect has been
sufficiently continual. It doubt
less convicted us of errors more
m- less grave. This was to be ex
pected. As tbero is liitle of abso
lute truth, so there is little unmin
g'ed goo Iness in the world Proba
bly no man is either as good or
as bad as we have supposed him
to he. /.very oao fails more or
less frequently; but every one i«
not üble to rise again. Faults are
common to men—it is the ability
to correct them which makes the
grand difference among men.
This correction of error is much
more difficn tit some cases than
othens, from organization, ebui.a
tion, association, or o lnr causes.
Where this difficulty occurs, the
correction is the more praisewor
thy. and is atiendent with tlie
tinest lesuits. The strongest vir—
luts are converted vices. Just as
it lequuts a foaming cataract,
lashing headlong over precipitous
rocks, to be damnud up and con
verted into a still but mighty pow
er which sets in mo'ion the raachin
cry of human indue ry.
'] licae, therefore, whom memorv
charges with great faults, should
rememoer tha', with God’s bless
ing, they may be changed into vir
tins It is only grown children
who whine over past errors. Whin
ing dots not mend them, out adds
to vice and weakness. The man
who can take a deep rooied error
by the throat and choke it do?, u
is mas er ot the situation.
If dnrirg the past year, we have
"left undone loose things which
we ought to have done, as re
gie da ourselves, our iambi ip. or
our social rela ionp. let us resolve
in relist ce on Pivina aid, upon
thorough, ]>■ nuanent amendment.
\\ e may be spared to lake a
seat ami meditate btpi le another
mi estouc in the jonney of life.
\\ hen we again mvoke Memory ,
m y she be enable to appri acl>
ea h one of us with approving eyes
ami kind y counUnuuce, telling
us, in glad iceents, that aumug a I
h< 1 stoiea she finds nothing to
condemn, but every tiling lo up
7'ht Dade C'oa : Mining Compa
ny is mid to spend $h 1.000 pel
year on Iho 400 convicts wlu-m
they li ase from the State at -
000 per year.
The festive holi Jay, that b'ii g
iiappii ess and pleasure t mom ny
homes and are looked forward to
with sucu blight anticipations i f
joy and gladd ss, have come i tel
gone. As \vc g can over the i • >!-
uuniH of our exchanges they pies
ent a curious medley of frolick
and debauchery', of fi n and cr in'-
of happines and misery Her
a joy paity where youth and pleas
ure meet to Lip ti e light fa- /asi.c
me. there is a bloody scei e, v. lieie
he c dd su- I Inis satit some way
wi.rd moils! to meet his Go',
and su other a wandi rer from
Inane, and an outcasth'oin si cie v;
here aie oriirge wreaths Mid ved l ehs. then the sharp crnck
of the pis ol in the envy or ji al
o isy semis its smoke curling up n
fantastic wreatus while some mi
fortunate sinks down a Idecdin ;
In oue column is the prospects
of prospi rity, starting the m.w
year with greetings p.i d anticipat
ing a ye ar of snoot s*ful venture?.
In the nex/ appears V t dijeoted
look and weary face of ihe l ank
iup f , who sets nothing ill the fu-
Mire tint misery and iiis res;;. The
woild is lull of sunshine and shad
owe and (Uni turns is not wi h
out its shadows.
Chailte Willingham of tho Car
ti-rsvide Free Press died last week.
He was one of the oldest newspa
per men of the H’toe, a line wid
er thorough y posted on pol it . , 1
affairs and a most genial conira le,
He font (led and published the
Lagrange Reporter which lie pub
ii; lied succesfully until lie took
charge of The Atlanta Sun, under
Vlr Stephans management. He
then became /Alitor of the Rome
Courier, and afterwards .establish
ed ihe Frie Press ns the organ of
Dr, Felfon.
lie was a hard tighter and man
aged his side of the campaign wuh
skill and ability. But lie was evi
dently fighting against his better
judgement an 1 therefore did not
take hold of it with the via; that he
fought the Federal usurpatn a in
in 18(17-8.
But every member of the Press
in Georgia wnl hear wi/li regret
‘hat Charlie is no more, hie had
a warm place in the affections ol
the craft.
Mr Editor -AYe had a lively time
last Saturday at //og Mountain
district The candidates were so
thick that i< was difficult for a vo
ter to get off' his horse and go up]to
tile polls before tie was jumped by
a number of the aspirants. The
vote for Justice was between II
It- Davis and A. L. Samrin ns on
com ting out tne the vo/e it ap
peared that Sammons had reciev
d. 89
Davis 31.
Sammoua majority 08
AY J. H. Davis, C L. McHhugh
A'. S King AV. F., Glawsoiiaiid J
M. Raney. were candidates for
Constables. Davis and McHugh
were elected.
Hog Mountain.
Our uchool will open next Mon
day. We would be gird all who
intend sending would commence
the Ist day as we wuut to get
them classed. We would be glad
all woulu lake n interest in our
scLo.-l, as it is n> a pleasant com
munity and Board and Tuition
cheap. Our motio is order, good
system of training of the mind to
know right from wrong For fur
flier information we refer you to
Dr. Freeman and the board of
J. B, THOMAS, Principal.
Pleasant Hill Academy.
For Mayoi ,
For Councii.mfm,
Andrew L. Moore,
Edward D. Herrin,
William J. Brown,
Stepbei A Towuley.
Globe Hotel
On Monday the 2(itli insc., the
u tdersigned will f>j en the (Slob
ll o j ( q in Lawreneeville, for them
e Dilation of the
uiul will be prepared to offer til's>
class accommodations and prompt
ateutiou to all who pum-uize the
.1.,/. 1 . ha rts
iiiYonSnngto hiat
If h», it will pay \on to m-o
i ) mas s i t iu: i ivi
Col. S, .1. Winn's In nd-oiuc ;t>i
deucc i> painted with them. Bcm
for nilor ('ttlcls* Mini list of houses
WINN \ VAt (.JIAN, A-si,i>
Lawreucev ill* Da
F. .1. cooI.F,DDF, \ IMF !\ \lm -
haunt SI. Atlanta.
Wholesale Dealers in Faints, oils Yai
lush, llnirilu'B, \ Glhi^
i uly i l
PRISSCIkH- ric.i FliEB
Jr tit*- Cure it! s. miiiui \V ,'.ik ite---., lAtsi
tUUl.i.uo.f a lid all U‘KO. D'iH Li-.ilgiil <1:1 i.\ iitik
rreUcn or excess. Any u.c iutfie
lieuts Or, W. J 'O. No. l*tf
*IU bUvt'U 'J }/ A! I*.
Wav tho name formerly given to Scrofula
because of a superstition that it could be
cured by a king's touch. The world Is
w iser now, and knows that
can only he cured hy a thorough purifica
tion of the blood. If this is neglected,
the disease perpetuates its taint through
generation after generation. Among its
earlier symptomatic developments are
Geiena, Cutaneous Kruntions, Tu
mors, Boils, Carbuncles, Erysipelas,
Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy
sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con
tinue, Klieuiuatlsin, .Scrofulous Ca
tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases,
Tubercular Consumption, and vari
ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are
produced by it.
Ayers Sarsaparilla
Is the only powerful and always reliable
bluod-purifying medicine. It is so effect
ual an alterative that it eradicates from
the system Hereditary tSerufulii, uiul
the kindred poisons of contagious diseases
ami mercury. At the same time it en
riches and vitalizes I lie blood, restoring
healthful action to the vital organs and
rejuvenating the entire system. This great
Regenerative Medicine
Is composed of the genuine Honduras
Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Dork. Slll
linyla. the lodides of Potassium and
Iron, and oilier ingredients of great po
tency. carefully and scientifically com
pounded. Its formula is generally known
lo the medical profession, and the best
physician* constantly prescribe AVer’s
Sarsaparilla as an
Absolute Cure
For all diseases caused hy the vitiation of
the blood. It is concentrated to the high
e t practicable degree, far beyond any
other preparation for which like effects
are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest,
as well as the best blood purifying medi
cine, in tho world.
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
Dr J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
[Analytical Chemists.]
Sold hy all Druggists: price (SI; six
buttles for $5.
Cherry Pectoral.
No other complaints are so insidious in their
attack as those affecting; the throat and lungs:
none go trilled with by the majority of suffer
ers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting
perhaps from a trilling or unconscious ( x
posure, is often but the beginning of a latfil
sickness. Ayer’h Cherry Pit toral has
well proven its efUeacy in a forty years’ l. r lit
with throat and lung diseases, and should be
taken in ail casus without delay.
A Terrible Cough Cured.
“In 1,^.77 1 took a severe cold, which affected
my lungs. I had a terrible cough, and passed
night after night without sleep. The doctors
gave me up. I tried Aykk’s Ciiehry Pec
toral, which relieved my lungs, induced
sleep, and afforded me the rest necessary
for the recovery of my strength. By the
continued use of the I'rt toral a perma
nent mire was effected. 1 am now (!? years
old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your
Cherry Pectoral saved me.
Horace Fa tit brother.”
Rockingham, \ t., .July 15, ltSKi.
Croup A Mother’s Tribute.
“ While in the country last winter my little
hoy, three years old, was taken iil w ith croup;
it seemed as if he would die from strangu
lation. One of the family suggested the use
of Avkh's Cherry Pf.< toral, a hot He of
which was always top- i»» *lie house. This
was tried in small and frequent itoi h, iii il
to our delight iu less than half an In iu the
little patient was breathing easily, 'ihe doc
tor said that the ( iiikra I'm'ioßai had
i>ave I my darling's life. Can \ou wonder at
our gratitude? Sincerely aouim,
15:/ West IJSth St., New York, May hi, ls«S
“ 1 have used Aver’s Cherry Pe< toral
in niv I'amiiy for several years, and do not
hesitate to pronounce, it tho most effectual
remedy for coughs and colds we have ever
tried. A. d. Crane.”
Lake Crystal, Minn.. March 15, lk«2
** I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis,
and After trying mane remedies with no sue
cess, l was cured by the use of A a »• r’s Cher
ry I*i « ioral. .loHi i'ii Walden.”
Uy'utlia, Miss., April 5, lsh?.
** 1 cannot say enough in praise of Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral, bob. ring ns I do that
but. to,- its use I should long since have du d
from lung troubles I\. Bkaudon.”
Palestine, Texas, April 22, Ifk2.
No enso of an affection of ti e throat or
lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved
hy the use of Ayer’s Ciikrhy Pectoral,
and it. will uhra/is cure when the disease is
not ulreadj t»yond tho control of medicine,
t :ti:i*\ red hy
Or. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
(iivinneit Sheriff' Safes.
Will bn sol*! before the court house
dour, in the town of Lawrene«viUo,
(*willin'! 1 county, Du., within the le
gal of sale, on the first Tuesday
in February next, the following des
cribed property, to wit :
(hie steam engine, known as the
‘Canton Monitor, engine, No. t>, with
its machinery and fixtures complete,
non in the possession of Jo tin Deaton
and J. M, Deaton, Levied on as the
property of J, M. Deaton, and John
Deaton, by a virtue of att fa issued
from Dwinm tt Superior Court, in fa
yomfC, Ault man \ Co., vs said John
>ealt»ii and J. M. Deaton, principal,
and T. S, Darnel, se.urify. Property
pointed out by F. M. Johnson, Plain
• U s Attorny.
Also, at the same time and place,
win be sold,
Forty acres of land, more er less,
it being in the Cth (list., of said conn
ly, and known a* the South-west cor
ner of l<»t No. IS*J, adjoining lands es
W. It. Duma 1, oil the west; .»allies
Darner on the t nth, M vi. Corley on
1 lie east, and of hers. Levied en as the
property of John \v. Minor, by virtue
of, and t*o satisfy one li la from the
Justice Court of the .‘>44l h dist., u. M.
of sal I eouuty, in favor of Goo. w.
Wallace, v> said John w. Miner. And
by one li fa from the justices court
t i ihcvVDih dist.. in favor of Lowe &
Knox, \s John W, Miner. And by
one tt fa in favor of the .State and
County, vs mid Join, \\ . Miner for liis
tax lor 18 S 4. issued by J. C. Lowery,
I’. C And one ti a issued hy J. C.
Lowery, I*. 1 . lor ins l’ax f»r !883,as
ugeut ioT v > S 11. Mi or. And one
ti la b-. ued by J. C Low-ry. T. (-..vs
John \\ Minn , lor his lax for 1888.
Ia vs made ami rCurmd to me by J-
K. Hiixler, L C
a Iso ut tln - He lmi‘‘ and ohm, will |
he sold m» a huiictcd und tilt) acres ol !
land, Ui*»re or I*No 3UB ill tlie oth i
d si. cl liwtuib U coiiti'y n w tn the p -
S.'ssioi ol W. C. I. i :uti- liviid u
O' tie |*r»|» ity < I s.»,>l A (’ I., !
by v.; u o: ti Sa is i- ■! le, J. ( 1
Ia ) i t *want tt e uuly vs ;
th -ad ' - i \" n S ..ft;
and c- uivt' !■ i -I. ! « \ iu i.k
ami urn d t >..«■ \J. It. \. .|| }L
L. c
aI * ' 1 u 1 m d |> .i «• i
be so i ; ’i In . ( » •* i it.d to,i « »»r I* •«
in .u tv ■ t.,■ t\ i •a a p.m ol ti.« F..»
ters >».: n■ v. * • it. d hy W. I*
Bits l. .. d .mi ih pi p«r \ol
said W 1* i! tt’ k »-i * e .li .n.d h
SA'- i* I. ULi \ ■ \ I t' t.oueiA.
r. ( ; -.!>•! e *ii;t! li**ll- it.
his S al. .uid con, \ i.; \ i,.i L“tt4. 1. v
111 id*' •** ' I I •*n J ll M
hath. t. < .
AItSO ai ll am - Clin a, - j |,i \\i..
be (i 41 .> ol km i. an*!.- *»i ic»«
sitoated ui .a:d ro’mty and ki *»wn <.*
lie Fat lotion sut vey, nut iu the pos.
gessiua ol Li.r.i C Jucksou. Levied on
:S th- prots-rty ol Elizu <’ J • 'fO' V.v !
V.i'l'ir ill and to satisly uti L ;s u <1 y
it i l.uw rb T of d coon y. |
g dr. <; Ja.-ksou (or her »l-t- d
tmu ay so. 1884 levy n :*• d
fL «tI lit**l to me liy J, II Miihblly, I- * ;
a'-• >n' the same time ami *ih
be sold s x l.nmlird uiidihim 1 f i"'"»
more o h know as lots N■< 84 t*i
aud 70 iu llic 6th (list., of t„ d c a-u v.
Levied on Hi I In* properly ol .» Ii d A
liyer. by vir 11' ol.snd to sail ly one ti
I issu ii Ijy J, 0. Lowery, T. C ol said
e./unly, vi- raid a. a Dyer for l*i» ■ tab’
■ il -oui'ty lux lor IpM .
al.'o at ilir .-uni- l me and place w I
' e Ho’d i no Hwie |»-lake planing 111 leuii e |
No, 3(i5 I. vi,.i o.i as llif pio ely ' I'ealou, by viulue ol ol a Ii la If in j
tewi.inelt BJ[oi i- r Court in l.ivor ol 1 -1
J. I wnley, va said John Deaton, the same time and plane will
be sold >1 certain Hail i t land ailnu "1
~i anal county known and di-tiiigui lad ■
a* part ol land !o No 14s ui me nth |
diet, east o lie Co injr'on nad,
and containing min linad ed c s more
Oi It 4 8, bou jiJpc on t lie nor *li by l< u 8 ol
J. M. I‘uUtrsou • U tUecuM by bnul’ ol
P. a Sterling, .sou It by lui <J ot it •
Robins it ami wot by the Cuv.ngh n
mmi. Ia Vied on an lb |> operly ol * .
K. Robiusou by virloe ol uno to M»r y
um n tgaje ti In iasj»d from Gwinneit fen
per -i Point. m ia * r ol Paul •Joins nh
j ti \\ K Uobert-ok.
•J M. I*A I i hUS')N, Hi r Ii-
AlPMlN'lsrit V rolls SALK
' H virtue o» au old r Iron tl«e t\aiil
! of Ordinary o Gwinnett Pounty. w lib*
aoid bt‘!oie tlitf t'.-urt llousd door in ill
tivvnot 1. .wet n< evdie. m sai l rouu v.
«>u it»e l' l uestlay i’l February, lhfv<
within the legal hours of Hale, the so low -
ing lands belonging to the estete ol An
do vr Ha >s, deeeus. il, to wil
Iwo hui,fired aud twenty tiv. ju*i• *-.
more or h\s.-. known us the Robert l>r ovn
trael, si.UAttMitn the Pastlebiry Sur
vey, and adjoining lands of er
Pro s and Jonil ' ilays. uud aleO land.-
ol Samilftid Hannah and John P lia\s
on the sooth, lands ol It. \l. Hug‘.*e.-oi
the east, and luiicis ol Robert Duncan
on the west, being the place whereon
said Andrew Hays msided at the time oi
Ins death. Sold tor the purpose wl pay -
luenl ol the debts ul the estate, and lor
distribution among the heirs. Teims
Push. .JOHN p Ila VS,
Jan (J, 85 N A NOV H \ Vs,
A dmi nisi rutors
liy virtue of an ordir granted by the
emnt of rdinory •< Ibks ib inunty
Ftule ol Georgia, Will he sold on the
litst JufMiay in Ft-lawny IFBS Im foie
the court house door in Law tenet villi
Gwinnett (’minty belvwen the legal
hours of sale the lolloping dtvniben
property belonging to i lie estate IF Hen
da M Ault hews Hi cease I c isisiint*
of one third undivided interest in newly
(90) acres of land lot number one Inin
drfd ai.d forty nine (I P.)) in •Le sixth
district of Gwinnett Pountv aul being
a purl of the old Homestead ol Tho*.
Mathews dec Terms of s »le casli.
NOaII Ma’IIIKWS, admiiiistrator
of IS. M. Mulhews.
Jan G. 85.
By virtue of :u» older from the ( Vin t
of < trdimtry of Gwiunett C’«nmty. Pa.,
will be .sold to 1 lie highest bidder, be
toie theeomi house floor, in the town
of Law rei.eeville, ill said county,
within the legal hours of sale, on the
Ill’s! Tuesday in February next, the
following described lands, to-wit :
One hiiiidre l acres, more <»r less,
lying in said county, in the sth <lis
(rict, \umb--r not known, abmit 40
acres in cult ivation, about df» acres in
original woods, balain «- in old Helds,
comfortable six room dwelling, with
ordinary out buildings, belonging to
ihe estate of R. M, (lower, decease,
Terms of sale, one-third 4 asli,remain
der due Hist December. Ihh. t », with in
terest at 8 per cent. with bonds for
Administrator flc bonis non with
w ill annexed.
Jan. 5, 1885.
GEORGIA, Gwinnett County.
William H. Moore, administrator of
James Roberts, represents to the
Poin t in his petition duly tiled, that
be bus fully administered James Rob
erts estate. This is 1 1 erefore, to ciic
all persons concerned, heirs andcred
itors, to show '*husc. ii’ any they can,
why said administrator should not be
discharged from his administration,
and receive letters of dismission on
Hie first Monday in April, 1885.
JAS. T. LAM KIN, Ordinary.
Dec. 31, 1884,
All persons indebted ts tiie “state <>t
‘‘ iti, T Seal's, late <*f said coun ly
deceased are hereby notified to make
i nir.edate payment, and ul! persons hold
itifj claims against said estate, will pre
sent them to the nil lersignr I, ve died as
retjuired hy law
Jail, ft, lhltft.
Mj J.
Ci It.: in r ali th,. ills t;;.d ;.n'j£
i’ttlc di.l.lren, it is a wonder that
any of tile poor little youngsters
live to grow up.
There are children who are truly
objects of pity. They seem almost
bloodless. Their d ecks are thin
and pinched; their eyes are hallow;
and their skin is tightly dram
ov foreheads. There is
nothing hearty about t.’em. They
do not enjoy their lives. '1 hoy ire
-uttering from the debility
1 mis to marasmus. Poor thine t!
i ’o a good deed for the pale,
poor, puny, pallid child. Hand its
mother a bottle of Broom's Iron
Ih.i 1,1 tile even for the
mo -v, c;. •■.the most debilitated;
for tlte vhi'd abnost given up for
dead. 1 1 or. . : t!t blood is nhat the
child ik ocL to bring it up. The
little digestive apparalt-.s will re
cover. file j iif. cheeks will lill out.
Pile v. V 111. I liild tv ill lie
txeii.ii: o Imi i: - merry prattle ot
infer I •• i You, t! lie : i will
till ...
I ■ • < % % 1
The iuost^^popular Weekly uewu-
J paper devoted to science, mechanics, en-
Kineenng, discoveries, inventions and patents
ever published. Every number illustrated with
splendid engravings. This publication, furnishes
a most valuable encyclopedia of information which
no person should be without. The popularity of
tne scientific) American is such that its cir
culation nearly equals that of ali other papers of
combined. Price, f3.2oayear. Discount
to( übs. Sold by all newsdealers MUNN & t o ,
Publishers, No. 361 Broadway. N. Y.
~ I “ ■■■■'■ ■ practice betore
Mm the Pateut Othce. and have prepared
|B more than One Hundred Thous-
and applications for patents in Uio
jgf r'nite«r Slates and foreign countries
Caveat s, Trade-Marks, Copyrights,
Assignments, and all other papers lor
securing to inventors their rights in the
fM United States, Canada. England, France,
Germany and other foreigu countries, pre
pared at abort notice and on reasonable teirn-.
EM luforuiatiou as to obtaining patent* chcer-
H fully given without charge Hand-books of
■B information sent free Patents obtained
through Munn d Co. are noticed in the Bcientihc
American free. The advantage of such notice is
w ell understood by all persons who wish to dispose
of their patents.
Addro»* BAUNN d CO.. Office &CXfiTOW
AMERICA*, 961 Broadway, New fork. * >
Will be sold before the ( ourt Jb use
door, ill the town of Litwieno. vill*-,
i win nett «*Ollll ty Pa. within the legal
lours of -ale. on tin* first Tuc-ibty n
Jan. next, the following dcs« ribc
proper*.', to-wit :
Fort v acres « f land, more ni it -vs
lug in said county aud state be
part of lot No4JH», adjoining land
Andy Smith, ticc’d, north, on
south west west by AV R ( ham
dee d and on the cast by Wyati
Jkni. Notice give a t(» tenant in
session. Prouerty pointo*! out b
feiidauP Is ' I ini by \irtnc
thrci* justiccr- court ti tn*, in tav*»r . 1
lim I.''Rankin & Lamar vs Farr, Rov
er N ■ •>.
Lew made and ret urned 1 .0 me v
T P ibn ton, LP 4.00
Also at the same time aml pla vylh
\h‘ sold,4*ae lot or parcel of land, -i 1
in the ti- 11 of Duluth in said count \
containing liv 4* a<*re-> nmre or les
I)4»umlc4l ns follows ;on the west b;
street, south by righ t «»t way of tin
Rn hiinmd ami Danville Rail ion h
North by A P Jackson, M A Rob llson
M llolwrts ami J ( N»m bnd omit
11 Mai his and R McMillcn.
i.4*\ icd on as tln* pi< »{ ♦•r 1 •. 4 »t ! leiiry
Kubv by virtue of and to mitifv « n.
Ii 1a Iron) I In* just h-4\s 4 •ourt *u the4o4b
distru lg m *»i said c.unity in fa\ 4»r of
Hiram Mai Ins \- (. W'Willis ami Hen
ry Kirby. one ti fa from said court
in favor Atlantic A'lrgiuia Per
t ili/cr 4‘oinpaiiy. \s lb miy Kirby
Levy miidcaml rctuiiicd to 1110 .»y
W F jib'i ingti n L ( '1 OH
Also at the same time and phme will
be sold fifty (50.) m*rcs of hind
[ more or l»‘ss, b«*nig th • N K part ol
iot Ni Ul ad joing Irmlsi f Nathan lh-n
i nett Mrs Smith. J !. M and b ham
lb mull being the place where the
' Deft Win Stout* now r< sides.
Levied on as the propt-riy of Wm
Stone by virtue of ami so satisfy
two H la> 1 rom t ill 1 .1 list ices (‘ourt i»l
lln l:\ Mh Inst ti M of said county in
favor of Tilford (’onnell \s sail l
wm Stoiu lor pni'<*h,is( money,
Li*vy imuh' ami n-turned to inebv
W M l.amrley, L <95
Aiso at t he saim* l inn* ami pla< i* will
be said an undivided one sixth inter
est in a lot of land No in the 51 b
district of Pvviimett county, on the
waters of t heApuhtchec, containing
two hi;ndn d uini fifty m ri'-; more or
less adjoining lands i*»f Win Ftliridge
Dr 8 L Hinton and Samuel Kdwards
it being tl e place when* Mary F. Hill
now r»*.sides.
Lev ii*d 1»»1 as tin* property of the Sa
rena M Hiilund pointed (Jut by pills
and dm* not!* id levy given to the ten
ant in possession.
Lev iei as the property of Baivna M
Hill by virtue of and I satisfy one ti
fa from t h«* justie«*s com* of ttltilh
‘list gin of saiil eoiintv, of
S J Winn, vs said S M )iill.
Livy mai le and returned tome jhy W
M Lungh y, LP rl.iMl
Also at ihe same time and tdaee
will be sold an undivided one sixth
inP rest in a lot of laud No .TV), ill the
sth di 1, otPwinnett i o and ontlie)wii
Ids id tin* A palaelu'i* eoiitaining t vvo
hundred mid *iftv acres, men or less
adjoining lands Wm Ethridge Dr S I.
linden and mmiu-l Edwards it being
the plaei* v* l.ert* def I now resales.
I.4‘vied oil as the property of Mary
E Pill b vinlie of ami so satisfy one
ii fa from J us! ices eourt of the d(it ii
district d said count viu favor of SJ
Vv inn v> Mary I i I ill.
Levy made an returned tome by
W M Langley L. P.
Aisoal tin* same t inn* and place wili
hi* sold forty a< i\ ! s of land more or less
in the (iMi distrut es said eimnty. Inf
ill the west jiart of let No 108 adjoin
ing lamls of John B Lang ford, jam <s
Lis , jSamuei ('aidvvell and licit W
Mill la*ll, In ing the plai’e where di-f't
now n-sidi s.
Li-vit-ihm as tin* property <if gl .-mpa
l.eileli and Nancy Leiteh by viii-nre
of audio satisiy a ti fa lTom(«wuiiu-ti
Superior Pourt, in favor of John W
■Si ruggs vs Tempa Leiteli and Nancy
Le i t e 11,
Also at the same time and place
w ill be sold 41 J-ii acres of land cut
>ut es lot No TH in I he sth (list of said
comity, bounded as follows Begin
ning at a red oak joining Dr Free
man’s Dili * I J!n*n ei* s :i:> 1-4 deg., E :i
eli and 42 links to a rock l hence N
'Xi 1-4 deg west bM chains and 4J links
to a stake Uiem-e west 5T4., w lit)
cnains and links to iieginniug cor
I.evi(*d on at the property of 1 .1
Dili to satisfy one ii fa from just ices
court of th( dlktti disl gm hi favor
of W 11 Roliiitsoii .1 .1 (hit ami L E
Lee 8(1j 1884 Sluril
111 TONI
#ives loin*’;md } mwer. Fur com
f ,! uint s of t he K . •*. Bowels Slum
a > h, I/' ver if«id Bum:.-, for aB tbs‘ sub
1 roubles of \\ • men and for those
bodily(tlsortu rs induced hy anxiety,
cure and mental st rain, its effect* will
surprise suet cliann you It is not an
essence of ginger. I >eleeious to the
palate, an ant idote t ■ I he liquor habit
amt exceed in#'.. helpful t > the aged
ami feeble. oiic ami 7 800 size*
UIS M)\, 3i('o„ New Vol k
11 -ON & liAftLIN
si vlk* Organs
11 ighest honorat all #rcat World's
F.\ hih't lens for seventeen years. On
ly Anierejm Organs awarded such at
any. Fun ash. easy payments or rent
Up.’ig it Pi. tos
presenting \« m highest e.xe* -lienee
ye{ attained in such instruments; ad
din# to all id all previous improve
melds » lie of treater value tlmnaiiy
securing most poire, relined, musical
tanes and increased durability : espe
eiullv e\ oidin# liability to tret out of
imie. Illustrated oafnfo#tto tree
Ma-'on cV H \ vti in Okoav and Piano
Boston. 1 f>t Tremont Si ; New V rh,
40 Fast 1 lili st ; Chicago, 14‘J
Wabash Ave
Analysis by l)r. A. Yoclckor. F. H. F , Con
sulting chemist Royal Atfricuiiurol society.
England, shows only a trace of nitrates in
Blackwell’s Bull Durham Tobacco. The soil
of the Golden Beltof North Carolina, in which
this tobacco is grow n, don’t supply nitrates to
the leaf. That is the secret of its delicious
mildness. Nothing so pure ur.d luxurious for
smoking. Don’t forget the brand. None gen
uine without the trade-mark of the BulL All
dealers have lb
When feline rrincerta
ilriveawayhl» t)( .your ,
bent solace in founttiu wq
inp Mackveir* Bud Dur \ JP'
hunt Smokitty Tobacco.
MMMBi . ..
B § a k 4
IMKlKair,; .... ~r, . SSS'WSK?:
•VSSSSSS-- <« ' U "' JV ' U >-T5.
ssat * i .
*» To. SafWtKWK. K" 2 - .'i
■■ m
y: \ j
! V '• 1
Itflalcs Females.
" li. ! ~-t 11 *li tun . 1 .1 nti- wil. bugin on (lit- ad M outlay inJun.
.1", r- .: ill. 101 l mid -of 1 uitioii por :110mti.
FIRST CLASS, - si 50.
TH R" ' LASS. - -2 50.
FOURTH CHS3, w - 8 00. M
V -
S'li.leiif.- t-jjarot <! 25p Fot.- ]>»■> quarler.
• tis 1 1.:' rue 1 I T!iO! npfL, |jr<-|>.ttin« Students for Coi| e o,
Clas-ea. j
IH.V 1. I v'c 'I.IiLLAND, Prii cipal.
Tile un-iei M 'tie I.* ti j s a! temi jn to his s'oek of Na v Good*
leeoivi d, of
l)kY DOO/M, hOOTs. SHOES, // '.s'. FkMIL Y<l ROOJgRI%S
usually kept iu tins nmrkei. Then- Go . L a:e ottered to the Trnl#
at as low prices as they can Resold My VL-t'o is :
I invite everybody win needs at yfl int>' in my line, to exuudue lay
Goods for themselves. T
I have als i a desirable house an 1 1 f. r ale. Si u ded in icon
ti'd ni f'uotl condition, with nil neces -t.-y ontlmddings. The h ! ».>.*.
t '.ins ( i e acre, is neat the public sqn :».• and a pleasant place to live -
i! not sold la lor., wil 1 lv- sold o tin higiitst bidder on the tirai i .ta
! day in November next.
R. N. Robinson
Atiu-:,gi 2(11 It 188-L—2.1.0
l > It ISTR i 7’ORS SALE.
liy v irl i. of n > i - , ,i i|i t
<'oiii t of Oiliinarj of (iwimu tt Conn
ly, (ia., will he sol.l to the llisjlit-sl
hiilder, hi'toi c tin- (’oiii't house iloor
in I lie town of l-awi'i-iii--ville in saiil
< omily, wil lon the hoursof sale
on l lie HrstTuesilay ii. January. Die
following' ih-seril.i-I Infills to wil :
Ou. huiuh'i'O aiul liiiveifihl acres
ofhuui ui-av or It s-, Ivina iu saiil
eoimty, in thotith (lislriia anil No lav
»h.-u( acres in cull u ai ion, :.houl
fitt acres nl mioj er-s-k hot toin larul,
com fort ahie ilwellinjr with out ImiUi
inas, helonaiog toihe i state of Krnly
(t Dy.a , ileeeaseil
'lk nnsof sale one halt rash,
inauiilerilue I he Ist ol Uecemher Ksss,
-V if h bond for t it h*s.
-4.1 a Dee Ist Isst. Ailmiiiistrator.
By \ii tne ot mi timt-r from the
t'ourt of Ordinary t*i tiwiuuett Co.
SNiil he sold befor*' the court house
door ill the tow n ol‘ Buwreiieevule.
tJwinnett county, G:i l>etween 1 lie le
gal In urs of sale on the Ist Tuesday
in February next, the following de
scribed lauds to w it.
One hundred and forty acres of
lain! more or less, lot, No TWi. |m tin*
f»th district of said county, it, being
tlieeaslern portion of said iot, except
one limitlml and ten acres, cut off of
wu ( side ot <aiti lot as (lovv-T for Mrs
vi .1 !'• l icit. Adjoining tin-lands of S
M Kcni, Thus M .lonia >, yAt } k c. plc>
an;i others. Sold ay the pn-peny of K
r 'Ft lit 11, dee d and for (he purpose
‘►l t»a\ in# the debts of said deecasctl.
Terms cash.
Jaiiu m ]>. Sj»eticc,
I>< C Is'M, Admr.
herca , Wm M imuuientt aliuiu
ist rat or of Win P uu nnicut t repr,
5,,,, ts to! In court mists pel ii ion, du
ly iilcdih.ji he ha- fully adiuiuistcr
cd Wm I‘Ji.mnieut i-e.-iate This is
thcrefoit-to t itc all persons eon
eernetl heirs am! creditor-., to
show cause, if any they t an, win
said administrator should not be
l i sc)iurged from Ins atiminist! ai ion
Did ft'ccivi* Id t eps of dismission on
the iirst. Monday »n Feb,, IHSu.
itiRS I’ Lain kin,
v 4th—B no < h.iit ai v
Georgia Gwinnett Guunty.
N 11 Itay luis appliod for exemption
of personah y, and I will pass upon
the ai in o'clock it monthe 1I h day'of
.mmuii‘3 at my office.
B unites T. Lain kin,
Dec .‘loth lSki < )rdinary
Gtorgia—Gwinneli O n Ty.
To all whem it may ( uiiemi. >|-u \
i. Mill has in line form applied to the
undersigned for permanent letters of
administration on the estate of .lush
un Mill jr., late oi said count \ deed,
and I will pass upon said application
on the tir-i Monday in Fef*ruarv Isn».
B Mines T Lam kin,
Dec 11 1884 id. oo Ordinary,
(iEuhuia (IwiN suTr I'orxrv
\N hereas, John M *, adiniuis
ti at or of Loveh*ss St i i-klaml, p, o e.,
del-eased, rcpreveii 1 s o the court in
his petition duly tiled, that he has tul
ly administered Bovt less Slriel.l mis
estate, This is therefore to cite all
person* concerned, heirs and eredi
tors to show cause, if any they can
why .said administ sat or£ should not
be discharged from his administra
t ion, and receive letters of dismission
m tin- first Mo iday in Janinry 3885,
dames / Lain kin,
Or tmaay
dMJO 1 Agents W a’d ed double ipi iek :to
sell the only official Biographi.-s »»1
ol6vela..d miCl'h,
]}N I-x-tioverimr Dor.slieiiuei. til S Y
lu .*mber of the I ' S cuiigT ’ess, tin I Don
~, 1 Ibn- ei < Imi jin an id D* 1 u : tale
mol i‘a. intimate friends «.r c \
D ft is the most relia)»ie iutei esting
ami richly iilr.strated, hem e an im
im-nse iiemand, Agents are coining
money. It has line steel portraits.
m 1 Is fastest and pi\ b* >l Jtewaie
»d nni'eliaUh*, eau hp* on v 3»> mbs write
i> Hubbard Bros, Pub.- I‘hila U iphia,
n, §TAHDAn0 ! UROi ‘ .
5 0 L-J U U V MIL
6URNH-M BROS..'--*. ».
Fur lie* SLH.-tjvtvt e: S4-::,:i. a A«• a d 1 •*
tdaiihuoil ami ail «c-.u«l. i- ’ j* •J‘*- -y- ..aUiv
•retion or excess. Any Drutrgist li-*« the mgi*'-
ilenls. Hr. W. J %4|l IA A CO.. No. IJ
Veil %ivili yireek .inviiiWU. «*.
iiic/t >ii on t / A Dan rille liR
I’a*l Nokh TIESC
'hi and after ' Oct 12 th 1484
Lassenger I'rait Service on
H e Atlanta and i'bariotte Air-
Line Division will be as follow!:
f «i f i
| Express ( Mai
No. 51 No.iJ.v
Daily. | Daik.
Leave Atlanta (i.tki pin I H.tO .o*
O' tiuiuesvUle 8.13 “ I ULAjo .
Lula.. . A H.ll «-1I- i
“ It Dap.ln’ell H. 36 “ Yl ‘
“ Toeeoa . ...O 10.04“ ' tT»*Sr
“ Seneca.. ..D 10.08“ j 1*3.51?m
" lireenville. ,E 13.40 “ 3.34 -1
“ spartanbrir P 3.00 am 3.34 pro
" (iastouia... I* 4.33“ 5.36“
“ t’liarlot te.. H 530 I 6.10 '*
Express 1 Mails
No. 50 | No. 53
Daily | Daily.
I-’ve Clmrlotte | 1.45 am l.UOim*
Ar. (iastouia.. 3.30 “ 1.41“
“ Sp; itanhuri; 4.38 “ 3.34 “
“ (Jreem i11e... 5.43 “ 4.63 “
“ Seneca 7.38 “ 6.3 V “
*' Toeeoa 8.33 “ 7.3: “
" It (tap June. 9.36 “ 8:3! “
" I,ala 10.00 “ 8,5 “
“ (tainesville.. 10.38 “ 9.S “
" Atlanta I.oopm 11,Spin
l.cavt; Atluiitu 6.30 > m
Arrive ut Gainesville 7.40 i in
Leave Gainesville .7.00 i in
Arrive Atlanta 0.20 “
Leave Charlotte .6.35 am.
\rrive at Gaffneys... .10.07 ‘
‘ Spartanbiuy.l2 20 p in.
y- Greenville.. .6.27 ,l
Central 8.10 *
.cave Central 4.45 » m
Anivd Greenville ‘t 06 a m.
Spartanburg... 10.40 *
‘ Gaffreys 1.17 p.m.
- charlotte 7.25 11
I rains on this ioa.l carry p4*
All passenger trains tub
lln()up;li to Danville and Riohmuud
il limit change, connecting at D»u
villn with Va. idland Rwy., to all
' asiern cities, and at Atlautu witk all
lin. s ilivi-rgiug. No 50 leaves Rioli
n."ml at I. to ? M. and No6l arrir<»
Dieic al 3.45 P. M. 52 leaves Riehmolid
oo A. M . 53 arrives there 7.00 A. ■■
It., loeal freights stop at above ila*
i'.'ios 20 te 30 minutes.
Dn I rains Nos 50 and 51, New
and Atlanta, \in Washington *ud
Danville, and also Greensboro AHO
Asl. ville
* a li n os Nos 52 and 53, Richmond
mill Dhiiv ille, and Washington atnl An
usia. .iii.i Washington undNew Ghr
mis. Reluming on No 52—slesp- I *’
Greensboro to Richmond
i Through Tickets on sale at 4’liar
loll... GrtMinville,HeniM-a,Spart
and Gaines\ ille to all points SflUta.
Southwest, North mid East,
i Wno h. ii from Aik***
i! “ X K it R to i Irom
TalluU Falla
k Air L ine to Si from
Klhertou Sl Bowertfill*
I' “ Blue Ridge tt Uto & irom
Wslhsli*. *°
‘ * Gv ili't 1 l
N i wherry, Alston md Coluiuk' 4
A ,v S .V S U k 0 to &f r m
il.'iidersouville, Alston *O
- l.ester A iaiioir to A U#*
l lasler, Yorkville A Dull**
N i' Div A(JC - A to A l f|e, Ruing Bkrkfi, v. SupeniiiteLden>4..
A L. RiVf.s,
2tul V P. X Gen Man gar
M Snu pli i k• j j. r ■ ill
,; o irgia — Gwinnett County.
ii 1 Verner, guai.innd|L
I’ Harris W II i I arris aiiV
iippi.. Slo 111" for.leff X sal>l guar
pass upon his ap
idoniiav in Dew /■ JS
oh." r /Mr