Newspaper Page Text
,,f the Sirth Session of the
No 12
JOINT RESOLUTION to authorize the Postmas
ter General to cause certain alterations to be
made in the building now occupied by the Post
Office Department.
Resolved by the Congress of the. Confederate
States of Atneiica? That tlie Postmaster General
he authorized to cause such alterations to be made
ted to final judgment anil execution nuder tbe laws (
now in force. “
Sec 2. That there shall be appointed a Marshal
for the District of Eastern Texas, for the Court
held at Galveston, and the Marshall for the Dis
trict of Eastern Texas shall be the Marshal for
the Court held at Tyler.
Approved, Sept. IK), 1662.
On State of the Republic.—Messrs.
(No 5.)
AN ACT to authorize the appointment of addition
al officers of Artillery for Orduatice duties.
The Congress of the Confederate Slates of Ameri
ca tio enact, '1 hut the President, by and with the
advice mid consent of the Senate, may appoint
seventy officers of artillery in the Provisional ar
my, for the performance of ordnance duties, in ad
dition to those authorized by the Act entitled ‘An
Act to authorize the appointment of officers ot ar
tillery in Ihe Provisional army,* approved April
21st, 1862, and that tiom the whole number of ar
tillery officers appointed to discharge ordnance
duties, there shall he one with the rank of Lieu
Cochran of Glynn, Black, Washington,
Cabaniss, Love. JJook, Smith of Brooks,
Barbour, Burney, Carswell, Mallard, Lee,
Barnes, Reese, Carlton, Tatum, Wheats,
Adams and Hargrove.
On the Judiciary.—Messrs. Lester,
Cabaniss, Cochran of Glynn, Love, Big-
ham, Hook, Hester, Whittle, Norwood.
Raiford, Trammell, Tatum, Candler,
Hargrove, Barnes, Culberson, Dubose and
On Agriculture and Internal Improvc-
Admmistrator’s Sale.
A IT ILL be sold before the Court House door in
Y Y Abbeville, Wilcox county, on tbe first Tues
day in DECEMBER next, the following prop. rty.
viz: Part of lot No 198, the North side, nod a
part of No. 1D9, north, side: and a part ot 202, the
South side; all lying in the 1st District of origi
nally Irwin, now Wilcox county. Adjoining the
village of Abbeville, Wilcox county, --old as the
property oi Rebecca Fitzgarald. d. ceased.
•JAMES FITZGARALD, Adra’r. 20th. 1862. 2ti t( R-
Administrator's Sale,
A GREEABLE to an order of the Court of Or-
diniirv* t'f Jones county., will be sold on the
first Tuesday in ANUARY next within the legal
hours of sale, b. foie the Court House door, in said
■ ■ FI
GEORGIA, Appling county.
loall whom it mag concern.
\~%l HEREAS. George Carter having in lawful
v r form applied to mo tor permanent letters of
1 affministrariuu on the estate of Stephen Carter
! hde s;! id county, deceased.
I is to cite ail and singular the creditors and
next of kin of Stephen Carter, to be and appeal
at my office, wiihin the time allowed by law, and
| show cause, if any they can. why permanent ad-
• ministration should not be granted to George
. Carter on Stephen Carter’s estate.
V. it tiers m\ hand and official signature this
October Ttli,
22 5t. ,J. LIGHTSEY,Ord'y.
in the building now occupied by the Post Office ‘ tena,lt , Colonel for each command composed of i hour, Jones of Lee, Findley, Monk, Slap
w-x . • t • . • • _ _ . .... I more Ilian one arm v r>nrn« mip witli flip. runic ot /m . * d i c?
Department, as may. in bis opinion be necessary:
Provided. The cost shall not exceed two thousand
five hundred dollars.
Approved Sept. 27. 1862.
No. 20
AN ACT to better provide for the sick and wound
ed of the Army in hospitals.
The Congress of the Confederate States of Amer
ica do enact. That the commutation value of ra
tions of sick and disabled soldieis in the hospitals
of the Confederate istates is hereby fixed at one
dollar instead of the commutation now allowed by
law. which shall constitute the hospital fund, and
be held by (lie commissary, and be paid over by
1dm from time to time, to the .Surgeon or assistant
Surgeon in charge of the hospital of which the
Soldier, w hose ration was commuted is an inmate,
upon the said Surgeon or assistant Surgeon s re
quisition, made in writing, when necessary to
purchase supplies lor said hospitals: Provided,
however, when said fund lor any one hospital sliali
mcr- ase over and above the mont hly expenditures
of the same to an amount exceeding the sum ol
five thousand dollars, the said conimisary shall be
required to deposit the said excess over and abovc
tho said five thousand dollars in the Treasury of
the Confederate States, or such other place of De
posit where government monies are ordered to be
kept: which said deposits, w hen so made, shall he
passed to the credit of the said Confederate Mates
and be liable to draft as other public moneys are;
and all such tunds shall he accounted for by tlie
said commissary in i is monthly report and ab
stract as now required by law: And provided
more than one army corps, one with tbe rank of; pey> elements, Bryan, Walton of Stewart
Major lor each army corps composed ol more than i [, :, , . n n- ,
one division, and tbe Residue with the rank „f bcliley, Irwin, Ezell, Cantrell, limes am
Captain, and of First and Second Lieutenant, in i
such proportion as the President shall prescribe
Approved September 10, 1862.
(No. 14.)
AN ACT to amend au act entitled an act to es
tablish a Patent Office, and to provide for the
granting and issue ot Patents for new and use-
lul discoveries, inventions, improvements and
designs, approved May 21, 1861.
The Congress of the Conledrrste States of
America do enact, That the clause of the second
section of the abovij recited act which requires
On Public Education.—Messrs. 31 allard
Smith of Brooks, Du Bose, Schley, Green,
Atkinson of Troup, Reese of Lumpkin,
Cochran of Wilkinson. Eason, Tomlinson,
31 ttllins, Peterson, Owens of McIntosh,
Roberts, I lever, Jackson of Clarke, and
Big ham.
On Finance.— Messrs. Washington,
Adams, 3Ioore of Thomas, Norwood,
Cochran of Glynn, Barnes, Lester, Blood-
Xc Sold for the purpose of making a division
among the heirs. Terms made known on the day
of sale.
Oct. 21)1 h. ISC2,
M.*M. MILLS, Adm’r..
23 tds.
the appointment of a chief clerk of the Patent \ worth, Bigham, Jernigan, Felton, Render,
Office shaii not be held obligaiury if the current
business of the said office shall not require the
services of such an officer, and that the Commis
sioner ot Patents may, in his discreti in. with the
approval of the Attorney General, dispense with
a chief clerk for such cause, or whenever the rev
enue of the Patent Office is insufficient to enable
1 it to be self-sustaining.
Appioved September 2(5, 1862.
(No. 16.)
AN ACT to increase the Signal Corps.
'The Congress of the Confederate States of Amer
ica do enact, That the President, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate, may appoint
one Major, ten First and ten Second Lieutenants
in the signal corps, and that the Secretary of War
s, 31 itchell of Taylor, Schley, estate of Jacob Fntch, a
Randolph, Whitehead and Du- among theherrs. W
further. That all such Surgeons and Assistant 1 " ia T «PP“ int twenl F additional sergeants in the
Surgeons who shall receive from the said commi- ' ^Approved September27, 1862.
sary any part of said hospital fund, to be expend
ed for the use of hospitals, shall be held liable for , „ . . ,.
a faithful application of it, and in a weekly ac- AN ACT to provide for the payment of
count and abstract, to be made out and forwarded > cer,a,ned t0 for Postal servtc
to the office of the Surgeon General, to lie verified
in every instance by vouchers, shall show what
disposition lias been made of it, which account,
abstract and accompanying vouchers shall be
placed on file.
Sec. 2 That the Secretary of War is hereby au
thorized and directed to make a contract w ith the
geverai railroad companies and lilies of boats for
the epccdust and practicable transportation of
all supplies purchased lor the use ol hospitals by
agents accredited by the burgeon or Assistant
burgeon in charge for that puipose or donations
by individuals, societies or States, and it shaii he
lawful for the (Juarternmsler General, to furnish
geuetal transportation tickets to such agents upon
ail railroad trains and canal boats, when engaged
in the actual service of said hospitals, upon the re
quest of said snrgeou or assHzut suigeoii.
Sec 3 That there shall be allowed to each hos
pital of the Confederate Mates, suits of clothing,;
consisting oi shirts, pantaloons and drawers, equal I
to the number of beds in the same, for the use of
the sick while in the hospitals, w hen so ordered
by the Surgeon or assistant surgeon in charge, i
w hich sa.d clothing shall be drawn upon tbe requi
sition of said Surgeon or assistant Surgion, and
shaii be receipted lor and kept as hospital clothing
and be accounted lor as other public property.
Sec. 4. That there be allowed to each hospital
with rations and suitable places of lodging, tlie
following matrons and female nurses and at tend
ants, viz - Two matrons, to be known and desig- ’
uatc-d and hospital matrons in chief, at a salary
not to exceed forty dollars per mouth each, w hose j
general duties shall he to exeteise a superinten- :
deuce over the entire domestic economy ot the
hospital, to tako charge or such delicacies as may
be provided lor the sick; to apportion them out as
required; to sec that the- food or diet is properly
prepared, and all such ’her dutit s as may be nec
essary. Two mations to be known and di signa-
ted as assistant mations, whose general duties
shall be to superintend the laundry: to take i
charge of the clothing ot the eick, the bedding of
the hospital: to see that they are kept clean and I
neat, and perform such other duties as maybe
necessary, at a salary not to exceed thirty-live
dollars per mouth each. Two matrons fer each ;
«md, at a salary not to exceed thirty dollars
per month each, to be known and designs
ted as ward matrons, whose general duties
shall be to prepare the beds and bedding of
their respective wards; to see that they are kept
clean and in order, that the food or diet for the sick
is carefuily prepared and furnished to them, tbe
medicine administered, and that all patients re
quiring careful nursing are attended to, and all
such other duties as may he necessary; and ail
surgeons and assistant surgeons in charge of a
hospital are hereby authorized to employ such
other nurs-s. either male or female, as may be
necessary ;o the proper care and attention of the
sick, at a salary each not to exceed twenty-five
dollars per mouth and also tbe necessary cooks, at
a salary not to exceed twenty-live dollars per
month each, and one ward master for each ward
at a salarj not to exceed twenty-five do lars per
month each, giving preference in all cases to fc
males where their services may best subserve the
purpose, and iu the event a sufficient number of
such nurses and ward masters cannot be employ
ed not liable to military service, and it shall be
come necessary to assign to this duty soldieis in
the service, then, upon the requisition of such sur
geon or assistant suigeoii in charge of such hos
pital. the soldier or soldiers so assigned who are
skilllul and competent shall be permanently de-
taileC to this duly, and shall only he removable
for neglect or inattention by the surgeon or as
sistant suigeoii in charge: provided, in all cases
that all other attendants and servants, not herein
provided for, necessary to the service of said hos
pital shall be allowed, as now provided by law.
Sec. 5. That the hospitals of the Confederate
States shall hereartor be known and numbered as
hospitals of a panic-mar State, and in all cases
where the same can be done without injury to the
patients or great inconvenience to the govern-
sums as-
serviee to citi
zens of the Confederate States by the Pcstmas-
ti r General.
The Congress of the Confederat j States of
America do enact, That the Post Master General
of tlie Confederate States do proceed to pay to the
several pt i sons or their lawfully authorized agents
or representatives, the sums respectively found
due and owing to them for postal service rendered
in any of the States of this Confederacy, under
contracts or appointments made by the United
States Government, before the Confederate States
Government took charge of such service, ap the j
-arid sums have bfcen audited and ascertained by |
him under the provisions ot an Act entitled “An j
Act to collect for distribution the moneys remain- j
ingin tlie several Post Offices of the Confederate I
States at tlie time tti« postal service was taken in
charge by said Government,’’ approved the 30th |
August, 1801; but the sums authorized by this act
to be paid are only the balance found due alter all
proper deductions shall have been made on ac
count of previous payments made by the United
(states, or any of the States or of available provis
ions made in whole or in part for such payment by
said Government, or of any of tlie States, and af
ter malting all proper deductions for failures to
perform the service according to their several con
tracts or appointments during the time for which
they claim pay: Provided, That the provisions of
this act shall only extend to ioyal citizens of the
Confederate .States.
Approved Sept. 27, 18(32.
September 20th, 1802. )
O N and after the 1st October next, all goods
bought, and w ork done at this Institution,
will not be delivered until paid for. This rule
will be strictly enforced without any respect to
R««k KeepOf.
I To the Distributees of Dr.
x James Sweat, deceased,
) late of said county.
Beall of
On Banks.—3lessrs. Adams, Love,
Washington, Norwood, Barnes Hester,
Pitts, Whittle, Atkinson, Black, Lee,
Thomas, Kook, Walton of Wilkes, Swear
ingen, 3Ioore of White, Pitman, Grosi,
Stephens of Oglethorpe, Bravvner, Smith
of Towns, Bloodwortli, and Trammell.
On Enrollment.-— Messrs. Trammell,
Moore, Kirby, Hawkins, Culberson, Beall
of Randolph, Matthews, Dumas, Powell,
Johnson, Hudson Cameron, Fain, Patter
son, Kelley DuBose, and Smith of Brooks.
On Penitentiary.—3iessrs. Zachry, Cars
well, Briscoe, Barker, Guldens, Thrasher,
Gresham, Brown of Coweta, Cantrell,
Harper, Beall of Paulding; 3Ionk, Laven
der, Smith of Oglethorpe, Bloodwortli,
Slappey, Pitts, Beall of Randolph, Bleck-
Administrator’s Sale.
B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary
of Ruiloch County, will be sold before the
Court House door in the town of Statesboro, on
the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, within
the legal hours of sale, the following property to-
i wit: Several tracts or lots ot land, containing
] tllii-ty-seveu hundred arres, more or less, iho wid-
j aw’s dower eXeepted; lying in said.county, and all
| adjoining, and a portion of said tracts well ini-
! proved and hound by James J. Bowen, Nathan
! Roberts, estate of William ller, John 8. Hogan,
| James Rimes, Jr., and others, belonging to the
and sold for a division
on the dav of sale.
Oct. 14th, 1802. (n n) 22 tds.
A dm in ist rotor’s Sol c.
\\TILL be sold, -on Ihe first Tuesday in BE
VY CEMBER next, in the town of MoDticello,
Jasper county, the land belonging to the estate of
Geoige Dawkins, deceased, containing ono hun
dred and eighty acres, more or less, whereon said
Dawkins formerly lived. Terms made known on
the day of sale IJ. T. D1GBY, Adrn’r.
Oct. I5th, 1802. 22 tds.
Bulloch Administrator's Sale.
B Y virture of an order of the Court of Ordinary
of Bulloch county, will be sold before the
Court House door in the town of Statesboro’, on
the first Tuesday in December next, within the
legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit .
One Tract of land containing seveu hundred
acres moie or less, lying in said county, and
ended by Stephen Kennedy, Henry Richardson,
GEORGIA, Appling county.
To all whom it may concern.
WHEREAS, John Tillman having in proper
f T form of law, applied to me for permanent iet-
tcis of administration on the estate of James Mc
Cauley, late of said couuty, deceased.
I his is therefore to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin of James McGauley, to
l he and appear at my office within the time allow
ed by law, and show cause, if any they can. why
permanent administration should not be granted
to John Tillman on James McCauley’s estate.
Witness my baud and official signature this
Cctober 7tb, 1802.
22 5t. J. LIGHTSEY. Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Jasper county.
\f HEREAS, Thomas J. Coiner, Jr., makes
application to me for letters of administra
tion on the estate of Richard L. Simms, late of said
county, deceased.
These ate therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas
ed to show cause at the December term (next) of
the Cuurt-or Ordinary of said county, why let
ters shall not issue to the applicant iu terms of
the statute.
Given under my baud officially at office, this,
10th Oct . 1802.
23 fit ] M. H. MUTCHISON, Only.
kick'd 11. clar::. s.oi’i, d. isvi
Practice in the Superior Courts ol the Sonth-west-
t ru Circuit—in Terrell and Early Counties iu the
Pataul.x Circuit—in Wurth and Macon Counties
iu the Macon Circuit—and, by special contract, in
anv County in Southern Georgia.
Nov. 3. 1801.
•2’iiOJlAS J. COX,
NEWTON, Baker countv, Ga
March 18,1856
GEORGIA, Appling County.
WHEREAS, Calvin Qua,, Administ, ator of
YY Gariy Quin, decca.-ed, rvpru,. i,;, , ,
Lour* of Ofdiiinry in Lis petition, duly fi| a° ,
entered on recoid it. _tl.ii office, that he 1ms fuH„
aduiitiitilereu (»arr\ <£uiij & estate.
Ihese therefore to cite ail persons concerned
kindred and creditors, to show cause, ifai vt
have,-why said admiuis»»tor should n6t he
August 4th, 1862
charged from his administration, and receive I't'
ters of dismissius. on the first M< ndav in v ,
84 tf. i GEORGIA, Baker County; ~~—-
j To at! whom it may concern.
I \i HEREAS, Amos Emanuel, AdminRirater n „
I ' ’ the estate ol Levi J, Emanuel, deceased (Ami; n
jtome for letters ol dismission from said admiuisna'
42 tl
3SISS033 &. deCSJLFr^miZES.
niLLEIM/ETiLLE, «.S:0.
'I'lTTLL practice in the courts of the Ocmuige
? Y circuit.
Milledgevilja,Ga.,March 1,1858. 40 ly.
Are associated in the Practice of Medicine.
Dr. W. II. Hall’s residence—the house of tlie
late Dr. Martin—on Hancock-strcet.
| these are tnerefore to cite and admonish a!' per.,
! concerned, to appear at my office, on or by ti e A’, ?
I Monday iu August next, and show cause it un v tl
leant'’ ' Vt ' y kt,erS * ,luuld 1,01 be gran!edsaid applf.
: Given under try hand officially, this 4th day nf
jJune,loC2. j
j 3 " >c, »- THOMAS ALLEN, D. Ord’y.
j GEORGIA, Bulledi County. ~
To nil trhom it may concern.
| YV!, IEI;I :-A' S ' , ' t ’ e r L Donaldson, administrator on
| J- 11 ’ estate o! Elisha B. Jones of said county d e
Ce T J ’- W“‘” m ' jtor Liters of dismission fron,
QJIQ ; said administration. Ir0ui
“i ThtBe a»e therefore to cite and admonish ail nor
sons concerned, to be and appear at my office within
ti e tune prescribed by law, to allow cause, if anv they
. have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand officially this 24th day „r
June, 1862. 3 1
6 iiitim. H ILLIAM LEE, Sen., Ord v.
GEORGIA, Bulloch couuty.
'YSTHEREAS, Theophelus Nichols makes appli-
Y y cation to me for letters of administration on
the estate of A. J. Nichols, late of said couuty de
Ihese are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons interested, to be and appear at my office
on or before the first, Monday iu December next,
and show cause, if any they have, why letters
should not issue to the applicant.
Given under my hand and official signature this
15ih day of October, 1862.
22 5t. WILLIAM LEE, Ordinaly.
and in all kinds of weather,
can now he had at the AMBROTYPE GAD
LERY, over Mr. Stetson’s Store.
ililledgeville Oct. 17th 1801. 21 In.
GEORGIA, Bulloch comity
iSTHEREAS, John Green makes application to
ley, Underwood, Jackson of Heard, Key ! Noah Nesmith and others, lying on the Rebel road
„_x J \ with thirty acres under cultivation—belonging to
I S still opeu to the Public. Special
arrangements made for the ac
commodation of Members of the
Legislature. t
Oct. 14, 18(52. 21 tf
the estate ol General E. Mikell, and sold for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the
Oct. 15, ISb’2. ;u c; - 22 tds.
Mitchell Sheriff Sale. ~
A t J"ILL be sold before the Court House door in
It Camilla, Mitchell county# on the first Tues
day in December next, the following lot of land.
No. 40, iu the Eleventh District of Mitchell coun
ty. Sold to satisfy one t«x fi fa issued from Ran
dolph Inferior Court, August Term, 1862, vs.
Bennett L. Bridges. Property pointed out by
defendant. HENRY SMITH, Sheriff.
Nov. 4. 1862’^ 24 tds.
Pierce County.
\, r OT ;.re hereby notified, that according to
JL law, 1 will apply to the Court of Ordinary
of said county, for leave to sell a Slave, belong
ing to tlie estate ot said deceased, for the benefit
of the parties concerned.
Blackshear, Oct. 5, 1862. 20 Ot."
T HE undersigned wishes to employ a good
practical 'Tanner to take charge of a Tan yard
at oner.. Good wgaes will be given to an industri
ous, sober one—noue other need apply. Address
the undersigned at Milledgeville, stating terms,
<Ac. A man with a family preferred.
Milledgeville, Oet. €th, 1»4!2. tO tf.
O N Saturday the 6tb of December next, on Elec
tion fur a Mayor, six Aldermen, a Clerk and a
Marshal for the city of Milledgeville, to serve the
ensuing year, will be held at the Council Chamber.
Polls opened at 10 o’clock, A. M., and close at 4 o'
clock p. M.
By order of the Council.
JAMES C. SriEA, Clerk.
November flth, J 865. 25 tde.
Administrator’s Sale.
A GREEABLE to an Older of the Court of Or
dinary ot Mitchell county, will be sold on the
first Tuesday in January next, within the legal
hours of sale, before the Court House door at
Camilla in said county, one-negro boy, James,
about 12 years old, belonging to the estate of
Sold for the purpose
and Scott.
On rulhc Printing.—Messrs. Hester,
Fleming, Finley, Cmnu of Hall, Butts, | day of sale.
Ilinesj Tatum, Beaty, Beasly, Liaise,
Bleckley, Brown of Claj’, Cook, Dickison,
Dill, Howell, Jones and Hawkins.
On Journals.--Messrs. Tatum, Favor,
Gay, Gibbs, Fllington, Lze’H Duke, Stew
art, Mitchell of Pulaski, Alizell 3IcAfee,
Strickland, Surrenoy and Haygood.
On Lunitic Asylum.—''Briscoe, Cochran
of Wilkinson, lleese, Roberson of 3Ius-
cogee, Smith of Brooks, 3Iartin, Clements,
Stewart, Alulkey. McAfee, Hargett, Ir
win, Jackson of Clarke, Snell, Lemond.
Walton of Wilkes, Scott, Reynolds, Jerni
gan, Lazenby, Slieats, Jackson of Heard,
Horne, 3Ial5ard and Bleckley.
On the Deaf and' Dumb Asylum.—■ 3Iessrs.
3Ioore, Culberson, Johnson of Echols,
Dever, White, Green, Thrasher, Neal,
Horn, Key, Lowe, 3IcCord, Alulkey,
Nesbit, Rice, Dumas, Speight, Tyc, i
Smith of Biooks, Hines, and Howell of;
On the Asylum for the Blind.—Messrs. \
Whittle, Smith of Brooks, Spain, Smith of)
Hal!, Harper, Gay, Henderson of Worth,
Heard, Lott, Williams, Powell, Rusltin,
Vanbrackel, Bird, Griliin, Lindsay, Alitcli-
ell of Taylor, Overstreet, Kirby, Gresham
and Scott.
On Manufacture!.—3Iessrs. Schley,
Pitts, Jackson of Clarke, Green, Robinson
of Muscogee, Carlton, 3Iathews, McAfee,
White, Briscoe, Henderson of Worth,
Howell, Henderson of Pierce, Key of
vi c .ri v ,t rv ” c i jlf ry or jasper cotimv’, win oe sold neiore tne
Dooly, Moss, Cantrell, Atkins. Dumas of Conrt y House v Aoor in M J nticel | 0 . in sai( j co „ nty ,
ground and bolted at Bellevue Mills, from
fresh Beat Head hie>-. Orders sent to the Mill,
or left at the Store of Messrs Seott & Caraker’s
will be promptly filled. Price, $10 per 100 lbs—
0,11811 311 I cash on delivery. Bags to be returned or paid fur
;f ed ;. t0 de a ;‘ 1 at ®y al cost GEO. li. JESSUP,
the first Monday m December next, BelUnfi Mil'.*, Oct 7th, 1«02. 20 3m.
GKOKG1A, Ja j per County. 1
A V HERE AS, William Perkins, administrator on
Yf the estate ot Epthpatlm Harrison, dee,.sued
makes application to me for letters of dismission from
sum administration.
These are therefore toeite and admonish ail persons
interested in said estate, to be and appear at n,v, ffi ce
on the first Monday in December next, to show*cause
if any they have, why letters of dismission shall not
be granted the applicant in terms oftlie Statute.
Given under ciy hand and official signature this
22,1 May, 18(£i.
_£m(m | . M. If. IIUTCIIISON, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Twiggs County.
\\ T DEKEAS, Hubbaru Reynolds applies to me for
YY letters of dismission as administrator, on the es
tate ot Samuel T owler, late of said county, deceased
having fully executed the trust reposed, ns will be
seen by reference to his returns and vouchers of file.
1 ht-se are therefore to cite and admonish all nnd
•■'ingmarthe kindred and creditors of said deceased to
be and appear at my office on or by the first .Monday
m November next, then and there to show cause if
any, wliysau! letters may not be granted.
Given under my hand officially at Marion, April 7th
Executor’s Sale.
"YYfILLbe sold, on the first Tuesday in DE-
YY CEBER next, in the town of Monticello,
Jasper county, all the land belonging to the es
tate of John Cunnard, deceased, consisting of
two hundred and thirty three acres, lying on the
Alcovy river, with tolerable good cabins, and
seventy or eighty acres of fresh land. Terms on
the day of sale. JEMINA CUNNARD, Ex’rx.
Oct 7th. 1862, (BT D) 22 tds.
Administrator’s Sale.
GREEABLE to an an order from the Court
of Ordinary i>f Wilcox county will ba
RY next, within the legal hours of sale, ' be
fore the Court House in said county, !!“ acres
more or less ot lot No. 88 in the 1st District of
originally Irwin, now Wilcox county. Sold for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors at law. Sold
as the property of James D Gibbs, deceased.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
ALLEN GIBBS, Sen,, Adm’r.
Nov. 3J, JS62. 26 tds.
me for letters of administration on the estate
of William J. Dixon, a minor, late of said county,
These are therefore to cite and admonish al!
persons int
<iu or be for
and show cause, if any they have. why.letters
should not issue to the applicant.
(itvow nuder my hand and official signature this |
loth day of October, 1362.
22 U. (D ii) WILLIAM LEE, Ord’y. j
GEORGIA, Appling county.
To all whom it may concern.
\ \THKRF AS, Upton Clary having in proper I
Y term applied to me tor letters of ad minis- |
’ration on the estate ot Henry Ciary, late or said
c>niritv, deceased: This is toeite all and singular
the kiudrdll and creditors of said Henry Clary to
be and appear at my office withiu the time allowed
by law. and show cause, if any they can, why j
permanent administration should no* be granted j
the applicant.
Witness my hand and official signature.
J. LIGHTSEY, Ord’y. j
Sept. "Dili, 1862. . *52(4 5t. |
GEORGIA, Mitchell County.
\\l HEREAS, Blo unt A. Culpepper appliestome for
Yr letters of administration on the estate of Uriah
M. Culpepper, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and
singular tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to
be and appear at my office in Camilla, in said county,
on nr before the first Monday ip December next, to
show cause in terms of the law. if any they have,
why said letters shall not be granted.
Given under my Imnd and official signature this
Gtli day of October, 1862.
21 ot. JOS. J. BRADFORD, Ord’y.
Administrator’s Sale.
B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina
ry of Jasper county, will be sold before the
GEORGIA. Baldwin County.
\\F HEREAS. It. i). Ivey has filed his petition
r t lor letters of bonis non,
on the estate of Wiley F. Goddard late of said
county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish the
kindred and creditors, and all others adversely
concerned to file their objections on or before the
first Monday in December next.
Given under my hand and official signature, this
Oct. 14.18b2 (21 ot) JOHN HAMMOND, Ord’y.
* LL persons indebted to the undersigned, are re-
TAouested to call and settle.
August 19,1862. 13 tf.
M Y House will lie open as usual to re-
ceive MEMBERS orthe LEGKSLA-
TURE and Transient Visitors to the City
for the Winter.
Oct. 13, 1862. 21 tf.
R EQUEST that all orders and prescriptions sen
them, be accompanied by the cash.
May 17, 1862. 58 tf.
GEORGIA, Bulloch County.
\\ HEREAS. Samuel L. Moore and George W.
J Y Merritt, Executors on the estate of Aaron
Merritt, deceased, applies to me for letters of
dismission from said Executorship.
ibis is therefore to cite and admonish all con
cerned, to be and appear at my office within the
time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any,
wav said letters may i:ol be granted.
Given under my hand officially, this
-IS mllai.
Chattanooga, Hargrove and Aired.
i ou the first Tuesday iu January next, within the
On Consolidation of Bills.—DuBose, ' legal hours of sale, the following property, three
Pm __ __ | Dorithy Oliver, deceased.
menV, all sick or wounded soldiers, being citizens ! ,,f a division among the heirs. Terms on the"day
or residents ol such particular state shall be sent • sale. B. B. KEA1 ON, Adm’r.
to such hospital as may reprts-nt tbe same, and to
such private or .State hospitals representing the
same, which may be willing to receive them.
Sec. 6 That all persons authorized to be em
ployed by section 4lti of ibis act. who are not en
gaged in the military service, and whose pay is
not now providid tor by law, shall be paid month
ly by any Quartermaster or other person author
ized to pay troops iu the Military service, upon a
muster oi pay roll, to be made out and certified to
bv the surgeon or assistant surgeon having in
charge the hospital or hospitals in which said per
sons have bee.i employed.
Si c. 7. That the Secretary of war is hereby au
thorized, in such way and manner as be may deem
best, and under such rules and regulations as he
may subscribe, to enter into and perfect some
suitable arrangement with the railroad companies,
their officers or authorized agents, whereby seats
in one or more cars of each lai'.road train, as the
necessities of the case may be, shall be reserved
for the use of the sick and wounded soldiers who
may desire transportation ou ayy such railroad,
and that uo person not sick or wounded, and not
an attendant upon the sick or wounded, shall be
permitted to enter any such car or cars so reserved
until the said sick and wounded nnd attendants
shall first have obtained seats; and, also, shall per
fect some urangement with the said raiiroad com
panies, their officers or ageuts, whereby all cou-
Nov. 18, 1862.
26 tds*
Bulloch Administrator's Sale.
i Y virtue of au order of the Court of Ordinary
of Bulloch county, will he sold before the
i Court House door in the town of Statesboro, on
the first Tuesday in December next within the
legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
One tract of land containing two hundred acres
more or less, iu said county, known as the late
residence of Marina Groover deceased, and bound
ed by John S. Hagin on tbe East, ou the North
by John Brown, West by Henry Sieplieus. Also
six slaves—Fillis. a man aged forty years; Suse,
aged fourteen years; Ellis, aged thirteen years:
Aunis, aged eleven years : Aaron, six years, aud
Lewis, Three years, belonging to the estate of
Martha Groover, and sold for division among the
heirs. Terms on the day of sale. This 14th Oct.
Administrator with the will annexed,
[or.] 26 tds
Administrator’s Sale.
B Y virtue of au order of the Court of Ordinary
of Bulloch county, will be sold before the
Court House door iri the town of Statesboro, on
tbo first Tuesday in January next, within the le
gal hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
•luctors having in charge any such trains, shall be j y ne ) riic t or Jot ot land containing nine hundred
required to provide for the use of the sick and , ;, ( . r p S . more or Jess, lying in said county, it being
wounded in tire cars so reserved, a sufficient quan
tity of pure water.
Sec. 8. That all surgeons and assistant surgeons
in charge of a hospital having in bis or their
charge any sick or wounded soldier, desiring
transportation as aforesaid, shall, in al! cases, de
tail some competent person, acting nuder bis or
their authority, v.-hose July it shall be to accompa
ny all such sick enu wounded to the depot of any
such railroad, to see that all such are propetly
cared for, and they obtain seats in the saiil
car or cars so reserved.
Approved September 27, 1162.
No . 21.
AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to di
vide the State of Texas into two Judicial Dis
tricts. and to provide for the appointment of
Judges nnd officers of the same.
The Congress of the Confederate States of Amer
ica do ena'-l. That the counties of Matagorda,
Wharton. Colorado. Washington and Buries-
ton a:e hereby attached to the Eastern Dis
trict of Texas, and all suits hereafter instituted
against persons residing in any of said counties
shall be instituted in the court of said district held
at Galveston, until otherwise ordered by tbe Judge
of said District: Pioridcd however. That all suits
and proceedings instituted against persons or
top rty in any of nid counties shall bs prosecu-
tlie late resio'euce of William Aron, deceased, ex-
I eept the widow's dower; and bounded by lands
ot Daniel Beasley, estate of William Hagen, Jep-
; tbo Hagen and (General G. W. Eee—tbe Everett
j and Bucklialter roads running through said land.
Also, one negro woman by llu- name of July, aged
about thirty live years. Bold for a division among
■ tbe heirs. Terms on the day of sale. This 12tii
J November, 1862.
GEORG I? W. ARON, Adm’r,
[l>n] 20 tds
GEORGIA, Wilcox county.
4 PPLICATION wiil be made to the Court of
a\ Ordinary of said county on the second Mon
day in January next, for leave to sell the land be- I
longing to tbe estate of James D. Gibbs, deceased, j
ALLEN GIBBS, Sen., Adm’r. i
Nov. 3d, 1862. 26 lit. |
Beall of Paulding, Candler, Bacon, Kirby,
Thomas, Briscoe, Owens, Love and Whit
On Petitions.-—Messrs. Lawson, Xesbit,
X'eal, Hightower, Underwood, Spain,
Zachry, Havgoed, Felton, Raiford and
On Military Affairs.—Alessrs. Cabaniss,
Barnes, Royal, Adams, Burke, Gibson,
Cochran of Glynn, 3Iatthews, Love, Hook,
Lawson, Black, Owens, Render, Wyley,
Bacon, Jones of Harris, Whitehead, Hes
ter, Washington, Lester, Culberson, Har
grove, Hargett, Tatum, Flington, iSchley
and Bryant.
On Privileges and Elections.—-Alessrs.
Raiford, Reynolds, Barron, Hines, Cook,
AIoss, Alulkey, Peterson, Beasley and
On Few Counties and County Lines.—
Alessrs, Martin, Cochran of Wilkinson,
Hargett, Hudson, Neal, Burney, Butts,
$cott, Snell, Tye, Whitehead, Stephens,
AIcCamy, Horne, Love, Lott, Underwood,
Findley, Key of Dooly, Powell of Decatur,
Brown of Clay, Jones of Lee, Culber
son, Speight, Felton, Thomas and Rob
On Auditing—Alessrs. Hawkins, Jack-
son of Heard, Alartin. Pitman. Williams
and Slappey.
On Military Institute.-—Smith of Brooks,
Aloore, Black, Schley, Green, Pitts, Reese,
Burke, Barke r , Martin, Render, Walton,
Candler, Griliin, Henderson of Pierce,
Nesbit and Slieats-
Nlanriing Commi lives ol' Hie Mcuntr.
On Privileges aud Elections.—Messrs. Brown.
Anthony, Fletcher, Griffin, Jamison, Swearengeu
and King.
On Petitions.—Messrs. Hill, Lane, McBea, Jas.
Hilliard, Alexander and Stephens.
On Enrollment—Messrs. Dyer, Fort, Gaston,
Bothwell, Smith and Wate.
On Journals.—Messrs. Anthony, Killeu, Shew-
nmke and Thomas Hilliard.
On Confederate Relations—Messrs. Gibson, Fur-
low, Seward, Gordon, Hansell, Echols, Vasou and
On Judiciary.—Messrs. Seward, Vasou, Stafford
Lewis, Hansell. Boyd, Jackson, Killen, Mitchell,
Dyer, Gordon, l’inckard.
On Finance.—Messrs. Lewis, Hansell, Mosely,
Stafford, Dyer. Shewniake and Brown.
On Internal Improvements.—Messrs. Furlow,
Gordon, Beaseley, Yason, Sliewmake and Steph
On Public Education and Free Schools—Messrs.
Echols, Anthony, Fort, Dyer, Lane, King, Gaston
Boyd and Benson.
On Ranks.—Messrs. Gordon, Hansel!, Gibson,
Brown. Hill, Stafford, and Mitchell.
On New Counties and Lines.—Messrs. Smith,
Simmons, Ware, Wright, Griffin, Jamison and
On Penitentiary—Messrs. Alexander,Boyd,Grif
fin, Lane, James Hilliard, Kendall, McBea, and
Lunatic Asylum—Messrs. Kendall, Furlow, Fort
Anthony. Harris and Bothwell.
On Military.—Messrs. Killen. Gordon. Smith,
Seward,Swearengen,Thomas llilliuid, Gaston,
King and Pinckard.
On Printing.—Messrs. Mosely, Harris. Simmons
McBea. Fletcher, Sliewmake, Ware. Janies Hil
liard and Benson.
On Deaf and Dumb Asylum.—Messrs. Beasley,
Lewis, Simmons. Mitchell, Stafford. Boyd. Alex
ander and Pinckard
On Institute for the Rlind—Messrs- Vason, Both- i
negroes to witMatilda, a woman about forty-
seven (47): Hester-Ann, a girl about eleven (11):
and Augustus, a boy about fourteen (i4) years of
age. Sold for division among the heirs ot iiiornas
J. Vaughn, deceased.
Terms on tbs day of sale.
Nov. 18. 1862. 26 tds
Executor's Sale.
W ILL be sold before the Court House door in
the town of Statenville. in Echols county, on
the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, 1863, within
the legal hours of sale two* negroes—Tom, a man
about 25 years of age, and Ellen a woman about
25 or 30 years of age; belonging to tho estate of
Lott Copeland, late of said county, deceased.
Sold for the benefit of the said estate Terms
made known on the dav of sale.
Nov. 1st, 1862. [t o t:J 25 tds.
GEORGIA. Appling county.
To all whom it may concern.
W HEREAS, John R. Johnson having iu pro
per form applied to me tor letters of adminis
tration on the estate of Malcont Johnson, late of
said county, deceased.
This is to cite all and singular the kindred and
creditors of said Malcora Johnson, to be aud ap
pear at niy office within the time allowed by law,
and show cause, if any, why permanent adminis
tration should not be granted to the applicant
Witness my hand aud official signature.
J. LIGHTSEY, Ord’y.'
Nov. 11. 1862. 25 5t.
GEORGIA, Mitchell County.
\ / HEREAS, John F. Oliver applies to me
• » for letters of Guardianship of the persons
and property of William R Oliver, Joshua B
Oliver, Josejfli M. Oliver and Samuel Oliver minor
children of James G. Oliver, deceased.
These aie therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred of said minors to be aud ap
pear at my office on or before tbe first Monday in
December next, to show cause, if any they have,
in terms of the law; why said letters shall not
be grauted
Given under my hand and official signature,
this (itb day of October, 1862.
21 5t ‘ JOS. J. BRADFORD, Ord'y.
GEORGIA, Baldwin County.
WHEREAS. W B. Richardson lias made ap-
Y Y plication for letters of administration on. the
estate ot Dr. T. J. Gaddy, late of said county, de
ceased : l'litse are therefore to cite and admonish
fib persons adversely concerned, to file their objec
tions in my office on or before the second Monday
in January pext.
Given under my official signature this November
11th, 1862. JOHN HAMMOND,
25 ot • Ordinary.
OIXTY days after date application will be made to
kj tbe Court of Ordinary of Jasper county for leave
to sell tbe lands and negroes belonging to tlie estate
of Hartwell \V. B. Freeman, late of said county de
A. J. FREEMAN,Adm’r.
Nov. 3, 1862. (m h h) 25 Sit.
flYWO MONTHS afterdate application will be
_L made to the Court of Ordinary of Mitchell
county for leave to sell the laud and negroes b«-
longing to the estate of Dorittry Oliver late of
said couuty, deceased.
B. B. KEATON, Adm* t .
August 28th, 1862. 16 Sit*
GRORGIA, Echols county.
\\/ HEREAS, 8. Carter has made application
v V to me tor lettms of administration on tlie
estate of Wiley Carter, late of said couuty, de
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas
ed to be and appear at my office, on or before the
first Monday in December next, and show cause,
if any they have, why letters should not be granted.
Given under my baud and official signature,
this 25th Oct. 18152.
245tJ TpOS It CLAYTON, Ord’y.
T HE undersigned having recently purchased
the premises generally known as “ Mackies
old stand’’ has opened a Hotel for the accommoda
tion of Hie people.
The proprietor will use every effort for the com
fort and convenience of all who may favor him
with their patronage.
The fable will be furnished with the best that
a Hancock county market affords.
Drovers will be supplied with provender, good
stables, and open lots for tbe exhibition of their
Conveyances can be had at^.ll times to any
j point on either of the Rail Roads.
I Sparta.,Ga., Jan. 2, I860. 32 tf.
1 under arrangements just completed, will contain al
the latest intelligence ol every kind, reported express
ly torus by Magnetic Telegraph, and the Mails. Also,
dailyreportsoftUe Atlanta and other Markets, LoquI
Incidents and Items, &o., &e. Price—$5 a-year; $3
for six months, or 51) cents for one month—always in
made up from, and contains tlie cream of, the Daily.
It is a large sheet, and gives more fresh reading matter
than any other Weekly in the Confederate States. Its
Market Reports, jviil be hill, and made up from actual
transactions. Price $2 a year; or $1 25 tor six months
—invariably in advance.
Postmast tin are authorized to act as our Agents
in obtaining subscribers and forwarding the money—
for which they will be allowed to retain, as commision,
!wont\-five cents on each Weekly, nr fiftyeeuts on
each Daily subscriber.
Ly Persons getting up Clubs of five, ten ormore
subscribers, will be supplied with the copies ordered
at, 12 1-2 percent, less than our regular rates.
t^No name will be entered on onr books until tlie
money is paid; and all subscriptions are discontinued
when the time expires for which payment is made,
unless the same be renewed.
Atlanta. Georgia.
March 30, 18G1. 47
' my hand officially, this )9th April,
(d b)
WM. LEE, Sr., Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Bulloch County.
• ^ To all trhom if. may concern.
tirilKREAS, Uriah M- Branneo, administrator on
' ’ the estate of Elmore Haines, late of said county,
di'ceasc.:, applies tome lor letters of dismission from
i adu iui.-trhticn.
These afe therefore to cite and admoni.-h all per-
>• ns •oncerned, to be i.:u! appear at iny office within
tue time prescribed by law, to show causf, if any they
have, wliy said letters should not be granted.
Given under my .hand officially this 24tli dav of
June, 1862. J
6 mCm. WILLIAM LEE. Sen., Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Jasper County.
\V r HEREAS, John Hail. Administrator de
f Y bonis non, ou the estate of Joel McClendon
deceased, makes application to me for letters of
dismission from said administration.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons interested in said estate t> be and appear at
my office on the first Monday in April next, and
show cause, if any they have, why letters of dis
mission shall not issue to tlie applicant in terms of
the law.
Given under my hand and official signature this
Ist day of September, 1862.
16 m6m JM. H. HUTCHISON, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Jasper County.
\Yf HEREAS, John F. Weathersbee, Admin/j-
Y Y tratorof Ft nces N. Taylor, deceased, makes
application to me for letters of dismission from
said administration'.
'I iu-se are therefore to cits and admonish all per
sons interested, to be and appear at my office on
tbe first Monday in Decemb' r next, to show cause
if any they have, wby letters shall not be granted
the applicant in teims oftlie law.
Given under my band aud official signature at
office, this 3i)th April, 1862.
50 ni6m. M. IT HUTCHISON, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Jasper County.
W r HEREAS, John F. Weathersbee. Adminis
trator on the estate of Eeocaid Taylor, de
ceased, makes application to me for letters of Dis
mission from said administration.
These are therefore to cite aud admonish all pf r-
sons interested in said estate, to appear at try
office ou the first Monday in December next, to
show cause, if any they have wby letters shall
not be granted the applicant in terms of the
Given undei my hand and official signature
this Jlltli April, 1862.
50 mtim. M. II. HUTCHISON, Ord'y.
GEORGIA Appling County.
HEREAS. Oeorge Moody, Administrator of
Y Y Isaac Moody, represents to the Court of Ordi
nary in his petition, duly filed and entered on record,
that he has fully administered Isaac Moody's estate.
I’hese are therefore to cite all persons concerned,kind
red and creditors,to show- cause, if any they have, why
said administrator should not be discharged from liis
administration, and receive letters of dismission ou
the first Monday in December next.
.uay 12, 1S()2. * mtim.
OIXTYdays after date application will be made
t^to the Court of Ordinary of Appling county,
for leave to sell the land belonging to tbe estate
ot Moses Martin, late ot said county, deceased.
October 6, 1862. j L 22 9t.
S IXTY days afterdate application will be made
to the Court of Ordinary ot Appling county,
for leave to sell the remaining portion of land bo
longing to the estate of Nathaniel J. Holton, late
of Appling county, deceased.
October 6,1862. J JL 22 <Jt.
T Wl
O months after date application will be
ade to the Court af Ordinary of Baldwin
County, fdr leave to sell a House and Lot, belong
ing to the estate off tfames M. Denton, late of
•said county?deceased.
B. F. DENTON, Adm'r.
Oct 23,1862. 23 Ufc.
A P pr sons having demands against the es-
d-\. tateof John M. Allen, late of Pierce county,
are requested to present them duly certified; and
all persons indebted will make immediate pay
Oct. 12th, 1862. Cl jig) 2<i9t.
GEORGIA, Appling county.
\THEREAS, Gideon J. Holton, administrator
ot Nathaniel J. Holton represents to the
Court at his petition, duly filed aud entered on re
cord, that he has fully administered Nathaniel
J. Holton’sjestate.
This is therefore to cite all persons concerned,
kindred aud ciedcitors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said administrator should not be dis
charged from his administration, aud receive let
ters of dismission on the first Monday in May
Vv ituess my hand and official signature this
October 7th, 1862,
3- Hffim- J. LIGHTSEY, Ord'y.
GEORGIA, Twiggs County.
WHEREAS, Daniel G Hughes, administra
tor on the Estate of John Pope, late of
QIXTY days after date application'will he made said county deceased, has fullv and faithfully ex-
to the Court of Ordinary of Irwin county for -cuted the trust i
T WO mouths after dale■ application wiil be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch
county for leave to sell all the lands belonging to
the estate of William W. Dickerson, late of Bul
loch county deceased. (DB)
18 i)t] SEABORN WOODCOCK, Adm'r.
S< pt. 24th, 1862.
P. E. BEALL. .
19 9t.
O 1XTY days alter date application will be made
k3 to the Court of Ordinary of Irwin county for
leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estates
of John and Joseph Jernigan, deceased, lor the
benefit of the heirs and creditors.
GEO. PAULK, Adm'r. 6
Nov. 3d, 1862. ( l Mc) 26 Dt.
1 XTY days utter date application will be mad
tbe Court ot Ordinary of Irwin county, for ; for leave to s
S IXTY days after date application will be made
to the Court of Ordinary of Appling county,
for leave to sell tho laud belonging to the estate
of Lafayette N. Phillips, late of said county, de
22 9t.
ate application will be
Ordinary of Builoch
be land belonging to
the estate of William W. Dickerson for the ben
efit of the heirs and creditors.
October 14, 1862. (i» b) 22 9t.
( f'HVO months afrerdate application will he made
it to the Court ot Ordinary of Bulloch ocunty for
leave to sell all the land and negroes belonging to
the estate of Robert C. Cone, lipe of Bulloch
county, deceased, JOHN G. SLATER, Adm'r.
Oct. 14th, 1862. (Dr.) 22 9t.
11XTY day..- alter date application wiil be made
to the Court of Ordinary of Jasper county
land and negroes belonging
leave to sell all the land belonging to R. D. Sin
clair, late of said county, deceased.
Sept. 1st, 1 S3!. (Line) 17 9t.
in him reposed, as appears of re
cord, and makes his application for letters of dis
mission from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and'Others concerned, to
be and appear at my office on or by the first Mon
day iuAlay next, then aud thereto show cause,
Notict to Debtors and Creditors.
A LL persons indebted to tho estate ut James j if any. why said letters may not be granted
Edwards, and Joel J. Edwards, late of Jas-! Given under my hand and official signs
per county, deceased, are requested to make im- Oct. i5th. Ie02.
mediate payment, and those having demands i 22 m6tn
against said deceased, are requested to present
them to me in terms of the law.
Oct. 16th, 1862. (M hhJ 23 fit.
; S
I ,eave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of i the estate of James Edwards, late oi' said countv
: t win-.— a -1 ” . J
William L. Willson deceased.
' GEO. PAULK, Adm’r.
Nov. 3d, 1862. (utc) 26 9t.
Ocet. Itiih, 1862. (M it u) 23 Ut.
O IXTY days after date application will be made
O to the Court of Ordinary of Irwin county for
leave to sell all the lauds belonging to tiie estates
of William Hobby, aud Hemy S. Towrisend,de-
ceascd, for the benefit ot the heirs and creditors.
Nov. 3d, 186L (r, m cJ 26 9t.
QINTY days alter date application will bo made
kJto the Court of Ordinary of Irwin county for
leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of
ot Jesse J Lake, late of Irwin county, de
LAWS OF 1861.
WE have a few copies of the LAWS passed at last
S IXTY days alter date, application will U« j Session, are now bomul in Paper Covers, aud ready for
msde to the Court of Ordinary of Mitchell ’ 'T;' 1 ?,’ at ,?' ? copy-, at office, and $1 50 when sent by
county for leave to sell the land and negroes be- j
longing to the estate ol Alexander Godwin, late of
Mitchell county, deceased.
WM. K. GODWIN, Adm’r.
Oct. 9lh. 1662. (JJB) 2J 9t.
Mail. Send your order at one
March 2, lS t ;o.
GEORGIA, Baker county.
O N the first. Monday in November next appli
application will be made to tbe Ordinary of
said county for leave to divide tho negr^s belong
ing to the estate of Nathan Jordan, deceased,
among the distributees of said estate.
October 6th, 1662. (j. p. c ) 20 Ut.
Oct. 17th. 1862.
23 Ut.
rpwo MONTHS after date application will be i well, Seward, Gibsori, Mosely, Wright, Furlow - 114 WO MONTHS afterdate application will be
I made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of an j Lane.
Bulloch county, for leave to sell all the lands be*
longing to the estate of Daniel A. Crumpton, this
I2lh November. 1862.
Nov 18, 1862. [u n] . 2ti 2m
On Agriculture.—Messrs. Harris, Hill, Furlow,
Beasley, Echols, Lane aud Jamison.
A made to the honorable Court of Ordinaty of
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Hart
■tX well L. Solomon, late of Twiggs county, de-
Auditing Committee.—Messes. Stevens, Swear- j C. Xee, late of said county deceased.
Bulloch county for leave to sell the interest in the ceased, will please make immediate* payment, ail
Mill on Mill Creek; owned by the estate of John persons having demands against said estate will
f f PO I of A rtf raU-1 ... J, ' nlnilL'^ hov.l . w, • .
engen ana Griffin.
■ Engrossing Committee. Messrs. Jackson, \
Fletcher, Fort, McBea, and Tho*. Hilliard
Nov. 18,1962. [i» u j 26 2m
please hand them in proven in terms of the law
for settlement.
Nov. 4, 1862.
(is) 25 6t.
3 TWO months after date, application will be
made to the Couitof Ordinury of Pierce
county, Georgia, at the first regular term af;cr ex
piration of two months from this notice, for leave
to sell the land belonging to the estate of John M.
Allen, late of said county, deceased, for the ben
efit of the heiis aud creditors of said deceased.
Oct. 10th, 1865. (lho) 2o Ut.
YIYVV’O months after date, application will be
JL made to the Honorable Court, of Ordinary of
Bulloch couuty for leave to sell all the lands and
one negro belonging to the estate of Elias E.
Martin, late ot Bulloch county, deceased.
Sept. 18th, 1882. (D. it.) 19 Ot.
| 'Ur* f ILSS Permanently cured,
by the use of Cavanaugh's PILE S.ILlt-
This Salve has accomplished extraordinary cures,
and has gained # lasting reputation Try has
no equal. For sale by Gkievt. A G’LXPK
Tax Laws of Georgia.
_4 FEW oopieeoftheTAX LAWS arc on band a»I
at this —Pric* $1 per copy
Jacob’s Cordial.
This valuable’medicine can be obtained et thePmS
Store of HERTY &. HALL, also for sale by GRUVE
& CLARK, Milledgeville. N* family gk«»14 he
without it. $e« Hosiers 4te.
Administrator's Sale-
B Y’ virtue of an order from Irwin Court of Ordi
nary. will be sold before the Court House
door in Irwinville. Irwin county, on the first
Tuesday in JANUARY’ next, between the 'eg® 1
hours of sale, one lot of land number 126, m ti)B
si,xth district of Irwin county. Sold as the proper
ty of Buryi B. Sumner, deceased, for the beneti
of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the d®.V u
sale. JAMES C. SUMNER. Adm r.
Nov. 3d, 1862. 26 tds.