Newspaper Page Text
=,y '*• K Oonfereaee for
TLc fallowing aie the appointments fjr
the ensuing yea* :
Augusta District—A T Mann, P- E.
Augusta, St. Johns—!i W Hilliard.
Aebury Mission—D D Cox.
3t. James—L Pierce.
yavat.nuh, Trinity' and Wesley Chapel
A M Wynn.
Andrew* hapel—John W Turner.
Isle of Hope—To be supplied.
Springfield—D II McWilliams, It II
Sylvania—James Jones.
Bethel & Colored Mission—It J Har
well. *
Waynesboro—L L Ledbetter, N 1)
Moorehouse- *
Burke Colored Mission—T. B Lanier.
Louisville and Colored Mission—It A
Conner ami one to he supplied.
Columbia and Colored Mission—33 A 1
Elorence and J O 1 Hopkins. j
liichmond A Colored Jiission—D Blal
ock, one to be supplied.
Warrenton—J W McGeliee.
Glascock Miss—JnoJ Morgan.
Georgia Iteliel’A Hospital Association— I Jenkins.
Clinton and Collored .Mission P E
Birch, one to be supplied.
Perry—Geo C Clarke.
Fort Va!ley-*W G Allen.
Everett Mission—To be supplied.
Helm Mission—To be supplied.
Forsyth Station—W F Cook.
Forsyth Circuit J JSingletou.
Wesley an Female College—J M Bon-
nell, J’resident, F X Foster, Profess
Chaplain in 0 S Army—A M Thig
Book and Tract Agent—J W Bnrkc.
Columbus District—C It Jewett,
P E.
Columbus—St Luke, E IVSpeer.
Girard— W W Itobinson.
St Paul—Joseph S Key.
Factory Jiission aud Colored Charge—
W J TFardlaw.
Talbotton Station--C TF Key.
Hamilton- -L It Redding.
Whitesville— R F Jones. J Rush,
EUaville- B F Breedlove.
Buena Vista—W W Stewart, I F '! ig
nor, Sup’ry.
Butler Circuit—John F Berry, ill
From the Knoxville (Tenn.) Register. Nov. 33.
malicious Conduct of Major Bucher.
Some days ago Major Rucker was in
conversation with a Fir, tat, and forty 7
buxom widow of an adjoining county, when
by 7 accident, she mentioned the. age of one
of her admirers, stating that he was not
quite thirty-nine. The Major made a
mental note, of the fact, and soon departed,
lie went straightway in pursuit of this
juvenile admirer of the attractive widow,
whom he had before learned was a little
more than forty-years of age. When he
arrested Mr. Johnson, Rucker stated that
he regretted to inform bin. that lie was
under the painful necessity of conscripting
him. “I have learned,” said Rucker,
“from Widow that you are only
thirty-nine ; she says that you told her so,
and i feel it my 7 duty to take you down to
Colonel Blake.”
‘‘Oh ! aii ! yes,” said Mr. Johnson ; “in
fact, sir, to tell you the truth, sir, /did lie
just a little to widow 1 wanted, yes
—1 wanted to get married—you under
stand, don’t you Major.”
“I don’t understand anything about
it,” said Rucker, “you must go with
an establishment. It is a very moderate FR03I TENNESSEE AND KEN-
sum for a business capable of yielding the j TLCKY
enormous revenue above stated. j ’
Messrs. Lee & Co. are entitled to a , Mobile, Ain., Dec. o.
handsome reward for their timely foresight, J A special dispatch to the Mobile
and the hazard of life and money incident Advertiser and Register, dated Knox-
to getting such au invaluable machine v jj| e> o ( p S;IVS . 0
through the lines. They are not only en- - •
tilled to a liberal return for the risks in
curred, but to the highest consideration
as benefactors to the country-. r I hey are
selling cards at $10, as fast as they can
make them, when there is a clamorous de
mand for them at $30. They are willing
to accept the proposal made by the State,
first, because it gives them a fair consid
eration for the interest, and especially be
cause it will speedily- give them facilities
for approximating the demand for cards.
The investment proposed by the State
will redound to the immediate benefit of
W II Potter.
Chaplain to Georgia Hospital in Virgin
ia—W M Crumley-.
Agency of Emory College—J O A
Athens District—R W Bigham, 1‘ E
Athens—W J Scott.
Athens Colored Mission—G W
Watkinsville r.nd Colored Mission—D
J M yiick, one to be supplied.
Factory Jiission—M F JIalsby.
Jefferson aud Collored Mission-—./Cham
Jamestown—R F Williamson.
Upatoi —To be supplied. m
Centreville—H P Pitcliford.
Geneva—A JDean.
Belvue--G II Pattilo.
Muscogee—To be supplied M II 33 bite,
Chaplains—L Rush, ./ O A Sparks.
Amerieus District-—R B Lester, I* E.
Americas and Colored charge—S An
Sumter— J R Stewart, G G Andrews.
Dawson—John P Duncan.
Randolph—B J Baldwin, J II Har-
and an occasion when the State may wise
ly step iu to aid in relieving the neccssi-
,, T , , , . ,, i ties of her people by-the proposed invest-
Mr. Johnson s knees smote one another. ^ ment in |. iva P te e ' terpr ise. Every State
! and m tremulous accents, he besought | ^ ^ J to 8ecurej if possible, sim-
I Major Rucker to permit lum to send tor I - - - -
General Bragg has issued orders
granting a general amnesty to all
soldiers-of his command who are ab
sent without leave and have been pub
lished as deserters, if they will return
immediately to their command. The
order has been issued to all the regi
Bragg’s army in the Kentucky cam
paign Injve inscribed on their colors
“Perry viDe,” and those of Cheatham,s
division have cross cannon as an ad-
her citizens, and return to the treasury the | ditional mark ot distinction,
amount expended, in a few weeks, when ! The Louisville papers of tire 22(1
the price of cards can and should be pul | n Jt., s a y there was ten feet of water
down to a fair remunerative standard. jn the ()hio at Pittsburg, but the rise
Whatever objection there may be to State , ^ ^ gufficjent t ]et out the canal
aid, in general principles, this is a time ;
J — .ulinn ♦ 1, „ S, nt n ,n (Vllin- ! 7 ll I 1 .
A fleet was preparing to leave Louis
ville for the Kanawha under the com
mand of Commodore. McClure. Six
steamers with Yankee Morgan’s com
mand was hourly expected at Cincin
nati, en route for the South.
All is quiet on the Cumberland.
pears that the affairs of the Institution
are in a deplorable condition.
A bill to provide for the manufacture oi
purchase of wool and cotton cards was
called up, and the Finance Committee of
fered a substitute which was passed. It
provides for the appropriation of $100,000
to procure machines and materials, and
recommends the purchase of half the in
terest of Messrs Lee & Co., at $60,000.
A supplementary bill to an act for the
obstruction of the livers in South West
ern Georgia, passed.
A bill to require factories to publish a
list of their stockholders semi-annually,
A bill to incorporate Athens Insurance
Company, passed.
A bill to amend the act in reference to
tolls at mills, discussed and indefiniely
A bill to prevent tlic poisoning of-fish
in certain counties, passed.
A bill to repeal the militia laws, lost
Mr. Candler moved to reconsider the
bill passed on yesterday allowing the
Comptroller and the Treasurer a clerk
each, at a salary ofSIOnO per annum
Mr Candler made a speech in favor of
The discussion was further participated
in by Messrs Bigbain, Tatum and Nor
On the motion to reconsider, the yeas
were 43, nays 92. So the motion was
Mr McAfee moved to reconsider the bill
lost on yesterday reducing the rates of toll
on corn one-tenth instead of one-eif-hth
Lost—45 to 78.
Granted leave of absence to Mr. Powell
of Decatur, for the balance of the session
after Wednesday next.
The bill to change the line between the
counties of Worth and Dougherty, and to
add a portion of the latter to the forner
A resolution in reference to information
. n.i- * „ i ! ilar facilities for clothing the people. As
the old family Bible. Ibis was agreed ^ , g ^ k ig hoped that there will
to. In the meantime Rucker and Ins j be no f ,ela V in efforts to improve the bill
new levy proceeded to Col. Blake s Head- ojfered by the committee after matU re de-
quarters By the time they reached , Aristides.
Knoxville, Rucker became satisfied that j [M
his follower was not less than three score ; Lafaf . y ickshurS r__^ e I ea rn from 1
years and ten. 1 he widower s hair d> e & frjend . gt from Vicksburg that the most |
was washed a\\ ay, his, pe 1 ’j 1 ' j formidable preparations have been made j
been removed, Ins form "as er : a f 1 : f„rgiving the enemy a warm reception in
6 Up
Madison—Jas. L Pierce, A Means, j ^ 5u p ermime ,ary.
Morgan and Colored Mission-~D Kel- j guthbert, Emaus and Fort Gains-W
Ivnox, J K Deck, J B Wardlavv,
i Supernumerary.
31 j Lumpkin and Green Hill—L J
i Davies.
| Stewart—J" C Simmons, O S Menus,
A D Crenshaw, Supernumerary.
Chattanooga Jiission— W W
Greensboro—3’v J Cotter.
Lexington & Colored Mission—J
Dickey, J JV Noose.
Washington--J H Grogan.
JVilkes and Colored Mission—J
'Broad River Jiission—33
T N(
Lincnlnton and Colored Mission—G L
W Armstrong.
Elhcrton and Colored Jiission—J JI
Austin, J L Fowler.
Madison Female College---,/ L Pierce,
Pres’t, W R Foote, Professor.
Dahlonega District—Lewis B Paj-ne,
P E.
Dahlonega Station—-Goodman Hughes.
Dahlonega Circuit—Levi P Neese.
Gumming—J M Armstrong, J 11 Jlash-
burn. Sup.
Clarksville-3V CDPeiry. •
Clairsville—W A Dodge.
Jlorganton Jiission—A C Carson.
EUijay—Wesley Lane.
Canton—M G Hamby.
Gainsville— E G JIurrah.
Caneville—Rob’t A Seale.
Hartwell— JG Xeesc.
Clayton Jiission John Newell.
C. S. Army—Brittian Sanders.
Rome Distiict—-J W Glenn, P E.
Rome and Colored Mission—T F
Cave Spring—-J W Renolds, W P
Pledger, Sup.
Etowah—W Anthony.
Cedar Town—John T Norris.
Manassas—A Graham, R H Jones, in
the army.
Euharlce Jiission—-D O’Driscoll.
Calhoun— F F Reynolds.
Spring Place—S Leeke.
La Fayette L Q, Alien.
Dalton—John F Ellison.
Whitfield A J .Janell.
Ringgold—John P Bailey.
Summerville—(Cicero A Mitchell.
Cassville Female College— -B Arbogast,
Pre- ident.
-J T
Webster—3Y B Merritt.
Georgia and Colored Mission
Starksville—W F Holland.
Vienna—E A II JIcGeliee.
Oglethorpe and Traveller’s Rest—
W S. T u ruer. *
Isabella Mission—§ A Clarke.
. Andrew Female College—J K Leek,
C S Army—31 Calloway, E N Bol
and, T II Jordan.
Sandersville District—W S Baker,
P E.
Sandersville—J D Anthony, HD
Irwinton—J T Ainsworth.
Jeffersonville—W M Watts.
Dublin—John 31 Lowry.
Jacksonville—Geo. S Johnson.
Reidsville—Chas A Moore, W
Donley, sup.
311 Vernon Mission—3V T Me
Ilinesville—3V A J Fulton.
immense pressure of mental anxiety.
Col. Blake wished to know why this
antedcluvian !■ 1 been brought to him ;
but so complete had been the metamor
phosis of the gay widower, that even
i Rucker blushed when he looked upon
The Family Bible came, and there it
was written in (he faded sirawl of 3Ir.
Johnston’s grand mother “Bilus Johnsing
baun in Bunkum, Nawtli (Jail ny ; Annv
Domminy 1783 i”
Richmond, Nov. 27th.
The Dispatch. >-f >T„ V . 27th. says, it
seems to be understood, that a porn,,..,
lom,t of the Federal forces which tlireat-
eued Fredericksburg, has been withdrawn.
An opinion prevails in some quarters that
they have gone up and down the Rappa
hannock, with the intention of crossing
that stream above and below tbc town. It
is not improbable our forces may yet have
an opportunity to repel the invaders.
Richmond, Nov. 27.
Two men, JVare and 31 iller, have been
arrested at Charlottesville, 3*a., charged
with counterfeiting Treasury notes, and
taken to Richmond.
Savannah, Dec. 2d, 1S62.
, , Richmond, Dec. 2.
case of another attack. I lie woods, j . , . . .
which in a measure last winter served to ) A VVashmgtou correspondent of the
conceal tbc movements of the Yankee gun- | lork i lei aid telegraphs that
boats, have been entirely cleared away 7 , j Lincoln will submit his emancipation
so that no vessel can take shelter within proclamation to Congress for reconsid-
range of the city. Our batteries command oration and modification,
the grand Yankee aqueduct made by the j Over 1,030 sick soldiers from Biirn-
A bill to provide for the settlement of j in relation to the manufacture of pikes and
estates worth $500 or less without an ad
ministrator, passed.
A bill to allow the School fund to be
diverted to the support of soldiers’ families
A hill to amend the act against extor
tion, lost.
A hill to change the line between Schley
and 3Iacon, passed.
A bill to tax produce produce in the
hands of purchasers, passed.
A bill to legalize the acts of Ordinaries
and their deputies in certain cases, pass
A bill to change the line between Lee
and Sumter, passed.
A bill to amend the patrol laws of this
State, passed.
A bill to secure the State against loss
by 7 defaulting tax collectors, passed.
A bill to fix the fees of the Sheriff of
Tattnall county. Referred with several
bills relating to the same subject, to a
enemy last winter. Breastworks Lave
beeu thrown up in the streets of the city 7 .
The people are very 7 sanguine of their
ability to hold the city. No apprehensio*n
is felt of an immediate attack, there being
no perceptible rise in the river.
Brig. Gens. 31. L. Smith and S D Lee
arc in immediate command of the fortifi
Our informant states that hogsheads
upon luig.Uicado „r i, auc .
knives by the Governor—passed.
The bill to fix and define the fees nf the
Sheriff of Tattnall county, was taken up.
A substitute was offered allowing extra
compensation to county officers throughout
the State and passed.
On motion of Jlr. Bigham, the House
determined to meet at 7 P 31.
Call of Counties.
3Ir. Gibson offered a resolution that du
ring the residue of the session the rules
should not be suspended except by a vote
of four-fifths of the members present.
The resolution was taken up and pa-sed.
Jlr Norwood introduced a resolution in
relation to anew work on arithmetic, pre
pared hv MrH E Morrow ofNewnan.
Jlr Adams a resolution authorizing the
Governor to receive 8 per cent Confeder
ate Bonds in payment of the $500,000
due the State.
Jlr Blake a resolution providing that all
hills in future shall be read by their num
ber as well as title.
Mr Lawson a bill to allow suits against
special committee.
. . , . , . j A resolution by r Jlr Hester, chairman of
sine s army nave arrived at \V asiiing- j S p ec j a j committee fb r the compensation of: express companies to he commenced in
ton during the past five days. lion. T Butler King, for expenses incur | counties where they have agencies.
The special New Orleans cor res- red in his mission to Europe was adopted.; Jlr Bigham a bill for the relief of John
pondent of the New York Times’ The rules were suspended and the fol-, W Lewis.
censures Reverdy Johnson for advising lowing bills were read a first time: Jlr. Culberson a bill amendatory of the
tie government to pay back to the j Mr Norwood, to relieve banks of double j act to prevent monopoly and extortion in
! French consul the specie seized bv ‘ tax. . ■ j breadstuff's during the existing war.
, 1 , ' j JH Aiken, a bill to incorporate the town 1 he special order was taken up, which
? U U W ; , n /, Sa N TH,.< f °r ?““• bf was a bill to protect the rights of mamed
on <1 and nn thousand dollars) leleas- , Mr Tatum, a bill to incorporate Dade : women. Mr Gibson moved as a test ques-
; ed on jdimson’s recommendation ' vas i county Iron JIanufacluring Company. tion to lay the bill on the table for the
A dull to prohibit the issue change hills
was taken up. Feuding the considera
tion of the bill, the House adjourned to
3 o’clock.
portation, are piled upon the levees, and ,
much of it running to waste. j actual!y sent to Havana within the
A very large fire was raging in the j next 40 day’s by T the Spanish war
woods, in the vicinity of Vicksburg, just i steamer Blacode deEary It was bor
prior to the departure of our informant. ! rowed from the Bank of New Orleans
Chas. Courier, Der. J b\ T 1). B. DeBow, agent of the Rich
mond government, to pay for cloth in
Havana waiting to run the blockade.
EForthern 23"exvs.
The frauds perpetrated by 7 the
Abolitionists at tlie polls in Missouri,
at the late election, are so infamous
that even their own papers- not
hesitate to denounce them. The Mis
souri Republican says : “Immense
frauds were committed. We hear it
charged that the men employed on
the gunboats, many of whom are not
Editor Morning News: Dear Sir: In legal voters, voted at Carondalet, and
the flattering notice ol myself which you then came up to St. Louis and then
have been kind enough to copy from the voted a „ a ,’ n> Everybody seems to
Jlobile Register, occur tbc following words: haye been p erm itted to vote who had
“Some misunderstanding with the Govern- ,, . ,, . r . , „ ..
ment at Richmond has laid him (me) on t le n g it ticket. 33 e heald of litt le
Liberty Confederate Mission—1 S ,i, e s } Jld f” y dy friend. Col. Forsyth, is challenging, and ot no rejection except
The Bank of New Orleans was seized
and closed by Butler forsendi
to the rebels.
ig specie
L Harwell.
Bryan Gt—P C Harris.
Statesboro’ Jiission—D 33 r Cal
Darien and McIntosh—Elvin 33Tiitc.
Washington—R 33 Cotter.
C S Army—R N Andrews.
j mistaken in supposing
that there has been as against all but the abolition ticket.
any 7 misunderstanding with the Govern- * * “Every man who oe-
nient as regards myself. 3Vhen the last cupied a middle ground was denounc-
year’s campaign in North-western Virgin- e d as a secessionist, and threatened
ia bad been closed, and myself, with a wi11 i bayonets and confiscation.” One
portion of my division, had been ordered ofthe officers refused to administer
into winter quarters, i felt it my duty, in , , , , . . c
. , , t * i Hie voters oath, and issue certificates
view of the imminent danger which threat- , .. ’ , ..
' vote
J B Jackson, Albany—Fla. Confer- en ~ ed my” own Btat’e" amf city, to accept only to those persons who would
ence. thetomman l of the troops called out for his charcoal ticket.
J 3Y Tray wick, Chap. C S Army, their special defence, which Gov. Brown A dispatch from Nashville to the
* ~ * did me the high honor to tender me. I Northern papers say: A movement of
Chaplain Confederate Army--Gco. ,, , „ , p ^ oo hoped aud believed that a leave of ab- the Federal army is sheerly impossi-
-■ 3 trick land General Bragg and the Press,—General , geJ J c0 would be n ted me for this tempo-
Bragg is distinguished for his hostility to ob : ect> and (hat on the re-opening of
the newspaper press of the country. At the cam p a i gn iu Virginia I might return to
Pensacola, at Corinth, and at Chattanooga 0 j d command.' JIv position in the
this hostility was manifested in. various Sta(c servicef however, was deemed by
ways. Tf we are correctly informed, he t JIr Ben j am i n to be inconsistent with that
compelled all correspondents for the news- _ 0 f |t r igadier Oeneral in the Confederate across the Tennessee at Bridgeport is
papers to leave lensacola, ani w » e act- service, and the resignation, which I was repaired. The meeting of the Union
,ng as chief of staff at Conn h he pimeured re!uctantl constrained to offer, was re- refugees at Nashville was merely a
‘ rder u > b , e ,sslied expelling them from luctantl acce te d.
ines of the army at that place. I he ; B { p „ rdoil 0 f yOur
the lines of the army at that place I he : Begging pardon of yOur readers for
same hostility to the press marked his ad- tlini J ing ° S0 much of luV self upon them,
ministration in T ennessee and Kentucky am> v refpPC{fu n y)
with one important exception, to which Yo hr obedient servant,
we propose to call attention.
The exception to which we allude is
this: When about to-enter upon his Ken
tucky campaign, he admitted upon his
Savannah Morning Erics, Dec. 3.
campaign, ,
personal staff a distinguished citizen ot one
of the Gulf States, the proprietor of a lead-
i ing" newspaper, and the correspondent for^
the same. This gentleman is known to
]■ rom t'no Augusta Constitutionalist
Georgia legislature.
Jlilledgeville, Dec. 4.
w _ I bclie^J alluded, a day or two ago,
| be a warm personal friend and admirer f0 t | ie specimens of cards on exhibition
i of Gen. Bragg, and since the return of that herefrom the manufactory of Jlessrs. Lee ington Ky.
officer, he has been busily engaged ^ (’ t) ( Cai tersville. Tln-y are fac simi- The City Council of Vincennes, Ind.,
fending the Kentucky campaign, not | es 0 f jj )e old Whittemore card, and are have passed resolutions expelling from
11 ' 1 - ‘ — 1 hrun that jdace a lot of contrabands that
Kramer, John St
In the Army-—J W Brady, J II Barker,
J T Lowe.
Atlanta District—J Vi l^arborough,
P E.
Atlanta Wesley Chapel—Jas 3V
ton, J N Craven, Sup. ^
Colored Mission—-Jas B Payne.
Trinity—W II Parks
City Jiission—3V II Evens.
Atlanta Ct—JI A Leeke.
Decatur—-B W Williams.
Covington—-W ./Barks.
Oxford Circuit and Colored Jiission—
A Gray, Ji Bellab.
Jlunroe—II Cranford.
JIarietfa and Cftlored charge—John
H I’aldwell.
Alphoretta—Sa;n J Bellali.
Powder Springs and Dallas—-II
JVaters, J 11 Roan, Sup.
Paulding Mission—A ./Deavors 7
Lawrenceville—John R Gaines.
Chaplain in Army—JV VV Oslin.
Latirango Distiict-./ Blakely Smith,
P E.
LaGrange,—-Armenius 3Vright.
Troup -Titos J Embry.
JVest Point and Long Cane—-R 3V
Greenville and Colored Mission—.7 B
MeGehee, «/T Bayne.
Coweta- JI A Clonts.
New nan and I’elmetto—A G Haygood,
one to he, supplied.
Franklin -VV JI D Bond.
Houson Misstion—.Tithn P Howell.
Carrolton - John Murphy.
Campbellton - J L Lupo.
Haralson Jiission—T A Robinson.
LaGrange Female College.—G J Pearce,
President and Agent.
Y J Allen, Jlistionary to China.
3\ A Simmons and \> G Dunlap, Chap- deg j,-e is simply to point the followin
lains in army.
Griffin District—JV R Branham, P E.
Griffin—II J Adams.
Griffin Jiission—To be supplied. infallible that he may not require tR I very soon supply the wants of the Slate,
Zebulon and barDesville—D i m e8, ass j s tance of others to defend him against and give the women facilities tor clothing
W C Kowland, J It Littlejohn, ouperuu- j ] j s 0WJ1 m j b takes and short comings. As j no t only their families at home, but the
merary. . . T under the present organization ot society, 1 soldicsars in ibe field. It would make the
l ayetteville and Colored 31ission--Jno be canno t do this effectually, except j pe ople independent of extorting factories.
through the aid of the Press, it becomes i am j ., a vc also a portion of the $1,500,000
his duty and interest, not to destroy the appropriated to clothe and shoe the Geor-
Press or impair its usefulness, but, if in gj a troops.
his power, to elovate its character, increase j Estimating these cards at $10 a pair
its dignity, and correct its faults, to the (and they cannot ho had elsewhere for
, end that it may he the protector of the twice the amount,) the income derived
ble until regular supplies can be guar
anteed. Gen. Roseucranz says lie will
not move for popular effect; war is a
business, and must be conducted prop
erly or not at all. The railroad bridges
speech making affair. Nashville is full
of desperate rowdies—murders occur
often. A Very stringent general order
is issued touching Federal soldiers
who surrender themselves that they
may be paroled and sent home. Gen.
Roseucranz has determined to send
Richmond, Dec. 2.
The London Times has an editorial
showing that the distress in England
is growing to an alarming extent, The
general relief committee in their re
port for tiie last week in October, say
the number of persons in receipt of
parochial relief in 24 unions of the
district had risen to 208,723, an ad
dition of 4-3,224 during the month of
October. 182,401 operatives have been
thrown out of employment in one dis
Georgia Legislature.
December 1, 1SG2.
The House met according to adjourn
Mr Lee moved to reconsider the action of the
House on .Saturday by which the hilt to exempt
soldiers ftom luxation was passed. The motion
was taken by yeas and nays, and stood 814—hti,
so tiie motion prevailed.
Jlr Jernipan introduced a resolution that the
House w;! suspend ail business at J2 M, for tiie
purpose of engaging in prayer and supplication to
Almighty (j for an early and honorable peace.
•The hill t" change Ihe lines between ‘.he coun
ties oi Haralson and fierce was amended aud
1 ho call of complies being next in order
Xcir Matter.
3 o’clock P. JI.
The House met.
The unfinished business ofthe morning
was resumed, and after further discussion
was referred to a special committee of
Messrs Love, Adams, Candler, Black and
Judge Cochran was permitted to intro
duce a bill to fix the fees and salaries of
present, the yeas were 85, nays 43, so the
motion was carried.
The bill to appropriate money to Jlrs-
Nancy Prince, whose husband was killed
! on the State Road, was taken up and
laid on the table for the present.
The House took up the bill to appropri
ate $250,000 to remove the women and
children of Savannah preparatory to an
attack on the city.
Jlr Tatum proposed an amendment that
$25,000 be appropriated to remove the
women and children from Dade county in
case, of an invasion.
Mr Thomas of Whitfield moved that the
officers and members of the General As- j s “ m ® f f, 25 , 00 ^ *> e appropriated to remove
semblv 1 the tamuies ot absent soldiers from theex-
A communication was read from the la- j tre f, e Northern counties ofthe State
dies of the Soldier’s Relief Society ot Bal- I il7r - Cochrane, an amendment that $10,-
dwin countv, asking to be permitted to j 000 be appropriated for the benefit ofthe
make the carpets in the State House into non-combatants of Glynn county,
blankets for soldiers; a bill accompanied
the request which was read a first time.
A bill to amend the charter of Colum
bus, passed.
A bill to confer certain powers on the
city council of Columbus, passed.
A hill to amend the patrol laws in re-
ferrence to Rabun county, passed.
The House then adjourned.
3 o'clock P. JI.
The House met.
The House resumed the consideration
of the bill under discussion at the adjourn
ment. which upon motion was tabled for
A bill to incorporate the town of Tyroil j the present.
Chattooga county, passed. j A bill to provide for the suppression of
A bill to allow the Comptroller General a | domestic insurrection, making all men be-
clerk. It allows him a salary of $1000. tween the ages of IG and IS and 45 and 60
on their heads, after exhibiting them
ignominiously on dress parade. North
ern papers state that we capturedinil
lions of dollars worth of stores at Lex-
through his own columns' only, but by 7
letters addressed to other newspapers over
l ihc signature of “Press.”
j The object of this brief notice is not to
criticise the conduct of General Bragg in
this matter, much less that of the able
! editor in question, who possesses every
qualification for tlie position of a staff
• officer, but to call attention to the fact
; that one ofthe chief enemies of the Press,
after exerting himself for months to de
stroy its usefulness and bring it into dis
grace. now finds it necessary to invoke
its powers to shield himself from the con-
made by 7 a Whittemore machine, wb
the blockade. In accordance with the re
commendation of the Governor, endorsed
also by Peter Jones, Esq., Master Armor
er at the Penitentiary, it is proposed iliat
the, State take a half interest in the en
terprise, and duplicate a number of the
machines, for immediate use. A meas
ure has been matured by tiie Finance
recently arrived there. They also;
threatened to prosecute all parties
employing said negroes. The condi
tion ofthe poor creatures is said to be
deplorable. They are crowded togeth
er in numerous buildings outside of
the town—dying from
Committee, and passed the House to-day, W ant of proper food.
authorizing the Governor to pay 7 Jlessrs.
Lee & Co.. $60,000 for a half interest in
their establishment, and to furnish half the
Gen. Negly and Johnson say the
fortifications around Nashville are
Thomaston Circuit—3V P Arnold, R A
.Jackson—A Dorman*
Jlonticello and Colored Jiission—John
*E Lentell.
JicDoni.ugh and Jonesboro’—T B liar-
Jin, one to he supplied.
Cullodoti—J 11 Marshall.
Griffin Female College—W A Rogers,
G S Army—L) E Starr.
JIacon District—Josiah Lewis, P E.
Jlacon and J’ineville—J E Evans.
Colored Charge-G G Smith.
City Mission—T T Christian.
Milledgeville—C A Fuliwood.
Sparta—P M Ryburn.
Buffalo Mission-To be supplied.
Hancock and Colored Jiission—John
"W Talley, J V JI Jlorris.
Putnam and Colored Jiission— M W
Arnold, one to be supplied.
Eatonton—Geo G N JIacDonnell.
capital necessary to duplicate twenty j com pl p te,• I hat. 10.000 men can hold
sequences of his own failures. If we felt machines, for the enlargement of their j tiie place against 100 7 ,000.
disposed to comment upon the cireumstan- i works. j <■
CCS alluded to we might find ample mat- ,, is sta ted that they can he made in j GENERAL HOWELL Com?—Tins (lis
ter for yust and severe criticism, but our , mot.: Its at the Pem.ent.ary, and put j t j Dgu]shed Georgian , we J eani , was
ia operation. Estimating that each ma- ° . r
moral. j chine will make 50 pairs of cards daily, ! our city a few days ago, c;; route to
No officer is so high that his own folly tin se would turn out 600 pears- a day, or j command to v\hicn lie has been
may 7 not bring him to the ground, or so about 15,000 pairs a month. This would j assigned by the War Department.
| infallible that he may not require the ; very soon supply the wants of the Elate, The command embraces South JVes-
tern Georgia, and that section of
Florida lying between the Suwanee
and Apalachicola rivers. JVhen here,
Gen. Com? was in fine health and
spirits.—He has since arrived in Col
umbus, where, we see in the Times of;
that city, the officers of his staff had
preceded him. Commenting on the;
assignment of Gen. Cobb to his pre
sent command, the Times, pays him
the following just compliment: “Ilis'
superintendence ofthe defence of this
section of the State, we feel assured, i
will give universal satisfaction. Though
not trained to the profession of arms,
Gen. Cobb, throughout the eventful
campaign in Virginia and Maryland,
exhibited a marked aptitude for com
mand, while his well known energy
is an ample guaranty that all human ;
agency can accomplish with the means j
at Iiis command, will be done to pro
tect this Department from the incur
sions of the enemy.—Of his valor there
can be no question.” f Tnteligencer.
Mr Akin,
a bill to amend
an act to incorporate
the Las
Fem*lt» Colb-
Mr i!
is CD
e, a bill to ante
id an act incorporating
the Mas
Hall of Milled
ville and to appoint
* n ew 1
/it trustees the
Mr R
si 1,
aid'd for the a
it-r of Henry J Nieli-
ols, of t
en county.*
Mr R<
n ah
a bdf to fix the
per diem of members
of the G
d Assembly.
to allow citi
tens who have been
their homes by
the enemy to vote in
any county
vhero they tern
porai ily reside.
Mr N
s bet
a biil to eliiiiip- ihe line between the
Mrsyth and Mi
Mr D
a bill to chan
jfe the name of Joel
to .Joel Sussing KU
Mr H
oi Miller, ;i bill to change the lines
cr and Early t
on n ties.
Mr E
till pr
on. a bill to es
tend the time of set-
of 1:
xesin Quitman county.
Mr Moore
a resolution hi
relation to- collecting-
debts dt
h th<
Wrsterji A- Atlantic Railroad.
Mr Bi
chain, a bill to incr
•ase the pay of public
Mr Li
y, a bill for t
lie r, lief of Ilariet L
)f VY
wren county.
The b
II to
allow citizens
of 7 Dade county to
ship cor
r the W. & A i
‘ail Road, for soldiers’
token-up mk
'1 he b
11 to
distribute ihe poor school fund of the
State vv;
s ta!
e.i up. The l
ill proposes to appor-
tion the
accruing to t
te white population,
and no!
ding: to childrc
n returns.
Mr Gt
of Chatham s
aid that, ho advocated
this b If
in behalf of the chi
ilren ofthis Slate.
Mr. N
od sustained
ihe argument of his
\ er»
ling the discus
sion of the bid.
Amended so as also to allow the Treasur
er a clerk at like salary. .
The House then adjourned.
Dec*. 2, 1S62.
' The Senate met according to adjourn
On motion of Jlr Vason, a supplementa
ry bill, allowing contractors to distil alco
hol or whiskey under contacts already
made, was reconsidered after a protracted
The bill to commute the sentence of J.
It. JYilson, of Atlanta, condemned to be
hung, to imprisonment for 10 years was
Jlr Gibson brought up a resolution to
have the act allowing soldiers to vote read
publicly before the various commands.
The Senate then adjourned to 3 o’clock.
P. M.
subject to military duty 7 . Upon this a
lengthy discussion ensued. Jlr Hester of
Elbert made a very earnest appeal in favor
ofthe bill; his remarks were elicited by a
motion to strike out the words “16 and IS”
•Judge Cochrane favored the motion
and hoped it would prevail.
J/r. Render believed that the organiza
tion should be perfected immediately.
Gen- Black, Mr Smith of Brooks .and
Capt Burk favored the motion to strike
.fudge Cabiness favored the bill.
The honr of adjournment having ar
rived, the House adjourned.
The Jlontreal (Canada) Advertiser in
speaking of .Mr. Seward’s threats in case
that foreign nations recognized the South
and the good etYect recognition will have,
remarks thus:
Jlr. Secretary Seward eighteen months
ago threatened all the powers of the world
with war if they dared to recognize the
South, or treat them other than as rebels
3 o’clock, P. 31.
r p| )e ^ cnate mc *' . , , c j to the just authority of the Feberal Gov-
• 1 he afternoon session of the Senate I . , , • ” , . , , • ,
' , . j. ,. .. , j ernment; be has since moderated his tone,
was chiefly devoted to readme House bills! . .. Y i ^ . > . i
c . & and the federal press is instructed to de-
a hist time. , . . r . . ...
...I o . .. . . „ , , , . clare that recognition amounts to nothing,
1 he Senate adjourned to 9 o clock, A. .. ° ... c ,
J I making the position of the Oomederate
States no better, and the Federals no
JI. to-morrow.
humble, the guide to the ignorant, and
i the instrument for the greatest good to the
wise and powerful.
Richmond IVhig.
\ Military Promotions.— We are gratified
to learn that the following promotions
have been made in the provisional army of
the Confederate States:
j From Georgia—Cols. T. R. R. Cobb
Alfred Iverson, George P. Doles and A.
H. Colquitt, are to be Brigadier Gener
From Alabama—Cols. E. D. Tracy
and John B. Gordon, are to be Brigadier
from the use <4 these twenty machines
would bo $1,872,001) in twelve months.
Four-fifths of this sum would probably
be net profit, yielding to the State, in one
year, the handsome revenue of $750,000
on an investment of $60,000. This is on
the assumption that the State charge the
same that the firm now sells them at.
But it is a part of the proposed contract
that the State may furnish them to her
citizens at cost which will be between $2
and $3, per pair. However this may be,
the aggregate profit to the people of the
State is the same. Therefore this cotton
card measure is of the highest importance,
and should be disposed of Without delay
aud in a liberal spirit. Sixty thousand
dollars, it is urged is a high price for such
The hour of twelve having arrived, the house ad
3 o’clock, P. M.
The House mot according to adjournment.
The House took u f . the bill to distribute the pub
lic educational lurid of Georgia, according to the
white population.
The bill was lost.
The bill to reimburse the Treasurer of the \V
& A K It lor mont^r advanced the Gvernor for the
purchase of salt The bill was passed.
A bill to compel persons owning bank stock to
give it'in the conn*v in which they live for the
purpose of taxes on such stock for cotiiny
purposes, passed. ?
A bill to allow William it Driscoll of Carrol
county to practice medicine, | as-ed. '
The bill to iucurjiori.te the Coosa Bank at
BlairsviUe p.-t-sed.
I (• hill to u.-peud t'n ■ continuation of compound
interest against executors Clrc, iu certain eases,
The bill to enlarge the rules of evidence so as
to admit tiie testimony of negroes against white
persons in charges of insurrection, lost
A bill to allow Bessie Miller,- of Clark county
a free woman of color, to go into slavery. Passed.
The House then adjourned.
Dec. 2d, 1S62.
The House met according to adjourn
Jlr. Culberson from the committee to
visit the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Cave
Spring, made a report, from which it ap-
Dec. 3, 1S62.
’Flic Senate met according to adjourn
ment. •
In the Senate to-day the resolution to
authorize the impressment of free negroes
for the public defence was reconsidered
for the purpose of amendment.
A bill to change certain county lines
was passed.
A bill to amend the road laws, passed.
A bill to incorporate the Marine and
Fire insurance Company of Griffin passed.
A bill for tha relief of Luviney Ogilvie
of Scriven county, passed.
Also for the relief of tho Belgian Con
sul at Atlanta.
A bill for the relief of Reuben King of
Jlclntosh, and Jliller Halams of Camden
county, passed.
A bill to confirm the sale of certain lots
in Macon and Savannah to the Confeder
ate Government.
A bill for the relief of the banks, pass
A lull for the relief of JYm. II Cone of
A bill to authorize the issue of $1,000,
000 of change bills by tbc State, passed
A bill to provide for the assessment of
damages from back water, draining lands,
Ac., lost.
A resolution in relation to the election
of commissioners for the town of Madison,
A resolution calling on the Governor for
information upon contracts lor making
pikes, knives, adopted.
Also by Judge Gibson a resolution that
the law authorizing soldiers to vote in
camps be read before them.
The Senate then adjourned.
Dec. 3d.
The House met according to adjourn*
worse, and that therefore it is not to be
made a casus belli against the nations that
may recognize the Confederacy. Recog
nition,-however, will not only inspirit the
South, but it will depress the North; it
will give an entirely new character to the
war, by removing from it the stigma of re
volt, and by raising the Confederate
States to an equality in all respects with
their adversaries, and will entitle them to
the good offices of the recognizing powers
to put an end to a strife, which, so far as
the North ts concerned, will have no long
er an excuse. Recognition will not long
precede intervention; a people who have
won the light to a place among the na
tions of the world, and had their position
admitted will not long be suffered to be
tho victim of a contest directed against
them as rebels. Recognition will secure
the practical independence of the Confed
erate States as certaiuly as did that ot
the United States.
When the States Seceded.—Frequentin'
qtiiries are made as to when the Acts of
Secession were passed by the several
South Carolina seceded December 20,
IS60; Mississippi. January 9, 1861; AB'
bania and Florida, January 11. 1S61;
Geoigia, January 19, 1861; Louisiana,
January 26, 1861; Texas, February 1>
1S61; Virginia, April 17, 1861; Arkansas,
May 6, 1861; North - Carolina. May
1861. Tennessee passed the Ordinance
of Secession May 6th, and it was ratinei
by the people June S, 1S61.
According to the Northern accounts,
since the occupation of Nashville by tl‘ e
Federals there have been interred l» r p®'
ly over one thousand soldiers. '1 he deat »
now average about forty a week, the fata
disease being chronic diarrhoea and ty
phoid fever. There are sick in the hos
pitala of the city more than two thousan