Newspaper Page Text
>i) U a d r )N. NISB ET. B A UN ES & MOORE |
Pj’oii skiers ani Proprietors.
h. :?oit;iir»\,,
(i r.< tfiftlA, Bulloch County.
Vir Hl’KE \S, Jefferson ft. Williams, adminis '
Y? trator on the estate of Berryan W. Sutton,
Vceas'd, applies to me for letters of dismission
from said administration.
These therefote to rite and admonish ail
; persons interested, to file their objections, if anv i
,igrille, Ga. t ■ '* K T «o or before the first Monday in!
Ts published W-rkhj, >n -" ' '.r i,.- o. j June next, why «aid letters should uot be granted. :
’ i' M '' * *’ j Given under iny hand and official signature.
• this 14th day of Nov 1*64.
■b)i (foiifcimtc Hnioir
C truer of Hancock
, ■ ' /i i ■/ House.)
(opposite Co* t
At $12 a year m
iti m6ir.
Dollars per square of ten
for each insertion.
I'd lies if resp.iat, U isolations by Societies,(Ohit
t’.t v;-tiEN r.—FiV»
GEORGIA Pierce county.
\\'1! EREAS, Banner Thomas r.dmini.-tintor of
» * James It •Thomas represents to the court-in lrs
petition, duly filed, that he has fully administered
James if. Thomas's estate.
i liis is therefore to cite all persons concerned to
show cause if any they can why said administrator
should not be discharged from the ndioini-tuition and
- e’tceedi.ig six h 1 • >.) Nominations lor "lie e, > rw , t .j ve letters of dismission on the fust Monday in
■ -i l.uc.uion* or Editorial notices for individual' April next.
, i dit,charged as Irans tent advertising.
Sheriff's sales, per levy often lines, or less,$ih 00 |
“ Mortgage fifa sales, per square, ’■it) 00 •
Tax Collector's Sales, per square, JO 00
Citations for Letters of Administration, 10 00 (
*• “ *• Guardianship, IrttlOj
Letters of application for dism’n from Adm’ulfl (HI
<• “ *• “ “ Guaid’n ifl 0 4 * ,
Appl'n for leave to sell land and negroes, Ibttoi
Notice to Debtors and Creditors, 1» ; l)
Sales ot laud or negtooS. per square, Jf» 00
• ‘ perishable property, !!i days, per sq. 4 00
Estray Notices, 30 days, JO 00
Foreclosure of Mortgage, per square. 4 00
S ilu- of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Ex-
s,-a>r. nr Guardians,are required by law to be held
i.stTuisday in the utunth. b« tween the hour. 1
•>i .0 i;i:iu forenoon and three in the atternoun, at tin-
0 mri uouae in thecouuty in which the properly is
situated. ... ,
;< . u- • of these - so •; must be given . ri a ,fubI’.o gn-
7 ,ite4U days previous to the day of-sale.
f for die sale of personal properly must b*
* v j s in ilk manner 10 days previous to saleduy. *
' ,.!ee.-, to .tie debtors and creditors of un estate'
also be punished.4u days. ^ ^
Wirrif s my baud and official signature this Sep't,
I'd. 8.00 17 mOm II. W. GRADY, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Pierce County,
T S/MIEREAS, Benjamin Minshew, admioistra-
T tor of John Misnhcw, represents to the
Court iu his petition duly filed, that he has fully
administered John Minshew's estate.
T his is therefore to cite all persons concerned
to show cause, if arty t hey can, why said adminis
trator should uot bo discharged from his admiui
istratiou and receive letters ot dismission on the
first Monday in Apii! next.
\t 'tu.f-ss my hand and official signature, this
Sept. 5th, 1804. H. W. GRADY,
J7 mfim Pd $8 Ordinary.
GEORGIA. Beirien County.
-—for dismission from
■.out Its—for dismission
V nice that i,>plication will be made to the Court of
Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be
n fdished for two months. _
’ for leHcrst.i AdministrationGaaruianwup
A . a i [•> ■ published 33 ua
A ! nuii^tratioii, monthly *< t
lucn <r .ar.liansJdp.dO days.
it.nes for oreciosure rtf Mortgage must be published
,i,iyj if for fou r mouths—tor establishing lost papers,
forth foil »P‘ ee of three m inUis—l
mi Executoi-portid ninistrators.v.!
^j ven bv tbs deceased the full spin
Publications will always be coutinned Rceorditmto
he^e.the legal re* $ui foments. unlc-ssot It* rw rseot
\\T IIEKEA.S, Allen Jones, Administrator, and
M Mary A. E. Jones, Administratrix of \Vm
A. Jones, represents to the Court in this petition,
only tij.-d and entered on record, that they have
tally administered William A. Jones' estate.
This is therefore to cite ail persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show cause, if anv they
can, why said administrators should not be dis
charged from said adminstration and receive let
ters of dismission on the first Monday in February
next. r
W. E. CONNELL, Ord’y.
August 2d, 1864. Pd $8 12mtun
tTvniaii'** pari ia the War,'
And wluit can gentle woman do
hi this dark hour of strife,
\\ hen men with hearts so briire and true,
Are staking limb ami life-/
The broidered tl-igt'o give i- well—
The martial scurf to tie—
To twine with wrealhsthe fond farewell,
To bid to do or die,”
Y*-t these are but the bright array
(> War's portentous form :
The lightning ■* distant, tittu! play,
Before tlie coming storui.
A better still is woman’s part,
Her zt-f.l, her power to prove,— •
Iler truthful, her religious lu-ait,
Herself denying love.
Fut every idle gau 1 ashic,
Of luxury :uid thougfit.
The vain expense, and selfish pri e
Prosperity has brought.
Be earnest, patriotic, just and brave,
To woman's instinct true -.
Give freely of the best you have,
For those who die for you.
Your wealth, your time, your wonted case.
Your fervent, secret prayers ;
The thuitglith is joys that once might please.
Reject for noble cares.
O'er suffering men iike angels bend,
The soothing draught to give, '
While accents from your lips descend,
That bid the wounded "hvo!”
AndO. let woman’s kindly speech
Sweet Wi.rds.ot healing find.
Our Altrail’s bittei waves to rea'-li.
Our country’s wounds to bind !
[From Hall's Journal of Health.]
Ealina Ecsimaiicallr.
t’ldilic electing. [ Since the first of Jaunarv, the price of flour, meal.
According to previous notice a large and rcspe<-t.» ) Y n ', -" hoat. p-.t., .u.-, beet"; p. rk, lard, ami in fact
ble portion <4 the citizens of Echols c-»ui:tv * r '"'f v . cr - v PS m-ccssarv to sustain the life of
a* the Court |t -use t-, Statenville on Saturday the 4tl ! 1 « : Vl ' “'i '.rly doubled ; ri.! there aj>-
dav of February 1S64. l '- , < r'.''- v ,lts P^’ tl,, n g» ou-in this upward
The meetu-o »■*, organised bv ca’.'irg the Rev. / •<-v. ;ir u,t p in-■ Y. nut vm« cam eot this upward
John Newland-to the Chair, and' requesting J. P • 1 >' , ,s seem as plentiful as they were
Prescott, to act as Secretary.
Oo motion the Chair appointed the f.' : s •wing i - >r .-
as h committee to dintt Re.-olntior.s, to-wit. !:■•!!
J-imea Carter, Aaron W. Copeland, Ezvkiei C li. - * - .
Nathan Hemiricksaud Jesse Prescott.
Which coiuqiittee retired for asitoG time and rej-.o ;•
e-1 the following Resolutions, to-wit.
Resolve first, That we tlie ciliz. ns of Ecli'-'.s ccnnty.
suggest that it would be expedient, for ins Ex. *••:. n* y, |
to lay before the Legislature of the State <*i ftc-wgia, j
iIip propriety of calling a State convention that a
discussion may be tiad relative to the situation ot i u:
j bleeding country.
j Resolved secondly, That we have the utmost c : fi- .
! dence in the wisdom, prudence and ti h iity > 7 tl.Lx
j eoutive and State Legislature, and nek only ihe lice 1
j right and suflYuges given a:id guaranteed by the n n- j
; siitution to us as a republican people.
<Ju motion of Ex. Siieriif Howell the meeting
J. P l‘ur.scott. Secretary
JSerliiij in Jasper
[cadency ?
«o .Hg.i The volume of currency lias been
decreased and will no doubt be contracted still further.
A iiy th; ii sIiouh! there he mo h an unqu* ncimble mania
■ uecuumlation ’ Let everybody, for Heaven’s sake,
u to keep prici - down to living rates. It will be fm
■i we horn>.-nt> ■ e at l.<- end of the war, in the sight of
God mid man, for each of us to stand before the world
wit limit one cent, than to revel amid iieSps of wealth
> ■ '’'-ed at. the expense of all that is noble and gener
ous in man.
A Lint u> these hearth - • plnmlerers maybe unavail
ing, h,n wcgtve it. The day »>t retiibutimi will surely
.voile t<* tiiiv,e wt.o eontinu.- the persuit of ill gotte.
. Tin p.-opht will not slur vc in the midst of plenty
T.iey will find a relief for themselves, and h punish
ment for tiiose >> ho would rob them, and the humanity
of the world would respond amen I
Appeal. and ihc Stfcek Jim
I’.’iei - is ever
Oar JIilitMT Hystcn i» « Failure.
In taking a calm and impsnia) view of this rev
olution—this gigautic effort of a free people to
disenthrall themselves from a burdensome vassa
lage of eighty jears to the Yankee factors of New
England; in viewing the efforts we have made iu
\v;y* and in separate • gislative actiou in th*- accom
plishment of the g* tod object for which the gun
w as first sighted an tired at the old flag of the old
political unity, wc ar* irresistibly Jed to the con-
elusion, sad as it makes us to confess it. that our
military apparatus, the machinery for making ar-
Qiios, is h wot*fu 1 failure.
Ihc ctnisn-ifit him is a dead he ter. No man who
wj i it thM-r, tuvia-.r who can think, and who is not
?o weuoeu to his own opiuions, that facts as palpa-
o.c ;:s a lock, and as plain ns light arc unfelt and
und i seer nabie, will to-day say th* re is either vir-
:ue or eft.ct in a huger continuance of the Jaw
amongst the solemn enactments of the country.
It snvu!il be npenud.
The machinery of this system has fallen by its
j t ,i. j own weight. 1 here are seine things which force
reason to believe that a crash in the ! ° ne 0t . ,hoM 1 *^ ip 8 a «'•
■fold market must soon ensue, to the great detriment j tv . ! a Kilt t .V.‘ H,r sorr * ,w in «>plain a man-
; <>t th-- htilf-dozen persons in Richmond wlio havespecu- ' ntr . u,at this age will not forget. You cannot re-
latod in the precious metak and !*• the manifest nd- j -emit armies in these Southern Btates by the ap-
.f nil others in the community. We have; paratus of a forced military consciiptiou by the
Pars .ant foacali quite a large number oftheeiti- ! fcf erred to the scarcity of Confederate money as j Executive Government ot the Confederation.—
sens of Jir-p-r county met at the Court House on the } .^er'cising pcr. is- mt influ, nee. which must soon sue- | It has made an army of detectives, inspectors,
Hthinst. to t.tke into >Osideration the fomlitina ei • ' ln P* gold ihvwo. Ti*at scarcity is now in enrolling officers, doctors guards nrovost marshals
: :> ^ H f <;*»me oxtr^me; a S we » that the commanders ot posts, clerk, insides and outsides.
! P«r monly-Mt even toffie’limit assjned bymVof ^'P^^ors and subs friends, and a great host who
C ngrcis, and that, indeed, the Department has alren- have the blood sprinkled upon tbeir door posts
i d v di: charged a large hodv of clerks heretofore eui- ' that they may be safely passed over—buf it bas
I ploy* i in signing Cimfedera'le notes. The paper money j made no army of soldiers, no men to meettheen-
inaiket is now i*> pincked that tho banks have cut off • emy with guns in iheir hands and the love of
I heir Ioui!.“ Gold is now held at a purely fictitious j country and home sin their hearts.
|.rice. on the olreiigth of a rumor that the Treasury ; Lock at the land. It teems with men; but they
V, “ “•«*>»“* «*f «;* cm-reney at To.ty-five for one . are not in the army. And yet iu every village and
i .»r !l c-iiiuot be pretended that the Ireaeury^ Q ...i ♦. J °
I is Uotug this now.that if her.-afier it chooses to take i tow " a,,d and . ban,let ’ i ’ a J’> we •»»«! almost said
; any more of its currency, it will doit at the standard j nl cr “ ss road, )on see the everlasting cou-
rn! .* ot torty-five tor one, and not ut wliatever rate ii \ script otSc^rr. witb his Hojuocts nnd his patent Qia-
| can get in the mark. t. S.. i hat the government opera- j chincry. for soldier making; but no soldiers, no
i tne country and Ihe course to be pursued in the present
1 crisis.
l);i motion of Air. Henry S. Glover, Matthew YVhit-
j field Esq. was called to the Chair, :d Roh.cit C.
i Barnes Esq. was requested to net fis socretaiy.
Tito ohject oftbemepiiug having been stated, on
j motion of Judge Standifcr the Cl airman appointed
; tlie following committee of ten viz. R. C. Stnudifer,
! H. S. ‘Glover. Gabiel T. Spearman, \Y. L’. Hardy ,J. S.
; Galloway, Tiros. M Jordan, Win. Ataxey, Bev'trly
I A. Kelley, Dr. Wyatt R. Smith, and W. C. Leverett
! tt* draft resolutions expressive of tlie sense of the lm-et-
j iug who after consultation, reported the following
: preamble and resolutions, widen were unanimously
] dented.
Whereas, We, as citizens of Jasper county, bcliev
siueruuie ore.«,. oy e e. y mm.iy. i liey will snow the- ; t . rm l au ,i bloodv Wiir noW wa ,
r ™Sl S 11?!Trtf " mr "r'"' ,im ' ,h * , Stales with the Confederate .States,!
, „ l , req ! .ed o. the digestmi o tlie mos common ar- our ilnI(t ll)Mi , r , ln tl:e wi
ti.ues ot tood placed ujH.n our tables. A d.dlai s worth
| ‘on link no effect whatever *.n the price of gold; except men,as we said, with the tiusty guu held with a
i:.- geiienri effect, hy narrowing ilie circulation, and j Hi in and willing baud, and a heart throb-
p -ivniical.y upp.yii g tlj^t nmiket with specie; to take i fjing with a dtsire to join tdie ranks of the
tie price *.i gold down dry : uccc.-Mve steps, until at i brave ones who have faced flie hated foe for
re bond has iiei-u
• ot three jnont!..-.
if meat (it 25 cents u pound, goes as far as 50 cents’
! worth ot butter, at 50 cents per peund. Three pounds
| of flour at 8 cents n pound, is said to contain ns much i
i nutriment as 0 pounds of roast beef, which, at 25 cents, !
is $2,25 ; that is 25 cents’ worth of flour goes r.s far as |
i nine times that much money spent for roust'beef, as I
weighed at the butcher’s stall.
_ _ . ,,, , . . , j A pint of white beans, weighing 1 pound, and coetiug i
VVnicLcAS, John V> aters, affniinistratcr. and 1 7 cents, contains as much nutiiment «» 3 1-3 of roast |
? » Ann Jane Minshew, administratrix of Abram [ beef, costing 87 1-2 cents. Of all the articles that j
Minshew, represents to the Court, in his petition can be eaten, the cheapest are bread, butter, molasses, j
duly filed, that they have tally administered I beans and rice. A pound of com ipeal, (Indian) goes I
A loam Minshew ’* estate. ; as far as a pound of flourso that tine family flour fit ‘
This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, f i6dollaisa bairek and coin meal «t 4 cents, the latter 1
to shew cans.-, il any thev can, why said pdminis- 1 M ° ne l ,aU k ‘" s If «-*•*>•» :iwl »heat
and betievinu
who have faci
many dangers with heroic firmness' and ^endure.
GEORftiA, l’icrce Couuty.
| k'ow <JiMvn tty successive steps, until at | ^,. aV e ones who have
1 least there is a healthy relation betweeu 1. and the : -
! currency. : . it
I It needs but a little reflection to show bow purely i J ho conscript law wril not make soldiers. The
1 fictitious is the present price ol* {'old iu Richmond.— governmeut has tried it tor now near three jeara,
many hardships without complaint would haii wiu.'.h- 1: " l«stond by comparing it with the i and our armies were greater by one fourth the day
light a movement on the part of ihe people which, with- j .^ { >vcnnneiit stocks. The lankces , tae law passed than it is to dajf: This fact is
out compn'mising their honor or sacrificing their lib; r- j .‘ ve ^ 5: V ( '; '‘‘O' w j| :| a "tock that bears j J;nown of all men. except those who shut their
ties, would restore them to their homes and friends, j 1Iu . 1 , r ' 1 In thf littecn millions lean—the • ej es to startling lads and stop their ears to un-
aod believing further that the sovereign people, *>f this ; l’ 11 '' 1 ' .^l'»-.ikn:g, that our gpverinnent 1 p.easaDt truths. The Confederate Coneress are
State, exercising tbc-ir inalienable l ight of is puiar | has ever ieu>Ie, ai d tuat from its oWn i-Uizi iis m specie j ,, r( jl, H hlv uimcniiaintpil with ,.„,i
assemblage, should meet in convention to effect il p*.s- ! i" 1 ' 1 ‘ r l ,6r ~‘J l' r, ,V jcally equivalent to a gold interest- j *. - , * , . 1 .• ' , trut ^ 18 -
sible an liouorabio termination of this struggle, there- 1 mg stia-k. j ski lea thousand dollars of this; 1 ‘ , •: . 1' J c P[ e8 ? of the coun-
f orP) i twe''. e months internet on it is eight hundred dollars; I r y make it known to tlitm be lure the enemy
Resolved, That wc, as citizens of Jasper county, multiply h by forty-live, the present rate for gold [ diMt.
instruct our Senator, Col. It. B- Nisbet, aud our
H i\ o If j> p.;
LCifiij vl 11
t SS t 8 O S' V I V E
traiois shotihl not bo discharged from their ad-
mitiistrafinn end receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in April next.
Witness uiv hand and official signatrire, this
Sept. :.ih,-ISW. II. W. GRADY,
17 mfim 1'J S8 Ordinary.
GEGJtiYIA, P*ilsski Connty.
re ground, and the whole product, bread and ajl,
made into bread. 15 ]n-r cent, of nutiiiiu-.nt would he
saved, with jmut
st uidardtables:
gi.uiti-r lieal.hfulness. Tliesi
Mode <d'
Pnq araffon.
Ain’t cf
Nut! ina at.
L7" Yvlmn a sal>scribcr finds a cross mark on •
hi< imp .vile wit’ know that his subscription has ;
expired, cr is ab*mtto expire, and must bo renew- j
ed if h'i wishes the papoi continued.
--Ye do not solid receipts to new- subscri
bers. If they receive the paper they may know
that we have received the money.
LV Subscribers wishing tbeir papers changed
from ono p*** - : ffiga to anitner must state the;
name of the post, office :rcm wbicb they wish it j
1! iiKbiA>, Lotta Gadweil, Administratrix
v V of Maitin Gadwell, deceased, applies to
me tor loiters of dismission from said administra
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
person:; into rested to tile their objections, if any
they have, within the time prescribed by law, w hy
letters o! dismiss!.m should not bo granted the
said Lotta Oadwell, otherwise they will issue in
terms of the statute.
Given under my hand and official signature
this the 5th day of September. 1864.
16 n;6ra JOHN J. SPARROW, OrJ’y.
GEORGIA, Twiggs County.
~\\T HEHEAS, Mrs. Julia E. Jones has applied
T* for the guardianship of five minor children
cf Dr F. >1. J .'lies, deceased.
All parties iut<west«d, are hereby notifi <3 that
letters will iasem to said Julia E. Jones at the
March ! of this Court unless valid objections
be made. >
Given tinder my hand and official signature, this
January 18, 1865.
:t5st j. e McDonald, ordy.
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
Y. v HEREA8, Duncan C. Daniel, administra-
V v tor of Paul Jones, deceased,applies to me
fo. t• -t*- - dismission from said administration
This is to cite all persons ioterestod, to file their
obj- c'h'i.s. if ariy they can, within the tiuig pre-
-crihed by i.-iv.-, why 1-tters of disir.issir.n ebou'd
not be grunted the applicant iu terms of the stat
■Given under my hand and seal of office, this the
20th d:iv of Oct., ROE
22 mom JOHN PALE, D Ord y.
Fn Ktoea,
Bread (wheat)
Butter and Oils,
Sugar and Syr«p,
roasted,. 25
roasted, 26
r cr;.?.
Tune of.
H. M.
8 00
2 30
y id
4 30
J 50
2 80
2 (it)
1 80
6 15
4 00
3 38
2 4-5
3 15
3 30
3 3*
3 30
1 60
3 30
3 3 ii
Representative, Col. J. W. Burney to vote for «
vention of this State at the. approuelung meeting ot
j Legislature.
1 Resolved, That a copy of the proceedings of !.i.
meeting be furnished the Milledguviilj uud Augu>tc
j papers for publication.
There being no further business before the meefb.g
on motion of Dr. \Yy aif K. Suiitli it was a jou:::ed r::ie
; il;?.
Rou’t C. Bauk.nks; Secretarv.
^ ... -
AfiZJ HEf**S
The old eainpaiga is ended, and
Ihe I
six tker-mnd
year’s interest
— the ini crest
three times c
fietioii us and
that ws rat.- g
io fact, nothin,
ppecuh.tors: and v.
mnsr be hy influem .
k: t, goM aiii-i corn j
nuiiii J'xitinuar.
•n that
■ now a;
work ;
and si
The Sa t!*
Ti;- ai rest
GEtlllGI A, Pulaski county.
TT r HEKEAS, Nicholas Rawlins applies fame for i
1 V pm ni.-.ncnt letters of admnristniticn on the estate ;
of Nicholas P. Rawlins, late of said county deceased.
Ti.. e are therefore to cue and admonish aii persons j
inter* sted to be and appear cf my office, 011 **r In-lore ;
th,- Gr. t Monday iu Mai eh uesuu'nd filctheir objections •
(i; nnv they 1 an 1 tot 'o* granting of said 1. tiers *)t ad- ]
ministration to the said Nicholas lfnw.ins. j
Given un*i**r iny Land and tdlicial wgnatan?, thii* |
Jaunarv Sf’dh
' 355. JOHN J. SPARROW, Ord'y. J
GEORGIA. Twiggs County.
Ti\ r HERE AS, Missouri A- Champion lias ap- [
plied to me for letters of administration on
the 1.mate of Elias F Champion, deceased.
Ad persons interested, are hereby admon.shed
to the their objections In my office by the first
Monday in Match uext. _
Witness my hand and official signature this
•’ unary 25, 186.*.
35 5t J. E. MCDONALD, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Berrien County.
rilEREAM. John Hesters. Administrator on
the estate of Z&chanah Ifesteis,- late of said
county, deceased, applies to me foi letters dis-
uiissory from said estate-
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons interested, to file tbeir objections,-if any
they have, in my office within tlie time prescribed
by law, or said letters will be granted.
Witness my hand officially, this Oct. 3rd, 1864.
21 lntiin P*i $8 W. E. CONNELL, Ord'y.
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
"V\ r i iEREA.S. John Y\h Asbell,
I A Man Killed by a Provost Guard.—Our coinn'.u-
j nity was thrown into the highest pitch of excitement
j yesterday by tire killing *>f Mr. Johu Lind.-ay by oocof
i the provost guard ol this city. From the best informa-
; t ion we can gather, Mr. Linds 1 v was partially intoxicat-
1 ed,hud been engaged in ti^hMng, um! luid started home
j to prevent being arrested, when CoL Von Ziuken or-
i dt-red his guard to arrest 1 im and bring him in. The
j guard thereupon hulled Lindsay, and tins latter not
j heeding, from inattention or some other cause, the
j guard tired upon him, and killtd him on the spot. We
; look upon the whole affair as ft very unfortunate *uu\
| .Mr. Lindsay was a member of the Columbus Guard
I onginallyriH^^^I
I Rangers, and all together has been ill the seiviee for |
: nearly four years; flaring which time we learn ho j
I proved to be a faithful soldier. At the time ofhisde-j
j cease lie was at home on furlough.
Wedo not know whetheror not Von Ziuken ordered :
; the shooting, but if he did, it was an usurpation of r.u- 1
j tliority not justified hy the circumstances of the case, j
■ if Mr. Lindsay had committed an offence rt was one
; for the cognizance of the civil authorities. We can |
j conceive of no case that would justify the Post Com- ;
| uuindant in having a man shot, except in. the case of a
i deserter who refused to he arrested.
The man who shot Lindsay was demanded by our j
! citizens, aud to quell the MKeitement, we understand i
General deams this an appropriate ticca
t>ion to speak of the steadiness, self denial and patriot
ism with which you have borne the hardships of the
past year. The marches and labors you have per-
; fonnetl during that period will find no paralel :u thy his-
■ tory of the war
1 On the 24th day of December there were three thou
sand of you, unorganized and undisciplined, at Jack- j
son,Tennessee, only four hundred of whom were arm- j
c-d. Y ou were euiTouuiJed by fifteen thousand of toe j
enemy, who were congratulating themselves on your j
i eert.iin enp.ure. Y'ou started out with your aitilh-ry, !
1 wagon trains, and a large number of cattle, which you j
i suceeiied in bringing through, since which time you !
have fought and won the following battles—bat;its i
which will enshrine v..ur names iu the he iris of your
countrymen, a-rd live 111 history.aa iuipcr able monu-
ineiils to your prowess. Jacks Creek Ouslinaula,
■Suinmervi’fe, Okaon-. Ftiion City. 1'; ii iron!;. Fort
Pillow. Bohvar. Ti.-^io-.ujcgoCreek, ilai;i burg. Ilur-
ricaiie Ci< * k. Mi n j Ids. At)«i s. Soil pi 1 8j >• 1 *,. Pu
laski, Carter’s Creek, Columbia and Jacksonville arc
' the fields upon which you have won fadeless immor-
; tality. In the recent campaign in Middle Tennessee
; you sustained the reputation so nobly won For twen
ty-six days from the time you h it Florence, on t ;
u we
in Richmond, and we have thirty- | We have in every way consistent with honor
iinrs in money as one and duty lent our assistance to uphold aud su»-
t • n :: government stuck <•! t -n thou ami ; tain the adininLtration «ud the Congress in the
, m .... p; \ .i g tm- i»iiiw-ipn 1 more |!u:n : positions assumed by fiiem meet the advance of
Jr..-; tV^-so 1 ’" e . a t u S? r-'r rs t Y r'r*
fori v-five for cue This rate has. : ha'emgon a strict enfim eioent it tlie laws: we
i>; 'lit but ac’ose combination of ha\o < ai.ed upon the ni.-n at homo to conte tor-
iion ;.- bn !• eii it ' ward; we have called upon the old men and wo-
!i;e .money mar- turn to whip tlio laggaijs and skuikei^to the
• iy ilowii.— Hick- Iroirt; we have upheld the ti&nds cf the President
and his Generals, and the Congress and Caoiuct:
; vre have written hopeful words ami cheerful ones;
anci aii this we exptet*to do again and at all times
during this war; but one thing amidst all this im-
piesses us most potently, Congiess, instead of
takingm .riths to decide upon exenquioiis under
the cumbersome conscript system, which is a d*ad
weight upon the vitality and euthusiasai and man-
i l ood oi the country, should review its legislation
in such manner that th© country may deteud it
f Ari-rsleit 4.'oi res£;ou«cnl*.
• iit. (-Druid’). 1 lie corre.-poaiient of
i’ork H*’ j d, w: -i *vi ffts from Baltimore h._
isiii-d. T:;e filli.-.v has 1 xeited thoinvy of;
e eoi 11-poudents by a bold show ol having ’
i n;;:, of obtaiuig infoiiami n from “rebel
and they' are tryiug 11 ; ■ provost marshal on ,
ii; 11 to fee how it will tit. with a view of sending him !
through the lines. Hi rt is un extiact from his letter: j
It was the design of the Administration from the out- j
set ot the war to mienrte the Southern people and to ;
prevent them from ever again returning to the Union, j
tleiice tin* adoption of the policy of emancipation !
The necessity ot a law exists only so long as
ood rebuffs from its enactment. That no good has
or can resuit bom the present Conscript system.
Lionce 1 in* iuioptten ot ttie policy ot emancipation UI “om no; present conscript system,
and confiscation : hence, at a (utter period, and adop- is a fact wo defy any man to successfully refute—
*i*; of the policy of sulijugution; hence, dok, the policy it should therefore bo repealed.
ot i xt* rmination I'1h- isoutlieru ueopitt understand 1 An ooDoi tune time has »rrivn4 tnr
this, perfectly,
a. , t f j v ’ 1 21st of November, to ihe 26th of December, v
wiiH afterwards tifinsferrcu to tlie Jvctson * . .» i •.* . i ; , ,
■ constantly *mgage*i wi.ii the enemy, and endured the
hunger, cold and labor incident to that arduous cam
paign without murmur. To sum up, iu brief, vour
triumphs during the past year, you have fought ’fiity
battles; killed aud captured sixteen thousand of the
enemy; captured two thousand horses and mules;
sbttyyseven pieces ol . ■ tillery; four gunho ts ; fourteen
transports; twenty barges; three hundred wagons;
fifty ambulances; ten thousand stand of small arms ;
forty blockhouses; destroyed thirty-six railroad bridges;
two hundred miles of railroad: six engines; one Lin
dred cars and fffteeu million dollars worth of prop-
„ „ , I, *t»>.,«I «m£J7«i“*7JSiSnSi.^UTSYM.Si I "K'a« '*£?? T 1 ;
»7 George Y\;«de, deceased, has applied for j Colonel Yon Zinken promis <1 to commit him to jail. ! owasionauy sustained by other troops, who joined you
letters of dnsnussion from said estate. He accordingly sent him off under a corporal’s gu'aid, tight, but your regular number never exoeeden
-ii — • . —. i —;** .-i .. - i • I ... B x ----- * . - -■ . , hve thousand, two thousand of whom have hern killed
All persons interest-d Will file their objections ! and the report was late yesterday afternoon that he
in my office within the time prescribed by law, I had made his escape.
(if any t;.oy can,) why lett* rs of dismission j If such cases as this are permitted to occur, we may
should not L> granted the applicant in terms of: a8 .' vel1 making up our minds to bow the neck to a
the statuto. Given under ray hind and seal this I ™ I,tar y d . e “J wbKn des P er,ltu a “ tne P;''crnme.d of |
An opportune time has arrived for this action
j on the pait of Congress Wo have carefullyjead
! "i 1 J" dLbHtcs “ Gongress published by*the
adop ed; ti • si man w*,u d •... have 1 ordered * «® ;be suhjuct of the consoli-
to make the Shensi; I; valley a barren waste, u.'ffwn ot skel. ton regiments, and have found no
oven to the i of b;;; i.l _ op and d« .-troving the man bold enough, or sufficiently yvell acquainted
fanning uun. Is. and the roots over tiie lieatis wilh the array and the country to lead him to
• > hofpii .1 Idien ; that the ctrocitiee of suggest, however modestly that the officers, which
1 urchin an . o7 n I w, ... ; i. .[ have h on ov. ilooked; this consoiida'iou law proposes to deprive o'f com-
t;;;.i Aihici- wyenot have boon depopulated and m aud, are in no '.vise responsible for the skeleton
’urncu; t.;. 1 e.ei> -utg and Lhariiyi.ui w*.c!fi no. i cou( j :l . , n 0 f their companies and regiments It is
be slioiled, ami ti ff fein i man’smaieh through Georgia ,, , a- , *• i r i , , K r V 18
would not have been marked by a broad belt o; dew- j tl,e ev,! a ‘ aw which does not fulfall what
Upon. it was put in tores to do. If the regiments are
The course which has been pureued towards the . reduced to companies, do not therefore deprive of
u*im oas h&d precisely the effegt—’ .*.. * j—1 -n ........u_ a_ .—** -*.t
people understand
They know that if they were ever
• the Union lignin, the policy of
Poutli has had pr* cisely the eff.ct which the Adminis- ; all co u mi and officers who at the first call of the war
truth'!! ue.-igned that it shonid have^. It has made out | in 1861 responded with full and vigorous volum-
t-very, womun and child in the South adcadly j tetrs, and who have followed the standard of their
.•my. L He alien,alive were presented to-day of coulltr y from Bull Run to Monocacv, and from
mn with the North or extermination, they would ;*,li n . ..'..ia a.
latter gladly. But they do not expect to be
Belmont to Franklin- The fault lies With the ut-
. otiqncrcd. If they stiff, r reverse;, they will only serve I ter 'liability of the thousands of enrolling officers
to muke-their ariim s sironccr and to nerve their ar- under the Conscript system to send to the field
Do tin; editors of tlie World
what manuer Of men the Southern people are?
arther- fought for liberty and independence side
inns with greater vigor,
forget w
Their fn
by side with ours. They believe they an; lighting for
the same liberty and the same independence. It is a
religious belief with them interwoven with their exist
ence. The. conquest of Georgia, such as it is, will
add twenty-five thousand men to the Confederate
to me
GEORGIA Pulaski county.
WHEREAS, .Tames II. Goodman applies to
t ? f^r letters of admimstion oil tlie estate of i*i
(’. Bnekiia’ter, Int-• of said county,deceased.
These are therefore to cite ancLadmoimb,-all persona
iii, j .p I,., and appear at my office, ou or before
'. first M in lay in March next and show cause ii any
they can, why letters of guardianship should not bo
granted the applicant in t< ruis of the Statute.
i;iyen under my hand aud ofliicitd signature this
January 23d 18C5.
35 5l JOHN FALE.J). Ord’y.
Dec. 17tb, 1861,
28 m6m JOHN J. SPARROW, Ord’y.
OE( H'Gi A, 'I wiggs county.
[T^T’liEREAS, John Faulk Executor of the last will
and testament of ILL. Solomon deceased, has
filed his p -titiou to be dismissed.
Ah parties interested are hereby notified to lilp their
objections.iu my office by or before the first Monday in
August next.
Given under iny hand and official signature nt Ma
rina, January 9*h I8*i5.
33 miirn J. E. MeDONALD, Ord’y.
Lincoln. We trust the govertiment will proceed at
i once to investigate the cause ,aud define the pow-
! ers of provost officers. Iftiiey are at liberty to shoot
; down a man for a mere civil offence, we lire now
! entering upon a era ot liorrois compared to which the
1 French revolution in Paris in 1793 w as not a circuin-
) stance.
j Since the foregoing whs written, vre lenVn that a
■ Coanmittne of citizens, consisting of Sneiiff Iagon. J.
! L. Morton, and B. F. Coleman called on Got. Von
Zinken and demanded Ihe surrender of the offender
i to the civil an horities, and that he gave his pledge
| that lie should be forthcoming aud issued orders in
I have 1
! frit
or wounded—v.’liile in prisoners you have lost about
two hundred.
Jf your course has been marked by the graves of
patriotic heroes, who have fallen by yonr side, it has,
nt the same time, been more'plainly marked by the
blood of the invader. While yon sympathize with the
friends of the fallen, your sorrows should be appeased i
by the knowledge that they fell as brave men battling )
for all that makes life worth living mV.
Soldier*! you now rest fora short time fria year,
labors. Dufiog the respite prepare for further action. I
Your commanding General is ready to lead y* u
to the defence of the common cause, and he appeals
to you by a remembrance of the glories of your past
career; your desolated homes; insulted women and
suffering children; and above ail, by the memory cl
vour dead comrades—to yield » ready obedience to
W.i.via:,'.—Perhaps tv more just and beautiful com- :
pliun ii#was never paid to women tbaiwthe following, !
by Judge Story : “To the honour to the eternal lion- .
our, ot ihe sex, bo it said, that in the path-of duty no j
i sacrifice is with them too high oifctoo dear. Nothing •!
| is with them impossible, but to shrink from what love, j
i honour, innocence and religiop require. The voice eft
j p- vver may pass by unheeded, but the voice of afflic-
! fioc never, 'i he chamber of the sick, the pillow of (
‘ the dvi *g, the vici!.- of the dead, the altars ot religion j
never missed the. i'aaence cr the sympathies of woman'.
men sufficient to even supply me deficit of the
killed in battle. It will always fail. There is no
regiment of Conscripts in the field from Georgia.
There never will bo. •
There is a better way, however, which has not
yet reached the minds of our Congress. In their
desire to consolidate and re-organize, they have
seen no other wa^ to dispose of gallant officers
than by permitting them to enter the ranks as
privates in the field. The dead bones of the Con
script law were not present in their minds when
intent upon of getting the skeleton commands
out of their sight. If the law passes as at pres
ent proposed we much fear the skeleton will re
main us such until the whole army dissolves. The
present military system is working dissolution.
Let this consolidation law be amended, before it
is too late, in such manner, that all officers who
shall be dejfflved ot command by its execution,
GEORGIA, Jasper County.
\T1IEREAS, Sarah. A- Jones, makes applies
W ti«n to me, for letters of administration
with the will annexed, on the estate of David C
Jones, late of sa* county deceased. J are therefore to cite ;#(] admonish j
persons concerned, to show cause, cn or before the j
fir.-^Monday in April, next, why letters shall not ^ GEORGIA, Irwin county.
issue to the applicant
WJ'HEREAS, Frederick M. Giddem* adin’r on the -.
TT estate ef John W. Giddem late of said county I der and punishment will satisfy the p*;.pt
deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from
said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons |, Gkn- Pkoram.—Tiie death of Brigadier General
i , inter, sted, to be and appear in iny “lliee by the first j John Pvg ra:n }. s 1V oft ,j circumstance, llis military
. Monday iu July next to hie their it any they ! career dated from the commencement of the war. At
have, why said Letters should not be granted. Ricli mountain, in 18(11, be was Lieut. Colonel of the
Witness my hand officially, this January 9th 18‘J.i. ; Twentieth Virginia regiment, aid in that disastrous
33mCm I'd 7" < - W. K. CONNELL Ord’y | affair was taken prison**!'. He altTWaids, proaQathe
staff of General Kirby-Smilli ns chief engineer; served
with General Beauregard, and was subsequently chief
it tie should be for iicpimug amt issued .mk-t l«• | ^ “■ 1 ^ to t-uckie o:i vour armor am vv for the
velum arrested, this tssaidto have appeased the ^ ‘ ,U, 5l , r with ytm t!le J eold ier s safest unoor-a
•uds of the deceased. Notlniig short ot hw ™rrcn determination to figlit while the enemy pollute* vour
1 j i i j 80i |_t 0 firrht ay lonp: as he demes your right*—tr 4
! until in<loj»t*ndence shall have been achieved—t
for.home, cliihlrea, liberty and all you hold dear.
victuflv-rlm«““‘ ““ *~" 1 ” j soil-to fight long us lie denies your rights—to tight
i ..... j -*--’* * - - * ‘u tight
tothe world the superhuman ami sublime spirit with
which a people may be inspired when fighting for the
inestimable boon of liberty. Be nut allured by the
Timid then gl. sin „ ^und so delicate that the winds of | ^Lal 1 be authorized to return each to his own lu-
i.euven may notion roughly visit her, on such occasions j ca |jty and rais e volunteer commands for the field
she loses all sense of danger and assumes a prc-tc-rmi-j bv enrnllintr officers ns o,.»
I urr.l courogj. whieli kuovra nut and fears not conse
quences. Then she displays that undaunted spirit
which neither courts nor evades them ; that resigna
tion which utters neither murmurs nor regrets: and
that patieiic - in suffering which seems victorious even
n\ cr ue.ffu i self.’'
-ue to the fipjsiicr.nt fl THEBE AS, D. J. Fenn and Sarah E. H. Me- '• engineer ou General B-agg’s Staff. He was appointed
G.v.-n hand efficacy, this -Hbday ^ Daniel, administrators on the estate of Wil. | Brigadier General in November, 18f2 and ordered to
jf Jaunarv, 1863.
;’,5 7,t. M. H. BUTCH ISON, Ord'y.
( K')RGIA. Pulaski County. !
1 '.PM KING has made applicati.-n to this .
tj j,; for letti re of administration on the es-:
t.. i f Jobu, minor of John J., late
of this county, deceased. * |
Th. - ■ are therefore to cite ail persons interested ,
foi m i q.p.-ar at in y office on or before the fir-t j
Moishiy iu March, and file their objections (if •
>■ ‘V : \ c;u!,) why letters of administration:
(-he granted the applicant in terms ot
th<' law . '
' " r ’ ’-t my band and seal of office this j
January, 1663.
JOHN J. SPARROW: Old y. _ i McDaniel, deceased, has made application to ! Southwestern armv. where 1,.- tuck command .fa
. . v . . * ., i bnirade of cavalry. He »erveu m that army for twelve
mo q- letters ot dismission from said estate. in *mthe. In the fall ot 1863, after the battle of Chicka-
1 Ins is therefore to citejnl persons concerned, to i inautfa> ll0 w , 18 transferred to-thc-army of Northern
be sud ap[ e;.;. ;l i, my office within the time pre
scribed by jaw, and show cause, if any. why said
letters should not ue granted the applicants.
Given under my hand officially, this 28th day
of Jan. 1865. .*
37'ro6m L. M. COLBERTH, Ord’y
Virginia, aud assigned to the command of General mow
Governor) Smith’s old brigade, in Early’s old division,
) Ewell's corps. He was wounded on the fifth of May
j in the battle of the Wilderness, having been shot from
i his horse. He returned to the army in August, fought
i through the Valley campaign ; from there lie wa* or-
1 dered to Richmond and look command m Gordon’s
GEORGIA, Jones County.
corps, where iie has found an honorable, but uic-lnu-
cho'liy and untimely termination of lus career. He.
Ordinary s Office, said County, February 1‘2/A, 1865. was only thirty-two years of age, and had been married
* aniEREAS. E. C. Grier, Administrator of | but two weeks before his death.
V ? Giles 11. Griswold, deceased, applies tome
uutrammeled by enrolling officers or any provis
ions of the Conscript law. If the Colonel can on
ly recruit in a stated period a company, let him re
turn only as a Captain; and others in this man
Such a consolidation law wonld restore the
vioralc of the country, would revive the masses of
the peuole and re-iustate the desire for war to in
dependence in the keaits of all. Force has bad
' We invite the patriotic «id'benevolent ladies of j ir f da * a ' jd fai ^ d «^ nll J r failed ' ^ et j Le ^
Macon end the country to contribute socks to the 1 *P™ k a e»‘“ * nd re-assure the land Send
barefooted soldiers from Ten.., ssee. The men of ! rt thou8and f s ’P‘‘ rnumer «*'J offictfra.nd
Cheatham’s Corps are truely in most destitute cir-1 ,f only one thousand of them return with twenty
To trie Lai'icn.
I-L Baker county.
■nry's Oft 'C of said Coitr ty.
'H-h’E.'.S, Curtis Screws ban made applies-i
i to mo for letters of Administration upon
L ‘‘'3fc (if John C. Butler, late of said couuty,
I.rtlrr from Juil*c Love. %
\y e tjnil the following letter in the Telegraph &. Con
federate ol Thursday 17th inst.
It appearsthat our C immissioners have .returned to
Richmond, acdtiie oulv terms offered them by Lincoln
i mid Scwr.rd, were abject submission to the Y r.nkee
nrt ( i>-r» •*> OrJ'v j Government and its abolition laws. I was one of those
* u..u, . >.> ‘ | who honestly expected a different resnii—. but the de-
* j lusion is now thoroughly dispelled. Nothing now re-
GEOllGIA. Appling county. I mains to us but to figh’t this war to independence, or
i\TY' DAY'8 utter date application will be made to : complete exhaustion.
*■ vs j; -c * ... r.— — - n-i:. —jt bas failed in the obtaiu-
, and will result, in uniting
for letters dismissory from said estate.
This is therefore to cite all poisons concerned,
to show cause, if any they have to the contrary, ;
by filing tbeir objections in this office cn or by the |
fits', Monday in September next. 9
Given under my hand officially.'
36 m6m (pd)
' ^SARAH L. OGDON, Adrnr'x.
'*iv.-n under mv hand and official tijnaturc, ;
H'th day of Feb , 186.5.
W. W. JORDAN, Ord’y. | GEORGIA, Appling couuty.
7 — -ItriLL BE SOLD 011 the first Tuesday iu April n xt.
’ClXTY DAYS from date application will bo! W at the Court House door in sahl county, between
’ made to the honorable the Court of Ordinary tlie legal hours of sale, one negro girl, about eighteen
Pulaski count v for leave to sell, the real estate; years.»['uge. Sold as the pi operty of the estate ot John
' John M. Dauiel Jr. deceased. ! j. Coursou deceased, for distribution and - e
, B. H HARRELL, Adm'r. j creditors, this 13th day of January 1865.
Ln. 33tb. 1865. j.j. e. 35 | 33 fit (j. 1.) NANCY D. CQURSON- Adm *.
_ been opposed to arming ihe slaves; but I
now vield my objections. Indeed, all 1 have, negroes,
houses, lauds, eveuythinq is at the service ol our
Government, if it wants them to prosecute this war.—
Iu saying this, I believe that I but express tlie senti
ments of all those in this section, who have heretofore
been for peace, by negotiation. -'.7
May a just God aid us in the determined struggle
which now hu to come.
P.E. Lovi.
syren songof peace, for there can be no peace, s.-; vu upon
your separate independence and ationality. Y'ou can
never again unite with those who have murdered your
sous, outraged your helpless families, aud with demo
niac malice wantonly destroyed your property, \nd
now seek to make slaves of you. A proposition of re- j
union with a people who have avowed their purp.;-e !
to appropriate and to subjugate or ft '.r.i-
hilute the freemen of the South, would stamp with ;
infamy the names of your gallant dead and the living ■
heroes of this war. Be’ patient, obedient u'nd onnie.-i !
arid tiie day is uot far distant when you eau return to ;
your homes and live in the full frnitioa of trecuien ;
around tiie old family altar.
N. B. FORREST, Maj. General
Comd’g Dist. Miss. 4* E. La.
Tiie (ante of Hie Country.
The greatest curse of the eountrj-—that which has
entailed upon us more injury than all tlie advantages
secured by the annies of Lincoln—is the spirit of
speculation that haa_grown up in the land. Already
have we observed that the result ef the’ peace nego
tiations has been seized as an excuse to advance prices i fi u - it faithful officer oi the corps will receive aud
—not veal values—generally, anti now that the war j distribute them to the sockiess soiuiers in Cheat-
euintf.nces. The Government will be able to fur
nish them with si-yes. but it lias no socks. These
men are mostly from Middle Tennessee, where the
enemy occupy the country, aud hence they have
no opportunity for kind mothers, wives and sisters
to furnish them with needful articles of clothing.
Lt. lies, this is a case of great need, that strongly
appeals to yonr benevolence and patriotism. Go
to knitting w ith yotir usual zeal in a good cause.
Gather up a!! the socks you cau spare and contri
bute them with the ones you may knit. Ssgnd all
your contributions to Rev J W Burk*’, at the
Methodist Books* rein this city, who has kindly
consented to receive all that may Le contributed
iu response to this call.
We eau assure the ladies that arrangements are
made by which the socks wil* promptly reach and
benefit th*- soldiers fm - whom they are inten-
' d,;tl They will go iu to the hands of the Quarter
masters, aud fit- subject to'red-tape regulations;
threatens, an indefinite prolongation, we have no doubt
but there will be another attempt made taenhanc tne
price of all things in the subsistence line, and thereby
creat an amount of suffering and ilertitution among
ttu- people hitherto unexampled in our history.
We agree with our cotemporary of the Columbus
Times in his eslimate ot the spirit of the spei uia'.ors
who thus take advantage of the fears and neoositics
of the people. 80 heartless are many of this class, so
eager to take advantage of every turn in the wheel of
our political fortunes, so eager to amass princely e>
haru’s commaBd.
We expect our good matrons and maidens to
make a liberal response to this call, for it is on-
ot great urgency and appeals strongly to thabest
felings oflitiiuaniiy. Anything contributed witlt-
ui three * r lour weeks wiil not be too late.
A Gen, rcrl Kzchahifc of Prisoners.—We learn that
when our commissioners passed through the outs iu
tales, even tlionghsnch wealth should bo accumulated front of Petersburg. Colonel Hutch of the Exchange
by scrambling over the graves of our dead pa riots, or * office, accompanied them to Gen. Grant s heaoqnai us,
iu hearing of the cries of .the penniless wnkuw- and or- 1 and ihat^he *esitii of this visit has been an arrange-
phans—that they will not scruple to take advantage ; meat, which is soon tn be perfected, for a general ex-
of the waning prospects of peace, to depreciate the j change of prisoners. The matter o e • * Jg ‘ a *
value of our money’, and double the tariff o*n all aitvi's* 1 been put by the Yankee authorities eu r.y lutae
of produce iu tbeir band*. Is there nowein of patriot- i hands 0AAJ.-11 Grant, woo says lie h detei nmed to
isin in the carcasses of such leeches that cau be aroused carry out the provi-mns Oj the cj.itt-1 ’ ll 'jf * l 1 ? de '
into life ? Is there no ohord of compassion in their lay as possible. General Grant said to one ot our
hearts that can be touched? No feeling of commiser commission ers that he had never leen in taxor ot
tion that can be awakened ? Are they dctemuied. V> attaoiiing any i;oa.-iuai or unueceimary penalties to the
•avrifist ail on the alters of main anon ? * condition of prisoners o. war.
men each, the army has gained four times as much
iu material strength than by putting the officers
in the ranks, and the morale^ of the country and
the tone and determination of the army increased
a thousand loid.
The plan of negotiating a peace and indepen
dence for the South with Lincoln and Seward has
fortunately for ns. received its quietus before the
active spring campaign opened. We are told that
the old tires of 1H3I have been relit iu Richmond:
and we know the gallant men who now compote
our armies are resolute and determined to conquer
or die in this fight.
But what we now need is something which will
reach the thousands at home. The conscript law
will not, does not, cannot reach them, lt is on
ly now a grand scare crow keeping, in onr judg
ment more from the field than it ever put iSto it.
A return to the volunteer system, if only - as-*n
experiment, should be tried. It cannot -do leas
than the forced conscription, and properly inaug
urated could do and would do anything.
Consolidate the regiments and companies, but
leave to the officers thrown out their commissions;
mod if v the enforced conscription in such manner
that these officers shall be permitted to raise new
commands from all persons nfl* at the time in the
ranks, and thus retain to the cause £?e thousand
friends and * orkers, or reduce them to the ranks
and make so manyrenemies to the Government and
ihe Congress, and unwilling soldiers to the cause.
The supernumerary officers with power to raise
couvnands, are the only enrolling officers we need
now, aud a joining with a willing heart, to fight
besides tbeir triends and neighbors the only con
script law required.
Our views have been hastily written, but we
invite the attention of Congress to this subject.
We'cal! upon the press to give the subject the
attention ifadeoerves; and to thiuking men we. op
en our columns for the discussion.