Newspaper Page Text
Rich! s & Confederal* States' Kiffhlc
(CoTtirroJ Hancock and Wilkinson struts.)
•MCVTM. *1 MET & CO., Stair Prllrtfn.
Tuesday Morning,* April III, IJW* r >-
- •*.' ..-i-"— "VW
T-\*f the Confederate Union.
Or tbe Story of a He-C'oqucttc,
By charier Auguring Adolphus Allart Ulz Jinner
Sniitkf A. 11., -I. M-, Q. n..S . P. L. M. ) F.
B. S.
“I don't kcer it Ido.” (Lord Mucauley.)
“S'cat !” (Henry Clay.)
The tired traveler as he wends his weary way
along some dusty road, always seeing the same
fences with the same drtpeptic looking cows in
side of them, breatl ing the same suffocating dust,
meeting the same hateful, dirty men, bearded and
shaven, hal l headed and curly pated, .hooked
nosed and straight rinsed, broken nosed and
crooked nosed, starts with delight when he reach
.■sg^tei'rgt^Jr ii 'X'-TjP iwfeO- 1 ■
‘Ode to a baUfijij, 1 hava ssen her gr.'at prose j tj.ut I 4r>nk 'S.igar in »riiw,_Rud will take five
work, ‘Ginnfg or the H'iilowzd CuteV Upon apswer- j drops ,-j it kills »»*.’
ing in the negative, Cucumber put me down as | m \ ery truly voura,
an ignoramus; bHt my friend Win - Goat/., Esq. 1 EH" JAMto.
ever ready to impart information, took me by the i * ' •
button-hole with one hand, while with the other 1 SoUlgiJjijl'r GrilC*lj (U00111)’ 3*1(1 rCCtliliir!
-sed his corn cob pipe, and said :
be raised bis corn cob pipe
‘Yonobserve,’said ruy friend VVHliam Goat/.’
you observe that there are two kinds of poetry,
•rue, the highest order usually, is blank verse,
the other rhyme. Now as a general mle, p.iels
excel in mm of tho two, but seldom in both:
Sir, Mrs. Jnttr Cleopatra Muggins is as gaud qj our
■is at the t'other. .Let me give you an exampfc
Did'st never hear her address to a Sausage? T hen
listen man, and thank your stars for the opportu
nity :
An’ thou wnst once a swine,
Didst ramble freely through the happy streets,
And with thy tiny feet invade the gutters!
(Hi, geutle, noble, gallant swine,
Were I not Muggins, then would 1 be thee!
An’ thou wert glut ions in thy life,
lint nine thy flesh is more thau exstacy!
What do you say to that ? Isn't it sublime ?
Xow I w ill repeat her grand verses, a copy oi
Tin 1 Mitiintimr.
We regrrt that we are unable to give onr render*
a plain nnd nflioinl account of the battles nr mud Rich
moral and Petersburg, and the evacuation "f those
cities We ure also in the dark «■= to tin* movements
of Gen. Lee, since lie left Richmond. It is thought that
his army is at Lynchburg. # Onr readers must wait
a few days,when we hope to give them smne good
news. To day wr can give them nothing satisfactory,
from Lee's Army.
At last accounts the enefhy were pawing
direction of Columbus.
So it is with the author, who, having pursued
any one subject for a given time, becomes tired
ot ‘hi* characters, and quits them with pleasure,
even for so short a while, to revel in|the regions ol
fancy. It is not surprising, therefore, that I leave
my lady friends for a brief period aud call your
at tention to a •
It has been remarked by some eminent histori
an—perliaj s it was the author of dark, the lliant
Killer—that ‘‘the Cat is a four legged vermin,
covered with fur. and has a continuation which is
from j entailed in the family.” It is impossible to add
have | to this graphic description, I therefore desist, ex
Montgomery in tbe direction oi « •muuu..*. - - j "' t to speak of the moral attributes of this inter
rs that this party will be met and defeat ■ • ; K cif . aUlre _ Tliat the Cat is endowed wit!
stsollg hope
T he Xnrel wrilina panic.
..... «■ in, to the surface
c.-nrin a (lections is shown by its being called feline.
wliicli. of c ourse, is nothing but a corruption o(
up j : but at tlie same time, it is very voracious.
hound in velvet and sent to Queen Victoria.
essenie rustic bye path, diverging to the right or to WPre „ n w y lite satin in gold letters,
the left, and running at random through the wood - - — -
W here he can turn aside to wander in green glades,
inhale tin- aroma of wild flowers, and listen to tin
caroling of the feathered songsters—w hen he can
throw Irimscli down on a grassy hillock, to him, as
luxurious as a king s couch.
List ?n olJ Ocean as he. bumps 'gainst the shore,
Shaking the world with his rumble and roar,
Dashing his white beard up into the clouds.
And making e'en dead men quake in th* ir shrouds
Hurrah for King Neptune, the Godot the sea!
f Not that he cares a d d cent far me )
No misfires he lias but (lie glorious moon.
And therefore he’s always in bed very soon.
Written fur the moral instruction of
Youth !! ! !
ou - *
The Story of a He-Coqaette!
A. B
$ Augustus Adolphus Albert
Fitz-Zaines »Smithe.
A. M , P. Q. K., L M. N. W, F. R S.
Sold Midway Between the Lunatic Asylum j
and the Penitentiary.
rarer —10, or two copies for $100.
(Copyright secured.)
couxcil’cAmbkh (
Apum, 12th, 1364. \
M Y BOOKS are now open t irec ivetho Returns of
1‘rciperty in the city for the present year, and aii
parsons'liable to pav Tax. are hereby notified to come
forward and make r heir returns promptly.
By order of ihe Board.
45 6t Cierk.
Post Quartermaster’s office. State of Georgia, )
Milledgeville, April 15th, 1865. )
I O^T or stolen from the camp of the State Wagon
J Train, on the night of the 13th inst, a medium sized
mare tru'e—brown, with blaek stripes down her back
and shoulders—four or five years old, and in food or
der—has harness marks and is wild—she left with hal
ter chains on her m-ek.
A liberal reward will be pai 1 for the apprehension
nnd delivery-
45 2t Capb and A. Q. M. State of Georgia.
GEORGIA, Pulaski county.
S IXTY, da*s after date applica'ion will be made
to the honorable Oourt. of Ordinary of said
county, for leave t.n sell the negroes belonging to
nr dec’.d.
a New wuhK!
"AN (tlf’ER TRUE Tu ?
■ I'M H ■ * n ■ ■ Li • ■ _ _
H A!-Ii
minors of Cordial Parker
April 12th 18(i5. [j j s]
PlRhlSIllfD AND f 0r
At Hi? Confederate Union. Ofl)f Pi
Also at Grieve A Clark’s Qru"- Store
PRK £M B C0Plf -^<“•»«». ,o
Milledgeville, March 20, 1365.
T^I\ E HLNDRED DOLLARS will be paid f, r
± tbe arrest ot a negro man Santee, and a u,
man. Mason, his wile. They tan away from L
place about the 25th of November Us^ They ,'*
thought to be in the upper edge of Baldwin ' n
Jones county, in Hil.’s District Santee is 4.'
of age and his wife about the same .ve. ' ' Xi
1 want tuem lodged in some safe Jaih
Blilledgevillo March 24th 1S05. .14 o..
45 9t.
$300 REWARD:
We must ask pur correspondents to make the
articles short, very short. We have but a Small
space, arid cannot yield it to personal matters.
Oh. no, he never home comes la!e »t Slight;
Never reels 'long the street ail fuddled and ’t>%h f
His drink-is of the freshest salt water—
And Ire’s not in love with his landlady's daughter, j ture to be spread before the people. We should
He bearsin bis pocket the Health of the world. I ^ accommodate our friends, but we can
GEORGIA, Irwin county.
W HERE VS, Miles Fitzgarold makes application 1 O Negroes, Wilde und Clay, runaway fro’.'i roi.r
t , to me for letters of Administration on the estate j K Gordon 011 1st ins, - ., and I tlduk they ure going t<>
* ... - ,J J 1 Savannah. I will pay the above reward to any p>T-.a
corifinipg them in some safe jail so I c^»i get them.—
of Perry Fitzgarold dect'ased.
These are therefore to cite all persons interested, to
, , . - ... - to show cause, if any they can, whv said letters shoul
when there are so many subjects ot a pubuc ua- ; Uyt he granted.
anpeur at my office ou the 1st Monday in May next, j Wade is 26 years old, weight 150 y^ aini is dark.—
"d I Clay, is 22 years old, weight"!60 lbs—is dark.
44 tf.
and the pubic: weal.
1 >Ulill£
At Home.
the past ten days or two weeks, we
Given under my hand, and official signature, this ^ Milleil^eville, April7th, 1865.
April 15th, I860. i
45 5t L. M. COLBEKTH. Ord’y. | Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
GE’OUGIA. Irwin countv. ! 9UQ 1{OIA ,Twi
nn-1 .Tame:
) This is therefore to cite and admonish, all persons
1 interested, tube end app< ar atfny office, within tint
Which there by sailors and gamblers was Imrled: ! not do so. We hope, therefore, that we will uot j ——r Irwin COUIltv ‘ J GEOBGTA,Twiggs county.
Oh, Lunn, sweet moon how jealous I he. j be asked to publish any communication that is j EItEAS. Willian Branch makes »u>plieation to r pQ. Redding J. Joyless, one of the Distributee- c '
I lor I lie loVc o! liie IiA»ra ol the vhort, well written, Hud pertinent to the times | \ Y me for letters of G ujiriliadship uf Wiluy Branch 1 . * I,e usHate or Mrs f»wrgiu Ann Kvans, la;.- <•
• „ and James Branch. 1 said emunty deceased.
You a,e hereby notifie-rthat I shall npplv in term,
of the law. to the (. ..inf Ordinary of said c untv. J(t
of the ectaie
hare had the pleasure of taking by the hand a | April 15th, 1865.
time prescribed by law. to show cause if any they have, [ f he next July term t lieieof for a division
whv letters of Cuarflmnship Kiionhl not !>♦» gnmtofl. : o: V* *^ovMseii, tiiuuti^ t!,u di^trihutccs.
Given under inv hand, and official signature, this ■ This Janujrrj-I8t!i,
their laurels te fore ‘‘thiscrnAl War is
not confident, but wc have strung assurance <>
able to present *«ur readers with the most t in n-r-
startling narrative of the day. as soon as the arm
ments eae be perfected. D will be hi
tale,” minutely and graphically dcs
oingjbya Thomas Cat. in defeating a conspiracy, a*
° A j once applied to the Georgia Legislature, and had
I his name changed to Cutahne.. (lie was a cousin
r ‘e*" j „f mine, and Ida cqguoinen was originally John
Tr< ' r | Sniggers.) ... .
ibinv the journey j what can be more charming than a suck plump
flt.Al'TER \ III.
‘‘Toby or not Toby ' !hat's the question.
If I am Toby, then 1 Toby am ;
If not, then 1 not Toby be.
So why this wrangling about a senseless matter
number of onr returned prisoners of War, who
havf. some ot them, been confined at Fort Bela- ,
ware, for in ire than 2'l months. We welcome !
them to the comforts and pleasures of home, after •
a long an l painful confinement, and trust they may i
never again have to experience the horrors of a
i Yankee prison. We would be pleased to uien-
rtion names, but there are one or two whose names
we do not remember, and, therefore, we retrain
j fiooi giving any.
45 5t
L. M. COLBERTH, Only, j
L. S.
33 eow (nr
By Jiis Ait y in fuel E. A. Uice
Court., with highly spirited cats, and vH
the Greenville Tailor entering upon the dnU.-s of
Worannnt promise tliat thore m«a*»
the case, as we are not advised
whether Andy takes any. calico along with him when
but we do promise that.the original tailor,
dignified office.
|,e anv woman m
lie travel
Ex-Senat<>r nn-1 present Vice President of the U. S-
.!mll settle the mooted question viz: !’iat it take
„ia, tailors to make a man. Prentice of tin- Louisville
j mriial wi 1 b • on the stand (if sober) to. prove that
Andy didn’t get tight under his auspices, and Jonn
Korney will be ready to swear that Andy didn t get hi.
liquor in the basement of the kitchen cabinet The
narrative will close n-itli n pathetic sketch of the ta
kln-rofr of the Vice President, by Forney and Kay
inond. on two chips, to bis quarters nt the National
Hotel followed bv the- English and Russian minister,
pnll bearer.. Who'll subscribe for a copy ’
d .
may be, wuo Goes hot nave mo- j
Some women resemble some cats. j ments of repentance, accompanied with a sincere j
They require watching. j desire to be better; who does not look forward to |
They lie—before the tire. some period when the present course of life shall |
Thev ought to Le tapped on the cranium, and be abandoned, and he or she become models of vir- !
h - . ri i t I »ua uml nrnnnptv
cut down to four new dresses per wet k. j and propriety.
rt . o. » p, l.oocf r»f l,nri)on ia nilleb tlinilffllt ' I WHS 1IO CXCeptiOH tO tlllS HUS.
Cnu l <ai-orgin do belief t
Accounts stato tliat ihe Capital of Alabama was
given up without a blow to save it. Will not
Georgians do better by Columbus ?
Enemy near Cotiinibnn.
We understand that a telegram states that the
enemy have appeared at Columbus, knd were re
GEORGIA, Wilcox county.
Oniinarys office, for said county.
W HEREAS. Miles Fit/garald af?plie c to me
foT letters of Guardianship of the persons
and property of the minor heirs of Pery Fitzger
ald dec'd.
The-e are therefore to cite and‘admonish the
kindred of said dec'd to tile their objection, if any
they have on the first Monday in May next why
said letters should not be granted.
March 25th, 1365. (pdj 45 fit.
Baker County, B her iff Sale.
| A I’PLICATION, will hp made for the renewal
Dining years
• death
igl. N. C.
hu adivi
ud fb
; nn<! or;
ve been el<-<
d were In- i
and from tie i > to
nnd perilous <-am-
l.i. Cob C A. ('min.
Messrs. Editors.
It becomes our painful duty to ree
our lamented brother and friend, Lt. C
(h.nn. He enli-ted subject to the call for volunteer.- m
MndPli, 1861. lie was elceted Captain by the unani
mous vote of the company, and »><*vcr did fin officer
more gallantly and gracefully fill the position. <>n
March the 15tfi the company left tins city for Griffin
Gh. where they rendezvoused for a few
i/.ed the 45th Rcg’t. and he would lia>
Lt. ('•Ionel at that time, lint
to him, that thev refused t.» give him up ns tlu-ir < om-
mandaut, and hajkM*- «*» *beir wish* s. From Gn <m
t!iev went to Gold-d.ol
Virginia, wheic the iife
“Ho, Nurse!” ( Borneo, and Juliet.)
‘‘I presume likely.” (Dickens, not Charles)
-As .lie siips she slides along—
A trusty friend is hard to found.” (Byron.)
\ gave up in disgust and returned to my evil way*.
I One dav while torn by emotions uf remorse. I
; was perambulating a ve dant forest, one ot n»-
I ture's cathedrals whose broad a : s!es were filled
pnign commence.
»f riiiu:
with the mv-sic of birds, and tlu- perfume of a thou
sand flowers, when I encountered an infant swine,
with a tear in its trmh r eye, nnd evidently lost.
! One bright sunny day as ‘the ad vespers te clouds i On the spur of the moment, 1 took out my note
! 0 f heaven were approximating to colligation,’ book and penoil, and wrote the following impromp-
i [ was leisunjy strolling through the exquisitely j tu
j beautiful village of Dogtoicn, so called, from the j
l f r ,t;t that it is the birth place of a Doge of Venice, j
i onot the "Dodge" of Venice.) who was born 1
I about 1 h3 year 750 B. C. Originally, the name j
i was ■■ Dogrtcwn,” hut ihe next gencralio'n being!
i fll! industrious and energetic race,, and heartily :
| de<}>isiug Ease, showed its fearless democratic,spir- J
™-| j* and republican simplicity by dropping the **«.” I
e.l j well, as 1 walked along slowly, A mashed bat!
ej ! w jfj, inebrated gc-nMeman under it, trom Parts •
„,. k-ssi iie swore he was H*‘Friuchman”—op-:
Uroacheil me sajing—the “gentleman,‘-not the
j, a f “PLze. snr, will jer honor give a poor)
Friiiclintan a dhrop of wather, for I’m so hungry j
that I don’t know where 1 shall slape ter night ? " j
;‘J! V friend," ‘‘said I, *1 presume from your re-j
maiks. that you are seeking employment. What
can m n do*s‘ -‘An sure lean do anything, hut I
I've come out to take a bit of tber rain, then I’ll j
tv for a sitewation as a rret nurse. Yer see
lie was in the terrible fight
Frazier’s Farm. Cedar linn and Cold Harbi.r, ami
among the few that survived these scenes <.i carnage
and death unharmed and unhurt. He was in tin- seven j app* .......
3" (W* around Richmond, where wills patriotic ! yer R.verince, Urn not much on, bu the
nays rv'ii «■- ... • _ : n j (bvii on tugs—an sure that s the oame thing,
valor and dcterniinanorriicwid e * ,!> K • | (< a ,])y [ walked away leaving him patiently
aiding the liofits of freedom to drive-back the tu e i> in ; VVJ ,iting for the shower which was to fit him for
vision that threatened the desolation of tlie • hisnew duties, thinking of the incalculab'e evil
llis fortitude, calin and chivalrous bearing in d'esc U^^ hich would result from such a change in domes
renowned nSliievemeuts. won tlie^ plaudits «.f Ins mcii, ■ tic economy.
and the admiration ot all who knew him. lie was ... j 1 know you will be astonished, kind peruser,
the Perfsylvania cmnpaign.-ffiugl.t llnxngh the battle j when I .tell you .Udt JYad
at Gettysburg, and though severe was his loss of men,
and disastrous the results t» the army, he n turn* d U>
Aroused from
'links to a I’lG.
Beautiful, beautiful bird.
Beautiful, beauiifui bird,
Hava you lost your way ?
Have you gone astray,
Beautiful, beautiful bird ?
Beautiful, beantitul bird.
Have you strayed from the herd ’
Have you a brother,
Who is jour mother,
Beautiful, beautiful bird ?
Beautiful, beautiful bird,
No answer from you I've heard —
Ah, a tear i.» thine eye*
Sweet piggi-J, don't erv,
Beautiful, beautiful bird!
Part of Foster's division, 24th corps, made a
gallant charge this A. M. and captured a very im
portant fort with its entire garrison. All seems
well with us. Rverthing quiet just now.
A. Ltxcot.jf.
a ua A*, isa. •_£ kaa ■_£> ^
i in February 1 1th, in Fiemington. T.iberty Co.,
1 V Rev 1). C Buttolph, Mr Edwin F. Palmer,
J. tf. Davis' Legion, and Miss Josie E. MANN,
second daughther of Mr. John E. Mann.
On February 23th in Fiemington, Liberty Co.,
by Rev. 1) C. Bottolph. S-*rg't. J. C. Non MAN.
Jr tf. Davis’ Legion, and Miss Lai’RA IsaBcILL,
youngest daughter of Mr. Samuel Palmer.
A reformed Lunatic was *o overpowered upon
reading these lines, that he burst into tears, and
■aid they n minded him of some versos which were
written upon his cook's child, who was now no
more. I appreciated his feelings, and gave him 1S65
two copies, one for himself and one for his rook
Milleilgevillo Baptist Church, )
April 2. 1X65. >
Whereas. <>ar heavenly Father has removed from
1 time to eternity onr beloved brother I). B Stetson who
wns for manv veins tlie milv deacon of this church,
nfid who departed this life on the 21th day of February
j 1865, nfter a long and painful iHness
Resolved. That while we mourn his dentil, we humbly
b.»w to the. will of Almighty God '1 hat we are com
forted in the b.- ief jliat onr loss is his eternal gain.
lb-solved. Thiil we tender our warmest sympathies
Totlie finni y of tir-.ileoeasid. in this|heir deep affiic-
; noil. And that the clerk send a copy of these resolu-
•tions to the Christian Index (Macon,) our city papers,
I and to the l.ninily, and sister of tlie ifeceased. Also
that a copy be entered upon the church book.
Dorn- iiv order ot church in conference April
j WILD-'be sold before the Court House door in
. * *2 New ton, Baker county, ou the first Tuesday
in MAY next, the following property to-wit-
Dot of Land No 16, in the 12th District of
Baker county. levied on as the property of Rich-
ard F. Lyon to satisfy a tax fira fir State and coun
ty tax
■ Also at the same time and place the premises
wlrereon Walter Kelly formerly resided. No. 11-.
I Also at tlu- same time and-place a sufficient pn'r-
1 tion of the premises whereon M. E Cook now re-
j sides; all sold to sat sfy tax fifas for State and Coun-
! ly tax.
ids J. M. ( ALHOLN Sherifi*.
j GEORGIA, Pulaski County. • "
«1 of the following described 4 per cent Con- | \^^REREAS, A/ary E. McPhail applies to me
federate certificates issue by J U. Horne, Agt. at ! * fjr letters ot administration nn the estateof
Millodgeville, and taken by the public enemy. i ^ U. McPhail late ot said County dec'd.
No. 332 issued to M. C. Butts March 13th, I3C4, i 1 hese are therefore to cite all persons interested
to be and appear at my office on or before the first
Monday in M*y next, and show cause if any they
can why letters of administration should not ba
granted the applicant in terms of tlie law
Given under my hand aud official signature this
20th day of March, 1365.
42 at. JOHN ./ SPARROW Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
J AME3 R. Coombs applies to me for letters of
administration on the estate of A. C. DeLettn
late of s8(d County dec’d.
All persons interested will be and appear at the
; -egular terra of the Court on the 1st. Monday in
May next, to show cause if any they can why
said letters shall not be granted the applicant in
j terms of ti e statute.
Given under my hand and official tig-nature this
[ 13th day of March 1365.
42 5t. JOHN J. SPARROW OftTf '
GEORGIA, Pierce county.
I. Biss, March 26th,
; $100,00.
‘ No. 43l, issued to Belli,
i 1364, for 400,00.
Milledgeville-' April 13tlr 13(55. 45. fit.
S hickory, lying about .-ix mi'.-:
There is one hundred and fifty acres*
years new ground. .
For particulars apply at this office
Milledgeville Jail. 7th,*1X65.
fixed -.villi oak nnd
troin Mil’edgcviiie.
of tlie laud 2 and3
31 tf.
Macon, Ga., March 16. 13fi5.
The following Orde.s have been received from
,,Headquarters Mi itary Division of the West:”
For the purpose o' colleciing and providing for
tbe prompt restoration to th. -r several Regiments, .
Battalions or Companies all absentees from Lee’s, i \\ HERE AS John M .riers ms made applicatuc
‘ . , ... * , . , ti to me tor letters of Guardianship of tlie oersnut
btewari s am lea <*>n■ P- ^ U1 • & | and property of Thomas J., Bepjainin J., and Rachael
measures wi.l betaken without o .--a> : . ! E. Miocbow minor children of Abrabuiu Miueheivlate
I. Brig Gen MACit'l.l . P A ( S. in addition ; of said county deceased,
to his othhr duties, is specially charged with the | These are "therefore to cite and ailmoni.-li, a 11 persons
general supervision o*’the s rvice invol-ved—his i concenietl, to file their objections on or before the first
Headquarters being at Ms^coo , Georgia—and he ! Monday in May next.
will t ,ke all practicable ateps to re- all to their 'Vitness iny hand,-and offiaial signature, March,
colors all who are absent from any other cause fitl * ^
than actual disabili'r for field service, or on prop- j - - Idfl ■) H. \\ . G RADY, Onl y.
erly granted furloughs. To this end lie willes- j GEORGIA, Berrien CouMy.
tabli h camps at Columbus, Atlanta, Albany, Mr- ijj.:reA8, A D Patterson applies to me for
1 con and Augusta, Ga ; Montgomery, Selma and j }} letters.of administration on the estate of A.P.
j Mobile. Alabama: at Jackson, Macon ana Colum
bus, Mississippi; and such other points as may be
found expedient to which absentees living in the
vicinities respectively shall be required to repair
and report, tnd to which will be sent all those who
may be collected by neighboring Enrol ing Offi
cers, who will be called on to give assistance under
the regulations of the Conscript Bureau. . lie will
Patterson dec'd.
These nre therefore to cite all persons interested
to be and appear at my office within the time
prescribed by law to file objections, if *ny they
have why said letters should not be granted.
Witness my hand officially this 6th day of
March, 1865
42 5t. W. E. CONNELL, Ord'y.
<'. G. Tu b:ui>. Clerk.
E. BROOKS, Moderator.
also require all^officers and men to repair to the j -
o„ 1 j nearest rendezvous appointed wlfo may be abs^it j ,PP in ~ Connty.
i bv anv authority less than that of these Headquar- I Yl7 IJEKEAS, Aaron Johnson
! - * .1 • jr-m a e . • tx - |- I | | lot tulal Ilf O (1 HO tnlof l-nl «/in
i;iiArrcR ix.
, . . . t Vwji I dinks of vot I am and vot I used to von,
- Iir,e ‘ married ! j j.j ts j || ^row niinest If away widout sufficient'
shortly before this, a good looking young woman. ; (g • Schiller.
! the daughter ot rich hut honest, parents. My ' '
‘ t s were ; ‘You hadn’t ought to gone and done it ’—Trans- I
Inleil from the French of Cict’-r Hugo. j
attkntio.i, iulitia:
Exkoctivk, (
Miliedge^-i'.le, April 15lh,‘ 186.’
Major den. (S. IF. Smith:
Tlie movements of tiie enemy in Central Alabama
indicate an intention ou tlit-ir part to make au early
1 reason lor so doing was, that her narenl
full of < ourego, confidence, nud unconquet a j W i-a!tliv. 8he was a simple,'. cted creature wiio
' loved her home and her clfiffiren, ( who were born u WM mi(U1 le life that I
in accordance w it I* a silly taaLini, which 1 regret to Misg j.; U pben.ia Sophronia
say, stiil exists,) and ca-rrg nutlung for the Kjcarj. charminff al ,d accomplished lad.
! almost seventy five years old,
wore a wig**, but to me these w-ere recommends- I Militia of this State subject to your command, to ren-
tions; fur sho could not grow much older, (and ! dezvous-ut Coluuil.iis as fast as possible. All win
E-alm repose, at the iiiidmgot hour, -
calling his men into raiiks.-^iiarching through mud
and mire, over hills and valleys.—wading creeks and
rivet*,—arriving nt the point of danger by noon too
next day.—bive-uaek until night again shuts in upnu il-e
woiId around, he lies down to rest with u.
world. Of course we weie eufirS.y unsuited to]
each other. She could not comprehend my v»«i
projects to gau» fame and wealth: she thought of
applies to me for
ters or of the. Commander of the Department ol f f letters ot administration on the estate of
Alabama, Mississippi and E st Louisiana; in which ] Johnson dec d. -
case he will make a requisition for such absentees | ' P,, ’ se B,t, to l 'i. te persons interested to be and
uponAhat Commander, t-> whom he will couimuni- | fPP; al m Y office on or before the first I cuday
cate n copy of these O.-lers, wifh a request for the j j 11 ^May next, and fiie their objections it any they
necessary orders to enable him to execute his duties
within the limits of that command.
II. All officers and men collected at the several
rendezvous, established under these orders, south
and w est of Montgomery, Ala , will- be concentrated
as soon as practicable at that place, and those
i brought together in Georgia will be assembled at
have otherwise letters of administration will bo
granted said applicant.
’ J. UGHTSEY, Ord’y.
March 6tli, 1665. 42 ot.
GEORGIA, Appling County.
'y^ T TlEREAS, Aaron Johnson applies to me for
nothing but ot laihies mill buttermilk. I soon iett
subject to your command, under former orders from
I. In obedience to the above order, Major E.
D Wiliet. 4 rib Alabama Regiment, lias been
directed to take command - r the Rendezvoose at
tbe guardianship ot Mary Johnson minor
heir of John Johnson dec'd.
T he»e are to cite all persons interested to be and
appear ;,t my office on or before the first Monday
in May next,and file their objections if any they
He returned home nod ns early a- circumstances
•would admit, consummated an engagement of marriage
with Mkt Lucia Griswold, a young lady of rare nccoin-
p idimeut*. Shortly after, his Mother-in-law diol, and
by common entreaty nud consent, he assumed, and
disposed ol, the administrative responsibilities of the
estate. Although suffering more or le*p from the bad
i„ his shoulder,-impelled by l«W exalted conceptions
of patriotism, and duty, and Ins high toned sense of
honor, ho hastened back to join his command nt Pe
tersburg, where he was killed dead on tin- field and fell
into the enemy's hands, (on the 25th ol March.*
Lee ordered his body rescued undeu 11 ig of ti'ii
lie w4« decently interred >'• 'he - ,!
. nnd
• fir-t
, or a young man’s tieait. ner rortune. was ampio
"An Ode to a Sausage,' * . — g0 too wfts j lt . r person. Well, I determined to
which when printed had created quite a furor! Flirt icith licr’.—to glut my vengeance!
throughout the Literary world, of which she was! *
the‘"bright particular star ” Her butcher ou see-; It was done ! The old heart was broken! 1
ing the verses, remarked, that r:he had “ode him 1 had again haeu successful, -but was now utterly
lor sausages for a long time,’’—probably he meant j miserable. *
“oictdMercenary creature! Con.d a child of! «j/.. r nr .... >
Genius remember such a trifle as a bate! er’s bill? j . . ,*
But you don’t kuow who Mrs. Cleopatra Muggins ! I WENT..
is i’U tell you. ■ - I On a couch of amber line, with the pale moon
beams playing upon her wan features, she lay re-
Geiu-ra! Order, /
No I. $ , ,
In obedience to lue abov
Macon, April 15, IX1J5.
the.n at the point of assembly. ...... I Toe* are therefore to cite dll persons interested to
.> ( amps of Rendezvous will be established | bi-nml appear at my office on or before the l*t Mon
as early as practicable at the following points, viz: I ,i ftv m May next, aii-1 show cause, if anv they cun. why
Columbus. Atlauta, Albany, Macon and Augusta, | letters of Guardianship sh< uld not bi; granted in terms
t-ruoraud Coinmauder-iii-t'l.raf, the militia of the State 1 Georgia; Montgomery, Seiuia ,-ui-l Mobile, Alabama, | ofthe sttitute.
of Georgia, excepting those between fifty and sixty Hn( j at Jackson Macon and Columbus, Mississippi ! Given under my hand, nnd official signature, tha
years of age,arc hereby ordered to rendezvous at Co- j q’[ ie officers and men collected in them will be for- j April 1st, 1865.
directions from the Gov-
umbus, without delay. warded, those reporting in Alabama and Misaissip-
I T he publica.ton of tins be consul- Montgomery; those in Georgia to Augusta or
? re l Macon. Until these camps are established, officers
nd :i>en will report to the nearest Post Comman-
d-rs *r Enrolling Officers, who are requested to
orders will
in tli.s command. Officers and men will observe
that not only those under fifty years of age. who
14 ot
geinery ami Augusta wiil make a weekly report
of the officers and m*'n received during the week,
Presbyterian church nt Peters mig ^ blr.z- ot ngtit. trem u niaiiow cauuies wuicli ] ••j-,,, gmne U* qifit
Never di-1 nobler bhaj-l stain S<»tt •• ru i were firmly fixed in quart bottles on J.he chimney egrate to South ILcst Georgy where pei visions are j to Columbus, all who fail te start at once upon th*-
I am unbiased by kindred const*, oi -j. p lecc _ j ( uly, twas a most brilliant aitair—au j cheap ; but before I go, listen to roe, listen to i publication of tbisorder. General, Field and Stall'! ot Y .i . ,, , ,, , . , f
muturrf! high personal regani. when I asset! ihat lie wn» i a . mo8 pi ie , e light, music and flowers! j me, oil, my fondly loved Adolphe, let me beg you I officers, and detachment* will report at the ren lez- j an (*® 8 re,, ff 10 m camp a e o rpo
»ne of the purest, and best young men I have ever j Oh, kind muse inspire my pen to write i to keep your oath no longer. Turn from your evil j vuus immediately, (-apt. Prudcu’s battery ot'ar-
known. In the camp, or field, the bivouack, or line of | Tho glorious meeting ot that witching night,! ways, trifle uo longer with ns poor wiiumeu—b«-
march—at home with the busy throug, or the social j When first I met and gave 3 hoggins • a pure pood man tike me. It is the last request
circle in tlie church, or supplicating a throne of grace j To Mrs. Cleopatra Mugpins! f Original, j that I will ever make ot you, will jou refuse
around the familv nltar, lie was the same devout, and ! 1 had attended the ball at tiie special request of: me !” “Oh, mj’ ancieut wirgiii," I passionately
* r ’ ished Christian. For refinement cl teste, sagaci ' General SS.imey Mudliead, (**ne ol that large class cried, “believe me, I will do what e’er you ask. I
unbiem i ■ iud nin-nt f.*r truth, who are destitute of character, command or coin-1 will become as pure a man as you are—or I'll
ty.dww**® .on, • u ti,#» i.leiiieiiLs that combine uiiseion,) and was standing b} tLe side of Dr j tr
virtue, and honesty,and a i ’ ’ .. h e I Vcre de Vere CucOmber, late i*i charge of the | 3he sqnrezed my hand, wiped her eyea. aud
in U*c truly noble, and good, he wasim.-mpa* 11 1 j Kdcm quick Hospital, when he called my attention | sneezed—tllen drawing fr.iin her lips her teeth,
ill deep conversation. One was our host Mud- arid think of me.’ J was overcome, aud left her
head, a lean, lauk creature with a face tliat would j weeping. Around my neck, pendant troin
do credit to a No, 1 Convict. I would give you a black ribbon, they still hang aud gnu to into my
deseripiiou of Mudliead, out the claims of liospi- very soul.
tality toibid- Tlie other was, iudeed it was—a Stic was my literary friend and my literal friend
woman, hut I thought her an angel—a vision of Ilad it not been for her I should have still goue
on—and where would I have ended /
Y’ouug men, take warning by my experience.
Should yon go astray, however, tuny you too find
a “literary’’ friend to revise tbe proof sheets of
your life. Y'ouug womeu, beware, oh beware, of
“literary friends”—should jou chance to slip,
don't tell the world about it.
Administrator's Hale.
\1TIEL BE SOLD in the town ofMonticello, Jsspd -
* ' county, on t he first Tuesday iu .1 une next, wit?®
tlie legal hoars of sale, the following negroes brioagu-'
to tlie undivided estate of Harris Allen, ol saidcoontv.*
dec'd. to-wit: one negro mm, Toni, nlxmt 30 vearsoW-
s collected, |and one negro girl Eliza, about 12 war? old. !
"gade. the I under an order of tlu- Court of Ordinary ofJ«9f[
to which I county, tor distribution among the di-tributees of- 4 * 1
at Mont tie'-eased.
This -iStii day of March. 1865.
H tds JOHN M. ALLEN, Adm r,
(»• h. u.) with the Will annexw-
honor W> the city of his birth- Humble, modest aud
remarkably kiuu, an
graceful i« Iris manners, tho beau, ideal ol human p*t-
fectioo,—the admiration of his friends, aud tire idol of
his family-
Hut his sun in its vernal glory,has gone down, yet
■ends its radiations heavenward, to comfort, to cheer,
and attraet,—and though friends ou earth mourn their
lose, his spirit exults iu eternal gaiu. Beyond the
scenes nt revolution, aud commotion!—the i ns,, ot in
furiated armies,—tlie roar and tlmuder of lMttle fi,.d4ls.
t lie pains of death, or grasp of the grave, he chants
hallelujahs with tin- redeemed ofthe Lord.
May the Iyord bless his bereaved, and afflicted wife,
aootbe her sorrow,—bind up the broken lieart,—and
auuplv by his grace, a void this world <an never till.
‘ * ” J V I. BKANTLY.
heavenly beauty. I could dwell lor hours on her
amis, her eyes, her lovely nose! Seeing my look
of admiration, my friend remarked with enthusi
asm, “That is the dirtne Muggins! Tliat is the
1’oetess, Authoress and Coquette !” But, said I,
“what is the-matter with her face, it looks red
and scrofulous?" ‘Oh,’replied he, ’that always
is tho way that Coquettes laces look Y'ou see
tffty are squeezed so often, which drives the blood
into the head, that it never has time to flow back
in its original channel.”
‘Surely,’ said Dr. Cucumber, ‘you’ve read her
exquisite ‘Lines on the Death of a Flea,’ or her
Richmond, 1st April, 1865.
Mr. Editor: I kindly forward you my adver
tisement, which you may publish free of charge;
should you, however, insist on acknowledging in
6onie way my great liberality, I beg to inform you
tillery is included in this call.
IV. No excuse will be accepted fiom those who
carried their arms home with them, in case they
fail to bring them back—nil ate enjoined not on
ly to obey this oider promptly, but they are author
ized dir*fted to bring out afi who owe service
hi the mititta. ai d all public arms, uot in public
use, iu their respective districts must be brought
to the rendezrous
V. The militia between fifty aud sixty years of
age in each county are required to hold themselves
iu readiness at a moment's notice, to obey further
4. Post, conwrvinders are requested to direct
their quartermasters and commissaries to give all
necessa*’*’ '•’•rudies called f ;r by officers engaged
on this d-., . .. i i iu the limits of their cotnmaud.
5. I an* lutormed that tho officers sent to me
for this duty, have been selected for their special
fitness. It is, therefore, not necessary to urge
upon them devotirn to the s-rvic*: and earnestness
iu their eudeavors to assist in bringing their old
comrades backfto their colors, but as the very na- .
ture of their service sends them-to the vicinity of J
their homes, I may warn th jm of the danger of al- i
lowing themselves to lose one day in tlie enjoy
ment ot home, which should be devoted to tiffing
Ordinary's office of said, county.
Y\ IIEREAS Mrs. Lydia Ciioato app'wsk® 1
» » administration aim testamento auneso & ,
Estate of Thomas W. Choate late of said count?
os the
orders of the Govei nor,.calling them into active].. , , . „ ’ , • , . , , ... , ,
. . f j the tanks, by winch homes are to be defended.
By older of
G .W tiSllTH, Maj. Gen
T. Hardeman, Jr., A. A. G.
Mtlledgeville, April 17,1365.
In compliance with the above Proclamation and
Order, the Militia of Baldwin County are hereby
ordered to be iu Milledgeville on Weduesday
morning next, to take the train to Columbus
Com'dg Militia of Baldwin Co.
MARE, to exchange for provisions.
Milledgeville, April 13, 1355. 45 tf
6. All officers and men returning are urged to
bring in their arms, or any arms they may find in
the country, They wifi the sojuer ba cuabled to
joiu their colors.
Brigadier Goueral
£9* Afi papers in Georgia, Alabama and Mis
sissippi are requested to copy for one week—six
times-.those it* Georgia will scud their accounts
to Post Quartermaster at Macon ; those in Alabama
to Post Quartermaster in Montgomery; those in
Mississippi to Post Quartermaster at Columbus
for payment.
W. VV M.
March 18th, 1665. 42 fit.
ceased. IIH
Tlies5 arc to cito and admonish all r-erfons (* b * tP ''
erj concerned to tile t!,eir objections, it :w.v they; •
t*» the contrary, iu this otUce. on or by tin- tu-' • .J
in May next, otherwise adn:ini-*tration will b* -.F -,
Given under my hand officially, March 2*V?v
(I’d.) UPLANDT. ROg&frjU>
GEORGIA, Jones count v.
* Ordinary's office of said county. »r
lV r IILUEAS, A.I. Middle brooks applies 1 ®^
” ' administration on the estate of Thei Gas ’'
deceased. .
T hese are to notify all persons concerned to n ‘ trS iv,
objections in tins office ifany tlrny have, to« e llW
on or before tlie first Monday in May ne -' f ’.,s iffij.
Given under my Imnd. olllciallv Man-- 1 jS Ard’v.
43 5t (Pd ) B. TjCftd: *
GEORGIA, Jouescounty.
• Ordinary's office <Jsaid coui• .V-
W HEREAS, .Mr-. Nancy Kitc-licr.s ad '" r ’V )e aTe
Kitchens dccM. l*as uia<ie a|ipli ( ’ n, ‘.
to sell all the land and negroes of said e- a [0 gig their
All persons concerned are notified lie' ! ou or by
olijections, if uuy they have in tins otu.e,
first Monday in June next..
. Witness my hand and officially April , )r j'y,
145t (Pd.) B. T. KOSS) xi *