Newspaper Page Text
I *»
bail road.
Leave Atlanta * r ’ J'-’ A
Arrive at Newnan -«> ‘ * j
Leave Weft Tomt I ^ j, >j
Arrive at Newnan “ " !, V,
Arrive at Atlanta < i -'° 1 ; *
§ gflutnnl;—fjcwtd to |§to, gtjriniltnre, Coimnem, &t.
Forcsrly of ft. Lo-iis, Mo., aad !ato of ite
C. S. Arnty,
O FFERS liis professional services to the
citizens of Newnan an*l v,ci:iity, and
respectf-illy solicits a share of their patronage.
North-east cufiTer of Coweta
tol. i ]
[NO. 15.
Kli-'e 1 a
[Nov. 1S-1 l-*>;».
3. tV. WILEY, D. D. S.,
to Newnan to resume the
8 6 6
t ’HE Exercises of this Institution wiil be
Fcconl Mos'iav in January next,
Published TVcek-y in Newnan, at S3 per an
num—six months 32, is advance.
From tl.e Christian Observer. Anecdotes of Lord Palmerston.
The Story about Cyrus. In an English paper we find the
Cvru s who is considered the founder pf lowing characteristic anecdotes ot
J. C. WCOTTEN end JAS. A. WELCH the Persian empire, was born about six deceased Premier: i
Proprietors. hundred rears before Christ. lie was When Lord Derby's translation of tht? An Igenious Boot-black.
Hates (Tf Advertisin'’’. ! beautiful ill person, and still more ndrai- ! IHind was 6r?t announced, a guest at J The street boot blacks are one of the
Advirti--meats -r.M rt. d at cl « square of ra p,l c fU r the amiable qualities of bis BreoadianJs tcld him he must keep pace “ institutions ” ot New York, as well as
ten line*. t<.r space equivalent.) mr first tuser- . , jjj early training inured him to • with his meat rival by translating the of some other large cities. You see them
*=-" 7-j cents for each subsequent in- j n - J -
t:on, u:ni
A.S returne<!
practice of
study, the endurance of fatigue, and tlie Eneid. ‘‘Stop till I am out of office, and them on the sidewalks, in and Ground the deductions will be made to ad- of bis a pp e ;lte3 and passions. In the paraleli will be complete.” I hotels, and frequently on the feiry-boats.
r,-j-A ,]\r.:.'icnT'•cu'tr:iseinents must be his first twelve years of life, he was said j lie laughingly quoted the authority of They carry a box contaijung their “ kit of
“ the hrushw,
paid for when I*aude<! in.
ter All Work Warranted."©S
jjgrOificc on Depot street. [nov. 11-10-tf.
Dits. c. d. & i;M smith,
-pT'AVING associated in the practice of
JTJL Medicine, respectfully tender their servi
ces to the citizens of Newnan and country.—
Particular attention to Surgery aud
jggrM.iy 1 e found at all hours, when not
professionally engaged, at their otlicc mi Brick
Front, South side of Public Squire, third
door from Dodd's corner. [Oct. -1 - 7-tf.
ts surpass all of his own age, in knowl- f stronger will enjoining postponement,
edge, and a frank, noMc dignity of car- au eminent physician, that continuance in
ria ,. e ' office, with resulting employment, was
At this early period, he was sent to the good for tlie health.
The following form of an agreement
between the planter and freedmen, copied
from the Charleston News, certainly treats
with fairness every interest of the colored
laborer. It was drawn up for the freed
men on the sea islands in South Carolina
and has the strong appcoTal and support
of Generals Sickles and Saxton. We
present the form entire as it will be in
teresting to planters :—Columbus Suu.
State of South Carolina-—Beaufort Dis
Article I.. The said freedmen agree
to hire themselves as laborers on the
plantation of tlie said , from the
1st of January, 1806, to the 1st of Jan
uary, 1867. 'They agree to conduct them
selves honestly and civilly, and to par-
form any labor on said plahtation or con
nected therewith, that may be required
by the said or his agents.
Article 2. The said freedmen agree to
perform the following daily tasks per
implements,” the brushtS, blacking boxesy j hand, fractional hands in proportion :
etc. This is suspended* by a strap over ! Listing BedUinj Cultivating
tlie shoulders, and when a customer nods i Splitting Riuls Ditching Cutting tu.x>h
I In all cases where tasks cannot be as-
as the defendant had one more witness
than the prosecution, and all seemed
equally reliable, the mule must belong to
M »A n de rsnn.—Cclu wb us Sim.
Would not active 1 absent to their generally polite invitation,
Black yer boots ?” or “ Shine up, sir ?”
under tbe direction of the former Principal.
aided by tlie accomplished Instructress, JIrs. j i"*/? •.7®
JI. Stansem.. If necessary, other teachers i Lsgsl iiuVErtiSenlCIltS.
will be employed. Sales of Land by Administrators, Executors
The beihiiiig ft siiHicieiidp^Capacious to or Guardian:.are required by law to be held on
contain two’ hundred and Jftv pupils with the first Tuesday in eurh monyh, between the . - - . , i -• i u .... -
convcun-nCfc, beautifully lojtjie.1 on an ^nt- j lyjurs of ten in the forenoon and three in the court of las grandfather, Astyagcs, the opposition do as well. So, no. t.ut
nonce Last of the Village, commanding a View afternoon, it the Court House in the county y] c d; an kin**- where lie remained fur five ' stirs up the bile and creates acidity. Ask they quickly set down their box for- your
anJ *° USh 10 t5;C ^ J in 5it‘ : onSriiles'l^be given in a J.ears! There the temptation of luxury j Disraeli if it does not.” ^ | feet to rest on, drop upon their knees on
''tile Ciiniculum of study to be j-nbitc gazette 40 days previous. .m l sclf-iudul ’-ence. by which he was sur- Nothing, by the way, created acidity ! the pavement, and work as rapidly as pos- ..
thorough and practical : the govcrnnttfnt mild i Notict-s of sale of personal property njn.-t * * * ' draw him from 1 in him ; he never said, or sanctioned an sibie, so as not to detain their patrons j SO cents per day. If absent voluntan y
vet lira—requiring strict adherence to rule, be given in like manner, through a. public rouuueu, nau no powt r iu uia« mu. , ’ 1 ’ . , : and without leave two dolkirs per day.
None nprd’nmke ajijdig.itioti for admission who gazette, 10 days previous to sale day. temperance and simplicity. lie was ever ill-natured remark on anybody. On be-1 1 luy first turn up the pants, to keep them ’
to D -btors and Creditors of an estate . . , between those who ! in*' told that a clever assailant regretted t from being soiled, then with one brush j a 5ent more an one a y W|
leave, to be dismissed from the plantation
signed, they agree to labor diligently ten
hours per day.
Article 3. The said freedmen agree to
forfeit for every day’s absence front labor
are not ready- ah I wi'Iing to yield implicit : Notice u> iRmors mi'i v.. s
fibeduive to everv school dntv. Our purp.osc must be published40 day^, anxious o ma pt - . • j .i n t • t I i i , > .• i
is ty impart iiK-tnietion to both head and heart, j Notice that application will be made to the differed, and to obtain pardon for such as | a personal attack, he said, lell him L theycleantheboots,withanotherapply-
«bicli never can be done successfully where | Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land must . , ST "entle -enerous, ami am not the least offended— the more par :
; « Y.i UlUl.ptl fiir two nmnilis. uau ° ,C3 7 1
t!icrc is o**])ositi' ik - i 1 j+ for two i .--i..., t l t L /I ^Vi -» Knu i
jJv^^Afier an experience of twentv-fonr years Citations for Letters of Administration, ■ beneficent was lio, as to become t»ie idol ticularl^ DCC^USv itu ' lu c
in un re mil ted tcadiinu; in the State in which j Cuardianship, &c.. must he published 30 duvs l f , neOD l c amoti" whom lie dwelt. ! of it.”
we were lorn and educated, we 1! it*, r our-! - for Dismission from Administnition, month- » * . ° . . . , , - j T ,• i f i • . fl v »f liia
selves with the hope of a liberal patronage, i ly six mouths— for Dismsssion Iront Guardian- j In his expedition in Assyria, with his | It was mention^
espeiially of those who arc best acquainted ship, 40 days. father though still but a youth, he dis- Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George
with our system of teaching Rules for the foreclosure of Mortgages must | ° , - - *• * • ' r ■
To those who desire a licallliy location for be pub'.i.-hcd monthly for four months—for covered great judgment, courage, anti
their children, there is no place m Georgia | establishing lostqmpers, for the full space oi p rcsence c f mind. Military talents and
with purer water and a more invigorating at- ; three months—for compelling titles trom Lx- , . . .- T » i „- c „ n f:.,t
mospliere. As to mortis, schools form their | ecuto.s, or-Administrators, where bond has j skill, were in those times hc.d essential
own society, and it becomes tlie imperative been giv.-n by tbc’dcccascd, for the full space ever y illustrious man, and these he em-
^ITIi.L practice regularly in Coweta and; 0 f every teacher fp sec that that society of three months. ' |. ,» ifror IiIj ennnnrst nf
W the surrounding counties, and in tl ,e | J* good; vet we are blessed wi.h as moral a | Publications will always be continued ac.-jtnenty pOss ss . - ^ 1
United States District Courts for the Northern j unity as is common to our Towns and ; cording to these, the legal requirements, un_ | Babylon and marriage with a Median
and Southern Districts of the State. ] Village?. j less otherwise ordered, at the following attention given to the collection , Tll ” Scholastic Year embraces Forty Weeks. I KATES.
nod securing of claims.
Sept. 'J— 1—tf. •
.5*2“Office in the Herald Oi'Tiee.-’&a
Sept. 9— 1— tf.
— AND —
T ~tOR Selling, Renting or Buying Real Ks-
tute in Newnan, or in Coweta and ad-
j oinitig counties. [O L8-S-ly.
divided into two Sessions—1st containing j SheriST s Sales per levy of
Twenty-five weeks, 2d Fifteen. Sheri If,- Mortgage fi. fa. sale?, per levy,
No Student will be received for le?s than Tax Collector s Sales per levy,.
one Session, and rio deducti m fot; loss of time, Citations for letters of Administration,
only in eases of prulraeted illness. Students Citations for letters ot Guardianship...
will be charged reuulaily from the commence- Notice ot application lor dismiss.ou tiotn
nit nt of o.teh Session, until tpe expiration of j Administration............'—.
one month, a fur which they will be charged Notice of ap'dication for dismission from
from time of entrance.
JjCtvts, has bc p n writing letters to Notes
and Qucrrics on “ The wakefulness of
geese! Why the Opposition will think
he means them j and (what is worse) they
may say they are the geese that saved the
Cap tol.
ing the blacking, and with two others,
one in each band, polish away. They
return a “ thank ye ” lor the half-dime, or
dime, given (or their labor. These boys
are generally so polite and so industrious
that we rather like them, and sometimes
take a “ shine up ” just to see them work,
and to chat with the smart little fellows.
Here is a case illustrating their inge
A well-dressed man standing at a hotel
ttti no
l-t Class, 1st Session,
Junior “ “ “
Senior “ “
Music “ “
3 75
.... 12 f.O
.... IS 75
....' 2u *J5
.... S7 5i
Application to sell land,
Notice to Debtors and creditors
.'-"ale of Land, persqurc,
Sules-ef perishable property., to days. „
K-tray Notices, sixty days,
Foreclosure of Mortgage, per square,....
Princess, three kingdoms were united un
lines or less,? 2 50 j er lUg sway, Persia, Media, and Assyria.
5 on When he was peacefully settled in h:s
S oo great empire, he busied himself in fram- gestion, “ for if they waited to be invited,
° 00 ing laws for its prosperity and repose —
G 00 “For a king,” said he, “should be the
nn shepherd of his people, and exercise vigi-
c oo lence and care over his flock.”
3 'J- ! Thi.- sentiment reminds us of the proph-
2 oo ! ecy of Isaiah, uttered more than a century
A couple were censured tor going to door, not long since, was hailed by one of
country houses without an invitation.
“ Don't be hard on them,” was bis sug-
they might go nowhere.”
On its being stated as a good sign that
Lady was only attended by a popu
lar physician, who shall be nameless, lie
them with the usual questions :
“ Shine up, sir ?”
“ What do you charge for blacking
boots ?” asked the man, who was some
what noted for stinginess.
“ Five cents,” was the reply.
“ Too much, too much; I’ll give you
said, “Ah, very true, when you trust three cents,” said the man.
yourself to Dr. yon should have a \ “ All right,” said tlie y oungster, and at
4 2° ; before the birth of this prince, and 170 | superfluous stock of health for him to Jit lie went with might and mam, and
' verv soon had one boot shinning like a
a Jv-.iK
by A. Sri.::i>. E.-q., waslii
G per month.
iimi Tuition i.avariably one half is
the remainder at the cud of. the Ses
Apv’ic ufo:i inu-t be made, by tho?e desiriuy
1 • rn Mu-uc, to Mr?. C. D. Rzkse.
jt~£t-'-Vouii'^ men disabled ic.r physical labor
the late war, r.i-i make suitable nrraiige-
[>:.;? with the Ihineipal.
(’ luiiti v Produce received for Tuition at cor
esponding prices.
1 tee. It * 1 1-1 m.
A. O'. RUF.Si;. Principal.
Th? ITarty’s' of ths South.
Ohj weep not for the gulinnt hearts
Who fell ir. battle’s day ;
They well performed their hero parts
And passed from earth away,
They lie a deep on honors bed—
Young Frecmdoru’s martyred band,—
For all that’s dear to man tlicy'blcd—
For God and native laud !
to pack up his
You haven’t finished I” exclaimed
^UO ^opreT^/Mhat of Cyrus, he is j When at Rroadiands, he was a regular J mirror; but instead of commencing on
my shepherd, and shall perform all my attendant at llomsey Church, but was oc-J the other, lie began to pack up
pb asure.” [ easioually la‘e. Once, when he did not brushes.
I Prosperity crowned bis efforts for the j appear till towards the end of the second
• good of his people, rfl?d unbroken health, ' lesson, the sermon was more than ordin- j the man.
| the reward of temperance and tranquility \ arily long, .which a guest attributed to the j “ Never mind,” replied the boot-black,
of spirit, enabled him to persevere in j complacent consideration of the clergy-j with a twinkle of his eye, “ I won’t charge
these efforts. Yet he kept iu his secret j men, wLo was determined that his lord- j you for anything I’ve done; there comes
heart, a fear founded on tlie changes of ship should gain iu one way what he had a customer who pays.”
this mortal life, and the frailty of man, j lost in another. “ I never saw it in that j The man glanced at the shinning boot,
which restrained all pride,'and kept him ! light before. I will take good care not; then at the other winch was rusty ^and
to tax liis kiudticss a^ain.” ; besprinkled with mini, thought of the
II i o- li School.
Male ani Female Folledate Inslltuie.
ITT 01"LD mo.-t re?po tfully inform Hie pub-
i V lie :nui liis old patrons that ho i* now
vennaiicutlv looatod at his old stand on 1
! LEONIDAS JONES. Principal,
WHITE IT A LI a STB E ET ^ j l 9 rof(S$or us, -lliamt i t ii)ijuitj r s. «\*r.
THOMAS J. GFDSOX, Assistant,
(Sign of the Big Hat,)
lan.'i uctor in L’njiah lSraudu
]) e j> a r l m cut.
M u
With n large'stock of well selected IIAT: , - . . ,
ami CAPS,"all of which will be sold low for Exercises begin on the second
Cash at wholesale and rctiil.
Nov. 25-lS-12.n. J. M. HOLBROOK.
-W" -A. ir. b - in ous
FOR Ueccivincr, Put
ting in Order and Ship
ping Co ton to safe and
^responsible firms in Au
gusta. New York or Liverpool.
$fcg“Liberal advances arranged for parties
desiring it.
Newnan, Gs., Sept. 23-S-tf.
in January, 1SGG.
Course of Study and Bates of Tuition
per Scholastic tlonth.
Dki’AHTSKST, (Spfeilin
-12 oO
m ‘ iic..'cc..l
iirg aud Writi
Pn k r a i; a t o s v L> n a a nr ji k x t ,
Gr.iuimur, Gengrapby, Ari;
GomVF.IICIAI. DtlFAKTliM.ST. English
Grammar, English Composition. Arith
metic, Book Keeping, Penmanship, Al-
Coli-euiatk UKrAiiTMEXT, (Natural S -i-
cuccs ami Belies Leltcrs. Declani'.lipn,
l.miii, Greelc, l', Higher M.uhe-
' 71
Depot Str., Newnan, Ga.,
Will repair neatly «nd promptly
xvrot rnpyyv'p
J" E "W" -SLR^
Scptemlier GO-f-ly.
E Y MR. on W-dnesday, the
29th ult.. an age-1, •hestnut
sorrell TIORSK, blind in left ere, vU . >- ,
and with both Iliad fact wi;:te.
The owner is reqaested to i ome forward, prove
property, pay charges Sr4 take him away,
or said borse will be ilcalt with as tl'.c law
De.-. 2-13-tf. ALBERT EDMONDSON.
TO ^±11 TijJLivD
The above School will consist of two Terms ,
1 —six moiitifs for the first, and four far tlie |
; second. Students entering either c-f these |
will be charged from time of entrance until j
close of the Term. Tuition jwgabie <rt the clone 1
1 of PCcJl fUOiiih.
I ' Board and lodging can be had at ?20 per
m on til. To voting men preferring to board ,
ihems-elvcs, Maj. Moreland and others have;
^ offered to furnish timber, and allow thtm to |
imibi rooms on ti.ctr iaail. near the Aoadei-.u, j
free of charge. ■ , . 1
‘•Christian Association (-very \\ eonesuaA .
idclit. Lectures on Bible subjects. |
Literary Societv — important subjects .
disenssed—every Friday night.
Maj. R. 0. More. asi>, )
Iiev. \V. B. Sm th. j
Rev. E. STAFVOst), k Trustee?. -
Tiio's. C. .VORELANl>, i
Jonx \V. Arnold. j [Dec. 2 l-.-iui-
Strayed or Stolen,
Mrs. H. J. Bmuncns
Will open a
O N THE 19th ins:., about 2A miles South
east of Newnan. ?. sorrel MARK, having
r white streak on her forehead, and white lett WCuDPSd’dV IQ JuflflflrY JJCXl,
hind foot. Sue had on b’ltrgv bridle and citi
zen’s saddle—was shod before, is se en or
eight years old, bread across the hips, with
high hip bones, and in good order. Fifty
dollars reward wiil be paid for the arrest of
the thief, with pro >f to convict. Any infor-
rr. tl a concerning the mare wifi l e thankful
ly received. Said mare is worth ?150.
Oct. 2I-7-tf. Near Ncwuar. Ga.
in the building fronting Hon. II. Bncr.annu s
resilience. A liberal patronage respect!sidy
Bates of Tuition.
l»t Class ?1G 2d Glass •>'-*
Sd Glass ?32.
to be paid ruothly or quarterly.
November 1 i-Iurtf.
Weep not l.»r Jackson, who laid down
His life in fullest tame ;
Who always wore the victor's crown,
Now wears a deathless name !
Oh ! what a loss that day was ours,
When that great light grew dim :
We weep among our darkened bowers,
But do not we p for him.
For Sidney Johnson—whose high worth
Was Freedom’s polar star—
Who, like Elijah, passed from earth
In battle's fiery car;
Sited not a tear—he is not dead—
Rut up from Shiloh gone!
Where wreaths ambrosial deck his head
Resale great Washington 1
Weep not for Garnett—his young brow
Among the earliest paled;
Though death compelled his form to bow,
liis spirit n-ver quailed!
Am mg Virginia's mountain bights,
With Garland by his si>J»,
And btark—they fought for rioulhcru rights
And for their eoua’.ry died. . ,
Oli! for McColloiigh do not weep—
The Marion of tlie West—
Nor for Bartow, nor Bee—but ke-p
Their memories iu the breast,
They realized men's noblest fate—
In victor’s lap to lie—
We r.ll mu. t die. or soon or late—
How blest like them to die !
Tair Mississippi’s stalwart chief—
Brave Barksdale, too, has gone,
And Zollicoffer’s life too brief,
Aud Greet.—and brave Mouton,
Kentucky's ILuison slumbers low,
With llchu aud Branch as well:
Pour not for them the streams of woe,
With angels now they dwell!
For A1 ibama's own love I dead,
Though humbler he their name?,
Wbv should the selfish tear be shed?
Thev are now God's and f j rue's.
Rest. Irby. Webb, June?, Ilabbs and Kale.
Rest, Jewett, Corners, Moore,
luge, Garrott. Lomax. Pelham, B.viue,
U.i death’s triuuipiiant shore.
W’mit stars crowd out upon the sky,
Of history, as I write !
Would I could number them on i igh,
They live immortal; and for them
We need nor shed a tear:
Each wears a golden diadem
Iu a celestial sphere!
But wc- must weep—aye, deeply mourn
For ourselves bereft,
The prestbotrd trom our altars tom,
cj-r homes in darauess
The widows and the orphan band
U-i fate,? rude waters tossed—
Weep for tf.e unguis! -stri.-kc-n lane.
Thai such great s-«.ts hs-s ‘--i.
as liutuLle as he was active aud powerful.
Of him it might have been said, as it was
of our Washingtort, that true merit was
the foundation of Iris greatne?*.
Therefore he affected no self-importance,
hut was affable to all, and was repaid by
cordial attachment. L’iceroassertsthatdu-
IIe was a purist in language, grammar,, very rediculou.s figure he would make
anu orthorgraphy, and some curious iilus- with one polished boot, and amid the
(rations of his zeal fur their reformation laughter of the bystanders agreed to give
are preserved in the Foreign Office. He the sharp boy ten cents to finish the job,
had a confirm .J dislike • to “that that” which he did in double-quick time and
and “ had had as in a sentence thus with great pleasure.
rirg the whole period of his reign, he was constructed : ‘ It was said that, that gen-
never heard to speak^a rough, or angry cral had had a check. ’
word. Xenophon speaks ot him, as ex-
hibititing, the “model ot a perfect gov
ernment.” Herodotus modifies this praise once bored lor a long -time by
and charges him with some faults. But acquaintance fur sympathy and tender
the most ^xaltcd characters are subject to • aprcciatiou of i;cr idea ot spirtual duty,
i error, and the purest may be misunder- j “ Mr. Flutarch, she wouid say, “ is there
stood or misrepresented. Even patriarchs, i a more serene and sublime satisfaction in
prophets, and apostles, have taught us by life than that of discovering your spiritual
| their own failings, the infirmity of our ; duty, and then conscientiously perform in
Table Dishes.—What dish may you
always conclude to have been stolen, no
I know an American author who was H ‘ atter on whose table you meet it
female Cached eggs.
Which is the silliest you can put on a
table ? Goosberry fool.
Which is the merriest? Caper sauce.
Which is the quickest? Hasty pud-
Which is the coolest ? Ice-cream.
nature, and we should not require or ex-j it? Have you uot often, iu your own
pect perfection in others, until we are ; soul, felt this tranquil bliss? The au
able to give an example of it ourselves. ! thor bore this for a time but human pa- - Gtn llubcrt E. Lee v-ith
he ticuce has its hunts, “No, ucanswered ’ . ‘
A Present to Gi:n. Lee.—It is gen
erally known that the ladies of Baltimore
Whbn Gyrus approached death, , ^ ; Piano
called around hint his children and chief at last, *• I hate to do m> spiritual uuty. . c t . lufon Vindicator says of it. “ It
I officers, gave them solemn and excellent If I know wkat it is I won’t do it; but j ^ ^ instrument, Louis XIV
advice by wliich to regulate their future J madam, there is one thing which does fill j ^ oc ® avcg ext , u r j c i,]y carved case,
! conduct, and thanking Heaven fbr-all its | me a ith a serene and sublime satisfaction, j ^ ^ ^ ^
blessings, calmly resigned his breath ! and rtc-oncrlcs me to the ho.lowncss of The name board is richly inlaid
j ' Cambyscs, his successor, supplied “Pray, j ray, what is it?” she ’
mournful proof of the contrast that may . a^ked eageriy. *• Mauaui, it is a i-lo 15
j exist between the son and the father, lie j , ioSe boiled with cabbage 1” was his quaint,
i was barbarous both at home and abroad, j answer. He was never forgiven.— li,iy- j
with mother of pearl, with the name
the maker and the words,
It must have been a pleasant and de :
ligliful surprise to Gen. J>ee, he not being
and put to death bis own brother, from <u -,i Taylor.
i malignant envy, because he was able to! -— ■*’•**••**
shoot with a larger bow. than himself.— , Gained ev one Witness.—There j apprised of the fact that such a present
We will turn from tlie contemplation of; was a singular ease before Justice would Le made him, until he saw this
such wickcdnc.-s, to Same of the last words non on Tuesday, one which scarcely has j splendid instrument at his residence. It
and forfeit their share of the crop.
Article 4. The said freedmen agree to
take good care of all uSMssils with Which
they may be entrusted, and to pay for
the same if lost or destroyed. They agree
to bo kind and gentle with animals under
their charge, and to pay for any injury
they may sustain while tn their bauds.
Damages to be assessed by arbitrators,, to
be selected by each contracting party.
Article 5. They agree to keep their
houses and premises in good repair and
order—subject to inspection at any time
by their employer or his agents and liable
to a fine of one dollar if found in an im
proper condit ; on.
Article 6. They agree to furnish, from
their number a foreman, a nurse and a
stock minder—to be selected by their
Article 7. They agree to bear all their
own expenses, and to return any advance
that may be made during the year front
their respective shares in the erop, and
to protect their employer’s property.
Article 8. The said agrees to
treat his employees with kindness and
respect, to do all in his power to elevate
and improve their condition. He agrees
to furnish each family with a comfortable
house, and the fourth part of nn acre of
laud for a garden ; to allow them to raise
poultry and one hog to each laborer, to
be kept within their own enclosures. He
agrees to divide the crop with them at
the end of the year in the following pro
portions per hand, fractional hands in
proportion : One third of the net proceeds
of all the cotton, aud one-third of all oilier
other crops raised on the plantation, ex
cept long forage.
Article 9. The said agrees to
be attentive to his employees in sickness;
to see that they are supplied with medi
cal attcndaice *ud medicines if required,
to be paid for out of their respective
share. He further agrees to supply them
with their bread rations, if required, to be
paid for in the same manner.
Article 10. The said agrees to
furnish work animals at the rate of one
animal to every eight full hands; to fur
nish wagons, carts and plantation utensils,
as may be required, such as cannot be
made on the plantation.
Article 11. It is agreed that the crop
to be cultivated shall be the following pro
portion per hand, fractional hands in pro
portion :
Cotton Corn Rice Potatoes
Peas Slips Turnips
Article I'l. It is agreed that the fines
for absence be appropriated to tbe hiring
of other labor to cultivate ths absentees’
share of the crop, and that Cues lor unti
diness be appropriated as a premium to
the family who keep their premises and
garden iu the best order.
Article 13. It is agreed that no liquor
or firearms be brought on the platita-
of the great Gyrus to his children, which
are here presented in a poetical garb :
BehoM, I 'lie. restore ni_r f rm
To, to darkness, and the worm :
For from the earth it fisst aro?e,
And lliere at last, it iie.d; rep«.sc;
Yet v- hen this breath forsakes the clay,
Think ve the spirit shall decay?
1 - I ■ ft ; »; £ ; -
. No, no, my sons ! Its mystic Bight
i Hath ever mock ed yuur keenest sight,
j Even when it deign’ed with mortal care
The pr sou of the iicsh to share;
So, v. keQ stern death, my frame shall Mot,
| It lives, though you perceive it not.
Believe you trace thro' yonder sky
Your disembodied fathf.’ S eye,
i And he ycur motives part and h:Mt.
Bat dread the ages yet unborn
\Ybo stamn von
one of the Mr. Stiefls in i
j tion, except by consent and permission of
a para LI. A Possessory Warrant was is- was put up by one ui me ju. »•* | t j. e cmp l 0 j er .
sued by-Mr. Forsyth thru mule in the.j person,
hands of Mr. JIcAudcrson. J J. Abcr-. So great was the delight upon seeing. The Richmond Enquirer of the 27th
crombie, Hsq , appeared for Forsyth, this insirumcnt, that Mr. Surff sold three i nstv 8a ys The farmers of Buckingham
Wiley Wiiiiatp.-, E-q., for McAmkrson. on the spot, one being the mate ot this county held a meeting some time ago. in
; The prosecutiau iutrod uei four witne.-ses on<», for which he received the regular | w bich they pledged themselves under no
circumstances to rent lands to freedmen ;
but gave each the privilege of allowing
freedmen a portion of the crops in lieu of
who swore that they knew tlie tnuie be- 0 f ggyo. We cannot close this
;ed to Forsyth ; that they had seen
without stating the fact that the
him in Columbus fur two or three years, j> a il JO ad Company, the National Express
i and had dn\cn him and seen him in har- (jiauipany ami -'Ir. Echols, of Lynchburg, j wages; the proprietor, however, re-
j ness on various occasions — in fact fully (J wner oi a Canal boat, wouid not receive 1 tailing entire and exclusive control of the
iie.itifici muty as being the property of a f ljr transportation ot this ill- I remises. It will he consider.d by theta
irorsvtli. On the part of the tldcncc Hi c ^ ygmuunt/
witnesses were produced who swore as -—
| positively that they had *uown the rnu.e , fcM.NltCANT. The Rcl< i 0 h 1 ro^ress j c j a j ms ^ p oruier owners, but it is sugges-
; »» Harris County for the past four or five of lG:h instant, con tarns a letter from the j ^ ^ ifj a ,j CaS€S Ccrtifi , ates of j, ood
. years; that only
j right arid proper for every farmer to etn-
■ ploy frjedmen, without reference to the
been out of the eountv,
at rare intirab had he State Department at Washington to Gov- charaC{eJ . be refiuired from th(we pities.
, if at a11 * and fuI1 Y j er,! ‘ ,r I! ‘ )!dcD ’. c ” c!o3, . n " . lI,e a “ e “ d “' ent The meeting was influenced by no unkind
identified him as tie property of McAn- to the federal Constitution adopted by
- / 1 . iihe hist C’omrress. The writer of the
derson. No attempt was made to 1 Ialter , Acting Secretary F. W. S
poach T*itocs3£3, aoJ tiie supposition was ^ reoufcsts the Governor to coum the
r deeds v. ith pra:?e or scorn
Drea.1 more than alk ike I-owers who ?=.d ( person. ->0 attempt was matte to | laUer , Actin g Secretary F. W. Seward,
* ~ P “'" nr “' "" ia " 'j cecr rCt - poach witnesses, and the supposition was re( j Ues;s t j ie Governor to cause, the cUcis-
aud, dumb fur sixty that all to the best cf their belief bad { on 0 f the Legislature of Xorth Carolina 11 at - , ’i |
A '
roman in Luj
ha? suudcoiv recovered L-
h- told the truth*. I ho Justica decided tnat to be taken on (he subject.
influenced by
feelings toward the freedmen, bet an
nounced, under resolution, that it was
aimpiy de.-i ous of establishing such reg-
- fc v.-i!l render him available as a