Newspaper Page Text
kail road.
Jxjave Atlanta ...G GO A M i
Arrive at Newnan 10 A M
Arrive at West 1‘oint 12 04 I* M j
] y oavc West Point 1 00 P M ■.
Arrive at Newnan 3 d2 P M
Arrive at Atlanta 7 03 P M
DRS. C. I). & I- E. SMITH, —
H AVING associated in the prartice of
Medicine, respectfully tender their servi
ces to the citizens of Newnan and country.—
Particular attention to Surgery and
gfc-y-\fav he found at nl! hours, when not
professionally engaged, at their office on Brick
front. South side of. Public Squtfre, third
door from Dodd's corner. [Oct. 2l-7-tf.
]) 11. J C. IIEX DE RSON%7
Tormerly of St. Loaia, Ho., and late of the
C. S. Army,
O FFKP-S his professional services to the ‘
citizens of Newnan and vicinity, and
Respectfully solicit* a share ef their patronage.
);li :• in North-cast corner of Coweta, [Kov. 18-11-Gm.
— ^
% fmnmlr**§evoteil to politico; (foinmcwe, &c.
VOL. 1.3
usTEWisratst, Georgia, Saturday, dec. qr, isg5
[NO: 16.
Published Weekly in Newnan, at S4 per an
num—six months S2, in advance.
(Fifty numbers complete the Volume.)
Rates of Advertising'.
Advertisement's inserted nt $ 1 AO -. square of!
the work of time. Let thetti bear in ! wind, the sleep of the ligh nhig. and the i of the late proprietary race,
mind, moreover, that whilst it is the duty hush of thunder. The smoke of an hun- i It is undeniably true that during a)l
of Government to protect and foster indi- dred battles does not vanish in a moment. I the years of his enslavement, he has been
ten lines, for space equivalent.) for first inser- v iJ ua J enterprise, is itself the great ; Put the atmosphere will clear ero long; I marvelously ouiet, Profoundly content
tion. and To cents for each subsemient in-' , . . , ^ , , , i • i i - " ,
reproductive agent wmbh must lay under those who can uot now see how men wi»b condition. Aud wliat shall be
IST ew ID rugs!!
lHK undersigned take pleasure in announ- •
cing to the people of Newnan and coon- '
trr that they have just received a stock of
*?$uAll orders and prescriptions promptly :
attended to. C. D. * I. K. ^MITU. ' i
December lG-lf,-3t.
J. W. WILEY, D. D. S.,
AS returned to Newnan to resume the
practice of
tear All Work Warranted.
jgiayOIncc on Depot street. [nov. 11-10-tf.
W ILL practice regularly in Coweta aud
the surrounding counties, and in the
United States District Courts for the Northern
and Southern Districts of the State.
jjj^T.Specinl attention given to the collection
and securing of claims.
r Sept. ‘J-l--tf.
{SaF“Offioe in t'.ie Herald Office."{jig
Sept, tr-l-tf. _ •
1 10B Selling, Denting or Buying Reel E>-
tnte iu Newnan, dr in Coweta and std-
j oining counties. ^ [Oct. 28-8-ly.
t TTorj.D most respectfully inform the pub- |
YV lie and his old patrons that lie is now
permanently located at his old stand on
[Sign of the Big Hat,)
Atlanta, Georgia,
With a large stock of well selected 1IATS
and CABS, all of which will be sold lo^f for
Cash nt wholesale and ret til.
Nor. 25-1 3-1 2m. J. M. HOLBROOK. _
Have just received at J. M.
DODD S old stand, South-
West Corner Public
A new and large supply of
sertion. J
tt-g" - Liberal deductions will b* made to ad- [
vertisers by the month or year.
E^J“A;l transient advertisements must be!
paid for when handed in.
Legal Advertisements.
Sales of Laud by Administrators, Executor
or Guardian t,are required bylaw to beheld on
the first Tuesday in each month, between the
hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the
afternoon, at the Cqurt House in the county
in which the rmperty :s situated.
Notices of these sales must be given in a
public gazette JO days previous.
contribution, for the general weal, the ! who recently fought with such desperation
forest and the axe, the soil and the against Lie I nited States, can so soon be-
plougb,* the mine anti the forge, the i come its legal citizens, will then look at
water-fall and the loom, the locomotive i us through a rectified medium. It will | far away from unprotected wives and
. [ that annihilates space,?4&d the steam that occur to them that valor ami truth are children, he culliva'ed their lands, tended
said of his deportment during the last
half deeade of sad memories ?. Whilst
your strong men were in the tented field,
hisses at the burthens with which men twin sisters, born of magnanimity, whose
seem *o task its latent power. j womb never did iior ovaf will conceive
Then, Senators and Representatives, treachery'. They will then remember,
fully appreciating the difficulties that pn- and appreciate historical fact, thb
patient indulgence and just- judgment of herself had, in open day, and iu hearing
a magnanimous constituency; i^nd, above of all mankind, declared herself separated
ill, trusting to a favoring Providence, let from that power. And altough they will
us earnestly address ourselves to the work still hold that act wrong in principle and
void in fact, they will Slid in it no
duplicity. They will look in
■ compass us, modestly estimating our anil- j States now returning never confederated
Nonces of sale of personal property must ; t to surmount them, relying upon the against the United States, until each for
be given m like manner, through a public | J . , , , . . , , ic i i • , i • i
gazette, 10 days previous to sale day.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an estate
ni^st be published 40 days.
Notice that application will be made to tho
Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land must
be published for two months. - . .
Citations for Letters of Administration, before us, unappalled by its magnitude.
Guardianship, .Vo., must be published HO days In jj le p r j e f survey, appropriate to this j o
— for Dismission from Administration, month
ly six months—for Disinsssion from Guardian
ship, 40 days.
| b J pildfimd'nmntldy "for °fouI°SSSs-S I si Jer > ^ oar f ‘ WcrjI re!atioris > an J ! C .° nsLs * enC * will command confidence, and
j establishing lost papers, for the full space of oudfy, our home interests. .The Consti-1 sincerity, like the diamond of the first
three months—for compelling titles from Kx-
ecutois. or Administrators, where bond has
een given by the deceased, for the full space
of three months.
Publications will always he continued ac
cording to these, the legal requirements, un
less otherwise ordered, at the following
Sheriff's Soles per levy often lines or less,$ 2 :">0
occasion, of the field of operation upon ' through all the sanguinary traces ot war,
which we arc entering, we are led to con-1 lor tho trail of the serpent. In due time,
All varieties of
TT : “rf S jTA
JlL jLamd Diiia
Of all kinds;
Citations for letters of Administration,
Citatious for letters of Guardianship...
Notice of application for dismission froirf
Notice of application for dismission from
Guardianship, ■ —••
Application to scfl !ahd,
Notice to Debtors and creditors
?!{*e of Land, per sqr, by Admrs « EsecTt
Sales of perishable property. 10 days....
Estray Notices, sixty-days, .'
Foreclosure Mortgage, persqr., each lime, 1.00
For man advertising his wife, in advance 10 00
Marriages and Deaths, 1 00
3 00
3 oo!
C 00
C 00
G 00
3 0.0
, b.OC
2 00
4 00
Inaugural Address of Hon. Charles J,
On Itilriiig the Oath of Office, its Gov
ernor or Georgia, Dec. 1-RA, 1805.
Senators and Representatives:
CUTLERY. j use, to maintain her presti
FOfi Heccivine, Put-
ting in Order and Sliip-
ping Co ton to safe an<C
responsible firms in Ail-,
gusts, New York or Liverpool. 4 .
8QTl-ibcral advances arranged for parfie' j
deairing it.
Newnan, (•*., Sept. 23-*-tf.
jf>epot Sti\, Newnan. Ga,
Will repair neatly and promptly
<s> as lii as «
"syy aiO -x* ai jst»
djr^^s.7 cslliry o
September 30-4-Ty.
Also a
of all kinds of
styled the Empire State oof tlic South.
J. M. MANN. 1 Salesmen
J. A, HUNTER. J Newusff (7:i.
li Bread!
Sept. 16 2 tf.
E. M-. BRUCE Sc CO.,
f ACTORS ! monuments of human progress
* | ovcrliermountainsandherplains, desolated ■ of the People en ugistc
yon, courage, Senators and Representa-
;tivcs; resolutely, and earnestly essay to
surmount -them all. God is merciful!
God is mighty ! God in his abounding
mercy, and in the plenitude of his might,
so dispose pur fortunes and theirs, that
lafeJt.class, shall be to the other, a blessing,
not a curse.' . . ,
1 m ■ ♦ ** 1
The public, property and State Institu
tions have suffered much from the posi
tive ravages, and the indirect injuries of
war. The Penitentiary edifice, although
not entirely destroyed, has been so far
consumed by fire as to render it both in-
s«cure, and insufficient fbr the purposes
rices they demand of us. Whilst tEcy dignity, the position they have taken, and [ him at its close, immeasurably elevated j of iu ereetion.
hope yet again to see “ the wilderness and await the result. A tempest of unsurpass' above the cotemporary native of Africa,! The Western and Atlantic Rail Road
the solitary place made glad f< r then., ed fury has swept oter our land. The descended from the same ancestry, he ! has been restored to the State authorities
and the desert rejoice and blossom as the elements do not subside into their normal looks anxiously to his iuture, and feels in a dilapidated condition; its track aud
rose,” let them remember that nil this is quiet, instantaneously with the lull of the that it is still immeasurably in the -hands bridges, hastily.and insufficiently repaired
for temporary use—many of the buildings,
appurtenant to it, and essential to 4ts sue
cessfrtl operation destroyed, and the roll
ing stock reduced far below the exigen
cies of the service.
The sources of supply to the education-;
al interests, fostered Jjv the . State have
been dried up, and new fountains must
be opened to nurish them. The Univer
sity hitherto the nursery of statesmen,
jurists, educators, and ministers of religion,
foiitidyd and endowed by our forefathers,
and recognized by the Convention recent
ly assembled in this Hall as the foster
child of the Siafe, [ny; been of necessity
closed during the war.
Although bereft of former immediate
resources, without fault on their part, the
Trustees, relying on the strength of their,
claim uppn th* State; -recognized by the
Convention as the basis of the constitu
tional obligation .superadded by th.em J>
have determined to re open the institution
in January next. L
The Asylums for the lunatic, the blind
and t le deaf and dumb, those most bene
ficent charities, are languishing for lack
of means.
The emancipation of slaves heretofore
constituting a large item of-property, the^
unquestionable failure of the Ranks, (with
few exceptions,) from causes beyond their
control; the utter worthlessness, or great,
depreciation of many, public, corporate
and private securities, aud various other
losses, have materially diminished the
subjects of taxation.
Even moderate taxation will be fed*
burthensomc by our impoverished people.
But I doubt not they will cheerfuly bear,
any imposition neeessary to maintain greal
public interests, and avoid further sus
pension of valuable institutions aud noble
charities. , ,
The indebtedness of'♦he State is com-
paritivcly very small; she has investments
far exceeding in value its entire amount,
and her other resources though greatly
diminished, are still large. Her circum
stances! enjoin t/poh her rulers a strict and
and wise economy, which is always a
public virtue, but justify no feeling of
despondency. There need be no paralysis
of the body politic, no shrinking from the
maintenance of great public charities and
edotational processes hitherto fostered.
The demoralizing influences of wav
upon a considerable portion of our popu
lation are easily discearnabU; by the in
telligent observer, resulting chieffly from
the to) great relaxation of lej?jal restraint.
There is, however, a large leaven of virtue
and intelligence, whose silently redeeming
influence will materially aid the re estab
lishment of law and order.
l’eace restored—the machinery of gov
ernment onec more put in op- ration—■
public and private enterprise aroused from
their lung slumber—educational institu
tions reopened—our sacred temples and
our altars with their holy ministration*',
frequented as of yore, and the blessing of
Al mi ght)? God overspreading and vivify
ing all earnest effort, G6ofgia will illtfktfpXc
the teachings of adversity by spydily
achJB'.hng an enlarged prosperity.
Senators and Representatives, I trem
ble in view of the part assigned me in
this work of renovation, and but for y
steadfast reliance upon the source of all'
power, I would this moment relinquish
tutiou of the United States defines the water, will a:surcdly win its own recogni-
furmer, and the Constitution of the State tion. Then, our two suspicious judges
of Georgia indicates our duty concerning, .will marvel less at our approved fealty,
the latter. In these two great charters of ■ than at their tardiness in discerninint
Lberty, there is no inherent cause of con- j Re the process of restoration long
flict. As,according foRepublican theory, j short, when consummated, our attitude will
| Mlierifl-.s Mortgage fi. fa. sales, per levy, o 00 j a j] government is but popular agency ; so' ar >d must be that of strict fidelity to the
lax ( ol let* tor S ?sale^ per lei \...... ...... 5oO . ..... .._-.i_.-_l ... ..I. . 7-nL.n nf nnr
tlieVe instruments cofrstmed together, j L nion, of equality with our associates,
present to the mind of the enquirer, a ; and of dignity sustained by an inner sense
Clear, satisfactory division between the i of unviulated integrity.
governments they severally institute, C'fail
the powi
Turning our intention to subjects of
rers necessary to the ptfbKc exigeu-1 •'date administration, appertaining more
cics: YM we arc admonished by history, ] directly to the service -p i* which wc
written in blood, that conflet has arisen | are interesting, the mind involuntarily
in the past Originating, partly, in tlic i pauses upoi? the changed relation between
Too eager advocacy of attract theories— th^Gaucasian and African races inhabi-i without a parallel iff history, and establish
. „„ partly iu sectional jealousies and antago-1 ting Georgia. How to secure- the latter, j for them a strong claim upon our favoring
^ nisms, and enlisting !he evil passions of) >» Gic positive enjoyment of the freedom j patronage. As the governing class, in-
their households, and rendered all servile
observances, as when surrounded by the
usual controlling agencies. And since
the fa! of emancipation, which he neith
er forced, nor implored, although some
times unsettled in his purposes, and in
constant in h’s service by contract,., (the
natunal results of a transition so suddep
anil so thorough) I take you all, to wit
ness, that, in the fna’n, his conduct has
been praiseworthy, beyond all rational
expectation. Tell me not of instances of
insubordination as a slave, and of indeco
rum as a freedmau, that have transpired in
certain localities, or characterised particu
lar individuals These are exceptional
cases; the general rule being quite other
wise. Do our e**ii race render unvarying
obedience to the mandates of Law ? Are
our own offspring, through the years of
minority, always subordinate to parental
authority? Shall then the less cultivated
African b’e held to a stricter accountabil
ity or be judged by a higher standard of
moral rectitude?
Tell me not the race is ungrateful.
The assertion; ?s against the truth of tra
dition* af*d experience. I here declare
that in my judgment, their fidelity in the
past, and their decorum under the dis
tracting influences of the present, arc
. j with Mnch they have been suddenly in- div.idually and collectively, we owe them
[. i vested, with the least possible detriment to ■ unbounded kin if ness, thorough protection,
both, is a problem full of perplexity— incentives, by moral kuasion, by appeals
tasking all the energies ^of astute, upright | to their interest.’and by just legal restraint,
! humanity, it waxed fiercer aud fiercer a?
: it progressed, in a series of years and cul
| minaled if! the attempted separation of
' some of thc_ Auieueaii^tates.
-remainder. Memories of common suffer-
i ings, and common triumphs, and anticipa- | iu
I am here, in obedience to the behest tions of an exalted destiny, within the j been wrought, and who took the initiative
of the I’ecrple of Georgia, to "assume the rcac h 0 f a united, but unattainable by a J t>f the process, have realized, in full force, j j
duties and responsibilities, imposed by j divided people, alike lost thsir power over j its intrinsic difficulties. Its sohuion j ^ t! ) e y &lm<Rd be C ^ C0U ^f SC -r ',. an __ 8 J tU " U
intellect. It is believed that the victors j to do right, that they may do wellj. Their
the war, out of which the change has | rights ot person and property should be
made perfectly secure that they may real-
] ize their freedom, and its benefits, and of
patriotism anil tnsp
cien't Gp*ltm£bwcalth wsrs inaugurated to mon sbibbo’eth with mutual aversion,
the same position, provided with abundant years since, reason abandoned, ancT tfaits oi Lie negro, and with tlic era
greater familiarity with the characteristic j criminal eases, the testimony of their own
race. As essential to their well being
ruarded on the one hand
resources, garnered iu successive years cd the swored assumed the abitramcnt. We 1 ployraenfs in which he has been trained, ^ t icy s iou
prosperity, and charged by their skillful | opcn not t h a t record of violence; would i and to which his steady adherence should i against the era ty mac ir.a ions o le e-
anil her i t| ]a t we could stamp it with the seal of j be encouraged. 1 he transition from
honor,' and to press forward her illimita- oblivion. Now, the wager of battle is J vcr 3* Gc-.-doin of a large c!asa, is nou a
luru^ mid full supply I ble progress to'still ftigher achievements ‘ p VCr> and the award is against us, as par- j novel cmc ir. American history. Tu sev-
in civilization. Then, she was notinaptly t ; cs w thxic. Our whole people have j eft* ef the States it has been effected with- j
' risen up and accepted it as by the wiU of; out exterior intervention, by a process
l This significant epithet, accorded not ar- j one ,„ an
! rogalcdy implied the Tiosreasion, in large I What valor failed to achieve, wisdom lias j labor systqm
sla- i s ‘S n ‘ ,, 2) anff 6n the other, against the fataj
delusion of social and political equality.
If there are any pseudo philanthropists
who aresneliued to infuse into their minds
this unfriendly delusion, or to preach to
Gradual that no shock h*f been Veit in the »» the duty of entering upon thi? lerellin
j measure, of the elements and attributes promptly renounced; and truth herself J parted to tne liberated class. Lpon^us
! that combine to produce greatness in a has ret her signet to the attestation of the [ it has come like the sudden uphcav.n
i State. If extent of territory, salubrity of i deed.
ioJ; n'Ill? U ‘ } forLorch'&Co. ! climate, fecundity of soil, mineral wealffi, ! 1“ tecent remodeling wf their Con- I engulpliing of the eaitbqm.Le, in volcanic
A. M. WOOD. \ Salesmen manufacturing facilities, and a rapidly in- j stitution, the People of Georgia have ac- j localities
NY. MARTIN, j Franklin, Ga.
liberated class. Upon
ike the sudden
j the- terriffc trcu:'bl?ng, #»d the destructive
of the earthquake, in volcanic
Rut however effected, r.’nrd by
no frenzied impulse iirf- : process, let them open their mission by
pointing to examples. Assuredly, thei*;
is not one to be found beneath the broad
expanse of our Constitution.
The necessity of subordination and dc
pcndcnce should fce riveted on their con
victions. Such degree of legal restraint
this end, is enfor-
lden Grange erf
them nor by
ties, it need .
Bat mr-the reproach of ebriati-m | It implies 9-Wity to the sopretoe law it.! U s vast ntagnitode, its Iretaen.lous y>"^| wkfefc
ion—the despoiler of the noblest all future legislative, executive and judi- ! fences,clearly i
Mits of human progress, has swept clal action, and >n ail future movements ern , u ; n J.
in pressed upon the !
It implies a j Any reference in detail to the action
her cities and her fields, wasted her accu-1 recognition of duty to, and interest in,' demanded by the crisis, would be inapi-ro- P cn «r
t;ir!s iiYtcfdotrrse between equals, and
causes the inferior to recognize in bis su-
bcnefactor. No less able than
The 51lsd?Fs!“aed i; Prepared to furnish
If liberally patronizod, customers can have
bread sent to them before breakfast each dav.
Oct. 28-8-Siw. W. B. CHAPMAN.'
art cl
i n
! Ululated wealth destroyed the iabor sys- • the whole country, as well as to, .and ia priate to this occasion, and is rendered
i tom whence*H sprung, immolated thou-! the State of Georgia. .It is of course pre- unnecessary by the prudent-recast of
^ men aud her youths, dieted upon a re iprocal obligation on the the Convention recently held, entrusting , realize
d her ■ part of those to whom this pledge is rc- j to five gentlemen, equally distinguished
red. ThA ifi'stitrftioB of slavery—the !br ability, experience and benevolence,
sands of her strong
draped in mourning her matrons and
laidcus-, a**l fauseJ the crest she first | newt
.! wore so proudly, to droop in temporary j fruitfulLsouree of diseonl >, the pttst, has j the work of prepari,,
i despondency. All honor to her heroic
and digesting, for
the attempt. I can promise you, and
dead, and sympathy immeasurable for the
geutler sex, who bedew their memories
with the tears of affection
been effectually eradicated from our so<#b! your consideration, a system or code of
and political-systems. It can never again laws, adapted to the exigencies of the new
disturb the harmony of our national de- situation. In it you may
Irberafioi-S, without which, the Federal Un- aid, and I commend it to you;
These dcpre&Mng-reflectioas are ind»V ion must be a Curse instead yf a blessing. If- consideration
M. Pteynolda
"117 OULD respectfully inform everybody w n; JJ fV «: r i-PTT}:
>V and the balance of mankind, that lie is U! i I iULu! I jH..U -f -«
*ow prepared to furnish anything and every
thins in the wav of
x U x Ab uY
ged in no spirit of reproach or repining
8ueh mischievous pastime can heal no
wounds—repair no injuries,
i Georgia as she was, aud as she is;
S cau.-e, from her abject present, her glori
the whole People, repressing uT? prAn
At this time I propose only a reference
of sectional feeling, and interest, will' to prominent points, demanding attention,
T sketch faithfully observe, and obey the Federal and general principles ^bich should govern
be- Conrt^ufton, coming events may lift the • our action,
vail which now covers recent demonstra
formerly to fill their accustomed depart
ments of labor, they should be made to
that this is not only compatible
with, but ati indispensable condition of
their altered status/ If won to the prac
tice of iKwesfcy, sobriety and industry,
they will be, for us, the best laboring
class,‘and we, to them, the best employers
uable the worhl can furnish, because of the
thorough acquaintance between the clss-
ses. j •,
I speak with reference to tne ptesenf, c
it 1 ! :
and the near future.
Were it now divul-
through you our noble people, naught bet;
entire devotion to the public intere&t,/and
faithful effort to perform the high obliga
tion I am about to assume. In your ap
pointed co operation, I find a stay for my
own wftfenerfs. The fundamental) law
makes us co-la borers, and let us under
stand, in the beginning, that mutual dis-
truBt.jinroducing discordant counsels, will
assur^Hy render nugatory our whpVe f ser
vice,and disappoint the jnst expectations
of a confiding people. Perfect agreement
in the two department, entire coincidence
mwY Nvr.v rjyp
ill) U AllUj
At tiic very lowest price? a»>l shortest notice.
Best Patent of Family Cook Stoves.
frwm Sio 10 according to size
and outfit.
Tin Ware reduced So per cent, under
any other market.
Coffee pots at, from 371 cents for oue quart.
:u:A 75 cents for four quarts'
Wash Pans, commoir size. 37) cents, extra
large 50 cents.
Come, come evcrvb.'dy. and .foay!
1 wilt duplicate bills bought at wholesale in
anv marfcvt ih the Union since the war.
jsg§~Shop at present three doors from Pub
lic Square, on IVvFt street.* 5-1 l-'Vn
Forwarding Mevciiaftts,
And first, I present to you a well mcri
“7pLJt most be reproduced and excelled trehs of ProvhWaee, and disclose to their ted [ La i
in “the future. * This day, the mighty work 1 rectified vision, in asking contrast, ruin ■ African..
of reproduction begins. Its inception, so caused Ly human fb£y, a H ren vf-
•red that, 'A the changes to be CvoWcd hr j of opinion is not to be hoped. Toleration
time, they are destined t? attr.m such , of difference on particular points will pro-
advancemcnt that, i$ their daily inter ; mote general harmony and co-operation.
‘ 1 ^ they si,flfcrk in the face no su-; Intolerance will be the foribranper of mis-
ben-nf of the emancipated j AihLr than T7Ionian I rule. In this view of our relationa Ften-
f ar ^ depends upon governmental agency
is devolved upo.i us: and it
wrought bf Divine wisdom. Airer wecr>-
U;itag through a long r.ight of civil stufe,
Advances made on Consignments made to
WATTF, CRANE k CO.. New York,
that we look the herculean task steadily joy m-ry come in the morning of reunion
Let not cur people yield t> discourage-;
that now mcni, in view of the tardy progress of re-
the face.
I advert to the desolation
GIVEN A CO., New Orleans, br00lls ovcr our beloved State, for the construction, or of the suspicion and dis-, i^erest-
W. C. WATTS A CO , I.-ivcrpool, Eng . furtiur purp-
bv either of tlic above Houses.
Octcbcr 31-7-3UJ.
i fit her to the faithful bo'nfftman of tfie
rc;e, from whose personal dVmSlnion bs
has just been disenthralled, but upon
wlio-c buluigbrty and justice l;c still de-
titmls Ur j rotsetion and advancement, be
stands before yon an object r»f pecu’iar
Happy in the past bondage,
v-rrior, ail philosophy, other than Utopian rule.
-—certainly all American philosophy, as der yon, iu advance, my corificTence. I
illustrated-by practice—would anticipate invoke yours in’ return, and anticipating
f or them an antecedent translation_ to a cordial reciprocity I have only to add
other clinics Were I so presumptuous; Gcp help vs all.
of impressing upon a suff trus*, so palpably man He
' erin-aud expectant constituency the pc- them. Sustained by Conscious r«
1 culiar cmhamssuicuts that beset the ser- let them maintain,' w :.b calm ana
ted towards
rbicli lightly, taxed his physical energies,
abundantly supplied his wants, as well in
sickness us’in health—atil which leaves passed as
as to jiredict for them such a change,'
both of condition and local habitation, all
Southern American voices would unite in :
• one loud acclaim “ so m
cur duty is with the present; and encom
i am. ready to take the oath of office.
J. 11. Thomson, formerly of Richmond,'
~ ,7 l r " jjatj Virginia, and well known in literary cir-
iotit: and encom-! c!os i.» the South, is now attached to the'
1 our (lUty IS "ini mvpiwwi., , . , „ T - , rtl
* passed as it is with difficulties.. I ^ to j-editorial stuff of tho London T.mes,