The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, February 07, 1873, Image 3

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PALMETTO SHIELD. I'AIMEI TO. FEm CAR Y 7th, 1813. Agents for tl_ Sliieltl. J. F Ellinglon, Gcn’l Agent. Tim M Butt, Agt in Atlanta. San,’| N. Dorset!, Douglas county. Moses D. Watkins, Carroll county ~a| t. J. G. Lister, Fayette county. Col- Richa'd Mot if 1 , Gilmer county. W M. A. HAVIS LOCAL INDEX TO NEW DNER • ISEMENTS mmin ■— , r R. G. Beavers —Legal Ad’v Elder & Bro.—Merchants J. A. Vickery—Boot and Slice Simp Q V. Nortiicntt —Stolen atch E Floyd— BlacksniiiL, Painting and Baggies S. G. Johnson—Guancs Mel aiin & Williams—Notice to Debt <ll 8 D B & A C. Ladd Lime Henry A Died— Seeds, etc., Turnbull Bn ‘s—Agcnis Wanted Warner—A word to Photographic Ai tists J. Estey & Co—Organs Averill—Chmiical Paint G Stinson & Cos— Agents Wanted A Coulter & Cos —Agei ts Wanted De Bing-Pile Remedy Thieves are not done yet —On last Friday night, uur fellow townsman J F Ellington’s smoke house was enter cd by thieves, who stole theiefrom quite a quantity of meat and laid. We advise our citizens to keep a sharp look out, as the supply they have laid in, will soon be consumed, and then in all probability a nocturnal raid will be made on the premises of someone el-e. The Atlanta Thomas Spence is again editor of the Clayton Times. Spence is a capital fellow, and if he would only knock the swelling out of that middle name, we would give him a whole page on out album. Herald,, your head is level. Judge Short says during the late ■war, that he is satisfied that be had one Son who was 0. K. He had one Sen in the Yankee army, one in the rebel army, one a deserter in the woods, and ene who staid at home and labored on the farm. We omitted to state in last weeks ssue that Georgia A. Beck the little girl just ten years old, gave a correct answer to puzzle No. 4. Wo will send her the promised picture in a few days- Mardi Gras ! Grand excursion to Mobile and New Orleans. The great American Carnival at New Orleans takes place on Tuesday, February 25th, 1813. , Our county Officers elect have all received their commissions have given bond, and taken the required oath, and enteird on the duties of their respect ive offices. The town cletk of Soulhbridge re quests the editor of the lcal paper to “nudge” these who have neglect cd to have any biitlis recorded.— This is anew duty for an editor. 1 am agent for the best Limes now in use, for prices and L t ins, call at the Shiel Office and see me. 0. A. CANTRELL. N B. W A. McCurry is Agent (or the same Limes in Fail burn. Parties, who are indebted to the late Him of McLuriu & Williams, of Fail hum, will, perhaps save Cost, by get I ling without delay 1 hey will make no discrimination, and “a hint to the wise.” ought to he suffici nt. Sim Zellars deals in Family Gmci ries Hardware, etc., and those who trade with him wiil always get the woith of their money The Press is hitting Doc. Psalm Bard Gov. of Idaho, would be Post master of Chattanooga, some heavy blows. Our friend Wm J. Cloud returned from the Asylum, last Tuesday he is much improved in health and is looding finely. A WORD TO FARMERS W hell J'OU COflie to town don‘t forget that Clark 1* Smith has a large lot of Furniture on band, which he is selling at low figures The list of Prof. Looney’s Students iB still swelling, and our town cun toast of a good school, if nothing else. Messrs. Thornton & Holleman receiv ed a car load of meat to day to sell on time. . The February term of Campbell Su perior court will commence next Mon day. With this issue we commence the Legal Advertising of Campbell county, The city of Atlanta, is roused on the quesliun, of building a city hospital. The ne.w firm of Nelms & llui.sey, at Fairburn, we understand, are d< ing a lively business. They supply the peo pie with Drugs of every diecriptions, family Groceries, and the farmeis with all the different kipds of Guanos. The Atlanta Daily Constitution issued t:n j thousand copies to regular subscribers on ; the 2nd inst. For unavoidable reasons we have no leg islative items this week. In the future we wiT try to give space in our columns for the most important bills Mr. Wylie Scrogin, died at h 9 esidcnce I near Salt Springs in Douglas county on the 19th of January 1873. He was aged 78 years 6 months, anfl 26 days having been born on the 23d June 1794. Orders tor Boots and Shoes left at the Siiiei.d Dffict* will be sent- to Mr. J. A. Vick ery Fairborn Ga. who will execute all jo's to order and guarantee sati-faetion. A good home in Campbell county can b>- procured on reasonable terms by calling on Cohen & x elig Atlanta Ga. Palmetto Cotton Market. COTTON—Quiet a'. 16@18i cts. Receipts moderate. Palmetto Markets. Corn 7? bushel $ 90 Meal ® “ 1 Flour 100 lbs. 4 to 6 Bacon—Shoulders jp lb Clear Sib'd Sides... 7j^ Clear Sides 7% Lard TP 11) 1 i Cheese jP “ 18 to 20 Butter J? “ 20 Egcs jp doz 20 Chickens each 20 to 25 Sugars lb 11 to 16 Molasses sral 30 to 35 Rice jP lb 10 Soap. “ ‘‘ 10@I5 Caudles “ “ 20 Salt ...“sk ,2 25 Factory Thread, jp bunch 1 75 Shirtings per yd 10@12j£ Prints “ “ 10@12J4 Tobacco per lb 65@1 25 Hay—Timothy pr 100 lbs 2 Kerosene Oil jp Gal. 45@50 Petro “ “ “ 60 Wheat per bushel 175 LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ELDER & BRO. " Successors To Mcl.arin & Williams, A T THEI '■ OLD STAND, Fairburn, Ga., Keeps constantly on hand a Good Stock of Dry Goods Groceries, &c. They are selling their stock of Dry Goods at COS r . Call and see them. Rad buys and treats. And Howard Lies and Cheats. feb7-2t. _ GUANO NOTICE. OUR POPULAR CITIZEN S. G. JOHN son wou’d be pleased to receive Orders from the Planters for the following Guanos. Bough’s Row Bone Cash S6O 00 Time $67 50 freight Included. Chesapeake “ SOO 00 “ $67 50 Freight included. Zell’s “ S6O 00 “ S7O 00 Freight included. Eureka “ 900 00 “ $67 50 Freight included Whar.n’s $54 00 “ S6O 00 Freight Cash—to be paid on deliverv Logan “ $45 00 “ $53 00 Freight Cash—to be paid on delivery feb7-2m. A Great Bargain. —Mr. S. J, Sparks afters for sale a full set of tinner’s tools at a reduced price, those wishing to get a bargain will do well to call soon. For further particulars, address editor of the Shield, or S. J. Sparks, Palmetto, Ga. dec2o-3t Avery earnest request, we have to make of all our young friends, and that is: “Before they go to sec their sweet-hearts, call on Freeman, out colored Barber, and get him To friz their ha ! r, and shave their face. And fix the mou taclie to suit their taste. feti7-lt LEGAL ADVERT IS E M ENT S STATE O'? GEuRGIA, | 0 mibell County, j Wh ureas, Richard A King Administrator of Adam B. King, represents t o the Court, in his petition, duly tiled and entered on record, than he has lully administered Adam B King’s estate. Tills is therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not he discharged trom his adminis tration, and receive letters of dismission, on the fi st Monday in May. 1 73 Given unde- my hand and official signature, this February Ist, 1873 R. C. BEAVER , * Ordinary. feb7- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. QFT?TAQ VEGETABLE & FLOWER Plants,Roses,Dahlias. F' cti sias, Geraniums, Bedding Plants, Gladiolus, etc. Send a stamp for Drkbr’s Garden Calender, 168 pages, illustrated, with practi cal directions. HEART A. DKEER, 714 theslr.iit St., Philadelphia. Pa. WAN FED. We wish to engage the services of at least ene reliable, intelligent gentleman in every City, Town and County in the South. Basi n' ss agreeable snJ st-rickly legitimate, yielding from $1,500 to $2,500 per annum. For particulars Address TIRBULL BROTHERS, Pub’rs, Baltimore, M<l. A WORD TO PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS! BUY your material, apparatus, etc , at. WARNERS PHOTOGRAPHIC STOCK IIDU-E, Rome, Ga., and save money, time and FREIGHT. Send for Price Lists. LARGEST ORGAN ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WORLD. T Extensive Factories, J. ESTEY & COMPANY, Brattleboro, Vt., T. S. A. THE CELEBRATED ESTfcV COTTAGE Hit GAYS. THE latest sud best, improvenjeuts. Every thing that is new and novel. The leading improvements in Organs were introduced first in iLia estah is ment. Established 1846. Send For Illustrated Catalogue ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT ? THEN USE THE AYfiRILL CHEMICAL PAIST. rURE WHITE, DRABS, FRENCH GREY, SLATES, BUFFS, YELLOWS, an 1 a’l t'”e fashionable shades and co'ors u-e 1 sn hou c and catlsge punting, ready FOR USE, I EtlUir.ES NO OIL, THINNING, OR DRY ERS. and sol l only by the g*llon. EVERY MIS HIS OUS PAiSTEB. Sample card of colors, and te3timoni Is from owners of the finest residences in the country, lurnisbed free by dealers generally, or by the AVKUiIX CHEMICAL PAIST CO., 32 Burling slip, S. Y. <2* PA In (Jon P erila J ! Agents wanted! lo All classes of working people, sf eith.-r sex, young or old, make mure money at work tor us in their spare mo ments. or all the time, than at anything else Particulars tree Address G. STINSON &CO Portland, Maine. Agents ! A it are Chance ! ! WE wiil pay all Agents S4O per week in cash who will engage with us at onck. Everything furnished, and expenses pi id. Address A. COULTER & CO. Charlotte, Mich. d>l GAG REWARD. For any case 1 *Jj> J ,Y/Y7 V 7 of Blind. Biee iing. Itching or Ulcerated Piles that De Bing’s Pile Remedy fails to cure It is prepared expressly lo cure the Piles, and n thing else Sold by all Druggists. Price, SI.OO. I). B. & A e. LADD, Manufacturers of and Dealers in ALABASTER AND HYDROUS LIME. WHICH took a Special Premium of S2OO at the Stale Fair. October, IS7U; a Silver Medal at Columbus Fair, November, 1870; $25 00 silver Premium at Cobb County Fail in April. 1871; a B onze Medal at Adanta Fair, October, 187); Silver Medal at State Fair, O to er, 1871; Gold Medal and Diplo ma at State Fair, October. 1872. Corner Alabama Loyd Sts. near Car shed. ®©-0. A. Cantrell, is our agent at Palmetto, and W. A McCurry at Fai burn. FIRST CLASS BOOT SHOP, Undersigned takes this method of in- X forming the public, that he is now pre pared to do all kind of work in the BOOT XVD SHOE LIVE, Fine or Coarse Boots and Shoes, made to Order, and satisfaction guaranteed. He has secured the services of Mu N. R. Reese, late ot Newnan, Ga., who has had many years experience in the business. Orders solicited. J. A. VICKERY, First door above the Hotel, Fairbu n , Ga feb7-3m MCTICE! All persons indebted to the Firm of McLarin & Williams, will please come forward and settle immediately. In default thereof, and after the expiration Of thirty days, the notes and accounts of s tid firm will be put out for collection. McLARIN & WILLI MS. leb7-2t E. FLOYD HAS erected a number of rew buildings, suitable for caryiug on his large and exten-ive business, on the east side of Oamphellton street, adjoining the residence of Russell King. FAIRBURN, GEORGIA. And he is now prepared to do all kind of work. Su h as making and repairing \\ agons, Carriages and Buggies. Also Painting of every discription, exe cute i in the neatest style SIGN PAINTING A SPECIALITY. and Black mithing executed with neatness and dispatch. Having had several years experience in the buisness, he is therefore, capable to judge when work is executed in a woitraan like manner. He employes none but ex perienced workmen. Call and s' e him. Wagons and Buggies always on hand, and for sale, tob7- 4 in THE “TIME” IS RIGHT NOW! I R. .BARNES, RESPECTFULLY IN: ,J , lorms the Citizens of Palmetto, and vicinity that he has opened in anew building, on Toombs Slreet, where lie is prepared to do all work in his line, such as repairing of Watches, Clocks, Guns, Pistols aDd Sewing Machines, with neatness and on short notice, lie ke. ps on band a good stock of watches, clocks, jewelry and spectacles which he will sell low for cash, call and examine his stock he ore buying elsewhere. AH work warranted. Terms cash, as he keeps no books. jan3l Farmers Look to \ our Interest. 1 he man to patronize is the one who wiil do vour work well and cheap, and at short notice, and that man is ENOCH STRICKLAND, Who has just eslablished a wood shop in con nection with his blacksmith shop at East end of Railroad slreet, FAIRBURN GEORGIA. He has a full complement of experienced workmen and is prepared to do all kind of work in his line. He makes new Wagons. Buggies and repairs old ones, keeps new Wagons and Buggies con stantly on hand for sale, jan 31-Cm. Cap’t. J W. Nelms Hr. A. G. Hulsey. NELMS & HULSEY, Dealers in drugs and family Groceries, between Elder <fc Bro., and W. T. Roberts & Cos., Railroad Street, Fairburn, Ga. Their stock is always full. They are also General Guano Agents, and Farmers in need of Fertilizers cau get any kind they want by calling on them, jan 31-tf. THIS PLACE TO BUY GOODS 18 WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET Tlie Worth Of Your Money, AND THE PUBLIC WILL FiSD THAT PLACE BY CALLING AT Sim. Ziollars’, PATMETTO, GA., FRONTING THE RAILROAD. Dealer in family groceries and Hardware. He keens constant'y on hand Sweed lion. Plow and Cast Steal, Trace and Brtast Chains, tiames, nbovels Spades and Axes of the best quality. Plows, and Heel bolts lor everybody from the Southern Agricultural works Columbus Gfl,. jan24-tf WATCH STOLEN. ON Saturday, the 25'h January, some par son s oie from the reshirnce of Mr* Matil a Northcu't. about six mih-s from Fair bur, a single case, ciliuder escapement gold watch. The ring of said watch was considera bly worn, end the minute hand was off. The chain was a small brass one. Any one finding s iid watch will be lioerally rewarded ty returning it to the owner. C V. NORTIICUTT. feb7-lm OFFICE OF Xa. Xj. LAKTIDB.UM, DEALER in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. DRUGS, HARDWARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, PRODUCE, PROVISIONS &.C., Fairburn, Ga., January Is l 1873. I FARMERS GIVE ME YOUR ORDERS ’ For Fertilizers to be used the present year. I am now offering a number of the best Fertilizers which have ever been used in this section of the country, among which I will name a few only : Wanao Cash price $55.00 Time S6O 00 Carolina “ “ 5 1.00 “ 60/0 Eagle “ “ 50.00 “ 60.00 Manipulated 11 “ 60.00 “ 70.00 Eureka •* “ 50 00 “ 65.00 Sea! owl “ “ 56 00 “ 66.00 Russell Coe’s Araoniated 58.00 “ 66 00 Cotton States " 60.00 “ 70.00 J jaS'Plea e give me your Orders early.. W. F. LANDRUM jin 17--3 m A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. T WILL INFORM MY FRIEND?,' -L And the public generally, that I have again resumed business, after a temporary suspension, and I am now nffei ing a large stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions, etc. We have adopted a CASH system, but when patties are known, we will sell them Bacon, Corn, Grocties, etc., on Time. 11. R. Fobgood, and J. T. Torrance, will be hand to wait on my customers. Call and see me when you come to town. JosEpn Brantly. Fairburn, Ga. jan 31-2 t. All Our Readers Should Take it. One of the most useful as well as the most handsome weekly papess that comes to our sanctum is the American Land and Law Ad visor, published at Pittsburgh, Pa., by Messrs Croft & Phillips. It is truly a paper for the masses, and should be taken by every business man. mechanic, land owner, or those about to build, or purchase any kind f property. It gives you all your Legal Advice Free, origi nal designs lor cottages, dwelling houses, su burban and oeuntry residences, and a vast fund of prac ical information such as is found in no other paper in the world IVe find the following law questions—submitted to the pa per by subscribers—answered fully, intelli ,gently, and very satisfactorily in a recent is sue. This feature is alone worth to every subscriber ten times the subscription price : A woman, in Michigan, conveys her own separate properly ; her husband does not join in the deed, but, being a Notary Public, takes her acknowledgment;—ls deed thus properly executed? (H. TANARUS.) Is keeper of private vineyard, who makes wine from his grapes, but who mixes in making, bound t„ take out liceuse under the revenue laws ? (German.) What is the precedence given to mechanic’s ließ, upon buildings erected on premised at the time held under article but after wards secured by deed? (luquirer) Where a husband has been absent for years leav ng wife, children and property ; and wife again marries : to whom must niou ey left by first husband in trust be paid, and how can it be obtained ’ -flow can judgment be kept alive ? (A Subscriber). How long after breach of marriage contract can -uit he brought upon it ? (Romeo) What redness has all owner of lands in lowa against all. R. Go. for going through his lands, where said Cos. did not give him notice but got an appraisal ? (J. P. L ) In addition to all of the above, the pulishers give to every yearly subscriber a beautiful oil chromo. “The Lost Babe.” fully worth $5,00 ; —all for $2.50. We would advise all our readers to subscribe for the Advisor, as they will find it the most profitable newspaper in vestment they ever made. Jend two stamps for a sample copy. The publishers are establishing permanent bscription agencies in ail parts of the coun try, and they want, a good, live agent to es tablish and take charge of agencies in those places where there are none. Address them as above for particulars. N B.—Copies of the American Land and Law Advisor can be seen at the office of the and, by our arrangement with its pub lishers, we can furnish it and the or per year, with the above chromo to every yearly subscriber. LOOKBEFORE YOU LEAP! THORNTON AND HOLLEMAN STILL HAVE IN STORE AN AMPLE Slock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HITS, HARD WAKE, Etc.. Which they propose to sell on as satisfactory terms as can be offered anywhere. Their stock is comple at all times, and they are now receiving large lots of 31eat, Corn, Molasses, Flour Lard etc,. Which w-re bought for Cash in the best markets, and will be sold for ( ash or on Time Farmers wish ng to buy Provisions of any discription, ot Fertilizers are respectlully so licited to give them a call, jan. 17-3 m. a,"* S. P. CHRISTOPHER, FAIRBURN, GA, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER in all kinds of Furniture. Also Wagons and Buggies made to order, or old ones repaired. Blacksmithing done by experienced work men, and charges reasonable. All work lor larmers done cheap. Call on him and get good bargains and cheap work, on Puu pkiutown Street about three hundred yards west ot the depot, jan 17—1873-“3m DR. GOODMAN’S CHAMPION OF PAIN AND VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS, \ RP now the most popular family medi \ cines in our country. We advise every family to keep them in their mouses. He is al so putting up other valuable family medicines that takes well with the people. Dr. Goods man is an experienced physician, and worthy of our patronage. janl7-6m PROSPECTUS OF T II E PALMETTO SHIELD, A WEE FLY NEWSPAPER, Published at PALMETTO GEORGIA, Devoted to Temperance, * Agriculture, Politics, Xjiitox*£itvir'o, tfcc, SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE, TWO DOLLARS, PER ANNUM. THE SHIHTjD Being published in tin enterprising town on the Atlanta & West Point Railroad, in a good section of country and having a large circulation in Campbell and surrounding comities,the public will find it a good medium for their advertisements. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. No pains will be spared to make TIT 313 SIIIET.D A FIRST-CLASS PAPER. Our motto is, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMY. CME ONE COME ALL, AND SUPPORT YOUR COUNTY NEWSPAPER WITH A tfILL, B®r A VERY LIBERAL DE DUCTION MADE ON YEARLY J D VER TISEMENIS. HOLLOWAYS oV^ EveryMan his ownPhysiciak CA UTION. THE immense demand for HOLLOWAY’S FILLS and OINTMEN l\ has tempted un princpiled parties o count! rleit valua ble med'eines. In order to protect the public and ourselves, we have issued anew “Trade Mark,” consist ing ol an Egyptian circle of a serpent, i ' h the letter If in the centre. Even box of g*. uine Holloway's Pills and Ointment win have this trade mark on it; none ate genuine without it. N. Y. Chemical Cos., Sole Ag, nts lor Hol loway & Cos., 78 Maiden Lane, New \ r uik. fPUE grand principle that operates In the-, X wonderful medicines, is the power they possess in purifying the turgid blood, and t ; pelling coirupt humors lrotn the system. Holloway’s Pills consist of a careful anil peculiar admixture of the finest Vegetable Extracts, Herbs and .Hedieal bums. Possess ing not a grain of mineral in the r combina tion, they never expose those who use them lo any dangt r, at any time or season. No mother need hesitate to prescribe them to her children and the most delicate constitutions can us* them with as great a benefit as the most vigor ous and powerful frame. .Sitt'llTlO.Y ! All genuine Holloway med icines have the above trade mark in each book of Directions, around the medicines. Thiscan he observed by holding the page up to the light. sepl3 eoufitn PROFESSION A L CARDS. W. 11. ANDREWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fail-bum, Georgia. DR. WM. WHITAKER HAYING located 2 ’%.miles from Fairburn, Ga., near the road feeding to Concord church, respectfully offers his professional services to the public in the treatment.*! th* various forms ol disease Charges reasonable. Cancers treated on the principle of no cur* no pay. ma24-6m LEM S. LOAN, ATT 0R NE Y AT LAW, Fairburn, - Georgia. \A ILL practice in the Tallapoosa, and V V Bo ne circuits, elsewhere by special coo t-act. Also, in the Supreme Court of Geor gia. Special at tention given to the collection of all claims, placid in his hands. A&" Office in Court House. THOMAS W. LATHAM Attorney at Lax\ Fairburn, Georgia. ia3ta-jranl J. A. ANDERSON, A TTORNE Y AT LAW Practice in all the Courts of Campbell, Fultt Clayton, DeKalb'and Cobb counties, th* U. S. Dis'rict Court at Atlanta and Supreme Court of State. Office, Dodd’s Corner, Atiauta, Gi DR. i\ M. TIDWELL, RESPECTFULLY tenders his services i the citizens, of Fairburn, and surroundin; country, in the practice of medicine, in its *a lions branches. - He is well supplied with am putatiug and obstetrical instruments, and all i slruments necessary for the successful treat ment of diseases peculiar to females, many o which cannot be tucces lully treated with’ou their use. Having been engaged in the practice for th last twenty years, he hopes, by close attenti > to books and patients, to merit and receive liberal share ot patronage. pS~ Office in Court-H-use. raa3-6m JOIIN6TON & CAMI 7 Successors to Richards A Martin, AT THE Of.D STASH OS CASTLEBERRY HII.L We have, and will keep constantly on hat a full assortment of Gr X* o C O X* i e 6 , There is a good wagon yard adjoining t store. 2Sfr Respectfully solicit the patronae* t( our country friends. oct 18 3a B>T()L* THIEF! STOP!! Keeps constantly on hand, at Atlanta pricr:- every discriplion and quality of fnrnifur bright and new from the shop, and warrant i to be of the best material Keeps one broth er always employed in stealing and feels per fectly able to give iurniture to the poor I hose entitled under this generous proposi tion. will bring a certificate from a Justice tt the Peace, that they lost all of their pro .-•[-•* ty by the war. Has changed his blacksmith shop to Jacl son’s old shop, and will do work in Ihe best style at low- rates. “ Come ye poor and needy. * janlO 3in C. T. SMITH. Palmetto, On. AMERICAN TOOL CHESTS.* F >R HOLIDAY AND BIRTHDAY PRESv scuts. 1 itled up with A No. 1 quality cf Tools adapted for Juveniles, from 65c to $5 Boys, Youths, “ 5 '• is Gentlemen, “ 15 " 36 Farmers & Planters, “ 59 125 Carpenters, UiO “ 225 1 hirty different, varieties, the most complete assortment ever offered in the United States. iso. sole manalactnrer of Smith's genuine New York Club skates. Croquet made is maple, apple. Box and rosewood. Twenty different styles. PHIYLAS SMITH, Manufacturer, Warehouse and Salesroom, 116 Chambers st n New York uatrUed : rioe catalogue of my tool ch>ti priejr of t ther goods of my mauufact* *, Q receipt of ten cents. alsf r>, L. B LANGFORD. ~ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Stoves, Hollow Ware. Block Tit, Tin Mate, Sbeet Iron & Trimmers’ Findings, Slate Mantels and Grates, House-Furnishing Goods of every descriptir a. Georgia Marble Stones. Keystone Block, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Agent for the celebrated “(Charter Oak Stove oe!8 3ta