The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, February 14, 1873, Image 4

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QUESTION'S AND ANSWERS Caw'ukll. Cos., G Feb , Bth, 1813 Mr, Editor: —The F. zzie No. 6, is*a leather taken (ruin the wing if a fowl, tiiid made into a pen to write with. Am I C"> leet ? Georgia A Deck. Y' 8 mam, Mies ‘'Georgia,“ you haw jfiiostseil it, and you deserve that picture ! Mrs. “S S. Y “ Euirbuin Ga, Puz pie No. 6, was answered before lie re ceived toms —we hope to hear Ir. in \ on a train. TUB PEG PLE’ S P A PE K I FOR I Oi; U DOLLARS! The Savannah Advertiser WILL BE MAILED TO YOU Daily, ONE YEAR. Cfc£TTSiK ADVERTISER PUBLISHES As much Reading Matter as any Paper in the Stale. The Associated Tress Dispatches and Markets. Specials from Atlanta and the Legis lature, A Weekly Commercial Review, elabor ately compile!. And, in fact, is a thoroughly Live, tompfr tensive Xtvrspaper, furnished at a price th at has already givin i DOUBLE THE CIRCULATION OK Any Other Georgia Daily. Tri-lVcckly edition $2 per Annum: Twice a Week fine Dollar and a Half! Agents Wanted. BEAU!) & KIMBALL, Proprietors, Savannah, Ga. Impoi’tant to All! ;Bf@- In order to place the Star within H- AC It 0.-' EVERYBODY, at a lucre uomi. pal price, during the present Federal and 'C A M r A KIN'S, we offer Ihe following rates of subscription un til the close of the NOVEMBER ELECTIONS: Semi-Weekly, single copy, SI 50 “ “ clubs of live or more $1 00 Weekly, single copy 1 01) “ clulis of live or more 75 Always in advance. TH E STA It Will bo conducted, as heretofore, on an IN DEPENDENT SCHEDULE, without being in fluenced by 1 lear. favor or affection.” In politics we shall, as formerly, co-operatc with the D E M O C R A T 1C I* A R T Y, at the same time using every diligence to con ciliate the Liberal Republican Movement, be lieving. as we do. that in the combination and Consolidation of the Democrats and Liberals, lies the only political HOPE OF THE COUNTRY! to be rescued from Military Tyranny and Rad ical Denomination. T O O U R F R I EJV D S We appeal to assist us in thus extending our circulation, and point with pride to OUR RECORD for the pa-t seven years as a consist ent, independent and newsy journal. While we have made a FEW MISTAKES, yet. our old tiles show, aud experience has vindicated he fact, rtiat we have most a'ways B E K N Iv I G II T 4n our political opinion? and suggestionsrela tive to th>* various important p<iM : e questions that have cone up since tbe wm . upon which the ; >ut.b has limgi called to th nk or act We can only add that we shall continue on the $ A M E SCSI K 1> 1 E. S: , relaxing no effort to give the latest, most ro liable and fullest nows attainable, not oily up on political ftff'irs. but all na ters of public interest. Very respect full v, Ju , • 11, 1872. PUBLISHERS &TAR. I)R. C A R P E NTE R , 1 3 6 M Ul.fl Ki! R V STI! EE T. NEWARK. N. J., (- now tieaiine successfully Cos i.sunaption, Bronchitis, ami a!! diseases of the Throat and Lungs, w it his i i'OXNKXS) ‘l-HWUTE'J FIIIILATKMiS, COY- Ci.STB.tTEI> 10011, A\i> coin,a syrit During the post ten years Dr. Carp! ntel has treated and cured thousands of eases ot the above named diseases, and has now in his pos session certificates of cures from every part ot the country. Tlie In halation is breathed dir ctly into the lungs, soot.tins and healing peer all inflamed surfaces, entering into the blood, it imparts vitality s it permeates to every part of the system. The sensation is not unpleasant, and the first inhalation often gives very decided relief, particularly when there is much difficulty of breathing. Under the influence of my remedies. Die cough soon grows easier.night sweats cease,the hectic flush vanishes, and with improving digestion t he pas ttent rapidly gains strength, and health is again within his gra'D. The Concentrated Food rapidly l uilds up the most debilitated patient, present, iug to the stomach food all ready to be assimi lated and made into good. rich, healthy blood The Cough Syrup is to be taken at night to alleviate the cough and enable the patient to obtain sleep. Full directions accom pany each box of my remedies,which consistsof Otic Inhaler; One Bottle of Alterative lu ll .lant: One Bottle of Soothing Febrifuge Inhalant; One Bottle of Anti-Hatm orriiagic inhalant; One Bottle Concentrated Food; One Kotlieof Cough Syrup. Rrice of Box containing remedies to last one month. §10; 2 months. $18; 3 months,s2s. Sent, to any address C. O. D. Pamphlets containing large list o! patients cured sent free. Letters of inquiry must contain one dollar to insure answer. Address a. n. carpenter, m. and., Newark, n. j. D.t. Carpestkk's CATARRH REMEDY will give immediate relief.and will ellect a permas j neat cure i n f atn one o three months fries of run -iy to l ist on mouth, $5; two months, fei; tilt 'a n nubs. ’I . -li.CJdlt >,* ill its forms successlully treated. 1 1 tirl st if pitieats cured, to A. 11.0 A .i’AUii.t, M. i>., Newark, N. J, iy li 12 n nun HAUWAY’3 ready ueeiee UItES THE WORST PAWS nrom Oue to Tv rot y Minute Not One Hour after reading this advertisement need any or e SUFFER -V 11 H PAIN. RAD.VVYS READY' RELIEF IS A CURE FOR E\ EUY PAIN. It was the first and is Tli e Oii I y I* a i u K c isi ci \ that ioatiintly stops the most esc rue i* np pains, allays lnfl iminations, and cure.** (hD.i;e> tion. whether of the Lungs, Stomach. L or other glands or organs, by one sip ! ic *tion IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MIM . LS uo matter how viol nr or *xc: c at u_ the pair the UIIEUMATIC.Bed-rid'iet .nni 'i ippled, Nervous. Ntui i.gic, or pi vMtui.d with disease may suffer. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF will afford instant relief, INFLAF.MATION <F THE KIDNEYS IXFI-AMM.TT!X F THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION t*F THE BMVELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION of THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CR UP, DIPTHERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, N EURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. Ct.tAl CHILLS, AGU : CHILLS. The application of the Itcadv Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exist? will afford ease and comlort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of waterwill in a few moments cure Cramps, spasms, s-uir tomach heartburn, sick headache, Diari luc. dysentery, Colic, wind in the bowels, and all internal pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle ol iiadwn>’s Ready Relief with them A lew drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND ABLE. FEVER AND AGUE cored for titty cent**. There is* not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, B lions. Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by ItADWAYS FILLS) so qttiek as KADW’AY’3 READY RELEIF. Fifty cents per bottle. II E A LTII I UEA UTY !! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLoOD —INCREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT —CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALU SARSAP ARiLLIAN RESOLVEN IIAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDIC IN?., THAT Every Bay an incfease in Flesli and Weight ta Seen aud Felt* THi: GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT communicates through the Blood,Sweat, Urine.and other fluids and juices ol the system the vigor of life, lor it repairs the wastes of the with new and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption Glandular diseases, Ulcers in the throat. Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and | other parts ol the system, Sore Eyes. Strum - i oroUS discharges from THE Eaks, and the | worst forms of Skin diseases. Eruption,Fever ! sores, Scald Heap, Rino Worm, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Acme, Black spots. Works in the Flesh. Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful di-charges, Night sweats Lo.-s of sperm and a1 i wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range of this won ter of Modern Chemistry,aud a lew days 7 use will prove to any persou using it for either of these forms of disease it poteu power to cure I hem. Not only dots the Sarsaparillian Resolvent excel all known remedial agi ntsin the careol : Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin • diseases; hat it is the only posit 1 vr cure io - Kidney & Rhttitlrr Complaints, Urinary, and W<unb diseases. Gruv+d, Diabetes, ! Dropsy. Stoppage ol Water, Inconliunncc o Urine. Blight’s • isease, Albuminuria, and in j all c-arses where there are brijk-dust deposits. R.AI3WAY ? SI P . t •; PURGA IVE P I Lit) I perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with swee 1 gum. purge, regulate, purity, cleanse, and ! Strengthen. Uaduay\*> Pills, for the cure of | all disorders of the Stomach Liver. Bowels. Kidneys, Biadder,Net vous Diseases,lleadacne t.oust \[ -ution, Cosliveuess Indigestion. Dys pepsia. Bilime-iie.-s. Bilious Fever, Inflamma tion of the Bowels, Files, and all Derangements ot tin* Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Fimly Vegetable, containing no mercury, mine: .vis, or deb-■erious dings. A lewd M-i-nl KapwayV Fills will free ihe sv-ten Lvm ail the a Lev. named disorders.— Ft e-, 25 cents per Box. S li* by Dkuggsts. Lead “ and True '* Send one letter* stamp to Radway & Cos., No. 87 Maiden l ane Ne w York. Information worth ihou.-auds will be sent y<*u. Li. J.BftADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULAOii: 'Woman’s ItKST KRIKND,” W’ 1 1 1 bring on lint Menses when fluty 1:av(.- iiot Ix'fti established, also wilt'll they Lave been tip pressed from un iititurai causes. Will cute RLeumat isiti and Neuralgia of the back atid womb. Will cure Painful Menstrua tion, and relieve the Lead, Lack at and loins of those disttcssii g pains and acLes Will cluck menori hagia or "excessive tl >u Will cure “Whiten" and falling of the womb, when it is the result ot relaxation or bad health. It is as sure a cure in all the above diseases as Quinine is to Chills and Fever. Ladies can cure themselves of all the above diseases without tevealing their con.plaints to any person, which is always mortifying to their pride and modisty. It is recommended and used by the best physicians in their private practice, pur a history of the above diseases, certificates of its wonderful cures and directions, the reader is relered to tho wrapper around the Lottie. Matinfac t tiled and sold by Bradfiki.d & Cos , Atlanta Ca. Sold by all Druggists. Pi ice $1.50 bTOP THIEF! STOP!! Keeps constantly on hand, at Atlanta price every discription and quality of turnitur briebt and new from the shop, and warrant, to be of the best material Keeps cne broth er always employed in stealing and leels pit leclly able to give lurniture to the poor.- l’iiose entitled under this generous propoti tiou. w ill bring a certificate trom a Justice ef the Peace, that they lost all of their proper ty by the war. H*s chat g>d his blacksmith shop to Jack n.uV out shop, and w Ii do work in the bet. Style at low sates. " Come ye poor and needy. ;? jaulo-3m C. T. SMITH. Palmetto, Ga. PROSPECTUS OF THE PALMETTO SHIELD, A WEE AL Y NEWSPAPER, Published ul PALMETTO, GEORGIA, Devoted to Temperance, Agriculture, Folitics, Litei’ature, tfcc, SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE, TWO DOLLARS, PER ANNUM T* XX H 2 3K X SLID Being published in an enterprising town on the Atlanta & West Point Railroad, in a good section ot count iy and having a large oil eolation in Camobell and surrounding com.tic ,thr public will find it. a gmW medium for their advertisements. PATHOS AG E SOXICITEI). No pains will be spared to make T XX 312 SSS XX IEIaD A FIRST-CLASS PAPER. Our motto is. INDUSTRY AND Li ONCMS CHE ONE GOME ALL, AND sure out your COUNTY NEWSPAPER WITH A At ILL. 8® A VERY LIBERAL DE DU Cl ION MADE ON YEARLY aDVERTILLMES is. SALE OF THE MOUNT FLORENCE ESTATE!| WITH IFTTZ-TID. TOTAL VALUATION, $ 3 5 0,0 0 0, ALL TO BE BISTIBUTED AMONG SG JEEOI.DES, Asa Majority may Determine, at a meeting to be held in the city ol New Ymk On tlie first Day of January, 1872. A a Meeting of S o kholders, held a the C o er In.'iitu'e, New Yon, Aug st Ist, 1872. Mr John A.Letter s, the Manger. allot' making hi.- statement of the liuanci . c udition ol the om rnrise, eked for a Committee . f lutesugution, when Ihe K.ilowing named ge tlemeu were appointed a eh Committee: Ceo. li. Spencer. John It. Many, and VV . 11. " hitman We the undersigned, have exatniied the accounts ol M . Lefferts and find hisst trine is correct ui and we do hereby all w ban until the lir-t ol January, 1873. to sell the remaining Shares ’' I which lime the hook.- shall p s lively be closed, or sooner if the Shares are sold. - •\nd we bcrib. ■ pnoiui theleuthday ol Jauuary, .872, for the final di 'ributiou ol the properly. GKO li cPRAGUE, JOHN 11. MANY, \V. 11. WHITMAN. Shares Only OnxrUE! DOLLAR. EACH. ll has been proposed that the Property and Cash Fund should be divided into 2,457 Prizefv. Bu Ihismnst be d.cided by the Slaveholders themselves. Special attention is ('ailed to the tact that this is not a "Gill Kntei prise.” "Charity Con err,’ nor any mere scheme for disposing id tickets, ; ut aa absolute bona lidt and I’cjiisipitoty of Yaltisble Bieprity. Certificate of Distinguished Gentlemen relative t(* Alt. it lorence. We are familiar wilh Mount Florence-on-the Hudson, an lake pi. asure in saying that it is a large and heat) lift) 1 Properly .conveniently keeled as to the r isronil and the city ..I New ioik highly and substantially imD oved aud i-a hellisliei! lo a degree purely equalled in ibi o uinliy. Mount Florence was improved n V D. H Craig, between 1858 and 1811+ and with ten years ol natural growth added to Ihe immense sum expended in improvemeu , its present value can hardly lie over-estimated The situ linn s extremely hiv.raldc lor 11 11 *' :inll comfort,and the views of mountain, rver and itila < cenery. :r nin and ;flei i map us- iln roui-u , are varied and beautiful at'ull seasons _ , lion. Uh, .unci • . hep* w. lau* s< c*y ■ 1 '• Y'■ Yoik ‘ J - k - ‘ ut'H.o! *vks kill, N. Y;1) T Uiuy p. Cash'n r wu.--.clie \% r C*. Bank P ksk .1; Hugh i ■ "•- • ’’ H l • Cashier Saving Bar. 1 , Ia ckskil ; Owen i.C Itiu.i q. mu >■ m v rich-sin C ; ind.Ums Lee, M. D . l’eekskiil; .1. B. : rown. <,q.. see'y I'e. kski'l : low* 94 Be. ktmin si reel, A Y. ; John I'Kessou. esq. 91 Fulton street; 1' sS. h-ew ai I M D I'.. skila The tollowing in It known gentle.i t o have c nsmt and I ;.ci as ai, A lIVIS I,Y o V Hi i Preston. New York <oy Zi ,as C 1 . esi L't-a N Y .ell Frank Gnuey. t Louts \U, Oi in elcli, byraeu" .N Y I ■) ;■ isnn. TANARUS: mo .5.1 1' L Mono 1. or. ana N Y Gen N M i. is. well. New Ymk City l'\ F in., iN. n 7 i vity Dame thick is. Isuw Yoik ciiy. Ii * tit S. Burns, Chiul-sioii b. U Liberal juducenu uts to iifi- ht> and canva-si rs. Speck* ! lr, ui> mth-* .' ' > p>-rsoiis living :.t u distance rum tling tiiu money for tin iuini" i- lith ‘‘ey may w &U, wnl promptly ncive by return mail For Muiru.B.D scriptive ( nculars.Bi auiiluliy Illuminated \ n vvs o! 31 mut 1-. i • nc“ nu . ui roundingH, &c.. &c., addt c>s JOil S A. I S Guilt r i mall a tr. tO3 Bt adway. N. Y. P . Box 10‘.) John . Simons, see’y. John L’. Smith. Trua .N Y mui Ex-jlian.u, o“ ami .): * “in .-i BANNER OF LIGHT: Ail hxpoDant or THE SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY OF THE 1N ET EEN T H OENTU I; Y. PUBI.ISIIEI) VVEEKLY At No. 158 Washington stmT, • Parker buid iug,” Boston. Mass. WILLIAM Will IE & CO, Proprietors. WILLIAM WHITE. \ LUTHER COLBY. ISAAC 13 RICH. Luther Colby . Editor. Lewis 13. Wilson Assistant AIDED BY A LARGE COBPS OF ABLE WRITERS. THE BANNER OF LIGHT is a first-class 8 page family Newspaper, containing forty col umtis of interesting and instructive reading, c assed as follows: L I KKARY DEPARTMENT —Oi i inai Novelette* ot reformatory t ndencies, and ccasionaily tr.aisl.itions lrom French and German author"*. RETORTS OF SPIRITUAL LEO TU UEB. By able Trane & Normal Speakers. ORIGINAL ESSAYS. Upon Spirit ual Philosophical and Scientific subjects. EDUOi.I AL LEILA RTMENT - Sub jects of General Interest, the Spiriiual Philoso phy. ils Phenoni na eic.. Current liven is. en tertaining Miscellany. Notice of New Publica tions.etc. istern Editorial Correspondence, by arren Chase. St. L uis Mo., Western Locals, by ephas 13. Lvnn. MESSAGE DEPaUTMKXT-A ptspro of Spiritual Messages from the departed lo tkeir friends in earth lit*.given through the medium ship ot Mrs. J. 11. Conant. proving- direct spirit interenur-e between the Mundane and -dper .Mundane V\ orlds. ORIGIN A L CORRESPQNUENTS lrom the writers in the world. Alt which features render this journal a papular Family Taper, and at. the same time the Harbinger of a Glorious Scientific Religion. Ti RMS OF SIJOStIIiPTIOV, 5A ABV LVCL: P< r Year $3 00 Sjx Months 1 00 'three Months 75 pgr There will be no deviation from the above prices. In n mnine h mail a P*st Office Order or Hi a t n : osiou or New Y rk payable to the order William White & Cos. is preferable to Bank Notes, since should the Ordei or Draft Ik* lost or stolen it can be renewed without loss to the sender. Subscription discontinued at the expiration ot toe tine pa and for. .•subscribers io G'iiada ai 11 add to the irrms ot truljser |tinni *<J>) cents per \ s.;iv. t• r pre pay ment ot Alltel- 1 . .. post e P >t Offlk Address. If is nucleus for sub* 'Ctibers to wriv, n'.b-ss thev give their Post i.'flice address and name >t State. fcubsenbera wii-bing the direction of their paper change - from out town to another must m wm-.k give the name o' tho Town County ami ''late to which it has been sent, specimen copies sent tree. Subscribers are informed that twenty-six numbers of the Banner compose a volume.— I hus v\e publish two volumes u year JOHNSTON & CAMP, Successors to Richards & iUarlin, Al THE Ol.l> STAS') OS CASTLEBERRY HII.L We have. nod will keep constantly on bar a full assortment of Orooe r i es There is a go -d wagon yard adjoin ng tt store . f is?' Respectfully solicit tic patronage €i pur country friends. oct!8 ?nai BETHANY zoiiE'O-io: schgoij FAYETTE COUNTY, GA. 1 H E si'coi.d rertti i ftiiis Institution will hi* opened fertile recep'ionof students on tl e first! \ in Jmu ry 1 87 3 The Seholn-tie ye'.'.r of ten months wit! be tli— vie ed into two sessions —first session to continue s’x months. JLocatio is. This Tnsti ute is located 4)4 miles, east ot Fuirburn, in a splendid neistiiborhood, noted for its mora ity, fine water, good bealtii and corivoriienee to chuichcs of various denaminatioris. lieinatks. We are re w building anew and cotn m.. ions Ai'iK iiny which wi I h- con pleted hj the no e the school opens, and c m assu e iiie public anil p trim of the school that this institu e possesses all the requisites necessary for the youths of the country, hoi h male and female, to be thor oughly' prepared to enter College. Government. Wi! not he tyranical, though it will re quite strict obedience from each • nd every student Kates of Tuition. 1-r. lass— Orthography Reading an.l n ritin . rirst se son .... SVAOO d'e' ass—A riti met ii .Gergra phy .ling Grammar. Eng ei-mposition. Att eie;;t & modern history.first sessousl;>.o i 3 ! class—Rhetoric. Logic, Hygiene. Anatomy tiie Languages and Higher mathematics,. $ 8(0 T‘ e seeot tijsession to commence on the first Monday n August, H?73.and continue four mouths at the shove rates of Tuition, due t> r tiie close of eai ii session, 23?" All stvih tits will charged t om the ime of entering until tin-close of the setsion.except in ca is ol protracted ii ness. ZSOr Board cn e had in good families from $1 to sl2 per month, tgf" - Incidental fee. one dollar. J. G. LISTER, Pr’l. ! UUSTKES- B F Harper, E C Bustin, K N Hal t is, .1 M Oakley, William Milam, John Lester, J A Ellington ■ict'2 3m ORGANS! ORGANS! ORGANS! For the Parlor,'Sunday School and church. 5 Oeiavi s; sets of Leeds throughout; stops, inly $125. The best Organ in the world tor ihe'money. We can supply Organs ranging in price from SBS to $2.0 0, and offer the most liberal inducements to the trade, teachers, clergymen, and others, who will act as agents tor the sal*'of our instruments. The M Parlor Gem” Piano. 7 Octaves, full Iron frame, overstrung scale, round corners.cai ved legs; the liaest low-priced i’lano manufactured. Fit ly warranted. Violin Strings. We import direct from Italy, Germany and Krancejhc very choicist strings Hint are made anil can supply the trade at lowest market prices Sample set of choice Violin or Guitar strings mailed tree fur Si. Hand Itisf rnments, sheet music music books, and musical mer chandise of every description- VVm. A. POND &, CO., 547 Broatlwap, N. V . a.6 3m Branch story, 30 Union Square BA IL OA D I > IB EC TOB Y ATLANTA & WEST POINT R. R. Change of Schedule. Taken effect February 10 Ih, 1873 PA V PASSENGER TRAIN —OUTWARD. Leave Atlanta 700a m Arrive at Palmetto 8:33 a m Leave “ 8:34 a m Arrive at West Point 11:17 a m PAY PASSENGER TRAIN —INWARD. Leave West Point 3:25 P m Arrive at PaHnetlo 0:21! p.n Leave “ 0:27 pm Ai live at Atlanta 7:50 Pi NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN— OutWUld. Leave Atlanta 1:15 am Arri ve at Palmetto 2:30 a .y Leave “ 2:30 am Arrive West Point 5:40 a m NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN —INWARD. Leave West P .int 1:00 am Arrive at Palmetto 5:15 a m Leav • •* . 5:iG am Arrive at Atl nti. 6 50 a m D\Y FREIGHT TRAIN—OUTWARD. L ave Atlanta 7:00 a m Arrive at Palmetto 9:05 a at Arrive at West Point 3:30 %m PAY FREIGHT TRAIN —INW RP- Leave West I’oint 8:30 a m Arrive at Palmetto 2:30 p m Arrive at Atlanta 4:30 p ** NIGHT FREIGHT TRAIN—OUTWARD. Leave Atlanta 12:30 r M Arrive at Palmetto 2:30 p m Arrive a! West Point ...8:20 r a NIGHT FREIGHT TR IN—INWARD. Leaves est Poinf 1:45 a m Arrives at Palmetto 7.10 a m Arrives at Atlanta 9:45 A m L. P. GRANT, Sup’t. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, x. For the relief and cure °1 derange _iif‘ n~ ments in the atom ach, liver, and bow els. They are a mild jirwl. aperient, and an wnm l;; mNi excellent purgative. Being purely vego* table, they contain " no mercury or mine* wfajto/it, ral whatever. Much serious sickness and suffering is prevent ** ed by their timely use; and every family should have them on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long -experience has proved them to be the saf est, surest, and best of all the Villa with which the market abounds. By their occasional use, the blood is purified, the corruptions of the sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, and ihe whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Ayer 9 a Fills, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease is changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating makes them'pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and operate without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them as a Family Physic, and for the following complaints, which these Fills rapidly cure: For DyMpepMia or Inilig-t-Ntion, liiHtlemi n<*N, Lanvnor and Loss of Appotit©, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For JLivor Complaint and its various symp toms, fi&iliou* SSeudadie, Sick lff©al acli©, Jtann!ic© or Green Sickness, Ifil ioiiM Colic and ISiliouM Fever*, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct th© diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Oy sent cry or Ikiarrlioea,' but one milcl dose is generally required. For Hlieumati]:i, Gout, ©ravel, Pal pitation of tiie Heart, Pain in the hide. Black and Loins, they should be contin uouslv taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropay and Dropsical Swelling**, they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For hupprcNsion, a large dose should be taken, as it produces the desired effect b\ sym pathy. Asa Dinner Fill, take one ov t*.o Fills to promote digestion and relieve the ' each. An occasional dose stimulate -inmach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often advantageous where no'serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these J'ills makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. PREPARED BY Dr. c 7. C. A YJZIi A CO., Fractical Chemists, DOWELL, MASS., V. S. A. VQB SALK BY ALL DRUGGISTS li YJ'MfcYWHERE, Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, liemittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fevor, &c., and indeed all the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. No ono remedy is louder B 9 BbO called for by the necessities of p the American people than a B&atttlxfcy sure and safe cure for Fever gS?! alpf } and Ague. Such we are now ■ BBS'- enabled to offer, with a perfect certainty that it will eradicate ** the disease, and with assur ance, founded on proof, that no harm can arise from its use in any quantity. That which protects from or prevents this dis order must be of immense service in the com munities where it prevails. Prevention is better than cure, for the patient escapes the risk which he must run in violent attacks of this baleful dis temper. This “Cure” expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Ague from the system, and prevents the development of the disease, it taken on the first approach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the. cheapest. The large quantity we sup ply for a dollar brings it within the roach of cvcrvbodv; and in bilious districts, where Fever and Ague prevails, everybody should have it, and use it freely, both for cure and pro tection. It is hoped this price will place it within Hie reach of all —the poor as well a6 the rich. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain j cure of Intermittents is, that it contains no Qui nine or mineral; consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitution. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they bad never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of dis orders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the in termittent type, or become periodical. This “Cure” expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an in valuable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the mala rious districts. If taken occasionally, or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be ex creted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure; and few will over suffer from Inter lnittents if they avail themselves of the protec tion this remedy affords. L or Liver Complaints, arising from torpid ity o. the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stinv ulatin, r *he Liver into healthy activity, and pro ducing 10 any truly remarkable cures, where other mutLTihes fail. PREPARED BY J* Cos Lowell, Mass**. x aetica'C t„;:' Analytical Chemists, AiTi> SOLD ALL OUND TIIE WORLD. FBICE, SI.OO FEE DOTTLE. T li E i Should be in the hands cf MARRIPP. ! every Wife and Husband.— iVlfmmcu | Contains the secrets they ... . . .... both desire and ought to know W 0 m A No. | Sent free by mail for 10 eta, i Address J. Varney. Box 211, GUIDE.. I iultoiiyiUe, N Y.