The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, February 21, 1873, Image 3

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PALMETTO SHIELD. PA LMEI TO FEBR EAR ¥ 211 1373 Agents for file Shield. J. P Ellington, Gen’l Agent. Tim M. Butt, Agt in Atlanta. Siiiirl N. Dorset!, Douglas county. Moses D. \\ aikins, Uarrt.ll county. Jnpt. J. G. Lister, Fayette county. Uol. Rieha'O Moire, Gilmer county. AA M. A. II ATisTTTT7~LO(.^A7,. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Dr. J. Goodman— l’n.f. ssinnul ('aid VV. il. M irgan— Lost Pi P .’s J. L. Jones Letter . f Administration Dismission of Administration Paimettto Ordinances W. acksou— Hotel PALMETTO LODGE!, F. A. 31 UNITY LOD -E, NO. 74 S. Zellars, \V. M W. S. Zellars, S. VV. W. M Walthall, J. VV. J. T Beckman, Secretary. .! M. Hopkins, Treasurer, E. R Tliornteu, S. D., J S Bowen, J. D. John Harrison, T\ h r. Meets Ist and 3rd Saturday night* each month. Chinch Directory. Methodist Cliurc.—services at Palmetto by Rev. T. 11. Timmons, on the Ist, 2nd and 4ih Sabbaths in each month, at 11 o'clock, A. M., and at 7 o’clock, p. xr. Union prayer meeting every Wednesday night. At Jones’Chapel—services by Rev. T. 11. Timmons, every 3rd Sabbath and Saturday oefore—also every sth Sabbath. Married. At the residence of Oap’t. Young Garrett, in the city of Atlanta, on the 13ih inst., by the Rev. Sion P. Steed, Bit. T. D. Loxoixo, of Palmetto, and Miss Nellie Candler, of Atlanta, Ga. Ai.l our town lacks of presenting a city front, is an ample supply of signs to designate each firm or individual’s place of business, and what line of bu siness each is engaged in. John Rey nolds with E. Floyd of Fairbtirn Ga., is an adept in the art of sign painting, and we advise every business man to call on him, for a beautiful sign which will cost only a few dollars, and add a great deal to the appear ace, of the place. Palmetto is well supplied with business men, and by placing signs over their doors, will show that they “mean to do business in a business-like manner.” Those wishing to sec a sample of Mr. Reynolds’ work can do so in a few days, by looking over our office door, where they will see in largo capital letters “PRINTING OFFICE.” Having failed to answer the question in reference to the winter quarters of hornets, we will diop the column of questions a*d answers for the pre-'cnt and devote that column to Agricultural Items. Tiie Atlanta Herald wishes to send their paper to D. \V. Price, Dark Corner, and asks some friend to give them the location of that place.— Dark Corner is the name of a Post- Office in Douglas cnunly, Georgia. The citizens of Atlanta are petition ing for the pardon of Dr. Harrison NY estmoreland, on the grounds of in sanity The Ca r olina New Era , published at Spartanburg, G. tl., S. 0. is among our exchanges. It is edited by J. P. F. Camp. A Texan passed through our place on List Monday with a mule five feet and nine inches high. Look at the advertisement of “Stop Thief! Stop ! I and see what it Gtys. Clark Smith says the Bed Rollers have come. Enoch S. Strickland, at Fairborn, is prepared to work for farmers, and the public generally. Read bis Card in another column. We learn that the recent heavy rains have swollen the Chattahoochee ► river higher than it has been in nine years. We seL that the rink which has been sleeping for some time has awoke in Atlanta. We wonder what lias he. come of the Velocipede and Dolly Var dcu.; During our late war there was a young man in the army who did not join of his own free will. He had been drafted. He was not a brave y< ting man ; quite the otherwise. One day during a bloody battle our young friend showed such a remarkable white feather, that his captain was obliged jo threaten him with his pistol, in order to keep him from running away alto gether. Then the youth began to cry. <‘Yon ought tube ashamed of yourself,” raid the captain ; “you’re no better than a baby.” I wish—J t wuz—a baby,” blubered our hero, “an' a gal baby at that.” PalmtUo .Markets. i Lorn "J bushel $ 9 i' Ual f “ i 1 !oilr fi 100 lbs. 4to 6 Ilac-oM—Sbonlder.." A) lb 6!^ L iear Ixib'd Si(fes... 7^ Clear 8 ides 7% haul j) lb 11 Cheese..,, f) 18 to 20 Rutter R—s jo dz 20 Chickens each 20 to 25 Sugar? lb 11 to 1C | ij.ibtsses f> gal yo to 35 ! Rice jP lb 10 ; - v L;n|7 •• •• 10(<ilo ! Candles “ 20 I fab - >k 2 25 factory Thread, jO bunch 1 75 Murtings per yd \0@12% | R'ints - " 10@1-<J><, tobacco per lb Gs(dl 25 Hay—Timothy pr 100 lbs 2 Kerosene Oil Gal. 45@50 Retro ■ “ GO h beat per bushel 1 75 Faiisiefto Cotton Market. COTTON—Dui!-; light receipts bringing from 15@18i at this date. LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. In this age of scepticism, facts are re quirtd to inspire confidence in the minds of the people: l ut with good indorsers, they ar c willing ‘o test any article claim’ng extra merit. The proprietors ot H IPs Vegetable Biei ian Hair Remwer offer the following in dorsement of the rm ri's c ainn and by them tor th-ir preparation, by the i itt-bura. Pa., "Christian dvocatej” viz "The | u !i have so o ten bee deceived by he us of worth less ; reparations f r the hair, that an a tide of ibis kind, 'o g in their lavo- and secure their patronage, must posse s real merit. we are glad to rs.-uto our reader that Hall’s Vegetable Sici ian Hair Renewer is meeting wit h the success which its merits so justly deserve; and we have tellable evidence, that it will perfoim all that is claimed lor i r , in restoring gray hair to pg ntural color, aid, as a permanent dressing, is unsurpassed. Among the many enterprises of our town, we take great pleasure iu call-* ing especial at entiou to the Photo graphic Establishment of Mr. J. K. Ellington. His many friends will re gret to hear that he expects to leave Palmetto soon, and we say to all, both old and young, to hurry up and give him a call before he leaves, for so favorable an opportunity may- not occur again soon of having a fine picture taken. feb!4-2t. EIDER & BRO, JAlci.aiiis & Williams, AT TliEl b OLD STAND, Fairburn, Ga., K2EPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Good Stock of Dry Goods Groceries, &c. They are selling their stock ot Dry Goods at COS L Call and see them. Bad buys and (reals, And Howard Lies and Cheats. fel)7-2t. GUANO_NOTICE. OUR POPULAR CITIZEN S. G. JOHN son wou and be pleased (o receive Orders from the Planters for the following Guanos. Bough’s Row BoneCf sh S6O 00 Time 567 50 freight included. Chesapeake “ S6O 00 “ $67 50 Fre’ght included. Zell’s “ S6O 00 “ S7O 00 Freight included. Eureka “ S6O 00 “ $67 50 Freight included Whetin’s - 1 $-54 00 “ S6O 00 Freight Cash —to be paid on delivery Logan ' “ $46 00 “ $53 00 Freight Cash—to be paid on delivery fel)7-2m. A Great Bargain.—-Mr. S. J, Sparks fi'ers fo r sale a full set of tinner’s loiJs at a reduced price, those wishing lo get a bargain will do well to call soon. For further particulars, address editor of the Shield, o: S. J. Sparks, Palmetto, Ga. dec2o 3t Avery eai nest request, we have to make of ail our young friends, and that is; “Before they go to see their swe< t-hearls, call on Freeman, our colored Barber, and get him To friz their hair, and shave their face, And fix the mou facile to suit their taste. fcb7-lt NEW A DVERTISEMENTS. 1)11. JOHN GOODMAN OF ix*l3 el i G-eo., YAJ ILL TRAVEL DURING THE Pi.ES VV ent year, in Campbell, < lay I on, Fayette, Meriwether, Carroll, Douglas and other adj in ing coi nlits. And respecifully tenders his services in the treatment ot Chronic Female Diseases, Chronic Liver Diseases, Chronic Ulcers, &c. My office is in my medical wagon, whore I keep an assortment of medicines to fill pre scriptions at your no charges for milage or consultation. Cash required for medi cines furnished in all cases. Address me at Fairborn, Ga., and I will call at my earliest convenience. feb2l-3m THE AA JACKSON. HOUSE IS NOW open to tho travelling pub lic. Persons stopping there, will find an excellent Bill-of-Fare, and a warm re ception from W. JACKSON feb2l-tf Palmetto, Ga. SAMEL AIILRI.VS AGENT for Zell’s Guano, Potapsco Pa cific, Russell Coe’s, and Wilson’s. Fair our n, Ga. feb!4-lm W- C, PARKER Of Failbiini, Ga., T7"EEPb constantly on hand fresh Meal for J\. sale. He is also agent for Reese's Solu ble Pacific Guano, Chesapeake and Potapsco. solicited. febl4 t <Jt*QA per day! Agents wanted! qpewvy All clasaesof working peo ple, of either sex, young or old, make more money at work or us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Par ticulars free. Address G. Stinson & Cos., Por:J land, Maine. sept; ly HIM NEW HAVEN OP.GAN COMPANY. flanufaefiise the Celebrated JUBILEE AND TEMPLE m. aan z* as. ORGANS are unsurpassed in A qua-tty of tone, style of tiuish, simplicity of construction, and duiabi ity. Iso, MELODEONS in variousstyles, and unequalled in tone. Send for illustrated Catalogue. Address NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO., New Haven, Conn. fe3“ Agniits Wanted. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS GEORGIA i Cami’ukll County, j Four work? alter dab. application will be made to the Court of ( reinaiy of said County, at the first regular trim a'tei (he expiration ot four weeks trom this notice, lor leave to sell fifty acres in the south-west corner of lot ot land numb -r two hundred and twenty-sev en (227) in the 13<h district of originally He ry. then Fayette, but now Campbell county, belonging to the (State of Francis “.Jones late of said conn v, diceasid, for the bemtit of the heirs of said deceased, this Februaiy 17tb, 1n73. JAMES L. JONES. Administrator GEORGIA, )* Campbell County, j To all IVbom it may concern, \V. N. Cook having in proper form applied lo me for per manent letters of administration on the estate of Dock Blalock, late cf said county. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Dock Blalock, to be and appear at my office, w ithin the time all wed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to VV. N. Cock on Dock B clock's estate. Witness my band and official signature, this February 14lh, 1873. K. C. BEAVERS, Ordinary. fcb2l im. GEORGIA, ) Campbell County, j VV iiKP.EAS P. M. Dunlop, administrator of John Dunlop, represent' to the court, in hi ; petition, duly filed end entered on record’ that he has fully administered Johß Dunlop’s estate. This is. therefore, to e ! te all persons con cerned,kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why su’d administrator should not be discharged from his admin istration. and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in June 1873. R. C. BEAVERS, Ordinary. feb2l-3m NOTICE TO ESTABLISH LOST PAPERS. Tue following Tax fi. fa’s, placed in my hands for collection, have been lost or mis laid. Oue fi. fa. against G. L. Jones, sl4 75% for tax for the year 1871, One fi. fa. on B. Smith for $1 26%, for tax for Ilie year 1871. One on David Richardson for $S 8344 tax tor the year 1871. VV. 11. MORGAN. feb2l—lt STATE OF GEORGIA, 1 Campbell County, j Whereas, Richard A King, Administrator of Adam B. King, represents to the Court, in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that be has lully administered Adam B King’s estate. This is therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not. be discharged from his adminis tration, and receive letters of distnisaiori, on the first Monday in May. 1 73 Given under my hand and official signature, this February Ist, 1873. It. C. BEAVER 8, Ordinary. frl)7- QT?TTTVQ VEGETABLE It FLOWER O.LLiI-ijß'O Plants,Roses,Dahlias. F- ch sias, Geraniums, Bedding Plants, Gladiolus, etc. Send a stamp for Dreer’s Garden Calender, 168 pages, illustrated, with practi cal directions. HEART A., 711 Chestnut fit., Philadelphia. Pa. W A I\ T T E D . Wo wish to engage the services of at least, erie reliable, intelligent gentleman in every City, Town and County in the South. Buei n s-? agreeable end strickly lecrifcim ite, yielding from $l 5 5G0 to $2,500 per annum. For particulars Address TUtBULL BROTHERS, Pub’rg, Baltimore, Md. A WORD TO PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS! BUY your material, apparatus, etc., at WARNER'S PHOTOGRAPHIC STOCK HOU-E. Rome, Ga., and save money, time and FREIGHT. pSf Send for Price Lists. ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT? THEN USE THE ATE BILL CHEMICAL PAIST. PURE WHITE, DRABS, FRENCH GREY, SLATES, BUFFS, YELLOWS, an 1 all the fashionable shades and colors used sn hou e and cattnge painting, beady FOR USE. r KQUIRES NO OIL, THINNING, OK DRY ers, and sold only by the gallon. ETERI MAS HIS OWA PAINTER. Sample card of colors, and testimonies from owners of the finest residences in the country, furnished free by dealersgenerally, or by the . AVER ILL CHEMICAL PAIST CO., 32 Burling Slip, V, V, Alt OO P cr Gay! Agenls wanted! AH classes of working people, ef either sex, young or old, make more money at. work for us in their spare mo meats, or all the time, than at anything else Particulars Iree. Address G. STINSON &CO Portland, Maine. Agents ! A Rare Cliance !! WE will pay all Agents $-10 per week in cash who will engage with us at onck. Everything furnished, and expenses paid. Address A. COULTER & CO. Charlotte, Mich. non REWARD. For any case sPJjV'Y/Vz of Blind, Bleeding, itching or Ulcerated Piles that De Bing’s Pile Remedy fails to cure. It is prepared expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. Sold by all Druggists. Price, $4.00. and. as. a. c. ladd, Maiivfacturers of and D.alcrs in ALABASTER AND HYOROLI ) LIM Z. WHICH took a ciai Pren.'urn of s2,iu at the State fair. Ogiolkt, 187 u: a t>ilver Medal at Columbus Fair, November, 1870; $-5 00 silver Premium at Cobb County Fair in April, 1871; a_B onze Medal at A:lants 4air, October, 1871; Silver Medal at Stao* Fair, O to tr, 1871; Gold Medal and Dipio m i at State hair, October. 1872. Corner Alabama Loyd Sts. Car shed jfcS'O. A. Cantrell, is our awent at Palmetto, ard VV. a -McCuekv at Fw nuux. FIRST CLASS SHOE AND BOOT SHOP. <THHE Undersigned takes tins method of in i forming the public, that be is now pre pared to do all kind of work in the BOOT A\!> SilOE LITE, Fine or Coarse Boots and Shoes, made to Order, and satisfaction guaranteed. He has secured the services of Mr N R. Reese, late ol Newnan, Ga., who has had many years experience in the business. Orders solicited. J A. VICKERY, First door above the Hotel, Fairbu n.Ga. fet>7-3m KTOTIOS! A I T. PERBOVS INDEBTED TO TIIE A Film of McLarin ,V Williams, will please come fora ard and settle immediately. In default Iherei f, and after lbe expiration of thirty days, liie notes arid accounts of s id film w ill Le \ u out for collection McLAKIN & VVII.LI M3. feb7-2t . E. 1I.OYI) HAS erected a number if rew building?, suitable for carying on his large and extensive business, on the cast side of Campbellfon street, adjoining the residence of Bussell King. FAIRBU BN, GEORGIA. And he is now prepared to do all kind of work. 8u h as making and repairing VV agon?, Carriages and Buggies. Also Painting of every discripfion, exe cute 1 in the neatest style SIGN PAINTING A SPECIALITY, and Black''mitlring executed with neatness and dispatch. Having bad several years experience in the buisness. he is therefore, capable to judge when work is executed in a workman like manner. He employes none but ex perienced workmen. Call ands; e him. Wagons and Buggies always on hand, and for sale. v ork done on Time. feb7-4m THE “TIME” IS RIGHT JXOW! I R. BARNES, RESPECTFULLY IN: J , forms the Citizens of Palmetto, and vicinity that lie has opened in anew building, on Toombs Street, where he is prepared to do all work in bis line, such as repairing of Watches, Clocks. Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines, with neatness and on short notice. He ke. ps on band a go, and stock of watches, clocks, jewelry nnd spectacles which he will sell low for cash, call and examine his stock before buying elsewhere. work warranted. Terms cash, a? he keeps no hooks. jan3l Farmers Look to V our Interest. The man to patronize is the one who will do your work well and cheap, and at short notice, and that man is EN 0 C H STRICKLAND, Who has just established a wood shop in con nection with bis blacksmith shop at East end of Railroad street, FAIR BURN GEORGIA. lie has a full complement of experienced workmen and is prepared to do sdi kind of work in his line. He makes new r Wagons. Buggies and repairs old ones, keeps new Wagons anil Buggies con stantly on hand for sale, jan 31-Cm. Dn. A. G. Hulsey Cap’t. J VV. Nelms. HULSEY & NEEJMS, Dealers in drugs and family Groceries, between Elder Jfc Bro., and W. T. Rob ils & Cos., Knilroid Street, Fairburn, Ga. Their stock is always full. They are also General Guano Agents, and Farmers in need of Fertilizers can get any kind they want by calling on them, jan 31—tf. THE PLACE TO 151 V GOODS IS WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET Tiie Worth Of Your Money AND THE PUBLIC WILL FIV THAT PLACE BY CALLING AT gSl.mvji. Sellars’, PALMETTO, GA., FRONTING THE RAILROAD. Dealer in family groceries and Hardware. He keeps constantly on hand Sword Iron, Plow and Cast Sleal, Trace and Brtast Chains, Hames, Shovels Spadis and Axes of the best finality. Plows, and IJeel bolts for everybody from the Southern Agricultural works Columbus Ga. jan24 tf - WATCH STOLEN. ON Saturday, the 251 h January, some per son siole from the residence of Mrs Matilda Northcult, about six miles from Fair bur, a single case, cilinder escapement, gold watch. The ring of said watch was considera bly worn, and the minute hand was off. The chain was a small brass one. Any one finding said watch will lie linerally rewarded by returning it to the owner. C. V. NORTIICUTT. fel>7-lm OFFIC E OF Xji. Xji. Xi^.KTX>^I.XJ3M[, DEALER In- DRY goods, • groceries, drugs, hardware, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, PRODUCE, PROVISIONS &C,, Fairburn, Ga., January Is/ 1873. TJARMERS GIVE ME YOUR ORDERS JH For Fertilizers to be used the present year. I am now offering a number of the best. Fertilizers which have ever been used in ibis section oi the country, among which 1 will name a few only : Wanao Cash price $55.00 Time $60.00 Carolina “ “ 50.00 “ 60/0 Eagle “ “ 50.00 “ (id.oo Manipulated “ “ 60.00 “ 70.00 Eureka “ “ 50.00 “ 65.00 Sealowl “ “ 50.00 “ 66.00 Russell Coe’s Amoniated 58 00 “ 06 00 Cotton States “ 60.00 “ 70.00 give me your Orders early.. VV. F. LANDRUM an I7 -3iu A CARD TO THE IT BEJG. T WILL INFORM MY FKII NL-. -*■ Ami t. v puld.c p.- (l |.| ,!iv, ;t at j Gave a gal II kmuiuul Uusifi afiot ;i temporaiy mis]m in- i. .t . am: I tim now a laigo slot k of D y G ( ils, Boots, .Shot's, Notions, < Ic. We havt-adopted n GASH system,! hut when parties are know n, we will sell them Bacon, Corn, Grocries, etc., ; on Time. IL R. I ohgond, and J. r F. T* rrance, will he to wait on mv eiisfoinets. ! Cal! alid pee me whet vo'i come to’ town. Joerm Bpanti.v. iaiihuin, Ga. jan 31-‘2t. LOOK I5EFOI! E YOU LEAP! THORNTON AND HOLLEMAN Q7ILL JHAVE IN STORE AN AMPLE Sinck of Dill < COLS, r,( OIT*, SHOES, KITS, r.IHI) VtAl ll\ Etc.. Which they prrj oso to Fell on ns satiffactory ti-rms a. can be ofh rul any whore. Their stuck is comple at ali tinu *, a: and they arc receiving large lots of ASeatjCorn. Blohisses, Flour Lard etc,. Which w re bongt.t for Cash in the beet markets, and will be fold for ( ash or on Time Faimcf* wish ng to buy I’rcvisicns of any, or FertiEzMS are lespcctlully so licited fo give them a call, jan. 17-dm. s. p. tiirifcTorm:p, FjJJUJIIN, ga, MANi:F;iCI CIGTI OF AISD DEALER in all Kinds t f Furniture. Also Wnguns and Buggies made to order, or old ones lcj aiml. Blacksroiil'ing and no ly experfonced work men. aid charges reasonable. All work ior tai n.* rs done chkap. Call on him and got good bargains and cheap work, on Dun j kii.U wn Street about three hundred yards west of the depot, jan 17-1673 -dm SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, FOR 1873. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The Scientific America*, now in it? 28th year, enjoys the widest circulation ol any analagous periodical in the world. Its contents embrace the latest and most interesting information t ertaining to the Industrial, Mechanical, and Scientific Progress of the world; Desertptions.with Beautiful Engravings of New Inventions. New Implements. New Processes, and Imp.tovtd industries of all-kinds; Useful Notes, Facts. Recipes. Suggestions and Advice,by I'ratlical Writers,lor workun n and employers, in all tiie various arts. Descriptions of improvements, discov eries. and important v. orks, pertaining to civil and met hanical engine* ting, milling, mining and metallurgy: Records of tiie latest process in the applications of steam, steam engineering, railway?, ship-build ing, navigation, telegraph engineering, electricity, magnetisnl, light and heat. The latest discovery in photography, chemistry - , new and useful application of chemist y in the arts and in domestic or household economy. Tire latest information ptr'aining to techr ology, microscopy, mathematics, as tronomy. geography, metcoro’ogy. miner alogy. geology, zoology,botany, horticul ture, agriculture, architecture rural econ omy. household economy, food, lighting, heating, ventilation, ar.d health In short the w hole range of the sciences and practical arts are embraced wo bin tin scope ol the Scientific American. No per son who desires to he intelligently in formed can afford to be without this paper. inventors, mat ufacturcrg, chemists lovers oi eience, ! teachers, clergymen, lawyers, ar;d people of all professions, will find the Scientific American to he of great v due. Ic-thould have a place in every family, office nnd counting room; in every read ing room, college, academy, or school Published weekly, splendidly illustrated only $3 a year. The yearly numbers of Scientific Ameri can make tv. o spier did volumes of nearly one thousand pages, equivalent in ton tents to Four Thousand ordinary book page?. An official list ot all patents issued is published weekly. Specimen copies si nt free. Address tiie pul li. hers, Muss firCo.. 37 Park Row, New York. TANARUS) \ f l' I. \ 'i kJ In connection with I AVI DIN 1 o, the Scientific Amer ican, Messrs. Mnnn & €<>• arc Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had over 25 years’ experience, an I have the largest establishment in the world. II you have made an invention, write them a letter and send a sketch; they wilt promptly inform you, free of charge, whether your dt viie is new and prtenta lie. They will also send you, free r 1 charge, a * opy of the Patent 1 aws in full-, j wi h instructions how to proceed to ol - ain a patent. Address Munn & Cos., 37 Park Row, New Y'ork. 83T Subscription to Scientific American received at tiie office. JOHNSTON & CAMP, Successors to Richards & Martin, AT THE OLD STAS!) OS CASTLEBERRY USI.L We have, and will keep constantly on hat. a full assortment of Or I* €3 C O X’ ± O S There is a good wagon yard adjoining tl store. IS®-Respectfully solicit the patronage (f our country friends. ccllß 3it UEJV. LEE JLYIJN'G li \ STATE. AMNE ENGRAVING of a beautiful young lady, decorating the casket o the ols warrior, with wreaths and crosses of fiowere* It is without a rival, the sweetest and mo b touchingly beautiful engraving before the puph lie. Agents wanted in evetv county in tst s*outh to sell this and other Engravings, & s A sample copy of this fine Picture with ferine to Agents, will be sent by mail on receipt of six postage stamps. Address, J. €. & W. M. BIXIROW, ‘2OO Main St.,, IJkistol, Tenn Pay Your Debts. J F. FLLINGTON, of Palmetto, Carnpbc; j county.Georgia,will prompt and special after* tiou to the collection of Notes nd Account? Ronds and Mortgages, or anytlib g pertaining to the collecting business intrusted to his case individually or officially. as the parties mo • desire, for the counties of Campbell. F.iyeti and Coweta. Directions strictly Charges reasonable. Special rates |3 i t \ ueiuess firms. "wmade % V& EveryMan his ownFhysiciak: CA U TIO N. r | , I!R inuntnff tbriomd for FOLI.OWAY’S I I II.LS iind OIXTiVtIOY I . l-ns !rmi>ted un jirincpib and jariits o cr-uuti rh it valua ble mvdicines. Iu ordur to pi of eel the public and nureelvop. we have if-sued anew -Trade Mark.” co'*sn*t ini; of rn E.-vpfian circle o' a sTp n, i h tin* leit'-r II in the centre. Even t''xof gx, nine fl< u.<i\vay's uni Ointment win have this trade mark on it; tone ate g nuir.e without, it. N. Y. Cm MICAT- Cos., Fob* A< Ills !er Hol loway & Cos., 7b Maiden Lane, New Yoik. rpilE prnnd principle that operntes in F wonderful medicines, is ti e power ihcj p. sess in Purifying the tur<r>d t lood, and a , I pelting fo rnpt humorj Ir* to thesyst* m. Holloway’s Pills con-i>f m a <anful ana ptculiar atimixtine * f t C* finest Vegetable i:\traets. Herbs and Tfedlca! Possess it." not a grain of mineral in the r combina tion, they never e pose those who use them to any danger, at any time or season. No n other need hesitate to prescribe them to her children and tie most, delicate constitutions can lire them with as great a benefit as the most vigor ous and powerful frame. !— AH pur,nine Ilodoway med icines have the above trade in each book of Directions, around the medicines. This cun j be observed by holding the page Up totheli e ht. Sep 13 eov.tim I'll OF ESP! ON A L CARDS. |' * ' HR. F. JM. Il l RHEEE, PROPOSES TO OFFER SERVICES To the tilizeiiß of I’al.wi'ito, and the community at large. Jl* is prepared to proc (ice in Camp! el ,nd Fuyelte, Douglas a Coweta. He solicits a share of ihe public patronage. Give him a call. febl4-ly AY. H. AN DU EVAS, ATTORNEY AT LAV/, Georgia. DIG VV3I. WHITAKER HAYING located 2 1 miles from Fail burn, (Da., near the road leading to Concord church, respect Hilly offers his professional services to the public in the treatmentct tha various forme ot disease 7fc*T- Charges reasonable. Cancers treated on the principle of no core no pay. mtdM-lim LION ROAN, ATTO RN E Y ATLA IP , Fairburn, - Georgia. IA? ILL practice in I tie Tallapoosa, and V A Koine circuits, elsewhere by special con tract. Also, in the Supreme Court of Geor gia. Special attention given to the collection of all claims, placed in his hands. Office in Court House. maS-tf THOMAS AY. GATH AM Attorney cut I’ ill & ! S' *1 j G 1 O 111 a XaSta-jmuL J. A. ANDERSON, A T TORN E Y AT LA if Practice in all the Courts of Campbell. Fultc Clav ton, DeKftlb ami Cobb counties, the C. 8. District Court at Atlanta and SSuprotnc Court of State. Office, Dodd’s Corner, Atlanta, G/ DIG \\ y*. TIDWELL, j TY LSPFCTFULLY tenders his services ttthe citizens, of Fairburn, and surroimdinj country, in the practice of nndicine, in is va rious branches. He is well supplied with xm putating and obstetrical and all ii struments necessary for the successful neat no nr ol diseases peculiar to females, manjo which cannot be successfully treated wi thou their use. * Having been engaged in the practice for th last twenty years, he hopes, by close at tenrioi to books and patients, to merit and receive liberal share ot patronage. Office in Court-IL use. lnaff Cm AMERICAN TOOL CHESTS. FCJR HOLIDAY AND BIRTHDAY PRES* seats, fitted up with A No. 1 quality ef Tools adapted for Juveniles, Irom 65c to $5 Hoys, *• $4 •• lo Youths, “ 5 •* i£ Benfleimn, “ 15 •• 2£ Farmers & Planters, “ 50 • !25 Garpenfers, “ 1 0 “ 225 Thirty different, varieties, the most cotm kta assortment ever offered in the United States. 'lso. sole manulncturer of Smith's g nuine New York Club skates. Croquet m. d® in maple, apple, Box and rosewood. r J wvaty different styles. miYY'.AS SIIITH, lianafaclurn', Warehouse and Salesroom, 116 Chambers st., Nt w Y’ork lustrated r rice catalogue of my tool chests prices of fiber goods of my nianufact* r y receipt of teu cents. aid ORGANS! ORGANS! ORGANS! For the Parlor, Sunday School and church. 5 Octavos; 'J sets of Reeds throughout; 6 slops. Only $125. The best Groan ia the world tor ihe money. We can supply Organs rang nc in price from £65 to $2,1) U, and offer the most liberal inducements to the trade, tench-r#, cl er<jj men, and others, wbo will act as agents for i lie sale of our instruments. The 11 Parlor firm” Piano. 7 Octaves, full Tron frame, overstrung sea!#, round corncrs.caired legs; the finest low-pric#d Piano munutactured. Fu’ly warranted. Violin IStiings. We import direct f ot Italy, Germany and France, the very c boieest strings tl at are 'mad# andean supply tlac trade at lowest market prices. Sample set of choice Violin or Guitar strings mailed tree for sl. Band Instruments, sheet music music hooks, and musical mer* clmn ij'rf ? -cry description. in. a, POND H. <O, )V7 >1 V * ; . T , T ,