The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, February 21, 1873, Image 4

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DR. CARPE XTE R , ISC MULBERRY STREET. NEWARK, N. J., Is Mw treating; successfully Consumption, Bronchitis, •nd all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, wit his c EFOIAD BEDICiTED |Y'UUTU)\S, CO*. 1. MlltlU) FOUR, iSD COIR B STRIP During the past ten years Dr. Carpentel has to ut'd and cured thousands of case* of the • hove named diseases, and has now in his pos session certificates of cares from every part of the country. The Inhalation is breathed dir ctiy into the lungs, southing and healing ou r all ii fl.inu and surfaces, entering into the Rood, it imparts vitality s it permeates to every part o; the system. The sensation is l ot unpleasant, and the first inhalation often gives very decided relief, particularly when tlier is much difficulty of breathing. Under the influence of m.v remedies, the cough soon gro.w easier.niglit sweats cease,the hectic flush vanishes, and with improving digestion the pa tient rapidly gains strength, and health is •gain w ithin his gra-p. The Concent rated Food rapidly builds lip the most debilitated patient, present ing to the stomach food all ready to be assimi lated and made into good, rich, healthy blood The Cough Syrup is to be taken at niglit to alleviate the cough and enable the patient to obtain sleep. Full directions accom pany each bog oi my remedies, which consists of One inhaler; One Bottle of Alterative In haiaut; One Bottle of Soothing Febrifuge Inhalant: One Bottle of Anti-Haeni orrhagie Inhalant; One Bottle Concentrated Food; One Bottle of Cough Syrup. Price of Box containing remedies to last one month, $10; 2 mouths. SIS; 3montbs,s2s. Sent to any address C. O. D. Pamphlets containing large list of patients cured sent free. Letters of inquiry must contain one doljur to insure answer. Address A. [I. CARPENTER. M I).. Newark. N. J Pa. Carpenter's CATARRH REMEDY’ will give immediate relief,and will effect a perma nent cuie in tioin one ic three mouths Price of remedy to last one month, $5; two months, $8; th roe months. 91 \ CAKCEH in all its forms successfully treated. Pend for list of patients rul' and, to A. II CARPENTER. M.D.. Newark, N. J. jydfl-lim All Our Readers Should Take i . One of the most useful as well as the most handsome weekly pap, rs that comes ts our sanctum is the AmjmiiOax I.ami and Law Alt vwor. published at Pittsburgh. Pa., by .Messrs Crolt & Phillips. It is truly a imp: k fob the masses, and should lie tnkeu by every business man. mechanic, land owner, or those about to build, or purchase any kind f property, it gives yon all your Legal Advice Free, ouioi sal dksions lor cottages, dwelling houses, su burban and country residences, and a vast fund of prac ical information such as is found In no other paper in the world We find the following law questions—submitted to the pa per by subscribers—answered fully, ixtki.m- OENTLY, and very satisfactorily in a recent is *ue. This feature is alone wortli to every subscriber ten times the subscription price : A woman, in Michigan, conveys her own separate properly ; her husband does not join in the deed. but, being a Notary Public, takes her acknowledgment : —ls deed thus properly executed? (11. TANARUS.) Is keeper of private vineyard, who makes wine from his grapes, but who mrxesna making, bound t„ take out license under the revenue laws ? (Germar.) What is the precedence given to mechanics’ lien, upon buildings erected on premises at the time held under articles but after wards secured by deed? (Inqu'rer) Where a husband has been absent for years leaving wife, children and property ; and wife again marries : to whom must mon ey left by first husband in trust be paid, and how can it be obtained?—flow can judgment be kept alive ? (A Subscriber). How long after breach of marriage contract can suit be brought upon it ? (Romeo ) What redress has an owner of lands in lowa against a It. R. Cos. for going through his lands, where said Cos. did not give him notice but got an appraisal? (J P. L.) In addition to all of the above, the polishers give to every yearly subscriber a beautiful oil chrorao. “The Lost Babb,” fully worth $5,00 : -- all for $2.50. We would advise all our readers to subscribe for the Advisor, as they will find it'be most profitable newspaper in vestment they ever made. Send two stamps for a sample copy. The publishers are establishing pel manenl subscription agencies in all parts of tbe coun try, and they want a good, live agent to es tablish and take charge of agencies in those places where there arc none. Address them as above for particulars. N B.—Copies of the American Land and Law Advisor can be seen at the office of ihe > and, by our arrangement with its pub lishers, w’e can furnish it and the or per year, with the above chpomo to every yearly subscriber. TII E PEOP LE’ S P A PER! FOR TO l II DOLLARS! Tle Savannah Advertiser WILL BE MAILED TO YOU Daily, OAK YEA It. THE ADVERTISER PUBLISHES As muct) Rending Matler as any Paper in tbe State, The Associated Press Dispatches and Markets, Specials from Atlanta and the Legis lature, A Weekly Commercial Review, elabor ately compiled, And, in fact, is a thoroughly Live, t'omprthi'iisive lew-paper, furnished at a price th at has already given i DOUBLE TIIE CIRCULATION OF Any Other Georgia Daily. Tri-Weekly Edit ton $2 per Annum: Twite a Week One Hollar and a Half! Agents Wanted. BEAR!) & KIMBALL, Proprietors, Savannali, Ga. LARGEST ORGAN ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WORLD, 7 Extensive Factories, .). ESTEY & COMPANY, Brattlcboro, Ft., 1. S. A. THE CELEBRATED t.STEV COTTAGE ORGANS. THE latest and best improvements. Every thing that is new and novel. The leading improvements in Organs were introduced lirst in this establishment. Established 1846. 6em> For Illustrated Catalogue Ptp' . per day ! Agents wanted! Id)All classesof working peo ple, of either sex, young or old, make more pioney at work or us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Par ticulars free. Address G.Stinson & Cos.. Port lant), M due. sep6 ly n n n RADWAY’S READY RELIEF (IKES THE WORST PARS nrorn Our to Twentylliuute Not One Hour after reading this advertisement need any oi e SUFFER H ITH PAIN. RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CUBE l FOR EVERY PAIN. It was tbe first and is The Only Pain llemcd) i that instantly slops the most excrucuH ng : pains, allays Inflammations, and cures Conges i tion, whether of the LnDgs, Stomach. Bowls, or other glands or organs, by one application IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINT U S. no matter how violent or excruciating :!i* pain tbe RHEUMATIC.Bed-ridden.intii in.Ci:i pled. Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF will afford iustant relief, ISFLAEMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS SORE THROAT, D FFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPTHF.RIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. CliuA CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Steady Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramps, spasms, sour tomach heartburn, sick headache, Diari hte, dyseutery, Colic, wind in the bowels, and all internal pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle ot Hadway’s Ready Relief with them A tew drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AiXI) AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty cents. There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by RADWAYS PILLS) so quick as lUDH AY’S READY RELEIF. v ilty cents per bottle. 11 E A L Til! BEAU T Y !! STRONG AM PURR RI :H BLOOD —INCREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT—CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALU Or SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVEN HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; SO qOICK, SU liAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE., THAT Every Hay an iucrensc in Flesh and Weigh! is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PIKIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT communicates through tbe Blood,Sweat, Uriue.and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, lor it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular diseases, Ulcers in the throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parls of the system, Sore Eyes, Strum orous discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases. Eruption,Fever sores,Scald Head, Wing Worm, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Acme, Black spots, Works; in the Flesh. Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, arid all weakening and painful discharges, Nigut sweats, Loss of sperm and ali wastes of the life principle, are within tbe curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry,and a few days’ use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease it poteui power to cure them. Notonly dots the Sarsapariluan Resolvent excel al) known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, fero ulous, Constitutional, aud Skin diseases; but it is the only positive cure lor Kidney & Bladder Complaints, Urinary, and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinnnee o Urine. Bright’s Disease, Albuminuria, and in all curses where there are brick-dust deposits. X>x*_ Xi_^lD^7Y7'-A.Y r J3 PERFEC PURGAIVE PILLS perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with swee gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Rad way's Piils, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach. Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, Bladder. Nervous Diseases,Headache Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dys pepsia. Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inflamma tion of the Bowels, Piles, and all Derangements of the Internal Visceia. Warrant ed to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. A few doses of Uapway’s Pills will free the system from all the above named disorders.— Price, 25 cents per Box. Sold ijy Dkuggsts. Read “ and Tkuk n Send one letter stamp to Rahway & Cos., No. 87 Maiden Lane New York, ln'ormation worth thousands will be sent you. D'J.BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULAOR: "woman’s best friend,” Will bring on llie Menses when they have not been established, also when they have been suppressed fn m un natural causes. Will cure Rheumat ism and Neuralgia of the back and womb. Will cure Painful Menstrua tion, and relieve the head, back and loins of those distressing pains and aches Will check menorrhagia or “excessive How.” Will cure “Whites” and falling of the womb, wheu it is the result of relaxation or bad health. It is a8 sure a cure in all the above diseases as Quinine is iu Chills and Fever. Ladies can cure themselves of all the above diseases without revealing their coir,plaints to any person, which is always mortifying to their pride and modisty. It is recommended and used by the best physicians in their private practice. For a history of the above diseases, certificates of its wonderful cures and directions, the reader is rofered to tho wrapper around the bottle. Manufac tured and sold by Bradfif.ld & Cos., Atlanta Ga. Sold by all Druggists. Pi ice $1.50 bTOP TI1IEE! STOP” Keeps com tan tty on hand, at Atlanta pricer ew.-ry discription and quality of furniture, bright and new from the shop, and warrantee to bo of the best material. Keeps one blath er always employed in stealing and (eels per fectly able to give furniture to the poor.— Those entitled under this generous proposi tiqn. will bring a certificate from a Justice cl tbe Peace, that they lost all of their proper ty by the war. Das changed his blacksmith shop to Jack son's old shop, and will de work iu the best style at low rate. ‘ ‘Come ye poor and needy. 1 jail 10-3 m C. T. SMITH. falpietto, Ga. PROSPECTUS OF THE PALMETTO SHIELD, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Published at PA LM ETTO, GEORGIA, Devoted to Temperance, ,A gincnlture. Politics, Literature, die, SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE, TWO DOLLARS, PER ANNUM. THE! SIIISXjI? Being published in an enterprising town on the Atlanta & West Point Railroad, in a good section of country and having a large circulation in Campbell and surrounding counties,the public will find it a good medium for their advertisement*, PATRONAGE SOLICITED. No pains will be spared to make •m- TIIE SSHIEXaD A FIRST-CLASS PAPER. Our motto is, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMY. COME ONE, COME ALL, AND SURROUT YOUR COUNTY NEWSPAPER WITH A A/ILL, ®Sr A VERY LIBERAL DE DUCTION MADE ON YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS, SALE OF THE MOUNT FLORENCE ESTATE ! WITH _A_ OA.JS3EX Irt TIXTX?. TOTAL VALUATION, $ 3 5 0,0 0 0, ALL TO BE DISTRIBUTED AMONG SHAREHOLDERS, As a Majority may Determine, at a [petting to be held in the cit . t New Yoik On (lie First Day of January, 1872. A 1 a Meeting of S o kkolders, held a the C o; er Intitue, New Yor , Aug. st Ist, 1872. Mr John A. Letter s, tbe Manger. alter making iii statement ot the financi >i c nditiou ol the enterprise, a ked for a Committee • I hrtesiig-.tiion, when the following named ge tlemen were appointed s ch Committee: Geo. It. Spencer. John if. Many, and W li. VVhitman. \\ e. the undersigned, have examined the accounts oi M . Lcfterl . and find his st tome > correct, and we do hereby aih w him until the first of J: nuarv, 1673, to s* il the remaining Shares. ;t which time the book-" shall p s lively be closed, or sooner it the Shares are sold. Aud we hereby appoint the tenth day ol January, 1872, for the final di-tribution oi the property. GKO li. SPRAGUE, JOHN li. MANY, \Y. 11. WHITMAN. Shares Only GaNTHE 33CLLAH it has been proposed that the Property and Cash Fund should be divided into 2,4: 5 *7 Bu' this must be decided by the Shareholders themselves. Special attention is called to the lact that this is not a “Gift Enterprise,” “Charity Con ert,’ nor any mere scheme tor disposing of tickclf, t ut an absolute bona tide aud Peremptory Sale of Valuable Property. Ce,(ificate of Distinguished Gentlemen relative to Mt. Florence. We are familiar with Mount Florence-on-the Hudson, an 1 take pleasure in saying that it is a large and beautiful Property,conveniently located as to the railroad and the city of New York highly and substantially improved and embellished to a degree rarely equalled in thi- country. Mount Florence was improved by D. Id. Craig, between 1858 and 18(54, and with ten years ol natural growth, added to [be immense sum expended in improvemen , ils present value can hardly be over-estimated. The situation is extremely tavorable lor health and comfort,and the views of moumaiti, river aud inland scenery, from different parts of the grounds, are varied and beautiiul at all seasons. Hon. Chauncey M, Depew, late sec'y of state of New York: Hon. Jas. w. Busted, of Peeks kill, N. Y'.; D T. Clapp, esq., Cashier westche-ter Cos. Bank, Peekskill; Hugh C. Wilson, esq , Cashier Saving Bank, Peekskill; Owen T. Ci tfin.e q. Surro ate of wcstcbesler Cos.; Prof. Chas. A. Lee, M. D., Peekskill; J. B. Brown, esq., sec’y Peekskill Flow works. 94 Beckman street, N Y.; John McKesson, esq., til Fulton street; F S. Stewart, M. D., Peekskill. The following well-known gentlemen have consented to act as an ADVISORY BOARD: H Clay Preston, New York City Zenas C. Priest. Utica, N Y. Geb Frank Gouley, St. Louis, Mo. On in welch, Syracuse. NY. Thomas J Corson, Trenton, NJ. F L Stowoll, Orleans. NY. Gen N M Ivisewell, New York Cilv Fli Palmer New York city. Daniel Sickles, New York city. Hubert S. Burns, Cbarleslou, S. C. Liberal inducements to afiehts and canvassers. Special terms made with Clubs. Persons living at a distance rem tting the money for the number ot Shares they may wish, will promptly receive them by return mail. For Shares,Descriptive Circulars. Beautifully Illuminated Views of Mount Florence and Sur roundings, Ac., &c., address JOHN A. LEFFEItTS, General manager. GO3 Broadway, N. Y. P. O. Box 3459. John W. Simons, sec’y, John C. Smith. Treus., N Y mer. Exchange, 50 and 52 Pine st. BANNER OF LIGHT: An Exponaut OF THE SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY OF THE INET EE N Tlt CEN TUK Y. PUBLISHED WEEKLY At No. 158 Washington street, “Parker build ing,” Boston, Mass. WILLIAM WHITE & CO, Proprietors. WILLIAM WHITE, | LUTHER COLBY. ISAAC B RICH. Luther Colby, . Editor. Lewis B. Wilson Assistant AIDED UV A LARUE COUPS OF aDI.E WHITER*. THE BANNER OF LIGHT is a first class 8 page family Newspaper, containing forty col umns of interesting and instructive reading, classed as follows: LITERARY DEPARTMENT —Orig inal Novelettes of reformatory tendencies, and occasionally translations front French and German authors. REPORTS OF SPIRITUAL LEO TURKS.— By able Trane & Normal Speakers. ORIGINAL ESSAYS.—Upon Spirit ual. Philosophical and Scientific subjects. EDITOR IA L DEPARTMENT -Sub jects of General Interest, the Spiritual Philoso phy, its Phenem tia elo., Current Events, en tertaining Miscellany. Notice of New Publica tions,etc. W estern Editorial Correspondence, by Warren Chase, St. Louis. Mo., Western Locals, by ephas B. Lynn. MESSAGE DEPARTMENT-A page of Spiritual Messages from thedepnrted to their friends in earth life,given through the medium ship of Mrs. J. H. Conant. proving direct spirit-intercourse between tho Mundane and Super-Mundane Worlds. ORIGINAL 00 RRESPONDENTS from the writers in the world. All which features render this journal a popular Family Paper, and at the same time the Harbinger ot a Glorious Scientific Religion. TMtMS OF kIBSCItIPTIHY, IS ARVUCK: Per Year $3 00 Six Months 1 00 Three Months 75 TE&~ There will be no deviation from the above prices. In remitting by mail a Post Office Order or Dratt on Boston or New Y r orlc payable to the order ot William White & Cos. is preferable to Bank Notes, since, should tbe Order or Draft be lost or can he renewed without loss to the sender. Subscription discontinued at the expiration of trie time paid for. Subscribers in Canada will add to the terms of subscription 20 cents per year, for pre-pay ment ot American postage. Post-Office Address.— It is useless forsub scribers to write, unless they give their Post- Office address and name of State. Subscribers wishing the direction of their paper changed from one town to another must always give the name of th# Town, County and State to which it has been sent. Specimen copies sent free. Subscribers are informed that twenty-six numbers of the Banner compose a volume.— Thus we publish two volumes a year. Pay Your Debts. J. F. ELLINGTON, of Palmetto, Campbel county .Georgia,will prompt and special atten tion to the collection of Notes and Accounts Bonds and Mortgages, or anything perlaioinf to the collecting business intrusted to his care individually or officially, as the parties maj desire, tor the counties of Campbell, Fayetti and Coweta. Dilections strictly f jßtiollow Charges reasonable. Special rates iott j psjiiess firpns. 'winadc BETHANY 111011 SCHOOL FAYETTE COUNTY, GA. 1 HE -ceond terin of this Institution will be opened for the reception of students on the first Monday in January 1873. The scholastic year of ten months wili be di vided into two sessions—first session to continue s'x mouths. Location. Tiiis TnslPute i- located 4’.miles east ot Fairburn, in a splendid neighborhood, noted for its morality, fine water, gtod health and convenience to chinches of various denominations. Remarks. We are now building anew and com modious Academy which win be com pleted by the time the school opens, and can'assure the public and p Iron- of tiie school that tiiis in.-titiUe possi ,-ses all the requisites necessary for the youths of tiie ceuntiy, both male and female, to be tiior oughly.prepared to enter College. Government. Will not be tyranieal, though it will re quire strict obedience from each and every student. Kates of Tuition. Ist Hass—Orthography Reading and writing, first se son .... $13.00 ; d-e ass- A ritbmetie.Geography .Eng Grammar. Eng composition. An cient & modern history.first sessonSlu.OO 3d class—Rhetoric, Logic, Hygiene- Anatomy. the Languages amt Higher mathematics, $lB CO Hip. secordjsession to commence on the first Monday n August. 1873.and continue four mo- ths at the above ratesoi Tuition, due at the close of ea< h session, PW“ All students will *e charged fora the ime of entering until the close of the session.except in ca <sol protvacten iPness. 7g~ Board e had in good families at from $1 to sl2 per month. Eg>“ Incidental fee, one dollar. J. G. LISTER, Pr’l. Trustees— B F Harper, E C Bustin, R N Harris, J M Oakley, William Milam, John Lester, J A Ellington oct2s 3 m JOHNSTON & CAMP, Successors to Richards & Martin, AT THE OLD STAS’) OS CASTLEBERRY Hi!. I We have, and will keep constantly on liar c a full assortment of Gr X' O C © I* ± ©fit There is a good wagon yard adjoining tt store Respectfully solicit the patronage c our country friends. octlS 3m GEN. LEE LYING IN STATE. A F INE ENGRAVING of a beautiful young lady, decorating the casket o the ols warrior, with wreaths and crosses of flowere- It is without a rival, the sweetest and nio-b touchingly beautiful engraving belore the pnph lie. Agents wanted in every comdy in Ist south to sell this and other Engravings, &s A sample copy of this fine Picture with termc to Agents, will be sent by mail ou receipt of six postage stamps. Address, J . & W. M. BIRROW, 200 Main St,, Bristol, Te.nn RAILROAD DIRECTORY. ATLANTA & WEST POINT K. E. Change of Schedule. Takes effect February 10 th, 1813 DAY PASSENGER TRAIN —OUTWARD. Leave Atlanta 700 am Arrive at Palmetto 8:33 a m Leave “ -- • 8:34 a m Arrive at West Point 11:17 a m DAY PASSENGER TRAIN —INWAUI . Leave West Point .. 3:2 )p m Arrive at Palmetto 6:26 p m Leave ** 6:27 pm Ai rive al Atlanta 7:50 r > night passenger train— Outward. Leave Atlanta 1:15 am Arrive at Palmetto 2:30 a .y Leave “ 2:30 am a rrivi v.. - j ini 5:40 ais NIGIII PASSENGER TRAIN —INWARD. Leave West P : ,t 1:00 a M Arrive at Palmetto 5:15 v m Leuv • 6:6 a m Arrive at Atl • nta 6 50 a m D iY FREIGHT TRAIN— GUIW Rl>. L ave Atlanta .7:00 \ m rrive at Palmetto. .... ... . . 9:05 a m Arrive at West Point 3:30 * .vs DAY FREfGUT TRAIN—INWARD- Leave West Point 8:30 a m Arrive at Palmetto 2:30 p m Arrive at Atlanta 4:30 p * NIGHT FREIGHT TRAIN—OUTWARD. Leave Atlanta 12:30 p M Arrive at Palmetto 2:30 pm Arrive at West Point .8:20 pw NIGHT FREIGHT TRAIN—INWARD. Leaves est Arrives at Palmetto 7.10 a m Arrives at Atlanta 9:45 a m L. P. GRANT, Scp’t. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla k ——. & I s widely known M Jel as one of the most Jrai effectual remedies jffixA f'M lltmk ever discovered foi JEaSS LM f/mrsk cleansing the sys *£ t 'B&K**><!rqß tem anu purifyinj the blood. It hat years, with a con stantly growing rep utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out tbe great cor ruptions of tbe blood, such as tbe scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked In tbe system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ring-worm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female Weakness, Debility, and Leticorrhoea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons.. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where r'v disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and anew lease of life. PREPA RED BY Dr. J. C> AYER & CO., Lowell, H/iass. v Practical and Analytical Chemists* SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE SICILIA* HAIR Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; an' 1 it is the only reliable and perfect ed preparation for restoring Gray on Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. Tito scalp, by its use, becomes -white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create anew growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, “The constituents are pure, and care fully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the Best Prepa ration for its intended purposes.” Sold by all Druggists , and Dealers in Medicines . Price One Dollar. Buckingham’s Dye, FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we harve prepared this dye, in one preparation ; which will quickly ana effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, & CO* NASHUA. N.H. THE | ~ Should be in the hands cl MARRIED every Wife and Husband Contains the secrets they W 0 M S MtQ both desire and ouaht to kno-- U IVI RIN O g t . nt f ,. ee i,,. m , i | or io cts AddressJ Y junky. Box 211 GUiDE. I I qlionville, Y.