The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, February 28, 1873, Image 4

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136 .MULBERRY STREET, NEWARK, N. J., L now treating successfully Co. ,sutititia:s, Bronchitis, and ail diseases of the Throat and Lungs, w it lii. COSPOI'SiroiF.DICITCD I'CHALATHHS, COS- CniRULD FOO!>, AXD COIXH SIBI'P During the past ten years Dr. Carp* ntei ha? treated and cured thousands of cases of th above named diseases, and has now in his pos session certificates r.l cares from every part o( the country. Tile iulialat icm is > nathed dir-ctly into the lungs, soot.iinir and healing over all inflam' and surfaces, enu ring into the blood, it- imparts vitality ;.s it peinie it os to every pari o: the system. The sensation is not unplea-Mii. nr.d the fust in l alation often gives very decMed tela f, particul irly when ther* is mu<h difficulty of breathing. Under the influence of my r medics, the cough soon grows ea-dw.night sweats cease,th** hectic flush vanish s, and with improving digestion the pa* tieul rapidly gains strength, and health is again within his grasp. The Concentrated Food rapidly buildeup the most debilitate ! patient, present ing to the stomach food all ready to beas-irai lated and made into good, rich, healthy blood Tile Cough Syrup is to be taken at night to alleviate tue cough and enable the patient to obtain sleep. Full directions aecom pany each box of my remedi .-.which cotisistsof One Inhaler; One Bottle of Alterative In* halanU Pee bottle of Soothing Febrifuge inhalant; One Bottle of Antl-lijem orrhagle Inhalant; One Bdtic Concentrated Food; One Bottle of Cough Syrup. Price of Box containing remedies to Inst one mouth, $10; 2 months, $18; 3 months,s26. Sent to any address C. 0. D. Pamphlets containing large list of patients cured sent free. Letters of inquiry must contain one dollar to insure answer. Address A. 11. CARPENTER. M 1) . Newark. N. J. Dit. Carpenter's CATARRH REMEDY will give immediate relief,and will effect a perma* nent cure in Irotn cue t three months. Price -f remedy to last one month. $5; two months, $8; thiee months, STY CVUCIU in all its forms successfully treated. Fend for list of patients cured, to A. n CARPENTER, M. D., Newark, N. J. jy*26-12m All Our Readers Should Take if. One of the most useful as well as the most handsome weekly papers that comes t# our Fanctum is the American Land and Law Ad visor, t bli-hed at Pittsburgh, Pa., by Messrs Croft A Phillips. It is truly a pai* k for the masses, and should be taken by every business man. mechanic, laud owner, or those about to build, or purchase any kind f property. It gives you all your Legal Advice Free, okigj n.vl designs lor cottages, dwelling bousev. su burban and country residences, and a vast fund of prac ical information such as is found li no other paper in th * world We find the following law questions—submitted to the pa per by subscribers—answered fully, intelli gently, and very satisfactorily in a recent is sue. This feature is alone worth to every fubscriber ten times the subscription price : A woman, in Michigan, conveys her own separate property ; her husband does not join in the deed, but, being a Notary Public, her acknowledgmentls deed thus properly executed? (H. TANARUS.) 1; keeper of private vineyard, who makes wine from his grapes, but who mixesns making, bound t . take out license under the revenue laws ? (Gerrnar.) What ithe precedence given to mechanics’ lion, upon buildings erected on premises in the time held under articles but after wards secured by deed? (Inquirer) TV here a husband has been absent for years leav ug wife, children and property ; and wife again marries : to whom must mon ey left by lirst husband in trust bo paid, wnd how can it be obtained? Mow can judgment be kept alive? (A Subscriber). How long after breach of marriage contract can suit be brought upon it ? (Romeo ) What rt dress has an owner vf lands in lowa against a K. R. Cos. for going through bis lands, where said Cos. did not give him notice but got au appraisal? (J. P. L.) In addition to all of the above, the polishers give to every yearly subscriber a beautiful oil chromo. ‘ The Lost Babb,’' fully worth $5,00 ; all for $2 50. Wc would advise all our Traders to subscribe for the Advisor, as they will 11 ud it the most profitable newspaper in vestment they ever made, bond two stamps f‘ir a sample copy. The publ shers are establishing permanent subscription agencies in all parts of the coun irv. and they want a good, live agent to es tablish aud take charge of agencies in those places where there are none. Address them ns above for particulars. N B.— Copies of the American Land and Law Advisor can be seen at the office of the and, by our arrangement with its pub lishers, we can furni-h it and the or per year, with the above chromo to < very y early subscriber. Tli K rEOP LE’ S PATEii! ron VO U it 1) (5 1 j Ij A KS! Tlie Saviinuali Advertiser WILL BE MAILED TO YOU Daily, OM: YKAii. THE ADVERTISER PUIU.ISHES As much Reading Matler as any Paper in the Elate, The Associated Press Dispatches and Markets. Specials from Atlanta and the Legis lature, A Weekly Commercial Revjew, elabor ately compile!, And, iu lact, is a thoroughly Live, f omiirthcr.sivc Newspaper, urnishid at a price that has already given i DOUBLE THE CIRCULATION OF Any Of Iter Georgia Daily. TrUlittk'y Edition $2 per Annum! Tw ice a Meek One Cellar acd a Hail! Agents Wanted. BEARD & KIMBALL, Proprietors, Siivaunah, Ga. ci i it i: or X-=, XiaiaLKraoxLTJi^, DEALER IX DRY (iOODS, GROCERIES. DRUGS, HARDWARE, hats, caps, boots, shoes, produce, PROVISIONS &C,, Fa.irbu.rn, Ga,, January Ist 1873. TTURMERS GIVE ME YOUR ORDERS J 1 Fur I erlilizirs to he used the present year. I am now offering a number of the besl Fertilizers which have ever been used in this ! genii n of ibe country, among which I will name a few only : lYan4 Cash price $55.03 Tims $60.00 j Carolina •* “ gu.OO “ 60/0 | Ragle “ “ 50.00 “ CO.OO | Manipulated “ “ 60/0 “ 70.00 1 E’li . ka •• “ 50.00 “ 66.00 i p a Twl “ “ 5000 “ 66.00 | Russel! Coe’s Amoniatcd 58 00 “ 66 00 j Cotton States 60.00 “ 70.00 ' Plea e give me your Oulers early.. W F. LANDRUM I OB 17 ,1 o r r n RAHWAY’S READY RELIEF HUES THE WORST PUTS nr o tit Oiif t Ttrcnl jr 311 11 at c .\ol ()*>e Hour after readimr this advertisement need any m c SUFFER WITH RAIN. RAHWAY’S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. It was the first and is The Only P a i st IS cme 1 > hat instantly stops the most excruciating ■aius, allays Inflammations, and curest .-nees : tlon. whether ol the Lungs, Stomach, ii - "is. or other glands or organs, by one application j IN FROM ONE TO T W ENT Y MINUS i-.S, j no matter how violent- or (•xcvocia'h.g the pain | the RI!EUMATIC,Ii..I ridden ( ni pled, Nervous. N- ui s gic, or prs.?\ut* and with disease ; may suffer. RAD WAY’S READY RELIEF will afford instant relief, | IKFI.AEMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF TIIE BLADDER INFLAMMATION ( F THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS SORE TIIRCAT, D KFI CULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF TIIE HEART. HYSTERICS, CR' UP, DIPTHF.HIA. CATAIt KH, IN FLU EN ZA. IIE ADACI lE, TO< )TII ACHE, N EURALGI A, KH EUM ATI SM. CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Heady lUliiT to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of waterwill in a few moments cure Cramps, spasms, B<>ur tomach heartburn, sick headache, Diari hae, dysentery, Colic, wind in the bowels, and all internal pains. Ttaveb rs should always carry a bottle ol Haduay’s Heady Relief with tln m. A few drops in waterwill prevent sickness or pains fiom change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVEH AM) AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty cents. There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Bilious, Scarlet. Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by UADH AYS FILLS) so quick as Il AI)WAY'S READY RELEIF. Fifty cents per Lottle. It K A L T li ! 11 E A l TV!! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD—INCREASE < 1 FLESH AND WEIGHT—CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. :Or SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVEN HAS HADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen ant! Felt. THE CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT communicates through the Blood,Sweat, Urine,and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, lor it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption Glandular diseases, Ulcers in the throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands aud other parts ol the system, Soke Eyes, Strum oitous discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases. Eruption,Fever sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Acme, Black spots, Mores' in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful di.-eltargcs, Night sweats, Loss of sperm and all wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range of this won icr of Modern Chemistry,aud a lew days’ use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease it potent power to cure them. No! only does the Sarsaparilllax Resolvent excel all know n remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scro nlous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it is the only positive cure for Kidney & .Bladder Complaints, Urinary, and Womb diseases. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage ol Whiter, Incontinence o Urine. Bright’s Disease, Albuminuria, aud in ail curses where there are brick-dust deposits. X3 jl‘. PERFEC PURGAIVE PILLS perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with swee glint, purge, regulate, purity, cleanse, and strengthen. Had way’s Dills, fur the cure of all disorders of the Stomach. Liver, Bowels. Kidnejs, Bladder,Net vons Diseases,Headache Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion. Dys pepsia. Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inflamma tion of the Bowels, Files, and all Derangements ol the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. I’uroly Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. A few doseso! Haßwav’sTii.i.s will free the system Lout all the above named disorders.— Brice, 25 cents per Box. S- u> by Dbuggsts. Bead “ ami Titus;.” Send one letter stamp to Rahway & Cos., No. 87 Maiden Lane New York, lutormaliou worth thousands will be sent you. D'J.BRADFiELD’S FEMALE REGULAOR: “woman's bust friicnd,” 'A i!! bring on tho Metises when they have not been established, - also when they have been suppressed from tin natural causes. Will cute Rheumat ism and Neuralgia of the back and womb. Will cute Painful Menstrua tion, and relieve the head, buck at and loins of those distressit g pains and aches Will cheek motionltagiu or “excessive flow.” Will cute “Whites” and falling of the womb, when it is the result of relaxation or bad health. It is as sure a cute in all the above diseases as Quinine is tti Chills and Fever. Ladies cun cure themselves of all the above diseases without revealing their complaints to any person, which is always mortifying to their pride and modifctv. It is recommended and used by the host physicians in their private practice. For a history of the above diseases, certificates of its wonderful cures and directions, the reader is relered to the wrapper around the bottle. Manufac tured aid sold by Bradfield & Cos , Atlanta Ga. Sold by all Druggists, i’tice $1,50 STOP Til Hit ! STOP!! Keeps constantly oil hand, at Atlanta price, e'-ery dircriptim and quality of Ininitur; bright aud new from the shop, and warrants to be of the best material Keeps ine l.rotL or always napleyed ill stealing ami ieels per fectly able to give urniture to the poor.- Those eMirlttl unfi.r this generous proppe,; lion, will bring a certificate from a Justice t. Hie Peace, that they lost all of their propel ty by the war. Has changed ins blacksmith shop to Jac-1 son’s olfi shop, and will do work in Ihe bet styleal low rates. 1- Con.e ye poor and needy.’ jar, 10 3in C. T. SMITH. Palmetto, Ga. PROSPECTUS OF THE PALMETTO SHIELD, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Published at PALMETTO, GEORGIA Devoted to ‘UiU'eiEBA.lP© e, Agric ulfui* o, Politics, XjitGxrevt’UDL-o, c§3*o, SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE, TWO IQ 1 AIT, PER ANNUM. *3? XX3EJ SB- XX TT-n.D Being published in an tuKipiising town on tlto Atlanta & West Point Railroad, in a good section of country and having a large circulation in Campbell and surrounding cum,ties,the public will find it a good medium for their adtertiseii.ents. PAH ItOKAGii SO-LICITJEO. No pains will be spared to make =2? XX 23 SHIEIrD A FIKST-CLASS PAPER. Our motto is, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMY GOME one, come aee, ANE> SUP FORT TOLR COUNTY NEWSPAPER WITH A dVILL. Jter A VERY LIBERAL DE - j DUOTION MADE ON YEARLY, ADVERTLI ME? IS. SALE OF TIIE MOUNT FLORENCE ESTATE! WITH -A. CASH ZPTTXTIO. TOTAL VALUATION, $ 3 5 0,0 0 0, ALL TO BE DISTRIBUTED AMONG SHAREHOLDERS, As a Majority may Determine, at a meeting to be held in the city >f Ni w Ytuk > On Hie First Day of January, !§72. A : a Meeting of S o.kholders, held a the C ot er In.dilute, Nt-w Yor , Aug st Ist, 1872. M i John A.Letter s. the Mall ger alter making hi- statement ol the limtnei c Hditiou ol the enl rpnse, a-ked lot a Committee 1 I lute- ig .Hon, when the It-,lowing named ge tletuett were appointed g ch Committee : Geo. K. Spencei. Joint H. Many. and H 11. Whitman yy e tin undersigned, bav.- examined the acc ants ol M<. Letter! . and find his stilane :t* correct, at and we do hereby all w btut until lie lit toi Jauuury . 1873. to s-li tlier- tti lining Shares, at which time the book.- shall p s lively be closed, or sooner if the Shares arts sold. And we bert h ppoittt the tenth day ul Januaty, .872 fur the final .is > ribuliou of ihe properly. GKO U .-PRAGUE, JOHN ii MANY, U. 11. WHITMAN. Muires Only QSTS DOLLAR lELA-OIEE, It has been proposed that the Properly and Cas Fund should be divided into 2,407 F x* ± ss o s . Bur this must be di cided by the Shareholders tin-ntseltrs. Special oil. ntioii is rail, and to the tact that this is not a "Gil t Knterprise.” "Chanty Lott ert.’ not mere sc. cute fur disposing of tickeU, t ul an absolute bona lid;- and Pertniptoiy KttSe ,f Yiiltiabie Pioperty. Ccilificatc of i)is< ingiiislicd Uci.tlttacit relative to flit. Florence. \Ve are familiar with Mount Florence-on-the Hudson, and lake pi. asure in saying that it is a large and lieattliful Property. conveniently located as to the railroad in ni the city ol New York highly and subsla finally improved and embellished to a degree rarely equalled in thi country. Mount Florence was improved nv D. li. Craig, between 1858 and 18114 and will) ten years ot natural growth added lo the immense sum expended in iteprovetnen , its present value can hardly be over-estimated. The situ tion is extremely lavorable tor health and comfort,and the views of mountain, river aud inla and scenery. Irotn different parts ol the grounds, arc varied and beantilul at all seasons. Hon. Chattnee} ii. Depew, lale sec’y of state of New York: Hon Jos. w. Hasted, of ’’eeks kiil, N. Y : D T. Clapp, esq.. Cashier weslclte ter Cos. Bank Peeksksll; Hugh 0. Wilson, esq , Cashier Saving Bank, liekskil ; Oweu i. C llin.e q.Sorio ate ot w. stein ster Cos.; Irol.Chas. x. Lee, M. D , Peekskill; J. B. I.iowtt. esq., sec’y i'eekskill Plow works. 94 Bcckmau street, N Y.; John cKessou. esq.. 91 Fulton street; P S. Stewart, ol D., Peekskill. The following well known gentlemen have consented to act as an ADV I S BY BOABb; H Clay Preston. New York City Zenas C. Priest. Utica, N Y Geh Frank Gouley, -t. Louis, Mo. On in welch, Syracuse. NY. Thomas J Corson. Trenton, N J. F L Stowoll, Orleans. NY. Gen N M ivisewell, New Y'ork City F li Palmer New York city. Daniel Sickles, New Y’ork city. Roberts. Burns, Charleston, S. C. Liberal inducements to afiehts and canvasser Persons living at a distance rem tting tho mi will promptly receive them by return mail. For bbarw,Descriptive Circulars. Beautifully roundings, £c., &c., address General ma John VV. Simons, sec*y, John C. Smith, Trea BANNER OF LIGHT; Au Lxpuiiaut OF THE MMIUTLAL PHILOSOPHY OF THE IN E T EEN TJI CENT UR Y. PUBLISHED WEEKLY At No. 158 Washington street, ‘ Parker build ing,” Boston, Mass. WILLIAM Will IE & CO, Proprietors. WILLIAM WHITE. | LUTIIER COLBY, ISAAC B. RICH. Lutiier, Editor. Lewis B. Wilson Assistant AIDED 13V A LARGE CORPS OF ABLE WRITERS. TIIE BANNER OF LIGHT is a first class 8 page family Newspaper, containing forty col umns of interesting and instructive reading, classed as follows: LIT EE A iiY DEPARTMENT —Orig inal Novelettes of reformatory tendencies, and occasionally translations from French aud > Gern an author--. REPORTS OF SPIRITUAL EEC TUKEB.—By able Trance & Normal Speakers. ORIGINAL ESSAYS.—Upon Spirit ual. Philosophical and Scientific subjects. EDITOR IA L I)EPARTMEN V - Sol, jectsof General Interest, the Spiritual Philoso phy, its Ph min mi etc.. Current Events, en tertaining Miscellany. Notice of New Publica tions,etc. V\ cstern Editorial Correspondence, by V- arren Chase, St. Louis. Mo., Western Locals, by ephas I>. Lynn. MESSAGE DEPARTMENT-A page of Spiritual Messages from the departed to their friends in earth life,given through the medium t-hip of Mrs. J. 11. Conant. proving direct spirit-inteivour-e between the Mundane and Super-Mundane W< rids. ORIGINAL CORRESPONDEXTS from the writers in the world. All which features render this journal a popular Family Paper, aud at the same time the Harbinger ol a Glorious Scientific Religion. THIS OF hi'BSIRII'iIOiY, IS ABY WE; P< r Year $3 oli Six Months l oo 'i hree Months 75 feU" There will be no deviation from the above prices. In remitting by mail a Post Office Order or Hiat on boston or New York payable to the ordt r oi William White & Cos. is preferable to Bank Notes, since, should the Order or Draft be lost or stolen,it can be renewed w ithout loss to the sender. Subscription discontinued at the expiration of tne time paid for. Subscribers in Canada w ill add to the terms ot subscription *2O cents per year,for pre pay ment ot American postage. Post Office Address. It. is useless forsub scribers to write, unless they give their Post- Office address and Dame ot State. Subscribers wishing the direction of their paper changed from one town to another must always give the name of tho Town, County and State to which it has been sent. Specimen copies sent tree. Subscribers are informed that twenty-six numbers of the Banner compose a volume. — Thus we publish two volumes a year. JOHNSTON & CAMP, Successors to llicfiards & Marlin, AX IKE OLD SUV* OS CASTLEIIERUV Hi!. We have, stud will keep ccmstantly ou hat „ a lull assortment of C£r 2? O O O 2° i O m 1 There is a good wagon yard adjoining tLv store. pi3~ Respectfully solicit the patronage < i our country friends, octlß 3m s. fiiS~ Special terms made with Clubs, uiiey for the number ol Shares they may wish, Illuminated Views of Mount Florence and Sur- JOIIN A. I.EFFORTS, nager. GO3 Broadway. N. Y. P. 0. Box 3459. s., N Y tner. Exchange, 50 and 52 Pine st. BETHANY man sciiooij FAYETTE COUNTY, GA. XHE second term of this Institution will be opened for the reception of students on the first Monday in January 1873. The scholastic year of ten months will be di vided into two sessions—first session to continue s'x months. Location. Utls Tnsli'ute is located 414 miles eas t ol Fairburn, in a splendid neighborhood, noted h r its moneity, fine water, good health arid convenience to chuiches of various denominations. Remarks. We are now httiidir.g; new and com modious Academy which wi 1 h com pleted hr the time the school opens, anti con assure rite public ami p foil ol the school that this institu e possesses all the requisites necessary lor the youths of the country, ho I- male and female, to he thor ougltlv .pre; a red lo enter Coliege. Goveiunu'iit. Wili not be tv ranical. though it will re quire strictobedieuce from each in! every student Rates of Tuitioi:. I Ist '—Or!hography Beading and writit: . li> -t se son S 1 .()•; j and c’ass— Arill.metie lv - gr; phy l-t g Grammar. Eejr ct;tn|.esi‘lert. Ar cle'-t & modern history .lit st si ssonSlo.O'l 3,i class—Rhetoric. I.t gie, lly giene Anatomy the l.anguajtes and Higher mathematics s’B (0 The sect)’ dfsession to eomtnence on the lir.-t Monday n Anyrusl 873.anil continue four itm tits at. the * hove rates of Tuition, due a" the close of ea- h session. I ZM“ All nts will e charged fom tin- ime ot entering: until the- close of the se sinn.exe* pt in ea tsol propacte il r;ess. 13?- Board c- n e had in good families at t>om 91 to sl2 per month. K3U Incidental fee. one dollar. J. G. i 181 EB, Pr’l. Fbustees— B F Harper, E (j Bustin, R N Harris, J M Oakley, William Milam, John Lester, J A Ellington •ict2; 3m GEN. LEE EYING IN STATE. A FINE ENGRAVING ol a beautiful young lady, decorating the casket o ihe ois warrior, with wreaths and crosses ol flowere* It is without a rival, lit- sweetest and mo b louchingly beautiful engraving before the pupb lie. Agents wanted iu evtiy counly in tsl ontli to sell tins and other Engravings, & s A sample copy ol this fine Picluie with termc to Agents, will be sent by ntaii on receipt of six postage stamps. Address, J C. & IV. K. BtltllOVV, 2CO Main St,, Bristol, Tjskn Fay Your Debts. J. F ELLINGTON, of Palmetto, Catnpbe: county,Georgia,wid prompt and special utter tion to the collection of Notes and Accoucte Bonds and Mortgages, or anything pertaining to the collecting business intrusted to his can iudividualiy or officially, as the parties may desire, for tbs counties of Campbell, Fayette and Cowela. Dilections strictly !' iu 8;iollow j Chargee reasonable. Special rates tall | usiuessjiime. ’ ’v made RAILROAD DIRECTORY. ATLANTA & WEST POINT R. R. Change of Schedule. Taken effect February IQlh, 1873. DAY PABSKXGKB TRAIN —OUTWARD. Leave Atlanta 700 a m Arrive at. Palmetto 8:33 a m Leave “ 8:34 a m Arrive at West Point 11:47 a m DAY PASSENGER TRAIN—INWARD, Leave West Point 3:25 r ii Arrive at Palmetto 6:26 P m Leave C:27 PM Arrive at Atlanta 7:50 P x NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN- Olltwanl. Leave Atlanta 1:15 a m Arrive at Palmetto 2:30 a .y Leave “ 2:30 am Arrive West Point 5:40 a m NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN —INWARD. Leave Wist point 1:00 am Arrive at Palmetto 5:15 a m Leav* *• 6: 0 am Arrive at At! mt t. 6-50 a m I) * Y FREIGHT TRAIN —OUI WARD. L ave Atlanta .7:00 a m rrive at PalmeQo 9:05 a M i live at West Point. 3:30 - M DAY FREIGHT TRAIN—INWARD. Leav West Point 8:30 a m Arrive at Palmetto 2:30 p M An i■* e at Atlanta . 4:30 p v NIGHT FREIGHT TR •IN OUTWARD. !i<*ave Atlanta 12:30 p M Arrive at Pal etto 2:30 i* v Vrrive a: West Point..... ...8:20 py - NIGHT FUEIGHT TR IN— INWARD. Leaves e.t Poin ’:45 a m Arrives at Paiin; no.. . 7.Da m Arrives at Allan a . .0:45 A M L. P. GRANT. Sup't. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, yy For the relief and cure of all derange* —meats in the stom* ach, liver, and bow* els. They are a mild L aperient, and an ieJjsMr .i-frv excellent purgative. — ri _ Being purely vege table, they contain ‘ no mercury or mine ralwhatever. Much serious sickness and suffering is prevent* * cd by their timely use; and every family should have them on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the saf est, surest, and best of all the I*ills with which the market abounds. By their occasional use, the blood is purified, the corruptions of the sys tem expelled, obstructions removed; and the whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Ayer’s Pills, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease is changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any lengtn of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild; and operate without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them as a Family Physic, and for the following complaints, which these Pills rapidly cure: For fl>yKiVpii or Tndigention, UfttleM ■k*m. Languor and JLonm of Appetite, they should bo taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, aud restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various symp* toms, lliliouo Headache, Mick Head ache, Jaundice or Oreen Sicknena, Uil iouM Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct tho diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For IFysentery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose is generally required. For liheunaatism, Gout, Gravel, Pal pitation of the Heart, Pain in tho Nidc, Hack and JLoina, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropaical Swell Inge, they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For hupprrulon. a large nose phrviH bo taken, as it produces tne desired efi' : :<> sym pathy. Asa Dinner Pill, take one O" U o Pills to promote digestion and relieve tbr -lomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these J’ills makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. TREPARED BY J>r,J, C, AYER & CO, t Practical Chemists, LOWE EL, MASS,, U, S. A, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Ayuri-’o Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &0., and indeed all tho affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. r ono rcraG( iy 13 louder Bgl H&l called for by the necessities of A gy m the American people than a Bure anc * 6afe cure for Fever fee ) and Ague. Such we are now -agg- enabled to offer, with a perfect jw certainty that it will eradicate ** tho disease, and with assur ance, founded on proof, that no harm can arise from its use in any quantity. That which protects from or prevents this dis order must be of immense service in the com munities where it prevails. Prevention is better than cure, for the patient escapes the risk which he must run in violent attacks of this baleful dis temper. This “Cure” expels tho miasmatio poison of Fever and Ague from the system, and prevents the development of tho disease, if taken on the first approach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever , yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. The largo quantity we sup ply for a dollar brings it within the roach of everybody; and in bilious districts, where Fever and Ague prevails, everybody should have it, and use it freely, both for cure and pro tection. It is hoped this price will place it within the reach of all —the poor as well as the rich. A great superiority or this remedy over <my other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittents is, that it contains no Qui nine or mineral; consequently it produces no auinism or other injurious effects whatever upon le constitution. Those cured by it are left aa healthy as if they had never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of dis orders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derangement of tho Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the in termittent type, or become periodical. This “Cure” expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an in valuable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malar rious districts. If taken occasionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be ex ereted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure; and few* will ever suffer from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the protec tion this remedy affords. For Liver Complaints, arising from toroid* itvoi the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, s£in> mating the Liver into healthy activity, and pro ducing many truly remarkable cures, where other muL'inca faff. PREPARED BT l J. C. A3.NR & CO., Lowell, Mast., 1 ; s cticai u',:C Analytical Chemists, and sold all hound the wobld. MUCH, 11.00 JPA’JB BOTTLE. T II E | ...nnirn Should be in Ihe hands ci MARRIED every Wipe and Husband.— l Contains the secrkts they W fIJJHI I both desire and ought to kiio* “ umrt IN 0 Sent ftee by mail lor 10 cU iiMimr Address J. Varney, Box 211, IGUIDE. fullonville, N y.