The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, March 07, 1873, Image 1

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THE PALMETTO SHIELD. VOL. U RATES OF LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Sheriff's Pali's, (30 (lavs') per levy $2 50 * “• (60 days) per levy 500 Tax Oo'lector*’ Saies (30 days) per levy 2 50 Administrators, Exi-cu'ors or Guar dian Sales, (to days) per square—lo lines Nonparie' 5 00 Notice to Debtors anil redit: rs (30 davs) 5 00 joave to sell Real Estate (3>dsys).s 00 Citation-Letters of Administration (SO days 3 00 *• “ ot Guardianship (30 days) 3 00 Let'i-rs Dsmissiou of Administration (90 days) 5 00 “ “ Guardianship (90 days. 5 00 Estray Notices—Cattle (1 insertion)... 5 00 " " Horse or Mule (60 days) 600 Exemption of Homestead on Personali ty (2 w’ks 2 00 Divorce Notices (lana4m) 5 00 Ten lines solid Nonpariel, or its equiva lent in space constitutes a square. All lejral advertisements enumerated above will be charged $3 00 per square for 4 insertions. OF ADVERTISING. One Square, 6rst insertion $1 00 JPo each subsequent insertion 50 One Square, six months 9 00 “"tlofl Square, twelve months 12 00 Liberal deduction will be made for cn olract advertisements. Enough to pay for composition will be shargea for change of advertisements, - All articles published for the benefit o parties or individuals, at their own solicitation will be charged for as advertisements RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION )ne copy of the paper one year $ 2 00 Three copiesof the paper one year, 5 00 •'five copies of the paper one year, 8 00 Ten copies of the paper one year, 15 00 Invariably in Advance. Communications solicited from all sec tions, hut in no instance will they he inserted vi hout the name of the writer accompany them. XHf Address all communications to O. A. CANTRELL. JOHNNY’S OPINION OF GRAND MOTHERS. Grandmothers are very nice folks; They beat all the aunts in creatiou, They let a chap do as he like3, and don't worry about education. Grandmothers speak softly to “mas ' To let a boy have a good time; Sometimes they will whisper’‘tis true’ T’other way, when a boy wants to climb Grandmothers have muffins for tea, And pies, a whole row in the cellar, And they’re(if they know it in time) To make chicken pies for a feller. And if he is bad now and then, And makes a great racketing noise, They only look over their spec’s, And say, “Ah, those boys will be boys.” Quite often, as twilight comes on, Grandmothers sing hymns very low, To themselves, as they rock by the lire, About heaven, and when they shall go. And then, a boy stopping to think, will find allot tear in his eye, To know what will come at the last— For Grandmothers all have to die. I wish they could stay here and pray; For a boy needs their prayers at night; Some boys more than othecs, I s’pose; Such as I need a wonderful sight. N. Y.’ S. J. FOB THE LADIES. The Polonaise will be worn all through he spring’ Jewelry made of jet and cut steel i s the proper thing for half mourning- The two new dress materials for spring wear are india camel’s hair aud Vigogne,a light soft woolen fabric. Long trains are now only worn for occasions of great ceremony' For ordi nary evening dress,the demi-train. The latest revival of an old fashion is the tight .Medicis sleeves with a great puff at the shoulders—such as one sees in old paintings. Bethune’s Contest. —Hon. Henry R- Harris went to Talbotton one day week before last to meet Bethune who had given notice that he would take testi mony concerning the congressional el ection’ on that day. Bethune did not come up to time, however. We learn that he has since sent word to Mr- Harris that he has given up the of contesting' ORDINANCES OF PALMETTO. Be it ordained by the Commissioners of tlie town of Palmetto. Sec. Ist. No person shall do, or cause to lie done, any labor on the Sabbath day, unless it be work of necessity, my person violating this section, shall pay a fine not to exceed ten dollars and costs or imprisonment not exceeding five days in calaboose. Sec. 2 No person shall write, paint, draw or cut any letter or letters, word or words, or devices, or in any manner mutilate or deface any public building, or church, or any shade tree, on any public Street under a penalty of five dollars, or confined in calaboose not exceeding five days and all costs. Smc. 3. That any person who shall fasten any horse or animal to any shade tree, o fence, or to any thing on or by the side walk, shall pay a fine, of not exce -ding two dollars and costs, and the Marshal shall in every case seize the horse or other animal and re tain it until the fine and costs are paid Sec. 4 No person shall put. any ob structions in any public street, 01 ou any side wafk except in case of build ing, any person who shall place any obstructions as aforesaid, refusing or failing to remove the same in ten hours after being notified, by the Mar shal, shall pay a fine, not to exceed five dollars and costs. Sec. 5. Any person, or persons who shall drive a vehicle, or ride in a dis orderly manner, through the streets, or who shall ride on or place any ve hide on the side walk, shall pay a fine, not exceeding tvro dollars and costs, or confined in calaboose, until the fine and costs are paid Sf.c. 6 No person or persons shall keep a disorderly house, < r houses of ill fame, any house or houses that is inhabited by disorderly persons of im moral character, shall be considered a disorderly house, or houses of ill-fame, and any or all inmatss of such house or houses, shall be conside ed the keeper or keepers of the same, and subject to the penalties of this section. And any person or persons who shall rent or cause to be rented, any house or houses, Jo be used as disorderly house or houses of ill-fame shall be considered a keeper or keepers of the sump, any person vioala-t’tig this sec tion shall pay a fine not less than ten dollars, for each violation, or confined in calaboose at the discretion of the Council. Sec. 7. Any merchant, or dealei in any kind of Merchandise, who shall keep open doors on the Sabbath dav or cause the same to he done; or trade, or trafic, shall pay a fine of riot less than five dollars and cost, or be con fined in Calaboose at the discretion of the Council. Sec. 8. Any person who shall be guilty of any act of public indecency, or using obscene, vulgar, or profane language, 01 of quarreling or fighting, or act in a disoiderly manner shall pay a fine not excei ding ten dollars and cost, or be confined iu the calaboose at the discretion of the Council. Se<v. 9. Any person who shall make any unnecessary noise at night to the disturbance of any of the citizens, shall be fined five dollars and cost. Sec. 10. Any person who may be found drunk aud acting in a disorderly manner, or lying down on the streets shall be arrested by the Marshal and confined in the calaboose until sober, and shall pay a fine not exceeding five dollars and cost. Sec. 11. That no person shall dis charge any kind of firearms, within two hundred yards of any occupied house, within the corporate limits of said town, (unless good and sufficient reason is given,) under a penalty of not less than one dollar, nor more than five dollars. Sec. 12. The Commissioners may grant license to retail ardent spirits iu said town, on application made. All persons to whom they grant such li cense, shall pay to the Clerk fifty dol lars per annum ; said amount to be paid quarterly. All appiicauts shall give bond with approved security, in a sum not less than five hundred dol lars, and take the oath required by law. Sec. 13. If auy person shall in said town retail or sell in quantities less than one quart any ardent spirits, without having obtained such, paid the required tax, given the reccir ed bond and taken said oath he or che, may be fined not more than one ran dred dollars and cost, or confined in the calaboose at the discretion oi the Council. Sec. 14 No license shall be trans ferable. No license shall protect mor than one place and that place decide in said license, and no ardent spirit shall be retailed iu thestreets of sai PALMETTO, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 7.1873. town, any person violating this sic lion, shall pay a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, or be confined in the Calaboose at the discretion of the Council. Sec. 15. That every owner or pro prietor of a billiard, pool or bagatelle table on which billiards, pool or hagatel 1 is played, shall apply to the Clerk and obtain license, for which shall be 1 aid ten dollars per annum. Any person violating this section shall pay a fine of twenty-five dollars, and such bil liard, pool or bagatelle table, shall be subject for the payment of such fine. Sec. 16. All persona who are en gaged in any mercantile trade of any kind, in said town, owners of livery stables, artists, and all others who trade upon the streets, without having paid a tax as merchants, And every proprietor r owner of a hotel, or house ol public entertainment, shall apply to the Clerk and abtain license for the same. Which license shall be ten dol lars per annum, also every black-smith shop, wood shop, barber shop, shoe shop, buggy shop, cabinet shop and silver or gnu smith ; the proprietor shall apply to the Clerk and obtain license, therefi r, which license shall he five dollars per annum All law yers, doctors and dentists, shall obtain license from the Clerk, for carrying on tlmir profe.-gion, which license shall be five dollars, and executions may issue against any and all snefi pet sons who tail, or refuse to obtain license herein, specified. Sec. 17.‘Every male citizen liable to road duty, under the laws of th s slate, and a resident of Palmetto, shall be subject to a street tax of three dol lars per ai.uum, to he paid into the town Treasury by the Ist day of April in each year, all persons subject to aid tax, and refusing to pay by the required time, shall he subject to double tax, with costs of collection by execution. Sec. 18 It shall be the duty of the Clerk to receive from every person in said town, a list of their real estate and its value, he, she or they may have, or hold in their own rights or the rights of another person on Ist day of June in each year, and return tho same to the board of C'ommissUuers, by the Ist day August thereafter; and should any per son fail, or refuse to return their real estajte at its vafde at ttv'tonJ- specified) or shall return it at less than its real value, on such information being hud by the board of Commissioners it shall be their duty to appointtliree free hoi ders who shall assess the value,of such real estate as may be neglected, or fraudulently returned, and return the same to the board of Commissioners. And all properly assessed and returned by sai I Iree holders, shall be double taxed. The board of Commissioners shall levy such a per cent, on the the property, given in as they may deem right and proper, for defraying the necessary expenses of said town. And the Marshal shall collect the taxes so levied, by the fifteenth day of Octo ber of each year. tSEC. 19 No blacksmith shop or plank kiln, shall be erected within 75 feet of any dwelling house, store house, or oilier buildings ot value, within the cor porate limits ol said town,Nor shall any house be occupied as such, unless made fire proof; any person violating this section shall be fined not less than ten dollars, and the plank kiln, or shop shall be subject to the payment of said fine and cost. &EC. 20 The Commissioners may pass such rules a- they may deem 1 ec essary for the government ot the board, and such rules shall be record ed by the clerk, in a bpok to be kept tor that purpose, and such rules shall be strictly adhered to at all regular and called meetings. Sec. 21. No peddler or tiaveler shall offer lor sale any goods, wares or rner ebandise, within the incorporation limits of suid town without first ob taining from the clerk of Council a li cense, for which she or they shall pay the sum of five dollars, and clerk’s fee, for each and every day, he she or they shall offer any goods, wares or mer chandise for sale, any perseu violating this section, shall be fined not exceed ing ten dollars or be confined in cala boose, at the discretion of the Council. Sec. 22, All shows or exhibition of auimals, slight of hand, legerdemain or tricks of any kind, owners or pro prietors of same shall pay a license, not exceeding twenty-five dollars, for each day’s peiformauce, any person violating this section, shall pay a fine of fifty dollars aud costs, or be con fined in calaboose at the discretion ol the Council. Sec. 23, If any animal shall die in said town, it shall be the duty of the Marshal to notify the owner, of such dead animal, to remove the same out of the incorporate limits of said town, and upon failure or refusal of said owner to do the same, within ten hours, after being notified by the Marshal shall pay a fine 0 f g ve dollars and the Marshal sh ill cause the same to be re moved at the expense of the owner. Sf.c. 24, If any person or persons shall resist the authority of the Mar sha! or molest him in the performance of his Jofficial duties, he or they shall pay a fine, of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, at the discre tion of the Council. Sec. 25. In case of disturbance of the peace in said town, the Marshal or any one of the commissioners, may summons to his aid any number of citi zens, of said town, and any citizen fail ing or refusing to obey said summons, to reuder the assistance so required shall be fined a sum of not less than fen dollars, nor exceeding twenty-five dollars. Sec. 26. No person or persons, with in the incorporate limits of said town, shall bet at any game of cards, or game of auy kind, any person violating this seot'on, shall pay a fine of not less than five nor exceeding twenty five dollars, or be confined in calaboose at the discretion of the Council. Sec. 27. Any proprietor of any pool billiard or bagatelle table, allow ing any person or persons to bet at any game played on same or allowing bet ting at any game of cards or other games of any kind in their own house or houses occupied by them, shall pay a fine of not less than twenty dollars, nor exceeding fifty dollars, or confined in calaboose at the discretion of the Council. Sec. 28. No person or persons, shall within the incorporate limits of said town, play at any game of cards, mar bles or game of any kind, (or amuse ment or otherwise on sabbath. Any person violating this section, shall pay a fine of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, or confined in cala boose at the discretion of the Council. Sec. 29 From and after the adoption of this section, it shall be the duty ol the Marshal to take up all horses or mules running at large in the town of Palmetto, and keep them at the expens of the owner, until the owner pays fine of fifty cents. Sec. 30 All dealers in ardent spir its are forbidden to sell any spirituous liquors on the Sabbath, or keep open doors. All who violate this section, shall be fined a sum not exceeding ten dollars, or imprisoned iu the calaboose at the discretion of the Couucil. Sec. 31. So much of section 15 of these Ordinances, as pertains to the amount of tax levied on Billiard Tables is hereby repealed,aud the tax per annum on such tables, from and after this date, shall be twenty-five dollars. Sec. 32. Be it further ordered that all witnesses summoned hy the Mar shal to appear before the Council, to testify, shall be fined not exceeding twenty-five dollars, or thirty Jays con finement in the Calaboose for contempt, if they fail to appear. Sec 33. Any person who shall be guilty of using fire-works, of any dis cioption, within the incorporate limits of Palmetto, shall be fined five dollars or imprisonment in Calaboose, at the discretion of the Council. MARSHAL’S FEES. For serving summons each case, 25 cts. For each additional copy, when there are more than one defendant, 15 cts. For serving Subpoena on witnees 25 cts For taking bond to apppear before the Council, $1 00. For attending trial, 25 cts. For serving fi fa, 50 cis. For making deeds to real estate or personal property when requested, $2 00. Ejecting occupants of houses of ill-fame, $2 00 Pot arresting persons and confining in the Calaboose, $1 00 For arresting aud bringing before the Commissioners, $1 00. For receiving prisoners in Cala boose, 50 cts. For dieting prisoners per day 50 cts. For settling fi. fa. if paid before sale $1 00. For collecting tax on real estate, 2J per ct. NO 39. CLERK'S* FEES. i For is-uing License to retailers, $1 00. For taking B md, 60 cts. For issuing License to Auctioneer*, $2 00. For issuing license to Si ( .vs other performances, $2 00 Fur issuing all other License re quired by Ordinances,sl 00. For each case tried by Council, 50 cts. “ issuing fi fas, 50 cts. w“ every Subpoena ticket, 15 cts C“ signing instruments of writiu hen it becomes necessary f>r link’s official signature, SI,OO. For receiving tax returns, or real es tate 2J per cent. Couucil’.for 1873. W.iW. Floyd, Chairman. 8. Zellars, Treasurer, C. T. Smith, Thus. II Menefee, T. D. Longino, T. VV. Hood, Marshal, E. R. Thornton, Clerk. Paving for a Runaway Slate. Among the bills whieh passed the House of Representativesfin Washing ton is one which will sound strange to the country at this day. It was the payment for a runaway negro during the war. While the twenty-seventh Wisconsin Regiment, Col. W. L Utely, was in Kentucky, a young negro belonging to Chief Justice Robertson, of that State, ran away and took refuge in the Colonel’s camp. Judge Robert son demanded his property, but Col. Utely responded that “he didn’t enlist to catch negroes.” Robertson thereup on brought suit aud got Judgment ,against Utely.The statutes of Congress step iu and officer harmless, but only by assumption of the liability Hence, the House on Saturday passed a bill to pay S9OO forjudge Robert son’s little negro. To Mark Cows Gtrs Milk. A writer says his cow gives all the milk that is wanted in a family of eight persons’ and from which was made two bundled and sixty pounds of butter this year, gives the, following as his treatment. He says: “If you desire to get a large 'yield of rich milk give your cow every day water slightly warm, slightly s *lted in which brand has been stirred at the rate of one quart to two gallons of water. You will find if you have not triedthisdaily practice that your cow will give twentyfivs per cent, more milk immediately under the effects of it, and she will become so attached to refuse to drink clear water unless very thirsty: but this mess aha will drink almost anytime and ask for more. The amount of this drink necessary is an ordinary water pailful *t a time morning, noon and night. Pour hundred pounds of butter are .olteujobtained from good stock, aud in stances are mentioned where theyield was even at a higher figure.,, A Disgusted Lively Man.—A wealthy German from New York was in town a few days agojand wishing to drivo out went to a stable to hire a team the man of horses was loth to trust a valuable turn out to an entire stranger and so asked for references' The German replied, that he could give no references, but that he would buy the horse and sleigh, and when he returned from his ride the stable- keep er might refupd the money. A price was agreed upon, and the cash paid when latet in the day the stranger brought tne team l arlsli lit full*, his money was returnd-and he started to go. ~Hold on‘„said the man of you have not paid your horse hire!,, Why,my dear Bir,“said the New Yorker coolly,“I have been driving my owu team this morning!.,The stable keepe looked disgusted, but did not force hi claims —Hartford Times.