The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, March 14, 1873, Image 3

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OsCXll A. U A,\TI(KI.L, n non and n.oi i;iKunt r LUEITO, MAIiCH 14. 1.-73 THE BOND t.UESTIOX Vs there have bcett a jfreu a- ai Ay - ' both ‘>y tin; people ail tre pr.-as •4 'll Hoiul quest on w* li.rril it Ufoesaaiy 111 • us to ('Xiirona i A . l• on non dlls tos-mo a vex • , i t<> ns a v- ry pain at,.l Mm r®f* i|iwttidir 4* vlbnt'lMirc niiri so Kim-li, we thought (lie anl.ject li id been ,i ‘ e*h**teri, and needed j><> (>';!) i*ol whatever fr-t/i n\ tint as a sniitee has with . > n>rt indicating a dcnll'c 111 have A thing said through yiir colli mils this question, and the Judge lias nJYib ri *(Xfid we give not a lengthy J i'J'', bdt jiist a few cojiiro >n sense *? is‘, in reference to l he-q nest inn has agitated the mm la v f, the ie ho little in al I portions of Goor ji. ,Vb look upon a state an we do ”' diridnal or a Company.lf the e at'* lias reoieved Vdm ? Then pay. m t 'se bonds were issued not in nocor o to law,and the sla’o lr s roceiv •' • ■ t'enfit, arising iroru theatric there l>i'tien repudiate. We ask those who a in f tvor of paying off these bonds I >..0 of them was Tiesidetst of a bi. oml llin boner of a counterfeit I I :l i:though he tecieved the bill in ■,'il ! litii, believing it to be genuine I present tint same tit the bank ‘•'■’'l and he order his Cashier to honor it v the specie, or if a note was pre - r- n ed to him with his name forged t t>, would he pay it off/ If they can s or these questions then they have a •' !' iobi'iioi| of the "vexed,, bond *; • -t’ n, A TRIP TO ATLANTA. f’Hsm. hill, Ga., Fr,n 17, 1873. ei;’ Editor: I have never written no article for the public eye to scan no L'ttrftft-Jge but tiy request of some ie ni party, 1 will give you a brief • i ry of our Ups and downs last ok on our way to Atl inta and hack List Tuesday the Hill., day of Feb If in company with T. 11. S., J 11. f, J. G. C., aQ A. J M , together yit A r . \V. \I t. n .ai led very early ■■■■•* '\'MA Ip make a hasty trip to the City \ ffalsfi. for the purpose of Irfj ing in rich supply of fertilizers, as you at. .that old things are done away ul all tilings hv ve become new, specially in regard to producing crops A ~ and we people'away over here in • uglas are trying to make an honest ti iright living. W e have to pay our t it .State as well is county, and at the s ne’time we ate switched off ill ■ trick at the Oapil and in Atlanta fjr the i. session, ti t I hope to see the day when Untight i eounty, as much as r 'c* htfs been spot tod upon, will have an uno among the first counties ot Ga ' ir Horr member Mr. F. M. Duncan . s done ns ample service not to he 'in wed to cat any of the forbbiden sit. The more refined members and i- old Campbell my i • opposed to our member s being equal in every particular in her and others of the same stamp I hope you will all remember that' ■the (t. W.. R. R. is now being located 'ti o lgh county and it is as healthy ■ - i.nv Perth n in Ga , at and we have • n n*h water power to whirl every s ndle in all Enmpe. But enough of llii and to the subject. We arrived in town about two i,y.V k and ba ! our wagoiis loaded and i'i'.ih back to Johnston and Cantp.s * i ;im yard and had the proper care ■ k n of our stock and other aiticles . I value. We then look up our line of m o for the Kiiuhall House wlicre we ! ar'o ik of some of the good things of h ■ infant Ibtel.We their fell in coni' i my wtliSheafer of tin firm of Shea' i r ,‘i Dickson, and from his kindness, ,Ji; n mdu was made a victin at our li m ti. Success to Sheafer. and ' •’tso". I hope to raise them se :al ba'es of cottoa this year. At ■ unmon bed time we retired and slept iit a litt'e as W. VV. Meek tiad not (••ti to town in three years lie was a ; ti l the city would grow so large i ii' i igh the night that he could not in ke his escape. About eleven < dock the rain the T-iia <St: Accenting to the rain gauge i* whole taco of (he earth in that ■cult in was covered to the debth uf ■A iont nine o'oclek Wednesday onr > ot.y unilotl^* , *wffli Toads tip and tails yx tiled rsU hoi liWv sta.Mtid b >swect or lis the gar- 1 in sp ot o*V a. Onr ■; j 1 i \v ■i'u gr i ,0 ugunder lliernigh 'pressure ot Mr Wliani'i Dongdale’s We led oih way throngii mud • j.t'i and e • rv tiling that delays v ei.-r.j h i before lo ving town i we all s iirr*'d our lie ds as the old j iiriio is mi ■ ,r u tii- h-td s ! • . 1., urdt two in the lie I. V\ l n • e J • acl.tit Cn.y creek we *a* veiy [ dainty tlio i tied ot the rain the nigh; l'< lore, every thing was swept t ■ the pi ok and we bewail to think we wont I ,<• In spopd aiiotln r ni-lit on the 1-t ii-dv U* the diatlaliooc ie. Tllesa -lonni.y thoughts moused our coinage and another set of spurs was added | and we pr-u: eiled onward ar- j riving in sight of lae river about on hour before sundown. VVe V: ry clear saw that nor chance to cross tin no was vi ry doubtful, howov> i, we i| ove mi to the rirci'i isigo, nit tio: lorry inaii positively refust il, and my foalli. ers Toft. Wo tiotd a counoil and decided to drive beak to Mr. Adeihold 8 house and put U:. for the night. I wi I here mention that 1 shall never forgot the kindness show n by Mi s. Adei hold She is a noble specimen of nature, and may her pathway through life lie one eon tinned feast of happiness and joy. rilie kindly directed ns lea house near her cookronm mid offered her services to prepare any thing that we had in ti e way of eatables After reliveing our mules of gear, wo proceeded to make a fne as the westlier was very cold and in a short time we had a cheerful blaze, and something to eat. After every thing of this kind was over, J. 11. S. proposed u subj 'ct for debate which was participated in by several of the party and especially W. W. M. The question was should the. Female be educated equal with the Male.” I think the subject recived ample jus tice by the arguments of W. W. M. as he was a friend to the Female, lit# argument was clear and forcible, and may they ever have such friends is the desire of a feeble worm. Thursday morning op- tied upon us with a clear blue sky, but the river was still rising Oh how 1 longed to see Mary and the little ones at home! hut no chance at present. Our parly asscmpled at the river to help finish the new ferry baot while others were engaged in skipping np and down the hack water in a small boat. We expected to cross in the eve ning& failed to and i so. In the afternoon W. W. M. left us against the will if all hands. Thursday night we received reinforcements frein Town J T. II and Bro. Every thing passed oft joyfully ex eept toe longing disposition to see our dear ones at home. T. H. S. would of ten mention his letter half an I litt a Willie' Oh! says he, how I would like to embrace in these giant arms o' mine.’ F.iday morning and n > r s pect.s to see the promised land , made a strong effort, but to no effect. A proposition was made by T. 11. S, to go hack to town at.d recruit our sup plies of Wlsanii D< ligdsli ’Jo . ] did not like the idea, b ut after rcflec, ting over the matter 1 decived to go We set out with three wagons and went to town, arid returned late in lis evening with heads np aid light hearts thinking by Saturday morning we could cross the river when we, artivd ot Mr 11. S. we foetid ten o fifteen wagons at our camp houe among them Z A Rice S V Abercrombie T L iyt n and others too tedioNs to inruili'n. wt had a lively time through the night all bands anx ions to get over in sweet Douglas. A bout twelve o clock itcommoneel rain mg and the liver rising, aini oh how 1 longed to see M iry and the little ones! t ome one said the bung of Ilub d sham was dr an n and the Moon was water bound . hut I had Intit little to say all the time taking my degree* ol iatj tude and longitude. At day light all hands assembled at the river - The mud the 111110* and the water still rising Some said cross, others said they would wait a wck but after breakfast ' my se f a-d S Y Abercrombie crossed over amid tli shouts of all that was left be hind. When they saw the boat safley landed on Douglas’ shore, heads where hung low and all walked slowly back to the camp house* What occured after I left* I am not accountable, but I he i r awful tales from that quarter' Some of the boys sleeping at a distance others walking ten or fifteen miles to a party, in two miles of Gamplioitse, Our boys away over here in middle or the cotten belt of Douglas says tell Mr* Lath uii to deal ktidjy with our fneinb: r at die Capitol be will not lose any thing forty years Ironi this time' Success to the Shield and Editor DOUGLAS. S.P. CHRISTOPHER, FA I IIP, CUN, GA , MANUFACIUIiER OF AND DEALER in nil kinds of Furniture. Also Wagons and liug-ies made to order, or old ones lepnir. and. lilucksinill.iiijr done l.y experienced work men. and ilinr-. s reasonable. All work lor Inriie rs done CUKAP. Call Oil him and get good bargains and chenp work, on Pun pkii.tnwn Street, a bout three hundred rnnls w.t ot the depot, jan 17 -’fe73-*3m A Nkw Idja.—As the subj -ct of the weather has be#h aline*! inmi >po’iz and by convent tion clubs, a Irien l sug gests a B‘>*tt'tite to,tie ns ,and n con vers ition. Why should n>t arithi.w ical observations be need in place o ■liese of a meteorological nature, n a i--drier unnecessary such time-wo. n nd utterly useless renin Its as, “It ti ! very hot tliisevning, miss “ “Yes, sir. I think it is hotter than t was this morning “ “I really believe it is; but it’s no ( as hot as it was last night.’’ “if it is as hot tom row, I dont enow what 1 shall do. EX. LEE LYING IN STATE. AHXE ENGRAVING ot a hi.-anlitul young la,dy. decorating the casket n the o l warrior, with wreaths and crosses of flowere* It is without a rival, the sweetest soil mo b enchinvly beautiful engraving before the pii ph ic. A-etos wsitid iu evety cotinly in tst taotli to sett tiiis and other Engravings, & • sample copy ol Ibis line Picture, with ter m t Agents, will lie sent by mail on receipt o b postage stamp*. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS _ GEORGIA. P Caui’rei.i. Cocxtt. f Five wei:ks atier date, application will le made lo the Court of Ordinary of said County, I at Ihe first regular term alter the expirat inn of lour weeks Irom this notice, for leave to j sell filly acres in the south-west corner of lot , of land RUmli-r two hundred and twenty-sev en (Til) in the 13th district of originally Ho ry, then Fayette, but now Campbell county, belonging to the estate ef Francis M. .fours late of said conn V, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. tit’s Februiry 17th, 1873. JAMES L. JONES. Adni’r GEORGIA,! Campbfi.i. County, j ■\ ereas Wm .7 Garrett, administratoi of Th unas A. Latham, represents to th court, iu his petition, duly tiled a nd ente and on record, tliat|he his fully ad mis tered .Thomas A. Latham’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons con corned, kindred and c ed’tors, to sho cause, if any tney ona, why said admin trator should Dot be dicharged from h ii ministration. acd raceive letters of and on. 8 ion, on the Monday in June 187 J, This March 3rd 1°73. It. C. EEAVER 3 ., Ord in ary. CAMPBELL CO , D. SHERIFF’S SAL " t < fob) befi re the Court Hen door, in the town of Fairborn. Canipbe County, Georgia, on the fir't Tuesday i April r ext. within the legal lirurs ol sale Hie billowing property, viz: One dwe ling hou-e in whi.h \V, 0. Malone now live 6 si uated on Can pbellton street in the town i.f Fairborn in said county, levied on as the property of W. J James and W. 0. Malone o satisfy afifa in (aver of John P. Miller g w J J muss an l IV. C Ma'one property ointed out l>y p'ainliflFs A’torney. <evy made ard returred tome ”y aConstrble 3rd March 1873. XV LLIAM THOMPSON. D. Sheriff. CAMPBELL CO, SHERIFF’S SALE Will be sold hi f ire the Court lions door in the town of Fairburn, Ctmpbell eounty Georgia, within the legal hours the fi st Tue l (lay in Apr il i ext, tie follow rg proper y to-wit: One aead my known as the Cedar Branch academy, levied on as the property of J, A Henry and S. Shannon trustees of Cedar Branch academy to satisfy one fi fa in fav or R. It. Bond vs. J A. Henry and S. Shan non trustees of Cedar Branch academy pro perty pointed out by plaintiff, levied and eturne i to me by a const ible, this 3rd day f Match 1873. D P. WHITE. 8 STATF. OF GEORGIA, | Cami-hfli. County, j Wn rtuas. RiclnrdA King, Administrator of Ad vm B. Kit g. ref mints to the Court, in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has lully administered Adam B King's estate. This is therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, kindml and creditors, to show cause, if any lliey can, *hy said Administrator should not be discharged Irom his adminis tration, and receive letfers of dismission, on the first Monday in May, 1 73 Given under my hand and official signature, this February Ist, 1873. R. C. BEAVER-, Ordinary. fcl>7- GEORGIA, I Campbei.i, County.) Whereas P. M. Dunlop, administrator of John Dunlop, represent- to the court, in hi l petition, duly filed and entered on record tlmt he has'fully administered John Dunlop’s estate. This i, therefore, to cite all persons con eerned.kindred and creditors, to show omn-t, if any they can. why said administrator should not he discharged from his admin ristration. and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in June 1873. R. C. BEAVER?, Ordinary. fb!l-3m GEORGIA. | Campbku, County. ) To all Whom it may concern, W. N, Cpqk having in proper form applied to me ftor pe manent letters of administration on the estate of Dock Hlalock, late of said county. This is t. cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Took Blalock, ro be and appear at my office, within the time allowed hy law, and show cause, if any they can, wily permanent administration should nfijt Jhe granted to IV, N. Cook on Dock B aleck's estate. .-w.-wt-ei Witness ray hand and official signature, thi- February 14r.h, 1873. K. C. BEAVER& , Ordinary. fcb2l Im. ft*,*; Lnig K' ps eon tunth on 1 and. at Atlanta pi icc i cry ilieeiftnn aid ijiishiy ol- fninii t tori_lit and to w fnm tie shop, and warr nt to t:c of the lest material Keeps , in- t.iott or always employ'd in .-tealiag and teels fti (St lj abio to give 11' IlltOfr -o |i|.- p(|l Pilose entitl'd ui <1 r this generous proper tion. will bring -a certificate Irom a J*i-ticc r the Peace, that they da*' all ot ihcir p’“ "t ly by the war. H.,a changed his blacksmith sin p to Jach son’s old shop, nee w.ll do work in the best stvlcat low rat,-*. ' C-.-mv re poor :nd neislv. 1 jan IUdim ' C. T SMITH. 1’ 1 etto, Ga. Tltzt Pale, Ycllcw, Slckly-Lcokiij Skia t> to *n; fr**slin*sn.s ui:l iu-ullh. Tliomj DiM'HM'h l tiir Nkin. rimplvs, l*n*fileM, Itlolt-lies ami|tfioiM art; rwuovtfl. ncrolula, UtMeaaea •f the Kjti*, W!i.le SMPiliuir, I’lrcni, Old Wnrei* or any kiiui <>l I minor rapidly Jwimllo ami disappear under its infhi-nec. In fact it will do you more good, and euro you more thnu any and aU otiier prwpHruiioi.s coinPim-d. Whit is it? It is lift* tur>(*u’ii roslon-r! A soluble gxyd of iron combined with lh‘ lio dioinal pioiH?rti#s of Poke Root t!tvest-d ol all <1 isaurvonoh* quali ties It will <uro any f'lirouie or Lomk* klftiKilnx: e>. m-hm whose real or direct is la<l biootl. Rheumatism, l*aiu in Liiultk or LNmoi, < oust it u lious bro ! ken down l\v Mercurial or other poisons, arc all cured by il. For Syphilis, or S.yplii- VJti** ialnf, tiicie is nolliinK equal to it. A trial will |trovc it. ASli FOR RU. (FOOUS U>.Yil*Ol.%D KYUIP OF POKE UOOh DR.CROOK’S WINE OF TAR! v Ten Years of a public test luis proved I)r.t ’rook’s . UinotiMur to have more merit than any similar S prepnra t ion ever ofli red lo the public. It is rich in tlie iiuniicinal qualitieSof und unequaled for diseases of the Throat A Lu lies, performing the njr. most remarkable cures. It cltcctually cures all toughs ami folds. It lias cured so many cases of Astluun aud Bronchitis, that it has been pronounced a si) eel lie fc>r these com- H plaints. For Pains in the llrcast, Side or Hack, !l Gravel or Uiducy <lis> ease, diseases of the t’riu y II , ary Oruniis, JluuiulUm*. Itis also asnpcri<r Tonic, Hewtorcw tiie Appetite, Strengthens theSystes, Cestorcß the Weak and BtebilMated. Causes tli B-'ood to Diycd, Removes Isyspopsia ami Endigestion, Prevents ItlalarioHM I'oyoim, Gives tone to your Systcnu ILLUSTIZA TED History ©f THE BIBLE By Wm. SMITH, LL.D. *taT *JS ''7B poooog *oi po qft ‘UOidiAdoja ‘‘O,) -V iOfci|>T *V Kdinuf •Bjacxu-J yuv sv^^njp •a It 'KOHTKAJf H I -otnuimoa ****! ivq *qx wwtn aonnowojJ pn* ‘otan ooiob joj aoif -•wad Xaz ni mAqjpAquAK.-u.! 3Aq j ..‘bjojur q.’tiraoig auiofl „ exojo liftl ‘ii 'kririaia HDK3O3 *-a -it ‘****▼o -a -r •qjnog pn ‘RWo>l oqj jo u*d oj waqiO jo spwpauH pay **a ‘K ‘Oiivimijow H T ABimaqo ‘aia.* o * a k wiTTiijk h a “a k ‘•qiih3 • an -BajKoio K.xi --a n *Ta jl h iqJjDqtpij ui tuoumi.i ’’a ‘K -a 'K>f -a 'lt A-nq traoiaKfg -a K -OKOKfla T K ‘ a H -rwannj m. h **a Jt ABAOIDM *•(! It wiaoaoa K ‘f ‘•a K *>ovtH H a AMO JO oSjteqo nj a It 'MiMUjI -xsiv (I ti Jtomniotix a o •hjstnis iwtJtsiTiia wgjy 3uuu bobvoi;p pu opwßtput j; ip-mnj oiqtjtijuAU| aw jjv HJliia otnon JII iHfqUuidK ? Nuuijjsiqj )UOU|Ui3 * H ‘riOßSil-IHnX n• a Jt ‘HObHHOf ' • H * a *H ‘AWITK 'A and ‘-a ‘K AHAIITJDK ■ & Q a H OOIAVX a O ‘ a "K ‘uaTMaoo.kV a %|®oqo •***YAV 9‘H **a It aabwhoo V O *tX K T4iaoo v\ H 'AV *‘(l K Mvaona -h f “a H NHinO f S *U It oanariYiTiTx X .\A *a H •!:> ‘M. *) ‘-(I K ‘XATOjtnK g ‘j a W •■agKoq J y “a It *<o4iug x 0 * a it ‘KTf x i ‘ a k •! r nnaiw ijpra4 iqwntw.\ /nwtn ■ Uapwjq ® q|q*<t OR! 0} a.*q maj a.vwq uaiiiq joq-jo oj •tasnoD roir-->K J® -qo t; jo n n| HJOBW*ir>jj .vj* axoqji jo aw itjca^i qjBUUIAa;) oj LUUpIW ilj,! )U<>H|Bl'j •a h ‘*“h -y r *'a 'k ••ki-iwoo -y •a h ‘na x ' a *k *yiani * a ‘K 'JWAOH s -x **o -Jt ‘MJmra -g 'K.o>£ "a H a r ‘-a n *■▼*ak Stif*o -q K ‘uni'll g 'if qW 1 ijjfitu.-.q_) -;ojj -iKiuisqj •a PC z A stf \TM%i\war ‘ssxniTk y q "a ‘lt 'll •atjqm! st; 1 0) sra iwjson’S ■WI lawintotts r’l - * qnoi l j q qj sq j taoqj s.tstjoq o. pua 'n rj po7irus(i * tiu*q hwq uit>n oqi joj vh.u.-joj orx •oSt)A;n ) j kuhd.)iwAii,i mriiqurj nbDuwqj iusn-*itmr 'iusmih NOKIS mom [,;xs aws vijuai sqj Of sjowih ‘Ojaxaqo iwoujiway HanaKVS OXNH Mwwutoig Jsqv> l|w oj joijsdnn ojw Aqx •*.*jag paw suwt>|N.vti ( { oiqjvtiuwycuo|{ qop j •JOJJ "(I K NVIVXaVH Xllor •OH j* 3*01103 pjotpore outJt!(loaraoH je -jojj “an 'hnllsva sainvHD •jjnoßßtjY jo OSOIIO3 atqjK'lororaoH ‘nwpttqj jo ssswoiiq o oaajsoq * a ]< XVItaTZXOO OXf IJU.OBBTH JO 9sito3 IWO JPK O|qjwdoa>titoa 'B.-.Tjnsdnwj.iqx pua ’JOJJ “a it ‘a'idKHi 1 xHor •NtiojSjng paw aawp|BXqj stqifJ •OfoaioH jo 9*31103 jo sabwosjq paw iaojjmptw J® '}OJj "a K ‘X jUib'KO.) ‘O M ’a W'HXIXSVA‘f ■* ■®*ouoj jiiAfpiK *AJ3*any -jcaj “a w xi'ixxyk.*! 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No one remedy le loader called for by foe neceasities ef HJp t t.hw American people ihan a sure and bale cure lor lever sSsj Im / and Agne. duch wo uie now ] JHL etnioled to efler, with a perieet M ~ certainty that it will eradicate W foe disease, and with astur -1 a'#'', founded on proof, that no harm eau arise from iu tide in any quantity. That which prote<-ts froui or prevents thh) dis order must be of immense service in the com munities where it prevails. Prevention is better than cure, for foe patient escape* the ri-k which he must run in violent attack* of this baleful dis temper. This “Cuke” expels foe miasmatic poison of Fever aki> Ague from the system, aud prevents the development of foe disease, if taken on the first approach of its premonitory svmptoins. It is not only the best remedy ever yet uncovered for this class of complaints, but also foe cheapest. The large quantity we sup ply for a dollar brmgs it within the reach of everybody; and in bilious districts, where Fkvhr aki> Ague prevails, everybody should have it, and use it freely, both for cure ami pro tection. It is hoped this price will place it within foe reach of all the poor as well as foe rich. A great superiority or this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of InturmittenU is, that it contains no Qui nine or mineral; consequently it produces no r'nism or other iniurimis effects whatever upon constitution. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone foe consequence of foe miasmatic poison. A great variety of dis orders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derangement of the Stomach, all of YrWeb, ! when originating in this cause, put on foe in tormitteot type, or become periodical. This “Cure” expels the poison from foe blood, and consequently cures thorn ail alike. It is an In valuable protection to immigrants and person* travelling or temporarily residing in foe mala rious districts. If taken occasionally or daily while ‘exposed to the infection, that will be ex creted from the system, and cannot accumulate in euilicient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure; and few will ever suffer from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the protec tion this remedy affords. Por JArer Coucplainit, arising from torpid ity o-; the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stin> elating foe Liver into healthy activity, aud pro* ducing l.iany truly remarkable cures, where other fad. PREPARED BT J, C. A'(& CO., Lowell, Naiiq X : ietlout c.:‘* dnalytioat Chmatists, and sold all . ound thb world. FBJ.CS f SI.OO FEB BOTTLE. Ayer’s' F iiir Vigor, F restoring to Gray Hair iti natural Vitality and Color. gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, j and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore ; the hair where the follicles are d®- : stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, aud stimu lated into activity, so that anew growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair i from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The J restoration of vitality ir gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un ; cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cos., Practical ami Analytical Chemists, LOWKLt,, MASS. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla — 1 on. of —1 utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruption j ol the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Ilcnce its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony’s Fire, Bose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt Kheuin, Scaltl Heart, Ringworm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, aurt Uiver. It also cures other com- > plaints, to which it would not scent espeei- ’ ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease. Female AVenkuess, Debility, and j Eeucorrhoea, when they are manifesta- j Lotts of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and 1 strength in the Spring. By renewing the i appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, ! it dissipates the depression and listless Inn- j guorof the season. Even where, no disorder 1 appears, people feel better, and live longer, 1 tor cleansing the blood. 'Die system moves on with renewed vigor and anew lease of life. PREPARED B T Dr. J. C, AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass^ Practical and Analytical Chemists. BOT.D IST ALL BROGGUSTS EVERYWHERE - *1 dyer’s Cathartic Pills, - For the relief £n<i cure of all derange meiife in foe toui &< b, liver, aud bow els They are a mil 1 excellent purgative. Tsehig purely vege "NjT" table, they contain no nwancu ry or in ine . rul whatever. Much serious sickness tml rIP "uffering is prevent ed by their timely use; and ererr family should have them on hand Cor their protection and relief, when required. Long experience ha* Droved them to be foe sai est, surest, and best of all the Fills with whick foe market abounds. By their occasional use, foe blood is purified, the corruption* of foe . lem expelled, obstruction* removed, and 0c whole macninery of lire restored to iu he‘ activity. Internal organs which become clogfegV and sluggish are cleansed by Aymr’s Fills, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient disca*** is changed into health, the value of which chai when reckoned on the vast multitude* who eiipy it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating make* them pleasant to take, and preserves focir v irtues unimpaired for any length of time, u* that they arc ever fresh, and ierfectly Although searching, they are inild ? and operiTfi? without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them as a Family Physic and for tho following complaints, which th Fills rapidly cure: For Dy*pepsta or Indigendea, Little**. **•**, Lani;u 'r and of Apposite,they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, aud restore its healthy tone and action. For JLiror Cemulaiut and it* various symp toms, Bilious Hsaduthr, kick Hood* ache. Jaundice or Cireea Sickness, Bil ious Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but One mild dose is generally required. For Rheumatism, Clout, Gravol, Pal pitation of tho Heart, Pais in the hide, Back and JLoius, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of foe system. With such oliauge those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings, they should no taken in large and* frequent doses to produce foe effect of a drastic purge. For ft oppression- a large nose should be taken, as it produces foe desired effect by sym pathy. A* ft Dinner Fill, take one or two Fills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and i bowels, restores foe appetite, and invigorates fos system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feel* tolerably well r often finds that a dose of foe** Fills makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect ou the digestive apparatus. PREPARED BT Dr, J. C. AYER X* CO., Practical Chemists- LOWELL, JfASS., U. 8. A. ROB SALE RT ALL DRUGGISTS If V^RYWHERU Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such aa Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. r Among the great discover!#* of modern •cience, few me ef more roe! value to mankind than this- ef fectual remedy tor all diieoMs of the Throat and Lung*. A vast trial of iu virtues, throughout this and other countri#*, has shown that it doci surely aud effeetHullv control them. Th* testimony of our bast oiti zon-t, of all classes, establishes the fact, font Chkkkv Pkctoicai. will and d<>ea relieve anJ ctiro the afflicting disorders of the Throat u- Lungg beyond anv other medicine. The mo** dangerous affections of the I‘ulmonary Urgoi,j yield to its power; and of Cou*uuaj> tion, cured by thi* preparation, are pubho lv known, so remarkable as liardly feu h* bo lievcd, wore they not proven beyond dispute a remedy it is'adequate, ou which Ui* yjnbiiw may rely fur full protection. By curing C'otigka, tho forerunner* of more seriou's dissave, it save* unnumbered lives, and an amount of sufieriug not to he computed. It challenge* trial, and oon vitico* tlis most 'ceptical. Kvary fkmilv should keep it o:t hand as a protection against Uj# eariv and unpercoived attack of Pulmonary Aff*eiiou<, which are c*.-tily mot at flrwt, but which become incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Tor der lung* noed tlii.H defenc*; aud it is unwi M ',t he without iL A* a safeguard to children- * ! the distressing disease* which hcv#t th* c and Client of childhood, Ciikukt i invaluable; for, bv it* timely us-:*, multi tiivle-s are rescued [from premature grave*, aini savoil to the love and affection centred on them. It act> speedily and surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No one will sutler troublesome Influenza and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily they can he cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, and iucc-'infill chemical investigation, no cost or toil ' spared in making every bottle in th* utmost isihle perfection. It may b confidently re. ie uj)on us possessing all the virtue* it has ever **xh. ited, and capable of nroducing cures ar :nein. foie hs the greatest it lias ever effected. PREPARED BT Dr. J. C \YER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Pruett';:-, and Analytical Chemist*. LD BT Ai. DRUOGI6TB KVERTWHERK gfejfcajgS HAIR livery year increanex the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation ; which is due to merit alone. .Wo can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfect ed preparation for restoring Guay ou Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by Its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its toaio prop erties, prevents the liairfroin falling out. as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco> nominal Hair Drrssixs ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D„ State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, K Tho constituents are pure, and car*, fully selected for excellent quality ; and Utonsider it the Bust Pbepa *ation for its intended purpose#.” Sold by all Druggists, rmd Dealers in Medicine*. Frio© On© Dollar. Buckingham’s Dye. FOB THB WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation ; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash offl Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, & CO., NASHUA. N.H,