The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, March 14, 1873, Image 4

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PALM ETTO SHIELD Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, jppt For the relief and cure of all derange* mcnts in the stom ,4&*r ach liver and bow els. They are a mild /W h/ -r|SL aperient, and an excellent purgative. Being purely vege -1 • table, they contain ■ > ' ~ no mercury or mine- rafwhatever. Much , . serious sickne* and suffering is prevent* ed by their timely use; and every family should have them on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the saf est, surest, and best of all the Fill* with which the market abounds. By their occasional use, the blood is purified, the corruptions of the sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, and the whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Ayer’a Pill*, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease is changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever* fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and operate without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them as a-Family Physic, and f° r the following complaints, which these Pills rapidly cure : For y apVpflia or Indignation, Untie**. “u M " I ,^ un ? uor and Lom of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. ror Uver Complaint and its various symp toms, Billion* Headache, Mick Head ache. Jaundice or Green Mickne**, Bil iou* Colic and Biliou* fever*, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Bjaentery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose is generally required. For Rheumatism, Gout, Gravel, Pal. pitation .of the Heart, Pain In the hide, Back and I*oin, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy an d Dropalcal Swellings, they should be taken in large and frequent dose* to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppression- a large dose should be taken, as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. Asa Dinner Pill, take one or two Pilla to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomadh and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Pills makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. PREPARED BY J>r. *T. C. AYER & CO., Practical Chemists, POWELL, MASS., XT. 8. A. FOE SALE BT ALL DRUGGISTS EVFRY VTHERE Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, dull Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Biliou* Fever, 40., and indeed all the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmstio poisons. No one remedy U louder called for by the necessities of p the American people than a ■ gt/ sure and safe cure for Fever §B ) 111111 A £ ue - Such we are now enabled to offer, with a perfect M certainty that it will eradicate “ the disease, and with assur ance, founded on proof, that no harm can arise from its use in any quantity. That which protects from or prevents this dia> order must be of immense service in the com munities where it prevails. Prevention is better than cure, for the patient escapes the risk which he must run in violent attacks of this baleful dis temper. This “ Cure ” expels the miasmatio poison of Fever and Ague from the system, and prevents the development of the disease, Ir taken on the first approach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not onlv the best remedy ever yet discovered for this cfass of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large quantity we sup ply for a dollar brings it within the reach of everybody; and in bilious districts, where Fever and Ague prevails, everybody should have it, and use it freely, both for cure and pro tection. It is hoped this price will place it within the reach of all —the poor as well as the rich. A great superiority or this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of lutermittents is, that it contains no Qui nine or mineral; consequently it produces no auinism or other injurious effects whatever upon le constitution. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of dis orders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the in termittent type, or become periodical. This “Cure” expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an in valuable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the mala rious districts. If taken occasionally or daily while'exposed to the infection, that will be ex creted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence ft is even more valuable for protection than cure; and few will ever suffer from Inter- if they avail themselves of the protec tion this remedy affords. For JA-oer Complaints , arising from torpid ity o i the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stim ulating the Liver into healthy activity, and pro ducing many truly remarkable cures, wnert ether fail. PREPARED BT L. J. C. k, i 6l CO., Lowell, Man^ A ; actical e*;:£ Analytical Chemists, AND SOLD ALL ::OUND THE WORLD. PSJ.CS, SI.OO PER BOTTLE, That Pale, Yellow, Sickly-Looling Skin is Chang* and to one#>; freshness and health. Those Disease* of the Shin. Dimple*, Pustules, Itlofehes and Eruption* are removed. Scrofula, Scrofulous Disease* of the JCye*, White Swelling, Ulcer*. Old Sores or auy kind oi Humor rapidly dwindle and disappear under its influence. In fact il will do you more good, and cure you more speedily than any and a-U other preparations combined. Whit it itf It is na ture’s own restorer ! A soluble oxyd of iron combined with the medicinal properties of Poke Root divested oi all disagreeable quali ties It will cure any Chronic or Long- Standing Disease whose real or direct Cause is had blood. Rhenmafi*m, Pains in l imbs or Done*, oustif utioii* bro ken down by Mercurial or other poisons, are all cured by it. For Syphilis, or Syphi litic taint, there is nothing equal to it. A trial will prove it. ASK FOR DR. CROOK *K tO.UPOIKD SYRUP Of FOUR ROOF. E. FLOYD a number of > cw bttildiugs, -Cl suitable tor carying on his largo atul extuh-ive -business, on die oast side of Camp' e 'ton street, adjoining the residence of Rnsseii ICin*;. FAIRBURN, GEORGIA. And he is now prepared to do oil kind of work. Su h as making and repairing Wagon.-, Carriages nd Buggies. Also Painting of every disetipfioD, exe cuted in the nearest style SIGN PAINTING A SPECIALITY. and Bia- k tnithing executed with neatness aid dispatch. Having had several years experience iu the. buisness, be is therefore, capable to judge when work is executed in a woikman like manner. He employes none but ex perienced workmen. Call ands- e him. Wagons and Buggies always on hand, and for sale. done on Time. f'eb7-4m GUICE & ROAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Fail-bum, Georgia. • Office in the Johnson Building. OFFICE OF XLI*. LAUDnUM, , iIKAI.KK IK DRV DOODS, U ' Ml.tiil.h- OBUvlfi hats, caps, boots, sh .es, produce, PROVISIONS &C.,- fairburn, Ga., January lsi 1873. MARMEKS GIVE .VIE YuL'li ORDLRB X Eer Felt;. ills lu be* asu] Uie pic.-t ui )'r. ( aril now offering a number of the b.*t*i Fertilizers which have ever beeu us,-d in this seclion ol Ihe country, among which I will name a lew only : Annuo Cash price $55.0) Carolina “ “ 5 >.UO * 00. 0 Kd S‘e “ “ 60. u() •• (io.ihi ifani|inlat(tl •* •* 60.00 •• 7iH)() Ku, : k, ‘, “ ” SO.UH “ 66.00 I,*' 8 '°"l “ - 50 00 “ 66.00 lui-sell Cue's Ainomat, (I 68 00 •• 00(10 Uottun Mates •• 60.00 *• 70.00 jissr Please give me jour Orders early.. W F. LANDRUM W* C. PARKER Of Fail bum, Ga., KEEPr constantly on baud Iresh Mea- for 1 sale. H is a.s i agent tor Reese s S.)ill Me I’aeitic Guano, Ch ...peake and > • . C®Torde:s solicited. ’ febU <2? A7 <£ Q/4 pel day I Agents wa it* and! art/ Aii classes ui working peo ple ol either >e.\, young or old. make more money at work or us in their spore in. incuts, or all the time. Ilian at anything el. e Par ticulars free. Address G. Stinson & Cos.. Puri land, Maine. . s.*p6 ly THE NEW HAVEN ORGAN COMPANY. flanufaciutc the Celebrated J U ]>' 1L EE A NL) IE MP/, E OH&AKTS. f TPHESE ORGANS are unsurpassed in 1. quality ol tone, style of finish, simplicity of construction, and du.’abi ity. Iso, MELODE'INS in various styles, and unequalled in tone. Send for illustrated Catalogue. Addrihs NEW HAVEN AN GU., New Haven, Conn. Aganta Wanted. THE W JACKSON, ilo USE lb NOW ( pen to the travelling pub** lie. IVrsons stopping their, will find au • leTlt Bill of Fate, and a wmiu re— cep lion I'rotii W JACKSON. leh2l-tf Falsetto, Ga. St JU KI, Wll.hi.tS AGENT for Zell'a Guano, Potapsco i'a ciifc, Russell Coca, aud Wilson s. Fairourn, Ga. febl4-lm AMERICAN TOOL CHESTS. F.Jli HOLIDAY AND BIRTHDAY PRELE scuts. Fitted up with A No. 1 quality t:; Tools adapted for Juveniles, irom 65c to $£ Hoys, •' $4 • ic Youths, 6 •• i£ Geut cinen, •• 15 “ 3p Farmers A Planters, “ 5s “ 125 Carpenters, “ 100 “ 22* T hirty different varieties, lhe most complete assortment ever offered in the United Slates. Iso. sole manufacturer of Smith's g •inline New York Club skates. Croquet made in maple, apple, Box anti rosewood, latent} different styles. rmSfclS SMITH, Manufacturer, Warehouse and Salesroom, 1 i 6 Chambers et., New Y'ork lustrated trice catalogue of my tool cfct rices of pher goods of my manufacU X ydtfi ; a receipt of ten cent 1 ' alb: THE PEOPLE’S PA P E li * FOR FOUR DOLLARS! The Savannah Advertiser WILL BE MAILED TO YOU Daily, ONE YEAR. IfeST THE ADVERTISER PUBLISHES As much Reading Mailer as any Paper in the State, The Associated Press Dispatches and Markets, Specials from Atlanta and the I.t gis ialur .A W eekly Commercial Review, elahor ate'.y compile-.- t - And, in fact, is a thoroughly Live, (omiirchcusive Stw^sipcr, unmli'.d at a price that has already given i ROUBLE THE CIRCULATION OF Any Ollier Georgia Daily. TrMVeckly edition $2 per Annum! 1 trice a M'etU One Dollar and a Hall ! Agents Wanted. EA!I ) & KIMBALL, Proprietors, Savannah, Ga. | CAUTION. orM-lE immense demand for HOLLOWAY’S 1 FILLS and OINT.MEN I', has tempted nn princpiled parties o counterfeit these valua ble medicines. In order to protect the public and ourselves, we have issued a new “Trade Mark,” consist ing oi an Egyptian circle of a serpent., t 'Mi the letter II in the centre. Every boi of g*--. nine Holm.wav's Pills and Ointment win have this trade mark ou it; none ate genuine without it. N, Y. Chemical Cos., Sole Agents for Hol loway ifc Cos., 78 Maiden Lane, New Y’ork. rpiiE grand principle that operates in tin--. | wonderful medicines, is the power they pcsscss in purifying the turgid blood, and v ; .pelting cot nipt humors from the system. Hoiloway’s Piiis consist ol a careful and peculiar admixture of the finest Vegetable Extracts, Herbs and .ffcdica! Gums, l’ossess ing not a grain of mineral in their combina tion, they never expose those who use them to any danger, at any timeor season. No mother need hesitate to prescribe them to her children and the most delicate constitutions can us* them with as great a beuefit as the most vigor ous and powerful frame. Jsff-ai'TIOV! —All genuine Holloway med icines have the above trade mark in each book of around the medicines This can be observed by holding the page up to the light: sep!3 eowbm v JOHNSTON & CAMP, Successors to Richards A Martin, AT THE OLD STAS® OS CASTLEBERRY HILT Wc have, and \v;.i 11 keep constantly on bat >. a full nseortment of Orooerie m:. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS GEORGIA T~ Campbuj. Cnrvnr. f Feck week- ailcr date, appiic.tiou wilt : umde io the Court ol Ordinary ol said J‘(Minty, at Ihe lirst regular term altet Ibo expiration o- lour weeks from this notice, l*i loave to sell fifty acres in (be south-west comer of lot of hind nun b r two hundred and twenty sev en (217) in the 13*h distill of originally Me ry. tlu*ii Layette, but now Campbell county, belonging to the eet.le nl Fra c=s M . J.iii's lie of s .id conn y , tt. c *as<il. for tin* ben-fit of fh.- heir* of sum deceased, this Lebiu i y 17lh, 1673. JAMES L..TONES. Adm’r GEORGIA, 1 CaMPBKU. CutfJiTV. j To all ’A horn it may concern, W. N. Cook ltaviug in ptojicr fotin at plied ; o ute lor pe innnent letters of administration oil tite estate cf bock Plaloek. 1 te C’f said couttty. 1 his is io cite ab . nd singular the creditors and ue.xt of kin of Lick Bluhn k, to b-* and appear at my • ffiec. within the time ail wed by l .vv. and show cause, if any they can, why p im,incut administration should not be grained to W. N. Cook on D„ok I! ab ek'x estate. idles- nty Land and ofheia' signature, this February 17 h, 1873. It. C. BE AVERS, Onlimirv. ict)2l lm. GEORGIA, „i Oampbku. 0 UNTV. j | V* hkkka* P. M Dun lop, ai’tu ‘ ins’ rat rot Joltii' Dunlop, represent.* to the court, in hi. petition, duly fi l ctl ‘tJ ; t: : tered on tecord tf'iit he lias futly administ.ircd John l>utih,i/ s estate. This is, then-fore, to cUe all persons con cerned,kindred Hiuf creoitors, to show cKtise, and any they can. why *a and adm irisfrator si'(uil'd not be discharged from his n itultis istraiion, and receive letters of disuiission., on the first Afondav in June R. C. BEAVERS, i-i-Ti *, - Ordinary. fe!i2l-3in fibi’ATF OV GKoiUil v. i Campbell County, f W iip.HKAs, Richard A King, Administrator of Adam B. King, represents to lhe Court, in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, tiiac he bus lully adm uistered Adam B Kings estate. This is therefore, to cite all persons con cerned. kindred and creditors, i<> show cause, if uiiji they can, why su;d Administrator shouul nolle and > sch u ged t ruin his adminis tratien, ami m eive letters of disiuission, ou the ti. lit Monday in May. 1 73. Given under rny hand and ofli ini signature, this February 1.-t, ISTo li. C. lIRAVKU . M)7- 9 OAMI’ftELLCO , SHERIFF’S SALE Will by sold before the Coutl Hons door in the town of Fairburn, Uamp*e ! l o .oiy Georgia, within the legal- hours ol sal., ou the first Tue; day in Apr 11 text, tie loliow ing p operty to-wit: One academy known as the Cedar Brauch academy, levied on as -he pr. pet ty of J A Henry and S shannon trustees oi Cedar Branch academy to satisfy one Ufa in fav or R. R. Bond vs. JA. Ker ry aid Si. Shan non trustees of Cedar Branch academy pro perty pointed out by plaintiff, levied m i ,eturne to me by a constable, this 3 .Jv of March 1873. D. P. WHITE. Sheriff, CAMPBELL CO , D. SHERIFF’S SALE V. ill be sold before the < ourt Hou-e door, in the town of Fairborn, Campbell County, Georgia, on the firs t Tuesd y P A(ri! next, within the Itgaltuuis ol sale lhe following property, vi*t One dwe - ling house in whi b W, C. M lone now lireg si uated on Cauipbellton street in ibe town of Fairburn in said county levied on as the property of W. J James and W. O . Malone to satisfy afifa in tavor ol John P. Miller v s. w. J. James an IW. C Malone property pointed out by plaintiff’s Attorney, j-vy made and returned tome y a Con table 3rd Marcli 1873. WILLIAM TIIOMP S< N. D. Sheriff. GEORGIA. I Gampsell Court TV. f Whereas Wm J. Garrett, administrator of' Tin-mas A. Lathi in. represents to the court, in hij petition. July tiled a. nti enter ed on record, that he has fully , cUni.-iereti Thomas A Latham’s estate. This is. t e etore, to cite all parsons con earned, kindred and creditors, to sho v cause, it any tney c ia. why said admin trato r should not he dicltarged tom It if ministration, and receive letters iu <i i.n s ion on the fi ft Mo day in June 1878, This Match ovd 1573.' R.C. BEA VRIS' Od y. r.N. LEE DYING IN STATE. A FINE ENGRAVING of a beautiful young A. lady, decor;.ting the casket o the ois warrior, with wreaths and crosses of Revere- It is without a rival, the sweetest and rao-b ouchingiy beautiful engraving beiove the puph ic. Agents wanted in ev. ty county iu tst oaoth to sell this and oilier Engravings, & a .•osample copy ot this tine O’cture with termc 1 j Agents, will be sent l>y maiUou receipt of j postage stamps. _ DR.CROOK’S WINE OF TAB! a Ten Years ofaosMta -nB teat lias proved Dr.CrooltVi TH VaiiiroUTnr tohave more JSmk. merit than any almilar preparation ever ofTered to the public. It ia rich In jVnetHPtS the medicinal qualities ot Tar, and uoequaied tor nSnCNa diseases of the Throat A •"HWWIBpS J.n UK*, performing the most remarkable curea. It effectually cures ail Coayko anil Colds. It haa cured so - many case* of Aethaoa and Brunchltla. that It. has been pronounced a apecino for these eom -1 plaints. For Pains In lb* I fa mm893893P It has no equal. It Arpotito. Cansea the Vood to DlmA Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Preveuts Malarlona YOTSt*, Mvtt tone to your Bystcna. | PROSPECTUS OF r n k PALMETTO SHIELD, A WEE. LY XE Il> PA PEP, Fnoitaln-ti at I’AL.METTO, GEOR 01a niv.1,,1 to Temporanoo, Agriculture, Politics, Litorature, tfcc, SUBSCRIPTION, in advance, TWO DOLLARS, PER ANNUM THE 311101x15 Being pu l*i is Led in an enterprising town on the Atlanta & West Point Ruilro.' il, in a good section of country ai>d having a largo circulation in Campbell and surrwm.tling coin.tier ,tbc : public will hud it a good medium for tlu-ir ad vei lisetiient#. i> A 1 RON AGE SO LICST E i). So pfvitm will be fpurod to make 1?3E3:53 SI-IIEItD A FIRST-CLASS I’AI’ER. Our motto ie, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMY CODE OJIE,?COME JAI-L. AND SUPPORT YOUR COUNTY NEWSPAPER WITH A YvILL. m- A VERY LIBERAL DE DUCTION MADE ON YEARLY AD VER TL'l MEtX IS. I. 'OK.IKFOUE YOU LEAP THORNTON AND HDLIE MAN O i ji.f !.’aV. IN BTMRE A.-* A>ir‘L O uf DR\ ?corr f hof.s, avrs, mzi W.t*E, Etc.. t Which they proposn* to sell on is salisb.cio: j fi ii.k *rt can be a \wl.t re. Tin ir slock is comp's at all linns, ad ih *. are mm receiving iaii;e inis nt Meat, Coin, A! ola-scs, Ftom Card etc,. Which wre lamgl I r Cash in Ihe bet markets, aud will b* ..,1,1 f„i i,,h ~■ q I’aimers wish ug 0* luv i’ri v a:*.us nf an*, iscripfion. i F.-rt 1/ r.-*‘ are re jieeUnlly s, iicile-i to give th**m a rail, j in. 17 Hm. S. F. CHRISTOPHER, FAIWBURN, GA, ]U ANUFACIUkEIt OF AND DEALER IVJ io all kir.ilsuf Furuiiiire. Aho Wagon# and Buggies ilklc to order ol old one* i epaii. .j. Biacki-inMliing and. n.‘ l y xpei itnced work uitii. Hod charge# t.bie. Aii work 01 li n*i**r# done niK.\p Bail on htin ainl gt-r -ood hnrgaitt* and tlif-i| vv rk. on i in. j hii it wn Shm j ; ,t, ui i|.n*i: biiii<ir-d \.i!ti> v.t*i g: ilu d*j (l. j>n 17 : ! ui WatciF sToT7F:V. ON Saturday, the l;5 li J .iiuary, some per son sole Irotu the les.denc.* til Vlr- Vahl a N ifbciitt. about six miles from Fair bur, a si: r!e case, c-Pndt-r esc: pemeur • g *dd waich. The l ing ol #aiu Watch was consj. era h v worn, and She minu r e hand Was off. The ‘ !i:ifl Was a small hr;B> one. Any one finding s id waich will he lim rally rewarded l y ittuiuiiiir il to the owmt. C V NOIMUCUTT. 1 L 7 —1 in THE “VICTOR” S. M. < U XKW BRWI.VG MACHI NK “V 1 C T 0 R” Huns very Eosy, Rims very, ICllllis very Still Has New Slitiille Superior (o nil oiilers. DEFIES COMPETITION. Off lit Itiijiti venieiits in Neeilt^, Cmnot lie Set Wrong. Agents Wanted. Addess THE “VICTOR” S. M CO. No 54 Tenth St. 4 doors west if B-midway, N V. AfiOOD if lIAACE FOlt A HO M K FOR REST OR SALE A FINE FARM. KNOWN AS MRS, l\ Ciubb’s pi tatation, three miles east of Fairburu, c mtaiieug 106 acres, of which 20 acres are ol the best Bottom Lauds—36 acres very good Up Land ,and . 0 acres in Woods. It is also very convenient to Schools, Churcbct and Railroad. Terms very liberal. And for further par dollars enquire al heir Clot hi ig, and Dry Goods House, o ■ the corner ui Whitehall, and Alabama Streets bilauia. Ga. UOIIEN & SELIG . j .n. 31 if. L. B. LANGFORD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAI.FR IN Stoves, li 011 oxv Y\ are, Block Tin, Tin Piste, itctl [run kliiumu s’ Findings, Slate Msutrlsaiid Uialts, Hcusc-l’iii nitbing Goods of every description. Georgia Marble Stones. Keystone Blotk, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ua. Agent for the ct Uprated ‘(Charlti Ogk Stove oc jB-3ui GEN, LEE AT “STONEWALL’S" GRAVE t 14 X 18 INCH ENGRAVING ol the .1 grave of -‘Stonewall” Jacks, n in the Lexington, Va , cem levy. Thu noble Gen. Lee stands bt-si>:< the flower-strewn grave over which hangs a weeping willow. In the distance is to he seen a beautiful landscape hills decked in verdure, clouds as natural np real ones, and many other things which make this picture a getn el art; one which should hang in the parlor of every Southern home A copy of this benuli'ul Engraving will be sent by mail, post paid, to every person send ing 5) cents for six months subscription to “ BURROWS HOMELY SEIYLMR, ” Published at Bristol, Tenn., by J. C. & W. M. BURROW, Au Illu.-trated Magazine ol useful infurmatior Literal, .re Science, Art, Amusement, etc l is printed on fine tinted paper, illustrated with maenificiuut engravings t many ol liieu full paged] and is in all respects one of tin best Magazines iu the South. tle2o-lf Si’tx'tMßN Copies of the Christian ' Union will lx; mailed free of ( outage to any sniff ress on receipt ol six cents by I J B 1 37 I'ark Place, littt Yrfe. j lit in y Ward Heeclier miff Cliristiau Union. THE C'b ISTI aN UNION is a Religious ! weekly, edited by Henry Ward Beecher, and published by J. B F< rd & t 0., -J Park Place, N. Y It comprises 24 pages, l. rge quarto, se litety pr.sted at the back and iriined at the edges, ready and convenient fur -ending. .It is the ablest and best re ligious paper published; active earnest, | aiive on nU questions perialniotig to ti e t growth ol a healthy, religious life. N t bliifiliy bound by cree- 1 or by party, not tied to old conseivative not.i r.s. and mouldy superstitions; y--. i1..e,d., thoi- , oucidy. truly religious. But two years old. circulates thousands more than any i Other rciigious paper in Aimriea , tut it.'- i rapid growth dots not so r, u : ss rpii us when we consider iHat it, fully meets j lie wants ot ou- t me,—for Christian lu ien i* the ve.iy thing, bro and all. uldc ed, citvir-lii-adcd, lar-sighted. Isrge hearted. This Is the, only icligious j .urnai i> r w hich Mr. Beecher writes; or to which ite in any v.ay contribuies. His : hiiuicter ivtic articles of ail kinds and the only com plete aud .au hoaized verba; iin reports of !>is weekly "Lieu re Room Talks,’ as wei) as Mrs. LI V. ttiw.t's delightful (arid for the ye>.r 1872 exclusive] contributions are a tractive fea ures of the paper; whiietlie va ions outside a.-telee and the admin*.b y sustained regular departmentsbf rh-. pa pi r furnished somethiug o interest to ev ery iu niber of the family. •Wi c Awake” srid -'Fast Asleep” a pair ol French Oil Cromos, w ill be giver* away to all annual subsiibers. The rev. ular market price of these beautiful p tines is ten dolla g at which tbousau is them have been sold. They sfm pI y charming, and ci-n na to please all who love art o r ch J The t liristian Un ! on one y-r an* these i hromos will be sent fo r cents extr * for postage; and twent cents extra tor mouutingii and sv J-fi v wh'bu tiiat style is preferred, af n - oi-r Seeac!vertisetn.„ h mnn. Q A XI XJfDOBSKD TXD rxxscxTßKD w iroxx - log rsjiictsa, tbu ,nj se, imi, w saw. nlmnt now in us. They m* A BUBU PREVENTIYE, For Feror and Ague Intennittrn's, Biiloaanooo M< nil 4<f ordera mruinf from molorioao couseo. They or* fcichlr roo emmcDdtdu m iU<TI-DY4iPEPTIC. un In oooco nf IN'DI APFETIZr:B nd KX CL PEE ANT, and in cun of GFNFRaL DEBILITY thoy hnvo norer la a oinslo laituct fnilrd fa amdooia* Ut mm% k*PPJ reonlt*. Tbry ore particnlarlr BENEUCIALIO FCMAUEfI. Strengthening the body, invigomUnc theaiiud, nod gfrintf elasticity to tho whole ryvtrm. Tho HOME Elfi TEES are com pounded with Uiegroatest of core, on* no ton ic stimulant has ever before lecn offered to tho nnbl'a so ELEASANT TO THE TASTE and nt tho samo tints combin ing so many remedial agents endorsed by tho medical fraterni ty as tho best known to tho Pharmnooposin. Itoooto bat Ut> tie to giro them a fair trial, and Every Enmity Kbonld Rave m Be •", No preparation In the worid can produce so many anquall- Bed endorsements by physicians of the very klghWt standing I* their profession. £ndor,cd alt o ftp CUrgf and fko lo mSima imtmima Henal paper*. Eor. W m. R. Baacocv. the oldest Methodist mlnlsur la St. Louis, says the Homo Kilters we-o most grateftil in coatriba tiD< 3 lh * ?**torauoa of my strength, an* an > nerve so #• Persons grontly debilitated, ao I have b-en, and who roqairo n tokic or sriMCLAjrr, need seek for nothing bettor than tho Homo Bitters g. w . CO FS. Presiding Elder M. *. Church. Platuburg District. Lmitbd States Mikinb Hoarifit, ( _ _ Bt. Louu Mu., Oc. t, 1870. 1 Jambs A. Jackoov a Co.— 1 hare examined tho formoln IW making tho “ Home Stomach Bitters." and used them In this hospital tho last four mouths. I consider them the most ral* able tonic and stimulant now fa nse. 8. H. MELCHEB. Esside at Physician in charge U. 8. Marino Hospital. i Jambs A. Jackson ECo.—Gentlemen: As yoa hire com municated to the medical profession tho recipe of tho “Homo Bitters,” it cannot, therefore be considered as a patent med icine, no patent haring been taken for it. We hare examine* tho formula for making the •• Home Bitters.” and aaheota ttnglr say ths combination is one of rare cxcollencs, all ha articles used in its composition are the boat of tho elaea r, which they belong, being highly Tonic. Stimulant, StomachU*. Carmlnltive, end slightly Laxatiro. Tho mode of prepaMtf them is strictly in accordance with tho rules of pharmaSF Haring used them lu onr private practice, wo toko pleasure lm recomm-nding them to all persons desirous of taking Bittoro as being tho best Tonie and Stimulant now oflbrod to tho publ * lc - _ PRANE O. POKTKB. Prof. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, College of Phyol elans, and late member Board of Health. L. C. BOISLINIKRK Prof, at Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, St. Louis Med. College. duake McDowell, m. and., LatoPres t. Mo. Medical Collage. E. A. CLARK, M. Prof. Surgery, Mo. liedlee! College ami late Resident rby sl ot an City Hospital, St. Louis Missouri. HERBERT PRIME. Pref. Practical Pharmacy, St. Louis Collera of Pharmacy. J. C. WHITEHILL, F.d. Medical ArOhlroe. Alp. Hkacock, M. D. Dr. C. V. F. Lpowm. C. Gnbickx, M. D. B. GsutS Voeas. M. D. C. A. Wa-ix, M. D. W. m gncoi, M. D. R. C. M. D., Prof. Surgery, Homoeopathic Medical College. T. J. YASTINK. M. D., T. O. COMSTOCK, M. Prof, of Midwifery and Diseases of Women, College of Homme* pathio Physicians and Surgeons. JOHN T. TEMPLE, M. D., Prof. Materia Medica and TboraupcuUco. Hwmueepnihle Modi oai College of Missouri. _ JNO. CONZLKMAN. M. D., Uotaror O* Diseases of Children, Hommopathio College af MloooarL CHARLES VAST INI, M. D., Prof, ef Physiology, Hotnaopathio Medica 1 College of Me. JOHN HARTMAN. M. D., Pref. Clinical Medicine, Col. Homoeopathic Physicians and Barg‘o. They are superior te all other Stomach Bitters. KNNO SANDERS. Analytical Chsmtei. Me BlHors la tho world can excel them . SIMON HIRSCH. A0.1j11..: OluwM. Eminent Phjslrlan of etilnw. Tbt formula for tb Home Bitter* hu fciei. ~uitttl * |a. Mid wo bolicro them to be tho beot wU. >* •UmuhkSt km fouorol uo bow offered to tho pubUo. •. A. XiMTO, AaElyUcol Ja*. H V ir * W SStVt!* U. ' B. w _ Chemlotry, Bh 5* £• 5*"" 1 ¥.• . Medico rCollefo. B. McYicab. M. D., J. B. Wtun, M. D.. Born *. 8. Bourn, M. D., T- 8. Hoto, M. D., B. Lost,am. M. D.. Too. T. Kuu, If. D.. ik*. A. Collins, M. D., J. A. Hahn, M. D. Eminent Physicians in Cincinnati, Yearly all of whom are rrofessors In one or the ether #f Iks Medical Colleges, No other Bitters have ever been offered ie the pabUe on bracing so many valuable remedial agente. i • Vatt.*h. M. D., L. A. Jamb#, M. C. T. Simpson, M. D.. S. P. Hon ns a, M. D.. C. 8. Musckaft, M. D., O. W. BioLsa. M. 8.. W. T. Talliavbrao, M. D. J. J. Quinn, M. D„ J. H. BucKNKa, H. D., W. R. Woodwaso, M. ®- G. A. DoHssrr, M. D„ R. S. Wavni. CbemlsC C. Woodward, M. D., G. K. Taylor, M. D.. D. W. McCabthy, M, D., P. F. XauV, M. D„ B* H. Johnson, M. D. 8. B. TomFinson, M. D. Eminent Physicians in Memphis; The Home Bitters are an invaluable remedy forlndlgesUen and ditfeases arising from malarial eaur ■%. O. B. Thoknton, M. D„ Albx. JLmt M. in charge of City Hospital, M. R. H . M. D. t J. M. Rodokba, m. D., Paul Otet, M. D^. H. W. Puhnhll, M. D„ M.-A. Kdmunds, If. D.. Sanonoho Bkll, M. D.. Joe. K. Lynch, M. D., Eminent Physicians in Pittsbanrh; 9. F. Dam, M. D., Wm. CloTns,„ W. R. Childs, M. D., D. H. Willard, If. D., O. Wvth, Chemist, J. H. McClnlland, M. And Hundreds of Others t& all parte of the North, West and South. J. £. Gauu, M. IL, Milwaukee. •. . _ . Council Bicmre. March If. l*n. Jamm A. Jackson k Co.—Hsviag examinedthoformula ef the m Horae Stomach Bitters,” 1 have prescribed them la n; pta*-' See for eocae time, and pronounce them the best Tonic ilkms now in use. P. H. McMABON. M. B. CjfFor sale by all druggists and grocers. Atune, A. Jackson A Cos., ProsrltMn. i loknwry Wut lot X. Imd S., 8v ' CHARLES A. DANA. Editor. Zht gotlar Weekly fun. A WewpasCT mt Aha hinstlWA ■ ■ latended far FnfU Haw aa Bank Inelndtac Vannora. See Auto. Marrtanta, ft* ftialonal Men. Workeia. TUlnkara. ta aU Man. ncr of Hooaat Folia, and Uta Wtrts, Sosa. ao4 Daoshton oi all aoch. ONLY ONE DOIAAB A TEAK I ONE HUNDRED COMES NOB MS. Or iota ttaa Ona Cant a Copy. Let than to • S3O Club at ot erf Poet OAea. BEMI-WEEKLY SUN, $3 A TP#*, &U ot tho aamo' am and sonant SCMp wr''ii y THE WEAKLY, hot with • STMter varlaty ol inloeOtnneona readlna. and fornlihlns tha aeft to lta onbacrtboiawUh greater troabneaa. baoaooo u oomoa twtoa a wyak inatoad ot once onir. THE DAILY SUN, $S A YEAH. A proSintDontlT nodahla nowapagor, wiui iso lartraat cirentauon in the world. Fret, tafle pendent, end fearleat In potttlea. All tha nowa from avarywhere. Two oeata n oopy; hr anil, SO oenta a month, or $0 a/nr. - —- ‘ TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUN. nvaeoplca, ona year, ai Tan eoptea. one yaer, aoMrntely addraaaod (and oaoxunoopitothosoUarapofelnbL Elsht Dodaeaa Twenty eoptne, one year, aepantalr eddvaaaod (and an extra eopy io tha getter ep efcleb). rtfty wire, one peer, to one address (and tm Beal-naakly ona ya to setter ep ofetah). Thirty throe Dallam Ntftyeopmeae peer.neparaaetyadftraaaat (and tha SaOWaaklyoaeywwto ratter nnefelnb). One hendred eoalan, one year, to one oddren gaduoinffylbr . ns •jg-/|g S|S - One bendred oopteo. one year, tepontely 0A ^“.ssrjac *HH SEMI-WEEKLY BUS, % VtOS WMIIM gA fitwmwism/wiHvssvim^n V— ooetayoao year. eoptrsMy adOreaeed trad eo ezttt eopp ta mcr np of ebib). _ SEED YOUK EOnr nPntpOea orden. sheets, er OreAt SB New lw jn >cryv . ILLUSTRATED History op the 818-E By Wm. SMITH, LLD,