The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, March 26, 1873, Image 2

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PALMETTO SHIELD OSCAR A. CANTRELL, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. PALMETTO, 3IARCH 26, 1873, STECHENS AMD JOHN SON. When a roan eutera public life, he is necessarily compelled to leave his destiny in the hands of others. If he is up to ull kind of wire-working, he is more likely to succeed. This being the case, many of onr most talented men accept positions inferior to their rank, to avoid being laid on the shelf. Men of ordiuary talent by pulling the wires often work themselves into positions that naturally be I ng to oth ers. If voters would always lay aside political prejudice, -and vote for those who are most suitable for an < ffice, our brigh'-st intellect would always be pul forward. That cable .Statesman and honest O' orgian, the Hon. A. U. Stephens who has spent the greater portion of life iu serving his native state; who is contpe ei tto discharge the dtries of President, at this advanced period of his life, certainly deserves a higher position than a seat in the House of Kepresenta lives The Hou. Herschcl V. Johnson, who served two cousec utive terms as Gov cruor of our glorious old state, in her palmiest days; wtio iu 1860 was hefroe the people of the United States, for the 2nd. big. est position within their gift, with the great American Orator, the late Hon. Stephen A. Donglas at the head of the tickit, surely deserves u higher office than Judge of the Su peieor Uuuitot his circuit; a position which lie filled when comparatively a young man. Our people should remember that A. 11. Stephens and 11. V. Johnson, lank among the first talent of the state aur! when the time again urrives, for electing United States Senators, our Representatives would be but paying merited tribute to declining worth, to place these two distinguished Geor gians in the Senate of tho United States. 10 OUR CAMPBELLTON SUB SCRIBERS. Our (Jampbellton friends must not be too bard on us, as we aim to issue a paper before the year exj ires t it our subscribers will not be itshttm t o to own as tbeir county paper. Keep cool jjentlen en and bear with us patien it, until we can procure the service of a sober and reliable prater. Then we devote more time to the Editorial abor and give you a more interesting ) aper than we have for some time past We have had no less than six dJfernt printers since the Ist issue of our pa per less than one year ago, but the love of benzine bus kept them from rendering that service necessary to issue the paper regularly on lime. We intend t have a printer of the right e'ripe, if such an one can be found. We thought we were all right last Saturday as two persons put in at our office and applied for work, they were printers belonging to the Typograph ical union l We agreed to take one on trial. He set about In If a dozen lines quit,got a pint corn of juice, became in toxicated and left. Sober printers seem to be like “Angels visits" We are corresponding for a foreman to take charge of ooi office, and would suspend until one was se cured, but we have a great many con tract advertisements which we would lose by suspending. We do not pro fess to pc a printer but from necessity we are, at present to make the best showing at it we can. It is not our attention to learn the trade at the expense of our patrons, as we are now as apprentice without a Foreman to instruct us, and we will not count the murdered number's if yon desire us not to do so, however* tißder all the circumstances if any of you desire your paper stopped, uotify ns by name and the same will be strickeu from our roll of subscribers. Messrs Thorntou and Holiema.n have received a large lot of white goo ’ con aisting of Piques, victoria lawn, swiss Jaconet, aud muslins, nainsooks. La dies collars, lace and linen handker chiefs of every style and quality. Trimmings of various kinds —Their entire spring stock is en route from N. Y. These gentlemen say they will h-tve the largest stock of choice spring goods which they have ever opened to the public- They also have just received anew supply of corn aud meat tQ sell on time. The Editor, of t his paper has lost a ■ nail pass book, L, Passono & Son a pr.nted on the back. In the side pock et are some valuable pape.s-Probably lost it at Fairbuu. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at this office. PALMETTO DEBATING SOCIETY. This society is iu a flout ishii’g con dition. We were in attendance Oi last Fri day night, it being the first opportuni ty we have had of listening to the el oqnent and logical speeches of our young men. Their speeches were all interesting, and without flattery, we must com piimeut the members who were pies cut for the able manner in which they discussed the question “Has law a greater influence over man than pub lic opinion.” The question was decided iu favor of the negative. We advise all our young men, who are not already members’ to join this society at once as they will be benefit ed thereby. The question for discuss ion next Friday night is “Were the people of the South benefited by the result of the war.” Leading Disputants’ Aff. Neg. E. R, Thornton. J. K, Smith Vice Preside-1 Wilson so seldom docs anything gracefully, that we weri somewhat supprised on reading that he had called General Gordon to the Uliair of the United States senate yes terday. However, the presence of our gallant and able Senator presiding over the Senate, most really have been a slight iu dication that our late “un pleasantness” is over. Still, it must have made the bloodspilling Chandler the super-loyal Morton and that ex quisite patriot, Conkling, shudder to see an ex-Confederate and ‘red-handed rebel" actually presiding over them Death —The Editor of the Sumter Re publican was at Webster Court last wet k. Lee Smith, colored, charged with killing his wife, was found guilty. Win Shepard burglary st night, guilty Says the Republican; At three o’clock Thursday afternoon tlieSheriff entered the court room with E F. Spann, Susan Eberhart’Lee Smith and Wm, Sheppard to hear the sentence of the law a ..out to be pronounced up ou them. The room was crowded with spectators to witness a scene which perhaps may never occur again, and the like of which h as never before been witnessed in this State, the eonte,nccof death on three persons and confinement in the peniti ntiary on one, at the stfhte time. It was indeed a solemn sight to behold, and one that we never agaiur expect to witness. Tito prisoners all appeared to pc deeply affected, especi ally Spann and Miss Eberhart. As the prisoners enteied, a silence as still as death- perv ded the entire room. Shot ly after they were seated and became composed, the Judge, in a very solemn manner called tin* names of E. F. Spann and Susan Eberhart, and asked if they had anything to say why sentence of death should not be pronounced upon them. Nothing, was answered in a low t one. The Judge then read the judgment o f* former Court and the Supreme Court and pronounced the sentence of death upon E F. Spann. ”It is ordered by the Court that the Sheriff of We ster county, do axecution of said s tence in the manner and mode therein prescribed on the pers on of said defend ant betweeu the hours of ten in the f irenoon and two in the afternoon on Friday, the eleventh day April next and may the Lord have mercy, &c. 1 A like sentence was then pronouneed upon Miss Eberhart, but upon the so licitation of prisoner’s council, Col* W. A. Hawkins, the day of execution in her case was prolonged until the 2 day of May. Sentence of death was then p re nounced upon Lee Smith, to be hung ou Friday, the 25th day of April. FIRST NEW SPRING GOODS. 4 Miss Qceen Smith Has just received Lora New York A LARGE STOCK OF MILLIXBKY GOODS. She has opened in the new building on Toombs Stuet, recently occupied by Messrs. Barnes & Ellington. She is in W prepared to sell those who may pvor her with a call, these Goods at r easonable prices. Ladies give her a call. EN. LEE AT “STONEWALL’S” GRAVE A 14 X 18 INCH ENGRAVING of th <.x grave of “Stonewall” Jackson im th Lexington. Va,, cemetery. The noble Gen Lee stands beside the flower-strewn gray over which bangs a weeping willow. In th distance is to be seen a beautilul landscape bills decked in verdure, clouds as natural a real ones, and many other things which mak ■ hiß picture a gem .1 art; one which should hang iu the parlor of every Southern home A copy of this beautiful Engraving will be sent by mail, post pai and, to every Demon send ;ng 5d cents tor six months subscription to “ BIRROW S MOV J ULY SOll tAIR, Published at Bristol, Tenn., by J C. k W. M. BU ROW, g.P. CHRISTOPHER, FAIRBCRN, OA., Manufacturer of and dealer is all kinds of Furniture. Also Wagons and Buggies made to order, or old ones repaired. Blackrmithing done by experienced work men, and charges reasouablt. All work lor farmers done cbsat. Cali on him and get good bargains and cheap work, on Puuipkintown Street, about three hundred yard* west oi the depot. )an 17—1h75--iiin THE PLACE TO BUY ROODS IS WHERE TSU ALWAYS SET The Worth Of Your Money AND TEE PUBLIC WILL VS THAT FLICK IT CALLISfI AT 01m 25ellara% PATMETTO, OA., FRONTING THE RAILROAD. Dealer in family groceries and Hardware. He keopa constantly on hand Sweed Iron, Plow and Cast Steal, Trace and Breast Chains, Hames, Shovels Spades and Axes of the best quality. Plows, and Heel bolls for everybody from the Southern Agricultural works Columbus Ga. jan-H-ti FIRST CLASS SHOE_AND BOOT SHOP. THE Undersigned takes this method of in forming the public, that he is now pre pared to do all kind of work in the BOOT HO SHOE LITE, Fine or Cearse Boots and Shoes, made te Order, and satisfaction guaranteed. He has secured the servieea of Ms N. R Rkksk, late of Newnan, Ga.. who has had nißn7 years experience in the business. Orders solicited. J A. VICKERY, First door above the Hotel, Faibbui n, Ga. feb7-3m I>. B. A A. C. LADD, nanvfaetnrers of and Dealers In ALABASTER AND HYDROLIG LIME. WHICH took a Special Premium of S2OO st tbs State Fair, October, 187 W; a Silver Medal at Columbus Fair, November, 1870; $25 00 Silver Premium at Cobb County Fair iu April, 1871; a Bronze Medal'at Atlanta Fair, October, 1871; Medal at Stale Fair, October. 1871; Gold Medal and Diplo ma at State Fair, October, 1572. Carner Alabama Loyd Sts. nsar Car sited. pM'Q. A. Ca.ttbki.l. is our agent a AI.MKTTO, srd W A McCdbkt at Fai bcbn THE “TIME” IS RIGHT NOW! J* R. BARITES, RESPECTFULLY IN: , terms the Citizens of Pai.mstto, and vicinity that be ha? opened in anew building. o Teatehe Street, where he it prepared to do all werk in hie line, such as repairing cf Watches, Clocks, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines, with neatness and on short notion. He keeps on baad a good stock of watches, clocks, jewelry and spectacles which he will sell low for cash, call aud examine his stock beiore buying elsewhere. - * • jgV All work warranted. Terms cSah, as he keeps o books. jn3l Da. A. (V Hoi.sit. Caf'T. J W . Nelms. HULSEY fc NELMS, D BALERS IN BRCQS AND FAMILY Groceries, between feld’er & liro., and W. T. Roberto Street, F-drbara, Ga. * • Their stock is always full. They are also General Guano Agents, and Farmers in need of Fertilizers cau get aftj kißd they want by calling on them. * a b 31-tf- /' •' ' , K NEW HAVEN ORGAN COMPANY. Manufacture the Celebrated V BILEE AND TEMPLE OHGAISTS. THESE ORGANS are unsurpassed in qualjty of tone, style of finish, simplicity of construction,and durabi’ity. Also, MELODBONS In various styles, and unequalled in tone. Send for illustrated Catalogue. Address NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO., New Haven, Conn. fliSy* Agants Wauted. SAHIJEL WIUUIS AGENT for Zell's Guano, Potapsco Pa cific, Russell Cee’s, and Wilson a. Fatrourn, Ga. febld-lm TIIE “VIC i OR” S. M. tO NEW SEWING MACHINE “V I CTO R” Runs very Easy, Runs very Fast, ' Runs very Still Ha* New Shuttle Superior t all others. DEFIES COMPETITION. Great Improvements in Needle, Cannot be Set Wrong. B®* Agent* Wauted. Addes* THE'"VICTOR" S. M. CO. No 54 Tenth St. 4 doors west of oadway, N. Y. GUANO NOTICE. OUR POPULAR CITIZEN S. G. JOHN son \voa dbe pleased to receive Orders from the Planters for the following Guanos. Boughto Row Bone Cssh S6O 00 Time 867 6# Freight included Whanu’e •* 854 00 “ S6O 00 iFreight£Cash—to be paid r n delivery Logan “ £45 00 “ $53 Freight Gash—to be paid on delivery fob 2m. - LI B^LtfrNGFORU, WHOLBSAM AS J SET AIL DKAI.SR IK Stoves, UolUw Ware, Bi**fc Tin, Tie riale, Sheet Iran It Trimmers' findings, Slate Mantels and Grates, Hetise-Furnishing Goods of every description Georgia Marble Stones. Keystone Block, Whitehall street, * Atlanta, Ga. Agent for (he celebrated "(Charter Oak Stove eelß-3na THE PALMETTO SHIELD, A \f SMELT KKWSPAPKR, Pnblisked at PALMETTO, GEORGIA Daveled to Temper^rtoe, Agrioxiltm*©, S^oaXtioa; liiteratur®, cfcc, SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE, TWO DOLLARS, PER ANNUM. Being published in as entarpt isittg .town on tin Atlanta A West Point Railroad, in a good seel ion of cos btry and having a large circuUtisu in Campbell and *ui rounding counties,the public will fisd it a medium for their advertisements. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. N* pains will La spared to make ffiaXXUXaID A FIRST-CLASS PAPER. Qiil motto la, IN BI’tTKY &U.NOA4 COME ONE,|COME ALL, AND SUPPORT YOUR COUNTY NEWSPAPER WIT AH A ILL. ■ m~ A VERY LIBERAL DE DUCTION MADE ON YEARLY AD YER Till MEN IN WATCH STOLEN. ON Saturday, the 25th January, some per .soa stole Iroru the residence of Mrs Matilda Nortbeuit. about six miles from Fair bur, ft sii gle cttf*e, cylinder escapement orold watch. Ihe ring of said watch was considera bly worn, and the minute hand was off. The chain wae a small brass one. Any one fiudiag s-dd wateh will ha linerally rewarded y returning it to the owner. , . „ , C. V NORTHCUTT fcb7-lm PUGIN IX GUANO. WILCOX. GIBBS & CO’S. MANIPULATED GUANO. rpHESE CELEBRATED GUANOS IM j ported and prepared by Wile x, Gibbs A Cos., Savannah Ga.. and Charleston. S. 0.. art for sale for cash, or on credit on accom modating terms, payable in cotton, by W. F. LandkUM, Agent, Fairborn, Geor -ia. Gakkktt & Walthall, Agt’s Palmetto, Ga, Special attenliou is called -o the u-e ieh the t hoeeix guano c mposted with eot en seed send or t p-i' vas above tor cin n a c giving testimonial:. Irtn p sitters —pri es terms etc. reb2B6 w Amoxu tho many enterprises of out j town, we tuke great pleasure in call- j tig especial at entiou to the I’ll to | graphic Establishment- of J. K Ellington. ,His many fiiendswill re ret to hear that he expects to leave Palmetto soon, and we say to all, iioth old and young, to Lurry up niifl give him a call before he leaves, f-jt O favorable an opportunity may not occur again soon of Laving a fine picture taken. If 1>14—21. SNVI3ISAHJNMO SIH MYNAHS AJ s/mraon Avery ea- nest request, wa hava t<> make of all our young friends, and that is: “Before they go to see their sweet hem is, call on Fbkeh.ot, onr colored Dauber, and get him To friz their lts'r, and shave their face, , And KiX the mou tsche to euit their taste f< IT-lt THE FINEST TABLE CORN for the SOUTH Larsk Tors Swskt Jorn- —Ax impro ved variety, of very large size, rick su garyjlawtr, and exceedingly productive Packet (by mail) 25 cents, Al*o • geneial assortment of select Garden and fl ,*ver Seed*—sl ~*s2 , $3., $4 , acn $5. collections of the choi.-rst varieties mailed to any address on ro coipt ofremittanoa. Refer(by permission to H"ti.J S Blank, VYaahuigton D. C.. Weiner, S- u St Carl, Banker*, York, Pa. KDW’U J. EVANS & LO-, Nurserymen aud Seedsmen, Y<>tk. ANDERSON & Y\ ELLS, ATLANTA GKURGIA GUANOS IMPLEMENTS, FIELD A GARDEN Seed Pendleton Guam Cash @(l7 0 ■ *• “ Credit Ist Nov. 7U 00 Nsvoss* “ Grsh 60. 0 " " Credit 70.03 Farmer’s Choice Cash 60.0 “ *• credit 65.00 250 Ru Rust Proof Oat*. 50" CO9LET Early corn. Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, Blue Grass Seed, Orchard Grass Seed, sad large stock assorted garden seel. Also, one snd Two florae Plows and ether Implement* which we offer cheap to the trade. Ageutv, For Cotton Gins, Cotton Presses, {leapt r sad mowers, Thrasher*, Engines, Saw mil s. Mill Stone?, Plow ng Machinery Jto. Axdersos & Wblls, Atlanta, Ga Garb:tt & Walthail, Agents for the nan.e Guano, Palmetto. Ga. ®tr. I'., no Faruieri Loohio \ our Interest. 1 he man to patronize is the one who will do your work well and cheap, ami at short notice, asd that man is EN 0C H STRICKLAND, W ho has just established a wood shop in con neetion with his blaeksmith shop at East end of Railroad s'reet, FAIRBURN GEORGIA. He has a full complement of experienced workmen and is prepared to do all kind o! work in his line. He make? new Wagons, Buggies and repairs old ones, keeps new Wagons and Buggies con stautly on band for sale, jan 31-Gin. C A UTION. THE, immense demand for HOLLOWAY’S f ILLb and OINT*UBN f, bas tempted un pnncpiled parties 10 couaterleit the?® valua ble mt*dicines. in order to protect the publie and ourselves, we have issued anew “Trade Mark.” co-sm ing f an Egyptian circle of a serpent, v “h the leUvr Hin the centre. Every box of s*. U.n. BolmwatV Pills and Ointkb.nt w'ln whheuUt J * m ° rk °“ U; D0I “ ‘ ,e K eDiiQ i N " Cos., Sola Agents for R|. loway 4 Cos., 78 Maiden Lane, New York. THE grand principle that operate* In them wonderful medicines, is the power th possess in purifying the turgid blood, and i j pelling coirupt humors from the system. Uwiloway’s Pitfs consist ot • careful ana peculiar admixture of the finest Tesretabln Extracts, Herbs and Medical (dun. Posses, tng not a grain of mineral in their combina tion? they never expose those who oso them to any danger, at any timeor season. No mother need heeitate to prescribe them to her children and the most delicate constitutions ean use tn with as great a benefit as the most vigor i t rri powerful flame. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Jk. as m ° B^ intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt ltlieum, Scald Head, Ringworm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia,Heart. Disease. Female Weakness, Debility, and Leucorrlioea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the. digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and anew lease of life. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER Si CO., Lowell, Mass. t Practical mi Analytical Chemists, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHEU* si-ri p Ttin-.s ; Tori! Keeps C i icltuitly on t and, nt Atiant vny oik i v ti, n til <1 quality ol to bright and new front the shop, and tut to he of the Post material Keeps < tie er always employed in stealing a ltd leels per fectly able to give urnilure to the poor.— Thus* entitl'd ur.d r this gen-i-oti proposi tion. will bring act lilictte ! tom a Justice ei the Fence, that they lost all ol their pro -r ty by the war. Has changed Ids blue'-smith shop to Jack son’s old shop, and Will do w rk in th lies style at low rates. ••Cutne ye poor and n-edy. ; jitnlh 3m C. T. SMITH. P.ti -tio •>. Gt. PR 0 F ESS ION A L CA RDS. DK. A. tt. WHITAKER, OFFERS lIISPROFSSIONAL SR VIC"L in all the branch'** of the praet co cl mcdtctue to tba citizen? of I’almetto an l vc’ni ■ y. lie tenders bis thank* f r 'ciner ptr nago an i solicits and iucreas* ill the future. OtT Residarcv *1 the Die > r i.lte A. B La'hanr. rnle b-28-J DaTV. m. hab u kEi.. pROI'OSK-i TO OFFER 111- SERVICES A its the citizens of PaLMKtto, arfd the immunity t huge. lie if. pi spared to prr <*. lice in Camphcli, Fayette, Doug!-* „.l Oijwr u. Hu sol cits a share of the public patronage. P3>' Give him a call. feblA-ly VL 11. ANDREWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW Faiibuni, (prg;i:!. THOMAS \V. LATHAM Attorney at La-w Fairbtiin, Gecrsia. l*3ta-jmn L Ok ICE & ROAN, attorneys at lAn Faiilfnrn, Geargin. Jtflr* O® e in ths Johnson Snilding. E. FLOYD HAS eriefed a number i f e-.v buildings suitable for earying on his large anc extensive business, on the east sde ol Cauipnallmn stretd., adjoining the residence •f Russell King. FAIR BURN, GEORGIA. WH And he is now preptred ti do ail kind work. Suhh as making and repairing W.goßv, Carriages and Buggit-8. Also P*iMrixoof every discription, exe ufed in th neatest style SIGN PAINTING A SPECIALITY, ndß’a-k uithing exerutad with neatis * nd dispatch. Hav ; ng had *vcral year* experience in rbequianess, he is therefore, capable fa judge when work is executed in a workman Ike monner. lie emp oys none but ex perienceb workmen. Calljitnb see him. A agons and fiugtt'ies alwaye en hau 1, and fur sale. £-S-\Voik done on T me, feb7-4m 1 EI E ) ; -1 ,> k ’ . FOR FO U R DOL L A II S ! The Savannsh Advertiser WILL BE MAIL' D TO YOU Daily, ONE YEAR. s®* T!!K APVKItTISBR ITBUsriF.S *s much Reading Matter any Paper in tin Stats. The Associated Frees Dispatches and Markets, Specials from Atlanta snd the Legis lsturs, A YVeekly Co.amsrci*l Review, -labor ately compile', Atid. in fact, is a thoroughly Live, (•nprehrasive Yew-psper, urniebed at a price that has already given i DOUBLE THE CIRCULATIO> OF Any Other Groieia Daily* Yrk-Wcebly kdltiou U ptrj Ihkub Twice a' Week Cue Sellar ni;d a Bull • Agents Wanted.