The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, April 02, 1873, Image 1

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, > 1 ~ " -• W ... THE PALMETIO Ol>t. lifts or MJUtMt 'JB? *■ M i- * Ye# Squ*f*,.ra laiartiaa •* ,i fq §ui*M<2M"iit |S<iA SaukM. six Utofttbl ~..*.5 0(1 0M W.l*. ***. * ~u yM- UVrl <Mati<m *lll Mn ' gW lauagti to par for evmpodtion will be ’hr ( *l fcr uf g* 111 *i*il* paWii>bl f*r tbv b(lt • wwrtUt *r l.ti*Wu*ls* *1 tlurir -w* *olic;talioii •111 b*b*rg) l ATtS Of $U SC A : f• N lw*e*y *f Uw PM-r ••• !•*’ * * 2> fW fc V*9” J-*-' *“V fiv #pie f U. u. J..r 8 00 r*n cnyiei of th* PP-r 7* r 15 Invar tatty *n .Advance. o*Mietioo •Dllelled Irom all mc- ItanTwi la o tnrtaac* will vbey t iawrled VibUl w w* Of lb* writer aecampany , _ ■ .. -u •omwwwleaMnn* J* ** 4<,< *** o. A.. CAHTRKLL. WU£ J( TOl’ll OOW. What left** of” *••” b ’*** Wbe> MUM MLLW* R****T° ur ‘ U'.rwAk y*il* •• theypoflu adJreaa " Bo*wr4Ul.to4 and gay- Hut S! wbe* *• uu <* prosperity ** UaUi ah*. thus bW UeV frown. Aad cry wt.iiineo f * lr,nt, i Kick th* maul dn’t you ce he t 4“wn Wu.t th..*k *Uc fom knew ut ,or ‘ row, Y.ui heait wa vp*a *• <ly, And your‘•M*ud’ wkan they wawi.d to borrow, Twa'U oblige—w<l ne’er aak to ‘‘pay • What though not a aol y° *’ r And *.ou‘ a ow. to •• you w’.i-n dori Whew ya’r “up,* 1 you are loi|d’y ***> tifda- And tradera'all alng outtyour pr-Ua: Whau you're *••, yo* uav# greatly defaulted, . Aud (bay really -dua’t fa*cy yaur w*4 “P *•>“ wkaafjao and ••Bay . , Basin** '> auckar and elowa; Rut row.’ tit oawewrinyly ft* nay I Taint* ar* altarad, beowiw yo*'r dow* Oh. glee tV# hart that br*W.! I) fr*a free ('•* 'he world * aelleh rn*t Aad the ton 1 whoae high noßie •ndeavor W te raiaa failed raen from Jut; And whan lu adversity’ ocean, A ric Mr* > like If .Jr-fien. All bail to the iriqM whote 4otlon. will lift up * wail when huf -d -wn Th* fulUwl tg < a <v, py deed W’hii t* <% l * G,,,pr * ° r ! Un c WWty. for pu'oßciilbtti fe fc*S Vmi, af r*U UWH h >u lb* and .te, Vf huadied *r>J eifUtoan •, * fl month*. aintf# this deed WM Wtk •a. li was written • raw-bid* and can b# diatiactly rvad: liwni tli* Second tr tlm Grace of, G-d of Great Britai* France and Ire- Ui and ICing Defender of the Faith &c. T# nil to •bom these Praasnt# ■bail Coin* G.eeting Know y# tht foi diver* l*| ciuh and considerations but mere especially for nd i easiwders ti< < f th# aum of four Pound ten ehiK ling* of gaod and Lawful* Money for .nr Cm i*ftid to our Receiver General gMr Pr.iw in tbia our coin y and Dominion f Virginia We b-ve given granted and confirmed by theae pree rata far aa aar heira and anccmaora Do give graat and eon dim unto Joaapli Geer ana eartaia Tract or Parcel of Laad. Containing eight Hundred and •event y acre# lying aed being in tlia County of Lnr*enbn:gh on the Branoh a of Allan’s Latoa’a Bl*cb*tofi*’v and Backhora Creek* and bounded aa fol ia warn, to wit: Beginning at a Had Oak in Bilboc’a line on a Branch of Allen’a Crack, T>ietit* tiia line •euth voveaty Degrees east fifty four PoUm to hi* Corner White Oak,Thence new linaa the name Conran Continued two hsndred and thirty two Pole* t<> a White Oak North twenty Degaee* East three hundred end seventy Pole* to Pointer* in Hatcher’e line Thence a along hie line# aa'ith aaveuty five De grees west eighty pole* to a white oak noHh fifty five Degrees wt three handred an* twenty pole* to a pine uorth’ten degrees east *isty eight pole* to Twitty’a corner Hickory ok the tame, thence along hi* linen west eig hty poles to a Hickory tooth thirty to a pit* eeath fire degree* west ne haadred and aix pelea ta a Hickory soetb aixly degiaaaaaat 1 huadred and faur polaa ta a piao tooth twenty oae degree# waet one haadred sad tweaty polaa to a apenieh oak nduth sixty and; grant went eighty polae to an Ash on tha said braaeh of A Han't Creak and theaoe down tha aame aa it inasndera to tha first station. With all wood*,, tadtr woada, awarepa, marshes, low greand a, rf*di we, feedinga and PALM^TTQ 1 EQR(i lA< WEDNESDAY* _ APRIL 2.1873. 4b* abate of At) frior, ruines ai.d a* Well *(li O creil *y af diaco* red . iti. ni ’h boiinrla aforcaaid a>d being part of It* - It quantity of ri| tit .'ii-dml actca of law I, ami ttie rirera wateia, and water ciorrr* tin rein Con tallied ’Ogctlier wi:li the privilege* of •, hawking, iwhuig, fowling and .11 other profit#, couunodiliea and Iler titani-iiti whatsoever to the same or any part thereof belonging or iu any ariae appe faiuing. To h ve and to hold, poaaeaa and enjoy the raid tract orpatcel of laud and all other the be fore granted premi ea and every pa t thereof with their aad every of tbeir appmt- nance# unto the aaid Joe- ph ilreer and to hia hei a aud assign* for aver. To the only ua ■ bcliirif of him him the aaid Joseph Greer hia tp-ira and wi-a'gn* foraver To t*e held of ua our hriia and aucuvaaora aaof onr Ma nor of east Greenwich iu the Comity of tent in free and Coininun Soccage or by K.niglits service, yielding and pay inv uutw ua onr heirs and *ncce:-#ora for every filly acre* of laud and so pi* portionably for a leator or grratar • atity than fifty acrea the tree rent of one shilling yearly to be paid upon the fe a o’ ■*'lit Mici. • ill* arthan* gel aad also cultivating and improv ing three al ias part of every fifty of the tract abovementiened within three years after the date of these present* Provided always that if three yaera of the said Fee rent ahail at any time be in errear and unpaid or If the aaid J<teph Geer his lieirs or assign* do not within the space of three years ■text coming aftoi the date of thesa presents cultivate and Improve three acres part f every fifty of the tract abiiveraentionvd then the estate here by granted shall ceaae and be utterly determined and there after it shall and may be lawful to aud for us our Irek's aud successor* to grant the earn# leads and prerniaeu with th* np partenanees unto such ather person {or persons as we oar heir* sad aue cesaors shall fliiuk fit in witnesa whereof vre have canscd thss* our let era patent to be made witness on trusty and vn lbt-lovrd Rbert Din widdie e.q our Livntruatii Governor aud Cuinuiauder iu t heif of our said colony and dominion at Willianiaburgh under the seal of our said coloay th* lirat day fa n owsth*r on* thousand ei-veii hundred aad fiiiy four in tilt twea.y eight year of nur Rrigo Rsbt. DiNvimn*. In tha earl, loo.nmg t n- ..t>u i. still the atmosphere heavy with th* and mps of the night, aud the body debilitate 1 dten, with the long fast finer supper time, with moiling t<> r.m-te tit v spirit or the circulation. At shout one o’clock in the afternoon the air is most gener ally fully dried hy the sun’ has more life, more oxygen in it, hence it is more ptrifying, more invigorating, while the bright daylight itue’f has an elevating, vitalising tendency . These facts should be borne in mind by those who are aursea to the sick; for by extra atten tion of various kinds the critical hour night pass, and, if ao the patient in more'iabic to live ovar for anothe twenty-fore hours. It is by observant physicians that each seventh year of life critic*!; which mean* that every Hovesth year ii liaple to be fatal, but Gist if passed over with helth it givea a reasonably certain lease of another seven years; for ex. ample’the most of those who oecotnt comenmptive do so *b *ni Urn age ol twenty one, —a year sooner or later, but twenty-one is the largest average when the disease becomes decided, a bout forty-two, the six-times-seveaty “ byf*r the aaots critical time of the woai-n. If that is passed health fully they have a good chance seeing threes cor*. It will perhaps be found that a larger persons die within a year or two including sixty three than at any other specified time between forty nice and sevauthy. Thesa thing* snggeat that increased attention should begivantoth* health at the** elit es) period*- A gautTetßsuT handed spa tat dollar kill in one of tha Boatou Red Line ceachea* from which aua fa re fiva, cents, wav to b# takaa. “Look a her#,** said the bri var, down tbaug b e hole, “w iiua is a of thto* horse# do yon want to buy with this ten dol lars ?•' Well,** cooliy replied the gen. tlflman, “I ‘bought I wight buy both for that. - .(*' —-Na A Wet Or e< niity wau lately kilie ur deer iu ons day. [ Fkm tits NashAiiui Uhi h. 9i MURDER MOST FOUL. Abost nin# mites from tka city, oa th Nashville pika,* lived an *td I .dy’ sixty years ©.* sge, named Susan Hansen, widow oi the l*te Bea Hoasen, whose name was ft mi liar tv the re*i dents of Nashville many veers ago We have heard it stated tbs’ Mrs, Houses upward of twenty years past occupied the same thooae as renter, but net being able to pay for the same she was ejeetde by tbe owners Smart ing uuder this treatment, the there made* vow that aha would one day return to the place, mistress of tbe do main. So d>-cleriiig, she came witho t means t - Net* ville, set to work indoe | triously, and in a few years Sccumu ated considerable means. Tree to hoe word, she sought out the owner ef tbe aforesaid proper , purchased the same, and for a considerable period has lived tbei* quietly si 4 tensing b- repu tatien of a good chrietein woman. Her homestead consisted ef a comfortable house, and upward of seventy acres of; land, moat of which she kept under cultivation. Iu addition te this property she also owned a lot in this city, and one in Edg- tiel '. Living with this old lady• at her quiet country retreat was her son \\ 1 1! i a it, aid Lia wif-, air one or two children. , Having given our read.r* the bene fit of the above prefatory remarks, we will now attempt to giv# the detail, of* tragedy which i* uiorv or lea* shrouded iu mystery, but of which however, *tflki*i.t is known to cbroii icl* the death by violaac* ,fa woman ovsr whose head sixty rummers had psased, and whoa* hiatory, if all w*i4 told, has been aa eventful on*. On Monday night last, according to the s'aUirents mads, Mrs. liouten tha daughtor- in- Uw, aud the children ratirrd ta bed at an sarly h' r. the flrat aarueii ia a separate revra and the' othsra lu one adjoining. A short while before sundown, William, th* sort proceeded to Mill Greek on a little fishing eictimios, and had not re turned when Hi# balaaceof the family went to bed. / It wa* absnt 8 P. m. whaa th* dat’gh ter in law waeawakend hy servant is* aady.l mpi of ret nf hwt|, alsa dint H'f stl that the diKir leading to th* old lady’s mom was opvc. Keeling aura that aonta 'king was wrong, she rsn immediately to th* of the nearvat neigh bor, llr. Thoaiaa VT. Burnet,. wh<> lived abou three huudred yards distant, and aronsvd him. That gentleman cam* out as anon as possible, carrying with him hi* gnn. The two were'procevdiag along the road in th* direst ion of th* house, when they cam* up with Robert 11. Patterson another neighbor, who hearing the scream* that had proceeded from the residence <>f Mr* Housed, d#> tarmiiied to walk ont and learn tlie cause, lie also took the precaution to g*t his gnn before leaving hi* premi ses. Mr. Barnes and Mr. Patter-son aceamp-ar.ied hy tin; lady proceeded at ouce to the homo of Mr*. IT> msen went into her room, and fotir.d the feather bed and bed clothes <>n the floor, the mattress still on th-* bed. stead. They called for M* Ilouaen b t she did not answer. The y looked under the clothing and the bed, but she wsi nowhere to be seen After through anarch had '#e, n uiad<- •bout the house’ without f/nring her| these gentleman took and tw a p H th that led from the house, an and discovered a flannel petticoat. Goii jg along the aarne plh, and about Jwo hundred yarda from the house, the found, to lhair horror, the bo'dy uk Mu. Bouses dangling from a cros-i > earn **r pole which had been u*cd for suspending hogs after they hud 1 pen slaughtered. A cotton plough li /ie had been wrap ped around bar nee* five times, and afterwards Inatened aa securely to the pole above. Upon examination of the gahowa, there wer. j indications of tha rough manner ie which the lady had been handled, a-Id other evidences which map* it cei tain that ahe met her death not by her Own heads, but from •one demon in hemes shape. Upoi the impulse of tf is moment, on* #f the gentlemes pull. A from hie pocket a knife and cut a t the cord, but did net sever it by tbe stroke. The other gen tleman then sa id thst she was lifeless beyond doubt,, and propahty, under the circuaiatai joes, it wonld be better set to oat her dows an til the. Coroner - - in .tide i. it f.iol i'l,,’ In.i J however, in abort time at Mr Ward, felt to th* grirtwd The ava Ntaravd from thefereefc vdbiM eleven e’ciwck ► ith • good -tring *f fish, which he dropped a abort distance from tbe house, when he vg apprised of the shocking events that had occurred and 'ring hia absence Coroner Swatt was notified of tbe occurrence before daylight by some marketers who darpt from that neigh borhood, aud pr<Scee4*4 immediately to tbe place, wbertf summoning a jury composed of Tlnmaa W. Barnes, Thomas Chambers, Jvhu W. Lev, J. S. Smith’ J. A. Dixon, J F Fields aud R. H. Patteison, as inquest was held ever the d*d body, and every effort made to ascertain, if possible, Mm par ty or parties ta rbi* foul murder, bat without success. We haws given about all the tacts elicitid hi the ta vastigation befort thv jury. Visiting tbe place of exeeotivn, tracks of bore feet were dtsco'tervd opd. _ Jtkwcod through a field iu r <terly arrrniian. Soi.picion for a utomant ranted oa a negro man who lived am lb* pWiiiltl, but upon examiuatien hit feet did not answer to the tracks made. The jury, after deliberating and patiently listening te ati the evidence, returned a verdict, saying thafthe said Mrs. Honsen came to her death from be ag bung by the neck with a cotton plough !i lit-, and it is the vpiniun uf said jury that she was bung by some other per on than herself.” The deceased, i> bear it stall and, wa . ateb daughter of Sterling Guy, and Was tli* third otie *f the children who ai met an imoatural death. One Wan drowned in the Janas river, Virginia, another froeen to dpsth, and tbia third one met' death'by hanging. After tha Corona* returned to tha city, we mdwrstood that all her paper* had deen found, big that a blank book aud a pocket- bosk mm* missing—the latter containing on* handred dollars' belonging to tk* oil lady, aad a amsll amount of roaney beloning t* tk* aoti. Th* Wonditien of th* room When Patterson *nd B*rn*a arrived looked Vary much lik* it bed been thoroughly ■marched. Tha fart of th* bed and bedding being thrown on the ior •eerus te lead t* that belief. It ia to fie hoped that development* will oc cur in tbe next day or two which will, bring the goUtf party to this horrible deed to justice. Pithead Point. U p rear—Tb and* r A bed rntnh A cob). Wiainaa i* br^.- : : jne Baa condwctwea—Lip*. Advertiwr.g ia nwney. Late raid*—Masquerade** Spring-water-April *hower*. Nature’s tailoring—A potato- pateh. A loan conscience makes a fat •/fficer. Air* the ladies lik* to put on— Solitaire*. An expensive wife tuakee a pensive husband. When i* a bouse like a bird ? W bea it has wings. Do high colared romance* iaanre a book’s being read! Weight* that are dark—Seventeen hundred pounds to tbs ton. Scientific definition of “Dew”—Par •piration of the moon. Tha Greatey Staiue Committee, o New York, acknowledge cantributiona lo the amount of $9,546 55. General Sheridan will give the re sult of hie observations during the Ftance- Prusaiai. war in anew booh* on m.litary tactics. Forewarned i* forearmed an 1 fr# armed is eight handed. Of anew pill ihe patentee says, “There is not a lazy hair iu its bead.’’ Engaging photographer—“Juat lack a little pleasant, Mital Think of iui!” The beat* way ># to baUnc# yonr books often if yon do business on a larg* scale. Ladies say some men “oh” a great deal when they come te pay their ad dresses. “I *** through it,” as the washer woman said when th* bottom wf th* tub tell qat. Over one-half of the members of Kellogg Legislature ef Luaiaiana can neither reed nor write. Wee Mve high er low cherch f Adem thought her Sveen gelical. If yue went t# knew whether e tree i e hollow or not, ek it* General Sheridan will give the result of hie observations during tbe raeco-Prussian war in e bow book g military tactics. When !• S. SHt-phene, general ■ Manager i,f tb* Hiiii,j:i, knilaii ai.d T*a# Railway was pushing that enterprise eoaibwsrd st th* rate ,4 three mdse • day, lie came aenwa • veteran Misenuii farw-r, who for fifty years had lived ou hi- finntier plan— taliou uodutuilii-rl, i-v*i by t wars, ru mors of wars, pestilence famine, so far lioca deSmsc and lelegrstpl.a ants lie. One night the advance men cams upon hia old tarui when the fol lowing dialogue ensiled; “Thvu you ale going to build a ra’l road are ye f* ••Yea.” “W her am t cumin from, and _ar am it to l“ m “From Sidsfis, in Mi.v. uii Jova through Mmaouii, kmi q, the Inciac Yvtrrt- ry, aad mm thiough Texas to the ity uf Mexico.'’ "And you e gwine to run ff throu gh my plantation “Yet," “Do jem hern that, M womae \\\~ ve got to move]'' ..“Not uocvaaary. All w* waul is the right of way. “ “Walll —yao can have that are. hut who’d a thought a railroad would ever hit as!" “Yoa have a g.wd farm hers f“ “Yea—far to mhJilrlin.’* “Uow manygacres TANARUS“ “About four th- a*and “ “Mot many impruv. in.-nU f“ "•in, H takas ane ao k-ng to look af lav the cattle, i can't improve merit.“ “Bit yoa * good a oil .m tk- pi Vise# r f “Yea—a rll ( f4tr, good ime, anly* -t • eaka a littU.“ "Leak* f How’s that! “Yau Ml we dag foily feet *k*M wa asms to a rook but ao watar. Tbea 1 *lkd it ap, and we hael the watee froja th* rivar, about farty hartal* a +J. •nd fir) ato ff. | W* (loot uar mnre’a fl.u *ll tli* rest Uaka vat aiHueittitt.— 1 wa* gwine Ui dig sa- ther will next year, but prop* 1 cab bit* the Waiei hauled oa tie cn ch<-apr than i cas bni!d.“ Fourteen years thie old planter had Baalnd forty a d*y rstW tV*a dig a•* hmJ ..r teriwg av.tor pine fr*w aspiibg *)y % mite away. A gallant ag was sitting hwiilr hta b* loved, and being unahl* to think of any King I. say, why *he was like a taih.rf "I den | kaow,“ said she, with a pou’irg |i (1> “unless it ia^because I lyj, •idr m goo*e,'* The veiy best way to ed ateel kn:f is to cat a solid) fydMW* in two, dip one of the | eces ia duat, eucfi a i* tonally used for ki iff # . cleaning, and rub :be blade with it. The Editor. ,f 11. paper ha* 10l a small paa* hook, L. Paesano k Son* pr.ated n th.b.rk In the side pock et are tome valntble p-tpera-ProhablV lost it at Fairknin. The finder will he Hberally rewrd*d by leaving th* same at this office. Barnnm haste ever*d from t ea* hr* of hi* thirl' destructive ernfisgrs. ti--n end paraded the *’recta of New York with anew show two tnilve in • ngth. Great crowds gathered to witness the display A cow, an the plantation of Mi Ji-hn Rot ert-i n Terrell couuty, became the mother of five calvrs at one bit th. A tall and ng. y wr.-nan recently tendered to a clerk of the San Fian ciado Post Office ninety-nine cappers, for which *he demanded thirty-three stamps. Bring told that *he could on ly legally tender four copy era she be gan to pace the corridor in great wrath, cl iug occasionally at the win dow until *lie had made thirty-three Separate t': dera of the coppers and and had received thirty-thr-e three cent stamps. She may have heeu tail aad ugly, hut ah* wm also bvaatifully •harp. A found Liaaband boasted to a ftieud —"Tom, ib* old w* met. came sear, sailing uie hos.y last night." "Did ■he Bill, what did she sayf,, “She •aid,‘Well old Beeswax, come to sup per." AT I KNUsJN rAAlXjj||..th3’d T* T>v ATM* 7 *. -U. ’-?"2 ’ An Act <d He: last V.,ria-e anil <1 reel- U#t Gov>*rii-.,t Up #,ie ii-.iiiia uf G.->rgia. to th aw. oat, f twelve tuindied itiotlrfsii 1 dnlsri with reel at Ki*r rxR cent, pay. bl < mi-aiinuaily iu April and ; Octobei * ■ , Tireee Boiml* will lieai date Ist Apiil IBIS, and will bee. me due in Mtiuual itatlnie .1* o Oxk I’rMiarnTH. t asn fl<urai, , rvn the Ist day April, l.'lj, and tbe ike amount m hereafter until the win.b- aaxmrtt an ■ Itorixpd e p I—tu-wii; on lit Ist dy lSd. Appropriati m i*. made i,.r lln ir payrin-nt and ti e o>u.l intvroat.iu tlic act auilanfaiug 11-yir ■snue, which, being pajt Uie coh fact, l* iKRKi-Kai-tei.*, B, n ' relieved from Sbtte, county and municipal tnxaltmr, llisir purcknfik amounts to alunint a tt l* pat c ui. in tefeei, hr which the uUeiiliim id T IU'TT.K, Gc.vitmxss, Exvchth**, i* i-vfraeiaily called; and as they are isaoetl ia part for redi-tnptioii ofowida* Honda uf :k State, mi et of w hich beat only six. per cent, intcicat, they are effered at par fur these occuriur*. Their number, aiarit, aud ttme n> uayment will be as foil,-wa, via: 1 ,dOO bunds ul |ii,o, i.tb t du iu lklk, 'l, . . 18IT, 1818 t ..... . $400,00# 800 bond* if SBOO cacti, due in IBT# 1880, 1881, 1883. ...?. *OO.OOO ADO binds ..f SI,OOO each, due In 18S 1884, 1885, 1880..1... 400,000 TU Bonds are in the hands of the engraver, and will be ready for ia*a* vesy abort iy alter they arc recrfived from Itha. Meanwhile, alt who deafer* to exchasigr* or irtbedt Caa, hy ft waid ing the.r old cnrrciun dJ this d.-partment, tvcl-t' "*fccrtititf><lcS, il tho builds should nut be ‘ready '/drawing interest from tin*' date th and on Notice given cf lltei: Cumplcti-a the cet ti lira tea can he broeght forward and tho bonds delivetod ('brio* wf uunds tu fit at uppiicjsnt* ( .5 J-■.. Trmmmm All tha paper! in the ?twh# are ted tu pu list until the Ist of and forward their a cooutmto the Trs usury fur |o. YM-Vnt. The man who sat down in a reserved a** tocciipied hv a wasp, ii now its ad iftgrUp mere f : D -* was. %heu Jon ah’* follows paaaeagert i,i}^eQ ( him evrib- ird they a itaatly him as Neither prdito %*r I}->e it iti.t seem to t-e that Ulft- pnalic shuuld find their caal tMSM wd¥*n. t:.e vwners bar* all agreed to coal sac*. Peu-aiakera ara a‘bad lot' They tr.akepeaple le I fees, and then say they do write. HOLLOWAYS % o\^ EvERyMaW HiS OWNfKYSIQAi DR. CROOK’S WINE OF .TAB! a. TnUnncragaMb test has proved Dr.l'rnkt Ww WlncoTTur to have mesa merit thim any dmUoi prejiiMstUoaovcronbred la Uie pnUta. It to IMI ta meillfe the medicinal qnaJHlcaw Tar, and uneoualed ga (licensee of thu Threale I. a U{[>, performing Og mrtrt remarkable euiwa W nr-tnullj rurwtall Qasifc sod r*M. Itbaa euraaiß **•“ *^~ Mtaafae a superior Towle, .. Suler-da *yeeia -g?S£?£SgSrtfra *“**• I'fVvmile rawwlwplßßm VwvmHk •Mw Uhw a;tß>iiia * NO 42