The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, April 02, 1873, Image 4

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PJtUIEsSIOEA L CARDS U-*. A. . WHtTAKfcJt, OFFs-it.' IfbSi'KGFcdslO.SaL. .-.KKTIOfc is all lb* WaackaS si Ms pr acres* *1 isvU icis* :s tbs sihmss *.' Palmetto im eeiui.y.*.. i • He tenders hit thank* (ur farmer patronage SR ' •••licit* ami iscraass ui the lutura. M* .(apt tsiics as-(tie tats rseidoaa* U. Ls-ltaia. i mf • !•<*• DH. r. M. HAHUkLU PROPOSES TooffFXK Hia axurK'K Ts Ms ciliwM sl.f*uiTT< *J*.l Ms • m.ijUnityTat large. Hvi# prepared lu pree tias is Camp'ielU; Payette, Douglas sad C.-wala. ila solicits a slisrs al Ms puMtn pstreaag*. >W*lii** hia s call. !•!• 14-ly W. H. ANDREWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW Pstrtms, GssriM. THOMAS W. LATHAM Attorney At Tiw w Fail-tuna, U*sr|ls lUls-jiaal UICE t BOAS, A TTG RMK TS AT L A W Fairbnin, Gamrgta. P*~ OSes in tbs Johnson BsiMlsg. E. PLoro HAS erected a numbsr of >-#w bull lings suitable tor carrying on bi* large sad <iii**B<!ve business, on Ms *aat side si fampballton street, adjoining ths reeidenet f Russell King. FAIRS URN, OBOROrA. A4 be It nos prapared to do all klad of •orb. Hu-.h as making and repairing * agoae, Carriage* and btiggiei. Alto Puiutinq of every* a ted in the neatest tlylt SIQM PAINTING A SPECIALITY." Ai'd Black in thing executed with neatate a-4 dispatch. Hating had rarer*! years sxperlene* la the bultoeta he is therefore, capable be "'l** When work ia executed is a workman ••ke manner. He employ! nose bat #x j-rleeced workmen Call and as* him. *•*•• - a*oat and Baggie* always aa baud, **4 for tale *M*Work done on Time. hkl-tlB 1 U SPK OPLK’S M . . rox rOVR OOLLA 111 The bsTMuh Adrartlser WILL BB MAILED TO tdU Dattp. ONE YEAR. MP TUI 10TKRTISU rcsusnss At much Reading Matter eeeny Paper ia tka Si.te. The Aaatciated Prttt Dispatches sad >< • Irate, Hneeiala fruta Atlanta and Iks Legie |. -rt, A Weekly Commercial Review,*labr '#iy eomplleil, And, in faet, ia a tbereagkly Mva, tkfubsmht Isfßtpw, oakad at a prlea Mat baa already give* 1 1 IUBLI THE UIRCULATIOI Of Aar Otfca* Msdigß Dstlf. r -W*eAly MWsskl W 'fw kmum Twiee s Vtsk tw Mar sad sdM Agents Wanted. Fa raters Leak ts I oar Interest. < be nit ts pstreulgs is tbs one wbs tall] dt • r werk well sad obsap, sad at short aatlas, a.( ibataaois IN 06 H STRICKLAND, " ks has jast sataMiabsd a weed shop ia asn - >i*a with '■it biaek-mttk shop at Bast tad */ dailroad strest, FAIRBURK 080 ROTA. H bags foil esmplsmsat af sxperianssd werkttsa and. It prepared ted* ell ktsd el wsrk ia hia liae. U. atakst sew Wagons. Baggies and rapalre eld *•#, keeps nets Wagent and Buggisa sma rt** i lyes band far sal*, j-a ffl-fim, At:. CAUTION |_ f r'H Immeaee demand for HOLLOWAY'S ' ' ILLS nd OINTMBM f. bee tempted tin- T .r:M, f.i 1 .-<1 partial to eouaterfait theee valae- Wlo wmlicinca. (a order t* protect the puhlie aad eareeleee. • have I wined a tea “Trad* Hark.” cancel ing el an Egyptian eirele of a eerpea', | ’*h the letter II la the centre. Brer; box ef ga k aiu. rtoLLowir’e Fin a aad Oibtnbnv Win b>r> thie trade mark on it; aeae aie geaaina withettl Ik. 1.3(1, 5. T CnmeiL Ga., Sola Apeata far Hal loo** A Ca., Tt Baida a Laaa, Bar York. riVIB grand principle that eperateatn the,a J raaderfnl mcdieiaca, la the power tk a po-'.-eg in purifying Iba turgid blood, aad 14- jwlr-ag rerrapt humors I row the s;etere,| e-;lewuy’e FtUe conei*e of a earefkl eat y■■ iar admixture ef the fleet fncttlMl Ir-.I: aeti, Barba aad Bodleal Baa*. Poem* lex not a grain of mineral in their eoahlee i e>. the; never expoae tboea who usa theja la mf aa; tinieor neaeea. Ho metfee* n'oe-haaitate to y reoar Ihe then to her eblMree oat tha QMet delicate aonaUtanioae aaa aee p w irh aa gra at a baaed aa the went riger t >ad pea er la! frame. WATCH STOLEN. i Saturday, tha Mtb Jaaaar;. tana ear- V i r.ola from tha raaidaaaa af Bra ;j . |. I tribe!**. ahaut aix atilea fraai Bair- V a tingle eaaa. ailiadar otgeaail gold a■- e. Tha Hag af aid watah tree eeuddere- V. • -ere. aad tha aiiatta head waa ef. Tha •.. e wee a taeeil hreee ana. . eae tediag aeid watah will ha liberall; a-eerdad r; retar a tax it to the l*#w. C. T. lOtTBCCTTf **+& -iai L. B. LANGFORD, ** WHOI.MALB AND BRAIL PBALW 1* h let M, HtllbW W It.-eh ru.Ttw Mata, *>••♦ Weak Til—lll’ dUI Nanlrlt aal Grntaa, a. ,i3 Furniehing Goadt af rtwj OeaavtpHas f.*erst Y!*rte!e Ktwawa. K -i.'.’-v Blot’-. Wbitobnli it reel, Ga .>iit far iba arl.-brated “(Chart* Oak Btawa ueUrTw n PALMETTO SHIELD, a 0 A WMMKLT MMWMRAFBR, fail mb ad at [ ■ -■ # PALMETTO GEORGIA Dasaksd ts Tmprdkno* f ▲■rloul tu PoUUom Xsitdbrdbtur*, übo. ntpssciCTTßrirTy'APrAxcr" TWO DOLLARS, Pit AHUM. * ■ v Being psblisbed in nn eeUrpriatag tawa es Ike AilnnU k Went Point KnilrnnA, (n n goel Mellon of eeantry sad knrlng • lnrgn elrenlntien in Csinpbell nnd asrreandiag* 1 publl* will tad it n good median for their *4*t*U*emeat*. PATROMAUE tOLICITED. Me pains will bn spared te make vases MBczausD A HtST-CLABS PAPIR. •nr melto is, INDUSTRY AMD ECONOMY ONE ONBjCOMK |AL^M^ SUPPORT TOUR QUNTY NEWSPAPER WITH A WILL. MT A rilf LIBERAL DE DUCTION MADE Of YEARLY ADfMMTIBEMMkIE ■ NEW HAVEN OMAN COMPANY. flkt ClMVftltd VBILMM AfD^TJBMJBLg TRIP I ORGANS era unsurpassed In qssljty if ten*, style o t Into, ■implicit/ •f a— stnetioa.nnd da .•nbl'ity. lso, MELQDRONS in vsrieus styles, and aasqaallsd in toe. •sad In lllastrated Cttalsgus. IMnh mw HAVEN ORGAN CO.. Nam Hasan, Con. Mr A*aaU Wanted. turn vnnt . r or X ! ‘H’e sji~c, Russo!? Cee’r, Wils*n-. /M Writ, £a. febH-lm OEOIiGIA, 1 Sopei lm Couit CdMFBEU. CoCXTY. j Fkpl>. Ted 111, UTt Ftedeuck Bailey vs Sarah Bai *y Libel for Dioptct Rule to perfect fftVtd tsppsarlngto the Co..rt by the retor*' the >*h.-r,(T. that the Dsteudent does set reside in till- eounty; and It furtbnf ppvsring that she dot* Dot reside ia State It i on motion of Coanaeh • •lend that mid D-fcudaot appear sn“ 11.1* r at thi* term of the c urt’ dee lb*‘ j. e cnee beconsi ered in default and the Pli‘ .11 allowed to proceed And it is furthr tdtrrd that in* rule be puidi-tied io the I’aLmktt* Shikld a public Unzette of ta.d eoualY uuce a uiwb h for icnr tuuiith*. THOMAS W. Ua i HAM. Petr s Ally Order Granted, UUOU BUCHABAg Judge, 8. C.;T. C. A true extrsel from the niinatee of the Superior Court of said sully, March, 2. tk 1873 _ M. H. WOODDdLL, C. 8. C. GEORGIA, ) Campbcix Got’HTT. j To all Whom it rosy concern, W.N.Ceo* having in proper form applied to me for pe‘ msaeiit letters of nduiinirtralicn on the total* 0 f Dock Blalock, hits of said county. This is te cite all and siegular the ereditc. and next of kin of ( oek ISIaWk, l* be appear at my < Sice, within tte time nH ■*. by law, sad show cause, if say they cao, wbJ permanent administration efeould not b* ganted to W, N. Cook oa Dock Bialoek's ta’e. wi'ness roy hand and official signature* Febaary 14 th., 1873' r C. BEAVFnB. Ordlitry. Ktiraf Notice. There came to my house during last Christmas week, a red and black spotted sow slioat, marked as follows: a split in each ear. The owner is here by notified to come forward, pnyei' pen sew, and take it away. This March, 25'h 1813 D.C GOBtfR, Near Cr*>s* Anchor, G. FIRST NEW SPRING GOODS. Miss Q Tits'! igtrH Has just received Pont New York A LARGE STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS. She has opened in the new l>u>ldiiig an Toombs Street, recentiy occupied by Meesrs. Barnes k Ellington- She is tiaw prepared to sell those who nuj her with a call, these Goods at reasonable prices. Ladies give bet ca 11. Stop Tmiepl Stop! 1 Keeps constantly on hand, at Atlant aery dircriptiva and quality af fu bright and new from tbe ibap, and wa to be of the best material. Keeps on* •r always employed in stealing aad t.el* pr fsetly able to give urnitnr* te the po*r— Tbou *ntitli and ucd„r this g.Bi-reus pr-'peti tieu. will bring * aertifleste from • f tbe Peace, that they lost'all of Ibeir yrs mr , ty by the war. lljs changed his blae,ksmith shop t* Jerk •uo’t old .bop, and will de work ia th* her stvle at low r ate*. "Came y poor sad wwdy. : jant 0 3tu G. T. SMITH. Palmetto, Oa. ■ PIKEKIX GUANO. WILCOX. GIBBS & CO’S. MANIPULATED GUANO. THESK CELEBRATED GiJANOS IM purted ami p epared by Wile-x. Gibfw A Cos., Savannah Ga. t and Charleston, C., are for sale for cash, or on credit on aeeom roedatinj t-Tuu, ptyabl* in entree, by \V. F. Laxdkum, Agent, Fvieburn, Georgia. GaRKKTt.& WiLTBtLL, Agt's Palmetto, G. iaa. Special attention is called to the ute ieh rue uho-suix gutno compoeted with M eg seed, send or apply as abovo lor eircu u c giving testimonials from planters—pri es terms etc. reb236w THE FINEST TABU* CORN f... the SOUTH Larse York Swxbt Jong —An itnur*.- red variety, of very large site, lichsu gary flavor, and exceedingly productive Packet (by mail) 2S cents. Alto a general a-oortinrnt >f m-Wf Garden and fl- ■ arcr Seedi— sl.. s*. 13 $4 , ann $5. collections off' tha eb i>-*t varieties mailed to an; iddreas an re ceipt of remittance. Rrfer(by permisuion ta iion.J S BUk, Waitlmigtnn D. C., Waissr, Son iTCnrl, B tnkera, York, Pa. ETtW’DJ. EVANS A CO., Nurserymen and Se.fdstit*ii, York, ?a ANDEItSON A WILLS, ATLANTA GEORGIA GUANOS IMPLEMENTS, FIELD A GARDEN Ssed Pnnlletcn Guano Cah —“•cr *• Credit Ut Not. 74.00 Harem “ Cah *O.OO - “ Credit 7.1 Farmer’* Ch-hea Cath MAO “ <• credit MO* 260 Ru Rtiat Proof Oat*. •0“ CM LIT Bar!/corn. Clover Reed, Timothy Seed {Blue Oraaa Seed, Orchard Craaa Seed, aad large atoek aaaorted garden aeed. Alao. mao and Two florae Plows and other ImplaaanU wh'ch we-offer cheap to the trade. Amenta, For Cotton Gina, Cotton Pretaea. Reaper* aad morert, Thra*her, Engines, Saar nailla. Mill Stone*, Piawlng Machinery Ac. Annum A Vfaus, Atlanta, ’A G a ' k v Vai TH*t t., Aarentw ft*r the i s}£. gUO Bjirafe'b 0 I ' • I ar, 14, mo UigMtt. ADVERTISEMENTS GEORGIA, { Carpbkll Co- NTT. ) OMinart's Orricß, March 15. 181 Mr*. Martha Bohannon, wife of T T Bo bsnnoa, b*s applied for Exemption of Per tonality and aetting apart anil -luatloa o Homestead, and I Will pats upon fire same at U e’cloek A- M ea /Bth day • f M-trcb 187 ', at myi Mee, it, Fairl uin in said count Given under my ufficial signature B C Heave- s, •rdinasy GUARDIAN’S SALK By virtue of an order of the Court of Or dinary of Fulton Comity, I will aell before the f 'ourt H- use D'orin Fairburn. Camp bell county Geoigia. within the legal hours of sale, on the Sml To iday iu □ext, the andivi led i .tercet of 'he = keirs of Russel' Baker deceased, being four eleventh of ore rer,-nih of land lota 178 and ISG of the 8 h District of original'y Fayette, now Campbell County, for tie benefit of said niuors, TtCDS Cash. March S'.h 1873. ARCADIA B4KER, Guardian. GEORGIA I Cari-sku. Cocstv. j Toe* week* ader dai-, application will lie made te the CVari of Crdioary of said County, et the liret regular term alter the expiration of four week* from this notice, tor leave to •ell fifty acre* in the south-west corner ef lot of land number two hundred and twenty-sev en (117) iu the lt'b distri t of originally He ry. then Favett*. but now Caioyb. ll county, belonging to the estate ef Frat cis <4. Jours late ot county, decerned, for tbs beuefll of the heirs of said deceased, tbit February 17tl, 1873. jambs l. jokes. Adut'r GEORGIA, I Camprill Colnty ) -t hereas Wm J Uarreti, aduaioUtrato of Thomas A. reprtaenis to (be court, in bis petition, duly filed and enter ed ou record, that he has fully sdmisterod Thomas A. Latham’s estate. Ttri* it, therefore, to cite ail persons cot; cerned, kindred and srediters, to show caase, if any the, esn, why said at’mii. trator should not he dicharged from bis - ministration, and raeeive lettera of ands •ion, on the fi at Mir day In June 187.1, Tbit March 3rd Ixl3. R.C. BEAVBB., Ordinary. CAMPBELL CO, D. SHERIFF'S SALK will b ? 'Old bcf. re the Court House door, in the town ot Fsirburu, ' County. Georgia, on the first Tuesday 1 May next, within the legal hour* ol sale the following piopcrty, viz: Oue ter rain let in the town of Fairhurn. 4i.. and known in tbe p an of aid town as 1 t No and bound, and as Lliows: fronting on the line ol the Atl fit* and We-r Pt'n Kail-Re and, aud bo, uded n west ty tli public road lending fruni F.irbu-n toFay ettevlli* b> , tbe same being tbe lot whsr en tli* dwellio i- which th* family of the ia'.e 1 bonus M. Iruusld row r* i. situated: l-rvlrd or: as til- prop-f V “I M -1 - Ikew H-id, and p.-lntid out b,, (J C.G:i Plff'sAtty. Levi* on by virtue of afi la •seed ii< favor .f Sataii Ann Bmk vs Mat hew R. id et. *l, from K>ett. 3ui rio Conrt. Also at the same'ime aid p'soe. E '** hilfolhrt ••flar'd number forty (40) In Hie ninth Dietrict < f originally lierirv then F•>- *tto, but now Campbell County G-o gi containing • ne hundred sees more t-r ca* t bciug the me whsreon George 1’ t n now ives. Levied on h> virtue ••( a Jus tice Court li fa i sued tr, iu 12 4 h Dittiic G, M.- in f-vvor ot Wiliiat" l ehrr ..g ins George Pete s, and tlie ssme was point* 1 ut by Grice fit Kuan, o WILLIAM TiiOViPS *N. D ; Sheriff. CAMPBELLCO, SHERIFF’S SALE Will be eolrt before tbe Court H >a-a or ia sh ' town Of Fnirburn OaiuplHill uutty aorgid. neitb-n titer legtl ln.ure el * >'e. o:t the f T*iK‘<Tt; ii May i.ert r.> e ••>!' i til ; ; >• * A eer'.tiii t*n lot Inti- "* P*’ Fietio lit. thi'h l pit-•": •• ■ • r<• •liua’et.'. tfe nsmie einfi Wt .i ei. e i lot Ho 16 flriv range fronting on Toom' • Strtwt (went; flee feet, and running ta k titty (bet a* I ernrer tthi ft t-tte built by j 0 h F Ellington I- Fuated. and now tc , upied b; said K.llingto •• Leviatl on by rirtue of a li fa leauetHro n Campbell Superior Court, in levorofU. E Cranford against eitid J. F. El ii gton. a* lb .orperty of aaW Defend mt i>. fi fa, and pro arty pointed out by Plal'itifi’a Attornr;. D P. WIHTK. SHUT STATI O v GEORGIA. 1 „ C/MraKLi. County. ( Whskkos, Richard A King Administrator of Adam B. King, represents to the Court, in his petition, duly Sled and entered on record, that he ha* tally' adminiatered Adam B Klag’t eet te, Thia i therefore, to cite all persona con eerned, kindred and creditors, to how c*asc, if any they era, rfay laid Administrator ■beuld nut be diaeharged from hit adminis tration . and receive lettere of dismissien, on the first Monday in May. 1-73. Given aeder my hand aad official algaatara, this February Ut, 1*33. B. C. BKAVF.It■. Ordinary. fet.7- * gEokgia, r~ CoUNTT ) Wukkkas P. M. Dunlop, tsdmiuietrator of John Dunlop, represent- to the court, in hi petition, and 1 1y fi’ed me! ent-red on record that he haa fully admiuiitertd Jolts Dunlop’s estate. Thi* i. therefore, to c’le alt persons con cerned .kindred and creditors, to show causa, if any they can, why *td administrator •boukl not be discharged from Lts admin* ieti’ailoa, and receive letters of dismission, au the Brat Monday in Jane 187 ’. B. U. ÜBAVEBS, OrAtauy Mi W A UVKKII .-KM ENTS GRANDEST S-HEMEOF THEAfit. 1500,00 0 CASHCtIFTS. •100 000 for Oalf^lo Uudar of sp-ern, leg,.„ lire acl *t March id. 1871, tb tr , teM now ooucce the Taisa (~*„ G.rr (i sc.M f„, the beuefit of titer FiiLtcLMss, or K.x- TLCtr to come off inLibrary Hall, at Leui* vitla Ky„ on Tuesday, April Bth, 1873. At thi/ Ccacert the best u usicsl talent tha can be procured iron, bit p a . uef the coun try w,n * dd pleasure to the entertainment and trh thoosamo Casa Uirra. aggreg** ting a Vast i.ul o; IU r A M.llson l/ARi curreacy will be distributed by lot tl the ticket-holder*, as lellow*: One Grand Caah Gilt, SIOO,OOO Ono Uraiid C.alr Gilt, 50,000 Oue Graad C'wa.r Gift 25> 0 One Grand C#h Gilt 20,000 One Grand Cdalt Gift, 10,000 Ouu Grand Cast. Gift s’ooo 24 Cash Gifts of SI,OOO each, 24,000 50,.Caii 3ifi 0 f 500 •• aa’ooo 30, Caah Gift* ~f 400 “ 32,000 100 Caah Gifts of 300 “ 30^000 150 Cast, Gifts ~.f 200 “ 30*000 590 Cash Gifia of JOO •• 59.000 000 Caah Gifts of 10 •' 90,000 Tral, 10.000 Gift*, all Caah, $500,000 To provide aiaans for this aisgaia -a,, _‘ n ert ’ osm Htfstoaao Thousand Whcdi r.cit r* cni.t will be Iseued. Wh’,.* r iCßßra, $10; Hai.vxs, $5- ' * Qp*tr 8 ,52.50. Elxvxn whom l’tcx * r,n lo °- No ri 'COUNT ON Ltd* than SIOOoHDtRS. h o ject of ‘his Th kd Gift Occvrt, lik* he twob eretofore g ven with such univer a.r v* .Is 11, enUrgs9a„ nt 4D ,j , ndow ment *f tbe Public Libbait ofKxs.uctr which, by the speoUl *ctgv,tk-jrizi,i f th cencert for if benefit, i, to be for#*,* fr* ta all c.tizcns of every State. The drawing will be under the ettpervi-h.* ot tbe truitee Librcry. t*sl*t,d by the mo(t;em!„, Dt e , ren* of th* United State*. The (ale of tleh *“ h ” * r# *dy pregres.-d so fsr that coa lleu wrewi i. aasu radd and bnyara are therefore notified that they muct. ord* a ae* iff they desire to pertieipate in ;the r awing. ■* l Pi * -* at of thi* undertaking has been committed by the x *. Brarblcttb, late Governor o Keutuaky to wlrout communication* ye aimng to the Gift Concert maybe address ed R.TDCRRETT, Prra’t. W N IIAL3KMAN, Vice I’rca‘t. JOHN’ S CAIN, Sec‘y Public Lib: *ry K Y. FARMERS’AND DROVER-, BANK x ( asnier. )• the timv f..r theGom ert Isis at hand (•p il Bth). pa tiei wanting ’.lekst. in nil.send in their orders Immediately l*thy would avoid the ru.h and delay absolut- iy unav idabla In tir few day •receding till draw it g. All erdert and >p plicafioiH for •geiirie*. circular* and infur mtiioir will meet irrompt attention. TDOS E t RAM LETTS, Agent Public lb '■•fJ. Loalivll *. Ky [Katabliwhoil 1830] CC WELCH it GRIFFITHS, Mu nnl act ill ere of Saw*. P*SrPEKIOII TO ALL OTHERS. KVKivTStW WA HA TEI) <;F!L S. BELTING k MACHINERY ■<qMP*UBERAL DISOOUNrS.uEi fiWPrice liata and Circular* free. O^WKI-Oil A GRIFFITHS Bo*rox. Mass.. A Dsvbuit. Micb Tha tna ia published Qcte rstti.r 96 <■ I n;e far tke year. whiab la 00l half tha coat > hoea who afterwarda wad|mone; to tbe amount of One Dollar. o£morn for S-wd ■a; also order 'AS centa worth extra—the pree paid far tha Geioa. Th* First Numbei is beautifiil,giving plana far Biak’iiKgKuntl lloinct, Di ning Table Decoration!, Win- How Gardena, ia- and a ma t of irnfor nation invaluable to the'lorer of flnwara 13b pages, na On* tinted pa par, earns 600 It gTaviaga and a auparb Cwiwreß plata and C’brwnae Tower.— The first Id it ion af !a>,ooo just pr’tued on Inglieh aad Qar JAMES VICK, Reehettar, >• Tar St. I’M the Bttirgtr (as| Lock aati Support W zkdowf no spring to break, na catting el each : cheep f. > ' • saily applied; laid* sash any place desired, aad a self-fastener sehea the lash is dawn Send stamp for c’rcul, r Circular and copper- bronzed locks aant to any address in the U. S . postpaid, on, ra eolpt of SO eta. Libaral induceasnta to the trade. A gents vented. Addreaa RBI NSING ER SASH LOCK CO., !• Market S Harrisburg, Pa. BabCOLK FIRE EXTINGUISHER. SEND FOR * 3 T BBCCXX> *. * nxctu, sc.-retary. 4 IRrerdway R. T 7* Mrke:_S| Ghbigg Sawiso* fe tm BBST IN THE WORLD. Aget\l* wariitd. Scud tor cireeiar A<idr**e: ••DaMESTiC” SEvViNG N. Y. TSCEJ B SJIY SUEZ opportunity sed th ■ m.-i tai in nt 1 I < tioa offered l* to be (band la the Agency fsr HU.MKV WARD B. KC IIKRM Great Litkaabt Seaiur S.v*e*ras With which l given .cry t ,1: f**t suit bst PremdasH Picture ev<r * fie- ed , new and rx>|ui*l:e gI2 O PdESOH OLEOGRAPH. called ruaawdf aadlbef Pe*” (.xiogrepb, are ttteca t-.umt c at * French Art printing o i. Ts* Psaravrioa * t-MSowo) we ait give me aiapvrb fW ■ of Genuiae Fr-i/ch Oil Cbnti.-*V **Viff Awake” aad” F*t A deep” subject* LIFE 0,1 lion isth* I n**. '*'*•<•* • 1 * cr ever g.,.!!,"- 1 thi : too-himiM *• suth r*. L M a * l ‘‘ l *.••'"id H • T> R gp Bspiwlw back bril ita c ,*** N * w * ai i-v ~,w l t4r ' ! :lu * wdlld cott’t •tory F *,. rh„ W f D "'" b r ‘ 01 * U * 41 aid On. Agr.Vinl.G g/ST r *"■**'* oth„r 573 W iu 5 j., 1 * m iniha; r on. dry. *„„• Phi. w>re Drodut):a Vu* j L 1 lH * WMiiMl fw wkea “•“• GOOD^v^n,^ w-Jm 11, r*.": 7- ‘ \ mom " every wrere. To get gcj t<r,-iturr. ei lenvclv asairn.'d scud * r ly for .i.-cular* sad &shssiAijs^ BuiLrenTpcr **.< r >* raio* u# of WINDOW SASHES, Bilad*. Doors. Msutdtagi. Siata aaJ Km W# Mantel*, aa-l all kind* .1 sai:diog, A *' U B *^ k '.editiaa a GKO. 0. TVEN.S 4 00, Bolfiw.r, If DEATH-BED OF GEN. LEE. A maraifieeut I4xl lick Bigreving. Tb* family and frieudsa-e gro-ip-d sor-arrSullv • ou and the* and her*,* fiaatb-lmd. The sees* 1* *v toueben.-ly beau irnl. tne aanUweui *f lbs picture is a, sve*'_ and :be eferavtor* a* Ufa-like that evrryb.tdv atmiree 'is. Ik la rraly a _„i ,r 4rt> uD , b.*g in the parlor of ss-rv .S*U b-r* gag* by aia'l postpaid ** re**ipt*rß *•***. or 4 for H o-ela. A. rats w.n:,d. AAdr-as 10 k. VT. M. BU*Grf.^lrt,^| faff* woRKiNi Class valio* hkali. *•>J a v/vek guaroatoa Ko-pe liable t*; h >s*. day * veulng: nocmital required• full igatrua on* free by aisd. Ad.lree* with *igeals elnrn stamp, M. TOUNU k GO.GaurUaad t ~ Jf. r. ♦vln ♦ ) F*f d*y 1 Agease ▼ “O/-J Ail claees* of verging pe , pie, sitksr -ex, yeuug or eld. make mars meaey *t work or us in tbsiv (pare aoassu, or all tba lime, than at anything elm f*r ticulars fr*. Address G. hiioeoa A Co- Fen lasd, Mails. t*p4 ly i HORRIBLE,"" l safiT.-r-d with Catarrh thirty years, aad was cured by a simple remedy Will vaafi receipt, postage fee. to all aiß #l*4. Ktt T l Ivan Drawer 174, Svaease, N- T. M 000 fWA D. qjfiaVyCFCFp ot g oy e**. of<U'4 Del lug nr Uloerated Plls I Daßixa** Film B Base* All < cure. It i* prepar. 4 axpra, tu car - the pile*, and ntß ' fi*a Sold by > ail Druggist*. Price t.t'O. EN. LEE AT “STONEWALLS” BRAVE A 14 t IS INCH ENGRAVING of h ■A grave of •* Stonewall ” Jacks >a I* It Islington. V*., oentMerp. The no big O e Ls sUn*ls heslle the Sower sire wa grav eer which hangs a weeping willow, la th distance is tu he seen a beautiful lauAscaas - btlls decked ia verdure, cloud* gs aatfral p n-at ones. and many other thing* which asak ’ hie pie ’tire a gem ( art; one which choald hang jit the parlor af every .Ssgtborubkma A copy af thia beautiful Engraving will ha sant by mail, post paid, to every estates son 4 og 91 cast* fur six months aultsaripiiea to ' “BCRROW* ROTTRLT IIIIIIIIM. I Published si Bristal, Tsaa., by JC. A W. M. B U EO F, JP CROWELL MIT.L WRIGHT. Ia now prepored to do ell kind of V<wß W>tf liao. Partisa wasting old mills ropalaat, as' nsw ot sa built. Will do wall to tall um Ho snllait* tkepatrsasgo of *kAaa mjlif work .sr.o oe giae rnnaiag bv aK* maohlnory of a*sy klaA. ■ 'Jk I . Da. A. G. HCI.BKT .Car’r. i W.NtMaa MGL.NET At AEI.MIt - FIVLKRB IN DUCG3 AND FA tt Oracle, botwaen To, bo.d m • uOi, n!UfM 9 • Fairbnra, Q*. f Thoir steak ia always fall, TfcMMiß aral Gusno Agnate, aad fJuUls ortillaers can gat aay kind they va ■V“*“ ' ' - f IN