The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, May 08, 1873, Image 2

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PALMKTIO SHIELD. | OSC’AK A. IM.\TI{EI.L, I BIT OR AND PLOTntETOR. j l’AI.MEifo. GA , MAY 8, 1“':’. Gordon aud Longstreet. The nnrues of the tv o Confederate Generals, Gordon and Longstreet, are familiar to every man in our land, and duiingon late sti nggle for Southern ri.lits, they stoo ! equal intbeestma tion of inr people, each L. ai ;ng the title of Lieut. Gen, ltd their men | bravely, on the bloody fields of Virgin - J ia. On the day of Gen. Lee’s snrren- ! der at Appomattox, Gens. Goidon and Longstreet, stood as two brothers’ t no retaining no higher place in the afTec t ons of the h vers of the “ktt cause” than the other. But how is it with them to-da\? One, the nol le G orgian, Gen. Goidon, like a true patriot, stood f.nn by, the pei pie of his native section during the daikes-t days of oppression, and Rad ical tyranny; aid did ev. rylhhig in his power to relieve ns from Radical rule, and save us from Radical ruin- No i ffice front Uncle San-, or money fr an the mongrel putty lotild buy this true Georgian. In return for his fidelity he has ev idence o the high estimation in which our pci pie hold his political course, hy his being elevated by’ them to a seat in the United States Senate, and to day it is hard to find a Soutlnon ho does not hve and In nor the name of Ji hn 13. Go: don. Prominent men of the opposition party can properly ap preciate his merits, as recently the Vice President, one of the bit'erest enemies of our section, extended him the courtesy of tenq orari'y [ residing over the Senate. The other, Gemini Longstreet, proved false to his people, desi rted them during their political trouhl.s, kissed the hand that emote him, j- i >cd the rebel haters, and negro lovers, ae ci pted a position from Uncle Sain, and did eveiythiug in bis power fo fasten the bay i nee rule on the people of this ■wuciny land; and to-day his standing among his Icomrades in arras is hy no'fscans enviable. History will show tup itthe two men in their true light, an ! Getters'! Gordon will stand as high above (Longstreet as Washington did Benedict Arnold. The following extract front a letfe written'by Viator, a corresnoodeut of the Richmond Dis; a eh, will show that they -were General Lee’s right and left bower, when the last ditch was dug, and -the last gun was fi:nd by the at my of 'Virginia ; Gen. Lee was pressing on inwards Lynchbtirgh, and on the evening of the Bth Ilia vanguard teached Appomattox station, whose •rations for the army ■had been ordered to be sent from sLynchburg. Poor loaded trains were •in sight., and tibe Tamisbed army about ’to'be supplied, -when tlie head of Slier klaiTs column dashed upon (1 e scene, captured the i i-ovieions and drove the vanguard buck to Appomattox Court House, four mih* off. Sheiidau’s im .petuous troopers .met a sudden and bloody check in tire streets of the vil lage, the Colonel commanding tlte ad vance being kill'd'. That mrtritinv Gin. Lee had divided ti e renriant of •his at my into two w ings, under Gor don and Longstreet —Gordon having the advance sued Loirgiitrcet the rear Upon the repulse of the cavalry, Gor don’s corp-c advanced through the vil lage snd spent anoth r night of sleep less vigilance and anxiety, while Long street, four miles in the roar, had to •entrench against Q.e At my of the Po tomac under Meade. (I gazed the •other day with mournful interest on the List trenches ever dug by Lee’s Veter ans.) That night General Lee held a council of war with Longstreet, Gor don and Fitz Lee, at was de termined that Goidon sh tiki advance early' the next morning to ' feel ’ the enemy in his fiont— Unit, if there was nothing but cavalry he should press on, followed by Longstreet —but that if Grant's infantry had gotten up in too large force to be driven, h'e should halt and notify Genera! Lee, that a .flag of truce be laisedyaud the useless sacrifice of life stopped. Accordingly, on the morning of thft memorable 9tli of April, Gordon and Fitz L"e attacked Sheridan's Spfendid cavaliv, outnumbering them mote than two to one and flushed with full dence of victory and with the aSsOr atice that if they needed support the Army o( the James was close at hand. Yet, despite Ihjso i dda and the ex hanstion of these f .noshing men, they went into that fight with the heroic courage which cvei characters and tliat old corps, and proved themselves not unworthy of Stonewall Jackson, Ew ell, E . tty, Gat'd').", Ehodi s, Humour, Pegi'Om. J A. Walkc - , C. A. Evjns, j and other noble leaders who they had been wont to; follow to victory. U - tnly nr aole to withstand the onset, Sheiidau’eued in person to hurry up the Army of the James" while Gor don drove his invincible troopers mo c than a mile, and captured and brought off two pieces of artillery and a large number of prisoneis Ilad only Sheridan barred the way, the surrender had not occurred at Ap pomattox Couit House; but Gordon on ly drove back the cavalry to find him self confronted by the “army of the James” and tliG road blocked by- ten times his numbers What turn‘diately followed : s best told in the eloquent winds of Colonel C. S. Vcnab'e in bis speech at the great Lee Memorial meeting in Rich mond, November 31, 1870: ‘ At three o'clock on the morning of that fatal day General Lite rode f.n ward, still hoping that he might break through the countless hordes of the enemy which hemmed ns in. Halting a shot t distance in rear of our van grand, he sent, me on to General Gor don to ask him if he could break through theedomy I found General Gordon and General Fitz Lee on their front lino in the dim light of the morning arranging an attack. Go don's reply to the message (I give the expressive phrase of the gallant Georgian) was ills: “Tell Geneial Lee I have fought my corps to a frazzle, and I fear I Can do nothing unless lam Itcav ly suppor ted hy Longstreet‘s cups." When I bore this message back to Genera' Lee he said: Then there is nothing left me hut to go and see General Gi ant, and I would rather die a thousand deaths." Captain Jack, — This noted Indian watrior has, with a little band of sav ages, numbering only sixty-seven, men, women and children, for months cli fled the whole Uuiltd States army. He has killed their General and num bers of their soldiers, aid captured a large amount of guns, ammunition and clothing. lie abides in a cave among the lava beds of the west, and occa sionally ventures out, and if he suc ceeds in killing any of the United States soldiers, he secures their scalps, arms, ammunition and clothing, and re treats into the recesses of his cave. — Captain Jack is a trump—he’s a herb, ad it will be with a feeling akin to rog'd tl. t we hear of tii extermina tion of this little handful of savage®, who, though meteiless, are neverthe less hi; ve. BssF The iccunt decision ifllieSu pieme Court in regard to the home stead aci lias caused consi Icrable ex citement among ihe people, an 1 we notice that some of our exchanges have whole columns of Sheriffs .'•'ale . These numerous levies th t have c< m menced in some of the counties, w • s pposo are for dead de ts that the the Supreme Court In s brought to life- The Atlanta Herald is of ihe opinion that the Legislature will take some action in tlie matter. 19* Miss Susan Ebcihart, who was convicted as an accomplice in the mur. der of the wife of E. F. Spann, was hanged in Preston, Wehfser county, 0 i , on Friday, May 21, all i ffo ts to procure a pardon having failed. Pe titions, largely signed, were sent to Gov. Smith, but he, failing to find in them any evidence that he thought would justify him in signing a paid m, ia fused to commute her sentence. Dr. J. S. Wilson died at his residence in Fulton county on last Thursday. He was a member of the General Assembly in 1870 and 1871, having been elected on the Democratic ticket by a large majoii y. He leaves a wife and several children a large eiiele of friends to mourn his loss. The bill securing to negroes equal rights on steamboats and rail roads, and at hotels, theatres, and oth er places, has passed the New Vo k Legis'ature and received the signature of the Governor. A v ry destructive fire occt r red in West End, Atlanta, on Monday night, consuming nearly an entire block; and on Tuesday uight a whole bio k of buildings were burned on Peachtree s reef. A Philadelphia Liquor dealer lias diawn a $500,000 prize in the Roy a Havana Lottery, of Cuba. There were some few ticket holders who did not do quite so well. Bkg' Much interesting read ng in tended for this issue is unavoidably crowded out, but will appear next week- BFSu A Columbus bailiff his fa'h n heir to one-fifth of an Irish estate sum ming up SB,OOO,UCO. Hu has hern of fered >125,000 f r h's claim. B?§=. Oakes Amen, chief of the Cred it Mobilier ring, is lying dangerously ill and is not expected to ifcover. Birch, of the Newnin Dispatch 1 has gone into ecstacies ovfcr the sue - cess of a calico party. &aT‘ We wilt give our readers next week correct likenesses of the editois of this paper. BSf James L. Orr, Ex-Governor of South Carolina, is dead. ———— __ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, DR. S, W. PALMER rpEKDERS his services to th • citizens of 1 Palmetto anil surrounding countiy, in tbe vaiioui brunches ot his profession. pir Office in the Garrett and Wa'thall building, Palmetto, Ga. [noaß-2m' 3XT O “3? X CJ E3 . All perse n> holding orders issued to pau pers last year are hereby notified to present j them for psyin nt. I will be at Fairburn on t lie first Tuislr.v in each month. J. (’. WILLIAMS, County Treasurer. THOMAS VV. LATHAM Attorney fit Law Fairltui'ii. Georgia. Will practice in the Courts of Campbell, Coweta, Douglas, Fayette,Fulton and .\!er riwetber counties, and in other counties by sbecial contract; in the Supreme Coutt if Georgia, and U. S. Courts at Atlan'a. i t - sons order! g ‘‘nit will ileassturni iiClint tbin names of P air tiffs and Defei.dmts. Pivmpl attention given to cases in bank rtt’tcv, a-d discharges obtained for debt or-. Special attention giveq# to collection <>t di bis and pr inpt n turns made. Office in the Court House. C4HPBELL COIYTY SHERlfr’j SALES. W ill be sold before the C urt House deot in the town of Fairburn, Ga.. In - tween the legal hours of sale, on tin; first Tuesday in June r.exl, the follow ing property : to-wit, Fractions of lots of. land No. 152, 50 .mil 54, in the 9th district of i rigi nally Coweta, now Campbell county, Ga , containing 150 ac es, more or 1 ss, levied by virtue of a fi fa-issued from the Superior Court < f Campbell conti’y in favor of James Abercrombie against Jusey G. Smith, to satisfy said fi fa. IViinted rn.t by defendant, and levy made by E. R, Whitley, former Deputy Sheriff of said county. Also, at the same time and place, 5 acres of lot of land No 85, and 15 acres of 1 t of land No. 108, and 4ti acres of lot of land No. lt)7, contai ing in all 06 acres more <;r less, in the 7tli dist icl and 4th section of origi nally Coweta, now Campbell count’, Ga ; levied on as the property of Geo. W. Torrance to satisfy a fi. fa issued from Campbell Superior C .urt in favor of D, nicy Cam;- against said Torrance and othirs. A so at the same time amUolace west half ot lot of land nniwbetfil in the 9th district of originally FJyette, now Campbell ci tinty, Ga., containing one hundred and one and aqu li ter acres, more or less; levied on as tho proper ty of l’ii mi as E. Williams, to satisfy four Justice Court fi fas issu< and from Jus’ice Court 757th district, G. M , in favor of John A. Smith against TANARUS, E. Williams, principal, and Gullatte, se • cu'iiy; property poiu'ed oat by R. J. lugg e, attorney at law for A. Gul latte, toe s’curity. May 6, 1872. David P. White, Sheriff. DFI lilY SttUiLFF’S SH,: S. Will be sold before the Court House door in the town ot Fairburn Campbell county Georgia, with .n the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in June next, the lollow ing p’operiy to-wit: i>ne certain town lot in the town of Fair burn, ami known in the plan of said town is a town lot of a pen ion of lot originally No. (>7, as the property ol W. J James; upon tbe s; id lot ihere is si’uatid a dwelling house :nd Other tenements an i improvements thereon b.iilt a:.d made The firm of James .Maluiic, and Ihe same is lev ed, in to dispute of such int rist as ihe iaid firm of James M lone may have tlur ia. and the same be ing ti.e only firm property belonging to said firm. Levied on -s 'he properly if J :mes & Malone, to satisfy a Justice Court ti f. In 1 vor of J I’. Miller against James &, Malone, prope ty puiiitid out hy plain tiff levy made mid returne I to me by C n stable of tki 11: 4 1 h District, G M Also, at tile sitne time and p'ace will be sold, the west half at lot of land No. 51, in the 9.h district ot originally Fayette, now Cain, bell county, Ga., as the property of Thoma E. Wi liams, containing one hun dred aerts, more or less. Proper y pointed out by G ice & itoan. Wa. Thump- n. Deputy Sheriff. dhOitttlt, t aiu.ibetl County i Ordinary’s Office, May 3rd, 1873. J. F E'iington has app’ied for exemption ol personalty and apart and valua tio.i of homestead, and 1 will pass upon the same at 12 o’clock m , on the 16 h day o! J;ay, 1873, a - , n y office in Fairborn in said , county. li c. BEAVERS, Ordinary. L. B. LANGFORD, TVHOIJ.SALE AND BETAIL DEALER IN Stoves, iloJlow VV are, ’Mock Tit) Tin Hate, ifccet Iron & Trimmers' Findings, Slate Mantels and Grates, House-h urnishing Goods of every description Georgia Marble Stones. Keystone block, Whitehail street, Atlanta, Ga. geut for the celebrated “Cnarter Oak Btove. octlß 3in THE '‘VICTOR” S. M. CO NEW SEWING MACHINE “V I C TOII’ Runs very Easy, Runs very Fast, Runs very Still Has New Shuttle Superior to all others. DEFIES COMPETITION. Great Improvements in Needle, Cannot he Sot Wrong.. ©ST” Agents Wanted. Addess THE ‘VICTOR” S. M. CO. No 54 Tenth St. 4 doors west of B adway, N Y. 10,000 GIFTS! SoOCLOOO! I On Tuesday. July, Bth. 1873, the Third Grand Gift Conrert. nuil r tbe management ot Lx-Governor Thus. EL Bramlette, and authorized by special act of tbe Legislature lor the benefit of the Public Library of Kentneky .positively and uneqnivelly comes utf in Public Library Hall, at Lou'sville, Ky.. when 10,0 gifts, all cash, amounting to s.‘> io,oof>, will be distributed by lot among the ticket-holder*. ’1 he money to pay all these gitls in full is already in b nk and „et aside for that purpose, as the following certificate shows : (. kfick of Farmers’ h Drovkrs’ Bank, 1 Louisville, Ky., April 7. 1873. f This is to certify that there is in the Farmers’ and Drovers’ Bunk, to the c edit of lie Third Grand Gift • oneert for the ben efitof the Public Library of Kentucky, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, which has br*-n set apart bv tlie niaragpr- to pay tbe gft in full, and will be held by th.’ bank and paid out for tins purpose. a-d h : s purpose only. (Signed ) R. S. VEECH, Cashier. Only a few tickets remain unsold, and they will be furnished to the first applicants at the following brices : whole. Fckets $10; halves, $5; quai tors, $2.50; 11 wholes for $100; 56 for $500; 113 for $1,000; and 575 for $5,000, For tickets and information apply to THOS. E. BitiTH.LTTE, may 1-4 w. Lou sville, Ry. J . C . A . BRANON Would remind the citizens of Pal metto and vicinity that he lias opened a first class BOOT AND SHOE SHOP over Garrett & Walthall’s store,where he is prepared to do all work iti his line at short notice, and as cheap as it can be done anywhere. WESu He guarantees satisfaction, [tf. $72 00 EACH WEEK! Agents wanted everywhere. Business strictly legitimate. Particulars Iree. Address J. Worth & Cos., Bt. Louis, Mo. lmayly PALMETTO SCHOOL PALMETTO, GA..A.&W. P. R. R. ft’BIS INSTITUTION is now under (lie most 1 successful headway,there beiugiu attend ance iner 100 young gentlemen and laciies—all of the finest order of intels lect: the young gentlemen, hightoned, dignified, moral ; the young ladies, chaste, modest an 1 accomplished. The Spring Term will close the first week in July. Two months and a half •>f the fini st portion of the year for successful sillily, still to come. Those who desire to pursue any branch ot study will have the very best oppor tunity guaranteed them in this School, and at less cost according to the prog vs students make here, than at any other school in the State. Board only sl2 per month, in the very best of fam’lies; and tuition as published in citcular. The town boasts better water and better health than any other town or village in Middle Georgia. Those who try ns a month, and be not thoroughly pleased, will be a lowed to withdraw fiee of charge for luitiyn for that month. For particulars address G. C. LOONEY, Principal. April 23 Im. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP, Examine the the stock of THORNTON & IJOLLEMAN before yo-i buy elsewhere. They haves fine selection of Cottouadcs, Linens, Piques, Lawns, Xain sooks, HiusSins, &c. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF Shoes, Hats, Ciothing, Sotions, Hardware, Crerkery, Groceries, &FAIIILY M K DICI NE S. They defy competition in anything they propose to sell. [ap23-3m. PIKEJIIX GITAIV O . WILCOX, GIBBS & CO’S. MANIPULATED GUANO. rPHEFE CELEBRATED GUANOS IM- I ported and prepared hy Wilcox, Gibbs & Cos , Savannah Ga., and Charleston, 4. C., are for sale for cash, or on credit on accom modating ti-rm\ payable in cotton, by VV. F. Landrum, Agent, Fairburn, Georgia. Garrett & Walthall, Agt's Palmetto, Ga, Tsa. Special af'e ition is called fo the u=e of the rhoniix gnano composted with cot ton seed. Send or ,-ppiy :>s above lor circu lars giving testimonials Irom planters—pri ces terms etc. feli’2B6 w K. FLOVD HAS erected a number of row buildings •suitable foifaarrying on his large anc extern ive business, on the east side ol Uumpbellton street, adjoining the residtnet of Russell King. FAIRBCRN, GEORGIA And he is now prepared ti do ail kind of work. Su h as making and repairing Wagon’, Carriages and buggies. Also Painting of every discription, exe cuted in the neatest style SltiV I'iIYMG ,1 SPECIALTY. And Blacksmithing executed with neat ness and di patch. Ilav ng had severe 1 years experionoe in [he business, he is the efore capable to judge when work is executed in a woikmnn like manner, He employs r one out expe rienced workmen. Call and see him. pSr- New Wagons and Buggies always on hand and tor sale. Work done on Time, let)7 4 m JAMES W. CARNES, MILL-WRIGHT. LOCATED IN Pa 1 met to Georgia Solicits tlia patronage of all wishing work done in Ids line. New mills built, or old ones repaired; gin gearing, water gine&c. He is also Agent for the Lcffell’s double Turbine wa'er wheel,Engines portable, or stationaiy Portable mills arid mill material of all kinds as imtnu f. ctured by P> 1 & Hnut Baltimore, Md. Per sons 1 v,ng at a distanc eui address him at Palmetto Georgia. J. M. HOLBROOK, j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN MEN’S BOYS’ MISSES’ and.... LADIEs’ HATS Keeps constantly on hand a large stock of all the LATEST STYLES AND NOVELTIES! Known to the trade, and consisting in part of the following brands : BROADWAY’ SILK ‘TRADE’ IIA ‘ YOUNG JIAN’S ’ ‘PEARL’ and BLACK DRESS CASSIMERE ENGLISH CORK and the fallowing styles in the finest FUUS: TULIP ZEPHYR ATHERLY CORSAIR MANSARD.. NOVELTY BETTY and SIDE NUTUA of all grades, MOBILIER... VANDALIEIt SURE THING.. .SIIAKSPEARE METEOR BLACK BEAVER And velvet finished g ods of all grades. PANAMA SECURITY and CANTON STAW HATS of all descriptions. LADIES' AND MISSES HATS! ! CROCHET RIVAL—ENLORA LYNET REGATTA ..MONTANA ROCHELLE.. ALPENA ROSIANA ..VENICE MISS LINTON.. TULIP and RAMBLER PALMETTO HATS Besides other names too numerous to mention;,all of which L.AUILS AND GENTLEMEN, AMD THE TRADE A T LARGE Arc respectfully invited to call and ex amine. They will find it to their in terest. fiST - Country merchants will find my stock equal to any in the South, and at prices as low as the lowest. April23-It. OPENING OF SJipx'xaiis G-oods® r JHIE attentiou of the citizens of I’almett £ and the surrounding country are genn eraliy and respectfully invited to call iti and examine our sti ck of SPRING GOODS, now being received and opened, which con sist in part of Ladies’ Dress Goods, White Goods, Prints, Bleached Goods and Domes tics, Millinery Goods and Yankee Notions of every description. also The largest ar.d best stock of Boots £4.53.cX Slioes Ever brought ti this market, which we buy for Cash direct from the Factories at Lynn and Haverhill, Massachusetts. Wealso keep Ilats, Caps Umbrellas, Parasols, Fans and Toilet Articles. Always on hsnd, a large lot of BACON, CORN, HAY, FLOUR, LARD AND MOLASSES, Which we wil.lct out for Crop Liens tore* sponsible parties. We ere also Agents for the sale of CARROLL’S COLD WATER SOAP, Which will wash your Clothes clean and white without rubbing or beating. This Soap is verily the WOMAN'S FRIEND; GARRETT & WALTHALL Palmetto, Gu., April 9, IS/”. J. D. DODD WITH—■ JVC. Mcnlto cfc Bro- YVliolesale and Retail Dealers in Clothing. Dry Goods, and Fur nishing Goods, No. 28 Whitehall st., two doors from Alabama, Atlanta, Ga. Are just receiving a largo stock of SPRING and SUMMER DRYGOODS, Clothing, Notions, which they will sell lower timn any house in the city. BgL-Special inducements to country, merchants. aprlG 3m BEST AND OLIIE-T FAMILY MEDICINES. SANDFORD’S LIVER INVIGQRATOR. A purely vegetable citliartie and tonic, for Dyspepsia, Conetibation, De bilify, Sick Headache, Billions Attacks and dt rangement of Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Ask your Dniggiit for it. Beware of buitatious. MISCELLANEOUS. GRANDES SCHEME OF THE A3E. $ 5 0 0,0 0 0 CASH GIFTS. Sloo 000 for Only slo Under authority of special legislative ac# ef March 16,1871, the trustees now an nounce theTmiiD Grand Gift Concert, for the benefit of the Public Library of Ken tvcky to come offinLibrary Hall, at Louis ville Ky., on Tuesday, April Bth, 1873. At this Ccmert the best musical talent th j an be procured from all parts of the coun try will add pleasure to the entertainment and ten thousand Cash Gifts, aggregav ting a vast total ot Ha’ fa Million Dor mis currency will be distributed by lot t le ticket-holders, as follows: One Grand Cash Gift, SIOO,OOO One Grand Cash Gift, 50,0CM> One Grand Cash Gift, 25,000 One Grand Cash Gift, 20,000 One Grand Cash Gift, 10,000 One Grand Cash Gift, 5,000 24 Cash Gifts of SI,OOO each,24,000 50, Cash Sifts of 500 “ 25,000 80, Cash Gifts of 400 “ 02,000’ 100 Cash Gifts of 300 “ 30,000 150 Cash Gifts of 200 “ 30,000 590 Cash Gifis of 100 50,000 0 Cash Gifts of 10 “ 90,000 Total, 10,000 Gifts, all Cash, $500,000 To p rovide means for this magnificen Concert, one Hundred Thousand Wiloilr Tickets only will be issued. Whole Tickets, $10; Halves, $5; and Quarters, Eleven whole Tick s for SIOO. No di;couxt on less than -100 orders . he o’lject of this Third Gift Concert, lika he twoh eretofore g’ven with such univer aoprova',l? the enlargement and endow ment of the Public Library of Kentucky which, by the special act authorizing th concert for its benefit, is to be, forever fre o all citizens of every State. The drawing will be under the supervision of the trstes Library, assisted by the mostiminent c ns of the United Staffs. I h of tick zes has already progressed so far that com- J< te sincess is assured, and buyers a therefore notified that they must, order a. euce iHthey desire to participate Jn the raw ing. The magement of this undertaking has been committed by the trustees to Hon' Thos. 15. Bramblktte, late Governor o- Kentucky to whom communications pl aining to the Gilt Concert maybe address ed V R. T DURRETT, Pi cs’t. W N IIALDEMAN, Vice Pros't. JOHNS CAIN, Sec'y Public Library K Y. FARMERS' AND DROVER-, BANK A BOOK FOR THE MILUOK ! MMn a A private Counselor tirtha- X Married or those about to pnq ■ marry on the physiological f- ITT *1 fi O i mysteries and revelntiunso* > °* 4 a , rhesexual system, w ith the latest discoveries in producing and preventing offspring, how to preserve the complexion, l:c. Thists an Interesting wot k o i two liun!red and sixty pages, with numerous cugi a\ ings. and coutams valuable information for those who are married,oreontempinfenisr riage. Still it is a book that ought to be kept under lock, and key, and not laid carelessly about the lonise. It contains the experience and >..D i.-e n t a phvsiciaix whose reputution is w. : Id- wide*. and >bouH,bu i u thp pri vate druwerof every male and female throughout the entire globe. It embraces everything on the subject of the gen erative system that is worth knowing, and much that is hot published in any other work. Sent to any one (free of postage) for Fiflr Cent*. Address l)r. LuuP Dispense No. IL2 .\. l.i„uih meet St. Louis, .Mo. 1-Totice to the Affile ed and Unfortunate. He fore applying *o flu* notorious e;u:i<*ks vho advertise ji pnhli.: paper-.or i sin- any i; ia. it remedies p.-ruM- Dr. 14 mt s' work no nni'cr w liat \ our disease i, or how deplor able your condition. Dr. Hulls oroitpi ad •übb* house of t -.vent y-set ett roomss i ado:--., t by .. me o S m..>t ceh nt-u.-.i mltvd pi-raoiia 1!• r i.y mail, on ih.-di ca--. me:,: ion.'', in his works. Oliice a:. I pari :w. No. 1: N. ! ij.hth sir. between .Market ami ( h- sni.i, .~ i. Louis, ilo. ’ ' 4 MONEY made rabidly with Stencil and Ivey Note Outfits. Catalogue andjfnll particulars free. S. M. Spencer, IIT Ilanovcr st., Boston. ..L 1 ITI ll I IJI-I WANTS. WAGES FOR all who are willing to work. Any person, old or young,of either sea, can make from $lO to SSO her week, at home day or evening. Wanted by all. Suitable to either city town or oouotry, and any season ol the year. This is a rare opportunity for those who are out of work, and out of money, to make an independent living, r.o capital being required. Our pamphlet, “ How to Make a Living.” sent on reoeipt of 10 cents Address A. BURTON & 00., Monisania, Westchester Go, N. Y. ap23-ly AGENTS ever ywhore to sell our new and W AIMTCT iy on durful Kinbroider'ing Machine, vt nla I CUSend for illustrated circular, to McKee Manufacturing Company, 309 Broad way, New York. a[ 2°-Iy. THE PARLOR COMPANION. Every iedy wants one! Ev ry man ought to have one!! Sent, on receipt cf ten cents. Address L. F. HT I)E <fc CO., 195 Seventh Av.nue, New apr23--iy. BON-TON FLIRTATION SIGNALS, Sent on reeeibt of 25 cents. Unique PrinW d Publishing House, 3G Vesey S’reet, The Beckwith stO Portable Fainiiy Sewing Machine on 30 bays triai; many advantages over all. 8 ttisbiction guaranteed, or S2O refunded. Sent complete, with full directions Beckwith Sawing Machine Comvany. B>i Broadway, N. Y. ap 3-IyKSSt — £. ___ !BE MAY EL.tSMC TKT3S. An important Invention. It retains the Ruptuse at all times, anil under the hardest exercise and se verest sirain. It is worn with comfort, and it kept on night >*nd day effects a permanent cure in a few we ks. Bold cheap, and sent by mail when reqnes’cd. Circulars tree when ordered b. letter sent to ll e El istic truss < 0., No. 6K! Broadway, N. V. City No ody uses metal spring tress, s; too pai y ful; they slip oil tao frequently. ap2d-ly.