The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, August 01, 1873, Image 3

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PALMETTO SHIELD. J** HOTICF..—From tbl date we will bl urt no sheriff's Sain without (be mom > In advance. May Rlh, ISIS. tr To make this d.-partmeut ol our paper interesting to our reader*, we invite commu nications from this and the adjoining coun ties. Articles on the crops and everything pertaining to the well fare of the, people wi!l be thankfully received. IW Notices inserted in this column ns read ing matter at the rate* of 15 cents per line. FA i.M ETTO, Ga7~ AUG u5t~1.1 ALL J. H. Adams, presiding elder of this district will preach in the Methodist Church to-morrow. We understand that the farmers in Ike vicinity of Fairburn arts organizing Grange. Ihe quarterly mooting commenced nt the Methodist Church to-day, and will continue until Sunday night A train loaded with colored cxcur eionists, returning from Atlanta to Co lumbus, pnssi and through cur town yes terday evening. Mrs I’ockwuod Cummings lias onr 1 lianks fur basket ol Irish pot toeß #nd tomatoes. The tomatoes are the finest we have seen, Ilia weight of euch being about one pound. Gone Up-Mr J. gT Ifi|; onr town fo-di-y with one of the “irooly on his way to Oampbellton jaih It seems that the aforesaid “loyl bind <ier ’ is in the habit of carrying wcap-> <ms so they Cannot be seen by peace pooplo. 'lhe annual session „f the Campbell County Bible Society will | )0 held in the Baptist Church at Fairbnrn, on the first Sail bat h in August. The annual •ernion will be pleached by the Itev. " • A - Parks . services to be gin at II •O'clock A. M. s. J. Johnson, Pres dent C B. S. AcRicn.TURAL Club.-Tin Ag7i. nlt.i fnl Club nu t at this phice on last Sat urday. The President being absent, Steed, Esq., was requested to occupy the chair. This lining the day limited for receiving reports on the •wheat crop, the follow ing reports w< re made: i.Vv. S P Steed, first acre, twenty *'* bushels and lilteen pounds; second one, twenty bushels, titty fi ve yomills; iepo|tcd two, not ■fTlißm.mni, yield forty five bushels. Seed, one acre, twenty bushels five pounds. Kev. S. F. Steed received first pre tiimm $lO lor best acre, and second premium $5 for second best; also, $35 individual pietnium. A circular was received from C. VV. Gicen, National Agricultural Comniis ioner, Jac son, Term., ' requesting the society county reporter to ascer tain as near as possible the yield of last yeat’s crop, of every kind; bi monthly growing crop. Citizens are ieqnested to leave their weekly report nt this office to assist Mr. J. C. Mixon, society reporter, in making his report. Justice Court — There was consider— uble excitement in town on last Mon day over a law suit in the Justice Court, J. F. Ellington, Esq., presiding. The case was a possessory warrant issued at the instance of a colored tnan.Richaid Ford,against Mrs. Sarah A Cook, a widow lady, for the posses sion of a cow and calf, I’lie case was very ably argued by VV. II Andrews and E. C. Mnblev, of Fa'iburu, w hose eloquence held the spectators spell bound for several hours. Col. Mob ley’s speech had a telling effect upon bis client,(the lady) when he led iff in •lie of his eloquent strains, picturing all that is beotiful and sublime- In appealing for a verdict in her favor he reminded the Court of the fact that she was a foilorn mid helpless widow,typifying it with the yellow de mon, a fit subject for the lowest pit of h—II. The widow being overjoyed with the eloquence .f her attorney, wiped the tears from her ‘‘weeping eyes,” and began to shout in the good old fashion camp-meeting style. The court room was then brought to a si lence, when Justice Ellington said he had an idea of calling on some brother to raise a tune, call up mourners, and change the court into a religious meet ing, after which the lady, through the influence of her mother, became quiet mid the case proceeded. The trial last ed about seven hours, ahd was decided against the widow. Justice Ellington, ic seems, has but little sympathy, or lie would have given the property to the lady, hut he knows his duty and gave a verdict accmding to the law and evidence. If Col. M. will notify our citizens when lie wishes to get up a revival, we will have his appointment mailt: known and will ossemble at the church. We think the Colonel made a mistake in selecting his profession—he ought to have bcuti a preacher. A protruded meeting has been progressing at the colored church about one week It continues with but little prospects of coming to an early close. A riot occurred among the colored brethren one night dining the week, warrants were issued arid several uirests were made. Justice Ellington is investigating the matter to-day. —- - W OUNOED. —We learn that Mr Frank Hopkins was severely wounded in the hand, at Wilkerson’s mill, three miles from this place, about 10 o’clock last Monday’. A splinter entered between the thumb and first finger, and pene trated the flesh halfway to the elbow PALMETTO LODGE, F. A. M . UNITY LODGE, NO. 74. S. Zell a is, W. M. W. s. Zellars, S. W W. M. Walthall, J. W. J. T Beckman, Secretary, J. M. Hopkins, Treasurer, E. R. Thornton, S D., J S. Bowen, J. D. John Harrison, Tyler. Meets Ist and 3rd Saturday nights each month. THUOWKtt AO, 7, 1.0. G. T. MEETS EVERY FRIDAY NIG 111 At Fairburn, Ga- W T Roberts, Lodge Deputy, F S Williams, W C TANARUS,. Miss Lula Cantrell, W V TANARUS, J II Elder, W S, J II Strickland, W F S, C B V'ckrrs, W TANARUS, Jno Reynolds, W C, J II Greene, W M, Miss Henrietta Vick-rs, W D M, Miss Etta Greene, R H Miss Gallic Landrum I. II S, Miss Lola Hearn, I S G, A P Williams, 0 S G, J F Golightly, F W C T. Cliincl* Directary. Methodist Clmrct.—services at Palmetto by Rev. T. H. Timmons, on the Ist, 2nd and 4th. Sabbaths in each month, at It o'clock, a. M. and at 7 o’clock, P. M. Union prayer nr eting every Wednc day night. Al Julies’ Chapel—si rviceß by Rev. T. 11. Timmons, every 3rd Sabba h and Saturday Defare— also every sth Sabbath. EVERY CORNET BAND In the country will receive a splen did piece of band music free by sc d injjf a a two cent stanui to Fmv.vKD A Samuels, Publisher, Boston, Mass. Farmers, Look to Your Interest. The man b> patronize is the one who will do your wark well and heap, and at short notice, ami Mist in n is ENOCH STUICKL.YND, IVlio has just established s wood shop in con nection with his black-inith shop al Kast end of Railroad street, FAIRBURN. GEORGIA. He has a full cntnpl.-ir.eiit of experienced weikmen and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his lino. He makes new Wagons, Buggies, and repairs oldjones. keeps new Wagons and Bug gies constantly on hand lor sale. jan3l (im NEW HAVEN ORGAN COMPANY. Ttanufarlure the Celebrated ÜBIL E E A ND TEM PL E ORGANS. THF.SE ORGANS are unsurpassed in quality of tone, style ill linish, simplicity of construction. and dnubi'ity. Also, MEI.ODEONS iu various styles, and unequalled in tone. Send for illustrated Catalogue. Address NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO., Ne Haven, Conn. Agantß Wanted. PA MET TO SCHOOL. PALMETTO, GA., A, & W. P. R. R. fPIIIS IYSTITITIOX is now under the most 1 successful headway.there being in attend ance over 100 young gentlemen and larics alt of the finest order of in tel % lect; the young gentlemen, hightoned, dignified, moral ; the young ladies, chaste, modest, anti accomplished. The Spring Term will close.the first week in July. Two months and a hall •if the finest portion of the year for successful study, still to come. Those who desire to pursue any branch of study will have the very best oppor tunity guaranteed them in this School, and at less cost according to the progess students make heir, than at any other school iu the State. Board only sl2 per month, in tlie very best of fain lies; and tuition as published in ciictilar. The town boasts better water and better health tlmn any other town or village in Middle Georgia. Those who try us a month, and be not tlunouglily pleased, will be allowed to withdraw fieo of charge foi tuition lor that month. For particulars address G. G. LOONEY, Principal. April 23-1 m. HTT TT The greatest comnound • XJ • ll.knf Wn tor man or beast. MEDICINE.There is no pain orswelU ing it will not relieve, stiff ami liimejoint* nre nude supple. Cures more rheumst'sm, neuralgia, lame hack, headache, toothace. sore throat and ’bar) sbrains on man. and sore shoulder, stiff joints, sprains.rlnghone, ‘pavin, etc, oil animals, than all other remedies, in the same time. Wholesale Agents. Solomon A Cos., savannah. Agents wanted in every county. Francis <fc El dridge. Proprietors, (iilj N. Front fltreet, Philadelphia, Pa, to pet day 1 Agents wanted All classes of woiking peo pie, of either MX) young or old. make more money at work or us in iheir spare moments, or all the time, than at anything el.e. Par ticulars free. Address G. Stinson A Cos,, Port land. Maine. ~ W. 11. ANDREWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW I’airttito, Georgia, OPENING OF Spring Goods- THE attention of the citizens of l’almett and the surrounding country are gen > erally and respectfully invited to call in and examine our stock of SPRING GOODS, now being received and opened, widen con sist in part of I.Adits' Dress Goods, White Goods, I’r’nts, Bleached Goods and IJames tics. Millinery Goods and Yankee Notions of every description. Ai.o The largest and best stork of Boots and Shoes Ever brought ti this market, which we buy for Cash direct from the Factories at Lynn and Haverhill,Massachusetts. Wealso keep Hats, Caps (JmtM'ellas, Parasols, Fans ami Toilet Articles. Always on hand, a large lot of BACON, CORN, HAY, FLOUR, LARD AND MOLASSES, Which we wit ’et out (or Crop Liens tore, sponsible parties. We are also Agents for the sale of CARROLL’S COLD WATER SOAP, Whi- h will wash your Clothes clean hiol white without rubbing or beating. This Soap is verily the WOM AN’S FIUEND; GARRETT & WALTHALL Palmetto. Ga., April 9,187’. SOUTII ER N N U USE 11 Y IRWIN & THURMOND. We are offering to the public a selection of Fruit adopted to the south.*-n climate, consisting of apples, peaches, pears, plums, quinces, graiM-H. English walnuts, Spanish chestnuts, mulberries, pecans, etc. Our Floral Department is presided over by a skillful florist. In which may be four and or namental shrubbery of all varicries,and hot bouse p ants at prices that will defy compi - rion. We have every thing that is usual ly found in a well conducted Nursery, arid f varieties that wy hSve tea e l and know to tie Miireff to the Boiithe-n climate. Wc will upon application furnish gratis our catalogue and price list. Add css : Irwin & Thurmond, P. 0. Box 565, Atlanta. Ga. tffK. Mr. John F, Ellington, of Pal metto, is our agent for the cc unties of Campbell and Coweta, and all orders given by him will be filled with prompt ness and care. may2o tf. JAMES VV. CARNES, MILLWRIGHT. LOCATED IN Palmetto Georgia Solicits th° patronage of all wishing work done in his line. New mills built, or old ones repaired; gin gearing, water gins Ac. lie is also Agent lor the l.ettell’s double Turbine wat,r wheel. Engints portable, or stationary Portable mills and mill materia! of all kinds as manufactured by Pool & Hunt Baltimore. ' and. Persons 1 ving at a distance cm address him at Pilmerto Georgia. THE “VIC l OR” S. Al. GO NEW SEWING MACHINE “V I CTO IV Runs very Easy, Runs very Fast, Runs very Still lli.B New Shuttle Superior to all others. DEFIES COMPETITION. Great Improvements in Needle, Cannot bo Set Wrong. It£r Agents Wanted. Addess THE ‘'VICTOR” S. M. CO. No 54 Tenth St. 4 doors west of Bond way, N Y. TUE PABLOR COMPANION. Every ledy wants one! Every man ought to hare one I! Sent, on receipt ol ten cents. Address h F. HYDE & CO., 195 Seventh Avenue. New York. apr'23-ly. LOOK BEFORE_YOU LEAP. Examine the the stock of THORNTON & UOLLEMAN before you buy elsewhere. They have a fine selection of Cottonadcg, Linens, Piques, Lawns, Sain* nooks, Muslins, &e. AI.SO A LARGE STOCK OF Shoes, flats, Clothing, Motions. Hardware, (rtckrh traceries, & family medicines. They defy competition in anything they propone to nett. < ’ fap23-3m. ME LEY’S PA TENT GRAVE MOUND, ’ Revere the Dead and the Living wilt Honor Yon. LET all who have relatives ct- ftichd? who have passed to Iheir tunics in the land ol the beyond have MELEY’S PATENT GRAVE MOUNDS erected to mark their last resing place. They are the most. durable, economi cal, beautiful and ornamental tooilibs ever be fore the public previous to this lime. Call on or address, OOGfIRAN & YORK, Fairburn, Da. Sole agents for Campbell c unity. The work Can be seen at Fairburn, I’alfneitn. Calnfibcll ton and Bethsaid.v july26 9m DEl’till SHERIFF'S SILLS, M ill lie sold before the Court House door in the town ol Fairburn Campbell rottnty Georgia, wiliuti the legal liotirs of sale, on the tl st Tuesday in august next, tie fol lowing p operiy tossvtti Forty ttvo nltd one forth ucrcs of innd it being part of lot nun her*4B in the 9th. district of originally Fay ette, libw Campbell County Georgia, levied cn as the property of Matilda Rowan by virtue of, and to sati.-fv a ft la ward from Oiiniptu-I! Superior Court in favor of S.T. \V. Minor (iuar of Matilda Owen by Vs Matilda Rowan AdmX. of R Rowali and G. \\\ Row an,Si entity. Property pointed <ut by defendant Matilda Rowan, and levy made by R. B. Hogan, (omier Siteiiff of Campbell County Georgia, Wlu.fAVt Tip NhsoN, A>( vutv Slicrii), | ” THE KENNE SA IF ROC'IEP ’ VIA WESTERN & ATLANTIC R. R. AND connections. Schedule in effect Mav 25th, 1873. NOfTIIWAKI). I stan.iqp, | No :i | n.,. i. Leave Atlanta 8 ; :t Ia u | Ito r Arrive C rtersyijta.. 11. of; - Ip3 ia “ Kingstoo-,.. 1.45 “ I 1,03 “ “ Diitoa..-'. . ?.tn rwl 311“ ] Chatruii.iuga 428 •• | 5<Q •• MTVBE.. XI. Will leave Atlanta C> 00 r n Arrive in Car(cr.-vj!|e s It, “ Arrive in Kinstpn. 8 43 •* j Arrive >n m ;pj .. si t Tiiu mi. | Stations | no -2 | no. 4 i Arrive I Atlanta I 10 45 p M I 1 15 P m " I '(arle-svilte. | S.IR •• j tfl'ni a m K ngs’on, 744 “ |lO •< , “ I Dalton | 535 “ | 800 “ Laen-e j ‘ ba' Ii 945 *• | 5R5 ‘ PULLMAN PALACE CARS ON TRAINS Nos 1 1 A 2 To LYNCHBURG & NEW ORLEANS I oilman P.ilnci-Cats on trains I & 2 for Allan I* jynl Cl, a* t anoog a t A o Chan g e Niw Orleans to Lynchburg- v f a Mon’gom vi v. Atlanta add Dal on. One Change Atlanti to St, Lwnis. via Chattanooga. FIFTY-TWO MILES SHORTER Netc York and Eastern Cities than any other Route ur m Atlanta ! 21 Hours quicker to the Vlrgl. la Springs than any other line from Hlnnta, nv aidlng an Expensive Dclav anand Passengers leaving Atlanta by Idglitning jX J r ' CS * ' 1 P' ni ' fttive in New York at 4:44 p. m. flie,sect)il alternonn thereaf’er: 13 h..ui 35 min’ lei earlier than n.avenger* ry a ny other route. Passengers leaVing’AH nfn at 10 p. rn. by this retire nrriveju N w York at. suae time as pa*seii., rs Who left ut C:00 p m. by op posing lines. .. /etc Parlies desiring a whole car through to the Virginia Springs or to Lynchburg, .-booI,I address the Undersigned. Parties ionwhip! oing travel should send for map, schedule. ,te. Quick time and dose connections is our motto. _ Ask for tickets vis “the Kennesaw Route.” B. W. IVRENN, U. P & T. A., At 1 tiira. Ga. STRAYED OR STOLEN, From the ijudersigurd near F:,i,. hum, about the last of May or first of June, i, yoke of oxen. One has red sides, white back, I envy built, sh.nt ci limply horns; u-sma’l bell fastened around his lu ck with a rope. Tlie oth er is white, wiih the exception of a few spots on his head and neck; had a large tiell on. Any person delivering said oxen to the dwjn.t -agent at Fair bum, or liii nishi’#giiii(m [nation as to theii wJiercaHni Xm-HWintty rc waided. Afns. Frances 11. Fool. _jmi 12-2 * I* H <ENIX t. A\ o 7 WILCOX. GIBBS & CO’S. MANIPULATED GUiVNO. tPHESE CELEBRATED GUANOS 1M- I ported and p-epapnd by Wile x, Gibbs A Cos., Savannah Ga., and Charleston. 8. (J . nre lor sale for pash, or on credit on accom modating terms, payable in cotton, by W. F. Landrum, Agent, Fairburn, Georgia. Garrett & Walthall, Agt 's Palmetto, Ga, ’IfS, Special attention is called to the u=o of the } Inienix guano compoated w iih cot ton seed, send or rpiily as above lor circu lars giving testiinoniqls' troin planter*—pri ces terms etc. ’ 4 3ST -W GROCERY STORE! OSCAB A. .CANTRELL Would inform his fiends and ilic pub lic generally t!nt he has opened in the Shield office, a SELECT STOCK t to family and Fancy groceries P’JGtt AS Flour, Sugar, Crdfee, Soap, Soda, Spice, l’eppcr, Ginger, Starch, Cam dy, Cab lies, Crnck eia, Oy stern, Bucjicts, Matclus, Blacking, E'c., Etc. which wtnt. Ue sold CHEAP FOR CASH OR PRODUCE! Give me a triab 0: A. Cantrell. L. B. LANGFORD, Wholesale A*b retail riF.At.Eit in Stoves, If oJI oxv IV o re, Hoik Ti*, Tiii Piute, Sheet iron h Triiaiurrs’ Findings, Slate. Mantels ttud (iiati.x, lloUse-FurnishingTXoods ol every de.-cription Georgia ftliti'ble Stnnesi Keygtntu: Block V¥Bii!'rtin!l street. Atlanta, Git. getli for 'he doiobratol “Caarlcr O.ik SioVe. oertS 3rn st 2 DO KACIMVEEKI Agents wanted, eveiyw-here. Btisiness sti ictfy legitii!ate, Parliculitt Iree; Address J. Worth & Cos., St. Louis, Mo. . Inmyly Wt. V a THOMAS W. LATHAM Attorney at Lavs ffaiibiirn. Georg in* Wifi practice in thtr-TAiurts of Campbell: Ci Weta, Douglas. Fai ettPi Fulton • and Mt'r riwet.lier counties, and in other counties by fp- cinl ContCad': In the Supreme Court of Georgia, and tl. Jj.Courts at Atlanta, l’er sons ordering “nit wit* j.leasr teruishGliris tinn mimes of Pljtr:tiffs and Defendants. Prompt attention given to cases iu liank rurtey. and discharges obtained for debt* ors. Special attention aiv-n to collection jt debts and prcufipt-Pturns made. /SP* C'tticc iu tb'j ’omt WAGES i nil who are willing to work. An}- j 1 and nit) or lounv-of either s*a, tan j m .k*‘ fioui $ J tf* s.">o her week, at home (lay j or evening. Wanted by all. Miitubic* to! either city town or cour try. and any ?. asoa o! the year. Thin is a rare opporrunity lor j those who are u .toi woik, and out ut mouey, to make no iiickpeiHJeut living, * o cnpiial being required. Our p-amphtet. •• iiow to Make a Living.” sent on receipt )f 10 cents Address A. £ CO., Moriis;in;n, Westchester Cos, N. V. ;\ t -o-lv. BON-iON FLIRTATION SIGNALS. Sent on riceibi of 25 cents. Unique Pi ini - ing ad I'ubli.-liiug Hon?i-, 3G Ve.-ev Steel NY IB! 1 . \t.M kl.XSl'lf TltlSl. An important Invention. It retains i e Jtop'u-e at al limes, and under the hard. M exeioise ami *• - y.-n st strain. It is worn wih .. tu£. it. and it kept on night and day tlb-rls a eerinaiiei t cure in a tew weeks. Sold clte-p, and si nt. by mail when requeu ed. < ircular. iiee. when ordered b, I. tier sent to Hie Ula.-tic truss Uo., No. GB3 Bread say. N. X'. City. Nobody us-,8 metal spring truss.t..o p in fill; they slip oil too frequently . a; 23- ly JT F. CKO WELL, JVtill - Wrigm, mow |irrpan*d to do all k*nd <*( indi’s I Be. l*int*s wiiiitii:g it) i ui l l is repiirt and, or iu*w oi us built, \\ did* wu!i to call on him. He solicits the patron ce f Iu se want’.tig work one ou gins rum ing bv waier.or macliiuoiy ol any kind, J. t. CnOWKLL. l*lii!ctro* iin. J C. REdiSTtie, DF.AI.KIi IN STOVES, TI \ W \ RE k HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS, Nev.nav Gkiihoia, otiers suptrier ituluct ioet ts to , tttiun ets. lie sells goods is cheap as they can be bought: in Ailunth or elsiwlitie. (Jive him a trail, nun 29 (in M c KK X N K Y 4c ( 0,, Claim and Patent Agent?, Claims of Crp-tre Marsh Is o‘ IS 0 ollected v. iiiicut proof of loyally. 0, Box 12!), Washington City, D. f,, Jov to the W ori.ii ! Won ,x i- Frkk. Among the many modern disioveries look ing to the happiness and an.e iotaliori o! the liunian race, none is entilul lo high, r eon-id ration than tie renowned le.mdy —- l)r. J. liradfiekl s Female Uegiih.lor, Wonnn’s Best Friend. By it Wemai, is cm ucipaled Irom niitnbeliefs il's peculiar t j her sr.\. i B lore its magic power al. im gul.u ities ol the womb vanish. It cures whip *. it cure: -op pression of the menses. It r, moves uleiine obstructions. Xt cures constipaii. n aid strengthens the lyste.n. It braces the in rvt-s and pu-ifles the blood, it ne'er fails, as thousands ol women w ill This valu able inecicine is prepared ar and sold hy L. II liraillield, I‘ruggist, Atlanln, Lla. lice SI 50 per bottle. All respectable diug ui- u keep it. ... 'lOstt.RKK, AMW l*e- Mit. L. 11. BltAnFltU,—Sir: Fleas:- forwaid us iuiintdiatelVf another supply ol X! nd (leld’s Female Regulator. Wo find il to Lo all that is claimed fir it, and ive have wit nes ed the n.ost decided and happy :tie ts produced hy it. Very re peeiltilly, IitNTKR & Alexander. We, the nnders’gned drueglsts. take |>le:is tire in commending to the trade, Ur. J. Brad field’s I'eiUhie Regulator, t. lievi g it to tie a good and reliable remedy lor the iiisea. es lor ivhicti lie recomtno-i ds it. W. A. Lansoh.l, Atlanta, Ga . I’EMBEKTON, VIILsON, iAVI.Oi; A Cos., At u;.ta, Ga. Rkdwink & Fox, Atlant i,G i. W. U, Lawsdk, Atlant Ga, W. Root & Son, Marietta, Ga. STATE OF GEOGlA—TroupCount 'I bis is to cut tifv that I h vt> * xumihed the recipe ol fir. J. Bradlield of dlis count. , and as a medir a! iiiati pninou ce it to be a cmir liinnti. nol nienii ines of gn at be rit in the treatment ot nil the diseases ol temalqs tor which be rtfeommends il. Ties D u-ttibt-v I 21. 3872. V it.F, Beasi cy, .D. *' ~ *e. . ' - TO <2**)/Ype r nav Agents wanted qgiv/ qp-~“I_/eyeTywliere. i’nrtieiiiars tree, rddrrss A, 11. Blair At 0.,! I, lit: is,to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lung*, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption* r discoveries of modern science, few are of mankind than this ef fectual remedy fur all tfial of virHies, throughout this am! surely ami effechthUy control them. The testimony of our host citi i’eiis, of j’.ll clashes, establishes the fact, that Cnkuhv Lkctoisala wiii mid does relieve and ciird the :UHicth)g disorders of the Throat m. j bungs beydiid any other medicine. The most dangerous* allections of the ITthiKiiiary Orgm.i yield to its power; and cases of ConMiiup4 tidn, curtH by this preparation, are jmbhb. ly kmJwii, so reniarkaule as hardly to he hd iievedj were they not pfoven beyond dispntu Asa rfemedy it is adequate, on which the public ttwy re!v fo? full protection. Iy curing Coiiglns; Hie forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, and ait amount, of siifieriiig licit to In? computed. It challenges triab and con vinces the most .scepth-al. Every tiiifliiV slibhld keep it oii hand as si protection again-st the Parly and unpereeirdd attadk of I’ultitoUUry AliEctions, which lire easily met at Ih st, hlit Yrliidi bfcpom.' hietirable. and trio often fatal, if neglected; Ten der luitgs need this defence; and it is unwise til be withoxit it. As n jsafdguiird to children, amid tln ii)stressing <lisc*!i>es nldch beset iiie;Throat an l (Jliest of dhildlioo’k CilEhht rr.t roKAi; is invaluable; for,* by its timely use, multi tudes lire: Evened from {irematnre graves, and savo<l ttt the love and atleetion centred on th^m. It acts speedily and siirely against ordinary con!sj securing sound ami. health-restoring sleep. Ni one will sutler trcUilddsoruo Intlneuzu and fill Broachilis, when they know ho# cushy tli v v cu> be cured; wiginally tlie prVvluct of loiif. sui-e- ’sst. j bheiiilenl inre-fig.iriUiu no cost Or toll spared in making every bottle in the ntifiost 4'ible |M‘ffeetii,tn. Jt ii!av be eohli'lf'ufly re it upon a- pt-sc<>ing nil tli? virtues it has ever ■*xh. ted, crtjftililt- t.*f pfodueing curt:.' a MK*m. *l>le as tlie greatest it lias ever elVected. PRErAREh lit Dr. J. J *.YER & CO., Lowell, Mass,, Prccti' arid AWatytionl Chemists. Li) r.v ' rvLiiVWMKUi AHR KKDOUSrD AXD PRKSCRIBr.n UT KOTIK W*4- iug rbjßicisni thn tnr *>Hcr Tonic or nlnnl ni“W In Vi*. .Thrfftro a sritt:, Por and Ague In*crrulttent, t U Al*. order* arising from tnalari'>w**. Thrv ar I’jilf re cmornArd a ai A>*Tl-I>YSP] PTir, mi 4 fa e.v* f IXDI- C.ESTION' orr iVALCAiLa. A* an aaA Ult- CLTER.VItT. and in case* cf C.V; KtlAl. lEr.II.ITY th*T have never In a tlnrio iastan.q fHM iu liu on I bapry resclts. T’.i*-T are 1-ariirnlarlv BENEEKIALTO fIXALES. tody, invigorating t'-o ir.irti, **.•! girln* tone and ela*tirity to the v liflo ijitm. IN# ItoMK HIT TERS are comjimjn'l*-ti with the fri.aut f *rc. and no ton- Ic etiniulnnt hr.s ever bef- ra l n rffrr<d to tt.e pnYHo M I’LEASANT TO T’..R TASTE an l at tl ’s nu (ime eonblv i:ig so nany remedial ox* nt > endorsed V r tbc.r-.cdiral frater-rd. 1/btha brt known D t io T 'Arrnarovo-ia. 2 : coat* hit lit t: •to g-rothm * Tar a l Every Family Khnnld Have n JUtt!*.. No rnpMtiou in I>.o l ran i rnd*:'i* ro manr r.n*;v, f.-'.l i*n.iorsrrarr.* i l>y j-hysuiana * f .ha rsrv kighei*. f.-intTm iu tin ir jirofv>Bii'>n. Endorsed alio by the Clergy and f\c Ueiing denomin* tionalyaperr. Kev. Mm. I*. ths oldest Mrthodbt minister in I.oui*. frays the Home I’.ittrri wero m**t i.Tstaf .1 irt ting In tho restoration of uy *trenrth, &ud an increMo *• •ppetitc. # Mo., June 55,1671. Persons prratlr debilitated. n s T : ) leaa, ar.i who rcqal-e a toxic cr ktucuxt, noed for nothin- better thin tho Home Rittrrs. R. If. Cos. I*E, Prosiding Elder M. F.. Church. PI OMhurg DUtrlci. iMIID StaTKS WRI3 ital, ( Jr. Lout s hio., Oct. H, t TO. J Jambs .V. Jickmm * Co.~ 1 hr.vo rxaminrsl the f->rma!a f-*e nia)Li->)( the *• Homo htoncwh Hitter*." O i-l usr-J them la thio hositital the last four mouths. 1 consider them the uinst vain* ablr *A>nic Mid stimulant now ’ n use. S. 11. MKI.CUr.2I, besido .t I’Ursii ian in chargs U. H. Marino Hospital. * Jamks A."Jackßo.x & C-o.—fitnUemea: As ya hare eoro* Biuniuate.i to the utsaiicul profession t!.* recipe of tLe "lUiue lUttora," itcanaot. thoreforo bemoaiderrd n<s patent me- , i.-ino, n patent l*s in|{ bo n taken fsirlt. We Inv# examin-t the formula for inaklug the " llotr.o liituri." and umlkwcs tingly ray the comL-tnntion i ■ one of rare exeeU'inrc, all tl* articles used in its composition are tl.c best of tho class t* which thej t)"i:*nfr. IsHiig highly Tonic. Ktlmuiant, Mt-iiin- k!*. Carminitive, nu t LaxAtlv**. The m--de of tireparinj them ia strictly in accordanco aith th rules of pharataev. ifaring used them i-i onr private practice, we take pleasure In r-comm nrting them to all por.i.m • desirous af takiß< Hitters, as being the be£t Tooio and Htiuulant uv offered te the imb lic. EL A NIC G. PintTER. Trof. Obstetrics and Disease* of Women, College of Tbyst* cians, and lute member Hoar 1 of Health. L. C. KOIHI.IKir.RK Prof, cf Cbstctrics and Dlecascs of Women, Ft. l.onls Mi si. College. DItAKK McOOWKLI., >l. 1).. Late rrea't. M. Medical Col!***. V. A. CLAKK. M. !>.. Prof. Rurjerr. Mo. Medical CoHuro mi-ll.u BuiLikl Tkjsl* clan Citr Hospital, St. Louis Missour'. UrUHERT PRI2IM. Prof. Practical rharmoev. St. Louis Cnllsi# of Pharmacy. J. f". V.IIITKIIII.L. IM. Ms-lie. 1 ArcMreS. Ai r. n*iPorx, 51. D. Dr. C. V. F. Lv^vw, C. Gbrickr, M. I>. F. Gratx Mo£, V . D. C. A. Waac, M. D. W. K. W:lcox. M. i . P. C. FRANKLIN. M. b.. Tr-xf. Hurgery, JlemrrapittMc M'dieal t . T. J. Ttr-TINi:, M. !>.. T. O. COMRTUCK, M. l . Prof, of Midwifery and of Wotuen, Collsge ef Mb* pathic Phv.sicianj and Surg'on.s. JOHN T. TEMPLE. M. D.. Prof. Materia Medic ft and Thera i;*eutks, Homoeopathic Modi cal College of Missouri. J-O. COXZLF.XAK. IT. U.. Leclnr et On Diseases of Children, rioiua-opathie C*>llepe of Mitsourt* CHARLES VAHTINK. M. 1.. Trof. of PhvslelPgr. ITomapopathic M-<lical College of Mm JOHN HARTMAN, M. D.. Prof. Clln’.sal Medicine, Col. Homoeopathic Thysl-lnns and Snrg‘l, They arc superior *o nil other Stomach Hitters. KNNO FANUKUR. Analytical Chemist. So Ritters i:i the world ran rt.v I them # SIMON* HIRSCII. Analj-tfral Chemist. Eminent Phyftiduin of ('lilcniro. Thetormula for tho llom • Hitters has Lrcn suhmUtcd ts ms, and we hpllevc thorn to he the lust tonic and stimulant t*t general use uow oilere-i to the publi-i. If. WoOUBCT.T, M. D., G. A. Marixxr, Analytical Js*. V. Z. lU.axkt, M. P. Chemist. Prof. Ch-inistrv, Rush 11. S. Hahn, M. D., Meli-ml College. IU McVkaM, M. U., J. K. Wajlv ut.. M. D., Nou'n, 9. Rai.xk-*, M. D., T- 9. Hoyxk. M. T>.. It. LCdLam, M. I'., Titoa. T. I'lua, M, D., Jan, A. C44.UJU, M. TANARUS)., J. A. llAtia, M. D. Eminent Physichn?! In Cincinnati, Nearly ail of whom arc Profcsjorj iu rn; cr tho ether ef Ut Medical Pollcgcs, ail r hav" ev*v hren aflsre*l t 12m pnblie so* bracing so mnfiyN'ttitta6lc n.medfal a,ent*. J. 1.. VATTIkn. M. 1)., 1.. A. Jiutts. M. D., C. T. FimwoN, M. I>.. S. P. Bonn an. M. I’., C. S. Mt'st'UA*t, 31. D., . \V. ItiiJLsn. M. V., W. T. Tali.iafeiwo. 31. D. J. J. Quixx. M. l>.. J. H. liL’CKXRU, .V. JL, W. It. W.H.uvs-aan, M. D., G. A. Douacrv. M. ]>., It. it. Wank, Ch -nilst. C. Wo<imvAai>, M. f).. (t. K. TavLon. U. H., D. W. McCarthy, M. I)., P. Y. Mai.ur. M. I).. 14* H. Johnson. M. D. S. R. T imunsos, M. 1). Er.lnenl Phy>lfirtttN in Tlu- Home liitt‘r> nre an i<ivnlaMc rvmrxly fwr indigoatlog an<l diseases arising from mul-rial causes, li. R. Titojuiro.v. M. !>.. Alk\. Kiuxtii. M. D., in rtiarge ol Citv Hospital, M. K. >!. I)., J. M. Kiiwitn*. M. I>.. PavlOtmy, M. IU. H. W. Pukxllf. M. M. A. K', M. P., bANufOßit B*t.t„ 32. l\. J-*H. K. I.yn ' t, M. !>., Emisipnt Physicians iiiPUtNbnricbi P.. P. Dan*, if. D.. Wm. (. r.oti *k. 32. !>.. W. R. M D., D. If. W.r.LAUt*. J*. ( O. lfi’Tii, Chemist, J. M. M--Ci.rm.axi*, 3i. D;, Ash! Hundreds of Ofiicrs In all part* of th • Nortlr, W.-st and rtouth-. J. K* Gaum; a, U. L*., Milwaukee. • C.ifM'iL Bi.i'rr. Vr. ?7. l c 7l. Jambs A. Jackson & Co.— lL\ ia ; exnnln dthe formula of th • " lloiaa Stomach Hitler*. ' I have pro*, rita.i Uicii. iu i.;.. j r*.-• lice for ti.iuo time, and pronounce them th” bc*t Tonic l'.i;u liow in use. I*. If. McSIAIIUN, 32. I), (jy For sale by all dxwggiflt* and ttrocars. J aim's A. jnpkttnn tt C'., l*popri*lon Labratory 105 and iO7 N*. Second St;-, St. Louts EkAASourl; Ayer’s Sarsaparilla A ft I* wide!-/ kntjwft /] Mil ns onte of tltfe most jSSfS I*3 Cliectual remeilie jMvjk fjj fiijjiijh ever discovered fti JBkSilim 11 m al ‘d I mr *l'vii| stantlv orowinj; ri-|s lit al ion, based oil its intriusic virtues, and Mistaini-d by its re lHarkalik'- cures. So i.-iiici as to be sale aad bchelitiial to eiiildre-i, find yet so searching as to UlTi-etually pii'-oc hut tlie ori-at Chr riqitioiis hi' the "blutid, such as tlie -ertifiilous lid MqiiiUhiU t-Ohtaiiunation. Impurities; or diseases that have linked in tile system for years, soon yield to this power fill aiiti= dote, and disappear. Ik-nefc its wonderful cures, many Of which are publicly knownj of .Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases; Ulcers, Urnptiltils, find eruptive die orders of (be skin. TuiuOrs. Dlotches, IJoiis, Uititples, Pustules; Sores. St; Aiitluttty’s Fire, Hose rtr lit.*; letter, Stilt Klieitm, Seniii Hcthl, Kiuitivttnn, and internal Ul 4-eratiQiis of the Uterus, Stonmch, and Liver. It jilset cnri-s other coin plaints, to which it would not see tit l-pet-js ally adapted, suelt its ilrttjßjt, RjijHilt* |ii, Fits, iltjiu*t Female Wehkiiess, Debility: him Letlcorrliteili vt-hen they aft* iuituffesu tions of the sertifulUiis pnisolt?: It is an ei!t‘t?i!urit restrtrl-r ef health and strength iu the Sprint;; My Kuiewing tlie appetite :iiid vigor of tlie digestive organs, it dissipates the depfesslbn and listless lan guor ol tint season. Lien when- no disorder appears, pi opfe /!-el better, and live longer, for eii-an.-ih.; tlitt biisai. Tlie svstem moves Oii wiih I'l ne'.veil \ ij-or and anew lease of life; >* t: er ,t n r n n y Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowe!! I’l'acti-aI and Analytical CA.Mii.ft, fibLl> BV AI.L KKUUGJSTS KVKSTWUSR* EDWARD J. EVANS A GO., xY UUSE It Y.UEN . 1 NL> SEEDSMEN Y> -UK, I’f.nnstatjsxt,. 6£S“ Catalogues mailed to applicants Refer [by permission) to- Hon. J, S. Black, Washington, D. fT. Wkisk.r, Son & Oarl.B oiker*. Ymk, Fa lire 22 lui.