The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, August 01, 1873, Image 4

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MELEY'S PATENT GRAVE MOUND. Severe (he Dead and (he Living will Honor You. LET all alio have relatives or friends who have ensstd to their home? in the land ot tl.e l-i-yond have .MELEY'S i'.Vl EXT GRAVE MOUNDS erected to niark their last resting place. They are tile mo?I durable, economi cal, beautiful and ornamental toomhs ever he-, (ore the public previous to this lime. Call on or address, COCHRAN & YORK, Fairtniru. ifa. Sole agents for Campbell crunty. The work can be seen at Fairknrn, Palmetto, Cninpbell tnn aid Bethsaida, july26 3m DECIIY SHERIFF’S SALTS, Will be sold liefore the Court House door in the to.wn ot Fuirburn Campbell county Georgia, with n the legal hours of sale, on the fi-st Tuesday in august next, ti e lol lowing poperiy to-wit: Forty two and one forth acres of land it leir.g part of lot nun her 48 in the 9th. district of originally Fay ette, now Campbell County Georgia, levied rn as the property of Matilda Kuwait by virtue of, and to satisfy a fi la ia.-ued from Campbell Snpetiot Court in favor of S. T. VV . Minot Gnur of Matilda Owen-by vs Matilda Rowan Admx. of K Rowan and O. VV. Row an,Scctii ity. Pioperty pointed (nt by defendant Matilda Rowan, and levy made by R. I’>. Hogan, fonner Sheriff of Campbell County Georgia. W lU.IAM THi SIPSON, Deputy Shot iff. LOOK BEFORE_YOU LEAPr” Examine the the stock of THO If NTON & DOLI.E.M A X before elsewhere. Tliey have a fine selection of Cottonadee, l.inrns, Piques, Lawns, Nain sooks, Jliislins, &c. ALSO A LARGE STOCK fit' Shoes. Ilats, Clothing, Notions, Hardware, Creekery, Groceries, &FAHI I 1. Y HI E DICIJV ES. They defy compe.ition in anything they prey .one to nell. f ap23-3m. J A MES VV. GARNErf, MILLWRIGHT, LOCATED IN JPal motto Ceorghi (Solicits the patronage of all wishing work done in bis line. New mills built, or old ones repair* and; gin gearing, w ater gins Ac. lie is also Agent ft r the Lcfieff’s double Turbine watir wheel,Engines portable, or statiomuy Portable mills and mill material ol all kinds ns manuf; etured by Pool & iJtiul Baltimore. B'd. Persons 1 ving at a distance can ad-lrcFs him at Palmetto Georgia. TIIE “VICTOR.” S. HI. CO NEW BF.WI.NO MACHINE “v i cto ir Runs very Easy, Runs very Fast, Runs very Si ill. Has New Shutllc Superior to all others. DEFIES COMPETITION. Great Improvements in Needle, Cannot bo Set Wrong. Agents Wanted. Addesa THE “VICTOR” S. M. CO. No 54 Tenth St. 4 doors west of Headway, N. Y. THE PARLOR COMPANION. “Every !l and y wants one! Ev ry man ought to have one !! Sent on receipt of ten cents. Address L. F. HYDE it CU., i’Jo Seventh Avimie, New Yolk. ■ apr'23-ly. OPENING OF Spring Goods rjUIE attentiou of the citizens of Palmett L and the surrounding countrj are gen'* erally and respectfully invited to call in and examine our stock of SPRING GOODS, now being received and opened, which con sist in part of Ladies’ Dross Goods,’White Goods, Prints, Bleached Goods and Domes tics, Millinery Goods and Y-mk-c Notions of every description. The largest and bast stock of Boots and Siloes Ever brought tr this matket, which we buy for Cash direct from the. Factories at Lynn and Haverhill,Massachusetts. We also keep Jltifs, Caps Umbrellas, Parasols, Fans anti TVilet Articles. Always on hand, a large lot of BACON, 'CORN, HAY, FLOUR, “LARD AND MOLASSES, Which w? wili’et out for Crop Liens tore sponsible parties. We ire also Agents for the sale of CARROLL’S COLD WATER SOAP, Which will wash your Clothes clean and white without rubbing or beating. This Soap is verily the WOMAN'S FRIEND; GARRETT & WALTHALL Palmetto, Ga., April 9,187’. SOU THE R N NURS E R Y. IRWIN & THURMOND. We are offering to the public a selection of Fruit adopted to the sou;he n climate, consisting of appleVpeaches, pears, plums, quinces, grapes, English walnuts, Spanish chestnuts, mulberries, pecans, etc. Our Floral Department, is p-esided over by a skillful fl wist, in which nay be found or namental shrubbery of all varieties,and hot house p ants at prices that will defy compa tion. We have every thing that is usual ly found in a well- conducted Nursery, and *,l varieties that we have teste 1 *nd know to tie suited to the southe n climate. We will upon application furnish gratis our c.talogue anti price lit*’. Addiess : Irwin *fc Tiiurm 'Nn, P. 0. BuX 505, Allantit. Ga. BQk- Mr. John F. E liugton, of Pal mett'i, is our agent for the ct 'inticß ol "• •* >, ii ...A thuvcta, and all orders given by bun will bo lriui w tin j.i ..mpt iiedS and .care. umy2o-tf. Ark rsnonsrD and rRESCRTr.nn r.Y monk tea. ing Physicians- than any ctb :r Tonic or nlant n*>w in USC. Thcraro A Rl T K PhIEVEMTIVC, For Feror and Ague Intcnalttcnfs. Biliousccsa r.n*l r.*l dis orders arising from ir.alarioKs ciuscs. They exa r - ommended ns an tin t in car* ; of 17.i I CF.STION are ix-ai.oa.blk. As nn APPKTIT. .i Ii - CUPKRANT, and in cases of GENERA!. I’EPIi.ITY 1 • y have never in a single instance filled ia producing the moot harry results. They tire ptirticnlarlv UF.NEncLU TO FEMALES. Strengthening the body, invigorating tLerciud, n —.-1 givlnf* tone and elasticity to the Y. Lc,le system. The Ilt.’Mi: LIY TK.RS arc compounded with the great- tcf car*.’. r.-t ton ic stimulant has ever before leva <•'■'■ red to the public < PLEASANT Tt) T’-E TASTE and at p- fame tim ing so many remedial agents endorsed hr the r-.0-i 1 f -terri tyaatho best known to the Pharmacoptnia. 1: costs but lit tle to g ! re them a fair trial, and Every Family Phonic! Have a IJoJ'Ju. No preparation In the world can j ro.iuco so many nnqv .- Bed endorsements by physicians of ho very highest standing in their profession. Endorsed also by ths Clergy and the leading denomina tional papers. Kev. V. m. It. P.ABCocic. the oldest Methodist minister In Pt. Louis, says the Horn? Bitters v.ere me. t yr ::T.:I i t .-.-ritr;l.-u --ting in the restoration of my strength, and an increase <•' appetite. . Osborn Mo., June £5, 1871. Persons greatly debilitated, ns T Lave b *-:j, and who rcqui*o a tonic or stimulant, need seci for nothing be ter than tho Home Bitters. S. V. CnPK. Presiding F.lderM. TL Church. riatt-Lu:-; District. Umtko States Mabixk 110-. i-ital. { Ft. Loud M<>.. Oct. b. 1 TO. y Javes A. Jacksos a Co.— l have examined the f r making the •• Home Stom ich Btiu’i .’ai lr. 1 them i t t L:l hospital the last four months. I consider the.a i. • t.. t \ ui.x able Tonic nnd Htimulant now : n u-e. ,S. !i. MULCHER, Resident Phj'.sieiau in cfiargu U. S. ''fnrine lie.vital. James A. Jackson & Co.—Gentlemen : As you have com municated to the medical profession the recipe of the “Home Bitters," it cannot, therefore be considered as a patent n>_'*- iclae, no patent having been taken for it. TVe have cxnntiu and the formula for making the "Home BiUtrs." and uuhe.sia> tingly say tho combination is one of rare excellence, all tho articles used in its composition ore the best of the class to which they belong, being highly Tonic, stimulant. Stomachic, Carminltive, nn l slightly Laxative. Tho <'f pcepariai* them is strictly in accordance with the rules of pharmacy. Having used them iu onr private practice, we take p! ■ i-nre in rceomra nding them to till person < dcSJroua'of taking Bitters, ns being the beet Tonic and Stimulant u-*v orr 1: .-pub. He. FRANK G. P‘ UTI.R, Prof. Obstetrics and Diseases of Y>‘ot,; , Colicg ( of Physi cians, and lute member Board of Health. B. C. BOISBLNIKRr. rr f. of Obstetrics and of AYomrii. St. Bouia Mc<l. College. DRAKE McDOWT.LL. M. D. f Late Prcs’t. Mo. Medical Coßcgo. 11. A. CLARK, M. !>., Frof. Surgery. Mo. Medical College an ’ Lite Resident Physi cian City Hospital, St. Louis Missouri. IIEUr.URT FTUMSI. Frof. Practical rharmaev, St. Louis Colie. e of Pharmacy. J. C. WHITEHILI., ILL Mcdicrl Archives. Air. Heacock, M. D. Dr. C. V. F. Lut-vm, C. Gesickk, M. D. S. Guatz Most •*. M. D. C. A. AY auk, M. D. AY. A . Wilcox. M. D. F. C. FR ' NKLIN, M. D. Prof. Surgery, Homoeopathi*r Medical Cell T. J. YASTINE, M. D.. ‘ T. (. COMSTOCK. M. ... Prof, of Midwifery and Diseases of Women, College of llomflßO* puthic Physicians and Surgeons. JOHN T. T7.MPLI-7, M. D., Prof. Materia Medica and Theraupeulies, Homceopatluc Modi cul College of Missouri. JNO. CONZLF.MAN, M. D. t Lecturer On Diseases of Children, Hoimropaihio Cclb-gc ®f Mi--aiurl. CHAULF.S VAKTINK. * M - Trof. of rhvsiologv. Ilomo’opathi; Medical Coßcfc of Mo. JOHN HARTMAN. M. D.. ProL Clinical Medicine, Col. IlO'wocopatliic I'l:; i ian = ;;:i i Burg's. They are superior '0 nil other Htomach Ritters. KNNO SANDERS. Analytical ChciuisC. No Bitters i: i the world can ex. -’l tlici t SIMON HIRSCH. Aniilytleal Chemi-’t. Eminent I*lyieaunH oi' CJticitj o. The formula for the Horn • Bitters I. vs been ul.miu.-d i > us, and wc believe them to bo the best toni ; and Mimui.tnt lor general uec now offered to the public. !!. AYoopnrrr, M. I)., G. A. Mabinek, Analytical Jas. v., Chemist. V: o*.’u:i sfry. Rush 11. S. llaiin, M. D., M ' B. McViCar, Ji. D., J. !'• Yai nuu. 'L 18, Noun. S. Bai:nj:s, M. D., T- S. 11-yni:, M- .. R. Ludlam. M. 1).. T-i-I'ixtM. Jaw. A. COLLIN’S. M. D., J. A. Hai:>\ M. ’ - Eminent FSsyv.JfSnris u-i Nearly all of whom are Professors in me or the other cf tb ' Medical College:, No other Bitters have ever orf:rc<l to the public em bracing so many valuable remedial u. cats. J. L. Vattieb, M. 1., L. A. James. M. TB, C. T. S(MI-SON. M. D.. S. P. Bon:- ek, i!. I’., C. S. Muschait. M. D., G. AY. Biolku. M. 1- . AY. T. M. D. J. J. t, • i-'N- M. D.. J. 11. BueKxnn, M. D., AY. U. \v'- i.wa, M. D.. G. A. Dohkuty. M. I)., It. H. AA’avxk, Ci. uii<;. C. AVoonwAiii), M. I>., G. K. Tayl*r. ii. U,, P. AY. McCabtisy. M. D.. P. F. Malky, M. P., It. H. Johnson M. D. K. li. T-mu> .on. M. D. The Homt Bitters arc an invalu •' remedy for indigestion nn*l diseases arising from malarial cans -s. u. B. Tll*>unton. M. D.. Am f'nsqctM:, AI. D., in charrre of Citv Hospital, M. R. llot-rns. M. I)., J. M. K”iOi:r.s. ki. I>., Pali. Otey. >l. D.. H. AY. Pl'unell, M. D., M. A. Kdmlnd.s. M. D-, ISANnFoun Bell. M. !>., Jil. Bvnc t. M. I’., Eminent si clans i:i Pifisbsrrjrlk; B. F. Dike. M. D.. AVm. '-'i.efrEs, .11. I’.. AY. It. Childs. M D., D H. YYillai::*. M. D.. O. AYuth, Chemist, J. 11. .'LClci lami, M. P.. Ar<l tfovnP.rctZ'A ry:' miiarJ In all parts of the North, AYe-u I .South. J. K. Gabxku, M. D., Mi's wait k<’ ’. 0 U>>LX<’ii. :’-:.”t’Fs. y- rrh £7. . James A. Jackson k Co.—ll t- in > xamlaod'h.- f rmula cf th " Home Stomach Bitters,'' I !.:r. • pros-u v-cu tl.v-ci iu i-.;- , r ticc for acme time, and pronounce tl.-.-m -t T> :•-< now in use. I’. H. KcMAUUN, M. 1). Cry For sale bv all druggist* and grocer j . JTaine A. .Fac*kJ<n <'<>., S'rojirsotor i Labratory 105 and 107 N. Second St., St. Louis Missouri. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla A Pi TANARUS: v-idely known rfj ,f;y ° s one oi‘ the most ljp!\ elVectuai remetlip jl /■ S' tc .a and linrif\ ii 4 , - ■ ... in .-t ol }' ears ’ witii ii con stantly trroAving rej> atuy? illation, bused on its intrinsic vit-tucs, and snstitinv-d l>v its rr-- tnavkabl*.- cures. .So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually out the great cor ruption? of the blood, such as the scrofulous nd syphilitic roulamiuntion. Itnperilies, er diseases that, have htrke.d in the svstem for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, tuid disappear. Hence i! = wonderful cures, many of which arc publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers. Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Klotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony’s Fire, Hose or lirysipe las, Tetter, .Sait JRheuin, ,Scald Head, liinjrwrvi!?, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Steaiaeh, anti Liver. It also cures other coin plaints, to which it wonlu not seem esjteei ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart, Female Weakness, Debiliiy, and Lcucorrlicca, when tliey are nitusilesia- , tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the diy-eihe organs, il dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Keen where nodisordot appears, people .eel belter, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Iby system mo-, ir on with renewed vigor and anew lease of life. V REP AT. ED RY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO,, Lcweil, Mass.- Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERY WHERE EDWARD J. EVANS & GO-. NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN York, I'f.nxsylvaxu. Catalogues mailed to applicants Refer (by permission) to llox. J, S. I’t.ACK, Washington, D. G. YVkiseu, Sox & Car!,,Bankets, Yoi k, I’a inry‘22 Gin. LEGAL NOTICES. GEORGIA, Csmpbf.i.i, Couxtv Superior Court Feb. Term, 1573. Frederick Bailey, 1 Lilstl for Divorce. vs L Re/e, Sarah Bailey. ) to perfect service. Itapp. arit’g to theCoert by the return of the Sheriff', that the' Detcrdsnt does not reside in this county; aud it further a, prating that she and **? not reside in 'bis State. It i -op- motion of Counsel ordered that said D. fondant appear and ar.sw! r at this te: in of the court, else that the c se be considered in defan’t and the pl-iintttT allowed to proceed. A’d is fur tfie * rd.-red that this rule he published in il i- I’m >m to SuiKLi. a jSobiie Gazette ol said county ot ee a month for four months. 'IIIOMAS W. I.ATIUM, PI lintitf’s Attorney. Order granted, Il Ltd II BUCHANAN, Judge S. 0.. T. C. A true extrret from the minutes of the ft IVlii r t oui t ot paid ..-inity. id arch i 0 M II WOODALL, CSC State * f G kolcia, Unnipl-ell County : W heteas. jM. H. Wooddafl, fidmini c trator ol •John C. Danionh. r. pnsen s to the Court, in li.- ] ctiiion. duly ti *.] and intend on rc c >l,l. that In; Ii:? fully administered John 0. Dan ortlTs estate This is, tln-ivf ire, to cite all persons con cerned, kindred end creditors, to show anse it any they can, why said administrator should not . e di cl urged turn his adminis tration, and teevive tetters of dismission on the ti;st Jionduy in * eptt mher, 187 It. C. Bfavkus, Otdinary. niay22-3m.pnntei's tee 7. GEORGIA, I CAiiruKM. County.) Nancy flewart Guardian ot J sse D Ptvwarl. Emily Savi nnah Stewart ■( now iiroE S. V*Laily.'having applied to the 1 ourr, * I Orditif.iy ot said county tor ad s charge fn.m tier Gunnliaustiip of Jesse D. | Sfewart : nd Emily Stewart for i inerly, but now Emily S. AlcLar'y's per -1 sons and proptvfy. This is therefore to cite all pirson? concerned tp shew cause, by l ling objections in my office, \vl y the said Natuy [Siewart should not be dismissed lr< in I. * r (- uiv and at,ship * f Jess", D. Sr,, wart and Emily s. St* wart formerly, now .Entity 8 llci.itrn , a i.d ifetive the usual letters of dismission. Gi v- a under toy official signature, July 7th ,e7d. .11. C. BEAVERS, (Jtdinarv GEORGIA, Oamitfu. Cyofnty. A lure ns li. W. Cm litan, nt’n.inistrstor de honie non of of William IJogan, reprrsents to the c-ot.r!, in It is petition, duly tiled and entered on rt ci id. tl at I e In s fully admin istered YVilDam Hogan’s Estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned. kindred and cf.ed fork, to sho cause, it any they can. why said adminip trator should i ot he dichargi and from h-s ad n inistr; tii n. at and tei live letters ot disints aii n on 11 t- fi st Moj day in i-ctolar 187!. This July S.h lsiii. ILC. BEAVER 8., Oi-iitiaty. CarßELb Ul’.iV MiiltlH >S SILLS. I* il! f e sold hefo- e the, Court house dorr in the town ol Euirhum Campbell C nniy Georgia, on the lirst Tti’slry in .Yugu-t ni-xt. within Hie i"gal liu|trs of srie, the k 1 - wing iiroperiy to wiJJ* Fifty ti’crcsf of btniE aftuato in the 8-nili west c-. 11, er of lot ol iami iitimoer iß'i'fv (lgitl iii the gevcntii (list riot ol ot igtmifly Couela now Campbell G- un *V ; letieil on to .satisfy two Ii fas iss ued from the justice Court of the * 7 5111 1 district G. .Min favor if Ar llinr Hutch eson vs John T. .Morgan and Joseph E dsof, Executors of John L. Richarit soti deceased as ihu properly of said John Ij Richardson deceased; lew made and relumed to me by E. L. Jackson, L. G.; and oilier fifas against said defett 'auls. Also at the same time and place, fifty acres of land situate in the south cast corner of lot of land n umber thir ty eight in the seventh ('(strict of orig inally Coweta, now Campbell County; Kvied on to satisfy two fi fas issmd from the justice courts of the 652ud distiict G. M., in favor of Gurtctt & Zeilars vs J* i! 111 J'. Murgun and Joseph Eidson, Executors of John L- Richard son deceased; levy made aud returned to mo by E L Jackson, L. C. ptnd other li tas against said defendants. Also,at the same limd and place, otic haft of lot of land in the 9th district of otiginallv Fayette,now Campbell conn !y, number 159 si-ulh half cf said lot one bundled and one fourth acres; the same iiitg levied on by viitneof a justice Court li fa is-ued ft tint ihe T34it district G. .M., in favor of Susan Milam vs ]. L. Sewell, Adtninisti alor of -Jits. H. Sew. 11, principal, atid \Y. If. I ’lj il— security; levied on as the proper ty o' I. ii. S*well, Administrator of James 11. T-owell, dnceasid. I’rop.-rty pointed out by Plaintiff. Levy made and returned to :ne by a Constable. 7th July, 1873- -D, P .-White, Shot iff. Cjtltli’liLLL lOtiVtY I OSTI’CSLB SBLttlfi’j SALE?. Y il! be sold before the Court House dept in the town of Fairborn, Ga., be tween the legal Jltours of sale, on tbe first 1 ucßclay in August next, tho fol lowing property: to-wit, Part of lot of so. i 8, in the 7th dis ttict 1 1 originally Cow e’a.tlnf now Campbell county, Ga , the same being fO acres of land in the southeast corner o( said lot; thence due north, bait across sai.l tot thence due West to a point half way b (ween (lie cor ners of tin: original west litft ot said lot of land ; t hence south to the sta ting point; as ihe i t-epci t.y o! John L. Rii liardf n.di eons* and in the hand? of Jo! n 1\ Morgan and J sepli. Eidson.cxeeu ors ol said deceased to bead mii- te, < and on said lot of land to be 8-5 sur veyed as to make tiny nch’s ol said land- Levied on to satisty three justice Court fi fas in favor of Jami s 0. StJ-Lh, and three jus tice court fi las in favor of W. J t Garrett agni- si John T. Morgan and Jos. Eidson, exteutors ot the estate of JohuL. Kichardsoa, decease i; snd also, sundry other ti las. Propc-rtv pointed out by plaintiff. David P. White, Sheriff. G‘X , OOA per day! Agents wanted, ’-a*3 " All classes ot working pnople. of id titer sex. -voting or old, mike more money ar. work for os in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything live. I’,nt eul irs f eo. Address G. Stinson & Cos., I’ortlnrjd, Maine. The Ketkwith S2O Portable Family Sewing JI tchine on JO Kays trial; many advantage ovi r all. Satisfaction guaranteed, or S.O refunded. Sent complete, with full directions Beckwith Scwi g M.chine Gotnyany, 8152 Broadw y, N. Y. ap 3-ly THOMP S0 N, COLE & C 0 MANUFACTURERS OF AND TJST F'XJJEIJSriTTJJEIH, SUCH AS BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &c. Good Bedsteads, With Boilers, Only $-4! MET AHC BURIAL 'CASES AND ROSEWOOD COFFINS ALWAYS ON HAND! jNTe-vs7-ia£i7n., ••• GeorgiA. ATT EN T ION EVERY BOD Y! 0 sffcw GOOdS! r’reela Goods ! Ola cap Goods ! 1 0 I, SMITH & BRO r l HER (At their old stand on Roombs Street,) PAMETTO GEORGIA; HAVE JUST RECEIVED ONE OF THE Liargcst and Best Selected Stoclts OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE!' UK VGIIT TO Tins SLIKKET; F-MUKAC/NG BUY COCKS, KOTIOaS, \IHI IE COCOS, HO: Ii KY, lI.ITS, COOTS, FOOLS, HARDWIRE Cutlery, Readysmade Clothing, and, in fact, L YEBYUUNG USUALLY KEPI IN A FJIi. T CLASS STORE ! ALSO A SPLENDID STOCK OF FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. &f,y" We cannot and will not be undersold by any one who males the least pos ■ sible profit. „sfps Mr. M. D. THURMOND will he found constantly on band, ready and willing to wait on all who may give ns a call. S6W We keep a full and complete assoilmenl on hand at all times! armers, consult your Intcicsts, and call and examine onr g- ods before buying elsewhere. SMITH cfc BHO. n:w advertisements, $500,000 CASH GIFTS TO BE RAID IN FULL. THE THIRD GRAND GIFT CONCERT '■ IN AID OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KY., will be given in the great hall of Library molding at, Louisville, on Tuesday, July 8, 18 3, at WHich time ten thousand gilts, amounting to a granJ’total of @500,000, all casii, will be distributed by lot io ticket holders. No reduction in amout ot gilts at this distribution, but each gift will bu paid IN FULL ! Office ok Farmbes’ & Drovers’ Rank, ) Lolisvii.i.e, Ky., A pri 17. 1873. j This is to certify that there is in the Farmers’ and Drovers’ Bank, to the credit ot lie Third Grand Gift 1 orct-rt for the ben ifitof the Public Library of Kentucky, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, w hich has been set apart by the managers to pay tiie gifts in full, and will be held by the bank and paid out tor this purpose, at and :h>s purpose only. (Signed.) It. S. VEECII, Cashier. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift, SIOO,OOO One Grand Cush Gift, 50,000 One Grand Cash Gift, 25,000 One Grand Cash Gift, 20,000 One Grand Cash Gift, 10,000 One Grand Cash Gift 5,000 24 Cash Gifts of SI,OOO each,24,000 50, Cash Gifts of 500 “ 25,000 80, Gasli Gifts of 400 “ 32,000 100 Gash Gifts of 300 “ 30,000 150 Cash Gifts of 200 “ 30,000 590 Gash Gills of 100 " 59,000 9,000 Cash Gifts of 10 “ 90,000 Total, 10,000 Gifts, all Cash, $500,000 Only a few t,i> kets remain uusoldj and they rviil be turnislicd to the tirst applicants at the following btices : ' v liole tickets, $10; halves, $5; quarters, $2 50; 11 wholes for $100; 50 for $500; 113 for $1,000; and 575 for $5,000. For tickets and information apply to TH9S, E. BR.IJJI.ETTE, may 1-4 w. Lou svltlc, Ky. l'ake the Shield. A GREAT OFFER, oh.%ce waters* soy, ISI B’way, S. Y., will disp- seol 100 Pianos & Oigans of First Class Tinkers, inclodine WATERS*, at rqtrrmoly low prices for cash, or part cash nrui h-.1-ince in small monthly payments Sew 7 Octave flrst-clas? Pianos, all modern improvements, lor $275 <■-sli. Organs $55, $75; Double Iteed ;orgaits $l3O S-stop $125, and upwards. . WATERS’ CONCERTO PARLOR ORGANS are the most heanlifiil in style and perfect in tone ever made. The Concerto stop Is the best ever plated in any Organ. Ilis produced l-y a 'hiui s**r, ol rood , peculiarly voiced, the EFFECT of ttbirli is most charm 'ng o> and sonl-stirring, while its imitation ol ihe tinman voice is sn;icrb. Terms Liberal. llluslratek Calaleyues mailed for om stamp. A liberal kiscount to Ministers , ( hutches, Sunday Schools, dec. Agents Wanted. r~ —m —i — umi .iiiinnmi— BUILDING FELT (No tar used), for outside wo kand instead ot | laster, Felt carpetings, Ac. c end two cont stamp for circulars and samples. C. J. Fay, Camden, N. J. THE PLAGE TO HUY GO G IS WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET Tlie \5 oi tli Of \onr Money AND THE PUP,LIC WTI.I, FYD THAT PLACE BY CALLING AT Sim PATMETTO, GA., FRONTING THE RAILROAD. Dealer in family groceries and Hardware. He keeps constant’y on hand Sweed Iron, Flow and Cast Steal, Trace and Brinst Chains, II atnes, skuvels Spades and Axes of the best quality. Plows, and ITeid bolts for everybody from the Southern Agricultural works Columbus Ga J-in 24 tf A LIBERAL OFFER. —On receipt 2aot 50 Cent-. Home Cabinet, monthly, wil' be sent for one year, and 25 tine “ Bris tol Board ” Visiting Cards, your own name elegantly printed. Simple numbers and cards 5 cents. Address, W. B. CORNING, Jr. Nyaok, N. Y. I J. M. HOLBROOK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN MEN’S. B ITS’ MISSES’ and LADIES’ HATS Keeps constantly on hand a large stock of all tho LATEST STYLES AND NOVELTIES Known to the trade, and consisting in patl of ihe following brands : BROADWAY’ SILK •TRADE ’ II ....'YOUNGMAN’S’.... PEARL’ and BLACK DRESS CASSIMERE ENGLISH CORK and the following in the finest FURS: TULIP ZEPHYR ATUEKLY CORSAIR' MANSARD.. NOVELTY BETTY and SIDE NUTUA of all grades. MOBILIER... VANDALIER SURE THING.. SHAKSPEARE METEOR BLACK BE AVER And velvet finished g ods ol all grades, PANAMA SECURITY and CANTON STAW 11AT5...,,.,.. of all descriptions, LADIES AND MISSES’ HATS! ! CROCHET RIVAL—ENTOHA LYNET REGATTA .. MGNT VN A ROCIIELLE.. ALPENA ROSIAN.V . .VENICE MISS LINTON.. TULIP and RAMBLER PALMETTO [ HATS v i Besides other names 100 niHtieroiis t<> mention; all of which BADIi S AND GENT LUMEN, TII E rII A D E A T L A R G E Are respectfully invited to call and ex amine. They will find it to their in terest. 8©“ Country merchants wifi find my stock ctjiml to any in the South, and at prices as low as the l< west. April 23 It. STATU. O’? GEORGIA, 1 Camiukli, Covxty. ) WnKItKAS, Richard A. King, Administrator of Ailnm B. King, represents to the Conit, in hie petition, duly tiled and entered on record, that he has lully administered Adam B. King’s estate. This is therefore, to cite nil persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged Irom his adminis tration, and receive letters of dismission, on, tile first Monday in May. 1-73. Given under tnv hand and official signature this February Ist, 1873. R. C. BEAVER Ordinary. fel.7- CUMMI N G S* K I N(r CURE. THIS WONDERFUL LOTION CURES Fresh flits, Bruises and Burns, It bit; worms, (bilblains, and Stys. It ir also good lor (lid Sores. Hirers, Sore Eyes, Risings, lUIDCCTIOV OF 'I I JHMtS, I’intlD SORE Throat, Sore Mouth, Fever Blisters, Sores Caused by Vegetable I’oison and Bites of Poisonous insects, Erystpeles, Inflammatory TOOTHACHE AND SICK HEADACHE. PRICE 25c., 50c. & $1 PER BOTTLE. R@p Made atid sold by R. CUMMINGS, may 22 ly. Palmetto, Ga. J. D. DODD WITH M. Mciilao cfc Ero- Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Clothing, Dry Goods, and Fur nishing Goods, No. 28 Whitehall st., two doors from Alabama, Atlanta, Ga. Are just receiving a large stock of SPRING and SUMMER DRY GOODS, Clothing, Notions, &c.,which they will sell lower titan any bouse in the city. B®,Special inducements to conntry. merchants. anrlG 3in GEORGIA, Campbell Comity : Ordinary’s Office, May IC, 1873. Lewis K. Luck has applied for exemption o! personalty attl silting apart and valua tion of homestead, and I w ill pass upon the same at it o’clock a. m ,on the 30th day of May. ]B7f, at fj office in Faicburn in said county. R. U. BEAVERS, Ordinary. ~C AN 0 E R S Permanent’y cured by addressing Dr. W, C. CoUDKN. No. 47, w. J* tf* rs* n j-rx-t Louisville, Ky.C'epies of his “Jr u-nap’ can be obtained free of charge, giving mode of treatment, and a large list ot casts cured’ Inclose stamp.