The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, August 15, 1873, Image 1

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VOL- 11. RATES OF ADVER NG. One Square*, first insertion $1 00 To each sniwequent insertion One Square, six months. 0 00 OH^ Sqjiare, twelve months 1- w fctberal deduction " ill be made for con I ract advertisements. Enough to pay for wilWbe tharged for change of adventiSwtcntß, Tfi" All articles publish'd benefit o ptirhb-8 or individuals, at their will nVcharged for as advertisements. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: fine copy tit tlie pnpi'r one year, $ 2 00 riiree copies of the paper one year,.. 3 0C five copies of the paper one year,.. .-v 8 Oil .'en copies of the year, —. all lions, \Su?lC be insertetW jri "r \™iter accompany AtWress all communications to O A. CANTRELL. RAILROAD SCHEDULE, At 1 \nt: West Point Uailruati: Mll rra ss kn*g K u Tita in (O ut ward. ) Leaves Atlanta 11 :30 P M. Arrives at Palmetto 12: B a m j A lives at West Point 4:10 a.m. MGHT FRK-Gltr AND I*aBSKXGBR —(lilW ird. Loaves West. Point 2: )f> a M Arrives at Palmetto 7:10 a.m Arr 'veß at Atl - ’ nt i 9 3‘) a M MfIHT KKKKJIJT *M> PAS IMi R (OutWUtd.) L ave. Atlanta 12:30 p > Arrive at Palmetto 2 30 p m Arrives at West Point 8:20 p f DaYTaSSB Xg Kit —(I'l ward.) Leaves Wtid Point 1 40 r m Arrive at Palmetto ....4:31 P. m Arrives at Atlanta 5 40 1* M PROFESSIONAL CARDS, DR. S. W. PALMER rPEXPEHS b : s serv’c sto th ci ,? zon of [ Palmetto and sum u ding count in the Vaii* u hra* c'o sof 1 l>r f ssion. fgj- Office in the Garrett and Wa’tliall building. Palmetto. Ga. [ miH-'iu' 1)1. A. S# WHITAKEH, OFFERS IllS PROFSSIONAL SERVICES in all the branches of the practice of medicine to the citizens of Palmetto and V einity. He tenders h> thanks fur r o’*mrr patr-nage tin 1 solicits and increase in tin* future. psor Resi fenci at the late luiddce A. B La ham. nife. h*2B DH. i\ M. il\ hui:ll, Proposed to offer tiis services To the citizens of Pai.MkTTo. all l tin* ommilnity at large H* is prepared to prac tice in Campbel', Fayette, Dougl >s and Coweta. lie sol cits a share of the pub’ic patronage. pS* Give hitn a call, ft bl4-ly DR. W. S. ZELLARS, Ilnving re nmi-il he p-rc'icc ef m'lbcine respectfully < ir rs his s t vices to the citizens of Pnlmetto and stirronr di' g vic'nity. Ef3S“ Ofli -e in J F. Ellington’s building on Toondis street, rti:t\ lotf. DU. J. 11. WATKINS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pai.mett >, Georgia. Bfßo. Office at R.'si lonco. 'fn|.2otf, LA WYE US. TllO3l AS VV. I.ATUAiU Attorney at Faii-btiiii. Georgia. Wi'l practice in the Courts of Campbell, Ci AVcta, Douglas, Fa' cftc,Fulton at .1 Mer riwetber counties, and in other counties by Fp. cial contrac*; in the S p-eme Court of (Jerrgia. and U. at Atlan'a. rer snns O’de’ieg "nit will pleas fnrnUhCbris tian names of Plaintiffs and Defct and ints. Pr mpl atten'ion given to cases in bank ruptcy. and di-charges obtain. (1 for debt ors. Special attention givn to collection if debts an 1 prrmpt r. turns made. /&&' Oltice in lfie Court House. H. 11. AKDKKWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW Cairbuiti, Georgia. Q. C. G U 1 C K , ATI G RN E Y A T L A II Fairbiirn, Georgia. .©B* Offiee in tlie ,j hnson Rnilding. WATER NLMKRorS TESTS HAVE l it VF.D H. F, !Vcw Turb'nc \Y A T Elt }\ T II E E L To be the Best Tver Invented, Pamphl free. Address. York. Pa Til 1-7 PbACK TO BUY GOODS IS WHKRE YOU ALWAYS GKT The Worth Of Your 41 one y A Nl> TIIE RUIIRIC WILL F 4l> THAT PLACE EV CAI.HXCi AT Sim Zollars’, PATMETTO, GA., FRONTING Til K RAILROAD. TxKALKPv TN FAMILY GItOCFIDFS AND J / 11;nl ware. Uu kuens rontnrt’y on hand Sword lion, Plow ai'tl (hist Steal. Trace a”d fir nst Chains, 1 lames, Shov Is Spades and Axes of the best quality. PI * ws. nnd ITool hn!D for rvervhody from the Scut! cm Agricultural works Colnmhtt? Ga. iau24 tf THE v PALMETTO SHIELD. ANDIRON & WELLS, . \r~ *’ ATLANTA ✓- y , \ GJIGRGLW Grarrtog iMPLEMEsSf FIELD & (FA it DEN’ 'V/is. ■ y Pendleton Oua-o Cash ' / (< *• Credit Ist N V9?sa % <>sh y '' •• “ J CreiHf ' * 70 0 ) Farmer’s Choice x Cash- V 5'.0' 1 “ “ A'oaed'i A, £6.00 • v 2o' Fill I!nsf PtTiof Oats. - SO' 1 fOOI.LY Early corn. CIotV Shed, ijjjnotliy Seed Blue Grass Seel \)(j llhrd tTni ss Sued, and large stock sssorted garden see i. Also, one and (o Horse Plows and other Implements which we.olfer che.p to the t ade. A sent’, For Cotton Gins, Cotton Presses, i!eai> rs and movers, Thrashers, Krigines, Saw mills, MillStone', Plow'ng Macliin'ry ic. A XDERSOM & WeU.S, GLOLGIA, ) CAMrBFt.i. County. ) X ncy Ftew art GUard’an of J sse D Stewart. Emily Savannah Stewart ,( now M r-’.li S. Mi Lai ty,'having applied to the 1 curt <1 Ordinary of said coumy for ads charge from her Guardianship of Jes e D. S’civnrt rnd Emily Savinnah Stewart fi r nierly. I ut now Kmily S. McLar'y’s per sons ard pro pi rty. This is therefore t > eite all persons concerned to skew cuu-e. t y t ling objections in my office, wly the sa’d Nancy Stiwart should not be dismissed In in l.erf lin'd at th p(f Jess “ 1). So wart and Emily s. Stewart forme ly, now Einity s Mei.arl) ,' aLd iici ive tl.e usual le lets of di m slon. Gii a util r my official signature, Ju'.y 7eft r7J. R C. RE \ VER-t, (>. di nary 41 cIvM A X K Y X t(l,, Claim and Patent Agents, Claims of Census Alar.-lials of 18"0 collected niilicut proof of loyalty. P, 0, Box 420, Washington City, I). f, J• D. DODD WITH— M. Mcnlto cfc? U!i*o- WlmlcSiiln nnd Ri tail Dealers ill Clothing. Dry Goods, and Fur nishing Goods, No. 23 Wliituliall st., two donrs from ALihi.Min, Athiiitn. Ga. An.; receiving a large sleek of 'FKING and SUMMER DRYGOODS, (flotliing, N'di-.iis, &c.,which they nil] sell lu.M-r 1 11:111 any house in the city. 86WSpecial inducements to Cunnlry. mer liants. apt 10 3m 7NT3IIW' GROCER Y_ STORE! OSCAR A. CANTRELL Would infer n Lis fiien's and the pub lic generally that lie has opened in tin Shield office, a SE L E C T ST O CIT OK family and fancy groceries SUCH AS Flour, Sugar, 0. fiee, Soap, Soils, Spice, l’l-pper, Ginger, Starch, Gan dy, Cali lies, Crack ers, Oysters, Buckets, Matches, Blacking, E'c., Etc. WHICH WILL 1!E SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH OR PRODUCE! Give mo a trial. 0. A. Cantrell. L. B. LANGFORD, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER IX Stoves, Hollow Ware, (Stork Tin, Tin Plate, sheet Iron XTrimmers’ Findings, Slate Alautels and Grates, Ucusc-Furnishing Goods of i-very description Georgia Marble Stones. Keystone block Whitehall street. Atlanta, Ga. gent for 'lie c debrated “Ctiarler Oik Stove. octlß 3 il J C. REGISTER, DEAI.ER 13 STOVES, TIN WARE & HOUSE FUR NISH ING GOODS, Ni-:wn av, Georgia, Otters superior indue merits to rutom era. lie sclis goods rs ( heap as they can let Long fir iu Aidants, or cist where. Give liitrt a trial. tnay29 6in 'A BOOK FOR THE MILLION! a A private Counselor to the JsVXcUmtiKw -Married or those about to —m i carry on the physi<.logical t T 1 n ; mysteries and revelatiousof * j the sexual system, with the latest discoveries in producing nnd preveiniug offspring, how to preserve the complexion. Ac. This is an interesting work o t two hundred and sixty Es.with nuiuerotts engravings, and contains valuable matioii for those who are married, or contemplate mar riage. Still it is a lunik that ougb t to be kept uuder lock and key, nnd not laid carelessly about the house. It contains the experience and advice o t a physician whose reputation is world-wide, ami should belli the pri. rate draw or of every male and female throughout the entire globe. It embraces everything on the subject > f the gen erative sy stem that is worth knowing, and much that is not published in any other work. Rent to any one (free of postage) for Fifty Cent*. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary,No. 125'. Eighth street Bt. Louis, Mo. -Notice to tie Afiuc ed and Unfortunate. Before applying to the notorious quacks who advertise in publie papers.or t sing any quack remedies peruse Dr, Buns' work no mat ter w hat your disease is, or how deplor able your condition. Dr. Butts occupies n double house of twenty-seven rooms ;i s indorsed by some •• I the most ci L brated medi cal professor* of this country and Liif ope. and can be con sulted personally or by mail, on the disea -os *ti niiotied ill his work. Office and parlors. No. It* N. U.iglith street, between Market i.ud L'hisuut, 7 t, l.vui\ Mo. r mm\ ; . FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1873. f " TIIE KENNESA IF ROUTE" . 0 WESTERN & yi'LANTICR R ANI) Collections. belied tile in tfreot M ty ‘25 h, 1573. ■ MOUTH WALK. - I Man, ns 1 | No :t | /fa, l. Leave Atlanta P 8 : :t lajf I It': tf P ,'t Arrive 0 ltersville.. |ll (Iff. 1 11.3' a m Kingston.... I I .43 “ I 1,u3 *• “ Dalton ?.tii pm I 3 ’X) Chattanooga | 428 •• | 5> 0 •' M.VJIK.. 11. Will leave A'lanfa fi 00 p m Arrive in Cartcrsvple 8 15 ■* Arrive in K nston 8 43 arrive : n Dalton lo 31 “ St PTIt'VARI). | Stations | no 2 | no. 4 Arrive t Atlanta | Iff 45 pm | 1.-5 „ * arte-sville. B.lff 051 a m “ Kaigston... 7 11 -• io 2 “ Dalton 5 33 8 00“ Leave [ Cka l t nrwga | 345 “ ,55-, ITU.JUX PAI.ACE CAItS ON TRAINS Nos 1 1 & 2 To LYAOHISUKG & NEW ORLEANS I’tillmati Palace Cats on liatits 1 2 fill' Atlanta and Chattanooga ! No Change New Orleans to Lynehbrrg- v’a Mon’gom t'ty. Atlanta ad.l Dalton. 0n e Change Atlant. to St. Louis, via Chattanooga. FIFTY-TWO MILES SHORTER Nnv York and Eadern Cilice than any ot:h:;: n-l tk fr m ati.anta ! 21 lion s Quh'krr (n Hie Yiigi In Vji ■ ings (linn tiny oilier line from Ulniita, ttv iitling an Kv|ensivi- Delay anti Transfer in It it hat P,iscrigc)-? lenving Atlanta by L ! sh f ntng Uxi revii, •( ff:LO p. in. arrive in New Y.xk l 1:' 4p. m. I lie second nlternonn tli‘'rcafn.i: 13 holds 33 min tos t urliec limn p -ssengi-rs I y any other rou(e. I’assenacrs leaving All nta at 10 p. m. by this route arrive in N.-iv York at. s • m-- linn* as pass iijiits who left at l :l)0 p in. try op posin.y lines. .if®* Parlies ilcsirinpra wholn car through to Ihi" Virginia Springs or to Lyncliburg, shoufil ail dress the nn ersigneit. pS~ Par'ies c nrrmp! uiiig travel ghi uld send for map. schedule .L-. IJiiicL Um" and c/otse connections is our motto. Ask for (idiotsia ‘'the Ivonncsaiv Route.” B. W. WKKNN, U. P & T. A . Atlanta. Ga. OPENING OF Spring Goods* r pHU attention of tlm citizens of Palmett and the Mi! roiinlinsf comif r i :i r e jien erally ami respectfully invited to Call in and cxaiiiine our st ck of SPRING GOODS, now Ii ing received and opened, widen con sist in part of Ladies' Dress Goods, White Goods, Pruts, Ble ched Goods an 1 H .m-'s tics, Millin- ry Goods and Y t.koe Notions of every deßCriplion. - The larg 'st h st sto k of Boots and. Siiocs Ever brought ( > this m.oifet, which wo buy fur Casti dir ct from tlie Kae'ories at Lynn and Haverhill, M iSsaeliuseUs. We also keep Mats, Caps Umbrellas, Parasols, Faus ami Toilet Articles. Always on band, a large lot of BACON, CORN, HAY, FLOUR, LARD AND MOLASSES, Which we.wil ’et out for Crop Liens t.i re, sponsible p-rtics. We rre also Agents fur tin* sale of CARROLL'S COLD WATER SOAR, Wiiii h will wash your Clothes clean and white without rubbing or betting. This So-ip is verily the WOMAN’S FRIEND; GARRETT & WALTHALL Palmetto, Ga., April 9,157”. SOU TIIE R N NURSE RY. IRWIN & THURMOND, W,. are offering to the public a selection of Fruit adopted to the Sonthe n climate, consis ing of apples.*peaches, pears. | iums, iptini-es, grapes, English walnuts. Spanish chestnuts, mulberries, pecans, etc. Our Floral Department in p-esiilnl O'er by a skillful tl rist, in wi ich may he fount "ul na menial slirubbery of all varieties.and liot house p ants at prices that will defy couipt * ion. We have every thing Ho t is usual ly found in a well conducted Nursery, and ol varieties that we It- ve tested iod know to he suited to the sot tlie-n climate. We will upon application fitrr.i-h i r.atis onr catalogue and piece lis". Add rs= : Irwin it Tiiuhm mi, P. O. Box 565, Atlanta, Ga. Mr. John F. E lington. of Fal inelio, is our iigcnt fur the c unties of Canipliell and Coweta, and all orders given by bint will be tided w itb prornpt ni-ss and fine. may2o tf. $72 00 EACH WEEK! Agents wanted every In-re. Business strictly legitimate. Pal I ieiibki s Iree. Address J. Worth A Cos., M. L.-uis, Mo. In ally J. F. CROWELL, Mill -Wd-iglit, r? now pro pared to do all k : nd of work in liG lino. FarrioM wanii<d I mills np lirrd, or m*w oi <*B bnill. Will d.i well lo cull on him. He .‘•‘oFciis thoptir noeof ' wjinhnjr work or e on ui,j{ runtjing br water,or inacJrim. i v ol an)- lii.d, J. K. CITOWKLL. I’allUcttu* liii. JAMES \V. CARNES, MILL-WRIGHT t I,(pCATKI> IX Ptilmctlo Genrg’a Solicits tli" ijl'rnnag.. of all wishing work done in Ii- timv Arw mills built, or old ones repair, and; gerring. water gins Ac. lie is also Agi at foi /he Leffetl's double Turbine wat.r wheel. Hhgims p-irtable. or slationaij Portable mills and mill material of all kinds as ma-uf clur.d by Pool & Hunt lialtimi re. * il • Persons 1 vittg at a distance cm address him ut P.laietto Georgia. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP” Examine tl.e the slock of THORNTON & DOLLEMAN ! before ye. buy elsewhere. They have a line sell cl ion of Cottor.ades, Unrns, Pitpies, haw its, Vain sooks, 'I nil ins, tit. A I.AItGE STOCK OF Shoes. Ilats, * tlotliirg, Motions, Hardware. freekery, firoreries, & F A .41 I I. Y 41 K DICI X KS. They drfg cijm/xi ihon in ai.glhmg they P ro lX)s". lo m 11. [ ;l | i2f> 3m. MELEY’S PATENT GRAVE MOUNO? Rcvfrc flic Dciul ami (he Living: uill Honor V a. TLT all who l:av.j leluliveFor (rirn<l wlio -i Imvc* r:i.std lo tlicir lumps in ti e land of tin* I'i yomi have MLLI’Y’S l'A f LS'IMiILAVK MOUNDS cr'-cud to mark tlvir last ns ing j place. They ar<* the mi ilurablc. cmemi [ 0.1 beautiful nml iiMim*Mtal lo"inl;. ever be fore the public previous- to this time. Gall on or address, CDCiiIIAN v"c YORK, Fa i t urn. Gh. , Sole fo C unpbell c >n*i*y. Tlie work j cn b* seen at F lirfourn. Palmetto. Campbell I ton and Rethsaith. jnly2s 3:n <§*]() * ro C*OAp ( ‘ r 0:1 v - sTe:l win re-1 f}) lu/ tp v/fv rv" hero. FartDtn rs free; iddrcss X. il, Blair & Co..St, LDiti^Tio EV E I:V CO I?NET BAXTT” In tin 4 con ti 11*3* will rocoivo a splon did piece (*l band mn>ic free by so d iti•* n two cent stamu t Edwakd A Samiki.s, I>iib!islior,1 > iib!islior, Boston, Mass. Uu niters, Luok to Your Interest. The man to patro'dze is tlie one who will do your work we'l and cheap, an I at, s*h it notiie. and that in n is i: \OU i I ST KICK LA X I>, Whoha-J jii't a wood shop in con nection with is black mith s'.iop at East end of Railroad street, FAJRnUIN, GEO /r | He has a toll oomph*n. nt of ( xperieficed werkm n and is prepared to do ah kinds of work in his line. lie makes n * T v '.Yajons. BilH'/lca. nnd rcp*:ii>, old'oncs. keeps new Wnizois and lug jri"B consfant’y on ha:,d for s .le. ji• 31 fon 111!) .YLW ELASTIC TKI’SS. An important Invention. It retains tlie Riqdu-e at al times, and ur dor the hard >t exercise and c< - virisf strain. Il is worn \v th comfort, nnd if kept on nielit aid and v (fleets a pennaneiit ‘ lire in a few we.-ka. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when reqnes ed. ( ivculars free, when ordered b. Utter sent to the El otic I’rn-s f’o.. No. G*S3 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses metal spring tresses; too pain ful; they slip oft too frequently. ap23-ly MONEY made rapidly with Stencil and key Note Outfits. Catakjnie and full paiticulars free. S. M Si’KNCK.H, 117 Hanover st. f Biiston. Joy to the VA oui.n ! Wom n 14 Fkkk Amotiv* the iiianv mndem discoveries look ing to the happiness and ame'ioration of tin* human race, none is entit (and to hiuher eon idration than ifie renowned r medy-- Dr J. I*radtie!(Fs F male Regulator, Worn mV lb*st Friend. By it wornm- is emancipated Iroin numberless il’s peculi r t. > her sex. Le ‘oreitsmajic power al. irrugu lari ties of tte womb vairsh. Ii cii'es whites. It cures sup pr ssion ol die menses. It. removes uterine strengthens the system. Il braces the nerves and pirifles the blood. Jt. ne*’er fails, as tin us nds of women will testily. This valu able meeVuie is prepared and sold by L. H Ur dfi ld, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga# ! r‘ce SI uO per bottle. All respectable drug; inen he p if. 3 lskigkk. Ala , 18(18. Mr. L. 11. BitAl)FlKj.n--Sir: Please forward ns imniedia'elv, another supply of lad field’s Female Bcjulator. We find it to be all that is claimed fr it, and we have vvH nes ed the most decd**d nnd happy (tfe ts produevd by it. Very re peetfully, Uuntku & Ai.lxanpki:. We the unders’jrnert tak* pleas ure mi eornnieadinjif to the trade. Dr. J. 15 rad fie'd’s Female Regulator, b lievi g it. to be a god and n liab'e reme ly lor the disen-es hii whicli he reeonnnci a- it. W. A. Lansdu.l. At anta, Ga . l’l .MIIEHTO.N, W ll.sON, IaYI/h: it C'T., At aiita. Ga. Rkdwink & Fox, A* la nt i, Ga, \V. ('. Lawshk. Atlai t •. (La, VV RoeT &.Sox, Marietta Ga. 6r A1 EOF G FOG I'• —T ro up Con nt. *. 1 his is to c<** tif\ tint Il iv • examined the r cipe ct Dr.J.B aißii-l l ot this count . and as h inediea mm pronou c<* it to be a cotn h'nati no: m r*i inesofgMai ni lit in the treatment ot >ll the (Fi-eases ot females for which he ft commends it. Ties D( c tribe** *J!, 'A M. P, Bkaslky, v,‘. I). The Beckwith S*iO Pot table Family Sririnsf .11 ichine on 33 Bays many advunt igt* over all. S ilisiaction gu roiieed, or S2O refunded. Beut_co!np!ete with full direcious Beckwith Sewi ir AL,chine Comyany. 832 LJroidw y, N. Y. tip 3-iy EDWARD J. EVANS & GO., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN York, Fennsylvaxi t. uta'ogiii s ni.-iil. il to ttpiilicuLls Refer [I ij permission) lo IIOX .1, >. i'I.ACK, \\ tisi.itlgllih, D. C. V\ i t Kit, Son A Carl,Bankers, Yi-i k, l’. in 22 Out. TII E PALMETTC^IIIELr, A A WEE AL Y NEWSPAPER, ’ l’ul Llicd at PALMETTO GE( KOI A. Devoted to TEMPERANCE, AGRKTLTTRE, J OLITICS, LITERATURE, .SUBSCRIPTION, IN AD VAN EC E TWO DOLLARS, PER ANNUM. ooononnronof ooonoooooooooooooooono* • onnofiononoonoMDDDiioiiniiDDiii’DO 00000 ooi. est#- SUBSCRIBE NOW!! “isa m.. ()( )<)( MMM MX HUM >1 W Mil MKXMI( U l mill H M)ll(illl) 1 )()( ) OOOOUUOOOOUOOUOOOOOOOOOLI lOUUOUUc)U(K) Being- publisked in tin cnlcrpt’sing town on tiic Atlanta & West Pi int Railroad, in a good section of country and having a large circulation in Campbell and surrounding com.lie- the public will find it a good medium fm ADVERTISING! DfL CROOK’S WINE OF TAR ! tTon Y ,> ursofp publiff fesl has proved I>r.< look’s \Vineol Tar toliavcinoro merit than any similar preparation cvtioficri'd I'* the public. It is rich in the medicinal qualities of Tar r ttiuk unequaled for diseases of the Throat A I. ii urß, peiformnifi the most remarkable euro** ** clfeetually cures all < au*l ( nlh. It lias i— many eases of Asllin.-- antl r>r*NU*l)ids, that i" ha.s been prc-noimcetl a specific for these ft>rp plaints. Pm Painsin file lireast, 5i1144 or Itack, ravel or iiidiify lis raNO. diseasesoi t!ie I’riit nvy OrjiiiuH, JiCHMlirc or any Livc-r Cii>i>Ja!m *—it, 1 1 ;i V 11< M■< tU\ll. It is also a superior 8 onic. lies!ores (he Ap;>otito, StrenstliciiM (Ire N.vstem. Restores the Weak and Ce!>ili(.a<el, (Tiiimos (In- i'ooil (< I>i^e~t % Removes Dyspepsia rod inP ui sihi >. I re%ei(-t Hl.ilai'iDUs i’cui.-, Clives (one (o you r sf eat- THE PALLOR COMPANION. Every 1: ily wants one! Ev ry inn lo b.rve one!! Sent ) ire *•-IpC of ten cent*. Ad Ireßs L F HYDE & GU., ID-3 Sevemh A\ mie. New Yuik. apt -ly . Ars axd by Mnr.r tea*, ing Phrsiciur.: thr.a :n • ctVr T-’nicorS.l.a --clantn.'Wla r.". T .-.-am A SURF. I 3 REVr.r;TIYE, F. r Fr'Trr nn.l Ague la’crtuittcn' -.. rilioa-ues* nut nil !• orders ar sing ftom malarioK• fMi* I '. T K cr are ti-gLI.- r ewnrtendrffn.t m jWTW>Y;’PI PTl(', r-nin fft>m t.f OUST ION are iN-atuartn. A* r\ APl’l'.Tir.lUi a:tl I ♦ ('ITERANT nu.l in oases tf Or .EIiM. 1'17.1 TV l • have never in a single instance f ! 1 in producing tlie Laj-jij results. T'‘-y | :*rti*i.!:.rtv IKINKA-T'CSAF. r i O i*r^l.*.LE3, Btrcngthcningtho loilr. iuvigorating t . i.A .and. r<\ p!vh**Y t,mo and elasticity 1j the v(• !j i fn. Lc KoiiK ]..• TI.RH arc comp.oulul -.l v th tn-,• Tvat trf care, rad no t fi le stimulant hasev.-r ln-fo'o ten < red to the l uLlic PLKASANT TO r -K TAUTR ni-.drt t same tiiac ro ;U:-.- Ifig so many remedial n-m-.j endors- il 1 v 11 .> medical fntcr- •- ty r.stho best known t> the riarmaco.-utia. itcosti but 1.:- f.: to p'rothm a fair tcif.l. r- l Every family i Jtould IT:.vo a UottT-. No preparation in the war I can jr< Inc ; s > many t:acv M . T. I endorsenen- by \ hysiciaue <f hc ver. L'.jhcst ftaudj:;/ iu their prof ‘s=i n. indorsed nUo ly Vic C-crg-j and f’; leading denomina ti i natpaperr. Rev. V :t. It. Terrors. (h eldest Metluvlis* r/mister In Pt. :;:t; t t I'.rr .' ■ • re t,; r:.trf..l in conbribu t.:i ; in the rctitorat.ou ct r.iy tircucth, 1.4 <•' appetite. # 0--noRN yrn.. .Time 2T. 1 -Tl. Person-, rr-fttlr debilitat 'd. -4 J t..i\ • 1 e.i. r.;. 1 who requi e n vnxif < r Btimi'uxt, need se.E lor nuthiuj l.e ter than Iha lionie r.i*ers. u>. \.. COFK, Presiding Elder M. F. Church, riatisburg District. I'mtkd Sta.-k 4 Makin:: lio i'tTAL. > Ft. I.ofi.i Oct. 8. Jamt4 A. Jatkson a To.— 1 l. e .tmincd t ;e r rtuuU f r the ** lloino Stem 1 h letters, aid use 1 them in this hospital the last four mouths. I consider tAc :t the I .tost vnla nlil- "ionic and stimulant now ' a use. ,S. 11. MT LCJiKU, Reside .t Physician in charge (T. .-U Marine Hospital. Jamku A. Jackson L Co.—(Jcntlcuu u: /y • I vs cam municated -.othe medical prob asion t‘ic r-cipe* of the ‘‘Home llitlcra," it ctiHnnt. tliereforc be considered n. 11 ptitea me - ieiue, no patent Laving been taken Grit. We have examined Che formula fur Making (lie "Home llitUr.;." Jttitl uuhesta tinjrly my the conibintiti'.n i*c ue f ra e excellence, nil tha articles used in it4composition lire the best of the class t which they belong, h- ing highly Touic, Stimulant, .'stomachic. Carminitive, nn I slightly I.axativ •. Tito m de ef preparing them is strictly in nconrdnnen with tlie rulcsof pA rmacv. Jlnving used them i . onr private practice, we take plea uro in rceomm tiding them to nil ivrs ni desirous of taking Ritters, n* being the best Tonic aud LUiuulant now offered to the pub lic. FRANK G. I’OFTI I’rof. Obstetrics nn 1 Pisensrs of Worn'—. CollcjJ of l’h • i ciaas, and iato member Board ef Health. C. P.OISUNIITvF. Trof. f Obstetrics uni Diseases cf v/, St. I.ouls Med. College. • DRAKE McDOWI LL. M. !>.. Late Pres't. Mo. Mi di :1 Coil go, K. A. CLARK. M. I)., Prof. Rnrger'-. Mo. IJcilieal Collect rnd late Lcsidct-t Ph;. >l - City Hospital, St. Louia Missouri. JIKRRURT rn::iM. Prof. Practical Pharmaer. St. T .Oll is Colic cof Pharmacy. J. C. V/lILTI.JIILL. U.d. Medic 1 Archives. Air. llkacoc-:, ?1. D. l)r. C. V. F. Lc whs, C. Our.trKr, M. D. S. Guatz Moses. M. I>. C. A. 17*;:::, M. I). W. \. Wn.rox. M. P. F. C. FR.'VKLIN. M. I>. Fraf. Surgerv, Homo , o'athi'; Mi di- I Co’ _ T. J. VASTINE. M. Id. T. <1 COMSTOCK. >l. Prof, of Midwifery and Diseases of Women, Colley: of llomn-n. pathic Physicians and Surgeons. JOHN T. TEMPLE. M. D.. Trof. Materia Medici an l Tlicr.uipoutics, llouiceopatiiic Medl eul Coilege. of MLisouri J NO. COXZLLM AN. M. n., Lecturer On Diseases of Children, Ilouio'opaihic Collece of Missouri, CiiAULKS VASTINK, M. !>.. Prof, of rhyslo’o'-r. lloruiTopathic Medical College of Mo. JiHIN 11 Alt r.MAN. M. I*.. Prof. Clin'eal Medicine. Col. TIo tjopathie Physicians and Surg'n. They are superior o all other Stomach Hitters. KNNO SANDERS. Analytical Cuemist. No rdtters i:t the worl l can •#. ! them # SIMON lilllSCH. Analytic:-1 Chemist. Eminent IMiysicinn:! ui I'Jslc.iro. Th *t irm.iH for th • Horn • P.ittcrv h been submttt-.I to us, end we believe thorn lo be the best tonic and .stimulant lor general use now offered to the public. IT, Woonacitv. M. D.. O. A. Mauiver, Analytical J*-. V. Lj.akky, M. I>. Chcmis’. Prof. Chcmistrv, l.ush 11. S. Hahn, M. D., Medical College. H. McVicak, M. 1)., J. IL Wai.kuii, V. I'., Noun. S. JUfiKEs, M. D., T- S. Hoy.nk, M. L.. ft. LudLam. M. !>.. Thus. T. Ellis. M. D., Jas. A. Coll;ni, M. D., J. A. Hahn, M. P. Eminent Plsystoian.i in Cinelnnnti, Nearly all of whom urc Professors iu tn: or the other of tha Medical Colleger, No other Bitters have ever bo'-n o.T:-cd lo the public em bracing so many valuable remedial a cuts. •7. L. V'ATTikT., M. I>., L. A. James M. D., C. T. Simpson. M. 1).. S. P. Bonser. >l. 1 ~ C. S. Mfser.A r. M. P . G. W. Riolkii. M. L„ IU. T. Taluafekro. M. D. J. J. Qn.xx, M. D.. J. H. Bucknek, M. !>., W. K. IVoonwaki>. M. D. t G. A. DoiiKrtv. M. D., It. S. Wavnk, Ch mi t. ('. Woi'DWAKtt, M. I).. G. K. Tayi.ou. M. I I>. W. McCarthy. M. D.. P. U. Malky. M. D. t ii- H. John -n M. 1). S. IL Tomlin on. M. D. F/!?.;:b:‘:!‘ Fhysicinns in .Tit mphis: Tli. l!em' Bite rs i re an itnolu blc remedy fur indigestion and diseases nrisin- from malarial causes. l. B. Thhunt. n. >l. 1 > Alex. UnsKt-R, 51. D., in charge < f Ci’y Hospital, 51. K. Hoicks. M. !., J. M. Ropokus. si. 1 l‘.uri. Oti.y. M. D.. 11. W. Pl'knkll, M. I'., M. A. Ekmi nhs. M. D., b*Ni>P"ur> Bum . M. Jos. E. Lynch. M. P.. C 3 £:ysician'i .its P'Hxlmpff;.; B. F. Dank. 51. 1).. ~ \,'m. 51. I*.. SU. H. Childs. M 0.. P. il. U'illa M. IV. O. Wl'Tii, Chcmiu. J. il. M •'’i.hund, :.. P.. AitcS Hundrot!-! of Otao.j In all part; ef tim North. W -st an l South* J. 1.. Gau.xKu, 51. 1)., Milwaukee. • Uol'm u. r.i.rr- . Mar-di "T. i'M. James A. Jackson A Co.--11 1\ in : examined ho formula of th • “ Home Stomach Biller V 1 have 1 resenoo* them ti ia_. , . tiec for some time, and pronuuuee them th • best Tonic Bitti : bow in use. I*. H. Ve.MAIiON, s*. I>. Qj't'or sale by all druggists and grocers. iahu'S V. .Jackson A Cos., Proprietors. Labratory 105and 107 X. Second St., St. Louis Viouri. the cw vici<jk s. iu. lo nf:w sewing machine “V I CTO 11” Kims very E isy, linns very Fast, Kims my Still. Has Ni w Shuttle Superior to all others. DEFIE3 COMPETITION, Great Improvements in Needle, (ill.lint tie Set Wrong. C 63" Agents Wanted. Ad dess THE ‘'VICTOR” S. M CO. No 54 Tenth St. 4 doors West of Bondway, N Y. Twelve .Million Acres! CIIEAFF A K M S ! Tlie cheapest lind in the market for sa’e by 1 he UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. la llte (:r<‘-ii I’fa'ic Vtlhy. 58,000,000 Acres in Cantral Ne -1 10.-k 1 now for site in tracts ol tnr’j acres ariit upward* on five > rat ten ye- r s credit ut Gp. r ent No :e’v-nei. -i leie c t reqn*rd. Mild and lie ltMul climate, fertile soil, anil alininlance of good water. I lie ties! market in tlie vVe-1 ! Tin frreat in ning region of Wyoiainjr Cos orado, Utah aid Nevada l.eicg -upplied by tlie farmers ir. tlie I’laile Vul ey. Soldiers Entillcil to a Homestead of Hid Acres. The Best Locations for Colonics. Free Homos for All. Millions of acres of choice Gi vi nment Lands open l r entry >1 Li!** it" 1 l Iniw, • ear this great railroad wiiligu and inirke’s out ..It the con veniences o' an old set-fid "Oantrv. l’reo passes to 1 uiuhasns of Hailrinel Lauds. Section: 1 M ip:, stiowing tlie la..ft, also n-'iv edilii n ol I'ecrip iva Pamphlet wiih New Map- mailed free everywhere Address <) K. Dsvlg, Land C ui.niisyioner Id. P. It. it., Uu iu, Nebraska. NO. 9.