The Palmetto shield. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1872-1873, September 05, 1873, Image 4

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RAILROAD SCHEDULE. Atl iiita &r West Pciut Railroad: e§f:,&-S£ 'T.:: Z3L.S : tK lig SIGHT PASBENC4ER TBs IN'— (Out Ward ,) Leaves Atlanta 11:.‘!0p.m. Arrives at Palmetto 12: Oam Arrives at West Point 4:10 a. m. sight freight and FaSSExger—(lnward. Leaves West Point 2:15 a m Arrives at Palmetto 7:lti a.m Arrives at Atlant i 9.30 a m SIGHT FREIGHT ASH PABSEXG R—(Out ward .) Leaves Atlanta 12:30 p y Arrive at Palmetto 2:30 p M Arrives at West Point 8:20 v M bay passenger—(lnward.) Leave* West Point 1 40 pm Arrive at Palmetto 4:31 p. M. Arrives at Atlanta 5 40 r m LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. Examine tire tbe stock of THORNTON & DOLLEMAN before yov buy elsewhere. They have a fine selection of Coltoradcs, I.inrns, Pi<|iics. Latins, Sain sooks, Muslins, Ac. AI.RO A LARGE STUCK OF Shoes. Hats, Clothing, SoliOliS Hardware, Creekery, Groceries, & FA 31 11. Y 31 K 1> BCI i\ ES. They defy competition in anything they propose, to sell-. [ap23-3m. WATER NUMKROUS TESTS HAVE 1R VED F, Curr.bam's \(\v TurbißC WA T E R WII E E I. To he the Rest Tver Invented, I’amphl free. Address. York. I‘a Tin: place to m v goods IS WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET The Worth Of Your Money AND THE PUBLIC WILL F HID THAT PLACE BY CALLSiVS AT 23i:mL Sellars’, PAT MET TO, GA., FRONTING TIIE RAILROAD. Dealer in family groceries and Hardware. He keeps eonstnnt'y on hand Sword Iren. Plow and Cast Steal, Trace and Bri ust Chains, Hatties, Shovels Spades and Axes of the best quality. Plows, and Heel bolts for everybody from the Southern Agricultural works Columbus Ga |an24 tf SOUT LI ER N N U RSEKY. IRWIN & THURMO D. We are offering to the public a selection of Fruit adopted to the southern climate, consist!no of app!e-,gpeaehs, pears, plums, quinces, grapes. English walnuts. Spanish chestnuts, mulberries, pecans, etc. Our Floral Department, is presided over by a skillful florist, in which may be found "or namental shrubbery of all varieties,and hot house p’ants at prices that will defy com po tion. We have every thing that is usual ly found in a well conducted Nursery, and of varieties that we have tested and know to he suited to the eoethe-n climate. We will upon application furnish gratis cur catalogue and price list. Add. css : Irwin & Tiiuemi np, T. 0. Box 5G5, Atlanta, (in. S@L Mr- Juliu F, Ellington, of Pal metto, is our agent for the cc unties of (JampheJl and Coweta, and ail orders given by him will be filled with prompt ness and care, may2o tf. Grave Moisutis. The Meley Patent Grave Mound is chaste and apj iopi iate protection for the remains of the departed, which lias borrowed its beauties from both art and nature, form a finished little mausoleum which the s. a-shell is so delicately airanged, as to attest an in nate good taste at el a high degree of' aitistic skill. We cordially commend it to those desire us of sheltei it g their L.vodjbut lost ones, with a nupetsti ne t-lire as durable: as it is imam ntal Many have been erected here, affoid iug in every instance perfect satisfac tion. They are true si eeimens of del n-are v. oikmanship : impel vions to rain; chaste as chiselled marble; fiim as ad amant. An elegant and permanent sato guaid, Eennotjiieiti as appropri ate, tl is is t.d t) nsy cati h | i.i.y, but an invention which nas been subjected to tlie severest lest, and has triumph ed as only an unimpeachable success Can; its increasing popularity afford ing the surest evidence ol real, genuine bv fit,— South Alabamian. The Meley Grave -mind as put up by: Ur, Anterine not only preserves the grave, hut ornaments it in a manner blurt is. pleasing to the eye and coinibi - Bug to the heart. The expense is not great while liie object accomplished is vd vi al'importance. Wc are glad to see that so many gl are. 1 * have been pre this method. They should be placedover every grave incur city, Troy (Ala.J Messenger. Greenville, liutlet comity, Ala., May 19th, 1873 We, the undersigned, ettizens of this county, having had occasion to exam— i,r the Meley Patent Grave Mound, take pleasure in adding their testimo nials to th so so freely given by the press, as to its beauty, dm ability and in aior. te cost. Mmyof ns have had these mounds erected over tt.e graves <-d. him- kindred, and speak from actual knowledge and experience when we state, that, they are all that is c aimed fiir them, and we take pleasure in rec ommetidir g tin in. to tire favorable pat ronage of the public. Signed by about fifty of the most substantial citizens of the place. These mounds are erected by Cocli '■ " . ” ’ ' :VC the sale right of Campbell ci unty OPENING OF Spring Goods* atrentiou of tbe citizens of Palmett L and the surrounding country :i-e pea-* erallv and respectfully invited to call in aud examine our stock of SPRING GOODS, now being received and opened, widen cun si: tiu part of Ladies’ Dries Goods, White Goods, Prints, Bleached Goods and Dames tics, Millinery Goods and Yankee Notions of every description. al=o The largest at.d best stock of Boots nucl Siloes Ever brought t> this musket, which we buy for Cash direct from the Factories at Lynn and Haverhill, Massachusetts. Wealso keep Hats, Caps. Umbrellas, Parasols, Fans anil Toilet Articles. Always on lirnd, a large lot of BACON, CORN, HAY, FLOUR, LARD AND MOLASSES, Which we wil. let out for Crop Liens to re, sponsible parties. We r re also Agents for the sale of CARROLL’S COLD WATER SOAP, Whi.b will wash your Clothes clean and white without rubbing or beating. This Soap is verily tlie WOMAN'S FRIEND; GARRETT &, WALTHALL. Palmetto, Ga., April 9,187’. T.H E PALMETTO SIIIELT, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Published at PALMETTO GEORGIA. Devoted to TEMPERANCE, AGRICULTURE, POLITICS, LITERATURE &c SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANECE, TWO HOLLA RS, PER ANNUM. ooooooncooor 00000000000000 ' 0000000 ooooooooononononnnnnoo oonndnr 000000 or.nj@“ SUBSCRIBE NOW!! “’©Sooo ooaoooooonoiinoooooooooooooooooooooo coooooooooooooooooooooooooo 00000000 Being published in an enterpiising town on tlie Atlanta & West Point Railroad, in a good section of country and having a large circulation in Campbell and surrounding counlieslhe public will find it a good medium for ADVERTISING! DR. CROOK’S WINE OF TAR ! a Ten Years of Republic tost has proved Dr. Crook’s _A4jHF Wineof Tar to have more merit than any similar preparation over offered U? the public. It is rich in tlie medicinal qualitieSof Tar, and unequaled for diseases of the Throat J„ si ta ks, performing the most remarkable cure*® V effectuallycuresall Mini Colds. Itlias L—• many cases of aml 6 r*si cb i. t Is, that lz Las been pronounced u **VIJ specific for these com (ll piai nt s. For I s a3ns £n the K Breast, &:.:o or Back, li travel oa* Kiiiiicy <lis* rase, diseases of the ITriJi || , ary Organs J.’UUMlicc or any Liver Complaint It. has no equal. It is also a superior Tonic, lb‘S(oi‘CK the Appetite, fihonßliims tlie Stystmi, Y estorcs the Weak and Debilitated, Causes (ho fi'ooti £< li>sji‘<**-♦, Removes I>yspepsi*t and fanJijjestlosi, r’reiesits 51<i1iiMOiii I’cvtiai Gives tone toyourfiyfatciiv. MELEY’S PATENT GRAVE MOUND, Revere the Read and the Living will Honor You* IET all who have relatives or friends who A have passed to their hrniesin the land o{ the beyond have MELEY’S PAT ENT GRAVE MOUNDS erected to mark their last resting place. They are the most durable, economi cal, beautiful and ornamental toombs ever bes lore the public previous to this time. Call ou or address, COCHRAN & YORK, Fauburn, Ga. Sole agents for Campbell cmnty. The work can be seen at Fairburn. Palmetto. Campbell ton and Bethsaid*. july2s 3m Tft tit'OriL 01 ' nav - Agents wanted J)iU * j)/wv/ey' rywhere. Particulars iree: address \% 11. Blair & Co.* St, LotilSjfflo J. F. CROWELL, TVlill - Wi’isFlt. Is now prepared to ilo nil kind of work in hi* line. Parties wanting oi l mills rep tired, or new oi es built, Will do well to call on him. 11b solicits tbe of 'hose wanting work tone on gins running bv water,or ninr-l.inorv of any kinrl, l ' J. r . CROWELL. I’almetto’ Ga. 4 WHEEL J, I). DODD WITH TNI. Menl£.o cfc 3ro- Wholesule and Retail Dealers iu Clotiiing. Dry Goods, am! Fur nishing Goods, No. 28 Whitehall at., two doors from Alabama, Atlanta, Ga. Are just receiving a large stock of SPRING and SUMMER DRYGOODS, Clothing, Notions, &c..which they will sell lower Ilian any house in the city. B©Special inducements to country, merchants. aprl6 3m KTEW GROCERY STORE! OSCAR A. CANTRELL Would inform his fiieuds and the pub lic generally that be has opened in the Shield office, a SELECT STOCK OF FAMILY AND FANCY GROCERIES, SUCH AS Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Soap, Soda, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Starch, Can dy, Can lies, Crack ers, Oysters, Buckets, Matches, Blacking, E'c., Etc. WHICH WILL BE SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH OR PRODUCE ! Give me a trial. 0. A. Cantrell. GEORGIA, r~ Campbell County, f Nancy 8 tew art Guardian of J sse D Stewart, Emily Savannah Stewart,( now Mr-.E S. McLartyA having applied to (he Court of Ordinary of said comity for ad 's charge from her Guardianship of Jes=e D. Stewart aud Emily Sav S'ewait for merly. but now Emily S. McLnr'y’a per sons and property. Tnis istherelore to eite all person* concerned to shew cause, by fling objections in my office, why the said Nancy Stewart should not be dismissed from her Gua-d'anth’ p of Jesse 1). Stewart and Emily s. Stewart formerly, now Emily s. MeLarty, and reotire tlie usual letteis of dismission. Given under my official signature, July 7th Ift73. R. C. BEAVERS, Ordinary 31 cKJS N N 1) Y &. GO,, Claim and.Patent Agents, Claim? of Cen c us Marshals of 18C0 collected witheut proof of loyalty. P, (5, Box 429, Washington City, TANARUS). f, J G. ItEGISTKK, DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE & HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS, Nlwnav, Georgia, Offers superior induct merits to cutom ers. He sells goods us cheap tbeycan b * bought in Atlanta or elsewhere. Give him a trial, may 29 6m “ THE KEEN ESA IV ROUTE. 1 ' V I A WESTERN & ATLANTIC E. R. AND CONNECTIONS. Schedule in effect M y 25th, 18T3. NOKTHWABD. | Stations | No. 3 | No. 1. Leave Atlanta .... 8:30 A m I H’:' 0 v m Arrive Onitersville.. 11.OG ■ 11.3' am Kingston...* F.45 “ I 1,03 4 * “ Da ton 2.01 pm I 3MO “ U (Chattanooga 428 *• | 5 f’O ,fc NUMBER 11. Will leave Atlanta 6 00 r m Arrive in Cartersville 8 15 “ Arrive in Kinston 8 43 * 4 Arrive n Dalton 10 30 “ - southward. | Stations | KO. 2. | no. 4 Arrive 1 Atlanta .... i 10 -45 p m | p M •• 8.1 f: * k I 7 0.51 a m Kinusron... 744 “ jlo’2 k< 4 * Dalton 535 *• j 800 Leave |<l a* tunnftga | 345 “ | 555 { PULLMAN PALACE CARSON TRAINS NOS 1 I & 2 To LYNCHBURG & NEW ORLEANS Pullman Palace Cars on trains 1 & 2 fur Atlanta and Chattanooga! % No Change New Orleans to Lynchburg—via Slonfgom - cry, Atlanta add Dalton. One Change Atlanta to St. Louis, via Chattanooga. FIFTY-TWO MILES SHORTER New York and Eastern Cities THAN ANY OTHER ROUTE FROM ATLANTA ! 21 Hours ({uit'kcr to (he VirgL ia Springs Itsan any other line from Ulanta, avoiding an Expensive Delay and Transfer in Ricbin nd. Passengers leaving Atlanta by Lightning Exrrpfe, • t 6:90 p. m. arrive in New York t 4:14 p.m. the second afternoon thereafter: 13 lihuis 35 min’ tes earlier than passengers I y any other route. Passengi rs leaving Atl nta at’O p. m. by ibis route arrive in New York at same time as pa,s"ngers who left at 6:00 p. m. by op posing lines. v@#- Parlies desiring a whole car through to tbe Virginia Springs or ro Lynchburg, should address the undersigned. pif Par'ies conremplating travel should send for map, schedule. &e., Quick time and close connections is our motto. Ask for i kefs via “the Kennesaw Route.” B. W. WRENN, G. P. & T. A., Atlanta, Ga. THE SEW ELASTIC TRUSS. An important invention. It retains the suptnse at all limes, and under thelvirdest exercise and se verest strain, it is worn with comfort, and II kept on nialit and dny effects a permanent cure ia a few weeks. Bold cheap, and sent by mail when mpins'ed. Circulars (rep, when ordered by letter sent to the Elastic Truss Cos., No. 683 Rroadw'ny, N. Y. City. No ,ody uses metal spring truss s; too p: in ful; they slip off too fre,,uetly. ap23-iy, A I-1 BEHAI. OFFER.—Od receipt of 5u cent . Home C'ab'uet. moiUbly, wiP be sent lor one year, and 25 five *• Bris tol Board ” Visiting Cards, veurowm name elegantly printed. Sample numbers and cards 5 cents. Address, VV. B. CORNING, Jr.. Nyack N. Y. L,. C. POiiUEj Bricli-Mason, CHAFEL HILL, Douglas County, Georgia. Is prepared to do all kiuds of work in the brick line at short notice. angß ly NOTICE. TOLLED before me as an eslray on the sth day of Aueust. 1873 by William Treatham, of the 1134 district G. M., of Campbell county, Ga., one flea-bitten grey horse, medi m size, right bind foot snagged ; no other marks or brands on said horse ; about twelve or .‘our teen years old. and appraised bv John VV. Nelms and M. M. Smith, freeholders of said di trict, to be worth S6O, and who say it is worth 25 cents per day for feeding and taking care of said horse. The owner is hereby noti fied to appear before me, prove property and pay costs and expense and take him away, else he will be sold by tlie sheriff al the court-house door in said county, on the first. Tuesday in November next. K. C. BEATERS, angß 60d Ordinary. IIEPUIY SHERIFF’S SALES, Will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Fairburn Campbell county Georgia, wirlrn the legal hours of sale, on the first Tue c day in September next, the fol low ing p-operty to-wit: The north half of lot of land No. 75. con taining 101% acres, more or less. Also, the east hall of lot of land No. SO, containing 101 J acres, more or less. Also, the cast half of lot of land No 74, containing 1014 acres, morecr less. All being in the 9th district of original Fayette now Campbell county. Levied on as the property of T. J. Green, by virtue of sun diy fi’as issued from Campbell county court in favor of George Peters against su'd T. J. Green, property pointed out by J. L. I lalock, plain tiff ’c altjruey. W. THOMPSON, Deputy Sheriff. BON-TON FLIRTATION SIGNALS, Sent on receibt of 25 cents. Unique ins a? and Publishing House, 3G Vgtyufriß’reet. NY * Sarsaparilla as one of the most J& effectual remedici EM M ever discovered Ibi el laiising tlie eys w -n> ana purityit^ e Llooil. Jt liik years, with a eon etantlygrowingrcp- utation. based on ils intrinsic vlrlncs, and sii.-taim'd by its rc m ark a! ilo ipn-es. Bo mild :>s to be sale and benefieiiil to eliildrcn, mid yet so searebing as to circctually purge out the great cor rupt ions of tbe blood, such as the scrofulous "nd syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or disease.- Hint have lurked in (be system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, lilotclies, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's Fire, or Erysipe las, Tetter, Suit lllienui, Scald Head, Hing•'worm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and JL’vcr. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female Weakness, Debility, and Leucorrkeea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in tlie Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people /eel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and anew lease oi' life. X> RS P AT! ED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowe!!, Mass, Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throa-t and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. r Among the great discoveries of modern science, few me of more real value to mankind than this ef fectual remedy for all diseases of the Throat throughout this and other" countries, has shown that it docs surely and effectually control them. The testimony of our best citi zens, of all classes, establishes the fact, that CiiKitay Pkctoral will and does relieve and cure the .afflicting disorders of the Throat ar.d Lungs beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous affections of the Pulmonary orga\ 4< yield to its power; and cases of Consunip* tion, cured by this preparation, are public, lv known, so remarkable as hardly to be be lleved, were they not proven beyond dispute Aj a remedy it ► adequate, on which the public may rely for full protection. By curing Coughs, the forerunners of mop* serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, ami .... amount cf suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con vinces the most sceptical. Every family should keep it on hand as a protection against the early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary A flections, which are easily met at first, but which become incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Ten der lungs need this defence; and it is unwise to be without it. Asa safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, Ciieuky Pectoral is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multi tudes are rescued from premature graves, and saved to the love and affection centred on It acts speedily and surely against ordinary coals, securing sound ami health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily they can he cured. Originally the product of long, laborious,"and siiecesSf-.-i chemical investigation, no cost or toil s spared in making every bottle in tbe utmost n ssible perfection. It may be confidently re tie upon as possessing all tl3 virtues it has ever cxh. (ted, and capable of producing cures a iiem's. Able as the greatest it has ever effected. FREPAIWD BY Or. J. C VYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practice and Analytical Chemists. )L1) BY Al. OIIUGGISTd EVEiIYWIIEUE -J. M. HOLBROOK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN MEN’S BOYS’ MISSES’ and .... LA DIES’ Keeps constantly on hand a large stock of all the LATEST STYLES AND NOVELTIES Known to the trade, and consisting in part of the following brands : BROADWAY’’ SILK * TRADB ’ II ....‘ YOUNGMAN*S’ PEARL’ and BLACK DRESS CASSIMERE ENGLISH CORK AND THE FOLLOWING STYLES IN THE FINES FURS: TULIP ZEPHYR ATUEKLY CORSAIR MANSARD.. NOVELTY BETTY and SIDE NUTUA of all guides, MOBILIER... VANDA LIEU SU RE T HING... SIIA KSPE ARE "SrETEOR BLACK BEAVER And velvet finished g odsof all grades. PANAMA SECURITY and CANTON ST AW HATS of all descriptions. LADIES' AND MISSES HATS! ! CROCHET..4j RIVAL—ENPORA LYNET REGATTA . .MONTANA ROCHELLE.. ALPENA R OS IAN A . .VENICE MISS LINTON.. TULIP and RAMBLER PALMETTO HATS Besides other names too numerous to mention} all of which LADII.S AN!) GE.NTUK3IEN, AMD TI! E I’ R A I) E A T L A R G E Are respect folly invited to call and ex amine. They will find it to tin i in terest. &S?” Country merchants will find my stock equal to any in the South, and at prices us low as the lowest. Apiil23-U. STATf. 0Y GEORGIA, Campbell County, j Whereas, Tliebarct A. King, Ailminbtratnr of A.lam B. King, represents to Un-Comt. in Ids petition duly filed and entered on record, that he has iully administered Adam B Kirg's estate. This is therefore, to rite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, In show cruse, if any they can, why said Administrator should not bed schargul from his adminis tration, and receive let.rcrs of dismission, on, the first Monday in May. 1 73. Given under inv hand and official signature this February lat, 1873. R. C. BEAVER a, Ordinary. fel.7- CUMMI N G S’ K I N(r _C U R E. THIS WONDERFUL LOTION CURES Fresh flit?, Bruises ttittl Burns, Kingwoins, thilblains, and Stys. ft is also good lor (ID! Sorrs. Fleers, Sere Eves, ft Isin gs, UEIHJCTIOiV OF mi nts, I’FTRID SOBE Throat, Sore it" oil'll. Fever Rlistrrs, tores fansed by Vegclahle I’o'tson and liites of Poisonous insects, Erys'pcli s, lidlamniatory TOOTHACHE AND SICK HEADACHE. PRICE 25c., 50c. & $1 PER BOTTLE. CtS?* Jlade and sold l>y R. CUMMINGS, m.iy22 l\ r . Paln.ctto, Ga. GEOIIEU, fam'thell County : Ordinary’s Office, May 16, 1873. Lewis R. Luck lias applied for exemption ol personalty ami selling apart ard valua tion of hem. stead, and I will pass upon the same ;tt 11 o’clock a. m , on the 30th d.y of May. TS73, at. rry office in Faivhmn in said county. It. ( . BEAVERS, Ordii arv. C A N C E RS Permaneutly rnred hy addressing Dr. IV C. CoUDEN. No. 47, w. Jtft' ison s r e Louisville. Ky.' op ; es of his ‘ J u nal’’can be obtaintd free ot oharge, giving inode of treatment and a large Jist ot casts curid* Inclose stamp. TT TT TT Tim greatest com round ii. i J • il,known tor man or hi a-t„ MEDICIKET 'tore is no piin or swell, ing it wil not relieve, stiff and lamej tints are made supple. Cures more rheiintat sm, nt ura’gia, lame back, headache, toothace. sore throat and bail sbrtinson man. Orel Sore shoulder, stiff joints, sprai ns.ringbone, payin, etc, on animals, than a’l other remedies, in the st me time. Wholesale Agents. Solomon & Go,, savannah, .Virenls wanted in every county. F on- is & El dritlge. Proprietors, 12) N. Front street, Philadeiphia. Pa. to <E?QO P Pr da y : Agents wanted All chines ol working peo pie. of either .-ex. young or old. make iniiro money at work lor us iu their spare moments, ar all the time, than at anything .-I e Far tlculars free. Address G. Etinsju A. Otw, t’ur: loud,"Me me. ( ttIFSIAI. €OI3IV SHERIFF’S S.U.E9. Wil! b sold lief-' etht Court honss door in t! e (own ol Fairborn. Campbell Uvunty Georgia, on the first Tuesday in September c-xt. withia the 1-gal hours of sale, the foie-wing property to wit: Lot ot land No. 185, in the Ninth Diet., of ork-inally Fayette, now Campbell county, Ga. Levied on by a fi. fa. issued from Fayette S .perior Court, in favor ot R. F. Baker, vs. Join, W. Mason and -tabus G. Mason, as the property of ihe said John W. Mas nlusatisfy said fi. ia. Property pointed out by Plaintiff. Also, at the same t me an 1 place, filly acres of land in the S juth-easl corner of lot of land No one hundred and sixty, in t!e Ninth Di t. f of eriginally Fayette, now Campbell count Ga., levied on by viilae of a fi. fa. issued from the Justice Court of the 734th and sr., G. . M., in favor of J. N. Aldridge, vs. I. H. Sew- J ell, Administrator of J. H. Sewell, dee’d.,as the properly of said J. 11 Sewell, dec’d Property pointed i ut by Plaintiff. Also at the same t,ime and place, the undi vided half interest in a certain lot in the town of Palmetto, Ga., the same being adjoining to and on the west side of town lot No. 16, first range, the said lot being 25 leel front on Toombs street and extending back 66 feet the same being the lot on which is situated the bouse built by Thomas A Ellington, and now occupied by John F. Ellington as the proper ly ol the defendant in fi a levied on by virtue ol a fita issued from Campbell Superior Court in lavor of G. E Cranford v s. John F. Elling ton. Properly pointed out by plaintiff's at torney. D. P. WHITE, Sheriff. DO YOU DESIRE A GOOD FAMILY NEWSPAPER! THEN SUBSCMPE FOR THE CALHOUN WEEKLY TIMES. The Times is published st Calhoun, Gordon county, Ga ,at the low price nf §2.00 per annum, and 's devoted to Liteiatine, Science, Art, News, Poli tics, EJucali' u, Humor and the general development of the interests of its section. Ti e Times will soon enter its fourth volume, and the nblisheis an? deter mined that in point of excellence and variety it shall not be surpassed in ibis country Should you desire a first class family newspaper, subscribe at once for the Times. The Times has a large and rapidly increasing circulation, making it a most desirable advertising medium. Specimen copies will be furnished on application to Rick & Freeman, Publishers, Calhoun, Ga. E. FLOYD ETAS errcled a number of Few buildings, il Fuitable torcarrying on bis large anc ■xt n ive business, on the east side of .enno' flltor. street, adjoining the residence it Russell King. FA 188 URN, CEGIIGI A. And lu* b: now prepared t 1) do all kind of a' l ri>. Su b as making and repairing ;:run=, and hu^U-s. A ‘so I-*.' i.vriNO of uvi ry dis-cription, exe u e i-i3i th(? neatest stylo s:s't P.UVKSS A SPECIALTY. Anti B!a< ksmithing executed with neat' }♦ .-* and di patch. Having bad several years experience in rr.a budaes?, he is the efore capabU to puke tvhei! work is executed in a woikrnau !ik-.*. iiM’iKor. lie employs rone bur •x I c*’ rienred \vokmen. Call and see hi;r. New, Wagons and Buggies alwa} s on band and (or sale. /'?Y' Work done on n . ime. ieb7 dm i3 true* P .rifier of the IToocl. It thorough’ 7 neutralizes and eliminates from the j-jetem the specific virus which causes such a long: list of hnman suff' ring. In eve ry form of screfulors, rrercnr'al and constitutional blood complaints it stands without compeer, rapidly curing ulcers, pu-titles, oarbunkles. s*a!d head, salt rheuur, and the S8 different, varieties o s-in affec tions. It is a positive curative for crofula* and tho deadly enemy of •* uroury, lead and arsenic, quickly elimirating them from the system. The Fluid Extract of Querns de light, prepared bv Dr J. S. Pemberton has made the most, wonderful and astonishing cure3. Its purifying, vivifying and tonic properties oxer* i~e the quick; st and most powerful effects in restoring hea th. It is harmless to the most del cate, and ran never he ued amiss. It is the true bcautifier of the complexion. Il'you want pure rich blood e’ear sk n, ad beautiful complexion, use, the Compound Extract of S illingia or Queens Delight Read our treatise on db (uses of the blood. The geiurue has 1.. e signature of the proprietors upon each label, J. S. Pembektox & 0., State of Gehgta, Campbell County? Whereas. M. 11. Wooddall. administrator of John C. I)anforth, represen s to the Court, in his petition, duly fi td and entertd on re cord, that ho by.a fully administered John (J. Danorth’s estate Tris D, then, f re. to cite all persons con cirned, kindred and creditors, to show • ause, it any they can, why said administrator should not • e di charged from his adminis trate n, and receive letters of dismission on the hist Monday in epternber. 187*. R. C. Beavers, Ordinary. may 22 Sm.printeDs fee $7. Vf I ii: AI X GUANO. WILCOX. GiBBS & CO’S. MANIPULATED GUANO. rpiiß&E CELEBRATED GUANOS IM -1 ported and prepared by Wilcox, Gibbs A C>> , r* nvanoah Ga., and Charleston, S. C. an* f r sale for cash, or on credit on accom modating terms, payable in cotton, by W. F. Laxi>iu;.m, Agent, Fairborn, Georgia. Gakkrtt & WalthalL: Agt's Palmetto, Ga, .Special attention is called to the use of l c i hoc nix guano ccmposted with cot ton seed., seud or . pply as above lor circu lars giving lestimonials trom planters—pri ce i- tyj ms eh , itrb*.G .V