The central Georgian. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1847-1874, January 27, 1852, Image 1

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■V , «$* 18 PUBLI3IJ EVERY TUESDAY m RNiXG, TB*® s Zfit^rf^’terf/ear, «1 k MOVE’S FIRST &ISSJ ■ H? E. ANNA LEWIS. the second section of this act, specifying ! the number of negro’slaves and their a <*- ’ rrrocrnta viiliio !in.-t r *'» Cold Wiuters. The recent severely eold weather hasoc- • |gregzte value, and the aggregate value Sfj eosieued ,n, K bfpeegfatiouju FgfimtL These terms will be' st TO, WITHOUT RE-SPEC* TO p’j SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL BE It E Q TLED UP EVERT YE Aft: fCTLY ADHEREO! tJSONs, AND ALL RED TO BE SET- ig-.twel -;e line's, sertion. and fifty cents for ’ HJk ^ he ,. first ln ‘ Ad ver tlseineji ts not having tK- nmnb Sv'fo' ^mmspccHicd, ,411 be pubaStui fori .Sales of Land and- Negro ei by Executors : ' ^^h 11r ^.^ d Guardians,-are required by: law to be advertised m a p.hWgdzbtte'sixty- days previous to tl-e day of s *j e 7 j The sale ofI>er S o M l Prop.rty fflw4 !„, ;ld . i *eit.ised 111 like manner torry unv-- .Notice to Debtors and CreJita^ of an e S ;| tat© piust be published for:y diiyl Notice that application will bejnade to the oom-t-of ordinary for leave to sell Land and i\egyoes, must hs.rpuj^phed week) u for four All letters on business nlttst be vast-paid I never treasured iip this -kiss. And fainly now fof<ret >?i But,\yith its rapturous thrill i”f bllslv My hear.', pulse, femin are throbbing yet.- Beveling it lies Hpbn. my lips, Jrrtblbpygairtheij'.dew’y.-s.hoty'efs,'-'.' As ininay-bee the nectar s : ns Fium Out die. rosy lip Jf d.-wcr.c > And other thirsting; kisses coriie • - aim tPeir .'harp vc- -r, too - 1 • wigrlusMt le rbseatc plume, ixC cMv es litem ffom h.ia cup of dew. . ' y % O, Lupid take kiss.again ! •Bid-it from pit (i-. p.tri : ’Tis sipping life irotfr e\wy-Vein-—.' iisbvak is fastened oii TriV neart. W$MM. ^| p*t become clue fruti? saSfeut debtors in what j excl'amr CnPl'AP ffklMVY / AO/vK: ... l * i ! - . . ’ o <* ra sssswsr; otour }: i teredl^seperate^oUim n's ^Sec. 12. That the Receivers of tax re- '^uVhs throtighout‘the State shall administer to each aftd every person giying in bis-jpr her taxable property, the MtfWi/ig oath tp ®$°u do solemnly«s\veaj;c/br affirm)-as- thee-ase may be.«that the wbk* were frozen to deal], noiv ffive iin“-tr„_or.AA-1• >. . v ......... . years,^Some inges have given the following record i-wHI Via .• . - . IuM664 the cold was so intense' that the J names was covered with ice civiv nn* in i • * , . .•- •».»vin <*.<»< ches thick-, A SPIRITUAL MANIFESTlON. The editor of the Mobile Ilefald publish es the following very, remarkable instance ot spirit^ul uiaiiitestation, lie says u offe ot the most remarkable narratives we have ever heard relates to the mode iu which er’s- Well—a somewlmt famous water Coop- excessiVe that j ey,. a preacher of character in the Methodist In i(J95 and 1(590, may ^ IVe !T^ li - ,USt ancl it was nearly as bad -^sssr^ssuvsssrsMr-a The giound was frozen nine feet deep. Birds and boasts were struck dead in the Iu.*l 6Sh2,- the cold was so.. w , cr a r mideteumem I dmiX \ . 1{ thm 1 'M MrVc Jp- peoplem Germany er purchased a tract of land in which the well was discovered. lie built himself a syeii: men. MISCELLiNEG tS; The M valurem Tax Bill# entitled unto, either „ i n fc he; right of any person pr ^'rsons what .' s bever,jr;is Parent,.Guardian, Executor, AeL j miiLstiator, Agent, av Trustee, or in aiiy j other manner whatever; and that it is not j worth more than th$ valuation you have • tl *ii^d to it, to the best-bf youV knowledge j belief—so help you Qod." * Sec. 13 : I hat'it shall be thp^ duty of the State to* sereral ta^Receiyers w^hin thi ; ' AN t0 l f V . y “ nd coyUct aTax f° r ^ ’take in all taxables herein before < Jgnmmmt , JNO. :W| RUMS ILL, ATTOjS.ilJET AT IAWt .- SANDERSV LLLE, Ga. March 10, 1851 j y JAMES S. HOOK, Allpmey at Laf { S.iXDEliSVIbhE, GEORGIA WILL PRACTICE IN THE COUNTIES OF f Sec. 1. That from and after the passage Jow lt® the classification specified in the sec- j of this iiet, ail ,real and >vitbih this State, whether viduals or corporations, resident resident, shall be liable tjfaxa to the exemption^ hereinafter s^ecih'ecL Sec. 2. That the terms: “real estate,” as Used in this actfshall be construed to ifi- clude land itself, all building or otber.-arti- cles erected upon, or fields-and men perished by thousands in. tiieir houses. In the south of France the wine plantations were almost destroyed nor have thej, recovered that fatal disaster. Adnatm Sea was frozen,, and even the. Mediterranean about Genoa} and the citron: i a , n< ^ _ orange groves suffered extremely in enumera-j the finest parts ofltalyx book or cli- j In 1710, the winter Was so iufeflse that reot, tol- J people travelled across the straits Irom Co en to the province of Senia, in Swe- house, and work to obtain water for its use. He commenced digging a well. At the depth of thirty feet a, imrd rock ■ was struck^lfheg the labor was abandoned/ and “ s fe# 10, »s eistern subsdt»ted for : iL Mr. Cooper, after providing this for his fa.milvv pioceeded to Vicksburg, where he had charge ot a ch urch. One night he had a drean # «The figure of a UiaU with a fa VI—J0. 1 POUNDS IN A BUSHEL. How many pound* in a Bushel ? Of wheat, sixty pounds. Of shelled corn, fifty-six pounds. Of corn on the eob, seventy poui Of rye, fifty-six pounds. Of oats, thirty-six pounds. Of barley, forty poyfidsM Of potaioes, sixty pounds. Of bran, t wenty pounds. Of clover seed, sixty pounds. Of timothy seed, forty-five pounds. Of hemp seedy forty-four pounds. Of btick wheat, fifty-two pounds. Of blue grass-seed, fourteen pounds. Of castor beans, forty-six pounds. Of dried peaches, chirty-three pound Ol dried apples, twenty-four pound*. Of onions, liftv-seven pounds. Ot suit, fifty pounds. miliar face commanded him to resume" the trJ ced '\u reSO,Ut '° n ha ® be * n in * digging of his well, and told him that k was lim.nplnnl r Pl. _ . '* MiMle^ircutl. ! 5^*> I »K mines, minerliis, fresik and°’ t!f '' S “ mii > tLiUni Cid&mWl W?e„, '“"' 1 e Or <; ur.rR e Circuit \ * s' s. - Wilkinson. Oiiico next dCOr til the Central Geor‘-iari personal estle i ond and e! eventh seeuous of this act, and i den. owned by !.SS|f f f''! '»'t 56 . >■> Scotland, multitudes of eattfe »•»»- 1 pJeMrcdiMti^h, n‘t I and “ llu «P »««» buiW' iu Ike snow. fxftt vitnejcij and one to the (Jlerk of the In- Tn i*7An » • +- » . #» . eCt ferior Court and M «„|leetor, on or tefdl’e -» was scaseely infer,or the 1st day of July iu each year, in which dige^shall becareldlly made out, an ab stract, Stating each subject of Taxation, the j went over it, amount ot aggregate value*.of each, the ' froze all important. Ihe same figure came, a- gain within a few subsequent nights and repeated the injunction, and thus it came w oaw week after week for five indnths, at the end fit cannot be washed off ot which period,-"doubtless impressed bv the 1 i i i a i>paritioh, the digging was resumed. The second effort carried the well through, a stratum ot rock nine feet deep; but further progress was,cheeked by another and harder stratum. The work was again bandoned Two months office.. jam 1, 1852. quarries in .......mines belong ing to the State, and th§. term “personal es tate, as used in this act, ^hall be construed -lv *•% B; CRAFTON, Attorney fit Lawi SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA, Will also-attend the Coilrts jtif Emtanu Laurens, ami Jefferson, should business he en< ktusted to his care, in either of ihcsfc eouatie- fdh. 11. ' 4=—if tiUmber ot acres of land uumbeRof slaves, polis, free persons of color, profession &e. S/:c. 14. That when the Comptroller General shall have received said digests, lie is herebv required to examine the same to-indude all chatties, monies, debts due . ! from solvent debtors,'whether on note, bill carel 'hjly, to detect any^error or eri ! draft, judgment or mortgage, ofee open ac- K u ^ orr tained, and Imvmg corrected' s and merchaudise, cap'i- ■ rhrs there H . . ..„ „ . . . . I the same u any shall be fodnd to exist, life-shall then foot up each column anrV^ertain the a ff - was begun the-third time , Kentucky Legislature^ which provides “that the keeper of the pen itentiary shall procure a suitable chemical dye, such 86 will stain tl>e cutide or outer surhuerof the skin perfectly, black, so that it cannot be washed off, or in any .way he re moved until time sh.Jl wear it away, and nature furnish a new cuticle or surface; aud that with this dye,, shall have the nose of each male convict painted thoroughly klack, and'n flew the application as often as it may be necessa y to keep it so, until with- inoife month of the expiration of his sen tence, when it shall be discontinued for the purpose of permitting nature to restore the feature to its original hub, ^preparatory to In 1744, the , lt . . winter was very. cold. Snow! ofo, efteet fell m Portugal to the depth of twenty 1 - ’ three feet on a level. with WKL g la ?s/ ice one-eighth ol an inch covered t^ick. In 1771, the river Elbe was frozen to the se^n 5 '^^fourth digger was'en —i - DW» siSJivsnJrtar days attei wards, the water came -gushing forth in a copious stream. Thus the well was begun and continued through the depth of 101 feet, of which 75 were solid rock. In the last dream, which led to the ac quisition of water, Mr, G. saw the digger 4,, /» .. —.- . ! the second advent of its owner in thp u-mOft ^ After digging thirty feet tu.ther, with-], ofthe Kentucky Flag,M in'feVor of etiect, it \\ a& again stopped. A year j the resolution, with an amendment that th« passed away when the mat, iu the each’touuty he every delinquent newspaper subscriber is his bailiwick, and black his nose, and keen it black until he pays up. • t»OVB 6i. CC\ countiS, good tal i^vfofeteti in shipping pr tonage oEcitpital otherwise invested,; negro sia^s,; pleaifire I & re S' ilLe amount of each of the digests, and j bottom. carnages, | ubije. stoc ks, and stocks in moni- • f ^V> ort tl,e£am / his Excefleucy the Gov- j In 1776, the Danube bore ice five feet ed corporations also such portion of the ! ^ ^ ^tance offlfe Qonip -deep .below Vienna. Vast numbers of the , capita! ol mcorporatvu companies liable to ; t ’'° Jyi r s1 ^ such a rate per. cent, not j feathered and tinny tribes^emhed ' i , , a - ! taxsttlyn 011 Iftcir-capitaJ, as shall hot be in- j-^eeochng 12th of one per ceut, on. the en- The winters of 1774 3 1775 WPro „„ ' Le em P'°yed, and dreamt also that the wa j vested in realtor p&sonal estate. ||ire- amount as will raise an amount of rev- [commonly severe. The Little Belt was fm-! nT was / 6t ’ anti tbat tliis iuau as it rose to Factors atad Commission MerchantSi , bj3 °- ^.following property shall i®^ ttC01 J?'P 0n ^ ia p to the wants of theTzpnnv*V. (the surface uttered the words. TV lie evD ’! be exempted trora taxation to wit: All i b ® te ' Hhd Rouf >' tiie several Tax Collectors | f ie,n ^d from taxation, by the Constitu- J throu ^out the State ofthe rate per cent f.were remarkably cold, particularly the lat- tion otthe States ofthe U. S, every building] *° a f tb -« a ^«nt to be collected ter, in Russia, Which proved so disastrous I erected for the use of and used by a college \- h ? , lnm 111 each €0i mt/< P disastrous j incorporated academy-or other-seminary of! ® BC ' kliat the amouut' so required HARDWICK & CdOKl, j learnmg every building for public Worship,! to be assessed f nd collected, shall not ex- FactorsA Ct nk irt imi biiTScfchaat*!! ever 4 ’°1 house, court house, and jail and fcbe suin di three hundred and seveuty- Savannah, Georgia: I ' | th^ee/rai lot^-wheieon fofeb building & reT^ tboii ^ U( l doJ fr rs .«»'maI^,v . ' ] ] r _,._ m . r . . . . „ „ amount of tax to be all a cattle show, for man’s dilution ffiven—I ' de and within the last three Wo. 118, RAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. ; J. W. C. Loud.] [P. H. Loud. nov. 4, 1851. 42ri-l.y ■ - w ,, . v, ..... .. I have got water, but it stiuketh mightily, so that you •Tan'hovEi-noQ » Ti,. . J Matrimony in Massachusetts. — Tho marriage returns present some very| singu- lar facts though coming in a double form. During the twenty months covered by the report there were marriages of all ages ran ging irom 13 to 75. Several females were married at the age of 13. The youngest couple Jnmmed. was a male; of 17 and a fe male of 13. A male of 20 auff another'of 25 each married a girl of 13. One • male can never use it.” Ihe same words Were j under 20 married a female over 40, ahaoh- actually repeated by-this man when, after d-gging the last time, success attended la bor. ■J. G. COOK.] Aug.. 27, 1850. holt"& bothwel. f acters & €«niisiis$ioii Jlercluus. No. 88, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Asa Holt, j D. E. Bothwebe Oct. 8. 1851. 39-4tf -- 7 .*■ to th^French army. ' A Loafers Soliloquy.—Oh. dear! Oh f k — dear ! What a wforld this is ! This world" , be y. stimH . . e medicinal properties for diar- as Shakespeare very beautiful' lemarks “is | r , ’, fP e P s,a > dro P s yi g-'nvel, diabetes, gen- 5 6Ftil dfihl lf.V and tirifliin 1 l “The water was investigated and found BEEN & FOSTER} Factors & Commission .Tic* . Savannah, Ga. V. H. BEltN,] [JOHN F^StEtt. June j 1850. June 18,1851. 2H-] State upon the amount ’ aparatus not held as ■ lhe^haridizo and fo r j^.veal and personal estate taxable under ; the [Mirjjo.c ot ale, every pooi hon.-e, alms I act ’ sbad be one twelfth of one per home house of industry, and any house be- !. ceut ’ which shall be levied and accounted longing to any charitable institution, 01 .! &}' acprdiug to Ihe existing law,, together connected with the same, the real and per-! , witb ihe poll tax and tax on practioners of oes, dentists,, Da- stocks and—woman’s too.” That’s a fact °Shake-’■> f ears l es tbaii ^50,000 have been spent spare’s right! This here is a very--a very | by ll V ^ ,t0rsVvhc ! have sought it. connected with the same, the real and per- w,t “ th c poll tax and ta: sonal estate of any public library, and other j law: » medicine, free negn literary associations 1 all stoek.s ’own.Ll Uv gue-'-'ean artists. SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & Crocers, Savannah, Ga. owned by the State and by litel-ary apd charitable in- Itants stitutions, also all plantation and mechani cal tools, all houshold and kitchen furniture not above the value of three hundred dol lars, not held for purpose dr sale, or as mer chandize, libraries—all poultry and $200 value of other [foperty belonging to each ! js Savannahs D: f: SCRANTON, JOSEPH JOHNSTON. S AV. E. SCRANl t NO; is, Old Slip, 4 Vor Savannah, Feb. id, 1851. 6-—lj] ' ROBERTS & FOOTE;. | No. 73 arid 134, Gibboas Building! Near the Market, Savannah, Georgia. Wholesale .deaM' Dry Goods; jScll by the piece or package only. Mercharits aif6 "par ticularly invited to examine their stock. \ feb; 24. 6—ly*t LaROCIIE & JOHNSON, ! DR U GIST ^ Corner of Bull and Bay streets-, opposite the Post Office, Savannah, Georgia feb. 24. b ly* Seg; 17. 1 hat it shall be the duty ofthe Comptroller General, with the assistance of the Treasurer, after the returns of tax have been made by the tax recei vers of the sev- en|l counties in this State, to make an esti mate of the sum total of taxes which will be raised under this act according to the tax payer and also the annual crops and i ^, er cerd > assessed, and if it should appear checkered life. * u | There can be no doubt that this strange This world is given to fault-findino- tre- . D ? rr0t ’y e ims the authority of Mr, Cooper tlienjus. Now here’s my wife—kicked up i!V rase ,‘ i ’ or rest we sav nothing. In g-eat row, just because I,went to bed i t . e .7 s . of g eD ® ra l spiritual manifesta- with my overcoat, boots and hat. on when 1 m/, lfc Is fimdly discreet to doubt anything she knew I wanted to get up airly ? ili the ! ^ r *, 00 l J . ei s c fi a f a cter, too, is such that one morning,’and start off immegltly on ’por-! Can ^artily question his good faith in the taut business. - She’s Very p’ticular to in- i matter ' Tf the story were intended merely quire what business it is that calls me out as a pufi -f would be very clever; but as it provisions of the citizens of this Ntate, and all fire arms and other instruments, and'all muSitions of wav not held as merchandise, wearing apparel of the tax payer and fami ly, and the holder or owner of stock in any that the sum total should exceed the a- mount of taxes required by this act to be raised; then the Coinptroler General shall issue his circular directing the tax collectors so airly, but I wont telljof* She’s no right to interfere into my business. I don’t in terfere in hers. I don’t never ask her where she buys groceries .and] provision, and get trusted for ’em. f don’t care where she buys’em—if she gets’em without throw ing away money for ’em. And then she finds fault wi’ftne for-spen- din’so much money fordicker. But is, it acquires another sort of imp stance.” ,» « • v uvu iiiv/UK/ f 1UI 11vl\l>l • ' j|_ ot this fetate to make such deduction in an] am I goin’ to dew ? Dicker’s cash. Dutchman's- Answer—Squirt—I say, fel low, ean you tell me where Mr. Swackhairf- leiner, the preacher, lives? Dutchman—Yaw, 'You just walk de road to de creek, and durn de princh over up shtream. Den you just go on till you gum ^ to a rote what viads the woots around a It cant I sc ^°°l house; but you don’t take dat road incorporated company liable to taxation ! e( * ua ratl ® Wld reduce the sum total of tax- j be bort without the' dimes. She says it on his capital shall not be taxed as an indi-1 es > ** n « ail y. t0 .the amount, required by this [hurts me, and makes my hands peel—savs Vidual for such stocks. • act to be raised, as is practicable. The; that’twould take a great'deal of new milk Sec. 4. That all lands held under war-1 ^P 11-01181, specifying the per'SeUt. deduc-1 to make a man’s hand peel bad What rants, and surveyed, but not granted by the ! t,oa necessary to be made. j o’ that ! Hain’t the man that sells licker State shall be liable to taxation id the! SEC - the tax receivers and col- got to live ? How can thev pav'. rent if! P rodder Han’s house, saiiie manner as if aClilallv(granted. 1 lectors shall receive the same compensation | nobody patronized ’em 1 " ! u - ■ 1 ’ Sec. 5. That all mdfiied or stock corpo-j no £ aiIowed J>y law, ’ ' * ations deriving income or profit from their Sec. 49. That to net the digest as pro-; capital or otherwise, except as before ex-' v,ded f° r . * n tfi e seventh section of the act , . ' z. z - • j of 1845, for the PjdJ) den you go on till you m«et a big-ben shingled mit straw, den you turn de^road around the field ant go on*till you come to a pig red house all speckled over mit white an de garret up stairs. Well dat is mine j ; prodd er Han’s house. Den you. turn dat When I think of, l] ouse arountde barn, and. you see a road cepted, shall be liable to taxation. receivers, the default list JOtiN HALLERY, DRAPER AND TAilspR, Dealer in Ready-Made dluthing and G sntle- en’sfurnishing Goods. 135, Bay street, Savannah, Ga. feb. 24. d—ly Sec. 6. That each and every free person i sha, | be deducted a P d f or the collectors the j they’ve riz on ' What’s-his-name’s rent a-! you see a hoUs ® on d e top ob a hill, about of color in this State between the ages of ; lnsolveni hst s J» ail be deducted from the ; cross the way and I’ll just go over and M ve I a miIe ’ an S° in dare an ax de ole voman a,k|,Ulp—a||| ^ , - * » will tell you betteras Tc^n. Sensible.—Ahe young, ladies of Damaris cotta, in. the State of Maine, have recently eighteen and fifty shall be taxed annually amount of the digests, and that all him a small lift. Oh, dear ' thi« a cheek t.lla cum It..,. jillz.lL V tRXe.S fllle jind liHl'illlla l.mdai' 4 Ilf. ’ *- ~ UIMA ruar McARTHOIt & MORSE Manufacturers and dealsrs in f PLAIN, JAPANNED AND BLOCK TIN AVAR i Hollow and Cnamelted Ware, Stttvd fit) 1 Cooking Ranges, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead,! and per aud Zinc. Store, 13, Barnard street, Savannah, Ga. All.orders for Copper, Tin and Sheet 1 ron Ufork filled in the best manner, at the shot est hotiee. Terms cash or city acceptance; T. W. M r AUTHOR.] [h. MOltki feb. 24. 6—ly DRUGS, CHEMICALS, FERFUMERA AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A. A. SOLOMONS & CO. D EALERS i» Drugs, Medicines, Cbeijis cals, P erfumery, fancy articles, Surgefo intruments, Paints, Oils and Dye Stuffs. ] Savannah, feb. 24. 6—ly ] Plastering and Bricklaying^ T HE undersigned has located in Sander^ ville, for the purpose of carrying on tl» Plastering.and Brick-laying busir ~ the sum of five dollars; taxes dUe and payable under any of the pro Sec. 7. That the sUifi of five dolIars^4^ lS ^ ns of tEis act, shall be paid in gold or shall be levied upon all practitioners ofi sdv ®f» i n tbe bills of specie paying Bank? Law or Physic or Dentjstry and Da^Uereafi i , ar:B; ° I Sec. 20. That the fourth and fifth sec- SecI 8. That each and every male citi-' dons °f au act passed the 22d day of Feb- zen between the^ages, of twenty-one andii sixty years, shall be taxed annually here T after, twenty-five cents; Sec. 9. That the receiver of tax returns in eaeh county, shall receive all returns to him on the oaths of the persons making them and at such valuation as they may affix, and if any person shall fail to make a return, or to affix a/ value, the receiver shall make siich Valuation, assess the tax T ri I_' L - 1’- . ' i • • i • ered life. Florida Land Sates.—Xn extensive sale of lands belonging to the State of Florida, is to take place in April and May next. Of these lands, the Tallahasse Sentinel says: elor of 24 married a woman of 42, another bachelor of 35 married a widow over 60 and still another bachelor under -40 marri ed a Widow W 75 ! Instance like these are called “marriages” by courtesy, we suppose. Among other odd cases,:: a female of 18 married a second time, another fe male of 59 the fifth time, and a male of 39 tiie third time. But the hardest fact of all ifo that there was not gallantry enough a- inong the bachelors of Berkshire for one of them to marry a widow. It .may iulerest our^fair readers to learn that, by an analy sis of 24,000 marriages, it is found that when a ,:females arrives at the age of 20 years, andds unmarried, one quarter ofthe probabilities of her ever getting married are gone; if she passes 25 years nearly thne quarters of the probabilities are gone,-and l 8 ie passes unmarried at . the age of 30 nearly nine tenths of her chasnees of becom ing such a blessed thing as a wife, are for ever gone.—Springfield Republican. n ^tuck Talk.—"Mrs. Smithers, where’s (hiccup) my shavir g ’tensils ?” “Your shaving utensils. What do-voir want of your shaving utensils at this hour of the night ? Ckime to bed, you brute, -you’re drunk.” ’ “you lie, my love, I’m not (hiccup) drunk but i want to know what come (hiccup) of them shaven’tensjls—them shaven ’tensils bqugfrt yesterday morning (hiccup) of th^i blue-eyed bonnet what wore the white silk, young fomam Say;. : where’s them;shaven ’tensils V If you don’t speak, (hiccup) 111 take a door, my love, and burst the club m,’ r When we left, Smithers was talking a bout constitution totlie key-hole of abed room door. ■0*. y, eighteen hundred and fifty, to levy j The lar g«st and most important sale of se- we find the following* collect a tax ; for each of the political j Ie . cted . land f ever proposed in Florida, i? “That wa will recei years 1850 and 1851, and thereafter, be | advert > 8 ed in the Sentinel of to day. These and the same are hereby continued in full | l and9 comprise some.300,000 of the fifty force and effect, saving excepting so much ofthe fourth section as in the following words to Wit .* not being over sixty years of age, or Valueless from decrepitude or dis ease; thousand acres granted to the State for In ternal improvements, and Constitute all which have been thus far selected and ap proved under the provisions of this grant, A Comparison.—A H honest o Id lady in the country, wlien told of her husband’s a.] ddecte - improvement and protection • * ■ • - ua <HOUe 1 Hi, , . JWWM Ainoper^Uie resolutions adopted at a regular meeting. qta R n 4 ^-’'--ving; . receive the attention of no .. ' - ----- ■ ^-ainta week since-1 lost my best hen, and now. Mr. Job- son has gone too, poor man !” J3BT. “The saying that “there pqsed chiefly to relate to medicine°kicks and mediately after the United States surveys had been completed, and before the lands ■HllllpiVIjl 11 Sec., That nothing iu this shall be thereon from the best information in his sp ?°fistrued as to relieve Banks, Railroads, power to obtain, and in cases where no re- L pr a o enc i es Foreign Banks from any spe- f were ( n market, and-ftho general character turn is made or no valuation made by the ■ c ’ a ! tax fi eret °fo |- e assessed on them or any j a ^l j 8 supposed to be far above average, persons returning, he shall assess a double them, j Ranging from Latitude 27 to 31, they are Sec. 22. That all laws and parts of laws ! susceptible of a great v^iety of production, mi litating agai nst this act,, except such and °^ et a '?J de iatige of choice to all who parts of the tax acts now in force in this 4 V coutemplate embarking in agricultu- State, as may be necessary to carry out this rat pursuits'in a^orida. act, and which are declared ih -foil force, be AUd tme same are hereby repealed. i tax. Sec. 10. That it shall be the duty of the Receiver to assess all real and personal es tate not returned, or not assessed by the person returning'the same at the full mar ket Value. Sec. 11. That the receiver of tax returns shall “so-styled” young gentleman who has noi : Pl easul ' e m giving than receivin(r i ” is™ 0r * learned some business or engaged in some r '~ c ' r ' A a ^ * o’ sfciady employment for a lirel.hjod—for it is apprehended that after the bird is caught it may starve in the casre. ° adviee.. Loving Dialogue.—“Wife, I am shortly tT to leave you. The doctors tell me that'I am What is the difference-between a post to live but a few hours at most. I shall Brick- rkmanshi taken in t -}y ; vtj.v'r - 5 -■/ 'i if ' Ff - : : ‘ and ZT'T a ," pere °“ s , n g 7 6 , in e " cl1 oSce stamp and* mule! You stick‘the i soon be in Leaven.” may ^ ^ ^ " ith »L “Wbafcyonsoon and the number dt acres if knowh and, the ep in th 2NSON value, including the value ofthe Juildings, machinery, toll bridges or ferries on the same, a classification of f the person al estate subject to taxation, as defined in , ., be -in’ h.eaven.? : rt You? You’ll never be ilo nearer heaven- thari you ftr© nnw UA11 /lift are now, you old brute!’ s, Dolnhus, Owing to the Ucreaseddemand for “half ■. ii i>oinbim DAlnhita » - , , Spanish’' Segars cabbage, leaves, Anderson; the old man,’ “Dbfpbus’,bring the mforms ns have gone np about twocenb, and letme-lartnp & olitiloj^S P ouna * i before I die.” for we are assured his wife will come to want and his children go barefoot. „ “That we will marry no young man who is not a patron of his neighborhood paper, for we have not only strong evidence of his want of intelligence, but that he will prove too stingy to provide for his family, educate his children,; or encourage institutions of leaining in his vicinity. The farmer whose pigs were so lean that it took two of them to make a shadow, has been beat by another, who had several so thin that they would crawl out through the cracks in their pen. He finally stopp di th .t “fun by tying k&ots in their tails. The Cincinnati. Enquirer says Post & Co. have laid on our table, ‘the Re- mams of an Old. Maid which are very laugh.- Doetor, said a-rrian to a physician, ‘my daughter had a fit tim morning, and she continued for a half a hour without knowk edge or understanding.’ “Oh!” replied the doetor, “never mind.that; many people con tinue so all th ir lives!” * P Matrimonial.—“J ar,” said an affec- I tionate spouse to her husband, “ami your treasure ?” 3 - “Ob, yes,” was the cool would’willingly lay it up What an insultiug wretell ! mood lisbor to Genius.—The Rich- J gives notice that it will oub- ' or ^ s * m ® a® • 1 I '~.r 7 in Heave) Vi . - - - “Julius, did yer belong to der imt war “In course I did.” “And was you wounded?” i m better believe- it—€