The central Georgian. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1847-1874, January 24, 1856, Image 4

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final ^itttrtiscmcnts.- B i v W« Administrator's Sale. Y virtue of an order of the Ordinary cf Five negroes rdau rte- aboiit 25 L -1 hou ■isthngton county, will be sold before the court house; cb-or at Saudefsvtdo on be y .-of Tuesday m March next, belonging to the estate of John Joivbu «eased. to-wit: Matilda- a woman, 'rears of age, a good seamstress and , vaut and her two children, vane . vtai-im* and Coer 18 months old, Harriet * yonnm^ Tears olo and. -bhock a girl b } ca s> >orthe benefitsmd -tate. jan3 GEORGE W. JORDAN, Almr. T ’ be made to the lion. Court of Washington County for leave to Sell oqe negroes boy by the name of Mike the property^ John A* J. Jfeaeoek minor child of Asa Peacock dec. MARY PEACOCK, Guardian. Jan. S 1856 2m -w'STllEREAS Dempsey Moore and John YV N Thompson applies to me for letters of administration ouTfoe estate of Jesse Moore, late ol Emanuel county, deceased— These-ate therefore to cite and admonish all, and siu-niinr the kindred and creditors of said deceaseu to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and file tneir ob jections, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. . - . Given under lny hand, at office, in laiis, this 10th Nov., 1855. ^ B _ LEW1S ; D _ 0r(L Nav.29, 1855, 43 30d Trustee for u- of William Washington Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Feb- ruury next, at the courthouse door in the Town of Sandersville, IFashington county, be tween the usual hours of sale the loLowmg ^£ir less, oak snd hickory land, on the south prong!of Willhunson swamp, ad joining Mrs. Hannan and 11 in. C. L.ddlc, lc\ £duu as the property of Ilenry lving, to satis fy a ft fain favor of James II. Odniorc, aumr. ■vs said King. Also at the same time.and place, one nmise and lot containing one acre more. or less, known as the Female Academy, levied on as the property of A. A. Cu llens, et al . lrustee el Female Institute to satisfy a li ia in lav Joseph Bangs vs A. A. Cullens at al mid one fi fa in favor oi l. '} artiiei Ac., as sa me, and one fi ia in hr. llwdo-es vs said/frustees. Also at the same time and place, tyro mouse •olored horse mules 4 years old levied on as the property of Adolpl us MeMiUm to satist, a Superior Court fi fa in favor ot Otis Johnson & Co., vs Adolphus McMillon, the same hemg transferred to George II'. Mtissfy. 1 ropert\ pointed out by said Massey. Also at the same time and place, one to- ot land in the town of Sandersville, contaimmr half an acre more or less, being a part ot the ] 0 j the T.nBrron & Newman lot, also the time fronting ‘t^rsircet'-'Tet.ding from the Female Academy to the Church, containing o;ie half acre more or less, all three oi iaboye described Lots levied on as tlie proper ty ofT. J. Jrartlicn to satisfy a fi fa in layor ol John IF; Rabun survivor vs Thomas J. llarth- en principal and IFilliam -11. Carter •security ■on appeal, , ^ jmliss# S AH JOKES, Dtp Sh». |ifg;vl gkhhrrtiseinntts. GEORGIA, By Haywood Washington ' County. - Brookins Ordinary of said Co. James F. Smith applies If an acre move or less, being a part ol the , known as the Lazaron & Newman lot, also e lot whereon W. IF. Carter resided at the ae of the fire, containing a _ hall acre more oi ls. also one. lot, ot 1:lo,! 1*0.1..10..... T , YV twme ffir letters of dismission on the Estate of Frederick Tyson, late ol said couu NESTm therefore to cite and admonisl. said deceased, to be and appe . office within the time prescribed by and show cause, any if they have; why Said letter should not be granted. . Given under my hand at office, in Sand. villo, tins 20th day of Nov. 1S; "' 5 - ILYYAA'OOD BROOKINS, 0*.d. v nn 43 m6m Nov 20 . Georgia—Waslnngton County, Fit/ Haywood ]Brookin8, Ordinary of said county, v •IT II ERE AS John E. Moye applies to me YV for Letters of Administration on the estate of Patrick J. Pate, late of said county de TImse d 'are, therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kinded and creditors of ='ud deceased, to bo and appear .at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any they have) why snd Lettters should not be granted. . Given under my hand at office m .jnnuu ville. this 8th January 1S5G. ' II AY WOOD BROOKINS,-Ordinary. Cmral ^totetisements. 6cnrral 3J&b*rtism*nts.' T HE subscriber liNgs leave to announce to the citizens of Washington and the adjoin ing counties that he lias j'ust finished Ins • ne w store On the ske where the old one was burned And is now receiving a large and well selected assortment of FAMILf - GROCERIES, Consisting in part of nm, SUGAR, COFFE ALSO Iron, Kails, Trace .Chains, « Tabs, f Buckets, Pails, Cotton Yarns, etc. Ac., And every thing usually kept in ■his line, which he oilers at his usu- “’low prices. CALL AND SEE HIM' AND YOU WILL NOT HE PENT IT. Z BRANTLEY. May-17, 1835. - tf . New Store—$20, new stock/ J. T. YOUNGBLOOD & CO. M AY -be found for the present at their ‘New -Store where they will be leappy to Aeir old friends and customers. i’hey kcep constantly on hand a large assortment Jan. 10 1855. SOd > WO mouths after date application will be made to the honorable. Court ot Ordinary . made to uie uuuu.»y>, f oi Wasinsrton county, Aeave to s,ell 1*ot^ i„,.a wu. oos-, m me M.oma i..siiict v - tion of tlie, belonging , the estate of Miram Eastwood, ol said .con ty, deeeasevL EAST WbOD, Mdm’r. PHY GOODS; H ENRY LATHROP & col, 'will continue to receive weekly by Steamers desirable styles of pry Goods and w have instore aYulf assortment, to chasers visitiugtlns mar invited which will be found. now ill always which the Nov. 22, 1S55 43 2m ‘ G eorgia., Washington county. ^ By HamvoodBrookim, Ordinary of said Co. Whereas, Solomon Newso/ne applies to me for letters of Guardianship, Tor the persons and property of Sarah, Eliza Seany Alin an* 1 Na than Butts, minors orphan children of George Butts, late of said county, deceased— These arc therefor to cite and admonish an E arsons concerned to be ana appear at my ot- oe, witiiin the time prescribed by law, and ■ how cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be' granted. Given under my hand,fat office, in Sanders- Tille, this 24th Nov., 1855. ’ IIAYWOOD BROOKINS, Ord’y. Nov. 29,1855. " 43 m6m EORGIA 1F.43IIINGTON COUNTY'. VX IFhereas, IFillis J Deut applies to me for letters of Administration, with tlie V\ ill an- B.“xod, Oil the estate of Ilarret Price, late of ■aid county, deeeasovl : These are therefore to cite and admonish ab and singular tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, with in tlie time preserbed by law, and shou ounce If any they have, why said letters should not be ^ Given under my Panel at office, iW Hamlcrs- jrille, tnis 3d Dee. 1855. pec 7, II AY WOOD BR (90 KINS, Or'd. Adniinistrator's Sale. A GREEABLE to an order ' of the honora ble Court of Ordinary of \\ aslnngton county, willbe sold at the court house in Dublin. Laurens county, on the first Tuesday ip. February next, within the legal hours oi sale, two lots of land, to-wit: numbers eighty- one (81) and eigbtjvfoar, (S4) in the seven teenth district of originally Wilkinson, now Laurens county, each containing two hundred two and a half acres more or less. Sold as the property of Hezekiah Y. Gilmore, late ol Washington county deceased. Terms cash JAS. li. GILMORE. Adm r. Dec. 2n,1855, 46 Ida. CEOUGIA—Washing!:>'n County. By Haywood Brookins, Ordinary of said County. ’XXJ HERE AS Samuel Robson applies to t V - me for letters of Administration on the estate of Alphas Stokes, late of said county deceased,— These are therefore to cite and admonish -all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause if any they hare, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, in San dersville, this 13th December, 1855. HAY WOOD BROOKINS. Ord’y. Dec. 20, 1855 46 lm Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLE to an order from the Ordi nary of Washington County, - will be sold before the'Court house door in tlie town ot Sandersville, outlie first Tuesday in Febru ary next, between the legal hours of sale, the foilowing negroes : Irwin, a blacksmith, Lewis, Mack, Penny, Jane and her child, Hagar and her child. Sold as the property zif James Ainsworth, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the. day of sale. JOHN W. KUD1SILL, Adm’r. Dec, 20, 1855 49 t. Is GEORGIA—Washington County By HAYWOOD BROOKING, Ordinary for said County. "■■^■“Uli 1 llll! i!.4ULo cl .tneueal, iiatisoi late of said county applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish ■lid singular the kindred and creditors of said doseasod, tc be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, it any they have, wliy said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at offico, in S::n- dorgyille, this Stlidav of September, 1S50. HAYWOOD BROOKINS, Ordinary. .Gill* TyiLL BE SOLD, before the Court house' 11 - door, in Sandersville, on tile first Tues day’ in February next, by order of the Honor able the Court of Ordinary, a negro man named Jordan, aged about 25, belonging to the estate of Enoch yooHe, late of Washington county’, .cUceased, for the purpose of distribution among the heirs. Dec. 7, JETHRO ARLINE, Bx’r. GEORGIA—-W aslnngton County. 12Elaytvood JSrookins, .Ordinary of sai'd County. W HEREAS Jno. W. Rudisill applies for letters of Guardianship for Andrew Ha/ris. Ainsworth, minor child of James Ains worth, late of said toun.ty deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish £ 1 mid siugnlarfhe kindred and creditors of a id deceased to he and appear at my office. W thin the time prescribed by law, aid show cause (it any they have) why said letters should not be grated. Given under my hand at office in 6an- drosyille this lstday of January 1S50. HAYWOOD BROOKINS, Ordinary.’ JanlT—4fid» Notice. TWO months after date, application will be mado the Honorable ’the Court ot Ordinary of Hancock county, by the undersigned, Ex ecutor and Executrix of bamuel Hall, deeeased, for leave to sell the slaves and real estate ot said deceased, for the purpose ot paying Hie debts mid making distribution Kbeordiug to the effect of the will^said ueeca^..^^ SARAH HALL, Ex’rx. Nov.! 43 2m rjbyvo MONTHS after date, application will !_ be made to the Ordinary of Emanuel county for leave to sell all the estate of Wm. Johnson, deceased. Sold for the benefit of tho heirs. Terms on the day. WRIGHT HENDLY, Guard’n. Dec. 13, 45 2m Y Rushing, late of IFashingtoii coun ts deceased are requested to oouic forward and settle up the smiic, and those havingtlemaiKls against said estate arc'requested to hand them in dulv autlieiureated, ceording to law. ’ . ’ JAMES RUSHING, Adm r. Dee. 7, 4l ’ d attention of pur ■d. Among which FANCY DRESS GOODS PllKs, Bareges Clially Musliv.s, Ginghams, 1 MOURNING DRESS GOODS Bombazines, Alpacas, Canton and Tamnuii Clothes, Muslin de Lames, Grenadeus, Lara- ges. Muslins Ginghams eU., etc. ^ WHITE GOODS. Surp Mull -*uid Nainsook Muslins, Fig’d1 Plaid and Strip Swis's and JuPonets, Dimetias Lawns etc. . LINEN GOODS. 9 1-4 to 121-2 Barnby Sheettiigs, Billow Owe Linen, Best all fax 4 1-2 Irish Linens Table Damasks and: Napkins, Drapers, Haeabacs, etc. , • HEAVY GOODS. riain and Striped Osnal.urgs, Sliirtiiigs and Sheetings 3 l-2to 121-2 Drills, Demmus,'Cot- tonades. etc. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. , A full assortment for Ladic^, Men, and chil drens. EMBROIDERIES. Collars and Sleeves in Muslin and I-awn, Cliim- isettsand Sleeves ,, „ it . Edgings and Inscrtings , „ >> Bands and Flon lieery „ » Thread and Valerealfs Laces, etc., etc. Savannah Feb. 1. «ly » . LIKEWISE, "A o-enera.l assortment of Hardware, Ci'.ck ry Giass, Tin, Earthen and Wooden Ware, a'n’d. all such articles a* arc general.y nceaed in families or on fanns. •ALSO, On hand and ccnstan ly receiving a large and fresh sup] ]y of GROCEKILS, sl LU aS Bacor Bide s, Shoulders, Hams. Sugag-s, Coffee, Flour, Mr-lasses, Butter, Che se &o. &e. All of which offeren aucoinino.ta- liiig ternts, aud in' ite jptireh&sers to eall uni. xamioe for tlrcinseb es. Highest prices paid for Cotton. Also, highest prices paid.for Tallow. Sandersville, Nov. 29th, 1S5? (bmrd %biixrtiscmats. tyitht JReMrhifs .1 (Sciteral ^bertisnmnts. JLosi or Jtlislxid. O NE due hill given by Jordan'-W.. Kimia- ‘b:ueto Hudson Sheppard or bearer for §5S, dated April 1st 1S55. • One due bill given by James L.-Jenkins to G Brown or bearer $18 S7cts., dated August ^One note on Green Brantley and Allen Jones for $U filets.,'payable to C. ll.-Sliep- nard adm r. on the estate ot Wm. Jones, da- tod April 15th IS5-1. due 1st December 1854. - one due bril given by W. J. Coston to C- Hf Sheppgrd or bearer for $28 58cts., dated No. vember 2SthA5.- > '. The above dates and amounts- ate stated to the best of ftiy recollection. The finder will .bq. rewarded. ’ by leaving them at the Store ot; Ainsworth .t Singer. Fersdns art* 'cautioned ngai st trading for said.notes and«dne, and the makers, from paying them to any one but mvpelf. "jan 1st 3m C..II- SHEPPARD - - LIKCH’S vlJYTM- M33IE WHIH TIC P ( ) W-DE R S „ H lIEITM.-fTTSM. RHEUMATIC GOUT, and K SCIATICA. For theeahove diseases a 7* speedv and radical cure is found in Lii'ch's Anti-Rheumatic 1‘,orders, the greatest remedy now known for Khoumatism, in any of its forms. Among, the many nostrums of thedav so lShded as cures fi»r Kheutnatisni, none have eVcr vet been discovered be to pos sessed of halt'the curative powers of these Powders. ' ' V ' ' Ix-t those aftheted scad the eertifieates ap- neiidedbelftwj wJiicli are'from persons perfect Iv rfispofisi lile, arfd whose veracity cannot lie (ine-timied." If relief front siifferiug .he desir ed von have-only to procure a box or. two of those invaluable Powder's, and follow strictly Guysott’s Yc-Slowdcck AND SARSAPARILLA 1 $ now put up in the Largest Size,] r . , and is acknowledge to be the best - ’ e rill a made, as is 'certified Yv-tlie eures it has perfonned the ori,’fo u l ^“1 which are in the possession oi ‘tl e rrr of Remember this is only t 1 u 2 and ( ^‘ t0r ’ article, on Js'iii«l by its use. * foucct.y eur(Hl READ CERTIFICATE. Tam-apossa Co., Ala., Jan. 2, ifc.yi Sir. J send vou this to ct-‘ 4 Notice. Yf FE the undersigned have associated our-' > V elvesir. Copartnership under the name and style- of Z. Gray & Co., to date -from May 30th for the purpose of doing a general mercan tile business. We will he found in the two story building on the East side of the pubho Square, where we now have and intendtojteep constantly’on hand a good* assortment of fam ily Groceries, Hardware, Provisions, and in deed every thing usually’ to be foundany wherein a Groeerv, Ilurdtvsieg or Provision Store. Please to Gve us a-call for we feel con fident that we are able to give satisfaction both in price and quality of articles wanting. The highest market price paid in Goods for- Cor.u, W%cat, Flour, Peas, Hides,'Tallow, Beeswax, and other Produce. EACH ARIAIt GRAY. NATHAN W. HAINES. SandersTifle, J.une 14 i 85-1. ^ tf 111-: 55 \1EIS). 4 BSCONDED from Mr. Brinson's Mill in A Washington county, dn Saturday niglit hist, a man by the .name ofi James P. lianksr a nuH-wright by profession', lie rode off a bright bay* horse, his fore-top ro idled off. but nearly- grown out, one of his eyes out, believed to be the right. Banks is about 35 years old, walks short'and steps quick, quick "Spoken,* anil ffses good language, ho wears his hair in front.’turn- ed to the left, and long, reaches over the left eve. Carried, off a buggy, which he claim's to be Ills own. The public will do well to look out or him- "CHAS. G. SHEPPARD.,.- Dec. 13 45.31 Planter’s Club. nPIIE Planter’s Club of Hancock will liere- 8 after meet at 2 1-2 o clock, on, the first Tuesday in each month. JAMES THOMAS, President.* Tims. C; Audas, Secretary. ■ Dee. 13. 40. tf- aiid JLol for hutc. bir. J send you tins to ter! i;v to vou • . ar Extract of Yellow Dock and SaVser.-'!-"! *7 ur performed one ol the.most wonderful en* *“ me that Inis ever been pericTmcd on c " 6U have been afflicted for lortv years in ’ 1 liens oil rfci legs mid feet*; 'in lS4 6 '!l'.Y ni '' so bad that 1 i au .o go on crate! e-- ■ ’ R* IJghs rr’U 1 ' HOUSE end LOT now owned and oecu- 1 s0 ]j; three-fourths of a mite life red for sale on no- I 1 pied by my west of Saiulersvill.., .. . „ comm.'dating terms. The bnitomgs and alt new, and the Lot contains twenty one ami a half acres, a portion of which is improved. jau3 1SSi;~tf JNO. li'. KiJ 1)1.3ILL. Dufie . i I rtQR gale at tlie-hiln, or 13th Station C. R. K. ’ at one dollar and fifty cents net barrel, iviuranted to sla^k. Cash re )iprcd._ May ( U'M. SNEED. r-p\VO M — -— . , ... i. he made to tho Court oi Ordinary ot H ash inctoncountv, for leave toscll one negro man bv the aname of Harrv, the property of the es tate of IFm. R. Rushing, late of said, county, deceased. , . m-emvr JAMES KLbillNG. Dee. 7, * “ ,u T vWO months afterdate application will he made to tlie Honorable live Court of Or- jinm-r of Emanuel county, for leave to^sell all-tlie real personal property of Cui'.er Kirk- lahd, dctca-cd. j A CKSGN BIRD, Adm’r. L. KIRKLAND, idmr'x. "•Nov. -22, _ ♦ 43 2m Washington Coualy Academy: ri'HE above.Institution will be opened for it the reception of Ylales and Icmafei^oii the Second Monday’in January next. The Trus tees have secured the services of Mr. B. 1*. RUDISILL for the ensuing year, and would cheerfully recommend Inm as a Teacher, to the support and patronage ot parents and guarr dians in thi^and the adjoining counties. The following shall lie the rates of Tuition For the 1st Class $S per term. 2nd do. $12. 3d do. -16. No pupil taken for any less time than one quarter. N. B. Prompt payment of dues at the close of each term. R- -Yf. 1- louunoy, AY. F. POBRXELL, A. A. Cullers, Silas Floyd, , AA r . r. Hayxes, Sandersville, Dec. 26. tf Trustees. COPARTNERSHIP- T HE Undersigned have associated them selves in the practice of LAW on the criminal side of the Court, and will practice in anv countv-of the S.tate. Office at Augusta, ' EDWARD J. WALKER, JUL1EN GUMMING. Dec. 20, 1S55 46 ly A. D JERNIGAN, 'and Sandersville, Jan 10 1S5C. r rnE undersigned, respectfully call tho atteri- 1 tion of the citizens of AYashington and the adjoining Counties, that tliev have removed to their now Store, on the lot formerly occu pied by Lazarorf and Newman, where they are opening a handsome and well selected stock of jF.fiJY and IT/.rm «23-4HC» S a Consisting cf every article belonging to the Dry Goods and Hosiery line. Heady If lade Clothing for .Gentlemen, Youths and Boys, Gold and Silver Watches, JEWELRY,GUNS, RIFLES IMardtcare and Saddlery. All of which we are offering at low pri.ces and on the usual terms. Mr. M. Newman respectfully solicits a call at this store from all his friends and former customers, where he will use his best exertions to please tho most fastidious. AINSAYORTH & SLAGER. October 4, 1355 36 tf Plantation for S ITUATED eleven miles from Savannah on the OgeecUee and Altamahaw Canal in Chatham County, containing five hundred acres, consisting of first, quality Rice land, also.good corn and cotton’ land, with fine range for stock. On the premise's is a good two story house,- with -all necessary out buildings, immediately on the canal* it lias one of tlie best sites fur a steam saw mill. The place is well situated for orchards or vineyards. * ’ JOHN R. TEBEAU-. , Oct: 11 . , 30 3m Co-Partnership. r HK mnitfcrsrgned . have formed a co-part erskip fertile purpose of carry ing on the business Of Platering, Bricklaying mid Rock •frork in ail their various branches and in the most workmanlike manner. Jobs taken in tlifi country DANIE L STfA ENSON. JAMESA. FAGAN. ■ Sandersville. Jamnirv .1, 1855,- dy EY1SI1 REV TICE. p A Y me m- 11at yo^ o.wc sequences. j«it 27, 1^5* e oriaK® the con- JOHN' A. WRIGHT 4r-tj DR. J. J. HARRIS. T )EGS leave to annonnee to the citi?ens of i ' Washington Co., that he has permanently located at Tennille where he mgy he found at all times when not profeslidhallv absent. He would further state that in addition to the advantages usually enjoyed by .students of medicine, he has been in constant atten dance for two years past, upon the “ Surgical Infirmary” of the Drs. Campbell, where he has had abundant opportunity of observing dis ease, anditsappropriate treatment. He hopes by promptness and assiduit to merit confidence.- * tf maj’. 3 u 1856! 185©! S 0 U T II K R N 0-ULTI A r A T0 R, A MONTHLY JOURNAL, devoted exclusively to the • improvement of South-era Agriculture. Horticulture, Stock Breeding Bout try, Bees, General Farm, Economy, dr.,- dc. illustrated with numerous engravings. One Dollar a Year in Advance. , DANIEL LEE, M. D.. and D. REDMONT Ed- itors. TheFo* 1 rteentfi A’olume will commence - 111 January, 1856. r|''IIE CULTIVATOR is a largo octayo of thirtv -two pages, forming a Volume of384 pages in the year. It contains a much great er 'amount of reading matter tlian any agricul tural journal in tlie- South—-embrfteiiig, in ad dition to all the current agricultural topics o the day, A'aluaiilE OuxtiNAL CoStp.ibctions Aron 1 many of thy most intelligent and j»rae- ticul Planters, Farmers, and Ilortienlturiifs in everv section of{lie Sontli and Southwest.'' - —TEK.AfS-p One Copy.. $1 1 Twenty-live Copies 1 year. .*2® Six Copies . .5 [ One hundred P “ “ 75 The Cash System wjil be rigidly adhered to, and in no instance will the. ]>a]ier he scut un less the moirev accompanies the-order. The bills ot all specie paying hanks received at par. Ah monev remitted ,hyi mail, postage p.iiil. will he at tlie risk of the publisher.' - Advertisements inserted at one cfollar per sqinn-e of twelve lines,, each insertipn ; one square pcracnnm, Ten Dollars. J * Address - WM. 8. JONES, Augusta,. Ga. J3?“Persons who will aet as Agents, alid obtain Subser.b rs, will be.fu'rnishtd the {Ri per at el ill) prices. ' Dee. 13 .tf AINSWORTH & SLAGER’S STORE AT DAYtSBORO. rrUlOSE who have already honored ns with J. a eall at the the above Store are w. 11 con vinced that we keep constantly on hand, and have laid in this spring. The largsst and Itandsumest.stock of goods which cannot he surpassed in any country Store, as regards beauty stvlc and cheapness. MR. H, ML SHEPARD, Our Agent A Gentleman well known and highly res pected by all who know him for his integrity and business qualifications would be picascd to see at tjoy pt'l sf’" 1 '! nil, hi, IVuu la ini’J CARTER’S '-SPANISH MIXTURE. THEGREAT^PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD! Not a I’article of Jlercury in it. Let the Afflicted Read and Ponder ! ,4 N Infallible Remedy for Scrofula, King’s j\_ Evil, Rhcnmat’sm,' Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face! Blotches, Boils. Ague and Fever, Chronic Sore Eves, Ring Worm or Tetter,. Sgald Head, Enlargement and Pain of.tlie Bones and Joints, Stubborn Uleers, SyphiliticDlsoriler*, Lumba go, Spinal Complaints, and all J .' aris- fng from ah Injudicious Use of Mercury, liri- jirudenL in Life, oi-Tinpurify ofjlie Blood'. rsyi’liis great alterative lnodicine and Pijri- ficrLi'tbe Blood is now used by thousands of gpiteftri tie lit.* from all jcirts of tlie United Sfotse, wi.o t.-otii'y .liiily to the remarkable cures performed by the gr. afest of all rtietlieienes, •‘CATER'!}SPANISH MIXTURES” Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions uu the skin, Liver-Disease,-Fevers Ulcers 'Oid Sores, AfTdc- tions of the* Kidneys-,'. Diseases .of the Tlrroat, Female Complaints, Pains and Aching of the bones and Joints, are speedily-put to flight bv using this great omfruesti 1 r.ih!c remedy. For"..11 diseases of tlie Blood, ' noticing has vet been found to compare with It. It cleanses the System of all impurities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kidneys, strength ens the 'Digestion, gives tone to the Stomach, makes tlie skin clear and healthy, and restores the Coiitituti' 11, enfoibled'by disease or bro ken down by the excesses of youth, to its pris tine vigor and streyeth. For the Ladies, it is incomparably better than all the cosmetics ever used, A few doses of Carter’s Si’anish Mixture will remove all sal- lowness-ofcomplexion, bring the roscs mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to tlie Step, and improve the genera! health in a remarkable degree, beyond all the"medicines ever heard of. The .large number- of certificates which we have received from poisons from all parts of the .United States, is the best evidence that there is no Humbug about it., hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians, and public men, well known to.the community, all add their testimonv to the wonderful effects ofthis GREAT BJ.OOD t’UEIFlER. . Call 011 the Agent ijnd get- a Circular aud- 'Almanac, and f -ad the womUriul cures this truly greatest of all Medicines has pyrformed.' None genuine unless signed BENNETT & BELR8. J’iv.j.iletors, No. 3 Peart Street, Rich mond, Va.; to whom all orders for supplies and agencies must he nddrsscd, . ‘ And.for sale l;y 27. Gray, Sandersville, Ga, August 2 1355.- » •*.-*■ ercr. these Ifowders will hereafter lxuput up hv B AY. Adams. A Box contains sixty pow- defis. All orders di'reefcd to him at Eatonton, Putnam t’o.. Ga., will meet wfitn prongit at tention', If the cash §5J>o,. acpompauy the or der. 'Mcdreiiic*. of charge. CERTIFICATES. Dn. J. G; GIBSON'; g m { have heeiYaffiicted with Rheumatism for theliist three or four years, v. liieh, though slight, at jc!'st,noiitiiiuccl to increase upon me, until it hecatue exeeddingly -trtmhlc'sfimc, and causing,- tit times, when it entered in the hack of my head, the most dreadful and. annoying o-dii. It was siiggestQa tome, oh one occasion! ■y a friend, that if 1 desired -tobe cured of iiieumaUsm, I xvoulcl probably find a ‘jure for it in your powders, which you call Lilich sAut 1- heunmtie Powder. Though I had hut little faith in tlieir efficacy, l conciuclcd I would give them'a fair trial, luici so, And contrary toall expeCtii-'tiofo 1 liad taken hut a few of them when I ceased to feel any more juiin, and I have been freed from all Rheumatic-symptoms up to the present. ' • - •’ ' ' Believing vour powders invaluable, and liav- im'uo doubt’of their efficacy to cure, 1 thought ft my duty to giveyou this testimony in their favor. Rcspeetlullv. <vc-., * *! . . nd i a re» 1S4‘J 1 had one leg amputated al,ove |] L. about nine months my oilier 1c-" bn in large eating and runhirg suits ivL' Cut knee to my foot, and discharged a ere-* M of olfensive matter. Mv groin also) • f «tit in large’ biles, with my ieit hand out in Tunningspres neitrly tomv elbow. Tl that 1 have suffered li.r the last twc'cL 1 ’ 1 cannot discribe to you.. I was in „ B tii .‘ ,lirs that 1 could not rest clay cr night. InOetohcr last my soil brought ire your bottle cf wrappers; 1 read it ai... record ot some wonderful cuies {iciTorii vour “Extract of Y'ellow Dock rill commenced one of band d br ” 1 Sent and g'i t two bottles’of it nenced taking it. In two weeks “ n,i ... . *1.7 U) Hit 111 V cseV great astonisluuent, iuy seres all Ijccnm. and 1 could siecqi all night, a thing 1 done for two years. AY hen 1 had tak.ji a* bottles, my sores had 1.early all liealLi t ;I sores get well as jf by eiiebantment i]*• now used in all, tight bottles of vrmrH-'* tract of Yellow Dock A 'Sarsapari’’' ' x " now e insider myself well. and I Eatonton, April 5th, 1855. Jas. W. Kappin. Land fer Safe. At private sale, the tract of land containing (107) one hundred and seven acres choice land, on AYi 11 iamsori’g*Swatnp. AA'ell wafered.- half mile frofn Station No. 12 1-2, Central Road, and four miles .from Sandersville, about 10 acres of cleared land. For further information refer to S. 0. FRANKLIN, Tennille. Dec. 31 • 46 4t rec-r of some years in his business, lie is ready to offer great b-trgaii.s and to suit tlie taste and fancy of all ; ancl. more especially the ladies, having a good supply of fi le goods on hand. May 24th, 1S55. 10 tf q?<dm?t ^ HOUSE, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, AC. J) ESPECTFULLY informs the public* that AV he'is now prepared to execute all kiuds of Plain and Fancy Painting, Gilding, Graining, Glazing, 'Mar- bleizing, Paper Hanging, etc. ORDERS SOLICITED. * May 81st, 185o. 17—Ty Sparta.,- Ga, T HE. Subscriber takes this method of infor ming the public, that he has taken the house previously occupied by* Little and Riley as a wholesale grocery, opposite Cothern and AVatkin’s Store, where he intends keeping a Cabinet shop, and will do all sorts of work in that line of business. Coffins, Bedsteads, Bu reaus, Book Cases, and Safes ** order, at moderate rates; Mahogany and AYaln’ut furniture, repaired peatlv. He hopes the public: will give him their custom." Any orders shall bo promptly attended to. Oct. 24 38 tf S. J. STUART. Valuable Plantation ‘SKDIB m&m T HE subscriber offers for sale his plan tation, situated in Washington count v, about five miles from No. 14, C. R. R-, containing twelve hundred and sixty acres, about five hundred of which is cleared and mostly in good condition for another crop. On the premises is a good dwelling, with all the hnil.tin-s necessary for a f»rm in irr.o.l roWMr liouse, -winch commands ns good a trade as any country store ia the county—corn and fod der and all kinds of stock, can be ^obtained with the premises if desired. The place is per fectly healthy, and is generally admitted tobe one of the most desirable 'plantations in the county. Persons wishing .to purchase laud in Middle Georgia, convenient to a'Railrbnd, will do well to exam ine this place before pur chasing. AVAL G. McBIUDE. . Oconee P. O., Nov. 17, 1855. 42 tf TOWN .PROPERTY JF0 M . T IIE.undersigned offers for sale upon very liberal terms tlie following property, to wit :—three lots with fine new "houses" just Completed: ,* A'LSO, Thirty acres of wood-lafid ivithin tho cor porate limits of the town of Eatonton. Y. TUNISON. Dee. 2. 1854.—33-tf' GENUINE PREPARATION. Helmbold's Highly Concentrated CoEipoand FMc! Extract Buchn. Fpr diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys Secret Diseases, Strictures, AVeakhess, ana .. all diseases of the Sexnal Organs, whether in Mali-or Female from whatever emse they liiay have originated and no matter of how long standing. I? von have contracted the terrible disease which, when once seated in the system, will surely go down trombone generation fo anoth er, undermining tkc-eonstitation and sapiping the very vital fluids of life, do not trnst yourself in the hands of Quacks,' who start up every, day in a city like this, arid fill the papers with glaring falsehoods, too well calculated to de ceive the young and those not acquainted with the tricks. Yoit cannot be too 'careful in the selection of a remedy in these cases. The fluid Extract Buehu has been pro nounced by eminent physicians the _ greatest remedy ever known. It is a medicine per fectly nleasnnt in its taste, and very innocent in it's action, and yet so thorough that it an nihilates every particle of the rank aud poi sonous virus* of this dreadful disease ; aud unlike other remedies, docs not dry up the disease in the hi odd. Constitutional-Debility, hpoiight on by ■self- abuse a most terrible disease, which has brought thousands of the human race to un timely graves, thus blasting, the brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the biul the glorious ambition of many a noble yourli, can be cured bv this Infallable"Remedy. And as a medicine ivhieliinustbenefiteverybiiyRy,, Dr. J. G. GIB30N, *. fflatouton, Ga:, - Dear Em—I eaunot retrain from an. expres sion to vou of tlie great ci-fiuulte 1 place Oil your invalo-abfc remedy for Rbdnmatism.. J have used it in mv family with the most sutisliietory results auci-would recommend'it To any person who may he affiicted witfothis most annoying disease. . .. • ■ . '' „ 1 tried it on an old negro . woman some 00 or 60 Years of age. who hus been severely affiio- ted for 0*1 veal.-|, or mere, tor aught I know, aud frequently s'$e has been rendered helpless j,v the most exeruciati'ng pain, Lving np trom 2rio t.v. ccks at a time-. Auyfous to relieve her, 1 have iriudlhe most ol '.h "reinedies hi use for Kheumatistnj hut always with misatisiaetory rcsults, She Still complained, and herfiugers had become stiffened and partially drawn to gether.* "When I heard of your remedy, and_ especially of the astonishing cures that it was oflecriegj I determine R to try it on tliis old woman. She commenced to take the powders, according to your directions, and in a lew days she exptrica eed the most gratifying results. But as her general health was feeble, and find ing her somowhat feverish,! determined,by Vour advice, to discontutue the powders for a few (lays. As soon as 1 found her dearoffe ver. 1 eummeneed the powders again, and afK-r takingtliem for three days, astonishing to tell, sin said Hurt she was entirely clear of pain. And when 1 enquired more particularly of 1 er eonuit'ron, she thrust out lfor hands, with her lingers stniiglit and nimble, saying that she had not been so clear of pain for years, “and she felt like a young gal. ’ She lias not com plained of Rheumatism since, and 1 hope that flic- faitliful old servant may never suiter pain again. • ■ 1 cheerfully hear you. this testimony, and hope that you will lose no time in publishing your Remedy to the world, as a safe and cer tain cure for Rheumatism. - Most respectfully yours, B. F. Adams'. Eatonton, April 4, 1S55. I do hereby certify, that after suffering for 33 rears with the most excruciating pain from Chronic Rireumatism, and finding noperma- nent relief fromany of the many prescriptions given me by different physicians, 1 am now ’entirely wcil," -not only of Rheumatism itself, but likewise of its etii-ets. This cure was effe cted by a preparation styled Lineh’a Anli- TfoeamaUe Foiviforr., Of these poxvders 1 took two dozen, find bare hofhad anf symptoms ot my old pains for three yeans. The effect upon igc was like magic! Ai'ithm three days alter I -hail taken tlie first powder, my pains disiq jimring invalid, no equal is to be found aet nig both as a cure and preventative. Hack to Tennille and T HE HACK leaves Sandersville -every morning at 9 A. M., and meets the up-train from Savannah and Augusta. Returns to Sandersville at 12. Leaves again at 2 P. M., and arrives back at 4 P. M., connecting with the down tram from Macon. It leaves Tennille for Dublin on AVednesdays and Saturdays, returns , on Thursdays and Sundays, Running semi-weekfy between Sandersville and Dublin via Tennille’. Reuben mayo, Con’r. •• Oot 11, 1855 3« ly HELMBOLD’S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Compound Estract Fluid Sarsaparilla. Eor Purifying theBloo 1, rcruoveing diseases arising from excess of Mercury, exposure and impfiidenec in life, elironic constitutional 'dis ci. ses arising from 1111 impure state of the Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known ren - cdy fo the erne pf Sertrt’nla, Salt Rheum. Scald- Head, Urlccrations ok tlie Throat aud Legs, Pains aud Swellings of the Bones, Tetter, Pimples on the' Face, and all Scalp Eruptions otffhe Skin. This article is now prescribed by some of the tJ?ost distinguished physician* in the-country, and has proved more, efficient in practice than any preparation of Sarsaparilis yet offer ed to tlie public. Several eases of secondary Syphilons, Mercurial and Scrofulous disease’s have entirely recovered in tke incurable wards ofi our public Institutions which for many years resisted every mode of treatment that could be devised. These cases furnish striking examples of tlie salutary effects of this medioine in arresting some of the most- inveterate diseases, after the glands were destroyed, and the bones- already affected, 'NoTicE.-Lcttersfrtmi resixmsiblc.physicians and Professors of several Medical Colleges, and certificates ofi cures from patients will be found accompanying both Preparations. Prices, Fluid Extract of Buehu,* $1 per 1 or'6 bottle's for f5. “ a “ Sarsaparilla, “ “ . “ equal in ^strength tonne gallon of-Syrup of Sarsaparilla." Prepared and sold by If. T. 1IELMBOLD, Chemist, 263 Chestnut Street, near the Guard House, Philxdeljriria, To be had of Z. Dray & Oo„ at Sandersville. And of Druggists and Dealers everywhere. . All letters directed to tho Proprietor or Agent' receive immediate attontioc. June 28 ' loy , . . • y and j not them to try it, t< r it wall cure them, iw ease is well known in a large portion of Sent' Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, mid jf tn should doubt tlie above cure, 1 invite them tu call on me, and 1 will show them the senn i - an be found in TiJlap esa Co, A j. one mile from Sloe’s Ferr awiiui. peared, aud I have-been entirely clear of the ' ! my up to "the present time.. To ,*aUsuffering Ime.that wo e Rlxejati ilUGHIS The Yellow Dock A Sarsaparilla is p « a . Iiarly adapted for females of delicate health resulting from irregularity of .lneustrual dis- ehtufres, arid other diseases pecuiku to tl-.rir sex The proprietor has in his p. .-s, s.sion act cat liumher of certificates ofi cures performed of the above description. \<e assure the uffliatl ed, that a bottle or two of Dr. Guvsott’s Ex tract of Y'ellow Dock «-Sarsaparilla will a; once regulate these difl!< u'.'les and renew the natural energies, 'rrrfut r,n in Lotties. Price 1$ per bottle. S.Jd w! ohU- aL j re£a ij by • ; SCOViL A MEAD. Ill Chartres street, N.0. General Agents fi r ti.e S-'-ntherii States t» whom all orders must be a duns sod. bcld’by AY. 1L Barnett, Sparta; Janies Hertz. E. J AY bite Milledgeville; Beall A Chamber:, Irwin- tonMoultrie A Li- . I-eim-s Bnilge; Payne, Macon ; Miller tc Haylcs, Louisville, march 15—6111 VOLCANIC REPEATING PISTOLS r I*TIIS PISTOL can be discharged wiff X greater rapidity and certainty than »nj- other - pistol novviu use..' The following is an extract in relation to them, taken from tbs New Haven Palladium: “ AYe have seen and tired a pistol recently invented and patented, which .bids fair toei cel every thing in that line that has yet bee: offered to the- public attention. It sees to combine all that could be desired in suet a weapon.- Colt's pistol compared with it seems like a distortion, or a clumsy; uncouth, and ridiculous affair for a fire-arm. The vol canic pistol carries a Minie or conical ball, ia. a rifle barrel, aud -will put it through 1 three-incli plank at a distance of ninety rodi. Tlip receiving tube will hold ten ball ctr- tridges, which may be deposited in two s* conds of- time. The pistol may bo discharg ed thirty times in fifty seconds. It is so con trived that it is not linWle to accidental dis charge. There is no priming, no caps, and therefore no- danger to the eyes from any igni tion 11 Ar the breach. Neither is there an' recoil to jar the arm or disturb a sure aim. "Tlie whole construction is so simple os not to get out or order even trom long use. The powder and ball tire enclosed in the same metallic cover, so that a person could swim a river with'one of these in his belt withouh iu tlie slightest degree injuring the powder. In short, the weapon is in all respects 0110 of the most perfect firings in the shooting my up to tuc pn from Rheumatism,- I do heartily recommend these powders; confidently believing that you have only to give hem a trial to secure a lasting cure. * ' - Yours. Respectfully, Eatonton, April 21855.. . Joux er took into our hands I,have tio hesitation in saying, that after haviiigsnftercd' for .upwards ot 20 years with Khenuiatisin in its most direful form—first in my tries, then my thumbs', w rist and knees, shoulders, and lastly—most excruciating!} — in tny 'neck, 1 took two orthree dozen of Lin dt’s Anti-Rhcunuitic'Bowlders, and notwith standing J am old, and my constitution very much-shattered,' 1 have received- the greatest benefit from them imaginable: my relief from suffering and pain 1 cannot attribute to any tiling but the powders, for I have, tried every thing in vain,that friends,could*suggest or physicians' prescribe. "I wottld, therefore, earnestly recommend them to every sufferer of this dreadful disease, lctliim he old or young ' Yofirs, Respectfully, „ Robioit Mrnics. Eatontdn, April 2nd, 1855. I atn happy to state, for the benefit of those who are -afflieted with Rheumatism, thuti: per fect, care, lias been effected iu the personjof a negroknari-of mine, by Lineh’s Anti-Rhenrhat- ie Powders. The said boy, having suffered with it incessantly for his wards of twenty Vo'ilfftlie* 1 allove^owders; siueo ' which time, asir nearly cwo years,.lie has been a valuable and colistaritfield hand, never having suffered with Kheumatiiurtfi to the best of. my knowl edge, andi take pi to all thus alflietcd. . April 10, 1S55. edge, andi take pleasure in recommending to Mildued L.Colijxswoiith STATE OF GEORGIA, ) T ... - T , „ . Puxtam (JOUXTY. 11, A\ in. B Carterr, Ordiuaryj© said County, do hereby certify, that John Lineli, Jas, AY. Mapnin, Benjamin F. Adams Robert My rick, and Mildred L. Collins- worth, who certltV in favor of Liueli’sAnti- Rheuniatic PoivJers, are reputable citizens of said county, that 110 suspicion ot utteinptin; frandupona coiumunity can be attached to them, and that their intelligence forbids the idcathat they have been deceived. Given trom under m.f luqtd and seal . of office, tliis the 10th day of April, i 1855. * * ■ AYilliam B, CaIiteii, Ordinary, - A small lot just received and for sale at the MADISON BOOK STORE. Madison, March 24, 1855. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. ImI’ORTAXT .lNNOlX .I-.MlXT. T O all persons afflicted with Sexual disease, such as Sum Inal Weakness, Im-otexce, GoNoltp.HiEA, Gleet, Syviiilis, Ac., Ac. Tbc HOAVaRD ASSOC1 MIOK ot Phiktd elphi i, in view of the awful distraction olhu- tnan life and health, caused by Sexual dis eases, and the deceptionswhieh are practiced upon tli0 unfortunate victims ot such.disease* bv Quacks, have directed their consulting fcsr- frqon, as a Ciiatutable Act worthy ol their name, to give Medical Advice Gratis, to all persons thus afflicted, (Male or Female, j wiio apply by letter, (post-paid,) with a description of tiieir eonditon, (age, occupation, habits ot life, dec.',) and in eases of extreme poverty and suffering to Furnish Medicines Tree ot Charge • . . T „ The Howard Association is a benevolent tn- lias now a surplus of means, winch tl,ei y. . li *1 vp voted to the nt'oTi' Tp'ia*' j) )s needless to add that the Association wnt- mands the highest Medical skill of the age. Address; (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. R. t-W’ ft:OUN, Consultirig Surgeon, Howard Assocf- gition, Phihi-delphia, Pa. —Ry.ordcr- of.the.Di leyturs. . .. EZRA D. HEAKTAVELT;. President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. Mav 10 1S55-. 1 per bottle, i I certify to the above myself. _ JamesNhSiiolson, Clerk of theEnpcrior 'Court of the'County of Putnam. Scdd by Zz Graw* C4’c •’ MaylTth, 1855. • " 15—ly NEWAIUlAiYGEIIENT. Arrival and Departure of cars at No. 13, (Tennille, C R. R.) Down .day train, arr. 3.'03 P. M. leaves 3.OS P. M. Updaytrain arr. 11.15 A. M., leaves 11. 20 A. M, - - . Dowii night train arr. 12.55 A. M.‘leaves 1.0 A.M. Up n'ght train arr.- 10. 21 P. M. leave 10 26. P. M. Cons ignmeni. AUGUSTA, Geo., Jan.tary 12th 1356, M Y Consignment from “Tennessee" of^A* con, Lard, Flotu, and Corn, &e., wu be unusually heavy this season. Persons who tnay have to buy tiiese articles, arc invited to give me a call. Every thing is sold for cas h or city acceptance. T. AY. 1-’LE.MI2>0- janl7—4m . Com n. Merchant. POM S*1JLE, T TING on tlie Waters of Neely's creek and i J Limestone, 011 the Savannah road, con taming si x Hundred and Eighty Acres, adjoining Bryants, Smith, .King and om < will be sold on tlie first Tuesday in Februa . ffext, in the Town of Sandersville. Term* made known on the day of sale. _ janl7-tps JOHN ELKINE NOTICE. r I "'HE subscriber forewarns any person [ro* JL trad ing for a note purporting to be g‘ T * by me to John Pate, for twenty-five hnn dollars, dated as 1. learn, some time in Mar “1 185fo and due tlie first of January, I 35 ^ , 1857, as I never gave any such note, have, reason to. believe, was gotton up 0 f ceive and defraud anv onewlio may tr.i ^ it. The note, if in-existence, is “'RSgg. robt. aa-hitf^tIf Sept. 27, 8865. ’- -