The central Georgian. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1847-1874, February 07, 1856, Image 1

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r. c. esse ten BENDEETON. ilfimtct' to |fi|rint[tnrr, fitcraturt, Cttitjimmu cv <58^ rM7 (BBS (H*. 3BOT S 9 $2.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. VOLUME X. SANDEKSVILLE AXI) SPARTA, GA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1856. NUMBER 7. bhbbe 3 mBawaaeggnaMHa^MTOagBBB I’ENTIvAL GEORGIAN. 1 Sushtrss 'Siisinrss Sfiusirirss Ac. Ctj'; ; • Miscellaneous Journal, ruBITSHEP AT SANDEKSVILLE AND SPARTA, evkuv Thursday mousing, JSJS'W p. c. PESDLETON. Xmiis of this Paper, Pill) 1-Y ADVANCE, lT tuk expiration or 3 noxTUri - - s ' CONFECTIONS. ! Rabun & smith, j NICE THINGS FOB LITTLE i COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I .B3SLSS9 savannah, ga.. S UCH as-Candies of various sorts. Nuts nl I r'j'vjjjjpKR their services to *!ie Planters of ! dilferc-nt kinds. lr..its of all kinds' to j (; cor gi a . in die sale oi Pulton and other: suit the seasons, «fce. &e. &c. Produce.—Having lmd many vean experi- ; ALSO j etiee. tlicy flatter themselves on being able to ! "i's'L) SVUFF j give satisfaction to their patrons, 'they "villi $2.00 2.50 SEGA US, TOBACCO, Call and taste for yourselves. F. M. May IT 1355 S. B. JONES. ,1 T T 0 R XE Y AT L A TF, Sandersville Ga. June 21; 1855. 20—tf MARMI & (ilERARD, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW-, ! not engage in speculation of any kind what- j iV 1 1 vAXvrs ej a o 1 vr i ever. ' Orders tor Bagging, Rone, and Family j 1— jp,,, Street, SA VANN All, GA {v ‘ | Supplies will be filled promptly and at the I \CTTCE in Wilkinson county, and tl ! lowest market prices. j. vr. rabun, of the* late* linn ha bun & ■whitehead , . w. II* SMITH. 4 “ SMITH S LATlIROr. 5 I Savannah, June 2*1, 1S54. 10—Cm \ j-^nuro will consist of ter. lines, hut every Ivfitiscmcut will be counted a square wlicth- ‘ r if reaches ten lines or not. over ton lines and under twenty-one •jl i, c . counted two squares—all over twenty * ({ , „ n d under thirty-one, three squares, As. " raTES of advertising. UK It SQUARE OK TEN LINKS. .juc insertion SI 0b, and Fifty cents for eaeli "'fCSS- without a specification ! J- G. M Vxaxocs. *1 lumber of insertions, will lie pnslished i May 24th, 185,>. 1 ’■ 1 ■nv.rVid and eliarged accordingly. ! — : B dues'* or Professional Cards, tier veer, f j. E . WILLIAMS, Xwit/ww j Formerly of Knoxville, Term. J <;x ■*' “I'" 1 '** ’« t!a " ee " J,yiKVa ; COMMISSION mi CHANT, toslfitd •‘pact- 1 - 'vcr!isc:nenfs. WARNOCK & Succe-isors to Cachedge <£* Brother. I WHOLESALE -VXD DETAIL Franklin Sx Brantly. 1! 2® K , S I 1'«Lb- i| 11 ! ra ctor s ' '"no/kiIi, CONGRESS STREET ’ ! YYB GOA^SION MERCKAXTS, n ji t* * j .* SAYAN.*AHj GA* Sotith-side mariict Square, j JuuC 6t ii, isis. t—iy SAVANNAH. G A, ! : —— LONG & COBB, 1. L - * li.iL 1 ILL lit tt ItMiiauu .UI.I..;, Die courts of the Eastern and Middle Circuits, ml the Courts of the United States and Su- ircme Court ot Georgia. Mri.KOitn Maksii. | John V - Guerard- May 31st,’55. B—It CAIN & LEWIS A'tnrnies-at Laic—Sparta, Georgia T-VTILL practice in :dl the counties of the W s', rtoern Cir-u.t—cad also m M ashing- ton. Jefferson and BAdv in ec .ntic^. (Mlicc over T. T. Windsor s Stop , first dopr i to the rklit. i K. CAIN. H. W. LEWIS. tt llV : e. fsl- try a , t ot - imml and Negroes, by Admtnistra- AND DEALER IN j E icon. Lard. Corn, Outs, Wheat and Pro duce irener.dly, J , utors or Guardians, tire required I ta. Ga. i-jrii, t.’.m ri.« first Tuesday in the j pgf?- Orders from a di.-tancc promptly at- •1301V s Ware-house, Atlan- .-tancc lets V—2oy [ liOb.At'V LAND. I 1 T „, ispr.pyJ1^ ! I Jamd Warrants for all *"“ 1 ‘ BRUNSWICK, GA. i I^“et of Congress. ^ J.J. TtA. \T7TLL give.their attention to the practiev | V\ aytieslio-o. ton, V.a\->1 t. ’ . VY of Jau in ttie counties of Chatham, ] " ' **r vfTT T EL? Lihertv, McTi. t«sli, GlC.n. Wayne and | A. .1 & I. VV . AltiHH-iiV, Camden, of the Easton Circuit: Lowndes, > „ r- o a t LAV/ Clinch, Wnrc, Charlton \ml Arplin^ ot the AT i ORNEYS A l Southern circuit and* also Nassau Duval, and | *\ l GUSTA, GA* St. John’s counties Florida. _ I 7 Tiiosi. T. Long. J Tnos. h . Cobb i May 51st, Mux* l»Fvl tf li<i7G encountered this young rhtin, and he lias made tho same mysteri ous gesture. I cannot be deceiv ed; it is intended for me arid'lie turned his horse’s head.towards DR. LAWRENCE. iYedtca!. i 1 w to >c held oil t '■ n l, ruvem he hours of loin the forenoon tended to ““fi bi the afu-r mon, at tl.o Court House I. U the County in which .no property is situ- Med. N*fi pf i'll. • • r-r the side oi ])cr^oiuu pi'Tyv I * A *• \* i i a \r KKNTF M 1) | asinacrsvuus unu b iiniu, ' ,0 \ K ' e like* manner 10 dnys previous | I" '’‘iJ lice is on the corner in the new building re- ««tlK ri'eum like j dan. loth, lSa*. “‘A i oentiv put up bv Messrs, d. T. Youngblood WMleday. creditors of an i fXT V "A Vr-, Q 1)I? rp j & Co'., where he may always be found when JT- Ubepullished 40. days. j DK. K. B. IN 18131^1 I rrotessmualy engaged^ SofAthat application will Be made to the , ^ FJ ,-£ KS i, is service.* to the people of Put- j Jun if Ordinary, tor leave p- - • 17—lr y,« of these sales must bo given in a j r HAVE moved my »iScc to the holding j r phe uudeasmned will continue to practice ...r—."• ,T^*ft*S£3^ f tl-e s-de of liersonal property | alwaa.-he picparo ^ to a i.m pi i . i ■ j Sandcrsville and Washington county, llisol- V;3ive,.tu'iike manlier 10 days previous j , ^ 1 F*' * 2-tf } fiee is on the turner in the new bmldmgre- A, A. CULLENS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, lVaynesboro,(fi!. liefer to A. J, & T. W. Miller, Augusta, Georgia T. B. itllLLF.h, May 31st, ’55. Geo. A. Mkniiell. 17-fy <'o»rt of Ordinary, 'H- i l t wo an nths i U num, in the praetiee ot Medicine and !_ Jl.ijracs, must lie.published _tuo Jn mt . . . , v y. m a lw;-.vs be found at Ins cnee- ; Options lor letters ot Adnnnmt'at! ; t • (l!ll stan d 0 f Branham, Lawrence &;£ iU-dv-u,. &e„ must he published dac s to. j Ad ,, r a{ his house (the lute residence of Awiin from Aduum^nfoon, Wg, « , £ A<la!lis y, m lk .ss profession-.lly engag ’ wont A*—h«m Jisissmn from Luaid.ansh.p, . J { i 8 55. 8-1 SAMUEL PALMER & SON, | lercd. i Importers and Healers in | FILES, CUTLERY, BLACKSMITH AND j DAVID J. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Louisville, (la., AY ILL Practice in all the Courts of the Mid dle Circuit, and will give prompt attention to all Easiness entrusted to his cure. May 31st, 1855. 17—ly i*,* rf £! ij1)WICK & COOKliJ Me<!!,a,lic ’ s Tonls > Mimic* ‘it I vniMY MIDI VG AND i Agricultural Implements, etc. etc. published monthly, ./ur J ,,,u riln, ‘ L Lblisliing loit papers, Ur the .fully, thru months—lov compelling eruran cr Administrators, where bond has ; breu^ veil by the deceased, the lull space of , three luonth?. J’tHioutious will atwf.vs be Continued aceor- , teas .0 these, the legal requirements, unless j »i her wise ordered, at the following K A T E S : Citations on letters of AdministratimL 75 <j,. Jo. Ad on, a i,. do. do. Gtiardiansh.p, « b. 1..,, to sell Land or Aegt.ics, (w , Setice to Dclitors and Creditors, ^ 6,1mof personal property, ten •-. •, tijmire HECEiYING, FORAY AUDI NG AND Commission Merchants. Bay Street, Savannah; Ga. 1L S. liABDWiCK, January 1, 1S55 J. G. COOK K. 2 Iv * iiiijDi I iijilvjufi, 0c Lei., manufacturers and dealers in 1gricultx Savannah, Ga-, I |l avc on hand a large and wcu j Keep constantly on lutnd, a lull assortment , ■ r.f \ L L I of Planter's. Builder’s and House-keepers selected StOCK OI -l I goods all of wliieh-are offered at prices unusu 1 From the Daily News. Down the Stream of Life we Glide- I1Y II. S. UATTE. Down tlie stream of life we glide To eternity's dark shore : Daily rushing with the tide. Onwaid, onward ever more. Time doth waft us all away, Death is ever at the door. Counting mortals—sons of day— - .spirits leaving, ever more. Down the stream of life we glide To the dark “ Plutonian sliote,’’ Rushing onward with the tide, Onward rushing, ever more. Lo ! the crimson' field of strife, Where the difl of battle roar ; Hurrying mortals out of life ' To eternity’s dark shore. Kingdoms rise and mdt away. Lightnings flash and thunders roar, Pleasures J iass like morning ray, And are gone forever more- From beyond these scenes of strife, From above the cannon’s roar, Mortals, to eternal life One doth beckon ever more. Down the rolling rushing tide,* From the lov’d ones here we sever. To eternity vre glide, Leaving all of earth forever, Down the roaring, rushing tide, All are wafted onward ever, From these scenes of life we glide, To return again, 0! never! ! to assist iiis brother by chopping j on the opposite side of the same j tree with him. This being agreed ! to. they applied themselves the ~ | task before them with redoubled j f) ie Granger. The latter, seeing A tree of somewhat hit- : the movement, advanced to meet ;as now selected, and after i . . .- . J. ... . t.or.-ori to! Sir, said lie, bowing Jow, ‘I long and tec lous e o y r I have bad the honor to meet you before.’ energy, trer size was crack, and tremble on the point of fulling. “Stop Dick,” said Cleni, “let me give him the last blow; I “no,” said Hick, “let me,” and both j with one accord struck at the fall- j ing tree, their hatchets coming in ! contact, edge to edge, producing a jtfearful gap in one/>f them. “There,' | said Clem, “you have broke granuc j pa’s hatchet. “It was you that did it,” said Hick, “chopping round on mv side.” “.Well, I suppose,” said Clem, “it was both of us, but what shall we say to grandpa, now that his hatchet is broken. W hat can we say,” said Hick ; “if he asks who did it,* we must tell the truth ; perhaps he will not be much vexed; h ‘Yes,’ replied the Englishman•L who was vainly interrogating.'?!^ : memory : ‘Yes, your face L a creditor which torments me,- a nd which I cannot satisfy bv giving him the name that he asks for.’ - ‘You have never' known my name. "We met at Moscow.’ ‘In Society ?’ ‘No. at the Hotel SansSouci, and in public places. Pardon me if, with only this title to your notice, I have ventured lo accost you at so inopportune an hour. The im portance of the motive will, I hope be some excuse . to a mind so gen erous as yours.’ ‘Of me ?’ ‘OT you.’ “Arc you not mistaken?’asked will be i ^ iUncs w ‘th some hesitation, 1 not knowing exactly what to make but if we tell a story awful mad.” “So I think, said 1 0 p {jjj s singular demand. ‘I* am Cl em . “and we had better tell him j Sir James Badly, an Englishman at once before lie sees ilia gap : if ■ b 3" Firth, remarkable for nothing wc do not he wifi not only’ be dis It ill nui i p | .-■■-4 pleased with us, but will foibrd our using his tools again. You had better tell him, Hick.' — “No,” said Hick, “you are the old est, you speak first.” “So I will, ’ said, and away they went in | search of their grandfather, but m,- fortunately the old sentl man was all v low. , , !t?”Goccls for tlic interior packed witli care, anil snipped with dispatch. Orders respectfully solicited. Oct. 17, JS55 37 If DR. BRANHAM. 4 T the earnest request ot runny ot un\ i old Friends and natrons L have dctorridn- j ed to remain in Katonton and continue tne i rac tiee (At*Medicine. 1 offer mv services to the citi l,- . lt l:cns of Katorton andVimianicounty, and wiil j TTAVJNU permanently located liun.elt at HR. "WILLIAM L. JERNIGAN 1 5iii ., t ieiiC l'aitlifullv to mv I'roiessioi:. 1 " ill give.- Jl Duvisliorcugh cy; 1 ': 1 '“■ "i' 1 'A V.b'i x- „„ I,,- Tvecutorn, iiit-ntio'n to obh^ti'ical cases, and riie ! f 0 ?ional services to the citizeni ot t..e cotwi and ld« of Lind or Negroes. >. - 5 00 j jihua J'S of women ami ehildren. I laving had \ county, io., 1 square, , 1 50 ' years experience iu tiic practice, 1 hope j R pr 4 & his wife, (ta ad- _ .... | toget buy shire of patronage tr i'»r s man Tioaec. 1 ^ will be charged by, [deuce will be attended to. tk hiron C ii.^eirmust 1,6 Poft paid to •nhtle them to attention. Hesperian Ilurp. My ot’iee is On j„ the house occupied by A\ m. A. Reid, Lsq.. I law otii-e. Galls left there, or at ley l' - '■ ' ' o. T s for sale hv .1. AV. STANFORD of Sparta; JOEL BRANHAM. I j T Vu'UXGBLOoD & Co., Sandcrs- ,0.1. 1 '855 2—tf : viiic-: IU. A. 1IAYI.ES ifeC'o., Lduisvilic; and i M . COOBEU & Co., Savannah. ^ We have adopted -the above riites from & HI) ini. DAVIS EAToNTON, ga. EALEUS in Groceries, Tobacco, Ciyai; June 28, 1855 KEDDING liv/uu J}lacon, Ga. ^dledgevillc papei^, bv f st jorerned in all eases. -'■'AyVGA* , ,«no r ay parti'inlar attetiti«>» fo tl > ^ ‘^^'shocs, Hats. Drugs, Latent Med- 3ind tl-.ey can "uAeeut «Hi. t ^ > wurM it 1 £. jj.^ n„]!oivai.d 'Yoo.l ware. Cutlery, ; shfir advertisements a.-, ncu as i ... i!. r -m I Sliot Candles, Soups. Crockery, i . — | K^^snildlYfo.Am.d various other a'r- 1 rplIE Subseriiicr (late Fropnctor of tl.c : ptiX'K i ’25>!!y' E”or.ra.™V ' \ A i s5U years'—the House will he known hereafter hi Apnl ts, ■-■»*- , ! ' tiR , of Redding House, where lie will be i - _ ^ s. -m-v i ^ rn T 'XT ' I. jmnv to meet liis old customers ot tne »* u>h- ( | HOD SE I A.IV11VG,; thc I>nbr,e - enen ' 11 ’■• a,ul 1 JOB uS” O M Ei , OF ALL KINDS, LORE WITH NEATNESS, and on liberal TERMS. \Y1> WINTER CLOTHING, which they offer for sale on ACCOMMODATING TERMS, lit V.'liolc sale and retail. Xo. 101, Bryan, and 08, St. Juhenst. Savannah, ’Ga.. Oct. 17. 1ST., r ' 7 tf J. B . I! AV N E , Attorney and Counsellor at Laic * Waynesboro Burke County, Gi- UR ACT ICES in Burke. Seri veil. Jctlerson, Wasiiiimton, Bulloch, Emanuel, T.tnall and Montgomery counties. . May SI st, ’55. Jl A TT0RXTES A T LA IT. Santlersvillc Georgia. B. D. EVANS | R.T. HARMAN. May 17, 1S55. D THE BROKEN HATCHET In thc Summer of 1S55, whilst but a love play.’ ‘And for success in it/ cried the young man. ‘It is my only hope. It I should tell you! sir, that it is perhaps reserved for }'ou to rescue a fellow man from an opprobrious condition, to efface from his brow i mark which devotes him to hu miliation and scorn, what would you reply ?’ Won embarrass me ; for I do see what such an hypothesis absent, and their good intent spoil j j iavc to do. with a gentleman ed by the delay. \UrtO »••• ‘ •’ entirely forgotten by the boys The c You ms tan,- ] like voursclL lli i'on of sold ; jierhaps :dso by edu- but not by accident of their eagerness for sport, but the jj am „ s(avc ., -. gap in the hatchet, remained ta re; ‘You l’ said Railly, with astoa- to reveal itself when again wanted i iglmient. on a visit to their grandfather, two | f or use . On thc following daj', their j ‘My name e sake C>L <yrandfatiier commenced a new job j witz. anti the small bovs, who, for the | brevity, I shall call Ciem and Hick, J Q f v ,-ork, and gathered up Ins tools ! for use, when lo 1 the gap presented me is Swerkof-Feodor- estate on which I were amusing themselves in a lot near the family residence, when a j itself. “Buys, thought crossed the mind ot one, j them up bcfofo or both of them, that they would j pointing to thc broken hatch- seek some wider field of ^action, its 1 et For a moment both seemed to the sky was now clear, and the prospect fair for better amusement than throwing brickbats at mock ing birds, or harnessing the yard hesitate, but having made up their minds from, the first to be honest was born belongs lo IVinee Goloubs- lcoff.’ ‘flow can I serve fou ?’ asked said he, cubing , ^ extending bis hand affec- 1 iiin, “ who did j tiomtely to’ the young man. ‘I would gladlv- r do more than pity von. But let us-go this way,’ he .dded, taking the directiou of a path which led away from the throng; it is more prudent. You know, hat the Prince is here.’ with their grandfather, who always j perhaps, l loved them, and they found no j ‘Yes; but I could not choose the do" to a log of wood which hi-’ motive in the end, to withhold the mom . 1 nt A* !<> .’ r> l - . ° ° . P . ■„ 1 ’ . evenm", I believe the court gives a could not move for the life ol lum. ; truth froui hired They, therefore 1 ' - - What this was to be, had not as yet ■j uris, it - 1IIUUB.-S liimsifit' to spare no pains to make his | In its J'nrions Branches, ] quests coiniortiiLle. Ho lots fita-l up Lmrc i .,. T J,1, r!: „MiTLY AMI WITH '.ESPATcii. j oonit’ortulilc anil vonvfIiivnt Rooms for Lnihos ; V ' ’ onfirst floor, near tliepnvai'i entrance and I ur- , u WING itunuiber of hands m eonnoc- l i r This House is wurest to tin* Depor. \ I?!:! tiyu with me, I am prepared to do jobs ; II. B. BEDDING, Proprietor, | in I’ntn.Mii tint in the adjoiiiin.i' coan- , 1 + *A»m ftbrouu will I WA-.3Si,T Bf 3e.HA ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sanflersvtile Georgia ( gave him a brief, but plain and satis | fairly entered into the mind of eitb- ] f ac torv account of the accident.— jer, but both looked to thc pine for- j Their grandfather was pleased to j for after the fete you are t i est as the most likely spot to grat;- j SPe AV jpi t what frankness they own- i K’° c ] !a ^ cau °‘ t 10 0 "“ t .. .. - .1* . , , , , r ■ Ilensw. fete at tiie Rettersburg.’ ‘Yes.’ ^ ‘You will not return lo T ienna, to iro to dc So- feb. 17. 1853. CHAFFER AND CO. i ties. Anv eoinmuiiH-atiitn _ • reaeli me tiirouah thc Post Ofliee here. 1 am ; ' a Do prepared to exwitc payeriug with licat- • B. F. Df.xsk, Superintendent, Aug 29,1855 Medical. -Vo. G Whitaker Street, Savannah Ga, j ue / 1 ’ ) // 1 1 s' 1 lb54. 1 JEFFERSON WRIGHT. | r|>HE undersigned lnivimr permanentlv loea \\ B. T, PRESCOTT. ! a T T 0 R N E Y A T L A AY I Sylvania, Scriven Co., Georgia ■WILL give liis whole attention to the pra- tice of Law in all its branches. _ VV in Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mmildintr-., /■ . Also Paints, Oils Varnishes, Glass, J.iiis -ep \ . f Sola be:,,' U,J.-e. Also 25 d.tfevent kinds ; f;, , W v Sola Leaf, Eronze, &c. A1 «f Flocks, from ¥1,25 upwards. Biuldei sana , ^ Olliers would do well to give ns u laill >c v' - | pnrciiasin^ elsewhere. 4 *Tlic umiL’* e nix onr motto. ^ Jan IS ^ um & I’Oshhg F .1 C T O £1 S AN 3» 'pH u . X ted iu Smidcrsvilif, would resiioetlullv ottu' tothe citizens of the Town nid Die inhabitants of file surrounding country, his 1 r,Sessional I serviecs'in the praetiee of Medicine and surgery, p $ | | His office is in the new building oecupie Julv 12, 185! , . j" T Youngblood & eo., where he may lie J \ | found at all hours of the day and night when I 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I not 1>r0 mma ; H'Tunlufield, m.d. I SAVANNAH, GA. i August lit., 1655, p . C . A R RING T a N attorney at law. Ijouisv ille, G a. October, 25, 1855. 39—tl WEBSTER & PALMES,Iq™ —WHOLESALE DEALERS IN— J. LAYTON SINGLETON, Attorney at Law, SYLVABIA, G A • promptness aud personal attention to all business entrusted to our charge, hav- Miet with approval, we beg leave respeet- fullv to sav, our office iseontilined at tlie old G II <?> € E M SB S , i stand. Plantation and I'ainily supplies for- ■ , , .... ■ warded at the lowest market prices, and lib- j Successors to jV. EIXFS & ,J eral sulvanccs made <>u J’roJucc in fctore, or j • * . ,,-t<r,fN(*iQ'*oii Bui- AT TIIE OLD STAND, NO. 195. j upon Railroad lweei r .>. ^ ^ REIIN. | \\ loc-k’'Effingliam'. Burke, Jefferson and \ i V .r.: ,uii -v^y KK - i s A X U E L F I E L H attorney at law, Sandcrsville. Ga. net. 1 1854 SAVANNAH, GA. 10S. W. WEBSTER. | < - iK0 ' F ' T ALMKS October 17. 1855 '''* DANA & WASHBURN. SpCl jESSOllS TO WASHBURN WILDER Y CO. Dp. T. W. POOL, Surgeon Dentist, E. GUMMING. A T T O R.N E Y A T L A AV Snvinton Geo. Nov. 21, 43 - tr fy their design for sport. “Stop, j said Clem, “I will get grandpa’s | hatchet to take with us; he has J just ground it up sharp, aud it will be so nice to cut the young saplings, where lc intends closing up the iiround for planting.” “That is just the idea,” said Hick, “but I am I afraid he will Lot like it, and lie is not here to ask his permission, lie saw me have it thc other day*/ said Clem,” and did not object; I think we may take it now without his being displeased.” With this they went to the tool chest, and grasp ing each a hatchet ran off as if a mighty work was before them, depending alone upon their exer tion for its accomplishment. Eve- ed thc truth, and forgave them very cheerfully for all the mischief done ; thinking it worth many hatchets ‘Yes.’ ‘To play there?’ ‘The whole night. and Goub- to have the proof of their integrity loubskoil will be there. . ‘I was well informed, lie itcsi- made so plain before his ewes. Tru ly. “honesty is the best policy. tated a moment, and a deep shadow passed over his countenance. ‘Is not that the livery of the Prince which 1 see near us?’asked i Sir James RailL', ‘It is .’ j ‘He cannot b e far off. Shall we — : I not avoid meeting him?’ Translated for the New York Musical World, j ‘With all my heart. Not that I i frar to be recognized immediately; THE RUSSIAN SLAVE. long years have passed since we T / tt at * av v T p IT T i Factors and Commission Mer- j . LO uisville, ga J U 11 in A . \v R I G ii 1 ,, chunii ] v KSIDENT^^HSTIST, j Savannah Geo. W ILL practice in the following counties : Lawrence. Emanuel. Burke, .Icfierson, t Hancock, and 'A asliingtou. ! Nov. 29, 1855 43 ^ EATONTON, GA. >TlJ, 18: 4 S. S. DUSENBEUBY, Fashionable Tailor. WJK warrant to please all who wish tiie *l latest style ot dress. Shop up stairs, • r«r 0. I>. •’-arson’s store April IS, 1354. tf Josni'ii Wasuiu T.N. 1 Special John IL Wildkr, \ Partner .— Fuas. G. Dana, ) General | II. K. Wasaburn, (Partners j MEDICAL NOTICE. WILL continue tlic above business at 114 i Buv Street East of the Exchange. Orders for 1 rpHE undersigned respeetftilly tenders Ins Ragoing Rock and otlier supplies filled prompt- | J Professional services to the citizens of the lv at lowest cash prices. 1 counties of Washington ami Hancock. Office ‘ August 2nd 1855. ,m ! a t the house of AV. IT. Hall, Esq. haVihg. wilhs, Attorney at lav:, Sparta Georgia. will practice in thc counties of Hancock ^ on commenced in earnest among "Warren, and Baldwin. . N c {^“Prompt attention paid to thc collection t f, e yoilllg pillCS. Sappllllg alter ot jlnT7 °y I sapling, fell to the ground, followed : . . 1 in every case bv a shout of exulta- HOBBY ta CAKJSW lliLLj j tion which caused the forest to ring. A TT0RXIES A T LA IU, Sylvania, Striven County, Ga. Will practice in the Middle Circuit. Mav 24 1855. 11 rv bush and briar on the way was operas, horse-racing and gaming, assailed until they reached the ^ regattes, illuminations, fire-works, woods, when the work ofdemoli- everything which the imagination ’ could devise, was employed tor the It was the epoch of the Congress j met ; but 1 could not exchange ten of Vienna, when tiie fate of half Europe was decided'amidst pomps and festivities without a rival iu modern history. Tournaments, ca rousals masked balls,, theatres and A. G. CARSWELL, M. D. To My Friends in Ealonton and iiaiis x Roads June u 1355 uj Vicinity- i’ rv ; TT VYING sold out iny entire interest in the | W&, : H praetiee of Medicine to Dr. R. B- Nis- j H ^ “ J ~ ' w 1 can most cordially recommend him to OF .IX jy K f.Y JO S . 1 Die public as a safe, prudent, and skillluj " ' i»li wiviHii. To those \vli THOMAS C. AUHAS. ATTORNEY AT LAW Sparta Georgia. October, 4. SB—tf Neatly Executed at this physician. Totbose wlio may be influenced , bv me, 1 will state that my services can be j had in coninetion with his. at anv time, lice ot extra elm,-go. ROBERT ADAMS. j charge. Jan. 20,1854. 3-tf 41 MSA ^ SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. PROPRIETOR. October, 17, 1855 37—tf - k R. M. JOHNSTON. ATTORXIES AT LAW, Sparta Georgia “Is not this fine sport said Hwk !” “Indeed it is,” said Clem, “I wonder we bad not thought of it before.” To them it was new and amusing, but fun as it was, fatigue, and the words without exciting remem branees, and all hope would be lost.’ '' “Let us follow this path, then ; and putting spnrs to their horses, they soon found themselves out of illuminations, fire-works, sight and hearing of the chase. Mlere,’ said Sir James, ‘vre are safe from observation.’ amusement of these “kings taking j ‘Before going farther,’ resumed a holiday.’' Amid the program- ; the young Russian, T ’must ask you me of festivities prepared by the J to take charge of this ; handing Imperial Committee, there figured j him a pocket bock. ‘Within it are a stag-hunt, and the. woods in the J bank notes to the amount of a mil- neighborhood of Selioebrun -were j lion roubles.’ gav with the crowd assembled to ‘A million ! exclaimed Railly, v it ness or participate in the sport. One perspn alone,- elegantly dress ed and mounted on a high-bred steed, took no part in the amuse ment of the davx His eyes were heat of the day, soon caused the i ute ntly fixed on Sir James Railly, surprised out of his usual calm by the amount. ‘Take it sir, I beg of you, and deign to listen to me. My father and I were born on a small estate near the Volga. The estate be longed to Prince Gouloubskoff, the work to flag. Dick began to think J an Englishman, noted for his wealth, _ his tree too lar^e and his tool not i his eccentricities, and his passion ! lather ot -the Prince now in Vien- ■sharp: while Clem pulled and | for play : he followed him when- na. My Uher was attached lo Im L, 1 A „• „„ I ever he went, and seemed to wish 1 person tor a long time, and served jblowed, like a young j orpo , ‘ I to attract his attention. j him with such zeal and devotion, WELL.practice iutf Hancock mui the ad- willing so soon to abandon the en-; ‘What does this mean ?’ said Sir j that, at his death, he bequeathed terpriae. Dick at length proposed j James to himself. ‘Twice my eyes 1 him a considerable sum: but un-