The central Georgian. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1847-1874, September 15, 1869, Image 3

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G E0.116I AN COLUMN, ^-q.,,. Methods brethren arc getting np TT. meeting, to be lieid in Sandersville, * 'T.neing on 2&1 hist. Pfeachiujt in the T "wo senoons—at the arbor Dinner to be Sed upon the grounds. Parties convert),nt Quested to bring baskets Prea. hmg »t 3 ; u -, T t j, n church. Parties from a distance " iVfin'd bom-8 among the peiip’e during their f wy. CoTTO ton r" d Va tl' fi Market- - Wry bales new c.*t- ■ ; ,j Paralersvi e lust yrrpk at prices IY ;G to f»0 cents. Wc quote Ho d Middling at eO '-gnts. . , > c jjp .tyrlino tit the market is perhaps 1 [„;)„■ large quantity delivered 'in mar- . c; H .and to the stringency in tie- Tl c.iinpiessi n of si me istlmt owing kt't fhu money mu ;;; oentitiuc to decline until ;>fter first p" Xoveta'ter. On .‘■'a't.rrRT, good middling was worth, in Wa York. :lo| a .3-4 ; i : Macon, 24; i-'Sa vanrnh, 30}; in Augusta. 29| a 29$. 1 he test Liverpool reports quote uplands, 13fd: Orleans 13.Vi Qolft i« quoted in New 'York at 3.1} As usual, our friends Davis, nftfOs’o 13 . fi 0 f t lic first to gi-t iu new goods. ( har ie ... iltfS „ thing or two, tind he Jitlts them to use. ];,. 3 tl-eir advertisement and "govern vet.* ves accordingly. x. C-ipt- Rnofroe will lie after yon (if yr u I T ,),; s baiiwlek.) bef >re yoti can say “Jack „ , ■ 0 • 1 K.fcp votir hat.d on your pocket I j|‘ y,i\j have one.) nod Iook out .oir Ii.s (oaiing* Sce_»hathe S ay3. pTi. Our e inii.unity "as favored with a iinnk-tC' ial visit, lust week, from Rev. Mr ^ j ;; ( . v . Mr- Ousley, of the Methodist cliurJi.and of h-ari gd-t-m deliver a series of intcie ting discourses^ ^ i:^S‘ \Yn r grpi -lijitoqriib-eoeg(Jefrrred ill a of a letter from a h.ghly < steenud lent an ii too late. I, hm,,! a a important letter from CM p;, 1, will appear next week. Glad u. Colonel. BIRD & CO. IM PORTERS, M AN UFA CTUEERS AND DBA LEES IN WHITE LEAD, ZIBC, PA1BT, colors, varnishes, paint brushes-, wiiuLow glass, EC tsr. ggs 9 OF ALL KINDS, AND PROPRIETORS OF THE FAVORITE BRAND OF ErHIiant Petroleum or Kerosene Oil, Kaiircad, Steamboat *!ltd Jtlill Supplier Leather and Rubber Reding, efeatn Recking Sc N . 8 Wh'.fafcrr Slreef, Savannah, Ga, "WHERE!! WHERE!!! S-. pt. S, 1869. Hardeman Sr 86-8m Sparks, ®3“ Jilii.l,v.’,tio c rrespor.' Ho ve lu lieu ij^T Mr. B. M. Smi !i will ftect pi i-uY tl.itiiks i r tine, of tin se spiendto ueil buckets, on of which is worii \wi),! t e old kin i. A Mi-takk.— V> V as. ure our readers tha Go leport in circulation (judging from appear j that we wou d he offended if any pro posed to ;ny up passed dues, is incorrect — 11 ve not the slightest ot j- etion to r. eeiving < li.tie of the III W entxn H»0 CJ. i IJ ivt' i i collide voiigll. you new rot Have it long; go to your Druggist &ii. uet a boitie ot Hit. TU ila GELLiiltA 1 ii i DX 1'hC i Oil AN i', it will soon cure you. It is da - prom to ni-ji.ct < oiigus. Tilts valuable prepar - fi.:, iii.-y .i.uud in every village and hamlet in tl, stiulL* a id LllJEUTV il ILL, Crawfokdvh.le. Ga., $ Aug 14, 1839. ) is. A. A. Solomons it Co., DnigyUi-. : a Ii, (A;.; ...—g....asc send mu half a tluaei >. f • onr Hitters i using them la e. - upon the r i. i,i' . s'ri it , with d cidcd he • . u ne to rue digestive or ails an a o.i. i.gii to the sys • m n i.y iixpress, with vnl -c e do se , (.. ioui/ re-peetluily, A-E-V NDER ii. i-'TEI'IIEN'S 0.1). ( ic ’d J 1 0 i. OF LIFE ure- ail pa:n i d . tin- g cat R: e m ii in L. i ;'i) Be or Xot to Ge !—I'litit is ready Hu ini :i in, ■ ui slum fei.aii w ail ulwats ■« ad -a-d w itli ihf>e t. rr i..e mala tli-easi-, tit tv; e mi ctiuiiirv fits been ufilicted fri n. n«.e ini -. . moral!, or siin 1 he deed an i have i ftuiwiy tnat «i pm mane tty expel eliil am f-ter. dumb ague eto , fr m our-ys em? U ■ii !i we Ini e on shake tiod burn at in -en als. Vitbo i any hope of reli f? We st 1 no is at ia>t f u d t at wi 1 not on y i-. Hi', hut prnnauent y i ure this scourge of m i Hiutlu'iti and Wi aid n ^.immunities. Th ■ n ■ i- I. pp i all's Pyralug ; its cu at vi P | p i ties arc wond i ful} from the first os< »- red litii: elf its are ielt. Eve y fam ly 1 i If pinei f r the e unwelcome vi.-t rs and imv a i-ott e ... Pyr luge iu ihe house, thereby, prevent ng chi Is and lever 'and ott er malar - diseases front making inroads on the d* ‘-‘k- of the dear ones, where otherwise health, bl nm and vivacity would and thoulu Hppe r. The Pyrafugi- is destined "to revolu ’i-.iiile the physicians’ practice, and do away "itli ibe liunlui effects of tqk ng qui inc, ar- and utile, d ugs, neit' Or of w hich entoi into its compositi. n. l’yra uge is prepa. ed it the laboratory of ,)ac b L ppman's Wholes.1 hr.j; Hiius., S van all, Ga. Lay,, n's PILLS cures Sick headache and L di.-iins Disorders. BALGlMi V\l) GET THE BEST. *'iNKO BAGGING 45ii:c..o«* widv (very henvv. X X KL \X •* “ “ “' Ihtiii.i i ntli “ “ n ti t.’.'it have leen tried fir two jcm sand not r, A.. :-.n hioLvil .11 t!.e county tliat "e heardc . \ mi: the best it. t e ma k-1, f r -a e by BDA.VILh.V A I'KloGl E I”, o 18B9. tt \ Profitable Investment. Iijij.tov«*inenl on* Uie e mm u -*’* J..i (rttonGin. wt.icii in kes I Be G.-i. mji» Oeiitfcr.'i. HI clciu!#. clean the ; ei d tas or. Bttmii g '- l-oi-rlny. in'id Inst, bat > M ;et e- or eh I- s id'.It.; ends of't er ' l Iw 1 acil.tln- rig t "m i-v’. hi countyi A pj limit.on can be min. W. W Patter of :'o. ;3 O’. K. R., Who h 8 mu..ei oi tlie improvement, or to unscll t 1 1 .. <1:,. . Wi M. CAiiTEU. hept.S 1 (in 4t School Books ( v V'-cr ption tor srie «t th^Sandereynlt ■ May lid S. B. tf Flour, Flour. , 0 "-‘CKS from the higbest Rnd V^rybest, to the grades, now arriving by 17 BRANTLEY A PRINGLE. a »g- 26 J L. .JOHNSON & C0“ K ffi’ ii'.mija pn baud a choice stuck of ra k Mo.. ■“is. 31,< i IL I, . 1 al-'diu:■ Gu'.do <feo. A lull slock uAvsys "“.ud at ttie CASH nKiUR. ot J. L. & co., , L ^ge^lle, Ga., .Juiit* 23, 1 CV Bag° COFFEE. »a? ■>. r ' CK !a Store for whvltwrAe tend retail trade. BRANT hit Y ARR INGLE. u sox E ,, TOIliCCO. ij k .vto Arrival and fgr ralp aa consignment t« g . 2» ( 1Efi3 BRANTLEY i pkxn'gle. Th7\Viirc, &c7 A Fortins „»% ’ BKANTLEf A PRING1-E, tf «/u)' lj ' J ! 18ry. Q sstcvI® 1 ! an< J Ltiuons ... V'"* H cu hand and for sate bv PBANTRY & "HiUjtZ. I Nh tendcri; g ;i e : ' » rvices : enin <> their piniit- : ( ins <«. I'S YFAKhfli t'SK AND t'OM. ! MISSION MERCHANTS, deem it wholly v.nneci s- j --ary to mriki proadsis as to flieir willingness and ; ability ip shi ve tjn in faithfully and advantageously. I Their long experience and" the larger patronage j ivliich has ever fcet-g extended the house-, is proof j conclusive that they di serve the confidence of the j planting community, and by prompt nnd honett at- i t'.ntion to their interest tin y intend to merit iu the in- i ture. the patronage so libsiadlygcvcp tfiem ip the past. I ORDERS FOR SUPPLIES promptly filled ct ! lowest Market Pric-'s, and the usual facilities extm- led to those who entrust their business with ns. I o. si-ahKs, ! T. Ii AR! 'EM A X. dr. ! Sept. 8, 1-69. Z -lm i ifnnii'iuais & ^psuks’Prum'mm l.isL | od.lition t*• tin* pTemiuin.^ I»y the T-vec- | fitivt* ('onnuliti p y hi tii« uppr-.jiolii'-ff State Fair, i tve wi l^ive fo.l. wii jr, either iu j.I-ie «.r uurrency, j •i* him\ be liiGin-i: Be»l in Buies Upland Cition gEO J 3 11 e-i 5 B;!csUplan.l('i.Uoh t I ]*:do Upi- n i C' Best a B lies L*»i g B» >t i Bui * SUiple ir< ni l t*** i:e-' Ie riteeoitmi ?o be neiivured :P om Wnreiu-u.-c, fn •e tr. i.^parted 1 to and From the Fair i-nnd» by tree «»i eliaitro. Five jude'es wl! be sell er< ne fr m each of I• J. guilmartin. 1 e 1 II •wins: eit e-: t.’i lun.b«if*, 1> n\ and .\i e ii, who shall determine up*»n and iwa-.; the ' IIAKIvFMaN & Sl’AllKs. > pt. 8, 8'iib 36—-ixi A. Frcidettberg 4r Bro. ll 3 hclcsa!e and lleUtil P- uJei? in HEAVY and FANCY GROCERIES! Corner vf Barnard and Brpvsjhlan Sts., SAVANNAH, GA., >7 EKI’ ennst.u tly on hand a itill stiptdy of Bu- IV con. Si*it. Fish, Foreign and Ih'mrstic i.i- IL-vain aim West India . ill its, Se- -.11 i gars Ot the best El am.a and of direct importation, 1ft ! *' r '' J rim aici'tVsee.L.. ”40 i’uyers from the up country, wid find it to their : ilvuiitagc t-) exuni'ie our SiOeii and prices, bef re puiiliasing 11-ew.iere. Aug. t5. 18ti'.h 34 ly a * <a a WHERE At lie Grocery, Grain. Provision ami General Supply EMPORIUM l-RANTLEV OF & Pringle, MARBLE WORKS. Keep your Money in the “TERRITORY” BY* SENDING VO UK ORDERS TO -I. IS. AP.TOPK & SON COR. 3D AND PLUIVl STS. MACON, - GLOKGIA. . f'iii .JSrill 25 Sj 3. or Granite IStix Toombs, Head Stones,Slabs,Yascs Mantles, STATUES, &,C., •I ii'if et-o e i of the i e-t mat* rid. 1‘artn s wisi.- ng Desigi-^, with estimate, will He iui\nehed i t .^hoit notice. Cnustnhtly oil hand a Splendid Lot <•/ ITALIAN AND AMERICAN ITvdl-A- Itc IE3 Xj IE±]. RUN 1<AiLIN : « 1'u v ib.M L 1 FRI iv • di i-i li - .-mrs fiiniist.i'il at Man el vutfo.s | rivs ■Tl i~ is <»!!•• of the o es*. b :>bine? ts »n • • inirv an . 1 »i g experience ei ali.v? ii tin i»* in i e M!ii--act ioi. n. e t »> panic'.I • r. ill Orders zcilJ tit cel vt M*rompi Oitenltttn. • pt. v . Isfi'-*, r6 ly JOHN FLANNERY. nr. n tison. Wil. W. GORDON. i iSON & GOKDl IN. CoTTnx FaCIU S, ieneral rommisslon Merehants, 93 B ty uti per, 8 A V A N N A il. G KOliGI A Pag ring and Rope or Iron Ties advanced on Crops. Liberal Cash advances made on consignments at 'otton. Grateful for liberal patronage in the past, a co:- inuance of the same is respectfully solicited. Sept. S, 1809. Sfi-fim I, -J. GUiLMAJiTIN & IU Cotton Factors AN DUEN hR A 11 (£ Giiiuiiss’ou gliTdjants, BAY' STREET, N'-l VANX.i II, - - - GEC11G1A. AGES' ;s FOR Biailicv’.'. Super Piiosphatc of Lime. Bagging, Rope, and heu Tits, Always gu hand. Usu d Faebiiita Extruded to Cuntoiners. Aug. 18, 186 «. 3 I-#»m iiDLL'-NJ i>I •vn. H. STAltK. II. I>. RICHMOND. NM. ii. STARK & t-0.. WIl.iLKSALE GROCBKS, Com miss i on .71 trch an ts, AND cea>^(DSt SAVANNAH, GA. » GF V T3 for the sale of GULLET’S tjTEEl. \ BltU-Ii < O'l T >n GUV'; IhiU's iatteit COTTON GIN FEEDER; -ARROW TIES. Also. E. V. Coe's SUPER PHOSPHATE of LIME, ind Grimes’ Patent RAW BONE PHOSPHATE. - Ca fill attention given to SALES or SHIPMENT | ,,t ( OTTON, and all kinds ot PRODUCE, Liberal ADVANCES made on consignments. DR. E. PARSONS, Agent, Sandcrsville. Sept.. 8, lSCa. 3fr~tf Saffidersvilio HIGH School. | HE Fi. 1 Term of this In-t.tuti n will iQ»- * vc..e or. Monday September Gth. BOARD OF lliREiToltSJ K. S. LANG Made, E o., MR. JOSEPH BANGS/ MR. NATHAN W IJAINRS DLL JOHN B. TURNER, ' MR. WM. G. BROWN, Guerard Holcombe. COTTON FACTORS Si’iu'ral foniiEissioE and Shipping Merchant^ Nr. 5, Stoddards Lower Range, SAVANNAH, - - GEORG /A. 11 v if veil siitish.ctiou to they© with whom th«*> avc ui-ali mid «»11;\ aj-k h trial as a practical test. ■ i•' vmi p e iiiciiQ** for liibir ^uaiiicic*. -a u_r. •_*.), 86f. 34- 6 n New Music. m tin- Be:: i, nf I.-.. g i re. c.i. e..;u.c Seng SO cte. 'lie GllV Millie C e Ii lutlle Lrv-Geoa et-re, iw g, 4u cts. ■ ne L • i « 1. Provide. t «o g, fty it.-. •;in 1 oil -me hucK Ie me, il.iisirstfcd Title song, 40 ctk. i he-.i i thi.t ie.its only f .r ihee, iLustruted id.e Ming 4 cts. 1-Liu i iieruiii, il!u>t:ieed Title song, 4o cl.-, i li ve bit-.i a trivnu 10 me, il us.laud Title si ng, 40 cts. uH-i I ill the Biot*, comic song, Suets. Up :n a I o u, V 5 I e:s. • ! i t n e k mu; Rnhy.v 11 bu els. j.usie sei.t b\ Hint., postage paid, on receipt ot Wit- pliCc ain.cxuvl. UnliAlA^X L. SCHREINER, Book itud Jhiric Dealer, SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA. Augn-tll, ISO-.*. bi-ly JL83S7 1867. 110Jib MANL'FAC’IUUY. CstiibliNhid [S32i JOHN E. HEitNAKDEZ, ilanufictsrcr and Dealer in, iionftcti ut.ery, Cordials, syrups. Rreserces, FANCY ARTICLES, TOYS, St Q T40 BROUGHTON STREET, Second Door, fro* B., S.8 r./.l .WiU. G 2 o. June 9, 1669. *' YT'iv be fiitiinl in tzrcp.t aLnruJttnce ut most n"V V'>u want to eat or ust on your plantaiion. CONST A N : LY HLCEIYING Fresh Supplies of Bacon, Corn, Flour, %rnp, Sugar, CofFee ? I’Ltniers in this ar.d adjoining cour.ti s tict'il go NO FURTHER 0 buy tbcfc grods. We have just nceived largo aditi- 1 ins to our Stock consistiug of Georgia FLOUR it Sai-ks. ILiif Suf-ks ;iml Quarter Sack-, i mi Not i iit-ru 2-£. O tl.. -. in J>'.j's. from itf Iiigin.'st iu Hie lowest grades, !• vi ti-li we invite your iitientir.n. W i- Late a su it pi. msiivd out gt ck •x in itirge supplies of Cctton Yarns, Ytiirhiigs, Nhct(ji;gfi, Osciiburgs, Buriiis, ( ottoaiidvs, Calicoes, ic. nr CEOCKEEY & GLASSWARE We l ave >i good stuck’ and think m can suit almost any i ne. In COFFEE and TEAS, We defy competition’anti lef'.-r to ;d! i bo have u-ed . in Cofloe and '!'<-as ; t.. s: w that we iittve kept g- ot! go«-d~ a .1.e lowest prices, we inu-i.d lo sj»ar<- no pains to keep these goods fully equal to liiuse \ve nave sold. GRAY, O’BRIEN & CO., No. 131 Broughton Street, Sav;innab, ■ » • • La. Wholesale and Ilatail DEALERS IN DRY GOOPS. Keep at ALL SEASON8 a heavy Stock o Fancy and Staple Goods anti at present are offering a largo assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES Titty Ivy EXCLUSIVELY for CASH and i-itnsrq-jertiv at prices MUCH LOW LK THAN itEliLLAK RATES, anti me extensive busi ness nf their house requiring the perms residi-nee of oil* uf their firm in New York hey are ahccys in the market for Cheap Goods They sell exclusivity tor CAhS. and dim vuulii' w bud debts can afford to sell at stital pmft*. i fipy adhere strictly to the o.v£ r::zc e s rs teas, never charge one customer mure than atiothe thr the same goods, and warrant all yoods soh : o be as represented, or the money paid will 6 returned. March 31. 1809- ly Orauffc llifle Powder. n RANDELL & CO., Wholesale Grocers, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Genual Age/As frr Georgia Florida and A il if. 3 . 18liS. cllahatna. Joliii. L. Martin, [ f OitllV! \ < i Wii.'Hiligb'Ii « •. ,J COTTON FACTOR AND Several ComUdssion Merchant, \2A Buy Street. STODDARD'S UPPER RANGE, \ *t Ed, G.£, Advances made upon consignments of Cotton, Wool, Hides, Ac , in Laud or read v lor shipm» ut. PKOMPT PEKSO^AL ATT^MIOH 10 ALL OHHKlliS. Planters supidi* d with Lagging, P.opc and Tics, S4-tf at lowest market rates. Aug. 25,1S69. W. i . Daws V. t. < IIKItLY Ml It II. S«ap, SVarcii, Candles. l-rfil 3 7amilv IO'i) ' “ Rale 100 “ Brown tind No. 1 Soaps', 100 “ Starelt, 100 “ Adamantine Candies, for siaic low by C. L. GILBERT, Siiiih lFc.v? corner Market Square, SAVANNAH. GA. May 12, 1869. 19—ly Fiano Warerooms! FACULTYt A. Q. C. THOMPSON, A. M. M. D., P.of.s'or of Anci nt acd -Vordem Languages an i Mathematics | Miss M. E. BROOKINS, j Englihh Studies. | ESTABLISHED, CHARLESTON, 1835 Mas. Dr. TURNER, j * ESTABLISHED, ALGOsTA, 1848. Music Dtpafiuieut. j . 0 her tcacliere will ixe engaged a-t the pnt-' Tlie Principal will supervise and direct all TAT IIEKE can be found PIANO Ff'ETES on X A ..a ,1,0. OVT. nnnil »” 1 *■::— 1 , * » . ii t ? na ( ed for elt-eiiuce ot finish, great power. the liiciarY studies, and that e^eij pupi sinking rweetpe s und pi r.ty ot tone, has strict attention. f l h^ diiCipline will be or au A g lC cKkrabiLVy. Eotryinstrumentwarran- :.ha most pe. feet kind. , tej for Jive yearf. * , ,VTni»iuo„ t > '8o.e Aguiit Iu. tM.FuotonM of A. W«b»r, iluues, 6 « l.Tn.tiWO'i I . B) . <s Narvwim & SouN .md .„ eTerul ut h e „. Primary English Studies ?5 OQ. PW Qutlrtor . yi.n, iit»iit tor Muson & IRiuiin’. suporior 10 weeks CABINET ORGANS. Advanced E-glisb.Course $S Cj) per Qnarer of A 1 ®f whUh wi 1 be sold at futpry pricM .£>• IU weeks. Latin and Crfeyt Clasaics $10 OO p.r Quarter of 10 weeks. Fa.tra.CharKf-9. Mqsic. Piape, §12 50 her Quarter or $5 per rqantb. Fvengli or .--panish $5 per Quarter. p .nils el;urged from time of entering. Btspt. 8, 1859. *f xM 1ST otice. 1 non,.Toe ttiilil e, having eft me without cause, I »1 I'cy five t* 1 ) dolhirs for ii.y ii.- futmation in regard to him. lie ieyij owcpmi'lco- teii, and about 13 yearn efid- CFJSEN RIDDLK. eept 8. IflfS Fresh Arrivals. j C ONSISTING of Boots ai d Shoe*, Hardware j Crockery, fctaplo Dry Good** Groceries, <fce. „il .. An- nrrlvitHT lOI* t?ii! ©ash or city ucceptau it. GEO A. OAT$», S40 Broucl .t., AujjtjfVi, Ot. { July £T IKS. l J ewel’s Mi^l^, ! (Formerly Bock Factory,. Ga.) J Pus! Office, Cu'vi'.rtuii, Ga. | 4\ t E will M A V UI ACTUKE It Ot-iifor onatoui- | A\ ct-i this leai-oii on the fnltnwiutr t rin.; W Oi 11 u ill'enroll .un, (poioteaw rp), a 3 . ientn per yur i ; in Kerreys at 2' c. per yard, or 1 t uriled ;u K' U- at ~}4 coi.ti* pvr | Oumt. SHEET INGS, SlllRlTNGfi, <»NAbUGS aud Y'AitxVb i eoBRtoutly oi( imtd. Vfs K’L iviitneil iu txi-han^e for Ooodn at market Value, or for cash, l oiu-i^ii- ' meutn by r. ilrvaii Bhuuld be diriete.l to Culverton. ; ' i). A. JIVILL I . I' .v o'er. May 19, 1S69. . . 2o Jtkn y j ».iui;ikv«jj ^ f - ^ ", ' .. .• •. Corn. Whuat and fiaeon. &e.. all now arriviug Am O' ra'e « , / nl ' K ' a CAR LOAD to arrive to-day, and for sole low by market^trrcM fir BRANTLEY <S rtUAULfc , 25. BRANTLEY A PRINGL2. LN HARDWARE, We have just received fresh snupliis ml hate tmw in Store assoru tls z. si-l Pulwar.-, IL e-, Saws,Butts at tlScu tv-. Locks, Nat s, Kdge Tools, I on, Steel, II ese Si-pi, II uk & llt:i>;e ai d Ci.--: u tly iSaiis and dHdP <S3^^3. oil er tirtieicp, which we cannot inetilio: here. ZjsT STJG-JZZZS We have o complete Stock at the low cst market r:it< s. IN SALT, V» e have ; ye’aged 25e per sack LeViv. t■ c il eon jet of piiee. tlcifix-. the |•«*** six n o: in--, tin-.i mtciid io keep out S o k supplied ana sc-li an Sow as jyossi ble. IV DRUgS, ip MEDICINES, We have lately received JOQ ■ z of Power’s k, Weight man’s Qiiiuine, to- gether vvifh trtinv oilier 1 FOSSIL r J3EJDCCI.VIE8 y consisting of Sicect Quiriinc, ' Vri S‘‘U Y- f ;.«ble Pills, &c, &Cx, Sic. vs SHOES W r e can show as good stock of Mens’, Women, Lots and Misses tshoesascan be found. » TUB WARE We will offer a good stock of Buckets, Bowls, Trays, Flour and Sugar Boxes, Ale., &■•-, id* to unive this week f.otn NE¥ YORK. In Tobacco, Snuff,Ac. We are consLintlv receiving new snp plies to our Stock and think we art .it le to oQer the very best goods at the 'owest prices. In Fishing Tackle We probably have the largest stock evet offered to the citizens of Sanders yt;U*. fn all other Articles We th.ipk oqr Stock will equal if not surpass nuy gf untry store ip Georgia, ind if you don’t think so call and sc for voursi Ives. \\ e have mat y oil t r goods iu {udlqn variety, one of wh;ct is the Endless Match. All orders frony tlie country or Town accompanied with the cash, respectful ly solicited and warrented to give Fa’,- isfuetion. - BRAVTLEI &FIIIXGIE. May 12, 18G9. ' ’ 19-if \Y. C. DA AY SON & CO., C I • T T O > li* A t T iitll*, COMMISSION Se. FORWARDINi N/1 cz.hcCUi—!/\f\J - i S. ALSO, DEALERS IN H, A, T0FHm Jobbers of Cioi m AND •pi j.% en’s Furnishing H-YTS -A.1TID CAPS, I33 CONGRESS &. 55 ST. JUL1EN VYICT. S35 BROADWAY, ) d« fl’ t ff.iiiding, Rocia 2, f A a. 2.3, 1869. •34- Cm SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, 3Vd:^C03ST, GEOBG-IxA., v» Wow liides, s«h!mv. B-rsira':, SEINS AND FIJRS, Of .•]! !'••!' wtncli tiiu higiit-At iziaiku prievt* w:ii Le j»;titJ. Refeiei.ces. Mucnai*V‘o: .'ruTuiiliuL a* VlHCi'H- Office. 208 B p Seat, SAYANNAI1, - - GEORGIA. l? E GROOVES, Eavaanah. C. E. STUBBS Savannah. A. 1. MACTNTEE, Tlioinasville. QRnOYKR, MfRBSivCO. f'ottoa Factors — AM) — ( iicra! femmi : !«n Sfr. ciian-s 94 Bay Sr. ret. VANN A H. - - - - GEORGIA BAGGiira, 4 ies, Hope and olbu. S U P ca L. I EL S 4 FURNISH LI). '.i.uLi'eiaU’ k.i \ .i n■ n n„,. lKOI) q v . si rntit tur Sale or^o L’vtijv,J or Lto" .4n 25, 13 '9. ' 6iW 8J _ Jm Its ETtS •‘SOLOMONS’ BITTERS IS THE GEEA'B Dyspeptic Cure, AND. MiE.IL. TU EES TO REE y IT KEEPS OFF CHILI AXD FBYEB A51) IB THE Best TOnic NOW MAD^, ih < j ared at tbe Laboratory of A. A, S0L0M0YS f<k Druggist. Savannah, Ga For stale bv DR A. M A THIS, BRANTLEY k PRINGLE, and ai I dealers. Aoguet 1^ 1S69. 88-3 m $175 co 150.00 90.00 70.00 J. fcj. SCHOFIELD, PROPRIETOR. MAI-flEJFAUTURE3 Schofield s I 3 (ltd it Cotton F*r esses .Sugar Jrlills, firLt Jiiiis. Star SiLs, Hors? Pswers, Steam Engines aad Bailers. MAC-iflNERY AND CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS. SCHOFIELD’S PATENT COTTON PREESS. 1 ilia Dlxfc-b 111 Hist ill! It .n i*-^ x-x.ixt, -j.l«.t.«oi iliu K.-i:iVriu 1;.li_ x H-i’lx OuraTfi’i- y. Minp'iiity of coiisiructioii, ami eu.-u .viih which it tun be operated bv ckficr hand, hum', tea- T deam.power, the frern m e tu he other being eftec-ted in a f,-w miuuu-.s. A K -re:lt iiivaulage tins Fiesa ;>i)s.-tfesej, is that ii uccup.tcs fur fiami power Only u soace of fimi-teeii ! : t -q.mie. a<:d may be p acetl aad oj e-and in tbe gin house, ttc9 avoiding the neeessitv of u k : i> xxttan out ot the house to be packed. Ii can be used iq fl, y kind of weather : the Dress i.ett.'.-- " the house, ramy days are co obstacle to pail-iu^ fiS j s ,he ta8e w ;,b wooden screws. Anoth- at.vantage is. when you gel SctioriKUi’s Pi: 2 . s9 . you have a Press for all time, ami o-e me' Aib-M to di*c*.ij; ur breakage, as is the.v^T.* ike ui«i wooden surewH*,rind most oH>er iron screw3 uni presses fins is evident Irum tact that me screw is iron, either wrought or cast, ami ne names arc of wrought u-on, ^nu no part of the Press liable to decay touches ice ground, t he irames may ne made til VIodd. at tbe option of the planter. Planters may purchase either the screw and nut alone, and pat the frame and box of wood to i themselves, or Duty purchase the screw, nut andiron frames, and put the wooden hr.x to it, or- e D llrCt % tbe Press complete, with screw, nut, ir-.u frames and box, making the most 0 up e — - t- j . . uie. i iesses eoiiip.ete, as lost named, are more general use.' a id oiye. great Sar.» jact.ou to alt parties using them, as will be see: from ieturs iu my po.s.-u.-.-,siun. ° *_nt.i. s m need e. Cetiuti Piesses Would do well to c-iitl, it p.issthto, and i-A"1 miti-e uoxie * r-r 1 .ney should favor UJe with taeir order, they nuv rely upon getting a Press that is all I claim Having the m-st extensive Iron Works iu the city, and the greatest variety of patterns of all •'.'iuds, 1 am ab.e lo fuiniob j allies with any kind of machinery or casting.? at short notice. _ , ^ _ ’ J. s. SCUQFIELD, Hand Power Press. The above cut shows tho Press as put up complete at Stbxifieln’s Iron Works, for working by iiurhaids. These are all il at ure neci Ssary to operate it, and have packed as much ns IJC'l pounds in size of ordinary bale. When put up as shown above, it may be taken down at any uue aud placed ou a wagon iu half an Lour, and put up again iu lifle over that lime J PEICEi. .Vronght Iron Screw Press, complete •Vri/Ught Iron tscrew, with Iron Frames >\ rnught Iron Screw Cast irou Screw Horse Power Press. This Press for Horse Power may be ot eilhe. cast or wrought iron screws, wrought iron screws icing tut with three inch pitch fur Horse Power. It may be put up either with or without bon mine t eo.g pr. i. r.ib e, as it cannot break, and will never uetd r. pairs, as is the cash w : h l/o6d in pulling tfiem up complete at my establishment, they no not Uitfer from tbe Hand Power m ' '.v »■* Ot t bit-ad ot screw, at d dlfierent kind of levers for working. Cue horse ,,, •ive iu t gLi Duudred pounds uu ibisPresj. * 6 taa puclt TRICE: Wronght Iron Screw Pres?, complete _ n » \Vruactii Irou Screw, with Iron it’iaine9 Wrooil.tIronScn.-w *»«*» Cast Itqn Screw This P, ess to run by water power, for which I furuish the ne^sary addiW 11 muumnery, ^oO-extra. J •** SCUOhIELDS SUGAR CANE MILLS AND KETTLES These Cnee have been too long used, by the cane-growers of Georgia to teed any outer recommendation other than planters, usm.r them Th 6 to m best style and ut best quality of iron, a. d each Mid turned Petipa '■g Mil's cun be furnished THE BEST by sending me thur ord- L.n:_- xaminiug f_>r theinaclve.?. PRICES; Eighteen ineb Cane Mills* Fiiteen inch Cane Mills, I’welve indi Cane Mills,. Eleven inch Cane Mills, - SYRUP KETTLES. 30 gallon, 40 gallon, 60 and 60 gallon 3U gallon, 100 gallon GIN GEAR 8 feet Gin Gcar^w-ith Gudgeons and JBo.u 8 feet Gin Gear, with Bohs 8 LetGtn Gear and Pinion 9 !eet Gin Gear, with Gudgeons and Bolts 9 feet Gin Gear, with ]3o!ia 9 feet Gin Gear aud Pinion 10 feet G:ti Gear, with Gudgsonsand Bolts 10 Let Gin Gear, with Bolts' 10 feet G a Gear and Pinion 12 fed Gm Gear, with Gudgeons acd Bolts, 12 feet Gm Gear, with B *lis 12 feet Gm Gear aud Pinion Aug. 4y 1869. fn - They are put wan- > r ?i or calling an l $65.00 60.00 88.00 83,00 SO ctA per gallop 25 cu>. per gallon. . $26 6C 20.00 IS 00 '28.60- 22.0C*" 20 75 31.50. 25 00 23 56 1 87.50 83 50 27.25. Sl-2m Dr. Tutt’s SARSAPARILLA & QUEEN S DE light, Tie great A I'.i-rnutivv awl Elxxl Purifier. EXPECTORANT, A pieaaant aud Mire care for Cough*, Asthma, Ac. Vegetable. Liver Pills, for Dyspepsia, b i.tue-a. ,Sc. Improved Liquid Hair Dye. w iirumtj'l the hist in uar. for rule iu i-auiiersviilc, Oi^ by , Dr. A. MATHIS. April 14, 18“9* Jy Fruit Jars, Q DAETR and baif Mu'lon* of different pajenti by BEANXLEV A PEIN&UL v -lfT, ISS0. tf Carriage Shop. VVILLIAM A. POWELL worii rcepeorfalK eimin^omihu h t0 - tbe tLt he ia V .7L/ °' the h usm bs ot milking- end-repainwr vch.clenut any d.Binptior. A ilbcri-l HhVre n* d*at 0 of^v reFpeCt: - B ^ “kM He fcbh dSnfc dent ot giving entire satieraction in material* dti rubility aud in. price*. Locatioii, 92 District. 1 mile trem b. dqeey’s tiro re, on bfir Suvimuab rood, Ii m les below fiacdmviUe. g ° BVuan “ Jul > 7 - ‘86»- *7-t/