The central Georgian. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1847-1874, December 21, 1870, Image 3

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Xj o cal C Qliirgn. polk, in small lots has been selling jn this market at 12 1-2 cts. Mrs. Arabella A. Gray, wife of y- j Gray, died after a lingering ill ness of months in this place, on Sunday „j<rht last, she was a. good woman, in the highest sense of the word, and has gone to rest. The Election:—Up to going to press last evening every thiug has passed off quietly ; at least a thousand people were in town during the day. Tee precautions taken to preserve ol der by having a large Police force seem a'most unnecessary. Well done for Washington Co. —Mr. P»a >un W. Hall, planted J ol a» acre in S,ugar C^ne out of which he saved his seed for next year, and his family white and block had cain for chewing lie has made 85 gallons ol pyrup and as pretty syrup as we ever seen. Clear as sugar house, piled vyilh minute crystals of s-uga;. Mr. Hall has our tliariks for q, bottle ol it. Lest there should be any doubt on |be subject Mr. Hall lias had his patch surveyed by an expert and can prove his statement true. huvt , am Fruit Trees.—Persons who ordered trees from the Mr. C. 0. Gustin are re quested to call for them immediately at Tennille. Capt. Franklin will attend to their delivery and will receipt for their settlement. We are informed by Mr. Gustin that he has left with Capt. Franklin, at, Tennille, a small stock ol the choicest fruit trees raised in the United States, consisting of Apples, Pears,Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Ras berries, Grapes, and Strawberries.- Raised in Tennessee, they were selected and are warranted for this climate. I \WMMT O ITTMIWH The Election of Officers of Hamil ton Lodge No. 58, F. A. on the 14ti. Instant to serve the ensuring Masonh year, res'uted as follows: Morris Uapp, Jr., W. M. Dr. H. N. Hollifield, P. M. S D. J, C, Keyes, J. D. Haywood Brookins, P. M., Tr;-s. W. Gallaher, Secretary. W. II.Renfroe, S. D. C. A. Wall, J. D. George Wiggins, 1 Stewards. Bryant Watkins, J Geo. M..Schwall, Tyler. evuryTmXn CAN YOTE. Some intelligent people, who do im: read the papers as often as they oogh , hre under tlie irnprosion'that. pei>nn- miLo Yield Ol&.:e before the war and eti ['need in :he'so-e,Tiled R bellioo,’ an not entitled to vote. Tins is :t gruff/ mistake. The Fourteenth Amend ment only excludes such per.-ons from office, not from the ballot. 'Ever, n a t in Georgio who is twenty one years of age has a tight to vote. San Domingo a Splendid Scheme —The Philadelphia Age says Gen eral Grant is but the agent ol a N. w York company m the effort io annex St. D mi ago to the United S a:es. The capitol of tins congregation <-t brokers and jobbers is said o consist f twenty shares at $15,000 each. r l this company all the mineral lands, mill privileges, and prospective town sites in St. Domingo have b^eii gran ted. T hey also h. ve the monopoly o! banking, of building railroads, and ol running steamboats. They are author ized, in the evens of annexation, io aurvey ti e public domain of the Re public, and to have one—fifth ol the same by way of compensation. This erne-fifth they are to locate for them selves, in any portion of the island se lected. With such a fine bargain in prospective, it is no wonder the scheme is pushed upon the attention ol the Senate with such pertinacity, iiie dividends vvi 1 be large, and hence the interest felt in the movement at the White House. .. The Freedmen’s Bureau Broke Down.—Washington, December 14. -,^-Generaf Howard. Comtmss.o'ner ol die Freedmen’s Bureau, says the edu cational work is closing, the appropri ations being nearly exhausted, and tuai he has been compelled to announce that no further aid can be granted in gupport of schools, and to discharge all the superintendents of education in the several States, and close their offices. The Author of “The Raven.” TVfy friend would be lie who would take-a pistol and blow out my brains, (Hid thus relieve me rf my misery, j So said Edgar Allen Poe. His lips curled bitterly. These were his dying words. „ Such was the unhappy state of one whom dissipation had robed pf the pure enjoyments of life, and brought to hopeless ruin. He had been reared in the most elegant society and cdu a eft Sa the most polished schools. He pos sessed poetic gifts of unwonted beauty and brilliancy. The pioduetioris of his muse were few and fragmentary, melancoly prophesies of what he mighi have been but they made him a mark ed man among the lovers of poesy through the world—He packed sym metry of character, and with ail ol these advantages that he possessed over others, he was wayward as a youth, passionate m maturer years, and al ways unmanned at the sparkle of the intoxicating cup. He blazed awhile in the literary firmament the ‘comet of £ seasoD,’ but he left behind him an un worthy influence, a reproachful memo ry and the admonition of a fearful end. He was making a journey w-ien bis death occared, and tie was occupied *ith the preparations for-hia. wedding day. Better impulses warmed is keart and mollified his passions at the fought of his nuptials, and as the ° ua «*Sht of the future ^gladdened again tb * HV - v* ■ vision of bis mind, golden d..ys filkd his fancy—days of the tenderness of conjugal love and the sweet hab.tudes of domestic bliss. He stopped at the city of Baltimore. He met old companions, jolly fellows with whom lie bad pas-ed conviv.d hours. The intoxicating cup glute'ed before him. The temptation was too great. He would spend one more re vel ere lie entered that purer sphere depicted in His dreams. Thai cheerless November night lu- was found lying on the strems siup<*~ fi ;d with drinking, covered with dirf* .md Ins face disto;ted with in rror, Li jovial companions had deserted bun. Ho was taken to a hospital.—A tearful dream rose upon bun, hi d fi ed lifo brain. Del nun, wall her Un-usaiui den o is arkened his intellect, once beautiful with airy tliougrtis and poeiie fancies. Mania a p >tu ensues. A clergyman is s nr for. ‘Snail I seno for your friends?-' asked the pious man. ‘T riends?’said tiiedying man, as lliouii the wind was a mockery, ‘tny best friend would belie who would take a pistol and bfov/ out my brains,and tin s iclieve me of my misery.’ VVc hear men caval at religion. What a treasure, bey and all estnriau early piett v\ouhl h, been l . tiie sou • f poor Edgar Allen P'/o.— Sout/iei >» gun. i ■■■WBia - 9b -»«-—«HI Wli i “Significant Discrimination.” Under tins title me Missouri R - puolican discourses, as vviii be seen be io,w. There is iiiucti good suggesam in the article^ which i> interesting as a memorandum of how the thing done in Missouri. The Republicai says: ‘Tne. important service that He D n - ocra. y rendeicd u> Mr. Brown in f e recent, election, is admitted «>v all who. arc geue.'uu-* enough to acknowledge a palpable fact, Brown has been electee by Pdiiiocruiiu votes, which, if cas 1 • gainst him, would have overwhelm ingly defeated him, and if withheld loin him, would have made his ehc- Hon more than doubtful. But the tremendous power of the Democracy of Missouri, even under tne existing condition of things, did not exhibit r seif merely in the election ol Brown; a save a still more coaviic i g pro. i x ihelf in the fact it has been able o nuke iA thitiuvtiyti between Brown an nis R publican fulltiwi rs, ana to e - cept me latter from iiie Lvurs it co.i lei ed on ti e former. Ycoh a thing is difficult of p-rfoi- . nance; and it atiempted by a lee 'i* artv, would be laial to itself. Bg in- Democracy was too strong to mak< a I ai - ure. In St. Louis county it d. j - fouUti the Liberal ticket, while it gav Biown a maj ntyol 18,000; it detect ed Dyer in the Nimli Coiigressnuia District, while giving Brown a rn jor: tv in every e unty in me district, ii Save majorities for Brown all over tin FuiiM and Sixth distiicts but electee Democrats to Congress; it gave Brnwi 2,400 majoriiv in St. Cnariis, Inn dv- ,t-aied his friend- Orrick and Bruere ; and, to sum up the net result, it give Brown a majority of 30,000 in tin State, but elected a majority of Dem ocrats to the Legislatuie. ‘ These are significant facts. I: wa asserted, when tho Democracy dtdinei to nominate a State ticke , that '<>< party bad disbanded ; its enemies d ■* eiared it was dead. But the woik did in this e!ecuo:i demonsiiati-s thin i is l ot i icively vital, and effective y o garnz d. No disbandtd or incohe- reut party co'n'id g'-j to ' the polls and cast its vote for a candidate not nomi nated by itself, without losing its id. n- uty and s. ffonng from the loss of stragglers who would never return ; much less couid i: ca.-lan aim-, st solid vote for a certain S ate ticket and elect a majority of its own county tickets a: the same time. But this is the ver feat that the Democracy of Missou i has performed, and performed it, too, with a completeness of success thai proves us discretion, its power of dis crimination, and us unimpaired coher ency. It proves, u!m>, ihat the party, not only is not dead or disor. amz H. but that it does not mean to die mr become disorganized.’ tion«, a> d the ’hreat to usq the army in Georgia and other States, where elec tions are to be he'd, for a similar pur pose, have awakened a feeling-of indie- nation againstthe Radical party though- out the land, which will be as fatal to them as it wa3 to the prelensjous of King Georee. Barlow Prices Current. (Subject to Fluctuation.) Prints Merrim ms & nil standiird brandy 1‘rints Celmt-s a-nu WamsutlniE....... shirtiiHr**.. ShrtetiiisrS s-il;, LiVerpo'-l. per sne-k. Axes, Sum Collins bast Irwt a 12^ 5 al<> 8 : .16 12 n 2b 2 00 a I r>o in rt 15 SO a 50 22 a 25 18 a 20 3" a 33 6 » 8 23 ft 25 Powder 0’ff» e Prime Rio “ common w “ Jii'a Old Government... Vails Bacon C. R. Sides Slionl !crs — Extra C Stai'daid.... “ Granulated Varna -ecd Citton 4 a F our per Bbl 7 00 alO 50 Momsses 50 a 60 33?” .V« make Flour a speciality and cun makr -ntistu t rv salcsasour prices and quality can’t fall o please.' " ‘ c - ^ a 20 a 23 a 1 7 M. A. EVANS * CO. Cheap Store. TtHE undorsistned, having removed their Siock of Groceries to Tennille Station No. 13. C. 11 It. would respectfully inform iheir Iriends, an 1 the public, that they intend to keep always on hgnd a select assortment of Groceries; which they will sell as cheap as they can l.e bought in Georgia. Call and ex amine! GILMORE & Co., Sept. 21,1870 tf “THOMPSON & WALTER, (Fo.merly C. W. Thompson, established 1859,) commission Merchants, ./utf Wholesale Dealers in GROCERIES, LiiHiors.Fruit&A Ship Chandlery 91 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, QL Fee I4 t 1870. tt A Insiuistralm’s sah*. ILL be sold before ibe Court house door ii >an iersvdie. Washington county, on the first Tuesday in 11 hu.un next, i.lltl at tract ol lam oi sai i countv,.on Stephen’s creek, adjoining lands >1 M M. Mat! .is, M. h. W art hen, — Hooks awn others, containing uvo hundred and sixty acres .imre or less. Also -it tin- some time and place an lii.i.nnrovco uilf acre lot in 'andcrsvill.-, adjoining lots of Khz-.. *rray. Win. G B" wn an 1 others. All to he soo.l inder an order fr< in the Ordinary as ihe property • t Zaclnirial. Gruv, deceased Terms cash. 1’i.r- hast rs to pay for deed and stamps. JiM.IAIl Ii. GRAY, adm’x. Dee. 14. 1870. tds Notice to Debtors and Creditors. 4 LL persons indebted to the estate of Cornelius i). late ol Washington county, deceased, make immediate payment, md those having demands against said estate w:l •resent them in terms of the law. Wild 1AM L- RifoW-V, 1 NATH A II. JORDAN, j- Ex’rs. JOHN II. MAY, ) dec. 14, 1870. 40d Notice to ])<htors arid Creditors. 4 LL p rs-Mis Inditing claims against the estate A or Wynn, la e of W lkinson county, .eceased, a-e hereby notified to present their claims n terms of tne law, thnse That arc indebted tnsaio estate are requested to Call and muk. payment. ,/A ME- R. THOMPSON, Ud|ii , re . 40* w W. H. WHITAKER, ZDIEZN^-UST, SANDERbVILLE, GA. Terms POSITIVELY Cash. ■Jnlv 23, 1870. 2J—Iv LIPPMAM GEEAT GERMAN BITTERS. ^TRADE JolfN E. DUN CAN, d« c. 14, 1370. A PROCI.AMATION. Georgia : 8v RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said State. WHEREAS, There is now pending in the Superior Court of the cno .ty of Dougherty, a Bill of Indictment charging one Thomas \i.ams with theprimoofmurder, alleged t..have been committed upon the 1-odvcf Jo>cph Dun can,in said county of Dougherty, on or about the _4th day of November, lSi.6: and it having reported to th s Depi r'ment that the sain adams has fled from -justice ; Now. therefore, I have thought proper to issue thi°, inv p. o.-'amat'o ., hey'-by ofl’eringa reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS far lie appi-f-hension’and de'iverry. of the said Thomas An.yits, with evidencesuffieieni tocon- viut, to the Slier 11‘ of sa d eo mty of Dougher tv, in order that he may be brought to triai for the crime with which lie stands charged. Given u d. r my hand and the Great Seal of the /State, at the Capitol in At.anta, this fifth day of December, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and .Seventy, and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninetv-fifth. RUFUS B. BULLOK, By the Governor: David G. Cotting, Secretary of State, dec. 14, 1870. 4t The Purest Medicated Cordial of Ihe Age. |^^* > Lijiptnan , 8 Great German Bit ters strengthens the debilitated. BQtw. I.ippman’s great German Bitters strengthens the consumptive. HQfoLippuian's great German Bitters cures Kidney 7 complaints. fi@“Lippman’s great German Bitters cures Female complaints. tS-OB.ippman's great German Bitters, an old German Tonic, ffeS' Lippman's great German Bitters, the most delightful and effective in the woyld. C*af Lippman’s great- German Bitters cures “never well"’ people. BgfoLippinan’s great German Bittgrs gives an appetite. B0L,’s great German Bitters cures Liver Complaint. JSSf-Lippman’s great German Bitters gives tone to digestive organs. fi£-S“Lippman’s great German Bitters strikes at the root of disease. Lippman's great Gcrmaq Bitters gives energy f^^Lippman's great German Bitters cures Ncryousnoss. flea"Lippman's great German Bitters puri fies the Blood. Lippman's great German Bitters, the best Sprint Aledicine- Lippman’s great German Bitters reg ulates the bowels. ESS*Lippman’s great German Bitters excite^, the Torpid Liver. Ksy-Lippinan's great German Bitters, best Physicians recommend. ftSuLippman’s great German Bitters will give Youthful Vigor. {^“Lippman's great German Bitters cures Debility. Lippman's great German Bitters, $1,000 for a better remedy. Er-fo Lippman's great German Bitters, the fa vorite of Germany. ftaT Lippman's great Gvt'inan Bitters pre vents (.’bills and Fever. 8^a.Lij.juaan’s ^reat German Bitters has met wi h success everywhere. ClIARLOTTKS ville, Va., May, 1S70. Messrs J. Lici-man & lino.—Gentlemen : I eertify tliat I have examined and u-ed in my practice "Lipp- man's Great German Ritters,” I regard them as an admirable tonic and appetizer. J. W. TONDEXTER, M. D. Lippman's great German Ritters for sale by all Druggists and Grocers, and at DR. A. MATHIS, Sandersville. Ma; 11, 1870. 18—ly History Repeating Itself-George III and Ulysses I. Tne Wasuiiigtoii c incsputidcnt o! tie Built mure Gazette, speaking ofGm:- 71 ti rant’s employ meiit of the army against the people, for ihe purpose oi controlling the elections, says: It is most remarkable, list! similarity oi iiie conduct ol the President of tin- United Status in 1870, and that ol King George in 1770—one hundred yeatsago—and the American people mignt'<eriv r e g't-at profit, from a per us al of tite history, ot the B -stun massa cre. and see in ihe atcb'itnts of that event how thoroughly history repeals nseit. In view of what has transpired in New Yoik ami other States, wiiete the military force has been used to con iro'l elections? and the ord rs issued d - reeling a large force to bo sent to Got - gta to imtmiAjiyx the people, and, ti possible, carry the election in favor ol Uie infamous citque now robbing tin people of tuat State, that portion o' American History is important and ,-il- nifi.-ant. ‘Ttien,’says the historian, ‘the Kmg insisted upon his right to quarter sol diers am mg tiie people to compel litem to obey the laws,’ and the supporters of the royal pretentions used almost tne same arguments in defence oi King Gcoigo that, the Radical p ipvis now use m defence of the action of the administration in ’quartering soldiers among the people,’ under tiie pretext of cnfore ng a law of Congress. Such ar gutnems ii.d not saitsliy Joseph War ren, Samuel Adams and t .e people of Boston and Massachusetts, nor of Mary land aiid Virginia. They ate not satisfactory to the peo- I le of the coutry to-day ; and if ti e Radical ieadeis persist in following the example of King George, the parallel in the two c ise-may be still further car ried out. One tlimg is evident, as jue use of the military in Boston, in 1770, aroused the whole people of tbecoun- try ia opposition to the tyrauny oppression of Eng'aiid, so the use of the military, ii* 1870j in the late A Proclamation. GEORGIA: By Rufus B. Bullock, Governor of said State, AVU ERE AS, Official information has 1 een ' eceiyed at this Depar me/ t. th t a murder was eOMubitted in the couniy of Lee, on < r about ;he month of April. 1870, upon the body of liarjes R> ynolds, by one Geo. El is, and that the sjiid Ei is has fled from justice : Now, therefore, 1 have th light proper to issuei this my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of Two Thousand Do1ars for "the ap prehension and delivery of the s lid Geo. Ellis, with evidence sufficient to convict, to the Shc-r iff of s .id ei.unty and State, in ord. r that lie may he l raugbt to trial for the ofle ce with which he stands charged. Given under may hand and the Great Neal ol tt* 5 State at tne capitol in Atlanta, this filth • clay of December, in the year of our Loid One Thousand EighcHIundred and seven ty, and of the independence of the United States, the Ninety-fifth. • RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor ; David G. Cotting, Sec. of z^taie. dec. 14, 1»70. ’■ “ 1 '4t A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA: ' ’ * 1 ' By Rufus B, Bulh-ck, Governor of said State W HERE AS, Official information has been received at this Department that on the nighi of ttie 27th of November, ultimo, a party of armed and discuised men trll- bouse of one Charles Hendr.x, a co'ored citiz- n r si- din;. 7 near Noreross, in theenunty of Gwinnett and alter ordering him to v.ome out, /broke d vvn the door and entered ihe house, 1 ' af the same lime threatening tokill the said Hendrix, who, after a save re struggle w th eom&of said DtsGi’isED Parties, sue eeded in making his escape, and while so doing was pursued by them, they firing some f ur or fi-.'e pistol shots at. him, ono of which took effect'and wounded said Hendrix severely in Lis eft hip; and Whereas, The said disguised parties, while engaged in a «irug-gle w tii said Hendrix, ao-o treat' d the wife af sy,ij Hendrix in a very erue. manner, while sheaitempt. d to aid her hu-band to frue himself from the assassins: Now, therefore, io the end that these guil y parties may be brouphtio trial and punishment, I have thought proper to issue ibis, iny proc- lamadon, hereby offer ng a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, each, fur the appre- het si in, with evidence to convict, ut any one or more the disguised parties engaged in th. p-rp. trationof the murderousass .ultaioresnid. Givan uuder my hand and the Great hea of the State a> the Capitol in Atlanta.fthis third d;iy of Decern bar, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundrea and Severny and of the Independence of the United Slates of Ameri ca the Ni'nety-'fifth. RUFUS B. BULLOK. By the Governor: • . .. David G. Coxtikc..&er-Ssrr of Stsic. daoiUpWTO. 4*. .= U R. L. YVARTIIF.N attorney at Ia», SANDERSVILLE, GA. Jan. 31,1870 5-ly JOHN N. GILMORE A^TOJINIES AT LAW, Sancler^ville, CJeorgi?L Fob. 9, 1870, J. C. GsUXAliEH, Attorney at Law, Sandersville, Georgia. April 13, 1870. 14 tf LAMUiAi K & EVANS ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SAND S RSVII.LE, GA. WILL attend Ihe Courts of Washington, Wil tinson Emanuel, Jefferson. Johnson, Hancock and Laurens colonies. Office on tlie Public Square op- posttefhe Court Honse. iDWABK s. LANCiMADE,J [BEVERLY D. EVANS. Jan. 3, 187". 1-lv MILO G. HATCH, Attorney at Law, SaHdersiillp, 6a. Qfiice in Court House next door to Post Office. Jim. 12. 1870. S-fo Holliday Tricks Variety is said to l)e the Spice of Life. r pilE Variety iuStorc aud ty arrive, is too endless 1 to enumerate. Little ones, save your Dimes, SANTA Cl.AUS is cuming. Al M. GALLAllEK. Nov. z3. 1S70. 5t New Bar! New Goods!! New Name!!! WANTED AGENTS—$75 to $2- 0 per month— everywhere, rnaie aod female, to introduce the Gen uine Improved Common Sense Family Sewiug Ma chine. This Machine willl stitch, bem, Jell, tack, uind, braid, cord, quilt and embroider in a most su acrior manner. Price only $15, Fully warrented for live years. We will pay; St, 1 '0" fur any machine that will sew a stranger, more beautiful or more elastic seam than ours. It makes Ibe “Elastic Lock Stitch.” Every second stitch can be cut, and still Ibi cloth cannot be pulled apart without tcaringit- V.’i pay Agents $7o to $2nn per month and expenses, o: a commission from which twice that amount can he made. For Circular- and Terms, npph or address, J. W. RODGERS ,fc Ce., 4 2 Library Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CAUTION:—Do not be iriposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast-iron mac-hints under the same name orctherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manu factured. Oct. 5, 1870. 3m PR® TIM©¥S, Grain and Groceries, BAuCOctT Sides and Shoulilers. FLOUR; COHN; OATS; BRAN; HAY; COFFEES; SUGARS: miNssms i sYRUPS; SOARS; CANDLES; STARCH; FISH; Tobacco of all 6rades, PICKLES; CHEESE; BUTTER; '■ CANDY r , Assorted; SARDINES; 1 ’ ’ ‘ OYSTERS; LOBSTERS; SALMON, jBrandy Peaches[1 SHOT; POWDER; CAPS; - ' GINGER; PEPPER;. SODA; POTASH; LYE; Tarns, Onnaburgt, Kerseys. \Yc offer at LOWEST CASH PRICES a full and newly selected Stock.' *" " DILLON & STETSON. * . - _ a- V '• - * Ho. 85 Bay St*> THE EXCHANGE At Parson's Old Stand. E 'tXTEDD -N' wontlrespectfully in- . VV form the eitfz-.-ns of Safders- vi.le amt the put lie /Ciieruily, tli./l lit li is fiite-t up A FIRST CL 4SS RAK IhluM, (at P.>rs<m’s oh. stand,) and ha-- on l:.tmt a 1 trge atevk o; Liquors, •onsisting ol J. itsky. S.ipttiot Oiii V> r o'- :;itl Lye \\ i KetHaeky B-jttrbon, ’Jitl W treat ‘ - Old Corn “ R ctifivd Whiskies ol rulgrath.?, l'ure French Braiidics, Peach Apple Cuerry “ Ginger “ Old II ol land Gin, . London Duck Giti, Seiiiiapps, Biitere, Rnine Wine?. Cnainpaigns, best brand?, Claret, Madeira, Port, O.d Brown Cherry, Knnnncl, Superior imported Cigars, Chewing tnd Smoking Tobacco, Canned G-'OtU, Candv, Apples, Cheese, Crackers, &c. Oct 12, 1870. ‘ tf ScLlooI ISTotice. J ^liE uuderpigued will resume hi* school at Bethlehem on Monday ldth January, 1871. Rates nf Tuition i 1st Class $18 per annum, 2d “ 27 “ 3J “ Sd “ “ including Irench. No extra charge for French and Ornamental Drawing.' Music op Piano at usnal rates. Board can be obtained at moderate prices in good families. For further particulars address MACON WART HEN, Wartiien's Store, Ga. nov. Id, 1570, 8- l.iijral Notices of Washington Co, L«ral Notices for Washington Cn> County Treasurer’s Office, 1 ’Sandersville, Dec. 12, 1870. On ai d after the EOth inst., all Jury Certifi cates, vvi.I be paid on presentation at my office. il. MEWMAN, C. T. Dec. 14, 1S70. 2t ftwGwficii Sale. TU I! L be sold on the fir.-t Tuesday, in January ** next, in Sundersvilir,-W/whingioii county, within lh» t^ual hours ot sale, one halt ot a tract of land containing foe hundred and l ine aeres, adjoining lands of John F. Brantley and A. Bridges. Sold for the benefit of the orphan child of John J. Brantley, deceased. A. BK1DGE- 5 , Guardian, nov. 23, 1870. tlts Adumnsirotor's . v aie. WILL be sold he tore the Conrt-lmuso dour in »V the town cf Sandersville, W.isliiigtoueoun- iy, oil the first Tuesday in January next, three hundred and eighty-six acres ot land more or less. iVHig on Lamars creek in said entity, adjoining lauds of John T. Youngblood, Augustus i srout- ton and others. Sold as the property ot John R. Massey, late of said county, ceceased. boll sub ject to the Widow’s D'.wer. Tetms cash. . KlCli’D. F. BROWN, Adui’r. dehorns non. : nov. y. 1870. ■ Administrator's ^aie. wncrn.L lie hO:d hv virtue of an order of the VV Court ot Ordinary of ;„re tiie Court-house doorin ti;e town iil Wuym-* I,ore, Burke county, on the fir-t Tuesday -n Janu ary next, one tract ol land containing, three hun dred and fitly aetos more nr Jess, adjoining lanes I.f J. i. Inman and others. Sold as the property • •f D. A. Inman, deceased. Furcnuser paying toi stamps and d< etl. terms cash. J. 8. INMAN, Acim’r. Debonis non. An". 9. l R 7o. tds Ouurtiian's Sale. W7 ILL be sold before the Court-house doorin VV tiie town ot bainler-TiUe, Washington coun- iv, mtder an order ot the Court or Ordinary, of said county, on liic first ’i uesday ill January next, all the interest of tiie minor belts of James M. unvieiice, deceased, being one eighth in rnd io a tract of iaml known ms the lloincl* Law rence tract situate in V.'aidnngton county, on the waters of Williamson’s Nwauip, containing three ntiudred and'forty-six acres more or less.adjoiu- ug lands of Wm. F. Sheppard. Win. C. Kiddle and ether*. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay lor stamps and deed. INAACS. TANxYER, Guardian, nov. 16, 1870. tlis Adnlini^trator , s Male. TT71LL be sold oil the first Tuesday in Januaty ’ V next, in baudersville, Washington county, du- mg sale horns, a tract of laud containing oiiel-i.n- dred and twenty-six acres, on the waters of Little, t’edar creek, unjoining lands of Aicob Gi.ivcrs, -/aines Brantley and G- T. Smith. Sui.stanti..l bmld- are on the place, and filty acres under leuc-e. bo'id as the property of James Burns, deceased, for the benefit ol the heirs. Terms cash. \y. b. BURNS, Adm’r. nov. 23, 1870, tds Administrators’ Sale. A GREEABLE to an oruer of the Court cf Or dinary of Washington county, will he sold in Friday the lfitli of December, at the late resi ii-nce of D. A. Inman, deceased, all li e perisha ble property belonging to si-id .s'.ute, een-htiig uf Hugs, Cattle Sheep, Buggy, Carriage, cue wheat Tiirash and power nt d several other things too tedious to mention. Terms cash. J. L, lh.MAA, AJu.'r. de benia non. dee. 7, l-7 ; \ Administrator’s Naio. WILL be sold b. lore the Court-heuse doorin ' ba. dersv iiie, Washii.fctnn couuty, on the firs. I'li.sday in January next, within tiie legal hours of sale, one tract ol laud belonging to the estate .1 ./e.-'.-pii Harrison, a/’jijuing 1 .uds of Henry i,se, Quiusv Laud- mid Wediy V.’liite^ind others, coiitaiiiiiig quo han-ired i-e-rcs more orle.-s. leirmt known on the day ed side. DKLWhY W. HARRISON, Aum’r. Dec. 7. 1870.tds istralor : H Sale. ILL he finlTat ti e late- of Th- mas bpariis, det-C: Fed, on McmJpy the lkih inst., .11 ihe i-cri-hai-le t ri per 1 e-tonging t.> the estate.ot L'nouias Sparks; tie-ee-astt!. consisting ot iror. es, .-■vs, osi., porkiiu 1 Mock hog -, coin, loader, peas, wheat Blacks:: it It too! , &c. J. J & T. II. BBAEK?, Adm’r. dvc. 7, 1270. . . -<■ w A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA : By RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said iate. Whereas, Official ^formation has been re ceived at this Department that a murder was, committed in the county of Meriweaihsr, on or about L7th of October, instant, upon the body of Jackson Reid, colored, by one ROBERT REID, white and that said ROBERT REID has fled from justice: Now, therefore, I have thought; proper to is sue this, my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the apprehension and dalivery of the said ROBERT REID, with evidence sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county and State. And I do moreover charge and require all officers in this State, civil or military, to be vigilant ip endeavoring to apprehend the said ROBERT REID, in order that he may be brought to irial for the offence with which be tands charged. Given under my hand ?md the Great Seal of the State, at Capitol in Atlanta, this twen tieth day of October, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Sevety, and of the Independence DC the United States of America the Ninty-fifth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the. Governor : Davd G. Cotting, Secretary of State. Nov. 2, 9ti • ' Unless the food afterpassing into tl-e stoinach is thoroughly digested, both bi'dy and mind suffr-r. The digesiive organs are oppressed, ihe-bowels constipated or irregutir, the brain lethargic, the - nervous system unnaturally sen sitive, the 'animal spirit depressed and the pulse unequal, heartburn, flatulency 4nd sick headache are nlso some of the results of indi gestion. Therefore how necessary must it appear to a candid reader that the digestive organs should be kept in proper tone to ptJrfoi ni' the functions Dature repuires of them.' For this purpose no bett-r or more palatable pre paration is iii existence than Lippman’s Great German Bitters. ' Take AYERVS^CHERRY PECTORAL to stop yemr Colds, coughs and Bronchial Affec tions before they run into Consumption that you cannot stop. £-JjefcUtOt' l s Sale. Wli-L lit sohi'oil Tiiii'siiey l-'ittt .lay oi- Dcccm- r, :t tin:- l it-- Ksi-Jcm-c O’ t bit-clius JortleD, n c-.asL-ti, all the perishable i r-rc-rtv of .-‘aid esiato, t- .ns’-tii a ot for.-’ S. mule?, "a vote ot oxen, cows, .... vt-a. 1 t.rk ami Mi-ck hege,s-hcep, ,!er,, j c:s*. poTat'ics and cotton seed, g:u. .u-l’roi liu.g xc. r, one 4 1 orsc wagon, 2 carts, ruiogv alia la.lire.-s, p!ji'.ta'.km tools,. h- u-eht-ld -.i..*t :k ;..!ioi. I.nuitit'fl. The lards will be raru-u .,,i ti e Jay of sale, also dv.aB'ng and store 1.---U < ia Kiutilevi le lor the year .871. Sale to continue roi:: day to day uittl! alj is sold. Terrrm ol sale ash Benton 12 mouths tiius W d.c. 7, 157' WILLIAM L. BRuWN, ) NATHAN H. DUKHAN, > Ex’r J1-.u. II. MAY, ) 44 EO It (41A— Washing ton County. By Hiu woo i 'Brooking, Ordiuary. Wheren’s Siitt.ild Barwick has applied forletUr* of Guardianship ot the person and property of EI a T. Dngirau,-Charles A. Duggan and W. J. Darrgan, u-iaors of Archclus Dnggan, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admoDiaii all per sons. conbertred, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by ntv, and show cant# if any they have, « hv sAid letters should not be granted to applicant! Given under mv hand-at office in Sandersvil'e this December 1st, 1*7(1. HAYWuOD BROOKINS, Ord’y. . Dec. 7, 1870. 30d G EOKGIA—Washington County. By Haywood Brookins, Ordiuary. Whereas Fabian A. WatkiD3 makes application for letters <?f Guardianship for Henry T. Bland, minor child t/s ilt-Bry Bland, deceased, The-e are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to I'-: and dpp'ear a{ iny office on or before the first Monday in January nex.t, and (how cause if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Sanj|crsviU« t this 22th (lay of November, 1870. HAYWOOD BROOKINS, Ord’y, Dec. 7, 187b. >' SOd"’ GEORGIA—Washington County. By Ilaywood Brookins, Ordinary. Whereas Green Brantley, Administrator on the estate ol William Sneed deceased, applies to me lor letters of Dismission from said estute. ’I’neso are tlerclore to cite and admonish all and sirigularthe kindred and creditor* of said decoasod, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, and show cause if any thev have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Sandersville, this 2(/th day of'September, 1870. HAT WOOD BRUOKIAH, Ord’y. sept. 28, 1870. m«Nn GEORGIA—Washington County. By Hay wood Brookins, Ordinary. Whereas, E. W. Cook, Administrator on the es tate of Thomas. W. Tool, deceased, makes appl> cation for letters of Dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred amt creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office v ithin; the time pre- cribed by law,-and show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Sandereville, this August 26th, 1870. HAYWOOD BTCOKINS, Ord’y. nng. 31. 1870. mSm tgal Notices for Emanuel County. Emanuel Sheriff’s Sales. ITJILl be sold before the Court-hcuse door in. \ \ Swainshoro, Einauue county, on the first Tuesday in January next Ihe' Ibliowiug prop erty, to-wit : Six thousand five hundred lie. ef aeed cotton. Levied on'as the property of Abram L. Kirkland to satisfy one fi ta in faver rf Fughsley & Morris vs Abram L. Kirkland. I’roperty pointed out in said fi fa. It. J. DU08LEY, Sh’ff. E. <!. nov. 2,1870. ' tde Legal /Notices tor Johnson Co. .police. liiRTY days aftcrduie uppl cation will he made to the Honorable Court oi Ordinary oi ’otish- : gton couiity 1 “!br leave to sell all tiie lands be- luuoing to the estate ot Jesse Mills, Iate ot said ,-oun y de<-eased. V/M. J. ARCHER, Adm’r. nov 6 1870. 1“ Notice. r HIKTY days after date application will l.e marie to the Court of Ordinary of Washing ton county, for an order to sell aii tl.e lands oelougiug to the estate oi Zucariab Gtay, detaiased. MA1UAH H. GRAY, ddm’x. nov. 15, 1870. lm Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted fo the estate cf Daniel /V Inman, late of Washington county, deceas ed, are requested to cornu forward and makt immediate payment, ar.d those holding demands in-ainst said estate will presi nt them in terms o! tne law. JEREMY S. INMAN, Adui’r. Debonis non. MidvlIIe, Burke Co., Ga., nor. 30, 1870. 4;id William A. Glover, 1 vs. > Libel lor Divorce. Koxask Glove::. J It appearing to the Court ry the re’nrn of the •Sheriff that me Defendant docs not reside in this county and it further appearing that she does not reside in U is 8tiue, i! is cn motion of Council, or dered that sai l Deiendant appearand answer at the next term ot this Court, else" the case be con sidered in default at-d the plaintiff allowed to pro- nee 1 and il is uruered that this Rule be published in the Central Georgian, a public Gazette u this Slate, oi-eo » month tor four months before the next Term oi' this Court. I terrify that the above Is a true estreet as it stands ou ti.o minutes of the Superior Court ot Jciiiuon countv, this November 29th, 1370. V,. W. MIXON, Dept. Clerk. Dee. 7, is70. 4m GEORGIA—c/ohusou County. ByJ.K. L. Allen Ordinary. Whereas I>. A. Moyc and R. B. G. Vv alters, Ad ministrators ou the estate ot Isaac Moye, late of said county, deceased, have applied to me for let ters of Dismi.-siuu from raid Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and credit rs ot said deceas ed, to oe and appear at my office within the time prescribed by mw and show cause if any they nave, why said letters should net be granted. Given uuder my hand at uflico in Wrigknvjlle, this October 20th, 1S*U. J. K. L. ALLEN, OidW. ’ Oct. 28, 1870. m8m .Vo l ice I ^HIETY days alter uaie application will be . made to the Court of Ordinary of */ohu»ou county for an order to feed aii the Juads of the e»- tute et‘W. W, Barwick, !«ts of wuid county, d®- CELIA i\ ^Ldui’x. nov. 23, 1670. lta GEOLGIA—EinuiiUti County. By c/ofju C. CoiriiHin, Oramary. Whcreus, Eli2cibttli licok-*, Administratrix oa »ihe estate ot c/oiiuaihan Hookr., dccttUKcd, makes j application ioi lo tera oi Iroiit r.wid es*- * tale. lhcae are tl erelore to ciicand admonish nil persons concerned to be uud appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, aiul cau^e if any they nave, why 5:tici IctterssliouJd not be granted/ Given under my hand at office iiT ^wainsbori). this Uetoberlet, 1670. JOHN C. COLEMAN, Ord’r* Oct. 12, 1570. *' ' mJm* Legal Notices for Wilkinson Co. Notice to Debtors g.nd Creditors. A LL persons indebted to Edward Vval late cf Washington comity, deceased, tiro requested to make immediate payment, tan! these having dcm..uJs wft, present thorn as required by law. A.J. VEAL, Afim’r. nov SO, 1870. 4ud Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A 1,L persons indebted to thu estate of Jesse A/iils, lateol Washington county, deceased, are requested to niake immediate payment, uud these having demands against said estate will present them in terms of tne law. WM. J. ARCHER, Atl-.n’r. nov. 16, 1870. 40J GEORGIA—Washington County. By Haywood Brookins, Ord’y. When as it is represented to ine that William Smith, late of said c-omity, h/es depurted this life intestate, aud no Administration has been had on Ids estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to be od appeal at my office on or before the first Monday in Deuembor next, and show cause, it nny they hu\«, why the Adminis tration of said estate should not be grunted or vested in the Clerk of Superior Court, or s?tne fit and proper person. Given under my band at office in Saudcrsville, thi* 13th day of octtiber, 1870. HAYWOOD EKOOKLVS, Ord’y. Nov. 2. 1S70. 3"d GEORGIA—Washington County. By Haywood Brookins, Ordinary. Whereas George W. H. Whitaker makes Applica tion, for letters of Administration cn the estate of Wm. G. Brown, late of said county, deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, and show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at effiee in Sandersville, this 12th day of November 187". HAYWOOD BROOKINS, Ord’v. nov. 16. 187(1. 30d' Legal Notices for t\ aldington ro. Executor’s Sale. A LL the perishable nropeity b.longing to the Mtateof tbo late Wm. Tanner,tieefeaseu', will be sold at public^ sale on-Monday December 19th, at hi* late residence, eon-i.-iing of corn, fodder, pork and stock noga, homes, cows ant* calves, ox- jl-b, cart-, plantation tool*, house: eld furniture, &e. .\L-o the' i;'ud(TwiU\l'e rentei ter tiie next 'Oiu: TSrpwaiklV L«\ lErTlltI-Sa*r RjV 4ss. 7, ini. 1 ft GEORGIA—Wilkinson Couniy. isaae H. Watkins, adm'r. j In Equity Bill ferdi- oi Lucinda H. Wright, l rcction and distribution vs J in tho Superior Court yiitehcll W atkins, et al i of said county heirs at Law of Lucinda > October Term ii70. H. Wright. J It appearing to the Court that the children and grand children Levin Watkins, deceased, Sarah Cot- toiihead, deceased, formerly Sarah Watkins, Tabitha Brown, dee’d. formerly Tabitha Watkins and a por- ti/n oi the children and grand children of Wealthy Fountain, deceased, formerly Wealthy Watkins, who are heirs at law of the said Lucinda H. Wright do not- resido within this State, and it further appearing that rbeir tames and residences are unknow n to the complainant iu the above stated cause. It is therefore ordered by the court that they and each of them and al! others claiming an interest in said estate, do be and appear at the next term of this court to be held on the lirst Monday iu April next, then aud there to make known and establish their identity and rela tionship to the said Lucinda H Wright, and the na ture ami extent of their claim to participate in the distribution of tho estate of said Lucinda H Wright. And it is further ordered that servico of this order be perfected upon aii and every one of them by publica tion of tho earn* weekly tor four months previous to the next term of this court in the following Gazettes, to-wit : Weekly Telegraph and Messenger, published at Macon, Ga.; Federal Dnion, published at Milledge- vilie, Ga., and the Central Georgian, puhlirhed at Sandersville, Ga. GEOKULA, 1 Clark's OGco Superior Coart, Wilkinson county, j October Term, 1870. I hereby certify that the within is a true extract from the Minutes of said Court, October Term 1870. nov. 2, 187U.—Im GEO. W. IA PLY, Cl’Js. GL-UJiulA— i-tusuu/gloii L/i-uui). By H i} wood ivrookinu, ordinary. Whereas, Ueiiiy Taj lor has applied to me for l-stter* of Guardianship of tho person and proper- tv of Claudia Taylor minor thud of Wiiiiam A., deetapod, : The*e are therefore tocite aud admonish all per sons coucer'neu to oe ana appear at rnj office within the time proscribed by law, and show canae, il aLy they have, wbv said letters should not be grante- , Given under my ban- ai office in Saude/svill* this 12th, day of Aoiember, 1870. HAYWgsYD BKOOKLYS, Ord’y. nov. 14, 1870. 80d GEORGIA—Washington County. 1 By Haywood Brookins, ordinary. Whereas William V. Tanner applies to me for let ters of Administration of the estate of Henry J. i in icy, lata of said county, deceased. These are therefore to oite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my ofiice within the time pre scribed by law and show cause if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given hand at office is Ejuudenfrilln, this af*. 2, JBT0. r Md 7 Adffliohtrator’s Sale. WILL be sold iu pursuance of an order from the 11 Court ot Ordinary ot Wilkinson county, oa the first Tuesday iu January next, belore the Court-House door in the town of lrwiuton, said county, all tho real estate belonging to the estate of Wm. Wynn, Into ot sa d com ty, deceased, said plantation containing six hundred acres, more or less, lying iu thea.d dibtiicloi suidcouuij. Terms of saie credit tor twelve months. Purchaser to pay lor dee 7 aud stumps. J. h. JOHNSON, , ) . . , JOHN E. DUNCAN, j Adm ™- cov. SO. 1870. tds GEORGIA—WilkiDsou County. By C. M. Lindsay Urdinary. WUereas Wmiford G. Kingsry, Administratrix ou estate ol D. H. S. Kiiigsrv,' late of said county deceased, has tiled her pcutiou iu this office tot letters ol Dismission from the Administration g( said estate. These are therefore to cite all the kindred and creditors of deceased, to file their objection, if any ney have, iu Uds office witniu the time required by law way said letter* ot Disuuasion should Mi be issued to applicant. Given under my hand and official signature thjf 13th day ol uaccjvr, irJu. O. M. LINDSEF, Ordinary. Oct. 19, 187i>. mfiut Notice. r |'*HIRT }’ days afterdate application will be mads A to tiie Court ol Ordinary ci Wilkinson ooh5 ty, for au order to sell ail the real estate ol th4 minors oi Warren Cross, la.e ot said couniy, dw coorad. BE.iivTf KING, Gusruian. nov. 16, 1870. Tbs