The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, November 22, 1872, Image 2

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«** 1 c -> t. •> . OV. . \ Thr Armwr Murder C^mv SandcrsiitU jfirtaW. FRIDAY MUHNINC, NOV. 2i, 187 - The borne dienwM bed «|>|ie«re(f in Atlnntr. j Thirty mae* r.'iiorW in ono. Ii vary .t*bb. ’ , > iftv t )7r,^ nei^T^S,mrtr^7 n **' ,.„K i Tbfl foxing Wthe 'entim.-nylekcn bofnr?' feei the other. Jahvkr Hrrmw, Knwis Httbim. 111.Witr Anxon, Thoaub It L'l Y. Co i*. tro. I knAwdf the othera were or not. The ntkon i hail iln-tr guns pointed in the door. This I wuh the goueral report of nil the nogroie. - l Thoy were exeited end said they Ooul.l not ^lentify nny oRthem. The. Stubbs 1 think ii£toaet^er, nj^irttfou miles from the store. The* ehudotv is about two feot one way and iost.. for the 1*4,1 wf |*n)Uii«e - Liberia CrtHr,« u ^ Cirmt The persons at tho storo on Satur day evuuing weM Mr. lluttawuy un.l Mr t lUe preliminary trial OoL Jn.V ex-Treasurer of Georgia. , r |f. KnvnfcNH fur th* *Sf*ifa 1 1 Stuvuly I remained one hour mid a hull is a cuudi'UUv for re-election. Keuhau Anuor; miw him lent over in that eveniug. II was a place of resort, the • * UluHHctH-k, dead. across the river cm the road j road was n public one. Many persons traveled lending from this piece to Wurrontou. I saw j it I have no why of tolling whether tlieHe him mi Hntidny morning between day and I were made on .Saturday morning or evening Kngu>ta doe* not want the circus, to fto there, hut U tarry the horse disease with it. tifaoAfcv election thTpoTitical papers, some j *nii up, this wua on last Sunday morning *a I or at night or on Sunday morning. The por- of them* have gt.m into the ghost ntory bua-‘ w< ek ago. He wan beaten np very badly j hobh that were there Unit evening lived on itw **, end whitl whopper* they do tell. I about the head and bin throat out. he was j thin hide of the yver. When I “got there on from Sunday morning I haw the dortr closed. It was locked on the outside. Tlu* key wuh in tho door . closed.* Tliq buck window was hung on little hingoH, opened on the outside. It wan latched with u hook undstaple. When 1 got there the window was shut and latched, or hooked on the inside, When Burge came to my hotiHu 1 saw him alter 1 onme hack to my house it waa after Min riae, I saw blood on Barge. it was about his breast on his , outside of tho house about 12 or If* feet from Tim Governor* didn’t meet in Atlanta, on ! the door; lie had on no ooat or lint, had on the lllth. Tho council bus been postponed xrtt{ aUt | he lmd four or five bad outs on the head, and hia throat waa badly eut. The More honnu is about 200 yards from the indefinitely. Puffed", N. V., uiid vicinity has been hnv* ing "beautiful auow" nlsiut two feot deep, The tint of the season. The business portion of Abbeville* S. O., was destroyed by tire on tho 17th iust. Lost, 150,000. Partly inauroL » The Vsiw I loner. New York, once no fn- rnoua, hi to be remodeled and converted into stores and offices Mr. Willie Onne, of Millcdg* vUB*. was married on the 11th hut., to .VisH Susie Heath o Warroiiton. lien. Ileauregnrd has been elected Adluin* istratdr of Public IniproveiiieiitM in New Or- 1 jane. Maj. Benjamin Barron, a prominent citi zen of .Tones county, died on the 13th inst., in the 7Ut year of liis age. #• • a With nine counties yet to hear from. (tree, ley's majority, in Georgia, over (Irani is H,- f>N7; over Grant and O'Conor, 1,741. O'Cmi- or's entire iota in this Htato waa only 3,H 1(1. «. « -« - - A severe shook of eerth-«pioke occurred ut Concord, N. If., on the lHth. Buildings rsdcsd violently and the shock wus* plainly ▼ sible to people walking in the streets. -a— - Oi f roll Lhu hia. - ()ne hundred mid fifty I river bridge. 1 saw no gun shot wounds on j Armor, the deceased. When I got there with ! 1113 her there v n np 01 e la • there*. The ! house wus a small grooery, one nvun, one door, ono window in thn m l oppoaite the door. Tho house was 20 or .11) feet from the ]>nblic road. Haw on tho ground near where Armor was lying, broken woapons, or parts. • of weapons. There wore the fractures of u i gnu stock outside flic door, and the cylinder of a pistol inside of the house, f did not i pick it up however, do not know who did; ' the broken gun st4>ek whs near the door stejis; they were the fragments of a gun 1 stock. He was lying ou hia back when I got to him. Saw no wounds but those . <01 his head and throat Koiim bruises CfawM.—^OlHfcUhrday I was lmwling wood for my mother.' It only dri/ziled rain. When I wefit to >ir. Armor’s tout night he was lying down. He had been a sleep i think about an hour before these men camo. He only talked when spoken to by Mr. lktr^o. I don t know if lie was drunk at all; he did not stag ger. He did not act like a man that was drunk. 1 took a dram. Mr. Hargo cave it to mo and also to my brothers. We did not pay for it. I had no liquor before I went there that night. These men looked like tolerably sized men. Could uot tell if they were black or white. I ruu out of the house as soon us the cap popped. I was looking at Mr, Armor when the cap popped. I did lint see him move. ThcTncuWvur spoke. 1 was ut the store whim ilarfe was playing the harp. Lin is a pretty goad player. The boys did not dunce. I was hpt present when they were playing car.K^Hlat night, I did uot toll Hen m iy th it thflajAs , <i playing curds that night; saw no cards; did not say they litidu ditticnl- t.v. 1 do not know lien May by tliut name. Knows no boy unmed lieu thut * lives at Mr. May’s or at Mr. llattaway’s. After I loft tiio house I never saw Hargc any more until the next day ft^out 12 o clock at Mr. Kite lien’a. Don’t know, at what time Hargc came to mi. Kitchen's. Branch Harrison took Hargc to the depot, l^was close to Marge; did not notice any blood"on him; was not close to him. i run part ol" the way. My brothers overtook uio about halt way. 1 said nothing to them. I told .\tr. Kitchens some men. 1 Armor. ‘Ope stood at the door with a gun know nny of the men who came in, don’t J that the negroes were material wit- know if thoy wore black or white saw no uHliiit tiiftn irt tin* <*u«e hnra-M about there. Tho gtln did not tir* 1 ume » *“ W1 ° C - till they pulled sir. drmor out, Barge sail somotining 1 don't know wliat it was an< they tired when he said something, I neve heard anythin:; said to Marge, he did not pn*:1 him; He had no oont on, I gave him ono. 1 saw a wound on Hargc. Tho third finger of th** left hand appeared to shot nearly off. Did not hear Armor say anything about his money on Saturday. Marge lmd money on Sunday morning. It whs, lie said. Armor's Hook, that the money was in. The book looked like memorandum book. I did not know tin* book. Do not know that Marge was out of money. I do not know how long ' Burge staid at my house. There was no from!turn left HavMiniOi for I.iUrrm <-n Hut- 1, "" Uu K " ,0 ro "' 1 ,ivtr - Tlu- « r "" 11 '' tircliiv I .Hi, On • two linn- I W,,H ln "’ U:h “ 1 - u " lr "' k " ilrnl, inrjuillnn many hmilim. Bullrd fn.,.1 from *!,o lioum t« the rtm.l. *K.i» no truck. N, » Vi irk for tl.c win. .liKthmlion. Hope ! fromllirl,..u«r lollit- Mini; «.iw no livHli'lionir tliev won. nil tHilitlriinih. i ,li ' 1 U ” 1 un,<H,h '' Tl " r - " “'N 1 ' I I .1.1 t.. ll... 1.1., . ... r ||. v Mrs. Laura Fair demands the pistol with which she 1 illeil ( rittrnd.m. She prizes the weapon very highly. Pi rhaps she expects to u in it again Kiglit million pounds of Wind was destroy- j el at the late Boa ton fir*-. Bv the saini- dis- , aster Harvard College lost halt 11 million o| J dollars. Partially insured. Mr.Wm. Abney died *t ColutnbnwYi lev. days I since, after t* n yvntb eonfiio merit to bin hod j I rom intlamatory rlieuiimliHin. .1/nat of Ibid i time lie was unnhb 1 to move bund »»r foot, and two \ears ug*» he lost his eyi*aight. \r» r*» on his face; noticed none on hia irnuicy found in the store. I do not know* hen Is. Than* was blood in the honsr how many books they kept, one was found on tin* wall, on the door facings, on the ceil- ' in the store. Armor hud been doing busi ness there for four days. I think before he was kill« d. Marge seemed to be in a hurry to get off, and I hurried him off. 1 did not want him there id my house, 1 was excited from what lie told lue and from what the negroes said, NVh mi lWgc came to my house that morning I di l not notice Hint Ids clothes wi re torn, or any marks of violence except • >u his hands. Ho wore oil his bloody clothes I think, lie did n »• change them at my house. His clothes, Ids overcoat, dress coat, vest and watch were in the itoit' and his imt. I'hey were hanging up, the watch was in the pocket ol his vest. 1 took them out and ei ther took* them or sent them. There was Moo | on the W'uteh chain, atld blood on the vest as they hung on the wall. There was blood I think ou ilurgc'a coat also. The chain was hanging out being hooked in tho 1 think. The counter,an you go in. 1 1/uttoii hole. The chain was hanging c\pos tin' back, and lacked alsmt thre* ! »*d to view. 1 heard of the difficulty at about ing and on the door and tl*s»r. The blood waa spattered on the ceiling. The veiling J was 7 or h f. et high. There wan blood on th* window sill, am eared on the aill an 1 on tin facing, on the left, hand side as you go in. Saw none on the groun 1. Saw Homo blood on trees buck of the bouse from the window, j The tri es Were one Hor 10 loft from the house, ; the other about 20 fn**t, Thuy were parallel | to tue river. 1 went to the bridge that inorn- , ing. Haw shoo tracks: they were going and returning. 1 discovered hut three track*. ho raw about there, i’ho gtln lid not tire till they pulled Mr. zlrtnor out, Barge said | somotining l don't know what it was and | ed the plttee where Mr. Artuor TP the cloak from over the face of the man when ho was pushing him. '/’he-man Mio struck xir. drinor was tall man but eoniinon sized around the body. We ail Mr. Kitchens' house together. 1 overtook my two brothera in the corn field about three hundred yards from the store. 1 saw Mr. liarge the*next day at Mr. Kitchens' in the big house lying on the bed, 7’heother two men were not as tall as the ono .who came in the house, they were rather low men. Mr. Bargn commenced run ning when he jumped out; I heard'no groans I heard another gun. they snot twice after I got up in tho corn field, that wiu* three tidies i heard a gun go off. • (bus.v Mr. Barge’s linger was shot off with a gun. I saw them when, thn gnu was shov- oj np. It was a low man who shot, 1 jump ed out then and Mr. Marge after me. 1 don’t know wtint kind of a pistol the man had. Thera were uo words spoken by any of the parties at all. i saw only one map come in; there were two at the door. Mr. Barge tried to at" 1 p l us man ba rk from Mr Armor Thn one who come in pulled Mr Armor out of the door by himself Mr Marge never tried to stop him The rnn who slid Haemal t» sim at Burge's .heart lb* was iu the door and sho.c l th? gim up au 1 it shot his finger The uisn was out i Ic on the groun l near the stop:* The gnu want otf jnit mn hi throwod it up, I then run Mr H.u-gf? shut the door r.s ha w* nt to gat out; 1 don t ;uow f ip lock- «*i it or not i was not Lo re when Barge 'an l Armor were pl*ving carls Armor danoed b vonio Marge imd his ..amt and jacket off wiion t.iu iuan eouie Armor had on his pant* and vest and two s urtn He was asleep when the man come in, and the popping of tho cap w'ukud him and he oomfiiencad to get up— Did uot see the face of any of the men; oould not tell if they were whito or black Tho face of none of them was oxposod at any tiilio — it was black covering ou tlie face; it looked like cloth It coyered his whole body; it come to his knees Mr Bdrge pushed him back by pushing him on the breast His face was not to Mr Margo 1 saw mv Marge the next day at nr Kitchen s He was bloody ou his atm his lott arm; saw no blood on his back, i thought there was, but found there was not. i saw none of it in tue day or night ou his back. 1 don’t know which hand was shot.— Dou.t raw ember which linger, but know one oi them was shot off. It was a double barrel gun; tue muz/de was sticking iu tho house — i Heard two otner shots afterwards; tauy Is. •Vo. He had been sellidg goods there about four dai was imWi A Tiu'iuci OllKob- r | he lyO»lis\lll« itself thn sly: ••If \sc luiv* nt got the ‘ Vjiizon/y*’ in .1* ll* r- son the conjugal rpid. mic is raging pretty i xtenshely, slid flint’s some consoluti*»n." Tin Jaw-breaking word, we presume, stands tor burse ( ol. petcrsoli I’li"outt, the papers any, has bought biin a new beaver bat, slid looks at least tunny veins vonuger # i»l»d linmlsoiner. NYliereupon tin Savaiiimb Advertiser inti- mates tl it » new 1 inbrolln would make tlo* job complete. -Does the Advertiser mean to insinuate that t umbrella ? fe* t at one end going to the wall. It was open on the north side, it went to the null on the south side. The eofiliter was 3 feet high. | 7‘here was n bed hi tlr* bark part. He had ii j bedstvad; lie t«»ok it down in the day , 1 think 1 believe he slept there. He put it up, I sup pose, at night. When I went in hint .Sunday Illuming, the bedstead Was down HU 1 put be hind the door, as when I saw jt fie day be fore. 7 here was no blood on it- There wto* I much blood in the left hand corner and about j the fioor as you went in. 7 his house as- 1 ocenpied by a mull tiarued Barge. 1 think j Allen B, llargo. lie ocenpied tho store wit. Mr. Armor. Had been there since Arana went into it. (in Friday heard Armor sa\ j that the next goods lie ordered would b» loi . Armor A Marge. Don’t kn*>w that they were in pnHuersbii). Marne attend l to the bnai- t ness, I was there on Saturday looming und ; evening, Mr. lfuttaway and Mr, Slav* ly and Marge I think were there. I next saw Barge . at my house ou Sunday morning after I left, \ toer 1 had been at the (Iron, rv: di 1 not sec ];itii i Jo* i ene o #lo« k at night. I started for the store and went wit hilt 200 yards of the store und •idled to Armor and Marge and no one an swering 1 built a lire and waited till light. I mi* (he wound on the linger of Marge, it was n shot l think. I never noticed any sigh o| a pistol ball iu the house hut piekeil Ip some blittciv i shat. The impress of tin* bloody hand on. the window cassing was on ...el ft side IIS volt go ill at the door. It .•termed as if lnnde by u person passing out. I’ll" h it hand ol J»;»»v; is th? on. in,un d bv lH.rrl rrs'nnnt. When I got then* the door was locked on the outside and the window sku». There w;rs no blood on the k*\v. Marge was excited; seemed frightened. The rest was bunging oil lac south side of tho kuil.l itlif 1 li.juL WIIM Id.wi.l on to* ■vail also: sum no blood on the watch, but lid on the chain. The coat was not on the siiuic nad. it was about 13 or’zff inches off: 1 think, blood on the slioul.b r ol Air. Armors watch, I think, was •e shelf, oil Monday, when tliev th* F.dH. id, I hw alt y\ illimn Auderson, the bank forger, s*i ( ailed, and for soim months confined iu Sa- ju>1. iinliir. 'l .. K‘""l l.nlur.-.l c"nrtu- 1,1,. i,. mill l.hii I" tnli. n littli* Vi.|U urmiinl lltc inurUrl ju.. lor t Ii ^ leiiwlit •»1 11 1111 * ']Ti« fr<^1. iiir w.sho imiKOWll.iK ' V ‘>1- i„l,i lost til.. Pimstalilo mid Ini' l."l funinl Mill vet. Tw n nil I'm jiIh.hI ra|,f W.v Ih-. ii ( (immilt.'il in HiMi ....niiiy within thr [hihI l. w wI «Kh. In hutli ciihhkllin ti.mla "•■■■.' n.«nn'S nn<l tlia nU, ni|.ti>.l vi.dims litll.- «lrlH iilnl-r f..«r- v,.ura ol aj(.-. J’liri-iitH nii.l j'uiir.lmiiH hiii.iii l rxiTdlHe ^r. ut ninli.m during Uiohb tilU.-H Will'll tlll'.lUn il'»> l-IIIK h t U»>HC IIIH.II tho lacai.f the nirth. Ai>,' i. tin pri.t.vthm fnmi tin -a dfiiin.'ii'. No fiMimlo sliotlM vnntura libroad Ulipfot -t. i. as I M-.-nt down. I went down in rouse j ibun I qu*'liee of being-alarm.• l by some n -gro.-s j were removiii saying that there was some fighting going on found, it was n •lo* n there, and some shooting, l live about -barged in ft 1 a ruile from there. John lldsoii, Vbni Hit- , k«-n bv .Mr. Armor with t soil and Bee Hilsoti were the n gris'H who Marge n i no d to lil. ed freely told me <»f the disturbance at the store. I 1 hanging on ;t nail whieU was staid nt tb.e store half an hour that morning mi\v nolle of the defendants at that *t iaie, bu • Mir ho an I ono behind him, None of them said any thing. I am friendly with the parties. Don t Know tile Mr. Bln fibs only as J «uo them and puss them, i know nr, Camming. Don't know much ol DeWitt Artncr. Mr. IteulsMi Armor was lying down with 1 his coat off; liis vest was on. 1 went t^ Mr. | Armor's store t.hat night at* about one hour utter dark, ‘-♦'staid tuero until the cap was popped. ( M^Armor was lying ou the fioor on the rq^tsUe of the house, ^4 got Up and cut so:qetiling, but daid cotliiug to any one. No one eut with him; lio hud something to eat iu t spider. Whun ho was dona he laid dowu. • 22a said nothing to any one. I don’t know if ha waa di.unk or notf did not seem so. Hg never uykod me wlist I come for. AYheu.Mr. asked him to get up. lie said he dm uot Cura to got up. I don’t know whotjici nr. Barge was hurt or uot. I. hoard no gun ft.od. .ay biggest brother, Bee, got up to me tii at. The oilier ono was a lit- iittle way huhind him. 1 did..uot stop for them: tucse inou never told mo to stop, i have talked to uo one about this sffair. 1 was not lunch acquainted with nr. Marge; have had uo conversation with him since t.iis i so uu ( b»d like a gnu. diffleiilty; Uevwr saw mi*. Margo bin unco be- i uu .Sciiuuos mvoa.s—i got to tha grocery ut foro this niglit. j about 10 oclock, /hero wore two or threw Lke liiuxoN. (•' i!..rol, \ Sworn, • Iaiu about | ^ ndomou about there A thiuk Mr Cuimamg 18 ve^rs old Tom i i ol tor t i.m I am. I was ® VtWi there Mr Armor was there uftorwurds— at Air. Armor’s groe.-rv th« lught lie was kill- j j uo conversation with him about his ed, wont there ati r dark with nay bro.hets | )ro thor; heurd uoduug about his offering a Tom all l John. 'Tuero was lm on • there but rin vard lie said ins bromorwuut to iris house Mi. Armor and Mi'. Barge. Air. \rin u was j OJI .Suturday and in bis aosouoe liis wile lying down aside tue hoii.,.*, ait I dr. Margo w one liim a note and ho wont uome and found was l»y tVu 1 counter. Solution kuouked bt . uih wtfu hud loft houia. He said his brother tile door whilo w*y#ere tiier • and a disguised j lliU j uiisbohuvud; diduotilutu tue cause; said mail euluu ill wheti Mr. Marge opouc I ilic i uolmiig of having hud a lignt witn uis broth door. I doll t know who h*> was ho find on a | oioak and somethipg o\er liis tiue. No one ea.ue in with him. 1 rail out, two men wor • ataildiug nt the door with gutis, botu had guns. 1 nc.oiK! who cut no in looked and r.u*.v i Air. Armo'r on the fioor an t snapped nt him with his pistol. “XT,-. Armor was lying on the right hi.U us you w.m, in on sou* blankets • It wua in (In house where the cap was pop. |x.*d. Bulge whs slat) ling on the left side of tue door when the man anno iu, John win in t.ic grocery and ».o wn- 16m. i'oiuutid me went out the door, Barge was try mg, to sell me and Tom a trim a when this iunu coiua iu. I don't know w tue m m *lone utter •«*• pop- pjd t!ic »;ap. I ».w i.. A uior sin t o g luj . i left, l’uv on* iviiu coiik* in sui i. * k \JapUtm follow in. ’ l saw Hi • pistol; it w.*s p*)uit« I at mi*. Ar.unr. My brotnur wivs theu gon?; as ; spoil a * tiie disguised mall com*' m he rail out. Nf.i.-n the cap popped Idoii lknow woil I Mr. Beige done, ito said not,dug. Saw no gun in ill •House b for»* tin* iunu come in, Mr. Barge ha * a pistol; did no* * • it that n.g .1. 0u\. it in-uio evening at Mr. iviteueus. xil. Marge was lip'iv tlitil • v nilig about halt all A*»i*L r br ,n. o, w.. it by Mr. Uh;'<c; Br.meh ii *rrisoii h a black | ’.uni. 1 ran out of tun’ gro n ry an i we ail I got til MV, Kitchens - , wr 0*«M'took HIV 1 urol.hcr I .Me on tiif* wuy. Saw Marge the jii 'xtd.y , t Mr. Ki uli'iia; did npi talk t* non; no '>o,-v ,uikih n *o my uiotiicv: it was i • thiaa at auout l-oclo;.*. it. \vu.* iiiiwr in l- j nigiit w.n D i Jell tu.j n r\alary. alter tile cap | w.n poppc.t, t*i*l Hot ..noa aiy. John W. Stately, Sworn.—I pinw- «H Ht wliore horsoH wen coming nii.l going. No uioro than might be expected on so public a rood.' Tracks don’t dis appear soon, the ground was rirer swamp and tracks look fresh for sev eral days after a rain. Saw no signs where horses had been hitched on tho other side of the bridge. I made uo halt hut went on. 1 live about two miles from the bridge. I had licit' heard of the affair till I g6t there. I ani certain the' linnii was dead. I was riding. 1 wout witliin ten or twelve'feet of him; I went to Allen May’s about a mile from tile place; 1 passed again in the evening, the bod,y was iu the coffin, and they were just about to carry him off, I got dow.n and looked, I don’t recollect, seeing any horse tracks in the road. J. I). S It allwood, Sworn.—I saw Croat.—It is about six miles from Da Armors' to Catoes. He did not tell me what the condnct of his broth er was. That he wanted to take ont the warrant. Expressed no unkind feeling for his brother only said lie thought it Would do him good. This was on. Sunday morning after the death of Mr Reuben Armor. He sig nified that his brother had done wrong but did. not say what he had done. Hs staid he said that night at his brothers or brother in laws. I believe they live close to aether, do not know however, said he knew nothing of the affair till that morning. Said I think that Kitchens sent him Wortl:—can’t be positive, if he said he staid at his brother's or borther in law's, it was with one of them. There was noth ing said by which he might think that suspicion attached to hiui. lb* Armor can give no reason why in the courts of conversation he locat'd himself that night. The statement was vol untarily his own. The reason he did «a4 kunr rxf fill* Ikooiirratina itnlil tl. . A ^ Mr. Dewitt Armor itn Saturday, on - not hear of tho occurrence until that my way home in Glascock County , morning or get thoro sooner was that He told me “to have no Conversation ; h,-, *vns down at bis brother or broth- 'with liis brother at the Grocery for 1 Pr in law’s. This was given a cause, if he was’drinking, be was a danger- ] for his not knowing of it sooner. ous man. 1 might have a difficulty ! with hitii.” 1 told him that 1 did not hast Week’s Cotton Figures. * #- care to stop with his brother. Ho said his brother was drinking that evening. This conversation was to wards the shadeffbf the night. Tips conversation waZk Dewitt Armors. I was on my way from Lawson Kel leys. He .did not tell me that Hell would be to play thero that night and not to stop. I was feeble and could hardly rirte. I know that I have related the conversation, as it secur ed and I did not* tell Ketcheus or Mr. HawkiiiH otherwise cither. Croat.—Mr. Dewitt Armor spoke to me as a friend and I took him at his word and never stopped. 1 never spoke with Ruben Armor bnt twice in my ilfe to know him. I stopped at The Financial and Commercial Chronicle of last Satin-day gives the total cotton receipts of tlie seven days ending last Friday night, 15th, at 110,010 bales against 130,705 bales last week, 1*20,465 bales the previous week, and 113,148 bales tlivee weeks since, making the total receipts since the 1st of 8cptemlw3Kyl7‘2, 887,5HK bales against 0(1(5,f(Off bales for the same period of 1871, showing an in crease since September 1st this yeas of 2‘20,080 bales. Tlie New York mar ket during tlio week was fluctuating and unsettled with a nett decline of a quarter up to Monday, which was recovered on Tuesday, Wednesday, , and Thursday, under the stimulus of Dewitt Armors to open the gate to j t ], e H^ht receipts, and closed dull on lead through; ho was about 10 paces Friday night with the advance bare ly maintained. The Boston fire the increased estimate* of the incoming trop—the -cavy movern ‘litsofspi oie 4 from me, when 1 opened the gate. I do uot recollect talking with Mr. Hawkins or Mr. Kitchens about the conversation. I had with Mr. l>.< Ar mor. 1 was never iu Ruben Armors grocery iu my life. 1 went home that night and slept there, near where Mr. Kitchens lives. I did uottcll Mr. Kitchens .or Mr. Hawkins that Mr. Thu bmly Wfc. lying liiuru uoluiug iiiiiuuni in nr Du V'ill .ImuoTh uppourauoe; hu Aj.puiiraU U> lmta it; ilia nut nm-<i uny iu^iutius in my prenouu«; » lurgn crowtl hu.l iiHnoiuhle.l ut taut time Mr Uiioy spoke ol Humr !I’.,.:i.m uud sm.1 no would m.eatlgiiU) — I lmd hat tittlo couvemutiou with ur .Iriuor J large w.n. ut liitu.iuu k wliuu 1 tint miw uiui; i j.. . Huopuraiiou ou him, iimputwtiug the diet joiat ol'the tuird Huger ou the lull huu.l; aootuer li.igor »iu wounded; tnu lit- ii • ,ui n er wuh Ktrucii witu uhIhW. itr -lrmor came to hie deutli from tho wound* rocuivud; iivi! wouude of loo uotid, uud hiH won out 7'oore wuh h wound ou his ooill, i.hihim Uku tiro Ht.iO of » Kuilu i ho wouiuIh .ii i io „end wore, 1 think, Irom toorr iippcnr- uu ’0. producud by too Iook oi n guo or pixtiri i ntro were uo gnu snot wouu .h ou him— th- ;m I .>u uo cout; ho nnd ou pnuU, 'ont uud mo HUirUi. into oi thorn e kuil under mint / net. wore uo wouude ou too body 1 did nut g'u to thu ortdgo i.tet dtty Mr ,-lrtuor, Mr i.o v mid Mr otiuioutig tiro nil too dcfeu.iiitiD I i.-.Oom.ioi'ttiotug in tno plnoe tout day. .or in itut . 11.not wio> uootit tlieruwlt.n* too iu- I it’ .hi witHhold, lenw hroltiu (ragm-uu, ol * . oi Ivmg Hour tne tnoy were louud i i i ,.ioitod up a ptooo tuyeolf. . , I do not know wlmt cuiivorHittion o.. driiior imd wito otitur pnrtiaN. Ih i In- i| iii .l looulook Mu. II. H. Hawkins, swoiin.-x , hiJ V)(1(Ja 8()mH vai „ ,, irlv in was uetiug as Coroner at the lu- , • . t I saw uo fresh tracks ........ t l*m» l.i.ilv-i.l XI 1’ lfj>lllw»n : toLuropc ami apprehension nT ;t gen eral monetary stnngcney were the ideal bears of the week. The interior port operations for the week were, receipts 35.-171, ... „ .. ... . .against .TJ.tMl the corresponding Armor told me Hell would bo to pay w((f , k i, 1Ht Vl!iu . Shipments 30.158, at the Grocery that ni ght. n^ainst nml nfneks on Inuul H. H. Hawkins. Recalled. -1 went i;.|y2fil, against 63.(1*111. There Imre back after my books, it was about 11 killing f ( , 1H ts et.-rvwl,eie. The e clock. Mr. Small woo, 1 overtook me i IU ,. rf .,|,. v averaged si tit mm si Clmr- a qua. ter of a mile from Mr. Kite i- ^igtv-three at Sfscon.sixtv rt ens . He sanltliatDe. Armor tolU > cv.luml.u*,. flftv-ni.,*- at Savannah, him (Smallwood) not to stop or ha . fifty-five at Seliun ami sixty-four at might get iuto a hull of a row. **f . Hiintgonn r. said that lie (Smallwood) could not blame a man if one tried to force bin wife, he would fix him too. I know Mr. Smallwood well, Ho was drink ing and when so, talks loosely Imt I think lie knew what he wassayiugto R ny substantial increase or reduei ion mo ’ , „ M _ . in the eousumiitiou of e >iloii as n. \\ II.MAM KucilENh, S-woi-n. -1 n,n : eousei|Stenee of thr Boston lire. !- The visible supply (able foot., tip 1.11113,1 lilt, against'.I.O'iI bnl-s last year showing ail inerease of IU, 145 bales. The (Jhi'oltielo does not look fin- half brother:of Charles Kitchens. 1 went witli him oil Sunday morning to where the body of Mr. It. Armor j lay. Got there about light. There ;/mp if 1 .1/i-w The cotton mills of the. South e m- suniod Iks) year l - Ji),U0il bsle-t of eol- ten. In H70 their I'ousuniivtion if\t Book with pursoiiH s. Tins hook NVIIM t.i- s pMuls, Mr. The vent wab | I think, uliont ! five I'm t IVoui tin* lionr. Saw no Blooil on | tin ln»»»k that liiKton.'tl tho window; al>un- j saw at th? pluc? during th** lay Mr. Armor. Mr. Mil*y . lid Mr. ('umiiiin^. Mr. Mil*-;. Hv**l 7 t»i’Kjidli?s I'roin thorc. Cuiiiiuin^ li\« J or miiivs lYoiu thf'rc. Mr. Armor lix*•«! aBout ’i mili'H jr*u:i tlicr**. Armor a Brother of d»> i'i'a-'d: lliB*y is a Brnthri’dii-law. Hciirl Armoi h!«y that if B* couBl find out who kill- • •••l his Biv*tB»'r ho m»oiB1 |iiuK<.cut«? him. 1 J)i»n’t i* rueniBor liis sa,\inx onyti in;; a I *#uf 1 «»Ll* iinvl » r« \.avd. i linird him spcaU of hie Brothor and said In-thought of ta’iijt; out a, p«'a«'«' warrant f**r Ida Broth* . thr day Brlorr, and di 1 not any what for. lit- was talking. 1 ' think, to Dr. Scrubs. I saw Barg** idMiiit i»r ‘ alter sun ri: *•. He wan at m\ house when I ' Bark. 1 h» ut him off; the ne^na* who -arrir 1 him said h»* ut-nt B> Warn-Dton. 1 d<» not know when In- left my house. Mr. 1*. Armor was an intemperate nun; ho whs ; Buret. 1.think they were Both drinking win n I left tin rn on Haturdav rfteruoon. 7’hry j wrrr friondly; they atr together there iu the little house, and suppose tin y slept there. 7’lie Bottom of the window is I feet from the fioor. 7 he windowK nBout (• feet from tB- qrniuid. I never imaKured it. 1 don't re- inemBer saying anything to Mr. Miley. D*» ^ B *.!!»• •t Idtwd where the sonic on tin *-hips al •• alstiit urd s\ nij;:it was n dark ni I saw w ere tr- sli tracks, I saw anoth< r lr.*H . one *4*»iii;; in another direction, it wen o ;t t*M*avd the I'ulils; o|j the main road each side was a putk , one ««f flic80 tracks was in the road, tl.e otln-r turned in tho path, But J ,il1 ^ D-m. n purti. s i-ottlil him. | 1 •• 1 ll "‘ ai l not t dt it tli *y wore, muck or wlut?; don i ku*»w wnat Kin i -i ^un* the ni«*n had; saw no ImrsCM hitciiv'd uBout l-hciv; did not know any of toe parties tout conn* llmro; from too lim • l yo* tiie.v tali i left; Mr, A.- iii -r ;; \[ up and <at nis supper, Mr. Far^e oat .* poiec of meat win Bin; Ar-ior t!i.*n laid vtowu a^uili; a- Hpo.vv v ry »i:11«•. I did not hoo Bun 1 drau.v ono tlrniu, so li t my Brotoor*.; did not hoc xir. itur^o drink ,, “ ,l,a lutilu Itf 111- IlHIlllHll i U, B“* Df'uiK. i nun uw IH KII mi. -r. gjntmiltecl t«i 01,000, ami in ) SG1> ( quest upon the hotly ol All. Reuben . f h()rftt , s between the store nml the 8 0 (HKI bales TIu-m.- Armor, in Glaatwock coiinty; I reach- j brid g ((j thore wm - c mmu oU nu.«. 1 ’ ‘ ' etl tlie place at about 10 o clock. there. Saw some fveali track of hIioom. ! 1 ' lV “. S ! > : 1 ^ 1i®““ m ti!“A 11, went beyond the bridge. 1 saw rttp idly recovering from the evil cf- lig'livs h< > - _ colton iiisn k of shoes, uhvcinriiig interest of the South is , - . IX went oeyoua tnu uriugo. 1 saw ni ni ( ll v teeoverinL' from the e possession, found tlicin thoio, they | w ] lere j( appeared that a horse had i foots of the war notwitlmtanilirer were given to me by Mr. Kitchens. ; ^ ( ,„ u qi u( j to n i„ m ], lin( i etaiupeil ; the blighting inflimnee of l'nli-ral (Kxnibitod m Court, bv f*io witnesa - Hroluu i. [ t wns tt o«iut 25 foot from j interference with their local affair. . peiees of gun stock with blood on I the i, r idge. They were fresh tracks. says that near there wuh fiiiin i Ut i ui.v iitniiu!.-..; ini imt itu.i-ii-. iiitfgviiniik iui s m r ,nu n«..v» ...... ......... | tne linage. I hey were fresh tracks, ,s,,i'. I lll, .vt.. | ii.. ,; mi- ihi.g.- aliijo-l t.iu inu-jt u Intiu one peiec, the. cyhudev of a pistol . Ultt ,( 0 ,tf tel . the rain, I think. Tliev | The Griffin News sac •lu. The ‘truck.,! WUH i" 111 »• B?* -) ^ Al»«.V bo ‘ | looked so to me. I did not go in the j certain individual living i„-„, fore the Inquest. \\ hen L gt)t tlieio s torc wlu n I first went there, but 1 . is so very absent minded, that n few .Mr. Armor and Mr. It) ey wore W eut iu among the first that entered.j nights sinet 1 he put his dog to bed there. Do not roinemlier seeing ei- U|, H store. The door was looked; I anil kicked himstdf down tie' -Isirx, milking T*io>iah ilu.LHt v. x i ’.ilnrril., Sworn, I wiu» nt Animr’N j<r*H'»*ry tm niyi.t Bu wan killed, 1 wunt tlu'vc ;*1 wot luti* an hour after dark, my two Brotli. va But* UiliMMi nml John ilill- tin w eve witli in *, T.iuru wuh no one thurc two or till*'*' mmnloM ni’fur i iuft. ('nat'.-tlk Uai;-;e was ut Mr. Kiuiirii*. half till hour h.v anil, 1 saw him tiim-t?, In; and a pi tol wish In id, wan in cnUH’.iltut'i'U will UarriM*u; DraiiCu hoo ve.l it mu on. wuh pros ui, nu -jav*< da t«i :*rr. Ba.^u aisw showing ii («ius, mu wuraail togotuui. 1 did not h-.*c Mr. Bar^u j/ivu the pimoi u> Braneo, But k*i\v BruUaii xi* • it Buck. Bran. ii UriTiHnti. Goor^" K t'.h?iiii and tlinde AiL.iony livn nl Mi. JuIu.iuiih; in* an t Ant.may wuru not pr«‘H' nt. Don't know that Bur^** i^a.u Br.iimh a ^*»Bl waii'li tr# ciku him to \Vnnvu*uh: Intiu in>t fiuen Biuiumi witu a wai^.i ol any sort. tlior of tliu Mi'. Stubbs there. Did not hear Mr. Armor say that it was an awful tiling, but said he did not think that any ono owed his brother ill will sufficient to treat him thus, lie did not speak of offering a re- tho key was in the dour. Haw no ! ami didn't discover liis mistake until blood on the key. I saw a pistol iu j he tried to yelp, the house, lying behind the counter j — . — - ... . on a shelf or box; it was loaded, it I was behind the counter. I never saw i the pistol before; 1 saw a pistol cyl- \ Cullen Harlti'L K\m»k:;sViu.e. Nov. 3i. Our mutko Ban Lean quit# aofi/b Minin* otir I tM r*port; **B •-*- \\y K : firm or on a luisi* of 17*, !*»• :n Bid I . Tknnu.u:, Not. til, 1872. • (Vil.m .111*' a uiarkul inaoiivitv prevailed iu the uiai’ ;*«r. But Arruor and Bar;,'**. AVt* Htaid then* until i l don’t know a black iii«u n.i:ucit li*»n .da; W iisliliiiEloii llisllllll**. The 1-all Term "I tlie »*Mive Itiglt hi-U.iuI i-loh.-tl un rritliiy lilglt* ft*, "tilt an fit It'r- titiuitt'-itl in ilc-rl»)tii*li"ii. rt iitliiih’ «f ftattl't'- Hitioii, must.*, tiiut a Ut.-rary tttltlresit Ity S. ti. Jonliili, K*q. 1 lesjti|.- lilt' tlUVleilHiiUtly Cttl'l cviiuiltg tlie HimriotiH tiha)»til waa well filletl with it Tlellgltli'il tiiltUi Ui't'. The |iii|tilH at- ig.tilletl thi'iuH. hi a with great Ort'ilit I" till eiine.-r lit al. The jtimig tleulalnit-rH were di- \idud intu eUsst-H, uuittlior line ltt-ing t'utii- jHwe.l ni' the stuiille«t nml nnmher Uvo'd tlie largest boy* in seh'iul. A -prize Wuh uffered I., ,-aeh eitiHH. In Kt ' lasH the prize wan iiwartlfd to Master Ituxtun Trturiek ; ill lid . lasH, to Master .lease Traw i.-h ; llrd elans, Master Maury Hitehritek; -nil elass, Master .luhti L. Harper; '.Hi rlaHs, prize slmred l>e- lu-e.-n Mesara. t'liftun A. Atltini, M*ll I.. Dug gan ami J. Q. A. Jordan. So e.intiUy match, nt were tin’s.’ j-.mug gentlemen that it van decided t» award the prize tonll. The "iris were arranged in like manner, traek. were not of large si,..e, the smallest coming that. The let prize was think, was alsmt .. No ni. awarded lu little Miss Nolle IU.he.ts; ltd, Ut j moment to his broil,e nin o'tdotdv.or tl»< *r .'.Bout; aftor I got there sum*' am n i'uiom ther*'; 1 *lo n*»t know who they were. The on** who camo in, l.a.l a rlri.Ic over liiH frier, it looked like n cloak; when lie mine in tlie tloor, he popped a cap at Mr, Armor, who wa.* lying Beside the door • .ji tB** right hand aide as you go in: Mr Barge wan htaiuling on thu left side of the door in- hi*lt ; he was there Before the others conic in, Thh* ia tho man who popped the my. Mr. Armor »>r Barge suit! nothing; I ran out; the doff t know any on - iiuiuud Ben living '-I mi*. .days or linttavvaya.' Never lived on thin side oi the river, yuih.noi tharu .it LUa gro cery wneli they M'tnv t »i.iying nara.s, •s.*\\ no cards, imnt know many iwgmu** m fiit.s c-mnt'.v on luissi.u.oi too.rive *» *ig an 1 Armor appeared very.lii*/nd»y. i *'e»n v r«c- oih'Ut iiow Burge was di’MHHCU, .oh cout as od, don’t rucollct't lutimli tue vchL, di t not sue hi« watch. Air. Armor uud on ms si*»t hut coat off’. Tiiu m^n outsi ie Ham to me as 1 went out,'tnoy did tint try to Htop me, they Were right ut tlu door; one w.m popped tpc cup was a sumu man, Dial ward or of limiting au i n vent i gat ion. | j, lc j 01 * on tho floor near a trunk ; miw It was grnoral talk that thaso three j 8om(j broken |HHce» of a gun atoek : a mark©l iimuiivitv prevailed negrooH W(*iii IItore ; do not know. oll jhe floor near the do'ov near where ruobived at this point j7'J BuB h dmiug that Mr. Annor knew that tho n«-1 tho cylinder of the pistol was. I ‘l'* T? PJ***' '*'•' <•••!*- grocs wore prcaont; J can t say that ■ wus the, - o when Mr. De Witt Artuor w'qh ths Isl.'d' .7 »t KuVe: t,. it;! ' Mr. Armor knew about the negroes was fcbore, it was between 7 and B' Market olo^nn firm at 17 fov Hii hliing. with bring thoro. Mr. Kitchens was there and saw thorn talking together, don’t know what ho said to him. Mr. zVr- ntor nor any one else offered to pro duce any witnesses. I think I heard Mr. Armor inquire where Jiarge was, o’clock or there about. I did not Hue Bar-e there but saw him after ward. There were some fragments of a gun stock on the floor ami some out of the door on the ground. Croat-—It was on .Sunday morning; not ivsi' Uil’i'l- niuit Mr. Cnmmii.u -ni'1 tImt 1 "tlicr two 11u.11 were slunilili" liy tho iloor on ] slcu.tcr liy.lp Itruucti xhurisun day. Armor, tiuumtiig un.l It 11 --y staid, I ; tlie ground; 1 CIO ill not si-u. it they hud thiuk. ‘til tin- body of Reuben Armor was but t am not certain. I did not 'go ; £ saw fresh horso tracks, fersuusof- to the bridge, went uo further than i ten tie their horses there, consequent- tho grocery ; when I got there, there Jy the ground is sometime* much eut un upward Dift<B-iiin. Macon, Nov. 20 Kv« Mark*.! clostd •'troii" at 18 lor middling. Ai'oiwta. NcivoTubar 20 murl.ef (fuiat; mitBllm^a 18(*/vl8 j. Kvvamnah,- Novt*iub»r 20 (!«m*>n market, firm: good ordinary 17?; low mhltUingH 17^ (c,BS; middlings 18\\ sales Kt*>'hOM/iffl. cloaks on. Mr. Barge was trying to null mo | removed. Thr inquest van held a Bout 12 o'clock «»n Sunday. The Magistrate who held the inquest lut, the eylin B r of the pistol ami the frugim iil* ol the gun. I saw no tracks 'till 1 got ffo yard* from filestore; then l saw threw trucks. 7’lmre was nothing peculiar in the tracks. 71ie heel iff «»n*’ wus Bust 1, ho was the sole. Another was narrow. 7’iie a trunk, when the man came in. There was ! .horses hitched nt Mr. Armor a cj’iuilu in tho grocery on tlie counter. I John Hillson, .■> Win.. I got ,mt I kept running, I waited for ' k ‘“»* Uow «*‘ l “’.*• ^ oUo ' M > , | or Hi years old. 1 wusai .ut. id* on* ; 1 think it was about nine oolock j 0Cl .y w*u> «iuo,i a wlicii I left; I drank one drain that nigiit; i i ter dark wifu iny brot.i r.s uji Kitchens'\oi\t, Ucoiye was time, nii.l . * , ‘ fl \ ii v „ nl . - hiimWl nor I J t B u , “V ! If I In county, by K. ft. I r so W..H■uii i u r AiKiionyi,wo uai* laom mi aaj ; seunity-hve oi a huiuliefi pci- U p # .j. oan t 8 ay positively that 4be j. p %t on thdTJth inst.. Mr. Da’Vu.'ij, told thi'iii .Vt.iit .ilu.t -iiappcueti. hu-.v no j sous present. I here were no wit- i tracks were froali ones. Tracks marie j *u,l Mias 8*i.rje Mii.i.s. alt of sai.1 cio.i nesses sworn at tho Inquest. 1 ! j n SW mnp mud are not so easily put i ,iheard Mr. Kitchens say he was the : oll ( ilH jf made in the sand. I can’t say positively when the tracks were MurHoiT. In Wmdiini't.iu uounty, by V. H. Tiawiel,. Y AT tar. oounty. did not st«- Mr. Arffmr drink anything or Mr. J large, while I wu/. there; from there I wuit to Mr. Ivitidu iiH, I got there with my on*- iff’ thcin.l j Brothers, we all got there togetlu r; I did not • he , asked me how come that? This was the sec ond time I went there: it was about H o’clock. He said Be wnuid prosecute the party that done it. He asked me where Burge was. I told him he was gon*\ l.thought Be was But I do not know that he wus. 7here were ne groes iher*!. 1 di-l not .sc** oitlicr of the Stubbs there. Mr. DeWitt Armor was there at the InquuHt. Do not think that there were comparison. Froqnent and prolonged »p- ! any witueshcK sworn at the In.[Uest. i saw plumm nvg‘*d the speaker on in his tliglitK of Blood on tlie window sill; it appeared to Be j hand aid**, Mr. Armor was lyiag dowu aside cBh uen<**" from the print of hands. It huh also on the j the house on the right side as you go in; I The address concluded,,Mr. Jordan grai'e- ; easing. 7’here seemed It* Bu on the insitlu of j don’t know if he got up or not when tho cap lully iMresnutod the priz**« to the siioeessful j tho door au iinpruHs iff' tlu*Bund; one finger | wan popped, I ran out. The cap popped, 1 competitors, The entertainment cloned and I appeared larger than thr other*. The uo- , think, .was from a pi. tol. My Brothers were nil retired feeling glad that they had Been j groes run up to my house. I wus asleep.- ; both in the room. One was near Mr. Burge Privileged to Be fh* re. | They said the Ku Klux ware down at the ! end ran out vwth Mishos Claudia Boyer and Ki/./.ie Cumming; di-l. Miss M. A. K. Vfalker; 4th, Miss Flor ence Archer. Tim Valedictory of Miss Dora (Bill* more was touchingly Wuntifnl. S. 0. Jordan, F.kii„ of Bandursville, Being introduced took ns Bis aubject “Ambition.” 'f’lie atldrt ss was worthy the occasion and the tolentid young orator, llcpletc with ’tlirilling historical facts, illustration and After De Ar- sleep that night. I could not see thu pistol ic to no* an ’ that wins popped; tho man in the door hml a gun, don’t know if the one behind him had ohe or not. 1 novel* saw a gun at Mr. Ar mors, was never there But once Before; did not u**c Mr. Barge or Armor have a pistol.- Don’t know what Becomt* of Barge alter 1 left, he was in iide when I run out. Thu door was locked when these men came, Mr. Bargo opened it. They knocked ut the door and ho opened it, nothing was said when they knocked at it; the door opens on the right. Within our knowledge there are bnt few, if j store killing Mr. Barge ami Mr. Armor, 1 uny, loi-iiUtiis more ileslnihle tlmn Linton i liven mile from the pluee. This wus shout for edui-ntiopiil imt]«ises, I'nsuriuiHseil nny on.- o'slook in tin- inoiiiiii!?. 1 hey mill that I when; in [mint of health, frm lr..iii tin- vices > there wus three of them; one of them, they I uiui illuremeiits of town or city, tho best so- ! suiil, wus ais K iiis.-.l. Thoy iliil not know if ciety uud with tei«'her»*eo»»'l t" non", ttlmt i the others wore or not; only one hud uit.-r.-d ,iu, r .. .-I’tlM he desired '! J win n they left. He was disguised. Did not Thu otjiur waa Behind the counter. 1 left him thoro. I went otruight ty Mr. Kitc:i. n'n. 1 left about ‘.I o'clock. It is a mile to Mr. Kitchen's. I think it wuh about midnight when I got to xir. Kitchen’s. Mr. Burge had his coat off', i heard no gun liicd. Mr. Barge had liis vest on; 1 am cur tain of it. It was a dark Jiight; rained j icut I ran down the fence and down thu riiui throughout the day. one wus. there but Mr, Burgu itii l .aimidi. xir. Armor was up when I goi Uicvu st/*n iing in the door, Mr. Barge was sundnig m m- store, Mr. Armor sat up uw.ulu an l tuun laid down An l went to sleep. He iai i on t . right siu^.oftuu aoom as you go in. rtr. Barge gave us a dram after \vc staid an uouiv Mr: Barge played the liarp un.l izou und m». Armor aanoed before he laid dowu. Aliur w*) had been tiieru houiu time so.uc one knocked ut.lhc door and *ir. Burge open*.'* it und said, “Walk in g* nticmui/ and u man Walked in disguised- He had u cloak over his face, and poppfcd a cup at Mr, Annul, and lilt* r tuat-ir. -Ai^aor-bognn' to got up. l'wo men were fit the dfior, Both ua*l yuna. i’oe cap popped w Us frou'i a pistol. Mr. Bargo a as on the left side of the door, lie nor mi*. Ar mor never sniff anything, uud Mr. Armor got behind Mr. Bargo and tlie man with tnu pis tol hit him over the head four or live timus with tue pistol. My two brothers had left, Mr. Burge kepi shoving him back, to keep him from Mr. Armor: he. struck Anuor and then took, by rvio bauds anti wrists and drag ged him to the door. Ho tried to pull Buck but said nmfiing. T jumped ont ol the win dow, Mr. Burge after me 7'hoy shot in tue house and idiot oil Mr. Barges linger, 1 could see them, wus a caudle in tiio room, it was stuck on a plunk ou the counter I was about b leet from barge when he wus shot, I heard the gun uud 1 jumped out und 1 saw Barge jump outright Behind me. There was a keg first ouc*. there that morning ; do not know if Mr. Armor knew it or not; Mr. Kitchens slated thu negroes brought him the news of it. The orowd- flocked around him and lis tened to his statement. Mr. Riley and Mr. Armor wore on the ground but do not know that thoy were in ! the crowd and heard him or not, I made; they werfi there. Never saw horses hitched to that bush. I seen them often tied to trees below there. Have seen men come there on horse back to fish. 1 saw no shot on the ceiling, saw some on the floor, bat- tenl and sin iked, looked as though they hml been shot. They were the am of the opinion that- they heard i „j zc n f BBs, next size to buck shot j it, but can’t be positive. I did not know that the negroes were present, 'but heard it. Did not know it. ' Croat.- -I do not- remember that Mr. Armor said to me to send for Barge as a witness; he might have done so, but 1 do not recollect it. I did not know where the negroes were. I did not pay any attention to Mr, l)e. Armor’s clothing on that day, I think lie had on a black coat, he [ saw tho fragments of the gun stocks I saw some in the house, about three or four pieces. Some of them were three or four inches long, saw some outside, Several in number; oue of them was about four inches long, did not see them in Court last night. (The peiees and pistol cylinder exhi bited) Think I recognize them; one of them I saw inside, I think this is the pistol cylinder. But there were three more Cortridges than there is now. They were exploaded, some of generally wears a black one, did not notice his pants. Do not know that Mr. De. Annor heard any tiling about [ them was loaded, the evidence of these nbgroes. I- ' 1)RScnutios Recalled.—Mr. Ar- don't think he knew anything about | mor told me he had started down to it. Mr. Armor seemed sbooked at | Mr. Catoes cm Saturday eve.,ing to mtit bi-Uinit me. i uuie wus a Ke b - tho occurrence and was overwhelmed take a warrant for his brother. Did i»f niils by uie window; be jumped out by; J;\, v flj 0 ooc.isior. and waa not. in ■ ! r.ot state what kind of ft warrant. He dlUon ..c iiamoof mind -' . ' ■ d me this in the conversation be- I ruu up und through the corn field, I don’t . to tho liBktwT. 4. UKl UOt 2xu;> W j xui 0 I'OtorOu New Advertisements. For Ordinary. \7k are authorized to an arm uot.* )l. Lind- Ht*y as n candidate for re-vlection to the pu sitiou of Ordinary of Witkinnon coanty, at the election iu January non. (nov.22t»lc. Bring in your old Chairs. \ A ND t' .m tu.-l" Kuodiisnvw. I tm.» now it splsndid lot or Catiu, .ml o»n iu bottom them in short orJc-r. 9 W. H. YOUNORLOOD. ti»ndersvillc, G»., Nov. 'JJ - ti Strayed, F ROM the subscriber, a dark Bay llule fc about six years ol-J, and having a white riiiR around his right fore t'oor caitssd Irom a rope, .luy onh taking him up and giving me information so that I can, get linn, will Be lihovally rewardod. .4: u BABIES 7hnniUe, Nov 22 -tf Valuable Plantatiaw lor Sale. rnilK undersigned olTers for ^nle thatde;u- X Hirable plantation situated partly witfiin. the corporate limits of Sanderayilla and on which she now resides. The plantation oon- tftins 2M8.J acres, highly pro«luctivo, about two-thirds cleared nnd in a good state of ou! ■ tivatum, the remainder w(»ll timbered, uu.i lying well. The dwelling contain, six good rooms, with all neceftriary out Buildings at- laelicd. uxcollcnt Water and eBoioe fruit.—* 7erius» nasonabio. ' EfJZ YBlvrH KELLY. Saudcravilh*. Oa.,’Nov'. 22,1 <S72—-t