The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, January 10, 1873, Image 3

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Highly Cvmmcdalth Liberal honotbip. At the meeting faf tiie Board of Trustees of the Sunders ■ilie .High School, held on ThtU*d»Uf of last Week the follw-viltg letter, ed from M. Newman, Eso., the Cotton Market. Saxukbsvuae, Ga., Jon. 9 1872. Our market has been quiet, at very little change sine.; our last quotations, and closes very'easy on. a Oasis of 17; for middlings. Augusta, January 8—Cotton closed firm; mitldiihgs 19; net receipts 855: sales 1491. Swahnah, January .8— Colton market-eload quiet; good ordinary 18j; low middling—; middlings 19.1; net receipts 2846; exports to Great Britain 1654; continent—; coastwise j And everything else pertaining to hie branch ^459; sales 1985; stock Si,574. , i of business, ever offered in this market. His ;.f*CoS.'4#nfl:i¥v 8—Cotton—The mr.rkrf tn- : 8 t°ck ®f . *~ Sandersville Male & Female * HIGH SCHOOL.. IVY W. Dt)G(*AN,Ilsq., Principal. | 1 AHE board of trustees bag to announce J . that thoir ao.’akils wild com men in se p- | erut-- buildings, for each sex, on the 2nd i "Monday in January, under the supervision ; of tin; above mentioned gentleman, assisted 1 by a corps of competent teachers. Rates of Tuition. First Class W j Second “ ., 30 00 ■ Tains' " ~f.. ........ -10 (X* FdciiTii . •* .. ' 50 00 ; Incidentals'Si 50 per term, all payable at 1 the end of each term. I They have also secured the services of! F. A. OnUeabencer, as'a Mu sic Yfcaeher. Kates reasonable. Good board can be obtained, at from 812. 50 to olo.Ofl, p<w mouth.. C, R. MINGLE, President. •J. M. G. Mldlocx, Secretary. % January 3.’ 1872.. Preaching at Sisters to-morrow (Saturday and Sunday. “ ft. J. B. KOKEItTS is now open ing the most magnificent stock of \ dianahip for tit : Fairclofa. wu» These «* T^ook out fof Hunter. He is to be here to day with a fine lot of stock fresh from Ken tucky. 1 ill' * * i was Vuceiv worthy Treasurer oi' Washington County, j covering a check for two hundred dollars: S?.N"i»URSv;cnfi, Gi., January' 2nd, 1872. - Trhm ftiurlciv if iWSvhtdefistiit WxKkHijfS bhd'(he.kbnor of be- '.Ui.; | h'cUid to tpy officp of^County Treasurer lor .tho idiuth time, In sqcccstdon sixmo t4^. jc-to-e of rh;i:»:ir; 1 know of no better mode of eipfW.'ihg. iny-gi;iteful acfk no w 1 e dgvai On t.s, . to £;ie peiqdeof tue Ccy.hty, fUaii'fry aiding them in the promotion of the .cause oi edp- oation; in this view I beg to hand you hefe- witifmyeh.rek for two jinn A red dollars, in aid'oft::e"px*ip£-e<l bhilding of a SeboofeouKC in Ibis place. Witkii-ssfanvuees Of: esicein, for the mem bers of the Board, I lirtjqe) the honor to be , f , ; .Your.GV tdient Soryant, i ' Al.’IvEWilAN. HrJ«'lTi‘^ Vl. AW: Itt/fiks oi this board dueirii'd-h«.to-by*uktltrid cd fallow citizen for this Han isomedonation. Resolved.. That letter of Alderman Newman, tAp tfar jritii these revolutions be spread upon.aar ililutea.ftiiJ that, thjCS.’.n- dej-iviUe papers he v-questod do pal.lpih the same. -J NO. N. GILMORE. • . ” S'-c. pro iVm. And now that the election i.s over W.t feci no besiti-pey in saying, that the people of Washington count, arc greatly indebted to >fr. Newajan for the fiqancial condition ox the'eounty -to-day. Hid watchful care, finan cial tact, and unswerving industry in co-op eration with our worthy Ordin-rv, in a posi tion where hti- bonds -"when site has t are eager) v sought latter by cnyita'ists. ; oflice within (hr tiffle pmcriMif b* IM ! 'how date, it any they have, why Mti let- j ten ahdOld not be granted. 1 Given under tur bind at office i» mhn- ’ boro, this S*ptcrabcr 10, 1872. j John c. Coleman."Ordiafirr. | Sept Ml M|W-30d The Fntsr QuAntE*i,T Meettno fortha Son-, 'darsville station, wil! be held c#l Satitfdey -to morrow- andi>un,da£- ne.xt. ... •.. Planters -still complain of; ft scaf-elty of -la bor, and thte present, in fiaittions; are that if will he so to thh end of the chapter. ; M aco\ is the best placebo a Buggy or a Wagon.' Freightin'low and the dealers will compete with any. city in prices. • CiEOMU, Eauuuicl Coauty. B\ John C. ColBuo?, Ordinary. » -,v /peri Letter: of jHvuifiiatnrttnn upon the estate of WiUuim Thigpen, deceas ed, late of said county-,— These are;' therefore, fa .cite au$ n&jg|pn- ish all and an^br th* Ubhsd Mil cklit- cw, to be and appear Stnjf oAee withinfhe time prescribed by; jaw, and bhow cense (if any tlniy havcj, wTfy said lottery, should c«<t l>* gruntSd. • — Giren under mvdionduf otJW.-e; this October 22.1872. JOl'lN C. PULOI-AX Ordx- I sel»cted with great enre, may be strictly relied ; upon, and embraces everything needed by i families or the profeasion. His stuck of for- i sign and domestic Our worthy Senator npd Keprerantiit left for Atlanta on Monday night, last. expect Upbear a good &ccpimtffafirtljejp. A08. lO A 12 Stolid StrreV. I> I Isucue’s old stand, have on hvnd and f«>r i sale the largest and ' " j Best assorted Stock in the State. Their stock consists of line Brets. ; F«bri«k‘iN t \ tflorho. Barduchni, rarriugas, Rnehuwayii.'DaHoni' ! Buggies, Wagons, ’-both iron axlr-and ■ thimble nkein -From a om h\?v<e to ;t,six ; lorsc, IL4KNM ! Of o 11 prices end grade--. And ! BABY CARRIAGES ; An 1 Perambulators of all stylus. C. muxs A j Littei:nr • the only parties in t’le State who - cun furnish a genuine Asa Miller Euggy, ■Jr mi Abbott. IJowiiin ; .v t’o.t Concord I3ujgsry or Wagon. : i!o save and eotne to MACON, ■ \n 1 after getting there call <>n C loll ins (S-* I -.ittl ( - if you want anything in tueir line, i’ri -os ar • low. ranging in Buggies !'m n spit) to 3200. which for stile an 1 q.nility I of workmanship, cannot be excelled in the ! State. -Address TeiiuiHe I»4 •ices CurreuL .(JpltBEUXED IVEilKLY XIT HftJBMAX BlloS..) l5»iCoi»,;Siibalders.'........... 5j (a 0 ft Si-les 8p-r Country Hams Flour advancing... 9 00;if, 12 By way of variety, we had quite a flui n-p der storm on Saturday night last. The light- >s flash was like that from «. faidsummor clond. Is very large and of the verv best. Tlic at tention pf the Ladies i.s specially directed to his bratttifu! assortment of Toilet Articles, TAIUIT*TTi>N. ITARBUTT0X& SMITH, DEALERS IN j DHY GOODS, I Groceries, Notions, - We regret tn lenm tlwt the Immlsemc and commodious dwelling house and - kited.en of W. M. Moses. Esq:, of this county, was de- (stroved by fire or. yestercfty momiitg. , lTllOiV, r-., Cotfrs;. Prime Bio,. Suit. Liverpool F"AJotgft- ciiiqia-m Cdiyrii^jifleording tft Nails. Keg •> opt; * iiiir un,wts;- Embracing everything in that line'for beauty or for use. His stock <-f UlOIUHL Enuw-r C uuixy By Jo ax C. Colons, Ordinary.' fl r HKftE.AS, J». J: .Bennett-applies for Vt Letti-m of Administration on the. es tate of John Bennett, Sr., deceased,. late of said county— V.:’ X&XaSS These iue, therefore, to .cite and admonis): ill persons concerned U> be and appear et my ofiicc within the time prescribed by law, ,ud show cause, if , W y they have, why said . letters should not be granted. (liven under my hand at office,this 22d day of October, 1872. JOHN C. COLEMAN, Ordinurv: oet. 25, 1872—30d Toilet fc^ets A rtf surpassingly beautiful. In'the line ol Dressings For The Hair He duties competition. His stock of Statioriai*y Since the Epizootic could do nothing with the horses, it appenra to be trylvg its hah 1 'with the people. At least every body seem ed to have a cough while the votes were be ing counted on election night. aia<w. Routs, Shoes. (ToHiins: And every variety of goods for family use. They will buy or barter for 11 l.KLa'IS an -I Country Produce ; renerally, jatying the highest market price therefor J. rb'tlive ns a trial. Oconee. G:i.. Jan. 3. 1873 tf Embraces everything noc 11 1 in th;T ini Particular attention is called to liis assort ment of . Itriptw, j; . q'51 @16 S. ‘eiin^. ;>1 IS .(^ 25 Good counity butter -30 The inside figures; -generally represent the lowest wholesale'and the outside the lowest retail cash prices. f < ECEGIA, Emanuel County. VT Hr *i c»hv (’. CotvMAr f Oni NEW GOODS! any u Bv -I ohv C. Golemay, Ordinary. AMiereus. William Spence has filed his petition for ps'rimmet Letters of Adiuinistra- •-IOII on the estate of LifHetou Spence, de- eas. d, lute of said county —' ' These ore, therefore, to cite and admonish nil, anl. uiguiar -the kindred and creditors, io be and appear at my o£fic<"> within the time prescribed by law, end show e»n«io (if anv >hey have) why s-.iid letters .should not bo- granted. ■ ' (Jiven nndi r mv handat office, tins Oct dls-r 1372. JOHN C. GCHd.'ALiNVOid’v- oet. 11. 1872—;«>d Kesiosed—Appointed. - Mr. T. J. for some years past the efficient Ag< 13, C. R. R.. has resigned, and M Mayo been appointed in his stead, will make a good Agent. And Lamp Fixtures. Also, a full supply oi j Paints, Oils & Brushes.; Musicians will als 1 find a full assortment o. j Fiddle & Guitar Strings I 1 Constantly on hand. Those who use the 1 “Weed” will find the. bed bran Is of Tobacco, Cigars, & Snuff At I)r. Roberts’. Call an 1 sc; for yourself. SASDEitsvrLij!. J pt. 77, 1872 tf Bit. F.OBEiI'5.8 - i„ay be e nsnlte either at the Drug Store or his r si lent- when not profesrien;'! absent. • O It. JOVEii would inform his ,dd td« custom or.- and the pnldi • generi’lly, Amt he has now in store and arri ving daily a Bartow Prices Current. Rev. Mr. Mixon, the new .Pastor of the Methodist church, preached his first sermon in Sandersville on Sabbath last. Subject; Faith. It was one of those profonn l, ’ in structive sermons upon which memory loves to dw ell. G < (OUMA. EuutuuH County. I liv .1 nits C. Coleman-, OfiniXiiit. Whortas. Thomus Roberts has filed his. petition ptx letters of Administration on the -state of Eli Roberts, deceased, lata, of s&id county— These art: therefore to cite nnd admw&ish .til and singular the kindred and creditors.l*v lie and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law,'and show cause, if any they have, why ;,.f: 1 letters should not "be grah t.-d. Given under my !«>nd at office in Swaihs- •>oro* this 1st day of December, 1872. J' * l f' •• f’OLEjt.v.v, yruinary. • Dec. 6, 1872—30«l. Selected with great care *d 1 bought, on tin i terms. This department is very full i'n 10.111- j not fail to please. In selecting his stock oi Elfrlifiii in Johuxuii, At tno rh'ction fn John-.on county on the - 1st inst.. M. H.-Mason was elected Ortinary: M. A. outlaw, sheriif: J. E. Outlaw. Cleri, Superior Court: Joseph Rowland reasurer: H. Parker, Tax Collector; Ki H. Linder, Tax Receiver: Stephen Sumner, Coroner; John G. Smith, County Surveyor. - dYp pleased to receive a call oh yesterday, from Col. J. O. Matthews, Oglethorpe, now a candidate for Congress, to .fill the vacancy •occasioned by the death of Gen. M'righb •One more worthy of the positioh is not' to be' found in the District. NEW GOODS! Hie wants of his Lady customers was closely studied. He most respectfully directs their attention to his liii a assortiu ut of r E. 4% IS. TVAittUH AV.ju • respectfully inform the p .hjie ti have opened a Rev. J. M. Fulghum. formerly of this coun ty. paid a brief visit to his old home and "lti'-fnls last week, lie has recently been call ed to the Pastoral care of the Baptist church at Paris, Tennessee; and was on his way to his new field of labor. LATES. S v, , f\AU iLVKKET. r’l'IlXISIIKD EXP.IICSSLY FOR THE S. SDERSVILLi HeKALU, XIV Hi’.UBEBT .A WAY, CoTTQ.S ..XI. Wool F.tCTons, Pn iduce Brokers a Pxtichas- y.x<:, Ahen'Ts 180 Bay Street. SwAVrxXn.Mrn: '•"i873. PRODUCE MARKET. Wool, I'r -x from bur.-., per ib, 40 09 42 • Wax, nnalultarate 1. per lb. • 30 ili les, Iry liri: i... 19 iVIiicu will be 1'ounl"vi-rv co-iplntc. But the g-ntlciuen's department has by no mom; o-a-n’m gle^t <1. In ro >fof w'be'i call ands. c ai.s spicude-i assoitin.nt of ready made We had a ratliKT amusing race for the office of Justice of the Peace, in our city on last Saturday.. 'There were three can lidates, to wit; Joseph. Bangs. G., R. Doalitllc. and F. ii. Griner. They ran nc«k and neck, and they all c»me out even, and now they have to go back a»d r«& it over : again. Hurrali for all of them. Under the Photograph Gall .ry. at Jernigan’s old Corner, Where they will be most happy to sue au -.erve all. The stock embraces Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, of almost every description. Boots, Shoes and Hats For old and young, male and female. / ( i:OK4' ! l. Kaianiiel dMntjr. \JT By Johx C. Coleman, OnnrvAJiY. W uerca;-. George W. MeGar, _ Guardian of the mine:- children of Gideon H. Rtfnnedv, lecejised. late of said county, apjdies fqr let ters of dismission from said Guardianship— Tliese are therefore to cite aniliadmonish nil persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the timo^prescribed by law, and show eau»«, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand ar office in Swaiiia- born. this 1st day of December, 1872. T ' T> ’ COLEMAN, Ordinary. FOUR and Sik-HOLE TOPS -WITH pH wrruorT GLASS. OVEN DOORS. Hum" TaSu'it' Use Fremimn IN ACTUAL TRLAL AS l’HK BEST BAKER Over the "Stewart,” "Great Benefactor,” “Ci: :rter OAK.” and "Cotton Plant.” What it has done on a fair trial it cult do again. - •f it’s not tiie b.-st l.'ooking Sto>e in Macon wu wish to i u w it. ». a. wisi; A CO.. Sole Agents. R -collect the Patent Fire Back of the Buck 3rlir»n; Cook Stove is worth half the price ol a common -tove. It is warranted to last five linn s as iougsis an ordinary fire back. Macon. Gil. January 3. 1879—3m. Greeley's Fist,—During tne re cent Presitfautiai Campaign, an alter nate Greeley elector, R. A. Alston, of Georgia, wrote to Mr. Greeley, in closing the words, - *‘Wheu tiie de feated Rebels are scattered like leaves befo e an angry wind,” etc., cut from a Straight Democratic nmvs paper, and therein credited to Mr. Greeley, with ■ an inquiry as to whether or not he was the author thereof. Mr. Greeley replied in sub- ,stance, as follows: “I certainly never wrote thehiriginal lines of which the enclosed are a copy. That thoy Ap peared in the /’ ib I infer from tiie fact that they are now quo ted as homing fi f om hie. I shall de ny nothing, however, short-of an ac cusation tliat I had eaten a part of mv own grandmother.” The elector aforesaid was an agent for the pat- ented “Abel Liwu^r and while en deavoring’ to induce a leading man ufacturer of Columbus, Georgia, to take, stock in the same, remarked that he had a letter from Syuatpr Sprague, of Riiode Island; indors ing the loom m the most flat tering terms, and handed to the man of cloth the hotter from Mr. Greeley. After putting on his spectacles and examining-it for some minutes, lie quickly folded it lip and j'eturnc.l it to the owner, saving slowly: “He writes a devilish hard list; I r see he advises you‘to make Tio more" looms at six hundred dollars, and adds something about e/o<7i, but dain-fi-no what it is.—Mrnijihh Appeal." To suit every boily. A good supply of Gentlemens’ Furnishing Ok- -r , And almost everything olss in 0-.r lina. ,.*'r do n®t expset to make A I'orhiisc in a I>:r» ! Hence we offer our g»ods Low lor Cash. MV solicit a* of patronage. Give us a call nnd see what we can do for yen. Sandersville,-Ga., Sept. 6. 1872- tf le officers of An ler.son ;i.-, (i t., for the current All will findsonnt i.n \otice. O NE month after date application vrilL bs made tw tbt (.’oort of Ordinary of Efaiaii- uel county for-leave to Kell all the lands be longing to the estate of Jtuucs' Boyd, (luy tather.'deecnscfl. lute of said eoiiniv. lliis Dccimber 2«, 1872. JAMES BOYD,' Executor.- •Tan. 3. 1873 Jb-I asonic v ;ar: Jethro Ariine, W 0. W. I,ind-r. S. lasers need look no tvlu-rr else lor liet- ods or lower price. And when von want WE propose to eo rimen.-e 111 tin ( lty 01 | Atlanta, La., on die first Jay ol January. . 1-873. die pul li.-atipn of a Monthly iteilirious Journal, ! Devote 1 tn til.- advocacy of Now Testament • Uhristic.nify. II a '.b.ui piv-Aciit an eaniest pica for UWn nnd Harmony among the peo- ! pic o* (Rp T.o.d. IVe shall wage a fearless * ’ against Error and Superstiti -n In-all 1 ’..a forms, and labor for a Costoratiou of Friinilive Chrisliauity, I Disenthralled from tue shackles of I’operv axi l .Sectarianism. Tiie Missionary work will be ma le aspeci- _ _ _ • a lty. During the year we shall present to j STATIS OF 4rKORCrI.4^ ! fir readers of The Evangelist, at least one j Johnson County. : a " z r n «‘vmons from the represeututii e men . t x J„ H nson Hukubd Notice. O NE month after date applioatioo will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Eman uel county for leave to sell all the lands be* longing to the estate of William Thigpen, de ceased, lats-of said coUntv. Thia December 2(i, VJ-cL -TRAVIS THIGPEN, AdmTi Jan.M. 187.3 30d 4 T RV. K. Jt IS. H ATKfXS". a full A. afl i compi^tti assortiu^nt of Lady’s Dress Goods Of every variety. Also, Table Linen, 3b33ting, Shirting, &c. Our stock is now complete in every parti lar. Give us a call. [Sop. "‘20- tf CoHstanfly oii hind. 4 00" 4 SO ' 8 00 V 3 SO • narid. ,Egga. hold : >a firm. Coen and in/ gop 1 demand.— ; at 22, au 1 2->c per pnoi-, apir: As his old customers have lou; CJ. The very best SaxBkiisv 1 imy"’Hie.h School The Spring Term of this school will open 011 Monday ■next. The patrons all will ho glad to learn that Hr. AY. R. Lawson will be oue of the teiichei-8. The Assistants, both male sn-l fe male. ftfe most compet.-nt, and worthy of ev ery confidence. " With such a corpse of teach ers in the literary department and Prof Gut- tenberger in the Musical, the school will be second to none in the St.ute. Coffee and Sugar. DraRt:"* Liiiimeiit Cures li Jne-fetoii. Rear Mr. John 1’. Smith /Uchenth- ud' fro wtfman, in my service, i-l chat I lmlic. r to hare boon a Irone-trlon. ip.'li ■ 1 D.—o’-es /. : -,T}f‘>t i'i-..,-ly to the fin- ■r fin-. Ihi'i.- lays. This bur.-d the finger. J. I’. .Smith. Ril Ite/ilb*. Oa.. July loth. I872. j. K M " I ^ NT ’ l Forectomtritf j «THOMA8 H. TUCKER. I M ‘ 3r lV*9 t - Prennit his Ifonor. William Gibson, 2*r<xidi»'J Juiige of said t.'ourt: r i appearing to the Court by the petition of Benjamin M. Dent, (accompanied by . the Note and Mortgage Deeds,) that on tbs ! 17th day of November, eighteen hundred niid ! sixty nine, the Defendant made and deliver- d ed- to the Plaintiff illtf promiasory note, bear* j ing date the day. and year aforesaid, where J by the defendant promise twelve monthe ; date next following the dafe of said note, to : pay to plaintiff, or bearer, one hundred' nnd forty dollars, or seven hundred pounds of dint 'cotton, for value' received, and that after- wards, on'the day and year aforesaid,the de» fendnnt the better to secure the 'payment of ' said notis. executed ' uad delivered to the plaintiff his det-d of Mortgage, whereby tho " said defendant mortgaged to the plaintffia ; tract and parcel of land, in said county, eou- ! taining two hnndxed acres, lying on tho east f side of Hurricane creek, adjoining lands of John Shephenl. Berry Prus# ahd "Robert ' MoRay. And it farther apix-arihg thaf said .'note remains npaid, it-is therefore order;-d, ' that-the said defendant do pay into C-ofirt on ' or before the first day of the next Term there- , of, the principal and interest and cost due ' on said note, or show cause to th£ contrary. ; if any he ean, and that on failure of the die- Can always bd had at JONES". In short, afnll -took 01 the heat g<>o Is will ever be found in tho store of Cheaper than Ever. S. B. JONES n -YMXG vanished our stock, prepa-i- to-y «a tbs winter tRi-lc. and bidng de- rov- ..,nfd not to be un dersold by any body, call upon all in want of Goods in «ur "line to ex amine our 1 tick iw-for-.nnikiugfaeir pip-chas- cs td»tf»-h«i.-, : Our stock consists Of Savdeksvillj:, Oa., Oct. 11, 1872 ly liest calicoes, KtJ .cts. per yard. .17. A. EVANS & CO. Emporium of Trade l 8 'Fillies a week Yfe here take occasion to ru -ntiorv. with ■sincere respect to all concerned, the rather re markable occurrence which took place incur city Tuesday afternoon. While, a bridal par ty was passing through our streets, the church bull was la funeral procession pass ing on the streets about the same time. Thus it is with life, some go to tho altar, with jcyons hearts «ted liappv hopes, wliiie others go to the ' tomb with'' sal and disp.m lent li«u’ts, mid weeping.eyns. The Monroe Advertiser, .By James P. Ifari*n;i. Tke Premitira Weekly Newspaper in Georgia-3aM Medal Awarded in-1871. lU'llLlSHKI) WKEKT.V AT FORSYl’H, G A. Has a large circulation in the Counties of Monroe, Butts. Pike, Upson, Ja'spar, Jones and Crawford, and a general circulation; throughout the State. £S? Advertismg rates reasonable. [Dec. 6, 1872 For the benefit' of others, I *>cr* : fy that I /•afadhVrttffrfltnaWoTSun'r-’kcfleof'oftnikc’s Magic Liniment” to a r-Js. quite sick .with cshi.c for six hours, r.iid the cure was instan-^rtts.’ M. A. Evans. ’ Tkitfav: ha.;' July 1, 1872.' mm A h 7 J per-tons inJf.'hted‘fb the late Firm of il. Barwiqk i, Bsrwi-tk are requested to make immediate settlement. Those who fail to do so will tin-1 their accounts-indite hands of the proper officers for collection, W. B. BARWICK, Successor to ... Barwiek A Berwick. ■ Nov. 29. 1872—31 . - J I HERAT, additions are made to our lurm? J variety stock of goods, which we are sell ing A« Low iik tlic Lowest. Our ambition is. to please in Quality and Price. To labor for the best interest of customers to gain and" retain their confidence. To do this, we ■xxhlumi.'dy toil. The benefits we have secured by our expe rience in purchasing goo is in the best mar kets We srfve te our Customers. Dn n -.t fail to test our declarations; r«mem- bering that money saved is money made. Erie, Pa,, Jaimary Ik—Tbe.uiter- nOiwr friifri fxrmirl NVirtliyaVffi^ I3p.a- vov ValloyTirsu^cli Fort "Wayne and Chicago Railroad, struck a broken-rail m5ar ‘Mivonia, about live miles tfoutli of Newcastle, and the train, consisting of a bnggago car and three coaches, was thrown off and fell down an paibijnkment. Two atiFlhe vCgfacIiqsi T^re t burned, taking tire from the rear car. None of the passenger^ were burned. Mrs. Eiize Hunter, of McKeeSpoVt; "Pa;, had a leg broken, and Mr. Fellows, of Youngstown, was badly hurt about the head. Twenty-one others were more or less pijurqd. The man who will abandon a friend for an error, knows but little of the human character, and show's that hifjheart is cold as hi^ jutjg- • " D - - Drc.'is • Loo:ls, Trim min?;*, S<c. Cpoffcerj, Tdiglisli; & fteneh CHINA. Glassware, &c. Vatrswin or yb-.i’may loose a bargain, as we are determined to selTT J. J. SHARKS’ with J. X. GILMGRE. San lersville, Dec. 13 tf R. S. Iawiaiapi;. Esq. The many friends ■of this able lawyer Mid popular citixrn will regrat fo learn, that he is making preparation for removal to nnothcr part of the State, e'o Song has Mr. Lnngmnde been a citizen of Kamb'rsville—more than a quarter of centu Tv—that he was regarded as ond^Aif the fix- *ST tures of the community. As a lawyer be has long been the leading member of the local bar, and will be serioua loss thereto. As a citizen his purse was ever open to every good work. Here", too, hiv removal will bo .greatly >j_ -felt. As a friend we shall all miss him, for £q-—Jitt was the friend of all.; V - — o—~- j. e V- "A Ptm Soul gone f6 It^st.—After months fif patient suffering, Mxs. -Mamix .Ldams, the beloved wife of Mr. R. D. Adams, qniaV’.y lellasleep in the arms af her Saviour op Sab-' bath evening last, ifoout 9 o’clock. A little j-iore than a year ago .she was a happy bride, . bouyant with hope for the future, and with * ■ M- .bright prospects for, mncJi enjoyment in this . x life. • Possessed of a pure loving heart, and blessed with a noble, devoted husband, liow brigbt the Ulu.?emeiita. But the Father saw jt was jjot best far her to remain, and He took her to himself. The bridal wreat'h has a ■ been exchanged for a starry crown, nnd the .afflicted one of yesterday, now sings ‘"t“® new Song”-with Mother in Heaven. ;/• As a mark of reapacf to the haloved dead, avery business house was closed on Tuesday afternoon during the funeral exercises and burial, Tho attendance at the funeral was very large,and a more grief-stricken assembly wo have seldom seen; 'The lovely.form now BROWN HOUSE, JPtfcsi OflHec Yol MACON, GEORGIA. Qppotitt Passenger Depot, E. E. BkOWN, Proprietor. This large aad popular Hotel, ele gantly furniaheil throughout, will still be fouiul unsru-pasKetl; of elegance apd comfort b}' any' Hotel iu. the Soutli. ». July'5 1872. tee., D X and aftr-i this date, the mails will ar rive and depart-as follows: Leave a t . 9j. .v. m. (.Vyi-ire-ut .’. 12. u. Orno? Horas: open from 7.j. a. m. , to 12A, •. m. Frtfra 3; j>. xt., to (>. p. ii. . , tt , , ■ E, A. SULLIVAN, P. M. 'Siin lerr-viUe, Ga., -Tan. 1. 1873—-tt M. A, EVANS & CO. • fendont- -so to do the Equity of Redemption in and to'swid mortgaged rueRriy»>*be forexer ■ thereafter bereil and forech >sed-. And it is further ordered. That this Bole be published in the iy<i>rm<Vfn-m- ltn.i n . once a month for three motoths prdvibais to i the next term of this Conrt. or served on <8te [ defendant or h% special Agsnt or Att^pey , Onion Sets, nt^HITE AND RED, for sale at IV DR. ROBERTS’ October-4,.1872 -tf Bautow. Ga., X ot - In, 1872—tf Notice. 1 Respectfully ask all who are indebted to me to come for.-ward and settle their ac counts. You all well know that I have sold you goods with only a living profit.' I am now greatly in need of money to pay up my indebtedness. Ph ase come up iit once and help me ont so Tefcft ’ keep nj> my credit as well as yours. R you hare not the money I will take Cotton and allow you the hip hirst market price for it." JACOB COHEN. P. -Stti lam offering goods at gremOy re duced priors for cosh or esttun. Call and jn-.ljp* for yortrself. AY rights ville. Ga.. Nov. 8.1872 -2m Treasurer's Office, I "Washington County, Ga., Due. 31, 1872. ) T EACHERS of Pnhlic Schools, who have Certificates from the County Commis sioner for 1871. are hereby notified that their Certificates will be paid by th’q'duderiiigned, on and after the 15th of January, npnn pre- sontstinnat his offiiy. V ,' f " f*" > M. NEWMAN, County Treasurer Jannary 3, 1873 —2t For Sale at a Biirgain. 3 NE SECOND HAND BUGGY. Price, $7 S mail. Inquire at. D*. Cooly'b ouse, . . [Nov. tf- at least three liionths prevtbvs fa the neit Term of this Conrt. fVILU-AM GIBSON, J udge Superior Court. going i\ p true extra,rt of tbe JfBliites of tke Superior -i’ourt - of Jnhnspn ■pyattty. This, September##!, 18^2- JORDAN E- OUTLAW, oet.H8m ' • . (aerkSnperldrt Court . Progressive Meu Look Here l H AYING a surplus of stock, I will sell a fine Memhrino Stallion, three years old next nprintg. Two-fine.Bulls thp-e years old ne^l slimmer; arid two' two ySars" <fld next frill. For Wms'apply at SandEusvili.x Hu- ald Office. T. J. SMITH. White Bluff, D^e. 20, 1872-tf T>- O'., Mstviield. Ga. B AGGING, Ties, flroceries. Dry-Good, Hats, Hardware. Boots nnd Shoes". Med- iciiu'j!. Crockery; and all otliaf articles net<d- ed torFamily use, for sale (low for cash.) at the store and warehouse of the subscriber.— Plense give rac n call. Wool. Cotton. Wheat and other -Prodnee. wanted in exchange for Goods or Cash. IK A. JEH ELL. Aug. 30, 1872 -Jm Dry salted sides 81 cts (4, lb. Instruction lii Music. I HAVE again resumed my profession as Instructor in Music, nnd oiler my services to the pub-lie. Instruction given on any Mu sical Instrument at $5 per month. I have at my residence, where I tea* - a splendid Fi ona. Instruction given in Vocal ns well as Instrumental Musio. i v : T f ;E- A. GUTTENBERGEB. HfiirdrirsifitJej Ha.. Adg. . ■j. Mcfiey’sPatent Improved • . GIUTK MOIXD. SUPERIOR to anything yet introdneed. — r 1 O The Badge of Honor was, awarded at the ! Great St. Lons Fair and tha last Fair at San- . ■ dersviUr, where it ottiweted the attention and.; I approval iff thousands of people, for its great ; usefulness, durability and exquisite beouty. * All who fell interested in the resting place of i their dead ore requested to call and examine ■ this work. I will be in bondexnviUe a few i days. JOHN A. BURNEY. 1 Nov. ft 1872- 8m - j j “ T Xoficc. ! A LL accouttts due the Central Georgia^ • yV up to April 10,-1872, ore payable-to the , ! undersigned. Tha books and oc.eonnti will j- , be found at the Rkraxji Office. J. N. GILMORE, } t . J. M. G. URDJ/QCK.; 1 loure&s County. Savannah Sales- Garden, ,\'o. Ill Sireet. Trees, Grape Vines; Rows, Japon- TOurr 1 ioas a JJ ious and Ornamental Plants of all de- i scriptions. ISwIbN. Iljneiuth'ttlass* | cs. Flower Jar*. Ac. Bouqm-ts and ; Cut Flows furnished to Parties and VS'eddings. j J. H. PARSONS & CO. ! Oct, 11,1872—3t. | Bring in your old Chairs A ND have them made good os new. 1 have , »ow a splendid lot of Cane, and can re- I bottom them in short order. W. S. YOUNGBLOOD. SanderSTino, Ga„ Nov. 22 —tf JOSEPHUS CAMP, ATTOBXTCY AT LAW, Swainesboro, Ga. Oct 25, 1872—ly On Sunday evening. July 7th, 1 drenched a mule with a tablespoonful of Drakes Magic Liniment, and in IS minutes the animal was welL It had been suffering from colie some 6 or 7 hours, and wap badly swelled. The next morning the mule was plowed as usuaL W. H. Mat. . Curry's mills, Ga.; July 8th 1872. Who Wants Oats n|7'E have just reoeired a car load of prime \ \ seed OMs, for sale at 80 cento per bnalr- HARMANBRO. Tennjlfa, Ga., Oct. 55^1iu