The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, March 14, 1873, Image 3

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locax. ai^faihs. _ A beautiful lot of marriage licenses just printed and for sale at the Herald office. Gardeners -will find an excellent supply o< silver skin ODion Sets at Hr. Eoberts. Mrs. Norris, the beloved wife of John F. Norris, Esq., of Johnson county, died, after a lingering illness, a few days since. We meant to call cotton a “tyrant King, in our last. But the compositor fixed it better by making it ‘ 'fragrant' King. O Bam Flournoy, an aged freedman, and once a favorite and faithful servant of Col. E. W. Flournoy, died on Saturday last Mr. Sawyer, the great Gin man, paid us a visit on Tuesday. Sawyer makes good Gins, and we rather like him any way. O Mr. Asa Smith, a most worthy young man and son of Mr. .James F. Smith, of this coun ty, died, after a brief illness, on Friday last. The weather has been quite pleasant for some days, and every body as busy as bees, trying to make up for lost time. O If not already supplied, call on Eev. Mr, Tucker and procure one of those handsome Family Bibles. One of the finest editions of the Sacred Scriptures we have ever seen. O Con. A. W. Dailey and -Judge J. E. L. Al len. of Johnson, paid us a pop call the other day. Always welcomed guests in our Sanc tum. O ' Something ok an Egg.—Mr. Kobert Star ling, of this county, presents us with two egg.-,, from the ordinary hen, measuring each three inches in length. Those having business to transactin John son Superior or,otber Ceurts, will find Messrs. Allen & Tompkins ready to serve them.— See card. Our d 1 is of the opinion that if Jere miah had lived during the days of Epizootic, he would not have had to pray “O that my head was a fountain of tears, and mine" eyes rivers of water,” etc. O Capt. T. W. Kent, of Johnson, sends us the foot of au enormous Wild Cat, killed by him and Mr. A. A. Jordan a few days since.’ Eather a dangerous “varmint” to come in contact with, we imagine. *-o Ho, ye people of Laurens, Johnson and Washington, who trade at No. 14! W T e have something to tell you. (Tarbutton & Smith are now receiving their spring stock of splen did goods. Go and see them before the as sortment is picked over. Home Again.—Milo G. Hatch, Esq., re turned home on Friday last, after an absence of several months in Augusta, where he has been attending medical lectures. Glad to see him back, and most heartily wish him abundant success in the profession of his choice. O The “Sweetest” yet.—Some kind friend has sent us, from we know not where, a keg of splendid Georgia or Florida syrup. The way the little folks (and -larger ones, too, as to that matter,) up to our house do smack their lips over it is a caution. The name less friend has our unbounded thanks. 0 . Hon.. J. W. Eenfeoe was on a visit to his old home and friends in Sandersville, during a portion of this week. Everybody was glad to see him, and sorry bis visit was necessa rily so short. We can only' lend him to At lanta for a short time, and expect him back home just as soon as his term of office ex pires. Men of large experience and close obsen ration predict “hard times” and low prices for cotton the coming fall. These “old fogies,” as many term them, may be wrong, and then again they may he correct in thei.' prophecies. There is no harm in preparin; ‘ for the worst by keeping out of debt as fa. 1 as possible and being sure of an abundanco cf provisions at home. The man who ha i a full smoke house and corn crib and owe , no money can bid defiance to “hard times. 1 o Recaptured.—Richard Eaines, convicte '. of murdering his wife, in this county, som years ago, and sentenced to the Penitentiary 1 during the term of his natural life, and wk f made his escape during Sherman’s “marc' to the sea,” was recently recaptured in south western Georgia, and now sojourns wifi Grant, Alexander & Co. He had marrie 1 again and settled down quietly on a small farm. His seconed wife had borne him on ) child. He says he thought the case had bee: settled. O We are glad to learn that eur estimabl young friend, Lucien O. McBride, of thi county, recently had the honor of reeeivin the first prize for the best essay on Kerne dies, at the closing of the exercises of th Atlanta Medical College. We congratulat eur young friend upon.the merit thus achiev ed. He is a son of onr worthy Represent# tive, Dr. W. G. McBride, and the honor tliu won by, and conferred upon the son, is n doubt a source of just pride for the father. They both have our best wishes; success atf tend them. O Cruel to tool ’em so.—A few days sine . the boys about town were disappointed sort ly. ’Twas on this wise: A man was see: high on a ladder, with paste and brush, be i smearing a wall preparatory to posting bills. Of course, thought the hoys, it is the fore runner of Jim or John Kobinson, and th little fellows could almost hear the “Ban coming now.” Balls and marbles were n longer of any value, and all rushed up t see the “pictures,” when lo, they discovere it was that indefatigable Sewing Machin Agent, Jack Davis, putting up bills of th “Domestic.” 0 Corn planting began in go*d earnest o Monday last. A good many people are it eiined to believe there is something special • ly favorable to he derived by commencing t plant on the 10th of March. Cannot sSy e to the truth or falsity of this opinion. Bi this we do say, with all the earnestness < our soul: May such acorn crop be karveste in 18,3 as was never heard of before; ma birds flee from the young corn as if it wei a deadly plant, and moles' ditto from th. • grain; may rot and blight be unknown, at. everybody have enough and to spare of th • glo»icms staff of life. So mots it Ik. For the Herald. Mumps and Measles—Drake’s Liniment. To cure Mumps quickly, keep the swelled and sore parts well rubbed with Drake’s Magic Liniment. Wet a flannel cloth with the Liniment and hind to the pained parts. Try this and see how quickly you will be cured. In Measles keep (lie whole throat,.breast and stomach, and hack of the neck, well rubbed with this Liniment. Try it- fully and see how it will help you. WM. HADSEE, M. D. Bartow, Jefferseu eo., Ga., mar 14—4t ^"Drakf’s 3Iagic I-iinimentv-t Is now known, by all who have tried it properly, to be the best and quickest remedy ever known for Croup, Colic, in man or beast, Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, of ait- sorts, all kinds of pains in women, Spinal disorders, all kinds of sores, old and neic, Dysentery, Rheumatism, every kind of Ner vous disorder, chill and fever, Typhoid fe- yek, Ac., Ac. Call on Df John B. Eoberts, and Dr. A. Mathis, S/.ndersvillle, J. 51. Everett, Tcnnille; and all mer chants everywhere for it. Send for circular to WM. C. HAUSEH, . Bartow, Jefferson co. Ga., or DE. MATHIS, Sandersville, Ga., Wholesale A Eetail Agents, jnn 17, lS73.-tt Cotton Market. Sandersville, Ga. March 13, 1873. Cotton—Our mnrket has been very dull for the past week, with almost no market for all grades below Good Ordinary, and closes dull on a basis of 17@17^ for Middling. Savannah, March 112.—Cotton, net receipts 3013; exports to Great Britain——;to con- inent ; coastwise 1301 ; sales 850 ; stock 35,348 market steady; middlings 19.J@19,i. Augusta, March 12.— Cotton, recipts 427; sales 445; market dull; middlings 18J. .Macon, 5Iar. 12.—Cotton.—The market lias been very unsettled for the past two days, with a decline of at lea.-.t \c. But it raillied a little this evening and closed firm. We quote middling at 18|c. There is no call for low grades; but a fair demand for all grades from good ordinary up. Sandersville Prices Current. Corrected weekly by Brantley &Pringle. Corn, -.. .... @$1.10 Bacon—Shoulders, 8 @ 9 C. R. Sides, White Meats io@n Flour—Fine Superfine, $9.50 Extra, ... 10.00©10.50 Family, .. 11.00 ©11.50 Extra Family, .. . 12.00 @12.50 Fancy Family, @13.00 Sugar—A, 141©16 B, 14|(a>.16 Extra C, 14(rt>15 Yellow, 12 @13 Coffee—Rio, sack, . i. - 22@,25 Salt—Liverpool,....: 2.00 Molasses—Common 36@40 Syrup, according to grades,.. 60@1.90 Iron—Sweedes, 9 Refined, 8 Steel—Plow, U Nails—Keg, .. 7.00@,8.00 Lime——Best . 3.-50 Hides—Best dry, 15 Green, 7 Chickens—Half grown, @25 Eggs—per dozen, 20@ Country Butter, Country Hams Lard, Potatoes, Irish, per bushel, ©2.25 Sweet, per bushel, 75@1.00 Tallow, 08® Beeswax, 25@ The inside figures generally represent the lowest-wholesale, and the outside the lowest retail, cash prices. Tcamiile Prices CurrenL (Corrected weekly by Harman Bros.,) Bacon, Shoulders 61 @ 7 D S Bides. : ■ ' 8h 9 Country Hams @17 Flour advancing 10 (JO© 13 00 Sugar, Granulated lfij © 20 Extra C 15 © 16 J Yellow C 12.1 @ 13.J- Coffee, Prime Eio 22 @ 28) Salt, Liverpool © 2 00 5iolasses, common...... 35 © 50 Syrup according to grade.... 60 (£'65 Corn...... . .,. 4 1,10 @ — Nails, Keg 7 50 © 8 33 Wool, Clear unwashed 30 © 35 Do, Burry 20 @ 35 Potash 20 @ 25 Soda.. :. 101© 15 Eggs '@25 Prints 10 @ 121 Sheeting, Brown 17 © 18 Shirting, (, heavy, 121 @ 13 Do, Bleached 121 © 16 Stripes, f, ... 18 @20 Sheeting, Bid., 18 @ 25 Good country.butter.., 30 Yarns 1 75 @ 1 S5 The inside figures generally represent the lowest wholesale and the outside the lowest retail cash prices. Bartow Prices Current. Corrected every Wednesday bv M. EV^L]SrS & *Co. Bacon—C.E. Sides, per lb 91 @ 10 Shoulders per lb, 7} @ 71 Dry Salt sides 81 (A 9 “ “ shoulders 6} © 61 Flour—F amily per bbl S10 50 @ 11 50 “ Extra per bbl $9 75 @10 50 “ Fancy per bbl $12 00 Prints per yard ,... 12$ Shirtings per yard 9@121 Salt per sack $190©$2 00 5Iolasses per gallon 35@40 Cheese per lb . 18@2o ; Coffee per lb ._ 22@25 _ Oats, good need, per bushel V 75@85 'Lard per lb 121©15 Nails, all sizes, per keg $6 50 Cotton, per lb 17@18J Seed Cotton per lb...' 5j@5J Wool per lb 30©37 LATEST SAVANNAH MARKET. Furnished expressly for the Sandersville Herald, by Herbert A Way, Cotton and Wool Factors, Produce Brokers a Purchas ing Agents 180 Bay Street. ’ * - -. Savannah, J/arch 5, 1S73. PRODUCE MARKET. Wool, free from burs, per lb, 40 @ 42 Wax, unadulterated, per lb, 30 Hides, dry flint. 20 “ dry salted, per pound 18 j DeerSkins, per pound 37 Chickens, full grown, perpr. 1 00 “ 1 10 “ half grown •. 60 “ 75 “ small 4^ “ 60 Ducks, per pair 85 “100 Geese, per pair 1 50 “ 1 75 Turkeys, large and fat, per pr 2 50 “ 3 25 “ small; 175 “2 25 Eggs, per dozen 25. ‘ Butter, per lb .... 25 ‘ Partridges, each. 12 “ Venison, fresh, per lb 18 “ Bacon, C. R. per pound.... 9J “ “ -Shoulders, per lb.. 7 “ Com, yi hi to,,per bushel. £>5 “ “ Yellow, “ 11 26' 35 15 20 9.4 .7.1 oft - .... 85“ 90 Flour, first quality, perbar, 1000,“ 10 50 ** Second ** 9 925 “ Third “ “ .* 6 75 “"7 50 Salt, per sacK 1 50 “ 1 60 Ground Peas, per bushel.. 1 20 “ 1 50 Sugar, light brown, per lb. 8“ °9 Syrup Georgia and Florida, gal. 50 “ 55 Honey, strained,Ipergal... 90 “ 100 Potatoes, new, sweet, per bus 1 00 “ 1 25 Potatoes. Irish,-per barrel, 4 25 “4 50 Onions, per barrel' 5 00 “ 6 00 Apples, (northern) 4 25“ 4 50 Oranges .(Florida) per c 3 50 “ 4 50 Poultry in good demand. Eggs, firm at quotations. Bacon firm, pom and Flour steady. All game in good .demand— T-specially live Partridges. Good sweet po tatoes are now in demand. Business Cards. n. L. warthen, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SANDERSVILLE, GA. July 5, 72—ly CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, JOHN N. GILMORE ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sandersville, Ga., Julv 5, 1S72—lv JESSE. A. ROBSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sandersville, Georgia. WILL PRACTICE IN THE COUNTIES OF THE MIDDLE CIRCUIT. July 5, 1872— ly . „ JOHN 0. HARMON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, * TE.W5LLE, GA. All business promptly attended to, _July 5, 1872—ly S. Gr. JORDAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SANDERSVILLE, GA. July 5, 1872—ly —AND- M KOY is the best place ttvbuy you a Buggy or a Wagon. FreigBbis low and the dealers will compete with any city in prices. Collins & Little, Xos. TO & <2 Second Street, De- Loache's old stand, have on hand and for sale the largest and Best assorted Stock in the State. Their stock consists of finq ISretS, Cabriolets, Victorias, Barouches, Carriages, Rocha ways,' Doctors’ Busies, Wayosis,—both iron axle and thimble skein—from a one horse to a six horse. ’ HABNESS Of all prices and grades. And BABY CARRIAGES And Perambulatoas of aU styles. Collins & Little are the only parties in the Stato who can furnish a geifuinS JOHN W. ROBISON, Attorney at Law, Robison's Turn-Out, C. B. B. July 26, 1S7'2—tf. ROBERT L. RODGERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Sandersville, Ga.^ Office in Herald Building. Jan. 10,1*873—tf J. W. LINDSAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Irwinton, Ga. _Oct.ll, 1872—ly JOSEPHUS CAMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Swainesboro, Ga. Will practice in the Supreme Court of Georgia, in the U. S. District Court of- Geor gia, and in the Snpei-ior Coarfs oUthe' ffolloV- ing counties: Emanuel, Johnson, Laurens, Montgomery, Tatnall, and Bullock. jgaarflpe- cial attention giveu to collections. Oct. 25, 1872—ly Asa Miller Buggy, Or an Abbott, Dosuueg & Co. Concord Buggy or Wagon. Be sure and eomo to MACON, And after getting there call on Collins & Little if you want anything in their line. Prices are low. ranging in Buggies from $120 to $200, which for stile and quility of workmanship, carthot be excelled in the State. Address COLLINS & LITTLE, P. 0. Box, 497, MACON, GA. - ,a Dc£jp. 1872—3m J. T. Eaveigne, [Successor to Heard & Laveigne,] Manufacturer of MEDICAL. D R. S. I). IHMXTLEY MAY BE consulted at his office, on the East Side of the Public Square, or at his residence. Sandersville, Ga., July 12, 1S72. Buggies, DR. J. A. TOOLE O FFERS his services in the practice o medicine, to the citizens of Laurens and adjoining counties. Office at the place known as the W. L. Mau-OU place, one mile from Dr. Tucker's old stand. Februarv 7, 1873 -3m OF EVERY ’ DESCRIPTION, E. E. PAES0FS, SURGEON DENTIST, SAXRERSYYLLE, Ga Will serve the people of Washington ertnr tv either at their homes or liis Office. Ordei left at Geo. D. Warthen A Co.’s Store will r< ceive prompt attention. Dec. 27, 1872—1 bacon; CORN AND FLOUR! Look to Your Interests, WE propose to sell Planters and Mei chants, Bacon by the Cask orHhd’delh ered at No. 13 C. It. It., at Savannah qnot: tions, thereby saving the Lxtra Charge of Fs*eig'!it and Drayage Our facilities for buying, give us the snm advantages that Savannah and Macon Me:. chants have) consequently we can sell as lov Remember we make Bacon s Corn and Flour specialties. Give ns a call before purchasin elsewhere. See onr Prices Current HABMAN BBOS. Tennille. Ga., feb 28, 1873—2m PIANOS Cheap for Cash, OB On Short Time. FROM this day we will sell the ce-lebrat, CHICKRING PIANOS at the following prices : 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD, Manufacturer’s prices $625, $650, S675 ai: 1 $800. Reduced to $430, $150, $475. $560. 7A OCTAVE SQUARE GRAND, Manufacturer’s prices $850, $975, lleduci j to $555, $580. Cheap Pianos like the SOUTHERN GEM; PARLOR GE : or any other name yon choose to have pni 1 ted on them, old prices, $350, $375, $40! S450. Reduced to $275, $295, $310, $33 1 §370. FLORENCE Sewing Machine?! Best in the world. Sold on easy terms. Musical 111st rum ents of every description, furnished on short n , - tice and at reasonable prices. GUILFORD, WOOD & CO.. JSlacqn, (fa. and Atlanta, Ga. Prof. F. A. <R fTTEV«ES;GER. Agent, Suiidersvilllc, G j Office Dr. Roberts’ Drug Store. ' fob 14, 1873—tf Wagons I Harness,' &a, &c. Hafis also prepared to do all Plii nation Work InJthe very best style known to the trade. He 1 Employs none hut good , \V (Vl'kllK'U, And hence can safely Guarantee all Work Tumfed out from his Shop. Give him a call. Prices Seasonable. S*Kdeusvili*;«Ga., Feb. 21, 1873—ly. CALL ON BRANTLEY & PRINGLE Sandersville, Ga. FOR Bacon, Com, Flour, Salt,Sugar,CofFee, Molasses, Iron. Nails, Bagging, Ties/ . Choice Family Groceries OF ALL KINDS, Domestic Dry Goods, Hardware, Pot-Ware, TiinvasT.I^aflH'r. Shoes,Ac ALSO DEALERS IN LandretlTs Warrented Garden SEEDS, A AW HEADQUARTERS' FOR Commercial Manures Of all the most desirable Brands. ' The following are the prices : ' “Wilww Gibbs & Co’s Tfaninnln- ted,” Cash S««, Time $70 “Wilcox, Gibbs & Co’s Pine- nix,” Cash $47.50, Time $5 7.(>0 “Sea Fowl,” . . ) Cash $50. City Acceptance payable 1st March $55.00. “Eureka.” Cash $50, Time 800. “Jlapes’ Superphosphate,” Cash $50, Time $GO. “Herryman’s Ammoniated Dis. Roue,”—Cash $5$, Time $OS. Delivered at No. 13, C. R. R. Cotton received in payment for the first five fertilizers above at 15c. per lb. if desired. We are also Agents for the sale of materials for making “Home made Fertilizers” Consisting of Three Bbls of about 800th enough for making one Ton of. Good Gnano $25 cash; $29 time- Call for Circulars, Almanacs Ac., giving full instructions, on BRANTLEY A PRINGLE. Jam 24,1873. ' ly T HE undersigned havingbecome sole pro prietor of this hitherto popular house, begs leave to state that neither labor nor cXt pense will be spared in maintaining its high reputation as a house of business and Pleasant Resort. ■Customers may rely upon finding here i, VjvJ W - - The Purest and Best LIQUORS to be had in any market. His stock of Whiskies Embraces OLD CONTINENTAL, the gen uine WILSON, and many other choice brands. A superb stocli;of the finest WINES, Fort, Sherry r Madeira, & Domestic. Also, a full assortment of rl * Brandies,, —Rum, Gin, Both Foreign Aid Domestic, of every grade and quality. Those wlxo :;rc fond of fine ^ Wajrouer Wanted. A Good Wagoner, who can come well r j commended, can get regular emph : ment, with liberal wages, by applying to ' T. WARTHEN A CO., • Warthens’ Store, feb 28, 18^3—lm Washington Co., C . Good Brogails, whole stock. 3l£j5 H, pair t M. -A. EVANS & CO. Will find a full assortment at “THE GEM.’ Fresh Fish And OYSTERS received every Tuesday and Friday. . -. Those who like a nice quiet game of Billiards Will find one of the finest tables and most pleasant rooms in the State at ‘ ‘The Gem.” Give me a call and I will prove all I say, M. H. BOYER. SandeesvhjjE, Ga., Jan. 31,1873- ly Those indebted to the old firm will please call and settle at once, as wo are anxious to close up the business. J. H. Stapleton T AKES this method of informing his cus- ‘ tdiners and the public generally, that he is now . Closing Out His entire stock.of misetiUaneous goods Cheap for Cash, In order to make room for incoming SPRING GOODS. The stock embraces a general assortment of Dry Goods, Of Avery 3 escription. Also, Boots & Shoes Of every style and price. Fancy Articles To suit everybody. Now is the time, to buy Family Groceries Cheap. A few seleqt Plantation Tools Yet on hand/ As he intends bringing out soon the most general and best selected stock of goods ever offered at Tennille,the oldstock MUST BE SOLD ! To make room. Call and examine for your selves before purchasing elsewhere. Tensiixk, Ga., Feb. 21, 1873—ly Wright & Norris, BUCKEYE, GA. TTJ’E respectffully inform our customers VV of Johnson and adjoining counties, that we have olosed our books for the pres ent year. AU parties indebted to ns by Lien Note or Account are requested to come for ward and make immediate settlement. Those who fail to do so will find their notes and accounts in the hands of the proper officers for collection. We beg to infotm our patrons and the public generally, that we have on handj\ splendid lot of Readymade Clothing, Boots, Shoe£ and Hats, A first rate lot of SHIRTING, OSNABURGS, KENTUCKY JEANS,' KERSEYS, CASIMERS, DELAINES; WORSTED, PRINTS, Ac., Ac. Also, wo have a splendid lot of Ladies’ Dress Goods. And many other articles too numerous to mention. AU of which wc offer for sale Cheap for Cash ! CaU on us if you want bargains. February, 7, 1873—tf THOMAS WOOD, XeNt to “IAXIER HOUSE” Macon, Georgia. F INE Furniture, Parlor and Bedroom Suites in great variety, Chairs, Mattress es, Spring Beds, Feathers, Ac., Ac. • A fine asscytjneijt of'alE quaU^ies, Mats. MattinrsK Window Shads?, Wall Rugs, Paper. The MUii,uMinesi Aletalic Cases and Caskets mado, and the Cheapest. Also Caskets and Coffins in Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut, Cedar and common Wood. ■ . • Orders by telegraph promptly attended to, Sunday and night calls answered from the “LaniefrHous$, ” Call and Examixe STYLES and PRICES. PULASKI HOUSE, MVAXXAH, GA. JOHN J. GAMEEON A CO., Proprietors. T HF. former patrons of this popular house and thu pUbHc generally, hre assured that under the new mangement no pains or expense will be spared to maintain its de servedly high reputation as a hotel. It is being thoroughly renovated and everything done which can contribute to the comfort of its guests. A share of public patronage is solicited. [aug. 23, 1872—tf Emanuel County. Administrator’s Sale. TN persuanee of an order of the Court of JL Ordinary of Emanuel county, will be sold efor the Court-house door in Swainesboro,. 1 said county, on the first Tuesday in April ext, within the legal hoars of sale, all tho .al estate belonging to the estate of William t higpen, deceased, late of sajd county, viz : One tract of land lying on the Great Ohoo- j ee river, containing two hundred and fifty ires, more or less..-'One other tract lying 3»th of the aforsaid tract and adjoining aids of York Barwick, containing two hun- . red and forty acres, more or less. One ther tract adjoining the lands aforesaid and ’ mils of A. Phillips, containing fifty acres, , lore or less. Also, one other tract adjoining I inds of John Oillis and others, containing .vo hundred and forty three and one half cres. All of said lands lying and being in he county of Emanuel and State of Georgia. : old for distribution among the heirs of said state. Terms cash. TRAVIS THIGPEN, Administrator. Feb. 14, 1673-tds GEORGLl, Eninffud County. W HEREAS, G. S. Rountree, Administra tor of Wm. Johns, deceased, has made ; pplication for letters' of Dismission from laid estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish ,dl persons concerned to be and appear at mv | iffice within the time prescribed by law and j how cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Swains- boro, tbis Januarv 6th, 1873. JOHN (5. COLEMAN, Ordinary, jan 17, 1873—ni3m G EORGIA. Emanuel County. Br John C. Coleman, Obdinaby. Wherear, L. G. Attaway makes application for letters of Guardianship of Augustus L. Joiner and Thomas B. Joiner, minors of Henry Joiner, late of said county, deceased, These are therefore to.cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Swains- boro, this 14th day of January, 1S73. JOHN C. COLEMAN, Ordinary, jan 24, 1873—40d GEORGIA, Fnianucl County. By John C. Coleman, Ordinary. W HEREAS, L. G. Attaway applies for Letters of Administration on the es tate of Henry Joiner, late of said couDty, de ceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this Januar ry 14th, 1873. JOHN C. COLEMAN, Ordinary, jan 24, 1873-30d GEORGIA—Emanuel Couuty. By, John C. Coleman, Oed'y. Whereas, .John Oglesby makes'application for letters of Guardianship of Seaborn Olges- bv, minor of John W. Oglesby. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within th» time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at' office iu Swains- boro, this February 20, i873. JOHN C. COLEMAN, Ordinary. Feb. 21,1873—30d GEORGIA, Eimmuel Couuty. By John C. Coleman, Ordinary. W HEREAS,Alexander Adkinvon applies tome for Letters of Dismission from the Guardianship or ATjalee Turner. These are, therefore, to cite' and admon ish all and singular uhe kindred and credit ors, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this March 3d, 1873. ’JOHN C. COLEMAN, Ord’y. march 7, 1S73—fOd G EORGIA, Emanuel County. By John C. Coleman, Ordinary. Whereas, John L. Kent.lhas filed his peti tion for permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Andrew D. Kent, late of said county, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any they have) why said lettors should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this March 3d, 1873. JOHN C. COLEMAN, Ord’y. march 7, 1873—30d fi CORGIA, Emanuel County. \JT By John C. Coleman, Obdinaby. Whereas, Wm. Phillips has filed his pe tition for letters of Administration on the •state of William J. Phillips, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors to be-and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Swains- boro . this 3d day of March, 1873. JOHN C. COLEMAN, Ordinary. march 7, 1873—30d. Johnson County. G EORGIA, Johnson County. • Ly M. It. Mason, Ordinary. Whereas, Jethro. Arlino applies to me for letters of Guardianship of the person and property of Mattie M. Arline and Thomas J. Arline, minors of Thomas J. Arline, deceas ed— These arc therefore to require all persons concerned to file their objections in my office within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Wrights- ville, this February 20, 1873. M. H. MASON, Ordinarv. feb. 28, 1873—30d G eorgia, ,ioIihnoi> county. Ly M. H. Mason, Ordinary. v^Whereas, Jethro Arline, Administrator on the estate of Thomas J. Arline, deceased, late of said county, has filed his petition for letters of dismission from -said administra tion— These arc therefore to citeand admonish all Washington County. GEORGIA AVagliiii^ton County. F ROM and after this date all advertise ments eminating from my office will b* published in the Sandeksvillb Hebald. REUBEN MAYO, Sheriff, march 7, 1873— of Washington County. Washington Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Conrt-honsS door in Sandersville, Washington county,- on the first Tuesday in April next, the following property, to-wit : One tract of land, containing 1,111 acres more or less, situated in said county, adjoin ing lands of J. E. Move, W. C. Riddle, Si mon Thomas and others; levied on as the property of B. A. Move, to satisfy one Supe rior Court fi fa iu favor of Meinhard Brothers and Co., vs Benjamin A.. Moye# Property pointed out by Plaintiffs Attorney. REUBEN MAYO, Sheriff. AIm, at the same time and place, will be sold (fbe house and lot in the village of Rid- dleville, adjoining lots of Wm. G. Bryan and others, also 127 acres on Williamson’s Swamp, adjoining lands of Maxwell, Henderson and Biddle ; levied on a^the property of Wm. C. Riddle, to satisfy one fi fa in favor of Eliza Robison, Administratrix of George W. Robi son, vs Jesse a. Leaptrot, Principal, and W. C. Biddle and Z. H. Roughton, Security, Property pointed out by Deiendant. JOHN H. MARTIN, Dep. Sh’ff. feb 28, 1873—tds Washington Sheriffs’ Sale. 11^ILL be sold before the Court-house VV door in Sandersville, within tho legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April next, the following property, to-wit: Two dark colored horse mules, about three years old, levied upon as the property of "Henry H. Horton, to satify one Superior Court fi fa in favor of Thomas Johnson vs. Henry H. Horton. Property pointed eut by Plaintiff. JOHN H. MARTIN, Dep. Sh’ff. Also, at the same time and place will be sold, one tract of land, containing eleven hundred and eleven (1,111,) acres, more or less, situated in said county, adjoining lands of J. E. Moye, W. C. Riddle, Simon Thomas and others; levied upon as the property of B. A. Moye, to satisfy one Superior Court fi fa in favor of Nathan Solomon, colored, vs. B. A. M»ye. Property pointed out by Plain tiffs Attorney. REUBEN MAYO, Sh’ff. February 7, 1873—tds Washington Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL BE SOLD before the Court-house door, in the city of Sandersville, on the first Tuesday in April next, within the le gal hoflrs of sale, 44,000 Bricks, more or less, levied on os the property of Thomas J. Jen kins to satisfy one Superior Court fi. fa. in favor of James R. Quiliian vs. Thomas J. Jenkins. Property pointed out by Plaintiff. JOHN H. MARTIN, Dep. Sh’ff. Feb. 21, 1873—tds uu ueutAWU, lu uu iiuu Ok uij umvsu itliin the tiinp prgscriljed by liw and show ius^, ii : any. fhey have, why said letters i nnl rl n at. Ko mun fcpd. said deceased, to he and appear, at my offise -rwi ~ Qans^, should not be grunted. Given under my hand at office in Wrights- ville, this Feb. 20, 1873. M- H. MASON, Ordinary. Feb. 28, 1873—30d Washington Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court-house door in the city of Sandersville, with in the legal hours ef sale, on the first Tues day in April next, the following property, to-wit; John E. Avant’s interest in one hundred and sixty (160) acres of land, more or loss, situated in Washington county, adjoining lands of Benjamin Garner, Wiggins and oth ers. Levied upon as the property of John R. Avant to satisfy two Justice Court fi fas iu favor of Elizabeth Daniel vs John R. Avant. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta ble. REUBEN MAYO, Sheriff, march 7, 1873—tds Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of ■ Mrs. Eliza Mi Bird, deceased, late of Washington county, are hereby notified to make immediate payment; and those having demands against said estate will p/resent them in terms of the law. T. ®. WICKER, Adm’r. Jan. 31, 1373—lOd Montgomery County. Montgomery Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL BE SOLD before the Court-house door in Mount Yemon, Montgomery county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April next, the following property, to-wit: One Rockaway and Harness, levied on as the property of John G. Beacham to satisfy one fifa from the Superior Court of Laurens coun ty, in favor of E. W T . Sims & Co., vs John G. Beacham and transferred, to Arthur Davis. Property pointed out by Arthur Davis. Also at the same time and place .will be sold, one Black mare Mule, about six years old; levied on as the property of Rowan Phil* lips to satisfy one Superior Court fi fa in fa vor of Groover, Stubbs & Co., vs Rowan Phil lips and Catharine Phillips, Property poin ted out Plaintiff’s Attorney. MARTIN CONEY, Sheriff feb 28, 1873—tds G EORGIA, Montgomery County. W’hebeas, the estate of John McIntyre, deceased, late of said county, is unrepresent ed— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at office on the first Monday in April next and show cause why administration de bonis non on said estat&.abould not be granted to the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, or some other suitable person. Given tinder my hand at office, this Ferua- ry 7, 1873. JOHN A. McMILLAN, "feb. 14, 1873—30d Ordinary m. c. G EORGIA. Montgomery County. LyJoknA. McMillan, Ora'y of said County. Whebxas, John McLeod applies to me for letters of Guardianship for the person and property of Lewis McLeod, minor of Isabel McLeod— These are therefore[to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at mj office within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, in Dicunt Yemon* this the 7th day of February, 1873. JOHN A. McMILLAN, Ordinary m. a Feb. 14, 1873—30d Notice to Debtors and Creditor*. gTATE OF GEORGIA, Mosthomeey County. ) All par ties indebted to the estate of Henry Brown .de ceased, late of said county, are hereby notifl- ed'to make immediate payment to the under- and singular the kindred and. creditors of iigned ; and those having claims against said deceased will present them within the time prescribed by 13V. ' . YV. J. HAM, Administrator. Feb. 14, 1873—40d SOUTHERN NURSERIES. IRWIN & THURMOND, Pbopeietoks. We are offering to the public a selection of Fruit adapted to the Southern climate, con- sistiog . of Apples, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Quinces, Grapes, English Walnuts, Spanish Chestnuts,Mulberries; Pecans, Ac., &c. Our Floral Department is.presided over by a skill ful florist, in which may bo found ornamen tal Sbrnbbery.of all varieties, and Hot House plants at prices that will defy competion. We have everything that is usually found in a well-conducted Nursery, and of varieties that we have tested sftid know to be suited to the Southern climate. We will upon appli cation furnish gratis our Catalogue and Price- List Address: . ‘ . IRWIN & THURMOND, P. O. Box 565, Atlanta, Ga. Orders left with C. C. Scarborough, Agent, Sandersville, will be.promptly attended to. march 7, 1873—iy Dry salted sides 8J cts ^ tt>. M. A. EYANS tCO. SandersyiUe Male & Female HIGH SCHOOL. IVY W. DUGGAN, Esq., Principal. T HE board of trustees beg to announce that their schools will commence in sep- erate buildings, for each sex, on the 2nd Monday in January, under the supervision of the above mentioned gentleman, assisted by a corps of competent teachers. Rates of Tuition per Scholastic Year. Ftbst Glass $80 00 Second “ 3Q 00 Third “ 40 00 Foubth “ SO 00 Incidentals $1 50 per term, all payable * the end of each term. They have also secured the services of Prot; F. A. Guttenberger, as a Mu sic Teacher. Bates reasonable. Good board can be obtained, at from $12.-. 50 to $15.00, per month. C. B. PRINGLE, President, J. M. G. Medlock, Secretary. Janaary 8, 1872.