The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, September 09, 1875, Image 3

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,OOAX COLUMN-. 'Remember your promise, to pay at Court, #ni l fuiflll^vithM^ 1 ^ September Term of Washington Su oerior C° urt TbeSeI1 ' wi ll convene on Monday next, , mVO i u the Baptist church of this PBEA o.turday and Sunday next, by Rev. c itv on l’.'j- ^ Joies G. Harrison has ournrbound- 1 thanks for a large donation of excellent 4rn Quarterly Meeting for the San- -vill be held in the Metho- on Saturday and Th; church of this city Sunday nest. R ih’ Team is forming in this city lor A of competing for the handsome the purpose prizes to be awarded at State Fair- __ the approaching ■f-fff f old i Muxicrfi result A tKetlScfidb held in this &tf fin Mofl- day last for Mayor and Aldermen: fob mayor: John X. Gilmore, (present.incumbent) John B. Roberts, ’ Aldermen: B-. W, McKinnon, ”E. A. Sullivan, J. I. Irwin, H. D. Adams, W. E. Watkins, W. L. Orr, F. A. Guttenberger, S. B. Jones, (not a candidate,) S. M. Northington, G. W. Kelly, jr., The first five are the Aldermen for the suing year. : .,•»... .> GREAT 81. 77. 76. 75. 72. 71. 66. 65. 63. 58. AVe saw in the carriage shop of Renfroe & Bro.., on Monday last, a pair of Cart Wheels which were made by Mr. Nathan Renfroe, deceased, lather of W H. A H. A. Renfroe! present proprietors of the shop, forty- as | year- ago last month. Tho wheels have^vn m cons tunt use on the plantation of Mr. Hali' The cotton market wasdull in Macon yes-. in this county, ever since they were made’ . j . at 13c for middling. Savannah, mid-: and during the tinrs have never had a new cr ‘ Augusta, middling 13g. Gold is j spoke, tyre, or anything of the kind. They were brought in on Monday to have new tyres put on them, and look now as if they were good lor ten years further service. These w neqlr; ware also made near the spot wheremow repaired, ten years before the sen ior of the present firm was bom The maker of the wheels was called “from Labor to Re freshment” in the better world in 1873. TTH GEORGIA STATE FAIR! 1875. The Annual Fair for 1875 of the Georgia State Agricultural Society wiil be held in Macon, Gra. At the Beautiful CENTRAL CITY PARK GROUNDS Begining Johnson County. i\ow is Your Time TO BUT A HOME! AY AIL YOUR SELVES OF THIS OPPORTUNI TY TO GET A GOOD PLACE ON Terms. dling Tar quoted inKewlorkatl^fr Mailings has been elected .heriff of Jefferson county, to fill the vacan- h ‘ • n „^t by the resignation of the Slier cv occa^iuu iff elected iu January last. A letter from Dr. J. W. Cooley announces hit lie will return to this city during the His many friends here will present month, ‘ >iiul l y we icome him back after his protract ed absence. jUgsoua Cocnbil, U. F. T„ will celebrate their Ath Anniversary on the 17tli inst., by a Supper and Sociable in their Council room. \Ve understand all the Councils of the coun ty will be invited. ^ ..yo requested to announce tnat Toai- B iU.-Council, U. F. T., will meet on Friday, the 17th mst, at 71. p. m., for the purpose of reorganizing. Let those interested be sure to attend. Every planter should sell some cotton as S ji dilv as possible, so as to get a little mon ey in A: Mahon. Unfortunately, this is all o nr p e op, have to bring in money. 0, this starvation business, of depending upon one crop alone. A student of the Snndersville High School was recently admitted into the graduating class in one of the best Female Colleges of the State. She did not miss a single ques tion during the rigid examination. r Ourold friend and former fellow-citizen, Capt. W. Yf. Carter, has resumed the Com mission business in Savannah, and will serve planters on the most liberal terms. See card ami help him if you can. The Pi oral Carolinian, for September— which should have been noticed last week— presents a very attractive table of contents. This js one of our very best agricultural monthlies. Published at Charleston, S. C.. at $2,00 per annum. Vote: of Thanks.—At at meeting of the Washington Dragoons, held on the 4th day ot September. 1375, (t was resolved hirst, lhatthe thanks of this company are due and hereby tendered to Benj. Whid- lon, Mrs. F. Eaton, Irwin L. Adams, Jas. G. Brown, C. R. Pringle, J. T. Cook, J G. Lay- ton, Rlias Joyner. Mrs. Laura Gilmore end the Herald and Georgian for especial courte -ies extended to our corps, during our re cent action as a posse comitatus. for the Sheriff of Washington county. Resolved, That the Herald and. Georgian be requested to publish the above. --►•» — He lives in this county, and was fifty-two years old on the 29th of August. His fif teenth child was born on the 20th nit., and is his tenth boy. He has thirteen children now living, having lost two, a girl and a boy. He was in to see us one day last week, on a matter of business, and is ns active now as most men of thirty-five. He has been mar ried bnt once. May he and his excellent wife live to see the grand children of their youngest child. Weekly' Cotton Statement. Tennille, Ga., Sept 8, 1875. Reeipts for the week ending Sept. S, 1875, 25 bales j same week last year, 35 bales. State of Market steady. Ordinary—; good ordi nary v low middling 12: middling 12J. To tal receipts to date in 1875, 25; in 1873 and 1874, 35. Market has been very unsteady and declining. Respectfully, Harman Bros. ■ ■ ■ ■ I O a *.■!!— m Bartow Prices Current. Prints i;] Shirtings, Brown. Me. Isaac L. Smith brought into our office Flour, family, bbl a specimen of T> "'’ .Extra bbl.. several days ago, a specimen of Rescue Grass, grown upon his place. The sample brought in had attained a luxuriant growth, and indicates that it might be successfully cultivated as a hay crop in this country. On Satn relay last Quarter-Master John 5L Harman was elected Captain of the Washing ton Dragoonc, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Capt. G. A. Tarbutton. J. It. Pritchard was elected Quarter-Master. Capt. rarbutton resigned on account of ill health. >- ♦ H. . The SoniiEEx Cultivator, for September, was received last week. Whenever it conies wo fed like commending it to Planters. This number is in keeping with those that have preceded it—full of interesting reading. Published at Athens, Ga., price $2,00 pel annum. I harles Benianin Scares, son of Mr. and Mk Charles Sparks and grand-son of Mr. F>. 1'. McKinnon, died on Tuesday last. He was indeed a bright and promising little fel- low, and the idle of a widowed mother anf devoted grand-par juts. They have the sym pathies of the entire community. “ Fancy bbl Shot lb Coffee, Rio lb Salt, Liverpool ~p) sack Bacon, Shoulders Hi “ Sides lb Dry Salt Sides “ “ Shoulders Yarn hunch Canvassed Hams lb Sugars lb Iron Ties (Improved) Bagging yd Nails, Keg Potash (Balls 24 in case). ..£... Swedes, Iron Wool....'.. Cotton will always he bought for cash at a margin of one cent from Savannah quota tions. WARREN, EVANS & CO. oc.t 9. 1874- 6m 8@10 !!!!!!!.! 9^11 ... 7 500 8 00 0 .. .8 500 9 00 90,12 A 25028 ... 1 50@ 1110121 15016* .Il>al21 .. ( 81a 30 1.400,1.50 164017 10014 6 0 (>i 17 @18 ...;. 4 5007 0C .3 0003 50 . 8109 "00 ... 330331 Mondav, October 18. AND CONTINUING ONE WEEK. A large, varied and liberal Premium List covering all Departments of Industry, from which the following are extracts : Field Chop Department. Fort he best and largest display in merit and variety of sample products from the field garden, orchard, dairy and apiary—the contribution of a single farm $100 For the best six stalks of cotton—to become the property of the Society 50 For the best five bales, crop lot of short staple cotton, by one exhibitor 150 For the best single bale of short staple 50 For the best single bale upland long staple 50 Horse Department. Best thorouhbred stallion $100 Best walking horse 50 Best saddle horse or mare : 75 Best single buggy horse or mare .. 75 Best combination horse or mare 100 Best double team, owned by one exhibitor 100 Best Georgia raised mule 50 Best mule, open to the world 50 Cattle Department. Best herd—one bull and foui'cows or heifers—all to be one breed and owned exclu sively by one exhibitor $100 Best milch cow 50 Cow giving the richest milk . 50 $40 and $20 tor the best bull and cow, respectively, of each of the following breeds: Alder ney Avreshire, Devon and Durham. Best sow and pigs under six months old Poultry Department. For best trio of each variety $ Best and largest display in merit and variety of domestic fowls, raised in Georgia.... Best and largest display in merit and variety of same, open to the world Best display of pigeons .. Best display of rabbits Horticultural Department. Best display of garden vegetables, grown by one person S Home Industry Department. Best collection of jellies, preserves, pickles, jams, catsups, syrups, and cordials, made and exhibited by one lady Best display ol breads by one lady 25 Ornamental Needle Work. Best display in merit and variety of female handicraft, embracing needle-work, embroi dery crocheting $50 knitting, etc., by one lady Fine Art Department. Best oil painting, (any subject) Best portrit painting Best pairing in wa er colors Best display of paintings and drawings by one exhibitor Best collection of drawings by a girl under 16 years of age Best display of paintings and drawings by the pupils of one school or college Best display of photographs Silver medal and Best display of Jewelry, silverware, etc. Silver medal and Merchants’ Displays. Best display of goods Best display of fancy groceries Best display of glassware and crockery Best display of clothing Best display of millinery “ Special Premium for Granges. , To the Grange in the State making the largest and finest display in merit and variety, of stock, products, and results of home industries, all raised, produced or made by the members of that particular Grange ••-•••••••• • • •; 4 ’ la0 The above are bnt specimens of a comprehensive list of large MONEY 1 remiums. The best and largest Live Stack show ever held in the State the South. More and fa ner horses, mules, cnttle, sheep, swine and poultry, than ever before exhibited. 1 arties wishing fine stock, as a fine harness or saddle horse, milch cow, thoroughbred bull, trio of chickens, etc., will find the occasion of this Fair a rare opportunity to secure them. Several Eminent and representative men from the North and Northwest, nave been in vited to deliver addresses "at the Fair, and many distinguished visitors throughout the whole country are expected. . The Public will be kept posted of the progress and developments of the 4 air in future advertisements. . , , , . „ Send to the Secretary at Macon, for Premium Lists, embracing a full schedule of tne premiums, rules, regulations, etc., and containing two engravings of the beautiful ana magnificent Fair Grounds. A. H. COLQUIT, President. T G. HOLT, General Superintendent. aug 26, 1875—td MALCOLM JOHNSTON, Secretary. Engines and Machinery for Sale AT THE Mbile Cordy Harris was iu -Jail, some o; his brother (colored) prisoners stole his l..v •lit of clothes. He wanted the “House” k responsible, but Sheriff Mayo, the excel l«it Superintendent, couldn’t see it in tint- Kght Sot rill gnu: ordy’s blue ome other i coat, pants, vest arkey’s back. etc. . for lco * which NEW GOODS!' Q IS. would inform his old [ A, customers and the public’generally j that he has now in store and arriving daily a j Splendid Stock Of rust such goods as the country needs.— Consisting of a full assortment of DRY GOODS, Selected with great care and bought on the terms. This department is very full and can not fail to please, in selecting his stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods Che wants of his Lady customers was closely studied. He most respectfully directs then ittention to his fine assortment of Lace and Trimmings, Which will be found very complete. But the gentlemen’s department has by no means been neglected. In proof oi which, call and see his splended assortment of ready made CLOTHING And peace goods. His large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, ail both in style and prices, tnan that of HATS. All will find something to their liking. Staple Dry Goods Family Groceries JONES’ is the place to buy them. Anything from a box of matches to ft hogshead of BACON,, Qrifrom a pound of star ch to a ear load ot flour, Constantly on hand. He keeps only the best lard,. recently gave birth to a calf j As qjj s old customers have long since| learn , m-vjc. look just now is rather gioonn planting interests. The Red Rust has “PPtartJ upon the notion in many localities, jjMUns, potatoes, peas, etc., are suffering e^xiully for rain, and the corn crop is great- .veatofi. These facts, taken in connection witn fir- terrible financial condition of the w*.u!e country, render’s faint the hope foi e ’J t times in tlie near future. ' *—* •«>. ♦ -« (| .- t. Cose, late one of the teachers 1 . 6 School of this city, has been ’ • ^nmcipid of the High School at Nor- 'ri (xa., and left for his new home on tea'] 0 '** as *‘ Cone is ftp excellent 6r and an accomplished cliristiau gen- Degvifehim up very reluctantly. ^ Luult if the trustees at Norcross • could c a 0e a better selection from the teach- ets °f the State. BilK ACC f >EST *—A few days ago at Sun m ’ ‘ U county, Mr. Echols, a young stand;. 81 returne ^ from hunting, and while with the breech of his gun resting ground and the muzzle up before stro the ha _ him on the side of ulg)Jc passing out through the top “of faco rituost blowing off one side -of the e and her ’ as ^riantaneous. l P°n the j Wn-ri Stnic: ‘ c b ‘ s f° ot (as is supposed) the/ * eb:,Uilllfcr > discharging the piece. en ‘ire load strikin ,, hceand sri head. As a matter of course, death freaks, injfcj. a] tS Gs® Ogeechee river, about fc*y For 1 enu s Bridge, in this county, "'tildeiiu° ^* aA ' S ’ eacb being perfect and|ed. The very best atrj,,]^ &8< ^’ -f/ e y w ere joined at the neck, side/jA , uS ’ :Ul 'f the appearance of a | fIe 'v to out. L. X UL Coffee and Sugars an observer standing directly Forest City Foundry Anri Nlktchirie NToi-ks, AUGUSTA, GA. One 30 Horse Power Engine—Double Cylin- One of JJjtnnei's Iron Husk Frame Puriabl j er _ Grist Mills. One set of Hand-car Wheds, 10 inches in di- Easy I WILL sell at public outcry, to the highes bidder, before the Court-house door in the town of Wrightsville, Johnson county, on Tuesday, the 28th day of September next, be ginning at the hour of 12 o’clock, M. on said day, the following mentioned farms, mills, and unimproved lands, sold for the purpose only of settling up the business of the late firm of B right & Norris. No. 1—V. J. Fcixfobd Place. j Eighty-four acres in the 86th district, Lau- | rens county ; 30 acres improved, fresh land; | good dwelling and ont buildings. Place now j occupied by W. A. Parker, and adjoining lauds of Elisha Rawls, Whitfield, Fort, et aL No. 2.—Lisdet. Place. Life estate of Mrs. Gideon I. Spivey, 100 acres, in 80th district. Laurens county. Sev enty-five or eighty acres improved and under cultivation ; now occupied bv Littleton Wat son, adjoining lands of A. P. Fort, Mrs. Boat- right, et. al. No. 3.—John Tuckee Place. Six hundred and ten acres in the 86th dis trict, Laurens county; about fifty acres im proved and under good fence, balance wood land, on the waters of Tucker’s mill creek, and adjoining lands of John F. Joiuer, Mrs. Lucien Q. Tucker—Norris et al; mixed oak and pine lands. No. 4.—John F. Jotneb Place. Three hundred and twenty-seven acres in said 86th district Laurens county ; about thirty acres improved fresh land; balance woodland—mixed oak and pine—good quali ty; adjoining land- of said John F. Joyner, Norris, Davis, et al. No. 5.—Eadx Outlaw Place. ’'"One hundred acres unimproved pine land, in the 86th district, Laurens county, adjom- g lands of Lewis Jackson, A. P. Fort, et. al No. 6.—Rawls Place. Now occupied by John Toler; about ninety- seven acres; mixed oak and pine land; in ti: 1201st district, Johnson county, about seven ty-five acres fresh improved land, and adjoin ing lands of N. Stokes, F. W. Flanders, et. al. Good fencing and buildings. No. 7.—John M. Raines Place. Two hundred and fifty acres in 1201st dis trict, Johnson county ; about one hundred acres well improved and under good fence and in high state of cultivation ; good new buildings ; on waters of Big Ohoopee river, adjoining lands of Jethro Arline, J. B. Duff, McAffee, et. al. No 8.—F. P. Raines Place. Two hundred and fifty acres immediately adjoining the last above described place; about 100 acres improved land, good house and fine orchard thereon. No. 9.—Joe Hamilton Place. About one hundred and thirty acres in 1201st district, Johnson county; about fity acres improved; adjoining lands of J. A. Mc Affee, Walker, et. al. No. 10.—Sweeny Mill Place. Five litindred acres in 55th district, John son county; about ten or fifteen acres im proved: on the waters of Battleground creek and Little Ohoopee river; good grist mill in full operation, with good run of custom; mill recently built new throughout. No. 11.—Hightoweb Mills. Washington County, j Emanuel County.^ G EORGIA—Washington County. ’ p EOICKIA-Enilllilicl fount.y. By Haywood Brookins, Ordinary. | vT To the Hon. Superior Court of sai I < ’o. Whereas J.' H. May, Wni, L. Brown and: The petition of Louis Blemis showeth that Nathan H. Jordan. Executors of Cornelias Ion the ei^ht day of March, 1873, Matthew Jordan. late of said county, deceased, makes application for letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause if any they have, why said letters j ing thirty-five hundred and sixteen should not be granted*. 1 more or less, described as follow,;, viz H. Baldwin of the city of Chicago and St.ite of Illinois, made and executed his certain deed of mortgage ot that date conveying to your petitioner lot of laud lving in Emanuel county. State of Georgia, four tracts con Con tract granted by the State of Georgia to Wm. Perkins on the thirtieth day of July. 1851. commencing at a Branch and running thence South 23 deg. west 41 chains thence south 62 deg. 39 chains, thence sonth 28 deg. west 22 chains, thence north 6 deg. west 60 chains, thence south 29 deg. west 29 chains, thence north 30 deg. west 56 chains, thence north 3 deg. east 35 chains, thence aorth 9 deg. east 60 chains, thence south 56 deg. east 13 chains, thence north 80 deg. east 32 chains, thence sonth 82 chains, thence east 79 chains to be- giuing corner, and containing (006. nine hun dred and sixty-six acres more or less, also all that tract or parcel of land, granted by the State of Georgia, to Jesse G. Ketemon on tlio 31st day- of July, 1851, commencing at the corner of lands granted to Wm. Perkins, and follow ing said line south 30 deg. easr 56 tins thence south 69 deg. east 78 chains, thouce south 60 deg. west 84 chains, thence north 30 deg. west 150 chains, thence north 60 deg. east 100 chains, to the beginning cor ed are hereby notified (ner end containing one thousand (1000: m ; s the 95th district, G : more or less. Also all that tract or parcel of » brirtdle cow about six laud granted bv the State cl Georgia to J 3 '•allow fork iad under bit'Coy on the 23.1 day ot December, 1846, e un i-op oil the left ear. \ al-' meticing where the line of said lands in. r- Given under my haud at office in Sanders- rille, this July 5th. 1875. HAYWOOD BROOKINS, Ordy. jnly 8, 1875—m3m S tate of Georgia—^Washington county. By Haywood Brookins, Ordinary. Whereas, John M. Rachels, Administrator makes application for letters of Dismission from the estate of Jonathan Baker, late of aid county, deceased. These are therefore to cite all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause if any they can why said letters should not be granted. Witness my hand and official signature this Julv 5th, 1875. HAYWOOD BROOKINS, Ord’y. July 8, 1875—1113m 1 / i EOKI V. Vl’usiiEngtoti cnuuf.y. VT Obdin.-iHy's Office, Sept. 1. 1875. ALL persons intere; (hat Green Brantley < VI. lolls as an escray ; years old. Mark, s .v:. in * lie right an ned at Bo. Ueci One red and while Si- er about five years i rpon old, mark, a slit in each ear. Valued at $10.!si ci The owner ot said Estray .; is required to come west forward, pay'charges c.nd take said Estraysl.-.diains, ti away, or they will be dealt w ith as the law di rects., A true extract from the Estrnv Book. F.. A. SULLIVAN. Cl’k Ord'y W. C. sept 2. 1S75- 2rn *••»} iint of lands to Jesse G. Kate- running lii nee south 30 deg. east along s..m line, thence north S30 •hniiis, th. - re north 650 west 39 “l.ce south 6 -leg. west 43 chu ns, «*• t <”3 chains, thence chains to i he beginning ig five hundred and -t.v- 3 or less, also all that i planted by the !5tateof .an o.i 30th dav of eg. east I thence norti i north 60 d corner, an I eiity acres *ROR<»H-WafclftiajflofiCnanty.'! (i ./,/ VrOTICE is hereby given to all concerned ! July. 1851. c-'-uii-i - -.r ■ teat application will be made to the Or-Jn* r ot iau i granted by th- .- din ary o' said county nt the expiration ol j to Ajsse Ct. Ketemon at; I thirty dny? from this date, for license to re-!:\hang with the lim of aid 1 Sniritoous liquors by S. T. Josey at Jo-!south 60 deg. west "i .-;ha:n< •’< Stor , in the 92d district. G. M. Takeldu.Ra. -a-t lit:.* chaius, th in notice and govern yourselves accordingly. Ic-est 3d c . .ins, thence south. tat; .tli— .ist cor- of G.-.i via tiv.g F. - ..ce •riot.’s nd ••■nco s- ::h sept 2. iS7 _4t- S T. JO.SEi. (chain.-. tV thence nor A PJBOrLAHATlOX. VI BM2 Tth h. dc-g • dee. -.vest 95 ■ r ■ " ccains (t g n cehundr - I proc !-)n •:e payment r in nnnibov un ot tv iK» six awn. t .e One Force or Boiler Pump, suitable tor 25 or 30 Horse Engine. One 15 Horse Poicer Engine. Two 8 Horse rower Engines. One 8 Horse Power Boiler Portable. dcg-Tbe above are new, and will be sold very cheap. One 15 Horse Power Upright Boiler—second hand. One set of Iron U'orfc for a Saw Carriage, 40 feet, consisting of 4 Ratchet Head Blocks, Roller Boxes, Ac., complete. Three Burrows Ratchet Head Blocks. One Screic Head Block. One 34 Butting Saw and Mandrel, complete. | Dozen No. 7 Steam Ganges. One No 1 GlasS Water Gauge. i Dozen Cook Patent Gauge Cock. 10 Dozen Pistons celebrated Mill Saw Files. I Dozen Screw Jack Raise 6 inches. ameter. One lot <f Gudgeons—various sizes. A large lot of Grate Bars, different sizes, for Furnaces ..nd Boilers. One lot of oecond-hand Pulleys, from 6 to 48 inches. One 1 inch Edipse Double Turbine Water Wheel Other sizes furnished to order at any time. J ^Sxf~Send for Circulars. One 30 inch Whalen Turbine Water Wheel— very cheap. A large lot of Gin Segment. Several sets of the Celebrated Graham Gin Gear, the best running Gear out. 2 Second hand Fly Wheels 7 feet diameter and 14 Face. A large lot old Pulleys from 5 to 36 inen diameter. The Niagara Steam Pump new any size. Send for circular and price. Rubber and Leather Belting any kind or size, and Packing, Ac. Mill Gearing and Machinery of all kinds furnished to Order at short notice- Repairing promptly attended to. Send for Catalogue of .TIill (wearing. Ac. Forest City Foundry and Machine Works, AUGUSTA, GA. GEO. R. LOMBARD, Proprietor. Second Hand Machinery bought and sold. Parties having some to sell, or wanting to buv will please send description of what they have or want All letters will receive a One-half interest in these mills, located on Big Ohoopee river, three miles from the town of Wright8viUe, Johnson county. To the mill belongs three acres of land in fee and dwelling thereon; also backwater privileges and the timber on two hundred acres of land adjacent thereto. These mills have been but recently newly built throughout, and has fine custom—a very desirable piece of property No. 12.—Twenty-seven Acres Land. In 1201st district, Johnson county’, located on Red Hill creek, adjoining lands of A. E. Tarver, Brantley, et. al. No. 13.—W. B. Snell Lands. Two hundred acres unimproved pine land, well timbered, in 86tli district, Laurens coun ty, adjoining lands of John D. Stewart, said Snell, Sumner, et al. No. 14.—The Stoke House. Lately occupied by the late firm, and the gin house (land not inclu ied) adjacent there to, both located iu said county of Johnson, at the residence of the undersigned. Terms of Sale: One-fourth cash or its equivalent ; one- fourth 1st of January, 1876, balance 1st of December, 1876. Notes with good security and mortgage on the premises, if titles are made, or bond for titles and notes with ap proved security, either at the option of the undersigned. For furtner particulars, apply to John LI. Stubbs, Attorney. Dublin. Ga., Dr. A. I. Haines, Buck Eye. Ga., or to the undersign ed. who can be - n at iiis i -ui ncein John-, son county, an ; will take pie sure in sho"- g persons the .. els above offered. .1021* F. lUOKRIS, Surviving Co]-.0*111 er •>£ Wright & Norris. nug 19, td» QTATE OF GEORGIA, Johnson countv. I O By 31. II. Mason, Ordinary. ' Whereas James C. Snell, Administrator' * * with the will annexed on the estate ot James Wilson, deceased, makes application for let ters of Dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Wrights, ville, this June 7 ch, 1875. M. H. MASON, Ordy. juue 10, 1875—iu3m G eorgia -by j >. .ie ernor ot sai l f»*a‘e. Whereas, official information has been t> ceived at this Dev •ri.meut tat i-soph b.-rns. j J' _ rs a colored man. has committed tne offense ot i i |ire tar , i( . . ‘ an attempt to in -ite insurrection” in the t ‘ ir l uoU .\ v . .j lw «, iV e •iiotuhs counties of Burke, Washington, Jefferson,j| or t jj e aniI J :tn ,j (1 :j Laurens. Johnson and Wilkinson in thiaState uo:e p/vabi* twintv-mu.- mont h/ and that he has fled from justice and is stillL* or ten tliousan at large. | t t . r est i-a all the mil- s ol ,.i I have, therefore, thronght proper to issnr-1 this, my proclamation, berebj offering a ile-w,, t j le 0,,, . ward of Five Hundred Dollars,for the appre-'^ hensionand delivery of the said Joseph lior-! all j :o ,, a v v ris to the Sheriff of eitherof said conuties. I te( {_ t Jll-s .. An t I do, moreover, charge and reqqire all I th /r-of. officers in this Suite, civil and military, to bej v 1( r : ,. r , , vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said 1 ,;,. s C< > irt t- Joseph Morn.- in order that ho may be brought! thereof the ■ to trial lor ihe offense ;th which he stands';.-, u ; TJ „ r .' cha-ged. , said mor’g.i'. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of ref p., . tffe State, at tne Gapital, i-i Atlanta, th:s twenty-sixth day of August, in the year oi our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy- five, and of the Independence of the United Lid eighty of cert on all das. <1 A' tit,- v thousand 8. B : ti-rein ;. out pe Iter oaf", r -. iruirth ■Iter late, dollars, with in- oi se-veii per cent per and mortgage arei 'ie yet your petition avers in nlth.mgh s-.>inde!.:-d of money afu i reques- •i I notes nor any part ; s to pay iiie same, m r prays 1 he order of Jay of the next, Term interest and ecsts due : in default thereof, the closed and thcEqnilv of ■lined in terms ot the loner will ever pray Ac. MILEAGE B. WARD, Petitioner’s Att’v. I. John L. McLemore, Ulerk Superior Court States of America the One Hundredth. pi Emanuel county, Georgia, do certify that this is a true copy of the papers now iu Court JAMES M. SMITH, By the Governor : Governor. N. C. BARNETT, Secretary of State, sept 2, 1875—3t Valuable Property for Sale. of the above Declaration. Given under my haud and seal of office this Juno IGth, 1875. JOHN L. McLEMORE, Cl’k. june 17, 1875— tin No Homestead, No Bankrupt.! Motion to Establish Lost Deed in I H AVING determined to change my busi-i ue j Superi*i’ Court, October Term 1S‘< • ness and place of residence, I offer lor; GEORGIA, j To Edward Green,Dan- sate, at a bargain all my real estate in the t jel Q an(] william city of Sandersville and Washington county.' EjIANPFIi County. Gr c eu, heirs of John W. which consists ol ray residence, known as the Greeil . all wJlolu it may co . ,ern. place once owned by Judge James b. Hook,! Xh^jtcrii. n of A. S. Cross of said county, situated on Harris street in said city. The ;ha8Lvt . ; .c.d to the next October Term .at the Louse is a two story building containing 8, Snpenor . Jonrt of ^id county. Setting rooms, with six fire places, all necessary out-, lort v, u sn [ stantial if not a literal copy of i ce buildings, fine truit and goo i water. The ;losf ori ^im.l Deed, made, executed and fr. a lot contains 3^ acres. VVilt soil the whoAe m, coasidemtion delivered tu .ini o a body, or to suit purchasers. • said Aug • -tus S. oss, by one John -V. Also, 113 acres adjoining said lot-, well tim- - - bered and well watered. Also. Use lot known as the Chester lot, adjoining the carriage shop* of Renfroe Bros, (j- the same ar« several 1 addings, with one of the be t webs of water lor. n.Lrsville. Dknown OUse 111! (at. tli. Al s 2 hall interest ; .‘.on A * nt. and 8.' ■. ise. rat j 1 county and State ‘red aim seventy aor- ' in ' • said county • , ■ lace on wt.ici : . resides, sai; . ■ led tO JOffII r in lee, a .dm the sa •said. OI !:; thd S the n land » Gr d b-. • I . r.Ie leed ii one, in Blip .r \.ei i. ■ Lumber for Sale. S ' TATE OF GEORGIA, Emanuel Count}. By John O. Coleman, Ordinary. Whereas, Joel J. Moriug makes application for letters of Dismission from the Admin istration of Ben Carter, colored, late of said county, deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they have, why said letters -should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Swains- boro,. this August 5th, 1875. JOHN C. COLEMAN, Ordinary, aug 12, 1875—m3m prompt answer. aug 5, 1875— 1m John L. Martin, , Bacon and Bulk Meats. 7 ’J- CAR Load just received and for ale low COTTOVFACTOR —AND— Commission Merchant, by the cask or talf cask, by C. R. PRINGLE. Tobacco. Notice to Consignees. T HE following goods having been uncalled for will be sold at public outcry at this Depot Saturday September 25th, unless ex penses are paid and goods removed previous to that date : J. W. Pope, 1 Box Raft Tools, M. Graham, 1 “ “ “ By order book keeper C. R. R. W. C. MATTHEWS, Ag’t No. 13 C. R. R. sept 2,1875—tf Can alway , - - ■ stock of tiu. "ise ,V m outli, and the body other- j) 10 ytore-of e .'c<s, ears l ' as that of a Specii birth. bach head had a perfect pair of • i i ff TONES’ In short, a full ; Buy street, Savanneh, Ga. s behadat JGNKo . ah- > . „ 1; ,,leon Cotton, Wot gular sn * UI au or dinary calf. This. sin- after v 1 L/ llUn 01 tlle bovine tribe died soon Stock of the best' goods will ever be found in S. B. JONES. Sandebsvillb, Ga., Oct. 11, 1872 ly ExfCasli ad vances made on Cotton, Wool, Hides, etc. COTTON AND TIES aUentiorfguaranteed toffiminess! ““aprJl-ly &"Co.,T?ortland, Maine. »)A BOXES low and medinm grades by! july8, 1875- C. R PR1N H.E „ ; • ; 7 Seed and Feed Oats. A FINE lot for sale low by C. R. PRINGLE. A. CARD. T HE undersigned is at all times ready to Repair Cotton Gins at the Gin Honae. Terms accommodating and work warranted. Address through the Post Office. J. B. CARN, Ogeechee, Ga. .is in 'ft/. liouy t*} 1 iCS Ot JjUil U ;,-re parties A - b r .a Sunders villi ' ing. We'challenge the S L imber than we re i t best timber ami 1 V keep our mill aiv.: as io saw none but ri J. Iff s-pt 2. 1875—3m and ■ Saw iru- gn it can •t order, s her. •X A CO- iv th; grant COLEMAN, Ordy. Valuable to Farmers. W* Bu.Iloch County. best seed ii are agents for ti'! made. ' Ii picks the fast and makes a g.itvl sami tioa is such toe boll never breaks. dump as well as dry cotton Ha ving used three of these Giu% »; know whereof w: speak. Price per saw delivor si on Iff R. Depot $3.75 cash, $4.00 siiort ;iiue ci-. n, gins! Bullach Siieiift’s “io . ,! i > door in .~ti within tlnr legal hours of sale, hl- ; s:Tfl rty. f t On;- tn Sale. LD before the Conrt-hou e itesboro. Bulloch couriy, on the fir-t 1. <o casn, siiort amr Can furnish oth. r make of Gins for less gr ^ ' onev. WARREN. EVANS & CO. / « ' money, ang 12, 1875—3m -tf To the Planters of Georgia. W HEREAS an undue prejudice prevails among some of onr planting friends in regard to REWEIGHING OF THEIR COTTON, therefore Resolved, That we the undersigned Cotton Factors of the city of Macon, are and will be governed by weights of our own scales and scalesmen. TAYLOR. WILLINGHAM A CO., HARDEMAN & SPARKS LAWTON A WILLING 1:AM, CAMPBELL A JONES. ADAMS A BAZEMOF.E. FLANDERS BROTHERS, JOHN REES, nrr 26, 1875—4t FAIR NOTICE. PAY UP- j rpHOsE indebted to the undersigned arej _1_ hereby notified that their bills must be Hines’ Mills. rpHE above mills have be«D settled by the fils quire all to sett — I charitable cases. ay <if January next, lie unless they be strictly Those who fail to comply $5 Per Day at home. Terms Vitp the ;l bove will not be able to get onr ser- tfce dour machine quel a • of fits.;’ ff • or and f..r s=.t ' B. Stow. F ut in thorough r.i of wheat- Hi ’. and the b sr T| I- *. ' L toh -r n- xt, the following prop- of land containing three hundred ree acres, more or less, iu 47th aid county, adjoining lands of . D. Brannen. AVm. Lee and others, levied u as the property of B. C. Lee to satisfy yhr- e Jnstice Court fi fas in favor of M. L. Aaters vs H. A. Riggs, B. C. Lee, M. H. Lee ..nd J. F. Lanier. Levy made and retnrned to me by a Constable. Also at the same time and place will be sold, three hnndre.d acres of land more or less in the 1209 district of said county, adjoining Linds of W. 3. Griner, AV..If Barnett and oth ers. Levied on as the property of Jacob Ne ville. to satisfy one, Snpi rior Court fi fa in fa vor-of Joan Daniels vs .jacob Nevills, Levy male by former Sheriff and turned over to -He. J. E C. TILLMAN, Sb’ff. sept. 2 1875 —tds Administrator's Safe. TTTILL be sold before the Court-house \ - do ■■ in Statesboro. Bulloch conn tv. o the ars TursdayinOctobernext. n ; ei R-d nter.-st in the *oiil known as Dv D ! o ; containing 395 acr.-s '•late : or. t’-e Address G. Stinson : v -j oes for next year. jan 22, 1875-ly | n0 v 6,1874-tf BRINTLEYiHATCH.