The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, September 22, 1892, Image 2

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Itcjuily Mumlaril. - I Mr. Prd Pittman wan struck by a ball I soonsc 1 ‘Vn mmh »hi nn » u Tho .standard ot female loveliness varies just below tho tight nipple, and passing on-' lie Pittman Raid "it * llnr i * )or K avo the greatly in different oonntriea and with indi- j tirelv ,, , u t,mriJ Sl, » 3 - Harper doti t give mo the vidunl laatps. Some rtrpfpr tlm nlnmn and ^ ^ 1 ^ oclockjlie. .Seemed to bo angry. I apprehended iglil of groat snfforiug, by the wounded men, and of anxious, painful watching by fibu la, Mr, llabiatn Pittman troally in diRerent oonntriea and with indi- <j rn i,. idual tastes. Some prefer the plump and . 5 ^ mxom type; Home admire the slender and wero borne ylph-like, and some the tall and queenly A.'tcralougu btl sylph .j maiden, lint amo- p all peoplo of the Can easiau rr.oo, one point oi beauty is always ad mired—a pure, clear and spotless complex- -n iou—wliethcr the ietnale bo of the hlonde,, about sunrise on Saturday, aud Mr no..l o»- o, 1 I ■* i\a it .... I ’ Flan ..I 1 t OA brunette, or hazel-eyed type. i J J 1“' 11 * ° 1 I “ ***«•»* great reqnlsit© ol loveliness can be assured Balaam v/nn nn vtare aF i only by a pure state of the blood, active liv- L: w? ?- ! , B ° " Ud ,eav ' er, good appetite and digestion, all oi which " Klow > but ao obtlnron; Dan was 29 y are seemed by the tiso of l)r. Pierce's Golden °' ( F ftl, d leaves a wife and ouo child. Medioal Discovery. It is guaranteed to ac- brothers eamo hero from Kentucky in Ihkm complish all that is cl/iiuiod for it, or money ,. u .i n,,-,,.,..! in , , “ refunded. If yon would have a clear, lovelv! B " f,Ul 1,1 tbo llurj auJ bl,rni «« Hus- I — ••• vioiiuuu lUi II, Wl UiWUVJ refunded. If yon wonld have a elear, lovely complexion, free from eruptions, moth patches, spotR pud blemishes, uae the “Gol den Medical Discovery.” The Herald & Georgian. ixrtiii.isiico iMi, WM. PARK, Editor and Proprietor TUUIiSDA\ MOHNING. KEPT. 22, 1892 I in] aired Digestion repaired by Beocbum's Pills. Congressman and Oapt, J. L. Hardeman will addiess the peoplo of LanronB at Dub lin on to-morrow. While Governor Flower of Now York was in (bo metropolis last week, in conference nboat the cholera cases, an Infernal machine was sent to him through tho niailH, doubt- lias with the design of a-sassinating him. The Effect of Warm Days and Cool Nights. A lcadiog physician writes that he 1ms noticed warm days and cool nights always idled the bowels, and suggests sumo proven- tative remody. Dr. Diggers' Huckleberry Cordial is tho ono. The machinery ot tho ernisor, tho "Cin cinnati” wbh burned at tho Brooklyn navy yard on Saturday. Tolal loss of buildings and other property wasa half million dol lars. O. M. Carter, Chester, K. C., writos.- "A negro boy here bad a bad casa of scrofula. The ilooior said it would kill him. I got him to use Botanic Blood llaUn. He took a dozen bottles and is now well. He 1ms not tisod any of it for fonr months and contin ues well.” Ex-Qovernor Thomas Watts of Alabama, tit one timo attorney gr.norul of tlio Confede rate Nlatos, died on Friday aged 79 years. Ho was a statesman ol the old school, a class now rapidly passing away. ► * <» ♦ . Or. .tolin Kiiir* Worm lie- Slroyet'S taste good and quickly remove worms from children or grown peoplo, rt do. ing tho week nnd puny to robust health. Try them. No other worm medl cine is so safe and sure. Price 2-7 coots at drug stores, or sent by mail by John D. Park A SonH Co., 17ti uud 177 Kycamoro Kt., Cin cinnati. 0. Auditor Peoples reports $73,000 of assets belonging to Stovo ltyan. This P.yan denies nnd siij s ho will die in jail before his lathor shall pay it. Female Weakness Positive Cure. To nil; Editou ; Please iulorni your ren* dels that I lmvo a positive remedy for the thousand nnd ouo ills which ariso from do- 1,inged female organs. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fbem to any lady if they will stud their Express oud 1* O, uddress. Yours respeotfullv. Dr. A. C. M AltOH 181, Ctica, N. Y. Gen. J. B. Weaver tho Presidential candi date, and Mrs. Lease of Kansas l.egau their Geoigia campaign on Tuesday iu Baycross. Good order hut no great enthusiasm prevail ed, Gen Weaver speaks iu Macon to-night THE ONLY ONE EVER PRINTED. Can You Find the Word.’ There is a three inuli display advertise ment in this paper, this week, which has no two words alike except one word Tho satno is trued each new one appearing each week, Horn the Dr, Harter Medioino Co. This house places a "Oresoeut" on everything they make and publish. Look for it, send them the name of tho word, and they will return yon Book, Beautiful Lithographs or am plus Pros. jan. 11, 92-ly. Mr. Win. Calloway of Atheus, a brother of oar townsman here, was murdered on Friday night os ho was returning homo from work. Tho Mayor oilers a reword ot $200, for arrest of murderer. Ki^ht or tVi'img, V\ hiob will ye have? It does sooms as if somo folks prefer to havo tho last conditiou of the liver rathor than tho lust. They per petually dose themselves wilh purgatives to- tally without virtue as altorativo of liver trouble. Host et tor’s Stomach Bitters is tho suoctsful candidate for the peoplo's choice nnd yet popular and well known as it is! there are unfortunates who kotqi on trying tho drastic remedies of former days. It is to the indigent portion ol tho public that the well known and long tried properties of tho Bitters appeal. Reason shoul 1 be guided by experience in tho matter of modiention. "The boht guide to our feet is tho lamp of expo- iienoe.” said a great patriot of tho early rev- olutionary period, and tho exolaumtiou i B pregnant with truth. For over a third of n century the Bitters daily lias mot with the endorssment of people suffering iroui liver complaint, malaria, constipation, rhetimu tiKixi, debility and troubles accompanied by dyspepsia Latterly it has declared itsolf aud been thoroughly upprored as a remody lor "la grippe. J AN AWFUL TRAGEDY. Two ttirotliers Slioi Bon n on tin? Streets.— r |he Murderer Still at I.targe. Ou Ftlday afternoon about C o’clock, near the public square of the city, fi v „ pistol uhots wero heard in rapid succession. Soon ttie dismal tidings spread, that an nwlul tragedy had been committed.—that Burj-er Gilmore had shot aud probably kill- CO Ue two brothers, Balaam and Dan I’itt- slSVn r an dB <1UiCkly ratl t0 lh0 Titlman hrli "° ,e 8trcet ' found the S ," /""'“1 ••1WI..1. «■* - broken wives, anxious i I • In °*’ 1 atbizing friends, all eS*T" ' inJ f> ' m ‘ comfort, and to sliv if 8 .* “ 0olhe and step, of tbe destfoTe'r ^ huie ro0 " b-m been struck l.v iv Ialanm Allman oneinthe EwtLr- ^ ° f 3S Pie. one ini; ^i aBtab0Ve -I" ^WtLe rsUh 01 3 Wnt * tio hope. inoHs. They were members of the Baptist church, and were orderly, pcncenblo and industrious, aud wero highly esteemed as good citizons. A few months ago they sufTorod a heavy Iobr in tho burning of their stable, stock and also ol Iheir shop nnd goods. Tboy placed their loss at $7,000, on which they had insu rance in the sum of $2,000. Tho buildings had boon replaced but a few weeks, wlien they were ruthlessly shot down in our streots. the OBIOIN, Just beforo tlio dilllniilty Gilmore and Dr Miller rode to the stable, nnd Gilmore asked Dan to loan bim a surrey, on tho plea ol having bolrieodeil him. This Mr. l'ittninn declined to do. //nrper charged him with having treated his father badly, when ho was in 1 exas, which being denied. Harper gave him the lie, and then oursod him aud called vile opltheti. Dan told him ho would take it a B he was unarmed, and lie know that Giluioro was armed. 'I uat if ho would dis arm himself, ho would defend himself Balaam hearing of tho dilliculty cami hastily up, asking ••What’s tho matter? What’s the matter hen?" 7/arpor at once jorked out his pistol nnd began firing first at Balaam, who was about 20 feet distant nnd then turning, firod at Dan. who was about 30 foot distant, and (lion alternately at each, until ho had shot livo times. Gilmore then hacked down the atroot to wards the mill,reloaded his pistol,aud made his escape through tho Held. An attempt was made to raison party to pursue him, bu it was then growing dark, aud it was aban donoc*. Other oflorts have been made since, but so far they bavo boon futilo, nnd Gilmore is still at largo. Tbo circumstances of the double murdor, so unprovoked, so cold blooded havo groatly outraged our people, and all are clamorous for his nrrost, aud that ho bo brought to justice. Tho baneful whisky truffle, is declared to be oha;goabio for this doublo murder. But for whisky nnd its frenzy ing iullncnoo upon Harper, tho awful orimo would not liavf been committed, the lives of two young cit izens would havo boon spa ted, thoir fniu lies would not be loft iu widowhood, a life long sorrow wonld not havo boon entailed upon nuolhor family, Harper would not now bo n fugitive from justioe, and a wbolo oom niunity wonld not now bo in distress. A PAIL OF H/’JNRHP, hns soemod to rest ovor otir town fdnoo tho terribb tragedy. Never siuce the dark days of the war, havo wo soon peoplo of all class es so bowed down iu Borrow. But no household has boon shrouded in deeper gloom tiian tho oxcollont family ol Gol. J. N. Oilmoro. Tho father seems al most inconsolablo, the mother is completely prostrated, and tho ohitdrou uro overwhelm od With griof. In their poignant sorrow they havo tho profound sympathies of all our people. The hereavod families whoso hearts are crushed by this harrowing calamity, havo tho deepest oommisoration of tho wbolo oommmuuily Mr. 1 ittniau of Kentucky, tho nged father oi tho murdored brothers, also a brother roaohod boro on Sunday night. Their pros- euco on so sad u mission, calls forth sorrow and sy mpathy. the lsquBsi. Coroner I.owo held an iuquost on Satur day uflornoon. The jury examined the dead bodies al. tbo l“ittm„n residence, nnd then repaired to the court house to hoar the evi- 'denco of witnesses to tho tragody. A larger gathciiug wo daro say was never seotj ut an inquost in Washington county. Col It. I. Harris as oouusol for the county earelully conducted tlio examination of the witnesses. Below wo publish the testimony. STATEMENTS OF WITNESSES. S. G. Jordan was first witness, and being sworn said; 1 went to stable to tell Pittmun Bros, to tako caro of my liorso that night. Dan was in iron!. Dr. Hiller and Harper Gilmore rode up in a bnggy. Harper spoke to Pittman rolativo to somo matter I did not understand. Not snro expression ho used. One wasasse-ting the othor denying, Didn’t oatcli toiuark preceding dispute. Little in clined, whilo not angry, to bo excited. Neith er appeared to ho what you might term an gry. The horses—I don’t know whotber Dr. Miller drovo off or horses started- went short distance and stopped, whon first con vorsatiou was going on. Buggy stopped ug iin, Harper got out, came around to back °l buggy, renewed couvorsatiou. Impossi ble to relate all said —a great deal was said. 1 can stato what I do recall. 7/arpor said: "We have bolrieudedor dono favors for you in pust. I don t want you to hitch horses to tel ephone polo any more.” Dan Pittman Baid: 1 hat s all right. Balaam was not present then. Something olso said don’t recall what. Harper said: "You triod to rim over old man while 1 was in Texas.” Pittman’s ro- a difficulty and got between thorn, saying, "Hoys, stop this; dont havo nny trouble; it’s a mattoroi nothiug." I told Harper to got buggy and go on. About this timo I tried to lako hold of Harper, and ho said: “Don’t put your hands on mo." It grow worse, langnago more nggrnvivted. Pittman hadn’t dono any- thing to provoko Harper that I saw on that occasion. Harper cursed him sevoroly. Pitt man said, after Harper had itBcd^sevcro lan guage, that it he would put down his pistcl that ho would not tnko that. Harper said, "You don’fknow I have a pistol." Pittman said; “1 havo Been it.” Harpor said it was a d -d lio. I repoatedly urged Hatpor to get in buggy. Dr. Miller called him to get in buggy, 1 think be started to buggy. Pitt mau changed position. Harper said, "Just draw it, and I will rniiko an angel of you Pittman said ho hud no wonpon. Harper would not turn haok to him. I walked around anil stood in livery stable door. All parties changed positions. They came over nearer to mo. Pittman was near stable door, Harper was further down street, direction, mill. I thought ninttor would blow over. D damn Pittman came vory rapidly around corner stuble, appnrontly exoitod. He camo ns though he had been in a run. He used this expression two or throo times: What’s the matter hen?” I saw no weapon, t was so quickly done I could soarcely see anything d sclosed. Looked excited. Har per, I was satisfied would not lot him go to him. I stopped in B ido stable aud as I did so istol fired. Did not sou nny shooting. Har per retreated nnd either said stand back, or lon’t comoon mo. I was almost iu a line lith them. Four or five shots were firod Host of my reeolleotion four, Did not sec lluiper Gilmoro after shooting. 8nw Pitt man boys, botli complaining. Hnlaum either said I am shot or killed. Went with him to door, lio said ho was hit nil ovor. no was hit above right uipple and in groin. Wounds ipeared to lmvo benn made with pistol, No Mlenipl on Pittman's part to make assault or do injury. I am socond oousin to Harpor rilmore. Di I not boo either Pittman boys with weapon. Dr. Miller, (j. Richards, Lit thor Webb, and b colored mau wore there- didn't think it was Richard Lamar. A young man was thero beforo Balaam Pittman oamo. have been told tbit ho wns Gainer Hum- merlin, 'I ho loslimimy of Drs. Rawlings ami Mil ler nnd also Messrs. Ij. Richards, Luther ebb and Richard Lunar, ool., crowded out .Ids week. Thu Jury of Inquest was composed of J. B. Stephens, J. A. Martin, L. It. Clayton, J. L Yarborough, E. L. l’rosoott, .T.T. Chambers, Sr., J. W. Waller, J. A. M. Everett, J. G. hidden, Lopez Smith, C. It. Pringle, I) W, llitt. In their verdict they deciaro that A. and D. L Pit'-uan camo to t joirdenths from pistol shot wounds from tho hands of Harper T. Gilmoro, on tho sixteenth day ol iptomber 1892, contrary to the laws of the state, tho good order, peace and dignity thereof. THE CI.OSINfl SCENE. On Sunday morning a very largo concourse assembled at tho Baptist church, where sol- om.i iunbral services wore held, cODducted by ltov. II. A. Ilodgon. A solemn awe rested upon tho vnst assem biage, and all scorned dazed nnd bewildered by the awful spectacle beforo them. Two unerals at ouo time was porhaps never wit nessed beforo in Sandorsville. After tlio plaintive notes of tho sad funeral songs had died away, Air Hodges announced his text from Rev. G chap., nnd 10 verse. In his sermon the proncher earnestly in veighod against the iniquitous liquor (raffia ,ud charged tho awful Boone before the peo pie, upon alcohol. Ho said uo was a oiti ten of Sandorsville, aud ol Washington county, nnd ho ielt that odium was oast upon ns ns a poople, by tho monster ovil alcohol, whose ageuoy has caus- od this groat orimo and sorrow. This sol emn arraignment ot this parontof ovils, pro duced a profound impression upon his hear ers. Tho sormon ended, and uolomn prayer being offlerod by Rev. F. L, Adams, tho prouession through tho rnin then marohed to tho coiuotory, and tho two brothers who met death together,were together laid to rest. May Sandorsville never again witness so siul a scone. Pimples • AXD Blotches BVIDENCR That the blood ti wrong, and that natmre is endeav- or , tN S, to throw off the impurities. Nothing is so beneficial in assisting nature as Swift's specific (.S'. .S'. S) ■It ts a simple s’cgctable compound. Is harmless to the most delicate child, yet it forces the poison to the surface and eliminates it from the blood. MAkli NO TIISTAKE. \\ hen one one wants to eradicate every in dication of malaria Iroui their system, they are truly wise, and make no mistake if thsv will try Dr. John Bull's 3 SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP. I or many years it has deservedly main- amoil its reputation ns beiDg the most relia ble of the many CURES one soc3 advertised and sold lor tho mos annoying and enervating of all malarial dis oases, known as CHILLS AND FEVER, It has a good and lasting effect and no other remedy has ever given such satisfaction. De. maud it ot your druggist. Take no substi- 111 In on tl'ltln i II li«/. n . Pi AugueTA, Ga., Evening News, Jan. 20. 1892. Some years ago the Evening Nows, tti dis cussing electricity as a healing agent, alluded to tlio Electropoiso, aud so phenomenal urn! wonderful huvo been its ctiros tlmt tho repu tation of tho littlo instrument is now echo ing all over tho country. A well known case in Augusta hns been completely cured by the Electropoise, and tho following interview from such a woll known, reliable and promi nent man as President William O, Sibley, ol tlio Sibley Mill, must deeply impress, if not entirely convince, al! who read it. Mr. Sibley was perfectly willing to give his testimony to the Evening Nows about the Electropoise, lie said ho had been a great sufferer Irom sciatica lor live yoara before lie began using tlie Electropoiso. For two whole years be bail not been free from paiD, anil at times tho sciatic pains had been so severe that ho would jump out of bod in liis sleep n cd wake to iiuil himself on the lloor in great agony, lie spout much money in the North for special medical treatment, and was sixty- seven times cauterized with a white-hot iron on different parts of his body. The treat ment was almost as tenible as the solution itsolf, uud when he read that a partner of Gen. Alger, the great Republican' politi cian of Detroit, had paid $5,090 und a phy sician’s expenses out to California as his joy- i'ul reward for cure irom soiatioa, ho deter mined to try tho Electropoiso. “How long bus that been, Mr. Siblej?" "A year ago, and you know yourself my condition beloro that time; I could not walk to my office, nr even across tho street; I was helpless and had to go in my buggy overy- wliero.” ' J Mr. Sibley’s statements are romarknble, but there is iio doubt of their correctness and the cures mailo by tho Eloclropoiso are indorsed by all physicians who examine thorn. For all information, &o., address Atlantic Eleetropoise Co., Atlanta, Ga. .U , . e0n . t !? c i ed a , severe eiajof blood poison that unlittcd me for business*for four years A few bottlw of Swift’s Spccitic (S. S. S.) cured * ur - J.C. Jones, City Marshal, Fulton, Arkansas, Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed tree. Swift Stkcimc Co., Atlanta, Ga. Washington Superior Court, Sept- Term, 1892 (jin If I’ll I 1’l'l‘KCIlflllPllfll of flip <iiraiiil|.liir>' lor IIip Wpitlpinlirr Tpi’iii ol flip fVnsliliicfuii Comi ty Hupci'lopCourt for flic year 18119. Wo the undersigned being chosen nnd sworn to serve as Grand Jurors for the Sep tember term of the Washington County Su perior Court, and having—w» hope—perform ed the duty the responsible position impo ses upon us, to the best ot our obility, nl- tor expressing onr grntitud*, nnd extending our thanks to an Allwiso and bouefioent Pro videuco for tbo many blessings bestowed up on us iu the way of tho general good health ol tho pooplu, nnd tho bountiful harvest in tho way ol cereal and fruit crops, beg leave to make tho following presentments: The general affairs ol tho county, wo nro glad to say, we find in lair condition, nnd tho prnv nlonce of crime in the past six months con siderably diminished; but find tlio crime ol whisky Belling arid gambling to exist to some extent. Tho adroitness with which they aro oonductod makes it difficult to obtain suffi cient proof to ronch them, and to bring them to an account. Wo especially request all good citizens of the county to consider themselves tho guar dians ol society, and also request that they exercise themsoives in ferreting out and bringing to trial ail such violators of the law The Btnnding finauueooniniittoo composud ol J. C. Hurniuu, Georgo Gilmore and Aloses Joiner make tlio following report to this body: Wo the uudersignod ffuunco committee ap pointed by your predecessors at tbo March term, beg loave to report that we havo exam ined tho books, vouchers uud reoords in the Ordinary’s offloo and touml them iu the usu al husiuess likeordor; we also exumioed the oiliieol Clerk, Treasurer, Sheriff', and Tax Collector, aud found tho records properly kept and fully up to date. Following is tho expense account us kept by the Ordinary, showing the amount money paid out by, or ordered paid by tlio Ordinary and lor what paid. EXPINSE ACOOVNT of Washington oounty from March 1st, 1892, to tho 1st of September, 1892, for which connty scrip hns boon issued irom No. 5794 to 0070 including Court oxpen’s iuolusive of jury lees $1,119 80 Juil expensos 941 45 Home of the poor 1,119.25 Out door poor 103 20 Inquests and Postmortems 3100 Lunacy proceedings 122,50 Books, stationery A official printing 140 90 Election expo. $10 registration fees 10.00 Ord’y’s salary Irom Oct. 1, 1891 to lBt July, 1892 300.00 Roads, bridges nnd lumber for foot- ways.. 1,453.99 npo new jail lumber for fencing und new iron fonoo 384 92 Board of equalization 265,00 GENW11AL ACCOUNT CONSISTING OF Labor in oourt house yard $11.50 Janitor 7 month* 28.00 Livery stable aeet to.V from bridges aud Grand jury 15 50 Repairs on public buildings 29.50 Harvoy of district lines 41.00 Proceeds nt convict hire irom Oat 1 to Jan. ’92 paid all insolv’t oohIh 117 60 Offloo furniture and lamps 13.75 Dies and stamps for woights und meusuros 7,00 Cement aud lime for C. 11. and jail. 7.00 Coal for Court house and jail 4 1.05 One lap robe for .Judge’s seat 3.00 Postage, Postal cards aud box reut. 21.50 Paid on noot Tax Receiver’s com... 46.30 Incidentals 33.03 $8,176.44 Jury sorip issued by tho Olork for tho Marob term 1892 1,778.00 Scrip issuod to six jury revisors five days 00.00 Total exp’i-e aoct to Sept 1, 1892.. .$8,314 14 TBEASUaxil’s OFFICE. The following is a transcript of County Treasurer T. II. Sparks, in aeooum with Washington county. To ain’t received from nil sources since last report $9,514.02 Cr. By amount paid county scrip $0,708.80 By amount paid jury scrip 1,878.00 By commissions on expenditures not including $50.00 paid on temporary loan 214.92 Commissions on rnooipts not inclu ding $0,023 75 Temporary loan 87.20 Balance on hand 505 48 Guaranteed Cure for La Grippe We authorize our advertised druggist to sell you Dr. King’s New Discovery lor Con sumption, Coughs aud Colds, upon this con dition. If yon are afflicted with La Qripp nan tliio 1 .• . , - 1 1 1 lute on which a larger profit is made. “ Ouof an<1 wiM nsp tl i‘ a remedy ace’oriiing'lo'dVrec- nottle will do you more good than six bottles t,ous > 6 1V1U B « » <“ir trial, and experience OI fttiy other reniOtlv. fin/1 Urn n.liui ir, no honelH.. von matr mim-n n .. k1 x 4 *’ Vimu HJA UIH11C8 Ot any other remody, and the relief is always permanent. A word to tho wise is sufficient, it cures malaria. Tukc It ii I I’m 8ui«ii|iarilla }* •*. on , r . b * < l!? , l 1,1 oondition? Do you uo benefit, yon may return the bottle and have your money refunded. Wo make this oiler, because of tlio wonderful success o'i Dr. King’s Now Discovery during last sea sou’s epidemic. Have heard oi no case in which it Inilod. Try it. Trial bottle freo at , $9,514 5- >V e tho finance committee nppoiuted by the Grand Jury of Washington oounty have care lully examined and verified the foregoing ac count ol the county treasurer. We have in tho presence of (lie treasurer and each other counted aud verified the county and jury scrip, viz: County scrip $0,708.80 Jury scrip 1,878.00 and destroyed the same by burning. We have allowed tho Treasurer commissions ou receipts and expenditures ou nil money re* quirod and paid out except on temporarv loans. TSignod, Moses Jc-ineu, Geoboe Gilmoue, J. C. Babaian. TAX COLLECTOB. Hie following is the Tax Colieotor’s ac count with Washington county, as verified and approved by the Fiuauce Committee: Statement of Ii. T. Rawlings, Tax Collector: Total tux on digest : $15,895.78 Ruilroad tax and not on digest.... 220.39 Tlio examinations for teaohors are thor ough, nnd only those competent receive li OClllO. Oar oounty board of education is compos ed of intelligent and conscientious gentle men who give attention to their duties, and discharge them conscicutiously. Tho out look is promising; much good is being done, and a thorough English Education- (thanks to the liberality of our State), is now within tho reach of all, Kespeoltully submitted nnd signed— II. N. Holmkiked, W. C. S. O. ct.euk’s office. The oommittee appointed to examine the Clerk Superior oourt offloo verify the report of the (iiianco committee. The reoords are well nnd neatly kept nnd tho work well up bhemff’s office. Tho ocmmtttoo appointed to examine the books and olllno ol tho sheriffs ellloe, also verifios and cotroborates tire report of the finance committee, in that they find Iho books well, neatly, systematically kept. ■1 All. OOMMITTEE. Tho commitloo appointed to examine tho juil, make tho following report, we find the prisoners woll cared for, nnd the jail neatly kept, with tlio r-xoeption of (lie prisoners spittiiiR on the lloor, nnd wo think it wouln bo well, anil we therefore recommend tbat they ho furnished spittoons, or somo.hiug iu which to spit. nOADS AND nniDOES. Tho committee appointed on Roads nnd Bridges, report thatso far ns their knowleilgi extends the roads nnd bridges tliroiighou tho connty »re in good oondition except road in the 91st District, lending from Harrison to M rightsvillo at the lord of Bigoodnr creek whioh we recommend to lie worked at otioo. rum,10 mnt.niNoa. Tho committee on putdlo buildlngR make the following report. Wo tho committee on ptibllo buildings will say that wo have exam ined carefully the builitiugH belonging to the county aud find them in good condition. COMMITTEE ON CHAIN OANII. The standing conunitteo ou chain gnup composod ol N. J, Newsom, O. H, P. Beall, and A. W. Aldrnd,make the following report Be tho committee to overlook the couvict onmp tho present year by the Grand Jury ol tbo March term of the court bog leave to make the following report, wo Uud the eon- viols well oitrinl for, and all look woll and in a healthy condition. Wo looommeud that at least ouo pound of tobacco, to each one, per month tie given them nnd that tho cost of the samo ho deducted, out of their wages, ns we think taking the low price of ootton into consideration, Mr. Jackson is paying n lull prioe for their laoor. Wo tbo Grand Jury have adopted the above report nnd rncom mend that the reoommomUmon ot the com mittee in relation to furnishing them enoh the one pound of tobacco, per month be com piiod with nnd carried out. VACANCIES, The oommittoo on vacancies rnako tho fol lowing report. Wo find vacancies existing iu tho following districts by reason of tbe expiration of tlie terms of offloo and recommend the ronppoiut- mont of the present Incumbents except In 90th, A 94th, districts and suggest E J. Orr, 94, nnd Longstrret Joiner 90th, persons to fill tho same. The vacancies are us follows 88th Distriot, j . M. Everett 90th 11 Longstreot Joiner. " E ’ *’ 0rr - !5j0Jrd II. F. Sheppard. 1Jlulh " It P. Bynum. COMMITEEE ON DOCKETS. Wo tho commltteo on dockoU of tho Jns- tiers of tho Pence utul NotnrioH public mnk» tho following report. Wo find all ol them correctly kept exoept tlio docket ol tho Note ry Public of tbo 98th di-lrict, O. M. Iu this dockot wo find soviral overubarges of cost and the docket of the Juilico of tho Peuoi of the 05tb district G. M. dots not show the disposition ol oases, or cost charges. HOME OP THE TOOn, Tho oommittoo appointed by the Grand Jury at the March term of tho oourt havt made a verbal n-port to Ibis body throng!, their chairman Air. J. T, Gook, w-ho reports that tlie homo for tlio poor is well kept and that tho inmates, in every respect, ure well ocrerl for. We find from statement furnished by lln Ordinary, the billowing, aud number of inmates on Hept. 1st, 1892. WHITE INMATES, \ M‘irion Brantley, 8 Martha Thompson 2 John P. Thompson, 9 Husnn White, 3 Isliuui White, 10 Martha Gaskins, •i Moses Cox, 11 Francis Rhodes, 6 wm. HUohcook, 12 Eunioe Brock, 0 Margaret L inguistic, 13 Horton A children, 7 Winnie Richardson, Total mimlior of Whitts 15. (JOLllUED INMATES, 1 Torn //.loks, 4 Jessie Rhodes, 2 Ephraim Hpnrks, 5 Ned Wiggins 3 Tom Johnson, Total colored 5, (White.) oUTDoon eoou. Ren Lord $4,00 por month, Lizzie Tompkins $4 per month, Mary Uaborn $6 per month; A. F. tlickliu $5 per month; Mrs. Uownnl $3 per month; Morris children $0 per mouth; Bridges $5 per month; Mary Tompkins and two children $4 per month. Jane Cullens, oolored, $2 50 per month. Tho commltteo appointed by tho Grand Ju ry to visit, nnd inspect the homeot the poor, corroborates, and verifies the report made by Mr. Gook, chairman of the standing commit tee. TENSIONS. The pension list furnished by the Ordinary bus been examined, and no names h»ve been ordored, or recommtudod to bo stricken from the list, SIpADGETT PAYS the FREIGHT* |A Great Offer that may not ap.ainj " bo repeatod, so do not delay'. Strike while tho Iron is Hot.’ 1 Write fur ('ntnloguo now, and Bay wlmt paper! ■you p m thin Advertisement in. r I Homember thutjl sell everything that jroen toi ■fur, isli ii*: uhome—manufacturing home tli.n^l ■anu uy iim others in tlio largest possible loth Iwl 1 1 enables mo to wipeout all competition. jl'ero aro a few Startling Bargains WHAT DOES TIIE DIBLE SAY About. Politics, prohibition, Protection, La- bor. Land, Monopoly, Taxes, Ac? i ailtl*TI \!Y IMTUIOr. Mobiustown, Tenn. Monthly, 50 cants n year. THE BIBLE AND LAND, Cloth, 263 pages, $1,00 postpaid. Tho neat hook oud tho paper tho rest of tho year to new subscribers lor 50 cunts. Or tlie paper alono lor 15 cents. Addrops, Rev. James B. Convehse, Morristown, Teun. ' Flat Ton Cooking stlovo, fall size, ls.vl * toil with 21 nlecos of warn, ili'-l _ A No. ' |1T Inch oven, fllteil , . omit III your ilepol, nil freight i hargns'i'mldTivI |iao, for only TWF.hVE POU.AltS, L 1 '- * will si-llyo i n C hnic Cooking ltanga.K |18xl8 Inch oven. IflxIMlnrh ton, fllteil with '.‘ii "EKN " ■|ii"!i'H of ware, ft* 'I piny tho freight to y Tillin' 15 It., onr depot. DOU-aUS, mull jl)o Not pay two prices foi l your Goods. _ 1 W’.I solid yon n litre plnsh Parlor Sell, wnl- |sLnoo' y frelg C ,d'«!r i ’ ;, 0, i.•** .V'"'"tile,; Ilodroom Stilt, H«t 1 1 K ■ V. ’’T 1,1 f 1 " ' • ' lllgll head tied- I," "hslnn , . f’ e Table. 4 Cane N,-al| la.h r . f s ”" 1 ark Hooker, all for I ,, n Vr and |>»v freight o your depot. , 1 will send y an iM-gant Ih dronm Suit.! „ ' .lain , 11 ’’ (,, ll marble lop for 3:10, and) 8 .‘Ml 1 !Wesleyan Female College. MACON, GEOHGIA. Tlio Bf*mini session begins .Seplcmber 21«t. Largo Vacuity. Ampl8- arrangements for imurovoniont of pupils. Every attention is given to health, comtort nnd safely. Largest patronago 111 tbs State. Apply early for oataloguoand secure choice of terms. W. O. BASS, I’res. widow Sbrt.ii o.. jirini* roller lT —.j| limit Lonnjro 7.00^1 co C’urtftiiih per window l.oo^ ! L I cannot drherlbe overythtnif iu a hinall ndv< r-flj ■tisi’meiit, but have au Imiiikmim ntoro roiitaiuiiiii*' IhMin? f, * fl l 0or «HM , b with wareliouhfh and fnrtoryjf I 1 ! ,krM 0,l "‘ r '""*?! ‘'"K'lnta, nuikliiKin aflX r ”'largest lillsoi. ss or Ibis kind n der mu' man-* 3 , 'ira>cn! Ill I'M) Honlhern Him,.a- 'n,. -,- sloresq 1 I uL C !!'u„\ (] " the eholcent proditotioiiH of the* I Ht bietorlcK. im* illnMiu-V* S «iv’wi'f.F 00 ' 1 "" i "beii'alk'd If you will klndlvki Jj you l " 1 "' tl,ls advertisement. I I’aj-v, Addresc LP. PADGETT proprietor PADGETT’S FURNITURE, STOVE AND CABLET Hi I STORE. illO'lllij Brood Street| »-P..^ UGUSTA - OA. EUREKA MILLS AND PUBLIC - GINNERY FOIl SALE I now offer this valuable property for Bale Now is tlm time to but-Ootton Ginning Seal -o.ijiiM i'1-ening. Mills doing a good whole- -ala busmcPM nnd ovary necesaarv ronvrui- "nve in splendid order. Mills grind wheat uni corn. Custom and merchant business, 'Ji . iini l " C t -' 1 ""’ , ao , od Wll,er ' Climate - kllghtlul, 1-roo schools Best of ohurch liirivUeges. Ono of tho best local towns in [ireorgi r lor a Cotton Seod Oil mill nnd Guano mntiul ictory. • . '"r selling-Bant to go out of business. For full particulars, address 0. R. PRINGLE, Sept. 8, 1892. ^'“^svillc, Ua. Si wi-.ig Machines, New Home ( ,r ran bo 01 loreii at Uehald ofiloe. prioe. j Hinge* Special J- I I- SPEARS, COTTON FACTOR AND C OMMI8 S I O ]ST MJDRCEE A.N r l 1 WAREHOUSE AND SALESROOM: TOI McIntosh 7th Street, corner Reynolds, w AUGUS'I? A, (Jr A.. ' ni l 0 rr- tlU "° r lI L' bl, .T D ?* S iD itS V,lI ‘OU9 I'l.lDcIlOH. AilvflUOOS of DpL'uinrr nocl Ties and Ptniily Supplies at lotto:,i market jiricos. Liberal Cash 8 Advances made on Ootton or other Produce in Store Oon- e.Rntnents of all Field and Farm Produce Solicited Lido iacuities and Iodr'experience will guarantee satisfaction Personal attention given to Selling, Weighing, Sampling and Storing all Consignment*. Chartres for Soiling and Storing Very Reasonable. WATERTOWN ENGINES. Total Dr. By cash paid Treas. " Collector “ errors and relief. " Insolvent $19,122.08 .$15,183.49 409.00 109.60 371 42 tronble'yrju? 1 ^ Aro^ou^in* poor l, *hsaltb K nnd D^“fi Store*.*^arge^sizoTsOo I'anUa S T.Tm U ?° J,r ' J ° ba B»»’s'Sam- l> " not dolay. 1 Givo R^'triM 11 CM uZn, spoonlu’K oo^ 1 ^ b0Ui ° (102 ^poou. t trir n i svuiMA Fsv Itrown’s iron l!llii-rs. I’hysicluns rocoimneiiil it. All dealers keep it. $1.1X1 jnir bottle. Oenuino iuu> trade mark aud crossed red Hues ou wrapper. $18,122.02 SCHOOL COJ i iSSlONliu's BEPOBT. To the Grand Jury of the county ol Wash- ington, gentlemen: It gives me pleasure to statu that, more interest is manifested by our people in tlie cause of Eduoatiou at tins time than ever before in tho history of our conmy. There are more schools, a greater number of elheient Teachers, nnd better attendance than heretofore. ^fearo lie schools; 110 touchers, nearly 9,000 children, attending school. J.ast year live youn^ ladies, were admitted o the Georgia Normal and Industrial col- '•'ge m MilledgeviUe, and ten more received scholarships this year, liom our county. .Several young men are now preparing themselves for admission into the Georgia ochool of Technology, in which institution we nave at this time only ono representative. LUNACY, The list, of Lunatics from the county in the Stato Lunatic asylum 1ms been examined aud we find only one addition to tho number since tbo M ircli term of tho court. The re port stands white mules 4, white females 1. Total white 5. Colored males 3. colored fe- males 3. Total oolored 8. 'Total Dumber 11. 1NBUBANCE. Having carefully examined tlie list show ing tho amount of insurance secured by tbi Ordinary, on tbe public property, or prop erty belonging to tlie county, think the a mount amply snffloient, and tho samo all se cured from companies whioh ure regarded as safe aud reliable. pbopebtv The following is a list of the property ho- longing to Washington county, as reported by the Ordinary: Court House and Park, value $20 000 Jail nnd lots, •• 15 000 Armory, .. j^GO liomo lor tho p^or, •• £ pot! WALLS FEBRY, Tho proposition made by tho petitioners of both Wilkinson and Washington county to mako till) ferry known ns Balls Ferry, on tin Oconee river, a free lerry Ims been duly oon- Sidered said action resulting in tho adoption ol the following resolution by tbs body. (Continued on 3d Page.) M I !^,“,r”‘™ IXES - R0ILKn S.OINS, PliESSES, or any kind °,.o take o"r„ ol‘jile ° P “ “ 11,10 aU ^ wo MALLARY BROS. & CO., Mention this paper. M&C0H, Gft- The Austell Lithia Springs Hotel, Eighteen,Miles west of Atlanta, at the Junction of the East Tennessee and Georgia Pacific Railway. , . . ANALYSIS. Austell Litbia Water contains, nc oordmg to analysis by Prof. J. z) Lurns, per U. S. gallon: Chloride of sodium, 137,040. bromide of sodium, 1,261. Iodide of sodium, 72. Bicarbonate of Lithia, 1,902. Bicarbonate of Soda, 10,203. Bicarbonate of Magnesia, 12 792 Bicarbonate of Lime, 10,088. miS . i (Tasteless-Effectual. ) J 1 1? or Sick- Headache,; 11 mpaired Digestion j | Liver Disorders and; l Female Ailments. I I * Renowned all over the World. 5 Tuvoml with a Tasteless & Soluble Coal lav- | Ask for Beecham’s and take no others. S M;idc at St. Helens, England. Sold by# druggists and dealers. Price 2ft cents a J I) New York Depot, -^6^ Canal St. a Bicarbonate of Strontia, 990. Bicarbonate of Iron, 851. Sulphate of Potassa, 2,181. Sulpbato of Soda, 1,721. Sulphate of Lime, 7,701. I’hospbato of Soda, 301. Alumnia, 105. Silica, 1,492. Carbonic acid gas,15,939 cubic in. Sulphuretted hydrogen truces. tii •• , s »ecial Rates to P’aniilies- 90de e gr a ee°Vin 2 t fl r £ e {, 8oa * t)Vel - Temperature-Summer, 75 to Tliirfv mil ‘ /’i 40 t0 -H S “° W 0r S I u atl. luiity miles of beautiful drives. i!l!! r “' 1DS c“ ily f0 m ft11 points in tho United States, for Jong S periodffl P ° n riCk ° tS ^ 8al ° 0Ver a11 trunk linos at educed rates, We OfFer tho Best Accommodations for the Low- D _ est Expense. Per Day-Adult, - $ 2 00 | Children and Servants Children and Servants Children and Servants Per Week—Adult, - « 00 1 er Month—Adult, - 30 00 For further particulars address J. F. BEASLEY 1 oo 4 00 15 00 & CO., Proprietors. AlNTIilL, GA. SMITH & HALL. -DEALERS IN— Steam Engines, Boilers» Threshing Machines, Mowers, Hay Rakes, Bel ting and Machinery. ADDRESS SMITH & HALL, Macon, G-a«