The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, October 20, 1892, Image 2

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The Herald & Georgian. KWTA HKJMHBW 1M4I. Wftt. ••AH-K, Editor and Proprietor THUR8D »'! iRNlKO OCT. 20, 1892 Tammany Hull endorses aud oomuitmU tbe comiauliou of Cleveland. Gen. Stevenson's speech nt Birmingham, Ala , npaiuat Ihe Inriff and force hill elicited trcinendonH applause. She is dt lighted with it Mrs. Hannah Moore, Hebron, Neb., writes: “My mother had a swollen knee caused la a tall I pur chas'd n bottle of Salvation Oil, We nsed it anil I n ver -aw a remedy work so well. It took the swelling down .mmodintely and ef fecled a cure.” Forty thousand dollars worth of horses on the way to a fair In Dallas, Texas were killed by tho wreck of a Height train, on Sunday. Chicago and New York were nnited by the t9lephoue,on Tuesday,and peopled conversed Talks nro high though, $10 being oharged now. The world moves. The wondoffnl capabilities of the telephone are as yet un known. An Old Field Weed. Many seeing that old Held week, the mul lein stalk, nover eoDsidt r tho good it is ac complishing iu curing lung troubles. It pro sente in Taylor’s Cherokee Itemedy of Sweet Gnm and Mullein the UncBt known remedy for coughs, croup, colds and consumption. E"dfield Proctor hae been elected U. S. Sen ator from Vermont, ffc Is charged with engineering the foico bill through tho Sen- nte, that was happtly defoated by tho demo cratic houso. >T. W. I ales, Tallaltoma, Teun., writeH:"Tt doeR good to pruise Botanic lilood Halm, It ctireil me of an nhsoesH on the lungs and esilim* that Ironbled me two years and that ■other lemedies tailed to benefit." Ed Fulcher o| burke county has gathered eighty bales ol cotton from eighty acres. He has ninety-five acres ol corn dial will yield 1.200 bushels Iu addition to this he lias raised un abundance of peas, potatoes, eto. V/o also rues a number of plows on shares. One ol hiB tenants has made on a 1 horse farm twenty-nine bales of cotton. I>i*. •Ittlni Itull’n Worn) |»«>- Mroyt-rtl taste good and quickly remove worms from chihlreu or grown poople, restoring the week and puny to robust health Try khem. No oth.r worm modi- cine so sal.' uud sure. Price 25 oeuts at • tr, *K K, or 11 sent I.;- mail l.j John D. Park <\ S"us i o , 170 and 177 Sycamore St., Cin cinnati. O. On llie Way to I*ai’iiillsi>. Let us hope that the peoplo who habitually disregard their health will reach that desira ble place, and nvoid the locality wbirh is less desirable as an external residence on nceount ol the heat and surroundings generally. Hut while wo tarry iu this valo of tears, why shonld we voluntarily endure tho tortures of dyspepsia when a systematic use of Hostet- ter's Stomach Hitters will rid ua of the atroc ious malady which—unless physicians are very mnoh nt fnult—tends to shorten tho term of our existence. Uenrtborn, bilioOB- noRH, oonstfpatlon almost always ncecmpany IhiB complaint and are symptomatic of It, Theso nro ell extinguished by tho Hitters, which also conquers completely malaria, rheumatism, nervousness and debility. Siuce the appearance of “la grippe” it has shown a singular mastery over this formidable com plaint that has carried off so many of our brightest nnd best. Lev 4 J. Allen, tbe first missionary sint (■ t him. by the B utheru Mtliodist church will bn a visitor to tho Women's Foreign Missionary Society nt "'nyncnl.o]o tins week, nnd sometime during tho session will address tho meeting. Hu attained a high position in the Chinese government, being one ol lb. mandarins. Mis Mailte Jones, a missionary to brazil, will ulso bo present. ‘ How to Cure All Skin Diseases.” Simply apply “Swayne’s Ointment.” No inti rnal medicine re.piirod. Cures tetter eczema, itch, nd eruptions on Ihe taco, hands, nos ', Ac . leaving the skin clear, white and health. Its great, heultng and curative pow i rs are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist lor Swnyne’s Ointment. The sugar trust, it is said, lins deoroed that tho barrel ns a sugar package must go, and be replaced by the bag. Tho saving in ooht of packing material alone will lie hundreds cl thousands annually. In freights tho in novation will effect a similar saving. Sugar in bags may not be bundled by dealers with ns much lacilily as sugar in barrels, and shipments by jobbers to the rural districts in wet weather may bo attended with greator loss. Hut tbe trust cares nothing for that. It is after profits. PILES ! PILES! ITCHING PILES- Symptoms—Moisture; intense itching and (dinging; most at night; worse by scratching. It allowed to continue tumors form, which (il’on bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sole '■'waym'.'b Oistmunt steps tbe itching am bleeding, beds ulcerate n, and in most case removes thu tumors At druggists, or by mail, tor it) cents. Dr. Swaynu A Bon, l’bil a lelpbiu. Imports from tho Colorado blizzard of a ’ w days ago indicate that the area ove e l icit ir ; xtecdud and the damage done are Loti, greater than was thought nt first. Trav el was blockaded and lives uud proporly dos troy ed by the excessive fall of snow. It seem- that winter in the west has sot in earlier than usual and promises to be very severe. Blizzards in tho nor.hwest a month lienoe w'ould occasion no surprise, but for fifteen feet ol snow to (all in Colorado nt the begin- ning of the month of October is nn unusual occurrence. and that city has doubled ils-p iputatiou in nine years. Hev. Dr. \assa Presbyterian Pastor in Savannah, in his report of n recent visit to Toronto, the seat of tho Pall■ Presbytorian council, thus spoke last Sabbutb of tho mod el city of Toronto. We utrsct from Ihe Savannah News: a Monr.i, CITY. Toronto, Dr. Vase said, is known as the ' Queen oily of tho west " It is a city of 200-, ono population, nnd is (lie capital of the province of Ontario, which lias n population of 2,600.000’ Ontario is larger titan any "tate in Ihe onion lave Tixnir Toronto has 76 saloons nnd 160 ohnrches. Of tho chtirolt- os TO aro Presby terian, aud on an average one pc son in vvery five of tho population ot tho prorWcc is a Presbyterian, giving tbe province n l’rosby teri m population of 600,- 000. Toronto has magnificent ohtircb and oollege buildings. Oue thing Dr. Vais not ed particularly wan the observance of the Sablmth thero. There arc no Sunday news- papotH, no Sunday truins and no Sunday street cars. The saloons nro closed at 7 o'clock Saturday night and romnin olosed until 7 o’clock Monday morning. Tho city with its 200.000 inhabitants is ns Itii«t on Sunday, Dr Yhhh said as a country rillago. Nobody objeots to this state of ni- fairs, and everybody seomod woll satisfied, loronto is an exceedingly prosperous city, snd has doubled its population in tho last nine years.” l'rom tho Savannah News of snmo date and same page, we tnko tho (ollowiug local item. A Christian people I lushes at such a rocord lor our ‘beautiful oity by tho so*, Wo can uot glory in our shame, ' The Nowg says: FIFTY TIIOLS WII \ VIC Alt. THE ONLY ONE EVER PRINTED. Can You Find the Word.’ Ttmieis a three inch display advertise lm nt 111 ibis paper this week, wuich ban no two " or Js alike except one word. The same is trueol each new one appearing each week, trom the Dr. Hart, r Medicine Co. This ’ places i. “i reset ut” on every thing . 1 Hub, Look lor It, send n tho name of tho word, nnd they will " : U . ,J -'°' 1 ]ijok . Be. utiful Lithographs or emples Free. j m, U, 02-ly. i on JlStlis itskfl i i;, Valleys. I him that honor me, 1 will honor.” A Careful study of the history ol the past, personal and uni&hu) i ■ ■ i prosperity are nowhere so iuiper- • nj menaced us by sinning against GoI. Uib e.juany true that the religion H the Lildo i, tho highest conservation '“id prosperity, and yet there is or > . to ridicul of that word, 1 Tie plead f.r tbeob- lyr llj o stopping ct ‘s, and lor the ere are multitudes their pio us icars. om:e it entails, to bleoBings peuce marvelous to say, an eager multitude re,uly to de- ’ ail(i to »et aside the teachings Ge b I ‘{IJOODB, thoa -eery and ridicule y ftefer bin with the -ticnee io God, Wil “y p. T'lio Mdiicy I*4iid Over Unit m». van null !>ur Inu Ymr, That barrooms are money-making institn- ’ions every one is aware, but few peoplo in Savannah know that iu this city thero is ono, 'In annual teoeipts of whioli run up to $50,- 000. It is the De Solo saloon. After t xpcnHOH’uf the plaoo are taken out of the gross reoeipts thero is morn than enough money loft to pay the annual routal of the big hostelry. At a first glance th cse figures would soem preposterous, but if a persou would take t ike tbe trouble to walcli its patronage nt night they would ho surprised to see tho number of people who pass in and out. undo does not slnrt briskly nntil about 8;3u o’dook, but from that time nntil about mid- night, and sometimes alter, tho barkeepers arn kept on a steady jump attending the wants of customers. A great ileal of wine is drunk by the cus tomers of the De Soto and this tends to swell tho reoeipts, Ilnrry Hailey, the head barkeeper, who took charge of the place in May last, says he has been Id many largo saloons, but be his yet to find one in a oily tbe size of Sa- vnnnali which oan show anything like tho popularity of the Do Soto. Chatham oonnty including Savannah has between 200 and 300 saloons. The popula tiou of tho oity is about 4C.000. Atlanta's uukcun Honan. Troy immriahalile in the i.nnalu of history lor its heroio struggle for ten long years, at last through the treachery of a Siuou , fell a victim to tho Oiocian Horse. Aud now tho advent of a worse than the treacherous horsn, tho “Casino." a gor geous,gilded saloon, for tho ruin of Atlanta’s homes, through the slaughter oi its yonng men, is heralded in the Atlanta Journal with a great flourish of trumpets. A large double column interior view of Ihe so-called “palatial bar," is published iu the Journal of the llth, and thus it expatiates: Tho magnificent Casino bar in tho Kiser building was thrown open to the pub.ic to ‘lay. Thore was an immense gathering thero at the time and all duy the clerks have been as busy as bees. Everybody admires the exquisite furniture and furnishings, the immense buffet of mar ble, antique oak and Frenoh plate glass mir rors with their mahogany fiuish und statuary ornaments. The room is about 25x100 feet, and it is furnished like a king’s palace. The long rich counters oi antique oak with rna- nogmy and marblo finish, aud the great irrored bideboar s uud cabinets, the beau- titul ireseoed walls and statuary ornaments, he dainty sixteenth ceutury chuiis aud ta bits, the smoking hot lunolies aud the spark ling wines and liquors—well, it is just a great plaoe. The Casino is a Bnccess from the very jump. It is suoli a place as has been de manded for a long time and ol course it will be liberally patronized. Tho drinks today were all to the health of Mr, Emil Strlig and ihe Casino. The very best clerks aud attendants have been secured, Mr. It, J.Lewis, the well known club superintendent, being assistant manager, i Mr. Selig assures bis friends and patronH that neither money nor pains will be sparod to make tbe Casino not only the finest and most magnificent bar in Atlanta, but be don t propose to let any plaoe in the south eclipse it.. liis purpose is to make the Casino to At- lanta what the Hoffman house bar is to New York, The Casino lias steam heat and both gas and electrio lights. It will eater to the best trade and keep in stock Buck articles ns are demanded by that trade. How like the Greok Sinon bespeaking kindly reoeption, or rather an ovation for this gildod snare for yonng men, Ibis lttliife- rous Casino—AUanta’s Shame, This cry of Sinon is intendod to give pres tige to the Casino horse, filled as it is with deadly vipors,though they have gilded crisis, they aro vipors still. The ory is made to drown the voices of the pious Laoooofis, who have waruod the peoplo of the naloou Let those who would keep their homes in taot from the Casino, shun and teach their boys to shun its unhallowed precinots. lie' member the cry of Laoooou as he rushed from the fort. “O wretched countrrmeu! what fury reigns! What more than madness has possessed yoar brains? I bis hollow labrio must inclose, Within its blind reooSH, our secret toes. Why should Atlanta tolerate, much lest welootue, this new menaco to her young men, this standing menaco to the boys ol Georgia, when visiting tho state oapital? Other Georgia oities writhe under the woes oi whisky saloons and Sabbath profanation. Just mention prohibition and tho ire of the editor is aroused. With tho oombativeness of tho hen, tho proud mother of one okiok on, they ruu at you, when yon say probibi lion, Augustn blushes over 111) liquor hou ses, with a population of wo presume less than 30,000. Tho example of Toronto and bor prosper ity should bo studied by tho beautiful cities of our beloved Georgia. A 1*1 ICU 111.001$ fiKIHFINF. Bad blood is like tbe first cause of muob ill health. It affects tho brain, tho nerves, the heart, tbo lungs, the liver and tho kid nejs. Every organ of the body beootuos de bilitated and thero is soreness and distress in every portion washed by this great river of llie when filled with poisnnoua impurities A lino blood medicine will therefore fre quently resloro tbo invalid to health and strength when all olso tails. Suchamodi- cino is Hr. •folm Hull’ll Mnmniinrllln. By replenishing the blood with vitality, and cleansing it ol every impurity the broken dovn constitution becomes convalescent and begins to rebuild nt onco. Instead ol growing weaker and rnoro debilitated, one becomes stronger in every part, and feels un elasticity of spirits and youthful buoyauev that is most gratifying. Large bottles (192 tea-spoonfuls) $1.00, Sold by druggists. J-'4LAlbert It. Randolp, of Farsons, Kan hiih, writes: ‘*1 felt myself growing nervous and more weak * ack day. I oould not un derstand my ailment. J did not think ii was owing to tho oondition of my blood, as I had no sores on my person. However I took Dr. John Hull'h Sarsaparilla as a tonic and it proved to be tho medicine I needed (or I grew hotter at onco, THE STATE FAIR A GRAND SUCCESS IN VIEW agricultural and timber products nnd minor als as will show woll alongside of similar pro ducts of tbe whole world. One original fentnro of Iho fair will be tbo roadmnkiug display. The Importance of having hotter oounty roads iu tbe etato is a question to which nil good oitizens oftke state are alive and every implement and ays tern used in tbe building of roads will be on exhibition. This feature has been placed under tho direct supervision of Col. W. A, Huff, and Col. Huff Is determined to make a fine showing with his display, aud teaoh Georgia people something that will be of lasting benefit to them. All tbe other deportments are in charge ol competent bands and the promiums will be very liberal indeo 1, especially for Georgia manufactures and agricultural products. Already a hundred exhibitors, largely stook dealers, Lave applied for space and applica tions are ooming to baud every day, McIktosh, Ga., July 11, 1802. Dear Sir—I find tho Eleotropoiso a positive oheok for colds. Have on every ceoasion ar- rosted them by one night's treatment. If I received no other beuefit, this would amply satisfy me for the investment. I have used it snccesstnlly in nn attack of dysentery, but appreciated it most in the general building np of my digestion and nervons Bystem. In fact it lias proved itself a family physician in clearing tint system of biliousness, 1 strongly recommend it mh a substitute for the taking of so mnch medicine so injudi ciously indulged iu. Very truly, It. Q. Cassell, Athkns, Ga , Nov. 10, 1801. Dear Sir —I cheerfully testily to Iho effica cy of tho Eloctropose in my own case, SiDoe I began using it I havo been freu from neu ralgia. nervous headaches and Bpitml troubles than since I loll into ill health. I havo nsod Ihe Eloctropose uuder the direction ot my physician, Dr. W. It Whaley. Very truly, Mrs. Susan A, Mitchell. For nil Information, <to., address Atlantic Electropnise Co , Atlanta, Ga. TENmjLLJS, Mrs. W. C. Mittbows is visiting her son Capt. L. C. Matthews and family «f Home. Hon. T. E. Watson will speak in Tennilia on Saturday morniDg. Ako artesian well is now through tbe quicksand. Some rotten wood has been brought up below tbe sand. Tho servicos nt the Baptist church the past week were odtfying and iustructivo, and it is to bo hoped, very profitable to all attend- ing. Tho session of the Holint bs convention iD SatidorRville drew a Dumber of visitors from Tennille. Tbe meetings and the siDging all weiomuob eDjoyed. mnrch Term Court, !*»:*, GRAND JURY. W J Hendersou, B S Boatright, Ed Garrett, M H Boyer, David J New, W LL Fulghutn, J T Amorson, Sr,Wui Frost, Jas A Mobley, Jos C Smith, Jelf A Irwiu, John Q May, A S Mitchell, E J Orr, T J Beck, S B Mills, T O Wicker, W G Bailey, J M Rachels, Wrn Rawlings, P It Taliaferro, C J Trnssell, Win It Itay, Moses T Swiut, W E Watkins, Bridges Price, J W Harrison, W M Euglish, John W Layton, W A Thomas. TRAVERSE JURY, FIRST WEEK. I T Jackson, W A Wammock, T C Doolittle, Jas W Bedgood, A L Roughton,jr,T J Davis, G W B Hartley, J V Boatright, Q J Hall, Z T Garland, Joe B Avant, T Warthen Jr, Clem E Brown, J D Brantley, A B Hattaway, N F lieu froe, M W Schwall, J W Slade, WrnP Boone, J T Jackson, G L Avant, W E Clark, Jesse R Morris, W It Veal, John Q Cobb, JasTJohnsou, U G Veal, Zack Smith, N J Iteufroe, Jos L Wilson, S B Wammock, John D Hood, W E Doolittle, W A Hart, T E Fowler, A J Page, Jr. TRAVERSE JURY—SECOND WEEK. B F Sessions, Silas F Jones, It L Smith, 97th, Z R Lord, D C Hood, J I Joines, Jas A Brantley, Lit L Adums Geo H Veal, John Miller, John Q Adams, Thos It Waller, A S Brown, F A Ibiggett, N G Yates, JetT D Tanner, John F Jackson, D L Pittman, W T Brantley, 8r, Henry Herman, Harris W Jones, C L Bruutloy, A J Carter, S T Elton, J A Mills, John Y Bryant, G W Roughtoo, Lee J Blount, J A Jackson, Jr, Jason B Pago, J W F Trnwiok, Joe E Williams, Jesse L nail, it B Rocket, Bon Brookins, Thos J Johuson Preparations for the Best Ever Held Railroad and People Combining to that End. Goorgii.’H Noblo "Central City” Will Take Care of the Crowds. Tlic llumlBoiiiest ■‘’itir $*rounds South. all the L. j . j! ■ •largest } unlay cl the . u tLe giOLo, it is papers, Jumos Gordon lori: H " r “!d, is said l0 d .. . ‘fl irt to inflict a Su6d . y too City. J - < SX a W ?0 8„ 2 „?T^* no Sunday street cars, nor Bunday“ saloons, H'itli a great crop year Georgia is prepar o l to make an exhibit of herself that will surprise Us own people us well as tho many visitors from other States, who will attend our gloat (air from October 25th to November 4th, The railroad authorities have announ ced their purpose to do their full bhare of the work by providing nmplo accommoda tions and cheap rates, ami Macon never fails to take cars of tho visitors. Tho Georgia Agricultural Society is hard at work in tho interests of the exhibition Encouraging news is boing received daily from all portions of Georgia. President Wad dell and his eo-laborers say there in no ques tion but that the exposition will be the great est success ever known in the history of the society. The county displays oi agrioulture will bn wonderful to behold, while tho ex hibits in tho mechanical, mineral, live stoc and other departments will be elaborate aud oxoeodiDgly meritorious. Tbe list of at- tiaotions will be more numerous and vuried than evtr before seen at a Georgia state fair, Tkev will bo elaborate, novel and wonderful, and will draw thousands of people and rich ly entertain them. Macon will always do her part to mako the fair a great snooess. The municipal authorities havo put the exposi tion grounds in fine oondition. Oantrul City Park, always boautiful in the fall, will be even more so than ever. The grass has been mowed aud the drives re paired. President Waddell end Secretary Hapo pay weekly visits to Maoon nnd will continue to bo there every week till tho first of October, when Secretary H«pe will establish himself there to remain till the fair is ended. President Waddell has visited nearly all the counties of the state in the iuterest ol the fair aud everywhere ho has met with en couragement and has promises of county ex hibits from eight counties. These counties are Llaneook, Hartow, Talbot, 8umtcr, Pieroe, Floyd, Morgan and Riohmond, insuring a fine show and sharp competition. In this connection President Waddell wishes it known that ho and toe other offi- co:s of the State Agricultural Society have not givon up tho idea of having an exhibit pf Georgia's resouroes at the world’s fair at Chicago, and from iho grand display at the stite fair will be selected such specimens of wwuxaa ~i vruj.vLia a OUA, gpECUl , ? NOTICE s $ Complying with general re- zqtiest, | BEECHAM’S PILLS Swill in future for the United | States be covered with | A Tasteless and I Soluble Coating, Icompletely disguising the | taste of the Pill without in any |way impairing its efficacy. 5 Price 21 cents a Pox. £ New York Depot ^6s Canal Street. Hr. Tricc’H ItakiUK INmrici*. D B PRICE’S ©a».s 1 lie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder,—No Ammonia; No Alum. Used iu Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. Supplying the Army, Navy and In dian Department. Chicago Inter-Ocean. The purchasing agents of the United Stales Government have ordered nearly one bundrod thousand ponnds of Dr. Price's Hailing Powder in tho first five moDths of this year, 1892. The government exercises great oaro in selecting its supplies of all kinds, rejecting everything that is not of tho best, end tho very fact that it has adopted Dr. Prioo’s Ba king Powder is proof that it has lound it the best of all the baking powdets. Dr. Prioe's is peculiarly adapted for export, a* neither loDg soa voyages nor climate changes siftcl it, Ibis brand keeping fresh and sweet for years while other baking powders dotorior- ato rapidly. It is guaranteed to the government to be a pure cream of tartar powder free from am monia, aluui, or other harmful substances, and it is also tho only baking powder pre pared by a physician of high standmg. © © ••©©••• © ft Tho umaUeat FIU In the _ Why do you naffer * Q from DjbjMpsla au4 Sick-Headachc, A rendering; lire uifseraMo, when Uie V remedy Is at your hand ? I TUTTS J •Tiny Liver Pills* © will speedily remove all this trouble, a enable yen to eat and digest your food, ^ prevent headache und Impart nn • eirjcyment of life to vrhfoh you hnoA hne» a stranger. Dose small. Price, V 85 coo(r. OlUco, 3D I’ark’Piaoe, X. V, • • • j» <3 e ee • • PRINTERS Rollers Older C'UJII’ONITIOX or scud your liollwr 3took« t > be cunt to D. J REILLY & CO., :!!»■» nnd 320 Pent] St. TVIJtV YWltK. _corri*;>miduiicu solicited. Send for circular. J. II. & W. W. Williams. DIAMONDS & WATCHES Silverware and Novelties, Gold Headed Parasols, Gold Headed Umbrellas, Gold Headed Walking Canes, Opera Glasees, Vases in Bisque, Ladies’ Side Oombs, Rogers Cutlery, Fruit Knives, Glove Buttoners, Beautiful Bronzes, Bead Neck Chains, Gold Pens and Eye Glasses The largest stock of fine Jewelry and pres ents oi all kind iu tbo oity. We lead everything in onr line. None can surpass us in repairing fine Watches and Jewelry. J. H. & VF. VV. WILLIAMS. 368 Second St., Maoon, Ga, Tax Collector’s Notice. FIRST ROUND. I will be at tbe following placos on days and dates below oamod. 1316 Tabernaole. .Thursday, .Oolober C 130 Hnucouibo. .Friday ...Oolober 7am 100 Clay’s Friday October 7pm 1488 Tennille ... Monday.. .Ootober 10 93 Snnbill Tuesday.. .October 11 91 Harrison .... WedncsdayOctober 12 1346 Stonewall....Thursday.Ootober 13 89 Warnmook.. .Friday October 14 a m 1399 Norihen.,. .Friday October 14 p m 94 Davisboro.. .Mouilay.. .October 17 1253 Itiddlcville..Tuesday ..October 18 92 Josey Wedii’dayOciolier 19 05 Oato Thursday.. .Ootober 20 93 Oitys Friday October 21 8H Oconoe.... Monday... .October 24 90 Boatright’s.Tuesday October 25 08 Hebron Wednesday .October 20 99 Deep Step.Thursday.. October 27 1350 H-arthen.. .Friday October 28 1381 Cleveland..Friday Nov’iub’r 11 Sandcrsville on Saturdays ami other pub lic days B. T. RAWLINGS, Tax Cfd. W. C. It chi oval oi* Dental Office. On and after tho 10th oi September, I will be pleased to serve my friends and patrons as heretofore, at me new Dental Rooms in Masonic Hull over J. M & ,J. W. Smith's R-speoDully thanking my patrons lor past favors, I earnestly solicit a ooniiMinnco ol thasame. T. M, HYMAN. 1) D 8 Sept. 8, 1892. 'ADOET1 PAYS the FREIGHT Y f i |A Great Offer that may not again^ be repeated, so do not dciay Strike while the Iron is Hot. Wrilo for c'atalogno now, and say wliat panel ■you s im lids Advertisement it). lf„- f '” 11 cwylhtne that ;:oes tog ■fur uhoino—manufacturing some tlmig'" Iniio Hying others in Iho largest possible lots I w l ■ iciiH.doH mo to wipeout all competition. liero aro a few Startling Bargains _ A No, 7 Flat Toi 117 inch o' lllvcred nt, |me, foroidv ' gain, 1 will sell yo to Inch oven. lSxDllinc pieces of ware, foe Til tit' to your depot. eo. lilted with SI pieces Ol ware, .led S hole (looking ltange,| ; “Pi Oiled with 21 1 8BN Doi.UltS, and lcpot. I Bo Not pay two Trices fori your Goods. 1 win send you a nice i gt„ ■most stylish colors " r ‘’""ded, Ihe ■station, frcli 11 nil i 1 ,0 )' onr railroad I 1 will nl 7m y, isIaUtig c ■ It... onn v Isle,,d. • u shsliui , . , Itlei ITS Dane s,.,. j** 1 * AO, and put frciidu 1 ^. r 'Will send y ;l n ■w h urge glass, full mar [Nice window Hh., i „ .wine roller fej ’. "aliiHt 8 iUy('i(jc° Cr ■ '» alnut Looiijr,, rizacc Uurtaitm por window r i caunot doociibo ovorvt hinir , ,, nodroom Suit, ron- i high hond r w |- ' I al» !«*. 4 Cane 8eal « k Rockrr, all for dapot. -ant Itfflrooin Salt, fopfor $:iO, and $ .404( 4 00 # 7.00J 1.00 _ loor room, wlili .i '' ,y ptainlRg < f Ibnildliitfa in oll.t.r n„• | iWT' 1 * T fH< r tor .\ r M?;;; wuisssf ErVei^ln. J aw 118 a, l'crti8cinont. I l’ay| Address L.F. PADGETT, PBOPRIE’IOR w *h's i''mtiMTUiiii, SfOVB AMIGA UTET STORE. illO-llla Broad Street I Sept.^UGUST,A, GA. WHAT DOES TIIK RIBLK SAY About, Politics. Prohibition, Protection, La- bor. Land, Monopoly, Taxes .UV rmtISTIlN ■•ATItBOT. Moiuiistown, Tf.nn. Monthly, 50 cenls a year. THE BIBLE AND LAND, Oicth, 253 pages, *1.00 postpaid. The neat book nud the paper the roBt ol the year to new subscribers for 50 cenls. Or Iho paper alone lor 15 oents. Address, 15ev. James B. Conveuse, Morristown, Teun. Wesleyan Female College. MACON, GEORGIA. Tbo annual stssion begins September 21st. uar^e Faculty. Amplo TurangenientH foi Improvement of pupils. Every attention is given to health, uomfort and safely. Largest patronage in the State. Apply early for ouUlogneand secura choice of luinis. W. O. BASS, l’reg, EUREKA MILLS PUBLIC - FOll GINNERY SALE. T now offer this valuable pmpertv for sole, Vow is the time to buy - Cotton Giuning Sea' *on just opening. Mills doing n good whole, sals business and overy m oessarv ennveni- nee in splendid order. Mills grind wheat tod corn. Cm tom and merobanl business, tlsaltby location, Good walsr. Climate 'eligbtful. Free schools Host of church privileges. One ot thu lust local towns in ileorgi» for a otu n Seed Oil mill and Gaanc luanulsctory. lvuiisons lor soiling—H unt to go out of business. For full particulars, address «. R. PRINGLE, Sundersvillo, Ga. S:pt, 8, 1832. I Sewing Machines, Now Homo or Singer, mn be uiLiud at tltiuLD office. Special price. f OUR new IS NOW COMPLETE. IS&ds, Wee! & Co- Ono Price Clothier s. Macon, Ga. J. LI. SPEARS. COTTON FACTOR AND commission merchant. WAREHOUSE AND SALESROOM: 101 McIntosh 7th Street, corner Reynolds, AUGUSTA.GA. aidTias x e nrl h r S'T '"i^ xa \ ioas brrtDcb « a - Advancas of Baling aud Ties and l'amily hupphosat lowest market prices. Liberal Cash B Advances made on Cotton or other Produce in Store. Con. signments of all Field and Farm Produce Solicited. Ample labilities and long experience will guarautoe satisfaction. Personal attention givtn tc Selling, Weighing, Simplingaud Storing all Consignments. Chartres.lor Selling and Storin«, Very Reasonable. LOOK HERE. Sewing Machines. Ladies: If in noed of a sewing machine you cau buy oueon good terms at Misbaxii effioe. WATERTOWN ENGINES. ol MACHim“nv N a GINES ' BOILKBS, GINS, PIlEiSES, or.nykioS cL“ A k»" I r N e“I„„ Hr '’ P “ “ 1,00 »6 MALLARY BEOS. & CO.. Mention this paper. Macon, Ga. The Austell Lithia Springs Hotel, Eighteen Miles west of Atlanta, at the Junction of the East Tennessee and Georgia Pacific Kailway. . 1I1T . . analysis Austell Lithia Water contuius uo cording to analysis by Prof. J Burns per U. S. gallon: Chloride of sodium, 137,016. Bromide of sodium, L,2G1. Iodide of sodium, 72. Bicarbonate of Lithia, 1.902. Bicarbonate of Soda, 10,203, Bicarbonate of Magnesia, 12 792 Bicarbonate of Lime, 10,088. Liebig Company’s Extract of Beef bust PUREST Beef Tea CHEAPEST l\VAI.rA(!|.|; iu the Kitchen lor Saups, Sauces and Made Dishes. A IK ltlil TO Till: WORLD’S FAIR. Free For particulars address ATLANTA JOUKNAL,Atlanta,Ga PARKER’S^“ HAIR BALSAM m«a and hoautiflcT the hair. Iu * ur ‘a"‘ Prowth. or Fails to Hestoro Gray „.iir to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp diseases & hair fRiling. jOr^and f l.oo at Druggisu Ths Consumptive and Feeble > Q d ,n frlufi .", 1 Parkor'S oral I OHio. It cures the worst Cong ~ digestion, Female Weakness, ifii filKJPSSSfflfKfii, Organs, Organs. Orgons and Pianos from best manufactu rers, cau he bought as cheaply at Heuai.d office, as at the factory, or any state aealer Syrup Evaporators. Farmers you ean buy evaporators of best make und lowest price at Hkbald oCico. Type Writers. Young men or young indies yon can buv that popular Type Writer, the ’‘Odell ", at low fagures at Hbbald office. Read oar adv#rtisementg and when any of these goods are needed, oall at Hkiiald office before buying. . Sneci tl Hate; Elevation 1,200 feet Bicarbonato cf Strontia, 990. Bicarbonate of Iron, 851. Sulphate of Potassa, 2,181. Sulphate of Soda, 1,72 L. Sulphate of Lime, 7,761. Phosphate of Soda, 301. Alumuia, 105. Silica, 1,492. Carbonic acid gas,15,939 oubio in. Sulphuretted hydrogen traces. to Families- to Tils Morrison House Savannah, - - (Georgia, lunty miles of beautiful drives. Ten trains daily for all points in tho United States for Fug 7eHodffi P ° n ^ S “ le ° Ver u)1 truuk liues reduced rates, We Offer the Best Accommodations for the Low- p _ est Expense. Per Week-Adult, f m j CLHd^ 0 ““l § ervants * Per Month-Adult, - 30 SS \ SffiSSS SSSS t or further particulars address J. F. BEASLEY & CO., Proprietors. A|T»TE LL, * ® A 1 00 4 00 15 00 -oOo C ENIRALLY looAted on lino of Btreet oars ottc-rs plciiflaDt south rooms, — eeilent board at moderate prices Seweran itcuri'.ih “w M, r#“ ,,f,, ? r,, \il ,l, ri J ' arjt ® r ’* Gin «or Yentilalion perfect, the sanitary coed B°ro,rah, tb0 is 01 tbe be8t - Cone ,l Broughton and Drayton streets, Savannah SMITH & HALT., -DEALERS IN- Steam Engines, Boilers* Threshing Machines, Mowers, Hay Rakes, Bel ting and Machinery. & AD Dll SMITH & HALL, Macon. Ga*