The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, May 25, 1893, Image 2

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The Herald & Georgian. |MTAnLI»HKl> 1841. IANOTHKK DISASTROUS FI IlK WM. PARK, Editor and Proprietor. B. L. PARK, Associate^ Editor. THUR8DAY MORNING. MAi 25, 1803^ Six Knildliiss on U»e Square llurncil Mown. On Tuesday night Sandersville was the scene of another terrible conflagration. This is the third sweeping lire that h*» occnrrfd on tho public tquare, since 1855. About 1‘2 o’clock, the hour of midnight, first soon in the Jorn’gau building Among tho first to discovor the flames was Mr. 0. VY. "m*— “ a ,b........ Will have an artesian w^eU^ first to disoovor the flames a Gordon received her first peaches this »»- 8neU who rooms in the city Hall building ■on and the first we have seen notloed by 8oon u,o alarm was given, but it was at the'press on Saturday the 20th. Who will honr whcn deep sleep held all in its strong mako the first shippmeat from Washington em braee. But soon from every street and mounts? corner excited crowds rushed to the scene. C00 5 — . All attempts to save the doomed row, were An earthqnako was telt for several seconds ^ ^ b(j utterly worthless. The great ob- in San Franciaoo on Thursday lait. ; eok jj, en wftg t0 gave t ), e goods, in the stores — • • • f . r „„ ..nsaible. In ionic cases doois were PILES ! PILES! ITCHING PILES. brokon open »„ d good and true working Btmptoms—Moisture; intense Robing * nd m en heroically btgan to move out furniture, r.CidTUiSlt'Si «*> ••••" » ““ bleeding, heals ulceration, I deuces of Mrs. U. Whiddon and Mr. I. M. JUNE LAWRENCE MURDERED, removes the tumors. At druggi mail, for 60 cents. Dr. Swayne & ndelpbia. Bou, Pbll-lArnau on Jernigan slieet and oDly separated by tbia narrow streot Irom the burning to*. _ Tb e large shade trees aided in saving these The West Virginia State Sunday School1 buildings, that really seemed fated to go. Convention has boycotted tbe World’s Fair, Tho bncket brigade however were tiroless if it opens on Sunday. and dauntless. Willing toilers at hi lef inter , h0 vrls, relieving those that fought the flames At the tho beginning of the century ““L n tUe walls and on the roof. Bible was accessible to but one-fifth ci th AU ge emed to think it hopeless task to fry population of the world. Now it m“J 6 , 0 gavo n,eso dwellings, especially Mr. Ar- read by uine-teuths of tho people of , 1 ®L, lu ’s bouse. Marshal Brown said that it globe, io rapidly has its translation bee I tbe bttU(1 of i> t ovidencu alone that pro- carried on. ^ vented that bouse bciuj burned, and so, The UnHod Hiatts* whioh produoe tbe boatLany others thought. 1 -Mo u,nrld and which have millions otbf.h buildings kndanoxued. ofaoree of wot lands which are especially The Gilmore house and tho Augusta s ore ndaDted to its growth, raise only about one- wero also watched with auxious appre* £K the amount of that cereal which isLus, and as th. danger away all re- KSSSISTiTEJS -w. Female Weaknett Positive Cure. , Mg> carriage .hop of Mr. M. H. Bird for a To the Editob -.-Please informi your tea-1 im# wa ch uueasiness, but happily ders that'l have u positive remedy for th<s g ed unharmed. Maj. Newman our «« •» .«*K1 «*« Hlootly Work «* While r»p** Washington county mourns the dastardly merder committed near Harrison on Sunday night Masked mon 4 or 6 in number wont to the house of June Lawrenoe. and after hailiDg, were answered by Robert a grown son of Mr. Lawrenoe. The men said they wanted help about a lick horse. Robert said he could not aid them but a neighbor Mr. Brantley vai a horse dootor. They then asked him to go with them. He agroed to do so. Hie fathor then came out. when the patty seized him, and also seized Robert when he came out ugain. Robert jerked away from them, tearioRliis shirt off, Tho men then shot several times, one shot passing through the body of Mr. Lawrence. In the struggle Mr, Lawrence tore off a mask from one ot the party, and swore to his identity wo learn. On Monday afternoon Mr. Lawrence died and several arrests have been made. Solic itor General Evnns attended the inquest held over the body. The terrible crime is greatly deplored and all good men indorse heartily the noble pur pose ot Gov. Nurlben to stay th# tide of lawlessness that is bringing reproach and dishonor to our fair land. mense. We noticed one elationary engine with two-thousand horse capaoity. The gov ernment bnilding is complete making a very grand appearance, and the Fishery is spUn did with fine fish representing every variety from all waters. I also visited an Irish village in the grounds that|was very good, and Buffalo Bill is tbero in full blast, with a tribe of regular Indians, and scores of sights of the ild west, besides other things too numer ous to mention. I also visited the large stock yards of the Armour packing Co.,and witnessed the skill- fnl manner in whioh they kill five thousand hogs, and two thonsand beevei daily, when they are killing. I visited Lincoln park and PnUmanJwkicb are worth Beeing. Pullmati has about 2b,000 inhabitants, and tbe Foil- man Palace Car Oo. furnlsheB employment for the whole town. My oompanion was Cart. B. B. Jones o the Georgia Rail Road, quite a Lie. and ge nial gentleman, who made the trip with me aud returned as iar n« Atlanta. Hnniedly yonrs, J, A. L. County School Census. The enumerators appointed to take the census of the number of children of school age in Washington county have completed their labors, ^lus includes children from G to 18 years old. Sixteen districts bIiow a de crease and only five an increase since the last census was taken five years ago. Of the incorporated towns Sandersville shows a decrease of 56 and Riddlevillo 40; Tennille an in. crease of 30 and Harrison 38. The total decrease in the entire county is 015. A The United States census of lcbU shows a population of "21,004 in Washington county, and the census of 1890 shows 26,237, an increase in population of 3,293. It is difficult to SOME STOP THIEF. „.,ia i. tealing the rosea checks, and making many 1 -s ancli BEECHAIVI’S PILLS early history of OUR COUNTY. population oi o,tvo. n « ........... understand why there should bo such a falling off in the school population. Below will be found a table giving the number of children of school age in cnch district, white and colored, total number, school census of hve years ago, and the decrease. North - en district was formed since this cen sus was taken; BMW Our splendid line of Bicycles please the people. They are the Sterling, Union, Su perb, Yarns, kittle Comet, Ivanhoe, Sir John, Black Knight, Fauntleroy, and oth- ers. Copy of a Letter from Solomon Wood to the Governor of Georgia, Dated Wood’s Fort, on William* son Swamp, Six miles from the Old Town, 14th March, 1788. DISTRICTS. ranged feiualo organs fiend two bottles ol my remedy free to any lady if they will Bend their Express and 1. V. address, Yours respectfully, Dr. B. D. MAROHISI, Utica, N. Y. A highly piotnrosquo account of the open ing of the Erie Canal in 1825—an event at that time of great national impottanco will be given in Mr. Janvlor’s seooud arliole on ••The Evolution of New York," in the June number of Harper's Magazine, Sume strik ing illustrations by Howard Pyle will add to the interest of the narrative. Those who have viewed the interior of the Immense studios of tbe Columbian Celebra tion Company, and tho sceuery to bo used in “The World Finder," tell a wonderful story. They tell of seeing completed three Bbipi which are exact reproductions of tho three caravels of Columbus’Ueet; they desoribe a small forest composed of imported trees from Jamaioa. W. I.; they narrate of a build- ing, to be used in one of the scenes, which represents the fatuous monastery of La ltab- idain every detail ami which is 60 feet long, 20 feet wide and 65 feet high. Everything else they relate concerning the buildiog is as far beyond tbe usual as are these fads. i——— " A new akase has beeu issued, expelling the Jews from the Asiatio provinces of the Hus- aian empire. —- vigor unil ciilnri lS*r -1 will euro Sick Meudnelie, orllutf S„ chttrm on the Hinmnrh, l.lver »n«i 5 Kl.lnov. I’rloo Hfi oonU a boi. 5 CiiTereU vtllli u TesteleM and Soluble Coating. Lwww^hhh'U^aaaa^^^i^ :115 845 1350 384 and had them standing on the courthouse with buckets of water, watching the sparks as they foil in sho'wers around, Mr. R. T. Uoughton and Mr. I. Hermans Sons were the ODly merchants that Baved any portion of their stocks. The former saved somo furniture stock and some hard ware, stoves, Ac. Messrs. I. Hermanns Sons baa 12,000 iDsnronoe on their itook of shoes, most of whioh were saved though in a ctaiuftg6d condition. origin. The origin of the ffre is uuknown, but as tho Jeruigan bailding where the fire origina ted, was unocoupled at night, the great dls- aster must he attributed either to tho mis chievous rodent, or the loathsome, midnight incendiary. . L0SBE8. The losses are about as follows: A. J. Jeruigan building and stock $1,800 g. E. Houghton two store and stock 3,000 R. P. Roughton stock LBOO I. Hermann’s Sons damage to stook ^ &uu 1,200 I Hermann store Thomas Salter store D. G. A F. A. WatklDS an 1 others, Watkins Hall 3.0C0 On the above there was no $12,200 insurance. , . . lhU nknse w i|i Dr. W. L- Cason who oooupies rooms in s^xstsasaes refugees from the Sbah Jeth Ali s persecu tions. who had entered Russian territorv un der the guarantee that they would be pro- tected in the enjoyment of religions free dom. ■Unis ol Metween this and tbe other side of the broad Atlantic, io the shape of tourists, commer cial travelers and mariners, ogents “on the road,” steamboat oaptains, ship’s surgeons and “all sorts and conditions" of travelers, emigrant and new settlers appreciate and testily to the preventive and romTJilial prop- erties of Hostetter’s Stomaoh Bitters in sea sickness, nausea, malarial and rheumatic trouble, and all disorders of the stomaoh, liver and bowels. Against the prejudicial iufluoucea ot climate, orudely oooked or un accustomed diet and impure water, it is i sovereign safeguard, and has been so re garded by the traveling publio for over a third of a century. No form of malarial fe ver, Irom the calenture of tbePaoifio aud the Broken hone fever of the Mississippi, R> »<■ milder types, oan resist the curative action of this benignant preserver and restorer ot health, a veritable boon to persons in feeble health or liable to inour disease. Air, W. B. Barwick lost all liis outfit of shoe maker’s tools, and a cew stook of leath er, all valued at about $100. Henry Brantloy, col. nad a small stock of groceries none ol whioh was saved. Other losses may have ocourred, hut they have not been reported to the Herald. Tbe groat fire of March 1855, that swept awoy the south side of the square, beginning at the KeDlroe, now Weedon's carriage shop, and down Unyne street on each side below tbe present residences of Mrs. Cohn and Mr. B. U. Smith was the first and perhaps the most destruotiie fire in Sandersville The sec ond was the great fire of 1888 that swept away the east side of tbe square, the Jones Block aud down Heyne stroet again, beyond the Pringle building and to tbe residence of Mrs. J. Cohn again. Tbe fire of Tuesday night is the third des tructive fire, in the history of the Iowd. but happily the least disastrous of the three. Long may it be the lost. Wibbteb’s Diotxokabies.—G. A O. Mer riam Co. having won their suit againBt the Texas Siftings Co. of New York, tor offering a 40 years old reprint of the edition of Web- ater's Unabridged as a premium for subscri bers for their paper, are dsvoting their at tention to several other suits of a like Dature now in the courts,-The Topeka Capital Co. of Topeka, Kansas, being one of the latest They olaim they are compelled to do this in justice alike to the publio and to themselves and have tkerefore given directions to their attorney to proseoute in every case where a publisher makes use of misleading nounceinenta. Mrs. SuBan Pardee of Warren, Ohio, is euiDg for divoroe, and these are some of hot grounds: Sinoe her marriage, neorly thirty, four years ago, she bus not once been per mitted to attend church or any religious ser vice; she Las not been in a store or place of mercantile business, bcoause not allowed to go, and has been virtually a prisoner in her home. Tbe crowning crime of her cruel husband is stated when Mrs. Pardee alleges that she has had but one bat.or bonnet in all t he thirty-four years of her married life. All Tree. Those who have used Dr. Kings’s New Dis- oovery know its value, nod those who havo not, have now the opportunity to try it tree. 0*11 on tho advertised Druggist and get a Trinl Bottle Free. Send your name and ad dress to H. E Buoklen A Co., Chicago, and a sample box of Di. Kings New Lif® v* Free, ns well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, Free. All of whioh is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing at Wm. Rawlings' Drug btore. Many rersons Arc broken down from overwork or household cares RroWIl’S Il'OU RittCM rebuilds the system, Rids digestion, cess of bile, and cures malaria- bet the geuulnft London Tid-Bils says: “When a man leaves our side and goes to the other aide, he is a traitor, end we always feel that there was a subtle something wrong about him. But, when a man leaves tho other side and comes over io u», he in a mon of great moral courage, and we always that he had sterling stuff in him.” TBNNILLB) PAltAGl*AI*ll». Our esteemed townsman, Dr. T. J. Beck is to preach tho Missionary sermon at the Southern Female College, LaUrange, Ga., at the approaching commencement, June 11th A worthier or better minister for this place, would, ns wo think, have been taaid to find, Tbe commencement exercises of Tennille Institute will bo held on Tuesday next, 30th inst. Iheso annual ereroises are always oo oaeionB of great interest, and draw large crowds. On Saturday lost Mr. T. W. Hsrdwiok of Tennille, won a plaoe among the three champion debaters of tbe State University at Athens. Tbe Herald and many friends our young townsman, ooDgratulato him up on bis good fortune. Hon. Jno. U. Ha*man has received his commission as postmaster, and will enter upon bis duties about the 1st of June Tho Brown and Fraukliu Co .composed of C. E. Brown, H. M. Franklin and B. W. Frank lin «re applying for a charter to conduct a general meroan tile business, with a capital stock of $12,000, and the privilege of in creasing it to $100,000. The company is oomposed of sterling young business men whose enterprise and success are noted with pride. The sermon of Dr. Beck last Sunday iB spoken of as one of the best preached by him during bis long and suqcekstul pastor ate. Fruit growers will soon be marketing their pouches and plums. The trees not being so full as tho past year, the fruit will probably be better. First peachos shipped on Tues- day. ..— Ol Utiune You Kent! The testimonials frequently published in this paper relatiug to Hood’s Sarsaparilla, They are from reliable poople, state simple laots, aud show beyond a doubt that HOOD S CUBES, Why don't you try this medioine? Be sure to get Hood’s. Constipation, and all troubles with tbs di gestive organs and the liver, are cured by IIOOtl’M Kills, Unequalled as a dinner pill. AlONDUbTOU ABHOAD. Four May* at the World’ Fuir, Take* iu Uie Palace Car City. The World’s Fair authorities calculate that there were throe hundrod end fliteen thou sand people on the grounds on the opening day, but only one hundred and forty-one thousand of them paid. The jam was so great that the guards at the gate were not able to handle tbe crowds, aud thousands swarmed through the gates without giviDg up their tioketi, and other thousands did not stop for tbe gate at all, but jumped over the fence. The same thing happened the next day. There were ODe hundred thousand people on the grounds, but only fifteen thou sand tickets were taken in. IF YOUR RACK ACHES Or you are all worn out, really fi°od for notmng it Is general debility, dry mtOWK’S IRON HITTERS. It will cure you, and give a good appetite. Bold pf ail dvuen in medicine. Flie Augusta aud Southern H. K. The narrow guage heretofore known as tbe Augusta, Gibson and Sandersville road is now oalled the Augusta and Southern Rail road. As the oonvenienoe, interest and comfort of Sandersville are so completely ignored by the new management, it is oertainly in good taste to leave off Sandersville as a part of the name of Ibe road, To retain it would smaok too keenly of a burleeque. A mixed train treigbt and passenger three times a woe!:, and a night mail and passenger train due here at 11,24 p. m. Eastern time and leaving here at 4.22 a.m. all Beems a very nice sched ule for the stations near Augusta, but San* dersville is not iu it. Tennille, Ga., May 22d, 1893. Editor Herald: Sandersville, Ga.—Doar Sir As per re queHt I will give you a biisl sketch of my trip to tho convention of the order of Rail Way Conductors held at Toledo, Ohio, on May the Oth. Also to the World’s Ooluulbian Exposition I visited Buffalo, N. Y., Niagara Falls and took a trip through Canada, via Port Huron to the windy city Ohioago, I spent four days at tlie fair taking a bird’s eye view of tbe sights, covering over three hundred acres of land, deoorated with large buildings, filled with tbe grandest exhibits. Though Borne of the structures are not com plete yet and will not be for twenty or thirty days, of course Borne of tho exhibits are box ed up and on the cats, but when oomplote tbe sights will far surpass any thiDg over seen in the United States. Tbe main build ing covers 33 acres divided in seotions of ex hibits that represents all of the different countries. Tbe machinery building is im From Louisville, (.Ga.) News aud Farmer May it please your Uouor: The distress of the families in this Fort, is such as to oblige us to call on your Honor for ossistanco in men and ammunition. We have been oraelly amused with the idea ol a treaty whioh indaced maoy to te- tnrn to their plantations in this neighbor hood, aud made ns feel more secure than we ought; for on the 12th inst., a party of sava ges were disooverod atthe plantation of Mr. Sikes, about a mils on tho south side ol the Williamson Swamp, by the barking of dogs, jabout 2 o'olock in th# afternoon. Mr. Sikes went over the fenoe to eee whet they wero barking at, when he was fired at by e party of Indian*, and reoeived three balls in his arm, shoulder and hip. He got over the fenoe after this, and wont to the house, a small distance, and os he went in received a ■hot whioh broke his leg; tbe party also fired at bis wife, as she etood ,st the door to re ceive him, but did not hit her. She shut the door and got to making oartridgee with whioh Mr. Sikes, in that wounded situation prepared to defend hie helpless lamily, con sisting of wife and lour ohildren. They did not attempt the houee, but went oil. young man from a neighboring family, hear iDg tho gone, oame to the houae, end seeing Mr. Sikes in that situation, oame over to my fort for assistance. I was from the fort at the time he came, but be returned with Mr, Allen Spurlook, who took a horse and went to Mr. Bike# and fixed him on a bed in a sledge, with one of his daughters, about niuo years old, bis wife's sister, about 16, walking afoot, aud Mrs. Sikes on horseback with a child behind and one before. In this manner they sot out for my fort with Allen Spurlook, tbe young man having gone in tbe swamp to bring another family. Before they reschod th# fort they were fired on by a par ty of Indians in the rear. They all ran aud left the Bledgo with Mr. Sikes, aud immedi ately discovered three Indians between them aud the fort, on whioh they made to get around them, but were fired on, and the young woman and Allen Spurlock were Bkol down aud scalped, as was tbe other little girl, who had a bottle of rum in her hand aud begged tliut tbe would take that aud not kill her. They dam—d her und her rum and said it was her so.lp they wanted; they then knocked her down, took her sculp and left her for dead. They then pursued Mrs, Sikea, who must have falleu iuto their hand hid 1 not fortunately come lo the iort ut this time and run to meet hor; when they saw rue they fled to Ihu swamp, Tuu little K'fl uftme the fort about half an hour atterwarde, aud brought the bottle ot rum with her, The next day the same or uuolher p*rty Indians passed iu right of the fort—alter! whioh we buried tho throe dead; the little girl is likely to recover. What attention may be paid to the inhab itants above I kDow not, but certainly we are left in this quarter in a defenceless situation, neither arm, ammunition or meu, und with out whioh we cannot attempt to tend the lit tle land that wo have opened. To move to a distance from tbe savages is out of onr pow- , having many oi us spent our all in set tling here. If we are to cover tbe settle ments less exposed, it is but reasonable we should be supported by them. We enter tain no doubt but that your Honor and tbe Oounoil will give the necessary orders, and hope that the commanding officor may be obliged to have executed, I am with reaped, your Hon. most obt. and bumble servt. Soloxon Wood. 88|McBridc.. • 89 Womack .. SKI 1 Boatright. ill! ilarrison .. 9‘J Lambs .... IKiTanncrs... (»4 Pavisboro. 95!Cnto 00 Giles 07 Sanilorsville 08|IIobron.. 00 Prosser.. lOOClays 130 Buncomb... 1253 Ridillevillc.. Tabernacle. Stonewall .. Warthen ... .[Cleveland .. 309 Northen ... Tennille... - INCORPORATED. Sandorsvillo — Tennille Harrison Riddlevillo Total.. 1 n | H I 1 II C C^ O 1 'S a— % f ; C | d P r ! | S j a % 144 2431 w 344lf 168 III! 234!] 209 35 157 222 1 524 j 302 70 43 113 i 254 141 130 321 451 589' 138 130 407 537 583 40 159 448 007 1 518 477 345 822 535 227 175 402 502 ioo 30 218 248 334 80 85 273, 358 413 55 108 180 354 387 88 134 100 23-1 322 88 01 180 240 258 D 102 109 271 287 10 52 01 143 192 49 57 45 102, 150 48 100 25(1 410 554 138 1001 00 190 198 8 173 117 295 .... 278 462 740 707 'itVl |2S8 ‘454 610 ~50 111) 142 201 231 781 lit 191 153 43 < 49 89 40 338914041 8330 [8946 015 SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Our grand bicycle tournament to be held at Bowling Green, Ky*, is open free to our customers. - AGENTS WANTED. - Address Southern. Cycle CO., bowling green, ky. Bicycles sold with a warranty at low priceB. Call at th* Hebald | office and see cuts and prices. WM. PABK, Agent. A. J. JERNIGAN. U. S. Tooth Saving Association. I One oi the Largest Organizations Devoted to High Class Dental Pru* tioe in the United States. PLEDGED TO THE PROMOTION OF Scientific Dentistry at Moderate Prices. AMALGAM FILLINGS, 60a, ii ..7<L. ay GOLD FILLINGS 11 , BEST SETS TEETH My old stand, where I have Eerv extracting teeth ed the public so long, now beiDg in ashes, I can be found at the Har ness stofe of John R. Veal. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry re paired. Bring me your work. Machine needles, oil, fiddle | strings, etc., on hand. REMOVAL. Onr old stand being burned down we have opened in the Jones Block, next to the store of Clean Adams- Shoes will be closed out regardless of cost. C«*ie and see our bar gains. I. Hermann’s Sons. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK AT SAME RATE. SATISFACTION guaranteed. 1100 Broad St., * - - Aujiata, Oi. Mass ME* Hughes, Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Qoods- 920 BROAD STREET, A-Uignsta, ■ Georgia. DISFIGURED-BUT STILL IN THE RING. Have moved my stock saved from the fire, to the grocery Btore of Mar* sbal Roughton. Will be pleased to serve the public. Call and get bar gains- R. P. Roughton. Yarrow Uiiiikc Alllaiico Regular meetings at Bethlehem Academy, near Warthen, Saturday belore 2nd Sunday in eaoh month, W. T. Askew, Pres, U. 8. Smith, Seoty Mineral NprlnsH Alliance. Regular meetings on the 21 and 4th Satur days iu eaoh month. J,Q. May, Prest. J. F. Hawkins, Secy, A. G. Sherman. Geo. M. Bbiotoi. SHERMAN & BRINSON YELLOW PINE LI And Builder’s Hardware, D B PRICE’S The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard, His Honor the Governor—Augusta. This letter wa# furnished ua by Mr. J. S.^ Wood, of the firm of J. S. Wood & Bro , Savannah, who i# a descendant of Gen, Wood. Tbs letter is yet in a good Btate of preserva tion, though very yellow with age. ' This letter will be perused with interest by our readeis. It shows that the men and women who first settled here, had a hard time, and that none but those of strong oour* ago would faoe the hardships and penis tbose days. Some two years ago we published a letter trom Judge A. E. Tarver, in which he related some things couneoted with tbe life of Geu. Wood, and gave a description ot bia grave which is uear Judge Tarver s. Gen. Wood was a man of inAuence. Georgia Gazette dated Nov. 16th, 1795, men* tiouB that he was elsoltd Senator Nov. 2d, 1795 in Montgomery county lo the General Assembly. He subsequently took a a prom inent part in military and civil oflaits, and especially in the legislature of 1796 that an nulled tbe Yazoo Land Aot of January, 1795- I White’s History of Georgia, published in 1849, we find the following concerning him: “Gen. Solomon Wood was a Captain in tbe revolutionary war. He distinguished liim- selt by his opposition to the Yazoo law, held many ofiiues in bis couoty, aud was highly esteemed by his fellow ciliz-ns. OLIVE BRANCH cures all Female Com plaints. Ten days Treatment sent Free tor 2 ct stamp, Dr. Kilmer and A Co , South Bend, inch I Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings Corner McKinne and Walker Streets* A.1TGTJST.A, GA-