The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, June 08, 1893, Image 3

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KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort nnd improvement and tem ] d to personal enjoyment when ril ,|,tly used. The many, who live bet- tj m i) others and onjoy life more, with > es9 expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world’s best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of 1'iE 8 - It- excellence is duo to its presenting In the form most acceptable and plcns- an t to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lnx- a tivf ; effectually cleansing the system, ili-pelling colds, headaches and fevers uni permanently curing constipation. It ha- given satisfaction to millions nnd xm-t with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- j u , V 4 | Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from cvi ry objectionable substance. gvittp of Figs is for sale by all drtig- -iuts in . r )0e and f 1 bottles, but it is man- tifnetured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. CHURCH SERVICES. SECOND SUNDAY. METHODIST. Presetting at Tennillu at 11 a. m., and as Hanilersville at,7 p. in., llev. H. A. Hodges pastor. BAPTIST. Preaching in Sandersville at 11,'a. m. and 7, p. m. Itov. W. L. Kilpatrick, pastor. I’renobing next Saturday, at 11, a. m., and Bunday 11, a m. and 7, p. m., Davisboro Baptist church,by Rev, B. U . Ivey pastor. OUBIHTIAN. Prcaohiug at Tenuille, 11, a. m. and 7, p a., by the pastor, llev. F. L. Adams. Bethlehem Baptist Churh.—Uov. A. It Kicbar.lsou, pastor, preaebing Saturday nnd Bumlay 11 a. m. CATHOLIC, Services each 3rd Sunday, conducted by Bev. Fathor Kennedy. CHILD BIRTH • • • • • • MADE EASY! " Mothers’ Friend ” is a scientific-1 ally prepared Liniment, every ingre-; client of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bine J in a manner hitherto unknown ii MOTHERS’ FRIEND” • WILL DO all that is claimed for It AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, l essens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Boole to “ Mothers ” mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials, (cntliyeiprenon receipt of price 11.60 per bottle BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta.Qa, BOLD BY ALL UKUUOIBT8. BRIEF LOCALS. Commencement day next Monday. RensoD? Bukoham’* Pills act like magio. First btaokberriea were marketed here last Thursday. The crop wo think is abundant, and great quantities of wine and jam should be stored. Have you given in your taxes? Books close on the 17th inst. Use Pond's Ertracl lor every I'liln or ®®**®**®M| it stops bleeding from the lungs, nose, mouth, stomach, etc. Avoid cheap and worthloss'snbstitules. Blind tigors are on the run now. If good people will all help now, we oan run them out. Eider T. M. Harris will preaoh at Jordan _ Mill, the 2nd Sunday, June the 11th, at 11 o’clock a. m., and at Davisboro in the after- noon nt 5 o'clock. Bov. T. M. Harris returned on Tuesday from bis monthly visit to West Point. On Sunday he baptized 17 persons iu the waters of the Chattahoochee. The Herald is glad to note bis sneoess, Bev. H, A. Hodges prcaohed excellent and appreoiated sermons here on Sunday morn ing and night. Are you willing for a few lawless negroes aided perhaps by some deBiguiDg white men to ruin your boys? If not help to oatoh the blind tigers, The plum orop is not sb abundant ns last yeir. The Herald for one year and n good| sew iug machine ior $22.00. Gome and see ua. Mr. Morgan lliohards, has been appointed agent of the Augusta and Southern, railroad at this place, to suoceed Capt. I. Hermann His appointment went into effect on the 1st of this month. Morgan is a Sandersville boy, but for the last few years has had a po litico iu the employ of the road at Augusta. He has rented, and with his family now oc. cupios the dwelling on Haynes street, re- oently oooupied by Mr. E. D. Strange. Don’t buy a bicyole until you soo prices at Herald office. Mrs. Rowley' and grand children, the obildren of our late Sandersville citizens, Prof, and Mrs. W, H. Lawson have moved into the residence of Mrs, J. Oobn, on HayneB street. Fifty oents will pay for the Herald unti Christmas. { Tho Augusta Cbroniole of Friday, thus speaks of our former townsman: "Mr. Clifford Sullivan of Savannah, readi ed Augusta yesterday, and will acoept the plaoe of Slide trombone player with Bear den's orchestra. Mr. Sullivan is one of the best musio'aOH in Georgia, and will be a val uable acquisition to this excellent band." Bucklen s Arnica Salve, ft.r. Best Salvh in the world for Cuts, Braises. SoreR, Ut cere, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tettor, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, nnd all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to Rive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 oents por box. sale by Win. ltuwlingR. NAMIIlltKVILLt: PHOVIKION MAIlliliT, Bacon sidos per lb 11} (a) 113 Bulk " " 104 @ 11 N C Flour — 4.25 Plain hams •• 13J "16 Shoulders “ 7 Lard << 114® 12 CoJoe 18, 26 » Gran Sugar 64 a Extra 0 W hite ...63 a 6 In small quantities, prices a fraction higher Hour—1st 1’atont $4.50 Good 3.75 @60 Corn. Maul CURES rr SCROFULA Mrs. K. J. Rowell, Medford, Mass., says her mother liai been cured of Scrofula by tlie uso of four bottles of RRK9 after having had much other treat- ment, and being reduced to qulto a low condition of health, as It was thought slio could not live. of heredi Cured my little hoy tary scrofula which ap* beared all over his face. For nycarlhad ^^jgtft^^i^glvonupallhope bis ^-»<^w5^''“*recovory, when finally I was Induced to use ~ afowbo tUcscuredhim.andno (j22& •ymptomg of tho discaso romaln. bias. T. L. Mathers, Matliervllle, Miss Our book The Dublin Post of last week says: Miss Ella Maitin one of Sundersville’s most accomplished youug ladies, is visiting the city the guest of Miss Lizzie Chapman. The Woman ’s;Mifsionary Society of San. dersville District, will meet iu annual ses sion in Sandersville on Friday the iCtb inst. The session will ooutinue until Sunday fol lowing. Delfgates will bo in attendance from tho various ohurcbes of tho district. The question of retrenchment of expenses, and no cause of complaint us a railroad offi cial, led to the removal of Capt. Hermann from the agency he so long and satisfactori ly held for tho A. G, & S. road. The general manager, Mr. W. B. Thomas, regrets the neoessity tor the change, and commends Oapt. Hermann in high terms for the effi cient mauner iu which he has discharged hiB official duties. IIis successor, Mr. Morgan Richards will doubtless proye a courteous and capable agent. Good orgaus and excellent sowing ma< chines ut summer prices at Herald office, t Tho official iinuonnoomont of County SohoolCommissioner Dr. Hollifield, appears elsewhere, giving notice that the Teaohers’ Institute will he held on Monday, 19th inst Tho examination of teachers will take place on Saturday tbo 21th of this month. Some early peoohes on the market last week. Mr. E. W. Bussell is said to have brought in the best as yet. A cotton stalk about two feet high, with several squares on it was brought in from the East Hill farm of Mr. M. H. Boyer, od Monday. Two or three full blood Gordon setter pups for sale oheap. Apply at this office, t The Herald office is dow fitted up for do ing handsome Job Work. We guarantee good work at low figures. BriDg us your orders. 1 Now is.the time to buy good shoes at very low figures. See large advertisement of L Hermann’s Sons, and call on them at once. The large number of hogs returned by tax payers this season, indioate lower prioea for meat next year. Some farmers that are on ly renters have a large number, one renter has 72 head You can get an exoellent sewing machine at a very low figure at the Heuiald. f Doraestio sewing machines at Augusta and Savannah prices oan be had at Herald offloe on installment plan, if desirod. Will be or' dered if desired. t Our friend Mr. Brown has a oow, that many will want to buy. Au exohange says: A oow that gives milk which changes to butter without ohurniog is a rare thing. Mr. Lawson E. Brown, of Iiozier, Burke county, says he has one jSipER.] High Am Am »' Every Machine ha* toitt, , , >. anc y Cover, two large drawers, ‘ lckc I r >ngs, and full set of Attachments, •final » lull SCI OI AUMURKMWf tfin 1 °r™ y linger Machine sold from $40 to >) Canvassers. The High Arm Machine V J ~*wvU55e •huttT Sul A SCt . tin ? nec dl« nnd self-threading is neb’ i , r ‘ a * * n your home before payment and direct of the Manufacturer* agents * P ro fits besides getting certifi- . warrantee for fivs venrs. Send fat fciflrbi " a . rran tec for five years. ‘ lne "’fib name of a business man aa Bn n'nr/I n< we W 'H skip one at once. A vio'.s r? ATlVE SEWING MACHINE COJ 1 Aa-»» Ve ,2 th s ‘-> PHILADELPHIA, PA. A PAg XUM Fiusiaux.-** / J When tho milk is strained off aftor milkiDg, the eream which rises on it is v.iy thick, changes, or rather hardens, into the consistency ol lintter. a id it is used ns butter without going through the process of churning. DenfneH Can't l*e Cured PERSONAL. Mrs. Mery Youngblood is visiting her sis ter Mrs. T. H. Brown, of Davisboro. Mrs. W. H. Wynn is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Holmes of Davisboro. Rev. H. A. Hodges will leave for Gibson oirouit to-day to hold a quarterly oonlerence for Dr. Clark. Cn Saturday he will hold the conference for Hinton circuit, Jefferson Co. Miss Willie Park was on yesterday and last night wo presume, thoroughly engrossed with the exercises of the annual Commence ment of the East Mississippi Female col lege at Meridian. Her return will now be anxiously awaited by loving hearts at home. Dr. J. O. A. Clark held the 2d Quarterly oonferenoe for Warthsn oirouit at Harris church on Tuesday and spent Tuesday night in tho city. Hon. J. O. Bad doll, President of the Georgia Agricultural Society was in ths oity on Monday aiternoon and Tuesday; be is full of pluns, and hopes for the grand Au gusta Exposition. Mr. W. G. Furse, agent of the New York Fire Insurance Co. rooeivod on Tuesday a oheok from a company he represents for $574.91 ia payment of losses sustained by I. Ueimann's Sons iu the late fire. Mr. Bennett Hymes and family bavo moved from Savannah to our oity, and are occupy ing the residence lately vacated by Mr. I. W. Newman on Harris street. Mrs. Hymes will be rtmombored by maDy aa MWs Happ, who was reared in our town, and in the build iug she now oocupies. Mr. and Mrs. Hymes with their six obildren aro cordially weloomed to their new home. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stephens of Mayfield, havo been visiting Dr. A. J. Irwin and fami ly the past week. Dr. A. J. Irwin is still in feeble health. The many friends of our young townsman, onoe so buoyant, cheery and elastic, sympa thize with him in his protraoted illness, and hope to soe him again aglow with health and manly vigor. Miss Orian Boyer closed her sohool at Mitchell last week and is weloomed back to her home. Mr, Jimmie Taliaferro and Mr. Willis Evans attended the Mercer Commencement this week. Mr. J. E. Fulghum a well known contrac tor of Macon waa in Sandersville this week, interviewing some of our merchants that were burned out in the late fire, Mr. Ed Cohen rode Irom TenniUe to San- dersville on his bioyole, last week, 3} miles, in 12} minutes. Eddie will take raBk among the swiftest riders of the “bike.” THU LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with hich ladies may use the California liquid laxitive, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get tho true aud genuine artiole, look for the nutne »f the California Fig Syrup Co , printed near the bottom of the package. A new aDd beautiful lot of Job Type just received at tho Herald offloe, aud we are now prepared to do excellent work. t RaiulerRTlIle l*o«tofllce. THEY USED 8EEWHAT THE RESULT WA8: Pond's Extract absolutely cured me 0} a very severs case of J 1 jj.ES,—H. A. Hitchcock, Detroit, Mich. Extra good for any CATARRH of the nose and throat.—il.llRAKi. Only thing / have ever teen that takes away the INFLAMMATION and stings from INSECT BITES* —P. H. Coopi.r, /'art G orge. Eta. Acts like magic in CPHTHAL a MIA. I like it so much for SORE EYES. —Rev. M. Jameson. Best liniment / have ever used for rubbing purposes. SORENESS, CUTS, STRAINS, etc.—Harry Fredericks. /^BRUISE8»’"'WOUND8 nothing equals it.—T. P. CoNNEFF. Has cured forme, HEADACHE, SORE THROAT, 8ORE EYES, ABSCESSES, and ALL PAIN.-E. McCall. The only remedy that will control HEMORRHAGES from the lungs.—Geo. W. Warner, Scranton, Pa. Excels anything I have ever used for NEURALGIA, bleeding piles and hemorrhages.—W. H. Faulkner, M. D. I know its value in reducing VARI COSE VEIN8.—A. C. Sanford. ing, kind. Those who knew him, knew him but to love him, for his heart like his door, was always thrown wide open to stranger and friend alike. But death has claimed him for bis own; his pure spirit has winged iU flight to the regions of immortal bliss, andfhe has passed from among us, bis busy hands are still in death,—his form grown motionless, and ■oenes that ones knew him, will know him no more forever, lor he now sleeps his last sleep oalrnly, and peaootully as a child upon its mother's breast. Softly rest the olods on tby grave. Suoh as thou waat John, may sleep, but never die, and may thy loved ones meet the "where tho wloked cease from troubling, and tb* weary are at rest,” With the angels on high he now dwells safe in a Savior's love, and John yon are happy, but— "We miss thee, thou loved one, throughout the long day, And the eve weareth sadly, for thou art away; And wo weep when we think that tby life is o’er, And the haunts that onoe knew thee, shall know tbee no moro.” Take Pond’s Extract only* Avoid all Substitutes. POND'S EXTRACT C0. t New York and Undos. Ikll£lk. Little Marry Lizzie infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. G, Moye, living near Ooonte died on tho 1st lost. From Friend to Friend Goes the story of the excellence of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and what it has accomplished, and this is the strongest advertising which is done od behalf of this medioine. We en deavor to tell honestly what Hood's Sarsa parilla is and what it will do, but what it has doue is fat moro important and far more po tent. Its aDeqnalled record of cures is sore to convinoe those who have never tried dood's Sarsaparilla that it is an exoellent medioine. Nli'engfli nnd llunllh. If you are not feeling strong aDd healthy, b, If • ' try Eleotrio Bitters. If "La Grippe” has left yon weak and weary, use Eleotrio Bittejs. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomaob and Kidneys, gently aiding those organa to perform tbeir lunctious. if you are afflicted with Siok Headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by ^taking Eleotrio bitters. One trial will convinoe you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 6O0. at Wm. Rawlings Drugstore. Frier l). PACKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clean*** and beautifies tho hair. Promote* a luxuriant growth. Hewer Palls to Reetore Gray Hair to ita Youthful Color. Cure* eralp di*****.* A hair falling. <0c, and |UK) at Druggif Th.Consum ptlve nnd Feeble end all who •uffiTfrom exhausting (liana*** should uaeParker’a Ginger Tonic. It cure*the worat Cough, Weak Lung*. Debility.In- 1, iflumnatism and Pain. 00c. a $1. digeation. Female Wnaknnaa, lUn-uinatiim a ScHENCK’S Nature's Remedy , __ for tar l Mandrake Liver Complaint Liver Pills An Exchange anya: there aro 30,000 aore* planted in watermelons in Georgia for the foreign market, which on an average of two acres to the ear, meaDS, 16,000 oar loads ot melons. FtlU DYSPKUSIA, I KEEP COOL tltnWX-M IRON IMTTKHH. AH ilealrra keen It, SI per Imttli*. Genuine 1ms trade mark aau crossed red Hues un wrapper. Inside, outside, and all tho way tliroush. *• - drinking Teachers’ Institutes. toy ariQKing . HIRES’ Raaf This great Tompornnco drink; MVV1 la as hoallhnil, us It Is pleasuiiL Try It, Ordinary’s Citations. For Executor's Dismission. GEORGIA—Washington Oonnty— Ordinary’s Office. Joshua R, Sumner Exeenlor of fha will of Mrs. Jan* D. Sumner, applies to me for lat« ter* of diamisaion from hi* eeid tract, e*4 I wilt pass upon said applieation os the lot Monday in September next, at my ofBoa Is Sandersville in aaid county. Given nnder my hand of&eiaily, this 6th day of June, 1893. 3m* M. NEWMAN, Ordn'y W. O. Year’s Support. GEORGIA—Washington Oonnty. Ordinary’s Office. Whereas the appraiser! appointed to set asjde and aasign a year's support tor the 3 — J ■ n du|/^vs« IUI IUB 0 minor obildren of B. Davis Htrauge late of said oonnty, deceased, have filed I their return, AU persons concerned are hereby notified to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary ot H *ld county on the first Monday la July next and show oauae if any they can why said return should not be approved and he made the judgment of court. Given under my hand officially this Ibth day of May, 1893 4t M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. For Administration. GEORGIA—Washington County Ordinary’s Office. Stephen M. Uitoboook has in due form ap plied to the undersigned tor permanent let ters of administration on the estate of E. Da vis Strange late of said county, deceased, and [ will pans upon mini application on tba first Monday iu Julv, 1893. di AENI'AL NBUNION. By order of the Hon. S. D. Bradwell, State School Oomuiissiooer, the annual session ol the Tuaobors' Institutes iu Washington oonn ty will be held in Sandersville commencing on Monday, June 19, 1893, and continue five days, witb morning aud evening sessions. All the teachers in the countv of Washing ton Hocused to teach (both white and oolor- ed) are called upon to attend, All pnblio schools in the county will sus pend tor that week. The attendance of tea- obers nnder the law is oompulsory. Exerci ses will commence at 9 o'olock a. m., each day. H. N. HOLLIFIELD, bobool Commissioner, COURSE BY MAIL —WITH THE— Bxnmiunllou ol Teachers, By order of the State School Commission er the examination ol candidates fur Teach er's Licenso will Uke place in Sandersville, Ga., on Saturday, Juue 24,1893, commencing at 8 o’clook, a. m., sharp. H. N. Hollifield, Sohool Com. Wash. Go, LEAVENWORTH BUSINESS COLLEGE. TO AD\ ERTISE OUR COLLEGE, we will give a thorough course of instruction in double and single entry Book-keeping and Uommeroial Arithmetic by mail Fdke of Obaikib to a limited number of persons. This oonrae will ba completed iu forty les' sons. No obargo for Diplomas. Address, PROF. F. J. VANDERBEllG, Pres. 302-4-6 Delaware St., Leavenworth, Kan. I PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR OONFED* erate Money and Confederate Postag' Stamps. Prioe list sent free. Address, Obas D. Barker, 90 S. Forsyth Street, Atlanta. Ge David Slusky, OEEP8TKP. Advertised Letters for week ending June 31 1893: Aaron Knesl, Miss Lular Nieal, Mr. Gissio Offord, Mr. Charlie KenDedye, MUs Eller Smith. Wm. Gallaheb, P. M. PILES ! PILES! ITCHING PILES. Symptoms— Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If Bllowed to continue tumors form, whiob ofteu bleed and ulcerate, beooming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceratiou, and in most oases removes tbo tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 60 oents. Dr. Swayue Sc Sou, Phil adelpbia. \ or (It .Yin roii District Con ference. The date for boiling this Conference has been changed, as will be scon by the sub joined note from Dr. Olarke: The North Maoon District Conference will oonvene at Sandersville on Thursday morn* ing, 9, a. m., June 29tb. J. O. A. Clause, P. E Blind Tlg-ers. On Monday Gilbert May and Theodore Burns well known colored men were brought before Mayor Roughtoa charged with the un lawful selling of whisky. They were found guilty and each sentenced to pay a fine of $50, BDd costs, or to hard labor on ths streets for 30 days. Gilbert May gave bond and will oarry his oase to the Superior oourt. This prompt actiou of the Mayor is greatly commended, aud it is hoped will put a qui etus on this shameful evil. WEBSTER'S INTERNA TIONAL , MrMPrs... DICTIONARY ! . Successor of tho "t siaijridg Toil veers spent In revising, H“> ed itors employed,and moro tlinn i:«io,uoo expended. by loofti applications, as they ’•»° n h the diseased portion of the ear. There ts on- tv one way to cure Deafuess, and that is Dy constitutional remedies. Dealness is oaus-. ed by an inflamed condition of the muoous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely olosed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can betaken out and tbis tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed fortver; nine cases nnt of ten ore caused by catarrh, which is icfiairiad condition ot tho JEverybody tfhouitl own this Dictionary. It an swers all questions eoiu'eruinp the his tory, sidling, l>ro- nuiicia; ion, ami meaning cu v.ords A library it' Itself, i, also gives tho often desired Infmma'dmi L»‘iu:l of fo;ei.M ipio'.ailons, words, and nrovt.e... • etc., etc., etc. This Work i.i Invaluable in the household, nnd to the nmclu-i', scholar, pro- f ess tonal man, r.nd self-educator. SoldbyAft liookscUcrs. Sff/yk G. els C. Merrlav.i Co. [ %'*r /•ubilehcrs, I -JESTER’S , lNTERK.TnONAli ^jSlBfSsp./uu’S'^cESSt V DICTIONARY y edition*. for free prospeetr i/AVWV* out of ten ore nothing but an “ Wo wiU givToue Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh ) that we cannot cure by Halls Catarrh furo. Send, lor circulars, Ireo. F J. CHENEY ifcUo., Props.,loludo, 0. pgr Sold by Druggists. 76 o. Amriialn Nlcam llnkitry A branch of this great convenience for onr people of Sandersville was opened in the large brick building ol Col. Pringle the old stand formerly occupied by Mr. Boyer. Also a supply of Fruits, Bauanas, Oranges •to. P* W. Fuller. We have had an abundance of rain in tbis seotion, aud Gen. Green Grass has put in his appeurunoe in full force. B. F. W.immack has recovered and is now able to attend to bis business. Mrs. M. R. Tucker is visiting ber mother, Mrs. Annie Prince, now ol Dublin. J. W. Hioklin had s horse to undertake to run with a plow, and when held by the man who was plowing, she began to kiok, and cut herBelf badly. Old uuole April Barrett died about Ihree mouths ago in this oommmunity. Uncle April belonged to the fattier of Mr. Sul Bar rett of Milledgeville in time of slavery. We have henrd the old faithful servant say that be \vaB twelve years old in the time of the revolutionary war. It is thought he was somewhere about 120 years old when he died. Ho worked aDd made a crop last year, and bis wife is living now ou tbo prooeede of bis and her lost year’s labor. Jnst a few days before the death of the old servant he deoilod he wanted to see his young muster, and went over to Milledgeville. He was ta ken ciok on his return and died iu three days. It is said Mr. Barrett was very glad to meet his old servant aDd he made him some valuable presonts. Separators aro now very numerous, end in a lew days the small grain orop will bs threshod out. We made our monthly visit to Hanoook church iu Baldwin oonnty last Sunday and Saturday; congregations very good and at tentive. We met Dr. J. E. Peeler and W. T. Wood of Deepatep up in Baldwin. They were on important business. Dots. 'A home in heaven! When our friends are lied To the cheerless gloom of the mouldering dead: We wait in hope on the promise giveD, We will meet up there, in our home in Heaven.” On the 2nd of November 1892, John D. Hall passed from earth to heaven. He join ed the Christian churoh nnder llev. A. B, Herring, in 1888. He was a non of ooe of Washington Co’s, oldest and most reapeoted citizens, W. B. Hall. He married Miss Liz- xie Warthen, and was bnried on the anniver sary of his marriage twenty-two years after wards. He was forty-four years aud four days old. Thus in life while everything around seemed biigbt, and joyous, and hope beck oned him onward with the promise of a hap py, and prosperous future, ho was cut down by the ruthless hand of an enemy, but yea: "He that is higher than Ike highest regard- etb, aud there be higher thsa they. So we bow iD meek oomplaceooy to the inevitable, firmly believing that swift retribution will follow close on the heels of the aggressor, and perpetrator. His only crime was his goodness. He lmd strong couviotions of right, and bad the moral courage to maiutain it. He knew well not to be a slave, is to dare aud do. His charaoter was as spotless as nd»w; for profonod, lofty and sorupalous I integrity and true gontlemanlineog, do pen or tongue, however vile and potent, could , detract; so pure was his life, the fogs of Hoi ! land eonid not mildew it; the frosts of Ioc :lsnd oould not freeze it; the heat of a tropi cal Sun could not mol( or tarnish it. I Chaste, sober, polite, charitable, forgiv DEALER IN S to ve*.Grates .Tin Ware &c Estimates given on Tin Roofing, Galvanized Iron Oornioes, Ornamental Zino H'ork, Quttering, Spouting,|8heet ‘Iron H'ork, Smoke Stacks, Hin- dow Caps Eto. REPAIRING PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO- Manufacturers ot all Kinds of Tin War*, and full stook Tin Plate, Solder, Galvanized Iron, Blaok Iron, do. 1009 Broad Stx’eet* Augusta Georgia A WONDERFUL DI8C0VERY. Dr. Oheoini’s Electric Spavin Caro poai tively removes Bone Spavin, Ringbone, Splint or Curb in 48 hours without pain. $600 reward for failure or slightest injury. The greatest wonder of the Nineteenth Cen tury, astonishing as it does the entire vete rinary world. Oiroutarg and testimonials free. DR. QUY CHECINI. J 378 Oanal Street, New York. FOR TAX BISC13IVI2H. 1 hereby announce mysell a candidate to fill the vacanoy iD the office ot Tax Reoeiver oi Washington oonDty, at the election soon to be held, and will oordially thank the peO' pie for tbeir support. Respectfully, B. F. Womack. Happy sod content is* home with “The Ro chester;* Akunpwkb the lightof the morning fereaSjUtma write Macktiitr Lamp Co. New Yo* k A RELIABLE WOMAN Han ted in every oonnty to establish a Corsst >unty t< Parlor for tbe sale of Dr. Nichols' Oelebrs- ted Spiral Corsets and Clasps, Wages 840 to $75 per month snd expenses. He furnish oomplete Block on consignment; settlements monthly. $3 Sample Corset free. Send 18 oents postage lor sample snd terms. NIOBOLS MFG. CO , 378 Canal Street, t New York. VMir SUWANNEE SPUINU3, N'uiv Is Hie Host Time, Spring ia tbe season to get tbe system in proper trim and good working order for tbe balaDoe of the year, and no health or pleas, are resort begins to offer the advantages of our own SuwanDee Spring*. Near by. easy ot aocess jJ fast and eomfortable trains, tbe invalid or those who require outy "a little rest and braoing up,” will And Suwannee Springs prompt- and effuctive. The hotel spring baths and premisoa are now in first oloss shape and under the watchful oare ol the manager, Mr. D. W. Pratt, visitors are guaranteed home-like existenoe. Ample Amusements and onting leoilities aro afford ed, and tbe waters snd baths will ipfuse new life and energy into the most enervelod con- ditfons. Save doctor's bills and (xpensive and fruitless journeys to distant resorts by patronizing a sanutarinm whoau cures are little short of miraculous. All skiu and blood diseases and affections, nervous dys pepsia, rheumatism, female complaints and kidney and liver troubles are quickly bene- fitted. Fur particulars address Andhew Hanley, Proprietor, Suwannee Spriog, Fla. I am now putting up in barrels, and bot tles for shipment tbe oolebratod Suwannee Springs Water which will be found a wel come specific for thoso who cannot visit Su wannee. The water loses none of its won derful medicinal properties in this prooess, and will be found fully as tffljaoious as that drank direct from the Springs. Prioea F. O. B. at Suwannee Springs in Fifty Gallon Barrels $7 per bbl. Id oases of 1 doz. half gal bottles $4 per Case Try a barrel or oase? order direct and re mit to ANDREW HANLEY, Pro. Buwannee, Fla. OLIVE BRANCH oures all Female Com plaints. Ten days Treatment sent Free for 2 ot stamp. Dr. Kilmer and A Co., South Bend, Ind. t , FIRE!! - The entire salvage of I. Hermann’s Sons stock of Shoes must be closed out within the next 30 days, regardless of cost. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY SHOES A.T Less Than It Cost TO MANUFACTURE THEM!! Qivcu under my band officially this 16lli day of May, 1893. 4t M. NEWMAN, Ordinary. For Guardianship. GEORGIA—Washington County Ordinary’s Office. S. M. Hitobcook has in due form applied ibtp ol to the undersigned lor the Guardians!. r tbe persons aDd property of Nora Strange, Bertie V. Strange and Lillian M. Strange minor children of E Davis Strange late of said county, deceased; notice is hereby giv- en that Ms applioation will be heard at my offloe on the first Monday in Joly, 1893. Given under my hand and offloial signa ture tbis 15th day of May, 1893. 4t U. NEWMAN, Ord'y. For Distribution. GEORGIA—Washington County. Ordinary’s Office. All persona concerned in the distribution of the monies iu tbe bands of Oonrt,.belonging to tbe estate of William Tanner, late of eaid county, deoeeeed, are hureby required to be ‘ “ f < end appeer at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and lor said county on Monday tbe seventh day of August, 1893,and show cause, if any they have, why aaid monies should not be paid over to I. L. Adams, Exeontor of Mary A. J. Hartley, deoeaaed. This 16th day of May, 1893. M. NE r_ 60d WHAN, Ordinary. For Administrator’s Dismission. GEORGIA—Washington County. Ordinary's Office. Mrs. Isabella Jane Brooka Administratrix of the estate of Solomon L. Brooks, applies to me for letter* ol dismission from tb* ad ministration ot auid estate, and I will paaa upon ber anplioatlon on the first Monday in August 1893, at my office in Sandersville, in said county. Given under my band sod offioisl signa ture, tbia 1st day of May, 1893. 3m M. NEWMAN, Ord’v. W.O, Notice to Debtors snd Creditors. STATE OF GEORGIA, Wasbington Oonnty, Notice is hereby given to all peraone hav ing demands against W: H. Lawson, lata of id ' - - said county, deceased, to present to me, properly made out, within the time pre scribed by law, so as to show tbeir character aud amount. And all persona indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment to me. Rofebt a. Stone, Adrn’r oi W. U. Lawson. For Administration Dismission. GEORGIA—Washington County. Ordinary’s Office. Robert L. Smith administrator of the as tate of Wm. Arnold Smith deceased, ap plies to me tor letters of diamisaion from said administration and his applioation will ‘ be passed upon by me at this tffioe on the 1st Monday, in July, 1893, Given under my haud officially this 4th day of April, 1693. 3m M. NEWMAN, Ord'y W. O. I'or Administrator’s Dismission. GEORGIA—Washington County. Ordinary’s Office. Judge James K. Hines Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Winnie Mayo, deceased late of said county, applies to me for letter* of dismission from said administration, and his applioation will be passed npon by me st this offloe on the first Monday in July 1893. Given nndsr my band officially tbis 4th day of April 1893. * 3m M. NEWMAN, Ord’y W. O. For Executrix’ Dismission. GEORGIA—Washington County, Ordinary’s Office. Mrs. Mary Price, Executrix of the will of L. B. Price deoeaaed, applies to me for let ters of dismission from the administration of tbe estate of said deoeaaed, and aaid ap plication will be passed npon at tbis offloe on tbs first Monday in July, 1893 at my offloe. Qiven under my hand officially tbis 89th day of Maroh, 1693. M. NEWMAN, Ord. W.O- 3m Notice to Teacbers. Remember this is no sham. The early bird catches the worm, The sooner you call, the better the selection, Jones Adams’s. I. HERMANN’S SONS. uilding, next door to Oleon The Washington county Teaohers’ Insti tute will meet in Sandersville on the last Saturday in eaoh aDd every month. The hour of meeting will be 9 o'clock a. m. At tendanoe is compulsory. H. N. Hollifuld, Oonnty Sohool Com, Wash Co. fab 2, 1893. t Dental Notice. I take tbis method of in forming the friends and patrons of tbe late Dr. H. E. Hyman, that I will continue the practice o? maahen. ioal and operative Dentistry at tbe offloeof Drs. H- E. AT. M. Hyman, thanking onr triends and patrons for past favors, I solicit a continuance of the same. Very respectfully, T. M. HYMAN, D. D. 8. Tennille, Feb. 16,1892. Removal of •Dental Office, On and after the 10th of September, I will be pleased to serve my friends and patrons as heretofore, at my new Dental Rooms in Masonic Ball over J. M. St J. W. Smith’s. Respeotfnlly thanking my patrons for past lavors, I earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. T. M. HYMAN, D, D. 8. Sept. 8,1838. ft