The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, June 22, 1893, Image 2

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The Herald & Georgian. ES’nKLISlim* 1»4I. WM PARK, Editor and Proprietor. R. L. PARK, Associate Editor. THURSDAY MORNING. JI'NF, 2-, 1893. ~ Paul Trammell is now Iutornal Uovenue Collector for the district of Georgia. Two w ttshoutson the Central road on Tues- day. Earthquake shooks were felt in Maoon, S,v Taonah, Augusta,Charleston and other points on Tuesday night J. K. Kiumnn, Esq., of Bartow has been appointed Solicitor of the Connty Court oi Jefferson connty, by Gov. Northern from oholera in There wore 350 deaths Mocoa in the five days preceding the 15th. Fivo hundred thousand people clamored for a Sunday fair. Now tlint thoy have nino-tenths of them don’t Boemtocarc for it Noar Adrian, Mo., six brothers named Wright wore under a tree, when four were killed by lightning, aud tho other two wore so injured, that they may not recover. G. J. Homer,, a full-blooded Choctaw, tho valedictorian of Roanoke college, Vir ginia, this week, lie is described ns an ex ecllenl student and a foroiblo and eloquont speaker. Tho Atlautu Constitution in a mngniBcent edition of torty pagoa celebrated on Sunday last its 25th anniversary. Tho Constitution ia to be congratulated not only forthia issue but merits constant congratulations for its tireless enterprise, tho vivacity and ability of its editorial woik, and beauty of its dress The Constitution is a sino qua non and an Inspiration to Georgia journalism. Lizzio Borden hnH boon acquitted. Thore •was great demonstration, thundoring ap plause in the courtroom. The fair prison had congratulations showered upon her nnd seemed quite overcome. Sho left in about an hour for her former home, Fall River, but probably her homo no lomjor. Art: You Arryons, Are you nil tired out, do yon havo that tired leoling or sick headache? You can bo reliev ed of all theso symptoms by taking Uood's Sarsaparilln, which givos nervo, menta' and bodily strength nnd thoroughly purities the blood. It also creates a good appetite, cures Indigestion, heartburn and dyspepsiu, Hood's IMIlf* are easy to tnko, easy in notion and sure in effect. 26 conts a box. A NUglit llarllKiuahe Turstluy NI IT lit. About 10 o’clock ou Tuesday night thoro was a slight earthquake shook felt in San- dersville. The Lodgo of Knights of Pithias was in session in tlio Masonic Hall, nnd the shock was very perceptible, windows rattled Simply npply “Swayue’fl Ointment.” No internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the faco, hands, nose, ito., leaving tho skin clear, wliito nnd health. Its great hoaliug aud curative pow ers are possessed by no other romedy. Ask yonr druggist lor Swnvno’s Ointmout, llioil in .lull. Mr. Wm. Downs who was confined in jail, obnrgcd with the murder of Juno Lawreuoe, died about 10 o’clock on Tuesday nigbt. Mr. Downs was shot below tbe elbow, the ball ranged upward, and lodged and whs uot removed until after bis death. Blood poison set in from the wound, which caused bis death. Dr. Wm. Rawlings his physician gave him oarelnl attention, and when ho saw that death was inevitable, he frankly told his pa tient of his condition, that ho certainly would die, and that if he belioved in God nnd in tho Bible, he should at once goto making preparation to meet his God. lhe dying man acted upon the suggestion of his physician ami sent after Rev. Mr. Ilodgos, pastor of the Methodist church, who prayed with him, road appropriate scriptural pas sages, and urged him to conlossion, repen tance, nnd then trust in Christ. Mr. Downs would pray earnestly "OGod havemeroy up on n poor sinner like mo, aud save mo in Honven,” Tbero wore present besides Dr. Rawlings and Mr. llodges, Solioitor B D. Evans, Dr. B. F. Jordan, Sheriff Wall nnd others. Mr. Hodges asked Mr. Downs who shot him? Mr. Downs answered, “Him Rogers.” Who elso was presont,” he was asked. Downs replied, “the others wore gone, aud it would do no good to tell it,” aud bo de clined. The Sheriff told him, that the names of thoso that bad left were known, now would he not tell if thoy wero guilty, so that they might be sought aftor, or that thoy wore innocout, so that thoy might not sutl.r wrongfully, but ho refused to say anything. During this conversation, Hun Rogers, who is in jail nndor lhe same charge, sont word to Downs to Bay il he might not have been mistaken as to btiDg shot by him (Rogers). To this Downs replied, "I have done told him.” nnd would say no more Downs also said that llun Rog. rs did nil tho shooting. Him nnd Sim Rogers ho sta tod wero thoro, hut would nail no other unmos. The wile of Mr. Downs is in the asylum at MllledgeviUe ; ho leaves seven obildren, six dnuglitors and one son about 15 years old One of his daughters is married and has two bildron. TUB INqVEST, Coroner G. M. Low with a jury ol twelve men, consisting of T, J. Davis, foremau. W p, McKinney. M. D. Mills, \V. J. Jenkins, U. L. Hooks, A. J. Swan, M. R. Gray bill, L D. Newsome, Lopez Smith, W. E. liarwick N. F. Andrews, and J. D. Collins,held an in (uest. As tirno forbids publication of testimony in full, only material lacls will bo givon The examination ol witnesses was conducted by B.T. Rawlings, Esq., assisted by Solici tor Evans, Dr, W. F. l’oaoook, of Harrison tostillod that Mr. Downs told him bo was shot by Hun Rogers, accidentally. Dr. Wm. Rawlings, his physician whilo in jail, toBtiffed also that Downs snid Hun Rog era shot him. He testified that the wound caused bis dooth, pyemia or blood poison having supervened. Tho testimony of Rov. Mr. Ilodgos was lujio qKUiit. Mr, Downs told him that ImTOTTOFl! ana iicihihA to Tin'll ur- Tho Ordinaries of all the oouutios in Goor gin will meet in convention in Ailanta ou July 12th. Thero aro 137 of those officers in tho State, aud the meeting promises to be n very important ono. Although the oonven tlon will be made up of a flue set of men yet alter all it will bo only an Ordinary mee ting. HcDry Johnson,a desperate nrgro was shot nnd killed by deputy marshal Purnoll iu Mil len on Wednesday night of last week. The marshal had a warrant for Johnson who was ordered to throw his hands up, tried lo pre nont his ride, when he wns shot, Publio opinion justiQes Parnell, ns nil regardod Johnson us a dangerous negro. Blind Tigers ComiDg to Grief Beau tifully. All Sandersvillo is rejoicing nt the contin ued capture of blind tigers. If these pesky varmints still prov/l around, and oar vigilant city officials still sneoeed in dragging them from their lurking places, tho good women of Sundersville will not know how to tliauk them enough, uud should thoy srnito them hip and thigh and effectually drive them clear out of the borders of tho county or get them ail lodged in tho cliaiDgang, wo sus pect they would want to give them a hnnd- Home testimonial of their womanly apprecia tion. The indignation of onr pcopde is deeply ntirred to know that lawless negroes aro do ing the dirty work of plaoiDg the filthy bot tle to the mouths of our young men. Aftor toiling to got a prohibition law to save our boys, tbeso negroes still lend tbomselves to work tbeir ruin. Down with tho blind tiger is now the ory. Ed Frioo an old offender is now in jail iu default of a bond of $200, Ed has served a year in tho chaingang, nnd then a term on the streets for former offenses, bnt he still wants to do mors publio work. Gilbert May and his wife Mary are also in jail to await trial at September court. Farmer Humphrey was finod $10 and cost Let the good work go on. commencement at Milledgoville. Misses Mattie May Smith aud Minnie Johnson who have beon visiting in Tonnille havo returned to Forsyth. Mias Pearl Jordan closed her sobool at Tncker’s Cross Roads, Laurens county, with an interesting entertainment. Miss Lina Roborsou of this place, being present, by request gavo a recitation, that wnB greeted with groat applause. Miss Sallie Smith, daughter of our Mr. J. \V. Smith was awarded the medal for deport raeut at the reoout oommonoemont of Shor ter collogo, Rome, Ga. Huoh a medal in a parent’s eyes outweighs iu value all others combiuod. The Hedalu is proud ol this honor to a Tennille young lady. Miss Carrie Moffett has returned from a visit to her brother in Dublin, Our young friend Mr. T. W. Hardwick is in demand as a speaker. On Tuesday of l ist week he delivered the address before tho Wadley High Bohool, and to-day he is to de liver the address of welcome nt the park to the Washington Rifles. Tho people’s party of this, the 1488th dis trict, are notified by tbe chairman, Mr. L Kelley to meot hero in convention on Satur day, 24th to elect two delegates to the cou- rention that rneetB in Sandersville on the 1st of J uly, to nominate a candidate for Tax Re ceiver. To-day will bo a gala day in Tennille,—a largo crowd and a pleasaut oocasion is expoc- ted. The Washington Rifles by special in- itation will bo guests of Tennille. There will be a sumptuous and bountitul table prond iu Franklin Park, and tbe ltiflas in tbeir handsome now uniforms, will we pre sume diill in marching and in tho wanunl for tho outertainment of tho publio TKI.CUEB8 ELECTED, From tho Tennille Chronicle wo take the following: Tho board of trustees of tbe Tennille high sobool mo yosterday evening when tho following wero eleotod principal and assistant toaohers for tlio ensuing scholastio year. Principal, J. H. Niowvabner, Jnoksou, O, first assistant, Miss O’Norn Ennis, Milledgo ville, Ga.; primary grade. Miss Fannie YoUDg, Cnrtorsville, Ga.; Music, Mrs. D. R Thomas and Miss Mamio Bcok; art, Miss Mamie Loe ftolotnan G. W. Perkins elected member of board in lieu of Capt. W. C. Mattbows, rosignod. A double wedding occurs at the Baptist oburcli in Tennille at 12 m. ou Wednesday next, 28lh inst. The contracting parties are Mr. Jordnu Stokes of Johnson connty and Miss Louclla Siuquetleld; also Mr. J. A, Stouo ot Jefierson county, and Miss Nannie Sinquefleld The grooms are young men of fluo moral characters, prosperous farmers aud much beloved at their homes. The young ladies nve tho lovely and popular daughters of our former representative iu tho legislature, Hon. W. A. Sinquefleld of Tennille. They are held in highest esteem for their many graces of miod nnd of person The Herald family acknowledge and ap preciate the oonrteHy of a special invitation * .i nii.l linnn fn lift unit) 10 All gay with life-all eloquent with bliss ; What shall we call thorn? Piles ol orytnl light? A glorious company of golden streams . Lamps of celestial ether burning bright i Suns, lighting systems with their joyous Low note Excursion Tickets nuil Thrwiisli Curs to CIiIciiko unit tlie World's l air. beams? . _. . . But Tliou to those art ns the noon to nignt. Yes 1 as a drop of water in tho Sen, All this magnlfloeoce in Iheo is lost ; Whatnre a thousand world* compared to thee. And what am I, when Heaven s unnum bered host, . Though multiplied by myriads and arrayed Iu all tho glory of snblimest thought. Is but an atom iu tbo bulanoe, weighed Against thy greatness-is a "'P b “ r v™” 8 ,,, 1 Against Infinity! What am I then? Naught. Against Infinity Naught I but the effluence of thy light divino Pervading worldB hath reachod my boBom Yes, In my spirit doth Thy spirit shine, As shines the sunbeam in a drop of dew, Naught! bnt I live oud on hope h pinions tty. Eager towards Thy presence! lor in lhee I live nnd breathe and dwell ; aspiring high Even to tbe throne ol Thy Divinity, I aui, O God, and surely Thou must be . Thou art! direotiug, guiding all, Thou art 1 Direct my understanding then to lhee . Control my spirit, guido my wandering heart Though hut an atom 'midst immensity, Still I am something fashiouod by thy hand 1 I hold a middle rauk 'twixt Heaven and On the last vorge of mortal being stand. Close to the roalm wbero Angels havo their Just on the boundary ol the spirit-land ! Tbo chain of being is complete in me ! In me is matter’s last gradation lost, And tho next step is spirit—Deity . I can command the lightning, nnd am clast, monarch, aud a slave ; a worm, n gou ! NVhonce onrne l here, and how > so marvel- Lives surely through higher energy ; For from itself alone it could uot be. :eator ! Yes ! Thy wisdom and Thy word Created tm! Thou st-uroe ot Lilcnnd Good Thou Spirit of my spirit, and my Lord • Thy light, thy love, in their bright ploni to attend the nuptials aud hope to be able do so. lonstruotod and conoeived, unknown ! this tude Fillod mo with an immortal Soul, to spring Over tho abyss of Death, and bade it wear Tho garment of Etornnl Day, an-l wing Its Uunvenlj flight beyond this little sphere, Even In its sonroe, toThoo, its Author, there. O thought ineffable 1 O vision blest '. (Though worthless our oonooption all ol Yet hdiall Thy shadowed image fill our breast Aud watt its homage to the Deity. God! Thusalone my lowly thoughts can soar ; Thus seek thy presenoe, Being wise and Midst Thy vast works, admire, obey, adore And when the tongue is eloquent no more. The Soul shall speak in tears of gratitude, Are YoiiWolH* to Hie World F«lr? 1 he Q men & Orescent Routo w idoly known as tbo road running the “Finest Trams in the South’,is in the field to carry overybodjin the South to the World’s Fair at Obioago. No part of the Southern country is left uneared for by this groat railway and Us oouneotions. The Through Car System is an admirable ex position of the wonderful capabilities of American railroading. From New Orleans and Birmingham Through Sleeping Oars ran daily. From Shreveport, Vicksburg aud Jackson another Through Sleeping Car Lice comes to jolu and become a part of the mngnilioent Vestibuled Through Trains, which passing through Birmingham and the famous Wills Valley of Alabama, is joined at Chattanooga by the train from Jacksonville, Fla., Bruns wick and Atlanta, Ga., ovor tbo E. T. \ . A Ga. Ry., and proceods north over the beau tiful Cincinnati Southern, through the gran dest natural scenery anJ most attraotivo his torical oountry in the world, to Oakdale, whoro two magnittaent Pullman cars aro re- oeived, coming from the Richmond & Dan ville System from Charleston, S O., through Columbia. 8. 0., tho beautiful Frouch Broad oountry, and Asliville, N. 0. and Knoxville, Tonn., one oar to Ciuoinu iti the other via LouiBville to Chicago. The time to Chicago is made so as to afford tho most convenient hours for departures from the piinoipal oities, and arrivals in Chi cago. Passengers oan purchase tiokets good over ono line north of the River, nnd returning via another if thoy desire a variable route without oxtrn oharge. Or they can go via Cincinnati, returning via Louisville, or vice versa. Round triptiokots on sale at reduced rates. Agants of tho Chicago lino will ou requost assist in looking up rooms or accomodation (or visitors to tho Fair. Everything that an almost pertect system oan deviso to deserve the praise and patron age of the traveling publio 1ms beon provi ded. Any of the agents of the company named below, will ohoerfully give all possi- ble information and assistance. R. H. Gan aatt, New Orleans, La. I. Habdy, Vioksburg, Miss. J. R. MuGbeciob, Birmingham, Ala, E.T. CnAnL-roN, Chattanooga, Tenn. W. D Cozitt, Junction City, Ky, or D. G. Edwabds Cincinnati, 0., or any agent of Ibo E. T, V, A Ga. Ry. Our splendid line of Bicycles please the people. They are the Sterling, Union, Su. perb, Ycnus, Little Comet, Ivanhoe, Sir John, Black Knight, Fauntleroy, and oth. ers. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Our grand bicycle tournament to be held at Bowling Green, Ky-, isopen free to our customers. dor. “WORTH A GUINEA A BOX? TASTELESS-EFFECTUAL!: DISORDERED LIVER Taknn ns directed Hi oho famous Pi I la will nrovu mnrvHlIouH roBtqrativeB to nil eu/eoblet! by tlio above or kindred diseases. 25 Cents a Box. but generally recounted in England and. in f.iL't throughout tlio world to bo “worth a tor the reason that thoy ■not merely ouo but mam/ guiuoas, to many doct ifa'|a|TlV '"~ Cnvcrcd with a Tasteless A Soluble Coatine or all druggists. rrlce 25 emits a bus! Now York Depot, 365 Omni Ht. If 60, seo that your tioket reads via Cincin nati and tho 0. II. A D. and Monon-the ac knowledgod ‘‘World’s Fair Route The only line out of Cincinnati connoot- ing with E. T. V, A G. aud Q A 0. train No. 2, arriving Cinoinnuti 10.30 P. M. A solid train carrying through sloepers from Jack sonville, Savannah, Birmingham, Atlanta Chattanooga, Macon and Now Orleans via E T. V, A Ga , A 0., 0. H. AD, and Monon Route to Cbioago. You can stop ovor io Ciuoinnoti if your ticket reads via tho 0. H. A D. and Monon Route, by depositing same with tbe Mer chants’ nnd Manufacturers’ Association aud will use this remedy according to direc tions, giving it n lair trial, uud experience no benefit, you may return tbe bottlo and have yonr money refunded. We make this offer, because oi tbo wonderful success of Dr. King's New Discovery daring last sea son's epidemic. Have heard ol no case in which it failed. Try it. Trial bottle free at Wm. llawliugs’ Drugstore. Large size 50o aud $1.00. is in me same uuildiugV " f iVnV"tniiYj'hiH y to visit the pioturesque “Queen City” at additional cost, and speoiul efforts will made to entertain strangers Hospitably and reasonably. The universal verdict of tho traveling pub lio is that the Pullman Safety Vestibuled trains, running every day, ‘and Sunday too, via the C. H. A D. and Monon, between Cin olnnnli, Indianapolis and Cbioago, are with ont doubt, the “Boost on earth. 1 ’ These trains were espeoiully built by the Pullman Com pany for this seri ice, and embrace every im provement. Their maguifioent coaches, lux urious unioning cars, superb sloepers, obser vation cars, compartmont sleeping cars and unexoelled diniug car servioo, afford “all tbe oomforts of borne." Leaving Cincinnati yon pass through tho beautiful Miami Valley, aud for twenty-live miles the double trsoks run through the vory front door yards of the finest suburban homes in tho oountry, Beyond Hamilton and up to Indianapolis, the line is notod for its sconic beanty. A stop over at Indianapolis, the capital Iudianu.may be obtained by depositing your tioket with tbe Secretary of the Commercial olub. This city is more worthy of a visit than almost any other of its size in the West, and offers tho greatest inducements to trav eler and tourist. Between Indianapolis and Chicago the Roe traverses the very host ag ricultural and commercial territory, and the rido is one of unparulleled comfort and bean ty- Boar in mind that tho 0. If. A D. and Mo non Route trains all tub via Burnside Cross iDg, from wbioh point the Illinois Central suburban trains rnu direct to tbe World Fair Grounds overy moment. At Englewood oonneotion is made with the electrio oars, which run overy five minutes to the grounds, but we recommend all persons to go directly into the Dearborn Station, which is located in the heart of the oit.v and from wliioh all street oar lioes converge, then go direotly by oar or oab to your hotel or boarding place. First locate yourself; know whore and how you ura to live while in Chicago. Get the looality firmly fixed in your mind, before going to the World’s F*‘r by any of the nu merous convenient ways; the cable cars, elec trio roads, olevatod railroad, Illinois Central R. It, suburban trains and the steamboats afford ample accommodations for all possible visitors, and it is but five minutes ride from the business portion of the city to the grounds. Take your breakfast down town buy your lunch at the grounds, and take yonr supper down town. If you follow these suggestions you will save money. The fa- cilities for serving lunch at tbe World's Fair Grounds are extraordinary nnd the prices aro obeaper tbau at yonr own home, but breakfast and supper should be taken down town, or at your boarding house. Tho World s Fair is already tho most astounding and stupendous spectacle over attempted by any people, and a day’s visit will afford more delight and instruction than oan possibly be obtained in any other way or by the same expenditure oi money. For inithor partic- ulars, descriptive pamplilots, rates, etc., ad- t,res 9 E.A. HAVER, General Advertising Agent 0. H. A D. R. R , 200 W. Fourth St, Cincinnati, C. nfii. I,A IIIUS Needing n, tonic, or children that want building up. should take u\*i IlliOWN S IKON HITTERS. It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, liulitjes* lion, and biliousness. All dealers keep it. uou. Ti:\NllLi: l‘AK M.K AIMIS. Completely Uprooted. How maDy remedies thero 6re which merely relieve without uprooting disease. The con trast with sterling medicines which such palliatives afford, not only enhances tho dig nity of the former, but servoB lo emphasize| wero nmoB B the attendants last week of tbe the folly of employing half-way measures Miss Flora Davis and Miss Rosa Moore at tended the commencement of tho Girls N. A I. college, at Milledgeville. The Missionary sermon of Dr. T. J. Beok at the commencement of the Southern Fe male collage at LnGrange, is spoken of in terms of high commendation. It is pronoun ced a compute presentation of Woman’s splendid efforts in the grand field of mission ary labor. Bnt few Georgia pastors we pre sume, are more respoctod and belovod, than Dr. Beck. The name of Miss Maltio Sullivan is an nounced, in tlio Macon Tclegrsph ns one, whom partial friends will remember by their ballots for a tioket to the World’s Fair, Mr. James V. Kelley nnd Mr. T. IP. Hard wick have just graduated at the Law school of the State University, These are young gentlemen of sterling merit,and their friends have high hopes of their attaining eminent sucoess in the future. Mr. Uardwiok one of the bix chumpion debaters iu the reoent con test on Saturday night in Athens. Tbo sub ject was; Resolved, that the sale of aloohol should be prohibited by the stato legislature. The question was decided in tho negative, which was obampioned by Mr. Hardwick. Missos Mamie narman and Naomi Pipkin pupils of the Girls’ Industrial college have returned homo for the vacation. Misses Mamie Beck and Muud Terkins, also Miss Julia C. Burnett Tennille’s fair representatives at the South ern Female college returned home on Wed nesday. Col. J. 0. Harman and Rev. P. J. Pipkin also Mr. II. M. Franklin, and Cara Brown Tho following sublime Odo to tho Suprem Being is translated from the Russian. I whs writton by one of tbo moHt distinguish ed poets, “Derzbanir.” This Ode is said to have been translated into tbe Chiuege and Tartar languages, writteu ou rioh silk, nnd suspended in tlio Imperial Pnlaoe at Pekin Tbe Empeior of Japan had it translated into the Japanese, embroidered in gold, and hung iu tho Temple of Jeddo, It is gratifying to learn that these nations have dono them selves tho honor to bestow such praise ou this noble composition.—Religious Uerald. 0 Tliou Etornal One ! whose presence bright All space doth oooupy—all motion guide ; Unchanged through Time’s nil-devastating Thou only God ! There is no God beside, Being above all beings ! Mighty One Whom none can comprohond, and none explore ; Who fill’Ht existeuco with Thyself alone Embracing all- supporting—ruling o'er— Being whom we call God —and know no more In its subline research, Philosophy May measure out tbo Ocean deep, may count The sands, or the Sun’s rays ; but, God for Thee There is no weight nor measure ; none can mount Up to thy mysteries. Reason's brightest spark, Though kindled by thy light iu vain does try To trace Thy counsels, infinite aud dark ; And Thought is lust ere it can soar so high E’en like past moments in eternity. Thou, from primeval nothingness, didst call First, Chaos, thou Existence. Lord,on Thee Eternity had its foundation : all Sprung forth from Tuee ; of Light, Joy, Harmony, Solo origin—all life, all beanty, Thine, Tby word created all aud doth create Thy splendor fills all spaoe with rays divine. Tbon art, and wert, and shall be glorious ! great! Life-giving, life-sustaining Potentate. Tby chains the tin measur’d universe surround Upheld by thee inspired with breath! Thou the beginning with tbe end hast bound, And beautifully mingled Lite aud Death ! As sparks mount upward from the fiery blaze, So suns are horn, so worlds spring forth f rom thee ! And as tbe spangles in the sunny rays Shine ronnd the giver snow, the pageantry Of heaven’s bright army glitters iu thy praise. 1 of A million torches lightod by Thy hand, JVandor nntvoaried through the blue abyss: They own thy power, accomplish thy com mand, •when thorough ones are available. A mark ed instanco oi this, is the effect on the one hand, of Boslettor’s Stomach Bitters iD cases ol chills aud lever, and bilious remittent, and on the other, of ordinary remedies in maladies ol this type. By the Bitters, ma larial complaints in every stage, and of the most malignant type, are completely con quered oDd lose their hold upon the system. They are rarely, if ever, dislodged by the ordinary resources of medicine, although, tbeir symptoms may unquestionably be mit igated tnreugh such m6uns. The same liold3 good of indigestion, biliousness, kid ney complaint, rheumatism, nervousness and debility. By the Bitters they are cured jrlien many remedies lail, Bakin The o«ily l’ure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard.- Foil i HE HliOOH. Weakness, Malaria, Indigestion and Biliousness, take HllOV/N'S IRON BITTERS. It cures quickly. For sale by all dealers In medicine. Get tlio genuine. - AGENTS YVAJSTTED. - Address Scrath.ern Cycle CO., HOWLING GREEN. KY. BteiT’ Bicycles sold with a warranty at low prices. Call at tho Heuau office and see cuts and prices. WM. PARK, Agent U. S. Tooth Saving Association. One of tho Largest Organizations Devoted to High Class Doutal Prac* tice in the United States. PLEDGED TO THE PROMOTION OF Scientific Dentistry at Moderate Prices. AMALGAM FILLINGS,.. PLATINA FILLINGS,... GOLD FILLINGS BEST SETS TEETH EXTRACTING TEETH, . — 50c. . ...75j.m ... $1.00 m S8.« 50t. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK AT SAME RATE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 11 OR Broad St., - Aurustu, (ia, rreig A large Illustrated Catalogue show ing nu ml rods of designs of Form turn. in(? nuudrods ofdoslgnsof Furniture, Stoves and Ruby Carriages will bo mailed free, tf you mention this paper. I will soil you Fuuwiturk, eta, Just as cheap 01 you can buy them In largo cities, and pay tlio rrelghtlto your depot. “ere are a fow s imples: ^Cooking Stove with oooklng utensils, delivered to anv pot, for $ta 00. ^nnklug Range with ‘JO cooking utensils, delivered to any depot. Tor |13 00. lino of Stoves In propor- Stovos”* 560 U “If 0 " 1 for Charier Unk _„?, nlc ,° T ! ftr L or K "R. upholstered In good plush, fashionable colors, tle- any where for ptO.OO. A large . “f Parlor Halts to select Irom. ,-A.}? «‘J l room , 8ull ,‘ birgo glass, big 1*11 1 en °l°8Pd wiisbstand, full Riiit 1) pieces; chairs have anno seats, delivered anywhere for|2J(»u. expensh'o ltS b0t>1 c,leup< * r ,,ml mure 2-> yds of yd -wlclo Cnrp *t for $7 7) 1 pair Nottingham Iuir Curtains Fo°r?lw. " S ’ 2 ll00k "’ U) l’ 1 '”- “li A nine Via low Shade, 7 ft. lone, x with fringe ft. wld for oOc,c fils. Si) freight paid Miss ]VC- HngUes, Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Qoods 920 BROAD STREET, Georgia, A. G. Siierman. Geo. M. Biussoi, SHERMAN & BRINSON '*- /r I PINE LUBE And Builder’s Hardware. tui with Send i L *r 2, ,o,l loved I. Iv. I 905 IJiv or ‘.atuloguo. Add- F\ F 3 A DO UTT. 1 i St root, I a ru.d i. O; Sash, Doors, Blinds, ItzEouldings. Comer MoKinneand Walker Streets. AUGUSTA, GA. : \<o • • 5A$H -MJHbS -M9Ulj5iNt55 • orn AM tNI^Lx.