The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, December 24, 1896, Image 2

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The Herald $ ttaorffian ~ KST/% It ■.. $ * *1(K I» lt*4l. WM. PARK, Editor ind Proprietor THORBIMI alOllVINli. l)EO '24. 1896 Congress adjourned ou Tuesday until the 5th of January. Major Hanson of Macou is still named as ft oabinet possibility. Fifty horses perished in a Are in New York last week. On Monday tbe National Hank of Illinois oloaed its doors, with liabilities ol 11,UUO,000, The suspension ot the Illinois National bank has been followed by ibe suspension ol others in the state and in Minnesota. In Jefferson oounty, Friday uigbt, T. J James' barn, couuining 2ul) bushels of corn ftnd nineteen stacks ul lodder, were burned. Tl»«* Most %$«*.> to cure. Disease is to establish i ealtb. Fare, rich blood means good Health. Hon i's Sarsapa rills is tbe One True Blood Purifier. It tones up the whole system, gives appetite and strength and causes weakness, nervousness and pain to disappear. No other mediolue has such a reoord ol wouderlul cures Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Pills are tho best after-dinner pill! assist digestion, preveot oonstipalion. A iearlul famine is ravaging t blna and other portions ol the Eisl. roe first cargo of oorn ever ahhipped to India, lell Phlladel- pbia a lew days n^o The reoent ossiys ot oopper miues in ful- ladega Co., /lies, have proved so rich in pure t0 oopperand gold that a $2UO.OOO company „j. was lormed in a few hours to develop them. Last year it cost Columbus iu round num bers $32 000 to maintain her system of pub lic schools, While it cost hot $31, 000 to keep up hor excellent police force. The John F. ttyau properity on Whitehall and Broal streets, In Atlanta, occupied by Douglas, l’hom is & Davison, was sold to Hugh T. Itimao, Friday, the consideration beiDg $120,000 cash. Tony spikes, colored, was tracked troui the scene o( the otime to his house suil ar rested. Spikes is s'rougly suspected of hav-^ ing murdered Joe Smith, one ot Gapt. James Bosses, at IIoo is rto. ntly. < liicuifo, HI. From personal knowledge, having need it myBelf and iu ray family, and from the en thusiastic commendation ot numerous cub tomers, I. have uo hositanoy in pronouncing Tetteriue to ho utimaasurably superior to any remedy known to me for skin diseases, *nd 1 have tried all the welt kuown ones. I wiito this, the only testimonial I have ever given to a remedy, b.-cause I am deeply itu pressed with tho extraordinary morits of Tot tertne. O. U, MoOonnelt Mngr. Ecouoiuieal Drug Co., 120 Claik St Sent by matt for 50c by J. T. Ultuptrlno, Savannah (fa The Augusta S mthern railroad will sell round tlokots at 4 cants par mile during the holidays. Tickets will lie sol 1 on Deo. 22 23, 24 and 25, also Doo. 30 and 31, 1806. and Jan. 1, 1897, limited for return to Jan, 4, 18 07. SATVBDAY NtOHT. The bill authorizing the governor to sell the Northeastern railroad was passed with only one dissenting vote, that of Senator Holden. The bill provides thst the govern or may sell the Northeastern, thenpset prioe to be $287,000. A certified check for $10, 000 must be deposited by the prospective bidder. The first payment required is to be $60,000 and the remainder to be paid within five years. Among the bills aoted on were the follow ing: To amend Ihe act creating the park and tree commission of Savannah, passed, To make it unlawlul lor fire insurant)* companies not incorporated by law to do certain tilings, ete.; passed. A hill to piovlde (or the payment of the fees ot the olerks,of the superior court; pas sed. A hill to amend the act to give the commis sioners ol roads and revenues and others the authority to lay open or ohange public roads; passed. A bill to provide for enforcing the rights of trustee in aud to real, property made to stcure a nolo or notes or other debts owing to one or more persons, etc.; passed. A bill to prevent the adulteration of oandy; passed. Ifhe house re-.olulion authorizing the gov ernor to borrow money to supply the casual deficiencies, was concurred in. X bill to provide lor issuing bonds by the city of Norcioss; passed. The report of the committee on appropri ations on the resolution ol the house making additional appropriations ior oootiugeut laud tiu 1 lor repairs to publio buildings for 1896; adopted. A bill to pay M, J. Walker lor reporting lor convict investigation; passed. To pay $2,750 to tbo oode commirsioners reimburse them for certuin expenses; pass ger. A bill to retire bonds on maturity; passed At 11:45 o'elock one ol tbe senate porters oltmbed up on a ladder aud stopped a dock, Senators Everett, W. F. Bulker and othors protested against anything beiug done to the clocks. Senator Gray the prosideDt pro tom lormed tbe senators that oue ol the docks us all right. Tne protesting senators look ed Bcreuely at tbe porters, and they did not venture to tamper with the other timepieoe. At 11:66 o’cloc'.i tne senators grew uneasy, nalor Dunwoody oiina iu an 1 presented a majority report from tho new committee on ooutereuoe. It reoommended that $10,000 uooepted for the state lunatio asylnm and that the Hums lor the Nashville exposition and the $6,000 lor lurnishiUR tbe Slate Nor 1 college at Athens, he dropped. Senator Battle objected and moved that the report disagreed to. President Berner made a brief speeoh, ^stating that ho thought it onld be better to take the appropriation for the luuatios and let the other two items than to lose tne whole bill. This suggestion was uooepted by the sen ato and the senate and tho ra-jority report was agreed to. This practically wound up the business A resolution was adopted thuuking the sec reluries, clerks and employes, and President Burner adjourned the body until the .ttrsl Wednesday in February, when it will meet consider tbo report of the oommittee ap- pointed to investigate the charges preferred agaiost tbo judges. The senate also confirmed the appoiutmeut of Hon. Elias Herat inn, judge of the county court ol Dodge oounty. Five Thousand employes of too Brooklyn Sugar Trust oave lost their places. They •re said to have voted lor "MoKinley, Con fldenoe and prosperity." In n speech in Boston, Prof. Brooker Washington said in Texts and parts ol Lonisana a negro mm cannot buy laud. In this neck of the woo Is he oan get all he can pay lor. WHAT THIS UISWISUA IHKH Listot llie Mure lui|»ortiui t MeiMiireft Thnt Were Puiscif and The general assembly has passed about 100 bills at this session. Besides tbo goner-d appropriation bill, the tax ftot, and the anti-lruBt,bill which ha passed, aLd the bill for the sale of the North western, tho following bills mil resolutions ol more or less general iutcrest wore passed For looal sohool in Fulton To pay salaries to county school commit ■ioners in certain oases. For takiDg tbo census bv the secretary state iB cities oi exceeding 69,000 people, Incorporation ot Fi'zgerald. To regulate lho business of uihiing loan associations and place them under pervision ol the comptroller general. To prevent bidding on contracts for pub Uo work aud to require oal'us of disinterest edness from bidders. Exempting city court- in large cities from the aot fixiDg the linos of ad journment Giving the new j of the suprome court three stenographers. Prohibiting tax ou h ibnuon taking orders who do not deliver goods. Making women eligible for tbo offleo State librarian. Creating tho off! o of commissioner pensions. Making it a misdemeanor to receive for obtaining pensions. Requiring all chiiments of w ild laud sold under transferred tax ti. las prior to the first of January, 1880, to tiring suit tor such land within three years. __ Awarded Highest Honors—World’s Fair, •Ks'ItL- fptgljPi A Welcome Usher ol '07, Tho beginning ot the new year will have a welcome u-ber in the shape of a tresb Alma nac, descriptive of the origin, nature aud uses ot tbe national tonic and alterative, Hostetler's Btomaoh Bitters. Combined with the deHoriptive matter will be tound calen dar and astronomical calculations absolutely reliable for correctness, stattstios, tliustra tions. verses carelully seleoted and other mental food highly profitable and entertuin- iug. On this pamphlet, published and prin ted annually by the Hostetter Company ot Pittsburgh,^60 hands are employed in the meohuuioal department alone. Eleven mouths are devoted to its preparation. It is procurable free, ot druggists and country dealers everywhere, and is printed in Eng lish, Germau, French, Spanish, ll'elsk, Nor wegian, Holland, Swedish and Bohemian. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World’s Fair Highest Award. Illamiirk mill tYalcft. Last slimmer George W, Smalley, the fa mous correspondent and man of letters, went abroad in Ibe interests of The Ladles' Uome Journal. His oommissioii was to write two articles,• ono on "The Personal Side of Bis mark,” and the other ou “The Personal Side of the Prince ol Rales." Mr. Smalley per sonally knows both meo, and he had no diffl oulty iu getting into olose touch with them while other men would havo insnrmonnta ble brrriers. The first of these articles will be prir-ted in January issue of the Journal. Unpublished portraits will illustrde tbe p \pers. Washington Letter. (From Our Regular Oorrtspondtnl,) Washington Deo 21st, 1890. Talking war and voting for what would bring actual war are two very different things. The leading republicans furnished their share of the war talk wbioh preceded tbe election in the halls of Congress, bat now the election is over the republicans Lave changed their tune. This has been especially noticeable since the Semite Committee on For* eign Relations took the bull by tbe hornB and reported a short resolu tion deelaring the independence of Cuba, and that tbe U. S. woald use its good offices to bring about peace between tbe Spaniards and Cuba, notwithstanding a protest from Sec retary Gluey, who appeared before the Committee and argued for a continuance of tbe policy of Don-ao- tion. That tbe resolution, if pat into force, would result in war with Spain is believed by all, but it is a long ways from being in force. In tbe tirst place, it would have to get a two-thirds vote in both branches of Congress iu order to be adopted over President Cleveland’s veto, which it would certainly meet npon its first adoption. The remarkable position assumed toward the Cuban resolution by Secretary Olney is causing m uch talk among tbo constitutiona 1 law yers in and oat of Congress. He says that the President alone is vested by tbe Constitution with authority to recognize a new state and tbat;Mr. Cleveland will not obey the resolution even if it shonld re oeive the unanimons vote of both branches of Congress, bat will re gard it simply us an expression of Congressional opinion. Most of those who will talk er press the opinion that Mr. Olney is wrong. A goodly number of Senators aud representatives did’nt wait for the adjournment on the 22nd for the ChristmaB recess, Congress will re assemble Jan. 5. In addition to Senator Allen’s res olution for a general investigation by a Senate Committee of tbe ex penditure of money in the Presiden tial Campaigu, Representative Mer editb, of Va., has offered a resoln tion proviidng for an investigation of the report alleging that National Banks contributed large snms to tbe republican campaign fund. A preamble Bays that National Bonks being under Government control, it is clearly within the province of Congress to protect their stock holders from misuse of their funds. The resolution provides for committee of eleven, including rep rosentatives of tbe republican,demo oratio, Bilver republican, populist and National democratic parties, which shall have power to send for persons and papers in its investiga tion, and whioh is directed to report if it be found that sacb contributions were made whether the same were lawful, and if not, wbat penalties are provided by law. Tbe resolution further directs that all Government bank exami ners shall assist tbe committee' Charlie Crisp, tbe son oi the late ex-Speaker of the House was sworn in as a member on Saturday. He is tbe youngest mbrnbor of the HOU86. 914$IVBY FOR SCHOOLS. RATE SLIGHTLY INCREASED FOR THE YEAR 1897- Stste.Bobool Commissioner Glenn yester day morning completed the work of apport ioning the school fund for the yeer 1897. The (and goes to 137 oonntiei end five city sohool systems. Tne money is apportioned according to the sohool population of eeoh oounty. It was divided this year aooordiog to the oensns 1893. The popnl etlon of many of the oonnties has inoreased considerably slnoe that time aDd the number of ohtldren la lar- Tho sum given for the sohool fnnd of 1897 $1,169,945, less $0,686, wbioh la to be de voted to expenses. The fund ia apportioned the rate of $1,92 per oapita of sohool pop ulation. This is about 1 oent and 3 mills greater than tbe rate lor 1896. end though the increase seems small, It makes quite a difference in the amount of the fnnd. The work ot apportioning the fund bar beet very tedious and when oompleted yes lerdny morning was as follows. The amounts are given in round numbers the number of ohildren is also given : Atlanta $31,417 for 16,338 ohildren. Athens $2,384 for 942 ohildren. Newnan $1,811 for 942 ohildren. Culumbna $3,613 for 416 children. Amerious $3,613 for 1,879 ohildren. Washington oonnty will reoeive—$17,249 for 8,970 ohildren; Johnson oounty $5,601 for 2,861 ohildren Jefferson oounty $10,328 for 6,391 chil dren; Laurens oounty $11,277 for 6,863 ohil- ren; Wilkinson oounty $6,518 for 3 390 chil dren; Gl isoook oounty $2,622 for 1,312 ohildren. 'SsJsft.'SsJ CITY DRUG STORE onnmt all ml to rest Indefinitely. Worse still, the very knowledge that they oannof, seriously interferes with the host use r J tho rest they have. Too ofteu going to the doc tor means that the patient shall stop short, hile eares and duties and expenses contin ue. Many, therefore, hesitate aud delay. Drs. Starkey ,t l’alen's Compound Oxygen Treatment presents an easy way out ol the dilemma; it has done so for more Gran a score of years and for more thau three score thou sand people. Tbe agent used is the Com- jound Oxygen The method pnts it where t will do the most good—iu the lungs. The treatment neither interferes with business nor pleasure. This simple thing has made multitudes of run-down, overworked, ner vous and slok people as good as new For further particulars send for book of 200 pa ges, sent tree. Home or Offioe Treatment. Consultation free. Drs. 5STARKEY & l'ALEN 1529 Arch St., Philadelphia, Fa- 8an Franciboo, Oal. Toronto, Can WM. RAWLINGS, Prop’r. Drugs, Paints, Oils, Toilet, Soaps, Perfume- ry, Etc. AN EXQUISITE LINE OF HOLIDAY GOODS, INCLUDING LA TEST NOV KILTIES IN fees 1: MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure C-rnpe Cream of Taitar Powder. Free hom Air..,ion;a, Alum or any oilier adulterant, /'J YiiARG THE STANDARD. Mr. Editor* Through your kindness, I wish to express my regard to the many kind friends in Band rsville and Barrounding oommnnity, for tbelr oarnest expressions of sympathy for myself and dear boy, Mr. L. K. Boone, who died at the Baudersville Hotel, on Bunday morning at 9,30 oolook, tbe 13lh day of Deo. 1896. Mv son was born on the 14th day of Deo. 1870, and was 26 years and 29 dava old. Thus a good aDd promising young man, has been taken from tbe embrace of loved ones. Indeed it seems that he had won i plaoe in tbe affeotions of all that koew him Never, oonld attending physicians be more attentive to a patient thaD his were, they seemed not to tire, or despond, yet re. alizod tbe difficulty with wbioh ihey bad to ooulend, aDd more than onoe, said to the writer, that his was a case of extreme uncer tainty. I cannot restrain the emotion that rises in my heart when 1 remember tbe deep enxie, ly on Ihe part of his physicians Rawllugs A Ohi'ulhum, while they were watching the on ward march of tbe fatal disease of whioh he died. They kindly consented to a oonsnltatioD witli others in his behalf, and I must say while it was of no avail in his case, I feel that ail was done that oonld be, by our hon ored friends and doctors Cheatham, Raw linos & Mathis. Time aud spaoe forbids my saying all 1 would like to say just here, but you geutle men will be held iu memory as faithful aDd true, to what you oonoeived to be right. And now in conclusion 1 wish to point to oar young lrleDd, Mr, Hermann tbe drag' gist, pardon me mv dear yonng friend for sayiog that yonr request oould not he denied by me, your DDtirlDg energy and deep in terest in tbe welfare of my boy, has justly pointed to tbe grandest principle, that ever dnelltiutbe human heart, namely, do on to others as you would have them do unto yon, Nature Bhrinks hack from duty, and often offi rr an excuse, but not so in this oase, rtlber on the other hand be would say, whst elso oan I dor here am I send me. Pardon me my Iriends ono and all, for say ing the many, many kind expressions and the warm grnBp of a sympathetic hand would c>me from those I love, I oould but spy thank God, that my lot had been east amid so kind a people, time iteell cannot erase the deep expressions your kindness to me and mine have made. May your future lives be blast and each pathway be slrewu with pleasure aDd profit, and at last when yon and I shall- meet In eternity may our joy be hefghteBed by hav ing knowD each other here. J. D. Boone, And Family I' I* A Mtuisi -ikTpopuli It HONTHLY FOR JANUARY. SEED Oats, Wheat, Rye. OATS—Our Yellow Mexionn Rust-proo yielded over 60 bushels this dry season on 100 acres. Price 65. OATS—Gray Winter or Turf and Black Winter yielded, planted late, our first year, over 30 bushels. Price $1, Planted in the Fall bns yielded more than Yellow Mexican. WHEAT—Acolimated, Rust-proof, over 30 bushels. Price $1 60. RYE—Aoolimated Russitth, over 20 bush- els. Prioe $1.60. RYE—Georgia. Prior $1.50 TEXAS RED RUST-PROOF, Georgia rais ed. GOo. Gionetti, Liuooln.Tartaricsn, White Abnn. dance Oats. All rusted with ns and nro pot for sale. Planted all of above early in tbe Fall. All raised on our farms adjoining Savan nah. All our bags of seed have our name priD ted on them. Not genuine without. Re have do agents. HAY—Retail nnd Carloads. Terms Cash with order. J. F. Guilmartin & Co., Jewel, Oolhr and Cuff, Fan, Necktie ami Glove Cases, Medallion, Ink Stands, Piano, Hand and Hanging Lamps—at reasonable prices. .-eveiitv-Fli’sl Slirllitlny. The Youth’s Gouipai ion will oeletirate its seventy-fiist birthday iu 1897. Among the attractive announcements ol the Companion for the coming j ear in an attinle of exoep tiuDul value ly Mr- An dr. w C,. rtn gie, on The Hanic of Thrill." Sncoessfnl moo in other walk-: of file will sreon J Mr. Carnegie’s piper with readable, practical ertio’es bsaed on their own, and valuable to tbe old as welt as to tbe young. Stories will bn given by Ian Muclureo, Rud- yard Kipling Stephen Crane, Harold Fred- eno and Clark Russell, Speaker Reel, Sec retary Herbert, Senator Lodge, Hon. Carl Sehutz, X’ostmaster-General Wilson, Dr.Ly- mm Abbott,Hod. Theodore Uoosevtlt—these aro a few of tbe two hundred names that figure iu the latest list of Companion con- tri 1 ntorp. The non-partisan Editorials and the Cur rent Eveuts and Nature and Soienou Depart ments are of especial interest to students end to all woo wish to keep informed of the doings of the world. As u referenoe book a file ol Companions is well nigh invaluable, tor its reputation is founded on seventy years of tested accuracy. New subscribers sending $1.75 to the Com panion for 1897 will reobive it for tbe remain- dor of tbe ye»r free, also tbe artistic twelve oolor Calendar, aud tbe paper a full year to 1898. Illustrated Prospeotus of the nexti volume will be sent free upon rrquest. Ad dress, The Yodth’s Companion, 205 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. THE GRANDEST REMEDY. Mr. R. B. Greeve, merobant of Chilhowie, Va.. certifies that be had ooDsuiuption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could prooure, tried all oongh remedies be oould hear ol, but got no relief spent many nights sitting up iu a chair; was induoed to try Dr. King’s New Drsoovery, aud was oured by use of two bottles. For past three yeara has been attending to busi ness, and says Dr. KiDg’s New Discovery is tbe grandest remedy ever made, as it has done so much for him and also for others io UiB community. Dr. King's New DiBoovery is guaranteed for Oooghs, Colds and Con sumption. It don't tail. Trial Bottles free at Dr. Jamerson & Cald well’s Drug Store. Rose Bowls, Cabarets, Cracker Jars, Choco late Pots, Cups and Saucers, Art Pot tery, Atomizers, Cut-glass Perfume Bottles, Vases, Jardinier, lV c. Proprietors Chatham County Exper imental Farms of 1,100 Acres. SAVANNAH, GA. To Florida in Pitllmnii’s Finest Sleepers VIA THE Georgia Southern & Florida Ry. 8UWANEE RIVER ROUTE TU FLORIDA, TRAI9N Ik A16 V > IN I24UI1 IklttriCTIO*. We will be pleased to look alter vour corn- tort; "quote you rates; “furnish Time T-- hies; "reserve your Pullman Accommoda tions any number of tluyo ahead; look wller your baggage; “reDder you every possible assistance. If you intend making a trip by which yon oan use our line, kindly drop ns a postal and wo will smd you maps, schedules, eto., by return mall, W. H. LUCAS, D. O. HALL, Florida Pass. Agout, Trav. thiHS. Agent. 7 Hogan St., 12 Kimball House, Jacksonville, Fla. Atlanta, Ga. O. B. RHODES, Soliciting Passenger Agent. Mucoo, Ga. LANE, G. A. MACDONALD, Gen’l Sup’t. -j Vlaoon, Ga. [-Gen. Pass A.g’t. One of GOD’S best material gifts to man. Underwood Spring Water. Its uso is recognized by tbe most eminent Physicians of Europe and America as the only known preventive of Brights Diwase, Rheu matism, Gout apd Dyspepsia. Its medicinal value does not effect its charm as a table water. Put up in cases of 50 quart or 100 pint bottles. “Charged" or "Still" The Underwood Company Falmouth Foi.eside, Maine, For saie by all firstfolaes Druggists and Grocers. notice. The City of BANDKitsviLLE-BondB for sale. City Clerk Offioe. Baudersville, Ga., Nov. 4th. 1896, Healed bids will be received at ths office of City Clerk of tbe City of Handersville, Saudersville Ga., until 12 o'olook m. Decern Per 1st, 1896, lor (20) twenty City of Handers- ville Municipal Bonds of Five Hundred (600) Dollars each ;the bonds are dated January 1st, 1897, and (all due one each following year until all have boon matured; ihey bear inter, est ut tbe rate ot Uvu pur cent, per annum, payable at tbe office of City Treasurer of the Oily of Baudersville Go. Botli ptinoipal anil intetest payable in gold coin ot the United Stales. Tho bonds uro issued in pursuance of an lot pat-sed by the Legislature of Ihe State of Georgia, and approved Oolober 14th, 1895, and pursuant to uu election,belli in the City of Sanderaville, pursuant to said a d Septem ber 10'h, 1896, ’or the purpose ol burl ling a Public Sohool roildfog. Bids will be re- curved lor the whole i sue, or ar-v part there ot No bids will he accepted below par The City Council reserve all rights to re ject any and all bids. A certified check lor live per cent of the nmouut applied lor, to uooompsny tho offer. Dan 0. Harris. City Clerk. City ol Handersville. A TRAINED NURSE S? touchfia the Spot i. a.' — with t H'U^ Bfilladcvvua Planter cremTbalm CATARRH Reduced Rates for the Holidays. The Central of Ga. Re Oompouy; will sell excursion rickets bolwien all points <>n its lineH within distance of 3M> miles, and-. lrom all Cupon stations to points on its cod mot ions within like diNtanoe i eocinber 22rol to 26th inclusive also Doo. 30th -SIbI, 1896., aud January 1st, 1897 at rate of four cents per mile for tho round trip. All tiokets lim ited for return until Janunry ltlr, 1897. Apply to any agent of ’.he Bystem lor rates, schedules, eto, c write lo J. 0. Haile. Gen eral Passenger Agent, Bavanuab, Ga. FUH UIKVr. The dwelling on the public Square now occupied by Mr. A. W, Jackson. The dwelling has six rooms, with out houses and large garden. Apply to E. A. Sullivan. It Mwn’t Cost a Cent. The Savannah Weekly News. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY 104 eight page papers, r year ter ONE DOLLAR. Less than oue oent a copy. Its two editions k week give the readers ol the. WEEKLY NEWB the news of the world, markets, aud all the matter which nowadays go to make up a good newspaper, while tho uewt is fresh. The WEEKLY NE-VS is uu up-to-date newspaper; any or woman oan read in the family circle. Remit by Post Offioe or Expresa Money Or.der, Registered Letter, or get your Post Master to order it lor you. One year SI U0. 6 months 50 cents. Address the MORNING NEW*. Savannah, Georgiu. H Kins hut D. W Aim, the novelist and bus- band of Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward, lias written a new novel, which will be the iic tion lea'ure of The Laaies' Home Journal du ring 1897. It is a humorous story and has the unique title ot "Tbe Burglar Who Moved Paradise,” It is a sequel to Mrs. Ward’s "An Old Maid’s Paradise,” tbe husbaDd tak ing up the pen where Miss Phelps had natu rally to put it down when she became Mrs. Ward. The fashion department nl Demohest’s Maoazine ia better than iver in the January number. The styles illustrated are smart and modest, and yot practical and belplul aud cover every department of woman’s dress. The Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons iB described in an interesting and well illustrated artiole in Frank Lssua’s Popular Monthly for Junuary. The author is Louise Seymour QoughtoD, one of tbe leading spir its in tbe organization. It contains portraits of the principal officers and many atlraotive views. Another important paper in this nnmber is one on Byrn Mawr College, by Madeline Vaughan Abbott, Seoretary of that institution. It is the third artiole of the se ries on"Amerionu Universities and Colleges,’’ and is profusely illustrated with interior and exterior views of the buildings. General Thomas L Rosser contributes an able artic le on “Personal Traits of Robert E. Lee," and there are papers on "Chnoeing down tbe Rhine,’’ "Tbe Egyptian .4rmy," “The Phil-, ippine Islands," and "Among the Waikato Maoris,” all splendidly illustrated. Frank Lee Faruell, the editor of the magazine, writes of "Books as Christmas Presents”; there is some interesting matter about plays and players, several excellent gbnrt stories! are given, with a installment of Edith Ses. ; siona Tapper’s tasoin-ting serial, “Father ■ John," and tbo young folks’ department is 1 as attractive as ever. > TIT AN TED—SEVERAL FAITHFUL Men V t or Womeu travel for respons-ible eatablisbed hons'j jn Georgia. Salary $780, payable $10 wet kly and expenses. P-sition permanent. Reference. Enolose selt-iuldi e.s- ed stamped e’jvelope. The Natioo,Star lJixild- ing, Chicago. 4t. CITY TAX NOTICE. By virtue ot a resolution passed by the Mayor and Council of the oily of Bande rt- ville, the tax books ot said city for receiving tax. returns will be opened November 2, IS OS, and will close December 20, 1890. All are, hereby notified to make their returns to rue within said dates, in terms of tho ordi nance. I will be found at the store of Wiley fiarris & Bon, on east side of public square, during business hours. Dan O. Harris. Clerk City Council. W ANTED-BEVERAL FAITHFUL Men or Women to travel lor responsible established bouse iu Geosgia. Salary $780, payable $15 weekly and expem-es Position pormineut. Reference. Enclose self-ad- dressed stamped envelope The National, Bu r Building, Chicago. 4t When You Buy urn Is quickly ab sorbed. Cleanses the Nasnl Passa ges, Allays Pain ana Inflamma tion, Heals ami Protects tbo Membrune from Cold. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Gives Relief at once and it will cure. COLD <8 HEAD Rsri— . plea 10c. by mall. ELY 13HOTIIERS, 56 Warren Street, New York. THINACURA For Thin People. Are you Thin ? FL air made with Tbinacnra Tablets by a sol- enlitie pfoosss. They create porfoot assimi lation of every Inrui of food, seoruling the valuable parts and discarding the worthless. They make thin (aces plump and round out tbe tignrn Tlr«v are lho NTAH1IA1IU ItEVIKUV for lennness, containing no arsenic, and ab solutely harmless Prioe, prepaid, $1 per box, 6 lor $5. Pam i-b I mi IiOW TO GET F \T." fufe. THE TUINACUKA CO., IM’J Broadway, New York A profusely and beautifully illustrated ar ticle ou the famous Horse-show held annual-! in New York City appears in the January number of Demobest’s Magazine. Notable atnoDg tbe illustrations are n full-page and several other spirited drawings by Max F. Klepper. Tht show as a social fuootion and as an exhibition of horses is interestingly described in the text. W ANTED—SEVERAL FAITHFUL Men sir Women to travel ior responsible establis bed house in Georgia, Salary $780, payable $15 weekly and expenses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self-ad dressed stamped envelope. The National, Star- Fiuilding, Chicago. 4t Cheap StationeryThe Herald will scud you poet paid 100 envelops with your Re turn o >rd printed, or 100 sheets printed one paper for 30 ots., or 400 of eaoh for 50 Us Good work. Webster’s [International! Dictionary £ la valuable In Office, Sohool, nnd Home^ Successor of the “Unabridged.” Standard of the < TT. B. Gov’t Print- i inp; Office, the U. 8. < Supremo Court, and < of nearly all the < Schoolbooks. t*et the Best. Tho old Reliable MACIIINK Beats th.e W or Id* Bold ou easy Terms. Fair and Ironist deal iDg guaranteed, Stop tbe Singer agent when be gons by, and look at hia machines. |W. C. FLOYD, . J. J. CARTER, HINDERCORNS Corns.stopfc all psin. Makes walking ea«y. 15c. at DrujrgiMfc PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clean ses and beautifies the .Dal Promotes a wuvi beautifies the _ ..uv riant growth. Nover Pail* to llpator© Graf Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp di$enacs Sc hair taUinf* 60c, and <1.00 at Prugglrta in,il^«i‘onH9n!S§iHoWSmy*ySy klnd^« PARKER'A GINGER TONIC Many'Who were hop* Vceauml dlacouraKod have regained health by ltd uae. P Cblcht'i.ler'a Liiftllali Diamond Hrund. ENNYFtOYU PILLS 4rrlg)»ul Mini Only Meniilne. »AfE, always ruliablo Druzfdiil for Chichester- numd IS rand in lied and Gold nietalllo iiovi’s, -tiled With Idiirt ribbon. Tube no other. Refuse dangerous tubstUu> tions and imitations. Ai OruKgUlfi, or«end4«. In Mamns for particulars testimonial* ana - - - •• iftirr. bv retarn ISiper. ‘l{£llcf for I ndie * Mall. 1(1,001)« Ohlt-h eater (JHClutoat Co,,Madlion Svuara ocfti bruiudstfl. Mhllm’a , its Ion by fill Local brutodsifl. t s Caveats, nnd Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-{ rent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. sand \ tremote from Washington, 9 Send mochl, drawing or photo., with dcscrip-i >tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of] {charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.. S to Obtain Patents,” with' [ £ cost ’of same in'the U. S. and foreign countries^ fsent free. Addres 1C.A.SNOW& Opp. Patent Omcc. Wx.hinq' Warmly com- ; mended by Btuto ; Superintendents of Schools, amt , other Educators at-; most without num ber. ' THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY because i 14 Jj , ? ,y *2 ,,n<1 th ® wori l wanted. , Il?K < lf„ ar l l, iJ en . thelr correct alphabetical places i each one beginning a paragraph. , u “™' ! 14 li *“ y t0 s*«rtaln the pronunciation i Ia “down by the ordinary die’, i critically marked letters used tn the scboolLweks . 1 “ .1.2 ®V y t ,° * raco lhe growth of n word 1 i™* t3,m 2 lngl, i 8 R re full, and the different mean. Ins. are given In the order of their development 1 “ Th. e 5!Lo? ,earn Y hat B word means. The definitions nro clear, explicit and fun nn>i each 1.coatatned In aagp'aPaKpamgraoli'"’ aml O. * C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., U.S.A. - Specimen pages, etc., sen ton application. CHINE? thii »k you can get M08T POPULAR SEWING MACHINE for n more song Buy from reliable manufacturers that have gui ni d a reputation by honest and square “call. »g. i here is none in the world that can equal — chatU' ul eonutruction, durability of working equal e'M"viruc6.° n , auramuty or working or linitm, beauty iu appearance, or haa xyImprovementsaa tho NEW HOMlfe. parts, fine! as ma. ly li WRITE KOR CIRCULARS. The iTew Horae Sewing Machine Co. Oranok, Mabs. Horton, Mash. 28 Union Bquarv.N Y. Cuu.v no, III. St, Louis, Mo. Dallas, Te£aj. .7AN 1’iuNcisco, Cal. Atlanta, 6a. FOR SALE BV Louisville Hahn els & buocy Co., Louisville, Ga. ERDVES TASTELESS CHILL TONIC IS JUST A8 COOD FOR ADULTS* WARRANTED. P R,CE6 °^' Galatia, Ills., Nov. IS. Paris Modlolne Co., 8t. Louts, Mo. ^mes of Gentlemen:—Wo sold 1 “‘ I t ,/ T ett n,’ 0 Nic uid >>»*• GROVIS’S TASTELESS CHILL 1 ONjL t ( ^ „ x bought three sross alre “^ y ^ 1 “ d y f 1 ^ business. h»»J perlonco of 14 yoara. In the drug lvere »l ssH* 1 nover sold nn article that gave » u ™ ,“ U1T “ faction us your Tynlo. Vo ^pnky, CABB *0* For sale by Jamerson & Csld« Ban dersviltai G»