The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, January 21, 1897, Image 1

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|kr $(«U <jt Wl. PARK, Kit. & Prop*r. OLDEST PM’EU IN THIS SK 'TION ( >F ; GEORGIA. RMrABMMl' O * ' ‘ N l1 UTTTU TU AT IITVDVIi i» serpent, and tho hand* of the lllliliu 1 llAl lllliUijlii and woman nrostretched .tip toward the tree an if to pluck tho fruit Thus the raking Extraordinary Meas ures to Ward Off Plague. All the Important Happenings Covered In One Column. DR. TALMAGE’8 SERMON ON THE OBSTACLES CHRISTIANS MEET. Biblo story of tho full is confirmed. In a museum at Constantinople you see a piece of the wall that onoe in the nnoieut temple of Jerusalem separated Nervous INDIA'S AWFUL DOUBLE CALAMITY ITEMS OF INTEBEST TO GEORGIANS Pimples, blotches, blackheads, red, rough, oily, mothy skin, itching, scaly scalp, dry, frightful Mortality Is Expected If Ms Iks Investigation of tha Charges Against 8UB80KH TMN PRICE. On* Copy 'One Ye »r <• • S'x Montiis Clubs of Ten One Y ■ ■ • • of 8>* " Entered of the Snnder.irille nd Chian mail mutter M'ty <’> P( ..$1.0(1 BO .. 7 60 6.00 tta Sec-1 lly, l. tlim, ami tailing hair, and baby blemishes provontod by CtrricuRA Soap, the most effective skin purifying and soap in the world, ns well as purest ana sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. Dread Contagion Spread* to tho Vanina Districts—Tha Cord Mayor of London, Ooorga Kaudel.Phillips, Asks Ameri cans to Aid tho Snfflsrara. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. W- L. CASON, DENT \L SURGEON, Sandersville, - OfBoeou esRt side ol ilio piiblio square. J. E. HYMA N ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sandersville. Georgia. f'lllllblDIC ItlltCI. 1 rank Leslie’s Popular Monthly. The Gr< lit Family Magazine $3.00 a year with the Hai lersvilln Herald. $3 40 a year. Frank Leslio’H Pleasant Honrs for Boys and Girls, an illustiatod Monthly for young oiks $1.00 a yoar with tbeSandersville Her. aij., $1.75 a year. Frank Leslie’s Budget— \ magazine of Humor, Satire, and Tales ol Adventure, $1.00 n year, with Sandersville Uf.i.ald, $1.75 n year. Prompt attention given to bnninosB Orrici with Kawmnoh ,V Hardwick. JAS. R. HINES. M. A. 1IALE. Lite Jndgo Superior Court Mitldlo Circuit* HIN ES x HALE,', ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will give special attention to Ooiumeroial Law and to the practice iu the Su preme i ourt ol Georgia. B. T. EiWLIHOS, T W IIAIIPWIOK RAWLINGS & IIARI)WICK. ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Sanders■. Georgia. Will practice in all iho court, ol Middle Oironit. Prompt attentioii given ei Lut-iDcss, Office on Harria Ht . m xl to Livery Stable SANl-ELSVJI.LK. 0\. J. W. DANIEL, DENTIST, (Qticura London, Jan. 19.—The lord mayor asks the Associated Press to publish the following: The lord mayor of London will receive 8nAr I, mill throiijjhnut th« world. Pottsi Dies AitDCniu. Cose., Sole Prop.., Bo.lon,u. 8. A. ~~ ‘‘How to Prevent F ace llumore,” mailed nee. with affectionate gratitude any donations from the people illcf fill BEATTY 8 ORGANS AND PIANOS Hon. Daniel F. lieatty, of Washington,New Joraey, the great Orgou and Piano Mannfao- turer, is building and shipping more Organs anti Pianos than over. In 1870 Mr. Beatty left home a penniless plow hoy, and by his indomitable will he has worked bis way np so as to sell so far, over 100,000 of Beatty s Orrans and Piano since 1870. Nothing seems to dishearten him; ohstaoles laid in his way, that would huve wreokod an ordinary man forever, be turns to an advertisement 8Dd comes out of it brighter than ever. He was mayor of Washington, New Jersey, from 1879 to 1883, tlvo terms, and reoently deolined a lenomitintion for the sixth term, His in struments, us is well known,are very popular and aro to be found in all parts of the world. We are informed that durlDg the next teD years he iatends to sell 200,000 more of his make; that means a busiuess of $20,000,000, if we uverage them at $100.00 eaob. It is already tho largest business of the kind Id existence. Write or oail upon Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey, for oat* log ue. America for tho Indian famine rellcf’funil. He invites the junior branch of tho united family to emphasize their noble feeling towards the mother untry which the mother country cher ishes for them. G&OROB FAUDKL-PHlLLtrS. India is face to face with an appall ing double calamity and Europe has taken alarm. Bat the plague is n mat ter of graver ooncorn than the famine. All tho continental governments are adopting sanitary measures at the ports, and the imports from Iudia of rags, linen and other articles capable of con veying germs are prohibited. It is an nounced that a European conference will be held at Romo to oonsider joint measures to prevent tbe plague from iuvadlng Europo. The Russian government has sent doctors to Persia to watch the progress .ohnstou, with other representatives of could not be paid, and tho heavy codar ,hia firm, gives new’ground to the belief timbers whioh had been dragged from of tho disease. If it appears iu either that the direct trade problem will be Mount Lobunon to the Mcditerruuoau Persia, Afghanistan or Kashgar th,e settled. and floated iu rafts from Beirut to Russian frontier will be Immediately _ ..mrcnciTinw cmhq Joppa and were to bo drawn by ox team closed. |THE INVESTIGATION ENDS. ^ Joppa to Jornflnlom had halted, The Indian government has dipatohed L h . r# Wlll H „ No lm| ,.,c hm «..t I'roewd- and as a result of tho work of tlioso the director general of the medical ser- . A aild sweat. jealous Cutliaiaus for 10 years the build- Atlanta, Jan. l»-Tb. ^1—■ ZTglrtZl.t'Z’UZ tary staff have also gone there to ar- Imittee investigating tho charges of mis- I n * t0r y „ f God t0 B0 range for measures to minimize the 00 nduot, mado against Judges Reese Ihnnff 8 wifh the, toniDlo building and chances for the spread of the plague to , s ' . h _ u ftll „ tnr Y aiicov Garter ahond wit “ the temple Mecca, whioli would probably moan the »nd Sweat by Senator Yancey Garter. th0 angel of the Lord iu substance said: infection of Egypt. has finished its work. “They have piled np obstacles in the The Egyptian government has decided | It can be stated positively that the way 0 f Zerubbabel until they havo be- Office in Pringlt BANDEH8VILLE, - • liuii, ing, . - GEORGIA. . o. EVANS. « " i-vanh, jb EVANS & EVANS, attorneys at law, PANDE11SV1LLIC, GA. Office io Evat-w Lu. .u. t , court Houde. Sep 11, 1895-tt of ORVILLE A. PARK. Attorney ut la», 518 Mulberry Ht. Musoniu R,riding, MACON, - - t.lOHWJA Prompt and careful istUntioL' nivrt to a. ueiness. Arrival and Itepnrlure ol nail# At Bandersville, Ge., Post Offloe. Offiov, opens at 7:30 a. m., and doses et 6:30, p. m. South bound mail for 0. R. fc., closes at 11:15 a. m. North bound mail ior 0. It. R , doses jat 1.C0 p. m. Augusta Southern It, It., mail doses at2:16 Night mail for north and sooth bound O, It. it. traio, also mail for Tennille, Qa., au PenniUe and Dublin R. R. cloaca at 6:30 p. m Night mail from 0. It. It. TenDille aud Dub, lin it. R und Tepnillor Ga, • arrivea at 8: a. m jloil from Augusta Southern It. R. arrives at 12 in- Moil from south bound 0. It. R. train, ar rives nt 1:30 p in. also Tennille, Ga., and Tonniile aud Dublin li. R. Moil from north bound 0. R. R. train ar rivts at 3.00 p. m. f Wm. Gali.iheh, P. M. JOHN N. GILMORE, Attorney nt Law, SandeiBVillo, (ia. W ANTED-8EVERAL FAITHFUL Men or Women to travel for responsible established house in GeoBgia. Salary $780, payable $16 weekly and expenses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self-ad droHsod stamped envelope. Tbe National, Star Building, Obieago. 4t Will practice law in tho Courts of the State hnd in the Federol Courts ol the United States. TflEO. MARKWALTUR, Manufacturer of Granite & Garble Monu ments and Statuary, LIKENESS GUARANTEED, mporter Direot. Contractor (or Buildiug BEATTY’S CELEBRATED »IIGAN8 Mini PIANOS. For Catalogues ,.Address DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey “Storming the Heights" the Subject of His th(J „ , urt of tbe Oeiltilos and the court Sunday Effort—Mountains That May He n f t be Israelites, to whioh Paul rofers Made Level 1’lnlns by God'* Oraoe—The ! when he says of Gbrist, “He is our Guthn-ans Are Mot All Dead Vet. peace, who hath broken down the mid- . . _ , filo wall of partition between us.” On Washington, Jan. 17.—In the presi-1 table(g rm , 0Dtly d ig C ovurod have boon dent ' s churoh aud before an audience iu found tho naIneg of prominent men of Hjm which were prominent senators aud the Bible( ,,p el ) od a little different, ao- members of tho housoof representatives cordlng t0 tbo d omands of ancient lau- and pcoplo of nil nationalities this die- | gnaBei “Adainu” for Adam, "Abranin” Savannah, Jan. 1&—William John-'course of sublime oncojiragemeut wns for Abrabanii <‘Ablu” for Abel, and so stou, of the firm of Johnston & Go., of delivered. Dr. Talmago’a snbject wns i on. Twenty-two feet nndergronud has Liverpool, England, Is here in confer- | “Storming the Heights and his text. | been f oulld lt seal inscribed with the Jndgea Keen# »nd Kmla—linpeteh* me nt l'rno##illii|fl Wlll Not Ho Infttl* tolod—Tho Ulroot Trod® Probloin tt Lost tftoon Sottlod* Bto* euce with President H. M. Comer, 0 f jZechnriali iv, 7: “Who art thou, O | wordg <<Haggai, son of Shebaniah,” roTnL'f Georgia Railway ? CrS'.a5t'’“^ " 8 ° pany, with a view of making final People often wonder why their nervw an ao weak; why they get tired so easily; why they start at every alight bat sudden sound; why they do not tlaap naturally; why they have frequent headaches, indigeetlon and Palpitation of tho Hoart. The explanation Is simple. It la fonnd In that Impure blood which le contin ually feeding the nervee upon refuse instead of the elements of strength and vigor. In such condition opiate and nerve compounds simply deaden and do not cure. Hood’s Sarsaparilla feed* the nerves pure, rich, red blood; givea natural sleep, perfect digestion, •elf- control, vigorous health, and la tho true remedy lor all nervous trouble*. , J that tho Prophot Haggui, who wrote a Zcrubbabel! Who owned that difficult i t of t | )0 B ibi e , was not a myth. Tho - !.. 1. I nl. tlmca 4 till Inf fan * a • fT A * ■ I _ arrangements for diroot trade with | ngm0i j„ which threo times the letter j^yarMiginders havo found, 80 feet be- *(h'* nmiira. riifmnsillff UlOflt DBODIo tO ' « a. _ Inman. European porta. |“b” occurs, disposing most people to i 0 ^. the surface of the ground at Jcrnsn The Georgia Export and Import com- stammer in tho pronunciation? Zerub- i„ nii Phoenician pottery and hewn stones pany, which is to handle the busiuess babel was the splendid man called to i„ gor jptious, showing that thoy of the line, has already been incorpo- rebuildI the deatroyed temple aliJeran- were furnished by Hiram, king of Tyre, rated with a capital of' $60,000, and al- iem. Stouo for the building had been j nHt ag the Biblo gayg they woro. The though the office of William Johnston quarried, and the trowel had rung at the grea t names of Bible history, that many & Go. wns to have been opened here in laying of the cornerstone, and all wont guppogo nro UH mes of imaginary beings, November, nothing definite has ever when the Cuthaaan* offered to help are found, out into imperishable stones been done iu tho matter. |j a the work. They were a bad lot of wb j cb have within a few yoars lieeu Now President Oomor says tho new | lo d z cru bbabol declined their rol]cd np f ronl their entombment of Uua Is a settled fact, aud the offices Will Fiji, » twl thp ,. trmihlo beaan. The P *■ is--*.- t” 4 T "! i “ h W Many ft pTOple^thonght the plan had I treasury aguiust Zerubbabel, so that tbe been given up, hut the visit of Mr. wagos of tho ourponters and masons Joh ' ' ‘ ' *' “ JiU ‘ ‘ , “* that if the plague appears iu Arabia no re p 0r t of the committee concerning | come aa a mountain, height above Egyptian pilgrim shall be allowed to re- j udg0 Reese will be exoulpi . Judge Reese will be exculpatory. I height, crag abovo crag, but it shall all turn until lt is extluot there. Moreover, It can be also said, with reference »o be thundered down and mado flat and Pi 1 *! 1 .™. 1^* 0har8e ® jud . ge . ®^t. that I gmooth as tb0 floor of a bouse. ‘Who Jgypt unless he can prove he has means thg committee will not report to the i------ - n . mountain? Before of flubiiiteuoe for ft Bis months stay iu that i m peach mo ntprocoediu^a are I 8 Hedjos, the Land of Pilgrimage. I necessary. The situation at Bombay is growing | According to tho admisaion of Judge rapidly worse aud the exodus from tho g wea t himself they will make a finding city on aocount of the plague continues. tb at he was drunk at Zerubbabel thou shall become a plain. Heaping Obstacles In the Way, the St. Simon's 1 Wel1 ’ the ° utb * a "" " re U0 ‘ a . 1, . d . ead that he was druuK at tne at. aimon s T . hnsv in overv neighhor- The official returns, juat issued, show banquet. They will also find, in all f ot ' . Th ® y ore nation of that there have been M86 oaaes of the probability, that his conduot at Indian llood “ nd ^*7 city and every nut plague reported and 2,098 deaths from I Spring w( is indiscreet aud perhaps im- I every age, heaping obstacles in tne way tho pestilence. The Times Of India re- p r0 per but there will be no roport upon of the causo of God. They have piled >orts that the aanltary conditions of wb ich impeachment proceedings can be up hindrances abovo hindrances until Bombay have been allowed to deterlor- instituted. I they have become a hill, aud the hill ate for years past. | I bas become a mountain, und the mouu Oonllagratlon at Columba*. 1 . , . . thnrn it * _ ,,, T . Jiiln has beoorno au Alp, and thorn it Columbus, Ga.. Jan. 19.—Late nt I gtands, right in tho wuy of all move TO AID FAMINE 8UFFERER8. Mayor FomUl-Phllllps Preside. Orer a I night smoke was discovered in tho jew- I m „ utg f or the world’s snlvatiou. Homo Large Mas.mceting la London. elry store of V. J. Peker, near the Ran- p COp le are so diseouruged about the London, Jan. 16.—The lord mayor, kin House. The close proximity to the height and breadth of this mountain in Georse Faudel-Plnllius presided at a'.hotel caused u genettvi alarm ami guests f rcmt c f them that they linve done noth B P P ion that side of the liotol qniekly va- jng £ or y0 ars, and many of thoso who largo meeting at the Mansiou House. L ated . Although the host possible work I ” a ^. wor b trying to do something to oalled to promote the work of aiding was done , the 2 story building, with rnmoviua the mountain toil in the famine sufferers in India. The seo- |about au $8,000 stock, was entirely oou- | gnc(j ^ way tbat j oan Boe t b e y have not rotary of otate for _India, Lord Hamll- Imuch faith that the mountain of hin reiaiy Ol uiaiH iw iu™, j aiHoiuiiiff was ruined by fire and smoke, mudh faith that tne mouuiuiu oi urn ton, the Duke of Connaught and.the w^rmnea Dynreauu sin . Kjea will ever be romovod. They feel f Cambridge were among t 080 1 p oker oarr i od about $16,000 insurance thsy must do their duty, but they feel P The Duke of Connaught moved a res- |ln different companies. | all the time--I can hear^it tatoew olntion recognizing it to be a publio w „ . „ . prayers and exhortations—that they are duty to assist in the work of extending u.nry w» N..t iiang.d. striking thoir piokaxes and shovels into the if lief measures. Lord George Ham-1 Columbus, Ga., Jau. 10. — Henry the sido of the Itocky mountains. If the ilton sa onded the motion and an ex- ly^hite sentenced to hang last Friday good Lord will help me while I preach citing boeue followed. Hindsman, the mm . der of Policeman Jackson I will give you tho names of some of the Socialist leader, tried to move an I . I hinh mountains whioh are really In the amendment that “in view of the dls- lin October, was not executed on account I high q tha , tho se Hood’s Sarsaparilla la the One True Itlunit Purifier. $1: six for $8. Prepari-il only l.y ('. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. u ,, ..... cure Liver Ills: easy to HOOd S PillS take, easy to operate. Me. “ MATHUSHEK "-The Piano for a Lifetime Stone. Agent fu CHAMPION IRON PENCE CO Tba Beat in the Woild. A11 Work Guuranteed- Prioea and original lesigns ohoorfnllj iur nlshad. OFFICE AND STEAM WORKS 629 and 531 Broad Htu.. auuuuta. «a: The Morrison House Savannah * Georgia. Centrally located jn lint* ot hu* .. uittn, oi (ffi pleasant south mown, wills exot-lleut board at moderate prices and vODtilation perfect, tbe Banitnry condition ot tho house is of the tRBt. Corner Bron^hton and Drayton RtreetH, SnvanRah 'You oan get an excellent sewing ninchiDe at a very low figuro at the Herald, t 1000 PIANOS TWO For ONE By Special Arrangement we Offer nOME AND FARM Id combination with our paper, for One Dollar being the price of the Herald alone. That is for all new subscribers, or old subscribers renewing and paying in advance, we send Home and Farm. ONE YEAR FREE. When other Factories were closed the great MATHUvSHEK Piano Factory held its skilled mechanics and experts, cud now has an im mense stock of Pianos on hand. LAJDDEN & BATES, interested in this factory, now offer tit is great stock at $50 to Jloo less than former prices No strictly High Grade Fian< ever sold so low. sisted in attempting to move his amend- as a superoedeus and prevented White s mountain? Before Zerubbabel thou shalt ment and he whs finally ejected from I execution. I f *{* e beoome a plain." the hall amid cheers and hisses. Is refused 011 tho thirtieth lust, Wuite First, there is the mountain of preju- Tho Duke of Oonuaught’s resolution will be resentenced. d ioe. as long as a range of the Pyrenees, was then adopted. _ _ . Prelndioe against the Bible us a dull Henry Hebhouse, membor of narlia- a well Kuow.. Farmer 11 led. 3 inconsistent book, a cruel meut for Elbert Somerset, Liberal-Un- Athens, Go., Jau. 19. — Nows has |. k d ineverv way liameutarv secretary for the foreign u , " . an unfit book. 1110 most 01 iubui office, seconded amotion inviting tlio D. Matthews, one of the most promt- nevel . rond it. They think the strata of officials and clergy to co-operate in the uent farmers of Oglethorpe county. He t be r0 oks oontradict tho account in Gen- relief work. Another attempt to have was worth over $60,000. He was su- I e8 ; g> rphe poor souls do not know that an umeudment similar to Hindeman’s perintouding the cutting dowu of trees tb0 jj oga i Q account agrees exaetly with followed, but it was ruled out of order, on liis farm near Sandy Gross, when a afi0 logioal aocount. No violin or aud the motion of Mr. Hebhouse was large tre* fell on him. killing him m- 8 8 wag in ^,6, accord. By adopted aud the meeting was closed. | staidly. “row bar and pickaxe and shovel and LIBERAL PARTY’S LEADER, blasting powdor the geologist goes down in the earth aud soys, “The first thing A Killing In Wot Virginia. Patikerkbuko, W. Va„ Jan. — |rh«Kariof Kimbariy Ui.aiiimnu.iy Kiaotad 1 oren ted in the furnishing of the earth Frank Cornwall, aged 18, son of super- j to succeed itu.ebery. I wob the plants.’’ Moses says, “Aye, I intendeut of the public schools of Toy- London, Jau. 19.—The Liberal poors, to i d y0 u that iu the book of Genesis, lor county, shot Tom Hazlipp, a Balti- l t ft IIiee ti Ilg held at the Spencer House. ‘Xlto earth brought forth grass and herb, more and Onio br*keman, oti Main r0 gi d enoe of Earl Spencer, yielding seed after hi* kind and the street. Grafton, about midnight. Young ‘ • ; rpn v i e iding fruit.’ " Cornwall, who was returning from a unammously.elected the Earl of tr^ yieffiffig ir digging in the sick call, found Hazlipp beating another berly, the late minister for foreign --- ----- 7 . ... , t he railroader. Interferrlng the boy was ff f to be lead er of tho Liberal party 0 «“? “ nd «• Vthe making twicA irnnr.knri down. when, drawing a ... , ... furnishing of the earth was tne maxing Mvolver. ( he e put d twobuUetsin HrAipp’s ‘n tha house of lords, in the place of of^he^ofeatures of the sea.” Moses — ‘ 3 — " u " 1 goy g ( “Aye, I told you that was next in the book of Genesis, ‘God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the mov ing creatures that have life, and God right sido, inflicting fatal wounds. Lord Rosebery, who resigned that posi- Cornwall was arrested and jailed. tion. . , The Earl of Kimberly was born 111 Queen Like, tlie New .Treaty. 11820 and has been_ under secretary of HOME AND FARM is a 16 page agricultural journal made by farmers for farmers. Its Home department conducted bv Aunt .Jane, is unequal ed. Its Children’s Department, Conducted by Faith Latimer, is en tertaining and instructive. Renew now and get this great ag- rioultural and home journal FRE A good sewing machine freight puid and the HxbUld one year for $20 to $23. Call and ■ee terras and onts. A splendid organ oan be bad partly for cash and part iu home produce at less than nt oan get same organ for oash. Apply at JhliU) offloe. ONE PROFIT— from Factory to Consumer. Greater Inducements then ever in slightly used Pianos and Organs —many as good as new—sold under guarantee. Latest Styles. Elegant Cases. Also New STEINWAY Pianos, Mason & Hamlin Organs. Bargain LUDDEN & BATES, Savannah, Ga. AU Sheet Muslo One-Half Price. ambassador to St Petersburg, lord lieu- I created great whales. ’ ” The geologist — ... • ■ ’ 1 ** - 1 — — J ““"i, T1 London. Jan. 18 that the queen’s spoeoh at the opening I tenant of Ireland, lord privy seal, twice I goes on ’digging and says, “The next of parliament will be unprecedentedly Secretary of state for the oolonies, sec- I thing in the furnishing of the earth brief. It is expected to congratulate ratary of state for India aud lord presi- I was the creation of the cattle, and the parliament upon the signing of the ar- dent of the council. ieptiles, and tbe beast* of tbe field.” jitration treaty with the United States. — —; Confirming the Scriptures. Iviiry Plead. Not Guilty. .... „ „• *u-r London. Jan. 19 ~ T1 >* tr |“ 1 °' Ed ’ wag „ext inThe first ohapter of Genesis, ward J. Ivory, alias Bell, of Now York, | , Aud Qod Ba id, Let the ewth bring riT? n A XTC Pisnos $226.00. V/Xi\TixJ3l O Sign painterswauted. Otnloguo Free. Address Dan’l F. Beatty Wmblngtou, New J raey. Fctmers want the beat seed for their fall stops. See advertisement of J. T. Guilmar, tin & Go., who offer tested acolimated seed raised on their experimental farms |near Sa vannah. Send.them your orders. -It is understood atate for foreign affairs nnd for India, The legislative proposals are believed to be few aud the important measures promised will be confined to the relief of voluntary schools and au employer’s liability bill, supplemented by minor measures. charged with conspiring to causo a dy- f ortb j be living croature after his kind, Tillman Will Not Contest. Nashville, Jan. 18.—G. N. Tillman, (Rep.) who recently filed a notice of contest of the eleotion of Robert L. Tay lor (Dem.) as governor, has withdrawn from the contest. The legislature had passed a bill requiring a gubernatorial contestant to give a $26,000 bond for the costs ot the contest, and Tillman ia an- willing to assume the risk. namite explosion, openod at the Old Bailey before Justice Hawkins. Solici tor General R. B. Fiuloy, Q. O.. M. P., prosecuted in behalf of the treasury. John F. Mclutyre, formerly an assis tant district attorney of N*w York city, wutched the case iu behalf the prisoner, who is defended by J. F. Taylor and Theobald Matthew. After tho jury hud been charged Ivory pleaded not guilty in a clear, firm voice. OonnteM Csitellane a Mother. Paris, Jan. 18. -The Countess Cas- tellaue, formerly Miss Anna Gould, gave birth to a son at noon. Mother and child are doing well. Miss Gou’d was married to Count Castellans on March 4,1895. Violent Knrtliqunk. In Austria. Vienna, Jan. 18—There was a violent eartquake during the evening at Lai bach, accompanied by underground rumbling# Strike at L«ailvillu .'lay Ho Sottloil. Denver, Jau. 19.—H. H. Moffatt. the heaviest mine operator iu the Leadville district, has gone to the camp iu re- feponse to a telegram from Governor Alva Adams, who has established head quarters until he oan reach a conclusion a* to the continuance or early termina tion of the strike. Mr. Moffatt was ac companied by several leading mlue own ers of Leadville. Governor Adams ha* desired that the Miners’' union make some definite proposal for a settlement and this he intends to submit to the mine owners. eattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, after his kind.’ ” The geolo gist goes on digging in the earth and says, “The next oreature was the hu man family.” “Aye,” says Moses. “I told you tbat was nest iu the book of Genesis, ’So God oreated man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female, oreated he them.’ ” Those prejudiced agaiust the Bible do not know that the explorations in Egypt and Palestine and Syria are confirming the Scriptures—the same faots written on monuments and on the walls of exhumed cities aa written in the Bible. The city of Plthom has been unburied, and it* brick* are found to have been made without straw, exaotly corresponding with the Bible story of th* persecuted Hebrew# On terra ootta cylinder, recently brought up from thousand* of years of burisl, the cap ture of Babylon by Oyru* is told. On a Babylonian gem reoently found are the figure* of ■ tree, a man, a women and Pilcser. On tho edge of u bronzed step and on burned brick has been found the name of Nebuohadmtzznr. Henry Raw liuson and Oppert and Hinoks and Pal entitle exploration societies aud Asyriolo gists and Egyptologists huvo rolled nil other Bible up from the depths of the eurth, and lo, it corresponds exactly with our Biblo, tho rook Biblo just like the printed Biblo, inscriptions oil cylln ders aud brickwork out 8,800 years be fore Ghrist testifying to tho truth of what wo road 1,897 years nftor Ghrist. Th« Tower of Babol. Tho story of tho tower of Babel lias been confirmed by tho fact thutrecoutly at Babol an oblong pile of brick 110 feot high evidences tho remains of fallen tower. In the inspired book of Ezra we read of the great and noble Asnapper, a name that meant nothing especial until recently in pried np Egyptian soulpture we havo the story there told of him as a groat hunter — well as a great warrior. What I say now is news to those prejudiced against the Bible. Thoy are so fur behind the times that they know not that the old book is being proved true by tho prying eye of tho untiquariun und the ringing hammer of the archaeologist and the plunging crowbar of the geologist. No more is infidelity characterized by its blasphemy than by its ignorance, but oh, what a high mouutain of prcjudico against the Biblo. against Christianity, ngaiust churches, against all evangoliz- ing enterprises—a mouutain that oasts its long black shadows over this oon tineut and over all continents. Geog ruphers tell us (hat Mount Everest is the highest mountain iu tho world. Oh, nol The mountain of prejudice against Christianity is higher titan the highest orags that daro the lightnings of henvou. Before our Zerubbabel, can it over bo come a plain? Another mountain of hindrance is that of positivo and ontspokcu im morals. There is tho mountain of ine briacy. It is pilod high with kegs and demijohns and decanters and hogsheads, on witioh sit the victims of that trufflo whoso one business is to rob earth aud heaven of the most generous and large hearted and splendid of the human race. If their business was to take only the mean and stingy and oontemptible aud useless, wo would not say muoh against the work, for there are tons of thousand* men aud women who are a nuisanoe the world, aud their obliteration from human sooiety would be on ad vantage to all that is good. Tho re movnl of these moral deficits would not arouse in us much of a protest. But in sobriety takes the best The mountain of inebriacy stands iu tho way of the kingdom of God, and hundreds of thousands of men, but for that hindrance, would step right into the ranks of the Lord’s host aud march heavenward, each one taking a regi ment with him. The mouutain of ine briacy is not uu ordinary mountain, but it is armed It is a lino of fortrosses continually blazing away its destructive forces upon all our neighborhoods, towns and cities, their volleys of death poured down upon the homes and .churches, Under this power more than 100,000 men aud women are iu this oouutry every year imprisoned, aud un army of 600,000 drunkards almost shake the earth with their staggering tread. It causes in this country 800 murders aud 400 suicides a year. Inebriacy on th* Sea. This mouutain of ineltriaoy has not only assaulted the laud, hut bombarded the shipping of the sea, aud some of the most appalling shipwrooks on Atlautio and Pacific coasts have been the result. What sank tho steamer Rothsuy Castle, on the way from Liverpool to Dublin, destroying 100 human lives? A drunken sea captain. What blew up the Ben Sherrod on the Mississippi and sent 150 to horriblo death? A drunken crew. Wbat drove oil the breakers a steamer making its way from New York to Charleston and sent whole familiea, on the way home from summer watering plaoes, to the merciless depths of the sea? A drunken sea oaptain. Gather up from the depths of the river and lakes und oceans the bones of those ship wrecked by intoxioated captains aud crews, aud you could build out of them a temple of horrors, all the pillars and altars and floors and ceilings fashioned of human skulls. Is it possible that suoh a mountain of inebriacy can ever be made a plain? Yonder also 1* the mountain of orim*, with its strata of fraud and malpractice and malfeasance aud black mail and burglary and piracy and embezzlement and libertinism aud theft, all its heights manned with the desperadoes, th* cutthroat*, the pick pocket*, the thimble riggers, the plun derer*, the marauders, the pillagers, [Oonelfidefl on 4th page] The Best Cure. This I. th» best enre. But ninny people (-anti'll afford to rest indefinitely. Won* still, the very knowledge tbat they cannot, interfere* with tbe beet use r th* rest they h .ve. Too often going to tbe doc tor means tbat the patient shall slop short, while cares and dnties and expenses oontin- i. Many, therefnre, hesitate and delay. Drs. Starkey A Palsn’s Compound Oxygen Treatment presents an easy way out of th* dilemma; it lisa done so for more tb*n a score of years and lor more than three score thou sand people, Tbe agent used is the Com pound Oxygen The mothod puts it where it will do the most good—in the lung*. Th* treatment neither interfere* with business uor pleasure. This simple thing ha* mad* multitudes of rnu-down, overworked, ner vous and aiok people as good a* new For farther particulars send for book nf 200 pa ges, seotfree. Boms or Offloe Treatment, Consultation free. Drs. STARKEY & I’ALEN 1629 Arch 8t., Philadelphia. T» „ Ban Francisco, Oau Tobonto, Oan PIANOS Sign 1 wanted, Catalogue Free. Addresa Daniirl F. Beatty Washington, N. J. AUGUSTA SOUTHERN K. Rd* Time Table No. 17. To take 4 30effect at o’clock A. M. Bnnday Deo. 15th 1895. Eastern Time Standard. READ DOWN BIAD UP. Daily Daily DailV|Daiy Ex. S Ex. S | Ex. 8 Ex. 8 23 lai STATIONS. 22 24 Mixed Pas* Pass Mixed A. M. P M. Lv Ar AM P. M. 8 30 5 15 Angnsla 9 00 7 65 9 30 6 16 Hepbzibab 8 03 6 64 10 18 7 05 Matthews 7 13 6^01 I0|30 7 17 Wrens 7 01 6 62 11 00 7 47 Avers 6! 31 6 22 11 15 8 02 Oibson 6 16 5 07 11 54 8 42 Cbalker 6 37 4 28 12 16 9 04 Wertben 5 14 4 07 12 46 0 31 Ar Sandersville L 4 45 3 38 12 48 9 33 Lv Sandersville A 4 42 3 37 2-61 1 00 Tennille 4 30 3 26 P. M. P. M. Ar Lv A. M. P. M. Trains Nos. 23'and 24 connect with East and West Bound Traios’on the Central Rail road, and North and Bontb Bound Trains on the Wrightsville A Tennille Railroad, at Teonille. JAB. U JACKSON, F. W. SCHOFIELD, President. Superintendent Oconee and Weetern Railroad- Time Card No. 16, Taking effect Deo. 15tb, 1896. BIAD DOWN. No. 1 A.M. 9 15 9 36 10 00 10 15 10 30 10 45 11 05 11 50 12 05 12 30 No. 2 P.M. Lv.... Dublin Ar Hutohings Spring Haven... Dexter Aloorns Chester Yonkers Ar.... Empire.... Ar Cypress Ar. .Hawkinsville..Lv Nos. 1 and 2 Daily Exoept Sunday. Connections. No. 1 With W. A T. R. R West-Bound and Sou. Ry, South-Bound. No. 2 With Sou. Ry. North-Bound nnd with W, A T. R. R. East-Bound, M. V MAHONEY, O. P. A. T. W. HIGHTOWER, O. M. 6 16 4 66 4 40 4 25 4 00 3 48 3 35 3 15 2 30 2 15 #m a.m p.m Sandersville Railroad. TIME TABLE NO LOUIS COHEN, President. Id Efleot Sunday April 21st Lv. Sandersville 7 00 Ar. Tennille 7.20 Lv. Tennlll 8.00 Ar. Sandersville 8.20 p.m Lv. Bandersville 12.36 p.m Ar. Tennille 12.65 Lv. lennille l.'O Ar. Sandersville 1.30 Lv. Bandersville 1-60 Ar. Tennille 2.10 Lv. Tennille 2.20 Ar. Sandersville ... 2.40 SUNDAY. Lv. Sandersville 12 36 Ar. Tennille 12.66 Lv. Tennille 2 20 Ar. Sandersville 2.40 pm p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m pm p.m P.» W ANTED—SEVERAL FAITHFUL Men or Women to travel for responsible established house in Georgia. Salary 8780, payable $15 weekly end expenses. Pcsiti permanent Reference. Enclose **lf-*ddr* ed stamped envelope. Tbs Nstton.Stsr But ing, Chicago. 4t Cheap Stationery:—Th# Hxbau> wills* 4 you post paid 100 envelops with vour If *• tarn etrd printed, or 100 sheets printed o paper ter SO ot#, or 100 ol snob lor 60 o Good work. u* - - ^