The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, March 12, 1903, Image 3

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CUTIGURA PILLS Fir In Gases of Itching, Burning, Scaly Humours, And for Renovating and En riching the Blood. The Best and Most Economical Yet Compounded. Cuticurn Resolvent Pills (chocolate coated) are tho product of twenty-five years 1 practical laboratory experience iu the preparation of remedies for the treatment of humours of the skin, scalp ami blood, with loss of hair, and are confidently believed to be superior to nil other alteratives as well as liquid blood purifiers, however expensive, wldle enabling all to enjoy tho curative properties of precious medicinal agents Without consuming needless expenses and often Injurious portions of alcohol la which such medicines have hereto fore been preserved. Cutieura Pills are alterative, antisep tic, tonic and digestive, and beyond question the purest, sweetest, most suc cessful auil economical blood and skin purifiers, humour cures and f onle-dlges- tives yet compounded. Medium adult dose, one pill. Complete externnl and Internal treat ment for every humour may now bo had for one dollar, consisting of Cut! earn Soap, to cleanse the skin, Cutieura Ointment, to heal the skin, and Cutl- c „rn Resolvent Pills, to cool and cleanse the blood. A single set, costing but one dollar, 18 often sufllcient to euro tho most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp nml ldood hussours, eczemas, rashes, itehlngs and Irritations, with loss of hair, from Infancy to ngn, when phy glciaus uud all other remedies full. THE "GEORGIA WONDER” MON DAY NIGHT. Miss Annie Mny Abbott, the little (icorgia Magnet has recently returm to this her native home and BtHte from Australia and a tour of the entire world. Prof. Gibson has arranged for Miss Abbott to give an exhibition of her marvelous powers at the Audito rium Monday evening, March Kith. Bee hand bills for particulars. To Sandersvllle Lyceum Bookholders. ey. BRIEF LOCALS. ♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦«««««♦♦♦♦♦»♦< PERSONAL. The next Lyceum attraction, which is announced for Tuesday evening, .11*1 ins!., is the eighth and last of the sea son’s course. U'e hope, however, to he able to furnish an additional entertain ment, and ask all those holding books tor the season to preserve the covers, as evidence llmt they are entitled to free admission. W. B. Bknnktt, President. COTTON REPORT. ittnn receipts to da to 11,034. Fully flood Middling 0'a Good Middling 9^, Fully middling middling O'-j. Many School Children are Sickly* Mother Gruy’s Sweet Powders for Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children’s Home, New 'tork, Break up Colds in ‘24hours, cure Feverishness Headache, Stomach Troubles, leeth inn Disorders, and destroy Borins. At all druggists, 25o. Sample mailed FUKK Address Allen S Olmstead, De Hoy, N. Y. Notice of Election, To the Qualified Voters of the City of Inndersv"" lj\ authority of an Act. of the Gener- „ oodg a nl Assembly of the Suite of Georgia, » grunting a new charter to tlm city of ’ Stuidcm ille, approved Dec. 10th ihl)-, hair, etc., a and of nn Ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the City of Sundersvllle, ap proved Feb. ltlth. 1903, an election will he held on the 24th day of March, 1903, liy the qualified voters of the city oi Sundersvllle to determine the question as to whether or not the Mayor and i Council t >f Sundersvllle shall issue the bonds of said city for the purpose ol creeling and maintaining a system of water works and electric lights for said city as provided in section 38 of the new charter of said city and in said or dinance of Feb. 10,1903; said bonds to he issued for the aggregate sum of thirty-seven thousand dollars, ($37,(X,u) each bond to he for the principal spin of one thousand dollars, numbered troin one in thirty-seven (1 to 37) inclusive, and in hear interest at the rate of live l>er cent per annum, said interest to be pay aide annually,and the entire amount of the principal of said bonds to be due thirty years after tho date of issuance of such bonds, so that for. each of the years lliuj to 1032 inclusive there shall he due on said bonds the sum of eight een hundred and fifty dollars interest and no principal, and fog flic yp111 - 1033 there shall be due on said bonds the sum of thirty-seven thousand dollars ($37,UX>.00) principal, and the further sum of eighteen hundred and iifty dol lars (1K50.U0 interest. Said election shall be held at (lie | County Court House in Sundersvllle, l Ha., on the aforesaid date, to-witj March 24111, 1003, and the polls shall open at ten o’clock a. in. and shall close in three o’clock p in, and said election shall he held under the same rules und rvgnhitioiik I hat elections for municipal officers of said city of Sundersvllle are held except that no registration of vo- i htrs shall lie required for said election. At said election all who favor the issu ance of sakl bonds shall have written printed on their tickets "For Bonds Fruit, trees are in blossom nml Easter clothes in bud. It is spring. March is progressive. The electric form of Monday night was n midsum mer night,’h dream. Farmers and early gardeners had another set-hack from Monday night’s downpour. Dame Nature is houseclenning; al ready the effects of sweeping gales and washing rains appear. The spring-like air is laden with ru mors of marrying and giving in mar riage, vindicating the poet’s assertion, “In the spring the young man’s fan- etc. According to the Advance, Vldalla seems to be in same ease with our city u some regards—“thirteen weddings expected soon and not an empty house n town.” A handsome line of silver and cut glass articles, novel in style niul admir able in design, lias been received by the Sundersvllle Drug Go. They are timely and happy suggestions for cer tain coming events. Solicitor-General B. T. Rawlings on- terlained in honor of the members of till' burnt nn elegant dinner on Wednes day ot last week. The guests we re Judge Holden, the visiting attorneys, and members of the local bar. If Snndersville waits until she is ready for it” before making any effort toward improvement and development he will go down into obscurity with the perverted motto, “Nunqunm pernios” engraved over her devoted head. Don’t miss the entertainment by the Expression department of the High School tomorrow, Friday, night. A pro gram of unusual interest and attraction is arranged and an enjoyable evening promised. A nominal fee of 10 cents, general admission, will he charged. The Parker Concert Company, pro nounced notone of the best hut the best ot its kind, will be the next Lyceum at traction, the date March 81st. The company consists live ladies and one man—each member an artist. We publish this week sworn state ments of the four chartered hunks iu the county. In addition to the excel lent financial showing as therein set forth, we have two flourishing private banks in Snndersville. All of which proves the subsllinthil basis of county finances. Snndersville, a la Atlanta, is mightily moved and troubled inspirit over the depot question. Reasons of sickness and attendance upon court duties pre vented tho committee appointed by the city council bringing the matter before the Southern Railway officials In Atlan ta lust week. They will go before the Railroad commission with their plea on the 27tli Inst. l)r. Win. Rawlings is putting in a sewerage system for the Snndersville Hotel and Sanitarium. Superinten- nt T. R. Cox who is in charge of the work, with convict labor, thoroughly understands his business. 1 lie ditch for the drain pipes is as neat a bit of excavation as one could wisli to see— straight as a die. It crosses the court house yard, connecting with thP coun ty pipes, into which the hotel sewers will discharge. There is a tide in the affairs of mu nicipalities,as well ns of men, which ta ken at its Hood lends cl) to future growth aiul prosperity if not to fortune. Neglected, the opportunity now offered our city to get in line with the progres s ive third elflss towns of the state, will go out with the ebb, and |envp us stran ded high and dry—a little two-by-four town, pointed out to travelers as a cu rious anomaly. A bewildering army of spring dress all the fashionable weaves taminesi, Venetians, canvas,nio - Iso ft full line of the latest novelties for shirtwaist suits, and every thing imaginable for the dplpctation of hearts feminine, is ulrendy attracting crowds of fair shoppers to the store of Happ Paris. Mr. Happ, who lias just returned from KoW York, lias more than sustained his reputation for irreproach able taste in selection. Duo notice of their spring opening will appear later. The Presentments of the Grand Jury published this week are a gratifying ex position of the condition of county af fair*. and show careful and conscien tious investigation on the part of the body. Their commendation pf our ex cellent county officials is merited trib ute to the wisdom of the people whose choice they are as well as to the officers themselves, wlide their Pftrnest recom mendation for the searching out and suppression of the evils of law breaking in our midst, show them well deserving ing the high encomiums that have been paid the Urut)(l Inquest. The person nel ot the body was remarked ns being splendidly representative of Washing ton county citizens in nearly all depart ments, On the day of adj,HH;iunent the^fol- Mr. Newman Wood wns registered at the Pulaski in Savannah Tuesday. Miss Lizzie Harris lias returned from a visit to Atlanta. Miss Lillian Huntley has returned from a week’s visit to Macon. Miss Fannie B. Adams of Dnvisboro is expected in Snndersville today to spend several days with Mrs. T. H. Sparks. Dr. H. A. Hermann and sister, Miss Bertha are expected home from Atlan ta the first of April. The many friends of Mrs. Julia Mar tin are pleased to learn of her conval escence, nfter n two weeks’ illness Mr. Chas. Adamson of Dublin will he in the city today, taking orders for pic ture frames. Mesdnmes Mnnson and Bngley of Wadley were guests of Mrs. S. Bayne Tuesday and Wednesday. WrigtsviHe Record: Mrs. Fred Sta- cer of Snndersville is ill the city visit ing Mrs J. L. Kent. Mr. Hermann Bashinsky, says the Morning News, was autographed at the Do Soto in Savannah Monday. Miss Bettic Matthews, the popular milliner of the firm of Happ A Paris, is expected to return tomorrow from New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pittard made brief visit to Macon this week, return ing sooner tlinn they intended, owing to the illness of Mr. Pittard. Mr. A. 0. Harrison of Agricola, and his son Dr. James Harrison of Sparta, were among the visitors ill town last week, Mrs. Herman Bashinsky and Miss Florence Cohen arc lit home after a de lightful visit to New Orleans and to Troy, Ala. Miss Lotus Flanders of Wrightsville spent several days in the city tin* past week, guest of Miss Alary Emilia Ro- blson. Mrs. W. N. Henry, of Sandersvllle, Tuesday Night’s Entertainment. Last Tuesday night’s entertainment at the Auditorium wns one of the very best of tliis season, and our people feel nn especial pride in the knowledge that it was all furnished by our own home people. A duet beautifully played by Misses Cohen and Chapman was the lirst fea ture of the program. Hon. T. W, Hardwick, in a few well chosen words, thanked the audience in behalf of those interested in the Sunday School library for their help in this direction, com mended the movement and expressed the thanks of the audience and those in terested in the library to the lecturerof the evening for giving of his time and talents to promote so worthy nn enter prise. He then introduced our fellow townsman, Sir. Chas. J. Bayne, the speaker of the evening, ns one of our number who had won fame in the field of literature and on the platform. It would be unjust to the lecture and {MMtw manlev, enesr. DOORS. SASH. BLINDS. MOULDING MILL. WORK OF ALL KJNDS. PAINTS, OILS. RAILR0AQ. STEAMBOAT. AND MILL SUPPLIES. DU!Ll>e ,,S LIME, PLASTER.HAIR,& CEMENT. WINDOW PLATErf’ART GLASS ytm oetCIALTY. i ThLYn«K ftfCSTrKKVRb to the lecturer to attempt here to give ORDINARY'S CITATIONS any of the lecture itself, in the limited | Application lor Administration ligHted so ninny audiences in all parti of the Union. It is a gem, bright, wit ght Have said, one which mis i hied so ninny audiences in all parts I (GEORGIA—Washington County. — . „ . tR» ty, instructive and beautifully eloquent. Thcr Ordinary’s Office, March 9,1903 re was nothing more lie .night have [Mrs. Oelestla Oolli« ? has nppH«1 J or said.... the subject, perhaps, yet all letters of »dm.n«straton, ; o the estate wished that he mlgiit hnve spoken an of \\ S Collins deceased. ll ! 18 *. 8 > 41lie t ,® hour longer. What he did say was just fore, to notify all concerned tlmt tlte what we till wished we might hnve said, same will be heard on the lirst Monday and said it as he did that night. But m April next. Ordinary none but Chas J Bayne can say it. No I 4t M. Nkwman, oruinnry. one else can say it that way. Application for Adinlulalrotioii. | GEORGIA—Washington County. Ordinary’s Office, March 2, 1903. James H. Hooks lias applied for let Entertainment at the Auditorium The musical entertainment nt the auditorium on the evening of March 0, was indeed an occasion of unusual pleas ure und enjoyment to all of those pres. ^ out. The entertainment was unique III I notiTy aTrconeeriied that the same wil conception and perfect In execution— be heard on the first Monday in April and was attended by a larger audience | next. M Nkwman , Ordinary. ed, on the estate RESOURCES: I Loans and Discounts $ 68.042.C4 Demand Loans 120.00 Overdraft*, (secured) 8,133 13 Furniture nnd Fixtures.. 1,883.38 Dm* from Banka and Bankers in the 8ta*o 13,830.07 Due from Hanks and Bankers in other States 8,081.89 Curreucy, ) Gold, • Silver,Nickels nnd Pennies ) Total . 6,242.30 90,333 97 than usually assembles In our auditori um. Misses Marston and Gibson prov ed equal to the occasion, and dem onstrated that they thoroughly under stood wlint is requisite in en tertaining Their happy selections skillfully execu ted, captivated the attention of the nu dlence niul held it the entire evening. .Miss Gibson, q nieco of Prof, Gihsotb is from Savannah. She won a host of friends during her short stay in our city Miss Gibson is a very brilliant and tal ented young lady. In view of the fact Application Tor Administrator’s IMsmision. GEORGIA—Washington County. Ordinary’s Office, Mnrch 2, 1003. it ,T Waller administrator of the es tate (ff Win. Waller deceased, rep™ seats that lie has fully discharged tin duties of his said trust, and prays for letters of dismission. This is therefore to notify all persons concerned, show cause, if any they can, oil or he fore the first Monday in April next why said administrator should not he discharged from said trqsl. at M- Nkwman, Ordinary it ■ ■ r> • , I^HT III UlirilV 1 - of Prof. John Gibson, with her daugh- recited different oomloselections, which X|»»Hoistluii for tor, Miss Addle'May, spent part of Fri- were greatly enjoyed by the audience ' . „ , . One of the pleasantest features of the spent several days of last week in 1,10 I 'that"she is only fourteen years of age, city, visiting her daughter.—Mllledge- | u . r ability ns a pianist is wonderful, lib, union Rucordcr Besides being so accomplished in mu Hie union Becorui r, Lj£ Miss Gibran, possess.* no little do- Mrs. I.A.Gibson, of Savannah* slater | ee () f talent as an Elocutionist, She 1 - Admhihtr alo ’a Dlsuiis i j a * i i .in .!(,. i uiih u. u(r pleasantest features of the j day and Saturday in the city. evening’s program was the singing by GEORGIA—Washington County Rev. B. 11. Ivey of Sparta was warm- the fourth and fifth grades. This part of Ordinary’s Officu March 2, 1903. ly welcomed by many old friends and the program was simply an M“ t,on j w Veal, Executor of the estate of frLer »( 1.1. ■» 'J.S'f.T & W « ]y"\^TTll SrSlWlS S..n<lvr.vlllp lw Wf*. wdn. Tto VpM f »?" ■* S» tr'ilt3VS?, t lX“ otdli Mrs. W. M. Crafts of Savannah visit- singing is an evidence of careful tra n- njgH j on ^his is therefore, to notify al ed her mother, Mrs. McDonald, and 1,1 () T Gower a member of the persons concerned, to show cause, if her brother, Mr. J. T. McDonald in the facu)ty KBV0 „ short address in which ^piffine xtwhy said admin- city the past week. , | he set fqurth bri^ an^d ooncisej^the j ghou { d uol lle discharged front STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF HE SANDERSVILLE BANK Located at Sanderavllle, (la., at the close of bualneaa Feb. a8, 1903. LIABILITIES: Capital Stock Paid in $ 80,000.00 Surplus Fund, Undivided Profits, 1es» Current Ex penses and Taxes Paid.. 6,972.09 Individual Deposits subject to Check 58,166.88 Time Certificates 1,206.00 Total 90,833.97 STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Washington. Before me came C. WHITEHURST, Cashier, The Sandersvllle Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true con dition of said Bank, us shown by the books of file in said Bank. 0. WHITEHURST, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed befere me, this 6th day of March, 1903. M. NEWMAN, Ordinary W. O, STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS'BANK LOCATED AT TENNILLE, GA., AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS FEBKUAUY 28, 1901L ,, v ... . lie set fourth briefly und concisely the - . f , meaning of the school as nn organized istrator snou Miss Claim Watkins returned from {”^ u ' t f on . t , i(b ^drpsaby Mr. 0™- trqst Atlanta tills week. Slie spent Tuesday pr vvllg considered appropriate and ex in the oity, leaving yesterday for Adrian prcsslve. - - 1 The entire evening was one of pleas ure and enjoyment and is indicative of the life and growth of our institution. 4t M Nkwman, Ordinary. Bkbourcrh I.onns and Discounts, Demand Loans, Overdrafts, BoikIh and Stocks owned by the Bank, Banking Hoqse, Hue (thiiii B'inks and Bankers in the State, Due from Banks and Bankers in ottier States, 8,285.751 Currency, 2,868.00 Gold, 60.00 : Silver Nickels and Pennies, 1,020.49 Checks and Cash Items, 173.Hu; Total, $90,488,001 Liadimtihs 30,400.96'Capital Stock Paid in, 0,OOo!(X) Surplus Fund, (j’lli9 d 7|Unaivtded Profits, less Cur rent Expenses and Taxes 2 584.00 l’uid, l’coo'oo Individual Deposits Subject ’ ' | to Check. 25,329.90 Tln»e Certificates, 25,000.00 6,000.00 Total, 11,920.01 47,328.08 1,239.07 $90,488.06 Working Overtime, Eight hour laws are ignored by ; those where she takes charge of a large mil linery department Dr. 0. D. Redding of Lindsey who lias been studying the advanced methods in Atlanta hospitals, is at home for a few days before leaving for a course of study in the noted hospitals of New Orleans. Thu handsome features of two of Washington county’s popular young people, Miss Julia Walker and Mr. Chas. H. Sell wall, who are soon to he married, adorned thp pages of the At lanta Journal one day Inst week. Misses Lucy I linos of Atlanta Allen of Millcdgeville and the Jordan of Tennillc, who formed uarlette of visitors to our kins of Wadley and Esther Butts of city the past week, returned Monday Sandersvllle. Thp suggesting furnish: to Tennille. ed by Spring in regard to the appropri- Miss Marion Evans is the name of | ate color scheme, was effectively carried New Road and Discontinuance of an old Road. GEORGIA—Washington County Office of Commissioners of Roads A Revenue. February 12, 1003. Notice Is hereby given that if no good tiie contrary on March 1903, tireless, little workers—Dr. King's New cause is shown to the Life Bills. Millions are always at work, Thursday the 12th day of night and day, curing Indigestion, Bil- by 10 o’clock a. in., that the following lousness, Constipation, Sick Headache proposed new road, reported as of pub- ami all Stomach, Liver and Bowel (i c utility by special Road Commission- Onsy, pleasant, safe, sure, ers, will be established as a JU Class M 1) Jamerson’s drugstore, road of the county oummenotng at the _ staefiminh road in front of Dr. W. A. SI ATE OF GEORGIA—•County of Washington. Before me came J, H. Aruall, Cagnler of Farmers A Merchants’Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condi tion of said Hank, n» shown by tho books of file in said Bank. J. H. ARNALL. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 7th day of March 1903. D. R. THOMAS, N. I*., Washington County. troubles. K (Inly 25c al In Honor of Misses Perkins and Butts. Savannah road in front Thomas’ residence and terminating at the Dublin road near J E Duke’s resi- STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE TENNILLE BANKING CO. LOCATED AT TENNILLE, GA., AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS FEBRUARY 28, 1908. * the charming yoimg vocalist” who has out in the purple of violets and gold of coma to make ImrhomP with Ofll. and I daffodils. They appeared m rpyql t u,d Mrs. A. W. Evans. Our popular Rep resentative is smilingly receiving con gratulations on this recent acquisition to his interesting household. Mr. II. N. Gnlialior, after u pleasant visit to liis parents at his old home, left the first of the week for Montezu 111a. Owing to changes in the business in Jacksonville nml for reasons of health lie will not return to Florida at present but will engage in the wholesale gro eery business with his brother Mr. Corbin Gnllnher, who lias established a growing trade at Montezuma. Mr. Win. A. Gullaher will shortly_ take charge of a branch house fop the South- daffodils. They appeared ip rpyql lavish profusion everywhere, the same ricli colors being used in nil the decora tions. From above the centre of the table were suspended ropes of the same bright-hued tissues, extending to the four corners of thp tajilp, \v|illp shaded lamps reflected the colors in softened tones. A11 unique feature of the enter tainment was the assumption of Cupid s . by the guests in turn, each essay ing, blindfolded, to pierce with an ar row u heart on the opposite wall. The little blind god must have laughed in his sleeve (it he had one) at blunders of the unconscious mortals, who neverthe less extracted fun galore front the sit uation. , . Another miKthmrokmg contest was the guessing of silhouettes, The young men first studied tho profiles of the IB 1 S W Whitfield and thence the land line of J E Dukes and Eli Wilsons, and the following described rond will be discon tinued, leading from the Tarver road 11 92nd district near T E Houghton s res idence to the Dublin road m the 1384th district near Pleasant Spring church M. NEWMAN, 4t Secty Com R A R Rkbourckh Loans and Discounts 41,148.30 Overdrafts, Secured, 22,334.02 Furniture and Fixtures, 1,000.00 Due from Banks and Bankers iu the State, 50,551.84 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States, " 7,902.40 Currency, 2,050.00 Gold, 15.00 Silver, Nickels and Pennies, 1,474.40 Checks and Cash Items, 43.32 orn Grocery Company at Tampa, Fla. __ Wrightsville Headlight: The small I young ladies, thrown on a sheet, then mix scare is all over, and Prof, tjuillian the young men went into eclipse for a will doubtless expect a full attendance season, emerging triumphant from Hie at school next Monday as there is no ordeal-fyr one of their number was further occasion for alarm.—At public awarded the prize—Mr. Lee Happ prov- sale here hist Tuesday, Chas. G. Raw-1 ing shadows "^rterto OI me nuc ... .*• - as the successful affUer. in contains 364 acres, and Mr. Rawlings the former contest, and to both victors imiil the round little sum of $1,000,04 Prof. Gower, in his happiest vein, pre- fur it Johnson county soil conics high sented the spoils—an eyiPHSue mm quet Of violets to Miss Robison and to Mr. Hupp a handsome box of stationery . Delicious refreshments were served during the evening, and at a late hour the guests departed, bearing recollec tions of a most enjoyable occasion. Those present were, Misses Perkins, Butts, Chapman. Colnm, McKenzie, Hines, Allen, Turbutton, Robison, and Messrs. Happ, Smith, Rawlings, Lovett, Gower, Gilmore,Cooley, M icker, Wood, Taliaferro, Hyman, Ruben, Harris, mid nil those who oppose tho. issuance l) f said bonds shall have written or | printed on their 'tickets “Against Bonds.” A said election the follow uig named persons shall act ns election | MtHimgers, viz: J- Sanford Adams, jj. Shcluult, tloulmnn, liy order of the Mayor and r V. II Bond C oiincii oYthe city of Sandersvllle this JtiUl day of February, 1903. (Signed) I). L. CHEATHAM, Mayor (Signed) W. A. BELL, Clerk. feb 10—H AT HERMANN'S C ITY r DRUG STOR E. Program of General Meeting at Pteaa* ant Groye C)iM r Ch Friday before the 5th in March, Friday 11:30 o’clock, Devotional ex crcises by L A Gladin, 11:30 o clock sermon by Rev. A. Chamlee, alternate Rev A S Avant2 o’clock. Who ought to attend and take part in the Sunday school? Rev J D Boonp, Kpv A S Avant 3 o’clock, Should we not obey Christ in Missions a* well as In Baptism.’ E J Smith, Rev T J Holmes. Saturday 9:30o’clock, Devotional ser vices by some brother npppinted by the Moderator. 10 o’clock exercises of An ti-missionaries answered, Rev T * Holmes, Dr R G Stone, 11 o'clock. The necessities for the home, state and for eign missionary boards, Rev A Cham lee, P R Taliaferro 2 o'clock- loir what hot 1 Id we discipline our members, Rev I Beck D D, Rev J F Jackson, 3 „ clock. Should our ministers be edu cated and should the church help? A W Evans, J K Daniel. Sunday 10 o’clock. Pnrental obliga tions, Sunday school, Mass meeting. P R Taliaferro. 11 d'clppk sermon by Rev TiT Reek, D.T1. , , It is very much desired that every . peaker on the program he present, al so that there may be a large represen tation from the various churches. lowing resolution was offered by Mr J. V Walker and unanimously adopted. “ Vs this honorable body lias finished (U iork fo? the y™r we separato Wf* wish to return our thanks to our worthy Foreman for I s pleasant and affable manner andj ness-like way in discharging the duties SctoSb upo>* '*'"*,”* » WHextend our lieartfelt tnanss eiict. oil,.-, for Ui« l*S , *Jil"S5I , )JSJ out the term, and 8l, ° uld w e meet in this onpacity again,, may we meet in that upper and bet(,er PU»B • “that Celestial City, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. | Statk ok Omo, CityW Ttp.Kpo, ) Luo* OppsiTI,! .. i 1 the Paia» Cured They are often caused by a I Frank j" ("a K nkv iiia’lles oftfh Pipt he lc condition of qf the firm of F. J etc. URIC liheumatlp undue apcwnHlttJiipWOfflJJ^w^J | ^,d e^ry ease of patar'rh tl^ To Cwr® A Cold in One Day Take Laxative liromo Guiniue Tablets All druggists '^signature Holden,'Cas fails to cure. E-W. G>ove sig Ellijay.Ga. is on each box. 25c. 1 id bladder troubles, ovarian ur i y- • Toledo,County and State afore- ,c. URIC80L, the ^“AraUzesHe saia, and°that said firm will pay the lieumatp Rpmedy, neutra i/es iiie , HyifpREl) HOLLARS flne.umu ation Of aplds ill the sys- n ilI 01 1 J L.U ntVatarrli that tern and cures pain and disease Ga., or URICSOL Ohemical Co., Los tobef *£ and subscribed in Angeles, Cal. Druggists sell it at »wi . H 0^ da of December articulars' to the 1 cannot be cured by the lisp f « 1 i.1 N 1 1 rr 1 I) D IT IllTRl of Hai.i.’s per’boulp, or slx'botllcs for $5.00. TO TEACHERSI \ Key to Examinations lips just been iniblistied containining the puestiom? wi A nswers of every Public School Ex- and Answers of every 1 afi Fi » aminatipn in Georgia,, ainca 1888. Fi _ tee,, years’ work. ^b*. sent, 1M _ree. B. S. County Rank, my presence, tins 0th day A. 1>., 1880. r , TT1 . A. W. GLEASON. | SEAL | Notary PuRUd, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nnlly, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials, frep, F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toiedo, O. Liabilities Capital Stock Paid in, 25,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent Expenses and Taxes Paid, 7,407.06 Due to Banks and Bankers in this State, 2,273.06 Due Unpaid Dividends, 66.00 Individual Deposits Subject to Check, 93,993.91 Time Certificates, 3,810.00 Cashier’s Checks, 40.00 Total, $132,580.03 Total, $132,680.03 STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Washington. Before me came J. Bashinski, Jr., Cashier Tennille Banking Co., who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file 111 said Bank. J. BASHINSKI, JR. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 5th day of March 1903. C. W. A. MARSH, N. P., Washington County. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE DAVISBORO BANK, Located at Daviaboro, Ga., at the dose ot bualneaa Feb. 38, 1903. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts $ 12,284.43 Demand Loans 10,8-10.42 Overdrafts 234.14 Banking Houso- 1,008.77 Due from Banks anil Bankers iu the State. 3,773.80 Due from Banks nnd Bankers ill Other States 6,883.52 Ciirreney 1,876.00 Gold .... 40.00 Silver, Nickels and Pennies. 1,012.45 Olieeks and Cash Items 123.21 Total $88,101,74 LIABILITIES: Nicholas Lang, proprietor of the rp liable grocery store,.39 Rftfnkrq street, Savannah, fRy, Jan- 20, 1903, »»y« * “Linpvnnn Drug Co., Proprietors P 1,1 - 16,000.00 1006.44 Capital Stock Paid in | Surplus Fund Individual Deposits subject to Check 20,046 17 Time Certificates 1,029.75 Cashier’s Checks 421.38 Total $38,101.74 lints : I called on your worthy firm today to tell you that for many years I have- tried much medicine nnd, in fact, every means in my power, to get cured of the terrible rheumatism which lias undermined my health for a very long time. I even visited Hot Springs, - ■* ■ At Inst in of P i ^ _ und I rejoice l "to"state that I am entirely well. P P P did the work to my entire sftt* isfaction and made a radical and prompt cure. (Signetf) N'Oboia* I-ang. STATE OF GEORGIA—County < Before me came MARO S. POTTER, Cashier, Davisboro Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the nbove and foregoing statement iB a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. MARO S. POTTER. Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 8th day of March, 1903. G. E. GRUBBS, Com. N. P. W. 0., Ga. long time- 1 even vikiwk >=i> Ark., but nJl to no purpose. At In sheer desperation 1 took a course p p, Lippinan’s Great Remedy, 1 tw*o hundred young men and ladies [ft qualify for paying positions. If you ara interested, write us for our handsome il lustrated catalogue. The Lanier Southern Business College, Macon, Oa. Sold by Druggists, ?&P. , Hall's Family Pills ftre the