The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, February 11, 1904, Image 3

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BALTIMORE FLAME-,SWEPT! CAUGHT BY THE GRIP. Large Wholesale Business Blocks Wiped Out by Conflagration. LOSSES REACH MILLIONS Firemen Unable to Check Av alanche of Fiery Element and Hundreds of Costly Buildings and (Contents are Reduced to Ashes. M rs. Hughson, of Chicago, whose J letter follows, is another woman in high position who owes her health to the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound* “Dkah Mas. I’inkham:— I Buffered for several years witli general weakness and boating-down pains, caused by womb trouble. My appe tite was fitful, and I would lie avake for hours, and could not sleep, until I seemed more weary in the morning than when I retired. After reading one of your advertisements I derided to try the merits of Lydia E. pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and I am so glad I did. Koone the good it did me. I took three bottles faithfully, and can describe — besides building up my general health, it drovo nil disease and poison out of my body, and made ino feel as spry and active as a young girl. Mrs. Pinkham’s medicines are certainly all they are claimed to be.” — Mas. M. E. IIuonsoN, !)47 East Ohio St., Chicago, 111. Mrs. Pinltham Tells How Ordinary Tasks Produce Displacements. Apparently trilling incidents in women’s daily Hie frequently produce displacements of tlio A Blip on the Btnirs, lifting during menstruation, standing nt n. counter, running n hewing machine, or attending to the mog ordinary t a sits may result in displacement, and a train of serious evils is started. The mo3t destructive aontlagrntioa in tho history of Baltimore occurred Sunday and Sunday night, raging prac tically unchecked during many hours, completely destroying scores of the largest Iiouscb in the wholesale dis trict, involving losses which cannot yet he accurately estimated. The fire broke out shortly beforo 11 o’clock Sunday morning in the whole sale dry goods store of John E. Hurst & Co., on Hopkins place, in the heart of the business district, with a series of loud explosions, which were heard in remote parts of the city and spread with fearful rapidity. In a half hour there were a dozen big warehouses in the wlioiesnlc dry goods and notions district burning fiorcely. The entire vlty fire department was building occupied Toy Sllberman & Todcs, the house of Allen sons & Co., which had hardly been completed, while next to it war, tho establish ment of M. Moses & Co. On the cor ner was tlio building- occupied by tht» Messrs. Sugar & Shear, and several other smaller concerns. All of those were swullowed up in tho flames, and, In fact, the whole block was nothing but a cauldron of fire. At, 1:30 o’clock Sonday afternoon Mullens’ hotel, a seven story structure, was In (lames fremi garret to cellar and its great height and narrowness, which noted as a sort of due, convert ed tlio doomed building into n huge and dreadful torch. Other Cities Send Aid. Though every hit of fire lighting ap- pnratuus in tlio cltr was called into requisition as tno flames continued to spread tho firemen realized that they had a las); before them which was too great for them to combat. Tele grams for liro engfnes were sent to Washington and Philadelphia and about 1 o’clock six engines nrrived from Washington and four from Phila delphia and joined In tho battle with the flames. Engines from stnltons In Baltimore, Howard, Anno, Arundel and Hartford counties nrrived ns soon ns possible. Water plugs in evory section within a radius of half a mile from the fire 1 wore in use, nnd It Is roughly estlmat- led that there wore 350 hose lines all I playing at one time upon different ! parts of the conflagration. 'L’ho first indication of such trouble should be tho signal foi»quick action. ills’ Don’t let the condition become chronic through neglect or a mistaken idea that vou cuu overcome it by exercise or leaving it alone. More than a million -women have regained health by the uso of Lyuia If. Pinkham's Togo table Compound. If the slightest trouble appears -which you do not understand write to Mrs. I’iuklmm, nt Lynn, Mass., for her advice, and a few timely words from her will show you the right thins - to do. This Owing to the g.-eat congestion of called out, but was utterly powerless : (Iro apparatus, the crowds of people to check the spread of the flames, ; and tho gene.-al confusion, many en- whieh were aided by high winds, and gines from out of town were unable to by noon there were roaring fires in nt least thirty big warehouses and the conflagration was steadily eating its way into successive blocks east, north, west and south. would he of mu nor win snuw you umnsunuius , , ,, ,, , ,, advice coiSts you nothing', but It may mean life or happiness or botli.^ Building after building fell a prey to the flames, and apparently there Mrs. Lelah Stowell, 177 Wellington St., Kingston, Ont., writes: “Dear Mas. Pinkham: — You are indeed a godsend to women, and if they all knew what you could dn for them, there would he no need * • .i • . _ ... Inn llitroo in nffonv. ache, but a few bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’s ^ Vegetable Compound made life look fp2*\ new and promising to me. I am light and happy, and I do net know what sickness i3, and I now enjoy tho best of health.” , Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound can always bo relied upon to restore health to women who thus suffer. It is a sovereign cure for tho worst forms of female complaints,—that bearing-down feeling, weak back, falling and di placement of tho womb, inflammation of tlio ovaries, and all troubles of tho uterus or womb. It dissolves nnd expels tumors from tho utorus in the carlv stage of development, nnd checks nnv tendency to cancer ous humors. It subdues excitability, nervous prostration, nnd tones up the entiro fumalo system. Its record of cures is the greatest in tho world, anil Should bo relied upon with confidence. FORFEIT If wo ranr.ot forthwith nrnd-'-fi tho original letter* and signature, ol aboiu tcailniouiftlj, »Ulch will |ii-.,vo their iiii-nlutn genulnenhi. Lydia t. l’lukham Moillolno Co., Lynn, Mali. find n place whore they any service. At 7 o'clock Sunday night the sit uation was so desperate that Chief Hoston decided that tho only tiling left to do was to dynamite buildings at threatened points and thus prevent, was no check to the frightful swoop ! as far as possible, a further spread of destruction. • llt l h° flames. On Baltimore street, the block cast ; At 3 o’clock Monday morning the to Hanover, nnd after that tho block on the south side to Charles street, broke out in flames, the Consolidated Gas Company's building and Oehm's Acme hall burning fiercely. Meanwhile there were stores north (ire still raged. So far as known uo rerious casualties were reported. Tele graph, telephone and electric wires of all kinds wore prostrated. Tho fire covered an area of threo- I quarters of a mile In length by nearly of Baltimore street being similarly ! a quarter of a mile hi width, taking consumed. Mullin's hotel caught nnd ' la many of tho most Important build- other buildings near it. West of l.ib- I ' n K s * n the city. The loss, It is bo- orty street, on tho south side of Bal- I 1 loved, will reach $100,000,000. llmore, the block was doomed, and the hig Baltimore Bargain House also 1 KOREANS ATTACK RUSSIANS, caught. Down in Hopkins place, | where the conflagration started, Cza-’s Soldiers Seized a Woman and Hurst’s building and other wholesale t Were Promptly Punished. Tho DcLoach Potent Variable Friction Feed Sew Mill with 4 h p. aits ’ Icel 1 cr day. All id prices to suit. l)cl,ooch Shingle Mi:' I'ilim, Trimmers. PP.m-is; Corn n’ltd Itulir Mills, Water Wheels, I.nlh .Mills, Wood Son itur handsome new ig will Interest \n DeLocch Mill MI,1 Co.. 11,-x fyt, Atlanta,'C SH9BS32IZI Wherever inflmnnliim exists, there jyou may uso with perfect safety «s*22*» sala^ (although the Snlvo i ; chiefly rcc.otn- ladea for diseases of tlio eye CUBES ALL EY5 AFFECT! FOR INSTANCE. "Yes, my boy," said the aged ad viser; "the thing for you to do Is to got out nod hustle. There is always plenty of room at the top, you know." "Plenty of room at the top? But where? What business shall I adopt?” “Well, for instance, go into tho hair- tonic trade.’’—Pittsburg Dispatch. Putnam Fadeless Dyes color more goods, per package, than others. The trouble about people wiio borrow trouble is they always uav it back. acninery ,, hi „.:/v iwSSife*> 'Wi For 81.0.1 Money Order. The John A. fc-alzer Seed Co., Da Crosse, 1 Wis., mail postpaid 15 trees, corlsistiug of ! Apricots, Apples, Crabs, Cherries, Pimps, ! Peaches and Pears, just the tiling for a city ] or country garden, including the great Bis- ’ mark Apple, all hardy \\ isconsm stock, are sent you free upon receipt of #1.05. AND ron 10c. AND THIS NOTICE vou get sufficient seed of Celery. Carrot, Cabbage. Onion, Lettuce, ltadish ar.d i Flower Seeds to furnish bushels of choice flowers and lots of vegetables for a big family, together with our great plant and seed catalog. [A.C.L.] No mailer how good you arc, somebody else is better—and is willing to acknowl edge the fact. houses on both sides of the street, crumbled and fell. Spectacle of Ruin Appalling. The big dry goods house of Daniel Miller & Sons ami R. M. Sutton & Co. were seen aflame and along Gor man street, east nnd west, from the Hurst building, there were a dozen buildings burning and scores more threatened. The spec’acle of ruin and dent ruction from any point In these doomed blocks were something appall ing. Mass & Kemper’s big wholesale store, on Baltimore stret. quickly succumbed to tho flames and the walls fell with a crash that was heard for squares. The Hurst building was ut terly destroyed. On Hopkins place tho Hopkins Sav ings bank and the National Exchange bank were gutted by tlapies, while across the street were the ruins of John E. Hurst & Co., and next to it S. Hecht, Jr., & Sons, in flames. Ad joining was the largo building owned by the William lloch Importing Com pany, which was also destroyed. Across the street the Stanley & Brown Drug Company was quickly in ruins, while fronting on the Baltimore street side of this block were tile Rox- bury Rye Distilling Company, the Russian soldiers linve been the cause of a disorderly Incident, in Seoul, capital of Korea. One of the Russians seized a woman and an angry crowd gathered. A body of Korean gen darmes soon arrived at the scene and an encounter with the Russians fol lowed. Tho gendarmes fought well, over powering tho Russians. An insurrection has broken out sixty miles north of Seoul and tho prefect’s house has been destroyed by tho peo ple. MORE FAVORABLE TO EUROPE. TRAGEDY AT COAL CREEK. Under New Cuban Tariff America is Given the Worst End, President Palma’s decree increasing the rates of Cuban customs duties in accordance with tho authority given him by c-Angress lias - been promul gated. The rates are considered more favor able to Europe than America. The lat ter hoped that a 30 per cent increase, which is the maximum rate allowed by congress, would have been placed cn goods which the United States cannot manufacture In competillon with Eu rope. WASHINGTON IS ADVISED Union and Non-Union Men Engage in Of Severance of Diplomatic Relations Riot and Four are Killed. Between Japan and Russia. A bloody tragedy was enacted Sun- The Associated Press at Washing- day In the litte mining town of Coal ! ton was informed Sunday at tho Rus- rl PRATT. EAGLE. MUNGER. WINSHIP. SIMTH. Wo make tho most complete line ol any concern in tho world. We also make VERY APPROPRIATE. Some kind friends were going to erect a column of marble over the de ceased Jokesmith. "Here is a flue piece,” said the 1 Cl .e e]{ r«un.. forty miles northwest of j sian embassy that the Russian govern ! Knoxville, as the result of which four j ment has received a note from Japan | lives wore snuffed out and threo per sons wounded, one perhaps fatally. : The clash was the culmination of trou- | ble between union nnd non-u#on labor. Threo of the dead men were killed by guards employed by tho Coal Creek Coal Company, while tho foifrth vic tim. a deputy sheriff, was killed by a guard he had gone to arrest. dealer. "Why, that’s a funny column,” re plied tho friend, gazing at tho pecu liar carving. "Well didn't yon say ho was a joke- smith?”—Chicago News. A WOMAN’S MISERY. Mrs. John LaRue, of 115 Paterson Avenue, Paterson, N. J., says: “t was troubled for nbout nine years, and ENGINES and BOILERS, LUSTERS lor OIL MILLS. V»c tell every thing needed about a Cotton Gin. Write for Illustrated Catalogue. Continental Gin Co., Birmingham, Ala. CURED Gives Quick Relief. Removes nil swelling In 8 to so days ; effects a permanent cure in 30 to 61 days. Trial treatment given free. Nothingcati be fairer vM Write Dr. H. H. Grcon’s Sons, ion a owns* Specialists. Cox a Atlanta, Ga. This is What You, Want! Have You Any Malarial Troubles? . *>o ymi want to uct well end 'jot vrilqillck.? I/W, •cud a Pvttolflctf order lor Ufty vents to thb RtGAL MEDICINE GO„of Stamford, Conn., lor medicine and dim-Huns. A quick and certain cnmitiiai-anteBd In all oases of malaria, chills aud TOver»aum’, *gue, orinitteid U ver. TjiQimwn’e Eye Wat*: what I sut’- fered 10 0110 will over know. I used about every known re me- dy that Is snld ^to he good for f kidney c o in - plaint, b u t without dcriv- 1 lug per lmncnt relief. Often CZAR TO PRAY FOR LUCK. May Go to Moscow and Lay His Cause Before the Almighty. A dispatch received from St. Peters- announcing the discontinuance of ne gotiations and tho Interruption of di plomatic relations. Count Cassini, tho Russian ambas sador, upon receipt of the cablegram from St. Petersburg, called upon Act ing Secretary of State Doomis and in formed him of tho interruption of re lations. EDWARD CROKER REINSTATED, of war, may go to Moscow to submit his cau&o and fato to the Almighty be fore the altar of the. Treitz monastery, fore drawing the sword. DEATH IN ATTEMPTED ASSAULT. when alone In j I lie housTtlie back aclio lias been so | bad that it brought tears to my eyes, i The pain at times was so intense that 1 was compelled to give up my household duties and lie down. There were head- j aches, dizziness and blood rushing to j my head to cause bleeding at the nose. | The first box of Doan's Kidney Pills benefited me so much that 1 continued j a Ml providing the death penalty on the treatment. The stinging pain in ' conviction of attempted criminal as- the small of my back, the rushes of , gau | t> (h e fixing of this penalty being blood to the head and other symptoms Fired by Mayo r Low, He Wins Out Be fore the State Court. Tho reinstatement of Edward F. Croker as chief of tho fire department of Now York has been ordered by the appellate division of the supreme court. Mr. Croker was removed from office early in the Low administration. He is a nephew of Richard Croker. Mississippi House of Representatives Passes Important Penal Bill. The Mississippi house of represanta- lives, after a spirited debate, passed disappeared.” jOiitinued Doan's Kidney S'IDispatch andTTew -j SoWbf&IV' 16 jury rs. L Hall’s FauiilAtempted criminal as SUSPECTED ASSAILANT CAUGHT. Negro Held Under Suspicion of Hav ing Assaulted Mrs. Shields. Goldstein Howard, a negro, Is undef arrest at Bluefleld, West Virginia, sus pected of having assaulted Mrs. Shields, of Roanoke. The Roanoke au thorities were notified of lha arre3t. On searching the prisoner a silver- handled broken-pointed penknife used to cut Mrs. Shields’ throat was found, . as was also a whisk broom supposed to /a punished by a maxi-: bo the broom missing frc ; ii ihc Shields of ten years in prison, home, RELEASED BY PE-RU-M. grippe which loft my r.crves in n prostrated condition. Then 1 had am ilrr a;i,u-i; of 1* grippe which left me woi .i-. 1 h.ul nicd . m ,......... .... , three good physicians, but nil j , vain. 1 qavc reruns a trial. In a short time I was feeling betti r, ami now 1 am n, wi hit. Mrs. 1-red Weinberger. lion. James It. (hall, of Oman*. Hon. James R. Gnill ia one of the oldest and most esteemed men of Omaha. Neb. Ue has done much to make h what it u, scrying on public boards a nn-n - i of tunes, lie endorses l'er.u.n in tlie I,,.low ing words: 'I am 63 years old, nm linic nnd hear v, and l’erunn has helped me attain it. I wo years ago I had la grippe my life was do- ‘paired of. i’eruna saved me.”—J. K. Guill. A Hein lire of Abraham T.lnrnln. Mr. Silas 8. Lincoln, who resides at !)13 f Mreet, N. W., Washington, D. r., has lim honor of being thud eousm to Abraham Luico.n. He writes: "i find lu grippe live times before using ynur medicine. Four ago 1 the use of l’eruna, since which time l huso* not been troubled with that - I enn now do ns much work nt my do-lc as l ever could in my life. I have gained mom limn ten pounds in weight."—8.'8. Lincoln. J*e-ru-,in ,Vof Only Client J.a Ortppv tint lienefiteil t.'ic M’/io/e System. Miss Alice M. Dressier, 1313 N. Brant. Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., writes:. "Lnst spring l suffered from k» grippe nnd was partially cured, hut tiio had niter effects remained through the tumnur, nml somehow 1 did not get strong ns l was be fore. One of my college friends wiio was uniting me asked mo to try I'erunn and l did so, nnd found it nil and more tiu-i l hnd expeeted. It not only cured me nf tin* catarrh, but restored me to perfect lualtli. built U|) the entire system und lim". pit a happy feeling of buoyancy v.hieli 1 h.ul not known for years.”—Alice M. Dressier. WstmWWWUV t UtUUtVstt»»A\rAAVWAVM L A GRIPPE is epidemic catarrh. It spares no class or nationality. The cul tured and the ignorant, tho aristocrat and the pauper, the masses and the classes are uV alike subject to la grippe. None are ex empt—all are liable. Have you the grip? Or, rather, 1ms tlio grip got you? Grip is well named. The original breach term, la grippe, has been nhortened by the busy American to mid “grin.” Without intending to dn so a new word has been coined that exactly describes the ease. As if some hideous giant with ' awful Grip hnd clutched us in its fatal clasp. Men, women, children, whole towns and cities ure taught in the baneful grip ol a terrib'e monster. Tho following letters speak for them selves as to the efficacy of Peruna in cases ot la grippe or its after effects. Aw Actress’ Test I in on la l, Miss Jean C'owgill, Griswold Opera House Troy, N. Y., is the lending m- y with the Aubrey Stock L'o. She writes the following: “During the past winter of 1901 1 suf fered for several weeks from a severe at- i tack of grippe, which left n mo inns ia- kurrhal condition of the throat nnd In ad. I "Some one suggested Peruna. -\s a ast re-sort, after wasting much time and in nicy on physicians, I tried the remedy ,.iith- fully, and in a few weeks was an well uh ever.”—Jean Cowgill, A Southern Judf/c Cured. Judge Horatio J. Goss, Hartwell, Ua., writes: 'Some five or six years ago I had a very After Effects of La Grippe Eradicated by /V-rii-un. Mrs. Fred Weinberger, Westerio, Albany County, X. Y., writes: "Several years ngo I had an attack of la , . ry severe spell of grippe, which left me with : J* n - systcmic catarrh. A friend advi-ed me to try your Peruna, which 1 did, ami .v,v im mediately benefited and cured. The third bottle completed the cure.”—It. J. Goss. If you do not derive prompt ami sat I te tory results from tho use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full stale- lie wnl lie pleased ment of your ease, nnd to give you his valuable advice gratis. ’’resilient of Tho Address Dr. Hartman, 1 Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. KEEPING UP APPEARANCES Wife—There wa» a man around to day selling; big brass burglar alarm bells to put on the front of the house, so I ordered one. Husband—What! You know wo haven’t anything worth stealing. Wife—1 know that, but it will make the neighbors think we have.—Phila delphia Public Ledger. FITR permanently cured. No IIis or nervous ness nfterllrst day's uso ot Dr. Kline s Great Kervellcstorer. t'.’trialbotth nndtrentlsefreo Dr. It. H. Kline, Ltd., 081 Arch St., Thlla., Pa Some men make enemies instead friends ueeause it is less trouble. Ilnnit l’owrr Hay 1’rrss 82B.00. Greatest, simplest, best invention of the age. A boy can make regular sized 14xl6x 48 in. bales like fun, and two boys can bale three tons per day easily. SEND THIS NOTICE TO-DAY to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., with 5c. stamps for mailing, and get their big catalog, fully describing this great Hay Press, so also hundreds of tools and thousands of varieties of Farm nnd Vege table Seeds. [A.C.L.] It is easy to put on a bold front if you have good backing. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften tko gums, reduces inflamma tion,allays pain,cures w lud colic. 26c, abottlo A short sighted man always expects his neighbor to look through his glasses. I do not believe Piso’s Cure for Consump tion lias anequnl for coughs niul colds.—John F.Dorxn,Trinity Springs, 1ml., Feb, 16,1900. When it conics to drawing conclusions all women are natural born artists. German Hearts. Diseases of the heart have been on the increase In Germany in recent years, one person In every seven being afflicted. Influenza, alcoholism nnd ex cessive addiction to bicycling und other sports are named by Dr. Stcckel as the chief causes. 3teti or Ohio, City ojt Toledo, I Lucas Oodnty. j Fbank J. Chenex make oath thnt-hsts senior partner of tho Arm of F. J. Chknet ,fc Co.,doing business In the City of Toledo, County anil rttnie aforesaid, and that s.iii firm will pay the sum of o.-ta hundred dol lars for eaoh and every case of oatahrh that cannot ba oured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cdre. Frank J. Cheney. Bworn to before mo nnd sabsorllied In my . —•— . presence,this 6th duy of December, -J seal. > A. D., 1880. A. W. Gleason, * —-— ’ Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken i eternally, an i acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J, Cheney A Co., Tolodo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take hall's Family Pills for constipation. Malsby & Co. 4| South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. Portable mid Stationary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY Salzer*s National 0nt3. Most prolific Oala on «cnh. Tho U. 8. Dept, of Agriculture, Wuh* lngton.iays: "Halzcr'a Out* are tlio best out of over four Inn d l IMrtl l tested by ns." Thl3 Grand Oat J yielded in Wisconsin 1'hJ bu., Ohio 1197 bu., Michigan 2M bu., Missouri f 25'i bti.,and North Dakota £l bu. j cr [ acre, and will positively dons will by you. Try it, sir, and to convinced. A Few Sworn Id Yields. Sftlter'i Beardlm Barley, 1CI bn. prrA. SaUtr'x Ihmrbuildrr Urn. SCI lm. perl. Kaiter'a Diz Four Out*, bn. p. r A. Iil//r'» Dw HalIodrIOats,810 bu. fieri. Kdlffr's tot&lofi. Lib lm. per A. S*lier'i Ouioui, 1,000 lm. p r A. All of otir Farm and Vegetable Feeds are pedigree stock, bred right uyto big yields. Snlrer’s Spdlz'Cjpntcr). (lrentest cereal w<int|cr of the nye. It 1s onti, but n golden comUnotiun cf tbr m all, yielding 80 tm. of grmn Kiel-4 t- t.m.f rich ••raw liny j>rr acre. <; i cnt. fit cluck food on eart lu Dot j w ell ere: y v. be re. Sailer’s Million Dollar Grass. Most talked of jtniM on earth. Editors and College Professors and Amteulturnl lecturers praise It without stint; yields 14 i« j.r cf rich nay aud lots of pasture besidea, per fti to. Salzcr’s Teoclnfc. Teostnte produees lin rich, jnf* TM Aftlzer's Teostnte vr< ■wert, leaf y stocks from one kerm . .. feet high in 9u days; yielding fully tc _ tons or green fodder per e< re, tlofti® At well everywhere, Kust, West, South or h or Hi. Grasses and Clovers. Only large growers of grasses and clovers for seed In Ameitca. Operate over 6.uu) acres, our seeds aro warranted. tVe make a great specialty of Cmw si»d Clovers, Fodder I'hints, ('nm,Po tatoes,Onions. Cabbage,nnd &U •orta of Vegetable Seeds. Complete line carried in stock for I MM ED IA TE shipment. Deal Machinery, Lowest Price, and Best Terms Write us for catalogue, prices, etc., before buying. For 10c In Stomps and the name of this petier, wo will send you a lot or farm Seed samples, Including some of above, together with our mammoth no i»age lllus* truted catalogin', for but 10c In postage “ — v •tamp* Send tor ssms to-dsjr. isaw mills: 1 Our Latest 1 lUnU m I LLU far"Saw MllU.'I with Hctfe’a Universal I.og Be*ma,Kectllln*[ ear. Simultaneous Set Works and th# Hea I cock-Klng Variable Feed Works ara unei | celled for accuracy, siiipucitt, dubarii - ITY AND KA9B OK OPKItATION. Writ© for full| descrlntlve circulars. Manufactured! SALEM IRON WOKKS.Wlnston-Salen inSvAilLh '.x&j The Uulted States now has three cities of more than a million Inhabi tants, but the fourth, St. Louis, has about 000,000. Savings deposits In Chicago banks have passed the $100,000,000 mark. In the past year they have increased rnoro than $22,000,000. Engineering In Montana. Ilehry I. McDaniel, ex-City Engineer of Atlanta, now in charge of Govern ment engineering in Montana, snvs that he contracted a terrible cough which no physician could relieve, but was cured ny Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. At druggists, 25c., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. A girl has it in her power to make any number of men happy for life—by declin ing to marry them. FREE STUART’S GINand BUCHU To all who sufTer.or to the friends of those who suffer with Kidney, I.lver, Heart, Bladder or Btuod Disease, a sample bottle of Stuart', DKL'O MTU CO., 2S paper. Wall St.. Address STUART Give the name of this paper when writing to advertisers—(At7-04) id time. Bote by druKxista. sEBSKoaa PER WEEK! FOB 20 CENTS. I AGENTS WANTED FOR i Mr. World and Miss Church Member.! A 20tli Century Allegory. Send us accents I tn postage to pay cost of mailing outfit, and I make your til) t-> $2n a week. Others are do- Inv this. Why not you ? Address D. E. 1 LUTHER PUB. CO., ATLANTA. GA. 6APSI6UI9 VASELIHtJ (PUT UP IN COLLAPSIBLE TU 111.3) A substitute for and superior to mustard or «uy other plustor, and will not blister the moatdellcaie skin. The paiu-allayiuguD.l on rativeiiualltiesof till sarUcle u re w onder ful. (twill stop tlm tootliachoat once, anil relieve headache ami sciatica. We recom mend it as the best and safest oxii.-rnnl counter-irritant known,also aaauex tcrnnl remedy for pains In tlio chest nml stomach and all riietmin tie,neural glc und gou: s coin plaints. A trial will prove what we claim t( BUYS A SHARE amt posltlvo ownership In Oold Mill Ooncentratlag Haul and Group or Odd Mima Mill now grinding rut gold continually. Look* like apeedy and eon-, tlnuous dividend*. New company Just atartlu^ Pictures. prospecMu*. 4201*1) OKK free, SITNNKT GOLD COMPACT, AO« Murk H»o •»;. DKN VK5S. CO 1,0. forit, nnd it will he found to ho invalushli tu the household.Mnnypeonlesay"itisthi- hestof all of your preparations. 1 rn c ii« eta., ntall druggletz or otlier dealers, or hy sending thisamonnt touain postage Btamue E we will send you atuhehy mail. No article I shonld ho aece pted h y t li e pn hi i o n n I ns»11 c same rarrles our 1 abpl. aso: herwt ac it Is not I genuiuo. CHESEBROUOH Ml-U. LtV, r 17 State Street. New Vohu Citv.J M^Bnasanmnsnxoci: SAUSAGES Finest!V1acie ' til Kinds at Lowes! Prices. Trade supplied oil short notice Write for qUo. tnllons to C. II. MECKEL, 65 Highland Avu.. ATLANTA, UECKG1A. GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel trouble*, appendicitis, blllousnesa, bad breath, had blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowel** foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow akin nnd dizziness. When your bowels don't movo regularly you are sick. Constipation kill* more people than all other diseases together. It •tarts chronic ailments and long year* of «ufi*ring. No matter what alls you, start taking CASCARETS today, for you will never get well and *t*y well until you get your bowels right Take our. advico, stor* - '‘V Cascarets today under absolute guarantee to cure or money refunded. The gent s\t stamped CCC. Never told in bulk, 8«inpls an® J *—*» 8te ’ * — * booklet free. Address Sterln y Ceinpeay, Chicago or New York.